THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. Want - Ads Want aria rrrrltt4 at ar time, bat to laaara proper claaalf Icatlna mast ha presented before 13 a'elaek .. for the evenln edition, aad hefere Tiflrt oclo-U of prevlocs rl for moraine aad Heads- rdlllaaa. Waat da received after aark haara will have tkelr flrat insertion aadar fba aaadlaa: "Taa Late to Claaatfr." Cask aaaat accompany a11 ardara far waat ads, aad ao advertises" will 1 accepted far leaa the ccata for flrat laaertloa. Itatea apply to altber Taa Dally aadar Baa. Always aaaat ala worda ta a Uaa. CASH RATE! FUR WAUT ADS. REfllUH CLASSIFICATION Oaa laaartlaa, 1 J -a teats per word aad t eeat par ward for tied aabaeqoeat laaertloa. Barb Inaertloa odd days, 1 l-a ceata par word, dl.GO per Una per month. Waat ada for Tba nee mar tba followlna; dro etoree aa fa roar "caraer lrt" t1' are all branch affleea for TUa Bea and roar ad will ba laaerted Jaat aa promptly aad oa the aamo ratea aa at tba mala offlca la Tba Baa Bo lid la, ereateata. and Faraam atreetai Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A.i 1403 8. ltih St Payton Pharmacy, 720 8. 10th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemla Park Pharmacy, d and Cunning. Illade-Bredlsh, 1S1 Hhermsn Av. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bte. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava. Iilnterlong Drug Co., tlat Ava. and Far Ham St. Crenaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 8. lUh Bt Cermuk, Kmil, 1264-6 Ho. 13th 8t. Ehlar, F. H., 02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 213 N. ISth St. Frtytag. J. J., 14114 N. 24th 8t. Fresger Drug Co.. 11 N. lth St. Florence Drue; Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 106 8. 10th St Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, 2S20 Farnam 8t. Pcaiucom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 28th Ava. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. I.., 2S24 Leavenworth Bt. J chanson Drue Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 2231 Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 8304 N. 24th. Msres. Frad L 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24lh and Leaven worth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sta. Bchaefer, Aug., 2S31 N. 16th. Bchmldt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut HUl Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., Under takers. embalmera, 1914 Chicago. D. 1639, B-1S58. MERCHANTS PRIVATE DINING ROOM 317 N. 16th 8t CLAEK gffV-. 02SIQNS MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit, 310 Bee Bldg. phone Doug. ZM. UNION LOAN COMPANY. B. F. WURN, Optician, 424 Brandela Bldg. HAVE YOUK EYES TESTED BY AN EXPERT AT SANDWALL M floor' GREEN OABLES Magnolia, Mass. Laura E. Monk. Large airy bedrooms, vrltn or without bath. 115 to 125 per week; European plan; only few atepa from bath ing bea-h. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. K fJTS A. JKTES. 13)1 Douglas Bt u j.kj. PHOTOGRAPHIC Supplies. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea. W. 11. B-101&, DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight, pas senger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. 13th. Doug.287 WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight T. L. Combs ft Co., 1520 Douglaa. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; supplies. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., 1822 Farnam. Red 747S. MAQGARD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van & Storage Co. Pack, move, etore and ship H. H. gooda. D. 146. B-242S. iWRnnTNlT-'lng" nd presnts. Oustaf IW XjUVUSU &Hendrlckson,a)lN.ll Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1C20 8.' 10th St Tel. Douglaa 4367. BARKER BROS. TAINT CO. Wholesale-retail. 1609Vs Farnam St. Sher-wln-Wllltama paints, oils, varnishes, glass, white lead, wall paper, brushes, glasing and picture framing. TELS.: BELL DOUG LAS 4760; IND., A-3821. Dr. John J. Foster, tl Brandels Thaatsr Bldg. Dentist has moved to VIRGIANA DARK wins, 7bo a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, 622 N. 16th t Douglas KPQl . 8. H. Cola Blga Co.. D. 1768. 1316 Farnam. ANCHOR FilNCE CO., Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood, Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th St Phone Red 814. FOR. O A Watch out specials at - Hayden's Bakery Depu iry uayaen s lust, it pays. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per cent leaa than Omaha prices. 24th and L "i oouin umana. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BKUUEUAABD'S. It inaurea good luck. 116 8. 16th St., at the sign of ne Crown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, calling cards. Kotera & Leary Co., ffg A. B. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agelit Buccassor to Martin & Co., loll Capitol Ava. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklna, 111 & 15th, upstairs. JOHN NITTLER Hwnj.&,r LUXUS THE BEER IOU LIKE. boutn zttn st Douglas 1899. Red 3832, Independent A-1420. LYNCH BROS, plumbing and .7. . HEATING. ijr.rAin wuks A SPECIALTY. 705 8. lth Bt. D. 1477. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from l'HK OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO., j oahjiahi ii;i;esmij run EVERY HOME. 624 N. lfth 8t Call Doug. 4693. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west, lath and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths PTP.Min T.rTVnTIF.Smade to order, home cooking, cakea, plea and cold pies. DEUCATESSEN SSKSTSSAS: Jeffries-Johnson 'iSL ROME'S SUMMER GARDEN Omaha's Coolest Spot, $H CTART. Locksmith. Lawn Mowora .UAJ.kU aharpened; Okll and deliver. I do repairing. 17Uf Leavenworth. D. 4377 A-4JIA IiAfiTflNR Refreshing Medicinal v Xi Bummer Drink. Daliy retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alamito TfTF. PRK A M always the besi AtXi XULiiai HARDING S lea Cream. Wedgewood Cra. Butter. Harding Cream Co. Pf) T?OTl f FTiY Schllts No. 1 FuTl cigara Cafe la connection, ill a. 14th. STOKE YOUR FINK FURS IN MOTH PROOH" VAl!LTS. Nominal cost SHU KtHT 8, 16th and Harnsy. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 844. S(!AlF.S 'ndepenoent Scale Repair Co. ounui.iO Refuting, rebuilding and te.t KEPAIKED R"iled scales el1. Robertson's Ilcstnurant JJJhu (basement); rooj. light aanltarv. quirk service, popular prl-s. For ladlea and gentlemen. Table 4'Hote dinner Sunday. LflWn Movrpm Sharpened by ml liUi)lUHeig chlnery; called f-ir and delivered. A. Jensen At Bona. W.1649: B-1047. THE place where cool breetes, music and amusement all mingle to make an enjuy ahle hour, The rarlor "heater. AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND W agons. Repairs Autos and all klnda of Machine. 18th and Harney Bts. We Have the Following NEW OAKS For Immediate Delivery Locomobile touring car 13,600 iocomoblle roadster 3.M0 Matheson roadster, baby tonneau 3.000 Stoddard-Dayton, 7-passenger touring.. 2,800 Stoddard-Dayton roadster, baby ton neau 2,800 Stoddard-Dayten, torpedo body 2.800 Stoddard-Dayton baby tonneau 2.300 Stoddard-Ctirrier roadster l.CM) American Mfi 2.100 Traveler 1,100 Regal 1.100 Slightly Used Cars Stoddaxd-Dayton roadster ...12,000 Btoddard-Dayton, 7-paseenger touring.. 1,400 Btoddard-Dayton, 6-paasenger, with touring and limousine body 1.900 Btoddard-Dayton. 6-passenger 1,000 Lexington, 7-pasenger 2,200 Wlnton touring, 6-passenger 1,200 Some Waverly Electrics $160 to 400 Discount to Dealers. TYiVT?Tn 1 TfAUTOMOBILE COMPANY, UjlXlJll.X 1S18 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. . WHITE STEAMERS TWO OF THE -FINEST pAES both In elegant .condition, 'full equipped: 190$ models; at H original cost; engines and part good as new. ALSO ONE NICE ELECTRIC STAN HOPE; new batteries ISO. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT REPAIRS AND STORAGE STATION 16TH AND HOWARD D. 3248-A-3247 GATE CITY AUTOMOBILE COMPANY One 6-Cylinder , I STEVENS-DURYEA Touring Car ONE TWO-CYLINDER BUICK. ONE THIRTY-HORSE ROADSTER. The above cars are all barralna. in first- class condition, cheap if taken at once.- call lor demonstration. VELIE AUTO CO., AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Council Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25o to 23.50. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-211 8. 16th. COMPLETE line, auto accessories and supplies. Neb. Buick Auto Co., Omaha. Auto Repairing Ln.cnd!.Jr.': Diamond .tires carried in stock. The Pax-tou-Mltchell Co.. 2318 Harney. D. 7281. A-20U. Statorvyrtlea. Second-Hand Motorcycles One Fletcher Special, In fairly good con dition, 175. One Curtice Twin-cylinder 1909 model. In perfect condition, having been ridden less than 600 miles. Price, 1225. One Racycle, fitted with Thor engine, wheel In good condition, $126. One Marshmets 34 h. p. Magneto Ignition, very low saddle position, wheel in perfect working order. Price, 1150. One Reading Standard, 3Vj h. p. engine, 1909 model, $125. One F. N.' 4-cylinder, in perefect condi tion in every way. Price, 1225. One Harley-Davidson, 1909 model; has been ridden less than 300 miles. Price, $190. One Excelsior, 1908 model, $150. One Indian, 1909 model, been ridden about 500 miles; In perfect condition, $150. One Thor, model (, $126. One Thor, model D, fitted with Magneto, 1900 wheel, $175. One Indian Twin-cylinder, 1909 model. has been ridden less than 80 days, $200. One Thor. model A, $125. One Fletcher Special, $60. ' These machines have been put In condl tlon to give satisfactory service. Nebraska Cycle Company , 15th and Harney R F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent eondi tlon; aids car attachment. Call Harnay lea. AUTOMOBILES (Continued. j BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agnt for Oakland, Staver Sk Welch. M INTVRE AUTO CO., 2203 Farnam. Auto Pflintirnr " Murphy Did It." Get AUIU aUlUUg 0)jr pr(c,. ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jackson. SIMPSON PAINTS AND RKPA1R3. OtiVlX lm DODGE, Automobiles, wagons, carriages; makes to order new wagons and automobile bodies, automobile wheela. tops, springs, slip covers; necond-hand bargains In cloaed carrlasea. Both 'phones. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1W4 Farnam St. WRITE for Hat of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRJCKSOV AUTO CO.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 83G7. Here Is Your Chance To Get Into Business That Will, Pay A grocery and meat market. the best location in North Om aha. Stock and fixtures will invoice about $2,400. Reason for sellingsickness. Light grocery and confection ery, $350. Grocery and meat, the best in South Omaha, $2,500. Grocery and meat, doinc fine business, $3,500. And other crood stocks doins fine business. Remember, if you want to set in or out of business see BOCK, The Bargain Man, 606 North 2otn St., South Omaha. STORES, all kinds for sale. Kntest, B Bid. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Hers Is bargain, 10-room rooming houae, all In . NO. 1 Condition' nhan van, all . - well rented. Price, $676.00. Location, 14th and Dodge. LATHROP & TOBIN, 421 Bee. fiWW. MR! !,.. t . . .' Alex Chapman, 230 Neville Blk. D. 1698. vnrt but a- ... . - Y v, V, I 111. ISWIl IIDVB OS wall Diner In m a ha Pin... mtrU In .w- ar vaHW-aaan SSaWSt aTlVVBI gaal U city. Address Bee. O-4&0. - - - - - - " - - - " . . " nc Bueei car barn, for roomers and boarders. C 42, Bee. NEW In! and rtr. ... mniiinn. sltate opening distributing office In this district to supply increasing demands for Our mAnnfa(tlir nwiHu... . . u ...1 t. . . u , ness men, farmers, etc; $100 to $150 salary uiuiiuuyi uince expenses ana commissions allowed; position permanent; referencos. Sturgls Thayer, Northwestern Sales Director. 400 Natlnn.l Rani r. Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. . TO BELL OUT See Knlest, Bee Bldg. va J. vi.w wv iu UTBk IllCai RIIT I, In 'lv Tn-nl 111 i aVkt BAT .V? Am. n . V. - w . . as the Schults Market, doing the leading business of the city. Fully equipped, to gether with bams and st.iblea. Will sell avc. etr tarm fr r Cii 1 1 -lr aaU Iah i VIA -seaasjF M v 'V J. Ul 1 till in formation, writ Hegnes-Rieger Land Co., STOCICS aA'J?BJiTS-y? ? or more t i o uiuuuii m vvv cent. lire BONDS nsurance dropped purchased. 7iTa vStockm you're dlaaatUfied with tTTlW. K A T . V TTntlul TX' part 200 shares. 'must sell 30 days, very low pries. A. O. Anderson, Peterson, la. FOR HALF! All ... s and timber mills, saw mills, town and city, Stores, etc. . Terms. . A. E. Rice, Avon, FOR SALE. Saloon In Waahineton. Neb., for ui. n. trade; only saloon in city: Davlnar lnvu. ment; new fixtures and lnslda furnishings; also residence, with five city lots; would ."ii or iraua icr nice property, ri. Busch. Wsshington, Neb. FOR RAT.F Vlntal IWra V W TlT.T Fairfield, Neb. ' ' ' KflH DAI.r A 17 ATA .nL. nil. and ladles' furnishing goods at Alliance, Neb. Good proposition for right party. Write Q. J. Burke, Alliance. Neb. FOR SALE First-class ahne rnnlHnr shop with factory machines, doing large business; must sell at once on account of death. Address Y 128, care Bee. rriR RATIT CM. Inu. n.n.. 111 i Cheyenne, Wyo.; building, 60x130 ft., well emilnnAit! arnnA Ananlna fn. flp.l .1... tractor; present owners not contractors or mill man A1,4a U T TJ - . . I . 'iuji aa xj, tf . aiujcjr OS O.. Cheyenne, Wyo. New tt Idhand harness & hardware Bell or trade for real estate. 1912 Cuming. FOR SALE The best restaurant In av. Omaha; a snap for someone; must be sold quick. , AJee otnee, south Omaha. FOR SALE Ice and drav business ,-!,, slve ice and only well eauiDDed drav Una county seat 2,600 Inhabitants; western Iowa; ""in iw viiu urwy line nave run outfit tools, etc.; will sell on basis that will pay 60 per cent on inveatment: Dosseslnn nf i. business Oct. 1: dray line any time: no r-i estate except Ice houses and lots; owner has uuier interests, jvaaress X ito, iiee. TU VHTT want to buy or sail nni -.vw cisrar fixtures, sea IJnn mm ON Ancnunt nf .lin... T .til -.11 . l Haller Medicine route of Platte and Col- f a v rnunti.' ii,ta ..takliui.., - . . u . u D.iaUIIDIICU, H U IHI chance for a live man. Terms to suit pur- vnABcr. uttines a. ouuner, uoiumDUS, Neb. FOR BALE One of the best eouinnaH drug stores in the state; a bargain if taken at once; 111 health and other business de- manas ine reason ror selling. Address Box 611, Nebraska City, Neb. TTTiT? OATP TWO-CHAIR BARRF.R VA. SHOP: rood business . dress 1201 8. 11th 8t. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADK. See Midland Inv. Co., 103 McCugu Bldg. TODD and Mellette counties are to open this year; U. S. land office located here. This is a fine business town; 16.000 vlll buy a fine business; ti'4,000 sold last resr; hoes and groceries. L. Box 189, Gregory. S. D. WANTED Cnpsble, energetic young man with some capital to buy half Intereat in an old well established furniture business. Senior member of firm wishes to retire. W-417. Bee. HOTEL furniture and contents, 2 rooms, only house; good Junotlon town. Custer Co., Neb.; paying business. Contents val ued at $1,600. Might consider 80 acres good ranch, western land. Give particulars in first letter. J. H. JOHNSON. 678 Brandels. HARDWARE and furniture stock, $2,600; brick store bldg-., steam heated and plats glass front, $7,500. Good town. Phelps Co., Neb. Owner will take good raw western land. J. H. JOHNSON, 6,'S Brandels. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY to ret control of permanent buslneas; will net big returns; small capital will handle It; utand close Investigation; need no experi ence; see models, lot N. 14th Bt., South Omaha. W. H. Mlllls, Kline's hotel. FOR SALE Interest In manufacturing and Jobbing plant and established business; fine chance for experienced traveling sales man with capital; at leaat M.fctt required to maka the put chase. W. L lijtad, Kearney, NeU. . .. . , BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PHOTOGRAPH studio in n good live town of Nebrsxka. Modern conveniences. Uond oppoitunity. Address, Y-1Z7, cars Bee. WANTED Young men with capital to promote an Omaha invention. 70 now 1 In use In Omaha. Will pay you to Inve-tluate this proposition. 2R32 Capitol Ave. CHIROPODISTS DR ROY. 1S0S Farnam ft. loii?lns 17. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS STEVENSON ROOFINO CO.. gravel and composition roofing. Ill 8. 10th t. Tels. Doug. Dili, Ind. A 1TM. Hat., Webster 29L FOR PLUMBINU and gas fitting see Walter J. Catlln. 910 N. 2llli. Doug, loii; B E1T flT ViM Practical Builder. . 11. UIjOJaX, E.llmalea Furnished. Tel. Benson 2o0. BEAVER BOAliD ul?!::' AMERICAN tUPPLY CO.. nil Farnam. WHITEWASHING, plastering, scroens repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed r polished. McRea, 3111 Halt Webster., Harney 3404. DOUG. 145. CALL SEWARD, A-2X06. CONTRACTING, CARPENTER, JOBBER. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall. 400u Leavenworth St. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory, a. 801; office Phone B. 1133. O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. Tel. B 2814. PAINTING, paper hanging and decora ting, very reasonable for landlords. Esti mates free to all. O. S. Kenneson, i.'.fi L Bt, South Oma h a. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D. lOSo. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 151? Douglas St. DR. M. T. GORDON, 616 Brandela Thea ter Bldg. DETECTIVES- 1 tl A Cane.. Q.Ktil-a Flat . . Ia n-An VlVI lv k'ct ici ajri. v vcicv vi - a p-chv j Ino. and bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1C!. CAPT. T. CORMACK. B17 Karbach. D. 2Sa DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4070. TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BO YLES COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profltablo positions In book keeping, shorthar.d, typewriting, telegraphy, elvil service- sure to be open in the fail and winter. The year book is ready. Apply for 1L Students admitted any Uuy. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Both phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3848 Charles. Harney 2333. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN N araerles. moTTi-ciCand plants that grow. F. W. J.XVHiXiOMenerayi Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, Ust and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 46S0. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN C AlMTT'ATfVHAIRDRESSINa Parlors. DaaaiaXaIAvi Switches made from comb ings, $1.60. Ml Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4ft7L ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafors make clear, white skin. By mall 60a and $1.00. Sherman 4s McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. rT TV Til We ara exclusive agents for the ULU-Vrj famous Calbas olivs oil. from OTTi Italy, .for medicinal purposes. Liquors. vJ-l macaroni & other Italian products. A. Minardi & Co.. 716 S. 14th. Doug. 353 CHINA decorating; order work a spe cialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, Sal Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 64& MUSIC, mirth and amusement at the coolest of summer playhouses The Parlor Theater FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-IOOL L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug 1258. J. F.JWILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouses in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglaa St. Both Phones. Stoves repaired, good as new, guaranteed; storage; buy & sell. 1719 Cuming. D. 1650. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offlca. WANTED An experienced lady cafe checker. Her Grand hotel. TWO capable female stenogrsphers for permanent positions; exceptional opportu nities to right parties; salary $60 to $t5. Promotion. The Oliver Typewriter Com pany, 116 8. 15th St Factory and Trades. TWENTY-FIVE gtrls st once; good wagea and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Company. Entrance off Eleventh street viaduct GIRL wanted to learn hair dreaalng, price reasonable Oppenbelm Hair Dressing Parlors, 313 McCague Bldg. Tel. D. 1396. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Nebraska Savings and Loan association will be hld in the as sociation office. No. 106 Board of Trade building. Omaha. Neb.. Wednesday, July 6. lUlO, at 8 p. m. Polls for the election of throe directors open at iz o clock, noon, and close at 8 p. m. on the same day. JOHN R. BRANDT, Secretary. LADIES and school girls wanted to work sofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary. Call forenoons, 23u7 S. Ulh. Moasekeepars and Domestics. WANTED-Cspabls girl who can cook; second girl kept; two in family. 2450 St Mary's avenue. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. TeL Harney 4229. WANTED A general housework girl wno ran cook. Wages 7 a week with washing, $6 without washing. Telephone Douglas 2556. Residence, 2u07. Dodge street GIRL for general housework; small ramlly and good wages. Mrs. T. M. Orr, 2706 Farnam St WANTED Reliable woman for house keener : small family: beat wanes and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call arier o at 0404 uewey Ave. TeL 11. 166. WANTED Cook, 1 dining room girls and 1 silver girL Bachelors' Hotel Cafe, 2ol2 rarnam fat WANTED Girl for general houaework; small family; small house. Phone Har ney 210. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework; must be good cook: laundress employed. 4M s. wth Bt Tel. Harney 2660. WANTED Girl for general housework, also second girl to assist with children; mall family; good wagea. ft Park Ava. HELP WANTED FEMALE llurkrrirr anil lliiin..ilk ( uat'd. GIRL for general Housework, two In family. Call 415 N. 20th fct. GIRL for general housework and wash ing, 1218 loige t-t. Tel. 11. 3.S. HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. .V17 Mandcraon. COMPETENT womiin for general house work, no wsshlng. good wa. Call 4S10 Florence boulevard, or Phone Web. 4C4. WANTEIV-Experlencert dining room girl. St. James hotel. 416 S. Utli. WANTED A good cook: KO N. 18th 8t Tel. Harney 111 Mrs. L. C. N.iah. OrKL for genets) nousework; $7 per week. Apply at 4S40 Pierce St WANTED lady to care for child during the day, xnd room mother. Reasonable. Call lul Mason. LAD1E8 WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; 11 to $4 dot; work guar anteed. Trieber'a. 316 Bra.idcls Theater Hid. GOOD girl fnr general housework; no washing und ironing; good wages. 2010 N. 20th tit. COMPETENT girl for gen. housework. Mrs. F. Hall, 2215 aheiinan Ave.; both phones. WASH woman for Monday und Tuesday. Tel. Harney 711. 1304 S. 35th street GIRL for general housework; comfort able room; good wages. Telephone Harney 2V2. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no laundry; small family; good wages; leferencos required. 202 d low aril. GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt street GIRL f r general housework, and also a nurse to care for two children. Mrs. F. A. Nash 1M S. 33d street. COMPETENT 2d girl. 3411 Farnam. WANTED, at once, a girl for general housework; one who can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th street WANTED-Good washerwoman for Mon day. Tel. Webster Hl'ji. 1511 Locust street COMPETENT cook In private family. Mrs. F. B. Kennard. lt24 Dodge bt No objection to color. WANTED Servant alrl at once. 113 3. 36th street. Mrs. Louis Moncrleff. WAMTCIl A ,.1.1 fn, v.n.riil hntiua. work; small family; good wages. 1329 S. 2Mh street NEAT school girl to assist with light housework. Phone Harney J!45. 65o S. 34th street. CAPABLE white girl for general house work, small family; good wages paid. 2559 Dodge street Tel. Harney 47U5. A GOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 S. 32d Ave. A GIRL from 14 to IS yrs. to take care of baby. 123 S. 32d Ave. WANTED A young Danish girl. to assist with general housework. 1M S. 22d street corner 22d and Leavenworth. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family; good pay. 3512 Har ney street WANTED A competent housemaid; must have good referencea. Mrs. John MciShane, 528 S. 37th street , GIRL for general housework. Good wages. No cooking. 615 S. 2Uth street. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1126 N. 16th street WANTED Washerwoman, family of three. Call 1312 S. 32d or phone Harney 2878. UhllK. 2420 Caldwell street Tel. Webster 2366. WANTED) Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. E. Rlbbel. 1334 & 31st street TeL Harney 1629. WANTED A cook. Apply 3120 Daven port St. Tel. Harney 69. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; $6 a week. 2207 Dodge St. Mrs. George B. Lake. WANTED Second girl at 610 South 22d St. Tel. Douglas 4430. Mrs. Hadra. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 602 N. 40th St WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St, South Omaha. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; $7 per week. 123 S. 25th Ave. GOOD girl for general housework; $7 per week; must be good cook. 16Z3 Spencer St. Phone Webster 442. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages; with or without washing. 1304 S. 85th St. Phnne Harney 741. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; $30 a month; no laundry work. 710 N. 38th. Tel. Harney 2US1. LAUNDRESS for Mondays; references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1335. GIRL for general housework; no cxiok ig; must go home nights; at 2506 Franklin lng St. WASHERWOMAN wanted. 624 S. 28th St. GOOD girl for general housework. Tel, Harney 25. 6016 California St WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework in modern brick dwelling; wages $7. Apply any time. 1308 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1234. s WANTED A girl for general house work. 2811 Q St, South Omaha. Phone South 690. A GIRL for general housework; good wages; small family. 123 tj. 32d Ave. WANTED Competent girl to take care of three small children, suburban place, during summer. 'Phone D. 27. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. B. Rustin, 205 S. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2035. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 1622 Lothrop bt. Tel. Webster i'5. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family ot two; call Mrs. E. L. McShane, 331'$ Harney St. WANTED Competent girl; two In family; laundress employed. Mrs. C. E. Spens, The Ciarinda Apartment. No. 4, 31st and Far nam Bts. GIRL for general housework. 4103 Daven port bt WANTED To prepare and care camp with elderly or married lady at Y. M. C. A. Park. Webster 6978. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. 4810 Flor ence Blvd. 'Phone Webster 4624. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in family of three; no washing. 19.'4 Binuey. Webster C43. WANTED A good waitress Immediately. Apply the Delft Tea Rooms, 203 S. ltli. WANTED A woman cook. Address Dr. Hargens Hanltarium, Hot Springs, S. D. BEST WAGES to experienced woman for general housework. Mrs. W Ullam li. Clark, Millard Hotel. WANTED-Chambermaids. Millard hotel. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary s Avs. and 17th bt.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or othwlse assisted; look for out ttaveler'a aiu at cnion station. LADIES Make sanitary belts at home: material furnished; $12.60 per loO; stamped addressed envelope lor. particulars. West' villa Mfg. Co., Westvllle, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE Affrats, Salesmen aad Solicitors. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wanted; must have good reference. Raphael-Fred Co.. Ula and Farnam Sts, HELP WANTED MALE Asjeats aad ftalramen- "oatlaaed. AGENTS are making $4 to S a day selling Mrs. Huhrer sa stove covers: gi.ou .ik'hi wanted. Inquire .Visions Coffee Co., 2111 Cuming St. HOY nml Girl Agnts Sell 12 tlilinMes and 12 papers of needles at 10c each and receive he ball or lai-e curtains free, illi Iianl Horsley, Dept. 22, Ordway, Colo." WANTED Good solicitors to handle a thoroughly good proposition; straight oi sl(! line. In every city and town In N. tu asks.. Write or call 2316 M St.. South Omaha. AGENTS, write Ideal Refrigerating Co., I:H Ksst 41st, New York, for best selling machine, no power. Family, Hotel sise. Savis half cost Ice. Clerical and Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. $70. APPLY ROOM 613 UliE HLDG. WANTED Young man bookkeeper and stenographer. 1410 Jackson. WANTIJD Experienced soil.i iMmieo-er. poMitiou. Apply Sweetliti-1. Uran- leis stores. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snups). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. SHOES reDSlreH hv hand avhlla vnn wall Correct Shoe Repair Co.. M7 H. 131 h. WANTKl Six non-union steam fitters af once. Inquire Omaha High school building. WAN I ED A good sober blacksmith, for country town; will pay by the day and give full control of shop; Swedish settlement, must have experience. For particulars ail. dress Lock Box 20, Hordvllle, Neb. BUTCHER nd meat cutter wishes em ployment; speaks English and German; no booxer. 404 l ax. on Block. G. S. BAKER WANTED Must be comDelent no booxer need apply. Cedar RapMs Bak ery, Cedar Rapids, Neb. WANTED Tinner and inn ace worker! capable and sober. Adilrcna Carl Roelle. WANTED Veritable Hardener. Anniv immediately, luwa School for the Doul, Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. Ind. 39 Black. WANTED A CRller for vlewlnir Him Z Lean u re, (SOU Ave. C, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Markers and listers. Kim iiiinijjw bul laundry, 1511 Jackson, WANTED Gordon nress fee.!..- T.r w. Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous, WANTED Rallwnv mall clerk a eitv or. Hers, clerks, Omaha examinations an nounced July 16th. Preuaratl nn frfrt 'ranklin Institute. LteiVt it Li p N. Y. ' AN flPPflHTirKtTV fnr a .anahla .nan to establish himself permanently with one of the oldest and largest farm Implement manufacturing companies In the United States. Owing to the increase of business, j ii on ii necessary to estaDiisn a at tributing warehouse In the state of Ne- w.cnna, Bliu HC V O U, lull 1 lueil I l&l pUSlllOIl to fill In connection with this branch. Only those who are looking for a permanent connection and are in position to make In vestment, sufficient to Insure same, need apply. G. L. Owens Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, WANTED Men to learn barber trade. $15 to $:M weekly paid graduates; few weeka qualifies; can earn toola and board from start; busy season for barbers. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St DO you know where It Is cool every min ute of the time? The Parlor Theater. HFI P WANTFD MALE AAD FEMALE. WANTED A cook at Bachelors' cafe. 2012 Farnam. AGENTS Men. women, best hot weather seller on market. Write quick. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha. MAN AND WIFE to live on farm: man to do general work; position permanent if satisfactory. J. E. Martin, Mudlson, Neb. ' LAUNDERERS CLEANERS wiii na.ti.ia.ij' Byieiii la to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3530, Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leaven worth. -lTTt .. ., I ...... . . . J . I . . VOIT Mitt1! .ha Kicat . i. you fail to patronize us. National Laundry. 291 . Cuming St. LIVE STOK FOR SALE liuuKles HIGHT GRADE oe":. abouts for sale chap. 1117 Farnam St GOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE. Pbcue Harney 233. 4207 La Fayette Avi. FOR BALE New runabout buggy and harness. $46. 2423 Poppleton Ave. HORSE, wagon and harness, cheap. 1401 Jackson. Horses and Vehicles. TWO fine, gentle, young horses; one black, one bay: for buggy, carriage, sad dling or general use; also sell Honey run about and single harness. 1624 Military Ave. DELIVERY WAGONS-Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagons. 1107 Farnam St. L'b'fi IX: tl If A X- V. . . m ana cheap. Murphy & Son. 14th and Jackson. A PAIR of Mexican mules and harness; cheap. 37th and Gold Sts. l-lwui). I' llui rcf ll.llirn. nllU Bun tired top buggy, $135. Will take good cow as part payment. 1U20 S. 34th St. 1 HVl.r t Ka ir nAMa naa.naua ana -. - I LOST AND FOUND LOST A gold watch and chain, chain had a $3-gold piece for charm; finder please return to 840 lkrandeia building and receive reward, $25. The Teddy Bear ExpJntd D'J.eeare 1818 HARNEY. BOTH PHONES. LOST on main road between Blair and Calhoun; silver chain bag containing small gold purse and hankerohlef marked "G. H. B."; reward if returned. Call Harney 6084. f a V'V . n . A I W v' I III. 1 auu MT . Vt 1 1 C 1 , containing Elk membership card and valu able papers; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer, 4th and Dorcas, 1XJST Bunch of keys. Telephone J. R. Campbell, Harney 1509. i a. umiiiuiiu-Biif irvu iiieiiica.1 n.irr- nity plu set with pearls and emeralds; Ini tials J. F. S. on back; a reward of will bo paid for return to Bee office. v . . . 1 t- l .11.. i. . .. j j i I r . A GOLD-mounted Elk tooth watch fob. Return to Bee office. Reward. MEDICAL DR. J. II. HUGHES Specialist In chronic diseases. Consultation, with In structions how to use the waters, free ot charge. Offlca In Mulctyre Bldg., Excelsior Spring, Mo. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy fur Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free. Slier man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14lh and Daven port Sta.; spudal attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered, day and night Dr. McGrew " Has given his entire professional life to the treatment of all forms of cnrnnlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 85 years he has bean known and trusted by all. 23 yeais In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. JduOrtw Co., tig 8. 14iu 6t, Omaha, Ksb. ... MEDICAL .Continued. ) BEST nerve bracrr for man. Gray s Nerve Food pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sher msn McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMI t II A 111.1.8. I 5j$n$$jMHjjff!JHJjm?J?:$K$fWi$v! Notice to the Public w 11 CHEAP MONEY S PUli YOUli SSUM- l aMEli VACATION S 1U to Sj.1,000 li U LOANED u.". HOUSEHOLD $1 $1 KIRMTl Itli. PIANOS. SALARIES. 1$ $ THIS IS A NEW FIRM 1 Organized by the REPUTABLE 1$ Bl'SlNESS MKN ot this city to pro- t t tect honest oikniE people In need M !$ of temporary help irom the exoibl- ti ti tant chuines of the so-calW loan It W companies. We will loui jou all the S4 $$ money you want (ind th.iis ! ou only i$ 1$ 10 per cent a year. 1 $t THIS Mi:A.S Y(H PAY II IS $1 interest on $ 10 tor 1 uar. $1 $1 2 liiurest on U lor 1 year. tl li M Interest on 1W tor 1 year. it And all other sums In proportion. It II Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. II II Rcasoiiablo Appralsenu nt Charges. II It A glance at the nl"e rates will It II convince you how much vou save by 1$ II dealiiiK with us. U 11 NO RED TAPE. N' DELAY. II M MONEY JN YOT'H POCKET II WITHIN AN MOI H $1 ft ROOM 204 WIT! IN ELL BUILDING. II l Independent Loan Co. $$ Doug. 60IS. N. E. Cor. 1Mb. and llnrney It ti!?$mt5miiistsmtiimtiitiiiit?$Kitiii j$$$i,w.f5i$ii$' 'isiiwtittirt ft Could You Use $5U.OO To a Good Advantage! M If so, sit down, sum up all your bill. M 11 putting them In one amount, then come It n In and give us t chance to explain our 14 tl plan for helping you pay your bill-, tl It It Is much easier to timke payments tt It on one bill than many. Wo loan money it tS on furnltore, pianos or teams, with- it tl out removal; $1.20 Is tho weekly pay- tt It ment on a 150 loan for fifty weeks; St tt other amounts in the same proportion. St tt If you need money, call on or write 11 tt us. and our agent will call on you at II tt once. All business strictly confidential. It It II tt STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. ft IS M tt Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 1511V. Dodge, ti U Phone Douglas 146a. $ iw$$$$$ww$s$iinmtwwwwiwtgtstt$u$$ti CHEAP LOANS J ft 00 Furniture, Piano of Salary. $1 tt YOU BORROW tl It $10.00 you pay back $11. W tt tl t26.tN you pay back $27.0 II II , $50.00 you pay back 154.0 11 tt NO OTHER CHARGE. l 0MA11A FINANCIAL CO., 8 It Room 60L Brown jbioc. 1$ 107 M. lfitb St, Cor. Douglaa St . II 1$ 'Phones: Douglaa ; A SOU. U wttimtamtittimmitni tutuum$ 4) L Salary and Furniture Loana at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicks service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronise to BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. 107-808 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411 and A-141L MONEY HEED ANY?. 00 TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. eoutbweat Cor. 16lh and Fari:ain Stresta. Telephone Douglas 22U6. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We eau prove it MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH . ERS. without security; ensy payments. 4 Offices In 66 principal olllea .'oluiao. roots) lit New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5f VV. C. FLATAU -iat Dodga Tel. RihI Mix MOVING AND HOIJSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 30U So. 17th. Tel. D. looK. EXP. Delivery Co., office 18th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 2-07 -0D Izard St. STOVES stored. Ranee. 1611 N. 24th St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ROOM and board; home cooking. 800 8. 24th. Tel. D. 6482. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenlsl family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locatlty. Use of large parlor and living room. 120 per month. Phone Webster 6244. 6318 No. Twenty-fifth street FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly modern; private family. 2a27 De catur. Webster 3200. ONE or two pleaaant rooms In modara home; will give breakfast If desired. 214 N. 23d St., Phone Red 6360. TI.flTTO hnua f 1 KA na 1UA.ll ".".'tl Ca 1 i f a1 V U wj m, T -. " - . . n i a --- - nla St Phone Douglas tUL NICE LARGE SiftS rXf. excellent board. 2018 St. Mary's Ave. SINGLE and double rooms, with board. Horns cooking. 2223 Howard. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with board, conveniently located; reference. 2420 Cass. Phone Douglas 6315. ROOMS and board, $5 week; boms cook ing. Modem. 2216 Douglas. LARGE front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms. 2103 Douglaa. ROOMS for two with board; noma cook lng; modern. 221$ Howard. FURNISHED room with board In private family. Call at 818 South 26tb St. ROOMS and board. 8712 N. luth St Tel. Webster 31u2. Good nsiguburuood; four blocks from car line. ELEGANT parlor and also studying room, .piano; private family. 42 U. lith. ROOMS for light housekeeping, bourd if desired. 2U11 Cass. PRIVATE family. 240U Chicago St SOUTH front parlor with excellent board; modern, also table board. W10 Doilge. FURNISHED room and board. 181$ Cap itol Ava 'Phone Douglas Viva. DOUBLE room with board, $5 and up: use of piano. iliO Douglas. LARGE south front room for $; good homo cooku.g. lilli Chlcugo. NICE rooms, excelleut board, with Ger man Ctirisitan atimly. 18U Capitol Ave. LARGE front rooms; also single room; good board; rules! 'MO llnrney. NICE parlor room for 1 or 4 gentlemen, board $0 week, also single roams, us b. 14 th Ave. BOARD and rooms. 1607 St Mary's Ave. n?lCIT. larxs room anil iirjarrf. Tiaiomhli rates. 2226 Howard. NICE rooms, with' or without board. 1111 Cass stret 'Phone. Doug. 1478. WANTED Lady boarder; private family; modern conveniences. IS 14 Lothrop St. Phone Webster 2&6. BOARD and ROOM $6; close in. 620 S. 17th St. ' ROOM and board, home cooking. 80l So. 241 h. Tel D. 64B3. THE LIVENGOOD Vh' 2? HOARD and room: 1 or I ladle; prlvat s ii,i dials n 11 irna. Tivn tars-e nicely furnished, airy rooms One suitable for two. Only 10 blks. from pith snd Farnam. Will furnish breakfast and supper. Call at 630 So. 21th St. or Ind. A-2410 WHEN answering advertisements In The Bte Wsnt Ad columns, kindly mention toe (act tluti reu taw Hie ftd. la Ike Iw .a