Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE HEK! OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910.
'Hie umaiia Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha pmtuff ce as second
clas matter.
Dally Bee (including Kunday, per week. 15c
Dally Bee (without Sunday;, per week. .100
Dally lie (without nunoavl. una year.$400
Dally Dm and Humlay. one year 6.W
Evening 11. e (without Nunilay;, per week. 6a
Juvenlii He (with Hunday;, per week.. 10c
Sunday Bee, unit year tiW
Saturday Bee. on year 1.60
Address all complaints of Irregularities In
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Communications relating: to news and
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Remit by draft, express or postal order
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Only t-cent stamps received in payment of
mall accounts. Personal check except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, nut aecepiea,
t,l nt Vahrnvlia nnililaS COUhty. S9.
iiMirm B. 'Ixschuck. treasurer of The
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full anu
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
fcvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during tue
month of May, iw, was as iu..
1 41,300
1 43,450
4 ....43,810
i ...43,080
1 43,890
1 41,370 v
17 43,830
H 43,030
11 48,880
,g 43,000
XI.... 43,000
H 41,480
aa 43,740
t 43,830
2 J 43,080
2t 43,370
17... 43,400
21 43,660
2 .41,3(10
10 43,370
II 44,130
I W!ini
1..V 43,600
II 43,030
14 43,960
II 41,600 .
II 43,110
Returned copies
Net Total 1,3 6,381
Dally Average .36a
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
lefore mo tbu Suit day of May, MO.
Notary Pubno.
Subscribers leaTln the city tem
porarily staonld bar The Bee
mailed to them. Addressee will be
changed as oftea aa ree, tested.
The joyful, murderous Fourth la
drawing1 near.
It Is never too hot to boost for
Omaha and Nebraska. .
Strange that It occurred to the long
est day to also be the hottest.
Folks continue to give advice to the
colonel and yet he has not asked for a
How much more In bonds will the
Water board ask the people to vote at
the next election? '
France thinks the old stork has
loafed on the job long enough and has
decided to put him to work.
With one stroke of his pen Mr. Taft
made It possible for Uncle Sam to see
two new stars In the year of the comet.
A party of British university stu
dents is to visit Pittsburg. Probably
to study the gentle art of civic virtue.
A nolselcsB firecracker has been
talked about for a long time, but we
expect invisible a'lrshlps to beat It
to us.
Not only Is Lillian Russell airy and
fairy, but fluffy and fifty. She admits
it herself, and sho Is getting off easy
at that.
Now it Texas will submit to a little
carving, we may manage to bring the
total up to an even fifty states before
we quit.
Colonel Roosevelt has finally de
cided to slow down and ride in an au
tomobile, against which he has had an
abiding prejudice.
Members of the democratic minority
are now in a position to give expert
opinion on the relative merits of the
big stick and steam roller.
The Omaha Commercial club Is to
try for 1,500 members. The 1,500
eliglbleB are here without a doubt. The
only thing la to get them enrolled.
An Increase In Omaha's weekly bank
clearings of 1 1.6 per cent over the
corresponding week of last year is a
pretty good sign for hot weather busi
ness. Why call it "A Third Party T" What
has gone with the Silver Republicans,
the Qreenbackers, the Populists, the
Mug-wumps and a few other "Third
Of course, it the revenue of the
school board this year is $50,000 more
than it was figured in its budget, it
will ask tor $50,000 less next year.
Watch and see.
Th invitation of Archbishop Spald
lng of Peoria to Colonel Roosevelt to
address the Knights of Columbus in
dicates that American Catholics have
not foolishly capitalized that Vatican
episode against the former president.
Talk about your democracy of pleas
ure and Borrow! Here Is a set of St.
Louts policemen gathering up a wagon
oaa oi men tur simwug uu tue siue
valk and when they line them up at the
Ration they find an actor, a railroad
.(ashler, a physician, a reformed news
paper reporter aud a preacher. And
hey were all standing gating at a base
all aenra board.
The Preiident'i Waterway Policy.
The president hits the nail squarely
on the head in his suggestions to con
grees as to future rivers and harbors
appropriation. He has affixed his Big
nature to the bill setting aside $52,
000,000 for a miscellaneous lot of
waterway improvements, which has
been characterized "piecemeal" legis
lation, but he accompanied his ap
proval with a statement expressing
disfavor with this method of legisla
tton which combines such a variety of
enterprises over such a wide section
of country. He does not believe the
appropriation is exorbitant for the
work to be done, but rather that too
much has been undertaken to bring
any of it to the successful completion
It should reach. He suggests, there
fore, that in the future congress should
submit to a commission of experts the
matter of determining what projects
should be prosecuted and appropriate
the mortey necessary to finish them In
the proper manner
The president is undoubtedly cor
rect In assuming that this piecemeal
system will lead to a continuation of
demands for money to finish these va
rloua projects, which are to run along
for ten to twenty years before com
pleted. They are very likely to In
volve waste and unnecessarily heavier
expenditures of money than If the
more comprehensive system which he
has all along favored and which he
now proposes were followed. To de
termine definitely Just what Is to be
done and to set about doing that and
persist in the work until it is speedily
concluded would mean much more for
waterway improvement than thlB sys
tem of a little here and a little there
can possibly mean
A Law that Makei Hew Homes.
A law enacted by the Sixty-first con
gress which is of the utmost Import
ance to the people of this entire coun
try 1b that providing for the agricul
tural entry of the surface of coal land,
while reserving all mineral rights to
the government. Under Its provisions
60.000.000 acres of land will be
thrown open to settlement, which
means thousands of new homes In the
great west and a tremendous lifting
of pressure from certain congested
areas of population. This land is
chiefly in Montana and the far north
west, where the climate and soil are
adapted to robust life and good crops
of grain and fruit, conditions that In
vite most appeallngly the man with
energy and small means who Is look
ing for a chance to establish a home
and acquire a competency.
This is one of the conservation laws
which the president urged upon con
gress and one whose benefits it is im
possible to measure or estimate. Ap
parent upon its face, however, is that
fact of Its far-reaching advantages
which will be available . very . soon.
This land is not only fertile for agri
cultural purposes, but is believed to be
prolific of mineral wealth, chiefly coal,
and it is much more desirable for coal
production than the coal land of
Alaska because of its proximity to the
market and the comparative cost of
production. Nor will the present set
tlement and farming of the land in any
way hinder its exploitation when the
time comes for coal; rather it will
facilitate it, for it will tend toward a
general settlement of the country and
the establishment of new towns or
communities and shipping points.
This act and the one clearly defining
the power of the president to with
hold from settlement any land for the
conservation of water rights are two
of the most Important conservation
measures passed.
Prevention Better Than Cure.
With all due respect to William Krug,
who lost his life as a result of an auto
mobile "accident," we do not think the
cause of his death la any more criminal
til an was that of the dornestlo who was
ao unfortunate as to be "accidentally"
killed last year at Sixteenth and Far
nan.. The automobile madmen will go
on killing one another and the public
without police interference until we
have one big, grand lynching bee. West
ern Laborer.
Correct so far as the culpability for
the killing of a domestic being equal
to the culpability for the killing of a
prominent business man. Prevention
is better than cure, and what is wanted
is not venegeance, but security against
repetition. We do not want any
lynching bees in Omaha, but we do
want automobile drivers and owners
to respect the rights of other people
and to desist from reckless overspeed
lng. The thing to do, as already
pointed out by The Bee, is to make
every automobile driver take out a
license subject to limitations of age
and competency and suspend or forfeit
the license for every violation of the
law. . , .
Beyond Heading1 Off.
Our local democratic contemporary
seems to be laboring under the impres
sion that it can head oft the filing of
the petitions being circulated to put
Mr. Bryan's name on the democratic
primary ballot as candidate for United
States senator. It evidently has an
idea that its preferred candidate would
fare better If Mr. Bryan could merely
turn a deaf ear to this popular upris
ing and Btand by his alleged promise
not to run.
But these petitions are beyond head
ing off. They must be filed with the
secretary of state In due time, and Mr.
Bryan must by his own act respond, or
refuse to respond, to the demands of
the petitioners. In other words, the
petitions cannot be smothered or
thrown into the waste basket like Mr.
Bryan's letters to the dollar diners,
without incurring the penalty of the
law. The primary election law of Ne
braska In its penal provisions declares
among other things which are pro
claimed to be unlawful:
Any person, who. being In possession o
nomination papers entitled to be fllrd
tinder this act or any act of the Wlsla
ttlre, shall wrongfully either suppress.
neglect or willfully fall to file or cause to
be filed St the proper time In the proper
office, shall 6n conviction, be punished by
Imprisonment In the county jail not to ex
ceed six months, or by a fine of not to ex
ceod five hundred dollars ($300), or both
such fine and Imprisonment, in the dlscre
Hon of the court
Whoever may be In final possession
of the petitions that have been signed
up to put Mr. Bryan's name on the pri
mary ballot will, therefore, have to file
them before the expiration of the legal
time limit, and Mr. Bryan will have to
say "yes" or "no." The theory of the
law Is that anyone who procures signa
tures to such a petition In the number
required is the trustee of the signers
and legally bound to perfect the noml
nation process. This obligation Is Just
as great if only twenty-five signatures
are attached as if 26,000 are affixed
A Pike to Pike'i Peak.
The pathfinders who biased the
trail from the middle west to Pike's
peak fifty or sixty years ago could
scarcely have dreamed that a half cen
tury later their path would be made
into a smooth, shaded boulevard over
which automobiles, vehicles of which
they had no conception, would be glid
ing from the Missouri river to the sum
mit of the Rockies. Yet that is an
achievement of twentieth century
progress now in process of realization
From Kansas City to Pike's peak a
rolled, stone-dressed boulevard, shaded
aud beautified will be constructed; in
fact, is being constructed, for the
work is already under way through
Kansas. When completed it will af
ford right-of-way to the autolst, who
may speed to his heart's content along
the historic trail which the pioneers
of the frontier made in their "Pike's
peak or bust" crusade when all this
land was a wild prairie and Indian
fighting a common part of travel.
The New Santa Fe trail will be fol
lowed for some distance and a road
from Kansas City to Newton, Kan.,
will form another link. The state of
Kansas is giving generous support to
the enterprise and In the western part
of that state the work is well along.
No doubt Is entertained that Colorado
will join with Kansas in bringing the
turnpike to a successful completion
Neither of these states could well hesi
tate to balk at such a task, the most
severe part of which had been done by
those sturdy torchbearers of civiliza
tion who mapped out the path so many
years ago. It will not only be a tribute
to their early work, but a token of
what the good roads movement means
to this country and of what it may yet
Need for Sanity and Honesty.
Governor Hadley of Missouri told
the graduates of the University of In
diana that the performance of political
and official duties is a practical and
not a theoretical proposition, and that
the country needs no parlor politicians
nor Idle theorists today. He was
speaking on the duty of citizenship
and he might have added that useful
citizenship today demands nothing
more than a sane, sober thought and
judgment, an honest and fearless con
viction and an unselfish motive.
The peril of any nation that under
goes social or political changes in
marked degree Is the clever mounte
bank and the Ignorant demagogue rad
icalism. Against both of these the
United States has to guard, for both
are broad enough today. Governor
Hadley puts It mildly when he calls
them parlor politicians and idle theor
ists. False prophets are generally
shrewd persons, intrenching them
selves behind some popular reform
sentiment, secure In the knowledge
that it is hard to attack them without
seeming to assail the cause that pro
tects them.
But such periods of political unrest
have come and gone in this country
more than once and the people in the
end have generally been able to sepa
rate the wheat from the chaff. It has
cost us dearly at times to find the
truth and to hold to it, to keep our
heads amid the whirl and din of the
fake crusaders, but in the end we have
come back to safe ground.
If commencement day orators would
pursue the line of thought which Gov
ernor Hadley baa and try to lay on the
young collegian the prime Importance
of individual honesty and effort as a
prerequisite to good citizenship, and
seek to show him the danger of the
political charlatan, they would be do
ing a real service, not only to the grad
uates going out to meet the world,
but to the old world as well.
The Lincoln Journal seems dis
tressed because The Bee ventures the
opinion that those who expect the
political millennium from the federal
campaign publicity law are likely to
be disappointed by the same short
comings as have been disclosed by the
Nebraska campaign fund publicity law.
That does not mean that The Boe op
poses the law. Quite the contrary, us
this paper has always uclvoc-ited and
upheld it Everybody knows that the
publicity law In this state haa been
flagrantly Ignored or evaded, and most
flagrantly by the Bryan political
family, which makes the loudest noise
for reform.
"What are you going to do with the
populist?" asked a delegate in the
Fourth district democratic convention
and added. "Without the populist
votea we cannot elect a congressman."
The answer is easy. The democrats
are going to steal the populist votes
again by misbranding their candi
dates, Just as Mr. Bryan purloined the
votea belonging to Tom Watson by
masquerading his democratic presiden
tial electors under the populist label.
The Omaha Automobile club haa
resoluted to protest against fast and
reckless driving by Irresponsible per
sons, but it has not yet expelled any
body from membership for going the
pace that kills. The club might do
well to send down to the police court
for a list of the auto speeders who
have been arrested and fined.
The net earnings of the railroads in
April were greater by nearly $3,600,'
000 than they were in April of last
year. The poor railroad magnates,
however, can see nothing but bank
ruptcy ahead of them unless they are
permitted to raise the freight rates
and make the shippers come to their
With Omaha's editor-congressman
claiming credit for the passage of the
postal savings bank bill and Willie
Hearst assuming responsibility for all
the good features of the railroad bill
it clears up all doubt at the outset as
to whom we shall have to thank for
these measures.
No intention to speak ill of a man
but George Bernard Shaw, who finds
it Impossible to like Colonel Roose
velt, Is now trying to find out what
his wife's income is so he can tell the
assessor something about his family
William E. Curtis has just written a
letter about the capture of Miss Ellen
Stone by the brigands and Colonel
Watterson asks is he a Journalist or
an antiquarian? Neither, but perhaps
he is a historian.
Mr. Roosevelt has Bet up a prece
dent that will make it rather embar
rasslng for another former chief ex
ecutive to submit to the question,
What shall we do with our ex-presl
Those Fourth district democrats
were unable to agree upon a candidate
for congress to be endorsed, and there
fore agreed not to endorse any. Let
the people rule.
A Doable Surprise.
St Paul Dispatch.
The Department of Justice at Washington
has borrowed Speaker Cannon's Bible. That
the Department of Justice should not have
a Bible Is quite as surprising as the fact
that Mr. Cannon has one.
The Short and Simple War.
Boston Transcript.
Mr. Bryan gives the missionary confer
ence at Edinburgh a short and simple way
for bringing about everlasting world peace.
He says It is to make war Impossible. Ills
copyright has been applied for.
Chasing; Man Into the Air.
Baltimore - American.
Woman, contesting man's sway on the
earth, Is determined that his supremacy
fn the air shall not go undisputed, as
shown by the announcement of a female
aviator that she will contest for some of
the golden glory that awaits the daring.
Compulsory Reform.
Philadelphia Record.
The sugar trust is trying to reform.
John E. Parsons, who has grown old
and very rich steering It through the
laws, has resigned. The value of his
services may have been overestimated.
He received a fee of $400,000 for or
ganizing the original trust which as
held by the courts to be illegal. His
later legal acumen has been diacredited
by the success of the government in Us
civil and criminal suita.
The sultan of Sulu, coming with $250,000
worth of pearlB, has successfully inter
viewed the silent oyster.
Nevada Is the haven of the prizefighter,
the chosen home of the divorce hunter,
the habitat of the Jackrabblt and It
name may be utilized for an imposing bat
tleship. Those Barnard college girls who demand
husbands with brown eyes and a sense of
humor will find that the buff pay envelope
with Just plain, common horse sense also
haa its attractions.
York, Pa., boasts of a hailstone weigh
ing fifty pounds, this season's crop. The
ice harvest must be short In that section,
or the town is competing for the general
headquarters of the Ananias club.
Homer Davenport, the discoverer of the
world-famous Roosevelt teeth, was com
plimented by Mr. Roosevelt on the trip
over. The finder of these political nuggets
was not aware of the quality of the ivory
he pictured when he first drew them at
Cooper Union meeting during Mayor
Strong's administration.
Dayton, O., an industrial city unsur
passed for its slzo, tops its achievements
with a Journalistic plunge that will bulge
the eyes of boastful metropolitan publish
ers. Two hundred and two pages comprise
the one hundred and second anniversary
number of the Dayton News. The occasion
was the occupancy of a handsome news
paper home, fully equipped for expanding
business as is shown In the quality and
quantity of the boom number. The
publishers have warrant for claiming the
number to be "the biggest newspaper ever
published In the world," and may also
credit themselves with producing a splen
did article of Its class.
Our Birthday Book
June 87. 1810.
Jefferson Davis, United States senator
from Arkansas, was born June 87, 18(12. He
is a native of Arkansas, and was attorney
general and governor of that state before
going to the senate, where he Is In the same
luss with "Hen" Tillman as a fire-eater.
Frank Dewey, deputy county clerk. Is 48
years old today, lie was born In Cedar
Rapids, la., and is a bookkeeper and ac
countant by profession. He has been handy
man around the county clerk's office for
many years.
George F. Btdwell, formerly general man
ager of the Northwestern railroad at Omaha
and now retired, was born June 17, 1847, at
Danville, N. Y. He commenced railroad
work as a common laborer In l&ta, and kept
steadily going to the top until compelled
to quit four years ago because of falling
Charles O. McDonald, sttomey-at-law In
the Brandels building, la Just M. He was
born on a farm in Spencer, la., and gradu-
ted at Oberlln college. He 'studied law
at the University of Michigan, and has
been practicing in Omaha since 1900.
Washington Life
oaa XntervBtlaf pitas
aa OemdltlaBs Okearrs
at the Katua-s OajsitoL
When tlio short session of congress
olowed Inst year, members knew how they
wera fixed for another terra, and tha sail
ing dates of Europebound steatrwrs were
studied with pleasure and anticipation.
This year studious eyes and thoughts are
turned to maps of congress districts. "Th
session baa been a long and trying one,
remarks the sympathetic Washington
Herald, "but the real work of the repre
entaUva begins with his arrival home,
no gayety of tha European capitals this
year, but conferences at tha county seats
and heart to heart talks will occupy his
time from now until November. Some
of th mora fearful members have already
hustled to their homes and are busy with
the electors. Tho who are still in Wash
lngton have extra dorks sending out
through the mails literature for home con
sumption. For fear that soma of their
constituents have forgotten how they look
many or trie statesmen have bad new
half-tone cuts mad from their latest
photos and are sending duplicates to th
papers scattered throughout their districts,
The press of the various states will be
embellished most likely for months with
faithful reproductions of Mr. Represents
tlve, who Is again seeking the votes of bis
beloved constituents.
Colonel Thomas D. Murphy, of Augusta
ua., th only simon-pure democratic post
master on Uncle Sam's pay roll, has been
looking things over at th capitol lately
Beside being a warm personal friend of
tha president, Mr. Murphy is a newspaper
man of long and excellent standing, and
does not make politic th burden of his
life. II accompanied tha president on his
memorable trip to Panama; made himself
very agreeable. Indeed; renewed th ac
qualntanc whan the president sojourned in
Augusta last winter and I now th post
master of that beautiful and charming
southern city. That's all. Murphy I a
democrat, all right but ha Is also post
master. How did he turn th trick? Ask
Murphy and h won't tell you I Anyway, he
has th job, and he Is as fine a fellow
along with it as on would care to know.
The clerks in Senator Beveridge's room
wer almost thrown into a panlo when the
postal clerk brought In a suspicious-looking
package for the senator, about ten inches
long. Tha clerks approached th package
cautiously. They finally mustered up cour
cge enough to carefully open it. Inside
was a part of the. bone of some large anl
mal, with a picture, artistically drawn
thereon,, and the following inscription
Bwana Kldogo McCutcheon regrets that
he had such poor luck as to miss the Hon.
dog eat given by the esteemed chief of
the Rocky Boys Band of Wandering In
dians In February, but hopes there may
be something doing in the way of eats in
the future. He will await in bis tepee for
the signal smoke on the hill that calls
the bone-pickers to the crimson feast."
The picture represented a hunter chasing
a Hon, elephant, rhinoceros and giraffe to
the tall grass, and was drawn in Cartoonist
McCutcheon's cleverest style. The novel
message Is much appreciated by Senator
Beverldge, chief of the Rocky Boys.
xnere is one way in wnlcn th new
school of doctors with their continual harp
lng on preventive measures to fight disease
in its inactive form has done a great
service to users of paper money and inci
dentally haa cost Uncle Sam a pretty
penny," said a treasury official the other
day. "It is In teaching1 people that money
Is filthy lucre, Indeed, when It is mide
of paper. Within the last few years the
amount of paper money returned for can
collation has doubled. Now the treasury
redeems and destroys about $2,000,000 in bills
Most of the notes are of the smaller
denominations, the tt and the $2 variety.
"People have learned that death lurks
in the dirty currency. They like the Idea
of clean, new crinkly bills in their pockets.
The banks have learned that their custom
ers like this, and they are usually ready to
redeem the old bills, because only the ex
press charges stand between them and get
ting all the clean money they want.
"Formerly a note would Stay out for
three or four years. Now I think the aver
age Is not over fourteen months. So,
roughly speaking, the entire circulation Is.
renewed about once In every two years
and a half. Tha government finds it costs
little mora, but it encourages the re
newal for all that Tha old bills are put
into an electrlo machln that punches and
then slice them at a rat of sometimes
1,000,000 notes a day.
And her la an unusual little bit of
information also. Do you have any Woa
how many new $1 bills it will take to
equal In weight a $20 gold ptoce? Probably
not Hardly on out of a hundred you
meet and ask will be able to give even a
good guess, well, It takes twenty-six new
ones. After they have been used and soiled
and crumpled it take only twenty-five.
You can see how much dirt those notes
must have absorbed to have gained a whole
note In weight."
So necessary has the American tin can
become to th people of the Malay penin
sula that to be deprived of Its manifold
uses after having served the purpose of a
container would be real hardship to the
Malayaslans, according to United States
Consul General James T. Dubois of Sing
apore. It is used for everything from
nutmeg graters to falsa teeth framework.
Th Malay peninsula produces about 65
per cent of th total output of tin In the
world, which amount to nearly 58,000 tons,
valued at $41,000,000. One-fourth of this Is
shipped to th United States and a quantity
of it finds Its way back to Maluysla carry
ing oil and canned goods.
It requires 1,300,000 one-gallon cans to
carry petroleum to that part of the world
from the United States, and the purposes
for which the cans are used after the oil
has been consumed Is varied and peculiar.
Thousands of the cans are used as water
buckets. The Interior of a Malay tamll, or
home, contains American tin cans of all
lies and shapes, put to some usefttl pur
Sieves are made by punching holes and
dustpans by removing one side and attach
ing a handle. Baking and cooking utensils
of all kinds are skillfully manufactured.
nd for storing articles of food against ant
onslaughts the tin can In Malaysia Is s
Hundreds of men are engaging," says
Consul General Dubois, "in manufacturing
from the tin cans pepper and salt casters.
tea and coffee pots, ladles, mugs, cake pat
ties, Chines pipes, oil pumps, money boxes
and even the framework for false teeth."
No llrtorn Ticket for Haters.
Baltimore American.
Congress will not reinstate the nln
cadets who were dismissed from West
Point for hastng. With mora of thii
upholding of discipline and of th mili
tary academy's authorities, th practice
can b stamped out As long a cadets
and midshipmen feel that there Is easy
appeal to th sympathy of congress, dls-
Ipllne, th most essential point to l
upported at th naval and military na
tional academies, will be at th mercy
f their own sweet wills, and they can
afford to snap their fingers at their
uperlor who attempt to enforce it
"To Isn't never storr t de Palace
hotel befo' Is yo', Ho,?" inquired the col
ored man who waa piloting a Just-nrrlved
traveler from the railway station to the
"No. But what makes you so stir
of itr
"t'h-kase yo swine dar now, aah." Puck.
"You never saw a man mora delighted
than Klutterby Is!"
"What's the cause?"
"He's going to get a public bearing
for his poems at last."
"In print?"
"Not exactly. He's been sued for breach
of promise and all his poems are to be
read In open court" Cleveland Plain
"I thought surely you'd sell that lot of
sausage," declared the grocer. "You praised
it highly enough."
"I praised it too darned much," said his
assistant. "It overheard me and wagged
its tall." Courier Journal.
"The fortune teller told me that my hus
band would not die a natural death."
"Well, I never thought that he would."
Y didn't?"
"Nope; I've always thought that you
would stay at home some day and have
his supper ready when he got home, and
he would drop dead." Houston Post.
"To illustrate tho point I am making,"
said th lecturer on "Th Wonders of the
Human Body," "some women have such
perfect control of the muscles of their feet
that they can turn the great to straight
Talks for people
It la all very well tor a manufacturer
to advertise hla goods or his trade
mark he gets all the benefits, but the
retailer can't advertise that way.
So say many retailers.
Take Lord'& Taylor, in New York
they are retailers, they don't manufac
ture a single stocking, yet "Onyx
Stockings" and "Lord & Taylor" are
It la a good stocking Lord & Tay
lor see to it that It ia kept up to their
standard of quality. It is advertised
constantly and consistently, and it is
backed up with the name of a high-
class dealer. '
Now, Mr. Retailer, what have you to
sell that you cannot advertise and back
up with your own reputation?
Select any article In your store and
you can advertise it and reap the bene
fits if you are willing to back it up
with your own trade-mark your own
name and reputation.
It ia the eoodness of the article
Itself, and constant reiteration of its
qualities in your advertising that sells
An advertisement In The Bee will
reach 120,000 readers dally. A four
inch space will cost you $3.92 per day
and we will furnish the copy and Illus
trations to make your selling argu
ments complete.
Ia this worth your consideration?
'Phone Douglaa 238.
What the newspapers can do for small
expense has been splendidly illustrated by
an advertising man occupying an ordinary
salaried position on a New York news
paper. The New York manager of the refrig
erator concent which makes the Bohn
Syphon advertised extensively in the maga
zines had' occasion one day to insert a
want" ad.
He was then seen on display advertising
and it developed that, like most men, he
wished to increase the business the sales
in his territory.
It was further developed that he was
willing to spend $1,000 of good, hard
$!fl50, 41.85 and 43.20
U New York
$i1fl60 and 44.60
(( J8?!ill SEALED OOXES t j
Tg BmsmjtMmwrMBCi
9 jS?nf 6?
Boston, Mass.
S1935 and 46.35
q Portland, F.le.
$OQ00, 33.00 and 34.00
6 Buffalo, H. Y.
SifflTOand 41.00
qu Atlantic City
$9C60, 32.00, 33.00 and 34.00
&3 Toronto, Ont.
QO Pontreal, Que.
$9900, 33.C3 and 34.00
d Hiagara Falls
Tickets on sale daily.
Ticket Offices
1401-1403 Farnam Strut
, Omaha, Ntb.
tip and the next toe straight down at the
same time."
"Any woman can do that!" shouted ' the
married men In the audience. Chicago
Husband (to wife, packing trunk -Hut
how am I going to K"1 my things In?
Wife I don't see that you ne'd to take
much, my dear. You look very well as you
are. Life.
"What makes Mrs. Fllpporty look so
dreadfully discouraged?"
"Haven't you heard that all the Reno
divorces may be declared Invalid"
"No. lias Mrs. Flipperty a Reno di
vorce ?"
"Mercy, she's had two!"-Clevelanl Plain
Trust no man, however pleasant.
You hav never seen before;
Trust the men you know at present
Dess as you may know them mora.
Tender smiles and ardent glances
Who would put his faith in these?
All too fragile are romances
Shun the one who striven to pleiLte.
People's actions all remind us
Life 1 but a hollow sham,
Divide us up and you will find tin
Half th wolf and half tha lamb.
For we live to work each other.
(lain our way by honied pliraae;
And also for that poor brother
Who knows not tho old world's wnvs.
who sell things
money if he could a th additional orders
coming hi way.
The advertising pioneer1 got him to o
Into the newspapers with his $1,000, and,
with keen foresight, persuaded him to
tell th story of th Bohn Syphon refrig
erator in his own style "Just like talking
So without any trace of anxious Eng
lish, without apparent thought of IokIo
or of climax, In rugged, homely language,
tha human Interest side of refrigerator:)
In general and the Bohn Syphon refrig
erator In particular was given to tho
people of New York city through the
Tha first ad was three columns wide,
full length, set In twelve point caps, writ
ten throughout In a personal style and
giving a lot of first-hand information of
the making and selling of refrigerators,
and told why the Bohn Syphon had an
ticipated the health, convenience and dally
requirements of it users.
It was a mighty Interesting advertise-'
ment, partly because it gave a lot of In
teresting facts and principally because it
had honest conviction in every statement.
This ad was followed by' six short
"talks," each engaging about 300 lines
single column, on the "Uses and Abuses
of the Refrigerator," in which the stories
went right into the routine and problems
of every day horn life. They showed,
practically, the dangers of the Ice box and
visualised the Bohn Syphon refrigerator
in active service rigat tner ia the kitchen
or pantry, and the writer of these stories
gave the reason in each case why what
lie said was so.
The plan sold the refrigerators? It
couldn't help It Telephone calls and let
ters were received at the newspaper off lev
from pcoplle who had mislaid the address,
asking where the Bohn Syphon refriger
ator store was located. A single order ftoiu
an apartment house builder paid for the
wholo campaign!
All of which goes to show that news
paper advertising, rightly conducted. Is
Immediately responsive. There are cases
other than this which have been conducted
with equal, success. -..:u-. .
The occasional manufacturer here and
there is seeing a great light; ho la having
some pleasurable business experiences with
the neswpapers but Just here and there.
Deep down In every manufacturer's heart.
and frequently on his Hps, is the profound
wish to know his public and to have his
public know him.
And It Is tho business, the mission and
the duty of newspaper men to show him
how to do It Newspaperdom.
Liberal return
limits and favor
able stopover
Fast trains at
convenient hours
make direct con
nections in Chi
cago with all
lines east.