T TITE BEEs-OMAHA. MONDAY, JUNK 27, 1010. SIGNS RIVERS AND HARBORS Tmident Taft Points Out Some , Objections to Measure. SUGGESTS A POLICY TO FOLLOW Measare BatUfartorr. Fallare to Appear Would "erloBBlr Ember . raaa .Mea la -Chars of . ' TYork. TAFT IN TRIUMFU AT SESSION'S END (Continued from First Page.) WASHINGTON. June 28. After announc Inn that he haa approved me bill. President Taft yesterday, Jn his message said: "While I have sinned tlie bill, I venture to submit a memorandum of explanation and Comment." ' , The. text of (he message then follows: . '.'The bill ia an Important one and con tains many excellent features. It provides for: the canalisation of the Ohio river, to be- 'prosecuted at a rate which will Insure its cOmplotlnrl within twelve year; the Im , proveineot of the Mississippi river between Cairo and the Gulf of Mexico, to bo com pleted within twenty yrars; of the Missis sippf river between the mouth of the Mis sourl and the mouth of the Ohio river, to te completed within twelve years; of the MIsslsslDnl between Minneapolis and the mouUi of the Missouri river, to be com plated, within twelve years; of the Hudson river for the purpose of facilitating the use of the barge canal in the vicinity of Troy, 'N, ' T.J of the Savannah river from August to the eea, with a view to Its completion within four years; of a thirty-five-foot channel in the Delegare river from Philadelphia to the sea; of a thlrty-flve-foot channel to Norfolk, Va.; of a ' twenty-seven-foot 'channel to Mobile, Ala.; of a fourteen-foot channel to Jacksonville, Fla.J of a thirty-foot channel to Oakland, Cat :., r . .' rotate Out Defect. 'The chief defect In the bill Is the large number of projects appropriated for and the uneconomical method of carrying on these projects by the appropriation of sums small in comparison to the amounts re quired to effect completion. 'The figures convincingly establish the fact that this bill makes Inadequate pro vision for too many projects. "The total 6f the bill, $52,000. 000, Is not unduly large, hut the policy of small appro priation with a great many different enter prises, without provision for their com pletion, is unwise. It tends to waste, be- ' cause thus constructed the projects are likely to cost more than If they were let to contractors who were authorized to com plete the whole work within a reasonably short time. "Moreover, the appropriation of a com paratively small sum for a doubtful en terprlse Is thereafter used by Its advocates to force further provision for It from con gress on the ground that the Investment , made Is a conclusive recognition of the wisdom of the project, and its continuance becomes a necessity to save the money al ready spent This has been called a 'piece meal policy. . Outlines a Plan. "It Is proposed to remedy this defect by an annual rivers and harbors bill, but that hardly avoids the objections cited, for such yearly appropriations are likely to be at' fee ted by the state of the treasury and po litical exigency. "The proper policy, it seems to roe. Is to determine from the many projects pro posed and recommended what are the most Important and then to proceed to completed them with due dispatch; and then to take up others and do the same thing with them. "There has been frequent discussion .of 'late years as to the proper course to be pursued n the development of our Inland waterways and I think the general senti mcnt has been that we shoulll have comprehensive system agreed on by aome competent body of experts who should pass on the relative merits of the varlou projects and recommend the order In which they should be begun and completed. "Under the present system every pro Ject Is submitted to army engineers who pass on the question whether it ought to be adopted, but who have no power to pass on the relative importance of the many different projects they approve or to suggest the most economical and busi ness like order for their completion. "Congress should refer 'the old projects to boards of army engineers for f urthor consideration and recommendation. This would enable us to know what of the old works ought to be abandoned. Objections to System. "t have given to the consideration of this bill the full ten days since Its submission to me and some time before that. The ob jections are to the system, for it may be conceded that the framers of the bill have made as good a bill as they could under , the 'piecemeal' policy. I once reached the conclusion that it was my duty to inter pose a veto In order if possible, to secure a change in the method of framing these bills. Subsequent consideration has altered my vlow as to my duty. "It Is n6w three years since a river and harbor bill was passed. "The projects under way are In urgent need . of further appropriation for main tenance and continuance and there Is great and justified presure for many of the new projects provided for by the bill. "It has been made clear to me that the failure of the bill thus late In the session would seriously embarrass the constructing . engineers. I do not think, therefore the defects of the bill which I have pointed out will Justify the postponement of all this Important work, but I do think that In the preparation of the proposed future yearly bills, congress should adopt the reforms sugested and that a failure to do so would Justify withholding executive approval, even though a rivers and harbors bill failed. "WILLIAM II. TAFT. ROOSEVELT TO GET IN FRAY Former President to Take Up Cause of Party in New Ycrk. Mr. Hitchcock to The Pee correspondent. With a democrat of the Hitchcock stand- dard agreeing that the railroad bill Is of first Importance In legislation now written on the statute books, there is a corres ponding endorsement of that view from Kepresentative M. E. Olmstead of Penn sylvania, who in the event that the republi cans control the next house, will be one of the leading candidates for the speakership. "The greatest triumph of the administra tion In the session of consres Just close,!," said Mr. Olmstead. "Is found In the nasniice of the railroad bill. It Is drastic in Its provisions and puts more power In the Interstate Commerce commission than was ever contemplated by the framers of that commission. The commerce court, the tariff board and the postal savings bank enactments are exceedingly Important measures put through at the Instance of President Taft. I think that Presldunt Tail's administration Is unique in Its record of achievement. He has accomplice. 1 mow In sixteen months of his term than any president we have evrr had In the same period of time and my Judgment Is that it win not taxe long lor the American people to wake up to the fact that we have in the White House a president who does things, not dreams them all day long." ressional liro witn the close or tne preseni ne ha, outlined for the extra session at congress, was even more enthusiastic than Albany. Mr. Roosevelt believes Governor Olmstead In characterizing the accomplish- Hughes, by his attitude on state politics, menls of the president toward the enact- nas destroyed the machine which was built ment or legislation tending to tho rcdemp- up by genwor pjatt and that with the tion of party pledges. He regarded the paMlng of tne ol(1 machine the chance of session as marking an epoch In the legls- p,,. ,UCCMS the gtata n!Xt November lative llfo of the nation, and believed, with eerlou,v impcrmd. He believes, so It others, that tho railroad bill and postal ;g ,ea,rned tonight, that Governor Hughes savings oanK Dill are two or me most, ini- . thm nnlv man wh . . ,h .,.. . portant pieces or legislation enacica wltnln victory quarter of a century. Wonder Still Grows. mr. Daw-son has planned most unique while nniiticlans of th state are wonder for himself and family, doing an automobile ,ng what ,ignlflcance can be attached to stunt irom Washington to nis noma in ,ha fnr,hPonlln visit of Oovernor Hughes. eastern Iowa, some 2,600 miles In all. and the ephynx ot sagamore Hill Is playing acting as nis own driver. ue pians J . ., nolltlca everv hour in the day leave nere wun nis wne ana cnunren enr.y Xelepnone wlres ieadng to the Roosevelt next week, going by way of Gettysburg and Philadelphia to Atlantic City. Thence on to New York City and from there to Boston, New England and the Rerkshires and back by way of Detroit to his homo, the trip to cover about a month of real outdoor iife. Dawson Sara It's Uood, Albert Dawson of Iowa, who quits con- MAY ASK GOV. HUGHES TO RUN Will Dlernss the Situation with Kit-rat Ire of Empire State Hashes .""lot Despised to Listen. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., June 26. (Special Telegram) Although Colonel Roosevelt has told newspaper men that he may never make another political speech, he Is going to enlist In the ranks of politics In New York lor control of the Empire common wealth next fall. He is even credited with having asked Governor Hughes to recon sider his acceptance of the appointment as Justice of the United State supreme court and to run for governor fur a third term. Mr. Roosevelt, it is said, believes that there la no man In the state more likely to win for the republicans than Governor Hughes. It Is stated In some quarters that Mr. Roosevelt had this proposal chiefly In mind when he extended an invitation to Mr. Hughes to be his guest at Sagamore Hill. Mr Hughes is expected to go to Oyster Bay next week. It ia clearly understood that there will be no opposition from Sag amore Hill to Governor Hughes' direct primary plan or to the legislative program Glad for Respite and Chance Breathe Fewer Penalties in Kansas. Gliddenites -Rest for a Day, Here Monday to KANSAS CITY. Mo., June (Special Telegram.) "Back In God's country at last!" That is the war cry of the weary Gliddenites, who reached Kansas City last night for the first days rest of the tour. At last the contest has brought up well toward the finishing point. The second leg has been completed and, with but four more days' running ahead of them, the tourists welcome a day's rest which shall prepare them for a Garrison finish In Chi cago next Thursday, The trip has been a grind never before approached In any automobile contest any where. But eleven cars remain In the two contesting divisions out of about forty which left Cincinnati June 14. Of those still holding together for the final burst of speed into Chicago, not half a dozen are within a mile of the perfect score with which they began the long grind. In the Glldden trophy division there are but two real contestants Premier No. 1 and Chal mers No. 6. The latter still leads the tour with a penalization of but three points Both of these cars came through perfect today. In the Chicago trophy class four cars are In the running Mollnes No. 100 and No. 102, each with a penalty of 12 points; Lex Ington No. 103, which has lost 10 points, and Maxwell No. 107, which has a penalty of IS. All of the other cars may be considered hopelessly out of the running. There Is possibility, of course. In view of what has gone before, that a car with less than 100 points penalty will be pretty high class at the final check. In Chicago, but those men' tloned are the only ones which are really entitled to consideration. Today's run from Wichita to Kansas City was the longest of the tour thus far. Every car which has reported has come through with a perfect score. Those unreported in time for tonight's scores are Chalmers No. S, Mollne No. 108 and Glide No. 10. Drivers of these cars have, however, un RENO GROWING FIGHT MAD People Are Enthusiastic Over the Big Event Staged for Fourth. Judge Smith Is Pleased Judge Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs, who is being mentioned as a candidate for the speaker of the Sixty-second congress, should the republicans carry the next house, home have carried calls to leaders of the party In state and nation to come to Saga- officially reported their cars as perfect for more Hill. the day. The first car to reach Kansas The colonel persists in his refusal to talk city was the Chalmers pilot driven by Joe politics for publication, but, nevertheless, Matson. This car left Wichita at 4:30 this It may be said with authority that he will morning, and reached here In a running devote his every effort to save the repub- time of 11 hours and 60 minutes. The next llcan party from the defeat which he thinks I car to arrive was the Columbia, carrying menaces it In this state. I Referee Whiting, 1 hour and 45 minutes Out of the coming conferences between later. The day's run brought forth really Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Hughes fine roads through Kansas, though will issue an articulated policy. The gov-1 couple of heavy showers did loosen up the as now seems assured, will go home next ernor and the former governor will go over gumbo and make the going hard In places. week fully convinced that this has been an the entire political situation in New York Tomorrow the tourists will rest, with a cap epoch making session. state as It Is today. Mr. Roosevelt will ltal R, and Monday they will be away "Never before have all the pledges of a Indicate his belief that if Governor Hughes again, off for Omaha, on a Z43-mlle Jaunt. party platform been so fully enacted Into accepts a place on the United States su law as at this first regular session of con- preme bench as the governor already has gress after the inauguration," he says, signified his Intention to do and thus wlth- 'Substantlally every great promise of the draw entirely from active politics, the re- last republican platform Is now a part of suit may be disastrous to his party. the law of the land. This Is a mighty Governor Most Decide. tribute to the wisdom snd adroit manage- Mr. Roosevelt may not, and probably ment of President Taft I wni not reauest the governor In so many Judge Smith s time honored bill extending words to become a candidate for a third for one year the period In which to com- term. He will present the situation mence a bridge across the Missouri river ne Bees it, leaving it to the governor to at or near Council Bluffs passed the Bcnate decide after he has learned Colonel today and was signed by the president tn-1 Roosevelt's views. night This is but one of a number of a decision to accept a third nomlna- bills which Representative Smith got tion would carry with It a full under mrougn ior nis aisinci. standing that In the event of a republl- NEW YORK. June 2. (Special Tele- Brown Comes with Cummins. can deXeat Governor Hughes would find gram.) Georse W. Woo.rurr. assistant at Senator Brown, with adjournment In hlmaeir wun neuner a seav, on tne oenca torney general for the Department of the sight gathered up his suit case this after- nor In the executive chamber, colonel l interior under Secretary Oarfleld and close noon- and started home Inrcompany with Roosevelt gave the newspaoer men today 1 jn touch with the Indlau question In gen I Woodruff Talks of Claims Made by Senator Gore Shudders When He Thinks of the Orgy of Graft Going on Among Oklahoma Indians. JIM C0RBETT SLIGHTLY INJURED Johnson on the tiroand and. with Ills Aaareaatlon, Gets Heady for a Severe 1'oarso of Training:. BY EDDIE SMITH. RENO. New, June 2J. (Special Telegram.) This little town of P.eno is fight wild. The state of enthusiasm that the people here are showing over the rrosnects of the big battle far exceeds that at Uoldflcld at tho time of the Clans-Nelson contest and the ohltlmers of the game who are here say that they never saw anything like the present. Yesterday I visited the Jeffries camp at Moana Springs, and. somewhat to my surprise.-found the big fellow hard at woik. Promptly at ten bells Jeffries whs st hi work and from the manner in which he stepped through his paces it would surely seem that the high altitude had not done him much harm. The champ opened up his day's work by punching the bag, and h tore at the leather with such force that he three times succeeord In breaking the cord holding it to the platform before switch ing to hie other work. After this he skipped the rope and Jumped about the newly erected boxing platform for a short time. The gloves were then brought out and Bob Armstrong and Jeffries out them on There was little or no real boxing Indulged tn. for Jeffries was a littlo timid about taking any chances on the bare floor. It apptars that the canvas covering for the ring is being brought to camp from Rowardennan in an, automobile, which ho broken down on the road. Some Hard Maallnar. The boxing was of the mauling and haul ing order, something after tho style of men In clinches. In all of the breakaways Armstrong tried to imitate the Johnson upnercut and Jeffries each time blocked It with his shoulder and each time planted his left With a solid thud on the lrldney! of the colored man. It Is easy to see that the men of Jeffries' camp are sure that Johnson's best punch Is his right uppercul and almost all of their work is being done to develop a block and a counter for It. Several times Jeffries hit Armstrong rather hard and with each hard punch the negro would wince and pull away with caution to the big white man to be a little careful. Three rounds In all were put In with Armstrong and then Jack Jeffries was taken on for two rounds. In the two rounds with his brother, Jef fries did little in the matter of trying to hit the 'smaller man, but several times he deliberately held his chin out and allowed it to come up slam bang with the swings of his sparring partner. Jeffries is evidently testing out his as similating powers to find out if he will be able to take the punches he was noted for when In his prime. From my observation It would seem they did hlra little harm. snld Muldoon. " and I believe ho will be able to mxke as good a stand as he ever could by July 4. The systematic manner In which Jeffries has done his work lends me to believe that he will be fit for a se vere struggle when he steps Into the ring with Johnson. As to whether he can stand the nervous strain of the battle, that will only be determined by the fight Itself." Champion Jin-k Johnson, who arrived here yesterday and was greeted by an Immense throng, expressed hln satisfaction with his training quarters at Rick's resort. He asked If there were any chances of himself and Jeffries meeting on the road. When Informed that there was little chance for this the colored man plainly showed that he had no desire to meet Jeffries prior to their meeting In tho ring. Judging from what tho colored man had to say today, the reported make-up be tween him and Hoorae utile is not a fact. Johnson and his ex-munager have come to some sort of an agreement as to finances, however, and there will be no further trouble from that source. and both balls hit him. one Whind the eal and the th.r on the riKht temple. BALL PLAYER IS KILLED louna: Man la lilt lr United null and One that U Pitched While at Practice. CINCINNATI, July 2S.-Whilep ractlclng previous to a ball game at Dayton, K, today, Leonard Hand was hit with a batted ball and a thrown ball and died tonight as the result of his injuries. Hand was In the pitcher's box serving to the batsmen when someone threw a ball directly at him. At the same time the batter hit a ball at him. In attempting to dodge them both, he failed to dodge either. Searchlight to Be Turned on the Packing Business Attorney General Wickcrsham. at Chi cago, Confers with Edwin Sims and Outlines Flan of Action. CHICAGO, June K. (Special Telegram.) Definite plans for leileral grand Jury In vesication of the Chicago packing busi ness, .villi a vlow to indicting packers as Individuals was outlined esterday In conference of George W. WUkersham, at torney Kcnoial of tiio Vnlted States with Edwin W. Sims, Chicago district attorney. Mr. Wlckersham sought lnlornmtlon first hand, that he might on his return to Whsh ington instruct Oliver K. Pagin, special as sistant attorney tneiHl, in drawing new Indictments. "I am through now," said Mr. Wicker sham, "and will go east at 2:45 p. tn." Neither the attorney general nor the dis trict attorney would reveal tho plans for the new Inquiry, except to say that tho grand Jury would begin Its labors July 14. "The packers will he Indicted and prose cuted as Individuals if such Is warranted," said Mr. Sims, and a similar statement was niado by Mr. Wlckershain. Perslstnnt Advertising is tne ltoad In Big Returns. KM Senator Cummins, by way of Des Moines, his first Interview of any length since where he will visit his mother for a short his return from abroad. He was asked time. Senator Brown said on leaving: If he had not Invited a number of po- "Lerfslation of the character enacted at lltlcal leaders, both "regulars" and "In fills session of congress cannot help but surgents" to accept his hospitality. show the country that the republican party I "With the exception of Governor eral and particularly matters pertaining to the five civilized tribes, of which the Choctaw and Chlckasaws are members, said today: "I have seen the report that Senator Gore claims there was an effort to bribe him Is still to be trusted, and the people can Hughes," he answered, "I have Invited and perhaps other members of congress to continue to look for better things from It The president's Insistence, his personality, his affability and his determination to en act Into law the major portion of his. pol Icles, wrought a wonderful change In the last month, and I believe the legislation we have passed will be accepted by the American people at Its full value, for noth ing like It has been accomplished before In the same space of time. Senator Brown, as chairman of the sen ate committee on patents succeeded in get' ting through a number of important bills, In which patentees of the country are vitally Interested, and the favorable report he re celved on his bill creating a court of no one nere ecopi 10 irmno sutiai visns. h,,ln ln .tlnrr th. old crwltrPt of M ouau ir.ducui .1 fi-ld. McMurrav and Cornish raHflert hvr eriy wnuii you vv tuu ui lugu lur I Cornish. Harvard commencement next week 7 patent appeals, emphasized his position as nothlng could mduce htm to change his SENATOR STO.VK OX NICARAGUA llesolntlon Hearing on Qneatloa Re (erred to Committee. WASHINGTON, June 26. In the senate today Senator Stone said ne had been ln formed that a syndicate had been organ Ized In the United States to exploit the finances of Nicaragua and that the syndi cate has been represented in Washington by .a former high sfflcia! of the State de partment Senator Stone's statement followed his introduction ot a resolution directing the committee on foreign relations to make general Investigation as to the relations be tween the United. States and Nicaragua, which was referred to the committee on foreign relations. The ocean mail subsidy today was made , the "unfinished Business" of the senats, this action giving to the measure the place of vantage for the short session of congress beginning In December. The congressional printing Investigating committee In a preliminary report sub mittcd today announced that It had already ' effected an annual saving In printing and binding that will amount to fully SllU.OM. The senate today unanimously agreed to vote on the Appalachian and White Moun tain forest reserve bill February 15, next "I don't know," was his only reply. There were thirteen guests at luncheon at Colonel Roosevelt s today, ten of whom had come all tha way from Peoria, 111., with an Invitation from Archbishop Spalding asking him to speak before the Knights of Columbus there October 12. The colonel promised to take the matter under consideration. Hashes' Mind Made Up. ALBANY. N. Y.. June 25. Persons close to Governor Hughes declared that chairman of that most Important commit tee. He secured $25,000 for waterworks at Crawford, and a law for a public build' ing site at Wahoo to cost not over 110,000. Personal Notes. Prior to leaving Senator Brown ' called upon president Tart ana leucitated him decision to go on the supreme court bench and accept a renomtnatlon. He would not discuss the report that Mr. Roosevelt would ask him to accept a renomtnatlon for the purpose of sav ing the party tn the state this fall. 'When Secretary Garfield learned about this contract with the Indians, he consulted with President Roosevelt, Commissioner Ieupp among others, and the arrangement seemed so eggreglous that Mr. Garfield did everything in his power to head off the consummation of the contract, both by using his Influence with the counsel for the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. whereby they repudiated the contract, as I remember it. and also by refusing to have any other of tho firm of Mansfield, Mo- Murray & Cornish to have any further official relations with the Indians, so far as the Department of the Interior could prevent It, and also ,by refusing to allow them to appear before the department in any Indian matters. "During the time I was assistant attor ney general was so overshadowed by the condition of Indian affairs that I spent Friends, however, when told of the re- i . . . . mmtlAj mnA a.M h. Dnv.,nni. m-Im upon tne accompusnmeni oi so mucn rail fuUjr w per Mnt of my tlme ,n M abmilt legislation. At me same nme ne presentea "o ui Attornev General W. T. Thomasson - of could change It Nebraska, and a bevy of pretty girls from Tries Ont Ills Bark. After boxing, Jeffries indulged in some vigorous back-bending over a chair which Is expected to strengthen muscles ot the stomach. The exercise Is done by placing one chair, with the back removed, so that he Is resting on the small of his back when lying out flat. The other chair is placed so that his feet are hooked under the rungs of it and one of the trainers sits on It to hold it down. The big fellow bends back until his head almost touches the floor and he wriggles about and raises him self in a sitting position and then backs down again at least a dozen times. This Is a violent, rudo mode of exercise and when he straightened up he was out of wind and the blood had rushed to his head to some extent It was Just a moment, however, before he had regained his wind and as the work was over he started after tha camp Jeeter, Dick Adams, and for a few minutes it would seem as if Adams' life was worth about ten cents on a dollar. All of a sud den Jeffries took a notion that It would be a good idea to strip the little fellow and throw him ln the swimming tank. Adams wrestled and fought but he had little chance and the only thing that saved him was the presence of some women. Never before have 1 seen Jeffries so cheerful and so playful as he was this morning and his trainers are in the highest spirits over his condition. Jim Corbett has injured himself some way and may not be able to work for a few days. William Muldoon, one time champion wrestler of the world, and trainer of John Li. Sullivan, at the end of Jeffries' work pronounced him fit for a hard struggle. He looks as good to me as he ever did," his home atate: Misses Zora Fitzgerald of CHARLTON WANTED IN ITALY Omaha, Mildred Holland of Falls City, Grace Shallenberger and Grace Salisbury of Lincoln. Miss Anna L. Howiand of Lincoln, private secretary to Senator Brown, will leave Washington Monday for a week's visit with Miss Mary McDowell, daughter of Major McDowell, clerk of the house at Sharon, Pa. From " there Miss How land will start for Lincoln. F. E. Lincoln of Lincoln, who has held a confidential position wun senator Brown, since he entered the senate, Is about to 'hang up his shingle" as an attorney -a t- law, somewhere ln Nebraska. He leaves Washington In a few days to attend a family reunion of "Edgerton tribe," at Syracuse, N. Y., and then goes home to Lincoln. William E. Morgan of Greeley, left Wash ington today for Mlddletown, Conn., to at tend class reunion at his alma mater, Wesleyan university. Foley's Kidney Hemeay may be given to children with admirable results. It does away with bet wetting, and Is also reo omended for use after measles and scarlet fever. Sold by all druggists. DAN SULLY ACTOR IS DEAD f anions Playwright and Flayer Passes Array After I.oag 111. Lame shoulder Is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yields quickly to the free application of Chamber lain's liniment This liniment Is not only prompt and offectual, but In no way disa greeable to use. nold by a,u dealers. WOODSTOCK. N. Y.. June 20,-Dan Sully, the old-time actor, C:ea at his home here this afternoon from Brlght's disease and heart failure. He had been 111 for two montha Sully, whose real name was Daniel Sul llvau. was born ln Newport R. I., In IKS. He was well and favorably known to the ater-goers of recent times, as well as of a generation ago. Both playwright and player, he wrote most of the productions In which he appeared. "The Comer Groc ery" (1884) brought his first notable success. Among his other offerings were "The Par ish Priest" "Our Pastor." "The Chief Jus tlce," "The Golden Rule" and 'The Matchmaker." Pearfal Rlaogrhtev of deadly microbes occur when throat and lung diseases are treated with Dr. King's New Discovery, toe and SIM- For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Self-Confesaed Mnrderer of His Wife Sought Through Extra, dltlon. NEW YORK, June 26. The case against Porter Charlton, who has confessed having murdered his wife at Lake Como, Italy, marked time today. With the attitude ot the Charlton's defined and the status of the case ln New Jersey law established, further developments now await the out come of such extradition negotiations as may be ln progress between Washington and Rome. All evidence in the case wes hysterical effort to prevent as much abuse as possible, and I shudder now to think ot the orgy of graft which Is going on, particularly among tha five civilized tribes lu Oklahoma. 'If Senator Gore's accusation Is true, even such an eggreglous example as this would be only a scratch on the surface of what I thoroughly believe Is happening among the Indians of old Indian territory at this time." Americans Spend Money in Travel turned over to the Italian Foreign office Thousands Leave New York, Going to Europe, Where They Will Eemain During the Summer. by the minister of Justice today. "Formal application has been made for the prisoner's extradition by the Italian government" said Gustavo Dl Rosa, acting Italian consul here, tonight "Charlton's crime was against society and the welfare of society demands that he answer for his offense. "The Italian government la without feel ing in the matter. The Italian Judge at Como is more than willing to forward here all the evidence In the case. He would like to have Charlton tried here, but that your laws forbid. Therefore extradition seems Just, reasonable and Imperative from the standpoint of society at large, "It Is absurd that alienists should stand In the way of this man's return to Lake Como. If Charlton Is Insane, Italian alien ists are as capabls to determine tha degree of his responsibly as others. Our laws are fair and our punishments no more severe than here. There was further examination of Char! ton this afternoon by alienists retained for bis defense, but no statement of their eon elusions was made. "We do not expect to report for some time yet" said P. Floyd Clark, his counsel. NEW YORK. June 26. (Special Tele gram.) More Americans set sail for Europe from, the -port of New York to day than on any day since the "well-to do" first began spending their surplus wealth In summer tours de luxe on the other side of the big pond. Eleven trans Atlantlo liners passed through the nar rows, outward bound with over 6,000 pas sengers aboard. For many days, steamship agents fy not a place has been left unbooked in this record "Saturday fleet" It is estl mated that from May 15 to date 22,926 first and second class passengers out ward bound have seen the Statue of Liberty fade Into the distance, as com pared to SO.ttl In the corresponding period of last year. This Is a banner year for ocean travel and th foreign steamships are reaping a harvest I CRIPPLE IS ASSAULTED Will Bahblagtea Claims to Have Been Beaten hy Half Brother, Who Eseasea Dan McConnell, who recently escaped from the lntltute for inebriates at Knox- ROOSEVELT. JR.. AND BRIDE REACH GOLDEN GATE CITY Yonngr Couple Will Reside In San Francisco, Where Groom H Esanloynieat. SAN FRANCISCO, June W. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., who was married to Eleanor From fidgttj and frowns J and teari, i How quickly her temper J S) Jo winsome wiles fj I And chtrubic mulct jy VibtnCamfMrsSout appears. i i Campbell's Tomato Soup it more than a mere delicacy. While its tempting flavor makes it one of the choicest of dainty appetizers, it is also rich with substantial food value. Any constitu tion thrives on i Tomato. Soup i A strong man finds satis 1 faction in it. A weak or tired one finds easily-dices-ted nourishment. An in valid, a child or a nervous run-down woman finds it a strengthening, invigorat ing1 food. 1 If any Campbell's Soup fails to satisfy you, the grocer refunds the price. , 21 kind 10c a can ' Just add hot water, bring to a boil, I and serve. Plenty ol sensible vllle. Ia., returned to Council Bluffs Frl- Butler Alexander ln Now York a few days day and Is accused of making a vicious as. , arrived here tonight with his bride, sault on Will Babblngton. his half-brother. Th. eoUpi wm mak, lhelr honl. m and a cripple. Babblngton has but one Francisco, where young Roosevelt will be leg. He was badly beaten by McConnell. connected with a lar.a caro.t who eventually made his escape to Omaha ment. agtcttioni for you in Campbell s Mean Book. Just write us lor it. Jours Cam tbsll i Coatrmr L Camden N J f Look for the . red-and-white label r ue ROUND TRIP RATES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, direct 60.00 Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, July 9-1 G 50.00 San Francisco and Los Angeles 60.00 San Francisco and Los Angeles, July 2-8, 25-23, 50.00 Circuit Tour to San Francisco, including Shasta Iioute, Fortland and Seattle, $15.00 higher. Yellowstone Park Tours. Side trip from Livingston or Ogden, all accommoda tions ........55.00 Going and returning via Gardiner (official entrance) rail, stage and hotels for 5Y2 day tour. 84.50 In via Gardiner, out via Yellowstone, Salt Lake and scenic Colorado, all accommodations for 5Vi days 107.25 Personally conducted Park camping tours via Cody, the scenic entrance, and over Sylvan Pass; an eighteen day tour from Cody 72.00 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 17.50 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 27.50 Estes Park, Colo , 27.10 Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah .30.50 Dead wood, S- D , 18.75 Hot Springs, S. D , . ,15.75 Ranchester, Wyo. (For Eaton Bros. Ranch) .... .':25.75 Cody, Wyo. (Starting point for Holm's personally conducted 18 days Park camping tour) V30.75 Thermopolis, Wyo y 34.25 Free Illustrated publications on request. "Summer Tourist Rates," "Summer Tours to Pacific Coast," "California Excursions," "Colorado-Yellowstone Tours," "Yellowstone Park," "The Cody Road Into Yellowstone Park," "Wyllo Camping Tours," "Colorado Utah Hand Hook." Proportional round trip fares to many other western destinations. Write or call. describe your DroDosed trip, and let me help you plan It to make tho most attractive tour at the least cost. J. D. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha Mm fcn.;j;fvj'jsal K 4fc:.j4.,&i-Vbjil 1 """'"' hi7 AMKuujmiwKii irtnrv -t t r fc-V " - - ' ' '1y3f V t f v. Go to Colorado and See Real Skyscrapers Get away from the chimney tops and iro to 2 ! 1 I r v. e me mountain iods: ouic Dreainmp- coai nun v - - O and city taint. Have a real vacation. Take the Rock Island to the Rockies and whiz out to Colorado'where the air is as swat and vital as on the iCsrrs Anr rf .fsitifivt i miA 9mmttHi irA A . aome ytunger and stronger and twice as eager to tackle your tasks. I way of going tp Colorado is worth while but the best way is the i Rock Island Lines , direct to both Dearer sad Colors do Springs 're attended with every tourtesy from the moment your trip ns. Bis beds as comfortable as those at home and perfect ventilation. Only one night on the rails and next day id a mountain fairyland. Let me tell you about delightful vacation s, interesting tours, and show what you can do at slight expense. if 1 V H You H hegl w 1 I for I IIIlC MSIiim'i14iii,i iiIIiiUHSi Splendid Fast Trains Every Day Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast. Specially low round trip fares all summer to the delightful retort of the Uoldcn West. Let ui tend illustrated literature and tuggeit the vacation ot your we. uu, phone or write today. J. I. MoNALLT Dirt don Fass&ucer Agent ISIS Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. I Rates all t; I - J drink: and ofmuivi ii h" cured by thoroush end scientific course of treatment. Impsrts new strength to every orican. and builds ud the rH.rr.l health. Proven efficacious by 10 years' una ami tho euro ,.t more than 8(0.000 patients. lieware of Imitations. The (jenu- . '"" ' "i irriirasnt is saministered In this slste on v at MT UDTITUT. 6ta and Oass streets, OMAHA. KEBKaJKA.