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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1910)
The Omaha Daily Bee. the Omaha dee ( tb ' most powerful business Batter to the west, beraoss It goos to tba home of poor trd rich. WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nebraska Fair and warmer. For Iowa (lenprally fair. For weather irpiMt soe 2- OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1910 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VOL. X L NO. 7, TAFT IN TRIUMPH AnicivcuH i v.m President Sees His Lcg t Pro grain Carried Throug ores romnletelv. . . e, - - - r - UNCLE JOE STICKS TO HIS S Speaker Rules House in Closing Hours ' ' of Its Session. COMMENT ON THE RECORD MADE Members Speak in Praise of the Laws Enacted. WHAT NEBRASKANS HAVE TO SAY nurk.rU, llronn vud Hitchcock All Umlors the Railroad Law a Una Measure ol tireatcat Importance. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 26. (Special Tele gram.) With every Mipurtant pledge of the republican party's platform redeemed by legislation, with a lint of lawa for the relief of tne people and the betterment of aoclal conditions unequalled by any con-gref-s In history, the first regular and cc ond session of the Sixty-first congrea ended last night. It la regarded on all hands aa having been meet Important In It every aspect and reully revolutionary In many. The. revolt In the house, which culminated In the virtual overturning of the speaker aa the autocrat of that body, was the most aentatlonal phase of the session, and In a lares way overshadowed Its actual accom plishment Hut the congress, under the In spiration and guidance of President Taft. baa achieved results that must be for the good of the people of the United States. President Tait set his heart upon the ac complishment of a definite legislative pro gram and he haa achieved It. The new railroad law, moat comprehensive and sweeping In Its provisions, even called drastic In tta regulations the postal sav ings bill, tha commerce court, the tariff couit the admission of two new states Arizona and New Mexvco are but the ' high spot In the record. The president iiaa fully established himself aa an cner getlo and capable leader of legislation, as well aa an executive of firmness and abil ity, lie stands before the American people today stronger and more completely ea tabltshed in hla office than even his most ardent advocates had expected. Uncle Joe" Knlra to End. A not of pathos Bounded In the speech f Speaker Ca.inon, and yet it had the ring of no quarter, either asked or given. He accepted the majortty'a ruling with equanimity, and ha turned down today pressing requests of representatives that they be recognized for; consideration of bills with the easy nonchalance of one who wawtaf raid, .to., deny ."unanltnoua consent, ,v whic h has teen the power in the passage of bills In numberless sessions of congress heretofore with a wave of hla hand, ,a flip of his customary cigar, and tha aeptentlotia sentence. "Nothing doing, boys, at the fid stand." In tha aenate, Vice President Sherman made a fellclu us speech of the "Sunny Jim" variety. Mr. Sherman haa proven himself not only an exceptionally capable presiding officer, but he haa displayed a very large knowledge of senate precedents and laws, which has stood htm In good stead throughout the sessions of this con gress. His smile, like that of President Taft. has dismayed the enemies of the administration, rnd the smile, coupled with a determination to fulfill the party pledge behind it, haa worked almost a revolution In legislation. Bnrkett la Elated. Senator Burkett. who looks upon the achievements of the session In the way of legislation desired by the president as start ling In character, la also elated over the number of Important measures which he got through for Nebraska, having secured an appropriation of $100,000 for the Lincoln postofftce building, $15, for a postofflce site at Chadron, $25,000 fof a rifle range In Nebraska, $25,000 for the establishment of a fish hatchery atatlon in Nebraska, to gether with ample provision for building of employes' quarter, blacksmith shop and auperlntendent's rottage at the Genoa In dian school. He also secured the passage' Of hla bill giving settlers on reclamation projects the right to transfer their title after they had lived there the period re quired for homestead entry, notwithstand ing tha fact that they had not proven up their raso under the reclamation act Among othor things the senator got through was the Omaha Indian bill, for the settlement of accounta of Omaha ln dlanj with the government This matter has been pending In congress for the last dozen or fifteen years. He haa also secured favorable reports upon hla bills for tha es tablishment of a school of forestry at Ne braska .City, and for the federal Inspection , of locomotive boilers. Behind this latter bill stand tha employes of railways and tha president of the United States, and It Is believed, with a favorable report from the committee on Interstate commerce, It passage at the next session id assured. Session Stands Vneuualed. No session of congress in the history of ' the nation ha accomplished such far- reaching legislation for tha benefit of the people of United State as ha been ac compllBhcd In lesa than eighteen moaths of President Taft' administration. "Almost revolutionary," wac the way Senator Borah of Idaho characterised the v session which ended tonight "And over and above all," ha continued, "was the enactment of railroad rate legislation. which l most draatlo In character. Then cam the legislation for postal savings banks', then the reclamation measures, with the creation cf a commerce court, and a ' bureau of mine, until I am positively daicd when I think of what haa been ac i compllshed In two weeks. Never haa the ' republican party faced a campaign better conditioned to tell tha people for what It stands, and what It has accomplished, than now, and victory la In the air." Railroad BUI Endorsed. Gilbert ax. Mitcncoca of iveDraska, on of tha democratla minority, who leave for Omaha tonight, said: "The most popular move that tba administration made. In my judgment, was when Mr. Taft got out an Injunction against tha railroads, and on ' of tbe acceptable legislative enactments of thta session wa tha passage of the railroad rata bill. Now, you are not going to quota me a praising President Taft' achtev ments, in accomplishing much . that he started out to accomplish, are your (Continued, on Third, Page.); Spanish War Veterans Will Be for Hayward Spanish War Hayward Club Formed with Leading Young Men . cn Its Roll. (By a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June 26. (Special. ) The sol diers of the Spanish, war are organis ing In the First district to help send Col onel Wllllnm Hayward to congress. The movement Is well" under way. Nearly a hundred have signed the membership roll In Lincoln alone and as many more In the counties outside. Officers have been elected and the following constitution adopted: "First The name of this club shall be the Spanish War Hayward club. "Second The officers shall be a presi dent, secretary, treasurer and an advisory board of ten or more members. "Third Recognizing that Colonel William Hayward of Nebraska City, Neb., Is un questionably the best qualified of any can didate yet suggested for congress in the First district of Nebraska, and knowing him to be a former comrade In the service of the United States who wa a faithful soldier and an efficient, honorable and considerate officer, the object of this club shall be to advance his candidacy and to use every honorable means and Influence to secure his nomination and election." John Westover of Lincoln i president. Westover was In tha First Nebraska and waa wounded In the Philippines. He was a famous foot ball player on the Nebraska team, taking Hayward' place at right tackle when the latter graduated and was afterwards captain of the team. Governor George L. Sheldon Is vice presi dent, and on his return to the state, ex pects to take an active interest in Hay ward's support. The two men are life long friends and Sheldon wanted to appoint Hayward as adjutant general of the state when ha was governor, the latter being unable to accept on account of hla busi ness. William McClay of Lincoln wa selected secretary, and Dr. Larsh S. Oilman of Havelbclc a sergieant Jn Hayward company, aa treasurer. The advisory board Includes such men aa C. A. Rawla of Plattsmouth, Judge Paul Jesses of Nebraska City, John F. Pope, editor Burchard Times; Lieutenant Han sen of Bennett Larue Brown, a brother of Senator K. P. Brown, of Lancaster; Frank P. Majors, a son of Colonel Majors, of Peru, who waa In the Nebraska City company; Selby K. Benan, Frit Nlcklaa of Syracuse, Edwin D. Fisher of Falls City. Fred Gilbert of Stella, A. M. Hus ton of the Fifty-first Iowa, of Pawnee; Herbert H. Hay of Auburn, and t". Q, Souverelgn of Johnson county. Active headquarter have been opened In the Richard block here and every soldier In the First district whether of the civil or Spanish war, will be asked to Join In the movement, no other soldier than Hayward being a candidate and It being the first opportunity the young soldiers have had to aend one of their own comrade to Wash ington. Colonel Hayward haa just returned from the Roosevelt rex-eptlonat New York, which he attended aa tha delegate of the Union Veterans' Republican eiub of Lincoln. The meeting of the federation of club wa adjourned until September.; King George Has Task pn His Hands Seeks to Bring About Peace Between the Chiefs of the Rival British Factions in Parliament. LONDON, June 26. (Special Cablegram.) King George 1 asserting himself to the full extent of the royal prerogative to bring about an agreement In the conference be tween the chiefs of the rival parties. He hue expressed It a his Imperative desire and in this matter. Queen Mary Is under stood to be taking a strong line, that when the coronation occura next spring the so called constitutional Issue shall be an ac complished fact . and well In the back ground. While the king ha let It be known that he will not intervene in the deliberation unless Invited unanimously to do so, he is Id to be fully persuaded of the danger likely to follow a fiasco and to be de termined to prevent one. On every side sign of approval of his attltudo mul tiply. Instead of resenting It aa a peril to the libertlea of parliament, the British are placing themselves behind htm in his endeavor to heighten the efficiency ot tbe parliamentary system by making both house effective. Ho Is regarded to a de gree higher than any party leader aa the champion of the workable compromise that public opinion demands without fur ther factional warfare. . . ' Scandinavian League to Meet. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 26. (Special.) -Martin Bergh of thla city, secretary , of tha Scandinavian league of South Dakota, a political organization, haa called a meet ing of tho league, to be held In Sioux Falls, July 5, at the same time as the re publican state convention Is In session. In the paat the regular meeting of the league have been held just prior to tha June prl- marlea, when the league haa endorsed can dldatea who coma before the voter of South Dakota, but this year the league, as an organisation, took no part in the prl mary election. The league clalma to rep resent 25.000 Scandinavian voter of the slate. Politics Not Thing for Women, NKW TORK. Juna 26. (Special Tele gram.) Colonel Henry Watterson of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who Is affec tionately spoken of throughout tha coun try aa "Marse Henry," In an interview has given some Interesting views on woman suffrage. He said: "I deplore the agitation for women suf frage and other related subject because I think It tend to create aex antagon ism. Woman la tho moral light of the world. Without her Influence, men would be raving wolves. There could be no civilisation. I believe, in tha widen ing of woman'a field of work. There la practically no profession today In which a capable woman cannot aucceed. They are paid leaa for their work and that I wrong but the ballot will not help matters. Tha ballot la a vary much over-estimated benefit in my opinion, and often a moat vnnlaasaat duty It I eould THURSTON'SNAME IS UP IN CONGRESS Former Nebraska Senator Mentioned in Connection with Oklahoma Indian land Frauds. PROMPTLY ASKS INVESTIGATION Both Houses Name Committees to Probe the Charges. EX-KANSAS SENATOR ON THE SPIT Allegation Made that Red Men Have Lost Millions of Dollars. TROUBLE GROWS OUT OF LEASES Cloning; Hoars of the National Legis lator Marked br a Sensation of Moat Gigantic Prosor tlon. WASHINGTON, June 20. Each house of congress marked its closing hour by voting for an Investigation of the McMurray In dian contracts. Instead of the usual scene of comparatively undignified relaxation from tha business of legislation, both house devoted exceedingly serious atten tion to the charges of attempted bribery and other forma of Improper Influence made in the senate yebterday by Senator Uore of Oklahoma and subsequently In the house of representatives by Representative Mur phy of Missouri. Senator Hughes In presenting a reso lution for a senate investigation stated that Senator Gore's accusations were so grave that they could not be Ignored. The reso lution went through without opposition. It la as follows: Text of Resolutions. "Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chali be, and Is hereby directed to Investigate and report whether any senator oi the United states is, or during his term of office ha been Interested or connected with legislation affecting the approval of Indian contracts or ha done anything because ot said Interest whether any Improper attempts or effort to prevent or to secure the passage of a statute af fecting the approval of Indian contracts have been made at this session of congress, and said committee la authorised to elt and proceed In the vacation." Letter from Tbarstten. At Senator Carter' Instance a letter was read from ex-Senator John M. Thurston of Nebraska, demanding an investigation. Proceeding upon the theory that Mr, Gore had made a charge against him, ha said that he waa entirely Inaooent. He said, however, that In connection with. ex-Senator Long of Kansaa he had acted aa counsel for McMurray, ' Speaker Cannon appointed the following committee to conduct tbe house investiga tion: . - . . : .-..,..... ' "Messrs. BurSeT South Dakota, chairman; Campbell, Kansas;, Miller, Minnesota; Stephens, Texas, and Saunders, Virginia. ""Vice President Sherman announced the following committee to conduct the senate Investigation: Senators Jones, Washington; Ohio; Crawford, South Dakota; Burton, Hughes, Colorado, and Percy, Mississippi. To Sift tbe Matter. Two separate Investigations are provided for, one In each house. Each body adopted a resolution creating a select committee of five members to pursue the inquiry to the bottom during recess of congress and to report wnemer any or it memoers are, or have beeh interested in any of these con tracts. Until a late hour In the day It looked rather as If the matter would go by de fault But as soon as the two houses re convened at 9 o'clock tonight, after a re cess since afternoon, the matter come up with a rush and crowded galleries listened with Intense Interest to the proceedings which ended In tha vote to probe the charges. During the proceedings in the senate In the "marble room" adjoining the senate chamber were ex-Senator Long of Kansas and Thurston ot Nebraska, who have been mentioned In connection with the Indian contract matter, as well at Attorney J. p. McMurray of McAlester, Okl., whom Sena tor Gore named aa tha principal owner of the Indian contracts in question. MeGulre Other Man. Mr. McGulre of Oklahoma, who waa the member of the house referred to by Senator Gore In hla speech In the senate yesterday as the house member who had been repre sented to him aa being Interested In the McMuiry claims, brought the matter be fore the house tonight by rising to a ques tion of personal phlvilege and demanding an Investigation Into the entire matter. He denied that he had or ever had any Interest in me mcmurry claims, tie presented a resolution providing for an investigation by a subcommittee of the Indian affalra committee to be appointed by the speaker. He asked the house to authorize a search lng investigation of the matter. The house adopted a substitute resolution offered by Mr. Tawney of Minnesota, creating a committee of five to investigate contract with the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Osage tribea, the inquiry to embrace any act of bribery, fraud or any other improper Influence. The committee is to file It report when completed, with the clerk of the house. Says Watterson remake the constitution I think I would take the voting power away from half the persona who exerclsa it. and I would not Inflict it upon woman. I hold her too high to wish to aee her debauched by polltica." "But la politic necessarily debauch ing?" "Polrtlce la muck." replied Mr. Watter son. "In any close contest where the woman'a vote waa determining,, tha will of the bad woman would control. Wo man suffrage may work fairly well In sparsely settled communities Ilk Colo rado, but If It prevailed In the country at large It would debase womanhood. "You will find that most of the -advocates of woman suffrage are discon tented or childless," tha colonel con tinued, "unless they are society women who, having exhausted the excitement of other ainuaamanta, have taken It up as a fad." THE Prom the Minneapolis Journal. HITCnCOCR'S LITTLE SCHEME Filing of His Name for Congress May Be Bryan Slap. . . . . r PLAN TO BEAT , PEERLESS ONE Lincoln Worker Regard It as Done to Afford aa Excnee to Soar i. -, .1", yU" .. Kace.-r . (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, June 2. (Special.) The filing by petition of G. M. Hitchcock aa a candi date for re-nomlnatlon for congress on the democratic ticket after his own filing as candidate for United States senator, is still puzzling the wiseacres around the state house. Every one is sure there Is some hidden purpose behind it, and there is considerable speculation aa to what, it Is. One democratic oracle venture this ex planation: 'That filing of Hitchcock for congress emanates from Hitchcock, himself,, mark my word, and the purpose Is to block the Bryan candidate for the senate. The game put down here by Bryan and his co workers is designed to force Hitchcock off the track for senator by projecting Bryan, himself, and they intended to go to Hitch cock and ask him to keep hi place In con gress for another two year with prom- ses of support for the senatorshlp when Norris Brown's term expires. Hitchcock waa then to withdraw for senator and file for congress. 'Hitchcock got on to this when he was down here laat time. Of course, he will not accept the present filing, and will then have an excuse to turn down the Bryan proposition by pointing to the fact that he can no longer get Into tha running to hold on to the place In congreaa he now has. Aa an argument why Bryan should keep out of the senatorial list. It's a good scheme from the Hitchcock point of view, but it remains to be eeen whether it will work out as planned." Some other here think the filing is really a double shot on the aprt.of Hitch cock and that he will accept so aa to have an open door for retreat when Bryan's consent to run for senator shuts the other door. Conuty Convention July 14. The republican county convention of Lancaster county will be held In Lincoln, July 14. At this convention delegates to the state convention will be selected. This date waa fixed by the county committee at a meeting held yesterday. Chairman Ander son hat inaugurated a new wrinkle in these committee meetings by having the members come in to lunch for which the hotela charge 60 cents a plate. The business of the meeting begins as soon as the lunch Is over. Those who do not care to spend the 60 cents are permitted to Join the commute arter tne feed. High School and Parks. Lincoln's coming special election June 30, for the purpose of voting park and high achool bonds, has been for several day a much discussed proposition. It seems to be the sentiment of the public that Lin coln la certainly shy on a high school building and on parka, so tha question at Issue I the amount of money which should be paid for those Improvements. The money requested for park purposes, SlCO.OuO, 1 to be used In the Improvement and enlargement of Antelope park, SoO.OUO, and the purchase of Lincoln park. It Is at this last proposition that most of the criticism Is being aimed. Many people be lieve that the entire $50,000 remaining will be used to buy- that park, which consists of something over 100 acres, while S. H. Burnham, one of the owners. Insists that he will accept a price fixed by three ap praisers. Horace McFarlane, an Imported "city beautyfler." after looking at Lin coln park, announced that It would be cheap at any price for the city, inasmuch as It has tree on It which It would take the city twenty-five year to grow, and It haa other advantages. But the critic In elst that Mr. McFarlana knowa nothing about Lincoln park, and were he In the city during a rainy season h probably would have required a boat to Inspect some ; Continued, a Second Faga-l AIRSHIP IN AGMCULTUKE. Oregon Shippers Complain Against Harriman Rates Allege that Millions of Dollars Are Involved in Freight Tariffs on Small Lots. WASHlN'GON,"une26.-Mllirohs''of 5fl- lars, it ,1s alleged, are Involved In a com plaint filed yesterday with tha Interstate Commerce commission by the . railroad commission of Oregon. The complaint Is directed against the Southern . Pacific company and forty-three other interstate carriers. It relates to freight classes and commodities in lees than carload lots, shipped from eastern points to towns and cities In Oregon, par ticularly those in the Willamette valley. The rates are made by the addition of the rates from eastern points to Portland, Ore., and of what is known as an "ar bitrary" from Portland to the point of destination. Heretofore the "arbitrary" haa been about ten cents a hundred pounds. In tariffs recently filed, the railroads have Increased thla "arbitrary" to amounts ranging from 12 cents to 35 cents a hun dred pounds. The complaint say that the "old rates have been voluntarily maintained for so long a period that the public had a right to believe, and In face of the great rail road earnings, every reason to expect, that at least as favorable rates would be main tained In the future aa In the last; that millions of dollars have been invested on the strength of this belief In the manufac turing and Jobbing business in the Willa mette valley and unless the old rates are restored It wilt mean ruin to many in dustries." Sees Too Many Demagogue. THERMOPOLIS, Wyo., June 26. (Spe cial.) Bishop J. J. Keane of Cheyenne cre ated a sensation by declaring there are In the country a uwarm of demagogues preaching doctrines hopelessly, misleading and producing unsettled conditions In the business world. "There are too many dem agogues and not enough statesmen," he said, "and the crying need of our country at thla time is a more solid condition in finance." Committees Are Appointed. CHEYENNE. Wyo., June 26. (Special. ) At today' session of the State Federation of Labor committees were appointed to take charge of certain bills favorable to organized labor and urge pasnage of .same at the next legislature. President Buckley urged union men to work for the election of men who are known to be fair to organ ized labor. Horses Killed, Girl Escape. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 26. (Special.) 'While the young daughter of Isaao J. Tschetter, a prominent Hutchinson county, farmer, was driving a team of horse which were hitched to a corn cultivator, lightning struck and killed both horse. It is re garded aa little less than a mjracle tha the girl also was not killed. Porter Charlton Has Forty Different Kinds of Insanity NEW YORK, June . 26. (Special Tele gram.) It wa announced late tonight that the group of alienist who are examining Porter Charlton, the self-confessed slayer of his wife at Lake Como,' in Italy, would make their official report on Tuesday, de claring Charlton Intane and recommending that he be sent to an asylum for tha Insane or a private sanitarium. According to the statement of tha doc tor, Charlton haa displayed forty different mood since ha waa locked up In the Hud son county, New Jersey, jail. He haa cried, laughed, roared with rage, sobbed, , threw himself upon hi bed in a frenzy and then stood defiant That I a statement from Dr. William Jerome Arlltz, one of the alienists employed by Judge Paul Charlton, father jot tha, young man - GLENN CURTISS IN OMAHA Noted Air Sailor Spends Large Part of Sunday Here. CREIGHT0N TRACT SUITS HTM , i Consults Colonel Welik to Get a Line on Hla Air C'nrrents and Humid Ml,! ,!?,' JItWmn v "May Take Air Trip. Glenn Curtlss, the famoua American aviator, spent yesterday In Omaha looklns over sites for the meet which will be held here July 23 to 27 . Mr. Curtlss agreed that the Crelghton pasture at Forty-fifth and Military avenue, wnlch la favored by the local committee, will be a good site and the meet will un doubtedly take place there. Krug park and Courtland beach were also Inspected, but there are good reasons against either. Mr. Curtlss arrived in the morning from Minneapolis in company with Clarke Powell and spent the day In the hands of Mr. Powell, T. R. Kimball, J. J. Deright and other members of the Aero club of Nebraska. He left In the evening for his home In Hammondsport, N. Y. Mr Curtis spent part of the afternoon Interviewing Local Forecaster Welch of the weatheQ bureau regarding Omaha at mospheric conditions. He asked about the average w ind velocity In the latter part of July and the relative humidity. "You see," said he to Colonel Welch, "wo found a totally new condition in Minneapolis. The humidity waa only about 24 per cent and the machines lost power, both as to lateral thruBt of the propellers and aa to lifting capacity. The conse quence was some of the machines would not fly at all, even with higher powered motors than usual." Saccessfnl at Minneapolis. Mr. Curtlss did not eay so, but he him self was able to. ascend every day at Minneapolis, . although Wlllard and Mars were not In fact, the aviator la a modest chap. He will talk about himself only When pressed and, while he 1 not unwilling to give Information, he Is far from thrust ing himself or .his achievements forward as a subject of -conversation. Ho declared In answer to a question that Omaha women desiring to fly will be given an opportunity If arrangement are made. "Wo have one machine for carrying a passenger," said he, "and will do so if It Is desired.". . On hla return to New York he will de vote some time to machines being built there by his company to fly In the big fall meeting. He himself will take part In It. "Having won the International a year or so ago, it will be expected of me," said the man who recently flew from Albany to New York. Mr, Curtis referred , to the Wrights In speaking of this meet, saying that he would not have considered entering had an ad mission of Infringement been thus made. "We "are not," he added, "infringing on he Wright patents. It Is a different .tlr.g." "He convinced me," said Dr. Arllta to night, "that he )s suffering from a form of criminal Insanity not unlike that which aff.lcted Harry Thaw. "There I no doubt that Charlton I ln ane," continued the doctor. "He ha be come worse since he wa arrested and the confinement la telling on him with remark able rapidity. I questioned him for more than an hour on the subject of the lake murder. He Impressed me a the most emotional character I have ever seen. "The diagnosis, while not yet complete, bears out what I have learned of his early life. There ha always been Insanity, but It did not manifest itself In acute form until the committment of the murder. On several occasions he baa shown a wild rage such aa t common, la derauui praooox." HIT AT l'OUIiSON IN RESIGNATIONS Three Omaha and Three Lincoln Leaders Drop Membership in Anti-Saloon League. MYSTERY IN FINANCES CAUSE Lysle I. Abbott and Five Others Join in Significant Letter. IMPORTED BOSS UNSATISFACTORY County and Precinct Organiiation Not Carried Out. P0UL0N IGNORED DIRECTIONS Abbott, Kellman, Patrick, Ratten, Winiherlr and McHrten Set Oat the Farts and Drop from the Directorate. Six prominent members of the Nebraska Anti-Saloon league yesterday resigned from that organization. They did so in an open leiter which denounces Morn a S. Poul Bon of Lincoln, state supurlntendent of the Anti-Saloon league. This action, which will Jar prohibition and county option circles of the atate..from rlnv to circumference, Is likely to be fol- ' lowed by other resignation. Privately, tua men resigning speak in even more severe teims than does their letter regarding Mr. Poulson's refusals to follow the directions of the headquarters committee of tho league. In fact, one or two men who did sign this letter wished for a time to withhold their signatures because the statement la In their view not drastic enough. The headquarter committee of the Antl Saloun league ha tried. It ay. to pro ceed systematically to have men elected to the next legislature pledged to county option. With thla end In view they have again and again directed Mr. Poulson to proceed to organize tho state by precinct and county . Each time, they charge, he has promised to do so and has immediately broken his promise. Then again, the resigning men do not llko what they call "the air of mystery" per taining to the conduct of the finance of the state league and say they have been unable to leurn how much money is being gathered from church meetings and how it is being expended. Three Omaha men and three Lincoln men are the six who loave the board of trustee and the headquarters committee of the Anti-Saloon league. Among them is Rev. B. F. Fell man, formerly the head of the Douglas County Anti-Saloon league, and tij'oio i. iuuuu ami vv. r. Patrick. The Lincoln men are equally well known. They are Rev. Samuel Z. Batten. T. W. Wlmberly and J. L. McBrlen. Mr. Batten waa re cently called to another state to fill a higher raiarled .pulpit. . - Ilemion for Reslgnatlona. The letter of resignation read thus: "To the trustees of the Nebraska Anti Saloon league. Gentlemen: We, the under signed, hereby tender our resignation from membership In the headquarters committee and Board of Trustee respectively of the Nebraska Anti-Saloon, league. The reason for our action lie in the following state ment of facts. . . "At the state convention of all tha temperance associations of this state held at York, Neb., July 8 and , 1D09, it wa unanimously decided to make the enact ment of a county option bill tho Issue for the present campaign. A state central committee was elected and instructed to organize immediately the state by counties and precinct to secure tho filing nomi nation and election of legislative candidates favorable to county option. "The offlcera of the Nebraska Antl Saloon league stated that they were In shape to do the work outlined and promised to do so If given the field. "Believing that this promise would ba carried out we berame members of the Nebraska Anti-Saloon league for the sole purpose of assisting in thla program. At one of the earliest meeting ot the head quarters committee of tho league a motion was put and carried that the league at once proceed to perfect the county and precinct organizations charged with tha duty of selecting and electing legislative candidates pledged to county option. I'onlaon'a Promise I'nredeemed. "The superintendent promised to do this at once. v At each subsequent meeting of the headquarters committee the super intendent renewed this promise, but in each Instance It developed that no work had been done along these lines. At tha meeting of February 4, 1910, the matter came to a direct issue In the adoption by the headquarters committee of the follow ing resolution: Resolved, That the plan of campaign to be followed In tba county option fight made by this league In Nebraska In the year of 1910 shall be to organize the temperance workers In each county Into local com mittees. These committee shall be com posed of active temperance worker whether in or out of the church. It shall be tho duty of the county committees to secure the nomination and election to the legislature of men pledged to county op tion. "In Bpite of these positive Instruction and his promise to carry them out (ha superintendent, as soon as the committee adjourned, Ignored Its actions and con tinued as before Ills plan consisted In tha collection of money from church meeting and securing the appointment by the pastor of each church so visited of three men, who, when the proper time came, were to receive their Instructions from the superintendent These Instructions were In no event to have any thing to do with securing the nomination of suitable candidates. The headquarter committee deemed It essential to eecma the nomination of suitable men and de manded organization with that end In view. The superintendent continually promised compliance with the Instruction of tha commmlttee when the committee wa In session and Immediately broke hi promise when the committee adjourned. Second Agreement Ignored. On March 10, 11)10, the trustee met In the morning. Adjournment waa taken until 1 o'clock to receive the report of the head quarters committee. Between 12 and I o'clock the superintendent and the head quarters committee were In conference, the result of which was the distinct and un equivocal promise of the superintendent to curry out the policy outlined by the head quartets committee. When the trustors reconvened they were advised that tha differences between the superintendent and committee had been adjusted and a state ment to that effect wa given to the press