I 10 The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska, The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. REAL ESTATE city phopkrtv run sale. (Continued.) CHOICE DUNDEE LOTS LOW PRICES' 175060x13$ feet, fronting north on Webster street, near 62d. Sewer, cement walks and trees included at this price. . ,. $,51) 50x135 feet, south front lot on Burt street, between 51st and B2d. $50 Each for six south front lots on Davenport street, between 61st and 62J streets, near Dundee school. $100 down and $10 per month. 11,800 100x135 feet, for the southwest corner of Blst and Cuming streets. Side walk, city water, sewer and gas In and paid for. $1,900 100x131 feet at the southeast corner of 52d and California streets. Ad joining the Happy Hollow Clr cle. and affording a beautiful view of Iinpity Hollow Goif club and surrounding country. $2,000 100x135 feet, northwest corner of Blst and Burt streets. City water, sewer nd cemont walks In and paid for. One of the most sightly cor ners In Dundee. RESIDENCE LOTS NEAR FIELD CLUB Four BO-foot lots, city water, sever, sidewalk, gas and paving In and paid for. located at the corner of 32d and Pacific streets. Convenient to two car lines. First-class rosldencos surround these lots. Prices reasonable, terms easy. Pints showing location and prices upon application. KOUNTZE PLACE ' $4, B00 Good, six-room modern square house, oak finish, three years old. Near boulevard. Lot 50x124 feet. Want offer. J.B00 Well constructed, attractive, up-to-date, seven-room, modern house on Lothrnp street, near boulevard. Quarter-sawed oak finish, beamed cell ing; hot water heat. O.'ie of the cheapest houses In Kountze Place. LOW PRICED HOMES WELL LOCATED 1,850 2814 Bristol street, five-room cottage, modern except heat, paved street $2.600 Seven-room house, modern except heat, near 22d and tieward. $2,500 Kaon, for two new five-room cottages, modern except heat, near 27th and Lake. $700 cash, balance like rent. $2,750 Six-room, modern cottage, two lots, near Boulevard and Ames avenue. $3500 220B Fowler avenue, six rooms, two-story house, modern, hot water heat paved street. $3,800 3207 North 25th avenue, six-room house, modern, convenient to 24th street car line. INVESTMENTS $24,000 Two-story brick apartment house, strictly modern, built only a few years. Close to 24th and Farnam streets. Nine per cent net basis. $20,000 Three-story brick store and flat building at the corner of 24th and Lake streets. Nine per cent net basis. $15,000 Tip brick houses and 350 feet of frontage on 24th, 23d and Davenport " street Near Crelghton college and High school. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam St. Don't You Want to Buy A NICE, NEW HOUSE ON HIGH, SIGHTLY LOT, .WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS A BREEZE THESE HOT DAYS. We have the prettiest new 8-room ma hogany finished modern residence in the City of Omaha for sale on easy terms, and when we say EASY. TERMS we mean terms that will make you Hit UP and take notice. Any responsible man that is mak ing a fair salary Can buy this house and move Into it at once. Have your rent. i ll Is house is No. 4332 Parker til.,' has living room, dining room, library and kit chen on first floor; with 'mahogany finish and oak floors; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor, and a floored attic for storage and to keep the house cool. Large porch. Lot MxlM ft. Cement side walks, sewer, water, gas, electric light, bath, screens, shades, handsome decora tion, combination fixtures, full cement basement, with best Carton furnuce. Price of all this, $4 500. Now you can't buy the lot and build the house for that money nnd you cannot get the terms we offer you anywhere else in Omaha. Just come out and see this Sun day and buy It on Monday. You will find the key at 4314 Decatur street.' House open Sunday afternoon. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 111 Bd. of Trade Bldg. 18th and Farnam St. Telephones Iug. 411, Ind. A-2059. 8 Acres,. $10,000 Lies well near end Ames Ave. car line. Harrison & Morton 1F YOU WANT u fine G-room cottage, strictly modern except heat, that can be had on very reasonublu terms, Tel. Benson 51. 50 CASU, $15 PER MONTH. G room house, lot 50x1:10. ' NOWATA LAND &. LOT CO., (Si N. Y. Life BUIg. 'Phone lied lOOi. NKW brick St. Louis flat; od Invest ment Inquire of owner, 11. $4,000 A house In Dundee, 8 rooms and bath, hut water heat; cellar; laundry; two storerooms; five closets; cement walks. Inquire on the premises, D04 N. 48th Ave. CENTRAL CORNER ON FARNAM 44x132; 3-story, brick building covering en tire lot. Make unusually easy terms and the price is so low that it will surprise you. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. ?4 N. T. Life Bid g. Phone Red 19JJ, ' REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAN D FOR BALK , Cassia. FOR SALE or will exchange, preferably fur southern lands, a good level half sec tion In Alberta. Canada. William U Em ery, care Fort Worth university, p0rt Worth. Tex. Colorado. COLORADO Property for Sale 11-room brick and stone residence at Gulden, Colo.. U miles west of Denver; place has been used for private buarding liouee, is mod ern and a money maker; easy turina tu the bt party, Do Ul, Gulden. Colo. COLORADO LAND SACRIFICE. acres ior s,0ou a,00 down, balanct I years' lima, eqaal payments; comprising the old home place of the Spare ranch fine rolling and second bottom land valu i,( lands auriuuiiding is .! to $iV per acre tins laud sUuuid il tor inoie mousy in price is for liuiucdla.j sals write lur plat alia description. . HA1GLLK REALTY COMPANY. Colorado Spring. Colo'. HI AlRLd CU LKeS OF '1UE t'k.MPLR FA11M. $ ml.es nratawi.i tjora Denver on C. t b, K, K, to Uuuiuer; ciiuiis farming lauu; S inuiuUs Hum Spencer station or svnool. buur-y l.i.ei m ban to Dcm er und iiuiii'i I'll im, plenty iriinaiiiit' waur, iooqi biuse, fcluuiis. fc..u,,..ii. tie, 2 Weil IUvaI li.i.ei'.ii UUUt' tu 'oluiaiioi. tftcu.tra, ru. ,aiaj tum inn iruni i.uu, AlV -o m i:iv. iu c i. '-rinuvr, .H... r. r 1. J. mux :ii, IfiiWr 30 ACiES. li . e iit,.v.li;..u iu. iu ciit-Uit; rt;it.vlu...iililfc ; wii.iv. .M,t ii.a.,iij i, iu.lli.is pJl bc.v, Utta.wiV '.u b-'uu wati'l . pin' 1. ....... anu . .1..1 t uutit ',- near t..i ..in. .i.tj,,i ritv l. U..1.- .U l-i.lu. Vol.'. 1 1 , 1 i i j I r. i nil ! II. ic.s . I... l i I .-.. i " 1 i l.. u- i,i , i. until, f-rt I ..i. i a. . .c in ih 'i ..,.o i-.i.i t ho ' ll. t'.OilllfH . i .if., i-mi.:. I .r. I OJ l ( v.'l- ll - , w " in euluvu- REAL ESTATE w CITY PROPERTY FOR "ALE. (Continued.) Colorado Continued. COLORADO. Wyoming, Netraska and Kansas Lands for sale. $2., per acre buys from owner a tract of level, unimproved land In irrigation district In the Ban Luis valley. Will arrange to show at any time. bee us for full particulars. Wit S1PPLE, 118 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. COLORADO BARGAINS. Twenty miles from Denver, fine land, coming under Irrigation, best of water; will bring top prices. 10 acres at ViO.OO per acre. ' tHu acres. at $35.00 per acre. 140 acres, improved, at $45.00 per acre SOU ' acres at $35.00 per acre. Adjoining lands selling for $40.00 to $50.00 per acre ana going nigner. VI. M. JONES, Owner, M02 Spruce St. Boulder, Colo. FOit SALE Genuine Eastern Colorado bargains: 214 sections fine farm land. Lin coin Co., $t acre; two choice half sections near uenoa, i(.7j acre; 3,040-acre ranch, all first-class plow land, improvements worth $3,UO0, mile K. R. town. Elbert Co., $3 acre; 7,000 acres very best agricultural land. W) miles Denver, $ll.b0 acre-; four sections, 13.50 acre, una two sections, . ,0 acre, .uitn Llrr.on. F.ull particulars on application. U. M. Kcttosworth, Cedar Rapids, la. FOR SALE 1G0 acres patented land, all tillable; 7 miles northeast of Delta. Colo.: Hi cubic feet of water from Loutsen- Inzer ditch; all unled government ditch: $15 per acre; substantial payment, balance on time; aiso relinquishments of mo and 320 acres In northwest Weld county. W. A. .Harking, 212Vs McPhee Bids., Denver, vuio.- COLORADO IRRIGATED LAND. Make a home and money on the choicest fruit, vegetable, sugar beet, alfalfa and grain land in five miles of Colurauo SprUga, on five railroads, witn the best man u. climate, schools, the purest water and most beuutitul scenery at your door. We Invite the most thorough investigation. ' Let us m icii juu mi auoui u. h run ior our utera Ajture. Mr. Farmer, make the agent's com fciisslon. rite now and let us tell you Tow. The Fountain Valley Land and Irri gation co., coio. springs, Colo. Florida. FLORIDA FARMS PUTMAN COUNTY. FLA. Tea-acre farms for ouly $a0o, one-third cash, balance one and two years. w. guarantee the land to be as gooi as any In 1110 SIKIO. BIUII UOWlllg Weilfc )fVVI drainage, hoire markets. Only mllei from Palatka. Cariaway station on th. -. S. & F. Ry.. in the center of the land. a:. of our farms are In easy walking distant i of station and postoffice. River and rail way transportation facilities for truckers and growers me best in the state. Fines; farming rnd residence section In Flomi Good schools, churches, etc. No malarls. write toay ior one or our beautiful II lustrateii prubpectus and map. E. Z. JONES & CO.. - KJ6-UW Atlantic National Bank Bldg . Jacksonville. Fla. FLORIDA LAND CHEAP Would yon Invest In i, 10. 20 or 40- acre fruit, vegelrble, poultry, pecan or truck farm in Florida's best agricultural district, if you i t uld get it for $7.50 per acre under market price? We are Juti opening new nact In Columbia county, and while constructing the campaign 'will sell a few tracts on cash or tasy pay ments of $5 pt-r month. We have Just issued a beau'lfui 20-page book, showing pictures or. uei.is and (itvelilngs In our lo cality, all in artistic colon. We will mail uu this book free and send you such other advertising matte'- as will give yuu a gund Idea of our proposilion. Our land is convenient to inns id II run us and we have Lake CUy, a modern cumty seat of i.OOO people, in our mldsL People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best. It .s enJnrsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers, and the Board or Trade, prices very luw; easy buying plan. Write for inups and book glvlug truthful description. Columbla-Flui idu Laud Co., 4U Timis Bldg., tu Louis Mo FLOKIDA. We have soma of the best land In the stkle. below the frol Una at utti active price, fecud lor particulars. Kslero Land couimii, l-'iist Nsitoiiai liana Ulug., CIl.lSKO. Vlifc.N answering uiivt rtlstfinents in Ths Bee Want Au coiUiims, kindly uienllun tint tail that you saw inu uu In The Bee FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP v ould yuu invest in a a, 1J. W or 40-acre fruil, vcseiubie, poultry, pecan or truck larm In Fiuntia'b Ij-m agricultural dis tr.ii, li you mind gn it tur ;.ju per acre i.iu.ii- market pr.ee? We are Just opening new tiaci in Columbia county, and whiiu t o.isti iu ling Hie campjiMM will sell a ttw l.acis on i.isli ur cab puymtnta of 5 per mun.h. We have Just issued a beautiful :m-Iu-c bunk, iio my putur.'s of fields ami uu i lings In our locality, all in artUi.c iili. Wo will mall oj this book f.es a. id .end y...u ruch utli.-r advertls n mai ler as will Kive you a gov,U Idea of our pi ttpufttioii. Our land Is convenient to tl tee lailronds and we hne Lake City, a iiioiici'ii county suit of fl.nM people. In i.ur midst. lTd ic wlm kn.iw Florida consider ai r tract ono of the very best. It Is en dorsed hy bankers congressmen, farmers !.d hc Heard of Trade. Prices very low; easy luylug plan; writ for me pi and book !'vir truthful dei-cr'ption. Columhla-I-'lo ila L - Company, U'j Times ttldg.. Bt. Louis, REAL ESTATE FARM AltD RANCH LAND FOR I ALB (Continued.) Advaance OF Nechaco and Frazer Valley Farms On or before July 1 we shall withdraw district. At $7.50 Thla wonderfully rich frtilt and farm land, British Columbia, the California of Canada, above piicc. We intend to keep the balance of our holdings for much higher figures. The government savs about the country: demand for every product of the farm Is great, and ever increasing." Thousands of land buyers will flock Into railroad next year. These are the DeoDle who double, treble, quadruple and more In price. It takes only $1.00 per acre cash. You don't have to live on It, improve it, or become a Canadian citizen to own it. Act oulckly. as the best located sections nearest to town and nilnu hii n.i. rally go first. Call at once, or, if Impossible send for Grand Trunk Pacific Land Co. ' 312 New York Florida Continued. YOU CAN STAY AT HOMfi And make Big Money In Florida. One dollar a month will make you part owner in one of the greatest fruit, trucic. pecan, orchard, resort, hotel and general high-class development propositions ever Inaugurated in. 'this state of phenomenal opportunities. Send for proof of this state ment and full particulars. J. A. Hollomon, President, Jacksonville, Fla 15,000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Florida East Coast, Everglades. All muck land. Greatest bargain in the whole slate. No brokers. v FRANK L. BILLS A COMPANY. J& Monroe BU, Chicago. Idaho. 7 Net Guar , anteed to You for Money The security offered to you by borrowers in Idaho is absolutely safe. WE GUARANTEE THE LOAN AND WE GUARANTEE THE SECURITY. You can double your money in Idaho. Write to us about this today. The people who have settled this tract are FORMER NEIGH BORS OF YOURS IN KANSAS, IOWA and NEBRASKA. Write right now about this. Write for our monthly list of prices a little leaflet that we issue for LAND BUYERS trtio want definnite information be fore they come out here. 1 Ripley Brothers Formerly of Omaha. FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. TWIN FALLS in the next three years will double in pop ulation, and property bought now Is sure to ini-rc;so In value. CITY f'HOFEKTV of any kind, whether It bo liiiNlness lots, residence lots, trackage or additions, WILL make you money l you take ad vantage of tho opportunity and buy at the present prices.. MAKE an Investment which will net you jO per cent In the next year and YOU will thank us for calling your at tention to the fact that all who have in vested here always have made MoNKV. lluslness lots can be bought for from fl.uu) up. Kesitlcnce lots five or six blocks from the business center of the city run from $5o0 up. Write us for list. We will give you the benefit of lour years' experience here. TWIN FALLS LAND "& ORCHARD CO, F O. LES5NEU. President. Uox 2S3, Twin Falls. Idaho. Just See Twin Falls There are enough scenic wonders near Twin Falls, Idaho, to pay ANY BODY to come; 9 tons of alfalfa, five tons clover, 3 tons timothy, 76 bushels wheat, 120 bushels oats are top yields. Write to me to set. information FREE. J. F. Stoltz, Secretary Commercial Club. Twin Falls, Idaho. Send 10 cents for the bis book bf views. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY SOON Invest In Salmon li ver land. Tract begins four miles from Twin Falls, the fastest glowing lily In Southern Idaho. Water on next spring. Choice land, 100 to per acre, on annual payments, to run to 1H22. Will advance like the Twin Falls tract did $100 to $12i two years after placed in crop. Write or come. DEAUCIIAMP & riCIvETT, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAN U FOR sALR (Continued.) in' Price from sale our Canada farms In th nh,,v. Per Acre located In the Fort George district can now be had for f-w h . ,hl "Tim soil is ri. h riim.i. mii.t iv, this cntintrv With lha i-fimlmr r,t Ik. will make vmn- lan.i if ii..,,L,hi j i Government Reports and blue prints. ' Life Building. Idaho Con tinned. We Guarantee 7 Net The Twin Fallg Tract. THE LARG EST' IRRIGATION TRACT IN THE WORLD, is peopled with a lot of good citizens. They need money for SEED, Implements, home building. We guar antee 7 per cent net on all money you can lend. Security approved. Writo to us about this. RLPLEY BEOTHEKS, foimerly of Omaha, FILER, TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO. Farm Lands Pay In Cassia County, Idaho, farming has been TPRten fnr thlrtv van rs Vn.i .rx unti THE FARM PAY In Cassia county. Write looay tor complete, full and FREE Infor mation Ahnilt thla th. ..11. . ,u. most fertile county In the 1JEST of western inirv. g For FREE booklets, letters of general In formation, photographs and lists of oppor tunities, address: F. E. GRISWOLD. secretary, Burley Commercial club, Burley, Idaho. a. A. AXLINE, secretary, Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary. . Oakley Commercial club, Oakley, Idaho. MONEY TALKS Yes, money talks In Idaho. You draw 3 from that mid-west savings Dan of yours; 1 can guarantee you 7 net. You get a proved security. There Is no danger of any loss to the people who live on the United States government Minidoka Project. Write ror my free booklet todar. C. A.( Johnson Attorney-at-Law, Burley, Idaho. Farm Lands on Long Credit You can sell that middle west farm of yours FOR CASH and with the money come to Idaho where the Carey act lands give you the richest farms on earth. YOU II A V I.- T-ITXT VI. 4 11 C! tkf 1 1 I T I r . - . - - 1 " . ij a irjniw 1 Jlltn 1U A I FOR THESE FARMS and they, are not worked out, have never known a plow. Come now. And If you cannot come, send us your name and address and we will send Idaho to you. A beautifully Illustrated booklet FREE FOR THE ASKING. The pictures are printed In sepia; you can see the natural colors of the landscape. Send now to the Bl'HL INVESTMENT CO , BUHL, IDAHO. Write today for this book. Farm Mortgages Double Your Money In Idaho Good farm mortgages pay 7 per cent net at Twin Fallg because the security is first-class. A NUMBER ONE. Large or. small amounts can be handled. Write for Information. POWERS & DEW, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. SIX TIMES YOUR MONEY Sit down and write to us for our pros pectus showing our guarantee and explain ing how, when and why your money comes back to you multiplied six times possibly more. You can never make money by toll alone others must work for you. Do you fully realise that? Write today. Don't put it off. You'd like to make money like this, wouldn't youT Write BRUNN-KINNEY CO., TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. WRITE J. M. Ingersoll, Pocatello. Idaho, for tree Illustrated book about that won derful Uate City, the Chicago of the wst. Iowa. IOWA CORN AND ALFALFA BARGAINS. I have four high Missouri Valley farms that I will sell for ih per acre less than market value if sold In the next ten days. 120, 2b0, 110 and 80 acres In them. All Im proved. Come and see them NOW, Write Chas. B. W Uson, Mondainln, la. 10-ASRE PLACE. 3 MILES of Council Bluffs, all good new land, well Improved; about 2 acres bear ing fruit; Improvements would cost about U.jOO or more; non-resident owner; says sell for 3,0u0, one-third cash, balance, long tiir. at per cent. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., . 14 earl SL, Council lilufta, Iv PAD- REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMII I, AM) FOR ALB Iowa Com tlaaed. FOR SALE I,2H0-ucre. wellN Improved IIs lr Monona county, Iowa, stock and grain farm, 40 acre. R. M. Bettesworth, Cedar itaplds, la. 20-ACRE l'LACE. RICH valley land, not suuject to over flow; 6-room house, good barn, 6 acres bearing fruit, nice yard, set with ever green anad shrubbery on main road, level all the way to city; 4 miles east of Council Blurts and m miles from cur line; school across the road; small store building on the place, wncre owner can do a good busi ness If ho cares to look at It you'll say It Is worth the money at $4,200. McUEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St.. Council Fluffs. Kansas. FOR BALE Improved farm, 640 acres, 600 tillable,. DUO level, fenced and cross fenced, watered with springs and pond, some hay land, 300 pasture, no rock, cultivated, 7i wheat, 2J spelts, I& barley. li corn, crops fine; balance teed; 4-room tone house, stone burn, granary, room for 1,000 bu., hen house, crib, cattle shed, good well, mill, tank, brood house, full set of Implements, it horses, set of harness, 'M cattle, 1 brood sow, 300 chickens, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone; black soil, clay subsoil; buildings insured; i miles to school and postofllce; price If.t.OOu. llO.suO cash, U,m a years at 6 per cent; li miles to town, no agents. Write ownsr. A. P. CARLETON, Grove County, Alanthua. Kansas. FOR SALE Kansas bargains: 2 choice Sherman county quarters, being N. E. i'3-8-42 and S. W. 19-V-40, and S. S. E. and N. W. S. E. 30-3-3H, mile Wheeler. Chey enne county, the three for J3.300. Also S. W. 33-1-37, Cheyenne county, only $hw. Oo and look at these lands and you will buy them. R. M. Uettesworth, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Kissasrs. FINE CASS CO.7 MISSOURI, FARM 4U0 acres, one mile of railroad town, 31 mtles Kansas City; all In cultivation and grass; all rich, fine lying land; k-room house, barn and outbuildings; well fenced and watered. If you want a bargain in a well located grain and stock farm, you can't beat it; only 6i per acre; good terms on this. O. W. CLARDY INV. CO.. 301 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. Missouri and Iowa l.M uiics in OreKun Co., M'.-couil, I i-ilcs tc- Alloi , ll acres in cull ivttti m. 10 v v i.i uit, LiulanCH In n.il: .in 'I i .tlr.iil i.m b'i; gi'. d P-room house lei ii. k;i vi I ;w.. gOJu S'.ringsi; 120acre! fci'.jil .ii tijilil Pi Ice, 2. per acre. '"0 Hues in Lafay''.o ".. M.. it.-t. 7-room fcuuso and othe:- buildiiJls; (.acre apple orchard; all fenced and cri.ss-li i ctd; 4 miles May view. One of the rlnest fjims In Missouri. Price, Jm per ,;cre 310 acres in Adair Co., Iowa; fine tock farm, 270 acres in cultiv.-nioii; c.m.1 im provements; all fenced und crorfs-fencr.u. Price, fM per acre. 200 acres In Rlngitold Co., Iowa.' ail fenced and cross-fenced; cood improve ments; 120 acres in cultivation. Trice, J125 per acre. Western Real Estate Co., 411 Karoach Block, Omaha, v Neb. TIMBER and ranch land bargains In South. Missouri. Morris 4k Walker, Moun tain View. Mo. y IN MISSOURI. IIS acres; 125 miles southeast of Kansas City. 70 acres in cultivation. Box house; good barn; out buildings and fine water and grass; large orchard of different varieties of fruit. 2 miles to good trading point. Close to school and church. Price This it a money maker. QEORGE KUMPF. rttt-S heldley Bldg.. Kansas CUy, Mo. liiii ACRES 90 cultivation, 30 wheat. 12 corn, ft oats, 4 cow peas; good pasture and meadow; 3-room house, good barn, granary, cellar, c. stern, two living springs in pis- tm... filili-koti hnniiA' .11 n-il1B tntm SI, Clair, miles to school; orchard, some . : i -T-1 . ( . . i .. ....... t . , ... liuiutri. ilia m svuil biuvk lai 111. alls. IT. T. Uottlob, St. Clair, Mo. Michigan. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, smnu house and barn, some fruit, near town, fine fruit lnn.1. il.OCO. No. t 10 acres, cleared, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. 1 Zt No. 3 'Mi acres, rich loam soil, level, 4 miles Muskegon, city :li,0OH; S12 per Here, Jl per acre down, balance easv terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fremont. Mich 40 ACRF.S. S200. HALF CASH, BALANCE 13 YEARS. The land Is situated not far from Bay City. Michigan, and adapted for farms, grasing or fruit. Perfect titles, and will bear close inspection. The above price and terms are made to closo ar. estate quick. It you want a 40 or more cnd your option In now, with l per acre, and balance to be paid wuuu deeus are returned. BRADFORD & COMPANY, S4 Adams St., Chicago. , THESE ARE WONDERS. READ, READ and wonder. Practically a gift, i40 aero; lies like a garden; 175 acre cultivated; balance on timber and pasture on beautiful river; good house, lVj story; good barn and other buildings. Building.i carry t2,io0 insurance; farm all fenced and cross fenced; rural mull and telephone; three miles to town, nine miles to railroad town; loo fine bearing apple trees and other fruits. THE PRICK li'o lli PER ACRE. Think of it. There is not aaiother such bar gain In the world. Mi acres spleiidia land, 10 acres cultivated, balance lr. fine hardwood timber; 7 miles to town; rural mail and telepnoiie; good nouse and barn; A WONDERFUL iiAROAl.V. Pi ii.e H.ijO, ll.HM casn, balance to suit you. We are always Hie leaders lu bargains; Otnei try to follow. bend fur full particulars. h. w. sawyer, NEWAYGO, MICMiGAN. FORCED KALE An excellent W-acre farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wet land, very pioductive; with success tully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruil; b-rooin house; beuutitul shade; large barn, poultry house, tool house, etc.; also plenty of choice btarlng fruil. This is a teal tarm and one that will inake money for any IK man. it u on main road, close neignbors, schools, etc.; only about lu minuus' walk from the biggest lake in Michigan where there is good ousting, fish ing oi baiuing. This farm must be uld quick aod we theieiors matte the pries H.ilA); one-half cash, balance to suit buyer H. C. D!i.E. iwi U, Martin. Mich. LAND FOR WALfci Write me today. E. F. FREMONT. NKWAVOO CO.. MICH. bNAP Monty-making country home, slock, tools and crop complete; one of tne utst 70-scru laruis in in slate, practlcall level, lays auuui 2', miles (rum lown, no boauillul luaue road, close neighbors, schools and church.- This urm buruers on a beaulilul lake, an elegant spring brjok tluws scions li. large new y-rooin livid aione resiuence, big Oa.tniciit or cellar, large ve.-andas; big, new barn, room for 4 iiesd of noises, k cows, also carriage and looi rouin; lots of choice, bearing lrulL This fsrm is high class in every i expect and we are making a great sacrifice wueii we offer It. It uiust be sold quick and we will let everything go In the way of machinery, slock, etc. There is everything from a pitchfork to self binders, all machinery Is practically new, also wagon, curriage, har nesses, so chickens, 6 cows, 4 horses, hogs, etc. To quick buyer will make the price t3,00; must have 11.200 cash, bu lance ran be paid In small yearly payments. 111 give 4oBseslon and turn everything over to buyer in 4S hours. If you are ready to snap the biggest bargain on earth, don't nilas seeing tills quick. THE FRED PARR CO.. Bos E. Plainweli, Mica. REAL ESTATE FARM A' 1) HAC11 LAND FOR SALK Mlchlgaa- rontlaaed. IF SOLD AT ONCB. ISO acres; good soil; apple orchard; 40 acres timber; g-room house; good barn; everything coKrplete. 82 acres; a sandy loam; T acres maple and elm timber: two large apple orchards; 10-room house; large frame barn. Within four miles market and main line railroad. Choice. 13.200: i-.l troft: balance easv terms. WAY LAND REALTY CO., Wavland. Mich. A SNAF. 20 ACRES FRUIT, VEGETABLE ' AND CHICKEN LAND. In renter of M.cli gaii; near county sat and railroad town and fine lake; 100 apple trees, 1U0 peach trees, 700 small fruit; raises 400 bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil; clear title; only 1300; $J0 down. $10 per month, without interest, or fcto off for cash; must sell; inignt throw in cow or 40 chick ens. OWNER. R. 403, 115 Dearborn St.. Chicago. FOR PALE-4,720 acres In ' Jefferson county, Montana, at 110 per acre, on easy terms. This tract is located 2V4j miles from town of Whitehall, a thrifty little city on the N. P. and C, M. & St. P. coast line; 2.014 acres of this tract is under irrigation: water rights from the Jefferson river. About l,2uo acres bottom land, about 75 per cent of this tract is tillable, balance suit able for pasture. This tract is located in the famous Montana apple belt and Is a bargain. 13,000 acres, Meugher county, Musselshell valley, Montana. $17 per acre; easy terms; located on C, M. & St. P. R. R.. 3 mile from two good towns; at least 80 per cent of this tract Is suitable 'or farming a good proposition to cue up Into small farms: 4.000 to 6,000 acres can be irrigated; many springs furnish abundance of water the year around. MARTYN & STUART LAND CO.. Aberdeen, S. D., And 33S Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Nebraska. Hot, Dry Weather. Maybe all right for one crop and ruin an other. I'nder irrigation you have rain on one field and sum-hine on the adjoining crop. WATER WHEN THE CROP NEEDS IT ' Means an abundant crop. Of course one neeas good soil and curetul tillage. BUI WATER IS Til E PRINCIPAL HilNG. Men are vitally Interested in getting good crops and that is why we are sending out such crowds of peoplo into the Scott's iliuif country, where water, soil and sunshine present ideul conditions. We run another EXCURSION TUESDAY', JUNE 28 Having some big propositions ahead of us we want to close out all of our Scott's Bluff listings by August 1. Do you think of going? If fo, make your preparations to go next Tuesday. A trip on the "Payne Special" Is much more comfortable than going alone. We show ou the source of water supply, the dams, headgates, sluice ways, and carry you over the country In automobiles. It Is a quick, pleasant trip only three days from Omaha to Scott's Bluff and return. Ask us about the trip. Write, wire ot phone us and do it at once. . Paj-ne Investment Company S. E. Corner lath and Farnam. " "Manless Land for Landless Man." FOR SALE-S. W. U 11-10-32 and S. V. H 31-10-31. Lincoln county. Neb., near R. R. towns Dickens and Somerset; perfect title; only 11,200; ItMO can remain. R. M. IJettes woith, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. OWNER BANKRUPT LAND MUST BE SOLD WE REPRESENT THE TRUSTERS OF A BANKRUPT ESTATE and are Instructed to sell at once 3.700 ACHES NEBRASKA LAND, with fair Improvements, located five miles from railroad town and only nine miles from one of the best county scnts In the state, with good Catholic and public schools and churches of all donnmlnnllnns: about one-third Is valley land suitable for alfalfa and general farmings, the balance is rolling, part sandy and part haid Ruli. with good hay valleys between the hll's; title perfect; terms given if wanted; mire, $12 per acre: the valley lnnd alone I worth almost the full price. J. II. Dumont & Son, . 160.1 Farnam St., Omaha. NEBRASKA AND KANSAS 640 acres In Sioux Co.. Neb.; good Im provements; ull fenced and cross-fenced. li Ice, 110 per acre. 100 acres In Antelope Co., Neb.; good Improx ements; 90 acres in cultivation, t'Pl ance In pasture. Puce, $45 per acre; $1,000 cash will handle this. i!40 acrej in .lmball Co., Ne'). rice $14 per acre. bio acres in Cheyenne Oo . Neb. Pr! -,. J15 per acre. 2 sections In the Sidney draw. In Chey enne Co., Neb.; the btt of soil: all fenced. Price, $20 per acre. 320 acres In Sherman Co., Kama: 2 miles from Gooliind; a.l fnced and tro fenced. Price, $25 per acre. Western Real Estate Co., 41 Karbach Hlos-4. Omiilu, Neb. LOTS FOR FIFTY CENTS A WEEK See N. P. Dodge & Company's advertise ment in this paper of lots lor Kale In South Omaha for $1.00 down and 50 cents a week, without Interest or taxes. BARGAIN In Platte Valley Irrigated Farm! Extra good 100 acres; must bs sold quick. 60 acres alfalfa, SO acres best wheat grass meadow In tho country: So acres to ul her crops. $l5 per sere. Write quick for terms and further information to Box No. Ul O'ering, Ken. enrt Kir.K. ISO seres unimproved prairie land. All level, good land. In good neighborhood. miles northeast of O'Neill. This is a bar gain. Price $25 per acre. C. F. McKlCNNA. O'Neill. Nebraska HELLO, THER'. Mr. Farmer, why not stop paying rent j - inn. r . I -y'T 1 r L- firm . . f vmia- SOU o II v 4 ivvi iv.,.,. ....... ... own, when a few years' rent will pay for It? For particulars, either write or come and see the iwibk utiii.ii -vj., rui.. TER. NEB. 640 ACRES Kimball county. Neb., at $10 per acre; $4 cash down per acre. Write, Box 143, Mondamin, la. Listen to what a, prominent dealer in Dakota says of Bee wants ads: The ad I run with you brought me 27 applicants and gave me good result!. C. A. JOHNSON," "Fairfax, S. D. ' REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.MCM LAND FOR SAI.R Nebraska- L on tinned. OWNER MUST PELL. Choice level qt;arter section, 6 miles from Potter. Neb., rich, black soil, only $10.00 per acre, before July 1. D 43. Bee. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly improved. ISO acres, fine land: 10 miles to Omaha, S miles to South Omsha stock yards. Price If sold quick. $150 per acre. C. R Combs, Room IS Old U. Farnam S. Nat, Bldg. 12th and Phono, D. 18- THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE that you will ever have to buy this 4W-acre well Improved farm and hay ranch at the present price $30 an acre. All fine valley land; 200 acres good farm land, balnuce the finest meadow that cuts 400 tons. I can deliver It at above price this month; after that It will be $40 and will he cheap at that price; four miles to good railroad town; no better land selling at $i5 to $76 an acre. Get bucy quick. If you want a bargain. W. W. MITCHELL, AGENT. 332 Board f Trade Bldg , Omaha, Neb. RELINQUISHMENT of fi40 acres In Cherry Co., two miles from town, 200 acres of flat land, also Improvements all for $;00. Must sell now. Address S. 41ti, Bee. Norm Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITT. Land In the Mouse River loop, where crop failure Is unknown. linn. J. J. Hill says this land is all worth $1C0 per acre, and ho knows. Will rent and pay 20 per cent on Investment. What Is your money esrnlng? The finest prairie land In the world. Write me for list. It la free. K. E. GOWIN. Olenburn. N. D. North Dakota Farm Land Excursion July 5th Closing out large tract fine agricultural land, underlaid with coal, Stark Co., N. D., near Northern Pacific R. R., 11 to $20 per acre; easy terms . Prices $3 to $ per acre less than adjoining lands. Write for map and full insinuation. Excursion 1st and 3d Tuesday each month while this land lasts. Your expenses paid if you buy. J. H. Dumont & Son 1G05 Farnam St., Omaha. Oklanouia. NOTICE. To be sold st publlo auction, June 25, 1810. A t-story, modern, 60-room, brick hotel building in city of 6,000, Stillwater. Okl. Best located property in city. Stillwater is center of interurban system now build ing, has other good railroad facilities, has state agricultural school; city is growing rapidly. Thla botel has best business In the city, -but the proprietor must sell on so counf of poor health. Will sell furniture and building on day of sale with privilege of leasing if building Itself does not sell. Inquiries concerning this property and terms of sale will be promptly answered by the undersigned. JOHN yous'l'. Sr.. Stillwater. OkL Ureaou. BUY farm lands now. They are dally In creasing In value. There is a limited amount of land, but no limit to the luture popula tion. The Pacific Northwest is tne present land of opportunity. We have a line assort ment ot laiuib, some of wnich will sult you. Write us today, stating our require ments, and we will mall you iuil particulars tree, 'ill Card Realty a iuv. Co.. lienry Blug., I'ortiand, Ore. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS, Rogue River Valley, Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the most perfect Iiuit belt In the world; grand sweepstakes prise; bpokane National Apple show; has received the higheet prices ever paid for Irult in the New York and Lon don markets; orchards now producing over (1,000 net per acre. irrigateu orchard tracts on payment plan, ranging in price from 225 per acre for un developed land tu 6oo per acre (or devel oped oicnards. Rogutlands, Incorporated, Medford. Oregon. LEARN about the country through which Hill Is building lu tne coast; also all about the land recently purcuased by St. raui capital. bis. Vale Is the key city of this lag country. Subscribe today for Onano, Vale, Oregon, at tl.uo per year. OREGON FRUIT LANDS. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! ! We have tne best piopositiou in Oregon fruit lunds in the ttaiu in the Sutherlin vmiey. Send for our free literature and testimonials. Special excursion rates every f u a., aim tuird Tuesduy In each month. KNGELBRECHT & ROVER. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Harney 5500. south Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS. The rush Is on for Stanley county; buy lands near the new railroad und double your money In the next year; 20.000 acres to select from; $10 to $1! per acre. Call or wrlto Felland Realty Company, 531 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. CHOICE BARGAINS. 160 acres, T miles from Watertown, I miles from Foley, beautiful slightly roil ing land, free from pond, creeks, gravel or stone, 155 acres into crop, 6 acres nay, no buildings, for a quick sale Iu2.50 per acre, cash down to a $2,600 mortgage now on the land, 5 per cent, purchaser gels one-third crop delivered. UA) acres, ull prairie, no improvements, 400 acres good farm land. liiO rough pasture ii'.nd. 11 miles from Watertown. 5 miles from S other towns, It's worth $35 per acre, we are offering It for $25 for a quick sale, cash down to a $3,800 mortgage now on the land at li per cent. If you are on Uie market for a bargain In land you should lose no time in seeing theso. Address Walklin & Bushey, Water town. South Dakota. FOR BALE S20 acres: every acre tillable; eeep Mack soli; nar town: p'lce. Ui peg ere. Frank Mashek. Kimoall. H. D. Texas. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR fcALB. 131 acres, 100 In culth'atlon. alfalfa, corn end potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on the Colorado river; no overflow; 06 miles from Houston. Also S5 acres, 85 In cultivation, corn; ad Joining the shove place; of mile to a railroad switch; party can get Immediate possession: will take $10 per acre for on or both places. Wrlto to the owner. A. A Norton, Wharton, Tex. Terms.