B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 26. 1010. THE BEE GUARANTEED TO ELL IN 7 BAYS ANY ARS HOUSE - "WTVE KAY FIND ABOUT TKE HOUSE. AND DO NOT NEED OR GIV&l THE MONEY. OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous -r un tinned. Kilters MIhhouH Filter Co.. 1U10 Howard. OFFICE ILMLINO and partitions (oak ami pine) wltli doiilile-aetloii swinging gates; itlso offlte dinks, chairs, Utter press, hectograph, safe, shelving, etc. Tel. Doug. 2107, or .(evening.-) Harney 2j.M. SECOND-HAND l'.I'.ICIv und lath, Mnall (mount, half irir. Til. DouH. i!l7, or fevenlngH) Harney J ST. COAT and I'ANT-i to i-rder. perfect ft. MucC.MlTH Y-WILSON. li'M . Kill. Ono Sxlll Rapid RTtilinc.ir len; on.- IUI4 Extreme W. A. Anostlgnuit h im; one xl I'-ntnil ien. AdHre 4'S, liw OSTEOPATHY Allen Johntoo. M-$ Brandels Theater Bids. DR. I. 8. PETERSON, 616 Brandels ThoHtor I'.ldK. Ir. Kathryn NIcTioif!. D01 N. Y. I.lf P.l.ls. PATENTS HIRAM A. 3TURGE?. ieKtterd patent attorney. U. 8. and forelKii patent o tured. 61 N. X. Llfa Bldg. L- V. O. BAUNELU Paxton BU. T al. Ked 7111. W1L.UARD EULIY, registered practitioner in U. . I'aU Otflre. CM paxton tilk. H. )SL Toil KAMi-Valuuhln i-atent. Fortune awaita your InvextlKatlon. Write for Infor mation. I am willinn to nnike Macrirlte and llbPial tcrma. Theuplill Martin, S JIlKlilund ft., Newark, N .! PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. MagsHgu ireuunent tuinarn trouble. Uargarite, Halloian, isiti Xtvillo lilk. t. Dr. iTOt. HINDtJO atriigihn. TABLETS will build, brace, tOv. BttLL, LjHUQ CO. S!vx,-Strlipa 'rom combings. i-50. Mn. J owiicueaMl4lnewr m 5jevid a. x. a TOUKO WOMEN coming to Omaha at atrangura ara Invited to vlalt tne Young Wonuu'i Chrlatian aaaoclatioii building al Beventeenth bt. and tL Mary'a Ave., wuere tbey will be directed to aultable boarding place or oiherwlaa aaalatad. Look for our traveler's aid at tue Unlua ataaua. I Ktl ft'Sl huober good by mall; cu; f5XItlTlUlL1ai)1.lce "tend for free catalogue. MyeraUlilon Drug Co., Omaha, PKIVA'IK liOMla during contlnemeat; bablaa for adoption. Good tjanmrilan Banl. torluw, 740 lat Ave.. Cmiocil HluCfa. la, PRIVATU cutifinenient home. Mrs. Lr. King, 13:4 'N. Uih bt. Phone Webster $6. COAT and PANTS to oraer, :"0; perfect fit. MucCAUTHY-VV lLON, M S. ltith. IVTllK' Frnvpr ASe"t Iur "Sempra tain of Youth." Megeatu StaUonery Co., 1421 FarnuuL THE SALVATION ARMY aollclu caat-off clothing, iu fact, anything you do not need. "We collect, repair and aell at 134 N. 11th Ht, (or coat of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone liouguui 41A and wagwii will call. BRAIDS and awltchea made from comb ing. 1 up; a fine Una of awltuhea on hand; mall order filled. Mm. P. btover. tbli 8t Alary ' Ave. Pbona Red 31U. MAfiNETTntr"tmnt- B. Brott, I3U OMAHA Htammerer' Ins.. Rams Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding pre.senli a apeclalty. 114 Daveuoort. Ind. U-i7a. miss lokettXmoiianT" Maxaaglng, manicuring, chiropody, acalp treatment, hair gooda; Sunday. 10 to 4 p. in. Sui Neville Ulk. Tel. Doug. OS. MAGNETIC "trnent. iiiue. Smith, WIfiS ,n1 oupn for men. Griffith! U nd 14 FRENZEH BLOCK. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room Jon Old Bomou Utora Bld4t.. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 . 16th 8u WE rent and repair all kinds of a wing DUtchlnea. Ind. A MM. Doug. lfiUX NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANT. 10th and Harney SU. MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, aalt glow and maaaag. lwo Dodge t., oppo lta poatoffic. Hd floor. Tel. Doug. 7St. lOSIK WASHBURN'S book. "Tba Under world bewer," at all book alorea; price u.A STRICTLY private bom for confln. menla; excelleut care; Uatiiea tor adouuoo. &1 Davenport. MRS. EUUEH3' private confinement home, lulb Mauba bL, uuiaua. Neb. Pnoii Douglaa I CAN and will prove that 10D will brlna; you tl0,0i) u yar in a aafo. found, hoiif.it liiWHliiitMit; lattht: beat opiHirtunitv on rarth. Writ tiulck for iwi'Uculura. J, it Ryan, Suult Ste. Marie, Mich SLPKUFLVOLtJ hair, warts and moles purmiituntiy removed by uleotrlcitv; con Btiltatlon fie and confidential; uil work guaranteed. Mia Alltnder, 4 Ue DKIg DIVORCE luwa of Ntivuda and other alatea fieo on n-uu.nt. y. K. Fuller, at torney, Goldfield, Nevada. 1Mb air blows gently. It i.s verv pool during tlio enltro show ut The Purlor Theater. COAT and PANTS to order. t-'O; lerfoct POULTRY Bcrceulnga, 1.26 per 100. Wagner. l N. It SILKO CHICK" F00D 1 the best In the market for young chick us. Mad from pure gruiu. , A. W. AYAGNEK, S01-U NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones Doua-las 1142, Independent A-SI34. PRINTING L& W W. liABEK, Printer, tNcouRTK ow UEE UUILD1NG II YEARS IN HUSlNEbS IN OMAHA. WE DO ALL KINDS OF PRINTING. UIES-11ALL Pig. Co. 10 U. 14th. Ind. A3U4. Miller & Jarnletion. Doua- Roth plionea! 'PHONG IND. A-2t20 for good priutina. LyngtUd Prlmiiit- Co., ltltU & Cupltol Ave. REAL ESTATE WANTE D WE HAVE BUI' EES FOR t, 0 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suit 6lo N. Y. Lit Uldg. WANTE1 Good rental property, $1,500 to U.000, for choice vueant lot or lots, 0110 lli. id to one-half the value, balanca spot cash. Give particular of property offered. Address M 2a;. Bee. WANTED About 5.000-acre tract for ool oniicatluii; give full partlculais. , Voelkir, Dubuque, la. WANT to buy direct from owner west ern laud, low. si poKslblo figure. Box 204, Slroineburg, Neb 4'OAT and PANTS to order. $l; perfect Jit. MacCAUTUY-WlLSON, 304 S, llith. REAL ESTATE WANTED Continued.) I WANT Information about a good grain or etock farm for sale. I know of over 1,001 buyem, wiillng to pay your price. I can tell you how to find them. Write me about It and let's soe if we can close up a ilrul. AddrexM at once, Arthur Capper, Dept. r.'i, Toprka. Kan. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN rJR'r.. Jl floor N. Y. Lir. J..O0 Hi $l'iu,(Mi 011 Improved property. Ne delay. VANTKI City loan and warrants. W. Famuli. rMiilth Co., US) Farnam St. WANTKD City loiina. 1'etera Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Payne. Investment Co. Good 6 Farm Mortgages tthvavH on IibikI aud for Hale at amount from $.!JU to 2,uJU. BEXSUX & MVEKS, 412 N. Y. Life Uldg. 1CK) to Jlo.ouO made promptly. F. D. Wad, Wead BlUg., IM11 and Ftiruam. LOWEST RATES Hemls. liia.ideia UKU. CtiAT and PANTS to order. tM: perfect fit. MaoCARTllY-WlLSON, 3"J4 y. liitli. WiOt) to $.",U00 on home in Omaha. O'Kcefe Real Estate Co., looi N. V. Lite. iHiuglua or A-21i2. SECOND mortgages neKotiated. 626 New Omaha National Rank Bldg. Doug. 4331 LOANS to home owners and horn build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments seml-annuHl!y. W. II. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bld- 5'c to G PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN JiROS. Third Floor New York Llfo. Phone Douglas SOUTH OMAHA FOR RENT Five room modern, 23d and D streets. Phone D. 607S. SWAPS W'K can trade anyliaug, anywhere, LATiiROP & TORIN, D.'20M. 421 Be. I HAVE a fine business corner lot on Ames Ave. Faces aouth. Price VsjO. And good, fine u-pasaeiiger auto in good condi tion, worth l,ouo. will trade tor cottage or good houae and pay difference In caan, or will trade for cheap loo acres In western Nebraska. SEE ADAMS, WESTERN REAL EkSXATE CO., 411 Karoach Block. Omaha, Neb. I WILL TRADE a lot In Mldletown's ad dition to Omuhu for an automobile or run about. Addreaa A. J. Jensen, Ord, Neb. Bog loii. TWO GOOD ONES $i.,ju0 stock hardware. Implements, har ness and furniture and 4,ouo large store building, woll located. In corner in good town, tor good land of about same value. i.0U) for 2-story double brick house, 9 rooms each, strictly modern and well lo ruted near Hauscom Park. WllPtake good residence, well located, M.0U0 to fo.ooo In excimnge. W. W. Mitchell, Agent, Board 0 Traua Bldg., Omaha. Neb. TO EXCHANGE Elegant 1,100-acre highly Improved Finney Co., Kansas farm 111 shallow water dbtlrtct, every acre choice tarm land; KS7.6U acre; mortgage IS.flflO. 3 years; for stock goods, Income property or lowa iarm. iloht. Retteswortn, Cedar Rapids, la. HARNESS or phaeton, sale or trade for piano, phono., or gun. R 402 Be. WE will tiade our equity of $1,200 wa huve In a fine quarter of land northwest from Lodge Pole fur either a Chalmers, Oakland, Voile. Overland or E. M. F. tour cylinder automobile; car must be prac tically new; no others need answer this ad. 'late ac Barlow, Lodge Pole, Neb. WE handle exchanges of properties of merit. HARRY H. CULVER, stw-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 7865. liU ACRES in Julesburg irrigation dis trict to trade for Omaha residence. Box 204, Slruitmburg, Neb. Double apartement house, strictly mod ern, close-in. Good Income paver. Price ,10,000, intge. S2.M0. Want land. Might take an automobile. Don't need rain to make this pay. Nowaia Land & Lot Co., 624 N. Y. Life Uldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone lied 1SU9. H rooms, all modern; easy walking dis tance; price S5.0HO; mortgage )l,20; give legal numbers in flriit letter, it saves time. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., t4 N. V. Lift. Uldg., Omaha, Neb. , Phone lied 199. 4 'OAT and PANTS to order, 120; perfect fit. MaoCARTHY-WlLSON. 304 S. liith. WANT good second-hand runabout. Will trade phonograph, baby buggy or office furniture and fixture, Including safe. Ad dress at once E 4ut, lire. tJ0 ACRES of good hay land to trade for general men-handlae, at $13.60 per acre. Newlon, ilG N. Wth, Omaha. FIRST-CLASS rental property, yleWrw? $0 per month, built about oiht veoiw. Duved street. mAr lt;th n.i Vitt., n ,1. eneuiubittce $4,joo; must diBtiose. of equity; "ui ncrepi koou iniiomoullo or good vacant lot ill trado. Address N 413, or.rc liee. . Fine Farm or Ranch 2240 ACRES sub-Irrigated valley land Improved; S. W. Nebraska; all good corn and wheut land; all fenced and cross fenced; barn cost $1,00; price. $25 per ax-re: want to sell but would exclialg for cheaper land or cltv Incomo property. Might put In $10,0iM live stock and farm machinery at leas than market value. This is a fin proposition and a big money maker. Western United Realty Co. 33S-3 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits-$35 and $40 values at $la. bee A. Rubsiisteln. mj S. 14th St. Q. A. L1NQU1ST CO., 235 PAXTON BLK. TOR evening functions full dress Is the WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICK paid for second-hand furniture, carpeta, clothing atui shoea. Phono Douglas 3S71. SECOND.HAND clothing; partv, after, noon dresses. John Feldman, D. 3128. A-t&X. BEST prices for $d-hand clothing. D. 3440. Safes tine large and on medium six ate. stat sis and prlc. M 2ts) Be. BEST prices for BROKEN WATCHES. Old Gold, etc. NATHAN, 2U S. 12ta St. SWAPS (Continued.) DUPLICATING business; Mate prlc and full particulars. Address Y 301. Bee. WANT to buy secondhand medium slsed eat, fireproof only. Box 204, Stromsburg. Neb COAT and PANT.' to order, $30; perfect fit. MacCARTHY-WILSON, 304 S. 16th WANTED TO RENT We Aro Getting Numerous Calls Tor Houses of All Sizes. Lint With Us. Nowata land and lot co., (124 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1M. BOARD and rooms In modern house for man, woman and child. 'Phone Doug. 19s3. Ask for (1. T. Preston. ', WANTED By young man. large room, south exposure, with running water or private bath. Walking distance. Stat loca tion and prlc. Address Y 353. Be. COAT and PANTS to order. $20; perfect fit. MacCARTHY-iWILSON, 304 8. ltith. SPITZ PCPP1ES. one or two; must be good. 'Phone Do:ig. 'SiM WANTED SITUATIONS ELECTRICAL engineer; technical educa tion, xprienced, lino work, trouble work, etc., wants position with light company, where ability will count; now employed. Y. ;W, Bee. LADY bookkeeper, seven years' experi ence; cannot do btenograptuc work. Tel. Red C22ti. WANTED dressmaking to do by the day. Prices reasonable. Address, A-401, Be. WANTED Position in bank by young German-American man, with nine months' experience as bookkeeper and assistant cashier; good reference. Address, Y 132, care Bee. ' TRAINED NURSE will car for mentally defective or crippled children. Box SUV, Omaha, Nob. COAT and PANTS to order, $20; perfect tlt.MacCARTHY-'WILSON, 304 S. ltith. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DgALEKl. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1R5; prompt rvtc; get our prices. 204 Braodela theater. REMINQTON-LUNDBERQ REALTY CoT Tel. D. 127 L Hi Ramg Bldg. New house. BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Braqdel Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CU 1301 Farnam. Ground Floor. FRED a HADRA, $28 New Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co., 40$ Be. Eastern Colorado lands, wholesale prices. W enter n Realty Co., l3s-3 Paxton Bldg. ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. Neale & Norto7' gLJ 8. M. SADLER A SON 0t 8. Mth St GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. It23. Farnam. FKT1SR J ESSEN, Jit. I'el. Douglas xJiO. CITY PHOPKBTY JTWU 9 A LB. FARMLANDS 100 acres of level, deep, heavy rich, black boll, six miles from Tckamah, Burt county, Neh., and only forty miles from Omaha Price. $00 per acre; $3,000 cash, balance per cent Interest. NO SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK OR, STUMPS. A. C. GROSSMAN, Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglua 6107. ACRES NEAR FLORENCE W want to show you the best acres you will ever buy near Florence or Omaha, closa to macadam road, high and sightly ground, in 6, 10 or 20-acre pieces. Every body should own a piece of land near Omaha, for it is sure to be worth a great d-eal more, and it is one of, the best and safest places to put away part of your savings. It is the only absolutely sure place on which you can make a living, no matter how the times are. Don't wait until you get too old, start in to buy a piece of land now. We will take you any evening or Sunday, if you cannot go during week days. Will make very easy terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. Greatest Home 'Bargain Offered NEAR CENTRAL BOULEVARD AND BURT ST. A new, all modern, 12-rooiu residence; has cost over $5,500 to build; t rooms on first floor and bedrooms besides bath on sec ond floor; th residence is all finished In hard oak; five airterent storerooms In the basement, and a little cottage In rear that rents for $10 per month. This residence Is only tou minutes' walk from riowmnv,. Th owner la leaving th city and has made a price 01 aa.ou, witn a email payment down for a very short time only. Call us at onoe. Phone. Doug. 3418. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Blk. NO AGENT'S COMMISSION HERE. A BARGAIN FOR CASH. MAKE US AN OFFER. At 5020 N. lUd St., one block trom car, 8 rooms and reception hall, all modern homo. Hunt four years ago for u home; full east front lot, with trees and fruit; a neighbor hood of home-owners, where values are bound to rise. WE AUK FORCED TO SELL QUICK. See ocoupant, owner. Web. 23U1. WE HAVE $5,000 CA8H. Ve want to buy cholco Income paying property. Will put in some clear property In addition or assume a reasonable amount NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 621 N. Y. Life Bldg. "Phone Ked 199. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE 2859 Bristol St., large, new, modem D-room home, paved street, 92,850. 2621 Wirt St., new, all modern bun galow, only $2,850. 8 114 Taylor St., new, modern cot tage, all large roonia, cheap at $2,500. 1822 North 19th St., neat cottage home, fine lot, close-in, $1,700. A few hundred cash will handle any of these, or will take vacant lot as first payment. J. W. Rasp Co., 689-91 Urandels Bldg. $1,100 WILL BUY YOU a oool, 8-rooin, house, away from the hot city, and still all th conveniences of a city home. This horn is located at 63d and Military Ave.; paved road and good car service. GALLAGHER '& NELSON 4U0 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. NEW HOME BARGAIN Near Kountse Place, rooms, modern, east front; shade; a big bargain for quick sale. Leaving ci'y, must sell. Co-owner, Harney 2177. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN On corner of 12th and Castellar Sts. flv rooms, upstairs, and 4 In basement; sewer, water and gas, big barn In th rear. Price reduced for quick sal to $2,300 on easy payments. BERKA Si CO., 83a N. Y. Life Bldg. Plum Doug. 747. SIX-ROOM HOUSE for sals; lot 1$2x!; terms reasonable. Paul Sydow. tZ3 & lith, REAL ESTATE CITT PHOI'ttRTY FOR SALK. (Continued.) GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE 407 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. 16th and Howard. Doug. NAME YOUR OWN TERMS $21 8. 30th, fix rooms, two stories, all modem but heat, for $2,700. Very easy terms of paym ent. CLOSE IN Sven-room cottage, all modern but heat, renting for $23 a month, for $2.S0n. About one-fourth cash and balance $2f a month. ANOTHER 2713 Capitol Ave., all modern, very neat home: paved street. $4)0 cash will handle this, bslanc monthly. Price. $3,350. Will consider exchange for a llttlo larger house. WALNUT HILL DISTRICT An eight-room strictly modern home, very well built; large lot on paved street, with lots of shade; baa hall, parlor, sitting room, dining room and large kitchen first floor; four good bedrooms and bath on second floor. Owner has gone to California and offers for $4,090. This will suit th lady of th house. Fetter Investigate. WEST FARNAM-Seven rooms and hall, built less than two years; has hot water heat and oak finish; good. high, ground; one block to Farnam car line, and Its certainly cheap at $5,250. VERT EASY TERMS to good party at that. AN IDEAL HOME AT 49TII AND DOUGLAS It's now ready for Inspection, new cement finish house, very attractive and sub stantial Insula and out; seven large rooms, large attic; complete basement; best make hot water heating; oak finish; beamed ceilings; tinted walls; large living room. with, brick fireplace; den or library off the dining room, or could be used for a bedroom. This Is on a large lot. sightly location; garage already built. Built for a home, but got to sell. Price, $6.600 cheaper than you could diplicat it. W want you to see the house. INVESTMENTS St. Louis flat, renting for $C24 a year, well located, $4,750. Lot on boulevard, Crclghten First Adcll tlon. for $1,200. Corner, 0x38 ft., wholesale district, $10,000, includes party wall agreement. Close-In corner, l,.4xl32 ft., two paved streets and special paid; good 10-room strictly modern residence, all for $14,000. Ground alone worth the price. Three-story brick business block, Farnam St., paying 7 per cent net, $37,500. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE Douglas 39Go South Omaha Lots Fifty Cents a Week We still have a few choice lots In our famous Homesit addition at 83d and Jef ferson Sts., South Omaha. Easy walking distance to packing bouses and stock yards. 80th Bt. paved nearly all th way from Q St. to Jefferson. All lots $1 down and 60a a week without interest or taxes. High and sightly ground; very lot 40x135 feet Over 176 lots sold to home buyers. Plenty of choice lots left to select from. Prices range from $170 to $300. How to Reach Homesite Take West Q St. car to SOth and Q Sts., where w will hav a carriage to take you to Homesite. Remember HomeSite extends from 33d to 36th Sts., Jefferson to Harrison; right In the city of South Omaha. Sales men on th ground all day Saturday and Sunday. Com any time and "bring your dollar. SPECIAL SNAPS Investment or Home $1,$50 Double frame house in first-class condition, rented for $300 per annum. This is a great snap. 314 Blnney St. $3,150 Two dandy cottages, on 4 and on 3 rooms, on th south Central boule vard, stand high and sightly, facing south, over 100 fet frontage on the boulevard. Always rented, $904 and Jvt boulkvard, on block south of Vinton. $2,750 Two excellent cottagv, on 8 rooms and on 4 room and kltohen, olos In nice lot, near lth and Clark Sts. $3,500 One double cottage of 4 rooms each and one 6-room cottage, 76 faet frontage lot, walking distance; prop erty rents for $640 per annum; at 706-10-12 North 2lh Av. ROBINSON & WOLF 435 Paxton Block. FOR SALE CHEAP TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 901 South 33d St., 6 rooms and re ception hall, all modern; full base menjt, corner lot, on paved atret and paving paid; fine neighborhood. Owner Uvea in property and will show It at any time. Price, $3,600 cash. 'Phone Harney 4860 for further details. 66x88, $100,000 6-stoiy bldg., in heart of eity. Harrison & Morton PRICE $1,116; $80 CASH AND $U PER MO. NEW, WELL BUILT COTTAGE Flv nice rooms, vestibule, pantry, large bath room, city water, electric lights with very pretty brushed brass electric fixtures. Polished oak floor In parlor and dining room, polished beach floor In bedrooms. Strictly flrst-clas throughout, well built In every way, doubl floors, good lumber and finish. Bring a carpenter with you, for It will stand Inspection. Good south front corner lot, high and sightly, commanding splendid view. You ean own this neat little horn just as easily as you can pay rent. Price only $1,776; 'JO cash and $1$ pr mo. with one lot, or with two lots, 100x135, terms $100 cash and $23 per mo. Se me today, for this will go quickly. One next to this sold same day advertised: four cottage under construction In same block. Not a.t home only Sunday and evenings; coma to my residence today. F. S. Trul linger. 115 So Halcyon, Benson, Phone Ben son 12t DUNDEE YOUR CHOICE) of two brand new strictly modern, 8 large room homes; osk finish, full two stories; cement basement; everything first class. Price $3,860; $M0 cash. Phone owner, Har ney 6210, for mci Information. BUY lota near fastest growing city for $1 down: valu grows while you pay; illustrated booklet free. Tobln Improve ment Co., El Paso, Tex., Dept 178. 66x95, $25,000 20th near Farnam. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR BALK. (Continued.) Money Invested in REAL ESTATE Today Is Safer Than Any Other Depository. Here is a new and through out modern 6-room cottage and bath, on the South Side, within walking distance from the city, for a small cash payment, bal ance like rent. Act quickly. FRED S. HADRA, 560 New York Life Bldg., Douglas 4334. COTTAGE BARGAINS Two new 5-room cottages, well locatad and modern but heat; stairs to second floor, where S more rooms can be finished. $2,200 each, $600 cash, balance same aa rent. Here is a chanc to own your own home and paying for it same aa you are now pay ing rent. W. W. MITCHELL, Agent, Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT BARGAIN 33x132 feet, one block from Rome hotel. Values are sure to increase here. Only $200 per foot. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. BIG BARGAIN, $2,830 7 rooms, modern, and barn; shade; leav ing city; must sell. Call H. 2177, owners. WEST FARNAM HOME Do you want a horn In the Went Farnam district? Se those four new brick and stucco houses under construction at 38th Ave. and Davenport St., on the best street and overlooking large private grounds. De signs In architecture new; notlco the quality of the work, th Interior to be hard wood and can yet b finished to your taste; two sets of plumbing, tiled front baths, pcrlcatnl, lavatory, etc., $8,600 and $10,000. D. C. PATTERSON, Patterson Block. IN TILE COUNTRY BUT CLOSE TO STREET CAR Ono acre near Country club with 6-room house, almost new, electric lights and other conveniences. Price $2,250. Owner will take good team of horses, wagon and harness In part payment. J. II. Dumont & Son, 1906 Farnam St. Residence Bargain Big Snap 1026 S. S2d St., 4 block from car; large 10-room house, hot water heat, fine oak finish, oak floors, thoroughly modern, splendid repair; lot 47xla feet; east front; paving paid; $tj,D00; easy terms. 1). V. SHOLES COMPANY 111 Bd. Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. 23x132, $7,500 Brick bldg., Douglas near 20th. Harrison & Morton YES, ONLY $20 PER MONTH T rooms, brand new: large lot. How much rent are you paying 7 W ar mak ing you a present of this home. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., $34 N. Y. Lif Bldg. Phon R,d 199). New Morrison Home Mad over; hot wator heated, renewed outside and in, grand old trees, best out look In th city, diagonally across from Rums Miller's. Ask us quickly for prlc and terms. (Terms easy.) Harrison & Morton NOTHING VENTURED. NOTHING WON $100 as a fust payment wiil buy a t room up-lo-dala, modern cottag located at 2403 So. 17iu St. You can pay th bal ance Including Interest monthly. In plat of a pile of rental receipts, you will soon hav a hoin of your own. My prlc Is as low as you could buy for cash. In spect vry day, including- Sunday, from I to 4 p. m. F- R. Ooanty. 128 N. Y. Llf. Phon D 4834. 'COURSE YOU WANT A SNAP West Farnam, 11 blocks from lftth and farnam, 8-room, modern; only $3,100. Make any reasonable terms. NOWATA LAND 4k LOT CO., 124 N. Y. Llf Bldg. Phone Red 19, REAL ESTATE , city mopsiisTr rim ai.e. (Continued.), South Lots Fifty Cents A Weel Wo still have a few choice lots in our famous Homesite addi tion nt 33d and Jefferson Sts., South Omaha. Easy walking distance to packing houses and stock yards. 30th street pavetl nearly all the way from O, street to Jefferson. All lots $1.00 down and 00c a week, without interest or taxes. High and sightly ground; every lot 40x133 feet. Over 175 lots sold to home buyers. Plenty of choice lots left to selectl from. Prices range from $170 to $J(K). How to Reach Homesite Take West.O, street car to 30th and Q streets, where we will have a carriage to take you to Homesite Remember Homesite extends from 33d to 36th streets, Jefferson to Harrison; right in the city of South Omaha. Salesmen on the ground all day Saturday and Sunday. Come any time and bring your dollar. A Firm Foundation Is Real Estate Transfer your RENT MONEY from an EXPENSE to an ASSET. We have on our list improved and vacant property within the reach of all. List your properties with us for close attention and prompt sale. HERE ARE A FEW Mason, near 47th St., S rooms, nice little home, lot 50x147 $1.8w 4(108 No. 22d, 8 rooms, good barn, lot 44x126 2.1(D) 8H34 Boyd, 6 rooms, completely modern, lot 60x130 , 3338 Boyd, 7 rooms, strictly modern, lot 60x130 1,H60 Benson, 414 N. Kennedy, 6 rooms, 1 acres, barn chicken houses, grapes, 93 fruit trees, berries.... tlWI 171V Brown, 7 rooms, 1 acre, fruit, barn, out houses 1,800 Benson, 918 Military Ave.. 8 rooms, furnace heat, barn and chicken houses, fruit, 2 block from car. A BARGAIN 3,600 Hth, near Frances, 8 rooms, modern, laundry, barn , $.500 16th and Leavenworth, 8-rooin house, not new, but modern conveniences. Room on lot for flats facing Leavenworth. Lot 66x124 $4,000 Benson 1046 Eftie St. S-rooni brk'k house, IS) acres, fruit, barn and out houses $4,100 Charles St., near 40th, 8 rooms, completely modern; will trade; lot 60x130 feot $4,260 S2 Charles St. 9 rooms and reception hall. Splendidly built, modern in every way. Lot 50x132 , $4,600 Dundee, near 51st and Webster Sts. 7 rooms; new house; oak finish; completely modern; lot 50x136 $4,500 VACANT Three lota, each 50x138. 2th and Kim. Nine lots, each 40x100, 24th and Laird, near - CHEAPEST INSIDE Twenty-six lots, Eldora Addition, between Leavenworth, 63d and 54th Sts., all for $6,500; account of owner leaving city. A good investment; lots should sell fur from $350 to $450 each. PERRINE & WOLCOTT PHONK DOUGLAS 7S01. Two Fine New, Close-in, All Modern Homes 2102-2110 Grace St, $3,300 and $3,600 These attractive homes. Just completed, ar all readv to move Into. They contain 6 and T rooms each; oak finish in parlor, dining room and reception hall; maple floor In kitchen; upstairs finished In yel low pine; colonnade opening between par lor and reception hall; both upstairs and downstairs papered with a splendid selec tion of the latest designs of paper; both electric light and gas. with combination fixtures; cement sidewalks and paved street: close to schools and stores and easy walking distance of the retail center. If you want an up-to-date, attractive home, see us at once about these places. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St $1,200 Just listed, a good 6-room cottage and large lot, on 25th St., near poppleton Ave. Tnla is the beet prop osition on the market today. See us Monday. The Byron Reed Co. Both 'Phones. 212 South 14th. 5 Acres, $3,000 34th and Ames; terms. Harrison & Morton FINE brick block store building and lodg rooms. 25xS0. two full stories and basement. Also rooming house and dwell ing; three buildings on lot, 120x150, well located. Price, $18,000. Will exchange for good, level, cheap land. Write owner. C. D. Htout. Missouri Valley, la. A BARGAIN Two lots 60xt feet on Woolwnrth between 18th and fjth. M. New man, 262S Woolworth Ave. Read the auto snaps The many new automobiles, now being sold by Omaha dealers, has placed on the market soma exceptional snaps in slightly used machines. On today's want ad pages, under the classification "Au tomobiles", are special bargains. The pick of them all. Everybody reads Bee want ads. REAL ESTATE CITY ritOfHHtV FOB BALH (Continued.) Omaha Price $'1T5 to $450. Ames Ave. barn ;150 to $460 LOTS ON GRADE SUITE 32S BRANDELS THEATER. Dean Place Buy a lot In Omaha's most attrac tive home addition, one block north of Hanscom park. All specials, including; paving, sewer, water and gas, in and paid; all lots to grade; splendid shade trees; two car lines; safeguarded by a building restriction. A number of new houses now building. Call i at office for plat. Our prices are much lower than adjoining property. Out terms are liberal. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tela.: Doug. 104; Ind. A-1064. BRAND NEW Eight roomw, all modern, oak flnWh, nicn south front lot. fine neighborhood, northi side. lTico $!,j00; purl cush, V. O. NIELSEN & CO., 70 N. Y. L. Bid;;. "I'!io!irs: D. 2204; A 4l'u. 44x142, $45,000 3-story bricks next 1st National on Far tain. Harrison & Morton DO YOU WANT To HELL PART OV YOUR LAND'.' Write a description of it, building. water, near what town. Make 70 words of it all and send it to The unmlit Be with, 72 cents for ach Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Bee fur real ratal of ferings. And they get them in Th Bee. COLORADO property for sal -U-rooni brick and stone residence at Golden, Colo., 12 miles from Denver. Place has been used for private boarding house, is modern, and a money maker: easy terms to th. right party. Box 223, Golden, Colo. KL RENO, Oklahoma, offers the greatest Investment proposition you will ever know. Inside city lots, $125; terms, $6 a month. Iyots adjoining new packing house and manufacturing district; live agents wanted Industrial Co., 2i21 Rock Island Ave., hi Reno, Okl. ' r i A A) -