THE r OMAHA - SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 26Y 1010. ALL TQgTHERjj g 1 l ' 0 Ev' ry bo Reads 5ee Want Ads 3ulwh 3 HELP WANTED FEMALE Moaafkrrprn and Domntlfi C1' GIRL for general housework; comfort able room; tfuod wiuB. Telephone Harney a2. ' COMFETEN T girl for general house woik; tm laundry; email family; good v ages; referuiicos required. Ziri Howard. GOOD colored cook. 1517 Hurt strcin. GIRL f'r general housework, and also a nurse to care for two children. Mra F. A. Nash 120 S. 83d street. COMPETENT 2d Birl. 34U Farnam. WANTED, at once, a Klrl for general housework; one who can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27 Lh street. WANTED Good washerwoman for Mon day. Tel. Webster 87!j. 1511 locust street. COMPETENT cook In private family. Mrs. F. ts. Kennard, lail DoUge bu No objection to color. WANTED Servant girl at once, 113 S. SGth street. Mrs. Louis Moncrleff. WANTED A good girl ror general house work; small family; good wages, l&itf t. 2sth street. NEAT school girl to assist with light housework. Phone Harney Mj. i56 8. iHlh street. CAPABLE white girl for general house work, small family; good Wages paid. 2659 Dodge street Tel. Harney 47. A QOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 8. 3d Ave. A GIRL from 14 to IS yrs. to take care of baby. 123 8. 32d Aye. WANTED A young Danish girl to assist with general housework. 720 8. 22d street, corner 22d and Leavenworth. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family; good pay. 8512 Har ney street WANTED A competent housemaid; must have good references. Mrs. John McShane, Wb 8. a7th street GIRL for general housework. Good wages. No cooking. 615 8. 2th street. WANTED Girl for general housework. U2S N. 18th street. WANTED Washerwoman, family of throe. Call 1312 8. 32d or phone Harney 2878. UIKL for general housework. Mrs. R. C. Uhllg, 24:0 Caldwell street. Tel. Webster C3ti5. WANTEI-Girl for general housework. Mrs. K E. lllbbel. JJ34 8. itlut street Tel. Harney 1529. WANTED A cook. Apply 310 Daven port fct. ill. Harney COMPETENT girl for general house work: no washing; St a week. 2207 Dodge St. Mrs. George B. Lake. WANTED Second girl at 610 South 22d St Tel. Douglas 4430. Mrs. Hadra. WANTED A young girl to assist with iiouuuwolk. (02 N. 40th 8t. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St.. South Omaha. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; 7 per week. 123 8. 25th Ave, GOOD girl for general housj.vork; $7 per week; must be good cook. . 1622 Spencer St. phone Webster 442. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family l good wages; with or without washing. 1304 8. 30th St. Phone Harney 741. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; $30 a month; no laundry work. 711) N. 3sth. Tel. Harney 2t81. LAUNDRESS for Mondays'; references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam St. Tel. llarnoy 1335. GIRL for general housework; no cook ing; must gd home nights; at &06 Franklin 8t. WA8HERWOMAN wanted. 624 S. 28th St GOOD girl for general housework. Tel, Harney 25. 601(1 California St. WANTED German or Bwhemlan girl for housework in modern brick dwelling; wages 7. Apply any time, 1308 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1234. . WANTED A girl for general house- work. 2!il y St., South Omaha. Phone South (Ml. A U1UL for general housework; good wages; small family. 123 8. 32d Ave. WANTED Competent lrl to take care of three small children, suburban place, during summer. 'Phone D. 27. COMPETENT girl lor general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. H. Ruatln, 206 8. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2035. WANTED Good girl fur general house work. 1622 Lolhrop St. Tel. Webster i5. WANTED Experienced- girl for general uousuwork; family ot two; call Mrs. K. L. AlcShane. 3328 Harney St. W ANTED Competent girl; two In family; laundress employed. Mrs. C. E. Spent. The Clarinda Apuiliueut, No. 4, 31 i and Far nam Sis. CIUL for acaeral housework. 103 Daven port bt' 7 WANT El To prepare and care camp With elderly or i.iuined lady at V. il. C. A. Park. WoUwter MI73.' COMPETENT girl for general house work; no aNh.iiiK; good wages. 4sio Flor enco Blvd. 'Phono Nvebster 4'j2l. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in lamlly of i:uve; uo washing. 1S..4 lluaiey. Webter 643. t WANTED A good waitress Immediately. Apply the Delft Tea Rooms, 303 8. Wlh. - WANTED A woman cook. Address Dr. Ilargeiis sanitarium. Hot Springs, S. l. BEST WAGES to experienced woman for general housework. Mm. lilium li. t'lark. .Millard Hotel. WANTED Chambermaids. Millard hotel. EXPERIENCED chambermaid' and wait ress, at 213 8. 2bth. 'Phone D. 3131, A-4355. Allscella neons, Yol'NG WOMEN comli.j; to Omaha u... strangers are invited to visit tno Voung Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where lliey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise ataisted; look for out uavelsi s aid at Union station. WANTED Woman to do family wishing. Tel. Benson 206' LADIES Home work for vou; no can vassing or peddling. Send stamu tor par ticulars. Golden Rod Co., Dcpi. i, liea lon Harbor, Mloh.' LADIES Mke sanitary belts at home; material furnished; $12.60 per lvO; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. West vllle Mfg. Co., Westville. N. J. HELP WANTED MALE A seats, aleaiuen aaU Sollrltera. WANTED A good hustllnK bi'bscrlptlon solicitor to go on the road for Tlio Twen tieth Century Farmer. Cell or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. AGENTS Earn $12.50 per 100 distributing free soap powder. S. Welle, $423 Lincoln venue, Chtcsgo. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats and Salesmen Coatlaae. 850 to J250 PER WEEK. Newest, easi est, surest. Miiko $4.25 on every sale. W. II. Morgan, Pa., sold 75 In nine days, T. A. White, 111., 15 in four hours; K. E. 1'oole, Mass., 6 first day; C. E. Coff, Mo., 6 first day. Make more moi' in a day than you do now In a montn. New Home Vacuum Cleaner, sells for $8.60. Weighs It lbs. Easy to carry. Nothing else like It. l'owerlul, double action ma chine. Does same work aa the 1100 kind. No motors, no electricity. One person op erates. Constant, terrific suction gets all dirt and dust from carpets, rugs, etc., on rioor. No more sweeping dustinp, house cleaning. No wonder It's a live wire. Sell nine out of ten families. Send postal to day for agency, full description. Free sample. It. Armstrong Mfg. Co., 131 Alms Hlclg., Cincinnati., O." WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for him self, to represent us exclusively In west ern half of Iowa for the balance of IV10 and lull. Must be ready to commence work at once. We have a large, well known and In every way first-ciass line of ex clusive calendars and advertising spe cialties. Our line Is so attractivo and varied that each and every business In every town In the country, without regard to size, can be successfully solicited. Our goods are very attractive, but no more so than our reasonable prices, and we know from experience of others who have been and are now In our employ, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and is willing u work, can make with us from 850 to SluO per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organized In 1382. We are responsible and mean business. If you do, It will pay you to write Sales Manager, Merchants Publishing Company, Kala mazoo, Mich. Enclose this advertisement wltn your application.' , ADVERTISING solicitors wanted In every city. Exceptional opportunity for permanent agencies. The Tissue Com pany, Cleveland, 0. AGENTS are making $4 to $6 a day selling Mm. ttohrer gas stove covers; goou agents wanted. Inquire Malone Coffee Co., 2111 Cuming St. BOY and Girl Agents Sell 12 thimbles and 12 papers of needles at 10c each and receive base bail or lace curtains free. Richard Horsley, Dept. 22, Ordway, Colo. SALESMEN WANTED Our men make $3,000 to 8,uoo a year; a new specialty, all retailers; where can our sales manager see you? Write age, experience, present line and send photograph quick. Frunkel, 1831 Schiller Bldg., Chicago." A WELL, established printing Ink manu facturer is looking for a good man to handle his fine line of printing, lithographic and newspaper Inks on commission. Can be carriea as a side line. Prefer someone now calling on this trade. State territory or towns you visit regularly. References required. Address Y 301, care Bee. FLORIDA LAND Salesmen who can Invest 11,000 or more In one ot the 'best land, propositions In Florida can get In on a syndicate now or ganizing to take over one of the best prop ositions In the state. This Is a big op portunity for those who are equal to the occasion and know a good thing when they see It. Address Florlua Land, care Nelson Chesman St Co., St. Louis.' v . WANTED Competent, successful sales man to sell old line established proprietary remedies in Nebraska. IS. M. Co., 1660 Ogdcn Ave., Chicago.' SALESMEN Wanted Sell grocers, drug gists, confectioners; $126 monthly and ex penses. California Cider and Extract Co., 180 Lefflngwell, St. Louis, Mo. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H, Smith Co., Detroit, Mich.' SALESMEN direct to user on new electric suction cleaner of wonderful efficiency at half price of other cleaners; tremendous demand; $100 weekly to hustler. Magic Sales Co., Lansdowne, Pa. TOWN salesman wanted for a tip top Oklahoma proposition; good commis sion. Address C. C. Ingram,- Delaware, Okl. SALESMEN familiar with saloon trade; side line or full time; $40 to $i6 weekly; new article; big money maker for saloon trade. Simplex Mfg. Co., Kewanee, 111. AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly selling .Latest Styles Exquisitely Braided Embroiu ery. Waists and Princess Dresses, various novelties. Catalogue free. National Im porting Co., Desk D., 6i9 Broadway, N. Y.' MAN cleared $1,182, lady $720 last 6 months selling liouauay's Marvel anoe Polish, selt stiniiiik, water-proof. Vvhy not you? Write tor tlcnioiifctruied sample and terms. M. M. Holladay, li W. 31st tit., New Yoik. LEES, TEX. New town In Glasscock county, center 2o,tXX acres finest farming laud, now being colonized, iso irrigation. Best of soil, lueal climate. Altitude, 2,300 teet. Pure water. Btst class people from old state settling and developing, opening, mercantile liriiis. Tjownsite and Land (-u.leatn. i n wunteu. Iee-Norrls Co., leea, Tex. WANTED Agents for a vacuum cleaner that weighs omy five pounds, at lis tor $0, yet doe the work of the more txpenslve maculues; big profits; livest proposition eve oifercd to an agent; muny agents making $100 weekly; others V'S to $50 weikly; demonstration means talc. You can sell ten of our machines to one of any other make. Write at once. P. 6t W Vac uum cleuner Co., 61! W. 45th St., New York WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi tute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight fur $1. Particulars, Uishu Company, Anderson, lnd.' SALESMEN, calling on dry goods and notion stores, to handle new line ot tnreau; sells to every dealer. Shaker Thread Co., Pawtucket R. 1." SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell M'liitul trade in Nebraska; unexcelled specialty (ropoltlon with BRAND Nt.tV r K.v'l i . KL vacancy -July 1st; commission with 35 weekly for expenses. The Conti nental Jewelry Co.,' "Cleveland, O.' K-Z Vacuum Cleaner get's most dirt with h-ast effort; light, simple, 'handy; J7.c0. Write for free leaflets today--. Agents wanted, t has. Z. l mryea, Reading, Pa.' FREE SAMPLES Aleuts only. Faucet Strainer, .' Preventer; send 2c stamp (mailing tost). $5 profit daily and upwaro. Let us prove, It. Eh Seed Filter Co., N. Y.' v E want salesmen to start July 20th to the trade; oalary or commission; must have gooil reference or no answer to application. I'nlted States Whip. Co., Westfieid, Mass.' " FIVE side 11ns salesmen to sell three live propositions for premium and re tail 1 ui r ce direct to dry goods, grocery and furniture stores, In small towns; splendid commission; "prompt settlements." American Factories Co., St. 1xuIh, Mo. COAT and PANT to order, $L'0; perfect t. MaoCARTHY-WlLSON, 304 8. 16th. fit WANTED Good solicitors to handle s thoroughly good proposition; straight oi side line. In every city snd town In Ne braska. Write or call 2316 M St., South Omaha. GOOD, experienced clothing salesmaa wanted; muat have good reference. Ruph-ael-Pred Co., 13th and Farnam Sis. AGENTS If you are earning less than $36 weekly, send for our latest proposition. Anderson Specially Co., 1208 N. 27111 St., Oklahoma City. HELP WANTED MALE . A areata aail Naleamea Cwntleeea. SALESMAN For Corrueatod Paper products. We want :t bang up, exoer- leuceu iiiiwi hi once, aiiu nui iuy koou salary. American l eper Box Co., Grand KaiiKiB. Mich. AGENTS Wai.tod Dig money; k poniKd paid; ti'j experience required; va riety portraits, ui oiiiiue.-!, phulo pillow tops, 30c; frames ut our factory, prices; credit given; catalogue and samples IiV-e. Hitter Art Studio, 1-M4 W, MaulSon fct., Cnicago, 111. SIDE line, pocket samples; 10 minutes, $40 commission; hlgn grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising .oveity Co., New ton, la. $i00 to $500 per month; one manager made $2l,6o0 In 4 years; anotner 4,500 in b months; business lancinating, grand and noble, and we want otily tno bvst men and women, with a few nundreu dollars to represent us. Write for terms. C. C. Jonnson, Beatrice, Neb. . WANTED First-class specialty salesman for Nebraska to sell stapie line to general trade. Experienced man prelerred. Com mission and expenses pain. Reference re quired. A good, live man can make a fortune. Conridentlal. Wholesaler, 12o Franklin street, Chicago. SALESMAN us local manager to handle Formacone, the formaldehyae dlslnfector. lou.ouo In use. Also complete Hue torrnal aeiiyde fumigators, dlsituectants, floor oil, sanitary sweeping compound, insecticides and sanitary supplies. Goods used by the ciuteu States government, ew Hork Cen tral R. H. and Pennsylvania R. R. This territory open. The Formacone Co., 60 Church St., New York. MANAGER wanted every city and county; nandle best paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive control; no Insurance or book canvassing. Address, Chas. Haistead, 43 W. 34th St., New v0rk. PROFIT Smokers' profit. Nicotine con sumer sells at sight for 2uo. Fits any pipe. Two dozen to agents, $l.uo. Circulars irue. Nicotine Consumer Co., Juudlngtoii, Mich. AGENTS $9 dally. New Invention. Amazes everybody. Acme Self-Wringing Mop. Send D0c for sample. Start taking or ders. Circulars free. Skldoo Soap Co., Columbus. O.- CHEWIN'i GL'M Sell to dealers In your town; clean, profitable business built up UjUlukly with our brands; tour flavors; novel packages. Write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, o." AGENTS, write Ideal Refrigerating Co., 23i East . 41st, New York, for best selling machine, no power. Family, Hotel size. Saves hall' cost Ice. SALESMEN with clients in locality to sell first-class listed Bonds; good commis sion to octive men. Write M26 Lafuyette Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Firset-claes salesman for Ne braska to sell staple line on new and ex ceptional terms. One having successful specialty experience preferred. Attractive permanent contract. Liberal cash weekly advance. We are paying our best salesman $160 commissions weekly. References re quired. Milea F. Blxler Co., Cleveland, O. AGENTS 200 to 800 per cent profit selling specialty every merchant and business man wants; quick cash sales; unlimited quan tities. Write Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago, HI. AGENTS-440 weekly selling our Sun Ray Mantle Burners; 10 times brighter than gas; prices defy competition; Investigate. Slm plex Gaslight Co.. 23 Park Row, New York. AGENTS Exclusive territory in this sec tion for a specialty used by all business houses, manufacturers, public buildings, etc.; 100 per cent profit; control of agency permit of appointing sub-agents, thereby establishing permanent business; bank ref erences required. Excelsior Fire Appliance Co., Machesney Bldg., lPttsburg, Pa.' A SUMMER household specialty; sells on sight. Write me today; sample free. Ira Blzell, Strayhorn, Miss. AGENTS WANTED. Yes. you can make quick sales and big profits with our new self-lighting wlndproof cigar lighter; every smoker buys on sight; sells Itself. Rath bun Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, lnd. MARKET your ability; If you want a legitimate revenue producer, write today; particulars for the asking. "Lustro" Chem ical Co., 438 Boston Block, Minneapolis. Minn. WE MAKE high-grade paints and roof ings and sell through commission sales men; established 1893; need a few more men to occupy vacant territory; producers earn $60 to $76 weekly; pocket samples; expert knowledge of goods unnecessary. Bettls A Ferguson, 200 8. First St, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Two first-class salesmen io handle Nebraska. Leads and close an ex clusive advertising appropriation with first class merchants. One of our men averaged over $200 a week In May. Ours Is a-brand new, catchy, unique and strictly original proposition that Instantly appeals to every progressive merchant Give experience and reference in answering. Address A. D. Chandler, 60S Chestnut Bt, St Louis, Mo. A COUPLE good real estate salesmen, experienced. Customers waiting to . be shows. Answer at once, D 404, Bee. Clerical aad Office. MGR., manufacturing plant, must be good udvertlaer and expert correspondent; salary $150 -or better. MGR., advertising doctors, office, must be physician, registered In Nebr., $50 per week. TRAVELING SALESMAN Groceries, leather goods, packing house products; specialties, furniture, salaries ranging from $76-UW. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house. $85. BOOKKEEPER, mfg. concern, $75. BOOKKEEPER, bank, $75. STENOGRAPHER, railroad, $7.".. STENOGRAPHER, mercantile house, $75. COLLECTOR. $.4). TWO OFFICE CLERKS, bank, 50-$ti0. The above positions have Just been placed In, our hands by Omaha firms to be filled. If you have experience along any of the lines mentioned It will pay you to see X'S. Our facilities for placing high-grade ap plicants In good paying positions produce quick results. Call or write for COM PLFTE list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N., INC., :fi2-64 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 yrs.). BY "Ol'R SYSTEM" vonr application Is submitted to 200 of the leading concerns dally until you sre pWcert. If you pre rmn petent we PLACE YOI IN 24 HOURS. Call early Monday, or write CARSON REFERENCE : BUREAU 574-571 Brandies Bldg. ' . WE have positions open today for stenographers. I bookkeepers, 2 shipping clerks, collector, tock clerk, stenographer and telegrapher, salesman who can Invest $.00 to $1,000, 1 furniture and carpet sales men, drapery salesman and oil snleaman. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., (Originators of the Bulletin Idea.) , 673-75-77 Brandela Bldg ' EXPERIENCED nook keeper wsnted. $70 APPLY ROOM 1 BEE BLDU. WANTED Shipping clerk. Electric Co., 411 S. 10th St. Johnson 8KB us Monday for a position as stenog rapher, bookkeeper, - office or hotel clerk, collector or salesman. We have a number of very good openings. Costs you nothing If position Is not secured. THE CANO AGENCY, 433 Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office tontlaaesu HIGH SCHOOL graduate about 18 who writes a good hand . Address In own hand writing. L 3, Bee. COAT Slid PANTS to order, $20; perfect fit. MacCARTH Y-VILSOS sol S. 16th. WANTED Young man bookkeeper and stenographer. 1410 Jackson. WANTED Experienced soil a dispenser, steady position. Apply Sweetlaivl, Bran dels Stores. factor? kaii Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Krile'st, Bee Bldg. SHOES repaired by hard while you wait. Correct Shoe Repair Co.. 617 H. 13th. WANTED Six non-union steam fitters at once. Inquire Omaha High school building. WANTED A good sober blacksmith, for country town; will pay by the day and give full control of shop; Swedish settlement, must have experience. For particulars ad dress Lock Box 20, Hordville, Neb. BUTCHER end meat cutter wishes em .i ........... t .....i.. tr .. 1 1 i . n,,,t i -....-...,,. . ..... boozer. 404 Pax. on Block. U. S. BAKER WANTED Must be competent no boozer need apply. Cedar Rapids Bak ery, Cedar Rapids, Neb. WANTED Tinner and furnace worker; capable and sober. Address Carl Roelle, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Vegetable gardener. Apply Immediately, Iowa School for the Deaf. Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. lnd. 39 Black. WANTED A caller for-vlewlng. Hlnst Ac Leasure, 809 Ave. C, Council Bluffs, la. U'AWTPI) Markers and listers. Klm- xiuu baIl launal.y( ,5U jacltson. WANTED Elevator operator, with license. Apply 1513-1515 Howard St.' Raber, Printer, Bee Bldcr. . ' COAT and PANTS to order. 120: nerfect fit. MaoCARTH Y-Wl LSON, 304 S. 16th. Miscellaneous. ' WANTED Railway mail clerks, city car riers, clerks,- Omaha examinations an nounced July loth, -Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dep't 163 P Rochester. N. Y. AN OPPORTUNITY for a capable man to establish himself permanently. with one of the oldest and largeat farm Implement manuiaciunng companies in the United States. Owing to the increase of business, we find, it necessary to establish a dis tributing warehouse in the state of Ne braska and have a confidential position to, fill in connection with this branch. Only those who are looking for a Dermanent connection and are in position to. make In vestment, sufficient to Insure same, need apply. G. L. Owens Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. COAT and PANN nril.r txt- nr fit. MacCARTHY-WIiSON, 304 8. 16th.V WANTED Young men to learn automo bile business by mall and prepare for posi tions as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert In ten weeks; assist you to secure . position. Pig pay; work pleas ant; demand- for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson, Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, New York. WANTED Men to learn barber . trade. $15 to $20 weekly paid graduates; few weeks qualifies; can earn tools and board from start; busy season for i barbers. Call or write., Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St 1100 monthly and expenses to travel and distribute samples for - big -manufacturer; steady work. -S. Sheffer. .Treasurer. C 168. Chicago. WANTED Organizers: good commis sions; any territory; for .the fraternal - so cial Order ot Owls. John W. Talbot, South Bend, lnd.' - GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Chances better to secure one of the thousands of appointments to be made; full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of examina tions In Omaha, sample questions, etc., sent rree In circular Z31. National Cor institute, Washington, D. C EXPERIENCED clothing salesman wanted: must be flrst-classi references re quired. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Far nam. $80 monthly and expenses to advertise and distribute samples for wholesale house; steady work. H. Monroe, President, R 368, Chicago. $26 WEEKLY aad expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute sam ples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, B-268,J Chicago. FIVE Knights of Pythias given profit able employment near home; whole or part time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg., New York. WANTED Men to prepare for September railway mall examinations; high salary. Write today for free lesson and free scholarship plan. Ozments, Dept. E. B., St. Louis. EARN $26 per week In own home In spare time mailing catalogues for cut-rate grocery mail order house; supplies and samples furnished. National Grocery Supply Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. WANTED Men to travel in Nebraska; good pay and tailor-made suit In 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. E. McBrady Co., Chicago. ANYBODY can add $3 to $30 weekly to their Income growing mushrooms In cel lars, sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free booklet. Hiram Barton, West 48th St., New York. DO you know where It Is cool every min ute of the time? The Parlor Theater . HFI P WANTFD MALE A.N D FEMALE. vr.iULTi-. . 1 ur. .. t.n... I. . i.u. li vj jtuii T a van Biiuif uu now to make big money this summer. Mis sion Game Co., (Julncy, Mich. WANTED A cook ut Bachelors' cafe. 2012 Farnam. EITHER sex. Home work. Whole or spare time; pleasant. - Particulars sent In plain, sealed envelope free. Garth 4k Dwyer, 1311 E. 76th St., Chicago, 111., Dept. O. AGENTS Men, women, best hot weather aelier-on-market. Wrlto quick. Bartlett Supply Co.,; Brown Blk., Omaha. MAN AND WIFE to live on farm: man to do general work; position permanent it satisfactory. J. E. Martin, Madison, Neb. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system Is death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3630, Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leaven worth. YOU MISS the best laundry service If you fall to patronise us. National Laundry, fc)l Cuming St WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee- Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you saw the a.4. la Tas Bee, EDUCATIONAL Eight Months Preparation for Business THE STUDENT WHO ATTENDS EIGHT MONTHS AT THE Mosher-Lampman College wilr have eight months' Instruction and drill In preparing for business. It will not be a mixture of foot ball, basket ball, base ball, dancing and study. At the' MO$H E1J-L AAIPM AN COLLEGE every day, every hour, every minute of Bchool Is devoted to preparing young people for success.- A student cannot successfully study bookkeeping and foot ball or shorthand and dancing at the same time, tor "Either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other." You cannot afford to pay money to have your son or daughter Instructed at a business college and then have the lime that should be devoted to study and drill be devoted to outside matters. The so-called "Colleg Spirit" may make a good advertisement for the school, but it Is a had thing- for the student. At the M OSJ1 EK-LA M 1M AN COLLEGE the student Is in a business college that Is located In a business block, and Is sur rounded by a business atmosphere and everything Is business, nothing but business from the time the student enters the building In the morning, until he leaves It at night. This means success. This Is the reason why business men prefer MOS11KR & LAM KM AX trained students, this Is the reason why you should have vour son or your daughter trained at the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. For catalogue address M0SHER & LAMPMAN 17th and Farneni Streets Omaha, Nebraska. Look for Commercial College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLEs' COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. Prepare, for profitable positions In book keeping, shortbat.d, typewriting, telegraphy, elvll service sure to be open In the fall sod winter. The year book Is ready. Apply for It Students admitted any day. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Both phone. BT. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 11ST AND CHARLES. Rev. V. li. Tyner. 3848 Charles. Harney 2383. COAT and PANTO to order, $20; perfect fit MaoCARTHY-WILSON, 804 S. 16th. LOST AND FOUND LOST A gold watch and chain, chain had a t3-gold piece for charm; finder please return to 840 Brandela building and receive reward, 26. Thfl ToHHv Knor Expert Cleaners -viii. and Dyers. 1818 HARNEY. BOTH PHONES. LOST on main road between Blair and Calhoun; silver chain bag containing small (old purse and hankerchlef marked . "G. H. tl."; reward If returned. Call Harney (084. A POCKETBOOK marked F. A. Corneer, containing Elk membership card and valu able papers; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer, 24th and Dorcas. LOST On Hanscom park car, or on 16th St., near Dodge, June 24, opal ring. Return 611 McCague Bldg. Reward. LOST Bunch of keys. Telephone J. R. Campbell, Harney LOST A diamond-shaped medical frater nity pin set with pearls and emeralds; ini tials J. F. S. on back; a reward of 82 will bo paid for return to Bee office. PEARL sunburst brooch, between 81st and Cass, ltith and Howard. Return to 413 N. 31st St. Reward. Phone Harney 2ti7. A GOLD-mounted Elk tooth-watch fob. Return to Bee office. Reward. LOST Young alligator has escaped at 2501 Farnam St. Return and receive reward. MEDICAL DR. J. H. HUGHES Specialist In chronlo diseases. Consultation, with In structions how to use the waters, free of charge. Office In Mclntyre Bldg., Excelsior Spring, Mo. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for itching, bleeding ot protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Suer (nan & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREB medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical- college, 14th and Daven port Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cateb; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas libi. Calls answered, day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, 1 a box, postpaid. Sher man tt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to the treatment of all forms of chronic and spe cial dlaeases of men. For 35 yt?ars he has been known and trusted by all, in years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co.. 218 8. 14th St., Omaha. Neb MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST KATES, quick? .crvTce and MOST COMFlDENTlAi, DEAL of any In the city. Pauoulse lee BIGGEST AND BKT. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, Third Floor. 807-808 Paxton Block. Douglaa 14U and A-1411. MONEY NEED ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. outnwet Cor. lsth and Streeia Telephone Douglas TBI. Rate cheaper than any advertised, vv e ras) wove u. - EDUCATIONAL MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Con tinned. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY". MONEY to LOAN RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 308 Paxton Block LOANS J10-TO 8500 On Fl' RNITl'RE. PIANOS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, HORSES, WAG ONS, or on YOl'R SALARY, If you are steadily employed. BEST TERMS and CHEAPEST RATES If you noed MONEY for vour vacation, to pay grocer, land lord or butcher, do pot fall u, PLACE YOUR LOAN vith us, an old established and reliable firm, where you are absolutely certain to rtctlve a sSQUARE DEAL. We are here to do biiclnc and If equltubla rates, courteous treatment, privacy and prompt service are inducements worthy of oonsldeotlon, place your loan with us. 11' you aro already car rying a loan with another con cern, you can transfer it to us at a cheaper rate. TRY' IT. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 308 Paxton Block. N. E. Cor. ISth and Farnum Sis. 'Phone Douif. 1411 .and A-14U. Notice to the Public CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR SUM MER VACATION $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD 8 FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES. TH1M IS A NEW FIRM 81 Organized by the REPUTABLE U 88 BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- t 88 tect honest working people In need J 88 of temporary help from the exoi-Di- i. 88 tant charges of the so-called loan U 88 companies. We will loan you all the 88 81 money you want and charge you only il 88 10 per cent a year. THIS MEANS TOO PAY tt 88 fl Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. tt 88 Interest on 26 for 1 year. f 88 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. ft tt And all other sums in proportion. f 88 Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. It 88 Reasonable Appraisement Ohuiges. Jt tt A glance at the above rates will tt tt convince you how much you save by tt tt dealing with uh. tt H NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. t$ MONEY IN IUUK r-UUJVJl,! WITHIN AN HOUR. tt ROOM 204 WITHNELL BUILDING, tt Independent Loan Co. !; Doux. 5045. V. E. Cor. 15th and Harney It ttmttmtttt$tttmmti;;mtmttmrti'imis Mt8tJt"m'''';tt"s"istj5t Could You Use $50 .00 ' To a Good Advantage T tt It so. sit down, sum up all your hills, tt tt putting them In one amount, then come tt M In and rlve us a chance n explain our St r-lan for helping you pay your bills, tt tt It is much easier to make payments It t on one Mil than many. We loan money It tt on furnltore. pianos or teams, with- tt It out removal: 81 20 Is the weekly pay- tt It nient on a SS0 loan for fifty weeka; It tt nther amounts In the same proportlnn. II If you need money, call on or write tt us snd our aaent will call on vou at tl It once. All business strictly confidential, tt 8 STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. It M Room 12. Arllncton Blk.. IRUVs Dodge, tt tc Phone I Villains 84'itV. tt KiiHiiiiwwuiimw'w-Kimt MO.K LOANED SA1ARI El PKOPI.K WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH KRS without secorliy: avy payment Offices In fin principal oltlea Toluiao. rouia 111 .Nw York Life Htdg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. PLATA U. 1514 Dodee. Tel. Med ..! A Dewey Ave. Landlord says this about the Bee want ads: I used a five line want ad in The Bee to advertise, a house I had to rent. , The number of inquiries truly sur prised me. Could have rented the house a dozen timea over to an extra good class of tenants. Losing a tenant ha no terror for me any more. , . , v MONEY TO LOAN Salary and I hiittejs i ontlaned. CHEAP LOANS It as Furniture. Pin no or unr. u IS YOU BORROW 81 tt 810 00 you pxv bark III. .4 81 St tS.M you pay hack J-T i 81 M M.& you pay liuCK t-I.iW 81 tt NO OTHER CHAHG.C. tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 8 It Room 801. Brown Block. M 88 107 S. 16th St. Cor. DouKlas M . fl 88 'Phones: Douglas 2u.iti; A Mia. 81 tl.. l-"tt,tH),1.-t - IH LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uuaae. IIIGIIT GRAD"'a.flnCT: abouts for sale cheap. 1117 Far.tara St. GOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE Phcne Harney 232 43)7 La Fayette An. FOR SALE NeW runabout buggy anil harness. t6. !41 Poppleton Ave. HORSE, wagon and hnrncss, cheap. 1401 Jackson. t Horses end ehleles. TWO fine, gentle, younii horses; one black, one bay; for biigay. curriano, sad dling or general use; also sell lliiney run about and single harness. li-4 Military Ave. FINE PASTURE. . PLENTY OF GRASS. We have "lie of tlie finest timber p;i Hires near Omahtt. where then- is h great deal of Ki-ass at the preson tunc. Can take a few more head of cuttle or horses. Plenty- of shade and ruiitilii' water. Within 2i miles of Floi-jji e. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. Wll Harney St. DELIVERY WACiONS-llenvy teaming, gear and farm wngons. lli7 Fitrnatn St. SECOND-HAND buus-ics and wagon cheap. Murphy & Son. Uui and Jackjpn. A PAIR of Mexican mules and harness, cheap. oTtli and Cold Kt. 1-100-LB. bay horse, hnritess and steel tired top buggy, SI.!.'. Will take, good cow as part payment. UrjU S. liltli St. MOVING AND KOijSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND S I'OKA'iE CO. cleans caipeU on your floor. Electric vacuum ssiem. JM) So. 17th. Tel. D. libs). EXP. Delivery Co.. ofilic l'itii and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, Izard St. STOVES stored, liuice. Mil N. Mth St. ' OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ROOM and board; home cooking. 9)0i S. 21th. Tel. D. 6IS2. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locatity. Use of large parlor and ilvlna room. 8-0 per monin. Phono Webster 6244. (SIS .fio. .Twenty-flftli street,. FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly mudeiii; private family. . 127 De cat nr. Webster 3260. ONE. or two pleasant rooms In modern home; will give breakfast it desired. 214 N. 23d St.. Phone Red 63D9. FOUR boys, 84.E0 per week. 2539 Califor nia St. Phone Duuglas (151. Vl!"!!'' T ATnl' modern, newly fur JNlUb luALiULt IllBliei, rooniH witll excellent board. 2M8 St. Mary's Ave, SINGLE and double rooms, with board. Home cooking. 2:222 Howard. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with board, conveniently located; references. 2420 Cass. Phone Douglas WIG. ROOMS and board, 85 week; home cook Ing. Modem, tili Douglua. LARGE front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms. 2103 Douglas. ROOMS for two, with board; noma cook ing; modern. Howard. FURNISHED room with board in private family. Cull at Bid South 25th St. ROOMS and board. 3712 N. 19th St Tel. Webster ciood neighborhood; four blocks from cur line. ELEGANT parlor and also studying room,; private family. 42 S. lath. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board If desired. 2tiiy Cats. i KHATli lainily. ZioO Chluufco St. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board; aioderu, also table board. 10 Dodge, FURNISHED room and board. lsM Cap :tol Ave. 'Phone Douglas iiitt. DOUBLE room with board. 15 and up Ufce of piuno. 2110 Douglas. LARGE south front room for 8; good home cooking. 1314 Chicago. NICE rooma, excellent board, with Ger man Christian atimly, 1S11 Capitol Ave. LARGE front rooms; also single room; good board; rateal 2fal0 Harney. MCE parlor room for 8 or 4 gentlemen, hoard 85 week; also single rouiua 118 S. 24th Ave. BOARD and rooms. 2607 St, Mary's Ava NICE large room and ooard. reasonable rates. 222b Howard. JCICE rooms, with or without board. 1818 Cass stret 'Phone, Doug. 1478. WANTED Lady boarder; private family; modern conveniences. lhltf Lothrop St Phone Webster 2155. HOARD and ROOM 85; close lti. tiJO S 17th St. ROOM and board, home cooking. 30US So. 24th. Tel D. WKi. THE LIVENGOOngjrtS MO A R D aud room: l or 2 Indies: private home, walkliuf distance. Harney 43"7. j TWO largo nicely furnished, ulry rooms. One Miltal le for two. Only 10 blkB. from Pith and Farnam. Will furnish breakfast and sui'per. Cull ut iM So. 21th St. or lnd. A-24W. Furnished Itooms. NWtT furnished front room suitable for two. with orivate family. 114 Dodira