Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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. ! iU -
Tim omaiia Daily Dee,
declares his conlempt for a He,
Kntered at OmtU postofflce as seeond-
pally Bee (including Hunday), per week.Ko
VUr Km (wltttout Sunday), per week..lve
tally n (without Munday), one year .84 W
Laiiy lJee aol Munday, Mia year 8.W
gvenlng le (without Hunday). par we-o
veolng Baa (with Sunday), par weea..lOo
ttunday Baa, one yaar M
Balurday Baa, ona year
Address all compleJnta of Irregularities to
Salivary to City CIroulaUon lepartineot.
Omaha Th. Baa Building.
South Omaha Twenty-fourth ana X.
Council BuUfs 14 Doott Street
Lincoln 618 Utile building.
Chicago 1MU Marquette Building.
New York-ltooms Iltt-1M8 Hu. U Waat
Thirty-third Street. t . . M
Washington 71 Fourteenth Street, N. W.
Communlcatlona relating to news and
cdltoiud nuutor ahould be addressed:
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Reiult by draft, axpreea or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 8-cent .tamps reoelvod Id payment of
mall acouunu. Personal check, except on
Omaha or eaetern exobange, not accepted.
utter uselessnoss In business, says he
as always stuck to the truth, kept
clean hands and Is now too old to
learn tricks." Mr. Hill, therefore,
seems to Imply that some men hare
loaroad frlrlta and thla Imnllratlon
save us, partially, at least, from the Bumptton
self-reproach for haying prejudged
men and methods In the larger sphere
ment seems to have had the upper streets for blocks at a time without
are directed more or led longingly toward
a "golden, glittering vision of a New York
hand down there, It has never been having the material to resurface them h0b." The viaion la alluring. There is the
. v , .V ... v . .,, , exclusive in its power. Arizona, which on band? Our paving contractors nig city-ita fascinating dash and rush and
It ta wall fnr on "Itinera nf Com- " eiettcu rejiuuu- - -- I touches ot glory. A pretty, enticing pio-
. Iran bv 70ft milnrllo In 10(18 a nroil. tlrely Of the Inconvenience to the PUD- ture. but aa unsubstantial as a Dine dream.
marna" t atind nn at ,ra, t ante nr - - - - - - I '
. . I dantlal rear. Tha laclslatura last rur
learning ana preacn this wnoiesomei , - m - k.h r-mt.. wi... . in pari m foiiowr
gospel to young men about to Start l""u' K"tu umui.r u " "-J." Clerking will bring the young man any.
,... ,..v- nine republicans. New Mexico has lur "Vius a uubiubsb iuruu,uin where from n to 810 a week at tha start.
. . . also more than once sent republican ' let on ot tn condltlona should be Bight dollara would be a very fair average
' w . ...... ,... I that tha wnpt ha rinna nrnmnt v ti1 estimate. And. In chrnnlol ni tnasa I
wirn i n w I . " " . uv " " v i -
I ... . ..... ... 1 nr.. tha nlarklhtna tn tha ti'rt, itinlt
conditions bringing In new voters who -Peeauy ana vita me least .possinie 'dird. for lud: t.
can say what the political complexion interference with traffic. the youni man geU job m the wholesale
Alaar. lir..Vlaa,laa
examples of men who practice what u" lu .Bu.u.iu.
SUta of Nebraska, Douglas eounty, eai
Oaorgs B. Tasohuek, treasurer of The
Bee t'ubllablcg Compny, being duly sworn,
aaya that the aotual number of full and
complete copies of Tha Daily, Morning,
evening and Sunday Bee prulted during the
mooui of May, mil), wm aa touwwsi
lv....4...a,880 .
I.. .48,640
t 4fl,S0 .
1 4170
11. ...4S.870 '
II..... 40.800
II.. ....... .48,000
14. .........4080 a
IS .....41,800 ..
1 ....40,110
Total -.... ..1TJ10
Ksturnad. copies .,. . ... M88
Net Total WM
Dally Average M
Bubecrlbed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this a 1st day of May, isuu.
Notary fuOUo.
17 ... 43,800
18 40,000
II 40,80
00. .- . . .40,000
II..., 41,480
U ..43,740
J4. ........ .43,030
01. ...... ...40,400
10 43,370
I1....A..... .44,100
they preach. Mr. Hill la what we re
gard as an eminently successful bust
ness man and ho says he has never yet
come to the point where a He In busi
ness would take the place of the truth.
In fifty years' experience I have never
found a transaction worth while when
it came under the shadow of a trick
or deception." If a man of Mr. Hill's
vast experience and Interests had never
made such a discovery. It would be
futile for the rest of uo to try to
make It
But, unfortunately, this ia not the
Impression the people have formed of
tnany big business Interests, especially
of late years. The public has at times
seriously questioned the integrity of
certain interests, particularly those
that camo under the odious appella
tion of "The System," and it must be
Subscribers laavlaai tha city (asa
porarlly ahoald have The) Bee
amallad to tkeju. Addressee will be
fcaBLe;e4 aa ( tea mm reel tested.
The way to stop, auto speeding Is to
otop It.
Now if Ban Francisco should looe
the exposition, tool
Nevada gets so little that even a
prize fight looks good to It.
Now as soon as we admit New Jer
sey the union will be complete.
At any rate, the business of the mar
riage license clerk is as brisk aa ever
"Who wants to kiss a Boston girl?'
asks the New York World. .What's
the answer?
James J. Hill now steps into the
George Washington , class "I could
never tell a He."
Something rotten in Denmark, after
all. Minister of Interior has Just been
convicted of grafting.
Congressman Mudd of Maryland in
declining a renomjnatlon probably
thought to clear the road for his
"A grard place to go when you are
feeling devilish is Houston," says the
Baltimore Bun. Why, does the Old
Man live there t
By passing the -statehood bill con
gees lmmuned itself from the charge
of race suicide, increasing the family
of states by twins. ,
HT6 We Indeed Awrona! coffers or the nation. The advantages treatment of Mr. Bryan Is using as its
In an address at tal, James J. Hill of ,tato 8rnment undoubtedly will model Mr.- Bryan's treatment of Judge AfOtinfl "MeW York
Its B 1 " lae aeveiopment ot tnese re- rarker in 1904. When Judge Parker 1 1 - '
Blpplea oa tha Current of Xife
as Sees la tha Brest Aaerleaa
IfstropoUs from Say to Say.
sources and Invite new settlers. was nominated. In spite of Mr. Bryan's
Some democrats In congress charged protests, it took lis, 000 of Wall street
that the statehood bill had a string to boodle in the hands of Brother-ln-Law
its benefits, assuming that both states "Tommy" to get the deal squared up.
were to be democratic strongholds
But statistics do not bear out this as- Why should those paving contactors that there are in the United states some-
While democratic sehtl- been allowed to tear up our tning i.k. limmiw young men c. .
A writer In Harper's Weekly calculates
of these states la to be?
Money for Reclamation Work.
So far as the feasibility of the pro
jects are concerned, congress takes ne
chance in nassing tha bill annrorirl&tlni
$30,000,000 as a basis ot certificates couege proiessors
of indebtedness to complete Irrigation
and reclamation enterprises now un
der way. They have proved their
worth even though unfinished and
fully warrant this provision, which is
made at the urgent solicitation of
President Taft himself, who has been
Impressed with the excellent results
obtained thus far In the west through
the channels of the new system of
houses downtown an office Job ha will be
The World lieraia man is opposea started out at about W a werk, although,
to retirement allowances for superan-1 obviously, if he commands a knowledge of
nuated government employes unless bookkeeDln or stenography, his pay will
the fund comes out of their earnings,
ana la opposea to oia age pensions for wail (treat with ita lofty sound, is an
la11 a Word, he is other lure. If the young man a strangor
opposed on principle to any provision ,u ob ln Wa41 ,trMt- h" wUl ,tart at
. , . . , , . . about 08 a week, although the figure may
tor workers Incapacitated by old age luted at u ln Mm, lt)llUnc... And th.
except by forcing them to provide for subsequent "raises" will take considerable
themselves. Men who earn their llv- time to reach the lis, to say nothing ot
The house at Skeeterboro In which Mayor
Oaytior waa born la near enough tn the log
cabin Kite to show nji vtr In campaign
Just as Speaker Cannon takus his pen ln
hand to announce that the world la grow
ing better, there cornea from his dlstvlc:
news that he will have difficulty In being
Mrs. Jacob lfounor of Houservllla, Ta., Is
one of the most remarkable old ladles In
Center county. She makes her home wlih
her daughter and. although In her ninety-
first year, does all the baking for a largo
family, in addition to tending to her own
garden and to the flower beds, and to
helping with the housework. Her faculties
remain alert and she In able to remember
dearly recent events, aa well as those of
years passed by.
Noting that some of the New York papers
in accounts of an accident to General K.
Carr. refer to him aa "the oldest living
graduate of West Point." tha Vlcksburg
Herald corrects them and gives that dis
tinction to Simon Bolivar Buckner of Ken
tucky, the only aurvlving lieutenant gen
eral of tha confederacy. General Tluckner
was graduated from the military academy
in l&U and is now marly W yeara old. As
tno rteraid says, General Buckner waa a
seasoned veteran of tho Mexican campaign
oeiore toenerat Carr received hla first
shoulder straps.
lng by the sweat of their brows will
take note.
the 120 mark. There Is a lot ot money In
Wall street, undoubtedly but It Isn't ln the
young man's first Job.
If one of these young men get a job on
tha office staff of an Insurance company
ha will start tn at a salary ot about i a
It week, thla figure, too. being a fair Initial
criterion of the remuneration ne win re-
The question arises now. Is there
anything the democratic party of Ten
nessee would refuse to stand for?
1 . ,L . J (-.1 . .1 M
nas enaorsea iue nuuiiuioirauou M0elve from similar jobs with other big com.
Onvarnor Patterson. Including hia 956 a nk i,h nn..rin firm
Strange to say, there was- some op- d , th . among them pays not mora than from u to lio a week
admitted, as court records will BhoWi Pl"on to this plan ln congress, but it th don f c who km c at the .tart, but if the young man ha.
. 1 . W1" dld not coma from those members who , , ' . ability his opportunity for advancement to
tnat in some instances tne people nave l . . ., . iV maca, ana renommavea mm. 20 k wll, be c and compar,tiveiy
, . - easy. Again, ln this case, the young man
auu yoBBioinuen oi me semi-aria re- jt ta to 06 presumed, however, that with an engineering education Is not con
glon. This $30,000,000 is to make a Edgar Howard will aocept tbe lnevita- altered. If the applicant obtains a job In
desert blossom as the rose and It will vIa nnn who rnM tak hack and W office he win receive or tio a
mthnH- rfr tha h.n ct -nlPln d. toT 0theT deVOUd to the Lw.llOW Oil tH Bald about the Check-
and moral inde-mant hn m,ht not h Bame PurP0fe nao done it. An attempt Dook candidate will pick no quarrel A petite figure ln a black empire gown
there and muBt we revise our estimate P" bem mde' fU"le thUgh U WM because that special session failed to w at the neck, stepped from among
. .. ro maKO it annnir mat r.nia carrinrnta i me buwvuiuii iu nunou
Of these Interests, or ip it Simply thatl , .VJ " ..." ffl8M,nl'W9, Inclosure In the general sessions court
Mr. Hill Is an exoeption Instead of the " "-u luUMu "Kelatives must remain outside the rail
r,,l amona- th mlahtv tnn of affalra merel' 10 lne completion Of Work Xhe suppression Of one letter ad- lng," began a court attendant
i m. t,t ,n Progress, might have the effect of I dressed br Mr. Bryan to democratic "I'm not reiaUve-. rm counsel for the
vs xv vaiA wa . i . , .... I I A k'ah a -.r.UiA Vi av vminsv wnmtn.
If th T,or,l hav tunrart wronr um,un oeveiopmem oy snuumg on dollar dlnero might look like an accl- "r. . ' ."".J- Z" ..
th.v ourht to b elad to find it ont new work unU1 that beua l m- dental oversight, but the suppression ,.. M Mr w....rvoL th. a.-
but they ought not to be too severely p oa e precisely me opposite is 0f a BeCond and a third letter savors Islet ant district attorney, informed that
been correct ln their assumptions.
But, after all, the question will come
home, have we Judged awrong ln the
aggregate? Have we placed men and
condemned, for they have seen some
bands that eertainly did not look en
tirely clean.
true. To be sure it proposes to wind 0f an accident on purpose.
up the unfinished business first and
that is what this money Is for the
creation of a fund against which cer
Talk aa Cheap mm Air,
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Nebraska's talk ot electing Mr. Bryan to
the defendant's counsel waa Miss Frieda
Thomas Wasservogel gave place to his
older and more hardened associate, Mr.
Wllmot. who conducted the prosecution.
The news that a woman lawyer had in
vaded the general sessions spread through
o rv,- ura ,v. n Ltiflcates of indebtedness may be Is- L "Y"
mvujv ivi uk uuiuaui. n .... mo uuuea oiw. ...a """" -1 .11 .Mnr laH tn nrt
The Germans are one ahead in this BUea' Ul n D BenM aeS " "eeK t0 tin conclusion in that state, founded on '
or will 11 muitaie against runner ae- repeated ana patient experimenta, mat me
four-cornered race for supremacy In
the air going on between the United
States, Great Britain, Germany and
France. Count Zeppelin's achieve
ment ln flying 300 miles ln nine hours
with twenty persons aboard a vessel
velopment; rather it encourages con
tinuous progress by getting out of the
way enterprises now on foot whose
completion can be thus facilitated.
It is beginning to dawn on many
country ' feels that It can g"t along with
out him for president.
Things Coming: Ills Way.
Springfield Republican.
The president la said to appear highly
nia nvar tha oulclclv cumulative re-
nearly BOO feet in length eauloDed th0Ughtful Pe0pl6 tDat DerhPs Bom Uponse congress is finally making to his would not defend this priscer if I did not
nearly 600 feet in lengtn, eauippea . ranam. He has rood reason know he had the truth on his side, and I
Occasionally she would pause to cast a
reproachful glance at Judge Craln for a
ruling unfavorable to the defense, or to
smile assurlngly at tha jury as she cor
nered a witness,
Our defense will he very simple, " she
said In opening. "It will be the truth.
with restaurant and buffet, entirely
eclipses the French and English ex
ploits of sailing over the British chan
nel or the feats of Curtlss and Hamil
ton. These four men have shown
what Individuals may do with small
air craft, but Count Zeppelin has
brought the science down to a mighty
strong resemblance ot practical utility
He baa already answered Borne of the
mistakes have been made ln getting legislative program
too many irons ln the fire in this mat
ter of reclamation and that the thlna
to do now is to concentrate more. Be
fore the president lent his support -to
this present measure be convinced
himself by actual investigation of what
to be. It's a long lane that has no turning, am sure all of you gentlemen believe roe."
and the turn seems now to have come for '
Comptroller renaergasi 01 now iui
City harbors some unpleasant suspicions
regarding certain phHanthroplo organiza
tions ln Gotham which are handsomely
subsidized by the municipality for taking
the president Things are beginning to
go his way-at last.
A Prophet or a Jereaatah,
New Tork , World.
President Ripley of the Santa Fe Is pre- care of Indigents and defectives.
had been done that the projects were turbed and gloomy and predicts that within la a bureau which looks after these InsU
tmvlnir Invantmanta and not a w ten years the government will operate the tutlona. but the bureau has been so good-
" W I . 1 l ka nnllilas h ll A m I j. A - t.a. Inl4iilaia ak .tia-if
Wild ventures. The West needs all the M.i. in ralslnc the auestlon whether the that before anvone knew It an era ot
, ,, iV .v,,,,,.. help of this sort for Us development rovernment shall regulate the railroads or Lrraat extravagance seems to have devel-
- . 7 v u V . u . U'hlch the government can give It; the the railroads regulate the government, Mr. Uped. The city pays out to private lnatl.
rn.infn naaria it. In fant foe ik. a. Ripley may yet achieve fame as a prophet, tutlone something over a year,
of aviation and he has taken much of
the fantastlo glamor out of the Sun
day supplement exaggerations by act
ually demonstrating that it is possible
to travel ln the air.
Tomorrow some of these other couh
velopment of the west means the pros
perity of the whole nation.
A Place to Follow Up.
a sum wnicn many aeoiare 10 00 tuiu
Common Sense Asserting itself. eether excessive.
New York Tribune. It not neoesaary to mention anything
The movement for a sane Fourth of July -o unnleasant as "graft" ln connection
Is not always Itself entirely sane, but It thMa institutions. They are not run
years. It win be no ugni tning to im
Omaha has had a gratifying success ln P"' and.a mu.oh h'gher aree for prWat, proflt Butf u ,oem8
trvmen may distance What this sturdy .v of sanity man we nave Known ror many haye iyeome of thei
- w - - 1 gtnu u I iu BK, LUH laiil W nil L1UUB UL IQI 1U USB OA SO,- 1 a. a, a. T a will 8a MA 1 1 DTI T tnina- tn Im. a .
German ha. done, but Just the same tional and even international organlza- uti- rT
we all have to take off our hatB o him tiong and societies that hold their pendenoe day waa not established aa a pen(ierga8t has sicked an investigation
and admit that he has brought us meeUngs from time to time, and has fe,Uv,ahl JJ!.!, upon them ln 8pUe ' th th" the"
much sooner than we expected to lnVftP,ahi, imra.d th. th.rm ..0" cont'ln om ot r-
nolnt aDoroachlng nractlcal air I V. v V. T . " " " " mlKUu m spected Knickerbocker names. This lnvea-
polnt approaenmg practical a r fayorabiy by its efforts as host and en- hem and tetanus. ugation will ascertain the unit cost of
travel. n -provum 10 periec nis tertainer. While these big meetings
Bcheme by giving dally excursions and L- ...... n , -u. sober America. i
" I Bl fj U P 14811 IVVdVVU 11VUI V1VJ fcV ViV
Mltait Vi a has) niAnAar1 1 so Ar r ti tr In I
t., Wv.v vuUBu and we must await our turn, rarely do I gig-nlflcamt Deoreaao In the Conaamp-
mis no prouuy ... VBl.u1BU regular tne delegateS Who have been Our guests tton of Lienor.
aerial lines of transportation. It I A, i,nf .,....!. .n-oia. New York World
, .... w a
comes on with such a rush that the
At a big banquet In Loo Angeles re
cently the papers say 120 gallons of
olives were consumed. How nice of
them to call it olives. '
It is up to Acting Mayor Brucker to
distinguish himself by giving us a safe
and sane administration while he Is ln
charge of the city hall.
"Teddy will take a breathing spell,"
says a correspondent. No one has ac
cused him of snoring, but he does
breathe loud sometimes.
The governor of Nevada says he
knows the fight Is on the level because
,Tex Rlckard is a friend of his, which
surely ought to settle It.
Brother "Charley" has taken It on
himself to speak for Mr. Bryan. But
the "Peerless" will speak, for himself
ao ooon ao he geto within' hailing dis
Some of these congressmen who are
olaiming credit for the passage ot the
postal savings bank bill could mors
truthfully say that the bill passed ln
spite of them.
A democratic paper refero to "Sen
ator Orlm'o opportunity." Orlm lo
the man Guffey nominated to run for
governor of Pennsylvania on the dem
ocratic ticket Golden opportunity,
Another member of the Chicago
university faculty hao made a bid for
fame by declaring that the colonel
and Lis party avoided the most dan
gorous parts of Africa. He had better
keep under cover,
Jack Johnson's mania for speeding
ought to be satiated ln Nevada. They
might turn him loose In the highest
power auto obtainable and let him cut
RcoM thoae alkali-sagebrush stretches
to bio heart'o content He could not
possibly hurt anyone but himself.
the service which these Institutions per
form and If It Is far in excess of the
cost for the same service elsewhere, the
remedy, while heroic, will be easy and
At ( o'clock Sunday afternoon a well
world must stand in awe and wonder ...urance that they would , ? .1 Zl Jn ot Ami? dreMed waIked lnt lha Wert M
nforn It can fullv aDDreciate the nrog 8 a88UrtnCei " T woula again Is the apparent lesson of thiAw Hundred and Flfty-seoond Street station,
before It can fully appreciate Uie prog- be glad t0 come agaln when OCCasion lean grocer, estimate of "The Nation's Ueut(5nlint MoClinn w on deek. It
ress man la making ln the herculean permlt,. Ab a convention city Omaha bill" for io. , appeared that they had just dined at a
tasi Of solving, we mysteries or na- hft. n ,Q power and pre.tlge and thsbanner year for netrby r"urnt- Tha m hd Bult-
ture. But he has a long way. to go ffitty confldentlT exPect to have these SL Ji LL "Jll f jST but
oeiore ue v o"u- big meetings located here ln constantly then iU maximum. In two years tna
increasing numbers
...I.IIa. In...i mA ViV t Tit 111 hut
. . . ... ... I ill D Uil, wvwi. .. ww..w..w - - - ....
omana couia. we oeueve, roiiow up f .. off m0,is6,800. This waa not an
the rest of his life. Not tearfully, but
with calm persistence his wife would not
"Have . a chair," Lieutenant McCann
Compleune OUT Empire 0I SUtei. ... ..0 - ,.nvantlon rlt. af. . J . 111'. J ,h. Via. "aid when be saw that the contest prom
Creating states out of Arizona and : 1;" " . rZ; '7 ' M to be a long one. The wife sat down
. recuveiy iu uu vlou wuiku una ueou nuuiu mt -rr . niliMn,.. thai boded 111 for tha
New Mexico use. up all our available ftlm0.t 0Qtlrely neglected. AU Qf thcM bid... ua coffee and cocoa ..tablUh.d XZo7Z"m dr. H. put dow'n'
common weaun auu completes natloaal and international organlsa- la ,7.
A Ueuar of
tirent Vnlno
Chicago Newa.
When President Taft timed tha rallrnait
bill he completed the task ot giving to the
country a measure of great value. It repre
sents to an unusual degree the results of
careriu study of railroad problems by
strong and fearless men In the national
legislature. It la generally conceded that
the new law Is far better than the one
which the country would have secured If
Attorney General Wlckershama oriainal
bill had been accepted aa It stood.
Under the new law the Interstate Com
merce commission at last Is given tbe right
to pass upon proposed rate Increases he-
fore they go Into effect. Thus Is transferred
from the shippers to the railroads tha har
den of showing that the desired changes
are fair. The establishment of al fiommAra
court to pass upon rulings of the com
mission promises prompt decisions. Then
there Is the provision that when rati are
lowered to meet competition they shall not
ce raised again without the consent of the
commerce commission. The creatine of a
commission to Inquire into the capitalisa
tion ot railroads Is another important fea
ture. Further, the Interstate business of
telegraph and telephone companies Is placed
unaer me supervision of the Interstate
Commerce commission.
These and other valuable features of the
law are gratifying gains. The Important
euDjeci or pooling la not dealt with, an
omission which causes much dissatisfaction
to the railroads. In this respect the law
does not carry out the declarations In the
last republican national platform. How
evar, the measure as It stands does not
seem unjust to the oarriers. Its good fea
turea greatly strengthen the republican
party oeiore tne country.
"Speaking of the kulscr'n lame knee, it
Is a wonder that J olid Iiull Is not com
plaining of a acre foot."
"Why should tV
"Wr.y. Juut look how Roosevelt trod on
:s corns." Usltlinore American.
Vlaitlnif Reformer Jf )ou don't mind,
air. Watkt-r, I'd like to see the Inside
working of thla big factory of yours.
Proprietor The inside worklngsf My
dfui sir, this is a pill, faotory. Chicago
irii.une. , ,
Saplalgh riah Jove! an Idea has Just
flashed through my mind.
bharp "flashed" Is the word, my boy.
It certainly had a clear track. jJostou
Magistrate Officer, what Is this man
charged wlthT
t'niistaMe He's a camera fiend - of the
worm kind, yer worship. ,
Magistrate tiut this man shouldn't have
been arrested simply because he had a
mania for taking pictures. -
Constable It Isn't that, yer worship; ho
takes the cameras. Uoxlon Ulobe.
Mr. Rlchmug This anti-trust business Is
throwing quite a scare Into our people,
Mr. Billyuns Yes. The boys won't even
make combination shots in the club pool
room for fear of being Investigated. Puek.
Marlon I wouldn't care to have . a f?
graduating gown.
iHirothy fiut It might get you a husband.
Marlon Well, I'd hate to have to dress
the rent of my life on a precedent like
that. Judge.
"Isn't thla wireless business great T' said
a man In the crowd to the one next to
him, aa they stood reading the newspaper
bulletins ot another telegraphlo feat
"Wlrelesa business doesn't look .great to
me." answered the other.
"Why notT" Inquired the first.
"Because I'm a wire walker In. a show,"
said the other. Baltimore American. .
Arthur Macy In St. Louis OJobe-PeruocraL
Bit closer, frtonda, around the board,'. s
Ueath grants us yet a little tuna
Now let the oheerlng oup be poured, ' '
Ana welcome song ana jest ana rnyme.
Enoy the gifts that fortune sends, ,
ait Closer, irienasi
And yet, we pause. . With trembling Up
we strive the fitting pnra to make;
Remembering our fellowship.
lamenting Destiny's mistake.
We marvel much when Fato offends.
Ana claims our irienas. . .
Companion of our nights of mlrthl
where all were merry who were wise! .
Does Leath quite understand your Worth,
And know tne value ot nis prueT
1 doubt me If fm comprehends
lie knows no rienos.
And In that realm Is there "no Joy
Of comrades and the Jocund sense?
Can death so utterly destroy
For gladness grant no recompense?
And can It be that laughter ends
With absent irlundsT
O soholars whom we wisest call,
Who solve great questions at your ease.
We ask the simplest of them all.
And yet you can not answer these T
And Is It thus your knowledge senda,
To comfort friends?
Dear Omar, ahould you chance to meet
Our brother somewhere In tho gloom.
Pray give to him a meseage sweet,
From brothers in the tavern room,.
He will not ask who 'tis that senda.
For we were frlunds.
Again, a parting sail we see:
Another boat has left the shore.
A kinder soul on beard has she
Than ever left the land before, ''
And as her outward course she bends.
Sit closer, friends. , .
Talks for people who sell things
an empire hegun 123 years ago. It
marks a new epoch ln the history of
free government and rounds out In
full stature the greatest nation man
has bullded. We may yet, ln the course
of human events, make one or more
The per capita use of spirits in HOtl
his suitcase, paced the floor ln front of
Hrn maintain Dsrmsnant headnuartars .v.. .m.n... non- t hr .inc "e desk. , It was at aoout wis point tnat
somewhere, and the Importance of the MM. Of both there waa . uon'wa. paid to him.
business conducted by their national TlaTd buTT'l "We can't get on togh.r- said the
officers la steadily growing. As a rule.. man. who waa about 44 years old. "We
ha kaen thatr records at th tir- nn. .,,. in derived from might as well part. We must part.
" ' r . , ... .IA .V..
tin !.! from fermented ' , -
Some merchants say their location No solvent concert win admit that it
prohibits advertising people would c"nt afford" to maintain salesmen; "can't
not go so far ln response to advertls- """ITC1
... , wmuii wm mane ior
greater efficiency: "cn't arfnr.i" . k..,.
Oood location Is, ot course, deslra- raw material when the market Is right.
ble, but good merchandise and good Wny' tne11' are t'jey ready to claim
advertising Is much more desirable. V."0' .to ?vertlMT
Location doesn't make much differ- lng was not productive of immediate re-
ence it people know that you have the suits. Does every salesman he puts on
goods they want at the right price. 'mK S-ood inBtanter? Does he realise on
People who work and earn their '" "T"0,! "Tl.130! ,vry ma
..... . hne Pay for Itself within the first year?
money know the value of money, and Does he immediately manufacture all the
when it comes to spending It the loca- raw material ha bought on a break tn the
tlon of your store isn't the question m'"etT Why put on a few months' proba-
it is the goods in your store. What IT on deP-rtmen that more than
...... all others carries a cumulative value?
sort of merchandise do you offer them Baieemen reach a point ot maximum
for their money? value to a house and then either hold out
A little more faith ln your own tor 'r" salaries on the claim that they,
proposition is what you need. People A ,not 1"UM' oontro1 trad-,, or
, v . .. . t leave. The life of an Insurance policy
will go anywhere to get good merchan- aeflnlu. New miu;nlnery bomef J
dlse In response to intelligent, per- and has to be replaced thereby putting
sistent advertising. M "bonded indebtedness" upon future
The Bee, with Its 160,000 daily pr"u In 'hrp contrat to these items
. . , ' . . ' of expense Is the ever increasing value
readers, can help you, Mr. Merchant, ot wea executed advertising T in thil
and we can furnish the advertising method of selling, as in an others, bills
copy and illustrations which will draw have to be paid, it is unusual, of course,
customers to you If you make good tot th aveitiaing of a staple article such
... . . ,. tood product ImmedULsly to oome
with the merchandise. back to the house in the way of proflu
'Phone Douglas 333 for an appoint- But while the Items charged to advartls-
ment ,n are being carried on a firm's books,
sight should not be losf the fact that
"We Can't Afford to Advertise." vfy wee brings nearer the time when
A large fruit product concern a few t onJx will the advertising pay rfor Itself,
years ago advertised heavily for a time but u wUl J, commence showing its
and then stopped. To an inquiry as to cumulative value. Why, then, does a bl
why the advertising had been stopped, we hou making an advertlsable commodity
received the quite unsatisfactory reply "t"1 utUr the archaic plaint that "they
that the company "couldn't afford to ad- CM't sord to advertiser Other' reasons
vfcrtlse." tor not advertising may exist and they may
To regard advertising as other than b" tooi reon,, but " oan't afford it"
legitimate inveetment Is manifestly unfair, is no real argument Batten's Wedge,
aM..a.A K r.n1niiapiars malnlslM nlaMH. I art I r tm
states of Alaska, but Us day of state- . . . . in.nnl.i liquors $73,550,7541 from imported alco- ?
hood must be far off at best, to say I . k w "I . holies 15,60.113. and from tobacco 5,- '
trauBUCtiuuD iuiuueu iun unuu. miu; Tha varm tax Der
nothing ot th- destiny of our Insular lf tneBe organliatlonB hftve grown up "all t. VourT. was I .3,
up my sultcaae," went
capita on the husband, still more angrily, "and
am reevay to go away,
possessions. .mo11 harlnnlnira and tha lna. Takln the estimated retail price of here."
New Mexico and Arlrona do not (...i..,,.,.,, v. Ka a alcoholics and adding ooffee, tea and " ro to 111 follow you. remarked
me into the unloa" mDtT.handad: l the !90 drink bill ot the nation the wife, looking at th. toe of her right
terminea pureiy uy acciaem wnere tne
president or secretary has happened to Malt liquors
come into the union empty-handed;
they do not get something for nothing.
True, their populations are not large
ao states go, but they are not to be the
smallest in tbe sisterhood. New Mex
lco, with a population in 1900 of 195,
.. ,,., ,.- ,-.i.,i Hulrltuous liquors ... 5Sl,4i,T44
and finds Uo membership and activities coffee, tea, etc
If you are going to tag after me on the
street" snapped the husband, "I'll not
'Very well," said the wife, with becoming
meekness, which, however only maddened
the man still further. Tho reporter, step
- . . V . .Va1a a A . a. v.
Bureau urw mf ""V" vuuwy uo- ToU1 11,781,006.126
rnmAi mora and mora lmnnrtanr tn I m.,. isi n na u.h f.mii. t.,-
000, exceeds that of Delaware, Idaho, kave headnuarters centrally located, persona-enough in all oonsolenoei But P'" "P t0 th h
Wyoming or Nevada while Arlsona, L4I1, accessible and affording every th. alcohol,. part of the expenditure J"- . ' ?lv
with a population in i.oo of 1H.000. dwlred fmClllty ror the successful pros- Tendency to ..
la lartrar than althae Wvnm n nr . .. ... . . decided tenaenoy to Bi
' ... " T . " ecutlon of tne worg in nana. In fact,
Nevada and will both show big In
creases by the new census. But they
rest their claims not solely on the num
ber ot residents, many of whom, ot
eourae, are Mexicans and Indian
yeara a
for the location of a permanent head
quarters every argument Is even more
applicable that Is urged for the loca
tion of the convention ln a city near
the geographical center, on the main
Our Birthday Book
me th. name and addresses, please.
"Heavens! no publicity, no publicity,
oried the man. Ha ran over to his wife,
whispered a word or two ln her ear and
then picking up his suitcase and taking
bis wife by the arm,- he hurried out.
"Thank you so much," she said to the
reporter, and to Lieutenant MoCann,
they bring substantial wealth into the ,lnei or trM1 ftnd fuUy .quiPPad to
union. The official federal report of Uie care ol visitors all the year
lua esumaiea jtne viuai property vol- abound.
JTaae 84. 1810.
Btuy vacant I'lsh, banker and railroad
man, was born June 84, 1461, In New Tork.
An Opponent ty Wnrth Improving.
PHUburg Dispatch.
... th. Illlnnl. r--.n.,.l " " "
. - m 7 L .... " j 7 I visit this country after a trip to Oermany
uatlon of New Mexico at ,882.000.- Tna progTtM wMca 0maha ha. claim oa Omaha for bringing that - J inZT.:
000 and Arisen. $306,000,000. a per ffitde as a convention city sug- road to this city during hi. incumbency. SK SK
capiU wealth practically th. ,.ma we begUr 0Ur,6,Te, t Btanley M. Rosewater, attorn.y-at-law, o Am.rlo.n pre.M.nt a.
that ahown by the old and pro.p.rou. cur, tn. loclltlou of th, parmanent ?- right herein Omah J AeU a Bnrop'
lata nt Inei and far mnra thanmanvl. . . . . I uw - I
.v.. - neaaquartera or some or tnese various graduate of tn. umv.rsuy of Michigan I A Jelly Before tae Sqaeeae.
Otnes siatee. ou asruo irom me uw organisations and trad nsx!.. Law school, and a son of th. late oltyl Indlanaiolla News.
known wealth and tangible property Lions, which would be valuable assets nln,r' Andr,w Roswtr n ha. been Looks so Uiough th. railway, were eager
both tnese otatea must, inaeea. he em- ,n our futura growth. I "L" l.." " , w .V. ""..
nlraa of nrodislous undvelnnd r- I nuuia- -- v poesiDie. i v r
pireO 01 prodigious UBaeveiopea re- - - - rial district IS St today. Ha e,.Lm. und.r.tandina- with the areat shln-
oourceo Btlll untapped and yet tQ send I It looks ao If Congressman Hitch- nt In Burlington ao4 to a lawyer kylnars not to protestl Then th. cheerful
forth their volumes of gold Into th. I cock's World-Herald tn Uo present I profession. - I work ot doing up th. consumer can go oal
The Best Shortcake
you've a right to enjoy but you know you can't
make superior shortcake with an inferior baking
powder. Better in every way than others, Rumford
Baking Powder absolutely proves that the best
Can Be Made With
its aid, and the most delicious and digestible you've
ever tasted as well. It adds to the skill of the cook
to good fruit and the good materials used in
the baking just that needed final touch to make
perfect shortcake. Remember to ask today for
Rumford Baking Powder
Hie Wholesome Powder No Alum
Engraved Stationery
VUUU0 Cmtd
AB aorrarl fomu In eurraat sodal
Embossed Monogram Sutionery
1st prices!
aad othat work
ptevaii aWcWTiara,
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
iaiO-1113 Howard St Paeae D 1804