10 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FHlfOA"? JUKE 24, 1910. -r- REAL ESTATE CITr PIIOII.HTV FOR IALB (Continued.) $1,600 FIELD CLUB LOT! Act qulekl Make offer on the N. W. cor. 86th Ave. and I"nMf1o Pt. South and eaat exposure. Lot 60x130. Phone Douglas 8407. REAL ESTATE FAItH AND HANCM I.AM D TOR "AI.B California. Madeline Meadows Lassen Co., California, rich Irrigated land with perpetual water rights, government land; 840.00, deeded land; no excessive heat; no excessive cold; on rail road; another building; plenty o water; XMiO per acre will start you; wa wait for tho balance or you can raise It on the land from half your crop; we have faith in our land; Investigate this. You will never have an opportunity like thl again. Write or call for booklet. Join Our Excursion. We leave July 6; free fare to buyer. E. (i. JMJfljfElttJ, Gen'l Agt. 1201 Farnam, Ground Floor. Omaha, Neb. Canada. FOR SALE or will exchange, preferably for eoutuern lands, a good level nail sec tion in Alberta, Canada. William L. fciiu ery, care Jf'ort Worth university, iort Worth, Tex. Colorado COLORADO Property for Bale 11-room brick and stone resilience at Ooiuen, Colo., U mllea west of Denver; place Jias been used tor private boarding nouse, is niou rn and a money maker; easy terms to lue ngut party, Box 'ui, Uolden, Colo. A COLORAUO LAND SACRIFICE. M acres for s,io aa,W down, balance ( years' nine, eniiui payments; comprising the old home place of the apore rancn ..m. MAlllntf U 1,1 ucund bottom land value oi leiiue euriouiiunig is Al to fw per acre Una laud should seil for more money tue price Is for immediate sale write ior plat a..u REALTT coMPANT. Colorado bpriugs. coto. W ACRlio OR LKSS OF TUHi UJiMPlttt Ml JUblu. a rr.r.m nnrtiiwetit irom Denver on C. ec B. R. K. to Uouluer; choice farming land; nunutea irom bpencer station or ecuool, hourly Interurbau to Lenver and northern towua; plenty Irrigating water, 7-rooiu house, stables, granaries, etc., i wells (best mineral water In Colorado), orchard, grove, large shade trees around bouse. Apply on premises w owner, or P. O. box 167. Denver. COLORADO. . ' .Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas Iand . . . 1 tvc. viv mnr tinvs from owner a tract Ot I lur level, unimproved land In Irrigation district mw . w . , . in v.a Mail l.ulit VAllftV. Will arrange to snow at any time, bee ue lor lull particulars. WM. gU'VLU, ill Commonwealth iildg., Denver, Colo. 1K1UUATKD LANDS. Ml and lto-ucre tracts of smooth, fertile, Irrigated land on the Costilla estate In the ban Duls vauey 01 coiorauo can yei ue purchased at VM an acre. This includes a perpetual water right. Kaey terms. Larg est and most attractive project ever de veloped In Colorado; 6,0U0 acres In cultiva tion this year. Write lor free maps and folders. COdTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO., 1634 Champa tit., Denver, Colo. ' Florida, . FLORIDA LAND CUE AT; Would you Invest In a &, 10, 20 or 40- acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or iruca una in ctonuoa uch miiuuumu district. If you ttuld get It for fl.M per acre under market price? We are Just ..imnlns near uact In Columbia county. - r - - . . i iid wh.econairucing tne campaign win Mf II la. law L.L SaAJ laM uu UMU UI COBY UB I sell a of 6 per month. We have Just J"...' 3 . KL .Ti.,! iu.nl, h.n nlcturea of fields and dwelllnaa in our lo- calltv all In artlstio colors. We will mall you yths book free and send you such Stner advertising matter as will give you .. j i.i,.u .., T,... nL,iin , .. i:j Is convenient to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6.000 people, lu our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one ot the very beau It is endorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan. Write for raaba and book giving truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 44 limes .bldg., lit. Louis. Mo., 15,000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR UUiCK SALE. Florida aat Coast. Everglades. All- muck land. Oreatesl bargain in tne whole stale. No brokers. FRANK l 1JILLS ft COMPANT, Jib Monroe be, Chicago. YOU CAN' STAT AT UOMfi And make Big Money In Florida. n a rt.i ,p nmnlh m.-Ill tnmlrm tint n.i . . W "..- " " w f Moao. orchard. resorL hotel and aonerai niiiu. in mi. n z in. nr rMit am l Truit ii-nn Iilgh-olaas development proposition ever ""ftJ vwtiunuiw. K-viiu wt atw vk uit viAiv . IllOllk SJBasu 4UII VWl tlVHIBMM i. A. Hollomon, President, , Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA. We have some ot the best land in the stMe, below the frost line at attractive prices, bend for particulars. Estero Land Company, Fust National Bank Bldg., t.u.cagu. FLORIDA FARMS PUTMAN COUNTT. FLA. Ten-acre farms for only $joo, one-third cash, balance one and two years. w guarantee the land to be as good as any in tne state. Natural flowing wells, good drainage, huiuv iubikvib. unijr u miles from 1'alataa, Carraway station on the U. B. tt If. Ry., in the center of the land. All of our fui nis are In easy wu klne- diin, tif station and postofflce. lUver and rail- way transportation facilities for truckers and growers the best in the state. Finest luiiiiiug rnu residence section in Florida, Oood schools, churches, etc No malaria. Write today tor one of our beautiful . 1 1 1 v. I ii f ft I tirtlMDAOI llsl A ft il limn. luklrated prospectus and map, E. Z. JONES tt CO., MB-S0I Atlantic National Bank Bldg.. Jacksonville, Fla. I data. We Guarantee 7 Net . . . . TU 1W1U ftiia iract, laiU LARQ- L l IHtllUailUif IIIAC I US THE WORLD, la peopled with a lot of good cltUens. They need money for SKED. lmploruents, tioiuo building. We guar- gntOO 7 per cent net on all money you can lend. Becurity approved. WrltO to us about tnia. IIH'LEY BH0TI1EES, . foiiuerly of Ouiaha, FILER, TWIN KALLd COUNTY. UlAHO. Nert. UaUeta. NORTH DAKOTA. TUE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. Land In the Houna River loop, where crop laiiure is unknown, lion. j. j. Hill aaya tins ianu is an worm ioo per acre. aud ha knows, will rent and uav an t,r cent on Investment. What la your money rle land lu the It la free. , urn. N. D. world- Write lue ior list. K. E. UOW1N. Oieiiburn, gUHIfl, FINE CASS CO.. MISSOURI. FARM tut acres, one mile of railroad town, X nuiee aaif .w , wuui,uuh auu giaaa; ail noli, fine lylug laud; s-rooin Luum. barn and outbulldinas; well fenced aud watered, if you want a bargain In a weii located grain and stock tarni, you tau't beat it; tiuly ttii per acre; good leiois US tills. O. W. C LARDY INV. CO.. 101 Commerce. Kansas City, Mo. TlalBER and ranch land bargains la ajouth allaaouri. Murrla al Walker, Moua tia View, alo. ! IX MISSOURI. tl acrea; 114 miles' southeast ot Kansas City. 70 acres in cultivation, nut iuium : good barn; out ouiiuiug. ed iin. water ana mass: large orcnaru ui auiereui variutiei raduTolnrLuo1I wf fruit. 1 miles to guo to school and church, a aiouey maker. GKORGii KUUPF, t0- BUeldleff. ilidg.. kMiiui rim M t REAL ES1ATE riim am uAAiii uau for a.ia (Continued.) FOR SALE Improved farm. MO acres. 80w tillable, oo level, fenced and crosa tonctu. wateied wun springs and pouas, some hay ianu. Sou pastur, no rota. i cultivatea, 16 wheat, a spelts, la barley, 7i corn, crops fine; baiame leeu; 4-room tone nouse, atone barn, granary, room lor l,uou ou., hen house, cnu, came shea, good wen, mill, tank, brood bouse, luit set of Implements, 2 horses, set of harness, W cattle, 1 oroou sow, uw cuickens, orcu ard. ail kinus of truit. teiupuoue; black sun. eiav kuLsoil: ouildinas insured; 2 lies to acnool ana DOstomce; price io,vw. , W,WAI casu, a ewra at s per nu, uiilea to town, no agents. Write owner. A. P. CAfiLiiiTON, Grove County, AiauiBua, Kansas. Michigan. MICHIGAN FARMS. Na. 120 acres, cleared, smalt house ml barn, gome truit, near town, fine fruit land,!..... MKricuitur-.i school: oitv is a-i-ntem tM. No. 8 10 acres, clearea, gooa nouse ana barn, plenty ut truit, level, good soil, ll.it. No. J-itw acres, rich loam soli, level, 4 miles aiuaaeaon, olty M.0w, 12 per acre, II per acre uow n, balance easy terms. Ail ,ao-iioii ciuions 40 AC ICES, I2U0. HALF CASU, BALANCE 13 TEARS. The land Is situated not far from Bay City, Aiiuuigan, auu auapleu for farms, graaing or iruit. f erieot lines, anu wui wear uioae Inspeoikju. xne aiwve price and miiuis are uiaue ui clou an eaai.e quica. if you want a i or wore aeuu your opuwa in uuiv, wua ii per auie, auu baianue w I uu paiu wneu ueeua ate roiuruea. BRAlFORU a COMPANY, M Adams bt., Cuicatio. TUESifi ARJ5 WONDER READ, iit-AO ana wonaer. I'raolloally a ifiiL. mi acit: lies like a aardeu; iia acres LUiuvaieu; balance on t,uioer and pasture un uuauuiui river; aoou uouae. iVi sioiy, aou uu -iu in. ';'" 1 i.ii ,, ui.uiuui.., i eros ieiiceu; iuiai nmu and teiepnone, lino nines W 10 wu, nine luuurf to latiiiouU towii; lvo line beamie: apvio trees aua ouier iruiis. iiiai i"ru.i.i ii o I is r avjii. ihiuk ot iu 'iueie is not anoiner aucu oar- nam in the world. mi acres ameuaio. lana. ui acres cuiuvatea. baiauuu In una naiuwoou uuioer; miles to town; rural mail and telephone; aooa nouse and oarn: A A O.Mvn.rti) Ui. HAiiuairi . li ice si..Mi. ai.OOU casn. oaiauoe to suit you. vve are always uie ieaueia 111 pargauu; otnei-s ny to xollow. bend lur lull jjMU'ticulara. n. vv. saw in.it, NBWAYuO, AiiCiiiuAN. FORCED HALd An excellent W-acrs (arm, an smooln anu level, no swamp or wet lauu, very piouucuve; with success fully Blown Corn, ciover, wneat, vesetaoies w.au . . uit. tt . V V ... u UIG , vvaua.u. " I 1 lu . UA ,.ura. ,w.i.i.r., ...,.i tiii.. aia i I ana truit; e-rouui nouse; beuutltui shade; . . ... .. J w vuav, . w V. . mwhwv, w .w. , -iait nieniv ol cnoice beanna Iruit. 'ibis is a real larni anu una tiiat Will maae money lor any nve uiuii. it is ou main roau, close nelgubors, schools, etc; only about iu minutes' waia from trie bigest lake in aiictugau where there is good ooatuig, fish ing or bathing, 'ibis farm must ue sold quick and we therefore uiaae the price i,4uu; ouo-hair casn, balance to sua buyer. u. c. DmiiM. Lox L. Martin. Mien. LAND FOR UALK , Write me today. & F. FREMONT, NiiWAluO CO., MICH. bNAl' Money-making country home. stock, tools and crop complete; one ot tne oest iv-acre tarma in tne state, pracucauy level, lays aoout, 2 miles irom town, on uoautltui uiaua roau. close nelgnoors, bcuoois and cnurch. inla larm boiuers ou i beautitui laae, an elegant spring brook lows across It, large new s-rooin tieid atone residence, big baaement or cellar, large veranuas; big. new uarn, room lor 4 head of hoi sea, b cows, also carriage and tool room; lots of choice bearmg iruit. inn . Kmi. luu. in ovrv limmrt and wa h. ttlLcJL, wnen we offe? M SuS bf.dcrTw will let A' must bo sold iulca ana we win let .unhviiinw u 1 1 ihA uav or nuinninerv. -v;-;"- lB Iveryinlng i?m P'tcnt ork to sell binders, au macniuery is . , , . practically new, also wagon, carriage, bar- neeaes, uu cuickens, cows, 4 noises, hogs. elc- q"'c ouyer win uiaae me ynci W.); mu-t have SUM cash balance can be Pii in smau yeany payments. WUI give Dossession ana turn everything over to buyer In 48 hours. It you are ready to snap toe oigaci oaigaiu wu uu i ihhm aeeina tins uulck. '1 t'KtU PARR CO., Box E, f lalnwell. Mich. IF 80LD AT ONCE. 120 aorea; good soil; apple orchard; 40 acres timber; s-rooni nouse; good oarn; everything courplete. 82 acres: a sandy loam: 7 acrea maple ana enn umuer; two iarg ayuie utviiatuj; 10-room house; large frame barn. Tviliiiil lour lunes matnefc auu ummu uu, railroad, Choice, 13,200; cash fiOO; balance easy terms. WATLAND REALTT CO., Wayland. Mich. A SNAP. i tO ACRES FRUIT, VEGETABLE! .AND 11 ' U' ITM I.AMl. ' In center of Michigan; near county seat and i ., , .... i . . i i . , i , , .... i rmiirunu lu w 11 auu lino lane, ivw nyui, irvrra. I , l " , . i H1,l,. .Alii ivu ueuuu 1 1 ccn, ,w oiuci. n ui i. , qiov. iw bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil; title; only JJOO; , a down, 10 Pr i " OWNER. R. 403. 115 Dearborn St, Chicago. Mentaaa, FOR SALEt-4,720 acres In Jeffereon county. Montana, at 110 per acre, on easy terms. This tract la located Vi miles from town of Whitehall, a thriiiy little city on the N. P. and C, M. & St. P. coast line; 2,000 acres of this tract is under irrigation; water riKhts from the Jefferson river. About 1,200 acres bottom land, about 75 per I able for pasture. This tract is located In the famous Montana apple belt and is a cent of this tract is tiuauie, balance sutt- I bargain, I 1S.O0O acres, Meagher county, Musselshell I n.v Montana in nr ur: iuiv ,rm- located on C. M. tt St. P. It R., 3H milei from two good towns; at least 80 ner eent of this tract la suitable for farming. A good proposition to cut up into small farms; 4.0u0 to 6.000 acrea can be irrigated; many springs furnish abundance of water the I ruu upniinrl year around. MAlU IiN ts OI UAIU liAJlil CO., Aberdeen, S. D., And S35 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Nebraska. SarP7 cunty Snap A beautiful home, highly ImDroved. 100 acres, fine land: 10 miles to Omaha, 6 miles I 10 bOUlll uiuaiia biuck l arum. i'rice If ,0,a u,l;K 'V-T 1. K I nmHc KJ' iv vuu,ual I Room IS Old U. e. Nat. Bldg., I3U and amain. Phono. P. inla. imirntiTnninniiua 820173 cultivated: best, black clav anil A V AJ .vj uAiujAlllO. . - n , . . . .. .-, new rrvMiu "v-.. tums, 'jv . iu um uvi luuu, .11 cuiuvatea. Improved; l' miles to town; 4i per acre. biOCKS LAND CO., KEARNEY, NEB. irruiii viuaria uee. dune u. 191U.J Bumper Crop Promised With . . if nu Fine liain in .West CHEYENNE COUNTY AND VICINITY V1P1TEU UX HEAVY PHKC1P1TA HUM BENEF1T1NU CROPS. "SIDNEY, Neb.. June 21. 'Special Tele- I gram.i a aeries of fine spMiik and sum- I "lc'r rains culminated here tonight in a gen- era downpour, extending ever this entire reglou. and the crops never looked better t this season. Small grain Is heading nicely and the corn la doing splendidly. Everything points to another bumper crop Cheyenne county. Nebraska, tha fminsln. bargains: 1U0 ACRES, all smooth vallov lanrf ik blaok soil, abundant water 14 to HO feet. i-rice, i an acre. 4! ACRES, nearlv 400 acrea flna amnnih nloW 1m , 1 , 1 1, ..I l.la..!. . , , , 1 I .. ,E . . .. " . BUi, uit. .a LO OU . lu 7"'" 1, ow acre. oniio, iirucucany an tine valley black soil, only 20 feet wiiif ivnj aire iooa piowaDie land. to water, for 6n acre. inese are all cholre tracts, especially adapted for rrrteral larmlii .l.in. ai. '" wneat, corn. oats, barley and potatoes. lll go out with you and show this Und or you can go direct to Br dcnmri or .1.1. ton and take an automoblu. 'rrom thJ,. 10 ldl"f" -'dKred Oilman the "j en- now GEO. N. HICKS, I iia n.,,t ft' j. n. . ,. . . w Ataue uma. umaoa. jwaa. REAL ESTATE FARM ASI MAX 11 LA.NU FOIl SALE JNebrna nttnaed. FOR HALF,. 1M acres unlmDrored Drelrle land. All level, irood land. In good neighborhood. S miles northeast of O'Neill. This la a bar gain. Price ! per acre. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Nebraska. BARGAIN In Platia. Valley Irrigated Ftrmi Kxtra good 1M1 acres; must be sola quick. 60 acres alfalfa, HO acres best wheat grass nieadow lu the country; 80 acres to other cropa. $86 per acre. Write quick for t.rma ami fnt-tH., lnln,ni,(lnn tA i In Ma irllia. ko. Oklahoma. NOTICE. To be sold at ouhiia auction. June IB. 1910. A t-story, niooern. 6o-room, brlok hotel bulldinit in city of 6.000. Btlllwaior. Okl. Best located property in city. Btillwaief I IS Antjir nt ll.lornrhan avBtnm now hinM- ln. ,, ,h.. ,.n.....i v.... rapidly. This hotel has best business In the cUyi But tne, proprietor mut Btn on ,0. courit ot health. Will eell furniture and buiidiug on day of sale with privilege i..,n. if h,,n.i.r. it..ir ..... .n inquiries concerning this property and terms of Bale will oe urumpuy answered by the undersigned. 4uan jKJvaa; sr.. Btuiwater, oiu. Ortgeft, BUT farm lands now. They are dally In creasing in value. Tnere Is a limited amount of lanu, but no limit to the future popula tion. The Paciflo Northwest la tne present land of opportunity. We have a fine assort ment ol larnis, some of which will suit you. Write ue today, stating your require ments, ana we will uiall you full particulars tree. Tne Card Realty et In v. Co., his ilenry Biug., Portland, Ore. IKRIUATUD FRUIT LAN US, Mogue River Valley, Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the mot nanen fruit hit m t ivnri.i- minii a..N.u.I , .v.iiimii a,...i snow; naa received tne highest prices over paia lor iruit in the New xoik ana Lon- .. n mark-t-. orchards now nrouuciua: over l.vo net per acre. irrigated orcuara traots on payment pian, rangina iu price trom per acre tor un ueveiupeu lund to Cv0 per acre lur devel oped, wicuaids. Mugueianas, incorporaiea, Meuiord. Oreaon. Boatu Oaltota, SOUTH DAKOTA COllN AND ALFALFA LANDS. The rush is on tor Stanley county; buy lauus near the new railroad and double your money in the next year; au.uOO acres to select trom; 10 to till per acre. Can or write iJ'elland Jttealty coiunauy, 631 i'aiace iiiag., Mmneapolis, Minn. WflR SAI. 10 BY (IWNUH-IUU acrea sooil ' asricultural land, located two miles irom a . . new tow unite on U. & N. W. it. li., in Hyde Co., ti. D. This has positively got to move within tne next twenty days, i-'rlue Hi per acre. J. N. it-iXNU, uignmore, a. v. CliOiCUl BARGAIN a. leo acres. 7 miles trom Watertown. 2 miles troin Foley, beautiful sligntly roll ing land, free irom ponu, creens, gravel or atone, leu acrea into crop, d acres hay, no buimlugs, ior a quick sale tuX-oO per acre, casn down to a 2,tiU0 mortgage now on the land, 6 per cent, purcnaaer guts one-Uurd crop ueuvered. bU) acres, ail piuirie. no improvements. 400 acres good farm land, 100 rough pasture land. 11 miles trom watertown, u miles from S other towns, It's wortu Uo per acre. we are ottering it for x ior a quick sale, cash down to a tJ,800 mortgage now on tne land at tt per cent. If you are on the market ior a bargain In lana you snouid lose no time In seeing these. Address waiiuin et uueney, water' town, South Dakota. yuK &ALU Uu acres: every acre tillable; deep black sou; near town; price, per acre, krank Maahek, ifcimnau. . u. Texas. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR BALE. 131 acres, loo In cultivation, alfalta. corn and potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on the Colorado river; no overflow to mnes irom Houston. Also Ho acres, as in cultivation, corn; ad' joining the aoove place; ot mile to a railroad switcn, party can get immediate possession; will take $60 per acre for one or both places, write to tne owner. A. A. Norton, Wharton, Tex. Term. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat in the center of the Rio Grande Valley and irrigation; baa railroad, Mirnl, nAW court house. ironil hnnlc I antioni. hrick business huuaes: Chanln needs i people to develop its great resources; they re rich enough to make you rich. Ask i u tor DOOKiet D CHAP IN TOWNS1TE COMPANT, Chapln. Tex. Virginia. VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. 325 ACRES S6.G00. Two-story house; U rooms and basement; t porches; . ample outbuildings; apple orchard of 600 Albemarle pippins, wine i uiuumu u& vw ""i I j . . .. li.i, , . . i . i . .u. SaOS ailU OillC UlRII'VllVCIl railDIIDBt 1.11V . i n ...A- .. i ,i .1 k&. in Jt" """t ,. i'h,ri rm.ni. tney are hardy and thrifty, and will yield nflies to railroad I station i Burrounaea oy goou neignDors. it taken at once, only fci.WO; part cash, bal ance on easy terms. For further details, see page 24. "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. 30, Second Edition." It describes other ..a hnrifnlriH fmiti f. n n acre un In Vlr. -mia, Maryland and the south. Cony free. btatlon zoiB. E. A. etrout, union uaui Bldg., Pittsburg, ya. Wlaconala, TOU CAN BUT LAND FOR 10 A MONTH good lana at irom o to ju an -acre. In Vilas and Oneida counties, Wisconsin We charge no interest, w e pay the taxes. insurance clause In the contract. BEST OPPORTUN1TT IN THhl COIINTRT nwN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDFNT I OWN Anla "1r P" .sr-fissJdNl for man ot moderate means to n7 SAnSs I CO Kaele River Wis " F SANBORN CO.. Eagle utter. Wis I M.acre improved farm tor tl.GoO yThls farm haa M acrea cleared free of etumps uder cultivation; land is level; good cuty loam soil, clay subsoil; no stone; has ...(. . , V) acres of heavy hardwood timber such as suear maple, oak, basswooa and birch no underbrusb in tne timuer; balance of land easy to clear, 'inls larm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It has a new frame house witn seven rooms all complete ready to move Into; and a new stable, 16x20. Farm la located six miles from Cumberland and three miles from Barronett; In a well settled farming coun try: Germans and Americans l on main traveled road, near schools, churches and creamery. There Is timber enough on this farm that wnen soiu win pay tne interest and taxes for five years. Terms 2O0 cash. balance on time to suit purchaser. We albo own another 0 of unimproved land land. Bend for our special list farms and timber land we own. that Joins this farm in case you want more of other also our I ""ucv u.. ,u..t.i. " o i. - 1 . u, u.i i ,1.1 PA'a u'i...,i. ,. 1 1 ....... n I) q rrnn miik v 711 nuln. VABh v. u WU.. ....... V... II . . .o.v,..a,u WW1 onlsatlon Co.. Cumberland. Wis, si level lauea us. P1K loratA rrllAS nn AatrhA ImK 1 rrtilt aarl,iiltur&l anil vr&ituw .i.. i California Oregon and Washington. Special 1 government lend list, with laws, sent to all Interested parties. West American I.an,i and Timber Co.. Sacramento. CaL. JW K REAL ESTATE WANTE 0 ,WE llAVJi BUYE1W FOU r and 7.room houses If nrlies nr. r ? ", Sour uroctrtv toe v,. nAwata LAiTANr. r, r. W,Tu. MNfD nVV C0" Suite 8. N. Y. Life Bldg. right . ,a 1 Jno ' lue' balance auyt i cu. um iuruii oi property oilered Address M Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS - I uahvin hkoh., hi iioor N. x. Elfe. v00 I to siuu.ow on improved property, ino delay, ltil WANTED City loans and warrants. W, varnam Dinitn wo., iju farnam at. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. 100 to 110,000 made promptly. V. D. Wead W ead Bldg., 18th and r arnara. LOWEST RATES Bemla, Brandels Bldg. tCiUO to to.OOO on homes In Omaha. O'Kee nnl Vxl.l. Co lull M. V. l.llu Il...,l... I . 7. rz" iiMk REAL ESTATE PROI'ERTT FOIl IALB. GREAT LOT SALE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ON SYNDICATE HILL SOtJTII OMAIIA The crettleet lota you ever saw. Close to South Omaha, but Just out- tde the city limits. On West "V street just beyond tho blocks from the paved street. Convenient $5.00 CASH and No Interest. No Taxes. No Perfect Title. Warranty Deed 15 DISCOUNT IF ALL PAID IN THIRTY DAYS ro DISCOUNT IF ALL PAID IN ONE YEAR. PRICES $50 to $300 A LOT BEST LOTS ever offered on BEST TERMS ever offered on such fine lots. BEST SAVINGS BANK. Watch your money grow. Own Your Own Home Don't pay rent. Buy one of these lots. Sure to double in value on ac count of the new car line and buildings. , COME TODAY Take West "L" street car throuxh Stock Yards, ride to end ot line and take free automobile or carryall to Bring: along your pocketbook, for you will sure want to buy a lot or two. Salesmen on the ground all day. Come early. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, SELLING AGENTS. REAL ESTATE LOANS tContlnuMLJ SECOND morttuei neaotlated. K28 Nn Omaha National iiunlt Bldg. Doug. 4S34. LOAN 8 to home owners and home build ers, with privilege ol making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. 11. THOMAS, 603 First National UanK Bld SOUTH OMAHA ANT Suit or Gown can be matched with bat at Ky an'f Millinery btore. bU N. 24th bt, boutn Omaha. DIAMONDS Every bride atiDreclates diamond Jewelry more than any oiner gift. We have the largest biock ever, anu ear nestly solicit your inspection. Jacobseu & 1 ureu Co., ziot N bb. ooutn omana. SWAPS W hi can ti aue any tmug, any wuere. Ltinllui' 6l iObiW. D. 2066. 421 Bee. A FINE FARM. 160 acres Improved farm, located lVs mnes trom a good town in Nance county, Neb., all in cultivation, practically level, fine son, some alfalta, fenced ana cross- leiiceu, good improvements. Price IM.tuO. altg., to.noo, long time. Equity fa.ouo. Will lake good, clean merchandise or Income property mat u goou for tne equity. Write quick If you want a good farm. 6. E. WAIT & CO. 617 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. I WILL TRADE a lot In Mldletown'a ad dition to Omaha for an automoolle or run about. Address A. J. Jensen, Ord. Neb. Box 1WJ. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits 136 and M0 values at l. See A. Rubensteln, 211 S. 14th St. O. A. LINQUIST CT., 235 PAXTON BLIC FOR evening funotlons full dress Is the rule, and to get It made right see Ld Thiel Tailor, 7l s. 1UU1 St. WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Phone Douglas 2071. crnnMn-HlNn clntVilnv nartv oflnr. noon dresses. John Feldman, D. 3128. A-2636. BEST prices for 2d-hand clothing. D. 3440. w i VTWn Tn Til TV two ft or 1-rnom mi. taaes. Must be very cheap tor cash. N-1& care Bee. O fr a In rif a rxwtA rtna rtiAittitm eii va safe, state site and price. M iHQ Bee. HAVE customer tor grain elevator. J, H. Panoth. Board ot Trade. KRST nricea for BROKEN WATCHES. Old uold, etc. nauian, m a. i-tn ot. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. WANTED To rent modern suite of two or three rooms (unrurnumea preierrea; with board, within easy walking distance. Address i ail. OFFICE OR DESK-ROOM WANTED, in. .. .. ... 1 1 nrfu. or rienkrnom nn we . a 1 1 1 on.. " v. ..... - v. --- ground floor, on Farnam between 14th and 10th, or on 10th between Dodge and How ard Sts.; desirable business. What have fOXl Engelbrecnt itaver, uniaua, lieu. Phone Harney 5660. GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT MEADE. S. D., JUNE 20TH, 1910. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 10 a. m., mountain time, July 20th, 110, for constructing Concrete Dam, Spillway, Valve Chambers, etc., In connection with the Fort Meade, b. I) , water system. Plans ana apt'cmraiions may be seen at the offices of Chief Quar termaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb.; Department of the Colorado. Denver, Colo.; Department of the Laken, rhin.in 111 rw.na.rl merit of Dakota. St. Paul, Minn., ana tnis omce, at mncu iai H information may be obtained on application. A deposit of $10.00 to insure return Is required oeiore pians n.- ncm Individual application. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be endorsed "Proposal for Dam" and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster. 3iinPii-z.i-zf-4-, joiy i.t-o. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tentk and Mason. Chicago Great 'Western- Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Tain City Limited A 8:30 pru Chicago Express Twin City Express a 9:00 aw a 8 00 am a 8:45 pm a 8 0) pm Arrive 11:30 p. m. 6:4f p. In. 6:45 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:20 p. m. 12:30 a. ni. 7:42 a. m. 6 :00 p. m. 4 .45 p. nu 10:80 a. in. 1:20 p. m. lulon Pacific Leave Ban Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8:16 a. m. Chi. & Pac. Fast Mall. 4:10 p. m. Atlantic Express Oregon Express......... 4:00 p. ra. Oregon-wash. l.ta..,..ii :J p. m. Denver Suecial , 6:47 a. m. Colorado Special 11:48 p. m. Colorado Express i w p. in. North Platte Local.... s ii a. m. firand Island Local... 6:30 p. m. Stromsburg Local 12:41 p. m. Mlaaoori Pacific K. C. A Pt, L. Ex a 9:40 am K. C. at St. L Ex all:15 pm a 6:T am a 6:30 pm Chicago, Bock Island Paclfl EAST. Rocky Mount's Ltd. all M a. ra. Iowa Local Pass... .a 6:36 a. in. Chicago Day Ex. ...a 7:42 a. m. Chicago Local Pasa.bl0: a. m. Dee Moines Local Paabenger a 4:00 p. m. Chicago Express. ...a 4:40 p. in. Chicago Limited a 4:08 p. (u. WEST. The Mountaineer. ...a a. tn. Clucago-Nebraeka Ltd. tor Lincoln a 8:2S a. ra. rvin. St CaL Exo...a 1:W o, tn. al0:90 p. m. a 4 .HO p. m. a 8:46 a. in. bl0;l p. m. S11:.'X) p. m. a 1:16 p. m. a 8.02 a. m. a 7. 06 a. m. a 6:47 n. m. a 4 30 u. in. lillp.ni. Okl. A Tex. Exp. ...a 9. at p. ra. Uick. aLuaOl'a Ma.alo:p) p. iu. al2. p. ni. end of the NEW CAR LINE. Four to Stock Yards and Packing Houses. $L00 A WEEK Payments During Sickness. and Abstract With Each Lot. these terms. OUR TENT UP ON THE HILL. RAILWAY TIME CARD c' Wabash Om.-St. Louis Exp..a 6:30 p. ta, a :28 a. m. Mall and Express. .a !;) a. lu. all .14 a. to. btanberry Loc i (from Council Bluffs). ...b 6:00 p. m. bl0:14 p, m. Chicago, Mllvtauaee A St. Paal Overland Limited all. 41 Dm 7 no omiin-v.uiiwu ah.u i.io am .ao am .W are i zb pnt U.3 pm U.U6 pm Oniana-Savaiuia Kx. ..c 7.1b am ..a w.vw pin ..a 7.61 am ..b 6.1a put Colo-Calif Express.. Colorado bpecial ... Perry-Omalia Local Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Mlnn.-bt. i-aui Ex b 7:00 am a :4S pm a 7:46 am a . ': arn' bU;w am Miiin.-bt. Paul Ltd a fa:00 Dm Omaba-FU Lodge Loo..b 4:1 pui CUlcago i .Nurikneitefu EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:00 am Chicago Local al2:06 nm al2:S5 am a pm a &:a pm a 7:66 am a : pm al2.au pm a 7:46 am a 0:3 am a :60 am a . pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 jm Chicago Speoiai a :v pin Paciilo Coast-Chicago. .a :u0 pm Los Angeles Limltea....a b.bo uin Overland Limited aU:4a pm Denver Special aU:40 am Carroll Local a 4: JO pm Fast Man NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:60 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local Minn. 4k Dakota Ex. .a S:6 pm a f :2a pm . i.w iui a :ia am Twin City Limited a O.oo pm a I:J0 am WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron a 7:60 am Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:60 am Long l-lne-so. Platte. ...b 1:16 Dm al3 :00 am al0:45 pm a 6:20 pm Bastings-Superior b 2:15 pin o ii.jq pm Deadwood-iiot tiprings.a 2:6 pm a 6:10 nra I'a.T.ur.l .WTlilMr a V iJi nm nli..i - .vv am jTreuiont-AiDion .o t.ju pm b 166 pm BUULINGTON BTA lOTU Jk MASON Barllngton Leave. Denver and California. .a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express. ..a 4:10 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Black Hllla a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all: 5 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Lincoln' Mall b ' :20 pn Nebraska Express a 9:16 ,m Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm Bchuyler-Plattsmoutn ...b 8:05 pm Plattsmouth-Iowa a 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a 12:30 pm Colorado Limited all :26 pm Chicago Special a 7:16 pm Chicago Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express.. .a 8:20 pra Iowa Local -a 9:15 am Creaton-lowa Local a 8:20 pm lit. Louis Express. .a4:30 pm K. C. and SU Joseph. ...al0:46 pra K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 9:15 am K. C. and SU Joeepn....a 4:30 pm Arrlva a 8:46 pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 8:10 pm a 7:00am a 6:10 pm al2:16 pm a 6:10 pm 9:08 am a 7:60 pro bl0:20 am a 8:60am a 1:40 pm a 7:00 am all :06 pra a 8:65 pm a 8:00 am al0:30am al0:30 ara all:46 am a 6:46 am a 6U0pm WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth and Webster. Bllssonrl Pacific . Leave. Arrlva Auburn Special. b 8:60 pm b 12 :10pra Chicago, St. Paul, Xllnnenpolle A Omaha filoux City Express b :00pm bll:48am Omaha Local c B:20pm Pioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm j win v-ny riManser.,,.0 i:iwani filoux City Local o 8:85 am Emerson Local b 6:66 pm b 9:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN all Modern Safety Devices (Wl raises, .ui LondonParis-Hamburs Pre. Lincoln, Juljr9 am 'PnnfrlTnl ..July 20 Amerika July lCltrlnd juiT j, PrM. Ornt July 13Kali'n Aug. VIo.Jul, lo Cinclnntl ....July lPrw. Lincoln ..Aug. 10 niii-i iruon a la uerui itaiAurant, Hamburs direct. 'New. Hamburg-American Line, 46 Broadway, N. HARLAN DISBARMENT CASE Ilearloa Charges Against Platte, D., Attorney Will Take Several Days. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., June 23. (Special.) The disbarment proceedings Instituted some months ago against O, P. Harben, an attorney of Platte, who Is widely known In the southern part ot the state, was called for hearing today at Platte before Colonel John L Jolley of Vermll- ' Ion, referee for the state supreme court, The case against the accused attorney will be prosecuted by E. P. Warner of Armour, whom the supreme court ap pointed to prosecute on the part of tho state. He Is being assisted by Attorneys A. P. Beck of Oeddes and States' At torney John E. Tipton or Geddes. French & Orvls of Tankton, and Q. M. Caster, an attorney of Lake Andes, are assisting Mr. Harben in his defense. The hearing will last at least five or six days. Between thirty and forty wit nesses have been subpoenaed, and In ad dition a large number of depositions have been taken and will be offered In evidence. AMERICAN DEAD IN LONDON Wealthy Resident of Greenwich Conn., found la Hotel Inder Hnsplclooa Clrrautstances. liONDON, June 23- A coroner's Inquest revealed the fact that Lyndon II. Stevens, a wealthy resident of Greenwich, Conn. died mysteriously at the Grand hotel. Mr. Stevens was found dead In bed under clr cumstances Indicating poisoning. The au topsy, however, did not substantiate this theory, and the coroner's inquiry has been adjourned pending an analysis ot the atom gch. Mr. Stevens, who was a director In sev eral corporations. Is said to have been broken down from overwork. He had been abroad for several months. OUR HOME SIDELIGHTS ALONG What ship steamed across the Atlantlo first steamed, that la, without using any sails at all? Mjybe you think you can answer 'off hand; but if you do, you will be subpoenaed before the senate to state the facts, and before you are done you will be satisfied that you don't know anything at all about it. They were talking about conservation; conservation Involves Irrigation; Irrigation requires water; water suggests the ocean; the ocean suggests ships, and so Senator Own as Hughes observed that It wasn't so very long since some good ship or other first steamed across tho Atlantic. Senator Bacon rose with asperity. The senator from Colorado was entirely wrong; his ship wasn't even an also ran In that affair of transatlantic premiership. The boat that first steamed across was an en- t'rely different one. That made Senator Lodge mad, because he's a historian, and always knows. He named another one and said that he could prove It, too. Senator Oalllnger of New Hampshire broke away from the New Eng land syndicate to support the theory of Senator Bacon, and the discussion grew very serious and solemn. Senator Bacon's favorite was the good ship City of Savannah, which, he said, everybody knew turned the trick first. They talked an hour about It and then went back to their conservation mutton without a decision. ' Next morning Senator Bacon, who had Detain. UX UKtS i iVTmt. taken the matter much to heart because he didn't propose that Georgia should be deprived of the honor Involved In his theory that the City of Savannah won the cup marched Into the chamber with a fine old wood cut, four feet square, showing the City of Savannah doing it. The picture was so old that It must, obviously, have been made by an eye witness. He lugged the picture Into the chamber and announced that he defied the whole senate. There upon the debate broke out again. Senator Lodge, whose overpowering su periority makes his Intellect transcend all mere relationship to the facts, Insisted that he was right, and Senator Hughes knew he was. They talked another half hour, gave it up, and haven't decided It yet. And unless somebody decides It for them The Tired Business BY WALTER A. SINCLAIR. Poets are having a lively time lately," observed Friend Wife. "One was" barred from re-entering the country, and another was sent to Blackwell's Island workhouse. Can't we endure them?" "Poets are born, not made to work," paraphrased the Tired Business Man. Since the time that Homer smote his bloomin' lyre down to the last one T. R. smote, poets have had a lively time. Any day In the base ball news you read about some bloomin' person smiting a homer, thereby getting himself a pair of $3 shoes when he wanted a Panama hat Homers are commoner now than In the old Grecian days, but not so common as before the days of curved pitching and Inside ball. that Is so completely Inside that none at the paying spectators see It although the mental Titans In the press box save it along for magazine stuff. r" "I think there should be some uniform rule for poets and by that I don't mean that there should be a rule compelling them to wear a uniform with distinguish ing horizontal stripes of black and gray. It seems Incongruous that while they're letting one poet out of prison in Minne sota they should be sending another to the coop in New York and barring a third from entering the country on the ground that he might prove a chirge on tho pub lic. Everybody knows that most poets are not merely a charge, but an affliction on the public; still. In ojr obese prosperity we must have them like we' must have appendicitis. Both equally necessary. The layman thinks that a poet should not mind living In a cell or a detention pen, because the ordinary person supposes that poets live in garrets or attics. That's because they contused them with the at tic philosophers, who, by the way, lived on the ground floor in their day. Just like the modern philosopher lives on the ground sausage. Poeta have feelings and appetites just like ordinary persons. I doubt that you will find an actual poet among the tribe of long-haired bohemlans (with the lower-case bo) who can be found in red lnkerles dipping their flowing neckties In the flowing bowl. "Poets eat at home, when they have such luxuries; rise by the alarm clock and eat breakfast before starting for the poetry foundry. I'll bet that those who write the lyrfes of breakfast. food ads eat a couple C Musings of a Gentle Cynic II If you want an encore, don't sing your own praise. The mermaid Is a myth. In fact she hasn't any standing at all. Most of us have too much regard for the good opinions we have of ourselves. Pon't overestimate your capacity, espe cially when you are looking for trouble. Don't look down on a man Just because he's tn a hole. We send a great deal of American gold to Europe, especially when an heiress marries. He who dances must pay the fiddler, and usually about ten times as much as the dance was worth. To be born ucky Is merely to be borr with a moderate amount of common sense. MAGAZINE WASHINGTON BYWAYS they are liable to break out next session and spend a day or two on It That's ths senate's way. This Isn't history just gossip, tradition, folklore of politics. Anyhow The old ones ot politics say that when Roosevelt and Lodge were very, very young they were both antl-Blalna men In 1184 and went to the national convention as boy wonders, young Ruperts ot Insur gency, rlpsnorters ot ruction and all that tort of thing. Thsy would Have Blalna defeated or they vou1d bolt. Well, Blaine was nominated, and the question was whether they should bolt. They didn't, and the story further goes that Roosevelt was going to Issue a letter bolting lllnlnc, when Lodge got hold of him and stopped hlri. Wherefjre Roose velt always felt kindly toward Lodge. For you IK", of course, that If Roosevelt had bolted Blaine then he could never have become a police commissioner, and It he hadn't been police commissioner he couldn't have been assistant secretary of the navy, and If he hadn't been assistant secretary he couldn't have got his Rough Riders sent to Ban Juan hill, and If be hadn't been at San Juan he couldn't have been governor, and If he hadn't been governor be couldn't have gone up to the vice presidency, and It he hadn't been vice president and so on. So, anyway, Roosevelt thinks Lodge saved his bacon for him at the turning point in his career. Roosevelt and Lodge agree about politics about like oil and water, but they always somehow stick to gether. And that Is why the Crane-Taft combi nation Is In trouble. - Nobody understands,' bat Lodge did the business of saving New England for Taft In the national convention two years ago, and as soon as he was elected Taft dropped Lodge, who had helped him, and made an advisor and an Intimate out ot Crane, who had opposed him. Lodge didn't like It, but he kept his counsel and bided his time. And now Lodge seems to be landing. They say It Is Taft and Crane against Roosevelt and Lodge, and the money Is of fered on the Roosevelt-Lodge combination at any odds you like. Lodge may be what these Insurgent boys call a reactionary, but be Isn't for Taft so It can be noticed. Man Telia Friend Wife Poeta Are Horn, Not Made to Work. Jf "FOUNDRY." of bowls of the very mash so as to be fu. of their subject Same with those who f-1 yj. i w ccmtJ j? v) JtsJji MkAtlOCti f I 3.S y fo write of the delights of devilish ham and smack-the-smack herrings which reminds ' me: Did you know that the herring was a flying fish? Surely you have read of the Herrlng-Curtlss aeroplanes. "But to return to the poets. Alt right we won't then. But you will observe the effect this pounding them had at the re cent necessity In England f ir some poet to step up and knock out a poetical homer. The best the two hitters could do were little bunts. With this commercialising of poetry and the shutdown of the Inspira tion works can you wonder poets are dis couraged T Being vagged like ordinary folks and barred out of the country be cause they were shy one dollar on the necessary 825. I bet our beloved old vag, Franswah Villon, would have lifted the price If he had to do some fancy 'first search' specialty in a morgue. "We must have poets. What would they fill those empty Inches at the bottom of the magazines with if they didn't have such gasps as " Adeep In oozy, slimy, sodden soil, 4 A protoplasm tiny here am I to dwell Without tne could the future still uncoil 7 Ah, who(can tell? Ah, who, indeed, can (Copyright. 1910, byUie N. Y. Herald Co.) r Fointed Paragraphs No man Is entitled to credit for being good Is he Isn't tempted. A woman always has a tender feeling for a man who pays her a compliment No, Alonzo, a trustworthy person may not have anything to da with a trust. Climb a little higher than the crowd and you will be a target for the knockers. A letter should bear the stamp of ap- 1 proval also a 2-cent stamp If it is to go '. by mall. The expert accountant who Is called In to balance a set of books never flgires on having a steady Job. About 1.000 times as many crimes are committed as crlinlnala No really great man ever allows hi bl to become too small for blm. A. i I t