f 71 A n IWjjW iREfflJa Pee Wi ay 238. You will find n Doudlas Phone a cimeeF- fill si aff ready io serve you. o J95wv , ,' .tt r r Want - Ads Want ad reeel-ed at an- time, bat to Insure proper rlaaalf Icatlon innst bo presented before 19 o'clock n-i for tho troln edition, and before Ti30 o'clock of prevlocs erenlno; for anornlaa; and Sands- editions. Want ada rear I red after aacb boars will bare their first Insertion under tbe Cash mast accompany all orders for want ada, and no advertisement will b accepted for less than VtO rents for first insertion. Itates apply to eltber The Dallr loadar ! Always ceaat sis wards to a line. CADil RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-2 cents per word and 1 cent per word for each aabecqnent insertion. Each Insertion made on odd dnya, 1 1-21 cents per word, 1.50 per line per taontli. Albach, W. C. 40tb snd Fsrnam. Beranek, S. A., 1403 8. 16th St 1 nylon Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th at. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hetnls Park Pharmacy, Sid and Cuming:. Ulade-Bradlsh, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. H., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Itinteriong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam St. Cressey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 8. 16th at. Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 So. 13th St Khler, F. H.i 2802 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St Frcyta. J. J.. If 14 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 1308 N. 16th St. Florence Drutr Co.. Florence. Neb. Green Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough, O. A., 105 S. 10th St. Greeriough, Q. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. Wlillam. 2U20 Farnam St. Hanecom Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. 29th Ave, Hoist, John, 6X4 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2U24 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. a.. 2238 Farnam St. Kounlie Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L, 201!) Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles ., 1324 N. 24th 8t Ooldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven' worth Sts. Saratoaa Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago ota. Schaefer, Aug., 2631 N. 16th. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND I'l .E11A1, NOTICES. PETERSEN Maren KersUne. Sunday, June It, aged 66 years, at her residence. .7rt&S' ..X ir husband. Peter Petersen, a rest- ZJJ1 bo by her dent of this city for thirty years. Funeral will ba held Wednesday, June 22, at 2 p. m., from residence. Interment, opringweu cemetery. nenas invited. LODGE NOTICES. Ueatloa V. V. at A. The funeral of Brother R. H. Flemlnit. member of Mondaniln lodge No. Ill, will occur Wednesday, June 22, at 8 a. m. from St Peter s church. Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth. Members are requested to attena. J. B. BROOKS, F. M. SOPHIE MILLER, Secy. CA HI) OP THANKS. We desire 'to express heartfelt thanks to our many friends and also American Feder- anon oi musicians, uougias county Pioneers, employes or union Pacirio shops, Omaha Jewelers, Garfield Circle and quartet lor their kind assistance and svni psthy tendered us during the Illness and death of our beloved father. Also for the ueauiuui iiorai inouisa. G RETCH EN M. SCHINDLEB, ' MRS. CHARLES LANG, - . JOHN 6CHINDLER. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, friends, neighbors and A. O. U. W. NO. for the sympathy and manv Kaksiiltlfiil flArtal nffarln oa ln (h. U I of our sorrow at the death of husband and father. Mrs. William Wolfer and family. We wish to extend our heartfelt thank. to our many friends and neighbors; also to Vesta chapter, No. 6, Eastern Star, for sicKnass ana aeatn oi our sister and nuiurh. i ter, L. Alice Jordan. Mra. Evelyn Jackson Mrs. Mary Jordan. Jatkson, BIRTHS AND DBATHI, ty-flfth" avenue". Arthur Buellg, 2523 iiui lii a nniiiviiiiii nil rasaaa niiu mb mil 8. Caldwell. 3511 Harney street, bov: Chrla- tlan C. Elwiser. liaaa South KJinth ntri gin; William Kocher, 33U California street, gin; juorria Levloh, 2312 North iwenty-iirsi stretot Coy; Jacob Under melor. Twenty-eighth and Crown Point streets, boy; Michael Morrissey, 2509 Corby street, boy. Deaths Baby Doris M. Steck. 1008 North Bixieenin street; Alice r . Lundgren, Swed inn nospitai, 2a; Btby Boiialnto, 1111 Maroy street: Baby Broberar. 272ii Mrrmllth avnn.. I Uaoy KlDDer. 1MM Ohio: Patrick Rnrrf lj... . . -.. i i n . , . ' I Tenth and Castellar streets, i; Maren K. ji puutn i nirteentn, on. ANNOUNCEMENTS J . A. GENTLEMAN CO., y"""- tmbalmers, 1614 Chicago D. 166. B-16oa .r MERCHANTS' Uo -n1 lunch MIDLAND CAFE. 1 VI T Alii. UUHUXU ROOM- 317 N. 16th St CLARK r: 202SIGNS Old Boston Store, ELEVATORS REPAIRED: fralirhr rv... senrer. J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. 13th. Doug.2S7 WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by W .1 .1. 1 T T . . . . V. a . 1 irnn . a. u. vviliua OK V.U., liMBU uougias. uaBRiUUA! recovered and repaired: supplies. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO.! s iimmi iveu ins, MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone nouc. 2m umun lAJAi cuupant. BARGAINS ioMl. - FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK. 301 8. 13lh. COR. DOUGLAS. TEL, D. (323. B. F. WURN, Optician. 424 Brandels Bldg. SEGERSTROM Piano Mfg. Co. We are now open for business In our permanent location, 1&03 Farnam. WK ARU IN OMAHA TO STAY. MAGGARD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van Storage Co. Pack, move. store and ship H. it. goods. l. us. B-24Z8. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works. 1624 & 10th SL Tel. Douglas 4367. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail. ltOSVi Farnam St., 8her win-Williams paints, oils, varnishes, glass, -.uit l-4. mU nauer. brushes, Hasina and picture framing. TElAi uuuu- LAS 4760; IND.. A-18ZI. Dr.. John J. Foster, til Brandels Theater Bldg. Dentist, has moved to lirt'nnTVTn rinss and presents. Oustaf . SjVUXM UKJ) . modrlcksua. 301 N. II ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) vinntAKA hark wine. 75c a large bot tle. KLEIN LlyUOR HOUSE. 622 N. 16th tit. Louglas 6671). THE MODEL LAUNDRY IVVIiriVCkN The INSTALLATION AiMlNUUlJliO OF a NEW SYSTEM. which guarantees all washing to be done. with soft, hot. filtered ana gtrm-pruoi water. These added facilities, combined wun our usual good services, assure you of the bent In laundry work at no extra cost. Family WHHlilnir. rouih Hnd dried, 6c per lb. THE MODEL LAUNUKY, 1110-1112 Lodge St Omaha's Sanitary Soft Water iaunary. 8. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 1768. 1316 Farnam. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th St. Phone Red 814. TTfiTf PArvVS Watch out specials at Try tiayden s first, it pays. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per cent less than Omaha prices. 24th and L Sts., South Omaha, GET your WELDING RINGS at FRED BhoDEGAARD'S. It Insures good luck. 116 S. 16lh St., at the sign of the Crown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, call curds, etc. Kotera & Leary Co., &0ud:T. A. E. ROBERTS, reliablo emu. agent. Successor to Martin & Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkins, 316 S. 15th, upstairs. Where does the crowd go? To the Par- lor Theater, of course. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, R fJTS. A. JETLS. 1303 Douglas St M v"- PHOTOGRAPHIC Supplies. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116, B-1011 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. JOHN NITTLER Hom.?XtT' TTTYTTS5 the beer you like. Douglas 1899, Red 3932; Independent A-1120. SHATF.H Independent Scale Repair Co. uwujliu Refuting, rebuilding and test RF.PA ilf rill) lnK- Refitted scales sold. L?rVna tarwn pAclnnponi 813-16 So. ttjvu o ireotauiau 16th St (casement); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen. Table d'Hote dinner Sunday. .Lawn MoWPrs sharpened by ma ajuivuiuuhbis chlnerv: cal led for and uenvereu. a. Jensen & Sons. W. 1649; u-1647. LYNCH BROS. PLUNND repair WORK A SPECIALTY. "toS 8. 16th St D. 1477. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suite to Order. 103 S. 15th St. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from AilHi OMAHA WINDOW S('K..iN CO., A bAMl AKI nifeUCJBSlTX OH EVERY HOME, 24 N. 16th St CaU Doug. 4692. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the' west Turkish Batha 16th and Howard Sts. C.JARL Locksmith. Lawn Mowers sharpened: call and deliver. I do repairing. 17o Leavenworth. D. 4377. A-43&6. IiAflTONR Refreshing Medicinal J A V X U IN XU Kummer flrmt. Daily retail delivery, abk your doctor. Aiamlto DOUGLAS Printing Co. TaL Douglas 644. ICE CREAM "ATS THK BEST;;. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. F.D ROTTTF.W.V Bohllti No. . Full T . . lln of liquors and grs. -aie in connecuon. ill s. lttn. .. . ,. .. KEYS f,?d ,V2S?SA7ITiHNa , HEFLIN Uli Douglas, Upstairs. D. Mli. fVH" URS IN MOTH- V118: Nominal cost SHU Kt,'u b' lotn and Harney. x 1 1 j i 1 1 , iii i rir v v uoi i t , , prepared with h cooking cake, pies and cold pies. Jpffriei-.TnriTlsnn FIGHT RETURNS ROME 'S SUMMER OAIiDEN Omaha's CooiPSt. Snnt ltitl? n 1 ' Mowara bts. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDf; Sells Buggies Makes AUTO OPS. Builds Wagons. Repairs Autos and all kinds of Machines, lsib ana itarney bis. mnrqin . it. . V. II niuiu iui iimi vi iuiviiiuhii. w,a4v. H. E. FREDRICKSOK AUTO CO., Omaha. SIMPSON, PAINTS AND REPAIRS. 140 DODGE. Automobiles, wagons, carriages; makes to order new wagons and automobile bodies, automobile wheels, tops, springs. sllD covers: seconu-nana oargaiiui in I rlaaad carriazea Both 'uhonaa. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1811 Farnam St. h.th BARGAIN in a slightly used, new wheeled Holsman runabout 1260 cash. Address Y 115 Bee. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. w unit uuaka(tu, ts.t,ni. ekjiti x buiuk co-irAiMi, Council Bluffs, la. WILL trade 6-paeenger touring car for town lot; excellent condition. Address. F 2), Bee. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agent for Oakland, Staver & Welch. Ml.Minti auiu tu., iMi farnam. AutQ pairing kn.cind-h.nd"cira: Diamond tires carried In stock. The Pax- ton-Mitchell Co., 2311 Harney. D. 7281, A-2011. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25o to 13.50. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 200-211 8. 16th. COMPLETE line, auto accessories and supplies. Neb. Bulck Auto Co., Omaha. Auto PaintiniT "Murphy Did It." Get AUIU IBlUiU'S our prices. ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jackson. Mature elr. R. F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent condi tion; side car attachment Call Harney K73. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGES TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. I SiTOPlvS Listen, have you 310 or moreT - fays monthly I per cent. Uf LIU RONDS 'nurance dropped purchased. Stocks you're dissatisfied with negotiated. Ferguson, 611 Paxton. FOR SALE United Wlreleis. nf,l .nv part 200 shaies, must sell ft) days, very low I price. v ugw sou, reterson, ta. BUSINESS CHANCES fContinued.) 100 Profit Guaranteed If you have $100.00 or $10,000.00 to invest it will pay you to investigate this proposition. YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLY A PROFIT OF 100 ON YOUR INVESTMENT IN FIVE YEARS and six per cent annually in the meantime. This is a gilt edge, conservative, safe investment for which we court the most thorough investigation. .We only need $15,000.00 and when this amount is secured this unusual opportunity will be gone. You will never again have an opportunity like this, so act at once. Best of bank references furnished. Address J 14, Bee. LAST GREAT METROPOLIS OF NORTH AMERICA. Fort Geor-e Now eiartuiir on main line of Grand Trunk Pacifio Ry., and on linen of six other railroads projected and build ing, v ort oeoi ge is geographical and stra tegic commercial center of British Colum bia and metropolis of an inland empire larger than the states of Iowa and Min nesota. Fort George is at Junction of one thousand miles of navigable waterways. Millions of acres of splendid farming lands, besides unlimited limber, mineral and coal resources, are tributary. One hundred mil lion oonara win be spent in next three years in railroad building alone. By the summer of 1S)U, twenty-five thousand men. with payroll of one hundred thousand dol lars per day, will be employed in the vi cinity of Fort George. We are Joint own ers and sole agents for Fort George Town site. The government insures anu guaran tees title to lota and owns one-quarter of them. Write us quick for maps, plana and full information about fortune-making oppor tunities at Fort George, also aoout our upper Fraser Valley Farms. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO. LTD. 642 Winch Bldg., Vancouver. B. C. FOR 8 ALE or trade, fine retail stock of wall paper In Omatia. Finest stuck in the city. Address bee. O-660. SEE ME for city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman. 230 Neville Blk. D. 1M. BUTCHERS. Butchers get onto this; Owing to recent death of his wife, leaving him with family oi small children, owner must sell "the only meat market here' doing good business, including store and dwelling or lease latter, pop. tiOO, 12 miles to nearest shop. Snap to right party. Ad dress, Chas. Austin, Lawrence Neb. LUMBER yard, doing good trade, lum ber, milled stuff and coal; only one in town; owner has business in anotner town. J. n. fAKntrilis, xsoaru oi irwii. NEW laws and other conditions neces sitate opening distributing office in this district to supply Increasing- demands for our manufactured products used by busi ness men, farmers, etc.; ?iuu to Jiso salary monthly; office expenses and commissions allowed; position permanent; references. Sturgis Thayer,' Northwestern Sales Director, 40U National Bank commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. STORES, all kinds for sale. Knlest, B Bid. TO SELL OUT See Knlest, Bee Bldg. IP VATT want to buy or sell pool or J-i.' IvU ciirar fixtures, see Linn. 1610 Harney St. FOR SALE All kinds of property, farm and timber mills, saw mills, town and city. Stores, etc. Terms, A. E. Rice, Avon, Latah County, Idaho. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co., 103 McCaguo Bldg. FOR SALE. Saloon In Washington, Neb., for sale or trade; only saloon, in city; paying invest ment; new fixtures and inside furnishings; also residence, with five city lots; would sell or trade for nice property. H. Busch. Washington, Neb. New A 2dhand harness & hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estate. IX U Cuming. FOR SALE Good first class bakery, clearui- 3126 tier mouth, only bakery in town. Rent 126 month and half is traded out. H takes 1L Want to go out of town. Address, W. Falk. Callaway. Neb. FOR SALE variety store In good eastern Nebraska town. Address, Y-i2S, care Bee. FOR SALE, or will lease to responsible party, brewery in operation, having malt house, bottling works and residence In con nection. Full particulars from owner. Ad dress 212 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE A $7,000 stock of millinery and ladles' furnishing goods at Alliance, Neb. Good proposition for right party. Writ G. J. Burke, Alliance, Neb. GOOD, fine Interest In largest mall order business In west; can be purchased for 4,uo0 by right party, who will take acUve Interest on good salary. Must take active Interest. Previous dividend on stock 26 per cent. This Is a large established concern, and splendid opportunity for acceptable party. Address, K-32, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1605 Farnam St Douglas Wft. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS STEVENSON ROOFING CO., gravel and composition roofing. Ill S. loth St Tela. Doug. 3U, Ind. A K92. Res., Webster 291. FOR PLUMBING and gas fitting see Walter J. Cattiii. 10 N. 24th. Doug. 1C62; B 1626. 1' IT fll CVM Practical Builder, j. IX. JUi3jX, E.nm.t.s .'urutahed. Tel. Bensou 3u0. BEAVER BOARD - rSt-i! AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., 1112 Farnam. WHITEWASHING, plastering, screens repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished. McHea, Slls Halt Webster. Harney 3406. DOUG. 3446. CALL SEWARD. A-w6. CONTRACTING, CARPENTER. JOBBER. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall. 4006 Leavenworth St. PAINTING, paper hanging and dncora tluir. very reasonable for landlords. F.stl mates free to all. O. S. Kenneson, 4JCU L St.. South Omaha. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL ' STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factuiy, S. 101; office Phone 8. lUi. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS (continue-.! O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. 2814. Tel. PAINTER, saves 2S per cent; p-per haimer. olasteier and hardwood finisher; works very reasonable for landlords, estate or contractors; estimate tree, decorator. ltwO M at., South omaiia. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, laxton. D. 10). TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas St. DR. M. T. GORDON, 616 Brandels Thea ter Bldg. DETECTIVES- riMiui Suthi Service Detective airency Inn. anil bunded. Paxioil Bik. l. LU9 CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach. D. 2JWI DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY 2702 Farnam. Tel. U. 4i7fi. TERRY Ifc-essmaklng School, 20tji and e arnaiiu i EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BO YLES COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. PieDara for Drofitablo positions in book' keeping, shortlia-d. lperltlng, telegraphy, civil service' sure to be open in tne tall and winter. The year book is ready. Apply lor 1L Students admitted any duy. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyl?s Lldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both phones. SPRING TERM MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course in business, shorthand, penmanship and English. None but experi enced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue puuiianed in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3848 Charles. Harney 2383. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN M araerles. rrrpT,-,Tr"Qand plants that grow. F. W. XIXjXjOjllBnerayi Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 4650. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN An rPA1JVHAlRDRE8SING Parlors. OJWiXXAMii switches made from comb ings, 11.60. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4671. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mail 60c and tl.oo. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., (Uroaha. TVTC We are exclusive agents for the JLjX Y X fmoUB Calbas olive oil, from Dir. Italy, for medicinal purposes. Liquors, VAAJ macaroni & other Italian products. A. Minardi Co.. 716 S. 14tb. Doug. 3i. CHINA decorating; order work a spe cialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 8al urandeis Bldg. Tel. Red mho. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug 1268. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.. lara est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDEIS" CUT FLOWER DEPT. HESS & HWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, . 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. Stoves repaired, good as new, guaranteed; storage; buy & sell. 171D Cuming. D. 1660. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, 6a. STENOGRAPHER, to week. BOOKKEEPER AND 8TENO., 135. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC 702-64 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) WANTED An experienced checker. Her Grand hotel. lady cafe EXPERIENCED stenographer, steady Po sitlon with good salary. Apply In person ai ine people a store. Fact orr and Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at once: good wages and steady work. Bemla Omaha Bag company. Entrance oft Eleventh street viaduct. GIRL wanted to learn hair dresslna. price reasonable. Oppenhelm Hair Dressing rariors, m jacvagu siog. i v. tmt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Fstctory and Trades Cuutlnaed. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wun ted; must have good reference. Raph ael-Fred Co., 13th and Farnam Sts. f Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Capable girl who can cook; second girl kept; two In family. 24jO ft. Mary's avenue. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. Tel. Harney 422!). WANTEI A general houiiework girl who can cook. Wages 17 a week with washing, 16 without washing. Telephone Douglas 2565. Residence, Dodge street. GIRL for Keneral housework: small family and good wages. Mrs. T. M. Orr, 2106 Farnam. WANTED Reliable woman for house keeper; small family; best wages and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call after 6 at 3404 Dewey Ave. Tel. H. 356. WANTED Girl for general hougewoik; small family; small house. Phone Har ney 210. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; must be good cook; laundress employed. 416 S. 38th St. Tel. Harney 2tiu0. WANTED Girl for general housework, also second girl to assist with children; small family; good wages. 60o Park Ave. GIRL for general housework. two In family. Call 416 N. 20th St. GIRL for Keneral housework and wash ing, 3218 Dodge St. Tel. H. 348. HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. ManderBon. 2017 WANTED Girl for general housework. 602 Lincoln boulevard. Phone Harney 640.' WANTED Girl for light housework; no washing; no Ironing. Call 2003 N. 20th. WANTEDt Experienced dining room girl. St. James hotel, 416 S. 13th. WANTED A good Cook; S20 N. 38th St Tel. Harney 212. Mrs. L. C. Nash. GfRL for geneiai nousework; 17 per week. Apply at 4840 Pierce St. COMPETENT cook In private family. Mrs. K. a. Kennard, ls24 Dodge St. No objection to color. WANTED A GOOD COOK. 130 PER month; no washing. Mrs. John L. Ken nedy. Tel. Harney 626. WANTED lady to care for child during the day, and room mother. Reasonable. Call loio Mason. LADIES WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; II to 4 dos; work guar anteed. Trieber's, 316 Brandeis Xheaier Bid. COMPETENT girl for gen. housework. Mrs. F. F. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave.; botn phones. GIRL for general housework; comfort able room; good wages. Telephone Harney 0)1. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no laundry; small . family; good wages; references required. 22o2 Howard. GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt street. GIRL for general housework; V per week; no washing. 6j4 South 26th street. GIRL for general housework, and also a nurse to care for two children. Mra. F. A. Nash, 120 S. 33d street. WANTED, at once, a girl for general housework; one who cun do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th street. WASH woman for Monday and Tuesday. Tel. Harney 741. 1304 S. 3bth street. WANTED Good washerwoman for Mon day. Tel. Webster 37K6. 1611 Locust street. WANTED Young girl to work mornings at 36M Lafayette Ave. lei. Harney 242. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family; good wages. 132 S. 28th street. NEAT school girl to assist with light housework. Phone Harney 3145. 666 S. 34th street. WANTED-Servant girl at once, 113 S. 36th street. Mrs. Louis Moncrleff. CAPABLE white girl for general house work, small family; good wages paid. 2662 Dodge street let. Harney A GOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 S. 82d Ave. A GIRL from 14 to 16 yrs. to take cara of baby. 123 S. 32d Ave. WANTED A young Danish girl to assist with general housework. 720 s. 2Zd street corner 22d and ieavenworin. WANTED A good girl for general house. work; small family; good pay. 3612 Har ney street. WANTED A competent housemaid: must have good references. Mrs. John McShane, 628 a. van street. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no laundry work; small family; good wages; reference required. 2203 Haw thorne Ave. GIRL for general housework. Good wages. No cooKing. oio a. min street WANTED Girl for general housework. 1128 N. 16th street. WANTED Washerwoman, family of three. Call 1312 S. 32d or phone Harney 2878. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. It. c. Uhllg, 2420 Caldwell street Tel. Webster 2365. WANTEUGlrl for general housework. Mrs. F. E. Rlbbel. 1334 S. 31st. street. Tel. Harney 1629. WANTED A cook. Apply .3120 Daven- port St. Tel. Harney 69. COMPETENT girl tor general house work: no washing; $6 a week. 2207 Dodge St Mrs. George B. Lake. WANTED Second girl at 610 South 22d St. Tel. Douglas 4430. Mrs. Hadra. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 602 N. 40th St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 26th St., South Omaha. GOOD girl for general housework; 17 per week; must be good cook. 1622 Spencer St. phone Webster 442, WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages; with or without washing. 1304 S. &th St. Phone Harney 741. WASHERWOMAN wanted. 624 S. 28th 8t EXPERIENCED chambermaid; week. 123 S. 26th Ave. 7 per LAUNDRESS for Mondays; references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 1336. GIRL for general housework; no cook ing; must go home nights; at 2-06 Fran-Un St GOOD girl for general housework. Harney ia. 6016 California St Tel. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework In modern brick dwelling; wages 7. Apply any time. 1308 Park Avs. Tel. Harney 1234. WANTED A girl for general house work. 2811 U St, 6outh Omana. Phone South 50. WANTED Experienced girl for general noueewors.; ju a montn; no launary worn. 710 N. 3elh. Tel. Harney 268L A GIRL for general housework; good wages; small latall. 12? 0. Xid. Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Homes tics Cont'd. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. B. Hustln, 205 S. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2035. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 1S22 Lothrop St. Tel. Webster V,. WANTED Good girl for general house work and munt be a good cook. Second gill kepi. Appiy 3411 Furnam St. WANTED Gill for general housework: must know how to cook. Mrs. F. Krug, Ms S. 20th. WANTED Experienced girl lor general hoimework: family ot two; call Mrs. E. L. McShane, 3328 Harney St. Miscellaneous. TOtTNO WOMEN coming to Omaha ft! strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at EL Mary s Ave. anu Seventeenth St., where tbey will ba directed to suitable boarding Maces or otherwise assisted; look for our travelers aid at Union Stadou. WANTED Young lady with some drug tore experience to help with fountain and trade. Brotison Drug Co., ueue ft ourcn. B. D HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and solicitor. WANTED A good nustlmg subscrlptloa solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write nun kger of circulation, Tbe Bee PublUning Ck WANTED Agents, to sell cigars direct to consumer. Auuly lor Information. Itooiu 120. 66 Fifth Ave., Chicago. WE pay you luO per cent on every order; quick saies; repeat orders; Just on tuo mar ket; permanent agency; tree plans. Cen tral -le'ciiandisliig Company, Dtpt B. 8, Topeka, Kan. WANTED Good solicitors to handle a thoroughly good proposition; straight or side line. In every city and town in Ne- prasha. Address u 2U2, Bee. Clerical and Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. 170. APPLY ROOM 613 BEE BLDG. WANTED an experienced bookkeejer and stenographer at once. Good salary. Room 613 Bee Bldg. Factors and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). J cue. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Reliable foreman for first class country newspaper. Good wages, steady position. Wire Blimey & Kelly, care News-Journal, Fuilerton, Neb., at once. SHOES repaired by hard while you wait Correct Shoe Repair Co.. 617 8. 13th. A FIRST-CLASS BARBER; ground floor; no eunoay worn, write or unone at once. 313.00 per week. Boslaugh dc Lee, Ida Grove, la. PAINTER wanted. Call Web. 741. WANTED A good sober blacksmith, for country town; will pay by the day and give full control oi shop; Swedish settlement; must have experience. For particulars ad dress Lock Box 20, Hordvlue, Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks, city car. rlers, clerks, Omaha examinations an nounced July lmn. Preparation frea Franklin Institute. Dep't 103 P Rochaste.'. N. Y. COME and see our large stock of fancy laughs. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas St. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: practice furnmhed by free work, careful instructions by experts. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given; board secured; ex perience in shops before completing. Cata logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St HOUSEMAN wanted. Bachelors' Hotel. WANTED A good man to take care of yard and general work; a steady position fur a steady man. Inquire of Mr. Weather at Bennett's Store. MEN to work in Ice houses at Cut-Off lake. Apply there. Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Company. HELP WANTED UAL, IB AND FEMALBJ. WANTED Sis good agents to word round city. Bartlett Supply Co.. Browa block. Omaha LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system la death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas 1630, oinana Steam Laundry, lino Leaven worth. YOU MISS the best laundry service If you fall to patronize us. National Laundry, vi6 Cuming st LIVE SiOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm waauna. 11 7 Farnam St RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other high grad p akes sold by us at moderate prices. Johnson Lauforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. 1,100-LB. bay horse, harness and steel tired top buggy, tl3f. win take good cow as part payment 11)20 8. 34th St FOR SALE High Grade Carriage, nearly new; ruooer tireo; aiso aouuie-seatea har nesa. Will sell cheap. 2618 S. 11th St. WORK HORSE tor sale, t-. St 2421 S. 17th TllrrVi HmAa Buggies. Surreys, Stan hope. and RUnDJu for sale cheap. 1117 farnam bt SECOND-HAND buggies and wagona cneap. -turpny a nun, lata ana jacksoa HORSE with a harness, also express wagon tor saie cneap. Address 1401 Jack son bt Baggies. TTTnTIT ORADFi .B"Kgie. Surreys, Bianuop opes and Run- abouts for sals chap. 1117 1 amain si. GOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE. Poena Haruey 232. 42w7 La Fayette Ava. LOST ANU l-OUNO LOST New umbrella, left at corner 31st and Pacific Streets, 1 p. in. bunuay; prUeU as gut from daughter to inoiner. Kinuly return to lv26 boutn 31st bt or 306 boutu l.tli St. LOST Between Columbus and Omaha, one Flsk demountable rius and 4x3Ss caaiug anl tube, len dollars reward for return to H. E. Frearicksuu Autuuioulle Co., Hi l-'srnam bt LOST on main road between Blair and Caihoun; silver chain bag containing small gold purse and hankercluef marked "G. H. ii."; raward if returned. Call Harney frost. LARGE Una of plain and fancy laughs at the Parlor Theater this Week. FOUND New sack coat Sunday, Flor ence road, alxe 40. VV'm. Wapplcb, Lawyer, Cretghton blovja- LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LOST Opal pin surrounded with small diamonds: reward. Call Harney S2T3. LOST Gold bracelet, with diamond set, between 26th and 24th ami N Sts., South Omaha; finder return to 2.M4 F; receive To ward. LOST From off Bennett's dellvi y aKn bundle of purcii shade-., somewhere be tween store and 2mx Jackson St ; Finder will kludiy notify Tlio Keunett Company. LOST W'ullet vlth Rod nnd Gun club re ccpt to T. E. lWtu'oy. Finder ;ili ase re turn to T. E. lli'itfey, city hull. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; bent rem edy lor Itching, bleeding or protruding 1'iLES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Mier inan ec McConneil 1'rua Co., Omaha. DR. J. H. HUGHES Specialist In chronlo diseases. Consultation, with in structions iiow to line tne waters, free of. charge, office in Mciutyre Biug., Exceisiug cipi'ing, Mo. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cieigiiton .Medical college, mil and Daven port Sis.; special alleiiuon paid to con finement cau; all triatineiit supervised by college proieasors. Pnoae uougiua lit).. Calls answered, oay and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, U a box, postpaid. .Her man & McConnell Drug Co., oniaha. Dr. McGrew Has given lus entire professional life to the treatment oi uii tonus ot ciuonio and spe cial uiseases oi men. For 46 years he uas been known and trusted uy all. 28 years in Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or writu, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co., 21i S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. MONEt TO LOAN BALAiil AMU tUili'kU Notice to the Tublio No Aloro High Rated $LU to $i,UUU it LOAN CO O.N HuudifcllOLD V. H FUIUNli titi, PiA.NOo, oaLAiUKS, t Tills IS A iNli.vy bitUtl i Organl-ed oy tne ivn.-o 1'axji; BUSI- t NESS ME- of tins city to protect 4 M honest working people in need of H it icinporaiy neip lium the exorbitant 4 cnargts of tne so-called loan com- It panles. vve win loan you ail the t money you want and cuaigs you oniy kt 10 per cent a year. IX THIS McAiNS YOU PAT. i $1 interest on 10 tor 1 year. a 2 interest on 2o lor 1 year. It 10 interest on luO for 1 year. t And all oilier sums in proportion, tt Easy Weemy or Monthly payments. M Reasonable Appraisement Charges, tt A giauce at the above rates will at convince you how inucU you save by ax dealing with us. NO KclJ lAfbi. J0 DiUAX. MOinEY IN YOUR POCE.EX WITHIN AN HOUR. ROOM 204 WllllM-LL, UUlLDING. Independent Loan (Jo., Doug. 604o. N. E. Cor. loth and Harney, HHimilt'W''WW M"tU'ttt w Could You Use $50.00 w To a U ood Advantage ! it If so, sit down, sura up all your bills, tt .7 nt,inff tiiHm in out amount then oome u u in and give us a chance to explain our tt tt plan for helping you pay your bills, it t It is mucn easier to inane payments tt It on one bill than many. We loan money ia ZZ iiirnimra iilunoa or teams. With- la & out removal; 81.20 is tne weekly pay- aa TT . A . : , . I. .an fitttf II other amounts In tne same proportion, at ZZ i iiu.i innniiv. call ou or Write XI U us. and our agent will call on you at tt u once. All business strictly confidential, ta M STATE! MORTGAGE! LOAN CO., jj u Room 12. Arlington Blk., 1611ft Dodga. tt ...T : ........ . .t . ...tCiCC Mttf.ttt . . taiWHtwmi wtinCT ...). ttttWttttWWtttttWtWWWttttMtlt I CHEAT LOAN a tt 11 so rurnlture. Piano or balar. YOU BORROW 110.00 you pay back 111. OS I26.U0 you pay back 127 .IW toO.utf you pay back tot.iN NO OTHl-tt CHARGii. U 11 ii at tt it I! M H OMAHA FHSANUiAL CO., tt Room tOL Brown Block. U 107 S. 16th Bt, Cor. Douglas St . M ''Phones: Douglas sua; a wjs. HHHwHtwtHWWiWfwwu--" ,,,,,,, ,f, 1 ...m-v t nivirn aAT.AR.tK.Tl TV(ir.r v WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND UTU ERM, without security; easy payment-, rffio.a in tu nrlnclual cities, 'i'oluiaa. aouul Blk New York Ufa Bldg. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, qulckat service BDd MOST COHFIDJ-NTIAU DEAL, OI sny in uii city. nuwiiH uif BIGGEST AND BEST. KJJlAliLl- CREDIT CO., Third Floor, aur-aw p ax ton Block. Douglag 1411 aud A-141L MONEY HEED ANYT. . OO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, , 112 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Streata Telephone Douglas 2236. Rates cheaper than any advertised, Wa can prove It DIAMOND LOANS AT b W. C. FLATAU, Tel. iSySu. MOVIN GAN DH 0 US EC LEAN IN Q OMAHA VAN AND STORAGES CO. cleans carpets on your flu"''. Electrtl vacuum system. 109 So. 17tn. TeU D. 166. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport 6ts.. waieliouae. 2207-09 laard St 6TOVES stored. Hance. 1611 N. 24th fit WHEN answering advertisements in The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. OFFErttU rOft RENT Board and ltootus. ROOM and board; tome cooking. SOOt S. 14th. Tel O. Oiai FIRST CLASS BOARD tt-60 per week. 2407 Harney. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locality. Use of large parlor and living room. 120 per inuniii. Phone Webster 6344. 6318 No. Twenty-tilth street FURNIbllLD room for gentlemen, strictly mouern; pruats family. 2u27 vatur. W ebster 'iMj. ONE or two pleasant rooms In modero Lome; will give breakfast If desired. 2 It N. 23d St.. Plione lud 63i. FOUR boys. 84 60 par week. 2-39 Califor nia St Plione Louglas LL MTfl-1 I . l?! H modern, newly fur. I IS IKjIj LiXlVKlTj nlB,.(1 rooms, wlut excellent board. 2il8 bt. Mary's Ave. ' SINGLE and double rooms, wltk board. Home cooking 2223 Howard. ROOMS and board, t6 weak bows cook log. Model u. Uii Douglas f 1 1