Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Secretary of State Definitely Decides
to Remain in Cabinet.
Mitrlrarka Rrqurat Hint IT Seek the
Xomlantlnn In Pbllndelpbln
Trrnidrnt Is Highly
Sunday School
Workers ot Iowa
at Mason City
WAPHINOTON. Jutvn 20 After a long
conference at the White Hoimn Sunday at
whlrh I'renident Taft told Herretary of
Htato Knox that ho was exceedingly anx-
Iouh tr havo him retain the State depart
ment folio, the secretary announced that
ho would tjlve UP ell thouKht of becoming
a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania,
Tho president .told Mr. Knox that he
wanted him to carry to comrletlon the
court of arbitration plana and other rant-
Urs which havo been started dupfhg the
first year of Mr. Knox's administration of
the State department. The following state'
ment was given out tonight by Secretary
"The president having expressed to me
this morning his earnest wish that I should
remain at my present post, I am con
strained to decline to allow my name to be
presented as a candidate for governor of
Pennsylvania at the forthcoming repub
lican convention. But for this I would have
deemed It my duty to have accepted the
"In my Judgment there is no more fruit
ful field for high public service at this
period than In the states, whose proper
powers and relations should be appreci
ated, exercised and preserved for the gen
eral good of the country."
!Vriri Hvalie l'lbarn.
PITTSBURG. June 19 Definite announce
ment tonit-ht of the decision of Philander
C. Knox of Pennnylvanla to remain In the
cabinet as secretary of state during the
remainder of Mr. Taft's term In office,
confirmed the Intimations to the same ef
fect received yesterday from Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania republicans here make no
secret of their disappointment at Mr.
Knox's yielding to the urgency of the
president and at the dashing of their hopes
that he would become the candidate this
year for governor of that state.
It was made known late today In an un
tnislakeable way that Mr. KnoxBs decision
definitely refutes the rumors In circula
tion for some time to the effect that the
secretary was not altogether happy In his
The prtsldent was represented as even
anxious that the outcome should indicate
beyond question that he regarded Mr. Knox
as a great lawyer and a great secretary of
tate. It was declared that Mr. Knox had
played a very Important part In all of the
Important acts and policies of the admin
istration. Attention was drawn to Mr. Taft's
atudled policy of non-interference with the
beads ot the executive departments, and it
was pointed out that In every respect Mr.
Knox's acta and decisions wave had the
unreserved support of the president.
It was made plain that for. every reason
the president regards the secretary's de
cision with more than ordinary satisfaction.
Convention Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday to Celebrate Forty
Fifth Anniversary.
MASON" riTT. la.. June SO. (Special.)
The State Rundav school association win
celebrate Its forty-fifth anlversaiy when it
ments In this city Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. In " these years
It has never failed to hold Its state meet
Ing. some' times under ver- unfavorable
surroundings: at other times more pro
pitious. Never was it In healther condi
tion than It Is today. The convention re
ports will show that eighty-five counties
of the state are thoroughly organized ana
are "un" In all departments ot the work.
In fact. Iowa is generally credited as being
uno of the most advanced states west of
the Mississippi in Sunday school work.
One of the important things dono by tno
executive board at a recent meeting was 10
consolidate the Summer Sunday School In
stitute with the state association meeting.
It was the plan then to Initiate the new
work at the Mason City meet, but there
was so much work In securing Instructors,
etc.. that it had to be abandoned. But In
after years the morning sessions of the
association will all be devoted to study, ano
the state convention, Instead of covering
three days as It does now, will be ot four
days duration.
From Indications there will be severa
cities after the next convention. When
Mason City waa decided upon last year
Cedar Rapids waa a strong competitor. The
delegates from the north part of the state
supporting Mason City, In order to swing
things northward, promised the Cedar
Haplds people their support In getting the
next morning, so that it Is highly probable
that Cedar Ilaplds will be selected for the
1911 meetinr.
While State Secretary Frank F. Fitch
will have much to do in conducting th
present meetings, Herbert Monlnger, editor
Standard Publications, will no doubt be tho
molng spirit In the convention. By all
who are "up" In Sunday school work he Is
ranked shoulder to shoulder with Marlon
Lawrence, W. C. Pierce, and the other
masters of the work. In a few short years
he has advanced like a meteor and he Is
today more sought after than any other
worker In the field. W. A. Brown, Dr,
Franklin McElfresh. Prof. Meredith and
others of national prominence are on the
program. This year the convention will be
I deprived of the pleasure of seeing J.
Hardin of Eldora, chairman of the execu
tlve committee, who stands as the leading
spirit In the work In Iowa. He is taking
a trip In the holy lands. W. O. Hohan
shclt of Boone, the state president, la now
Labor Leader Sees Industrial Peace
for Some Years.
Chicago lads dinar to Overturned
Yacht anal Art Rescued In
Nick of Time.
CHICAGO, June 20. Roy Knauer and
Harry O'Neill, two high school athletes,
(were rescued from drowning In .Lake
Michigan today, by the crew of a freight
teamer, after they had clung to the hull
of a capsized yacht for more than ten
i hours. Within five minutes after the boys
had been rescued the yacht sank.
R. M. t.m! mmA if in Oman to
Oraanl.e Nebraska Council of
National Clrle Federation
This Afternoon.
Fort Wins Big
Suit for Lands
Clarion, la., Man Given Judgment
Against Mrs. Colby of Des Moines
for More Than $100,000.
CLARION, la., June .-SpeclaI.)-By
order of Judge Lee, of the district court,
In a decree handed down today, Mrs.
Mary E. Colby of Des Moines and Chicago
and her son, C. H. Colby, a banker, of
The general outlook la for industrial O'Brien, la., must deed back to William
peace, declared John Mltcneu in mu m- ij. ton 01 juarsnaiuown, in-, iarm lanas in
terview Sunday. The former president Iowa and Illinois of a value of more than
of the United Mine Workers of America $1CO,000. In addition they must turn over
and R. M. Easley ot New York are in to him rental notes and cash totalling
Omaha to take part this afternoon In the
organisation ot the Nebraska Council of
the National Civic Federation.
Coal miners In Illinois and in the south
west are not In concord with employers
over wages," said Mr. Mitchell, "but out
side of this the horlxon Is clear. Prophecy
This Is the outcome of a long drawn out
land case, Involving property worth more
than half a million. It Is complete vic
tory for Fort In 1901 he borrowed $155,
000 from the Colby a, giving them as
security a warranty deed of 6,440 acres In
Is risky, but 1 hope and believe that there Wright, Dickinson and Marshall counties
will be no grave conflicts for the next i. an(1 Marshall county. Ill
few years at least. in 1900. he brought suit to redeem the
Mr. Easley Is chairman of the executive in(1 -d . . ...countlnB: from the de
council of the National Civic Federation f.nii,.nt. who i. the veara tirecedlnr had
and Mr. Mitchell Is now chairman of the aoii much of th rented some of It
trade agreement department oi tne ito- d mortKa.ei .oma 0 i. They con,
eratlon. "The organization of atate coun- tendod tney were tne absolute owners
ells," said Mr. L-aaley. is to creaui ftf tn M40 and Fort had no lntereit
popular movement lor unuorm iegisinuu (n Jt
Dy tno Judge Lee, In his decree, which waa
everyone will agree the law. should be fl)ed today on,eM tnem to deed bfxk to
the same. I KVirt 6(0 acres in Wrlrht eountv. worth
Fire lasnraneo Laws.
$57,000, and 840 acres In Marshall county,
jiiur,m:. . . j worth 149.000. In addition he gave
statistics, ino one win ui.puie ui.v '"" Fort ludament aaalnst the Colbva for
$4,600 In cash and ordered the defendants
to turn over to him farm rental notes for
14.000 more. In addition to the leaaes on the
Wright and Marshall county land. The
court ordered the Colbys to also pay oft
mortgages ot $23,000 on the 9M acres. They
are given forty days In which to do It.
The case waa one of the most important
land suits ever tried In Iowa,
Heavy Damage in
New York Harbor
nn these subjects or that statutes, with
respect to food and drug manufacturing,
should be alike, but aa matters have been
In the past. Identical legislation has been
almost impossible
"After eighteen years, a law was put
through thirty-eight states by the Associa
tion of Commissioners on Uniform Legis
lation, relating to negotiable Instruments,
By creating councils In every state, Joint
action will be made more quickly possible.
Councils have already been organised In
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York,
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri
and Kansas and will have been by the
end ot the year In every state In the
Mr. Mitchell gave one forcible example of I One Hundred Thousand Dollars Be-
the desirability of the states legislating
alike. "Consider the question ot child la
bor," said ho. "In one of three adjoining
states, the age limit may be 16 years, In
a second 14 J ears, and in a third 12 years.
Ask the 14-year atate to raise it to 16 and
the manufacturers will reply that they then
will suffer even more In comparison with
the state in which the age limit is
12 years."
The meeting thfs afternoon will be held
at the Commercial club beginning at 1:30 1
Prominent New Orleans Lawyer Asks
f200,000 for Losing Help
meet's Affections.
NEW YORK, June 20. John C. Devereaux.
a prominent member of the New Orleans
bar, has brought suit against S. Charles
Welsh, a Jeweler of No. 256 Broadway, with
a residence at 27 West Eighty-first street,
and others, charging alienation of his wife's
affections. Damages In the amount of
1200.000 are asked.
The couple married In Ashevllle, N. C,
In 1904. Welsh la an uncle of Mrs.
Devereaux and the other defendants are
William Douglas Welsh, her brother, and
Florence and Edith Welsh, her sisters. The
defendants have moved to have certain
allegations stricken out as Irrelevant and
Justice Goorlch granted the petition.
Fortune Telling
Does not take into consideration the one essential to wom
an's happiness womanly health.
The woman who neglects her heakh is neglecting the
very foundation of all good fortune. For without health
lore loses its lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Thlo Pfcrlptton tmn, tor oror 40 ymmm,
aVeea carina dtllemtn, wmk, palwrnrmchtd
womeat. by tho haadrtdm of thouumndm
mmd thto too in fe privacy ot tholr homtn
without tholr hmwlnt to mmbmlt to tudtlh
cafe qmintloalnf mad otttnalwoly re nag.
nmnt nmsalmmtlomu.
Sick women are invited to consult us by letter, frti.
All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medioal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Da. I'nacs's Gssat Family Doctob Book, The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
Plain Englitb hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sent ftn to any address on receipt of 31 one-cent
tamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing nty, in French doth binding.
. 1 :
I Before going away
on your vacation trip
Make an appointment with us
to discuss at your convenience
plans for your next advertising
v campaign.
"While you are fishing, sailing, resting, let us
sweat over plans for your consideration upon your
; return.
Our service in advertising embraces more
I than the preparation of copy. It starts with a close
f analysis of your business and the conditions sur
rounding it; it works upon a definite plan; it ties
.together the "publicity" end and the sales end of
your business, making them ONE; it counts big
for results, because every dollar spent in it is spent
with a definite aim.
"We should like to show you in what . our
'Special Service" consists. The best way to show
you is to outline a campaign for YOUR business.
. ' May we talk it over with yout
Advertising Department
J . The Omaha Daily Bee
quired to Repair Harm to Got
eminent Property.
Mortgage Homes
to Buy Automobiles
men who have purchased automoDiies
within the 'last 'year mortgaged their
homes a short time prior to the purchase
of the machines. He infers that the mort
gages were taken out In order to secure
funds with which to purchase the auto
NEW YORK, June 20. Secretary -of the
Navy Meyer visited the navy yard In
Brooklyn today to vlew the damage
wrought by yesterday's storm, which snap
ped off the crane and upset and partly
submerged the government's $250,000 floating
derrick Hercules. The Hercules had been
hoisting armorplate on board the new bat
tleshlp Florida, but the -Florida was not
Mr. Meyer said he had telegraphed to
Washington, ordering that repair work on
the derrick begin at once, and requesting
that $100,000 to flnanoe the work be In
serted In the emergency fund bill
"It 1 Imnnrtfint that m' m start at
Sianiing- 1 8XU Vl VUlgra Dy xvecoras he said, "otherwise there will be long delay
01 County 0fflCial8-Tjiree Hun- In completing the Florida.
dred in One Locality. I iam " w n' " 'et."
plate, weighing thirty-two tons each, were
ABERDEEN, B. D., June 20. (Special.) knocked from the float and are under
An Instance of the craze for automobiles water, but I think we can repair the dam
la furnished by an Aberdeen man who has age In fifteen days, provided the aDDro-
been looking over the mortgage records prlatlon is made."
and who has found that 300 Brown county
Man Who Has Served Severnl Term
at Sioux Falls Again in
SIOUX FALLS. 8. . .June 20 HnrtmA
After having served three or four terms
In the Eloux Falls penitentiary for counter
felting, an Individual named Levi Clark
naa again been arrested by the local United
states authorities on the same kind of
charge. The evidence against Clark waa
secured by Frank W. Sommer of Rt Paul
of the United States secret service. South
Dakota being included in hla terrltnrv
Clark was arrested at his home In a lonely
spot near a local cemetery. In his home
were found moulds and a number of coun
terfelt nickels and quarters. Tha mould
were for the making ot these coins and
also half dollars, but none of the halt
dollar coins were found on hand. So. far
the authorities could learn Clark huA
made no effort to circulate any of the
counterfeit money manufactured bv him
The workmanship was so crude, however.
mai ne wouia nave naa difficulty in palm
ing any of the coins off on anvona. cru
has a mania for making counterfeit monev.
nis interest ending here and not extending
10 me desire to put It in circulation
Nevertheless the authorities decided It
would be best to have him taken care of
and hla arrest resulted. In default of bonds
in the sum of toOO he has been lodred In
the Minnehaha county Jail, pending action
upon his case by the next federal arand
Jury. It Is expected that after an indict.
ment is returned he will enter a plea of
guilty and once more occupy his old quar
tera in the Sioux Falls penitentiary
National Reserre, Largest la United
States, Ordered Cat Into
Two Tracts.
DEADWOOD, 8. D., June 20-(8pecial.)
On July 1 tha Black Hills national forest,
the largest forest reserve In the country
today, will be divided Into two units, the
new forest, consisting ot the southern por
tlon of the present one. Word to this ef
feet has been received from Washington
by Supervisor Kelletei.
The plan has been under consideration
for some time. Besides being tha largest
forest In the United States, the Black Hills
national forest Is ranked as the most lm
portant In the matter of business transae
tlons and contains 1,190,040 acres. The na.
ture of the work on hand has become such
that tha forest waa unwieldy and It was
found the only practical way waa to di
vide. Accordingly a new forest la to be
established by drawing a line east and
west through the present forest, Just south
ot Redfern In Pennington county, making
the two forests almost equal In slxe.
The southern ' forest wll establish head.
quarters at Custer, with R. P. Imes, form
erly with the local headquarters and now
In the district forester's office at Ogden,
Utah, aa the new supervisor. The head'
quarters for the northern forest will re
main In Deadwood under Supervisor Kel
leter and it Is understood that the estab
lishment of the new forest will not effect
the local forest officials except to Increase
their efficiency by relieving them of much
homestead contest work that is frequent in
the southern hills.
Damages from Bnrllaaton.
DEADWOOD. 8. D. June 20. (fiDeclal 1
After a three days' sharply contested trial,
Ueorge Benner obtained from a Jury In the
local circuit court a verdict for 3,250 dam
ages against the Chicago. Burllnrtnn A
yulncy railroad for damages alleged to
nave Deen sustained by his timber In the
Oalena district throuah a fir fan uwt hv
an engine spark. Both sldea fought the
case hard and Introduced a mass of testi
mony, experts on opposite sides tatlfvin
In direct variance as to the value ot the
timber destroyed. The railroad made an
especial effort because of the fact that tha
government has a similar suit pending, In
wnicn it seeas s.ww.
PanI Baalnt Plaaa-es Down Shaft at
Colfax, Iowa, , and la
PITTSBURG, June 20. Definite announee-
Baslnl, an Italian coal miner, 42 years'
old, met a tragic death at an early hour
Saturday morning at Seever's mine. He
waa working on top dumping ashes. Fall
ing to notice that tho cage was not In po
sition to carry the car back, he pushed
oft and went down ISO feet to the bot
tom. Baslni had been In the United States
but a short time and leaves a widow and
five children In his 'home land.
Llqaor Bold la Pool Rooaa.
SIOUX FALLS, & D., June 20.-(Special)
To, sell liquor in connection with his pool
hall, without the formality of first secur
ing a license, proved a very costly under
taking for La H. Denton, a pool room pro
prietor of the little town of Virgil. Com
plaint was made that he was selling in
toxicating liquor and a search of hla
premises by officers resulted In finding a
wagonload of wet goods. Denton appeared
In the state circuit court and entered ' a
plea of guilty to the charge against him
and was fined 1300 and costs, which he
Girl Aecldeatallr Shot.
BELLE FOURCHE, 8. D., June 20. (Spe
cial.) By a fraction of an Inch, the life of
10-year-old Stella Schnoover, daughter of
Henry 8chnoover, who owns a ranch six
miles down the river, waa spared, but the
child will be laid up some time as the
result of being accidentally shot by her
7-year-old brother. The boy found a 22-
callber rifle In the house, which had been
The Moment
You Open
a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon
vou sense the refreshing odor of
hons. The moment vou taste it you
appreciate it has a delicate flavor and agreeable
smoothness you have not enjoyed before in beer.
Tie Beer of Quality
comes to you foaming and sparkling with good
nessthe ideal beverage. For a beer that will
satisfy your palate and agree with you at all
times, order Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Made and Bottled only by Pabst at Milwaukee
Why not have a case of this famous
mellow brew sent home? Phone to
The Pabst Co.
1307 Leavenworth
r i Douglas . 79
UU A 1479
prVr " K. who le1 the American League pitcherg la
yay Va t 1909 with a percentage of .784 fc 1.
y Likes and Drinks
He hsi been kind enough to tell us to. Now, here Is one ot our
best professional athletes (member of the Detroit American
Champions) who makes Coca-Cola hie steady beverage. It takes a
clear eye steady nerves and good brain to make good In athletics.
Are you an athlete amateur or professional? You will like Coc-Cola.
5c Everywhere
Send 2c stamp for our booklet "The Truth
bout Coca-Cola" and the Coca-Colt Rue
ball Record Book or 1910. The latter con
tains the famous poem "Casey at the Bat".
records, schedules for both leagues and other
valuable baseball information compiled by
Atlanta, Ga.
you tee an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola
left loaded, and not knowing; this, was
playing; with the weapon when It was dis
charged. The bullet penetrated the hip of
his sister, passing out through the abdomen,
The father rusheu the Injured child to Belle
Fourche where she submitted to an opera
tion and it was found that the missile
just escaped penetrating the Intestines. It
la expected that she will recover.
Gumdrops to Girls
of Frozen North
BOSTON, Mass., June 20. parrying a
bountiful supply of trinkets and gumdrops
for the Igloo dwellers of the froten north
the steamship Beothlc, chartered by Harry
Whitney of New Haven, Conn., and Paul
J. Ralney of New York, for a hunting ex
pedition In the Arctic, sailed from South
Boston today.
The Beothlc Is under the command of
Capt Robert Bartlett, who made the trip
with Peary.
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken.
Guaranteed. 25c For sale by Beaton Drug
(C? (cr1 (c?
Rapid C'ltr Orawlsc.
RAPID CITY. B. D.. June 20. (Speclal)-
Assesaor's lists for the city of Rapid City
are about completed and show a good
growth for the last year, especially In real
estate valuta. Assessor Edward Lynch
will this week turn over his Hats to County
Auditor Fall. The total assessments shows
an increase for the year of (75,000. The val
uations of real estate In the southwestern
portion of the city show a marked Increase,
due to th. large amount of building in that
section. The figures for real estate for
110 are given as t921,H.
Smooth, healthy skiua are a rarity la Summer. Most persons arc annoyed
with DimDles. boils, rashes or eruptions, while others suffer more severely with
Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, or soma kindred skin disease. All skin
affections come from humors ana acids in tne circulation, ine mooa, as it
circulates through the system, deposits these acids and humors In the sensitive
membranous flesh which lies Just beneath the outer skin or tissue covering the
body. This acrid matter causes inflammation and a discharge which breaks
through the delicate cutis la and skin diseases are the result. To cure any skin
trouble the blood must be freed from all acids and humors, and for this purpose
nothing equals S. S. 6. This great blood purifier goes down Into the circulation
and completely removes every particle of Impurity, enriches the blood, ana in
this way permanently cures skin diseases. S. 8. 8. cures, because it purines the
blood and allows it to nourish, soothe, and soften the skin instead of irritating it
with fiery acids and humors. Book on Skin DisaaTses and any medical advice
leslB s.
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Niagara Falls
Tickets on sale daily.
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Literal return
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Fast trains at
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