THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1D10. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Large Damage Expected in the North west from Warm Weather. liORE HEAT IS IN SIGHT Wkfil Opens .rrro an Range Dllsbtlr .Higher, with table Lower at tba Start Trader Get BilUc Fever. '- OMAHA. J una 20. 1910. The reported generBl rains In the north West Saturday tvldotrtly dirt nut occur. Kotcrast today show rlear and hut and the damage' must N lsrge and will ho. rapidly Increasing vitn each day of present conditions. Hrnne Serious reports are being reported to private, concerns. The westh-r .has been hot and dry the lust ten days throughout the corn belt, home few complaints -that rain Is badly needed. But It Is doubtful If any damage has been done yet, but rain would be wel come, v Wheat opened nervous and ranged Sharply higher. Cobles were lower at the Marl and cheeked the early advance. Toward the middle of the day discouraging reports fioro the northwest nave traders a buying fevr and prices advanced rap Idly and Closed utronir Corn was strong and worked higher with wnest early In the session, lister com plaints of contim.ed hot, dry weather caused good buying and another advance was registered. Cash advanced rather brisk. Primary wheat receluts were flOl.OiiO bush els and shipments were 2'i0.0U0 bushels, against receipts last year of 40.900 bushels and shipments of 318,090 bushels. Primary corn receipts were (Mt.OClO bushels and shipments were 487,0iO bushels, against receipts lust year r,t RXT.OdO bushels and shipments of 254,000 bushels. Clearances were 8,000 bushels of oats and Wheat and flour equal to 23,000 bushels. Liverpool closed ld lower on wheat and 14 u lower on corn. Local range of options: Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close.l Sat y. "Wheat-I I j j j July... 7Vi R7f, 87HI 87 M: ' 4 Sept... gt fcoV, mhii wi''i 81 Corn July... 64 64 64 51 B.T, Hept... S4Vt 54 MVi 64 K Oats July... 35 fa 36 35 S44 Kept... 34 34 34 34 ffi'i Omaha Cash Trices. WHEAT No. a hard, D'iSWc; No. 3 canh unchanged to lc loaer; No. 2. Sk-'d 101; No. 3, tVutoc; No. Z red, waste; io. s, oVuiMe. CORN Cash unchanged to V,c higner, No. 2 mixed. SOc: No. 3, BsWlluKi 1 while, 64Vit'aMc; No. S. ti4'c. oats Unchanged; No. i wnue, njw, mixed, WuMk. HAY Unchanged: rhoh-e timothy, $16.00, choice 1)1 11.60. liUTTKK-creamery, extras. c; firsts, 24c; seconds, Sic; la king stock. 2W20HC. h.t.US firsts, lilv; securius, in, omen. receipts, new canes. $4 U; miscellaneous cases, 4.75; southerns, 14 .35. Iteceipiw. riiiLiiir-n Wheat bu.. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... 7i."X . .13.000 ..10, two 24.0 0 Si j() hard, tlMi92c; No. 4 hard, 7.Va!c; No. i spring, (tl'n'.ifx-; No. 3 spring, 9MU01o; No. 2 durum, Tbititia; No. 3 durum, 74'i)15c. COllN No. .2 .white. Ul'auOlc; No. 3 white, 61814o; No. 3 color, i!(oic; No. 2 yellow, 6t,c; No. 1 yellow, bHW&Mci No. 4 yellow, 6d'5Mi; No. 2, StVft&tic; No. 3, Wib-M-c; i No. 4, &66tV4c; no grade, 42 4ji)c. ( ATS Standard. 36c: No. 3 white, 34c; No. 4 white, 33'ft334c; No. 3 yellow. 8341 Ht'Ac; No. 4 yellow, 32324c. BARLEY No. 4, 4244c; No. 1 feed, 40 42c; rejected, 3&4O0. It YE No. i 71&72c; No. 3, 68Q70c. Carlot Beeelpt. ' ' Wheat. Corn, Os'. U 248 141 849 , . ... 9 S8 ' ' 16 ....t....... 30 - ... ... WEATHER IS TUB GRAIX BELT Uatlook la for Continues! Fair, with Warm for Tuesday. OMAHA, June 20, 1910. Rome light and scattered showers oc curred In the central valleys Saturday night. Generally clear weather prevailed throughout the valleys during Sunday, and fair weather Is shown tills morning In ail sections, except on the north Pacific slope, where light rains are falling. Light show ers are reported In western Minnesota and Oklahoma this morning. The weather con tinues very warm throughout the central and western portions, and Is steadily grow ing warmer In the eastern and southern portions. Temperatures ranging well up in the nineties prevailed throughout Nebraska during the last forty-eight hours. A tem perature of 103 was recorded at Culbertson 1 ,,ul J. ri'l.A liluh. on raturoay, mm iw m ouuuaj. . .. .... , i-iriritM1 at llmuhu Snn- day was It4 degrees. The outlook? is for continued fair and warm In this vicinity i.jniulil and Tuesday The minimum temperature and preclpl- taUou compared with the lust tnree years. l'JlO. 1?J. 130S. 1307. Minimum temoerature.... 71 6ti tK 69 frecinltallon 00 .11 .00 .00 N'ormu.1 temoerature for today. 73 degrees, Deficiency jn precipitation since March 1, 8.24 inches. deficiency corresponding period In 19U. 2.02 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1308, 2.12 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Krglos Bulletin. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 1 a, m., 76th meridian time. Monday, June 20, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Italn Stattom. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb S mi .00 Clear Auburn, Neb IW 7 .00 Pt. cloudy Broken Bow, Neb. W 6 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb... 96 61 ,W Clear Culbertson, Neb. .100 72 . 00 Clear Kalrbury, Neb.... 98 67 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... M 64 .tH) Clear Or. Island, Neb.. K 65 .00 Clear Hnrtins'ton Neb. .i 62 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb.... 89 64 . 00 Pt. cloudy Holdrege, Neb... 96 64 .00 Cloudy Oakdalc, Neb 9S 64 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb 1)4 71 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 98 65 . 00 Clear Alta. la 94 67 .00 Clear Carroll, la 94 60 .10 Clear Clnrlnda, la 94 68 .00 Pt. cloudy Sibley, la 93 63 .00 Clear Sioux Cltv. la.. 94 66 .00 Clear Minimum temperature lor twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Di&XHlCT AVERAGE No. of Tump.- Rain Districts Stations. Max. Win. (all. Chicago ... Minneapolis Omaha .... Duluth .... NEW YORK STOCKS AND SOXDS Signing of Railroad Bill by President Taft Discussed. FURTHER LEGISLATION TALKED Action of wheat Market Brlnaa Crop Prospect Into View Jnmn In Grain Prices Checks Stocks. NEW YOKK. June 20. The operators chose for toe central subject of consiuer- ation touay tne signing by president iait o( tne lHiiroud bin, mm tne consequent completion oi contemplated legislation on tnai subject (or tne present. Hie action ot tile wheal maiKei uroughl tue crou prospect into view as a conienuina factor. and interrupted tne ot the lall.oaa o.ii. ineie was silgnt inciease oi auiiiiaiioii in tliu speculation, as is eviuemed by tne meager usgregate of the day a transactions, but trie last prices for tne day were aen- erally the best. Ihe favorable effect on the tone of the market of the disposition of tne railroad legislation may be due slinplv to a reeling of relief that. It Is out of Hie way. Some of its clauses are avowedly dlstusteful to tne railroads, as well as shippers. The more Immediate Influence of the bill In tne stock market conies (rom the fact that Its passage will be muds the signal for re newed notices of the Intended increase In freight rates. In the financial district the conviction Is general that Increases will be aranted. This conviction underlies the apprehension that tactics of professed discontent and alarm will be used by the railroads In the conduct' of their camijUgn for the In creases; tactics -which may operate to dis credit rallrfoad securities as well aa to recommend compllunce with demands for lncreasre rates. The active efforts of banking representa tives toward reconciling great shippers to the desired rate Increases, and the neces sary consultaUon with the government authorities, enjoined by the new railroad law, carry abroad suggestion that future railroad rates are likely to be subject of agreement, which the anti-trust law will hardly be Invoked to prevent. The Jump In wheat checked the slowly rising tendency of prices of stocks, but without proving a stronger Influence on the granger stocks than on the general list. Iron producers Beem to be making conces sions still to secure the larger volume of orders which are reported. Copper also showed another decline In price In London today. The offering for publlo subscription of the Southern Pacific terminal mortgage bonds upset a supposition that these bonds had been disposed of to German and Swiss bankers at absolute sale. The London market remains quiet in spite of the con viction of a coming period of easv money. Bonds wer firmer. Total sales, par valuo. l,4SS.O0O. United States 3s declined per cent In the bid price on call. Number of sales and principal quotations on stocks were as follows: 8ale. High. Low. Clora. Ilshllltles, ?t2.flC.513; working balance In treasury offices, $18.602.1,0; In banks to credit of treasurer of the t'nlte1 States, $440. 265,741 ; subsidiary silver coin. $20.2ij.914, minor coin, $10,037.44; total balance In gen eral fund, $lS3,e02.2fu. w Ynrk Money Market. NEW YORK. June 20.-MONEY-On call, steady at 2't'i3 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, extremely dull and steady; sixty days, lending at I per cent; ninety daya, StlS per1 cent; six months, 4ii4'4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPERIMio'i per cent. 8TERI.INO EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.Mk(f 4 8470 for sixty-day bills and at $4.S670 for demand; commercial bills, $4.84 cH M. SILVER Bsr, 634c; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONOS Government, weak; railroad, firmer. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: U. i. rt Jm, 'Int. M. M. 4' "4i An poupon litftH 'Jiipftn 4s V. S. la. rt 101 do 4a ti da coupon V K. C. So, 1st la.... 724 V. 8. 4a. rl 1HH U 8. Hob. 4a 1SCI1 do eoupoo 1 IHL. & N. ant. 4a 97 AllUi-Oial. l.t ia ... 7 M.. K. ft T. 1st 4a.. ! Am. A,. t ion io n. 44 us Am. T. A T. cr. 4l. .1"14 Mo. Pacific 4a Am Tobaoco 4 7 N. H. H. ( M. 4s. 9S .105V, N. V. C. I- ass i . Si's lo db. 4s ;.. 92 . SHS N. Y., N. H. aV 11. .liwv, cr. (s ., UHi ,107V, MN, 4 w. 1st c. 4a. s . da r. 4a lot No. pacific 4a 100 . so do 3a 70V, . f0. B. L. rftlst. 4. . M74Ptnn, cv. av,s 1H15... ; .UH do con. 4a... :olv, . to Head I in fan. 4s ss .lit t. I.. Y S. r fa. 4a K1U Ctaea. at Ohio 4' da n. as.. 1v do ret. 6a Wi'St. U 8. W. c. 4s.. 76 Chicago 4t A. 8Ws.... 7U do lat (aid 4s S9V, L'.. U. W. J. ts.... Do'tSetbosrd A. U 1- do sen. 4s l7tSo. Psc. col. 4s 82 C. M. 4t 8.r. av,s do cv. 4 9H1 C, H. 1. P. c. 4s.. 76 da 1st rot. as SH do rfg. 4s aSo. Kallwar 6a 104 'i Colo. Ind. (s 78 do gen. 4a 7v, Colo. Mid. 4s 70 Union Pacific 4s loos C a. r aV 4V,a 7V do ct. 4s 104 D. & H.'ct. 4 twv, do 1st A rr. 4... m do ta .... Armour A Co. 44a. Atchlaon sen. 4s.... do cr. 4a do cr. 6s At. C. L 1st 4s... bal. A Ohio 4s Mo IVs do S. W. 3 ', Brk. Tr. cr. 4s On. ot Us. ts Ten. Leather os.... C. ot .V J. . 6a.. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading- and Closing: Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 20.-Wlth a crop outlook declared by one authority to be the worst In ten years, wheat today closed t'SMJtlvjjc higher than a week ago. The finish was strong and at the topmost point of the day. Compared with laat prices Saturday, there was "a net gain of 2'fiiii to 3'c a bUHhei. Every other leading staple on change was affected, closing at an ad vancecorn, lvi'iilSc; bats, lVMlic, and provisions, 2W:nc. Today's sensational rise In the price of wheat resulted because the showers which on Saturday broke the market, proved to be Unimportant. The weather was hot and the" complaints' fromthe" spring- wheat states, both this morning and this after noon, were the blackest this season, it was from the president of one of the lead ing elevator companies operating In North Dakota and Minnesota, that Information came as to the outlook Deing tne most ais couraging in a decade, according to his Judgment. The market was a sort ot balloon ascension after a right start. Commission houses) found a surprising volume of buying ordera on hand witn apparently no end of the other orders pll- U'.v6ilone !n ten of the Instructions to pur chase could be executed at anywhere near the closing figure ot Saturday, the mar ket opened with an upward rush, follow ing a remarkably strong turn ot prices at Minneapolis. ' lleactlons were tew and slia-hi. In each Instance the chief cause was roflt-taklng, although showera re IMi'leU. from Soutn Dakota checked bullish Iih,wliKiii a. little at one time. Leading local speculators worked vigorously on the buying side, aud were ably helped from the northwest and by the publlo at large. September ranged from 81 to 4e, closing . ,h. laLitnr turure. IWit'ic above the pre vious close. Corn states, as well as those In the spring wheat belt, were said to need i . . HeuUwnber fluctuations were between 50 and mrtfco. with the close strong at fcOVa'lr a. Li- a 'u naf Diiln nf 1 $mC. Caih corn was steady. No. S yellow 1 1. in were ud on crop complaints, as a result of the advance of wheat. Septem ber price limits were 8ti437c. The close was 1MV up, at 37 S-wr...,..-.7..T,i i.nvinu and Bhorts covering unshed provisloiis higher. Final quotations were up loyaoo for pork; 21, tor iatu, ml 7S(l0c for ribs. Leading futures ranged as follows: Columbus. O.. 17 h$ 2 lxmisville, Ky 1 2 84 Indianapolis, Bid.. 12 M i2 Chicago, 111 28 .. D2 .62 St. Louis, Mo 13 H4 84 Des Moines, la.... 14 4 . '. 82 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 tt! 84 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 0 68 Omaha, Neb 19 i 64 The weather continues very throughout the corn and wheat Light but appreciable showers occurred within the last tweniy-iour nours in ail except the Omaha, Lies Moines, Minneap olis and Chicago districts. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Uureau. 30 20 .10 .00 .20 .00 .00 .40 .00 warm region. Allli-Chalmors pfd .... Amslcamatrd Copper . American Agricultural Am. Beet Sugar American Can American O. A F Am. Cotton oil. Am. H. A L. pfd Am. Ice Securities American Linseed American Locomotive Am. S. A K Am. 8. A H. pfd Am. Steel Foundries... Am. 8ussr Helming... American t. a t 19, 100 864 ii SOU 'iui too 8,1100 66 63 36 'iis 44 77 '4 65 V, 61 35 'iiii 44V, It V 60 V, 6V4 43 4 Vi 66 2H 30 23 Vi 121 44V, 77 H U. A R. O. 4S... do ref. 6s Distillers' as Kris p. I. 4S do gen. 4a do cv. 4s, ser. A. do series tt. S3 V. 8. Itubber ts lOliVa . stv,U. 8. Steel 2d 6s H'av, , 681 Vs.-Csro. Chem. tjs.. . (3 Wabash 1st 6s lo , 73 do lat A x. 4s.... 67T4 , 7314 Western Md. 4s 83 ti Weat. Elec. cr. 6s. uen. Elec. cv. 6a... 130 Wla. Central 4s... Ill, cen. 1st ref. 4s.. IV int. Met. 4Vts tnifa Bid. Ulicrea. 87H MVs Londosr-Hitock Market. LONDON, June 20. American securities were quiet and featureless during the early- trading today. At noon the market was steady and prices ranged from unchanged to H higher than Saturday's New York closing. London closing stocks: Conaols, money .... 32 Louisville A Nssh..l4D do account II 1-lt Mo., Kan. A Texas.. 3ft ...67V,New York Central. ,i:iv, ... 84, Norfolk A Western. .103 ...losv, do pfd M UK) Olitarlo A Western.. 4v, Amal. Copper Anaronds Atchison do pfd ts Beers Denver A Rio O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk .... Illinois Central frs ... ... 80V4 .. M ... tiv, ...125 ...178 ... vs ...83 ...llVt ... 20 ... 4tV, iV4 0MA11A LIVE STOCli MARKET Fair Ran o( Cattle, with Trade Dull and Weak. HOGS CONTINUE ON THE UP GRADE Fair Hon of Sheep and l.amba. Most I irona tne nance, Tritn i-rices Steady with the 4 lose ot Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb.. June 20, 1M0. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday 3.flt4 b.xM f.o0 Same day last week .... 4.243 5.1T.1 6.1m Same day 2 weeks ago.. 2.44S 3.4tSO 2.7'iS Same day 3 werks ago.J.NM 4.1S7 8.1t4 8ame day 4 weeks agv.. 4.326 8.924 Same day last year 1.S58 - 4.507 3.8hl The following table ! the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheet, at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year; ' 1910. Iff. Inn. Dec. Cattle 448.4W 448.480 19,629 Hogs , .l,024,x; 2, 2S3.804 Sheep 645.137 OSMJiti B,6ul The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1910. 11909. 1908. 1907. UK. 11905. 1304. June .... June 10... June 11... June 13... June 13... June 14.. June 16.. June 16.. June 17.. June 18.. June 19.. June 20... SIM T 371 6 7 I 7 8 17 4 70 to 1 7 401 S 27 to) 6 UN 4 W 9 3C4! 7 261 I il Wl 391 J I 7 891 5 4l i 911 35 1 9 22VI I 6 &2I S 1 311 6 Hil 4 71 K I 7 621 I tej t l 6 131 4 M 9 WW 7 671 5 60 6 84 6 3fi t W 4 M 38Vil 7 66 ' 6 Ml 6 SSI 6 B 4 88 9 21 I 7 631 6 6HI 6 91 I 20 4 93 9 2Tt 7 Ktl K K7I 6 97 B 39 e I 7 cil ( ml t B.t s 3S1 6 19 41V, 6 6ti 5 Hl 6 30 5 151 6 00 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yurds, South Umaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in. Sat urday; RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle). Hogs. Sheep. Il'r's. C., M. Ai St. P 9 Missouri Paclfio 10 Union Pacific 25 C. & N. V, east 7 C. & N. W., west 49 C, St. P., M. ; O.... 1 C, li. & Q., east 1 C, Ti. & CJ., west 2 C, R. I. Ai P., east.. 10 C, it. 1. & P.. west.. 2 Illinois Central 1 C. U. W 3 Total recolpts 144 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3 1.. 21 22 'l 41 31 15 i 'i V. 91 65 . 1 Omaha Packing Co 438 100 lu.1'4 lo;i4 103 101) 64 100 111) 64 119 66 118 4.rUcles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Safy Wheat 1 July..i9JH-Hl pl.,.9iV2l lkso... iWm-siei Corn Julv...(MMtlVa fcept...i V 95VI 94v 9jVi 69SI rl Dec..6 U-'i6bVtVl KlulH- I July...f 571 SepU.-lSOVifH'l dc..., a; Poik I , July. .. 23 70 bept... 22 76 Laru I July...(lJK Sent... 12 UB Ribs I July... W , 3S 3.- 3HV 23 fO 22 95 13 GO 12 tw 13 22 V, 93 91 I 921 I 6S' 69 W I 37 Vi 36', 37 I 96;93VP'V4 94,91 Ti HIV 96Vi 92-), I 59H'S,.uli,,siiV; O0''i M .,! Sy 3XI 37 23 62W 23 G6 22 70 22 90 12 60 12 U5 13 IS 23 66 22 00 12 47V 12 60 12 67Vil 12 50 I 13 20 I 13 12V4 "pt'... 12 72HI 13 72',si 12 o2Vi 12 iO I 12 60 NEW YORK (iKNEHAL MARKET ttaotatlons of the Hay on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, June 20. FLOURFalrly held with fair demand spring patents, f.15w5.35; winter straights, J4.2i4)4;;i."i: winter patents, 34.605 Ou; spring pieai's, $4.10(4.30: whiter extras, "No. L aX7lj3l:': winter extras, No. 2, S3.60J3.fe; Kansas straights, 4.oT4.. Receipts, 17,553 . bbls. ; Hliipiiieuts, 2,406 bbls. Kye Hour was quiet; fair to good, f 1.154.40: choice to fancy, 14. 45 4.50. CUUNMKAL Firm: fine white and yellow, tl.3o(1.35; coarse, tl.2ul.Jo; kiln dried, (3.30. w UliAj. Spot market strong: No. 2 red. (1.0'J, nominal, c. 1. f. to arrive; No. 1 northern, i.i4, mmnnal, f. o. b. to ar rive. Option market uas firm and higher on active buying, due to the continued drouth In the northwest and numerous crop damage reports, closing 'Pui'no not higner; juiy, l.w,yi',s. closed ai fl.02va; September, 9S'ct(l.uo', closed at 1.00; December, W-sc'ii closed at. 1.92ft. llectipts, 32,00V bu. COltN Spot market firm: No. 2. 68V4c. nominal, to arrive, elevator, domestic basis; export No. 2, the, nominal, f. o. b. Option market was wltnout transactions, closing at li',iHc net advance; July closed at b.yc; Septenioer, Wic; December, 66V,c Receipts, 1,125 bu. OATS Spot market firm; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 pounds, 4iv.'u41c; clipped white, 34 to 42 pounds, 4.i'V4i74C. Receipts, 199,0u0 bu. HAY Steady ; prime, l.lo; No. 1, 1.10 i-iiv,; no. a, ii.uuiii.tx; iso. 3, 'Joy'Joc. HOPS Uuiet; slate, common to choice 19U9, 21(24c; 1908, nominal; Pacific coast, 19UU, 14al!c; 1M6, nominal. HlDliS Steady; Central America, 22c; Bogota, 21ii22c. LKATUt-K (Julf t; hemlock, firsts, 25i& 27c; seconds, 22i24c; thirds, 19ij22c; re jected. 1820c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, I25.004D 25.5u; family, 32ti.OO(fj26.uO; short clears, 24.jO &I26.U0. Ueel. firm; mess, 1o.(Aji lb.oO: taui- iv, ll9.OU'((2J.O0; beef hams, l24.yom 26.00. Cut meals, tirin; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. S17.uojlS.r,0; pickled hams, (16.00)) 16.50. Lard, linn; middle west , prime, (ltt.2o(y 12.7a; ro- rined, firm; continent, (l.i.20; South Amer ica, (14.W; compound, (9.5OTU1O.0U. tallow Ouiet; prime, city, hhds., bc. RICE Sleauy; domestic, 2tf6c; Pallia, Vy4l6o. 11 UTTER Firm; creamery, specials, 28c; extras, 21 Vy-TVc; third to firsts, 2T.t26Alc; state dairy, common to finest, 2327c; pro cess, zjiic; factory, 'j'yii'tc; imitation creamery, 24(y26c. CHEEoE steady ; state whole milk new. specials, 14ul&V4c; tancy white, 14c: col ored, 14Vc; average prune, 13!c; fair to good, 12yfeul3Vfcc; skims, full to special, 11 V, (iuiac. LOUS Firmer; state Pennsylvania and nearby henneiies, wlilte, iuuiic; gathered, while. 20h25c; hennery, brown, 2oliJ4c; Mis souri, gathered, brown, O. A., 22c; fresh gathered, extra first, 20021c; first, 18gi9V,c. POULTRY Alive steady; western broil ers, 2ou; fowls, lTittliVac; turkeys, ljiylsc. 100 137 1MV, 136 ..... ..... S.'.V, 600 t: 82 aj 6oo 404 4ov; 4H (.500 JOi'.S 106 1II6H 404 102', 102 loliv, SOU liiVi Ul 121l 00 112Vi 112 1 IVk 26 8,300 79(4 7K 7V, 00 11', 1H 1H sou 37 i, r.m n lo 1110 6,100 114 S0S4 8144 il 700 27 20V, 24 300 4 48V, 4SV, H"l 147V4 Hit 14. Vj 1.4O0 12SV, VM ISM 100 1V 81 14 tmv, 86V4 4.100 187 1W? 13. V, 61 400 16 16V4 2.0UU 100 600 2.aoiJ 3o0 36 V, 80", Zl 46 100 147 147 I, duo U'i lit I. tut) i toy. 300 ISSvi 1M IKK) 19M it la 1,600 62V4 l.lou loo 109 4UU 1,400 200 46 1 33 to l.oue 104 lnl lul'4 00 14SV4 U 1411)4 29 400 139 13DV, )o 1,700 39 Vt as 3t TTt. ......... sura as follows: V'T LOU H Steady; winter patents. U.M 490: straights, 4.2tKii4.7&; spring straights, 14.4014.60; bakers. S.7ur4.9u. HAHLEY Feed or mixing, 47i8"50c; fair to choice malting, owi". , No. 1 southwestern, (19ft No. 1 northwestern, 2.06. Timothy, (4.35. . 'I.....,- an PROVISIONS Messipois. vi f"'-. U24 09. Ird. per 100 kfs.. (12 45. Short ribs. Sides loose, (13 2&h 13.62V. short clear sides Iboxed). (14. OOy 14.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were sou I to 23.000 bu. Primary receipts were (ul.OuO bu.. compared with 4J5,uio bu. the orrespondlng Jay a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States de oreased 1,7S7.4HJ bu. for the week. 1 he amount of breadstuff on ocean passage de 01 eased 443,000 bu. Kslimateil receipts for tomorrow: wheat. It cats: corn, 4 cars; pats, 193 cars; hogs, 14.1XM head. i niuago lash Prices Wheat: No. I red. It hi!: No. 1 red. 9.Vh99V,c: No. X hard. V;4i9se; No. 3 hard. 92iic; No. 1 northern spring, (1.0Mil.07; No. 2 northern spring. -fl.UKMl.04; No. 3 spring. 9octifl.02. Corn: 1 No. cash, 69VoV,c; No. 1 white. 63H'ii64o; No. 3 white. 6li62'tc; No. yellow, b'lKU .: N-o. i yellow, 59V,fci9V5. oats: No. 2 cash. 27e; No. I white. SSlVstOc; No. 3 white, ar'iUi'V; No. 4 white, 3t.i:fec; standard. U Ve liUTTER-Kteady; creameries, ?4.-U?7c; dairies. 3cJ6a . , . EUGS-Uecupta, 14.916 esses. Market teady; at mark, casea Included. 15'irtJlo'-.c; firsts, 17vc; prime firsta. lV.o. CHEESE-Steady; dalslea. U4llS'c: twins. I4ul5c; Young Americas, DV.i(lnVc; long I horns, lBCt 1S'C. ,,, POTATOES Rasy: choice to fancy, m Sue, fair to good. lft(17c. , ) POULTRY Sleadv- M to 60-lb. Weights. k8ta; 60 to 86-Ih. weights, 9a9,sc; So to i llrt-lb. wefphts, lUJilOVio. aviteoejui ioday W heat. It cars; corn. 248 f fsrs; Mt, 141 oars. Eolimated tomorrow V heat, 16 ars; corn, 3u4 cars; oats, 193 cars. Kansas f'ltr Uraln and Previsions. KANSAS CITY. June 20. WH EAT July, k'ec, Bepltuiber, ..; December, eV'c; St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, June 20. WHEAT Futures, higher; July, 93Sc; September, 93c. Cash, film; track. No. 2 red, Wjjic; No. 2 hard, 98c4i 11.04. CORN Futures, higher; July, 59Ts0c: September, 69V'i60c. Cash, higher; track, No 2. 61c; No. 2 white, 65tu65Wc. OATS Futures, higher; July, 37c; Sep tember, 6.c. Cash, higher; track. No. 2, 36c; No. 2 white, 40e. RYE Unchanged at 77c. FLOUR Firm; red wlnier patents. $l.90tjt 3 25; extra fancy and stralguts, (4. 40(74. .W; hanl winter clears, (I.40'(i3.,.i0. SEED Timothv. t.i.00 j 3. 65. C lUNMEAIy (3.25. WHAN Lower: sacked, east track. SVSSrto, HAY lower; timothy, (14.504(18 00; prairie, (12 50. HEMP T WINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, (-'3.50. Lard, higher; prime steam. (l2.2V.;r 12 22'j. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed, extra shorts, (14.50; clear ribs, (14.50; short clears, (14 75. Bacon, higher; boxed, extra short, 1d."j; clear ribs, (15.76; short clears, (H.0. POULTRY steady: chickens, lie: SDritm. lf 2H", turkeys, 16V,c; ducks, 9c; geese, 7c. nt i itK-vuin; creamery, su.'io. EOUS-Sleady at 17c. Receipts. Shipments Americen Woolen Anaronds Mining Co Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Ui.e Baltimore 4t Uhlo Uethlshem Steel. llrooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Psclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ot New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago & Alton Chlcaso ut. Western, new. C. O. W. pfd.. Chicago A N. W C. M. St. P., j... c. c. e. at. Colorado Fuel. A iron Consolidated tiss Colorado A Southern Corn ctouuuis Delaware 4k Hudson Dsnvor & itlo tlrande U. it K. O. pfd Distillers' Securities brie Kris 1st pfd Erie kd pid Uenerul Electric Great Nurtliern pfd ortHtt Northern Ore ctfs.... Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Meu pfd international Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd International l'sper loternsiional fump luwa Central Kansas City So K. C. So. pfd Laclede lias Loulitvlll A N Mlnnr & St. L , M., St. P. S. 8. M M., K. 4s T M., K. A T. pfd Missouri Paclfio National Biscuit National Led , N. K. H. of M. 2d pfd.... New York Ontral , N. Y., O. W Nortel 4k Western North American Northern Paclfio Psclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's tiss P., C, C. 4s 8t. L Putsourg Coal Preened Steel Car Pullmsn Palate Car llAtlway fitbel Spruig iteadlug Hepuulle Steel hepuullo Steel pfd Kock Island Co Kock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 6. K. id pfd St. Louis S. W 61. L. S. W. pfd bloee-Snefrield 6. A 1... Southern Pscifto Southern Hallway bo. Italiwuy ptu Tenileastis Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. U 4s W T., St. L. A W. pfd tnlon Paclfio Union pacific pfd United States Realty United Statea Itubber United States btee) U. S. Steel pfd L'tsa Copper Va.-Csro. Uieuilcal Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland Wealingbouae s,lectrlo ... Western Luton, ex-dlv.... Mheelliui 4s L. a 'total sales lor the day, 146, Hut share,. 79 10 HiV, 46 1514 166 3o 79t 30 27H 4.,',, 34 V, 14V, 1331, (1 61 4iT, 19V4 32 66 62 99 174 11 ii 114 32 ',, Baltimore & Ohio.. .116 Pennsylvania Canadian Pacific ..ZOOHRsnd Mines Chesspeaks 4 Ohio.. 83Vi Reading Chi. Ureal Western.. 20 Southern Railway Chi., Mil. A 8t. p. .131 do pfd 17V,8otithern Paclfio . 3v, Union Pacific ... ao do pfd , 2HV4U. 8. Steel 47 do pfd lavtWebash 29 do Pfd 137 Spanlih 4e SILVER War, steady ft 21-ka per ounce. MONEY 2Wai per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for threo months' bills, 2'-i4j2 y-16 per cent. Boston Closing: Stocks. BOSTON, June 20.-tCloslng quotations on Swift and Company. Cudahy Packifig Co Armour & Co Cudahy from St. Paul.... Murphy Shipping Co VV. B. Vansant Co Wenton Vansant & Lush.. Stephens Pros Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. Wolf S. Werthelmer Sullivan Tiros T. J. lnghram Kllno & Christy Others buyers stocks were: Alloues , Amal. Copper A. Z. L A 8 , Arlsona Com Atlantic B. A C. C. ft S. M. Butte coalition Cel. A Anions. Moliswk 4 S6V4 Nevada Con. 24 Nlplasing Mine . i; North Butte 7 North Lake 12V,oitl Dominion .. 19V40oeola ........... 63V,Psrrott 8. A C... Cal. ft Heola 610 Uulncy Centennial Copper Range C. C. East Butte C. M... Franklin Uiroux Con Oranby Con Oreene Cananea .... Iaie Koyale Copper... 17 -so pf4 Kerr Lake V4 I'tSle AlatL Lake copper lov, shannon 62V, Superior SV4 Superior ft B. M. . ll,Superlsr ft P. C... 1 Tamaracjk 39 I:. S IV Mr ft 7HU. S-.'H. H. ft M ... 45 4T II 64 Wlnpiis, 7Vi lis 14 . U4 . 27V, . Ri . S3S .131 . 13V4 . 71 . ID . 44 . Mt . 10V, . 4 2V4 btIB .vpper in n 11971 , La Salle topper 1H4 Wol. srloe : Miami Copper 20 . ' JVtw York tarb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members Boston Stok exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: Day state Oss 23 Inspiration SVi Butte Coalition 19 La ruse 4 V, Cactus 2 11-14 Nev. Consolidated... 20V, Chlno kll4Newhous 67v, Chief Consolidated... llvOhlo Copper 1 l.-14 Fraction 65 Hswhlde coalition .. Il Daris-Dsly 144 lUy Central 24 Kly Central 1 t-16 Swlfe Pkg. Co 104 Ely Consolidated ... bo Sears, KoeDucK co..lob! 11T4 Sliver Pick 1 7V, Superior ft Pittsburg 1044 7H5' 7M 817 2 50 47 212 77 42 34 61 5 103 20 5 63 100 60; 1.533 1.523 l,b7 334 369 62 2,171 73.1 237 Totals 3,718 5,693 1.670 B.S02 nivrnxvitn WVC and Tupnep Co. t -ra Tr.l.r.PHONE .-x I. . C OOfCiAS t7 - Vtyl BOSTON. MASS SO STATE I1IUT OMAR., NTB. oaaa sr rsc4. rvs-a If You Have Funds to Invest Consider our line of Municipal, Railroad. Corporation BONDS la denominations, of $.100 to $1,000 Yielding from 4 to 6 per cent Interest BONDS ARE A SAFE AND CONVENIENT FORM Of INVESTMENT. Officers and Directors: ut xrrx, ires Fremont. T. B. JOHWiOW, Tress. Omaha. raxx m. risun, v. -Pre. Boston. B. B. BCBWE1DEB, Fremont CHAS. W. TTJBHXB, Jr, New York, Sta RAILROAD. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS CAPITAL . FULLY PAID, S100,OOO.oo sssssssessssssMMssssesessssssssii m s r n i si m 1 1 nnssm innis-smii niimim lsnrni i U 294 240 9 44 T6 t20 lfi 9 4S 4 :0 HO 9 40 2, i . .- 9 45 it 2J 120 40 77 24 240 9 45 8 IU 60 9 40 6 248 240 9 45 68 2-0 ... t 40 70 115 120 9 li 234 ... 9 40 3 IW 45 t3 ... 9 40 S2 iil 120 i i ,..2'i 84 9 40 2Hi 12V 4 44 S 300 9 40 it 3i ... 45 4 271 ... 9 40 4 2-U ... 9 43 40 !5 40 9 40 6 214 ... 9 43 ti 291 Sl 9 40 8i ItoO 80 9 45 7 274 SO 40 72 2.14 200 9 44 6ti 2X0 ... 9 40 62 2il ... 9 45 48 247 ldfl 9 40 79 234 80 9 45 tJ tM 160 9 40 78 220 ... 9 45 65 221 ... 9 40 84 214 40 9 45 72... 231 90 9 40 7(1 2S4 90 4 43 71... 823 40 9 40 74 213 40 9 45 84 239 ... 9 40 47 2.18 80 9 43 43 :0 ... 9 40 74... 2-6 ... 9 45 215 40 9 40 77 20S ... 9 47 V, 74 244 ... 9 40 85 20J 200 9 47 V, til 139 190 9 40 70 230 ... 9 50 72 241 ... 9 40 4 241 ... 9 50 78 244 M 9 42 V, 45..... ...119 ... 9 50 71 237 120 9 Sit, 71 212 80 9 60 5h J4o.; new Klin tilled. 4 10'4d. Kutureo, yulet; July, nominal; September, 4s 4V'. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 20.-COTTON Spot losd quiet, li points hlKher; mldilliiiB up lands, l&.llic: middling gulf, lo.tocj sales. 5,40T bales. ST. L.OI lr, June W vj i iuix-iinTr ; mlddltnK. 14'c; sales, none; reeelpts, 15 lialt-s; shipments, J10 bales; rtock, 22,4; bales. In tlie sheeo barn this morning; came from western grass sections and fully 90 per cent pf the shipments were sheep and year lings. Several Rood fnt strings were in cluded -In the run. but total supply was rather liberal ' and part of the stutt was hardly flesy enough to suit killers. As is generally the ease at the opening of the week, Inquiry was a trifle backward at the start and trade was slow In getting started. The few sales that were made. however, Indicated a generally steady mar ket, aa compared with prices at last week's CATTLE! Receipts of cattle were fair for close, and most ot the good fat sheep the beginning of the week, being somewhat finally sold on this basis. In between ami smaller than Monrlav of last week, but half fat strings were not wanted very larger than two weeks ago and a year ago. badly and proved to be slow sale at shaded While there was a feeling that possibly prices throughout, strictly good fat cattle might command Orders are beginning to come In from prices, the general market was very slow feeders for stock sheep and lambs. There and dull, with nrices weak to lOo lower, was a fair demand for feeder classes today. Advicts from eastern points were not very I but very little business was done In this encouraKlns and buyers did not appear at I branch of the trade until late In the day. all anxious for fresh supplies, In faot they I owing to the dullness of the fat sheep seemed very much inclined to hold off and I market. await developments before filling orders. Quotations on grass stock: Choice spring Hence It happened that the trade was very- lambs, s7.7W8.uo; lair to good spring nunns, slow all the morning $7,0047.75; good to choice yearlings, $5.75 Included In today's receipts of cows and 6.25; fair to good yearlings, 46.oou-o.75; good heifers were a good many grasaers and to choice wethers, to 001(5.25; fair to good cattle on the common to .medium order, wethers, $4.25Jj'&.00; good to choice ewes. The market on all such was very slow and 44.75 00; fair to good ewes. 4.0u4j4.75. In many cases at least 10c lower. The Representative sales: fact Is that grass cows have been selling No. Av. Pr. lower at all poltns so that the decline on 206 western lambs' 75 7 00 that kind was by no means a surprise. 6 western lambs.... 146 6 40 Grass cows being lower, would naturally 205 Mexican wethers...., 100 4 90 depress the market to a greater or less 2K8 Mexican yearlings 82 6 00 extent on the medium kinds of cornfeds. 292 Idaho ewes . 112 4 00 Continued dry weather being detrimental iM5 Idaho yearlings, feeders 66 3 50 to pastuies Is making Itself felt In a dimln- 710 Idaho yearlings, feeders 08 4 50 tshed demand for stock cattle. As a result 8rti Idaho spring lambs 07 7 36 cattle of that description are slow and 428 Idaho wethers 97 4 75 weak every day. 134 Idaho yearlings 79 6 75 Quotat.ons on cattle: uooa xo cnoice corn- 60 Idaho ewes, culls 103 3 25 fed steer., $7.60&8.26; fair to good cornfed 223 Idaho spring lambs 87 7 35 steers,; common to lair connect Peorln Market. PKORIA. III.. Juno 20. CORN Higher: No. 3 white. CH4o; No. 2 yellow, 6M4C: No. 3 yellow, 57Vi''uT'Ke: No. 3, tHc; No. 4, 6GV9 5t!c; no grade, 50(ii 5.1c. OATH strong; standard. wiMjsic; wo. I white, 37Vjc; No. 4 white, 3fl',4c Franklin Olroux Uolcl field Cone 1,200 97V, " ioi "u 47 744a 94 97 ;vs 74V, 8,300 114 lit 1,100 44H 44 V, llav, 44 100 loo 70V4 70t4 v4 4,900 1-6 . 126V, 71204, 100 Zl 27 Mi, 7, I'M lJi 132 V, l3i 4O0 1074a 107 is 101 200 SUV, n 7V, 18 5 100 314 31 8444 79,200 157 luiw 167V, 1..00 34 S, 81 ills 7,100 DUO 1,300 HOW loo 200 41 " 4,' 31V, 7i 404 04 46', 31V, 75V, 96 41V4 "v, 411 70 96,WH VM'.k 12H ll ?. bit, 25' 9O0 (.HI, t 1.100 24 54 J1V4 (04 5-' 41,200 174V, i;:!i lilt. 113 y, 400 75 75 .. 47iiO 79 78 V4 ,. 4,800 118V, IS 7wl 4J! 434 ,. 1,900 KJV, 0 1VV, 1DV4 .. 4,600 44V4 434, 100 44 444 .. 1,300 tin 73 48 Vi ') 114 DO ItH 44 44 Vt 42, 4 9t, Tonoiiah Mlnins Goldfleld Pllorence..! 9-19 Trinltr Copper . Goldfleld Unity 4V, North Lake Oreeue Cananea .... 114 Bohemia 12. 15.. 27.. 18.. 46.. Flour, bbls 11, SO) 5."le Wheat, bu !5.0ti0 21 Oiw Corn, bu 104 OoO 4ii.t)0 Oats, bu oi.ow 62,tM0 Mlaaeannlla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 30.-WHEAT-July, $10b; September, 9Tc; December, 9bS' 9vc: cash. No. 1 hard, tl.HV; No. 1 north ern, tl Mt 1 We. : No. 1 northern, fl.ObSU l.o4; No. J. iU3N0l WiN. KIAX Mosed at J 06. CORNV-No. t. yellow. MVttioHc OATS No. t, white, 3oVua7TC, 11 Y K No. i. b'j2c. BRAN In 10l pound sacks, JlS-OOfj 1.. FLOL'R First imtents tin wood f. o. b Minneapolis). Ij.IO'O'S second patents. 44 90 5 10; first clears, eJ.xxi.t4.0o; second clears, I2.7oyj.00. Local Securities. Quotations furnlsi.ed by Bamuel Bums, Jr., bl New York Llfs building. Omaha: il id. Asked. Combination Bridie, Bloux City City of Uuiaha 4V,,, 1830 Coinniiinsfeslth l.ile Ins.. Oerman-Americen Coffes Hydrsullc i'reaaed UrUk pfd Iowa I'unland Cenisnt 1st Mis. 4s K. C, M. A O. pfd K. C. M. A U , com Kansas City tiiutk Taids stocs Kansas CUT It. L. 6a, 1911 hotel La Salle ta Lincoln, Neb., 4a. lll.TJ M.nden, Neb.. Het. Maier ta. liio..., Nebraska Telephone stovk 4 per cent. Nebraska T. A f. ts Omaha Water Co. 6s, 1944 Oman Oss 6s. 117 Omslis Uas 6s, 117 onulia e. L. pfd per cent usulit A c. U. Si. ity es. l2!i umsii el C. B. U Ry., pfd. -di. unmlia C. u. ti. A u. pid PslIIic T. 4. T. t. 1WI7 plailsinoutk, Neb., Tel, stock, 10 p. e RtKky kit. Bell stock Sold A Co south umaha. City oi, M Trl-Clty Ky. A U. is t nlon stock aro stork, so. umn. Westers faclfie ta , Con. Co. (bonus) International Con. Co. (bonus) New York Minim) Slocks. NEW YORK, June 20. Closing quotations on mining slocks were: fclslin Hatter Market. FI1IN. June 20 HUTTER Firm; 27c; output. 1,1Ui,.W VOUQUS, 60 SO 104 V, 106 IS It 4 9 98 90 18 VK 24 29 tt ii 91 k.V, M 94V, U 100 9Vs ti 11 lol 10 SO S7V, as 99 M Ml U 83 9.V8 ksV, 83V, 83V, t 91 98 "V, 44 40 89V, luost 9a V, I'M tVk 91V8 M 9i'v, H3V4 934 15 7T 71 .4 Alice Brumwick Con Coin. Tunnel stuck. do bond Con. Ce.1. A V.... Horn Sliver Irwu Silver Offered. .34TJ eLeadviile ("on. , 7 'Little Chief ... . 24 Helium . It uetanu . 95 Ophlr . 45 standard lj Yellow Jacket . .. 4 . 4 ,.loi .. to .. w .. Ml . Treasnry tilateinent. The condition o flhe treasury at the be ilniilns of business today was as follows Trust funds: Gold coin. lvW.3dl.B69; silver dollars, u.n9 0f.7.uu0, silver dollars of lv0. uimiiiI: silver certincaies outstandlnar 4i9 Ui7.tsj0. Oeneral fund: Standard silver dollars iu general fund, 4LtiJw7, ctureut t 6 11 V, 1V8 Dank C'learlntta. OMAHA. June 20. Bank clearings for to day were 2,84,!93.19 and for tno corre sponding date last year were f2.3o3,44b.92. n0. OMAHA UtCNKUAVi JIAIlKETv Staple and Fancy Produce Price Fur nished by Buyers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to mo retail traae, in 1-1D. carious, u, s, 22 111 AI-1U, tUOS. Z&hmCl ISO. Z- 1U s-iu. vsimu 27c; In 90-1 b. tubs, 2iVo; packing stock, solid paca, zic; aairy, n oO-id. tuos, u. sc aei cnanijes every Tuesday. CHEESK Twins, 16'c; young Americas, 17c; daisy. 17c; triplets, ito; liiuberger, 20c: No. 1 hri.'U ll. X'... '2. 14c: dumeutLli: Swiss. 2oc: wriula HwIms. 24c: liiiDoried I Swiss, Hoc POULTRZ-Dressed broilers, 9.0 dos-; for storage, $0.00; tor fresh springs. 20c; hens, 17c; cockv, 12vc; duclts, toe; geese, ioc; turkeys, .oc; pigeons, per dos i., i jo noiner sviuao, 54.00 per du. ; ianvy aquaus, 43.50 per dos.: Nj. 1. Ii.00 uer doz. Alive: lirulleis, from li to 1V lbs., 2bc; l'i to i i us., uc; liens, liw. oia roosters, vj, young roosters, ltfc: ducks, full teaibeicJ, 13c; geese, (uli feathered, 10c; turkeys, isc; guinea Ion Is, 2Uo each; pmun, uuu pel dux.; liouiers, 43 oO per doit.; situaus. No. 1. f2.KI per dos.; No. 9. 14k) FISH (all froxeu) Pickerel, 10c; whitefisn, 10c; pike, 14c; Uout. lie: large crappiss. IStoIsc; Spanish mackerel, lbu; eel, 19c; haddock, 13c; flounuers, 12o; Ureen catfisu, lee, trout, Uu; buffalo, bo; haut, be; White perch. 8c: . wnitefish. i-v-: yellow perch, 9c; bullheads, 12c; whits cat, lie; slikdroes. (1 each; shadroes, per pair, 90u; frog legs. 20c tier doz. MEAT CUTS-Rlbs- No. X, 16V,c; No. 2. 14c; No. 8, 10,'ic Loinsi No. 1, lc; No. 2, n).c; io. 3. Lie. Cnuck: No. 1. 9c: No. b'.ac; No. 1, sc. Round: No, 1, 12c; No. 2, ltvsc; No. 3. loic. Plate: No. L 7Vic: No. 2. W71C-, .-.u. o. V'.C. . . FRUITS-Oiaugcs: Callfrn!a Camelii brand Red I and navels. 90 size, per box H.00; loo sue. per box. J.36; 128 size, per box, 44.00; 150 size, S4.25; 170 and smaller slses, per box, J4.i0. Havana Mediterranean sweets, 120-112 sizes, per box, $300; 120 and 150 sizes, per bcx, $3.263.60; extra fancy mediterranean sweets, per box, Xi.5trg8.75. Lemons: Limoiilera, extra fancy, 300-300 sizes, 16.00; choice 300-300 sizes, per bo 15.25; 240 size, 5oc per box les.-. Rananas Fancy select, per bunch, J2.2ii(j2.50; jumbo, bunch, $2.75(ci 3.75. Pineapples: Florida, 30- 30 size, w; ti size, w 1j(U3.uai. cantaloupes California. 64 size, 13.00; 45 standards, 43.50 id J 5. Cherries: California, per 10-1 b. box 11.75. Apricots: California, per four-baske crate. 91.50. Plums: California, red, per t-oasKet crate, si.tu. eacnes: caurornla, Der 2U-1U. box, 51.10. urates: Anchor brand new, 30 1-lb. packages In box, per box, 2.00. VEtjivi A45L.C.O- roiaioes: Irian, Wlscon sin and native, per bu., Mtiwc; new, In sacks, per bu.. 91.10. Cabbage: New Call forma ana southern, per lb., 3c. Onions Texas crystal wax, per crate, 12,00; yellow, per crate, lit. Uarlick: Extra fancy, white : ... .... .... i k-.UH iv. i.. i,'.... .,... 1.t iu., iv. ivu, ii m.i c, nitni Fancy Florida, per dos., fl.60ij2.uu. Tomo toes: Texas, per 4-basket crate, 11.15. Beans String and wax, per hamper, about 25 lbs 12.50: n.arket baskets, 11.00. Cucumbers Hot house, per aos., bouuc; lexas, per bu. bOX, HOME-OROWN V Eli ETA 11 LES Rad Ishea: extra tancv home grown, per dos. bunches, 20c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, Der dos.. 30c. f arsiey: fancy home grown tier aos. nuncnes. juc. ivnuoaro; ler dux bunches, 46c. Asparagus: Per dos. bunches, 45g.50c. Green onions: Per dos. bundles, Sic. Turnips: rer market oasset, tvi . car rots: fer market Dasket, w .sc. ueets Fer market basket, tio'tf 75o. Spinach: I'er market basket, 12 lbs., uOe. Oreen Peas I'er market basket. 60c. WALNUTS-BlacW. per lb., 2c: Califor nia No. 1. par lb.. 17c; California No. 2. per lb.. 14c. MlscELIJtNEOUS Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2c; California,, No. 1. per lb.. 17c; Cali fornia, No. 1, per lb., 14c. Hickoryuuls: HICKORY NUTS Largs, per lb., 4c; small. Pr IV. be 1-argu. P9r lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c. CucuaiiUl: Ptr sack, 5.0U; per duz, wv, steers, lo.4O-ji6.90; good to choice cows and CHICAGO ' LIVE heifers, se.004i7.iu; lair to gooa cows ana heifers. 14.50ki 6.00: common to fair cowt and heifers, t3.00ij4.50; good to choice stock ers and feeders. 5.0O4(10; fair to good stockers and feeders. 44.7I"uo.m; common to fair stockers and feeders. H.75ij4.76; stock heifers. t3.75!4.a6; veai ca.vef, 14.0043.00; ulls. atags. etc.. STOCK MARKET Mllnnukee tirnln Market. MILWAt'KEK, Wis.. June .-VIjOVTI- WHEAT Market dull; No. 1, northern, tl.07Bl.0!t4: No. 2. northern. tl.OMil.07Vl; September. 94Vic. OATS i4Vif- BARLEY Samples, E5ii65o. . ; l Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Juno 20. HAY No 1, l'J.00: No. 2. 17.50; packing, 4.60; new, 10.00. Hlraw; Wheat, 0.00; ryo and oats, 7.00. Alfalfa. J12.00. Mercury Soars Higher Monday Real EstateMen Find it Sweltering When'They Eeturn from , Detroit. Question Who are (for the minute) the most disliked men In Omaha t Answer The Omaha real estate men who went on to Duluth from Minneapolis. The reason: They are boasting that Sat urday they were so dellcloualy cool that' they wore overooats cruising around Dulutn harbor as the guests ot the Duluth ex change). A dozen of the Omaha delegation, headed by F. D. Wead, Alfred Crelgh and O. D. Tunnicllff, went on to Duluth, returning home Monday. They declare they were royally entertained. ' When they reached Omaha they found the thermometer had reached 92 by 1 o'clock, two notches higher than Saturday at the same hour. ReDresentatlve sales: J.... vr.: 4... 14... Tt.. 14.. 13.. 10.. I 4 A. Pr. ... 945 5 00 ... 944 6 50 ...Wl 145 ... 760 5 90 ... 4.14 4 90 .V, 414 4 20 ...1141 4 40 ...1068 4 50 ...1011 4 65 ...RSI 4 70 ...1162 1 90 ... 822 I 20 ... SOU 1 25 ... t6 1 40 ... I.K 3 40 ... 825 1 60 ... 941 I 60 ,...860 1 60 .... 755 1 90 .... 730 1 40 ...1071 3 90 .... Bit 4 00 935 4 00 .... 947 4 00 ...Ml 4 10 .... 976 4 45 .... 910 4 61 .... 841 4 (o .... SKI 4 65 No. 21.... 16..',. 68 32.... 82..... 20.... 20.... 4.... 6.... 17.... 50.... COWTd. 20.... 10.... 17.... il..:. 4.... 18.... 14.... 15.... 11.... 4.... 14.... 6.... 1.... 4.... 21.... 11.... 4.;., 4. - HEIFERS. 434 40 12 00 1 40 9 639 8 75 4 '. 411 3 75 4 457 4 00 7...... BL.L.L.S. 1. .... 950 4 00 .... 412 4 25 ....1045 4 25 ....1145 4 30 ....1080 4 35 ....1.00 4 85 .... 800 4 85 .... 870 4 35 ....1370 4 40 At. Pr. 1020 4 95 1068 7 00 1284 1 80 12K9 7 30 .......1067 7 30 1219 1 85 1247 7 15 844 7 35 1058 7 50 867 7 60 1441 1 04 ....... til 4 65 Wl 4 70 831 4 70 10M 4 75 1110 4 75 ....... 940 4 90 1032 1 00 , 964 4 00 944 4 00 945 4 05 878 4 20 1:20 4 23 . 1010 1 35 967 1 84 1034 4 40 925 4 95 1192 4 10 1129 4 20 427 4 00 701 4 10 655 4 65 665 4 85 732 4 15 11S0 4 5.1 540 4 60 1260 4 70 12..5 6 00 IIM 6 00 1240 6 00 1140 4 IS 1640 4 60 1790 5 83 Cnttle Steady to Slronyr Hogs Re ported Htarher. CHICAGO. June 20. CATTLE-RecelDts. 20,0ti0 head; market steady to strong; steers, i6:J .25; cows, 14.2T.Q5.76; heifers, 14.OiyyO.GO; buulls, 4.5O&6.O0; calves, 13.UU((j 8.75; stockers and feeders, 4.75ij4i.oO. HOUS Receipts. 20.000 head: market. 10 MV tiiurhn. nhnlnA huin, tli T.t. ers, 19.56il9.C5; light mixed,; choice llgnt, 99.txa9.ib; heavy packing, S9.4j9.50; pigs, 19.OUu-j.46; bulk of sales, 9.459.05. SHEEf AND EAM14S Receipts. 12.000 head; market almost bare; sheep 4 00r(i6.26, yearlings, 15.7MH.GO; lambs, 16 40(7.25, spring lambs, 7.uOW.25. St. Lonls Live Stuck Market. ST. LOUIS. June 20. CATTLE Receipts. 10,000 head, Including 1,700 Texans; market lOijlGc lower; native shipping and export steers, 17.25fy8.26; dressed beef and butchers, Sti.4)Ot4S.25; steers under 1,000 lbs., 15.75(7.75; stockers and feeders, $4.2.ili-.2.i; cows and belters, 4.zt'fl i.uo; canners, i2.6tKa3.uo; bulls, (4.26g0.25; calves, !5.fK((.&0; 'xexas and Indian steers, 14.507.76; cows and heifers, 3.6O'fi.00. HUUS Receipts. 6.400 head: market. 15c higher: pigs and lights. l9.liKa9.65: Dackers. t9.40iilt.t6; butchers and best heavy, 19.WKi 9. 10. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 2.R00; market 15c higher; native muttons, 4.iri. 6 25; lambs, So. 54) 8.40; culls and bucks, 3.50 tlli.00; stockers, 13.OtXu-4.60. Burglars Get Big Haul from Store Butler Bros. Concern is Bifled of a Wagonload of Valuables Sun day Night. Burglars) entered the Butler Bros.' stora at 1108 Howard street Sunday night and rifled It of a wagon load of loot. ' From the size of the itemized Hat of the article) stolen, which was reported to the pollca Monday morning, It la believed the mar auders must have had a- wagon to take their haul away. Eight coats, a dozen panama hats, three suitcases, a number of traveling bags, re volvers, shirts and an amount of cutlery and Jewelry, comprised the stolen property. Entrance was made through , a basement door. CAL .H- 193 5 50 i 194 T 75 60 4 50 1 1J0 1 74 so 4 00 1 14 7 75 100 7 00 1 130 4 (10 VJi IS 1 130 4 00 216 7 24 1 900 4 00 23 7 50 1 810 4 00 171 7 50 1 120 4 00 1(4 1 60 9 IjO 4 15 126 t 75 b'lOt-ivEKd AND FEEDERS. ' Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 20, CATTLE Re ceipts, 13,000 head, Including 6.H00 head southerns; natives steady to strong; south erns, weak to 10c lower; dressed beef and export steers. 7.36'(i8.60: fair to good. 16.00'ie 7.25; Western steers, li.75ftji9.50; stockers and reeaers, lo.&ututi.Zb; southern steers, i4.5K(j) 7.00; southern cows, 2.W'((5.00; native cows, 12.7666.00: heifers, 14.lixo-7.40; bulls, 4.O04J6.O0; calves, 14.2DiiiS.00. HOUS Receipts, 8,000 head; market loidSc higher; top, 9.56; bulk of sales, 9.45(9.65; heavy, 9.45fti9.ii0; parkea and butchers, 9.15 419.55; light, 9.409.56; pigs, 8. 754)9.25. KHEEt AND DAMHg Receipts. 10.000 head; market, steady to 16c lower; lambs, 17.00'aU.Ou: yearlings, 15.5Ofl0.25; wethers, 14.50 I Iii6.2i ewes, 14.26jfu.00; stockers und feeders. 13.0064.50. 14... 1... 9... 17... a.... 1... 9... 9... 12... 493 4 15 18 7)2 4 60 614 4 90 6 )M 4 63 7i.4 4 25 10 6ul 4 70 6J7 4 2i 13 '54 4 85 6U3' 4 35 14 tm 4 85 687 4 94 W 692 4 00 6U 4 40 93 sal 5 25 4.4 4 40 4.; K5 4 50 764 4 50 WESTERNS-SOUTH DAKOTA 35 feedeie..lo.1 6 95 U heifers... 827 1 SS . ... .i.t mil. v .. isstui a hum uaua I"' liioruiug. buppiy Was lis 11 1, u...ianu auu report uout provision center South Omaha uiauer oil all aiuus ui piuuuci. wpuiiin 1 st Joseph i,uj sales v. tie a tug uuii uigutl tliaii Kansas Cltv those ot Satuiuay, me. bulk 01 receipts St. Louis cnaiigiug liunus on tin oasis, ooiue iim 1 Chicago ljusilicss vas uune, uui uiuy me oust lisiit liog were wanted ut the lull advance. Totals ... liners bougnt very suaiiuii, uui vumuii tit.uii belueeii packers was active and puns ivtro cleared uui ing in si ruuiius. St. Joseph Llvo Stock Market. ST.- JOSEPH. June 20. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2,100 head. Market stead v; steers, 15.6W)S.25; cows and heifers, 3.00(7.25; calves. U (MXUfc.Ot). HOOS-Receipts. 4.000 head. Market IW 15c higher; top, 9.55; bulk of sales, W.-'SSci1 .524. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts. l'Oi head. Market steady; lambs, (.60ti$.?5. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. 1.858 4,5(.i0 3,SiO 2,100 4,0iJ0 1,2110 13.000 6.1)00 10,000 lO.AiiO 6,4(10 2.8HO 29,ou0 26,0)0 12,ti0 67.(50 45,900 29.8CO toffee Market. NEW YORK, June 20. .-COFFEE- Futures a naiiu-,- i.,,u ,1 i.ii'mniiiwi with closed gulet, net unchanged. Close: June large share ot the p " and July. 8.40c; August. .50c; Septemebr. bttlui-uays ibu k of !9-rUf- P O OOc; Octoler. and November, .; De. 10 19.00. the uest hogs at or near ct.mberi t -lik.. FeUruary, 6.74c; March. 6.77c; tlie top of the list. The high price paid Anrli s;0u,c- Mav 6 79c at la-t week's close. It will be remembered. AS ii ',t Uar'ki oulet : No. 7. Rio. Uc: Nn. v. as 9.40. Repreentatlve sales: No. A. 9h. Pr. No. A. 8k. Pr. tt 212 SO 9 90 tt 221 ... 4 42Si ) 317 80 9 30 67 124 40 9 4J 17 Ill bo 9 30 72 2-14 ... 4 2 tit 24 2S0 9 30 71 224 tO I III, 84 310 ... 9 15 67 lo4 1(0 9 2' 67 324 40 9 33 (7 2l 120 9 i'l a 374 SO 9 25 5 21 ... 9 42, U :t.u 160 9 35 71 2.13 80 9 45 4S 2,1 ... 9 85 64 234 ISO 9 45 J 278 . . 9 15 74 E.2 160 9 45 Lj too ISO 9 35 80 144 120 9 45 tl 314) 440 9 85 76 241 40 9 45 Ill SO t 84 10 11.0 SO 9 45 ts 21 3:0 9 85 19 ...Wl 4 45 U 1st Ml 9 874 17 8J4 ... 4 45 41 1U 21X1 t 40 66 255 H III ( at ... 9 40 62 Hue 140 I 44 i 4, sent os, mild, quiet; Cordova, 9',1i 12Vc agar Market. NEW YORK. June 20.-8UQAR-Raw quiet; muscovado, 89 test, t 66c; centrifugal, 90 test, 4 Wo; molasses sugar, 9 test, 1 43c. Refined quiet; crushed, o.eoc; granulated, 5.16c; powdered, 6.26c. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. June 20.-WHEAT-Spit, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock. SPECIAL. PROGRAM BY KELLY Organist nt Plrst Methodist Provide . Musical Trent Prior to Lav Inst for Europe. Thomas J. Kelly, organist at the First Methodist church, gave a special musical program at the church Sunday' night, which was greatly appreciated by a large congregation. The service was the last of the season In which Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will participate, as they sail Saturday for Europe for a rest and a chance to study European musicians. The choir will be under tUe direction ot! Arthur V. Jessen for the following two Sundays, after which the members will be released until September, but Mr. Jessen will have charge of the quartette, which will furnish the music tor the summer. One of the special features of Sunday night's program was the "Magnificat" and "Nunc Dimlttls," by T. Tertlus Noble. Mr. Kelly says that Mr. Noble ts one of th most promising of tho nfodern school of Froleatant church music, and that ha has attracted a great deal of attention In Eng land. He Is organist at York Minster, and la considered by musician to ba a new discovery, whose productions are rich but 011 the strictest lines. The sermon of the evening was preached by Dr. O. W. Abbott, and dealt with the question, "Does Our Century Need a, New Dible?" The musical program was a follows; Choral Lord's Prayer. Choral Veisicles and Responses. Anilmm (without accompaniment) "Yeai Though X Walk" Sullivan. Magnificat aud Nuno Dimlttls, T. Tertlus Noble. Otlertory Bolo "Out of the Deep," J. C. Marks. Mr. Lesll Dick. Anthem (unaccompanied) T. Tertlus ouie, isrca) was toe w ild nillow." Choral benediction, "Lord Keep Ls 6afe." Sullivan. Herbert B.CooGh Go broker and Dealers OKAUr MtOYISIOltn STOCKS O malt a Offloo, 113 Boar of Trade Bid. Futures, firm; July, (s 6S1; October, 6s 7H'l; B11 sTlioa, Poug. (ad. A.-S1 Xm December, nominal. OLDEST eVBP LAaQElT KOOSB I CORN Hpot, quiet; old American mixed, , . TMB Br seres 5s3d; old American mixed via Ualveslun,