Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1910, HALF-TONE, Image 21

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    The Omaha1' Sunday Bee.
rasa oaa to row.
Each Succeeding Milestone in Career of The Omaha Bee Reveals a Story of Advancement in Newspaper Making
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JUNE 1. 1871. lUa Ue iua4 iu first ayyearancu. It is inoru horUou of that era and foretell with unerrius accuracy that iuu tectural grandeur, it la simply a pressed brick, lireproof building aay, ana even when ne is temporarily absent there atwma to bt Hi
tuau u.r tomuaoucw luat ou Juu la, iaa, ih ouu ci- taww mti ot iiic f oui.uiiifc nouia bwuio u-j bo m iu vo ncjt i-.i Uu, ivo Btonea auu uign uasement, desiBiieu especially tor unteen nana uirecuug his vsora, which is merely another way of e
bi.tOd tut liu Uiimuny t, uiuu us iieu- kUu reauui to ot n.jufc touiUieiciui m omaua. auom tt uiue wueu opuuiisuv; ue .. spaytr uaouution. Tne piaus lor tuis buiunuK uid' Hot come by pressiug the fact that in The bee eultorlal department, at well &a la
il.uu its uouse-viruiiuu party iu lue luufcujaceut uuo ounu- isou was leutiea to tureswo ib ciowas ut ouy uicu uuu vouicu cuuuc, out ou tue contrary very uetail was ;uiefuily mouaut out all otner aepartments, perfect organization exists. '
ufc, iu whlcu us nome ws tutu ebtuuiibavu. it is more tuaa wuicu now swin like tue euuies oi a river urouuu tue corners of to Une auvaniaKe of all tue opportunities presenteu. Across the hall from the editorial reception room ensconaed la
1uoiUei co.uciueuce luat touay H teieoraies iu 4tu biimuay m ex- bevenieeuth auu Faiuam sireeis. Whkous uiirea in wuu tuen, wuete raucy lor tue mouieut tuai you aie on a lour of sight-seeing soittuae befitting the mau who must think, anu thinkiu'g, then write,
Uiiuuu. auipuneU and still more moaeru quariwis tor Us istany m- giioieulug auiowoo..t now speed oer aspuait pavemeui. ueiaieu throuu iu iiee esiaoiisuiueut. iou begin at the busiut-ss oince is tiie file room which is also the den of the editorial writer. ThU
tieaktug luecnaulcal facilitits auu equipuitui iu tue ue.. uu.unig peuestriaus piloting uuiMarda ou iaiuam btieei siuuioiea "aiuug iu uaiuiauy euougu, because of tue uat you walk ngni juio u oiiite is a prosaic place, littered with newspapers, congressional
.ito-to., jomeu to as an auuex to lue dm bmluaig, luimeamieiy uarkuesa lueu, wune uow tne4r way is pomisu clear uy myriaus ot e.ther trom aiuaiu or Seventeenth streetb, it is a grouuu fioor lo- records, reteience booKb anu other things of like uatlire.
auubs lue alley ou tue uortu. Muese succetsive uiuicn ot iuu lieu scintillating electric rays. Ground vaiueo ere mu;eu of in uuuareus cutAjn ou a "ground floor" corner, there beiug no business uouse in back flown the hallway at the bead ot .he big marble steps, the
lulled lue growtn ot tne paper as uu iusiuui.ou quicKiy emergiug ot feet theu. but now tney have ueen figured down to inches. Verily, Omana ottering more easy access to the public. In tue business of- tourist comes to a door upon which is Inscribed; "City editor and rt-
Iroiu Us swaddling clothes anu requiring constautly larger ouihts to a day of fulfillment came out of Mr. Hosewater s prophetic decision, fice you see groups of stenographers busily operating typewriters, porters." The first thing inside that door is a telephone exchange
enable it to keep the place It has always occupied at the head of the as tue city in Us onward march has mounted the fc'amani street hill clean cut young men doing clerical work, advertising men mixing where a bright young woman when installed will patiently answer
journalistic procession. aud passed beyoud. ideas with printers" ink, and over all. a veteran here and there di- "number please" to the hundreds who constantly keep The Bee's
The Wee was the first paper in Nebraska to be printed ou power But the best foresight couid not aee' everything ahead twenty retting things in general. In the rear of the main counting room is telephone a-Jingle. From out this room, you leave the original Bee
presses equipped with automatic folders. U was 4ie first paper in No- years, and strange as It may appear not a single department of The the private office of the general manager. building and cross the bridge which spans the alley to the first
braska to bring In a perfecting preaa fed trom a continuous roll of Uee today occupies the location that was assigned to it when the Leaving the business department, you walk by the pretty foun- floor of the annex. But there Is nothing to indicate that you are
paper. It waa the first to discard naud composition aui Install type- transfer was made Into the present Bee building. At that time, when tain which has long stood aa a beauty apot in the Bee building court, in a viaduct, for It appeare to be a properly walled and plaatered hall-
setting machines, and it Is now the first to modernize its stereotyping all of the type was set by hand, the composing room was put on the aud mounting a llight of marble steps wide enough to grace a state way 0r arch', which it really is. At the end of this passage, you enter
plant by introducing moulding tables operated by compressed air aud top floor to be next to the editorial rooms, and"thua widely aeparated tapitol you turn down a hallway leading to a reception room wherein the composing room, where tiie largest and moat modern battery of
caating boxea fed by metal punipa. It has also just added a complete from the prebS room which was ou the first floor. The later tendency is stationed the exchange editor and the private secretary of the linotypes in this part of the west, and one of the largest In the entire
photo-engraving plant Of its own, and in every way continues Its poai- has been to draw the mechanical departments closer und closer to- editor. From out of this room, there is a door opening Into the edl- United States, is found. There is' nothing in the way of Mergenthaler
I lion of leadership in the newspaper field. gether and to eliminate time and distance between the successive pro- tor's private office. The walls are literally lined with books, piles of invention which Is not a part of The Bee equipment. Linotypes like
f ' The orlgiu of The Bee and its subsequent evolution into one of cesses which gather lu the news from the street and from the wire, pamphlets are here, there and everywhere. In short, this place is a woman's headgear, must ever be abreast ot progress and in lta
America a greateat newspapers, is a romantic chapter long since writ- put it into type from which the impression is finally imprinted on the typical editorial sanctum permeated with that bookish atmosphere mechanical equipment The Bee has not spared expense in the pur-
tea Into the ever-fasclnatlng and optimistic atory of western develop- huge rolls of paper that feed the presses from which the finished which indicate research la publio problems. chase of everything that makes for a more modern newspaper The
ment. How the late Edward Rosewater poured his talent, his energy, copies are delivered and quickly distributed to jubscribers. Opposite the editor's private office and across the reception Bee was one of the first newspapers In the United States to abandon
his very life Into the fulfillment of his mission, and how he left as an The new puildlng. construction of which was begun last July, is room, is the entrance to the managing editor's office. Speaking ot the old-fashioned hand composition and take up the linotype. That
ever-enduring monument to hla work on earth, a vast publishing con- generally designed by outsiders as "The Bee Building Annex." be- work shops here ts a real one. Just why, perhaps no one can ex- Wss sixteen years ago, and since that time the linotype battery has
cern housed la lta own magnificent home how he built all of thia cause it Is directly north ot the Bee building, connected to the main plain, but it is none the less a fact that no successful managing editor been kent strictly un t'o-datn
despite obstacles which would have extinguished the fire of ambition structure by an enclosed bridge. Editors, printers, artists, engravers, was ever known to keep a tidy desk. Some who have tried It found At the entrance to the composing room is an Iron stairway which
in a man less reaolute, has been told from ocean to ocean by way of etereotypers and other employes dropping into craft vernacular gen- unceremonious exit from the newspaper game and landed behind leads to the second floor, where Is located the night editor the
Illustrating possibllltlea In free America. s orally apeak of the new home aa "The Bee Workshop." while one ot department store ribbon counter where tidiness la an asset. It la no telegraph editora. the city editor, and hla staff of reported the'gun.
Foresight, it must ba agreed, waa a atrong faculty In the make- the Janitora who la noted for originality of expression describes It aa part of this story to essay description of the managing editor, what day editor, the sporting editor the art department the new enirar
XAot the founder of The Bee. for It waa foresight that led him away "The Bee bullding'a hip pocket." he la. who be la and what he does. Suffice it to say that everybody lng pUnt, the society editor, the club editor and the editorial aanctum
rtfack la tha elghtlea a quarter of a century ago to look beyond the Thia work ahop, if you please, makes no pretensions to archi- In The Bee establishment la aware of hla presence, both night and (Continued on Paga Four.)