A SUNDAY BEE; JUNE ID, 1010. rvi rw7 Tin: Sr A1 NEEDED ABOUT A -V W OR "REiTUWD THE riONEY I jl I SHj K 1 1 1 I mi I m ' VI THE OMAH '1 1 7l TKY i S Ik l V v M lit '.A y m war w n at m .1 1 sa m m w m a r yn.n 4ttr- j r y OFFERED FOR RENT I)oar: nul Kooni oullnard. LARGE front alcove room, modern, with Doaru; oiner rooms. 2101 Douglas. ROOMS for two Willi board; homu cook ing, muilein. 2215 Howard. FURNISHED room with board In private family. Call at 818 South 2jlh St. ROOMS mid board. 3712 N. 19th St. Tel. Webster 3162. Good neighborhood; four blocks fiom car line. ELEGANT parlor and also studying room, piano: privuie family, it: a. 19th. l'UIVAlli family. 2406 Chicago St. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board if desired. 2019 Cas. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board, modern, also taole board. 2010 Dodge. FURNISH Ku room and board. Hoi Ave. '1'hone Douglas VtM. 1613 Cap- DOL'BLH room with board, H and up; use of piano. 2110 Douglas. BOARD and room; 1 or 2 ladles; private no me, walking distance. Harney tm. LARGE south front room for 3; good home cooking. 1914 Chicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Oei- man Christian aflinly. 1811 Capitol Ave. LARub front rooms; also single room; good boara; rates! 2il0 Harney. 1 . NICE parlor room for 3 or 4 gentlemen. board la week; also single rooms. UH b. 24th Ave. BOARD and rooma. 2601 St. Mary's Ave. NICE large room and uoard, reasonable rate, i-w Howard. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking- car line. iOD'J a. 24th St. Doug. 04.12. NICE rooma, with or without board. Casa stret. 'Phone, Doug. 1476. 1018 TWO nice furnished rooms, with board: references given and required. 180Jf Blnney pi. lei. w. oin. if 1 WANTED Lady boarder; private family; modern conveniences. 1S16 Lothrop St. 1'hone Webster 2H05. HOARD AND ROOM. Front parlor for I or 3 gentlemen. Close In. 620 S. 17th St. Furnished Rooms. N:WLY turnlshed front room suitable lor two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. 62S. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, e. 13th 8t. The Chatham. 11) MODERN rooms for 2, i or 4; separated neas it aenirtd. wi.iumiy. DEWEY European hotel. 13th & Franam. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; nea; car una. 2&ia . IKtn. MODERN rooms, nloely furnished. 2J.0 inu Vi.vi a week. 61s M. utn bt EIGHT rooms strictly modern, 130, 2431 (.aiaweu ei can tiarney kum. THB use of my furnished house In ex change !or noard. Tel. Web. 4238. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for one or two. 2ui so. 2&tn Ave. DESIRABLE room; fine location, walk ing uistance. 2is B. iin at - SMALL, neat front loom.' modern, houae. Bemls park; strictly private family, to lady employ eu aunng uay. x eu uarney ma LARGE front room and one amall room. suitable for two or three gentlemen; block troiu car line. 207 a. 28Ut Bu, 'Phone A-20D2. MODERN outside room for gentlemen; (Ive blocka p. u. xei. uougias mix. 'PVio (Itioro-ia Flr8t 'B t"ra"y hotel. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and team heat In every room; rates by week. NORTHWEST CORNER lsth and Web- tey, furnished rooma, day or week. LOVELY, cool rooma In modern private home, very cneap, lor mo summer. li li. IDlh. Call Doug. 430S. PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north, suitable for man and wife, or two gentle men. Breakfast privileges. Rent reasonable. butt S. 2MU. ait BEAUTIFUL large furnished room, north exposure; bath, gas. electric light; walking HiJtnp! no. Hirnns. 2706 dlv Aw- FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all modern; private family. 'Phone Red 73W. TWO nice rooma; Phono Douglas 642C terms reasonable. I" TWO very desirable rooms for light housekeeping; modern; reasonable; walking distance, an a. taa -e.ve. FOR HBM- isiceiy xurnished rooms: .large and cool; modern; east front fine i ..In.. 1' I R.lAIrt Mil M Iti.H A... TWO nicely furnished modern front rooms (connecteaj ior two or three per sons, pnone nca mw. & 1 1 FURNISHED front room. In modern bouse, near carter laae. xei W ebster u. FRONT room; modern; in private fam ily; price reasonable. 114 a. 2lh bt NICE furnished room, good neighbor hood, wo a. ua. uougias uoi. EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furnl ture. 3 No. 20tu. mo sign on House. LJtKUtS room ana cnmi, lacing south on Dewey Ave., near Zuth; sirlelly modern, 'Phone Douglas bJ2Z. 712 N. 19th St, large modern room, cheap. private laiuuy. NICliLY furnished room In all modern rottaue;. easy walking distance; private family. ( . tn at SINGLE rooms, $2 week. 609 N. 23d. NICE3 froi.t room; also two smaller south rooms. 631 a. lain. SINGLE room In fine, modern home; close to the best boarding houses. 107 S. 26th Ave. Douglas 6684. THREE rooms for rent In private fam- II v lurira House, nice lawn, cool rooma, one large and one amall; strictly modern. Call Douglas 4308. 782 Norm lain at. TWO nice modern south front rooma. 2106 Locust at LARGE and small rooms, tit North 19th. LARGE, beautiful room; large closet; furnished or unfurnished, modern. iul Georgia Ave. Harney 2180. LARGE front room and alcove, beauti fully lurnisiiou; reaaunaoie. 2oil Douge. ICE. clean rooms. 703 N. 18th St. NICE living room for rent. Price rea- enable. 2542 Capitol Ave. LOVELY, cool rooms, close In. beautiful MODERN sleeping rooms, second floor. taw 11; some single, double, and light House- Dollar a week, 3018 Webster St. Harnuy Leeplng for the right partnw; slate !.. 3738. many; must be permanent people, su Icily first-class and select meals; convenient, NICELY furnished modern rooms, single easy walking distance. Address K io. Boo. or i-nai.ite. VM Cass. CLEAN, furnlahed rooms, well cared for. NEWLY' furnished room, for two gentle- W N. 19th. men or man and wife. 625 S. 20th St BEAUTIFUL large furnished rooms, FINE east front room, strictly modern; north exposure; bath, gas, electric light; reasonable. - Phone Red 7045. 320 N. 26th walking distance; $10. Harney 320j. 2?J6 . , JVwwey Ave. NICE cleau. r.ol sleeping rooms, l&ll URnVheIj front room lit private 7 ; 7 L- ; inlly; all modern touv an; TWO or three furnished rooms for house Lodge SU . keeping; st-lcUy modern. 10? Farnam. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Hooiua limtlnned 3ftl8 Wi-lwtcr. phone Harney 373S. PARLOR floor, lari;e, cool rooms; two, thiee or four; handsomely lurnishea; piano; shady lawn; walking distance, mod- tiOU South 2Mh h! reel. MODKJlN furnished front room; 1.2J per week. -01S Kd St." IK ion wlMh a room -with Diano call at ?0oJ bt. Wary Ae. TWO furnidhed front rooma. new flat. walking distance, reasonable. 610 S. 19ch. Douglas UV. NEATLY furnlshetf. atrlctly modern. ,n-Hh or without board. 2210 California St Li A KG E iront room, )3.b0 week. 6i N. lath 6t- Also iiigla room, i. NEWXY furnished single rooma; south cxioHuie- rirnam Bt. A RIO you looking for a cool, pleasant loom? lmiuira U21 ilaxney or phone Har ney ij:8. NKWLV and nicely furnished D. rooms. cheap. 214 N. 26th bu LARGK modern room, 12 week. 2003 Burt. MODKKN basement room for boy, 11.60. !la S. 20th St. PARLuit for I or 1 aentlemen: modern: also small room, 12 week. (46 S. 24th Ave. TWO beautiful clean front rooms, all 706 Georgia Ave, modern; private family. Phone Harney 5160. NICELY furnished room: reasonable. 2521 ;m ot. NICELY furnished room, all modern. 212 Casa. 'Phone Doug. 2i2o. N 1CELY furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, to the right parties. 610 N. 20lh St. el. Red 6030. SINGLE room for aentleman. 17. 3001 Mason. Harney 27 M. THE MANUEL. 21st and Howard. I-room apartments zo. Ked 4487. NICELY furnished front room to gentle men; $2.60 per week. 1911 Casa. CLOSE In clean larae furnished room. reasonable. 2606 Capitol Ave. LARGE alcove room. S3 cer week. 2213 California. FRONT room, walklna- distance: private borne. 2213 Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 72. NICE clean, atrlctl modern rooms. 2208 riaruey ei. TWO modern lisht housekeeping rooms, id montiuy. awt Lieavenwortn. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. 710 &. nth Ave. ilea siii. LARGE, newly papered, modern front rooms, en suite If desired; 3 blocks from P. O. Cass St. A NICE larve room In private family fine neighborhood. 2032 Capitol Ave. THE BACHELORS 01l A. U 1' .Vlv A jl, Is now operated on ,tne. 1-uropean plan. Rooms may be had by tne ., day, week or month. Meals as desired lu the cafe. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, from 44.uu up; unuer new management is is litti bt. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 3 blocks from center of city. Ap ply iwe r arnam ut ROOM: walking distance, strictly modern. 416 J. istn bl. FOR RENT LarKe front room. 2417 Call fornta. 'Phone D. 6906. res.; or Douglas 670, NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 2660 narney Bl. NICELY furnished room. 2424 Caldwell. FURNISHED Room, walking distance private family: no children: one or two gentlemen; No. 7 Shelby Court, 22d and Leavenworth. A 1024; Doug. 6731, TWO Furnished Housekeeping Rooma, modern, S3 month. vuz Davenport a tree NICE Rooms for colored people. 17W Burt Phone Doug. 6414. LARGE Front room, first floor, modern f, 'Tm.T. iA 1 u.VLZ k, Uemen or man and wife. Reasonable. good neighborhood; suitable for two gen 2904 Harney street LARGE south front room, on first floor, running water; privato eutrunre on the ummer lawn; also other rooms. 123 2oth Ave. THREE unfurnished and two furnished. 4768 N. 24th bt MODERN rooms, lor 2; rates. 2817 Harney, NICE outside room, 2222 Farnam. 4 handsomely furnished rooms, modern close in, walking distance. 607 S. 20th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, either tw gentlemen or man and wife; with or with out boaid. Hid. phone 1206. FRONT rroma. atrlctlv modern, vuitahi for two lauiea ov two gentlemen. 1322 Capi toi Ave. 1 OR 2 rooms furnished for houaelnenlnv u iiuvr, iiioucri. 0 j. jbq et. FURNISHKD room, 2.60 week. 616 N. 19lh, NICELY Xurnished rooms, walklna dla I uce, new. wi a. ioin Ave. TWO Furnished Sleeolna: Rooma. 403 N, 23d street PLEASANT Furnished- Front Parlor In partly modern flat 1407 N. 17th. Phone v eo. uua. NICELY furnished. atrlctlv mna.m room, suitable for two. In a new, strictly inuoeiu aim ul-iu-ulu ziaL near llii. ICUUUi, OA! . OU . ' - SUITE of rooms, also other sleepln room J. moUorii. UuO-A-Puclflc atrt. i aner UJili single iront room for rent; also large front room; two sniall curinrhn rooms with clone is. 191 Casa. Phoue uui, mo. NICELY furnished rooms; new menace. me lit id reasonable. 2808 Harney. WILL share 3 rooms with working ti. IS per month; walking distance. 1636 N. luih! EXCELLENT modern furnished or n fcrulshrd looms; Hanscom park car In,. A. eieKani aouin room rurniHlieri ..i able for two gentlemen: private fnmiiu breakfast a.ii dinner it desired. 2204 How ara. neu . LARGE oast front room. In strictly mod ern house with private family; board if I desired. Phone lieu ou,.- OFFERED FOR RENT tarnished Room ontlnoetl. TWii modern fuinined light hotisekeep- K rooms; aivo sleeping rooms, ivj s. 2bih e. VWO eUaant (urnishen rooma. liclit ami cool, all modem, in private family. Ul9 N. LAUGH, newly furnlahed aoutheaat room. with ail moiiein conveniences. Aiu ainala ouiiib. Capitol Ave. FURNISHED ItOOMS in modern private uiiie. 1'noiie Huiney 4011 2ui3 uodge bt. HUOMS lor housekeeping. 029 8. 17tn Ave. ONE elecantly furnished front room. 1K11 Capitol Ave. LARGE, beautiful room: large closet: urnlslied or unfurnished; modern. 710 eorgla St. Harney 2130. ONE nicely furnished large front room. a. ism street SUNNY single room, it a week. Walklna distance. 211V Leavenworth. STRICTLY" modern large front room for wo gentlemen. 21& S. 2bth su TeL Doua- laa two. NICELY furnished room, modern. 714 S. 17th Ave. NICE LAliGK modern, newly fur i.NXVili XJVLUCi niahed rooma. with cellent boaid. 261S St. Mary's Ave. LARGE front room, private family, excel- lent neighborhood; walking distance. Phone H. &0IK. tfls S. 17th street PARLOR for two. also housekeeping rooms for couple employed. ll'W Chicago. NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms, hot and cold water. 1M6 Chicago St. NICELY furnished. strictly modern rooma. 408 N. 23d St ROOM; walking distance; strictly mod ern 678 S. 28th St TWO nicely furnished rooms with private amlly, atrlctly modern, walking distance. 2318 Howard. Tyler 1026. - ONE nice clean room, suitable for 1 or 1 persons, boarding place close, 632 S. 23th. MODERN. well furnlshea. southeast front with alcove or sinale room: large lawn; private family. 702 Georgia Ave. FURNISHED rooms at 842 S. 22d St. Tel. Douglas 4442. SOUTH front sleeping room. 2118 Douglas. MODERN room, cose In. Private family. NO CHILDREN. 1 or 2 gectlemen. 2616 Jones. Red 6242. FOR rent, one large, splendid furnished room. Strictly modern. Walking distance. Call at 2308 Dewey Ave., or Douglas 640L CELY furnished front room, private family. 1041 S. 28th St 'Phone Douglas 48C3. NICELY furnished large front rooms. 202 N. 19th St ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, cool and llglii; all modern; reasonable. 603 N. 21st street. LARGE east room, furnished for gentle- n.en; private family. 2008 St Marys Ave, NICELY furnished front' Dal-lor. suitable (or two gentlemen. 191 Chicago bt ONE nicely furnished room; nice lawn and shade; walking distance, pnone ina. U-2203. lo24 N. 17th St." ONE elegant furnlahed larce room, suit able for two or three young men, south east exposure. $30. One north exposure. large loom.' elegantly furnlahed,- $26. One south exposure, elegantly furnlahed room, suitable tor two, $20. 2026 Dodge. Walking distance. Phone Douglas 4913. ROOM or rooms for rent 3041 California. FRONT parlor with light housekeeping privileges: modern: ice and telephone. 211 iwiucagi at THREE furnished housekeeping rooma Modern, gas range, clean. 2010 N. 18th bt CLEAN, furnished rooms, well cared for. zzo in. una. TWO nicely furnished rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wife. With or with out board, lnd. 'phone 16X, Council Bluffs, ROOMS near new street car barn and depot; all modem. 814 Hickory. Red 7396. NICE, cieau. strictly modern rooms In a beautitul location; also suite of these rooms ior ngnt Housekeeping. Tel. Douglas 7014. 2106 Cass St. Housekeeping; Hoenis. FOUR rooms, second floor, for Ught housekeeping, lor small family; southwest corner lulu and Hickory. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 622 N. lth. TWO completely furnished rooms foi light housekeeping; oaihioom Hour; rea suitable. 6J8 S. 24 10 Ave. Duuslaa 6361. TWO nicety furnished large, modern rooms 011 ground floor,- gentlemen pre' ferred; also large front loom on second floor and twu small rooms, eos N 23d 6t A SUITE of three elegant new rooms. modern. 220 N. 20th St NICE large neatly furnished rooms, ligm housekeeping; all front room aua mod era; reasonable rent 1421 im. iin. THE DOUQlSe . das. uougius street 1HREE pleasant housekeeping rooms; aiso nice sleeping rooms, we n. M. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor, nouaeaeeuina: rooms, iuol ciMtitin ma laundry, ice box. with or without niano. also other llglit housekeeping looms. 633 0. sbw Ave. FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re- Quuea. . gt no. 40tn at FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms gooo. location, iioe casa bt FURNISHED 8. 2d. housekeeping rooms, 614 COAT and PANTS to-order, $20; perfect fit MaccAmrix-wiLBON, sot s. iith. SUITE of housekeeping rooms. 2001 Dodge. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 6. 11th bt . 1112 FURNISHED and unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping. 4768 N. 24lh. TWO large front rooms, two south rooms snd one small loom, for housekeeping. 1111 Douglas. TWO front rooms, furnished complete, for light housekeeping; modern house. Web. 6410. 2111 bpencsr St. NEAT and cleau light, housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones. LIGHT housekeeping room. 818 N. 17th. 2582 Harney. SOUTH EXPOSURE, nioeiy furnished housekeeping rooms; moaern; walking distance LOVELY furnished front parlor, very rea sonable; lor ligiit housekeeping. , 4114 Chi cago bt HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 409 N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished rooms at 2703 Far nam. . TWO cicely furnUhed rooms floor, $5 per week. 613 N. 21st bu on first TWO modern rooma a-" N. 14th bt . . , . OFFERED FOR RENT llenaekeeplna Itoome C'ontlnncel. LARGI- convenient rooms; modern, housekeeping or siteping. 2-lvJ Leavenworin St Phone A-2811 FRONT roe in, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete; itasonaOia. 2426 Dodge St. Red 618U. NICELY furnished housekeeping or sleep ing looms; cios in; sincny tiiuuern; $2.60 and H week. 641 S. 24lh Ave. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms; parlor llooi , luinlshed coinpiein. 60 a. iw-u Ave. . PARLOR floor, two or three rooms hand somely furnished; modern; walking dis tance; shade. vH S. 28th. KITCHEN and parlor for housekeeping; modern. 2110 Douglas. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; use ot launaiy. aol S. lum bt SMALL housekeeping room; $6 pur month. 2013 Leavenworth. ONE large, modern room for 1 gin house keeping. 2013 Cass bt TWO modern light housekeeping rooms for $16 per month. 6t6 N. 2vin. pnone B-2SII3. TWO large, houseuocpiiig. ali-moaern rooms for Igni 2221 wlllis Ave. LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping; walking distance; reasonable. 1600 N. lath bl. Pnone Web. 372a. Call tooay. SUITE of .two rooms, all modern, fur- niHhed box privileges. Tel Harney 3902. 1041 Park Ave. TWO rooms, gas range. 2006 California. TWO nice rooms, range, refrigerator, two nice basement rooms, cheap. 612 b. 22d ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern bouse. 646 3.' 24th Ave. 1651 N. 17th, I furnished housekeeping rooms, on car lino, House uioacrn, nrsi floor. TWO furnished front rooma with house- keeping privileges. 2001 Burt St TWO front rooms. 918 S. 20th. TWO large rooms, gas, $4.60 week. 2401 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. 809 b. 19th. Douglas 6610.- SLEEP1NG and housekeeping rooms. 1811 California. THREE well furnished front rooms, also three back rooms with sink, pantry, large porch, can third iioor mm nowara. FRONT parlor and dining room with set; use of piano; no children; for housekeep ing. . 000 b. 29th St ' TWO furnished rooms for light ' house keeping. 708 b. 16th. Phone A-2719. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2406 Cuming St THE HOWARD, 21et and Howard, 2-room. apartments, new, private batn,,,. Janitor, steam heat. Ice and hot water, vacuum cleaner, .furnished complete, $36. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern; walking 'distance. 2663 Dodge. LARGE, modem room and alcove, newly papered, and cleaned, -Bath eaone floor; housekeeping privueges. 267 at wary s Ave. - :. SITTING room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern. , 433 North 17th St. THREE . furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; gas range. CLEAN, 2010 No.- 18th. TWO light housekeeping; references. Red 6204. 2118 Chicago St FRONT and back rooms for light house keeping; completely furnished. 2676 Harney. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all modern, shade trees and large lawn; all outside rooms. .1 ei Doug. 4402. 2023 uurt at. UNDER new management; nice, large rooms; cook on gas: reasonable rent to re spectable people at 1916 Cuming, lnd. Pnone 0. an. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water.' 316 N. 19th. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR rooois. for $13 per month. 313 N. 27th Ave. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except seat can axter f :w p. m... zoos 1. lain Ave. THREE rooms for light housekeeping. 3264 N. 20th at THREE unfurnished rooms, new flat; also 3 housekeeping rooms. 3013 Davenport Bt, THREE large unfurnished rooms, modern convenience. 1618 Webster. every TWO or three furnished or, unfurnished. 271a Dewey Ave.; Harney L43. UNFURNISHED room, private family, no other roomers; close in. Harney 1377. THREE unfurnished rooms, 211 a. 27th at. FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms. moaern; no children, 2ulo Davenport bt. FOUR room, unfurnished, IStli and Vln ton; rents $8. 'Phone D. 6073. U. E. Hard lug. 3608 b. 13th bt THREE southeast rooms, on Harney car line; references. 3210 Cuss bt. TWO unfurnished rooma fur light house keeping. 646 b. 24th Ave. ROOM, 206 S. 26th Ave. Apartments and Flats. 8-ROOM house.- new and modern, located in the Field club district; five bedrooms and sleeping porch: tile bathroom; hard wood finish and floors; very desirable; $05. PETERS TRUST CO., Omaha Natl.. Bank Bldg. (N. Y. Life). NOW is the time to' avoid expensive ser vants and fuel bills, not to mention care of furnace, for the winter. We have one of the finest ( room apartments In the city, Weal Farnam district, complete and perfect In every detail, steam heat, hot and com water, janitor service, tueu path, etc Very beat location. PE1RKINK & WOLCOTT. Doug. 780L Suite 32 Brandela Theater Bldg. New -Apartments m . Four room, and bath. Janitor, phone, gas ."t. range, refrigerator, steam heat, lockers, 'h a! montn' wner steam dryers and laundry. A few left "on " The Abbott. Realty Co., four-room modem brick. ui n. 224 111-416 Brandel. Bldg. St.; 319. Patterson, 1623 Faraaa Bt r-r --. - ,.r au moo., no- ?v h0. 27th St ELEGANT 3. and k-room apartments. Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 480 Brandela Bldg Btrehlow Terrace. Webster 4328. . TWO 6-r. modern, very nice, beautifully STRICTLY modern. I-room- apartment, located, newly renovated. 719 8. 37th; Web. $26. H. 3886. . fcao. xceei- 'lii?eri,"N0"Sth"ai CoaS ' e-ROOM. modern, partly furnished, sum- S, 16 bosre?t mer or longei. $40. 3006 Jackson. SERVANT PROBLEM solved: 8 rooms "J J'",!1. 8tV 8 Toomiu ,15' condensed Into 6; steam heat; electrlo lights tV;,Vy ?-n l i.Tir Piinv- . and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed. JOHN N. t REN4h.lt, . BOTH PHONES safe, gas atove, refrigerator, Janitor service. . , ., T ... , 7TT. The Hunter, 25th. and Dodge. Tel. Douglas N room part modern hou.ll.OD.4 ' elderly coup's preferred. H 1139. NEW fiat, l-room and reception ball; all ' t,,. . , ,,,., mndarn am -... . TWO 8 room new modern. In walking moaern. tin lass. distance, $42 00. one Bemla Park, $15. T " " O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE Co. benpot $ iTcVTDoug Sr Dug. iSt Houg. or A 2152. iot New York Ufe Bid,. 1 , . 6 rooms, modern, furnace, water rent NEW five-room brick flat. 2307 Dewey f-ald, four years old. $20. Call evenings Ave.; strictly modern. Phone Uarney. UA. and Sundays.. 160 North, 86 th Bt OFFEREDFORJjENT A pnrlnieala and Flats t'ontlnned. Colonial Apartments 38th and Farnam Sts. I.oiatnl In heart of the Wewt lirnam district. Finest of finish and arranged In four and five room apartments. Every nicdern convenience Including steam heat. Janitor service, gus ranges, refrigerators, window wliadef, hot and cold water, sepa rate servunts Quarters and store room. Imrglar proof safes for each tenant Make reservations for apartments at our office now. Price $iio to $70. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8t FINEST LOCATED 4-ROOM FLAT In city for $22.60 per month. 1011 North 34th St. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Cheapest high-grailn Hats In city. Well ventilated, cool rooms, fine flnifli. Real Chicago flats. Free hot water all year; steam heat; walk ing distance. One 6-room flat, $25 summer; $7 more winter. Reference required. Bwnls Carlbcrg Co., 310 Brandela Theater Bldg., SPECIALLY desirable 10-room flat; mod ern; nice location, 614 N. 23d St. Red 4X64. Cornish Apartments S. W. Corner Kill and William Sts. Located In one of the most pleasant districts in the city, and very convenient to the wholesale district. Finely finished, and arranged in four, five, six and seven room apartments. Steam heat. Janitor ser vice, hot and cold water, gas ranges. kitchen cabinets, window shades and auto garage. Alt Farnam cars puss. Five room apartments for $46. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Furnlahed Houses and Flats. FOR RENT FURNISHED. 10 rooms completely furnished near Field club. D. V. SHOLE? COMPANY, 111 Bd. Trade Bid. Tel. D. 19; lnd. A 2048. NICE front room, private family, modern homes, easy walking distance, references, &ui S. 27th St Phone Harney 6060. FOR RENT for summer furnished house $ rooms all conveniences, west Farnam dis trict, to small family without children, Ad- dreeu B 621, Bee. IN THE Went Farnam district, a 7-room modern furnished homu for rent by owner, who Is'' leaving city; everything complete for housekeeping; only one biock from Farnam car; luige lawn and snade; ref erences required. Address O 282, Bee of fice. ' FOR RENT Furnished apartments .In the Majestic. Weoster 467. 1 3110 CHICAGO St.. 11 rooms. 2 bath rooms, large kcreehed sleeping porch room; $65, FOR RENT for summer furnished house $ rooms, ail conveniences, west Farnam dls- xlot, to small iamuy wunoui cimaren. Au di ess B 68 ee. Houses nnd Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. fcxpresBineu's Delivery Co. 'ret Doug. is. HnHSKK in all part of the city u. w w creig u boas Co., Bee Bldg CM AH A Van ec Storage Co., pack, mova tore household, goods; slorehouae, 1120-24 N. 19ih ; office, svs a. ou- ami. iuugias laos. 6 ROOMS, modern, $25. Tel, Harney 1610. 2012 Elm bt. NEW 6-room brick attached house, oak finish, gas range, shades and curtain rods, launory Wltn gas siove; line neignDornoou. close In. $3u. special inducement to first class tenant , ERNEST bWISEl, WW IN. X . U. , OULHi. nimfcrL- 1 r I Til I A a W7'l FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2017 Howard. Save car fare. All modern except furnace. puiinam uo., Phone Doug. 987. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., bulte 624. N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 7-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, reasonable for the - summer. Harney 8066. 604 S. 36th Ave. COTTAGE, four nice rooms, pantry and large basement; to good tenant, $12.50. II. B. BoyieB. Both 'phones. NEW 6-room brick house, modern. Har ney 647. TO COLORED PEOPLE Six rooms, modern except heat. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 1999. 8-ROOM modern house, 2703 California St. E. A. Smith, Neville Blk. 'Phone D. 2710. FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house, modern, 8 minutes walk to city haiL 3646 Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 469. 7-ROOM house, modern, cistern, barn. 2756 California. Phone B. 3182. Folt RENT S-room houses, all modern, newly decorated, three cur lines, healthy cool location, 916 and 918 north 40th St. $40 ana 845 less on right lease. Splendid 8-room, all modern, newly dec orated, nearly new brick house. South and eat front, paved street. A healthy, cool and quiet location. One block from car lines. $56 less on right lease. 7-room. all modern house, oak finish newlv decorated, paved street, good loca tion. Two car lines. 4109 lxard street. $36 less on right lease. THE S. D. MERCER CO., 222 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 1036. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north part of city. $26. I-room apartment 1917 Clark. 110. $-rooin apartment, 1917 Clark, $9. 4-room apartment city water, toilet $12.63. ' I-room apartment, 1828 N. 17th. $11. C. M. BACHMAN. 438 Pax ton Block. 'Phone Red 2639; Residence 4oug. 6064. NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1414 Bnerwooa Ave.; ju. j-auursoii, f ar nam St HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 3d float . J. i ONE (-room, new, brick house. Just corn plated, all modern; combination fixtures. 313 is. ;ii Bl.; K. C. M. HACHM ANN, 436 Paxton Block. Office 'phone 1 It 2039, Residence. D. 6066. ( rooms, all modern, first class shape, 211c 21st bt lei Douglas eun. Webster OFFERED FOR RENT llonaea and Cottaaei ontlnned. 217 N. 19th St., 7 looms, modern oak floors and finish, $30. 2!.2 N. aitli st . 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $-'2.60. 1341 8. 27th St., rooms, moaern. sj.wi. 93 N. 26th Ave., rooms, partly modern, 41 - ... 2Z14 N. 27th Ave.. 7 rooms, paniy moaern, :40 cap. Ave., f rooms, partly moaern. $10. 2 707 Caldwell St.. 6 rooms, partly modern, $15.60. N. E. Cor. 26th snd Douglas, 8 rooms, $1. N. E. Cor. Slat and Martha, 5 rooms. modern. $18. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. 3il2 Dewey Ave., 7 rooma. modern, hard wood floors and finish, grata and mantel, $46. 611 S. 22nd St.. 8 rooms, modern, oak finish. $40. 2717 Jackann St., 9 rooms, modern, 6tft So. 3lh St., 6 rooms, modern, oak finish, $32.60. 8418 Liewey Ave., 3 room, modern, $H,V 821 S. 24th St., 4 rooms, modern, nicely decorated, $23. 621 S. 29th St., 3 rooms, modern, $15. 1.U1 S. 16th St., 5 rooms, city water, $12.60. 8014 Ames Ave., 6 rooms, city water, will answer for conblned store 100m anu living apartments, $9. 2009 Lake St., o rooms, partly modern, $12. 1132V N. 17th, 6 rooms, city water, $18. GAR IN BROS. 364 New York Life Bldg. RENTAL BARGAINS. Maaun, 6-1, strictly mod. 3003 $26. cottage, 110 Stanford Circle, 6-r., $19. 2004 Decatur, 7-r., all mod. $20. 1839 No. 24D), 6-1.. all mod., $17. 4217 Harney, 8-r, $25. 4306 Burdette, 9-r, all mod., $22.50. 4107 Iiard, 7-r., all mod., $27.60. 2912 Furnara, 6-r., fiat, strictly mod., $20.60. 1608 Spruce, 7-r., strictly mod., $X. 8812 Davenport, new, strictly mod., 6-r. house, only $10. 2ill Capitol Ave., 6-r., ll mod., $30. 1326 So. 31st, 8-r., all mod., only $30. 2ul6 Plnkney, 10-r., ail mod., $30. 510 S. 19th, 6-r., strictly mod. fiat, $37.50. 412 No. 2Mh, 8-r., strictly mod., $32.60. 3vi3 Farnam, 7-r, all mod, $40. 1101 So. 30th Ave., 9-r, strictly mod., $45. 1005 80. 30th Ave., 6-r., strictly mod., $37.00. 128 So. 35th. 8-r.. strictly mod.. $45. 2959 Farnam, 9-r., strictly mod. flat, $42.60. 4108 Lafayette, strictly mod, 8-r house, H6. ... 608 No. 21st, -r., strictly mod. flat, xsq. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents, 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. 621 PARK AVE., 8-room, modern, fine; hardwood; extra fino neighborhood. $60621 Park Ave., 9 rooms, 6 bedrooms very desirable. $46128 8. 86th St., 8-room modern apart ment: choice. . $31.203316 Burt street, 8 rooms, modern; steel range; good location; detached house llo.bO 3016 Seward, 6 rooms, water and gas; garden spot; water paid; vacant July 1. $20 No. 6 Shelby Court, near 22(1 and Leavenworth, 6 rooms, bath and toilet. 320 2439 Emmett. 7 rooms, gas. city water, toilet, newly papered and In fine condition; large yard. 113 Four-room apartment. 2218 N. 19tn. bath and toilet. PETERS TRUST CO., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. 3-r. heated upartment new, 1708 Burt St., water and Janitor furnished, $20. ' 8-r. mod. ex. heat, 2164 S. 34th St., $26. 6-r. new, mod. ex. heat, everything first clans condition. 24th and Lake. $20. 10-r. mod. ex. heat. 4232 Burdett. arranged for two families, also barn, 8i. 6-r. mod. ex. heat, 2210 Farnam, $30. 12-r. strictly mod., 616 S. 22d St., $45. 10-r. steam heat, 621 Park Ave.. $47.50. 10-r., hot water, heat 1427 8. 8th St., $00. 10-r. steam heat 2124 Davenport St.. ), 10-r.. strictly mod., new. hot water heat furnished, 1908 Capitol Ave., 166. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. 9 ROOMS, CLOSE IN. Look at 1002 S. 20th St.; 9-room. strlrtlv modern house, walking distance, only f0. PAYNE. .. BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Lite Bldp. 9 room modrn house, 2407 Jones St., $35. Two rooms In Davldge Bldg., $20. Modern apartment In Davldge Bldg., $35. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM Si'. FOR RENT. $15 will rent a fine 4 room house at 3042 California St. It has Just been painted, papered and repaired throughout. Is In flno condition and fine shade trees In yard. Room 613 Bee Bldg. Phone Tyler 1081. HOUSES TO LET. 410 No. 22nd St., all modern, very de sirable, fine location, $50. 108 So. 25th Ave., fine location, between Dodge and Farnam Sts., walking distance, very reasonable. $36. One elegantly furnished apartment, every modern convenience, Including steam heal and auto garage. Cornish apartments, $00. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. COAT and PANTS to order, $?0; perfect fit. MacCARTHY-WILSON, 304 S. 16th. 408 No. 26th St., 6-r, mod. ex. heat, $21.00. 3010 Jones St., 8-r., ' all mod., $7.60. 3645 California St., all mod., 8-r, $27.50. 8405 Ames Ave., 9-r, part mod., $10.00. 2212 Mason St., 9-r, all modern., $35.90. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4764, A 1754. MODERN 9-room house, $35. Tel. Harney 136. 3012 Mason. 6-r., 23d and Muson, $15. 8-r., 28th and Howard, $30. 4-r., 38th arid P, So. Omaha, $8. S r., 36th and X. So. Omaha, $7.50. Phone Douglas 2107 (or evening, D.' Ask for special discounts. 4605.) EIGHT-room, brick; walking distance; $42.00, Phone Sunday, Douglas 6219. FOR RENT 8 rooms, 3849 Harney; 8 rooms, 152H So. 29th St.; both , modern and in first-class location. W. U SELBY, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone D. 1510. 4245 Burdette, 6 rooms, will fix up, $16. 3008 Seward, 6 rooms, gas and city water, 314 3008 Seward, 6-r., with barn, $12.50. 1621 Howard, 8-r., close In, $10. 3oo3 Mason, 4-r., all modern, $25. 2006 Spruce, 6-r., modern ex. heat, $17.50. THE BYRON REED CO., Phones: Doug. 297, or A-3S34. 212 So. 14th. FOR. RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat; corner 2Mh and Capitol Ave., $25 to good tenant. Telephone Red 52ivt. FOR RENT $20; new o-room house; modern. 3419 Parker. Owner, 1525 N. 19th St. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. 2236 Farnam St., 7-room, strictly modern, steam-heated flat, only $30. PAYNE. BOSTWICK SLATER. Sole Agents, 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern, $16; 1501U03 S. 28th. Phone D. 6909. A-3912. A lady on South 25th Ave., says: "You rented my furnished rooms quickly. "1 am giving you another. want ad this morning." t These ads are wonderful pullers. Getters of whatever you want. Real treasures. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoeses and Cottagfee Ce-ntlnne. FOR RENT. All modern east front house. I rooms, 10 8. 82.1 St.-$!S.OO. Eight-room modern house. UOs B. JBth Ave. -$3V00. F,lght-room modern house, 104 rarlt At $0ft. Six-room cottage, with bath. 1721 Chart St.-$lS.O0. ALFRED O. KENNEDY. 309 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tele. Dou. 72J. FOR RENT -room modern cottage, after July IS; ga and electrlo ce mented basement, furnace, fine ath rrwm. located In Hemts Park section. No. l;N. Hd St.; rent $25. Apply to owner at XL Hamilton St. $12 HO 4 nice rooms. 2S14 Blnney Ht. ) 00 Nice 7-r.wm mnnern niu Close In, 1436 N. 20th St. 122.60 (M-nom, modern except heat, 3-storjr house. "OS N. 80th St. . $25.00 9-room, part modern home, in i.nn shape, 1618 unio m. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. norsrea. 36; Hawthorne Bemls park, I room. New snd modern, $so.on. ru 1 a. 1504 North 10th St., 4 rooms, $1S00. 814 North lfttli. Close In, $ fine rooms, modern. $60.00. , r l ltrs lesM r.L. 8 rooms beautifully furnished. $50.00, 7 roams new and complete, .00. pivvk INVESTMENT COMPANY. Entire 3rd floor Ware Block, 8. B. Corner 151 h and Farnam Sts., Phones, Doug. 1781, 1188. 718 S. 29th, modern. 12 r. 2211 N. 20th, modern ex. heat, 11 r., $25. 1,409 Plnkney St.. modern, 9 r.. $2860. 2!"1 Farnam St., modern ex. hea.t, 8 r., $o0. 1923 N. 27th St., modern ex. heat, 7 r $20. 278 Capitol Ave., modern ex. heat, 6 r., d.. J ho 7 r I1V 3fi:o r arnum cm., inuKin . , ... t - 2307 Dewey Ave., modern flat, $.K. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. ROOMS and reception hall, thoroughly modern houae, walking distance, on parked street 2i63 wenster ni.; iv.jr hib- wait's office, 301 Barker block. FOR RENT, by owner. 7-r. mod. houss. furnished. One block from Hanscom park. Low rent to right party. Address B-44, care Bee. hrimc. nliua In. roomers $4) 133 s.r new. sauare. on car line O'KEEFE' RE At. B8TATB CO.. W02-3-4 N..Y. Liife. Lrgilf. 'I A SIM, BIX-ROOM cottage, strictly modern. West Farnam District. $20. . ' Ten-room flat, strictly modern, down town. $36. ' , W. H. Russell. Phone Douglas 867. 8-ROOM cottage, all furnished; modern; 2418 Fort St. Tel. W. 6006; $30. "NEW' 6-room cottage for rent good loca tion, on car line. 'Phone Harney 1721. BOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. BaUdlngs. , t FOR LEASE Long term, reasonable rent, two-story and full basement brick building, 132x140; S. E. corner 20th and Harney; alter ations to suit tenant. Apply Room 318, Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. . Offices. i DESK ROOM with use of des. In whole sale dlatrlct. 201 So. 10th 8t DESIRABLE SUITE OF OFFICES In Continental Block. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tele. Doug. 723. NATIONAL FIDEL'TY AND CASUALTY BUILDING, 12th and Farnam Sts. Most desirable outside office, 1.300 square feet; newly decorated, electric lights. Ap ply to NATIONAL FIDELITY AND CAS UALTY CO. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. Desirable office rooms in "Webster-Sunderland Building, 16th and Howard Sts,, at very reasonable prices. GEORGE COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. COAT and PANTS to order, $20; perfect fit. MacCARTHY-WILSON, 304-8. 16th. BMALL store or office In Wead Bldg. See us for terms. Office in Baidrige-weaa Biag., l.aw sq xu F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St. tores. (TORE ROOM 1W7 Farnam Beml-bssnments. wall lighted, 1807 and 1JC Farnam Bt. Ftora room. Ill N. 24th St.. 8a. Omaha, THOS. V. HALL, 432 Racr.ge Bldg. Both 'Phones. TRACKAGE PROPERTY "We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. Tliis prop erty bus trackage facilities in rear. Apply , BEbi BUILDINO CO, " 7, 17th and Farnam. WELL lighted large corner room, 33x10s, situated on second floor. Palace Clo. Co 14th and Douglas. ONE storeroom In first-class building 01 18th, the coming street to the north. T. JT. Hook, office llol N. 18th. ONE store room in first-class building on IMh, the coming street to the north, T. J. Hook, office 1101 N. 18th. GROCER and meat market; town 2,600, county seat. Address Omaha P. O. Bog 62(i LARUE store room' for rent 20x60; also elegant living rooms and basement suitably for barber suop. 1716 Leavenworth St. UNEQUALED OPPORTUNITY Grocery1 and meat market with fixtures complete) no eoual. T1ZARD BLOCK. Apply 220 .W 23.1 St. MODERN steam heated store room ani basement, 18th and Farnam Streets. JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 1802 FARNAM T.' OFFERED FOR SALE r arnltare. PRINTERS' FURNITURB. Four Imposing tables. Iron bass and stone top; also I galley banks and two steam tables for sale. Apply Boo Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam.