THE BEE: OMAHA, SATTTiDAY, .TUNE 18, 101 0. 13 REAL ESTATE m C1TV PKOI'KIITV I'OII SALE) (Continued.) GOOD VALUES 12.100 2fil5 trrklna St Splendid 5-room cot tage; same as new; lot 60x120; close to two car lines. $4.000 Strictly up-to-date 8-room house, near Prairie Park; beautiful ground!.; block from car. $4t cash, balance same as rent. . 4.700 8-ruom bungalow In Btmll Far. D00 1316 8. 34th. g-room house, practically now; nothing nicer for the money. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Entlio Third Floor Ware Rlk Southeast Corner loth and Farnam St. Puooes: Douglas 17H, A-11M.' KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES AND INVESTMENTS Three t or 7-room modern homes. Two new; will pay per cent. Call Har. 21.7 lor hlK bargain. Must sell; leaving city. Owncrl, f'KNTRAL CORNER ON FARNAM 44x132; 3-story, brick building covering en tire lot. Make unusually easy term and the price is to low that it will surprise yoUi NOWATA LAND & LOT. CO.. 124 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999, VACANT lot on Meredith Ave., near 21st ot. AJargain lur juu. P. O. NI1SLSEN & CO., 703 N. T. L. Bldg. 'Phones D. 2204. A-4340 YES. ONLY $2 0 PER MONTH rooms, brand new; large lot. How much rent aro you paying? We are niak lug you a present of thin home. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. K4. N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1993, Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. ,W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., Tel. D. 780. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg, 6-KOOM cottage, barn, chicken Iioubo, well, electric llgnt, 2 lots, 60x133 each, near bliug Park, puce only $2,loo. Eaty terms. tf. O. IN at 103 N. Y. L. Ulug. 'Phone D. 2204, A-4340. E1X-KOOM HOUSE for aale; lot 132x16a; terms reasonable. - Paul Sydow, 2923 8. 15lh. KEAL fcSfATE FA RSI AM) UA-.C. a.w FOR SALH Colorado. CHEAP LANDS Large and small tracts. E. hi. Uay. Akronj coio. A COLORADO LAND SACRIFICE. C4u acres lor $,0uu $3,000 down, balance 6 years' time, equal payments; comprising the old home place of the Spere ranch line rolling anu second bottom land value ot lands surrounding is $20 to $40 per acre this land should soil for more money the price Is for immediate aale write for plat and description. UAiULfcK REALTY COMPANY, Colorado Springs, Colo. fcO ACRES OH LESS OF THE SEMPER r ARM. 9 miles northwest trora Denver on C. & S. K. H. to Boulder; choice farming land; 6 minutes from Spencer station or school, hourly lnterurban to Denver and northern towns; plenty Irrigating water, 7-rooni house, Btables, granaries, etc., 2 wells (best mineral water In Colorado). orchard, grove, large shade trees around house. Apply on premises to C. S. Semper, owner, or tr. . dox soi, ienver. COLORADO. Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas Linda lor sale. $25 per acre buys from owner a tract of level, unimproved land in irrigation district in the ban luis vaney. Will arrange to show at any time. See us for full particulars. WM. S1PPLE, 418 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. xrafersLSkuB FOR SALE. SECTION good farming land near Red- dlngton, Morrill county, Neb.; only $14.50 an acre. FRED GILMAN. Reddlngton, Neb. BARGAIN In Piatt Valley Irrigated Farm I Extra good MO acres; must be sold quick. 0 acres alfalfa, 80 acres best wheat ttrasa meadow in the country; 80 acres to other crops. $86 per acre. Write quick for terms ana runner information to aox No. 161 uering, jseb. 700 ACRES. NEAR OMAHA At Just about one-half the price asked for adjoining ianu. finely improved farm. Any Business terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., ' Suit 624 New York Life Building. 'Phone Red m ' ' TWO BID BARGAINS. 320175 cultivated; best, black clay soil; new 9-room house. Price, $6,500. 160110 best bottom land, 110 cultivated; improved; mues to town; hd per acre. STOCKS LAND CO.. KEARNEY. NEB. " FOR SALE. 160 acres unimproved prairie land. All level, . good land, in good neighborhood. H miles ot o Netll. This Is a bar- Cain, price $25 per acre. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill, Nebraska. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved, 160 acres, fine land; 10 miles to Omaha, 5 miles to South Omaha stock yards. Price if soia quick, iiou per acre. C. R Combs, Boom 15 Old U. Farnam. S. Nat. Bldg-.. 12th and t-none. u. aaig. "Crop Insurance" Is the very apt name applied to irrigation. Out In tho Scott's Bluff country bur crops are grown by careful cultivation of the oil and the APPLICATION OF WATER AT THE RIGHT TIME. There is no doubt as to a crop under those conditions. Compare that with con ditions in the corn belt. Some farmers lose sleep when It rains too much; others wuik me iioor over too much dry weather. The First Crop of Alfalfa Is being harvested In tho Scott's Bluff country. Two more crops will be cut by September 15. A good stand will net the owner at least $25 per acre. You save the first crop as easily as the third. Can you tiiab ,u uiu vurn oeut Value of Corn Land depends upon what It produces. Nebraska's average corn crop lu liws was 2&b bushels to the acre. At 60 cents per bushel that makes the gross receipts average $16.30 per acre. This on lands selling at $76 to H2j per acre. COMPARE THE ABOVE FIGURES nun JU.rnLrA in til IS BIMJTT 8 BLUFF COUNTRY, where the NET IN- t-uuiL, is MUlttl lllAN fLU ACRE. Nebraska's Wheat Average for 1909 was 20.1 bushels to the acre. Out in tne ocon s uiuu country u ranges from So to 46 bushels to the acre. Consider these facts, then go and BEE FOR xouk&ulb- what tne couutry will oo. uet on our Next Excursion Tuesday, June 2L Tho "Payne Special" leaves the llurllns- ton station in Omaha at 4.10 p. ni. and gta back at 11:46 p. m. Friday. A short three clays' trip, but ciammed full ot Informa tion abuut the Kcolt's Bluff Country. 'Write, phone or wire us where you will join our party. We took for two carloads this "Efc$NE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 16th and Farnam. "Maulets Laud for Landless Alan." REAL ESTATE FARM AND It ASCII I.A.N D FOR KA1.B Coloradc 33,000 Acres at Auction by Trustee BURLINGTON, COLORADO Next Thursday, June 23d, 1910 This 33,000 acres will be divided into 210 farms and sold under the hammer to the highest bidder,' regardless of price. SPECIAL ROCK ISLAND TRAIN leaves Omaha 10:40 P. M. NEXT TUESDAY, June 21st, con necting with trains from other points at Lincoln and Fairbury, Neb., and Belleville and Phillipsburg, Kan. Fare from Omaha only $14.70 for round trip ticket good for thirty days on special or any other Kock Island train. Easy Terms $400 and $400 in 30 days is the highest amount "T of cash required to JUOWIlbuy any IGO-acre tract. The balance, if any, may be carried on the land at 6. Remember You next CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL M. GUENTHER, TRUSTEE, Room 307 First Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha. Nebraska. Please reserve berth for me on the special Rock Island. Excursion train Omaha to Burlington Colo., Juno 21st. I expect to connect with this train at Designate town and state. Name Address Fill this out now the time is short. Nebraska Continued. 30 ACRES Umber land, 3 miles from rail road station, will cut over three million feet of good lumber, and when the land Is cleared It Is the best fruit land In the world. Price, $20 per acre. Clear. Want Omaha income, or would prefer to trad one-half interest tc an experienced lumber man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624, New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Red im 2,620-Acre Uy-to-Date Ranch. At the price of raw land. Cut into 16 tracts. This land will Bell soon at $23 per acre. Price. $30,000. Very easy terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suits 624. New York Life Building. 'Phone Red W. Florida. 15,000 ACRES. I A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Florida East Coast. Everelades. All- muck land. Greatest bargain in the whole state. No brokers. FRANK L. BILLS & COMPANY, .25 Monroe St., Chicago. FLORIDA. We have some of the best land In the state, below the frost line at attractive prices. Send for particulars. Estero Land Company, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago. FLORIDA FARMS PUT MAN COUNTY. FLA. Ten-acre farms for only $300. one-third cash, balance one and two years. We guarantee the land to be as good as any in the state. Natural flowing wells, good drainage, home markets. Only tt miles from Palatka, Carraway station on the G. S. & F. Ry., in the center of the land. All of our farms are in easy walking distance or station ana pos tot rice. River and rail way transportation facilities for truckers and growers the best in the state. Finest farming end residence section in Florida. Good schools, churches, etc. No malaria. Write today tor one .01 our beautiful il lustrated prospectus and map. E. Z. JONES & CO., 605-607 Atlantic National Bank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. YOU CAN STAY AT HOME And make Big Money In Florida, One dollar a month will make you Dart owner in one of the greatest fruit, truck, pecaji, orcnarn, resort, notei ana general nign-ciass aeveiopmeni propositions ever lnauguraiea in this state ot phenomenal opportunities. Send for proof of this state ment and full particulars. J. A. Hollomon, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas. FOR SALE A good 160 or 240 acres. fenced, 2ft miles; also 220 acres, im proved, bo rous or uein, i nomas Co., Kan. Owners live in another state and want to sell on account of old age. This Is a good chance to get some land that is going to be soia. write lor price ana terms. Aiigut take a little exchange. Henry C. buiiui, Falls City, Neb. FOR SALE Improved farm. 640 acres. 6UU tillable, 600 level, fenced and cross fenced, watered with springs and ponds, some hay Ianu, Suu pasture, no rock. 220 cultivated, & wheat, 2d spelts, 16 barley, ii corn, crops fine: balance teed; 4-rooui btoue house, stone barn, granary, room fur 1 ,! I,ii lii limit... ertt. utlU bVia1 good well, null, tank, ' brood house, full set of Implements, 2 horses, set of harness. 2U cattle, 1 brood sow, MO chickens, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone; black ull. clay subsoil; buildings Insured: 2 miles to school and posioftlce; price $U,000. $ lu,:io0 cash, $2,200 5 years at 6 per cent; 12 tulles to town, no agents. W rite owner. A. P. CARLETON, Grove County, Alanthus, Kansas. WHEN answering advertisements, please mention The Bee. Michigan. LAND FOR SALE. Write me today. E. F. FREMONT, NEWAluO CO., MICH. FORCED SALE An excellent 60-acra farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wet land, very productive; with success fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; 6-room house; beautiful shade; large barn, poultry house, tool house, etc.; also plenty of choice bearing fruit. This is a real farm and one that will make money for any live man. tt is on main road, close neighbors, schools, etc; only about lu minutes' walk from the biggest lake in Michigan where there is good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm must be sold quick and we therefore make the price fl.ivD; one-half cosh, balance to suit buyer. It. c. ucn-a, uox uariin, jaicn. 40 ACRES, $200. HALF CASH, BALANCE 13 YEARS. The land Is situated not far from Bav City, Michigan, and adapted for farms, grazing or fruit. Perfect titles, and will bear close Inspection. The above Drica and terms aro made to close an estate quick. If you want a 40 or more send jour option in now, with $1 per acre, and balance to oe paia wnen ueeus are returned. BRADFORD & COMPANY, 1 M Adams St.. Chicago. 1 . REAL rrVATE FARM AND HAX.ll LA.M1 FOn SALE -Continued. TAKE YOUR VACATION NOW and attend this trustee's sale on your way to the mountains. Any summer excursion tisket is good on this train. You can stop over at Burlington, ex amine this land by free auto mobile and PICK UP A SNAP at this sale. Where so much land is forced under the ham mer in one day some one will get bargains. WHY NOT YOU J This special Rock Island train leaves Omaha 10:40 P. M. next TUESDAY, June 21st, 1910. You inspect this land by free auto mobile next WEDNESDAY, June 22, 1910. buy this land at your own bid THURSDAY, June 23, 1910. And REMEMBER that every acre of this land MUST and will be sold on June 23d, 1910, RE GARDLESS of price. For further particulars call 'Phone Tyler 1070, or write C M. GRUENTHER, TRUSTEE, 307 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., OMAHA, NEBRASKA Michigan Coutluued. THESE ARE WONDERS. READ, READ and wonder. Practically a gilt; Wi acre; lies like a garden; lib acres cultivated; balance on timoer and pasture on Deauutui river; good House, !' story: good barn and other buildings. Buildings carry $2,M)0 insurance; tarm ail fenced and cross fenced; rural mail and telephone; inrt-e miles to town, nine miles to railroad town; 100 fine bearing apple trees and other fruits. THE PRICE 11 IS $18 PER ACRE. mink 01 tt. mere is not another such bar gain In the world. 80 acres splendid land. 50 acres cultivated. balance in fine hardwood timber; 7 milos to town; rural mail and telephone; good house ana Darn; a w OiNUlUD UL liARUAIN, Price $1.7a0. $1,000 cunh. balance to suit von We are always the leaders in bargains; viiieca 11 y iu xuiiuw. Send tor full particulars. H. V. SAWYER, NEWAYGO, MICHIGAN. SNAP Money-making country home. stock, tools and crop complete; one of tho uesi 10-acre I arm a 111 the slate, practically level, lays auout 2v miles irom town, on beautiful made road, close nelghoors, schools and cnurch. In is tarm boiuers on a beautitul lake, an elegant spring brook tlows across it, large new a-rouni field stone residence, big basement or cellar, large verandas; big, new burn, room for 4 head of horses, cows, also carriage and tool room; lots of choice bearing iruiu This farm is high class in every respect and we are making a great sacrifice when we offer it. It must be sold Quick and we will let everything ' go in the way or mucniiiery, stock, etc. There is everything Irom a pltchiork to self binders, ail machinery is practically new, also wagon, carriage, har nesses, 60 chickens. 6 cows, 4 horses, hoys etc. To quick buyer will make tne price $3,800; musi have $1,2U0 cash, balance can be paid in small yearly payments, vv 111 giv possession and turn everything over to buyer in 48 hours. If you are ready to snap the biggest bargain on earth, don't miss seeing tins quick. THE FRED PARR CO., Box E, Plainwell, Mich. IF SOLD AT ONCE. 120 acres; good soil; apple orchard; 40 acres timber; 8-room house; good barn; everything com Die te. 82 acres; a sanay loam; I acres mapie and elm timber; two large apple orchards; 10-room house: laree frame barn. Within lour miles market ana main line railroad. Choice, $3,200; cash $700; balance easy terms. WAY LAND REALTY CO., Wayland. Mich. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, small house nnd barn, some fruit, near town, fine fruit lnnd l.ow. No. Z 40 acres, cleared. Eood house am barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil, $1.2.'0. No. a 200 acres, rich loam sou, level miles Muskegon, city 3j,00); $12 per acre, 1 per acre down, balance easy terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO., Fremont, Mich. A SNAP. 20 ACRES FRUIT, VEGETABLE AND CHICKEN LAND, in center of Michigan; near county seat and railroad town and fine lake; 100 apple trees, 1U) peach trees, 700 small fruit; raises 400 bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil; clear title; only $300; $20 down, $10 per month, without Interest, or $30 off lor cash; must Bell; might throw in cow or 40 chick ens. OWNER, R. 403, 115 Dearborn St., Chlcaso. Sllssonrt. IN MISSOURI. Z15 acres; 125 milcu southeast of Kansas City. 70 acres in cultivation. Box huuse; good barn: out buildings and fine water and ; grass; large orchard of different varieties of fruit. 2 miles to good trading point. Close to school and church. Price $3,500. This ts a money maker. GEORGE KUMPF. 203-5 Sheldley Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FINE CASS CO., MISSOURI, FARM 400 acres, one mile of railroad town, 35 miles Kansas City; all In cultivation and grass; all rich, fine lying land; k-room house, barn and outbuildings; well fenced and watered. If you want a bargain in a well located grain and stock farm, you can't beat It; only $65 per acre; good terms on this. G. W. CLARDY INV. CO., 301 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains in South Missouri. Morris & Walker, Moun tain View. Mo. Montana. FOR SALEv-4,720 acre in Jefferson county, Montajia, at $10 per acre, on easy terms. This tract is located 2l miles from town ot Whitehall, a thrifty little city on the N. P. and C, M. & St. P. coast line; 2.000 acres of this tract is under irrigation; water rijrhts from the Jerrerson river, About 1.2o0 acres bottom land, about 75 per cent of this tract Is tillable, balance suit able for pasture. Thi tract is located in the famous Montana apple belt and is a bargain. , 13.000 acres, Mengher county, Musselshell valley, Montana. $17 per ucre; easy terms; located on C, M. & St. P. R. It . 2', miles from two good towns; at least 80 pi;r cent of this tract is suitable for farmm;. A good proposition to cut up into email farms; 4. owl to 6.0uo acres can be irrigated; many springs furnish abundance of water the year around. MARTY N & STUART LAND CO., Aberdeen. S. !.. And 135 Palace Bid-., Minneapolis. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI ItA.MII UMI FOR SALB (Continued.) .nria Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA FARM LAND' Excursion June 21st. Closlns out larnf trait fine aMilcultural land, underlaid with coal, Stark Co., N. 1., near Northern Pacific It. R-. S11.50 to "0 per acre; en.y terms, price $3 to $." per acre les-s tlran aujoiiiina; lauus. rue lor map and full information. Kxeursion 1st nnd 3d 'iuefdiiy each niiinth while this land lasts. Your expenses paid If you buy. J. 11. DUMONT & SON, li.Oi Farnum .St., Omaha. NORTH DAKOTA. T1IR LAM) OF oi'1'OUH'NITY. Land In the Mnuno . River loop, where ron failure is unknown, lion. J. J. mil ii vm lhls land in all worth $H0 per acre nd he knows. Will rent nnd pay 2) per cent on Investment. hnt ib your money earning? The finest prairie land in the world. Write mo for lint, n 18 iree. K. E. GOWIN, Olenburn, N. O. Oklnhomn, NOTICE. To he sold at nubile auction, June 2!i, 1!U0. 3-storv, modern, 60-room, brick hotel riiillntnir in cltv of 6.000. Stillwater. om Best located property in city. Stillwater is center of lnterurban system now bulld- nc. bus other good railroad raeumes, has Inie am- eu tuittl scnooi ciiy is Krowmt: apidly. This hotel has best business In the tv. out the proprietor musi sen on ac count of poor health. ill sell furniture and bulldtiiK on day of salo with privilege of leasing it building ltsoir does not rell. nauirles concerning mis property ami erms 01 snio win oe promptly answered by the undersigned. JOli-iN luuai, fr.. emiwaier. Oressou. titty farm lands now. They are dally In creasing in value. There Is a limited amount of land, but no limit to me iuiure popula tion. The Pacific Northwest Is the present land of opportunity, ne have a line assort ment of farms, some of which will suit vnu. Write us today, stating your require ments, and we will mail you full particulars free. The Card Realty & lnv. Co., 625 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS, Rogue River Valley, OreEon. Declared by Kovernment experts to be the most nerfect fruit belt in the world: errand sweepstakes prize; bpokane National Apple show; nas received me iiiuiiesi prices ever nald for fruit in the New York and Lon don markets; orchards now producing over 11.000 net rer acre. irrigated orcnaru iracm un payment pinn, ranging in price irom ao per acre tor un developed land to $500 per acre for devel oped orchards. Itogueianas, incorporaieu, Medford, Oregon. South Dakota. FOR SALE South Dakota lands, $15 to $40 per acre, near town. For booklet, map and prices on the best and cheapest, ad dress L. L. lioganian, Pukwana, Brule county, S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS. i The rush Is on for Stanley county: buy lands near the new railroad and double your money in the next year; 20,000 acres to select from; $10 to $18 per acre. Call or write Felland Realty company, wt raiace Bldg.., W inneapolla, Minn. FOR SALE 220 acres; every acre tillable: deep black soil; near town; price. $25 per .ere. Frank MasneK, ivimoaii. a. u. FOR SALE Extra choice half section in Hyde county, S. D. All good, tillable land. Price $2d per acre. The Keiser Land Co.. liighmore, s. u. FOR SALE Extra fine 100 acres unim proved land near Highmore In Hyde county. S. D. Choice ugncuiiurai ianu. ju per acre; easy terms, iiie js-eiser uuia co.. High' more, S. D. WHEN answering advertisements in The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw tho ad. in The Bee. Texan, TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR SALE. 131 acres, luu in cultivation, alfalfa, corn and potatoes; tnree miles Irom the town of Vv har ton; on the Colorado river; no overflow: k& miles irom Houston. Also io acres, so in cultivation, corn; au Joining the aoove place; -ft of mile to railroad switch; party can get immediate possession; will take XM per acre for one or both places. Write to tne owner. A. A. Nor ion, Wharton, Tex. Terms. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT, It's a county seat in the center of the Rio Urande Valley and Irrigation; has railroad, canals, new court house, good bank school, brick business houses; Cnupln needs people to develop its great resources they're rich enough to make you rich. Ask us for booklet "B." C1IAP1N TO WNSITE COMPANY, Chapln, Tex. Yli'ttluta. VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. 325 ACRES $6,600. Two-story house; 12 rooms and basement; 3 porches; ample outbuildings; apple orchard of 600 Albemarle pippins, winu saps and other higli-prlced varieties; the trees are 12 years old, and being located in the great fruit belt of Albemarle county they are hardy and thrifty, and will yield a lifelong income; ilt miles to railroad station; surrounded by good neighbors. If taken at once, only lii.Cuu; part cash, bal ance on easy terms. For further details, see puge 24, "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. 30, Second Edition." It describes other rare bargains from $5 an acre up in Vir ginia, Maryland and the south. Copy free. Station 2676. E. A. Strout, Union Bank Blug., Pittsburg, Pa. Wisconsin. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 A MONTH good land at troni $8 to $20 an acre, in Vilas and Oneida counties, Wisconsin. We charge no interest. We pay the taxes. Insurance clause in tho contract. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE COUNTRY for man ot moderate means 10 OWN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDENT Write for map and book to Dept. 8 G. F. SANBORN CO., EaRle River, Wis. Miscellaneous. CAN locato parties on desirable timber, fruit, agricultural and grazing lands, in California, Oregon and Washington. Speoial government land list, with laws, sent to all interested parties. West American Land ana ximoer co bacraineiuo. cai.. yuvb K INVASION OF FORT GEORGE FARMERS BUYING LAND EVERY da y GREAT WEEK OF SALES Men who are live moneymakers have invaded our orrico for tne past 10 days. Worked wonders $1 Cash and Balance Out of Crops. OUR RESELECTiON CLAUSE GUAR. A.Miio, reserves iu.uuu acres lor eacn and every ouyer s reseiectlon. RAILROADS' GREATEST DIVISIONAL point Grand Trunk R. R., B. C. Cen tral it. ii., Canadian Northern R. R. River transportation. Cattle ranch, mixed farming; oats and barley; tpieiium cioys, grasses luxuriant; tun omy neaus t inches; risn and game abundant; vegetables unsurpassed; po tatoes, 700 bushels to the acre, selling at high price. Each acre can produce l,0uu protit to tne early buyers, who jump in and take con ti acta from the construction camps fur supplies. Ad polninieiils arranged at any time. If , ou can t call, send fur government re ports, blue prints, etc. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC LAND CO., ricw lorn iue mug., oniana. T REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS We offer conservative investors carefully selected first mortgage loans on improved Oklahoma farms that net attractive retu.ns. u rue for partlcu lais. Humphrey U Humphrey, Independ tuce, Kan. GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. Y. Ufa. $5M lo $10u.ov4 on improved property. Ma delay. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam boilth at Co.. 12J0 Farnam St. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN 'Payne Investment Ca. LOWEST RATES Beuns. Bransels Bid. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Waad, weaa mug., ma ana samara. i $500 to tu.OOt on homes to Omasa. CKeefs Real Estate Cw, luui N. Y, Liie- Lijusias REAL ESTATE LOANS Continued.) SECOND monetises negotiated. 628 New Onaha National Bank H djt Djug. 4.U4. REALJSJATEJVANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR and 7-room houses. If prices are right can sell your property tor you.' MUWA1A I.A.-SU AM) 1.U1 llA. bulls 2 N. Y. Life BldC WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you saw the ad. in The Bee. SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA horse shoeing shop. 614 N. 2tith. Experience nas made norses feet au open book to me. 11. Noone. ts. 622. EVERY LADY LIKES DISTINCTION Our liAfiS are especially attractive; see them. Ryan s, 61V N. 24th St., South Omaha. jOUK WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT can be depeiiued u.on as far as doing the most peritct work Is concerned, jacooaon At Furen Co., Jewelers and Optlclaus, 2404 in tit., bouth Omaha. SWAPS 630 ACRES timber land. 3 miles from rail road station, will cut over tnree million feel oi good lumber, and wuen me ianu is cieartrd it- is the best fruit land In the wuiiu. Price, to) per acre. Ciear. Want Omaha income, or would preier to traue one-naif imereat to an expeiiencea iuiuoer man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., bullo 624 New x'urk i.lie Blug. 'Phone lted li2. WE cau trade anything, anywhere. LATHROP it lOBlN. D. 2006. 421 Bee. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits $35 and $40 values St tlo. See A. Rubenstelu, 211Va S. 14th St. U. A. L1NQU1ST CO.. 236 PAXTON BLk. FOR evenlmr functions full dress Is the rule, and lo get it mauu ilui see fed Thiol, Tailor, 71$ b. 16th bU WANTED TO BOHhOW WANT, to borrow $0,500 on gilt-edge first mortgage leal estate security, at 8 per cent Interest. Address, ,1b 6t3, Bee. WANTED 10 BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpet!, clothing ana shoes. Phone Douglas sm SECOND-HAND clothing; party, after noon dresses. John Feldmau, D. 3128. A-231 BEST price for 2d-hand clothing. D. 3440, WANTED A Stanley steamer runabout. VM or 110 model. Address X UB Bee. WANTEDTO RENT .We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 24 N. Y. Life Bids', phone Red IDS. WANTED To rent modern suite of two or three rooms (unfurnished preferred) with board, within easy walking distance. Address D tov. lies. WANTED A 6-room cottage, not too far out. Give location and price. Address H 13, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position ' by up-to-date lady graduate registered pharmacist; twenty years' experience; capable of managing store, or would like position for pharma ceutical house; can sell the goods. Address Y 114, care Bee office. Persistent Advertising Big Returns. Is tho Road to LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice la hereby given that Notice to Bidders is being published la the Crel Vidette-Herald of Crete, Nebraska, whicu provides for the submitting ot bids to the Citv or Crete, baline county. .Nebraska. for the purpose of furnishing all material and labor for the building and constructing of a Sewer bystem in ana lor said city, Said system is to be a Sanitary Sewer System, constructed, built and combined with a Storm Sewer. The estimated cost ot same is $40,000. Time for presenting and filing bids expires on the 20th day of June, lalu, at I o'clock p. m. All bids filed will be opened June 2utn, 1010. at 2:30 p. m. For plans and specifications and other details and conditions apply to either of the undersigned. AXSiuiM jjkisuua, mayor, Crete, Nebraska. F. A. NOVAK, City Clerk, Crete. Nebraska. p. A. Edqulst, Special Engineer, 832 New York Life Building, oniana. seurasua. GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT DES MOINES. IOWA, JUNE 4. lDlO. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, win oe re ceived here until 8 p. m.. stanaaro time, June 20. 11)10. for supply and Installation o pews and fixtures in .fosi unapei, auDjeci to the usual conditions. Full information furnished on application. Envelopes con- taining proposals should be marked pro nnsiLiH lor ChaDel Furniture." and ad' dressed to Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Des Moines, lowa. J (,,,lU,iY,XS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for June 17, 1910, furnished by tne Midland Guarantee Trust company, bonded abstracters, l'i'14 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 265: J. N. Frostrom and wife to C. B. Wil son, part B ' sniun s tnira ad dition t Kamn to same, uare lota 2 and 8. Pot ter & Cobb s sub 2 Te Union Investment company to A. Edholm. lots e ana v, Diock 4 ana other land, Hulst addition 900 E. Sohler to II. O. Wulff, part lot 4, block 15, Halcyn Heights T. J. O'Nell to A. A. Sams, lot 2. block 22. South Omaha 4.800 Josenh Kavan to V. Barta. lots 16. to 18, block 8. Meiia's first 4U0 Same to same, lots 11 to 14. block 6, - same 400 C. B. Wilson to J. N. Frosrom, part nVfc Sf'4 sec. 18, and gov. lot 3, sec. 18-15-10 R. F. Swoboda to J. W. Thomas, tax lots 21. 22. 23 and 27. sec. 3-14-8 County treasurer to Conservative Trust company, lots 8 and V, block 10, cur ton Hill Same to same, lot 11. block 446. Grand- Same to same, sub. lot 4 of sec. 31-9-15 15 Same to same lot 11, block 445, Grand view and other B. Dawson to N. J. Zimmerman, lot 21. block 11. Kitchen & Waueh's J. Zurubsky to F. Bonsa, lot 5. block 433. Grandvlew and other 250 M M. Bucklev and husband to E. J. Knight, lot 12, Swetman's sub $,250 M. Fleming to A. Rowley, lot 12, block 52. South Omaha A. Rowley to E. Ervln, name 750 E. M. Fairfield and wife to II. D. Reed, part sec. S-15-13 D. II. McAslan to Robert A. Austin, lot 6. McAslain's and part sw4 seVi sec. 1R-16-13 E. F. Bralley, sheriff, to E. F. Mar shall, lots 9 to 12, Winche's sub 4.031 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth and Mason, Talon Pacific LT Fan Fran. Ov'rJ'd Ltd. 1:14 a. m. Chi. & Pac. Fast Mall. 4:10 p. m. Atlantic Express Oregon Express 4:00 p. m. Oregon-Wash. Ltd 11:40 p. m. Denver Special 6:47 a. m. Colorado Special 11:48 p. m. Colorado Express 1:60 p. m. North Platte Local.... 8:15 a. m. Grand Island Local... 6 30 p. m. ArtTS 11 :S0 p. m. t to p. in, 45 a. m 1:30 p. in. 120 p. m 11 so a. m. 7:41 a. m. :w D. m. 4 46 p. rn. io a. m. 1:20 p. m. Stromsburg Local 12:41 p. in. Missouri Pacific K. C. 6L L Ex a t:40 am K. C. c St. L. Ex. 1. a 6:35 am Saturday 11 p. in.) aU:15 pm pro -Coutluued ttlcaao, Hock Island A. I'aclfl EAST. Rocky Mount'n Ltu.aU.s4 a. m. al0:S0 p. m. owa Locui i ?.... u.m a. in. a ju p. m. lilcaao Day .a .4i a. in. a i.tia. m. ii,cao J,ofal iass.ulw.A, a. in. LID. is p. m. Lies Moines Local Passenger a 4;w p. m. au:;.v p. m. lucago ji.xpres....a 4.40 p. in. a i:l p. m. hicued Liimled a p. m. a 6.U2 a. lu. WEST. The Mountaineer. ...a :uO a. nu a 7:05 a. m. for Lincoln . iib a 6:47 p. m. a 4:31) p. lu. a 1.2U p. in. U.U.M p. in. OIO. t V-n- iP-" p- OKI. si Tex. n.p P- Rocky Mount a Lld.alv.lo p. lu. Wabash Om.-St. Louis Exi..a 6:30 p. m a 9:25 a. m. p, in. bl0:13 p. m. Mail and Kxpies..a i.jva. lu. Biaiibei ry Loc I ttrom Cuuucit Uiulla....u e w p. m. btcaao, Ot St. Paul Overland Limited all. 43 pm J.jj om Oinaha-Chicago express. u i in am k.3v am 9.30 aiu 8.26 put 11.33 pm 11.05 pin oinaua-Savaiiiia Ex c . .10 am olo-Calif Express a .w pm Colorado Speoial a 7.6i am Perry-omana Local u a. to pin tliuwls tentral hicago Express a 7:00 am a 2:45 pm a 7.45 am cnicaao Limited a 6. MO pm inn.-at. fmu Ex b 7 :uu am Mmn.-st. pui Lid a k:uw pm a 7:46 am L'.i.M am Oinaha-Ft. Dodge Loc.b 4:1 pm Cklcaav .uihvrteru EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a i:uo am all:35 am a 3 ills pm a 3:28 pm a f :oj am u 3.23 pm S12.AI pill a 7:45 am a 6:32 am a 9:60 am a 3: pm al0:20 pm a 1:20 pm a 9:io am a 1:30 am all :00 am al0.45 pin a 6:20 pm b 6.20 pm a 6:20 urn lucago Local al2:05 pm oiorado-Chicugo a a:20 m Chicago bpeciat a 6: pin acuiu Coasi-Chlcago. .a o:t pin is Aiigeies Limited. ...a 8.uo pin Overland Limited allUj pm Denver Special al2:40 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pin ast Mail NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:a0 am Sioux Cuy Lucai a 3:4o pm Minn, at Daaota Ex. ...a 7:uo pm win City Luimeu a y.oo pm WESTBOUND. Llneoln-Chadron a 7:50 am Norfolk-P'Oiiesieel a 7.60 am Lmin Hine-ao. t iaiie....o i u pm liasiings-Supeilor . ...b 2:15 pm Deadwood-liol bprings.a 2.6j pm Catper-Lander a 2:w pin all an) am b liii pm rernoni-AiDiou u o.jv pm Ihlcuuvo Ureat Western . Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm iWIll City l-innieu u s ou pal a 8:iki am a 3.4a pm a H ill pm Chicago u.xpiess Twiu v-lt ixpicss a :w a in BURLINGTON hTA. lOIH A MASON ilurllnuton Leave. Arrive, a 8:45 pm a 6:10 pm Denver and California. .a 4. it) pm uget Sound Express. . .a 4:lt) pm Neoraska points a 8:20 am a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 7 :00 am Black Hills a 4:10 pin Noruiwest Express. ..all:45 pm Nebraska points ...a 8:20 aiu ...b 1 :2i) pi ...a 9:1s am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Man al2:15 pm Nebraska Express a 6:lv pm b 9:08 am a 7 :i0 pm bl0:20 am a 8:50 am a 2:40 pm a 7:00 am all. :05 pm a 3:a6 pm a 8:00 am al0:30 am all): 30 am ail:46 am a 6:45 am a 6;lo pm Lincoln LOcai Lincoln Local bunuyier-Plattsmouth .a 7:25 pm .0 S:o5 pm .a K:1S am Plaitsmouth-lowa ... Hellev ue-Piallsmouth ..a 12:30 put Colorado Limited all: 25 pm Chicago Special a 7:lo pm Chicago express ;vpni Chicago Fast Express... a 6:20 pin Iowa Local. a:16am Creston-lowa Local a 8:30 pm bu Louis Express a:jypm K. C. and St. josepn....aiv:io pm K. C. and Su Joseph. ...a M:lo am K. C. and SU Josepn....a 4:30 put WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth and Webster. Sllssonrt Pacific- Leave. Arrive. Auburn Special b 3:60 pm bl2:10 pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha Sioux City Express b :00 pm bll :45 am Omaha Local o 6:20 pm Sioux City Passenger o :ai pm Twin City Passenger.. ,.b 0:30 am Sioux City Local o 8:35 am Emerson Local b 6:65 pm b 8:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Six Memorable Days at Sea Now York to Havre-Paris FRENCH LINE Compagnie GeWr&le Tr&ns&tlantique Twin Serew Express Stesmera typifying- In every appointment the height of ocean luxury, sallThursdays, 10 A. M. Trains direct to Paris or other continental points. Every provislonforcom Inrt and ferv wireless. submarine bell system. LaLorralne, June 23 I La Touralne, July 14 Da savole, June 30 La Lorraine, J uiy zi La Provenoo, July 7 I La Savole, July 28 Additional sailings st 2d cabin prices al ternate Saturday by popular one class steamers $46 to $62.60 J. B. BETzrox.DS. 1503 rarnam St. W. JS. BOOK, Agt. C, M. St. P. Ry. JT. O. SHIELD, 1601 Farnam St. X.OUIS HEESB, rirst national Bank. s CANDINAVlAN-AKERICAfl LINE 10,000 Too Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers Direct t Norway. Sweden and Denmark HelllK OUT .... Juna tSIHcllls Olar Aug 4 United "States .... July 7 United SUUas .. Aug. 18 Oacar II July 21 Owar II Rpt. 1 All steamers equipped with wireless, Flnt cabin, $75 upward : second cabin, W., A. K. JOHNSON A CO., U5 Wt Klnzle St., Chicago, OR TO LOCAL AGENTS. Special Homeseekers1 Rates Southwest To Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesday in each month. Stop overs allowed on both the going and return journeys. THOS.F. GODFREY, Vase, and Ticket Agent. 1443 rarnam U Omaha, or Union Station, Omaha. PILES-171 STU la All Hectal Diseases cured withoat s Sarsiral operation and Catr mead lo iaal a LiUtima. No chloroform, etnar. or other f neralanaaatbaticoaad. Eaaminaliaa free. Write far Free Beok, DR. C. H. TAHPrV 124 Rm Bldg. OMAHA. NEB., AILWAY IIME CARD" Mm I 7 BILL FOR TWO NEW STATES Measure Receives Unanimous Ad- proval of Upper House. j CONFERENCE BEFORE ADOPTION" Democratic Senators Said to Favor the Original Hons ' Illll May Do Knactrd Into Uw He fore End of Session. I WASHINGTON'. June 17.-After remain lng on the senate calendar for throe months In a state of uncertainty as to Its fate, the bill providing for the -admission of the ter ritories of New Mexico and Arlsona to separate statehood was taken up by the senate today and passed after a debate consuming little more than two hours. All the speeches were favorable to the creation of tho two states, but the democrats fa vored the house bill. When the vote was reached there was a division on the sonata substitute for the house bill, but with that amendment accepted, the senate voted solidly for the passage of the bill. The senate substitute was adopted as an amend ment to the house measure by a strictly party vote, the ballot standing 42 to 19. . Representative Hamilton of Michigan, chairman of the house committee on ter ritories. Bald that he had no touut now of the enactment of the statehood bill into law at this session of congress. He had confidence that the house will adopt the . conference report when made. He said there were some good features In the bill put in by the senate, for Instance the edu cational requirement provision, but that there were some features that could be Improved on, the part relating to the Urns when statehood is to take effect being among them. Question of Operation. Under the bill as amended by the senate It might be two a half years before tho statehood law would become operative, anil the house confc.ees want to shorten the time to the spring of 1911. Speaking for t'je democratic minority ot the committee on territories, Senator Eraser contended that, under all the requirements both Arizona and New Mexico were pre pared for statehood. He said that there was estimated to be 12,000,000 tons of coal in New Mexico. Mr. Frazer advocated the house bill in preference to the Benate meas ure. He found fault with the latter, espe cially because, he said, it undertook to fix the qualifications ot voters in Arizona. Senator Nelson favored the senate bill, but said he was not strongly partial to It. On the other hand, Mr. Hughes favored Uie ( house bill because, he said, the senate bill compels the proposed states to tie their own hands so ai to deprive them of the equality which should be accorded to all states. Advocating the bill, Senator Smoot said that even 'if both states were to be dem ocratic they should be admitted. He be lloved that ultimately Arizona would be re publican. Tho vote being ordered on the substitute of the committee on territories the senate bill it was agreed to, 42 to 19, a strict party vote. When next the vote was taken on the bill as thus amended it was passej by a unanimous vote upon a roll call. New York Sun Scores Burkett Nebraskan, Who Becently WroU , About Booserelt, Draws Fire from Eastern Paper. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, June 17. (Special Tele gram.) The New York Sun hands Senatoi Burkett of Nebraska a good roast in lu editorial columns today and declares he ii a bigger talking machine than' Mr. Bryai himself, whose words, the article saya, have been as numberless as the star dust of the milky way. The Sun does not take kindly to westert rating and western men. It gave the sena tor a half column ot criticism several yearr ago, which brought forth from President Roosevelt the observation that Senatoi Burkett was on the sure road to fame ai soon as the Sun began to find fault wlU him. Senator Burkett had a ringing article upon Theodore Roosevelt in a New York magazine, Just published, and it Is pos- i sible the Sun editorial writer had seen that I article before its editorial of today. The senate today passed a bill authorizing the secretary of the Interior to sell a por tion of the unallotted lands in the Cheyenne Indian reservation of South Dakota to the Milwaukee Land company. The bill pasued the house May 11. Senator Gamble today secured the pas sage through the senate of a bill appro priating $75,000 for the public building at Brookings, S. D. The president sent to the senate today the nomination of Harvey J. Kills of N4f braska to be receiver of the Alliance (Neh land office. The townslte of Timber Lake, S. D., will be sold at public auction August 16; the. townsite of Duprls, at Aberdeen, 8. August 22, and townsltes of White Deer Gray Eagle and Crow King, at Lemmon, S. D., August 29. A small cash payment Is required the day of sale and the re mainder in payments at times ranging from one to three years. Nebraska postmasters appointed are: Mallnda, Box Butte county, Leonard A. Dean, vice M. S. feverson, resigned; Spring Ranch, Clay county, William 11. Swanaon, vice O. Mutz, resigned. i SEEK BETTER REGULATION OF FRATERNAL INSURANCE National Association of Commission' ers Draw I'p Tentative Bill llesrardlnsr Policies. NEW YORK, June 17.-AI today's session of the National Association ot Insurance Commissioners marked progress win made toward regulation of fraternal Insurance now outstanding In this country. All fra ternalists present agreed to the following principles upon which a tentative bill for the regulation of fraternal Insurance should be marked: 1. That annual valuations and publicity be made, not as a test of solvency, but to show conditions to members of societies. Said valuation to begin January 1, 1U12. 2. Valuation as ot January 1, 1918, prop erly certified, shall, be submitted to the home insurance department and trlennlally thereafter. If valuation shows a deficiency the socloty must reduce the deficiency 4f least 6 per cent during each triennial peri'4 Failure to reduce deficiency will permit the state Insurance department to take steps to correct this condition or wind up the so olety. 3. The national fraternal table of mortality shall be the standard for valuation, or any higher standard upon which societies shall have calculated rates of contribution. 8. After passage ot the bill no new soelety hair be Incorporated or admitted which does not provide for stated periodical con tributions sufficient to provide for meotjng the obligations contracted when va'ld upon the basis of the national f i JrTorna: W sociated table of mortality, or any hlssV standard with Interest aasuualnn not mar than 4 per cent per aouuiuj ser.l- a I 1 i-i I i i - ! 1 4 i f Ai! l t