Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Sunderland Tract Purchased by the
Hynei Company for Structure.
farrhasr Par flO,OO0 for Lots
Xftr Twentieth and .Mason
Capacity Will Il Two Hub.
dred Tlinnnand floahcla.
A new, Jarre grain elevator Is assured for
Omaha by tho purchase of a tract of land
from J. A. Sunderland, trustee, by the
Hynea Elevator company. The Hynes com
pany has secured for $10,000 lots between
Twentieth and TXenty-first street, two
blocks south of Leavenworth, and will
build there nn elevator of 200,000 bushels
rapacity with ateel storage tanks for addi
tional handling rapacity. The deal was
handled for Mr. Sunderland by Dumont &
The Hynes Grain company lias been es
tablished In Omaha for five years, and
hns been Incorporated for that length of
time. Before that, for many years W. J.
(lynes was In the grain business at Hast
ings. The company operates eighteen
country stations and has been dolus a la rue
commission bunlness locally.
New Lithograph
Company Decides
to Locate Here
Concern with Capital of Hundred
I Thousand Dollars Secured by
Commercial Club.
An art lithographing company, with a
I capital of S1UO.0UO has been secured for
Omaha, by the Commercial club. This cor
poration, which Is known as the Hancock
Kpstein company, will begin operations
July 11, In quarters secured In the Burkley
building at Twelfth and Howard streets,
In which 12,000 feet of floor space has been
1 B. L. Hancock, for seventeen years with
one of the largest houses of the kind In
. Milwaukee, will be president and general
manager, and Edward C: Epstein, an east-
, erner, will be designer and superintendent.
The company strikes a good field, for
tliera Is no competition) nearer than Chicago.
; It will produce high grade lithographic
' work in all its branches, including art show
' cards in full colors, brewers' labels, can
ners' labels, confectionery labels and wrap
pers, seedmen's catalogues In colored cov
ers and a full lino of variegated color work.
Machinery to cost $25,000 has already been
contracted for, and twenty-one artisans
have been engaged. These are all high
priced workmen and women from the lead
ing centers of the east, and Include stone
artists, engravers and expert pressmen.
Borne Omaha capital is declared to be back
of the enterprise.
Says He is Big
Wireless Holder
C. H. Parker Declares He's Not Wor
ried Says that Thompkins
Was Fired.
Charles II. Parker, fiscal agent for the
United Wireless Telegraph company in
Nebraska, Friday morning declared he was
one of the largest stockholders of the com
pany In the central west "I'm not a bit
alarmed over the reports of trouble for
the company, either," he remarked.
Mr. Parker further declared that William
W. Thompkins, selling agent for the com
pany in New. York, who was arrested for
ending an illegal letter through the malls,
had been repudiated by the company some
time ago. "Of course the company may ul
timately be held responsible for what
Thompkins did," said Mr. Parker, "but his
otlons were not representative of the
policy of the Institution."
Mr. Parker announced he had telegraphed
an inquiry to the New York office for par
ticulars concerning the shakeup, and would
Issue a statement to stockholders Imme
diately upon getting a reply.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
gently stimulate the liver and bowels to
expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system,
cure constipation and sick headache. Sold
by all dealers.
James BlrCornilcIt Hlaea Suddenly in
Narrow Tunnel and Receives
Severe Injury.
Rising suddenly to stretch his limbs after
crouching In an uncomfortable position,
James McCormlck, a laborer in a tunnel at
tho Updike Milling company, suffered an
odd injury Thursday morning. The man
received such a severe bump upon the head
as he rose in the small tunnel that he was
rendered unconscious by knocking his head
on the top of the tunnel.
An ambulance and the police surgeons
were summoned from the police station and
the injured man was taken to the station
for treatment. It was not known how
seriously McCormlck's injury was.
A Mcrlona llrealtdotrn
results from chronic constipation. Dr.
Kings New Life Pills cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 15c. For
sale by Beaton lrug Co.
far 9T,B0O for Northeaat Corner
Foartenth and Harney, Site Oc
cupied by Theater.
A aale of part of the ground on which
t the Krug theater stands lias been effected
; by J. H. Dumont & Son. The Cassell Realty
; company, which is a Krug corporation, has
bought the land which its building has
I been occupying on a leave.
The price paid for the corner. 66x77 feet,
is M7.600. The Commonwealth Real Estate
i company la the seller, '
What Everybody Oagai to Knew. .
That Foley Kidney Pills contain Just the
' Ingredients necessary to tone, strenghten
and regulate the action of the kidneys and
bladder. Sold by all druggists.
Yor Samaner Matin.
If you are fond of fishing, canoeing,
ramping or the study of wild animals look
up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario
for your summer outing. A fish and game
reserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with
1.800 lake and rivers Is awaiting you, of
fering all the attractions that Nature can
bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude
t.tuO feet above sea level. Pure and exhil
arating atmosphere. Just the place to put
in your summer holidays. Good hotel
accommodation. An Interesting and pro
fusely Illustrated descriptive publication
telling you all about It sent free on appli
cation to W. S. Cooksun. 817 Merchants
Trust BuUdlug, Chicago,
V -
day is
Bale ot
8ae the
day Bltf
Bales of
Special Sale of Remnants
- Friday's sale vrill include many accumulations of odd
lots which we will sell at far less than regular prices.
( Odd Lots and Remnants of Wash Goods in Basements j
Dresa Ginghams Neat stripes and
chocks; also the pretty, new,
large plaids and solid colors
on bargain square,
yard, at
White Nainsook Slightly mussed
In folding, but we positively as
sert that a butter bargain has
never before been offered; 10,
000 yards, In perfect
mill lenghs. yard. . . ,
Mercerized Corded Batistes, New
Floral Printings; 18c
values, remnants, yard.
Light weight Knickerbocker suit
ings for rhlldrens wear; 8, 10 and
15-yard lengths, T
per yard, at.
Pretty dark styles, silk finished
Foulard Suiting; from our reg
ular departments; values up to
25c; remnants and bolts
to buy from, yard O2C
Fancy dark colored Suiting and
plain colored, linen finished
Suiting, in mill rem- T 1
nants, per yard, at "C
We have gathered together from our regular white goods
departments all the small lots of white madras waisting,
checked and striped dimities, India linons and. Persian
lawns; in fact, all kinds of white goodsup to 25c ni
values on bargain square at, yard 2C
Ask to see the new printed Floral Organdies Will make pretty street
dresses; from th bolt on bargain table, opposite elevator, Q 1
per yard, at OC
O till 11 A. M.
Remnants of print
ed Lawns; short
lengths, but fine
yard . .
8 till 0 A. M. Lengths
of Twilled Shirting
striped and blue twll
led; 12c
values, yd.
Friday afternoon, be
ginning at 1:30 10,"
000 yards fancy full
standard Dress Prints
desirable Z 1
lengths, yd. .'. J2C
Remnants of Summer Dress Goods
50c silk dots and plain weaves Koscoe silks, in 37 colorings
yard 2
G5c all linen 27-inch dress linen fabrics, yard ! !35c
C5c rough silk pongee for coats and suits, yard. . .' .' .39c
$1 and $1.25 imported 48-inch Ramie dress linens, yd., 69o
Remnants and Odd Lots of 18-inch Fine Embroidered
Flouncings, Skirtings and Corset Cover Widths Wide in
sertions and galloons; many worth up to 30c f r
big bargain square, at, yard I j)C
Remnants of Fancy Allover Laces Also remnants of appli
ques and insertions white and cream various f
kinds i to 1 yard in piece, at, each UC
Remnants of Odd Lots of Fancy Wash Laces and Insertions
Also linen torchon laces narrow and medium ZJ
widths worth up to 10c, at, yard
Fine Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, white and colors,
at yard ..2c
Two Specials ii Hair Goods. 2d Floor
20-inch natural wavy switches, made of fine hair $2.48
values at
. . . AO.
Three large auto nets Friday only T.25c
An Extraordinary Offering 1
Writing PaperS. Pound, at OC
This is our new "Special Cloth Finish" Paper, put
up expressly for us, and is as good as most papers
sold for 25c a pound. One pound contains over four
quires, so you see how much you can save in buying
paper this way. Envelopes to match.
Special on sale Friday and Saturday only.
On Bale Stationery Dep't Main moor.'
a a a: q v b n
n b a
Depend upon Friday to brlnR something distinctly worth while at
nennett'H. It's the one big bargain tiny of the week, the department
men plan for it and always have something uncommonly good to offer.
mtiii.j ii ii x
MAHATTA SILKS This laa beautiful rough snrfaeo
silk like the imported pongees, it comes in the tan
pongee shades as well as in a score or more of other
that are popular now. Fabric is 26 Inches wide; all
new goods from the piece, 50c is regular retail price, Friday, at, 29?
SILK MULLS We shall have on the table Friday a
lot of fine silk finished Mulls In back, cream, white,
blue and other wanted shades. The kind of goods
you know to sell at 25c everywhere. Friday, at, yard
Saturday is Our Great Special Sale
Men's Furnishing Goods
An Immense) Cash Purchase from Eastern Makers.
The Bargains Will Be Extraordinary.
Saturday We Announce a Special Sale of
Children's Wash Dresses
Thousands of pretty end practical summer P. ft no
dresses for children atfes 2 to 14-at . . JC"0 JC'VOC
A Wonderful Bargain
We luckily picked un this lot of W rf,na , o
fraction of their value, and are offering them to you
way below cost. There are plain and engraved chips
in various colors that have sold as high as $125 per 100.
On Bale Btatlonery Pep't Main moor.
Brandeis Store Basement
Special Clothing Sale
Men and Youn Men. $10 Summer Suits at $6.50
A recent purchase from a New York wholesaler gives you
the chance to buy a nobby summer suit up-to-date and
made to sell at $10.00 and $12.50 r m m
i II Boys' Knickerbocker Suite
Worth up to Si, at $1.69
Fancy cuffed patch pocket all tho
tilings the boys like,, double-breasted
coat style, full cut knicker
bockers, at
Boys $1.00 Rus
sian sailor or
blouse wash
suits at .. .45c
1 M . m a- lK i-
Doys 60c Shirt Waist
Blouses; light and
dark; on aale now
t 25
Boys' 75o Khaki
Knickerbo c k e r
pants at ,.39c
Boya $2.60 Wool,
Little Buster Brown
Suit bloomer
Panta ..,..'81.20
Boys' Itompera
age S to 6, 23c
A IOT OF 50c WASH FABRICS Such as Tussah
Silk3. Diagonal Silks. 30 inch Plaza Suiting In Pon
gee shades for roats and dresses, and half a dozen
other lines in tho most wanted shades. It's a mis
cellaneous lot, none worth under 60c a yard, Friday, for 29
LINEN SUITINGS Take your pick ot a lot of all
linen 25c Lining Suitings, both in natural shades
and th nrevailine colorlnes of the season. We also
inrlnrio uonnlno 45 Inrh Tinnile Linens In ereen. rose
and lavender shades that are 75c 'values, for 15 cents a yard.
Our Irish and French Linens, in colors, are down to half price Friday.
Friday Horning Promptly
at Nine O'clock
25 Only Tailored Wool Suits, $3.95.
For Women and Misses, All New
Styles, worth up to $19.50.
They're all different, odd .suits from earlier
aeason lines, white, navy, tan, green,
black and shepherd checks. Excellent
styles, perfect tailoring
Merely a lack of all
Blzes. Want to make a
Quick clean up so offer the lot at a rediculously low
price, each
ANOTHER NINE O'CLOCK SALE Linen Suits and English Kepp Suits
in colors, tan, blue, lavender, and some white, etc., all good. The
quick clean tip so offer the lot at a ridiculously low f nr
limited to about 25 suits, values to 15, at. eJJetf J
All Day Garment Bargains
House Dresses of serviceable prints
high and low neck styles $1.25
Lawn Dressing Sacques, light col
ors, 59c values, lot to close 39
Dress Nets in all col- Valenciennes laces Corset cover widths
ors, worth 75c, at, usually 60c and 75c and flouncings, worth
yard 10 olt. at. 29 to 30c, at, yard 5
broidered Jabots, a gerie Stocks with; Ja- Crochet Medallions,
lot of pretty new 2 bots, worth to $1.00, hand made, at 50c a
styles, at ..... .12 at ......... . 5 dozen, or each . .5
Bargain Friday Sales in China Room
200 American and English Earthen Jugs In flow blue and other artistic
patterns. New round shapes as displayed In Harney street
window. Values up to $1.00 each, Friday, at
Odds and Ends
Handled Beer
Glasses, Wine
Glasses, . G 1 a a s
Cologne 4 Bottles
to close out. at
Fern Dishes
Fancy shape
earthen ware
with lining, 100
on sale, values to
II. DO each
Oandeliere Com
plete with stick,
shade. cuirass,
and candle, splen
did $1.00 values,
choice, at
China Plates
White and gold
fruits, oatmeals,
etc. Havlland
pattern In Aus
trian chlno. at
Cut Prices on Season
able Hardware Needs
Grass Catchers, adjustable, usual 6 So
kind, special, at 49o
Brass Lawn Spray, special 75c kind,
at. each 59o
Grass Hooka or acycles, usually 30c,
for 1 . . ; 190
Lawn Mowers. 14 Inch, .absolutely re
liable machines, for $2.98
Screen Windows, adjustable 19o
fcjereen Wire Cloth, sq. foot, at ....80
White Canvas Oxfords for women
and children, 150 pairs $1.50 and
$2.00 values, at 95
Tan Ankle Strap Pumps, sizes 8
to 2, on E last, values $1.50, at,
Pair 95
Women's Oxfords, all small sizes,
out usuai jz.50 footwear, at,
Per Pr 31.25
Roys' Oxfords, tan, patent colt and
box calf, sizes 10 to 2, best $2.50
qualities, at, pair ' SI. 15
Grocery Offers for Friday and Saturday
Corn Meal, yellow or
white, lit lb. aacK Im
Bennett's Capitol Coffee,
lit. Pug- tor auo
and 30 stamps
Be mien's Best Coffee. 3
bounds tor . ...L.10
and 100 a tains p
Bennett's Best Colfee, 1
pound for 36a
and V0 stamps
Bennett's Bailable Cof
fee, pound 300
and 30 stamps
Teas, assorted kinds, at,
pound 0So
and 100 stamps
Teas, assorted kinds, at,
pound , B0o
, and li stamps
Tea' filftlnga, lb. p. 16o
. and 20 stamps
Capitol Baking ' fuwder,
6 J If. can tor . . 1.00
. and 100 stamps
Hubbard 8iuaah. to close
out. l$o Best We Have
bmnd, for ........ 10c
Pride ot Bennett's Flour.
savK ...91.60
and (0 stamps
Bennett's Capitol Mlnre
Meat, 4 paics. .tSe
California Klpe Olives,
60c cans for S80
Jap' Rice,' 7c quality. 6
pounds for S6o
dour Pickles, dosen .,60
Diamond Crystal bait. 14
pound saca tor . ...30o
l auco American Huupa.
Hue cans tor xtn
Monarch Cut Asparagus,
large can W60
and 10 stamps
Shredded Wheat Biscuit,
per package ....laHo
and 10 stamps
Cheese, full cream, per
pound gao
and 10 atamna
Cheese. Vlrignla bwlas. at
per pound 80o
and 10 stamps
Cheese, Limberger, per
brick aoo
Starch. Sterling Gloss.
pound box fl3o
and 20 stamps
Macaroni, Mtar and Cres
cent, 3 pkgs for ....86o
and 10 stamps
Ivory rloap, 6 cakes . .860
Bop Corn, shelled, 3 1im.
Crackers, all makes, per
pacKage 10c
and 10 stamps
S. W. C. Table Hyrun.
1H cans for . ...lOo
Pride of Kitchen Soap,
i cakes for 8 60
Hartley's Orange Mr-
malade, pure. Jar . .80c
Oalllard Olive Oil Banket
bottle for 300
and 30 stamps
Marshall's Preserved
Bloaters, can 800
and 10 stamps
E. C. Corn Flakes. 3 pkgs
for aoo
and 10 stamps
Eddy's Horseradish Mus
tard, Jar 100
and 5 stamps
Dutch Hand boap, 3
cakes for , .850
and 10 stamps
Queen Cldar Vinegar.
quart bottle 860
snd 20 stamps
Gillutt's Mustuvd, lartf
Jar for 16c
and 10 stamps
Dalidet Maraschino Cher.
rles, bottle 65o
Snider' Chill Sauce, bot-
' tie, for 86o
and 20 stamps
Spotlight Matches, six
large boxes 860
and 10 stamps
Nutlet Peanut Butter. 10
rent Jars. 3 for . .18o
DIuMiond C Soap,
for , 86o
Cookie Slpeolal, chocolate
and honey cookies, very
delicious, freali baked,
per pound 130
f i
Entirely new line Just from the New York maker, fine all
silk natural pongee coats with fancy colored
silk collars, full length models, all sizes, See
window Values to $20. A remarkable Friday bargain. . .
-250 Dozen Lingerie Waists
Our buyer Was on the ground when the New York manufacturer was
Disposing of hie over supply. Fine Lawn Barred Dimity Waists, waists
wit qUJbJy trimmed allover embroidery fronts or elaborate designs
In lace insertion. Every size, special, at 89
' i -f. t
White petticoats of fine cambric
and deep lawn flounce, prettily
tucked,' usually $1.25,
for $1.00
Household Cottons 1
36 Inch bleached Cambrics, soft fin- B
ish, our 16c grade, (12 yards to a
customer) at yard xoo fl
Pillow Cases 42x8 Inch, our 14c aiial-
lty. at. each T.lOo P
9-4 Sheets, well made, serviceable 65o
goods, at j so0
Huck Towels, heavy and durable
20x42 ln.-u. for 9 H
Table Damask, bleached, 64 inch. S5c P
value, at ;19o
Fancy White Goods,, also linen finish P
suiting, 12 Ho. ISc. and 18c goods. So
Children's Barefoot Sandals
250 pairs all leather sandals, tan calf, sewed soles) values $1.00 to
$1.60. Just the thing the youngsters need to romp in during the hot
months, Friday special 4fi
m Mere I
Great Hundley Stock Sale
And they'll be the biggest and best Bargain ,
Days of the Entire Sale. 1
Best Shirt
Bargains of
the Year
rr rn
ladles' Suit
anil Dress liar.
Kni tut Satur
tiny Never lie
fore Equalled.
Friday We Close Out All Remnants, Small and Broken
Lots From the Past Two Weeks' Tremendeous Selling, at
Startling Eargain Prices.
All the Remnants and Broken Lots
Wash Goods, White Goods, Muslins, Sheetings, Towels,
Sheets and All Kinds of Domestics from the HUNDLEY
WHOLESALE STOCK at a Small Fraction of Actual Re
tail Worth.
10c and 12 Mic Wash
goods; 7y2c Muslin
Prints and other
goods worth up to
12 Vic yard
Wash Goods. White
Goods, Organdies;
worth to 25c; big
assortment, per yd.
at 10
goods .
75c Wool Dress
$1.00 Wool Dress
II. CO Wool Dress
$2 .60 Wool Dress
12 Vic and 15a white i
goods; 12V4c and "9 1
15c wash goods; the i P
very best weaves, at, Q9
per yard. , . . . ... . . . )
95 : ' i
At 9:30 A. M. Cotton
Goods, worth to 10c
a yard, at aVo
At P. M. Wash
Goods, worth to 50c
a yard, at lOo
Negligee Shirts
Men's and Boys'
50c values,
but slightly soil
ed, to close, at,
each 6f
1 Shirts, 20c
Men's and Boys'
with or with
out collars; big
assortment, at,
choice . . 20
Suspenders 35c
values ...5
Men's and Doys'
Belts 25c val
ues 0
23c Hosiery, 10c;
Men's,. Ladles'
and Children's;
Friday, at
7H and 1Q
Friday's Specials Garment
Section Domestic Room
500 Stylish Tailor Suits From
the Mew York Stock.
Lot 1, worth to 15.00, your
choice Friday $5.00
Lot 2, worth to $18.50, your
choice Friday $6.50
Ladies' Long Kimonos; regular
$1 values, at 49
50c Dressing Sacques. .. .25
Wrappers and House Dresses
Values to $1.60, on sale Fri
day, at, choice 08
Cravenette Raincoats Worth
to $7.50, choice $2.95
$1.60 Wash Underskirts. .G9
Children's Wash Dresses Reg
ular values to $3; Blzes 6 to
14 years, at. .$1.50 and $1
Children's Rompers and Dresses
values to 75c, choice, 25J
Lad lea' Union
Suits Lisle
garments the
50c and 75c
qualities, at
25 and 9
Ladles' Gauze
Vests Values
to 23c; regular
. and extra sizes,
7 and Q
Men's fl Union
Suits All sizes,.
Friday ...49
Men's Balbriggan
Unde rw ear
Shirts and draw
ers; all colors
worth to $1, at
25 and 394
Closing Out Specials that You
Wont Find Duplicated in any Other Store
25c Dress Shields, pair 9
15c Corset Shields, pair... 4
25c Needle Books, at 4ia
5 rolls Cotton Tape, at 4ia
15c Pearl Buttons, dozen.. 4H
15c Dressing Combs, at....4i&
15c Hand Mirrors, at 4H
10c Box Hair Pins 4H
10c Nickeled Nursery Pins, 4V
60c Elastic Belts, at 25
25c Neckwear, at.... 15
15c Linen Handkerchiefs.
25c Laces, per yard., 7W
;e, per yara 19?
Sole Omaha Selling Agents
for the Zion City and Elyrla.
Wash Laces.
Magnificent Silk Bargains Friday
All Remnants from the Hundley Stock Sale Sacrificed for Quick
Clearance Here Friday.
AT 25 nl 38 Plain and fancy Silks, worth mora than
double the sale price; thousands of yards for your selection, in
nearly every imaginable weave and color.
80c Natural Pongee, 50c- One
- lot of these popular silks; 36
. inches. wide; best bargain of
the season, at 59
27-inch Pongees Rough and
semi-rough; all-silk; just the
thing for coats; great snap
at 49 nnd 59
White Jap Silk 20
Inches wide; 29c
value, at. . . . 18
$1.00 Black Taffetas, flOc 30
inches wide; heavy qualltyj a
value ' you won't ' duplicate
elsewhere, at. . . , ... .,, . -GOtf
85c Black Taffeta, 50c 27 in.
wide; heavy quality; oil boiled
a delightful bargain, Fri
day at, yard 59
White Jap Silk 27 White Jap Silk 30
inches wide; 60 inches wide, 75c
value, at. .. .35 value, at. .. .49
Road tho Big Special Grocery
Salo for Friday '
It pays to trad at Haydon's Mam
moth Orooary Department.
48-lb. sacks Diamond H High Patent
Flour 91.35
18 lbs. beat Granulated Sugar. . .91.00
. 8 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap 85o
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello. per
pkg 7tto
OH or Mustard Sardines, per can...4o
Tall eana Alanka Salmon lOo
The beat Domestic Macaroni. pkg..5o
Large bottles Oerman or French Mus
tard . ,' , , ' 5a
E C Corn Flakes, pkg 7Ho
Large bottles Aanorted l'lckloa. I'ure
Tomato Catsup or Worcester Sauce,
bottle 8H0
8 cans Lavallne, the great Magic
Cleanser lOo
The best Peanut Butter, per lb.,.15o
2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for 7Ho
2-lb. cans fancy Wax, String. Ureen
or Lima Beans...' THo.
8-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Hciuush or Baked Beans.. BVJo
2-lb. cans Early June Sifted Peaa.TWc
TE a TABXjB pbiceo.
2 bunches fresh Asparagus So
Fresh Spinach, per peck 60
4 bunches fresh Onions 60
8 bunches fresh Turnips. ,..,.60
8 bunches fresh Beets So
8 bunches fresh Radishes So
Large Hothouse Cucumbers ..60
2 heads fresh Cauliflower 6c
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 7
Fresh Wax or Greta Heuns. lb.,.74o
Fresh Green peas, quurt , to
2 bunches fresh Parsley... 60
2 bunches freBh Carrots 80
New Potatoes, per perk 350
New Potatoes, per lb 8Vio
2 large bunches Pieplant 60
New Cabbage, per lb 3io
6 heads Dettuce .60
They are higher un1 still going up
on account of shortagu in small
fruits tomorrow, each, Co, 7Uo
8'ioand . . . loi
Per dozen. . . .60, B60, sse tad 91.10
Tho Plrst of the Aprloota for Canning
Friday, per rrate four baskets,
containing about 24 quarts per
crate 91.40
Your Vacation J
i Will not DO uoiupitsic w1111u.11 una uur
We sell the Waterman and Ccnl.lin, a
I f f I your wattli In order before you go. Doc
lSie. Douglas StreC
He Who Advertises in The Bee L
Keeps His Automobile Busy