10 jnri hrirj: uiMAttA", fitiiJAi, JUJNM 17, l!HO. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM A!D HACII LAND FOR IAI.B FARM AJtD I1AXC1I LA WD FOR ALB Colorado. 33,000 Acres An Empire at Auction Where One Crop Pays For the Land G M. GRUENTHER, Trustee ' Will eell 210 KIT CARSON COUNTY FARMS at BUR- ' x ' L1NGTON, COLORADO, Juno 23d, 1910. $400 DOWN 'And $400.00 in 30 days js the highest amount of cash required to buy any 1G0 acre tract. This is a FORCED SALE. You can count on bargains. Special train oi the Rock Island from Omaha June 21st. Low fares. Any Rock Island excursion ticket good on this train. You can buy to Denver, Colo rado Springs or any western point, and stop off at Bur lington for this sale. Make the price of many vacation trips by buying a Bummer excursion ticket west, stop at Burlington for this sale, pick up a bargain there and then spend a week or a month in the mountains. .Write or telephone for partic ulars. C. M. GRUENTHER, Trustee i: Tel. Tyler 1070 Room 307 First National Bank Bldg- Omaha, Nebraska. REAL ESTATE l . CITY PHOFKRTlf FOR SALE (Continued.) INVESTMENTS 9,000 Buys two large atores 22x70, with full light basement and our flats above, on CumUig St., close to 24th 8, the greatest transfer point In Omaha. Owner has just spent $2,600 on this property and It Is In perfect repair, with new plumbing throughout.' Rents are $100.00 a month and cneap at that. Will soma day earn $150.00. 11,500 Three stores, 6 flats and a cottage, all In good repair, on 26th St., near Franklin. Rents should be $135.00 a month. Double frontage on 24th and . 23d Sts. If you want a place of bus- Iness and good home and investment - all In one place, here is your great opportunity. U.7S0 Greatest home and investment in Omaha, one 7-room house and one 11- roora house, within walking distance, full lot, paved street Rents for $43.50 I . a month. You can occupy a part of 1 one house and pay for the property i out of the rents. Only $500.00 down to " buy this. I N. P. DODGE & CO., - 16th and Harney. i REDUCED IN PRICE ; To $3,000 from $3,500 Owner Lives in California and ( Wants to Close Out. Beautifully located home in Windsor Place, 2146 South 34th St. Close to Hanscom Park and Field club, 8 room house, good barn, grounds 75 feet by 132 feet. PERRINE & WOLCOTT, y j,! Sole Agents, Suite 328 Brandeis Theater I Bldg., Doug. 7801. List your properties with us for prompt sale. We have no houses of our own to sell before we sell yours. THE GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED t 2620 CADWELL ST. A well preserved modern, V jtory, 8 room residence, south front.' Easy terms. FRED S. HADRA, ' 526 New York Life Bldg., ' : . Tel. Doug. 4334. VACANT lot on Meredith Ave., near Slst L Bargain for you. P. O. NIELSEN 4 CO., tOJ N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phones D. 2204, A-4340. Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. . W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., (Tel. D, 786. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. 6-ROOM oottage, barn, chirken house, well, electric llaht. I lots, 60x133 each, near Krug Park. Price only $2,100. Easy terms. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., T01 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phones D. 2204, A-4340. $100 DOWN We have a small store and five-room cot tage at if.it ri and K streets, South Omaha, tor $1,600. $100 down and balance same as rent. Purchaser can move right In, N. P. DODGE & CO., l&th and Harney FOR SALEv-A bargain, 1 lots near Hans com park, S. $4th Si., between Center Ave. and Frances St Owner, F. M. Williams. Iowa Fulls, la. "bIX-ROOM HOUSETor sale; lot 132x163; tfrme reasonable. Paul Sydow. 192S S. 15lh. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANOI LANU FOR ALB Vessus. ' TEXAS OVl.V COAST LAND. We are now selling the Wilder ranch, which Joins the Taft; one of the best tracts of laud In the Gulf Coaat. It is located on two railroads and romea right up to Sin ton, a new elty of t,uu population. We offer thla In any slae tracts at from S to $u0 per anr. Oet our booklets; find ul about the opportunities. Paul Co., 221 Security Bank. MUiaeapolla, IRIUQATED LAND. 80 and 160-acre tracts of smooth, fertile. Irrigated lanu on the Cosillla estate In the Saa Luis valley of Colorado cun yet be purchased at $o0 an acre, 'in is Includes a perpetual water right, Lasy terms. Larg est and must attractive project ever de veloped In Colorado. 6,uvu acres in culti vation this year. Write for tree maps and folders. COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO., lttti Ciiampa SL, Denver, Colo. CHEAP LANDS Large and suiail tracts. E. E. Dey, Akron Com. 1,600 ACRES, 6 miles south of Yuma, Colo. Will suil cheap ror cash or trade for city property or eastern Nebraska farm land. J. Fred Kerr, Omaha, Neb., 306 a. lith fit. Irkmiuu, A GIFT OF FIVE ACRES. "Back to the Land" Is a magazine for tne townsman who wr.nts to go to the farm a practical guide for making a paying tarm home; subscrip tion $1; besides regular commissions, we will give five acres, your choice, worth $500, tor best subscription list; ask partic ulars, "back K the Land," Fort Smith, Ark. ST. FRANCIS VALLEY LAND. NORTHEAST ARKANSAS. 160 acres, 16o In cultivation; rented for $7 per acre; three-fourths of a mile front town on Frisco; produces 76 busheis corn per acre; fine for altaiia and clover; three Houses; price $s,500 cash, 1,000 acres, iuO in cultivation; rents for $7 per acre; aoout 20 tenant houses; H4 miles from town on Frisco; rich alluvial soli; prloe $62,600; $12,600 cash; bu.auco easy Farms, timber and cutover lands In tracts and on tern.s to suit everybody. Write for further information. ANTHONY & FAlRLETt. Osceola, Ark. FOR SALE This lb a teauty; 24S acres; one mile from a nice railroad town; all in cultivation; mostly creek bottom; dark loam soli; very lertlle; Hug "wire fence; 6 room dwelling, large double-story barn, 2 terant house; fine everlasting water. 1 will take $10 per acre if . sold wltnlu So days, it lull mean business, write ma Joe Mack. Collins. Ark. FOR SALE $1,600 will buy a nice farm o( 112 acres; 60 acre in cultivation; rich crek- bottom; good 4-iooui house, 1 tenant house; wire fence; $ wells, fins water; 4 miles to good town; rural delivery. Tula is a good chance tor a man to get a good home. If you will get busy you cau get lU li. V, Bailey. Muntlcello, Ark. Canada. 12,000 ACRES CANADIAN LANDS. Fine tract wheat lend, steam plow propo sition, in central Sabkaicnenan; finest quality; will bear Closest Inspection; write lor particulars and terms. Jonu P. Wadge, real estate. Din St. Brandon, Maultuua, Canada. , Florida. EVERGLADES LAND. We still have a few thousand acres ot Florida Everglade lands, which are selling at $1 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. This land will positively all be sold out in a few weeks; if you are in terested act quick. Everglade Land Sales Co., 0U Holland mag., bt iouis. Mo. THE drained lands of "The New Flor ida" are the richest In the world. We offer our own land in tracts and on easy terms to suit; also managers for the Flor ida Fruit Lands Co., which are the orig inators ot the famous auction distribution P'U" RICHARD SON-KELLETT CO., Suite 23, Palace Bldg., Minneapolis Minn, Illinois. TEN-ACRE FARM. Fine rich level Illinois land, convenient to St. Louis markets and uear good local town and shipping point; ail lit cultiva tion t fine for truck, fruit and berriea poultry and country homes; uear large cunning icwij .u . n.tiu. i ..lx-irlu line, now building to St. Louis: urlce tor 10 acres, $750 and up; terms $iw) !c, and 210 per month; can show this propeny any afternoon leaving office at l o'clock p. m. and return at 8;3u p. m. - . . . .. . 1 K . . I .1 Come preparvu w gv kiiu wot . .'w iuu. & H. MORTON sc CO., Laud Agents, Room U7, 700 Chestnut au at. i.ouis. FOR SALE $60 down. $6 monthly, buys ia rich sardeu. fruit and Douitr land, near Alma, 111.. Marion County, haj 2-room frame nouse, cmcaeu uouse, r cleared: nicely sliuaied on Oka river, aoout hi nines from St Louis, on Illinois Central i all way; -snap ; (tuu. J B. Jarrell. Mount Veruou. ill. ivausaa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A nice uuare kectiun of MO acres, black (lav loam soli, clay subsoil; could not lay better; 10 miles south of Brewster, Thomas Co., Kansas. School house across the road from it. Land improved all arounc. Two years' crops will pay tor tills land. Price, (U.fcUU. Moilgage of $4,600. drawing Interest at i per cent, due March, Uln. Will lake j,0v0 In good clear income city prop erty, balance casn. n you wain a uargaiu address. LM1L C. AEOERTER. RANDOLPH, NEB FARMS for sale, Kansas. E4 section Is, township 4. range u, Rawlins county Kansas; lou cull., one-fourth crop goes with land, i'rice, sj.hw. lerms. LATUKOP & TOB1N. 421 Bee Biog. Omaha, Neb. lftsasars. FOR PALE SOS-acre valley farm: ood. tillable land: no rock, no overflow 130 acres in cultivation; good e-rooui fra.ne bouse and outuulldings; cistern, well and pund; family orchard; daily mall; 1 mile to school, cnurcn ana uraaing point; 7 miles lo rauruaa; s miles to Bt. LAuia, Price, 2 acre, norvsu xiasa. eteeiviiie, uo. REAL ESTATE FARM AXD ll l.MH LAM IJ FOR SALE MUsourt Contlaaed. FOR PALK Farm, 750 acres, miles Fen dlton. Mo.; over 200 acres cultivated; abou: 100 acres In crops; balance merchantable timber, all fenced; an meal stock-raising farm; t.wM 7-year-old fruit trees; new -room house, all necessary buildings, in best condition; 15 per acre; easy terin; trade not considered. Address Theodore Juencsu 23C2A Farrar St. St Louis, Mo. FOR SALE 72-acre (arm, near Floris sant. Mo.; lias good house, fine barn all kinds of fruit, grapes elo.; two cisterns tine weil and a good spring; at $176 per acre. C. RUKHL, Clayton. Mo. FOR SALE We have some special bar gains in small farms; also one or two bar gains In larger farms; tin-acre farm at li2.no per acre; ev-acre tarui, new five toom nouse, never occupied; one of the most beautuul farms In mis county; $3,vw ou solid rocK road, three nines east of De Boiu. ua bo to Land Co., De Bo to Mo. ' FOR HALEr-Oniy $!) per acre;- no better stock farm or colonization tract In Mis souri; 3,400 acres. 20 cultivated; wire fence, spring water, $ dwellings, stock scales and barns; numerous other build ings; large lot merchantable nardwooj timber; llu miles from tit. Louis. IRON COUNT REALTY CO.. Ironton Mo. FOR BALE 70 acres; new 4-room framo bouse with line cellar, smokehouse, wood shed, bi.rn, caitleshed, tuoished, henhouse, cistern, two laige ponda, concrete porch and walk; 20- acres in pusture, lo in wheat, IV meadow, 12 in clover, ti allalfa. balancit In corn; all hog wire fenced; urciiaru; easy payments. Mia, W. 'i.'.- UolUoO, Su Clair, Mo. We are getting out our new Hat of Boon county prairie tarms for vale; send us your address and we will forward you one of tnem; investigate this seutiou if ycu are hunting the best. STURGEON REALTY CO.. Sturgeon. Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains in South Missouri. Morris & Walker, Moun tain View. Mo. Minnesota. '' SLAUGHTER LAND SALE. Unequaled Opportunity; Easy terms. Washburn County, Wisconsin. 163 acres unimproved land, $6.7 Ji acres unimproved land, $3.50. 205 acres improved land, $s.i5. JTW acres Improved land, $1) 60. W acres improved land, $11.50. lt0 acres unimproved land, $D."5. 100 acres partly improved land, $11.50. UU acres partly improved laud, $12.50. loO acres partly improved land, llLii. 440 acres improved aand, $12.75. eu acres unimproved land, lii.50. Large tracts ot western land at sacrifice prices. We handle nothing but snaps. If you want to sell your farm at Vi its value write us. If you want to buy a iarm at H its value, writ us. We want live repre sentatives everywhere. Minnesota-Montana Ranch Co., 600 Court liloclt. St Paul. Minn. 12-ACRE FRUIT FARM. mile from Crystal Bay station; four room house, barn lrtxiJO, full concrete base ment, 40-foot poultry house, well, 60 apple trees, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acres rasp berries, plums, acres cultivated, 2 acres pasture; borders on small lake; good gar den and fruit land. Only $2,6uu. J. M. Davies Ilk 4th St Minneapolis. 225-ACRE well improved Blue Earth county farm. - 100 acres improved farm. Pipestone Co. 143 acres Flue county, cut-over land. Above farms for merchandise. $8,000 harness aim shoe stock. $17,000 stock of general merchandise and building. 10-room furnished, modern solid brick. ClOB8 In. JO-room individual brick to trade for merchandise. All new Lake Harriet modern nouse, easy terms. List your merchandise stocks, city ana land with us. We make exchanges no matter where located. C. F. Carlson-Atlas Land Co., Ulobe Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. IMPROVED FARMS 80 MILES FROM MINNEAPOLIS. 60 acres ot clay loam soil. S miles front town; 46 aores cultivated, balance is pas ture, all fenced; new tt-room house with cellar, furnace heat, new barn, -5x30x10, with addition 14x20, full length; cement floors and maneers. corn crib, hen house. windmill and excellent water. Tne land la new and the buildings are new. lt'a a snap at $4,000; reasonable terms. SO aores a miles from good town; 60 acres cultivated; clay loam soil, balance is fenced In pasture, joins toe above so; good b-room house, with cellar, barn 4xjo, cement floors, corn crib, granary, hen house, wind mill and fine water; 6 acres fenced witn woven wire. Price, $40 per acre. UALI & MCLEOU, 702 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. BEAUTIFUL 120-ACRE FARM AT price of. improvements: good soil, level. 70 acres in crop, balance bard wood timber and pasture; living water in pasture, bor ders on nice lake; fine, new, 7-room house, iooi uouse, macnu.e sued, wagon sneu, etc., all in first-class repair; 'goud well, less than bait mile to school and church, 2 miles to store and creamery. OVi miles to North Branch. Minn., on Northern Pa cific; 40 milea north of twin cities. Price, $2,850 casn, or $1,000 cash, balance long time. No greater value was ever offered in a farm anywhere. Mrs. Sadie Fuller, 1700 Laurel Ave.. St Paul, Minn. ITeltrasha. Another Carload of land seekers left Omaha Tuesday after noon on tne "ayne special, bound for the Scott's Bluff country. These are not mere sightseers, but people who want land. They buy and become actual settlers. We are running an Excursion Every Week But do not wait too long before deciding to go. Get a piece of that land now and after while you can laugh at the man who wishes he had bought. Have you ever thought of what 15,000 acres of sugar beets mean to the iScott's Bluff country? J no average product will probably be 16 tons to the acre. They are al contracted for at the new factory at $u per ton, or an average of $0 per acre, or a total of $1,200,000 for the crop this season. The potato crop of the valley will bring at least half as much. There is Money to Be Made On Irrigated Land. The first crop of alfalfa Is now being haV vested, it is tne ' easiest money ' of anv crop, always in demand at the highest market prices. The lands we arc selling at $65 to $85 per acre, with permanent water rights, will easily pay for themselves on the easy terms otfered, one-fifth cash and balance In ten years at 0 per cent uo out witn us on our Next Excursion Tuesday, June 21. You will be surprised, you will bo sntls fled that It Is a wonderful country wittr a great future, we wunt actual guttlers, not speculators. I'AYNU INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam Streets. Ask for further Information. "Manless Land for Landless Man." FILLMORE COUNTY FARM. 160 acres, well Improved, 9y acres corn 25 acres wheat, 10 acres alfalfa, 14 acres orchard and building grounds, balance pas ture, one of the best farms in the county; price, $100 per acre; owner moving lo Omaha will take good residence In ex change. C. M. Rich, 544 Bee Bldg. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved, 160 acres, tine land; iu miles to umana, o miles to South Omaha stock yards, price it sold quick, $lo0 per acre. C. R. Combs, N Room 15 Old U. S. Nat Bldtr., 12th and Farnam. Phone, D. <l. SNAPS IN FAKMS. 160 acres, Deuel Co., Neb., price $20 per acre, luo acres, Antelope l o, rserj., good Improvements, 130 acres under cultivation price $15 per acre. Two sections, Cheyenne Co., Neb., $111.50 per acre. 640 acres in Sioux Co., Neb., good improvements, all fenced and croas-fenced; piles xiu ptr acre . .Western Ileal Estate Co., ill Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AN U HA.Uil LAND FOR SALE Aebrasku- - oatluaed. BARGAIN In 1'iaut. Valley Irrigated Farm I Kxtra good low acres; must be sold quick. 6w acres allalla, BO acres best wheat grass meadow In the country; 3u acres to other crops. $ao per acre. Write quick for terms and lurtner iiuurmatiou lo Hut No. hd Ueruig, Neb. $30 ACRES timber land. I miles from rail road station, w 111 cut over three million feet of good lumber, and when the land is cleared it Is the best fruit land In the world. Price. $30 per acre. Clear. Want Omaha income, or would preler to trade one-ualf interest to an experienced lumber man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 634, New York Lite ldg. 'Piione Red 1W. 2,620-Acre Uy-to-Date Ranch. At the price of raw land. Cut Into 10$ tracts, 'this land will sell soon at 136 bur acre. Price, $3v,uu0. Very easy terms. INUWATA LAND ANU LOT CO., Suite 034, New York Life Building. 'Phone Red WJ. I 700 ACHES. NEAR OMAHA At just about one-half the price asked for adjoining land. Finely Improved farm. Any businehs terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., bulls 634 New York Life Building. 'Phone Red latia. TWO BIO BAROA1NS. 320 acres, 1.5 cultivated; best black Clay soil, new D-room house; price, $C,o00. im) acres, llu best bottom land; 110 culti vated. Improved, IVi nines to town; $45.00 per acre. SJ.OCK3 LAND CO., Kearney, Neb. Korth Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA FARM LAND Excursion June 21st. Closing out large tract fine agricultural land, underlaid with coal, Stark Co., N. D., near Northern Pacific It. It, $11.60 to $30 per acre; easy terms. Prices 3 to $u per acre lets than adjoining lands. Write tor map and full lntorniation. Excursion 1st and 3d Tuesday each month while this land lasts. Your expenses paid if you buy. J. II. DUMONT & SON, IriOo Farnam St, Omaha. DAICOTA LANDS. Large tracts of land in Hettinger, Kid der, Burleigh, Mercer and Stark counties, also tracts In Sweet Grass, Yellowstone and Custer counties, Mouiaaa, and Saa katcehwan. We have the lands, own the lands and can deliver. E. C. Williams. Temple Court. Minneapolis. NORTH DAKOTA We havo several fine quarters, half sec tions and section in Billings and Bow man counties that we can sell on reason able terms, located near good towns and railroad. This land is from 75 to bo per cent tillable and the best ot soil. Write tor lists and prices. UALf 6 M'LEOD. 703 Palace Bidg., Miuieapolla, Minn. 6,000 TO 20,000-ACRE tracts of Montapa and western North Dakota lands lor sale at frtm i.60 ti lo per acre. SCHWAB BROS.. 123 Guaranty Blug., Minneapolis, Minn. Ore son. BUY farm lands now. They are dally In creasing m vaiue. There is a mimed amount of land, but no limit to tne luture popuia tion. The iJacirlc Northwest is tne present land of opportunity. We have a rlne assort ment ot larms, some of which win suit vou. Write us today, stating your require ments, and we will mail you full particulars tree. The Card Realty & luv. Co., 036 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. Sooth Dakota. FOR SALE South Dakota lands, $15 to $40 per acre, near town. For booklet map and prices on tne best and cheapest au urtHs L. L. liugauian, - pukwaua, Bruie county, S. D. . SOUTH DAKOTA-CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS. The rush Is on tor Stanley county; buy lands near the new rallrpad and double your money In the next year; 3u,u00 acres to select from;. $10, to $1)1 per acre. Call or write Felland Realty Company, Wl Palace Bldg.., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 320 acres; every acre tillable; deep black soil;' near town; price, $3i per acre. Frank Mashek. Kimoail. S. D. FOR SALE Extra choice half section In Hyde couNty, S. v. Ail good tillable land. Price $3o pur acre, 'luu j&.eiser Land Co., rtlghmore, s. L. FOR SALE Extra fine 100 acres unim proved land near Hlghmore in Hyde county, u. Liioice agricultural iana. per acre; easy terms, ilie Kelser Laud Co., High mure, b. D. Tcuncasee. ' ORCHARD FOR SALE. 1,000-ACRE orchard iu northern Tennes see; one of the finest orchards in the United Stales; thousands of fruit trees coming Into bearing tins year; store, can ning factory, three residences, muies, im plements, etc., go with tne place; a cnance Ot a llieume 10 me ngui party, unuer cannot attend to it and Is obiltfed to sell; will give long nine or take pan in iraue, If necessary. Union Savings bank, Lau Claire, Wis. Washington. BIG MONES US' TIMBEF Timber lands In Pacific norinwest are going up rapidly and steadily. Large In crease .n value every year due to rapid Increases, demand and decreased supply. Buyers making big profits. Heretofore only capitalists could operate. Wo offer opportunity to Invest In timber in sums fitm $lu0 up. Interest guaranteed and pro portionate snare of proms, uesi ot se curity, tie Iter than stocks or bonds and much more profitable. For complete in formation and details address American Timber Co.. Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Miscellaneous. CAN locate parties on desirable timber. fruit, agricultural and grazing lands. In California, Oregon and wasnington. bpeolal government iana list, wun laws, sent to all Interested parties, west American Land and Timber Co., Sacramento, Cat, 71ii K INVASION OF FORT GEORGE FARMERS BUYING LAND EVERY UAX GREAT WEEK OF SALES Men who are "live" moneymakers have invanea our oince ior tne past 10 days. OUR SPECIAL INDUCEMENT WORKED WONDERS $1 Cash and balance Out of Crons. OUR RESELECTION CLAUSE GUAR. ANTEE reserves 10,000 acres for each and every buyer's reselection. RAILROADS' GREATEST DIVISIONAL poim urarid rrunn it. it., B. C. Cen tral R. R., Canadian Northern R. R, River transportation. Cattle ranch, jiuxeu luiiniug; uaie ami barley splendid crops; grasses luxuriant; tim otny neaus u inches; riHii and game abundant; vegetables unsurpassed; po tatoes, 700 bueheia to the acre, selling at high price. Each acre can produce $,0uo profit to the early buyers, who jump In and take contracts from the construction camps for supplies. Ap pointments arranged at any time. If you can't call, send for government re ports, uiue prints, etc. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC LAND CO.. tit iNew ioik ine mag., umana. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. T. Ufa $30$ to tiuu.uw on improved property, m delay. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith As Co.. 1230 Farnam St. WANTED City loana Patera Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. LOWEST RATES Berals. Brandeis Bid 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed. waa mag, urn and jiaruam. $VM to $5,000 on bomes In Omaha. O'Kee'e Real Estate Co.. IVoi N. Y. Life. Douglas or A -313. UECOND mortgages negotiated. 620 New uuuii isational Bank Bldg. uoug. 4334. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOB l t and 7-room bousea If prices are right we ran sell your property tor you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CUu Suite 2 N. Y. Ufe Bldg WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention Ui tact that you saw the ad. la The Bee, SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA horse shoeing shop, 614 N. 2i"th. Experience has made horses feet an open book to me. 11. Noone. S. 632. EVERY LADY LIKES DISTINCTION Our HATS are especially attractive; see them. Ryan's, , 61 N. 24th- St, South Omaha. OUR WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT can be depended upon as far as doing the most perfect work Is concerned. Jacobson A Furen Co., Jewelers and Opticians, 2404 N ft., South Omaha. . SWAPS $16,000 CLEAR, improved, to trade for land $! to $12 per acre, up to $30.ou,; will pay cash difference or assume. Nowata Land & Lot Co., Suite 624 N. X. Life Bldg. Phone Red ltftm. C30 ACRES timber land, S miles from rail road station. Will cut over three million feet of good lumber, and when the land Is cleared It is the best fruit land In the world. Price, 30 per acre. Clear. Want Omaha Income, or would preler to trade one-lialf Interest to an experienced lumber man. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 634 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 10D0. WE can trade anything, anywhere, LATHROP & TOB1N, D. 2056. 421 Bee. TAILORS MISFIT tallor.xl suits $35 and $40 values at $15. bee A Rubensteln, 211H S. 14th St U. A L1NWU1ST CO., $36 PAJCTON BLK. FOR evening functions full dress Is the rule, and to get It made rlgnt see n,d Thiel, Tailor, U9 S. 16th bt WANTED-TO BORROW WANT, to borrow $0,500 on gilt-edge first mortgage real estate security, at per cent Interest. Address, K 603, Bee. WANTED 10 BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand turrlture, carpets, clothing aud shoea Phone Douglas $OTL SECOND-HAND clothing; party, after noon dresses. John Felduiau, D. lUg. A-2031 Best prices for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Gold. etc. NATHAN. 211 bo. 13th St BEST price tor 2d-hand clothing. D. $440. WANTED A Stanley steamer runabout, 190 or mo model. Address u nee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Slues. List With Ua NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. $24 N. Y. Life Bldg. phone Red llWs. WANTED Desk room. Kindly state with or without desk. A. R. Celcls, Hotel Loyal. WANTED To rent modern suit of two or three rooms (unfurnished preferred; with board, within easy walking distance. Address D 657. Bee. SMALL BARN On or before June 1st, between Cuming and Leavenworth and east of 2ith St. Address, J 50, Bee. 1 WANTED A 5-room cottage, not too far out. Give - location and price. Address H 13, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by up-to-date lady irraduata registered niiarmacist; twenty years' experience; capable of managing store, or would like position ior piiamia ceutical house; can sell the goods. Address Y 114, care Bee office. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPAGE OFFICE of the Depot gusrtermaster. Third and Olive Sts., St. Louis., Mo., May 21, 1910. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received nere unui 12 o'clock noon, central time, June 18, 1910, and then opened In the presence of attend ing bidders, ior iurnisnins: ana aeiiveriiig ri tha st Louis Deoot. 3.000 axes. 7.0U0 mosquito bars, single; 10,000 bedsacks. 25,000 brushes, scrubbing; 25 bugles, F A.; 500 tel escope cases, ,000 bestead casters, 1,000 leg mounted, 1,000 plain; 2,500 chairs, barrack, K. D.; 500 colors, camp with staffs; 200 cords, trumpet, cavalry; sw coras, irumpet, infantrv : 5.000 cot covers, olive drab; 6,000 mattress covers; 5,000 helves, axe; 6,000 card holders for bunks, 10,000 pillows, w.uuu pu-low-cases. 2.000 shovels, short handled; 6,000 springs, helical, N. P., Iron beds; 25 staffs. guidon; 6 staffs, standard; zw stands, mu sic; 6,000 stovepipe joints, tent; 600 stoves, tent; 60O trumpets, G with F slides. Con tracts to be subject to an increase of not to exceed 50 per cent. If desired by the gov ernment. The united states reserves tne right to reject or accept any proposal or any part thereof. Blank forms and all In formation furnished upon application - to this office. Proposals to be sealed, ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed, Proposals for Equipage, to be opened June 18, 1910." W. M. Coulling, Major, Quarter master, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. tua-it-a-M-j 10-11 FORT DES MOINES. IOWA. JUNE 4. 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, win be re ceived here until 3 p. m., standard time, June 20, 1910, for supply and Installation of pews and fixtures In Post Chapel, subject to the usual conditions, tun lniormation furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked "Pro posals tor Chapel Furniture, ana ad dressed to Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Des Moines, Iowa. J 7,8,9,10,17,18. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice is hereby given that Notice to Bidders is being published In the Crete Vldette-Herald of Crete, Nebraska, whlcn provides for the submitting of bids to the City ot Crete, Saline County, Nebraska, for the purpose or furnishing ail material and labor for the building and constructing of a sewer system in ana ior said city. Said system is to be a sanitary Hewer System, constructed, built and combined with a Storm Sewer. The estimated coat of same is $40,000. Time for presenting and tiling bids expires on the 20th day of June, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m. All bids filed will be opened June 20th, 1910, at 2:20 p. m. For plans and specifications and other details and conditions apply to either ot the undersigned. ANTON DREDLA. Mayor, Crete, Nebraska. F. A. NOVAK, City-Clerk. Crete. Nebraska. P A. Edqulst, Special Engineer, 832 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska, Draws Big Sum and is Robbed Colored Man Removes $500 from the Bank and Then Loses Vest and All. William Raven, colored, living at 215 North Twelfth street, Thursday morning reported to the police the less of $500, and cause) the arrest of Clarence Otvlns, a porter. Glvlns, who lives at 416 North Fourteenth street, accompanied Raven when the latter drew the money out ot the Merchants' National bank Monday, ac cording to Raven. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All Mas era Safety Dsvloes (Wireless, eta I London-Paris-Hamburg Oral WaldsrM. . Juns tlPna. Lincoln Jul? t tK.U'n Aug.Vl. June 6 tAm.rlk July t Bluchr June u 'fnt Grant Jul? IS DuUK'llnd .... July t!On-lnnu ju7 tkui- rlloo i ! Cww hMUuraau Hamburg Sllact. Nv. llABlljUrg-Ainerlcan Line, 45 Broadway, ii. OUR HOME SIDELIGHTS ALONG i WASHINGTON BYWAYS There are no "gentlemen In the senate In a parliamentary sense, that Is some muckraking critics have insinuated broadly that there were none In any other old sense, but they have not yet got a decree. In the parliamentary way, however, the verdict has been duly handed down and accepted. A member of the house Is a "gentleman," but a member of the senate la only a senator, and must be addressed by that title. He Is willing to take the chances If he Is called a senator. The determination came about recently by reason of the fact that some senators Invariably new ones have a habit of addressing one another when on the floor as "the gentleman." This Is very painful to the veterans, a grave breach of pro prieties which makes Senator Hale shiver noticeably and look even colder than usual, which is reaching the farthest north with out the expense of a polar expedition. From time to time protests have been made against senators referring to each other as "the gentleman," and finally the thing has been crystallized In a statement from Vice President Sherman that senators are presumed to be referred to as "the senator," and not as "gentleman." This point seems to be settled to the satisfaction ft everybody, nnd the sena tors are trying diligently to be good about It. But there are sevoraj of them who are still offenders In the matter of direct personal address. Senator Cummins, In his moments of earnestness. Is one of the offenders at this point. "Do I understand you to say" Is a frequent Interjection of Senator Cummins. Now that Is very bad form In the senate. He would Inquire, with a raising of the brows: "Do I understand the senator to say" Senator Cummins has been mildly re proved for this error several times, but he goes right on making the mistake and looking quite serene when - attention is called to It. However, It doesn't get Into the record that way. The Record Is edited Into good form before it gets to the frank ing stage. The defeat of Representative John A. T. Salt Pork with Milk Grsvy. The following old-fashioned dishes made with pork owe their savorlness chiefly to the flavor of browned fat or meat: Cut salt or cured pork Into thin slices. If very salt cover with hot water and allow it to stand for ten minutes. Score the rind of the slices and fry slowly until they are a golden brown. Make a milk gravy by heating flour In the fat that has been tried out, allowing, two tablespoonfuls of fat and two tablespoonfuls of flour to each cup of milk. This Is a good way to use skim milk, which is as rich in protein as whole milk. The pork and milk gravy served with boiled or baked potatoes makes a cheap and simple meal, but one that most people like very much. Bacon Is often used In place of salt pork In making this dish. FRIED SALT PORK WITH SALT COD FISH OR "SALT-FISH DINNER" One-half pound salt pork, one pound cod fish, two cups of milk (skim milk will do), four tablespoonfuls flour, a speck of salt Cut the codfish into strips, soak In luke warm water and then cook in water until tender, but do not allow the water to come Seersucker Material Makes Pretty and Inexpensive Bedroom Draperies With $10 and time to look through the shops, the average woman can furnish a bedroom with finishings so It will be at tractive. A prospective purchaser will dis cover that green striped seersucker for hangings, bedspreads, etc., Is smart look ing and Inexpensive. Of such material I have In mind a piece with fine stripe. The color Is pale, the green line intersected by one' of tan. The fact that this washes is a point In favor, and that no ironing is required is another virtue at a season when laundresses are sometimes hard to find. Moreover, this fabrlo does not TWO VIEWS. "What do you think of a man that goes around vith only two buttons on his waistcoat and the back ripped out?" "He should cither get married or dtvoroedr MAGAZINE Hull for Rie republican congressional tmmfc nation In the Des Moines, la,, district ends one of the most remarkable aeries of political contests that the country has known In recent years. Four time Repre sentative Hull has been pitted against tha same opponent Judge Solomon F. Prouty. Three times In succession Hull won, and each time Prouty came up to the scratch again, In two years, smiling and asking for another treatment. At last he hi won. When "Sol" Trouty gets to Washington there w-lll be more redheaded Insurgent! than "Vic" Murdoek. Prouty Is long, lank. redheaded and a scrapper. He Is also the proprietor of a "barl," which ha been generously tapped Id his various fights against Hull. In ore of bis campaigns It was said that his bills were about $30,000. Prouty made his money cornering the black walnut business of the upper Missis sippi region years ago, before people real ized that black walnut .was one day going to be as precious as mahogany. By the time he had the supply well In hand, the timber was getting scarce and valuable, and Prouty made a big thing of It. He didn't make his fortune any easier, how ever, than he got his nomination for con gress.' He held on through difficulties and discouragements In both cases. Representative Hull, who retires after twenty years of servloe, Is one ot the veterans of the house. He and Walter Brownlow of Tenneessee hnve .divided honors for a decade as to the two star "gettees" of the house. Never a session of congress comes along when either of them fails to devise a plausible excuse for giving a mlllon or so for his district. It may be for public buildings, national cemeteries, national roads, army posts, making the, rivers navigable any excuse Is good enough, so the pork bar'l is open for the benefit of the district. Mr. Hull's chief claim for support was that he had built a $1,000,000 public building in1 Des Moines and got a $2,000,000 army post. It saved him three times, but when Prouty got hold of the right end of the cannonlsm issue, he used It to drive Hull out of to the boiling Dolnt einenr tnr a short time, as prolonged boiling may make It tough. Cut the pork Into one-fourth-Inch slices and cut several gashes In each piece. Fry very Blowly until golden brown, and remove, pouring off the fat. Out of four tablespoonfuls of the fat the flour, and the milk make a white sauce. Dinh nn , codfish with pieces of pork around it and serve with boiled potatoes and beets. Some persons serve the pork, and the fat from it in a gravy boat bo it can be added as relished. crumble, and the many times it is placed on and removed from a bed, will not musr It. Made from thla goods one bed cover I saw recently had sides and ends hanging over. Put around this, so It lay on the edge of the mattress, was a nine-Inch band of linen, the same shade as the green In the seersucker. This was re peated in the bolHter, and on the table and bureau covers, as well as on the drapery curtains which hung straight to the sill. The latter were run on small brass rodr which were concealed by the hems. Such a set for a room Is not difficult to make, nor does It take long It a sewing machlnr Is used. For the room, of a young girl nothing U more charming than white muslin treated in similar fashion with bands of flowered muslin. Any ot these wash, look cool antf are easily kept fresh. Unbleached cotton makes satisfactory curtalna and covers, although I am aware It may not sound as If it would. To make a desirable effect the muslin must be used In a room which has a posi tive color on the wall that Is, red, blue, green or yellow must be sharply in evi dence. Let the curtains In such room hang to the sill, having the edges trimmed with small ball fringe. The bed cover needs the same finish, as does any other piece. This Is lovely and, of course, will wear for years. HELEN HOWE. Triolets la Jaae. She was the maid of honor And I was his best man; I gladly gazed upon her, rUie was the maid of honor. I knew I was a goner 'Twas there It ail began. She was the maid of honor And 1 was his best man. 'Twas there my gladness ended 1 steppod upon her train. The breach can ne'er be mended; 'Twas there my gladnets ended. She may have thought me splendid, lint navr will Ivh In . 'Twas there my gladness ended ided ,T, feT I stepped upou her train. The Kar to the Bltuatloa Wnt A del