TY7 TITE BEE: OMAITA, THURSDAY,; .JUNE 1G, . .1910. 1. Mt" MiAL mmmmmmmm. -y, ...ill i J""" Wsxt gttur- ay, tb Biirir la of Srssa Etu Held In Omaha A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF WOMEN'S vat r- u r r -. - It.1 '&-: m1'' - ft Untrimmed iats FOR MID-SUMMER 200 dozen fine untrimmed Shapes, in the newest midsummer, shapes, , black, whites and burnt straws, in chip, Milan, tuscan, horse hair, ja- etc, stylish, new va. shaes, positively worth $3, Thursday, at, each .. 69c Women's English, Rep Skirts These are summer skirts, made' in excellent quality of English reps, ' good, practical skirts, 2 New White Serge Skirts ' Excellent quality white serge, new ' style features two $98 $f ' gpecial lots, Thursday!) - Iv Women's Linen Suits at $10 Smart, cool suits for summer wear, I very stylish and practical (MA this season, worth to $17.50vptU New Lingerie Dresses at $15 Made of pretty white fabrics ' daintily trimmed, at . . $15 sP I! a NEXT SATURDAY Is the Greatest Sale of Children's Dresses , Ever Held in Omaha Special purchase of hundreds of chil dren's colored Wash Dresses, bought at ,a great reduction, and placed on sale Saturday at the most extraordinary bar gins. All the dresses are newest styles many are samples. See the great window display. Brandeis Stores nniNfiC AND OPIUM Habit, cured by a thorough and scientific cours. of treat tnt which remove, the craving or neces.lty for liquor ment. wh,c" " Btrength to every organ, and build. tV.o' ! . 1". ..,1 ihn cure of more tnan suu.uuu imi.ema. ''' Bdt,; trWtment U administered In this state only at of Imitation. The t'J" ""'got and O... Street.. QMAIi, MSB. About Wedding Gifts What Mr. Ilendricksan says: We have just unpacked some exceptionally elegant lines of Jewelry, , Cut Glass, Silver, Etc. selected especially as wedding gifts to which we Invito your attention today. In preparing these gifts either for shipment or delivery, we take especial care. Gustafson & Hendrickscn J E W K L K It S 20 1 N. 10th Street, .. Hotel Loyal Mdg. The True Follow Up System i . '.Wherever you go, let Tho ' ' Bee follow you. Subscrib ers rmnd rmlv notif V our fi circulation department and 4lin n'rMruss will bft chnniTPil as often as desired. Getting 1 The Bee is the same as get-ting . A Daily Letter From Homa Keeping you posted on ; J what's doing among friends and associates. It's the only up-to-date way. Let The Dee Follow You Drexel Oxfords For Young Men For. style and quality of ox fords the young man Is always a criterion. None of he details, such as the width of the toe, shape of last, height of heel or general appearance never es cape his critical eye. On all these points rue Is well posted. The disttnelve styles and snappy appearance appeal to him. We cater to the critical taste of these young men and know their every want wnen it comes to the oxford question. , We carry a complete line of young men's oxfords, la all the styles and leathers to be found at prices to fit the pocketbook. $3.50 to $4.00 You are always welcome to look at our shoes and oxfords for young men. i r Ti In mH n ,n;.B'..gi-, 7RWTT I V M S. & II. Clreen Trading Stamps with your pur chases here. Get roars when through shoouins Groat Purchase and Sale Lingerie Waists 300 dozen charming lingerie waists, plain lawns and crossbar dim ities, like cuts, some with entire fronts of lace in sertion, some allover embroidery and tucked front and f ancyV shaped lace yoke styles. Most beautiful $1.50 garments vs. n ft, I All new. fresh and , , - crisp, secured by our buyer just back from a New York buying trip. Shown for the lirst time Thursday. A sale coming just as the hot weather is setting in, and when a liberal supply will be needed. Finest $1.50 values ever in Omaha at M I B ii B I K I n i ii o H B H ii 1 B S B B I 1 1 i 1 H Are You Supplied With All Your Summer Dresses? ,We believe you'd be tempted to have another one, once you see these. It's a new lot of white lingerie dresses, entirely made of English eyelet embroidery and lace. Designed in the most approved fashion with deep overdrape or tunic; choice oi either high or low neck styles, all fl have three-quarter sleeves. Assuredly the P handsomest dresses we have ever had at the price $20.00 values, all of them, for. Half Price on a Hundred New Silk Dresses All silk taffetas, in fine shepherd checks and fine s "stripes and plain colors; principally navy and white and black and white. New pleated skirts and tunic styles, three-quarter sleeves, lace yoke, cuffs and jabot mil. In every respect the identical quality CP tailoring and finish as earlier sold at $25.00, at 10 f -: fc i R i I B I I w B I I B I B H H i H N I B I M i 1 n i The Silk Section Never Hade a Stronger Offer Silks you know and recognize to be all we claim for them. The very silks that are finding most favor at the counters. Genuinely good silks with established reputations for trustworthiness and many with fixed retail prices now at a half, a third and even a fourth their real worth. 36-inch all silk Messalines, in good shades, worth $2.00. . . 36-inch all silk Satins, in blacks and colors, worth $2.00. . 36-inchi all silk Grey Serge and Pongee, worth $1.50 36-inch all silk Moire, in navy and blue, worth $2.00 27'lnch all silk Rajahs, In good shades, worth $1.25 24-inch all silk Mirage, in popular shades, worth $1.35. . . 27-inch all silk Rough Pongee, many shades, worth $1.00. 27-inch all silk Plain Taffetas, all best colors, worth $1.25.1 27-lnch all silk Diagonals, In best shades, worth $1.39. . . 24-inch all silk Shower-proof Foulards, worth $1.00 In the Boys' Department Second Floor There is still a lot of splendid all wool double breasted knlckerbocker suits for boys of 7 to 16 years, that we are closing out at a price. They are $4.00, $5.00 and $7.00 suits, the best of the year's Q r styles, now for $u, 1 J Another lot suits that were $3.00 and $3.50, are offered at SI. 89 I Ei Little Boys' Wuh Salts Fine as sortment of pleasing new styles, at 81.00 to $3.00 Boys' Blouses, at Boys' Caps and Hats A lot of 75c and $1.00 values, are specially priced, at 50 500 to S1.50 rWllHIilWIEKHiimiliKlliWimiiHin Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. r Roliablo Dentistry AT WV-TafPs Dental Booms Hotel Romo Kuropean IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cor. 16th and Jackson Sta Two blocks from leading department stores and all theaters. ROME MILLER. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Vow tfc Farmer, Butkui, Facing Farnam Street on the ground floor Tlie best location in Omaha for many lines of business is opposite the Court House and next to the City Hall. It is very seldom that it is possible for you to get one of the ground floor rooms in THE B EE BUILDING The entrance ia Just west of the main entrance of the ' building; it lias an entrance from the court as well. Tho . building furnishes heat., light, water and janitor service. i The building is fire-proof and there is a large brick vault, ' so you can cut out your Insurance expense. The room will j be remodeled and redecorated to Bult the tenant The pace can be arranged to give tenant 1,860 square feet it desired. If this is the best location for you, now is the time to grasp the opportunity, and apply at once. Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office. Sixth Annual Convention July 18. 19 and 20 Associated Ad Clubs Meet with America's business creators v WRITE OMAHA AD CLUB FOR PROGRAM Scores.of New Bargain Surprises Thursday from Hundley Dry Goods Co. tin n V7rilfc,l the Million Dollar Stock of the St. Joe, Mo. The best bargains of the entire sale shown Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, the three closing days. THE REL1A3IX STORE Don't miss the three big gest and best bargain days of this sale, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Biggest Garment Bargains Ever Ottered Thursday From the New York and Hundley Wholesale Stock Purchases. Many of tho very choicest lots have been reserved for the last days of ihe sale and Thursday we offer values we do not believe were ever duplicated . in Omaha. Beautiful Wash Dresses tfo AC Values up to $7.50, at. .. Lingeries in white and colors, Swisses nnd'ehambrays, nil newest summer styles, all sizes, beautifully trimmed. $10.00 Wash Dresses Thursday $4.95 Dainty lingeries with overskirt, all the rage now. 12 different styles in all colors for selection; tho choicest bargains of-the season; actual values up to $10.00; on sale Qf 1HK TT . 1 - tTT 1- T 1 4 i&o nauusume wasn uacKec oUitS Values to $10.00, in. white, pink, blue ana Javender, all newest QC summer styles, at, choice. S) ' llml Black Silk Coats, semi, loose and tight fitting, nil sizes, at $4.95 $1.00 Zephyr Gingham Under skirts, at. ..49c 75c Lawn Dress ing Sacques; on sale at . . . .35ft $2 Wash Dresses, 1 white and colors, big assortment for selection 98c $2.00 Long Kimo nos, crepe and challie, at..98c Jap Silk Waists, worth to $3.50; all sizes, $1.50 COM -5 . i A C-i S m w hni1 i i n i i rn i i i lllllll i . I 11 I II 1 1 liA Biggest Embroidery Sale Day Ever Known in Omaha. Better Bargains Than Ever from the Hundley Dry Goods Co. Stock. 1 i $1 Embroideries 39c 50c Embr'deries 25c Extra Wide Skirt' Flouncings, just the thing for white suits, regular 50c a yard values, nt, a yard 25c i 1 n Hull. 40-inch skirt ilouncings. worth 75c a yard, and an extra fine line of 27-inch flouncings worth 75c and $1.00 a yard, nt, a yard . . . . 39c Insertings and Beadings All the odd pieces from the Hundley stock, regular values up to 75c a yard; on sale Thursday, to close, nt, yd 3M;C, 4ViC and 7Vj.C ALL LACES FROM THE HUNDLEY STOCK IN FOUR BIG LOTS. 1st Lot $3.00 Laces at 49c Yard All the very finest Venice and Irish Crochet laces choice new patterns, actual values to $3.00 a yard; to close 49 C 2d Lot $2.00 Laces at 29c Yard Finest Plauen laces in galloons, medallions and festoons; cream, white and ecru; to close at, yard 29c $1.00 Laces at 19c Bands, edges, galloons, festoons, me dallions, etc., in cream and ecru; almost endless assort ment of 75c to $1.00 a yard values, to close at, yd. . . 19 Other Big Specials $1.00 Hand Iiugs . 49 85c Fancy Neckwear .'. 15 3 spools Silk Thread 5 8 spools Uueu Finish Thread Thurs day at 5 $2.00 Hand Hags, leather lined, f)8 73c Klastic Kelts 25 35c Laces at 7c All kinds of laces In this lot, plauen, torchon, point Paris, etc.. In big assortment of patterns beautiful goods and matchless values at sale price, yd., Extra Specials for Thursday In Our Famous Domestic Room 12c Rod Seal Glnghamx 84o K'Hc Toil du Nurd UinKhum.i , . .7Vto 16c and 18c White UuotU luo 12Mic Printed Hallste 74o ' iJ6c Printed Foulards lUVfeo One cane of Kdgmont CjuiltH, full KV.f. worth 1. 1 0 630 Stella yulltw, win Hi l.3.ri aoo One cae of 36-lneh liieadied MiihiIii, Hrlc-a-Brao, worth s'ic a yard; on sale at 4o Fifty plecew of Cotton Toweling, worth CMsfi; at, yard 6o One cae Towels. No. 4780. worth 12MiC each; half linen 8o One cane of 45x3Urinrh good heavy well made -Pillow Cases, worth IKo each; on Hale at 10o One case of 3-lnch l:nlleached Mui. lln, worth Ihic, at 494o Six other sales culled on floor. 8 Rousing Furnishing Goods Specials From the Hundley, Wholesale Stock Men's Fine Ralbriggan Underwear Shirts or drawers, worth to $1 garment, all colors and sizes at 25S 39S 49? Men's Hosiery Worth to 75c Splendid assortment of plain and fancies, values to 75c, at IOCS 15S 250 Ladies' Flno Muslin Sklrta Val ues to $G.00, elegantly trimmed, cut long and full great snap, at . . $1.50. S1.98. $2.98 $1.00 Quality liatisto Corsets, 4lc New long hip models, with two palr3 hose supporters attached. Ladies Hosiery, AVorth , to 75c Fine hemstitched and mercerized plain and fancy colors, lace em broidered or plain gauze at 10S 15S 25 Ladles' Ciowns and Combination Suits. Values to $2.50, in fine nainsook or cambric on sale at, choice 98 Ladieg' Gauze - Vests Mercerized and lisle, regular and extra sizes, to 50c values 12S 250 Ladies' Knit Union Suits Values to $1.00, lisle, cotton and the new mode garments, all styles, at, choice ..... .290 and 490 Millinery at Less Less price than you'd expect to pay, less price than you would pay in -buying elsewhere. rrlir now here now at ....$2.95 Jubt $2.03, less than they are ,. beiug sold elsewhere. 'fh C.. 4l, K.Liii I fiil nam wIahq in WM black and white effects at ?5.00 to $15.00 Matchless assortment and values. Special Thursday Sun Bonnets, regular values up to 33c at. . . 5c 10c and 15c 1 'I : WW? SI 1 1 1 . . k tww Rugs- 69c Fibre Rugs 69c 3Gx72 size, $1.50 values; on sale Thurs day at, choice, only Good range of pretty pat terns. Axminster Rugs $1.98 36x 03 size, big assortment of beautiful designs and color ings, regular $3.00 values on sale at ,.$1.98 Extra Special Values in Room Size Rugs Thursday. In Our Popular Family Liquor Dept Pure Crape Wine Home made, red or white . $1.00 Per Gallon Best High Grade California Port or Sherry Wine at quart.... 29c, 35c, 50c gallon... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Quart bottles High Grade Beer; on sale, two for 25c HavHtn' fnr CirOCeriPS Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, nayuen S JUT liroctrnei Butter, Cheese and Crackers You t from 15.00 to io.oo a month on your rrocery bUL 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. . .$1.00 8 bar llaniond C or ileal 'Km All Soap 860 4-lb. eacks beat patent diamond II Flour 1-3 10 lb. best Kolled Urealfant Out inial .ISO 1U lb. beat White or Vellow Corn- ineal J 160 Hex Lye. per can 0 KaKle, Lew la or Chumpluii Lye, per can 7Vio Celluloid Hlaii li. lk 7o VtaHt r oam. pk do Cirape-Nuta, pkK. loo K C l-'orn Klakeii, pkK 7H Tall cana Alaska halinon ...lOo 011 or Muatard hurUlneH. can 4o The best IiomcHtlo Macarmil, pks..6o AMOTHEB BIO) CUT IW TUKB 2 bunchen frenh Aiarauua. ....... 6o Fresh Spinach, per perk Bo i bunchea fresh Unlonu ;...6o 3 bunchex fresh Turnips Bo S hum-tii-H froMh l!ei l 6a 8 bunches fresh liudlxhiH bo Luiku Hothourti! C'ui -uiubfra So 2 heads fresn Caiilirinwer 6o Flush Hlie 'i'oinaliie, per lb 7V4o Fresh Wax or Gitcn Huiina, lb...7ao Fre.-li Green 1'ean. quart to, Z bunches lresli lvrslcy bo 2 bunches fresh I'arrols to New l'oiatoes, per peck 3to New 1'otatoi'H. per lb BVao 2 largu bunches 1'luplHiit, 5o New (.'ubbaxe, per lb 3Vio 6 hcail.s LeltiKe Co PUT VP TOUR PINEAPPLES HO V. They are higher and still kiik "u on account of shorlaKa lit siuull fruits tomorrow, each, Co, 7Ho, BljO and loo l'er dozen. . . .66a, Etio, 95a ud l.tu The First of tbe Aprtoots for Canning Thurkday, per crate 4 L,i-kii. contalnliiK about 24 quart:! p.-r crate 91-40 Monday's prices on butter, ehce-e. groceries, crackers, meats, etc. DON'T TDV UAVnKTM'C CIDCT FORGET I B4 I B I ExP bo I V W IT PAYS