T1IE HKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1910. .' 4: f V OFFERED FOR RENT . Foralalied Rooms C-s.ilood. A NEATLY furnished, runt front room In ivate family; gentlemen preferred. Phone Ked frJO, 510 N. 2uth. MODERN basement room for bojr, l.a0. 214 8. 25th. St PARLOR for I or I gentlemen; modern: ... also small room, $2 week. 646 B. 24th Ave. TWO beautiful clean front rooma, all modern; private family. 704 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney diua. NICELY furnlahed room; reasonable. 2521 Pi. 24tn bt. CLOSE In clean large furnished room, reasonable. 2mH Capitol Ave. LAIK.E alcove room, $3 per week. 2216 i uuiuniu. . FRONT room, Walking distance; private luiiiu. tun uougiaa. Phone Uougias 7Kft. NICE clean, triotlr modern rooma. 2208 Harney fct. . TWO modern light housekeeping rooms. . mommy, xjuo Leavenworth. FUUMSHED housekeeping rooms. 710 H 17th Ave. Red 617a. LARGE, hcwly ps pored, modern front rooms, en suite If desired; 6 blocks from v. uu vass at. A NICE largo room in private family; i . ' 'icntnoornooq. tow cspuoi Ave. THUEe unfurnished and two furnished. MODERN rooms, for 2; rates. 2317 Harney. MICE outside room, 2222 Farnam. 41 handsomely furnished rooms, modern; iu, warning distance, mi w. z&tn avo. FRONT rooma, strictly modern, suitable ;r two lauius or two gentlemen. lil Capl- o. Ave. 1 OR 3 rooms furnished for houaekecplng, 2d floor, modern. 622 N. 23d St ,7,, FURNISHED room, 12.60 week. D16 N. ISth. NICELY furnished room. 2424 Caldwell. ' ' NICELY furnished rooms, walking dls tauce. new. Wl 8. 2Cth Ave. l NEWLY furnished modern rooms, from t-.w up; unucr new management. 616 N. i. in dl . . I NICELY furnished momi with r with , out Ward, t blocks from center of city. Ap- ti.!9PMi W"-Htlng distance, strictly modern. 910 ri . lam ei. FOR RENTLarg- front room. 2417 Cali fornia, 'Phono D. bm. res.; or Douglaa 670. "r"' NJt''EJ furnished rooma for rent, 2660 .., iiKjr y3U . . 'L?UF".RH?;D Roora- siting distance ,.... amiijr, llu cnuaren; one or two genUemoni -No. 7 Shelby Court, 22d and Iveavonworth. A 1024; Doug. 6731. rv TWO Furnished Houaekeenlno- r. modern, $s month. 2622 Davenport , street NICE Rooms for colored people. i7t. uui x-,ione iauf. 0414, A LARGE Front room, first floor, modern: ju nuuu iieiKiiuurnuoa; suiTame ror two gen- "" tL'.mt? or man nd wife. Reasonable. ..t 2964 Harney street. V THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM, Is now' operated on the European ' plan. Rooma may be had by the 1 day, week or month, - Meals as desired in the cafe. ' TWO Furnished Sleeping Rooms. 23d street. . 402 N, .WILL share S rooms with .working airl .ft 6 per jppsreh; waBUrrg aistartoo. 1538 N. ith. ..-SUITE of rooms, also other sleeping (rooms, modern. 1106-A-Paclflo street, iCall ONE single front room for rent; also large front room; two small connecting - rooma with closets. 1918 Cass. Phona 'Doug. 1476. ' - NICELY furnished rooms: new manaire t - ment and reasonable. 22UJ Harney. ONE nloely furnished large front room. 816 8. 18th street. . . SUNNY, single room, 22 a week. Wilkin distance. 211 Leavenworth. " STRICTLY nVdern large front room for I la 6626? tlemen: U 6 S" 'L Tel. Doug' "ilCELY furnished room, modern. 714 r 17th Ave. . LAROE front room. Private famiiv lent neighborhood; walking dlstanoa Phone H. 606, . 18 S. J7th atr'et MC8' THREE furnished and rooma. 2423, Dodge St. unfurnished 4 PARLOR for two, also housekeeping trooms for couple employed. Mis Chicago. f NICELY furnished; atrictly modern -rcoroa. hot nd cold water, la is Chicago St. . NICELY furnished, rooma 408 N. 23d St. strictly modern - NICELY furnished, atrictly modern e room suitable for two, In a new, itricUv ."modern and up-ta-date flat near Hih -school. 317 N. 21st St. . 4s "EXCELLENT modem furnished or un - .furnished rooma; Uanscom park car lini No. 2610 8. S2d Avs. . "ne- AN eleKant aouth room furnUhed suit, able for two. gentlemen private family: reakfaat and dinner IT desired. 2204 How ' FINE east front room, strictly modern' reasonable. Phone Red 7045. lio n! toil'. ; 8 ICE , clean, ccol sleeping rooma. un wass, . i. TWO modem furnished light hou.ekeep Jj00"'' """" rooms. 6. 2itll - TWO or three furnished rooms for house, keeping; strictly modern, law Farnam. FURN3WHED liOOMS In modem private -hoiiie. .'Phone Udriiey 4311. nit J.Kuge St. LARQE, newly furnished southeast room. 7rIUi all modern conveniences. Also slnitle Joms. 23w Capitol Ave. ' TWO elegant furnished rooms, light nnd ' tut Bt. ,auU,rn' ia rl" family, 509 n. !! for housekeeping. t3 B. 17th Ave. ' Capitol Avettly tu,ll"h, tront room. 1S13 fuVvMVi?' butlf,u' foom: Ur' closet: fuiiiished or unfurnished; modern. 716 UrgU 8U Harney Xpo. UV : .m6w: a"a!!unV1'Unoe: tr,ctly roo1- tlrt? n'c'13' furnished rooms with private f.T &J"1"' modern, walking distance, till Howard. Tyler 1026. .. J2L?.nl e!f.an room- sellable for 1 or t tersona. boarding place close. 632 8. 2sth. ' frut.f:' , w,u furnlsheo, southeast i 1 ... r . " . or single room; large - luwu; private, family. T03 Georgia Ava. j- . uuuia m b m SK Bt. 11. Douglas 4442. SOUTH front sleeping room. 2119 Douglas. .."P.K.RN room, c'.oo In. Private family yu ciiiLDRKN. 1 or 2 gentlemen. " R "nt on lrge. splendid furnished room. Strictly modern. Walking distance. -u at IJo Dewny Are., or Douglas 64ul N,IirH:I'Y- fumlahed front room, private l(,I5EI;T. fumiahed large front rooma. .NTI.V .,!... , . . mi modern; reasonable. 602 N. liat street. .FJ?iN'T par'or light housekeeping f.r' '': moderi.: ice ai. t.leuh. 2114 OFFERED FOR REfiT Famished He nttaaed. ONE elegant furnished large room, suit able for two or three young men, south east exposure. tV). One north exposure. large loom, elrgantly furnished, $o. One south exposure, elegantly furnished room, suitable for two, l.u. 5 Dodge. Walking distance. Phone Douglaa 4M2. ROOM or rooms for rent. 2041 California. "'vaui lurninneu irani jiuiiu". .uiiawi, for two gentlemen. 191U Chicago fit. Vl.ft v . . . . . ... ... V.1 . THREE furnished houepkccplng rooms. Modern, gas range, clean. 2010 N. ISth SU CLEAN, furnished rooms, well cared for. 22u N. lath. NICE LARfiH modern, newly fur-iix-jj jj!U.tuCi nghed rooma, wuh cellent board. 2C13 St. Mary's Ave. THREE furnished rooms, suitable for two; good location. 2702 Furnam tit. CHOICE of two rooms with or without breakfast; two In family. 2N53 Dodge. lloaseKeeplnir Rooms. FOUR rooms, second floor, for light housekeeping, for small family; southwest corner litti and Hickory. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 622 N. 18th. TWO completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping! bathroom floor; rea sonable. oJD B. 24th Ave. Douglaa 6354. FRONT sulto of housekeeping rooms, modern. Phono 1916 California Hi. 'TWO nicely furnished large, modem rooms on ground floor, gentlemen pre ferred; also large front room on second floor and two small rooms, mm N 23d SU A SUITE of three elegant new . rooms, modern. 24) N. 2oth Be NICE large neatly furnished rooms, light housekeeping; all front rooms and modern; reasonable rent. 142 N. 17th. THE DOUGLAS Clen- fm cla" w -"--"-"- roomt, close in. 2201 Douglas street. THREE pleaspni housekeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooms. 006 N. 23d. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor, housekeeping rooms, light, cooking gas, laundry, lea box, with or without piano, also other lilfht hniimlcAAn(,i v,...... mi ----- - . VV1.IV. 8. 2Sto Ave. FOUR rooms, completely furnUhed. for housekeeping. No children. References re quired. 366 No. 40th St. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; good location. 2106 Cass St FURNISHED housekeeping . rooms. 614 S. 22q. BUITE of housekeeping rooms. 2601 Dodge. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 1112 8. Uth St. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 4758 N. 24th. TWO large front rooms, two south rooms and one small room, for housekeeping. 21U Douglas. TWO front rooms, furnished complete, for light housekeeping; modern house. Web. 6410. 2111 Spencer St. NEAT, and clean light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones. CLOSE IN, two nice light housekeeping rooms; modern; separate entrance .and nice porch. 2006 Capitol Ave. LIGHT housekeeping room. 818 N. 17th. 2582 Harney, SOUTH EXPOSURE, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; walking distance. ( LOVELY furnished front parlor, very rea sonable; for light housekeeping. 2114 Chi cago St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 400 N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished rooms at 2702 Far nam.,' . . TWO' nicely funAshed rooms on first floor, 6 per week.. 613 N. 21st St. TWO modern rooms on car line. 1818 N. 16th Bt. LAROE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping. 2403 Leavenworth St. Phone A-2812 FRONT room, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete; reasonable. 2426 Dodge St. Red NICELY furnished housekeeping or sleep ing rooms; close In; strictly modern; 22.50 ana J weea. ot a. ma Ave. THE HOWARD, 2-room apartments fur nished complete, 235. The Manuel, 2 rooms, tM. Red 4487. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms; parlor floor; furnished complete. 650 8. ,VUh Ave. PARLOR floor, two or three rodtns hand somely furnished; modern; walking dis tance; shade. 604 8. Uth. KITCHEN and parlor for IhousekeeDlna: mnriern. 2110 Doualas. ' TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; use of laundry, 831 8. Uth St. SMALL housekeeping room; 6 per month. 2013 Leavenworth. ONE large, modern room for liglit house keeping. 2012 Cass St. LARGE, convenient rooma; modern; housekeeping or sleeping; walking distance; reasonable. 1660 N. lUl St. l uone Web. 8726. Call today. TWO or thre nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; also one sleeping room. Doug. 2v2. 224 N. 19th St. (rnrn m Arn-n 1 1 ar t t Hnll salr skrtl n tw tnAmsi for $lt per roontu. 606 N'. 2otn. Phone TWO rooms, gaa range. 2006 California, TWO large, all-modern rooma for light housekeeping, xui wiius Ave. SUITE of two rooms, all modem, fur nUhed box privileges. Tel Harney SyJX 1041 Park Ave. - TWO nice rooms, range, refrigerator, two nice basement rooms, cheap. 612 b. 22d ROOMS for light' housekeeping; modern house. 645 S. 24tU Ave. 1551 N. 17th, t furnished housekeeping rooms, on car line, house modern, first floor. TWO furnished front rooms with house keeping privileges. 2001 Burt St. TWO front rooms. S18 B. 20th. TWO large rooma, gaa, 14.60 week. 2401 Dodge. , FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. u b. mn. uougiaa uig. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms. 181J California. THREE well furnished front rooms, also three back rooms with sink, pantry, large porch, call third floor 161 Howard. FRONT parlor and dining room with set; use of piano; no children; fur housekeep ing. 606 8. 20lh St. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 70W S. 16tb- Phone A-2719. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2405 cumtng bt. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern; walking distance. 263 Dodge. LARGE, modem room and alcove, newly Papered and cleaned. Bath same floor; housekeeping privileges. 2671 tot. Mary's Ave. i BITTING room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern. 432 North 17th U THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; gas range. CLEAN. 2U10 No. 18th. TWO light housekeeping; references. Red (304. 1118 CbtcsA'O bt. FRONT and MBrk'rooml for light house keeping; complealy furnished. Iu74 Harney. V fmrqi k it. .... t -it ahade treea aml large lawn; all outside rooms. ii uoua. tu. 9J-i xiurt ou UNDER new iVnagement; nice. larr rooms; cook on gjp; reasonable reut to re- oi'.abie litt.inlA uM 1116 I'uuuns. lud. Phon 11. 61 Vs. I OFFERED FOR RENT Housekeeping itooms I outlawed. FURNISHKD rooins; house new; plenty hot water, sit N. UU. FOUR furnished or unfurnished house keeping roms in modern brick building. 616 S. 2Uth St. n Two or three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also 1 lge room. Tel. Douglas t22. . J B- 25TH- AVE. Housekeeping rooms. t sitarnUhect Hvuau. FOUR rooms, for (U per month. 312 N. 77th Ave. FOUR unfurnished rooms; moJorn except beat. Call after 1:30 p. m.. 26os N. lath Ava THRKE rooms for light housekeeping, 24 N. 2Jth fit. J LARGE rcoms and store room; ground floor; 15; only 3 blocks southwest ot court houto. 8. 20th SU 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. Ii0l S. 2sth St. iTIIilE u'urii!shed rooms, new flat; iso 2 housekeeping rooms. 2013 Davenport bt. THREE largo unfurnltihcd rooms, every modern convenience. 1618 Webster. THREE unfurnished rooms. 211 8. 27th St. FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms, modern; no children. 2510 Davenport St. FOUR rooms, unfurnished. Uth and Vin ton; rents s. 'phono D. CJ7X O. E. Hard ing, 2603 S. 13th St. TWO nr th,. , ,,., ,.i 27U Dcv.ey Ave.; Harney 1743. FOUR rooms fn. n ,.v, v n, .... i. . , ern and clean. 1612 N. 25th St, ' UNFURNISHED room, private family, no other roomers; close In. Harney 1377. THURR .r.,,ll,,.. . t, line; ruferenceH. 210 Cuss St. FOITR mrtmm- ...... . . . - i iiu su,; KHiuuii ana chicken privilege. 1914 Uancroft. Apartments and Flats. FORKENT Choice, New, 5-room Apart ment, just completed, 2813 Jack son. Key at otfice. 11. II. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. COLONIAL APARTMENTS. a.ted ln heart of the West Farnam dlStrlrt. TiN nail rt I I ,. V, .. i . I,,,!.!! im aiiiaiiaeu in iour and live room apartments. very , ,. convenience including steam heat, janitor service, gas ranges, refrigerators, window shades, hot and cold water, sepa rate servants quarters and store room, burglar proof safes for each tenant. Make reservations for apartments at our office now. Prices 160 to 870. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St FOR RENT An 8-room modern apart ment. Field club district; five bedrooms and sleeping porch; beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first class. 8308 Pon pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. S94. ELEGANT 8, 4 and 6-room apartments. Strehlow Terrace. Webster 4328.. FOR ROOMERS-8-room brick, between Creighton and High School, 242.50. 'Phone "fl. Au, mier o p. m.. ii. 613-i. ITMENTS CORNISH APARTMENTS. 8. W. Cor. 10th & William Sts. T .Orated In nn nf th. ........ i - - - ...wo t (ICI&Slilll districts In the city, and very convenient ' "uuiobub uiainct. finely ilnlshed and ftmnH in fnn, ,.,. ..i - " ' , ...a, iiu erven room apartments. Steam heat, Janitor "ov nu coia water, gaa ranges kitchen fa.hlnt.ta wlnHnw nh, n . ' ... .. ...ui.lb duu UULO garage. AH Farnam cars paas. Five-room W. .Farnam Smith St Co.. 1320 Farnam gt CHOICE FLATS. . 2612 Dewey Ave., splendid 7-room brick. Oak finish. WAllrlnir rilatann. JR 609 South 35th St., new 6-room,' St. Louis hrh'k oalc finish 1K 611 So. 22d St., choice 6-room, St. Louis ui leu, una iiiusn. close in, siu, 2716 Jackson, 9-room, brick, modern 833 621 S. 2Hth St., 8-room, brick. $15. fl. 24th Ht.. i-ronm Bnarfmartt GARVIN BROS., 8d Floor, N. Y. Life. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 83d and Farnam, nothing finer in the city. Call Wm. K. Potter. Harney 216. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; 8 rooms conaensea inio o; rieam neat; electric lights and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed safe, as stove, refrigerator, Janitor service The Hunter. Tel. Douglas 4132. VRW IPIRTUI'MTC Four rooms and bath, 21st and Howard -new, janitor, 'phone service, gas range, re frlgereator. steam heat, locker rooms, steam dryers in laundry room; very rea sonable runt, rooms large. They're going fast. 'Phone Douglas 8uo5. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO.. 411-415 Brandels Bldg. VERY desirable 10-room flat, modern close in. 614 N. 23d. Phone R. 4854. . NEWLY papered 6-room flat; modern except heat: $18. 1650 N. 20th St. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge Street NICE five-room apartment North. Call Webster 6766. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Cheapest high-grade flats In city. Well ventilated, cooi rooms, fine finish. Real Chicago flats, rree hot water all year; steam heat; walk ing distance. One 6-room flat, $U5 summer, $7 more winter. Reference required. Bemls Carlberg, 810 Brandels Theater. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; 8 rooms' vuiraenseo. inio o; eteam neat; electric Jlghts and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed, safe, gas stove, refrigerator. Janitor service. The Hunter, 26lh and Dodge. Tel. Douglas Furnished llooaes and Flats. 7-ROOM, modern, completely furnished home for rent by owner, who is leaving city. Everything complete, including piano Located in West Furnam residential dis trict Only those furnishing good refer ences In their reply to J 662, Bee otfice, will be considered. FURNISHED house or rooms for sum mer, large, cool, sightly, close, choice, pri vate family. Phone Doug. 4966, 419 k 22d St FOR RENT-FURNISHED. 10 room completely furnished near Field club. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. Ill Bit Trade Bid. TeL D. 49; lnd. A 2049. NEW flat, 8-room and reception hall: all modern. 3124 Oass. FOR RENT for summer furnished house 8 rooms all conveniences, west Farnam dis trict, to small family without children. Ad dress B aa. Bee. MODERN, 11 rooms, with sleeping porch two bath rooma, garage and barn; ) RINOWALT BROS., DuU S. 15th St II oases ss4 Cottaaes. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing L a u n ... II ' a liMllvrtf fft 'T 1 II... . .. . a ..."- . -. . - . wuu, ). HOUSES ln, U. parU of tD city UUUOJJ Crelgh Sons 48 Co.. Boa Bwi CMAHA Van & Storage Co., pock, mova. Store household goods; storehouse, 1130-24 N lth;oftio,Mii.l7U.St Tel. Douglas 155 FOR RENT NEW COTTAGE 3198 Larimore Ave., 5 rooma, modern except furnace $20. R. II. LANDERYOU, . 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north part ot city. $& 8-room apartment 1917 Clark. $11 J-rooin apartment. 1917 Clark, $9. 4-roora apartment, city water, toilet $12. St t-rooin apartment, laJS N. 17th. $u. C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Block, 'phone Red ; Resilience Jniug. 6utl FOR RENT -room house, one block from car line, U a uionlU. Call 20o7 Pivrce. OFFERED FOR RENT flosses Cot t a ares Coatlooed. Mnt).'l!" K-r,l,.m hrlrk hnn.n li.a w il l St. 66. Owner pays water. Ph'one Har! HOUSES FOR RENT, NOWATA LAND AND LoT CO. Suite 624. N. Y. Lifo Bldg. Red tm. X I ( 1 T 1 1T T J NT iPlllTMPVT 1 rV I I . l C0. J. W. Raap Co., 6S3 Brandels blclif. " " HOUSES, flats. Garvin Uroi.. u floor K, Y 1 ONE -room, new, brick house. Just com pleted, all modern; combination futures. 213 N. 21st St.: 155. C. M. HACI1.MANN, 4 Paaton Block Office 'phone: it 2u39, Residence. D. CMA- 7-room all modern, Kountse riace, 7-room, all modern, on California Ht.', Jjj. S-room cottage, walking distance, 110. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO . :4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1959. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 2.1; 2I0J lo cust St. C. M. Bachmann, iM Paxton Blk, NI-W B-ronm brink hmic. mr.n-n tl... ncy 647. FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house, modern, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 2544 Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 45 NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1414 Sherwood Ave.; J30. Patterson, 1K3 Far nam St. - Five-room modem cottage, 8016 Leaven worth. FOR RENT July 1. modern, 7-room house. Hot water heating plant. Gas log In fireplace. Barn. 2121 Locust St. 6 rooms, all modern, first clans shape, 211C N. 21t St. Tel Douglas 6UI7, Webster 1287. 130.00. HOUSES 1X3 LET 410 No. 22nd St. All modern, very de sirable, fine location; $50. 1W So. 2th Ave. Fine location, between Dodge and Farnam Sts. Walking distance. Very reasonable; $26. Two elegantly furnished apartments every modern convenience, including steam heat and auto garage. Cornish apartments, ?J0 each. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St 633 S. 26th Ave., 6 rms., all mod., $30. 804 S. Kith, 7 rms., mod. ex. heat, 817. 60. 2618 Emmet, 7 rms., mod. ex. heat, 217.60. 1006 8. ISth, 6 rms., mod. ex. heat, $16. 2418 S. 16th, store rra., 8 living rms., $12.50. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge 6t. 'Phone Doug. 416. Very desirable 8-room brick. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. You know that means choice, exclusive, best of neighborhood. 36th St One block north .of Farnam. East front. Let me show you. Tel. owner, Harney 1366. 7-ROOM house, modem, cistern, barn. 2756 California. Phone B. 3182. MODERN 6-room brick house, 1109 No. 23d St., $25 per month. Owner pays water. Phone H. 80. FOR RENT 8-room cottage, 4526 De catur; part modern; well and cistern; In good condition. For reference see family next door. HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. FOUR-ROOM modern brick. 1110 N. 22d St; $19. Patterson, 1623 Farnam St 6-r., all mod., $36? til So. 27th St Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 480 Brandels Bldg 8-r., brick, close tn, roomers .....$43 8-r., new, square, on car line $3i O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO., 1002-S-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 1152. 8-ROOM, modern cottage,' close in. Inquire 2224 Cass. Phone Doug. 6171. Reduced to $22.50 .rh;h0pUo8rece.a bath, lavatory, closejt, furnace, screens. 'Phone Web. 1798. .Jl.0011 modem cottagel-close Jn. Inquire 2224 Case. Douirlas 171 'VT ': ' 6 RHOMB mnA L.u UI , " ,.voi,huii HUH, XUMIUUSUIV modern house, walking dl(tance',ron parked "J?. Webster &;Ji0. Key at Ring- walt'n office. 301 Barker .block.. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. .3015 Leav enworth.. A.pnnu . . . J . . - hiuuci ii, parny zurnjBnea, sum- mer or longer, $40. 3666 Jackson .8 6-ROOM houses, good location. . 719 S. 87th St 'Phone Web. 2694. 6-ROOMS, modem, $16.00. 1501 So. 28th. Phone D. 6968, A-43S4. . . - WALKING DISTANCE. . 8-ROOM modern house, $30; water free. W. W. Mitchell, Board of . Trade Bldg. . RENT-By owner,, 7-room house, furnished or unfurnished. One block from Hanscom Park. L 748, Bee. TWO 6-r. modern, very nice, beautifully located, newly renovated. 719 & 87th; Web. BARN, hold four horses, living room at tached to barn large enough for man and wife. 1607 Yates St. .-. FOR RENT-Seven-room strictly modern twoc, bloks from Farnam car line. 4132 Izard St. 1 GALLAGHER ft-NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg; Omaha. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat; corner 28th and Capitol Ave $25 to good tenant. Telephone Rd 6!61. FOR RENT, A 7-room, modern house; not water heat electric light, instantaneous bath heater, numerous closets, cistern, large yard and only 8 minutes' walk from court house. ..ci. iiuun. wis or narney M40. Uarps, . BXRN for rent,' 8518 N, 27th. 'Phone tores. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment 22x70 ft., all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming Ht. Rent $30. N. F Dodge Co.. Uth and Harney. FTORB ROOM 1807 Farnam . 6eml-basomenta, well lighten, 1807 and ISO Farnam St. - , " UU?00 m IUh Pt- So.-Omaha, THOS. F. HAT.L. 4.H Ramga Eldg. Both 'Phones. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. WELL lighted largo comer room, 83x100, situated on second floor. Palace Clo. Co Uth and Douglaa. ' STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. On Broadway, near 4th street. Will rent all or part. Building is 20x70, with high ceiling. Wallace Benjamin, rooma 1 and 2, First National Bank building. Both phones 203, Council Bluff- STORE ROOM, 27x64; good location; new building, 1507 Capitol Ave. Apply Chicago Laundry, 1509 Capitol Ave LARGE store room for rent, 20x60; also 2 elegant living rooms and basement suitable for barber shop. 1715 Leavenworth St. ONE storeroom in first-class building on 16th. the coming street to the north. T. J tlook, office 1101 N. 18th. . GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET with fixtures, 24th and Davenport, good location 220 N. 23d. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltoro. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four imposing tables, lion baaa and stone top; also 8 gailay banks and two steam tables for sale. Apply Boo Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam. A BAKER top desk, rugs, 2 6-ft. tables, a bookkerper standing deak. 660 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. 4334. OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Musical last rosueats. JUST I, complete line YORK BAND' INSTRUMENT 8; no equal for price. Schmulier ec Mueller. 1313 Farnam. FINE Upright IMnno. Intent style, $115.00. Owner leaving city. Cost $.150.00. lull Cass. FINE VIOLIN, excellent lone. Cheap If taken Immediately, phone B-16S7. Tyiirrrritrra. fECOND-hsna typewriters told, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 16U7 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS Slightly need and rebuilt Underwoods, Olivers, ReinlngtonH, Smith Premiers, Mon arch. L. C. Smiths and other makes. Full guarantees. Trlco and manufacturers' and up) lowest retail prices. Look over our stock before buying or write for our bargain list. Distributers. H. F. SWANSON & CO.. Inc., 1312 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Typewriters for Rent L tan, a arnam Bt., wmana. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak stand, $.1 monthly, from manurac- tiiters, n lout interested in satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., 1,'. 2919. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $2.50 and Up Per Month. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1607 Farnam St. ROTARJT NEOSTYLE. Bargain. 1117 Far nam. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter, B. F. Swanaou Co., Distributers, iti) Farnam St , Jllscellaneoos. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In good condition. . Length 4 ft Addioos, C 673, care Bee. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sliertnaa A McConnell . Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., Ills Farnam Bt FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard nd pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke, Collender, 407 o. 10th St SECOND-HAND oak counter; hand carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, odd shape; will fit a room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars Phono Doug las 238. Bee Building Co. The Economy w1"110 screen win xue j-ai.uuuu.jr ga?, ,, one-half. T. H. Wetrlch Fixture Co, all kinds of mill work. Electric Power Attachments. FOR HAND ELEVATORS. LeBron Electrical Works, 313 S. 12. D-2178, TENTS FOR RENT. Ask for Estimates on Awnings. KfYiTT1 TENT & AWNING CO, ow x 814-316 So. 12th St., Doug. 838. HAND painted china for sale; reason able prtces. 1144 N. 19th. Tel. Web. 6761. Lumhpr Trjr Q- c- Dimmock A 6ons.'24ta Xjllluuci and H gtlUi eo omaha, only in dependent lumber dealers in the city. 60 H. P. Gas Engine and Producer riant Almost new: suitable for eleotrlo lighting plant or mill. Perfect condition. Will aeil at sacrifice, or trade for good western Ne braska land. Addreaa B-621 Be.. 40 000 fect ot Cottonwood lumber and xv,vjj m bHck fo, goineer Bros., 24th and Dorcas Sts. LARGE BACK BAR MISSION, also large Icebox, several small tables and 'cash reg ister. Cull or address Jewell & Phannix, 105 8. 14th St , v., . SIXTY pair Wlnslow roller skates, good as new. Retail price $5.60 a pair; 11.25 a pair takes them. Tel. Webster 1188. FOR SALE TENTS, PICTURE OUTFIT, FILMS, museum (anatomy), automobile, Oliver typewriter; take partner for a road now. Write Dr. Upton, 601 Frank St, Council Bluffs. WE HAVE on haad a number of Ink barrel! which we will sell for 60 cents oaeh. Ihey are flna tor rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE Majestic portable bake oven very cheap, nearly new. Address Y 886. care Bee. FOR SAIE Babcock electrical machine; good condition; new batteries. Arthur Aa qulth. Tel. Web. 844. 3717 Spenoer. rENT COTTAGES 'aw iVJ one at Carter lake. Price $200. . OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. 1108 Harner St FOR SALE 16-foot launch complete, 2H h. p. engine. Apply 2317 Ave. C. Council Bluffs, Ia. . i HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. AUCTION SALE-Tuesday, June 14, we will sell at auction, at 433 N. 39th St, be yond question the finest and most up-to-date furniture outfit ever offered for sale In Omaha. These goods have only been in use one month, the home having been furnished, by a traveling man whose firm has transferred him to another city. Hence this sale, flnnila pnnalar In - B. ... II.. t Round oak . dining table. 6 leather-seat m iiiaicn, ueauuiui ouriet, Horary In leather chairs and rockers, beautiful mahogany library table, ladies' writing desk, beautiful parlor pieces, 3-plece gold leaf parlor suite, drop-leaf solid mahogany reception table, rook wood pedestal; also Sweet upright mahogany piano, cost $300; three beautiful brass beds, box springs, hair mattresses, costing complete $108 each; many very beautiful oil paintings by leading artists; oriental and domestic rugs, all , , ..... ......a, ui .vv., etc Also slightly used Interstate five-passenger ... I." ' lu"' equipped, xne machine will be sold last, so as to give prospective buyers a chance to look It over. This sale takes place, rain or shine, at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at 423 N. 83lh St SAM HOFF, Auctioneer. OSTEOPATHY " Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dr. Kathryn Nichols. 668 N. Y. Life fildg. PATENTS HIRAM A. BTURGE8, registered patent attorney. U. S. and foreign patents so cured. 618 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Tel. D. 8469. D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Pat. Office. 618 Paxton Itlk. It 2HH. PERSONAL RwitMiPS from combings, $160. Mrs. B OWllCUta Mathewa. 804 ftavbl Bk. D. 6M. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Womun's Christian association building at Seventeenth St and bt Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. HINDOO TABLETS, will build, brace. Strengthen. 60c, , BELL DRUG CO. GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo, lands tells bow. Western Land ft In v. Co. SYRINGES Jiuob' "1 y mall; out oiuuiuija price. Send for free catalogue. Myera-Diilon Drug Co.. Omaha. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sanl torluin, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. I a. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr King. 1324 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 85i; IOBIE WASHBURN'S book, "The Under, world Sewer," at all book stores; price $1.50. A HOME for women during confinement We find honwi for babies whoso mothers cannot care for them. Babiea boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Loe. 401 Bancroft lit. Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas U24. Mine Fraver Adellght Hair Food, aiuie. 11U)W. tur i.ttijn,., removes dandruff. JkWgoath blallouory Co., 11U Far. PERSONAL (Continued.) BRAIDS and switches made froa comb ing, $1 up; a tine line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. P. stover. tt12 St Mary's Ave. Phone Red SloL THE 8ALVAT1CN ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In tact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aeil at 134 N. Uta St., tor cost of collection, to ths worthy poor. Call 'phono Douglas 41 and wagons will call. MAGNETIC ,r,tmn,s- T- Brott OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramgo Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1614 DavenoorU lnd. U-27M. DIVORCES obtained without noise or delay. Wilis and estates a specialty. Practiced law in years. W. A. CONNOLLY. 474 Brandels Bldg. I riione Douglaa 8668. MISS LORETTA MORAN Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp treatment, hair goods; Sundays. 10 to 4 p. m. 306 Neville Blk '!. Doug. 4236. MAONKTTC treatment Mme. Smith, WTfJS Rn(1 loupes for men. Griffith, J.VJOu an(1 M FREN2KK BLOCK. massage and baths. Room 80S Old Boston Store Hldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. 16th St. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A 1663. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMI'ANY, 16th and Harney Sts. MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 16U6 Dodge St, oppo site postofflce, 3d floor. Tel. Doug. 7665. STRICTLTf private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2516 Davenport. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGmne, 1617 Dodge St., Hours 10 a. tn. tt p. m. Basement flat MRS. EGGERS private confinement home, 1516 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 6230. MASSAGE electric treatment by expert. 107 S. 17th St, room 1, 1st floor. FOURTH JULY celebration at North Platte, Nob. We want attractions; balloon ascension preferred; no oane racks or stands wanted. Address C. M. Newton or J. H. Stone.. POULTRY w 1 1 1 Screenings, $1.25 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 18. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 801-U NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones Douglas 1142, Independent A-84,r6. PRINTING LEW W. RARER, Printer, Kn5;Sr2oa BEEBUILDiNG DOUGLAS COUNTY saves thousands ot dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John T. Thompson, Tel W-S58S. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 108 8. 14th. Ind. A3624. 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing. Lynstad Printing Co.. Uth & Capitol Ave. Miller & Jamleson. :212 Doug. Both phones. REAL ESTATE REAL, ESTATE! DEALERS. REAL ESTATE TROUBLES ADJUSTED. Pronertv Hal.4 aasl.H a . ... flaiA .... . . will receive our careful attention. lAlE-ltliRiURDT COMPANY. Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Douglaa 4403. New City National Bank Building when completed. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 1858; prompt Service; get our prices. 206 Brandels theater. REMINGTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. 127L 648 Ramgo Bldg. New houses. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. FRED S. HADRA, 62S New Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co., 406 Bee. Eastern Colorado lands, wholesale prices. Western Realty Co., 338-88 Paxton Bldg. ABSTRACTION TITLE. Neale & Norton Abstract! of Title I - morion dee Bldg., Omaha. B. M. SADLER 4 SON $06 S. 18th St GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1628 Farnam. FETER JESSEN. JR. -1. Douglaa 2291 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALC TWO cottages ln Co. Bluffs, 4 lota, X brick building 60x60, 2-story, freight ele vator, living room, 40th and Hamilton, one 10-room house in Norfolk to sell or trade for land. 614 N. 16th St.. So. Omaha. Phone So. (32. Home Bargain Large 9-room house, fully modern; large barn, woodshed, shade trees; lot 68x160; only two blocks from car. Goes for $ 3,6 00. 2613 Pierce St w. farnam Smith & co., 1320 Farnam Bt. Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY on this bunch of 8 lots for $0; on mllo from smelting works and close to Omaha car line. Council Bluffs fine high lots 44? 120 feet. You will find this a genuine 'bar gain If you will investigate. $200 cash, bal ance to suit. ' M'GETS REAL ESTATE CO., 1 Prt t Council Bluffs. 7 Room New Home Sulpher Springs Addition . This house is located on Lothrop street, one block east of Sherman Ave., In a local ity where there are all new homes and good surroundings, close to car, stores and school. The house has reception hall, parlor, din Ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath room on he first floor and two "bedrooms on the around floor. ' The parlor and dining room are finished ln ouk, alao the floors. The lot Is 40x134 feet, nicely sodded; has cement walks In front and around house. House has first-clas plumbing and heat. Ing and Is papered throughout. - Is now va cant, ready to move into. The owner has Instructed us to reduce the price to $3 6u0 for quick sale. HAOTINOS ft HBYDEN, 1614 Harney St 814 ACRES CLOSE- IN. Twenty minutes' walk to business center of Council Bluffs: about mllo to city school; extra good, new Improvements- -room house; barn, chicken house and yard 1 acres alfalfa; 2 pasture, balance fruit' consisting of grapes, berries, cherries au ples, jiluma, pears, peaches, etc, Could a man with a family want a better homo it Is near enough for business and school With a little attention It will pay much of your living expenses. It will furnish your children fresh air, pleasure and rugged health, and you can keep them busy In stead of running the streets. Owner Is so situated that he must Sell and offers for $4,700. , M'OBB REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl Bt Council Bluffs Vacant Lot at Your Price or will put In up to $2,000 in cash and clear lot for house and lot worth the money. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Sulto U4 N. If. Life Bldg. Phono Red lm REAL ESTATE ciTr rnorKiirY for sai.b. (Continuatd.) DUNDEE. Owner wants to sell north front, fourth lot west of 51st St., on Webster, and south front. etKhth lot west of 51st St.. on Cali fornia. Examine and call, write or tele phone C. W. lillxt 9 Rooms $7,500 Best Outlook in Omaha 62HX142 ft. cor. Orand Ave. and Florence boulevard, south and east front, diagonally across from Rome Miller's $25,000 home. Hot water heat. The expansion of beautiful Florence boulevard at this point will maka this one of the most attractive spots In Omaha. Florence boulevard Is reeognlsed as the most beautiful and popular drives In the city. It winds along the bluffs In many places between natural forest trees of elm, hickory and oak. To the east it overlooks the great Missouri river vallev. Carter lake, white with sails, beyond the Iowa bluffs to- the north the Florence hills. At the most sightly point of this most beautiful boulevard Is the finely built house wo offer. Not new In style, but large and roomy and built ln the most solid fashion. Freshly overhauled Inside and out. It Is In the best of order. For the right per son to see It Is to buy It. (Your own terms, with 8 per cent Interest.) Act quickly. Harrison & Morton 818 N. Y. Llfo. Tel. D. 814, South Side Bargain Five rooms, all modern except heat 4 rooms finished ln basement; corner lot; good barn; only 2,450. Can make terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. BARGAINS. 4 acres, S-room house, $1,750. 2'-i acres, 6 rooms, paved road, $2,4j0. 6 acres, south Florence, $3,500. 220 acres. 8 miles west South Omaha stuck yards, fine stock and general farm,' u. ir. tracaage, 120 per acre. 38x115 west, 2610 Davenport, $1,800. -2O08 N. 24th St., & rooms, $l,fM0. 2 brick houses, rental $300, $2,500. 2t!21 Bristol, 7 rooms, cheap, $2,700. 1518 South 2th street, flnn modern 7-room bouse, BARGAIN AT $3,400. zi a. 4lst, hot water heat, $3,000. 9th and Hickory, k rooms, modern, $3,250. 2110 Oass, 9 rooms, full lot, $7,600. 20, 40 or 60 feet, west front on 14th straet between Dodge and Capitol Ave. near new U. P. headquarters, submit offer. s-room crick, $480 rental, $4,000. I frame houses, $1,0M rental, $8,000. 3-story brick, $6,000 rental, $50,000. JOHN N. FRENZER, Both Phones. FINE HOME IN KOUNTZE PLACE. CORNER, GROUND 100x124 FT. ... .... " . ... u.n iiiiiDii wii irai, 1 1 , 1(1 r ' flvaa liwlrnnma .... u .... r... I ..... . . .. rooms, all finished, on third floor: 'largo .j, .riuimng souin 'at Mot win ot. v . i .. . .,, . . . . nuiiiceiuvut owner win sen lor q,dvu. W. H. GATES, Phono Douglas 1294. 617 N, Y. Life Bldg. HARRISON &' MORTON have a verr unique real estate ad In today's paper: they copy an old "ad" of thelra ,.-' ing in The Bee 4 years ago and show whs appears to bo very high prices then, look reasonably low now. $294.9. new, moaern, (-room house, east of Dun. dee , on a lot 50x137: Go out and aee this piace. x a ao uunaee line, get off at 49tli St. and Underwood Ave., walk 1 blocka east. If rirlneri inn l.l.v. m.i,. .H . . . - - '. ,na.o -n uuer anil submit own terms. House $10 N. 47th St . . WSINJST, 526 N. Y. lalfo. . Phono p. 4334. Two FullLots,l.7. Room Ilouas TtT Vsi.nom Aim .UI . . m . - ron, una shads trees. Surely a bargain at $4.00u. 4iwe; aui nip. KOWATA T A vn ixm ' Bulte 624 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Phono Red tm, West Farnam Home One of the most complete homes on 32d Ave., north of Farnam St. con sisting of 9 rooms and billiard room; also three more rooms finished ln attic. Large lot and garage. Price $11,600. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnam St. Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. Bemis Park North of park on car line, high ground. 8-r.. complete from floored attlo to laundry basement, $4,800. $1,200 cash might do; bal ance like rent. South of park, only hi block, 10-r.. nearly new, low rate of $6,200. . anTKalfrpaTrn "bt 'o.Wn ; O'Keefe : ; Real Estate Co. D. 2162. N. Y. Llfo. Sunday or Eva. H. i51H Dean Place Omaha'a most attractive home addi tion, situated one block north of Hanscom park; all specials, including paving, sewer, water and gas, in and paid; all lots to grade. Our prices are much lower than that of adjoining property. Call at office for a plat. W. FABNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. . Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. 4 FOR SALE A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN A DE SIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD. 127 N. 32 d AVE. A thoroughly up-to-date home; 10-rooma, servant's room on third floor; two balhj rooma. Dr. J. E. Summers, 3634 Detveyi Avo. Tel. Harney 2Sa or Douglaa Ml FOR SALE A bargain, i lots near Hans com park, S. $4th St., between Center Ave. and Frances St. Owner, F. M. Williams, Iowa FWls, la, . Near Hanscom Park Double house, $ rooms each ranting at $60 per month. Will sell at a very low figure and make eaay terms. Might take good land for part pay, long time on balance. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Phono Rod 199. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT BY OWNER $ room House, hot watar heat, all hardwood finish, nicely decorated, lot 48x129 ft. 1222 S. 26 Ava. 7 : r-T- FOR SALE ON TERMS. 8x1, CORNER LOT: PRICE, $175. " THREE-ROOM HOUSE, AND LOT. HOUSE IN OOOP CONDITION; PRICE. $650; A GOOD HOUSE FOR LESS THAN IT J8 WORTH. J. II. Kopietz. Ot N. 24th St., South Omaha. Neb. SIX-ROOM HOUSE for sale; lot 132x165; terms reasonable. Paul Sydow, tili H. 15ih. FOR SALE New 7-room bungalow, mod ern, In nice neighborhood; sleeping porch. Owner, 5115 Capitol Ave. NEW 5-rooin cottage, modern except heat; a dandy; near car, In Benson, on very rea sonable teiiua bv owner Plwne Benson tel. i