6 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1910. V A-n As-flczl ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CHANCES HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE , OFFERED FOR RENT yy dlflt - AJIZ ' tCont'"u'- : aH c,.i ..- ,... ,T.Vk.r. d D..,...,-d. " h.w. rT-co.ei. B..,i.- .. ;n-..ti... . - Iiawn Mowers sharpened by ma- for sale. - Waat ad. received .t r tlase, but lonV'w"'!- B IM?" . "J'00" Wah'nfn- Neb., for sal. or FIRST-OLA "5 HOTEL requires good re- WANTED A GOOD COOK. tW PER WCRARY buys. sell oil kind horse.. SINGLE and double roomii. lth board, lo Insure .roper rlaaelf Iratloa must ?"vra- 'nn Sons. W. B-1M,. on,v ,loon , clty; p.ymg Invest- pubI,0 Monographer fortnetrrrna- month; no washing. Mr.. John L. Ken- Hl-e Brick Horn, back Millard hot!. D. 10. .""' W Howard. v;r:" Mo::.." cir,",: dehby woolen mills tZ?,; wjs r'8p:;;r:Nn!.i,ttcc:r.)rBftrttn'ement' ,o Tc1, iurn fA-rirjTr. , . rekS for th. edition, and before . p. , or trad, for nice property. H. Busch, rl,ht ptrty- K 7jl care WANTED dining room girl and dish perfectly gentle. Uulou ft Ledwlch. mil M"". Dougl.a. r0 o'clock of rrerloea evening- for Una $1 5Ult8 tO Urder. Washington. Nab. Faetorr and Trudee. ' washer, eply Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs, and Izard St.. Tel. D. 47. t innu. , 7. Zrs J,r ant aV.".ri "::d'y 'aj"r- ww,v. m 8-mh 9t partner wakte,, .. , -n r m r,. aity ::.: r:,',;:.;;,,o. health commissioners .vi'Zerrw!;: dt..: w2OT-?vot,'sJi.ss&.kj , yr cook mt 101 8- d Av Mr- "" iijt om8 ,w0. bom. heading- nTu Late , ciaaalfr." . COMMANDS . Company, itutranca off Blavanth stroal ZZ. ONE KORRET.L, HORSE. 8 years old; '"' "dern. mi Howar . . ' .. Offer roiir house and porch screened from LAST GREAT METROPOLIS OF NORTH lduct LADIES WANTED Take work home- welKht I.; perfectly sound and Kentle. In- it,.kt,ii.. . , Caah mast acconpany all orders for TUB OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO, AMERICA. ; apply - transfeiC: 11 tot Jor work sua" quire Copeland-Klynn Co.. 13K3 Howard St. FLRM8HED room with board In prlvat waat ada, aud adrerll.eme.t will A 8AN1TART NECKSHIT FOR Fort Oeor;e-Now rtartlnR on main line Usawktestn aa Domestics. iuiiid Trleber''. us Bra'llels Thtaier family. Call at Bin South ttth BU bo accepted for leas tfcaa 0 eeats for vr ..... .BvliRlr ut,M-.. .... ? rand Trunk Pacific Ry., and on lines - Bldit. Cows, Ulrda, Doii and Peta. T . J ., 1 04 N. lth BL Call Dour St of six other railroads projected and build- - " , FURMSsHED room- for fat'jrrjen. nrat lasertloa. ! . " . . Ing. Fort George la geographical and stra- GOOD girl for general housework. M par WANTED Girl for reneral housework- noon fr.h -,, .i an r-n. 'r'''y modern; prlvata family, toil De Rate, apply to eilhe. The Dally or BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. t"" "ommerclZl center of British Colum- week. Mrs. Cowd.roy. 13 Bo. With Bt. tlmtTigla Vr "n'uira -- C"Pto-T, catur. Webster ittOO. ' B Wholesale-retall. umk F.rn.m St.. Sher- lihmt llwunSi!!'. n", J ' "rl ta' " Ct"to' Av: I DQT AMI1 FDIIMn ELEGANT parlor and al.o studying Always eoaat ats word, to a llae. wln-V Wllama palnU. oils, varniahea. glaaa. nesoto. Fort George Is at junction of one era! housework. fsL Harm WANTED-Mlddle-aged woman for gen- . LU I RNU TUUnlU room, ptano; prlvat. family. M3 8. I9th. xr M vhiin'1 lS3atet25S 7AiilBear' S -- tlZ'Z'Zl ILER-GRAND UOTEL fftpV U&3L,JS& ,o b. m .t. Doug- i;r ig; je- Per word f, ear. a.b.e..e. Flne.t In th. west. Turkish Bfltha Summer" of" i'?tw?n y-fWe VhouaandVen' GIRL for general housework; .mall WAN , , , .... . Jlir. May 7 nZn; finder return to Bee " faW DcKlga. i-.rtlo.. K., ,n.ertlo ..do o- lth and Howard bU. lUrklSU iJatlia 'imp"i:y?r,0,Y,Jf Idd a... good wagea. Mrs. 'X. M. Orr. WAN TBD-A d girl. 2618 St. office and rocelv. reward. FINISHED room and board. ISIS Cap d. day., X l. ceat. per word, f 1.60 p T.pr Locksmith Lawn Mower. 'r r V ba employed In the vl- ". . Mary . Ave, lei. Doug. n,o. LOST-H.tweon Columbu. and Omaha, Av- l'bon LiuulJj Ha per aioslk. Kj. OJUiLl ,nrpened;' call and deliver. Jj"1" of -'8J. Zmm WANTED Oirl for gener.r housework; -.OMrNT cook Private- fnny. one I'lnk demountable rim and 34x3H casing ROOMS and board. 3712 N. 19th St. TeU I do repairing, im Leavenworth. D. UH. "rhrinVrnmln. iJ ,d,,.r.n m twuUy; iuaU bouse. 'Phon. Uar- Mra K. M. Kennard. lsl'4 Dodge St. No anl I tube. Ten dollar, reward for return Webster 3163. Good neighborhood; four W.-t .d. to, TaTae. n..y b elett 2 tee's tul? Kuand .wn.' Tnl'lfuaT.of objection toolor. toHE . Fredrlck.on Automobile Co.. mi block, from car line. t aay of the followlna; drav .tore THE City Garbace Co.. Tel. Douglas tn".J,. .,. . fc . , ,. . , WANTED Rellabl. woman for house- Miscellaneous. DOUBLH room With board. 15 and up; I. roup "corner dra.al.t" titer cl" vault.. ceBHpools and removes ma- ...'Ji ,f q"'1fkll0C ,S i! V aPr; an.all family; beat wagea apd e- LOHT-Wlre halrcd fox terrier, male; uro of piano. 2110 Douglas. V' aro .11 .... I ' .. TUmlmt nure. aahes and all kinds of refuse. '"'"r"1'0", "0" fo'uie-muKing oppor- crlent hom. for compet.ut woman. Call TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a. white, with black spots; plain collar, with : ro all branch of floe, for Tho Be ! , tunltle. at i ort eorge. also about our up- ,fUr , ,t Uawty Av,. T. w. stranger, are invited to visit the Young braxs ring. Reward if ietuin:d to 1M BOARD and room; 1 or 2 Indies- privata ad roar ad will be Inserted Juat aa T-YNCTI TWOS PLUMBING AND KT-VaT n1-i-i("('U' si.vitptty ro ' r.,.c. ,. . . TTZ ; Women'. Christian association building at 8- . Phone Harney home, walking distance. Harney 4037. Promptly and on th r.t .. . LIALH DUUO. HEATING. NATURAL RtSOllK M SliCURITY CO. WANTED-Experlenced girl for general 6t Mary Ave. and Seventeenth tit., where - , ' ; -Jl Iks nl. in- . L . REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY, 706 & r., . . . UTS- n houj2;ork; muat b. good cook: laundress they will be directed to suitable boarding ,eJiTr0enilln8 angora cat. Return to LARGE south front room fur ; good "tere ' 16tn- v- U17- 642 Winch Bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. .mploTd. ilt a, th bt. Tel. iiarney 2&,0. riisJes or otherwise assisted; look for our m Dodge St. and receive reward. home cooking. 1914 Chicago. eat and Farnam atreetsi PAJTT nH PTfTTniT HP.I? f 1L ",e or rent !n f.n IOY AN experienced girl for general house- atJftolt Btllou LOST-GolcTwatch, at Rlvervlew parlT NICE rooms, excellent hoardTwIth Gel- Albach. W. C 407hTnd p,rn.m LyACj11 J"K UhULl t,t 6? Inhabitants, on main line of Rock work; wug. a week. Mrs. fid B. WU- WANTEI Young lady with aom. drug fn,;'a' on atch O. L.. on fob Ottllli; on man Christian aflmly! 1811 Capitol Ave! Beranek, 8. Al 1403 H ifitn m 0 SAVED on graduation present laland; modern; party renting must pur- llama. Ktt Bo. 29th BC .tor. experience to help with fountain au3 'nalde Is Ottilia from Brother William. No- - . , Payton Pharmacy 739 fi 16th SL SAND WALL J" Co.. id floor. ch"e furniture. Address Hotel bexton. ' HnnHERKEPgR for man and wife, ant trd' "rousoo Drug Co.. Bell. Fourohe. vember 2U, lao. Tel. South 144 Mrs. 11. C. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with !aSsraT. .... "ABil ,IA1BMBs.,wo. w , ria- IsS - ? SfS-g SSfw.'S-? W'1" M .S&as medical ; jgc j-a a&sr Hlnterlong Drug Co 31at Ave and f!?" Pv Tl T T M M CiW TSell Bu'- Dnig Co- May b at S- 1Cth st- Mmry Av" BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray. Nertt ; ; am St Ave Bnd "r I) IV U iM.llUi JJJ?,,",S A I' To ' aAIlr ; I,,;.' . oood ir to assist with on. child and WANTED A good OMstllng subscription Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman . NICE parlor room for 3 or 4 gentlemen. gjss? ."i wlgSiptif.1 s. ?M?zsBt,z u:rst &r&w-s, .t.TnT.-a: srj - SmSvlSk Ma"h'"6'- Har"Cy La-ColdTho." R'C- AV-' w NTEDOI rl for genera, housework Be. PubU.hln. o M J-CON E3; s, VERY DI3SIRABLE riome for two or four Foster Arnolo? 213 N ?h s'f ."T?. I??? TO BUT SELL OR TRADB LliSul.vard. S Ha"", WANTED Good men and women agent. PILES; (0c, postpaid; ..mpl. freaT Sherma" gentlemen. 2f Harney Bt. , Freytag. J. J laU N Uih Jl car-- wlth,.t9p and r"" "'P'nent; i hm. ' at once for "Roosevelf. Famous Hunt for McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. ,. ' " Fregger Drug Co 1308 N 16th St ,JJ?eda "V," VVV ;-2.300 Bee Midland Inv. Co.. 103 McCagu. Bldg. QlRU KtMnl hoUMWOrk, two ln Big Game"; also for -Traffic In Girls." - BOAIiD and room.. 2607 St. Mary . Av.. Florence Drug Co Florence S'h 1809 todd'r1-L,ayon Roadster, with for SALE-1UH interest la on. of the family. Call 416 N. 20th St. Immense sellers. Price tl.&O, W per cent FREB medical and surgical treatment al XIT . Green s Pharmacy ' Park Tve anS P.rlfln '?P .nd fu" e?.V Dment: U8ed ut lit- besfweeklv naneri I n Nebraska ThU wlU ' commission, outfit free. Send 15 cent, for Cr.lghtou Medical college 14th and Daven- NICE large room and board, reaaonabl. Greenough, O.A 7'm 8 10th St & ,iie5o.f condition........ 2,003 b"' w!h.,yrlpiP li.iettoT.iid wHl bl GIRL for general housework and wash- mailing. Both outfits. 26 cents. Also dls- Port Sts.; special attention paid to con- rates. 2226 Howard. Greenough! O. A Tenth and Hlckorv 1907 S"lda-d-Iayton Touring Car, 7- "a" dr J losest ln J""., tag, 3218 Dodg. BU Tel. H. 84S. trio manager, for easy payment Install- tinemenf cases; .11 treatment supervised i.wq ,v.n 77T7:Z ' C, Hayden. Wllham 89ffl slrnim ai passenger; full eQulpment; over- .old right If taken at once. Addrea. X-SM. t , Permanent work; 32.O0O to ti.000 by college professors. Phone Dougla. llfl. ROOMS AND ROARD Hom. cooking Hanscom Park PhtrmscJ IM th i- hauled at 1,50,3 car. Bee. . WANTED; girl for general housework, per year profits. Particulars free. Ad- Call, answered, day or night. car lino. POOD S. 24th St. Doug. 04. Hoist John (W N S ol " Waverly Electric, without battery 160 .r . ,.... " . .,, also second girl to assist with children; dress, A. B. Kuhlman Company. Chicago. . . V- Mi ReoWTouryCarr-2:cVlVndVr;--lSi54 &t&mg KAMj JStr onuP!!r IS Tl T IH;oddard-Daytonr:wUh"iouring " IFoRLBakery and confectionery; J&ff SSSSk J?n XglSZSlSl aSWJ cHV DR. J. H. IIUQH ES SpedtTlUt In " i? X!!. 2.000 '7"Z I ; f t h . WANTED Cook and housemaid; thr.. tentee. 22 Qllve St.t. L-T .onshXo ui." v llthmn rhSr-V 14J,i24t5J.utB1 DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., INVE81 IOATB thl. manufacturing pro- ln famiiy. im a. S2d Ave. WANTED Agent, in every town to sell charge. Oftlce 1 Mcintyre Blag.. Eicelslor NEWLY furnished front room suitable teyL,, 1S18 FARNAM ST. ga r'tVe." on 'if A T,,' WANTED MACHINE GIRLS. K.mb.,1 JSTH forjwo. with private f.2614 Dod.a. Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. AUTO REPAIRING .u.pnpnnT Sundry, 1511 .ackn S, 1S Sc7CSnH1f MONEY TO LOAN . bUX". Kenemen- Ch?.Vo,tt".CUtPrlCeDrU8l0re16than, a -f it. branchea. Second-hand cars. CHIROPODISTS WANTED First-class cook. In private iJver, Colo! Agency, 17B6 Champa St., cilATTKLa MODERN room, for i. o 4- im.,J nlfh.r r, xt ,.u Diamond tires carried In stock. The Pax- family, out of town, ln Nebraska; wage. A"u tuAlltLs MODLRN rooms for I, or ; separated Schm.d'?jA7i:.NandtCumlng St ton Mitchell Co, 2318 Harney. D. 7281, A-20U. , PR. ROY. 1B0K F.rnam Bt PeualaJgL 340 and transporutlon; no laundry. Mr,. WANTED-Agerrta. to sell e.gara direct to mWi WJJJwTiTmw W' W3J3u "-1 Walnut HIU Cm.ng. WILL exchange rent of S-room aoartment CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS WATTT, P- k 1?"- f NoSto theTubuTW,MJ PEWEY European bote,. 11 b.hl0Ands.apFart7Sr"Beeh0U'9 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS .waotkd-h Mry work rcpregentatlve Bn ad, . No More High Kate. cames" t y ANNOUNCEMENTS WRITE for list of automobile bargam.: XT ' : ZgS. J&zl! $10 tO $1,000 ; MODERNrooma nicely furniahed J. A. GENTLEMANCOT B- EDRICKSOK AUTO CO-oj SSS. JfiS&EST Aress Hera.d. Boxy W iSgSf ggj ON i IjaoLD cnrgweTki, "N?elythfUsrcn"h'd- t'xUTotl SffSTaS rl.ru.ework; two In SS ! " " MONEY tnor"o TLUn"; ATOwlS e 33 j UNION LOAN CONY?1"- "Ut '"'mTYRE AUTO CO., 23 WjKer J. Cattin. W N. 24th. Doug. 1652. Ward Co . 102 N. 18th. Hour. . to 6. Cleric d Off.... . r.e. .---f; J NimunJI rja bjj- with T I In .11 it. htn..' GIRL for light housework- a good home INEXPERIENCED stenographer. Ad- money you want and cuaige you emy xar". walking distance, fel Douglaa 4948. R A "Rft A TN iVctotwSSS" AUt Pal0n coV-V'anrcar.: E. II. OLSEN, r'i"' g"11 f0" " f'caUlTVh sT h0n" reM Q 745. Bee. "'SsVNS YOU PAY I THE us. of my furnished hous. ,n e,T SEa&nift-l2SrA13K rll Benr5 FUrnUhed- GIRL to help In hou.eho.d; will pay any" WANTED-Stenographer. young , ,ady j i'Mli. W.b. i238. , FRIEDMAN 8 LOAN BANK, ton Mitchell CO.. Z3i narney. u. I ml, a )ll. good-girl. 412 8. 28th. preferred, who lives with parents. Ex- f nterest on 25 for 1 year. UBlQB nleosant room suitable ror on. 1 8. 13th, COR. DOUGLAS. TEL. D. 6325. GARAGE, 12x20 feet, new, well built; BEAVER BOARD ,TfhkM i"ace ZVZT. . , 1 rr'enC6 alto,her necesary If they ftn J", ;uran in oooru'' Eas, I mithj1.0' ' , : ' 1 . . go,. ,nj Ames Ave - must be moved J"'-Li- lath and plaster. WANTED A girl for general housework have a good education. Reference re- ! S'fl. ? P'Pori-lo. Easy a , CLARK ' 8jy- JJ SIGNS TeT W?blt5 o? dZ." 47 m AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., 1112 FarSam. and also cook. 624 S. 20th St. quired. Smith Premier Jr Remington type- Wk y "Month., Ha- DESIRABLE room; fine location, wal . u,a Boton Store. . writer. State salary. E 45, Bee. ! i .,' ,k .k" ... " . ! Ing distance. 218 8. 23th St. Omaha vini.m ni.Ajnn WHITEWASHING, plastering, .creen. GIRL wanttt fot general housework; f -' t?.?nK 'vof." r.'L1.00,? ! - ContrT -JLr KMmSi'B-.Jil? ?:n flno R fVli'nrlo repaired and put on, window, washed, new emaK family; good wage.. 3006 Paclflo St, Factory and Trade. ! ImSLuh y b' I SMALL, neat front room, modern house, thurch.? M SSt2i''-toow "kaJ'ViS UDe O-Uylinder buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished. Tel. Harney 676. , ! le"a kku tapw Kn nrr -r ! Ba"" park" "trlctly prlvat. family, to lady shea. op.ra hou.. etc W. 6343 and STEVENS-DURYEA McRea. 3119 Half Webster. Harney 3406. QtRL for gepera, hou.ework- .mall tlua: Dmg .torea f.n,p.)."7Tha. Knieat. Bee Bld j MY iVCf amployed during day. Tel. Harney 3b34. ... TTrT , rp-:,n CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater. Ily. 206 S. 86th Ave ' WANTED-Young married mTn fo7 s T j VVm"N AN xriOUK-, MODERN outside room for gentlemen; Multlgraph Work TOUring Car. 1 lal. Frank Marshall. m Leavenworth 6L rxri,TA ' . M m,k ' orchard work; (children under .choo age)- I Independent Loan Co., , five block. P. O. T.L Dougla. 7WU. Typewritten letter, duplicated. ' , , ' Trf Harnev" 2l2.KMra L C Nash practical, reliable farmer only. 356 per 3 ROOM 204 WITHNELL BLDG.. rpuQ Jtrlo First class family hotel. J. C. North up, (ot Paktnn. Douglaa 6S6. ONE 2-CYLINPER- BUICK. nPNTITS Tel. Harney 21Z. Mra. L. C. Wa.h. month and house. State age. weight, state 'Plouo Doug. 604&. I6th and aaro.y. t AnG UeOrgia alorgla H-ML m waar&wz oNE a. .JSZss rkr tt-ga&j-a,a g jssssrissMa Wadg.woQd Ore. Butt.r. Harding Cr.am Co. The above C are all bargains in tatt-K Dental Room a 117 Douglas siT H- BarroT, tA S. 16th St. t.,. , : M Could YOU Use $50 00 ' MAQQARD V.a A Stora,. oe QmahZ ""t-claM condition, Cheap if teken at Pnt' Rom'- P"'" WANTEDOlrl for general housework; pSo tV' U ' nT n V K A t S ItaiPffl-h'dnS0"" 'Uth ' Web" Trank Vu A Stortgi ? Co Pack Sore! once. ' nCTCPTlUCCi family of two. Good wagea Call 8111 Pa- Printing Co.. 610-12 So. 14th St. U TO a Good AdvaUtagel ater, furniahed roon.s. day or week, tor. and ship H. H. gooda D. 14 B-2423. Call for demonstration. - DETECTIVES clflo St. , SHOES repaired by hand while you watt. W If .o. sit down, sum up all your bills, U FOR KENT Nicely furnished room: all . . c,,. n..n WiNTirnA rood slri for nnanl honu. Correct Shoe Repair Co.. 617 8. 13th. putting them in one amount, then come 34 modern; private family. 'Phone Had 73116. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye VELIE AUTO CO, iSTffiXES ttfeSSfllZ gS SFStt&STig1 Keer1 hU'8' WANTED Gordon pre,, feeder. Corey 8 p.anndf?rVLUi"pfl,rayou' &VPtSX 3 VWO nice rooms; term, nna Works. 1620 8. 10th St, Tel. Dougla. 4367. m, Farnam St. CAPT. T. CORMKtlT,? StED-A good girl for general houae- McKen.le Printing Co., 112 South 14th St. it JyfiJW2S Phone Dougla. 6426. , ANCHOR FENCE CO.. rTT, JTrtTVJ n, -, nSXiJf? Sli Bluff.?""11 S,nyler 3M WANTED-Immedlately. flrst-clasa bar- W n furniture, planoa or teams, with- U NICELY furnished front room to gentle Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. TIRE REPAIRING B,eBtr,wP,Imnt we"' nRCQCMApf FR Broadway, council muir.. fcer Bteady jobt 0rand Hotel Councll out removal; 1. 20 is tne weekly pay- men; 32.60 per week, mil Cass. etLa.t a Lifetime AUTO TIRE REPAIR cot Srnanx " DfL, nam x el H 4673. RSE GIRL for afternoon. 626 Park ftia lLTr ' :FXr, -, .... nf : MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. fel. H 4673. Ave. WANTED A few good machinists; steady " you need money, call on or write t home, very cheap, for the .ummer. 722 N. C17PTJDOTDnM AUTOGENOUS WELDINO .LK;-, JBWViS&fGJTJSS ZZZZ Si S S?Sa?W!VS.Sa3ft H(TH I iVl 1Vl AH kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, employment. Apply at once, 615 N. 41t Ave. Mrs. V. A. Castle, 3111 Paclflo St. . g Phone Douglas 2466. , - ! p, 7, RO 1 RU1Yi Je'ptl. CAASLEL3 $&WHgWl ""ey WANTED Good, competent girl ' to do r,eT.ANIEr Tnl l'mlHl, cocIn'd" Piano Mfg. Co. W. are now open for , BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. . FIRST 'CLASS dressmaking. 2423 Dodge second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. 1132 E. nounced July Uth. Preparation free. Hm7mWlTfmfmrtWtf"mTTtWmmmt! northern exposure" also l othaV n?cak5m Farnam" WE ARe" IN OMAHA To'sTAY CouncU Bluff., la. 8C Pierce Council Bluff la. Franklin Institute. Dep't 163 P Roche.ter. 1 excellen" t" uSrU Ave"' " ' Bget , your WEDDING, RINGS at FRED Bufck 'to 'cZ'oha.,nd . EDUCATIONAL wSff JZJSSTl TSSFS? " ' WANTED-Men to Learn Barber Trade. 3 ""P BW f' hoZW m'renTblewa.a BRODEGAARD S. It Insures good luck. . Few week, required. Splendid trade for S 310.00 you pay back 111.03 u Zuim'iMsfh iv? ' walking U6 8. 16th St.. at th. sign of th. Crown. a fo pfl;ntini? "Murphy Did It." Get TTTO SUMMER SCHOOL GIRL for genera, housework; .mall poor man. Be your own boss. Can start f z5.oo you iay back 3-7.00 t) "'""c8- -Ave. . ,, AUIO t ainilUg our lce ANDREW A-ALCj OUJJlMum MUiiUUU family; good wagea. 6ft. Park Ave. Bnop with .mall capital or work 312 to 320 M).u0 you pay back Va.W t DESIRABLE .ummer home 123 8 f&th A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent. MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. of v.,. : : " 777. 7TZ weekly. Oood demand for barbers. Fur- p NO OTHKK CHAROK. U Ave aummer horn.. L3 S. loth Suceasor to Martin A Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. BOYLES COLLEGE, , VNKT?P-e,h aI. Mr- John ther Information free. Moler Barber Col- u OMAHA rTIMANPTAI. M ' ' FOR BALE Five-passenger Stanley; . AJCAAJi-iJ vuuuuuu, u Webster. 618 S. Soth Ave. lee 110 g 14tn street 51 UiJlii-lLti. E XliJJSjXJlJ tU., H rnR bfmtji,.i ,i.,. . GAIN health & wealth. Adv under Colo. ew palnt.d; perfect mechanical cSndU IS NOW OPEN. ' TPT t .r., hn.,.nrt. ,mall fam I Room 60L Brown Block. m',SrnLSi lands tells how. Western Land & lnv. Co. tlon; full equipment; extra casings, tubes. AO 1 1. ln hook n9RJorminlrIrneJ ifa WANTED Man and wife to cook and M 207 8. 10th St. Cor. Dougla. dt . ocluo , Tel? B-1416. SdtT. Ave. , , , top. glass front; bought in April. UUs Prepare for profltablo positions In hook- Hy; good wage. Tel. Harney 74L 1J04 S. work ln Government mess. Must be A-No. U 'Phones: Dougla. lOUti; A 2036. 33 "' Av- i- S?ImmAiDA?iwAt7I2. aar&e b?. re""on for filing, want th. money. Ad- 'P11' horthaxnd. VrlUnir, f1"-? 3610 Bt- ; , 1 cook and furnish best of references, ready MMMW3SWSHV TWO nicely furnished modern zront sieTMili.i;nyUOR HOU6,B' 622 N- 16tn dress W. Carey Lewis. 84 Adams St.. olvU "ervlceraure to be open In the fall COMPETENT girl for housework by to commence work July first. Oood salary : room, (connected) for o or three per' st. Dougia. t6,o. Chicago. Mtud j"? falui.yf$6 YgST caK i0'- John B- WoodB' Roaebud- Sulary and Furniture Loans - on.. Phon. r.6360. mr" p,r A1ERCIIANTS' 160 and 150 LUNCH , 1409 DODGE. BOYLES COLLEGE " 2101 Wtrt BL -- ' - at positively th. LOWEST RATES, quicker SINGLE room for gentleman. 17 Z1 PRrvNIN RjoUrsirN.St. ft Boyle, .1 phone,. QOOK wanted. 618 8. 13th St. inl .-5 cV'ft Mo.arne ED. ROTlLERY'i fu., Jy"u!& SPRING TERM "SSS1 SrSurS&L'! SELLABLE CREDIT CO., J2& w". Cgara Cafe In .ennec'tn. VSTSSu r'' ln eM MOSUER-LAMPMAN BUSINES3 E28 Georgia Ave. H. .406. l Superintendent. Bran- TWrd Floor PaxnJI.ock, Dou'gla. FRONT room; mooern; ,n prlvat. fan,. 5;:: -SWM- .SasuK Sn-Ko Omaha MorlgaS Loan Co., 1. fm. narney. discount on new bicycles and MUiittt'" ' between St. Mary'. Av.. and Howard St. weeks' vacation In the Black Hills, write 119 Board ot Trade Bldg. ture. 8--0 No. HOtli. No atn on house. . V UMBRELLAS recovered and reDalred- ' motorcycle. this month. Ro- , TT avdrkws SPHOOL ; F. O. Ralney. care Reo Theater. Lead. . D. Southwest .Cor. 16th and Farnam Street . . ... . , supplies WESTERN UMBRELLA CO ' pairing and sundries at lowest prlcea . rnl POY41i ind CHARLK1 GIRL for light housework. 641 N. Central rr. " : - Telephone Dougla. 22H6. LARGE room and cloaet facing aouth o7 lVrnam. Red 7478. L MBHt-LLA CO' Eieachtr Motoroycl. Cc , lt23 Capitol Av. Rv, Pg. ETy ChirHa-nfy blvd. HELP WANTED ca'provt'Tt aVerU'e4 hon. CA""' 'tr'Cl'y ""lQ"1- aF. WURN. Optician. 424 Br.ndela ftr .of -., reyejea. W. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Mm'T'ciarkf'M.lfaTd 'he? IIZ!! J?&IgtS' "S The.0": 'T" ""5 JOHN E. H1MOE. ,h,rt,. m P.xton B,k. BRASKA CYCLE CO., Om.l.a. IL, . - QIHL ,or ,w t,ougework, Burt Bt. ht" t?l T-". . Tr. .,,7. .. . . ..i s"2-h D cheaD for cash Tel Har. Vl A V nonsurgical treatment; It hag . . WANTED Six good agent, to work offlcea In 66 principal cltlea. Tolman. rooot A-26S2. KODAIS avitI f h t Kii'lifT i nTi ' ney 3673 h. p. cheap lor cash. Tel. Har. Y AXl V 1 "pared the lives of thousands WOMAN to help In kitchen; no objection .round city Bartlett Supply Co.. Brown tu New York Ufa Bldg. beat work. DK&lg lrKVS4N& ' Bn"de1s B. 1 Block. Omaha DIAMONb LOANS AT 57 prWate' nl''arK0 m0Cra r00m' C P ?ERClS,aL?s BUSINESS CHANCES SANITARY HAIRDRESSINQ P.rlora .mla.tty S? ulV. l?.!? jk'S Helper OMAHA GEN'ntAL w FLATAU Se. NICELY furnished room In affnerTx A. JKfLS, 1302 Dougla. St. v --. business call oa oAiN 1 A AAV J. gwUcne made from comb- help Is kept Phone 2664. 614 S. 40lh St. HQ.sZiIAL- , " ' cliaiflu' Tel. Red iw.ix cottage; easy walking distance; private WESTERN DUPLICATING CO 40,1 Bee QANGcJiTAD. ,404 Bee Bldg. TeL D. 3367. ings. 11-60. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 467L " : family. 6B6 8. 24th Bt Bldg. Multlgraphed letters! Dougia. 3641. ' ypR SA-L- ,tock of grocerlet ,d "J and IRON complexion wafer. falfT all IVl&TxTiOih s" afSfr V LAUNDERERS CLEANERS MOVING AND .JjOJJSE CLEANING SINGLE rooms. Z week, m N.'T" 8. H. Col. Sign Co.. D. 78. 1316 F.rn.m. S,ellnofon0B liV'ttihl? Bb-r""-'" 'wJUS Drug Co; OUR sanitary ay.tem 1. death to germ. " OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. " NICE front room; al.o two smaller .outh FAT KORMI.-H imiup (.mKivn tlLZLll- .JT Omaha. WOMAN or girl for housework. 330 S. 22d. and life to you; protect your family by cleans carpets on your floor Electrla rooms. 631 8. lth. . 4 a . Arkin, m t isih iu FOR SALE A new second-hand furniture Douglas 710L sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas vacuum sy.tem. 303 So. 17th. lei. D. 15o. 1. FLEVATORS FP Pas SPFT'S OIVE u, 'J "albaohfoU.from GIRL tor genera, housework. , S. " EXP. Deliver, Co.. otnoe.th , W 1?S .eTR?ReTyA13 E B "'' -" " OIL iJ ffi 'pfe AV li METHOD used by the NaUona, !JLi 26th Ave. DoKlaa.. WFnniVO rlnas msrta hv hnrt .nM h. A. Minardi & Co.. 716 8. 14th. Doug. 3636. WANTED On. dining room girl. 160 N. Laundry produces the best work to be had. . "A??,1 "a,,?.?bJeui?,,,?7-?pi"iri THREE rooms for rent In private fam- welahtT il Comb? A Co lM Doulns OTfllU'C Listen haveoTliD or more? ' 25th St Bothphonea 2U16 Cuming street Ice. Cole. Lxp.. 1U16 C.pltol. D. t.O. A-3D37. ,iyV large house, nice lawn cool roomB; weight. T. U Comba A Co.. 1520 Douglaa. STOCKS villmonihU i oer cen Llf. -,ncn w"lo,,r Plumes. 12.28 nd up. -- ; T . ' "cTovm r. t-i m a." on large and one small; strictly modem. FINE clock repairing; pr.ee. right; call. BONDS rn. uranc." op'p.PJ Tpo'cheVed "her. -. -e.l. l.ulM. u. c.,JStuB Call DoW.a. 430. m North 19th St. deliver. Belknap. 300 Sunderland Bldg. otlhi YuVa'SSnl"" CHINA decorating; order work a. peclal- Dougla. 6354. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE OFFERED FOR RENT TWO nice modern south front rooms. DAVID COLE Crea-mlry-C 'wf ' ' 7" d V t J.V.rnVCh GIRL wanted for genera, housework; HoTIe. and Vehicle.. .SU1 JfJb nr a m nTnc c?:v& Ursrs: irstp-r m ,m" fam"y- 846 Georgla Ave- nrTUTRT WA , , large .nd .ma., room.. WTh th. iJlAMUlNlJw51NO DIAMONDS , " " e- '"-g-P- GOOD girl for housework; no cooking; DELIVERY WAOONS-Heavy teaming. HA VERLT HOTEL. 231(1 M St, Am. plan; ", m,- wtlf room- lane closet- lVmiiV111iJAT () FER INCORPORATE your BUSINESS. Money r- CDVTU I MO COO TUC pionCM good home. Tel. D. 660L 638 8. 24th St gear and farm wagona 111? Farnam St bath; 3126 day ; weekly. 5 up; meal.. c ,..??' bre"t. ,1 1-nl.hed- modern 701 CENT BELOW COST. Money to loan, easier obtained; IMPROVED .hare selling EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN i ' r -.. . . ; --ZZL J"rn'".hclA- wirn.v f-tfL noaern- '0l Brodkey'. Jewelry Co., 1401 Ihiugla. St. plan; .mall cost Promoter. 6U 1'axton. Pt,.n. ... . GIRL inv housework who can go to Colo- SECOND-HAND buggies and wagon. UTOPIA Good board and rooms, isth Qorgia Ave. Harney iiw. i , 6 WELT POTaTO PLANTS. Tdo Xit K,inimr; mu,t be good cook and cheap. Murphy ic Son. 14Ui and Jackson. .Dd Davenport. " "A..f- r0o. and "alrove h...ii' LA iTiliXTU Refreshlno- Medicinal PHYSICIAN'S location ln irood lltilo Any amount you neeu. 'Phone Benson 331. iUndiai iuiwl and permanent . " LARGE front room ana alcove, heautl ACT ONE STmX, Drink. Day low. to nf win sefl or "re." office: good or writ. A. D. Ferguson. Benson. Neb. TK'AJ'Uti "YZSPFJEF'iSP"'!' ROOMS AND BOARD-Home cooUng- fully lurnl.hed; rea-onabla. 2671 Dodge retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alamlto. opening for young j "tol., N.i,. h St. lUJpVic line. M 6. 24th St Doug. 64 "FINISHED ROOMS, neat and clean- GET Mlsaourl Flltera. 1310 Howard St - . ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Johnson Dar..U! Co.. W., and Jones Sta THE IRVING 21'4 Leavenworth; newly 2212 Pearl. "uEliSirinED AND RE- .oSS'SK TREES tfhrSZrJ,-& UIGU GR ADI'S-' TVi CE7-Cleqn room..- N. 18th St. " PAIRED. F. Pickering. 106S. ISth St r.do; JJ-k u.. grarUeed Oyh. ygrd. 3tst and Farnam Sis. PUon. WANTED-A g.M .enerusewok; or Ml. cheap. mT UUntttOUtJ -' yo wish a room lth piano call a, SCALES remng'VebulTdfnand'V Rau" 'a1 C- ""rllngton, Colo. nRIQTg GOOD colored cook 1617 Burt St ONE SORRELL llORSE. 8 YearToldl LARGE south Tront room, on first flooTi ' Tpp ATJip j) ingf Refitted Scales soUl. NEW law. and 7h.r condition, necea- FLORISTS GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt St Iffiff K M Bt! ni""""i .Watef: ?rlvaU! entrnC " th T. 'rnt TVm'X Xl rU AiltrJJ 110" go Ulh u ,74. sltat. opening distributing office in thii U.M . -wrn. ,; WANTED Good girl for general house- - Copeland- lynn Co.. IMi Howard St Hu.nm.-r lawn; also other rooms. 123 8. walking distance, reasonab. 610 8. 19ih. district to supply Increasing demands for HKSS PWOBOPA. 1413 Farnam Bt work; family of three. 3612 Harney St. SADDLE and bridle- excellent condition- ' Douglas KttM. Robertson's Restaurant 15 t; SnfiS! J. H. BATH, isa Harney. Dougla. 3000. GmL (or ,.aer., housework; small . but "urt tlln- ll.'or 4,13 ROOM and board; hom. cooking. 1009 8. NEATLY furnished!. . trlctlr .rnodern. (basement); cool, light, sanitary, quick monthly; office expense, and commissions j r WIJ.COX Council Bluffs la Ian family; good salary; no cooking. 2613H tn- - - with or without board. 2210 California Bt renVlemenPTahri.Pa-Ho,. dttnirSunda", StuVIb?' h.V KoSh-tam "ita2. "hous. in west; beautiful flow.?; Capitol Ave. FOR SALE-Hlgh Grade Carriage, nearly TWO .mall connecting rooms for two LARGE front room. 13 .60 week. Also gentlemen. Table d Hot, dinner Sunday, ftunt 'J;,,,,,"" for any occasion .hipped anywhere In U. GIRL for general housework. 1114 Georgl. 'Vun f' tniVi single rS,m.r tl m N. lllth 8t WEDDING rings and presents; complete Bldg.. MluneapolU. Minn. a doNaOHIIB IMI Far D low- A.IOIL Ava Tel. Harney 836. nesa. w ill stll cheap. 3bl8 B. Uth bt Also ; single room for one person, private . ' . A -m.. -n.h tock. GusUfson 4 Hendrlckton 201 N 16th i AKJfAGHUB. 1607 Far. D. 1001. A-10OL , ; maulf" u-i.-M-..n..n ' 7T. family. Ueferenca WIS Cos a Phon. Doug. NEttXY furnished .Ingle rooms, .outh "5 Discount - a nel. .d IF YOU ct.or - rTJZT0 115 " ter. " D- Z ZZ 1' pr SCTL'T.Z ZZZUh BRANPF.l W CUT FLOWERDEPT r, for rt hou. ' -RLESt. . gd T V roAnn0;u,rlIerI!hoS.eTa'.', TTaineS, hBV(nf your p(cl(jrM frraeJ SALE or trade, fin. retail .tock of CIIDMArCC AMP. DCDAIDC Wr; 5, KOod h0,n iot m "ll N Peters. Me.xhanta ho-g5. P ' N-' 23(1 -fet- 1 h0na IUJ " ' " , - Omaha Art and Frame Co., Sfy Addrr.asn Starn,,,t tock ,n th FURNACES AND REPAIRS good ,i.i. u Lothrop . : f X)UR bo... MM per Wttt M Callfor. NBWLY .nJ nlcely (urlrt.i , W7SO. KthSt. Dougl.. 14. i Stove. rep.'rTd'. good .. new. guaranteed; WANTED-Woman for cook and house IHQHT GRADE Jl.ff.. afld " I'lh cheap- til W. 26th St D. tt..? UGlAS Printing CoT T.L DougU. 644. 'tUr,6ei & CU"UUB" ? W-;lsiMi;5. Vtor..1"'. " about, for .al. tMVJSS PRIVATE f.mUy. 2406 LARGE uioU.rn room. w.ck, loot KrI