THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JUNE 12, 1010. Getting Best Results in Home-Building Arthur 0. Clausen, Arohlteet, ( X X i"i f Mm A pf- f i ..J, n " TTv 1 " " - vi rn r-i T $ Any Landlord Can Improve His Property By wirinj his house for electric light. Tenants are demanding this modern con venience more and more and premises which do not have it are out of date. We are furnishing the G.E. MAZDA lamps to our customers who thus save money . and get better light. We will give you all the information you need. Omaha Electric Light and Power Go, HERE In pntmbly no country In the world which contains' a renter variety In the style of its homes than our. While tome localities Iran mors to a certain styl than others, on the princi pal rcsldonoe str??t In nvjst ny large city can be found examples of domestic archi tecture from nearly every civilised coun try In the world, together wth many hybrid styles, which usually ome from trying: to combine thn attractive frutuns of differ ent homes Into one; regardless of any har monious results. The reason for th!j Is plainly apparent. Ziigwe'.l In hla famous play by that n-sme has referred to our country as the great ' Mflting Pot," In which are amalgamated thu races of the earth. When a man thinks of home, there la always associated In his mind the kind of home he was familiar with when a boy. When he migrates to a new country he carries with him Ideais of a home formed during his youth, and It la quite natural that In building his new home In the "land of opportunity," he should decide to e;n bixly In It the characteristics of ths domes tic architecture of his fatherland. This explains why we have homes of Colonial, KiirIIhIi, German, Swiss Chalet and bun galows, which are distant descendants of the Japanese pagoda. Any of these can be called typical American, If they fulfill the American Idea with reference to plan arrangement and convenience. The porch, for example, Is distinctly American. The porch or veranda, which we consider Indispensable on a private home, la seldom seen In any part of Eu rope and Is unknown In the Oriental coun tries. In some parts of Europe, Venice being a good example. Is fou-nd the nearest approach to the porch, which are Open re cesses in the wall, known as loggias. These afford no better outlet than a room with a large window and are not as airy aa our modern sun room with the windows open. Our country has auch a variety of cli mate, and climate always has a consid erable Influence upon the arrangement of a home, that no style or plan could be considered as distinctly typical of the entire1 country. In the New England states the colonial style, an adaptation of the Georgian style of England, Is always the favorite, and this may be considered the moBt popular style of domestic architecture In this country, the reason for this being the fact that a great many of the early set tlers In the various parts of the western ' " ' ' 's , ' - ' - ; i:: nA r" ' J , fx.' 15, ' 4.t.'mmMm,' . mr- , f , t. ! "vP"'bji. 'ft X. . r IJ ""x'fW,. . MR. CLAUSEN'S BOOK The Art, Solsnce and Ssntlment of UoiuebttUding." 42 chapters, 10) Illustrations and a thoueand facts on the planning and designing of every kind of home. It rovers a wide range of subjects. In cluding the planning of bungalows, tu'iiutuan and city homes, letting contracts, choosing materials, proper design of entrances, windows, fiia pUces, etc Price, post puld, A monthly supplement, "Practical Homebuilding." sent gratis for twelve months following the sal of the book. Address, Arthur O, Clausen, Archi tect, 113S-37-S8 Lumber Ksohauge, Minneapolis, Minnesota. country were born and raised In New Eng land and took with them to their new homes the Impression of old ones as nat urally as & foreigner coming Into our land. The colonial style Is also very popular In most of the southern states, but undergoes a decided change In plan, the more preten tious colonial homes being a group of semi detached buildings rather than one com pact building which becomes more prac tical In order to economize on the heat in the northern states. The central states re ceive the Influence of both the east and west, with the colonial style predominating, clossly followed tn popularity by the Eng lish half timbered style. In the extreme western part of ths country a marked change la noticeable In the predominating styles. Here the homes are built low, spreading, and many of them almost rustic In appearance; In fact so popular have these semt-rustlc homes become that the term "studied rusticity" has been coined as descriptive -of them. In the extreme southwestern part of the country, the do mestic styles show the Influence of the se verest plain square mud brick houses of the Pueblo Indians and Mexicans, while In the mountainous countriea are found many examples of Swiss chalet style with their enormous peaked roofs, suggesting the peaks end crags with which they are sur rounded. Zangwell's prophesy that out of this mul titude of races will grow a greater Ameri can race with Its own characteristics In harmony with our Independanee and In dustry may also result In the gradual de velopment by slow evolution of the dis tinctly American style of domestic archl tecture, but until that Mm comes any home which Is pleasing to look upon, home like and convenient, Is typical American. THE nORTIIVESTERN Expanded Metal Company 18 THE MA UF ACTURER OF STEEL PLASTERING LATH the Invention of which made possible the con version of old frame houses into the ap pearance, of stone by the process of "overcoating" with cement mortar. This inortnr is mude of a mixture of ocment and snnd in about the propor tions ns used to make concrete sidewalks. Frame houses so treated are warmer in winter, with less expenditure of fuel, and cooler in summer. They do not need painting. Write for particulars to the company nt 84 VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. I liB Alaska Refrigerators The easily cleaned, sanitary re frigerators; no dead air, no foul odors; either rlnc or white $9 to $36 Acorn Gas Stoves The stoves with the automatic pressure controller; at least one third of your gas bill saved by Sed!v.,::.....$13 to $34 Lawn Mowers From $2.75 to $16.50 Rubber Hose From 6c lo 20c- per foot. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO. Sol Agent for Celebrated Fox Furnaces 2407-2409 Cuming St. wll ya bay tl el Husslc U'l right." ANCHOR FENCE CO, Phone Red 814. 205-207 North 17th St, The Time and Place to Buy Fencing 3c Per Foot and Up. Quick Drying Floor Paint it One more item in the Sherwin-Williams Paint and Varnish line. AVK SELL ALL. Call for paint circular and color card. tt-pint Family Taint .15c s-aallon can Outshlo Paint, covers 1.500 .rn square rest Stt.60 .plnt Bicycle Enamel BOo t Gallons Rich Red Barn I'alnt ....94.35 1 Dint Oond Varnish 3So V quart Inside Floor Paint 4So sallon good Hoof Taint (1.15 1 pound Color Qround In Oil 15o 1 aallon Outside and Inside Faint (cover SUO square feet). 40 shades to choose from, at B1.88 1 quart Mar-Not Durable Floor Varnish, at 85 4-Dlnt White Bath Tub Enamel BOo H-pInt Buggy Paint 8 So U-Plnt Can Aluminum Taint BS J7x3. t ' . jp. PtSIGM MO ei6 JZ.T H U R C C IS 06 x. rt ARCHITtCT DirtlHO, ROOM t-o i4-e S KITCHCh IO'0' Ifc-tf R.OOM it 1: s HAL'l. T WlSh . 1 - i sj i .1 "a D j . ' . EE . f -0 . , - ii i-- - LI . -0.CiM Safe Fireoroof Stora RIRHENDALL BUYSMORE LAND sherman & McDonnell drug co. Corner Sixteenth and Bodr Streets. OWL DRUG CO., Corner 16th and Harney C!.UH TEHT MD AWMIGC0. CAMPING OUTFITS t rem i V(IX) CATP At. DF1MT I t un inAJAj vji linn a UTH AND HARNEY STS. OMAHA, NEB. Prepares to Extend His Present Large Establishment. TWO STORES TO THE WEST Pays the Millard Hstat . Hundred Thousand Dollar for Property In the Jobblnsj District to Have Lararer Quarters. F. P. Klrkendall & Co., shoe manufac turers, have bought for 1100.000 the property In which the factory is located at Eleventh, and Harney streets from Kzra Millard and his sisters. Tho deal la the largest locally In some time, Mr. Klrkendall's purchase Includes prop erty 133 feet square on the southwest cor ner of the Intersection named. Three five story buildings stand upon the ground, the largest of which Is occupied by the Klrken dall company. Next to it stands tho build ing utilized by Dixon & Campbell, whole sulo furnishings, and west of this Is the third bulldlnrr, occupied by the Interstate Rubber company. The Klrkendall company, which Is an old established shoe manufacturing house, has secured bulldinga good for fifty years and will be enabled to Increase Its floor space by 75 per cent when desired. as much unconcern as the ordinary citi zen walking on the streets. OaCXS Scott Tent and Awning Co. 314-816 South 12th Street. A. C. SCX)TT, rreUtle-nt and Manager. Do you need anything for the camp or, Infact, anything made of canvas. See our line of Tents, Awnings anil Porrli Curtains, Anything Special Made vt Canvas. All employes thoroughly eiperlenced in their line. Pay our factory a visit and see where the finest line of canvas made goods are made We .will be pleaded to make estimates. 1U.11 l'hone Douglas 8:18. Not "Watch Us Grow". But "Help Us Grow" NEW HOTEL F0R CHEYENNE Handsome Structure to Be Erected In Wyoming City with Omaha Material. Albert D. Klein, manager of the Sunder land brick department, has returned from Cheyenne, Wyo., with an order for eight carloads of high-grade press brick which are to be used In the new hotel building to bo erected in the enterprising city. The hotel will be fireproof, modern In every par ticular and In point of architecture one of the most attractive In the Rocky Mountain district. The exterior! is to be' of light color, the brick being crfam buff with Im pervious surface. Mr. Ralpn E. Sunderland is in New Tork city attending a meeting of the executive committee of the Building Brick Associa tion of America, having gone there from Pittsburg where he attended the regular meeting of the board of directors of the same organization during the first part of the week. PROSPEROUS JARMERS BUILD Improvements All Over State Indi cate High Degree of Agricul tural Prosperity. That the farmers are generally prosper ous is Indicated by reports from all parts of Nebraska. , Not only barns and bins, but fine residences, modern in all respects, are being planted upon the farms that pro duce tile money to build such Improve ments. A fine residence Is being erected for Cortes Cook in Washington county and brick from the Sunderland stock has been selected. We take great pride in Baying what we know to be an absolute fact, and that is that we have the FINEST AND SAFEST MODERN FIRE PROOF storage house in the west. When you storage anything with us your worry and responsibility in regards to its safety ends. You are sure of careful handling, safe from FIRE or burglars and moderate in cost for your insurance. HOW about your piano' when you are gone, or any othe valuable piece of furni ture. We have private rooms, special rooms for household goods. OUR WAGONS WILL CALL ANY TIME, ANYWHERE. Don't wait until you incur A LOSS BUT DO IT NOW. Moving and fire proof storage is our business. WE KNOW HOW, let us do it. You Aro Invited We cordially invite you to inspect our new beautiful fire proof warehouse. An attendant will gladly show you every part of the building. SEE WHERE YOUR VALUABLES ARE SAFEGUARDED. A Mk rrt U07 f Savings accumulate very fast at Six Per Cent per an num, interest aud fortunes are soon made by tho 0 thrift of saving. Try a savings account with the. Omaha Loan and Building Association; $1 to $25 per month accepted and lump sums of not over $5,000. Supervised by tho State Banking Board. Ask for booklet "A" and other information. ASSETS, $3,50O,C0O. " RESERVE FUND, $64,000.. Address 0maha Loan and Building Association 16th and Dodge Streets. Having- Its Face Washed. Workmen on scaffolds suspended two hundred feet In tne air are now rngaged In washing down the exterior walls of the new City National Bunk building at 16th and Harney streets. All day long pabkersby stop and In dread watch these men at their work, fearing that one of them will be dashed to the ground many feet below, but these men accustomed to their work move obout these scaffolds with ARTISTIC W ALL PAPER J it: We carry the most complete and artistic line of Wall Paper in Omaha. Come here and pick the style of paper for your dining room, living room, bed room or den. You can certainly find everything that will suit you from our tremendous stock. KKMKMllrJK we guarantee to undersell any firm in Omaha, either wholesale or retail, and promise ycu absolute satisfaction. 'THE WALL PAPER STORE OF OMAHA SAM NEWMAN 109 South. 14th Street DOIGLAS 43 A-4313 WWiSWWnlsTOWgl I ARTISTIC MCK Have you seen it? The brick utsed iu the new residence at 37th and Pacific streets is called KunderlauuVa TurkUh, No. 110 and is the most beautiful ever shown In the west. See it Don't pass by hurriedly, examine it, stud it "rubber a little." WE ARE STRONG FOR BEAUTIFUL BRICK. Artistic Brick (or Frame Houses Face the foundation, chimneys and porch piers With our Artistic Brick. The extra cost over common brick facing is insignificant compared with the added beauty and increased selling value. We havi many kinds specially suitable Some at very lew prices See Our IChlllt. -If ' SUNDERLAND UJf lOlf HARNCY ST. Gull Douglas 1759; Ind. A-1335 Omaha Fire Proof Storage Co. 804-812 South 16th Street. coos ftcnecM STCTIOW : 3 "iction Portable Screen Houses For Town or Camping , Porch Screens, Window and , Door Screens Omaha Window Screen Co. Telephone Doug. 4692 A SURETY BOND in my company guarantees the completion of the building according to the plans and specifications, within the time, free of liens and incumbrances. Request it of your contractor and thereby protect yourself from an xiety and Ion. $14,000 paid in losses by this agency last year. J MIT HUN 202-03 First National Bank Bid... v. II. i'lll HtW, Telephone Dou.les .27 The fcCONOMY WINDOW SCREEN ' WILL SAVE YOU ONE-HALF T. II. WEIRICII FIXTURE CO., . " 1317 IIOITI 84th ITmXZT. PalOVB WIBITCB 1877 MANTELS AND TILE (replace Grates and Fixtures, Tile Floor for all purposes Furnaces and all kinds of Hardware. Milton Rogors & Sons Co., Fourtaantr and Farnam Straata