Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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Nebraska Man in Idaho
Vice President to Speak at the Big
Omaha Meeting.
Arvepiauce Was Hecelved Satarda
by Chairman of larltatlaa I
mltteeTo Be Ialtlatcd
at the Den.
Charle. Wairen Fairbanks, former vice
president of the Vnlted State will he rue
of the speakers at the convention of tli
Associated Advertising clubs of Am?rlia,
which will be held here July IX, 1 ar.d 2
A definite acceptance was received
day from Mr. Kalrbjjik by Gejrge (Jll
lespie, who Is chalrma.i of the Omtlia Ad
club's committee on Invitations. Despite
a popular reputation to the contrary, for
mer Vice l'it:dtnt Fairbanks Is a Treat
hand at gatherings of this sort. Invariably
speaking In a semi-Jocose vein and "mix
ing It" warmly with delegates.
His coming, together with that of Arthur
Btlsbanp, the editor, la big card for tho
convention and wlil do much to enhance
IntereatlsjK Proa ram.
1 ho program committee for the conven
tion Is abln to announce the program for
the first night, Monday, July IS. Following
a visit to the realm of Aa-Sar-Be.i. dele
gate will go for a trip tn the City of
Peoria, which has been chartered for th
evening. The start may be late, but many
of the Ad convention delegate, particularly
the "kazzozers," are wont to dispense wltu
sleep from the time thu convention begins
until It end.
W. C. Campbell and F. W. Harwoud. of
ficial spieler for the convention, hat
Sunday night for Chicago, Milwaukee and
the Twin Cities. Thry will be heard Mon
day by the Chicago Advertising associa
tion, and at Mllwauken will address thu
Central Division of the Associated Ad
clvbs. Mr. Campbell will speak there upon
an assigned subject, "The Inspiration of a
National Meeting."
Chicago and Dea Molne will bring bands
to the convention, and the Chicago dele
gallon will be headed by the quartet of the
Chicago Advertising association. The leader
of this quartet Is Ueorge Mason, Chicago
rer. resenlative of The Dee.
, C. B. Channel of Twin Falls Is another
Nebraska man who has made guud In th
Twin Falls country. vhro ho has main
tained the rvpuiallon as a hustler which
he earned while In hla native state. Mr.
O'r.aunel formerly resided at Kearnev.
the lumoer business, expanding same with
a push nnd vim which has told In all his
dealings and which has extended his busi
ness through the entire section. Today he
Is the general manager of the Klbley
Chaniio! Lumber company, as well as sec
retary ana treasurer of that company.
Neb., and was an Important factor la the , While he maintains the main office and
ouveiopiueiu 01 mat city, nut later re
moved to Lincoln, where he lived up to
the time of his removal to Idaho, five
years ago. In VJOl and ISO he was state
engineer for Xebraaka, sorvlng under two
governors and making an excellent record,
but when tiie Twin Fails projects were
first brought to the attention of the public
be saw the splendid opening in Idaho anl
Was one of the first to enter Into business
In the new town which was being estab
lished. In the five years he has lived at
Twin Falls, Mr. Channel has seen the
place grow fro.a the age brush plain to
elty of 6,000 people and has taken part
hi all of the movements which have made
It one of the moat talked of places In the
At Twin Falls Mr. Channel engaged In
one of the Impc riant yards of his com
pany at Twin Falls, his business has ex
panded until it 1.4 now reaching out Into
many of the largest cities of southern
Idaho. Seven yards are now controlled by
his company, they being located at Twin
Falls, Rupert, Burley, Klmberly. Filer,
Jerome and liolllster, and In each of these
thriving places the Nlbley-Channel Lumber
company has a substantial business, and
by their progrestlve methods are con
tributing to the development of the com
munity. At Twin Falls, where Mr. Channel makes
his home, his wife and two children are
as enthusiastic boosters for Idaho as Is
the husband and father, whose push and
pluck Is and will always count for the up
building of the community.
His Gubernatorial Highness Makes
Bemarks. About Fight.
ays It Will Ue Ouly a. Help to the
tate of California. In tialuina
l'nbliclty for the Com
monwealth. I
NEW YORK, June ll.-Speaklng of sport
ing propositions, have you looked over
Governor J tunes Norrls Olllett of Cali
fornia? There's a live wire loose and ttlz
gling at both ends. Not very strong on
"Dignity doc3n t 'get you anything any
how," said Governor Olllett. "You may
have noticed that there Is nothing more
dignified In the world than' a St. Bernard
dog. But what good are they, unless you
happen to be a traveller lost on tbo Alps
and see one of those galvanized fur rugs
trudging through the snow looking like a
picture out of McUuffey's fourth rouder?
No, son. Dignity never helped a horse win
a race."
it isn't that there la anything of the
Ivory head about California's governor.
They will never work his domo over Into
collar buttons when he cushes In. file is a
lawyer, and a good one, who inado enough
of a fortune out of the luw to be able to
afford an occasional Incursion Into politics.
Hedoesn't talk like a dialect sketch, be
cause he doesn't know any other way. Just
now and then he lapses Into the vernacular
Just to shock thu gentlemen who don't
care what thought a sentence conveys, as
long as It Is grammatical.
The Gov." Talks.
"California Is getting full of these prim
policies," he said the last time he was In
JNew York. "Of course, they'll get over it
after our climate gets a fair whack at
them. But there's no use talking, a man
can't grow up in Wisconsin, or Iowa, or
Minnesota, fur example, without getting
hla Intellectuals congealed and foggy. It
takes our clean air. and sunshine to thaw
him out. One of you eastern men -will
come out to us, wearing a full set of grave
clothes and singing, 'Hark from the
Tombs,' when hu leeis extra gay. If a dug
p would bite him, the worst he could think ot
to say would be 'Oh, mercy.' But they cer
tainty uu iuudi ii uji nicau iiiic-u iiiuuriira
after they have had the advantage of seen
, ery and society for a little while."
Whenever a man talkes like that in New
York someone says he is "brecgy." But
note that there is a difference between
breezy and windy. Uillett makes what lie
aay count. Others who handle his fame
line of talk Just sound like a gust through
the acacias. And It is Lilllett who has an
nounced that hu will not interfere with the
Jeffries-Johnson fight
"Interfere with It'.'" he said In a converts-
tlon reported in California. "My boy you
ask Questions like a sage hen. Next thing
you'll be asking n.e If I'm going to prevent
freight vessels landing at the Sun FrancUcu
wharves because their crews work on Sun
day. This fight Is due to be a good tiling
for California. It will be an advertisement
for our warts and we are always glud to
how goods it will bring a lot of money
to the state, and it will be mighty odd It
some of the thousands v. ho con. to sue do
not decide to stay."
Hiiuc I'lgbt t.osali.
Governor Uillett hatnl' found any aurt u(
port yet that he doesn't approve of, ex
cept beaubag. He thinks that is danger
ous. 8o apt to spill tiie beans.
They have been laboring with Uillett to
top the fight. All sorts of people have
appealed to him, out of a sense of duty
and not because they thought he would.
"1 do not expect to see this fight," said
he. the other day. "I have never seen a
fight In my life. It I likely that I never
will see one. But that Is merely because
I, personally, am not interested In this
particular game, and not because I disap
prove of It. They offered to give me a
ticket. I believe that Tx Rlckard said
h'd have have one made out on a plate
of gold and set It with dlamunda. or sum
uch fooltehnes as that. Well. I Just told
him to kep hla ticket In hi pocket and
coaa hlmlf not to talk too much. If 1
decide to go I'll buy a seat-and If I don't,
I don't need one."
He bara no other form of aport. how
ver. He like to hunt and flh and ride
a horse. Now and then he tackle surf
bathing at the California resort without
. A. . - .. ..... .... -I .. t -..I , t..n If.
as 'r rJ 01 nis nigu .w... .
. J to be a fair shot at the trap.
" Vital statistic don't Interest anyone very
much. But for the benefit of those who
insist. It may be added that Uillett Is now
SO years old, having been born in Viroqua,
Wit,.. In 1ij0. He was admitted to the bar
tn ttsl, after the usual educational hurdles
had been taken, and about the same' time
landed lu California. He has been a good
and lively politician there. At the request
cf President Roosevelt he Interfered with
the legislature's desire to burn all the
Japs In California at tho stake, and there
was a time when It Hcemed as though the
Glllett candle was burning low. But that
particular form cf cussedness ceased x to
amuse California and there has been no
trouble over the Japs of late.
That he Isn't afraid of hi dignity as
has been hinted before Is shown by the
fact that he made one of a party of boost
ers for some world's fair that Los Angeles
plana to get before long and opened his
heart and some excellent Scotch to his
callers while in New York. It Is entirely
safe to say that this sound and wiry little
man will not mar the fight plans.
"I couldn't atop it If I wanted to," he
said. "California's law permit limited
round contests, and this Is limited to forty
five rounds."
You can make more money
with less money in Idaho
than in any other western
state. There are more op
portunities to make wealth;
there is more undeveloped
wealth- Lands to be seeded,
planted and sown; mines to
be opened, railroads to be
built; great irrigation enter
prises to be established and
That is why MONEY JS
than it is in the middle west
The president of this bank,
David Eecles, is worth $25,
000,000.00 of money, and the
vice-president is worth as
much. Indeed M. IS. Brown
ing is one of the wealthiest
men in the west.
This wealth is in lands,
banks, railroads bonds and
real money, in large or small
amounts, is needed.
Banks in the mid-west pay
3co for your savings.
The Burley State Bank Pays 6 and Guar
antees You Absolute Safety for Your Money
Write a letter today and
get from us some of the won
derful facts about Idaho;
something of the reasons why
Write today for this infor
mation. It is absolutely FREE. It
costs nothing.
urley State Bank
Burley, Idaho.
Double Your Money ii Ida.ho
Persistent AdverUaiug la the Road to Big
This report is from one of the VERY
this country. He knows the mines of the
Inter-Mountain West as you know your
own back yard. Read this report that he
has made on the Olympic Mining and Mill
ing Company's property in Cassia County,
Idaho. Money is needed for development.
Money is needed for the prosecution of this
work. Write to Sen. Frank Riblett TO
Then you won't work so hard for your
money. Remember that this mine is lo
cated in the famous mineral belt of Idaho.
ger s
Report of F. W. Schule
On the Olympic Mine Investigation
Made December 6 and 7, 1909
The property, which consists of a i
solid croup of twelve full sued, un
patented claims, is located on Mount
Independence In the Goose range of
Mountains in Cassia county, Idaho,
approximately twenty-three miles by
wagon road eouth of Albion, the
county seat, and approximately forty
one miles from burley, Idaho, the
nearest railroad point.
Owing to the covering of snow not
much of the general and topograph
ical geology could be noted, but the
geological horizon of this district con
slats mainly of the older Cambrian
and Arvhean rocks. Including quarts
lie, quartzlte slates, and shlsts (such
as hornblende and mlcashists) gneiss
and granites. To the south nnd west
lie the older granites and shlsts. the
latter being tilted to the north and
cant, while to the north and east the
later formations' of quartzlte predom
inates superposed upon the former.
On a small plateau of about one
fourth mile square, some v.OOO teet
above sea level, a shaft Is sunk fol
lowing Hie nearly vertical dip of a
true mineral bearing Manure vein. The
structural geology of the mineral
sone muted In t lie workings of the
Dlympia shaft consists of one main
fissure and two smaller parallel ones
culling the hornblende shint, wmcn
have all the Indications of perman
ency, great depth and Increased mag
nitude as development progresses.
Local metamorphutm Is marked in
the Immediate formation outside the
walla of the fissure. This fissure out
crops strongly, the gangue being
quarts, more or less decomposed, im
pregnated with carbonates of lead
and copper. No trenching has been
done on this ledge to either side of
the collar of the shaft, but most of
the work done lias been sinking on the
ledge following Its depth straight
downward to the extent of 202 feet.
The horlaontal direction of the vein
Is twentv east of smith and
twenty degrees west of north, and
th dip averages approximately
seventy-five degrees to the west, hav
ing all Indications of originating down
and to the south from the older for
mation. All told only 350 feet of
work has been done In this, the only
wonting, and no work baa been done
in tne shall to cross-cut beyond tlie
ledge more than etgnt teet to either
slue. (.At tne bottom of tne shaft two
snort cross-cuts each clgnt teet be
yond the walls of the main ledge
nave been made, and in this work two
parallel mineral bearing quarts veins
each over a foot in tntckneas have
been opened up. One on tho hanging
wall side and the other on the toot
wall side of the main ledge..) Seven
short drifts have been made at var
ious levels, none of which have been
driven more than twenty-five teet
from the shaft. What stoppng has been
done Is In the Immediate vicinity, of
the shaft from these short drifts and
the appearance of the exposed ledge
.and the dump show that promising
ore has been gouged out. The minerals
noted In the ledge are. for the most
part, In the carbonate form, with
traces of galena In spots. The main
ledge varies lu thickness from two
and on-half to over tour -feet, the
vein being stronger at the bottom of
the shaft. On no places Is there a
single fault to be noted, the vein
being entirely In place and continuous
the entire length of the shaft. The
mineralisation, for the most part. Is
spotted, but, as assays of samples
noted below show, some good ore is
present at these shallow deptha. Be
ing principally exposed In a narrow
shaft with practically no drifting
work done, the opening up of the
vein has been done at an enormous
cost, considering the primitive meth
ods employed, simple tools used and
poor transportation facilities. The
following assays were made on sam
ples taken as described:
1- Samples from drift about forty
five feet below collar of shaft: No
lead; trace of silver; trace of gold.
2. Sample from small stope In
same drift: 2 2 copper; 13 lead;
9 os. silver; .0H os. gold.
8. Sample from drift south of
shaft about sixty feet below collar of
ahaft: ii lead; 23. R0 os. silver; .70
os. gold; 4.2 copper. .
4. Sample gathered In ro,untryck
between principal ledse and hanging
wall vein at bottom of the shaft: No
lead; no copper; trace of silver; .01
os. gold.
Picked sample from vein about
slxty-flv feet below eollar of shaft
on north aide of shaft 3.2 copper;
11.7 lead; 11.4 oz. silver; .09 ox.
6. Sample from stope In first drift
below collar of shaft about thirty
five feet below surface: 4 copper;
8.1 lead; 10.6 oz. silver; .2( ox. gold.
Knough work has been done In the
shaft workings to demonstrate the
permanency of the ledge. In fact, the
facilities at hand for further sinking
are almost prohibitive. The future
possibilities are so promising that
the driving of an adit to tap the
ledge at a depth of about 400 feet
is recommended; and all the features
of the property suggest the driving
of the tunnel from the western slope
where all natural resources ho neces
sary to economical and successful
mining are found, such as timber and
water for milling, culinary and power
purposes, The ground does not require
the use of,msny or heavy timbers,
but excellent material Is on hand for
all purposes. The weitern slope Is
so steep and the mountain stream In
the adjacent canyon Is so voluminous
that the company will not lack water
for any purpose. In addition, the dis
tance by wagon to the railroad from
the western slope will be shortened
to about sixteen mile to Oakley,
Idaho, to which place a spur of the
Oregon Short I. tne railroad will be
built within the next year. Then, too.
an electric line from Burley to Albion
la assured in the near future. In this
way, better and more economical min
ing can be done. The driving of a 800
foot tunnel will tap the ledge at a
vertical depth of approximately 40J
feet. This tunnel will have the ad
vantage of being a cheaper way than
Inking 200 feet more, will serve as a
drain, will prospect the entire prop
erty, and will have the ull-lmportant
advantage of putting the mine into
a much further developed stage. The
ground is of such a nature that it
will require very little timbering, al
though It la good breaking ground and
could easily be tunneled by hand
All In all. the property has es-
Feclally good feature and warrants
urther development. A lower tunnel
will prove up Its value and the better
tranoportatlon facilities that are being
perfected give promise that this prop
erty of obvious merit will soon find
Its way mad for scientific and fruit
ful development. Signed,
Wrtte ro toJay for fr bo Jklet. This booklet will le'.l yj i hw other made thlr
fortunes; mid them eaUly. Hw yo can mtk yours. Write m tolty without fall.
Olympic Mining and Milling Co,
down buys fertile
Land in
of Canada'"'
The British Columbia Govern
ment foresaw the future of this
choicest of all choice agricul
tural land the Cttnadlan Parlia
ment realized what tout railroads
would mean for Its progress and
withdrew all of this land from
sale on May 6 of this year.
We were fortunate you are
are all the more fortunate be
cause we secured advance Infor
mation and were allotted 3000
acres before this "Farmers' Para
dise" was withdrawn from Bale.
This Is the last chance the
final opportunity to own govern
ment lands in one of the most
productive areas in the world
at practically government prices.-
From May on no individual
or corporation can secure lands In
this district from tho Canadian
Government our allotment of
80,000 acres Is being disposed of
like magic It's a case, of now
If yon would make fortunes as
fortunes were made In thfs very
country when lands were new.
Thousands yes, thoa sands of
settlers and Investors, are "rush
ing tn" now into the lands that
are offered you here for a mere $1
per acre down.
River Valleys
"On the warm side
of the Rockies11
la British
The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail
road mast have its transconti
nental line through our very lands
by 1911 it contract with the
Canadian Government makes this
But this Isn't all! Three more
railroads are now engaged In
surveying lines through; The
British Columbia Railroad (a
Morgan railroad). The ' Vancouver
& Ft. Oeorge Railroad and the
Ft. George & Barkervllle Rail
road. Ft. George Is the geographical
and commercial center and will be
in the future what Omaha la to
day to Nebraska and the West.
This entire region will dupli
cate the upbuilding of our own
great Northwest. Fortunes will
be made Just as they were madu In
Nebraska. Dakota and Minnesota
before the railroads came through.
Read on! Study over a few ex
tracts from soores of favorable,
even enthusiastic Canadian Gov
ernment reporje.
"The soil everywhere la of the
richest quality. Attains in some
places a thickness of forty feet."
"Climate is all that could be
wished for. The Japan Current
in the nearby Pacific promotes
"The. demand for every product
of the farm Is great and ever In
creasing.' ,
The way Is now open to you
an easy, fortunate opportunity to
buy this virgin land at
$75i Per Acre
spread over a period of
three years, if you desire,
with a down payment of
See Us first thing tomor-
, '' row
Grand Trunk
Land Company
312 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
If you live eut ef town send for
latest prospectus and blueprint
of favored farms,
is jSf?i ii
"! n ' : ff III
ill jWVf 7V:
i I ft! ! ill
l3 """""" im
Ms omparlsosi how the retcarkabl similarity U. . seen the trade pel- I
ties ef Omaha and rooateUo. Bailrcads eenvsge hsre aud every opportunity K
1 present for any alert man who tk comfort, a and plenty. H
P A n rg i
t VI rv e v
iq ror u
prints B
YOV HAVE got to know about To
catello. It offer the mot su
preme opportunity for Invest
ment, safe, secuie. and bound to pay
that the entire west shows forth to
day. Pocatello Is a city; In every
senso of the word Vooatsllo Is a elty,
Bmall yet, to be sure, but It Is the
center of a vast Industrial area, all
of which must pay trlbat to this
Airtr, earnest growing city; the en
trenot for all mining, agricultural
ana commercial wealth of Idaho.
And I want you to know about Poca.
tello. TheV why I'll send a wonder
fully beautifully book free of any sort
of ooat. I nm not In th real estate
business. Bat I do own property In
Voeattllo and I want to see It grow.
I know thst you will want to Invest
money tn Pocatello when you know as
ma oh abont It a X do. That' why I
want to send vou this free book. I
Invested mv money In Pocate'lo be
cause t absolutely knew that It
would grow to be a big elty and I alto
know that every xlngle family that
come to Pocatello will raise the
value of ny property. I knew that
yon will come to Pocatello, once von
know the supreme chance that
await the earnest, sober, Industrious
young man. Remember, then
and that X want yon to have it with
out expanse. Of course 1 own prop
erty In Pocatello. Of course I will
profit by the growth of the city. The
days of pare altruism arent here,
not yet. Hut that doesn't hurt the
value of the book to yon. The eover
alono would sell .for fifty cent In
any art store. The pictures are, '
really beautiful, and the Information
In It Is valuable to anv man who
seeks to better his condition.
Please remember that the country
won't dn It all. Please remember
that Idaho has no more room for
drones than has anv other state.
Please remember that when vou
come to Idaho you'll have to work
Just as everyone else does. But It's
a pleasant place to work; beautiful
scenery, pure water, and good neigh
bora The soil is the most fertile
on earth.
And X can put you In the way of
making a great deal of money where
now, perhapa. you are having to be
satisfied with a living. Write for
the book. Do It now. Tou've got
to know about FooatcUo. And the
men who know first are the one
who will win most. . Writ right
sow! Wsjlte today!
Pocatello, Idaho
Ton can find oat all about ns by writing to the Oakley State Bank, Oakley,
Idaho. We-will positively guarantee to double any sum of money you put
In our hands If yon leave It with ns long enough. The opportunities r ented
through Oakley and th development of the Oakley Irrigation project, make
unusual and extraordinary returns on Investments absolutely sure.
Oakley Investment Co.
Oakley (Cassia Co.) Idaho.
in Idaho
Writs to as for Information. Albion and th
territory surrounding this county seat town
of the rlohest county In Southern Idaho, will
(tow faster than any other place, because It
has further to grow. Get In now. W can
guarantee that you will double your money,
Albion Realty Co.,
Albion, Idaho.
THIS la our specialty. From
One to One Thousand acres.
This business ,1s made to
serve your interests. No sum of
money, however . small, Is two
Email to get our best attention
And no sum, however large, is
too large to tax our capacity to
We would like to have you
write to us for our booklets,
literature and other informa
tion. We are sure that you
want to know about IDAHO.
It Is the last West and the rap
idly growing section of the
United States. Here you can
make big profits on small in
vestments. Land can be bought
on credit.
Write RifM Now, Write Today
You can make a better home in
Idaho than in any other state;
there's more to make it with! The
landscape of mountain, and river,
and hill and vale; the fertile Irri
gated land; the quick cash mar
kets; good neighbors; all these are I
In Idaho.
Get buty today! Right now!
We will send you a beautiful
booklet free of cost. A post card
request Is all, Head today.
This booklet tells of American Fall;
tn on pews city ef the (nvsrmona
tela wees. Wealth awaits you
Amerloaa Falls, Idaho,
Farm lands are of extraordinary
wealth and fertility at Idaho Falls,
Idaho, a great power city. Cheap
light and cheap power make manu
facturing pay. A handsome book
let published and printed for your
information is absolutely free If
you write for It today. Write to
day. ELLIS BROS. &
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Itfaho Falls Is In the heart of
the great Snaka River Valley.
1 11
Yes, distinctly, .plainly, write aud
ask us for the opportunities we cau
filled with new ways of living well,
comfortably, happily and profitably.
Send today for THE FREE BOOKLET
which describes Southern Idaho so well
We can show you how to make
money. We need money to l6an7 on
approved security at such rates as to
net you 7 per cent. You can't get
such rates in the Middle West. Farm
lands are cheap and can be bought on
credit. You cannot make a mistake
In SOUTHERN IDAHO even if you
buy with your eyes abut. But WRITE
TO US FIRST. We point the way to
easier, happier, pleasanter living. Any
bank In Twin Falls is our reference.
Hill & Taylor
Twin Falls, Idaho