If moc ' N AX OFFERED FOR RENT I'lriUhtd Uooma Cetle. IK you wlrh a room with piano call at bt. Mary'a Ave. NEATLY furnished, strictly modern, with or without board. JtlO California St. LARGE front s.ngle room, 1 rooni, 13.50 618 N. mh week. Also NKWW furnished single rooms; south exposure. 2,4 rarriaiu 01, TWO furnished front rooms, new fiat; walking distance, reasonable. 610 8. lath. lIUIlKlUI Willi. I STIiUTliV mourn room; clean and coinfoitiuli-. 11 Dodge. NKWU and nicely tlitap. 214 N. 26th St. f urnlshed D. 6402. rooms, MoDKRN basement room for boy, $1.60. 216 8. 26lh St. AR1J you looking for a cool, pleasant room? Inquire 2021 Harney or phone Har ney u3LH. I'ARLOR for I or 3 Kntlnin; in'Klern; also Hinall room, li week, 646 p. 4tn ve- "TWO beautiful clean front rooms, all modern; private family. 7ia Georgia Ave. l'ltone Harney 6166. NICELY furnished room; reasonable, .21 N. Will St. CLOSE In clean large furnished room, leasonable. 2iut Capitol Ave. LARGE alcove room, 13 per week, 2215 California. FRONT room, walking distance; private home. 221D Douglas. I'none Douglas 7b-t. NICE clean, strictly modern rooms. Harney bt. 2208 TWO modern light housekeeping rooms, Jj monthly. 05 Leavenworth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, l.ih Ave. Red 6172. 710 a. LAROE modern room, 12 week. 2003 Burt. LAUUE newly papered, modern front rooms, eii suite If desired; & blocks from r. o. l'Jl'J Cats St. A NICK large room In private family; fine neighborhood. Capitol Ave. THREE unfurnished and two furnished. i',M N. 24th tit. MODERN rooms, for 2; rates. 2317 Harney. NICE outside room, 2222 Farnam. 4 handsomely furnished rooms, modern; close in, walking distance. 607 8. 2&th Ave. FRONT roome, strictly modern, suitable for two ladles or .two gentlemen. 1822 Capi tol Ave. 1 OR 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping, 2d floor, modern. 622 N. 23d St. FURNISHED room, 12.50 week. 614 N. 19th. NICELY furnished room. 2424 Caldwell, NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance, new. 607 8. 2Bth Ave. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, from $2.60 tip; under new management. 615 N. Kth St. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 3 blocks from center of ciiy. Ap lly IMi Farnam St. ROOM; walking distance, strictly modern. 415 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Largo front room. 2417 Cali fornia. '.Phone D. 6U66. res.; or Douglas 670. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, 2660 Harney St. FURNISHED Room, walking distance; private family; no children; one or two entlemcn; No. 7 Shelby Court, 22d and eavenworth. A 1024; Doug. 6731. TWO Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. modern, 18 month. X622 . Davenport street NICE Rooms for colored DeoDle. 17L1 Burt. Phone Doug. 6114.. LARGE Front room, first floor, modern; good.. njiblborhoodU. aojtable.tor twa-gentlemen or man and wife. Reasonable. 3H Harney street TWO Furnished Sleeping Rooms. 23d street 402 N. PLEASANT Furnished Front Parlor In partly modern flat 1W7 N. 17th.. Phone Web. 43b5. WILL share 8 rooms with working girl, S5 per month; walking distance. 1535 N. ltfth. SUITE of rooms, also other sleeping rooms, modern. UOo-A-Pacifiu street Call after 6:30. ONE single front room for rent: also large front room; two small connecting rooms wun- cioeeia. jiua iass. A'notio Doug. 1476. NICELY furnished rooms; new manage t jnt and reasonable. 2208 Harney. ONE nicely furnished large front room Eli 8. 18th street SUNNY single room, 12 a week. Walking distance. 21ia Leavenworth. STRICTLY modem large front room for two gentlemen. 215 S. 25th at Tel. Doug las 6626. NICELY furnished room, modern. 17th Ave. 714 & LARGE front room, private family, excel lent neighborhood; walking distance Phone H. 6060. 618 s. 27th street PARLOR for two, also housekeeping ooms for couple employed. 1013 Chicago. NICELY furnished. strictly modern rooms, hot and cold water. 1816 Chicago St. NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms. 408 N. 23d St NICELY furnished. strictlv mn,i,. room, suitable for two. In a new, strictly modern and up-to-date flat near High school. 317 N. 21st St EXCELLENT modern furnished or un ftTiilshed rooms; lianscom park car line No. 2510 S. 32d Ave. AN elegant south room furnished suit able for two gentlemen; private family breakfast and dinner If desired. 2204 How aid. Ited JMl. FINE east front room, strictly modern reasonable. Phone Red 7045. 220 N. 25tU. NICE clean, ciol sleeping rooms. 1811 Cass. TWO modern furnished light housekeep ing rooms; also sleeping rooms. 400 8. 25th Ave. , TWO or three furnished rooms for house keeping; strictly modern. 1&07 Farnam. LARGE, newly furnished southeast room, wiih all modern conveniences. Also single rooms. 23U8 Capitol Ave. xWO elegant furnished rooms, light and cool, ull modern. In private family. 609 N. 2b. I St. ROOMS for housekeeping. 629 8. 17th Ave. ONE elegantly furnished front room. 1813 Capitol Ave. LARGE, beautiful room; large closet: rurniNhcd or unfurnished: modern. 710 Ueorg.a St. Harney Z130. ROOM walking distance; strictly mod- ern 678 8. 2Mh St TWO nicely furnished rooms with private fletly modern, walking distance. 2318 Howard. Tyler 1024. MODERN, well furnished, southeast rront with alcove or single room; large lawn; private family. 703 Georgia Ave. ONB nice clean room, suitable for 1 or I persons, boarding place close. 633 S. 2sih. SOUTH front sleeping room. 1118 Douglas. MODERN room, close In. Private family. NO CHILDREN. 1 or 1 gentlemen. 85i Jones, ited 6242. FOR rent, on large, splendid furnished room. Strictly modern. Walking distance. Call at 23u8 Dewey Ave., or Douglas 64uL NICELY furnished frent room, private family. 1044 a. ju, g,T "phons Douglas 403. l"kVNlSHED rooms at 842 8. 224 St. -V J TCELY fu rnished large front rooms. 03 N. l!Kh Bu OFFERED FOR RENT Famished M oofns -tor ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, cool nnd limit; all modern, lesi-onuble. W2 N. .1st street. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 816 N. lirth. ONE elegant furnished large room, suit able for two or three young men, south east exposure, Ons north exposure, large loom, elegantly furnished, J6. One south exposure, elegantly furnished room, suitable lor two, 120. 2C5 Dodge. Walking distance. 1'hone Douglas 4!12. ROOM or rooms for rent. SOU California. NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for two gentlemen. 1316 Chicago St THREE furnlsihed housekeeping rooms. Modem, gas range, clean. 2U10 N. 18th St CLEAN, furnished rooms, well cared for. 22d N. llith. NICK Tjli(5Fi m"aern. newly fur oellent board. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. THREE furnished rooms, suitable for two; good location. 2702 Farnam ft. Jloasekreplas; Hooma FOUR rooms, second floor, for light housekeeping, for small family; southwest corner luih and Hickory. TWO modern housekeeping -rooms. 622 N. 19th. TWO completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; bathroom floor; rea sonable. 638 S. 24ih Ave. Douglas 6354. FRONT suite of housekeeping rooms, modern. Phone 1916 California St TWO nicely furnished large, modern rooms on ground floor, gentlemen pre ferred; also large front room on second floor and two small rooms. 606 N. 23d St. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 220 N. 20th St NICE large neatly furnished rooms, light housekeeping; ull front roonu and modern; reasonable rent 142 N. 17th. TILE DOUGLAS clean- claM XXJ-t-i fuuuiJiuj rooms, close in. 2201 Douglas street THREE pleasant, housekeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooms. 606 N. 23d. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor, housekeeping rooms, light cooking gns, laundry. Ice box, with or without piano, also other light housekeeping rooms. 52j 8. 26th Ave. FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re quired. 866 No. 40th St NICB front room, first floor, for light housekeeping; gas. Ice. telephone, bath; $3 per week. 2116 Chicago St FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 614 O. 220. SUITE of housekeeping rooms. 2601 Dodge. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th St. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 4768 N. 24th. TWO large front rooms, two south rooms and one small room, for housekeeping. 2111 Douglas. TWO front rooms, furnished complete, for light housekeeping; modern house. Web. 6410. 2111 Spencer St. NEAT and clean light housekeeping and sleeping rooms, mi Jones. CLOSE IN, two nice light housekeeping rooms; modern; separate entrance ana nice porch. 2506 Capitol Ave. LIGHT housekeeping room. 818 N. 17th. 2582 Harney. SOUTH EXPOSURE, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; walking distance. LOVELY furnished front parlor, very rea sonable; for light housekeeping. 2114 Chi cago St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 400. N. 19th. TWO nicely furnished rooms at. 270i Far nam -!---f jv. - l-, ."r-v--- TWO nicely furnished rooms on first floor, 5 per week. 613 N. 21st St - TWO modern .rooms on car line. 1818 N. 18th St LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping. 2403 Leavenworth. st. rnone a-k&u. FRONT room, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete; reasonable. 2426 Dodge St Red 6186. NICELY furnished housekeeping or sleeD- Ing rooms; close in; strictly modern; 12.60 ana h weea. oti a. 34m Ave. . VERY desirable housekeeping rooms: parlor floor; furnished complete. 660 8. 26th Ave. PARLOR floor, two or three rooms hand somely furnished; modern; walking dis tance; snaue. w o, Mtu. KTTfHKN unit nnrlnt f nr hniiB,lfnln- moaern. ixlu j-fuugias. mudern. 2110 Doualas. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; use of laundry. 831 S. loth St SMALL housekeeping room; 15 per month. 2013 Leavenworth. ONE large, modern room for light house keeping. 2013 Cass St. LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping; walking distance; reasonable. 1600 N. 10th St. , Phone Web. 3725. . Call today. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; also one sleeping . room. Doug. 6203. 324 N. 19th St TWO modern light housekeeping rooms for $15 per month. 606 N, 2utu. phone U-2893. TWO rooms, gas range. - 2006 California, TWO large, all-modern rooms for light housekeeping. 2221 Willis Ave. SUITE of two rooms, all modern, fur nished box privileges. Tel Harney 30)12. 1041 Park Ave. TWO nice rooms, range, refrigerator, two nice basement rooms cheap. 612 8. 224 ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern house. 64S S. 24th Ave. : - TWO furnished front rooms with house keeping privileges. 2001 Burt St. TWO front rooms. 918 8. 20th. TWO large rooms, gas, 14.50 week. 2401 Dodge. 1561 N. 17th, 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, on var line, house modern, first floor. THREE well furnished front rooms, also three back rooms with sink, pantry, large porch. Call third floor 1615 Howard. FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. 809 8. lfth. Douglas 6610. SLEEPING and housekeeping room.a. 1811 California. FRONT parlor and dining room with set; use of piano; no children; for housekeep ing. 606 8. 20th St. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 7us 8. 16th. Phone A-2719. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2406 Cuming tit. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern; walking distance. 2563 Dodge. LARGE, modern room and alcove, newly papered and cleaned. Bath same floor; housekeeping privileges. 2573 St Mary's Ave. SITTING room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern. 431 North 17th St THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; gas range. CLEAN. 2010 No. 18th. TWO light housekeeping; references. Red 6204. 2118 Chicago St . FRONT and back rooms for light house keeping; completely furnished. k76 Harney. LIOHT housekeeping rooms, all modern, shade trees and large lawn; all outside rooms. TI Doug. 44U2. 2V23 Burt St l-RONT parlor with 1k tit housekeeping privileges; modern; ice aud telephone. 2116 Cliicaai St OFFERED F0K RENT llonarkeeplust It 00 in Continued. FOUR furnished or unfurnished houp keepltm rutin In modern brick building. 61S S. I'th St TVV or three nicely furnished rooms for lliihi houseKi t ping; aiso 1 laige room. Tel. Douglas bj2. UNDER new management; nice, Urge rooms; cook on gas; lesxonabte rent to ru- pecnole pe.ipie ai 1Mb Cuming, lnd. Pnune t. 61. 4. I af arnlihtd lloums. FOUR rooms, for U per month. 312 N. 27Ui Ave. FOUR unfurnished roomi; modern except heat. Call after 6.30 p. m., 26ob N. lath Ave. THKKK rooms for light housekeeping, 3254 N. 20th St. 3 LARGE rcoms and store room; ground floor; 816; only 8 blocas southwest 01 court houfce. 125 S. 20th St. 4 modern rooms, parlor floor, ttoy S. 2tth st. THREE unfurnished rooms, new flat; also 2 housekeeping rooms. 201s Davenport St THREE large rooms and store room, ground floor, Only 3 blocks southwest of court house. 626 S 20th. THREE large unfurnished rooms, every modern convenience. lolS Webster. THREE unfurnished rooms, 211 S. 27th St. FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms, modern; no children. 2510 Davenport St. FOUR rooms, unfurnished, 13th and Vin ton; rents 88. 'phono D. 6073. G. E. Hard ing, 2603 S. 13th St. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished. 2715 Dewey Ave.; Harney 1743. FOUR rooms for light housekeeping; mod em and clean. 1612 N. 25th St. UNFURNISHED room, private family, no other roomers; close In. Harney 1377. 4 ROOMS for light housekeeping, mod ern, clean rooms. 1612 N. 2utU. ApHrimr 11 ta and Flats. FOR RENT-an 8-room modern apart ment, Field club district; rive bedrooms and sleeping porch; beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first class. S308 Pop. pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. 808. ELEGANT 3, 4 and 5-room apartments. Btrehlow Terrace. Webster 4328. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 83d and Farnam. nothing finer in the city. Call Win. K. Potter, Harney 216. CHOICE NEW FLAT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, modem and nifty, just completed, 2813 Jackson St., $35. Key at office. R. II. LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Traded Tel. Douglas 2151. FIVE rooms, new brick flat, modern. 2307 Dewey Ave. Phone Harney 2254. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; 8 rooms condensed lino 6; rteam heat; electric lights and laundry, hot and cold water, wall bed safe, eas stove, refrigerator, janitor service' The Hunter. Tel. Douglas 4132. NEW APARTMENTS. Four rooms and bath, 21st and T Toward; new, Janitor, 'phone service, gas range re frigereator, steam heat, locker rooms steam dryers in laundry loom; very rea sonable rent, rooms large. They're eolr.g fast. 'Phone DotiKlas 30U5. THE ABBOTT REALTY CO.. 411-415 Brandels Uldg. VERY deslrablo 10-room flat, modern close in. 614 N. 23d. Phone R. 4854. Famished Honaea and Flats. f-ROOM, .modern, completely furnished home for 'rent by owner, who is leaving city. Everything complete, Including piano Located In West Furnam residential dis trict. Only those furnishing good refer ences In their reply to J 662, iiee oifice will be considered. FURNISHED house or rooms for sum mer, large, cool, sightly, close, choice pn vate family. Phone Doug. 41)86. 411 v 22d 8t. . THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, 2-room apartment, bed in wall, elegantly fur nished, S:i6; Ice, heat, hot water and Jani tor free.' FOR RENT FURNISHED. 10 rooms completely furnished near Field club. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 111 Bd. Trade Bldg. Tel. D. 49; lnd. A 2049. Houses and Cottattcs. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pscked. forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing' Expressineu's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug, ajjt HOUSES cSAr.'l-' Co'. &l B'log' nuunE,3 VJK hunt NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg. Bed 1m CMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack, mova store household goods; storehouse, 1120-24 w lth; otlice. 308 8. 17th St Tel. Douglas 155k ONE 7-room house; all modern; elegantly decorated; 132.50. S. D. Mercer Co, 222 Paxton Blk.; 'phone, Doug. 1536. FOR RENT Down town, nice 6-r. resi dence, modern, save car fare. 2017 How ard St., Putman Co. Doug. 987. REDUCE YOUR RENT 2414 Sherman Ave., 9-room, all modern residence or rooming and boarding apart ment; a bargaJn -.it 126. 2.'CS Caldwell, 8 rooin, all modern, practically new, large lawn, shade and paved street, 130. 5 rooms, modern, 839 S. 24th St., 13. 1623 Martha St., 6 rooms, cliy water, $15. 1523 Marcy St., 6 rooms, city, water, 113. We also have several cheaper cottages. ItUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. . NEW and modern, 6-rooin cottage, at 17th and Castellar streets. FRED S. IIADRA 626 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4334. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, norta part of city. 125. (-room apartment, 1917 Clark, 110. 8-rooin apartment, 1917 Clark, to. 4-room apartment city water, toilet 112.5a. 1-room apartment, 1828 N. Kth. Ill C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Block 'Phone Red 2639; Residence ioug. 601,4. EIGHT-ROOM house, 128 8. 85th St Phone Harney 1366. 2407 8. 16TH ST., 6-room mod. flat. 130 3116 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod., 130. 2919 Mason, 10 rooms, mod.. ;;i.j0 R1NGWALT BROS.. BARKER BLOCK. FOR RENT -room house, one block from car hue, 119 a month. Call 2507 Pierce. MODERN, 6-room, brick house, 1109 N 23d St. 126. Owner pays water, l'hone Har." 90. MODERN APARTMENT, 1624 Cuming St 130. J, W. Raap Co.. 6s9 Brandels Bldg. ' HOUSKa, (lata. Garvin Bros., u floor K. Y. L ONE 9-room, new, brick house, Just com pleted, all modern; combination fixtures. 113 N. 21st St: 155. C. M. BACHMANN. 431 Paxton Block Office 'phone: It Xu39; Residence. D. bUui. EIGHT rooms; walking distance; con venient; 123. 821 8. 2oth. TL Harney 2S63. 7-room all modern, Kountxe Place, 125. 7-room, all modern, on California St., Jjo. -room cottage, walking distance, 110, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 126; 2201 Lo cust St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT 6-room houses; all modern; splendid locations to car line; 140 to M 8. D. Mercer Co.. 223 Paxlou Blk., tel. D. 1536. OFFERED FOR RENT II oases and Cottage. oatlaaed. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. FOR REuNT Eight-rooms brick house, miMlrrn, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 2545 Capitol Ave. Tel. lug. 459. NINE-ROOM mo-lern detached brick, 1414 Sherwood Ave.; 130. Patterson, 1623 Far nam St. Five-room modem cottage, 8015 Leaven worth. FOUR-ROOM mod.'rn brick. 1110 N. 22d St.; 110. Patterson, 1633 Farnam St. 6-r.. all mod.. 135- ?12 So. 27th St. Remls-Carlberg Co., 4N0 Brandels Bldg 8-r., brick, close in, roomers J4.i s-r., new, nqimre. on car Hue u O-KEEFE KEAL ESTATE CO., 10n2-3-4 N. Y. Llfo. Doug, or A 2152. 8-ROOM, modern cottage, close in. Inquire 2224 Cass. Phone Doug. 6171. Reduced to Jl.50, h ?0$&Z bath, lavatory, closet, furnace, screens. 'Phone Web. 1738. - 1-ROOM modern cottage, close in. Inquire 2224 Cass. Douglas 6171. 6 ROOMS and reception hall, thoroughly modern house, walking distance, on parked street. 2763 Webster St.; 130. Key at Ring waits office, 301 Barker block. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern. 202 8. 37th Ft. Can give Immediate possession. Phone Harney 2235. $30 MONTH Eight room and bath, hot water heating, steel range in kitchen; white family only. 831$ Burt. Key In rear. 6-ROOM, modern, $25. 2012 Elm St Tele phone Harney 1510. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage. 3015 Leav enworth. 6-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, $40. 3566 Jackson. 2 6-ROOM hotme. irnnrl Inotinn Tin a - - 7 - , m ivwb.uu. iw D. 37th St. 'Phone Web. 2500. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage; good con dition: 2707 Howard. E. O. Hamilton, of fice Hamilton Apartments. 5-ROOMS, modern, $16.00. 1501 So. 28th Phona D. 6969, A-43S4. Darns. BARN for rent, S518 N. 27th. 'Phone Web. 2294. Stores. 1 '""ST mm FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment, 22x70 ft, all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St.- Rent $30. N. F Dodge & Co.. 15th and Harney. Beml-basements. well lighten, 1807 and 1301 runiitiu 01. Store room. CIS N. 14th St., So. Omaha. THOS. F, HALL. 4.13 Ramge Bldg. Both 'Phones. TRACKAGE PROPERTY we oner lor rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty Las trackage facilities in rear. Apply , BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. WELL lighted large corner room, 33x100, situated ou second floor. . Palace Clo. Co., 14th and Douglas. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET with fixtures, 24th and Davenport,. J uly 1. Apply 220 N. 23d St . . LARGE store room 'fur rent 20x60, also 3 eiegant. living rooms and basement suitable ror Darner snop. 1,15 .Leavenworth St. 0FFRED FOR SALE Farnltare. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four imposing tables. Iron base and stone top; also 3 galley banks and two steam tables for sale. Apply He Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam. FINE hand-made wardrobe, lined with red cedar, all hardwood outside, oil finish, plate glass doors, Yale lock; practically new; price $125; see at 110 Board of Trade or iiuo juougiaa. w. a. urooks. FURNITURE lor sale; balance this week; all tiie remaining furniture my home; everything Just like new; only used one month; brass beds, mahogany and per- uiBioii vtuuiuh uicbbcjb tna cniironiers, parlor, library and room furniture. Turkish leather couch and rockers, beautiful sweet- toneo. piano, rugs, curtains, eta; will sell any article separate; call day or evening. 423 N. 39th St LEAVING CITY; WILL SELL VERY CHEAPLY all my household furniture Including rockers, framed oak buffet fold ing screen, mahogany stand, hall glass bedroom furniture, gas stove. Private sale. 919 S. 36th St Musical Inatruineats. ELEGANT $76 Storey & Clark ORGAN, slightly used, with secretary compartment, also practically NEW Storey fc Clark PIANO A bargain If taken soon. 801 Old Boston Store. JUST IN, complete Una YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS; no equal for price. Schmolier At Mueller, 1313 Farnam. BEAUTIFUL piano for sale at once, just like new; no reasonable offer refused. Residence 423 N. 89th. , Write me at once. M-t V care Bee. Typewriters. 6ECOND-han6 typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Typewriters for Rent eh. 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. ' YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak stand, $3 monthly, from manufac tuiers, most interested in satisfaction given. Uuver typewriter Uo., Do ROTARY NEOSTYLE. Bargain. U17 Far nam. BUY an L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter B. F. Swanaon Co., Distributers, mi Farnam St Allscellaneoas. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In good condition. LeogUt 4 ft Addraaa. O 673, care Bee. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand tales, all sises and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., Ill Faiuata st FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. Ws lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswluk Balke, Collender. 407 S. 101A St rENT COTTAGES Sn.naW ak3 one at Carter lake. Price $2ua OMAHA TENT at AWN1NO CO.. 1102 Harney St SECOND-HAND oak counter; hand carved, marble cashier plate; wire wickeL tthsint 1A ft Allan- will ... . - - , - . 1 . room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage hmic. EVi fn.llia. li,pll.ll..r. LJ V ,. H ' - ...... ..w.w.w CUVUI UUUS. las 133. Bee Building Co. The Economy Z09,? T. H. Welrlca Fixture Co.. all kinds ot mill work. Electric Power Attachments. FOR HAND ELEVATORS. LeBron Electrical Works, 313 8. 12. D-2176. TENTS FOR RENT. Aftk for KftHmiltAK nn A unlnn. SPOTT TENT A AWNING CO. wt wu, tWd. HiVn rialnt n ..... 4bl price.. UiB N. mil. TL Web. 6701. OFFERED FOR SALE Altscrllanrtma -( untlngril, I mnlur Tr - Dimmock Son, !4ttl ,ml,u and H Pis.. So. Omaha, only In dependent lumber dealers In the clU. 60 II. P. Gas Engine and Producer Plant Almost new; suitable for electric lighting plant or mill. Perfect condition. Will sell at sacrifice, or trade for good western Ne braska land. Address B-621 Bee. 40 000 pel of Cottonwood lumber and 1 ,v " too. brick for sale. Corlieer Bros.. 24th and Dorcas Sts. HALL S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1MJ Farnam! LARGE BACK BAR MISSION, also large lieluix. heveral small tables and cash reg ister. Call or address Jewell & Piiannix, lOo 8. 14th St. SIXTY pair Winsluw roller skates, good as new. Retail pi-ice $" 50 a pair; $1.25 a pair takes thun. Tel. Webster low. FOR SALE Cheap, almost new cement block nmclilnu and pullets; complete outfit; also mixer amd fine steel-bottom mortar box. Call 2340 8. 33d. 'OR SALE TENTS. PICTURE OUTFIT, FILMS, museum (anatomy), automobile, Oliver typewriter; take partner for a rond show. Write Dr. Upton, 601 Frank St.. Council Bluffs. WE HAVE on hasd a number of Ink barrels whlrh we will ell for 10 cents each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Hem Publishing Co. FOR SALE-MnJestlc portable bake oven very cheap, nearly new. Address Y 36, care Bee. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 306-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. Pr. Kathryn Nlehol. 561 N. Y. Life Bldg! PATENTS HIRAM A. STURGES, registered patent attorney. U. 8. and foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Tel. D. 3409. D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Patent office. 611 Paxton Block. Tel. Red 230L PERSONAL SwitrhpS 'rom combings, $1.60. Mrs. & YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo, lands tells how. Western Land & lav. Co. Ewartz & McKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand books; Ger. & Eng. periodicals. 109 S. 15th. RYliTNdFS Rubber good by mall; cut OXi.VLLMVJll0 p,lceI. Send for free catalogue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. MECHANO Therapy massage treatment for Ust physical vigor. Margarita Halloran, 226 Neville Block. Doug. 7761. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani toriuin, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 3663. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores; price 11.60. A HOME for women during confinement. We find lioin-s for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft tit, Oiuaba, Neb. Phune Douglas U21. Mme FraVPr Adellght Hair Food. 4u.me. i iajw. for badness, removes dandruff. Megeath Stationery Co., 1421 Far. BRAIDS and switches made from comb ing, 11 up; a flue line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. P. Stover, 2U2 St Mary's Ave. Phone Red 3161. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4126 and wagons wlil call. Af AflNFTTf! treatments. E. Brott, 2313 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1S14 Davennort lnd. B-2703. DIVORCES obtained without noise or delay. Wills and estates a specialty. Practiced law 23 years. W. A. CONNOLLY. 474 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 3603. MISS LORETTA MORAN Massaging, manicuring, cnlropudy, scalp treatment hair goods; Sundays, 10 to 4 p. m. 306 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4231. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith, UTTfja and loupes for men. Griffith, v 1UO n and M 5'KKNZt;u BLOCK. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room 308 Old . Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. 16th St WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, lnd. A 1663. Doug. 16S3. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, luth and Harney Sts. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1605 Dodge St., oppo site postoffice, 3d floor. Tel. Doug. 7606. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2618 Davenport. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrane, 1617 Dodge St., Hours 10 a. m. p. m. Basement flat. MRS. EGGERS' private confinement home, 1616 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 6230. MASSAGE electrlo treatment by expert 107 S. 17th St, room 1, 1st floor. ' ' POULTRY Screenings, 11.25 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones Douglas 1142, Independent A-34C6. PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer, g Entrance on BEE BUILDING R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th; lnd. A3624. dollars yearly by having my figures ou hplntln. l.il.n T T V. ..... . n ' P ., 1 UF -IS Lfl 'PHONE 1ND. A-2C20 for good printing. Lynsiad Printing Co., lGtb St Capitol Ave. Miller & Jamleson. 1212 Doug. Both phones. REAL ESTATE REAL KITAI'G U1SALEHS. REAL ESTATE TROUBLES ADJUSTED. Property listei with us for sale or rent will receive our careful attention. TATE-E1IR1IARDT COMPANY. Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Douglas 4403. New City National Bank Building when completed. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 18i8; prompt service; get our prices. 206 Brandels theater. ni-vf ivfiTrMi.nMrini.'.Krt ut-iiTv Tel. D. 12TL 143 Ramge Bldg. New houses! BENJAMIN It E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. FRED S. IIADRA, 628 New Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Npfllfl & Norton Abstracts of Title. reaie & morion Ue UWgit omah. REAL ESTATE ABftlltAtTft UK Illl.K. (Continued.) S. M. SADLER A SON. SnO 8. Hth St. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1623 Farnam. IETER JESSEN. JR. Tel. Douglas S3P1 CITY PROI'KKTY FOR BA1.B. 1809 Spencer St. Reduced to $5,500 For Quick Sale (inn in n II. n v-IIMIn. pull 11) nil Ill"i- ern house, has reception hall, parlor, back parlor, dining room, kitchen and lartte psn- ii v uh ni!i i hum. rinu iutku nvur'uui and bathroom on the second floor. vu qiutrier-s iweo iibk iinisniug except in kitchen on fust floor. Upstairs finished in urni 11 LMIl'Il MIIU Illitie. IUII Dttai'Mll'lll , bricked up and cemented. Best of hot -nu i iii'aiiiiK iiiiiii. run dint-ii mi, I'm- Ing all paid. One block from car line. This Is without a doubt the best buv left in Kountzo Place. If you are looking fur a honre don't miss seeing this place at once. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. 1200 CASH. B-room and 4-room on one lot, renting ICS per month; price 12.000. ti00 CASH. i 6-room on ?7th near Lake; mod. eicept heat; price 12.000. 1400 CASH. B-room; mod. but heat; north 32d near Cuming St.; price 11, MO. 14.V0 CASH. 6-room new house; north 2fth Ave.; near Lake; mod. except heat; price 12.400. 1700 CASH. 8-room mod.; near 42d Douglas St.; price l-,500. 1H00 CASH 8-room mod. house; 24th and Ohio Sts.; newly palnttd; best plumbing: fine furnace; east front, on 24th St.; snap at 14.500. WESTERN REAL IKTATE CO. 411 Karbach. Both Phones. NINE-KOOM 1IUUSK ONLY $3,200 IIAXSCOM- PARK DISTRICT No. 2215 S. 2ith St., a very well built house, not hew, but In good condition; good furnace; full basement; all modern; fine lot; paving all paid; on car line. Owner will make reasonable terms to good party. NORRIS & MARTIN, Phono Douglas 4270. 623 Bee Building. FINE HOME IN KOUNTJCE PLACE. CORNER, GROUND 100x121 FT. Modern house, with oak finish on first floor; five bedrooms on second floor; two rooms, all finished, on third floor; large porches; fronting south at 2024 Wirt St. Nonresident owner will sell for 10,500. W. II. GATES, Phono DouglaB 1294. 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. CLOSE IN INVESTMENT. 3 houses, corner lot, 67V4xl42, facing south and east; houses all modern and In good shape; oak finish downstairs, permanent walks, paved street. Owner needs the money. Yearly rental, 11,230; price, 110,260. Must be sold. BIRKETT & TEBBENP. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones, Doug. 47u4; A-1754. FOR SALE on terms, 65x130, corner lot; price, 1175. Three-room house and lot; Tioirse in good condition. Price, lloO. A good home for less than It Is worth. J. It. KOPIETZ. 503 N. 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE MAKE AN OFFER 1921 Willis Ave.. 1 A Beautiful Corner Lot 2531 North 19th St. 318 26th St., South Oinaha A Store Building. FRED S. HADRA, -t 526 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4334. $4,000 Buys a 7-room. all modern house, lot 50x121, located near 33d and Davenport. Part cash. BARGAIN FOR YOU. P. 0. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phones: D. 2201; A 4340. Cathedral District 14.600. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, strictly modern, 8 rpoms, largo living and dining rooms, 4 good bedrooms, plenty of closets, electrlo lights, full basement, good furnace, laundry, paved street, cement walks. BETTER SEE THIS. (TERMS.) WALKUPK& 875-77 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 2398. 66x132 $18,000 10th and Douglas Sts WRAY & STEVEN Douglas 3407. 510 Bee Bldg. INVESTMENT. LOWER FARNAM CORNER. Lot 44x133, brick building covering entire block; 23 feet sold recently for 140,000 cash; will sell above for 40,000. Easy term If taken quick. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 1&9. NEW 6-room cottage, modern except heat; a dandy; near car. In Benson, on very rea sonable terms bv-'owner. Phone Benson 681. For the Money YOU can't flrd homes like: 204 S. 36th, north of Farnam, best loca tion, cast front, first floor In oak, cut to sell In June, 15,600. 1519 N. 33d, southeast corner, on Harnev line, high view, built In 1107, four big bed rooms, paving paid, 14,300. SMS N. 20th, on Florence Blvd., 7 rooms, 13,200. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A 2152. BRAND NEW $4,000 In Beautiful Dundee A dandy, large, square, completely mod ern house with t large rooms, two full storks and attic; lot. 50x132; only 1 block to car; down stairs finished In oak; furn ace heat. We will sell this on your own terms. WKAY & STEVEN, 510 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1407. 7 Reoms, $4,950. A COMPLETE HOME, hall, large living and dining rooms, large pantry aud back entry, convenient kitchen, 1 good bedrooms ana large nam, oak and gumwood finish, two-panel oak and birch doors, first class furnace, full basement, corner lot, on Itlth St., 6 blocks to FARNAM car, 1 block to Leavenworth car. GOOD LOCATION. WALKUPSu! w 875-77 Brandels Bldg. Douglaa ttat. Near Ilanscom Park Double house, 8 rooms each renting at !X) per month. Will sell at a very low figure and make easy terms. Might take good land for part pay, long tune on balance. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite t24 N. V. Life Bldg. phone Red lm SIX-ROOM HOUSE for sale; lot 132xl; torn i tat unable. Paul Sydow, 2J23 S. 15lh, REAL ESTATE CITY 1'HOI'KHIY Hill SAl.tS. Contln' ad. . Cheapest Home in Omaha A nonresident owner has an attractive ( room lions In Walnut Hill district, close to th mil Hamilton sts.; four large rooms sml hull on first floor and to big rooms upstiilis: house Is modern; a terrace of about three feet with cement steos; pretty lawn, with shrubbery; nice shade trees in fiont and a number of cherry trees In back yard. This Is a splendid house and Is worth !o00 more than we are asking. Price. 12.7..0. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney it CHICKEN RANCH and CITY HOME Close to two car lines. B-rootn now hotiRo with halt aero of ground. Fruit trees. Electric light. This Is a great bargain, and you must take it up. quickly, $1,950. Terms. 523 Boo Bldg.- ATTRACTIVE INSIDE BARGAINS Good 12-room, part mod. hoarding and rooming apartment; lot 50x140, on grade; concrete walks, fence, etc; near ISth and Leavenworth, 15.500, t:!75 cash. 140 per mo. Flv houses, partly modern and In best repair; paved streets, permanent walks, etc.; Hour 23d and lavenworth; tLSnO, 12.3O0. 12.6H0; 175 to 1160 cash. bal. rental payments. 8-room, part modern house, lot SOxlSO, near lth and Paul. A bargain at 12,.'0; 112A cash, 125 per mo. Several choice lots. 1350 to 1675. on which we w ill build 4, 5 and 6-room, modern houses at 11.K.V) to 12,300, and accept pay ment In rental terms. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Rtimge Bldg.. 15th and Harney. $6,000 . New West Side Home 4114 Cuming street, This house was built for a home and is well arranged, haa large living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor with alargo hallway between the dining room and living room haa 4 good slsed bedrooms and bath on the second floor and a large attio. The heating and plumbing la tho very best throughout. If you want a good big hoir that 1s well built, conveniently arranged, In a good lo cation, close to two car lines on a paved street, south front, 60-foot lot and close to arhool and Ktore, you will find It a very difficult matter to buy a home so well lo cated at the price we are offering this one for. You must see this house to appreciate the value of it. Would bo pleased to show you through at any time. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1H14 Harney St. $250 CASH Balance monthly, will buy a 7-room, new house, located close, to Dundee. Price 11,100. P. O. NIELSEN ft CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Phones: D. 2204; A 4340. Vacant Lot at Your Price or will put In up to 12,000 In cash and clew lot, for house and lot worth the money, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1S99. Have you a house, cottage or lot you wish to bell or truue? If you want a quick deal, see us. "WRAY & STEVEN, , i Phone Douglaa 3407. "' " Sid Bee Bldg. 12949.99. New, modern, 7-room house,. east ot Dun dee, on a lot 60x137. Uo out and see thia place. Take Dundee line, get off at 49th, St. and Underwood Ave., walk 2 blocks east. If priced too high, make an offer ami submit own terms. House 610 N. 47th St. F. R. GOSNEY, 626 N. Y. Life. Phona D. 4334. FOR BALE A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN A DE SIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD, 127 N. 82 d AVE. A thoroughly up-to-date home; 10-roome, servant's room on third floor; . two bath rooms. Dr. J. E. Summers, 3624 Peuey Ave. Tel. Harney SJ9. or Douglaa 641 Close-in 6-Room Home Located at 28th ' and Davenport Sts. Has parlor, dining room, kitchen and bed room on first floor, and two. large bed rooms on the second floor; hot water heat; first-class plumbing; 60-ft. lot and on a paved street close to the boulevard. The property is in firat-class condition through out and in a good locality. If you want a close In home this Is your opportunity to get one within walking dis tance. The owner la compelled to move to a different part of the city on account of his business and has cut the . price for quick sale to l;),o&0. . HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1U14 Harney St.. " . Two FullLots, 7 Room Ilouse West Farnam district, east front, fine shade trees. Surely a bargain at 14,000. Easy terms. - NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1990. A THROUGHOUT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE; SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE AS RENT. FRED S. HADRA, 526 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid. Douglas 4334. FOR SALE CHEAP TO CLOSE AN ESTATE H01 South 33d St., 6 rooms and re ception hall, all modern, full basement,' corner lot, on paved street and paving paid. Fine neighborhood. Owner lives in property and will show it at any time. Price $3,600 cash. 'Phone Har ney 4 860 for further details. When you want ' nat you want when you want It, and want It in a hurry, ad. vertlse it In 'ihe Bee. REAL ESTATE FA It SI AMI RANCH LAN D FOR SALB Arkaasaa. A GIFT OF FIVE ACRES. "Back to the Land" Is a magarlne fur the townsman wh wrnts to go to the farm a practical guide for making a paying farm home; subscrip tion 11; besides regular commissions, we win give live acres, your choice, worth MA), for best subscription list; ask partic ulars. "Back to the Land," Fort Sutitn.. Ark. , BT. FRANCIS VALLEY LAND, NORTHEAST ARKANSAS. ICa acres. 160 in cultivation: rented for 17 per acre; three-fourths of a lull from town on trisco; produces o busneis corn I.er acre; fine for alfalfa and clover; three louses; price 14,600 cash. 1,000 acres, 70u in cultivation; rents for 17 per acre; about 30 tenant houses; 1(4 miles from town on Frlsoo; rich alluvial soil; price 162,600; 112, Lou cash; balance easy terms Farms, timber and cutover lands In tracts and on terms to suit every Dody. Write for further information. ANTHONY & FAIRLEY, Osceola. Ark. FOR SALE This Is a beauty; 146 acres; one mile from a nice railroad town; all In cultivation; mostly creek bottom; dark loam soil: very fertile; hog wire fence; -room dwelling, large double-story barn, I terant houses; fine everlasting water. 1 will take 110 per acre If sold within M days. If you mean business, writs me. Joo Mack, Collins, Ark,