Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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- ttvf. nv.r. nrTT mtn.u trvr m mm
Kara teoot rtn II.
X-lghtlag rixtar Bargtaa-Orand.n Oo.
t Xttf Cleaning- of garments. Twin
City ty Works, 4o; South Fifteenth.
1S50 ..oal Ufa Inraranca Co. 110
Charlea E. Ady, General Agent, Omaha.
Book audit.. rtrlNd, ytm Installed
20 year' experience. Graham, It, 1202.
Tout Child H.eda a Band FUa A ton
of clean play sand. 11.50. Sunderland, 1111
Harne. '1'tiono I) 252. f
Money to Loan to Bom Builder at
lotvera ansocltitlon rates and easiest
method of repayment. Nebraska Bavlngi
and Loan Assn. 10 Hoard of Trade Bldg.
Haw Hcaool at B.nson A contract ha
hetn awarded to the lUnamusaen A Kyhl
Construction company for tha erection of
a two-tory brick chool Douse at Benaon.
Tlie estimated cost of the building la
1,000 and tha contract calls for comple
tion of the Job by November 1.
oa 1-arnam Street Stores nana
have been drawn for tha remodelling; of
th Dufrene flats at the corner of Nine
teenth and Harney streets. The contract
ha bean let to Thomaa Herd. When com
pleted, tha building will have three stores
facing Nineteenth street. Work will be
started within a few days.
Sly Oat Deer Judge Sutton dis
covered that sixty day had elnpaed In the
course, of which he had hoped that Bert
Ely and Mrs. Nellie Ely would bury the
matchet. No reconciliation having com
to pass the court signed th decree which
was granted Mrs. Ely. Mrs. Ada Oor has
obtained a decree from James W. Gore
for nonsupport, and Jones Coltrane is
revered from Mrs. Margaret Coltrane, who
was accused of cruelty.
' Heavy Alimony
for Mrs. Nelson
Judge Troup Awards Saloon Keeper'i
Wife $100 a Month While
Divorce Pends.
Mrs. Amanda Nelson Is to receive $100 a
month temporary alimony until her divorce
cult against Andrew Nelson i adjudged
' on its merit. Mr. Nelson's attorneys get
an awar- of 1260 for their services so far.
Judge Troup, sitting In district court,
made these, awards Thursday irurniun
, declaring that he reached th figure of
100 In th following way: .
"The evidence shows." said the court,
"that Irt the months following the opera
tion of the 8 o'clock cloatna law. tha m.
. recelpta of th Loyal bar have been $1,638
a monm. it ought to be assumed that the
profits above the wholesale prices Is 60 per
cent, leaving gross profits of $819 monthly.
"Tha defendant has the following fixed
charges to pay: Rent, $276 a month; bar-
Keeper, IJS6; iignt, $30; Ice, $; porter, $50;
iuunury, as; miscellaneous, IU. This IS 4
total of $007."
At this point th court and T. J. vm
had a mathematical dispute a to the sum
or the figures. Mr. Nolan, made It $897,
but later admitted the court waa mrrt
Judge Troup saying that the defendant
tiaa ie a oaiance or $zis monthly, ordered
$100 of this given Mrs. Nelson. "I am dis
posed to treat with consideration a woman
, who has given twenty-three of th best
: year . of her Ufa to her hubsand," said
Judge Troup, "even If th award 1 larger
than usual." '
Floater Possible
Murder Victirri
; Body of Man Found in Biver Ideati
fied as Edward Wiley of
Ireton, la.
In response to Information from Coroner
Crosby, Ernest Wllley of Beresford. 8. D.;
came to Omaha Thursday and identified
the man's body which was found In the
river two weeks ago as that of his uncle,
Edward Wllley. Tha nephew declared his
uncle waa a poultry raiser about 60 years
Old and had lived In Ireton, la.
VTha last aeen of him by realtlvea waa
M'hen he was in Ames, la., about a month
ago. He departed from there with the ex
pressed Intention of visiting a daughter at
Missouri Valley.
From th visitor's story It appeared that
ft mystery surrounded tha death of the
elder Wllley. Th dead man had been In
excellent health and waa In. good financial
circumstances. No motlv for suicide could
. be given.
The corps wa discovered near the Union
faclfio bridge in Omaha two weeks ago,
. with Indications that it had been In the
water flv or six days. A water soaked
Utter found on the body led to th com
munication with Wllley' relatives. The
, body was chipped to Ireton Thursday night.
4 Court Uses 6iri
for Interpreter
! Child of Eleven lean Translates
Testimony of Deaf Mute
Mother for Judge.
Minnie Staals, a girl of 11 years, acted
a interpreter for her mother, a deaf mute,
' . In county court when a guardianship con
test between th mother and a grandmother
cam up tor hearing. Mrs. John Staata
of Baundera county, mother of the little
gftrl'a father, and Mr. Minnie Btaata
ftprakte of Omaha, are the conteatants.
VJohn BtaaU.. father of th girl, waa killed
by lightning some time ago. and his wife
was remarried. Th grandmother would
Ilk tha custody of the children and the
' right to administer their property, which
, $s worth $30,000. -
Judge Leslie decided that th children
Shall remain with their mother. He de
- clared that it would be better to have the
property guarded by aomeone alae than the
' mother, because she Is a mute and will
appoint some person not connected with
. cither side of th controversy. .
trwvaty-Ftv II n ad red Have Be a
Hartd glare) Freclact Asa
. sura Qelt Work.
Twenty-five hundred tax schedules hav
teen secured tn one way and another by
th county assessor's office alnc th pre
1 rlnct asseaaor Quit work. Many of thee
extra schedules hav com in by mall In
response to' written letter, and others
bave befl mad out tn th asaeaaor'a office
by business men who, have mad voluntary
appearance. No totals hav yet been fig
ured In th office because clerks are too
tusy entering th 1st schedule which
should hav been brought In by th pre
cinct men a week or mor ago.
Frightful Baaa
of th stomach, liver torpor, lame back
and weak kidney are vercom by Eleo-
iiitters. Guaranteed, 60c. For sale
iton Drug Co,
High School Seniors Amply Bewarded
tor Xheir Plays.
WIIlm Collett Heleaaed item all
K -oaalbllltr for lajary
Fraak ewtn Trip tor
A splendid house both In numbers and
uicreai rewarded the South Omaha High
cnooi seniors last night In the annual
dramatic entertainment Consisting of three
one act sketches. The plays were "Col
lege cnums," -Th Sword of Remember
snce" and "Th Romanrere." Th- ...i
eaee was particularly pleased with the
"Sword of Remembrance," a production by
nce lates, although saying that does not
detract from the merit of the other
sketches. Barring a few trifling mishaps
-men invananiy crop out In amateur the
atricals, and th i. ...
to rlslbles on th part of th school time
companions or the young performers little
criticism other than r.i.. v.
fered. Th work of the orchestra wa tha
uei ii nas produced this yesr.
The "Colteg Chums," In which Edward
,C "un 'dr Striker, Irvine Graham,
"'PP( An" Fitzgerald and
Blanche Wallweber appeaed Was the first
of th trio and had a familiar plot follow
ing closely the reproductions and the cart
cature of colleg lire 0f th present day
stage. Georca nnn .
D. f f mm A I U1COBUI
Shreedy. had plenty of fun in the role of a
Ui,u.r young prise fighter. During the
tnovement comedy prevailed and the young
ware mgniy pleased with th pro
duct Ion.
A far heavier part waa carried by the
m ln econd play which was, "The
Sword of Rememhran.o .hi. .i
by Olive Lehmer, Georgia Davis, Loul
.k m. 7 M" The P' h'ns-M on
the lifelong search of Colonel Washington
,or youthful sweetheart with
whom he had quarreled and whom he Im-a-lnee
he find In reality In the person
or her granddaughter. Nancy Drayton. Miss
Uavla and Mr. &a .h.
and their work waa far above th average
vunj artist.
' Dlfflealt Role.
Mr. Sage's role was exceedingly difficult
and called for real artistic treatment He
Kept up th fine Illusion to th close when
the large audience were in full sympathy
with the sentiment of the play.
Th last play. "Th Romancers," In
which Ruth Miller. Carl Holmes, Ralph
Northrup, Frank Tracy and Louis Home
assumed the characters had a bit of the
eccentrlo fancy of Edmond Rostand Its
author, which waa pretty elusive and de
manded a careful treatment that It might
not be lost In the over poetical lines. The
Players worked slowly up to the climax
when Perclnet Jumps over the wall to en
gage in a duel with Straforel and rescues
his lady Sylvette. The characters were
those of the seventeenth century.
Over twelve hundred people were In the
audience and the financ of th entertain
ment wa.up to the merit of the perfor
mance. All the money la to apply on the
new scenery. Nearly enough was realised
to pay th entire bill.
Teacher Examination.
The Board of Examiners for teachers
city certificates of South Omaha will hold
an examination for three days, beginning
Monday. Juna 11 Candidates for this ex
amination should file their preliminary
papera with the city UDerinfnrf,.
ing their .eligibility ia b given . cer.
tiflcat. Among th requirement are a
minimum age of 19. graduation from a four-
' " koooi, ana either year's
normal training or a year of successful
experience In teaching. During th ex
aminatlon the following program will h.
followed: De
Monday. Jun 13-OrthograDhy H.h
rdtlCbo.Tn,y8,C ''-Si
literature, drawing. geograDhv vViuZ
Willl.m CoUett Releaaed.
William Collett Ma. released from cus
tody yesterday after tho county attornev
had been consulted in hi. case H?.
arrested after the accidental shooting of
hi friend Frank Newton. Tuesday even
ing. The county attorney Inventi .v.-
case and saw Newton at the hospital, who
said the whole affair waa accidental and
that Collett was about to "break" the r.
volver when Jt accidentally exploded a
cartridge and wounded him. The attorney
immeaiateiy oruered Collett' release.
Newton at the South Omaha hospital Is
doing well and does not appear to be dan
gerously Injured.
Howard Uromllch to Garose.
Howard Gramllch left Wednesday nlaht
for Boston and will go to Europe for a
tour of two months. His particular busi
ness Is to visit stock shows and fairs.
He will visit in Normandy and France
largely where h expect to purchase ,
large consignment of blooded horses for
American Importation. Norman. Clydes
dales and Percherous will make up most of
th breed. He graduated at the Univer
sity of Nebraska School of Agriculture
recently and ' his services have been In
demand for a year previous to his grad
uation. Last summer and autumn he wa
sent to many fairs on scientific missions.
ManJo City tiusaiy.
Robert HuKhea was fined $100 and costs
for assault and battery.
Harry Arnold left yesterday for a vaca
tion al Kxcelsior tfprlnga.
Mamie Kennedy started Friday for a In th western cities.
Miss May Darling Is touring Europe this
summer during her vacation.
Mrs. J. V. Miller has aone to Portland.
Ore., for a visit of one month.
A. L. Bergqulst A Son curry a new stock
of cement, lime, stone, sand, brick, etc.
Th South Omaha Odd Fellows will hold
their annual memorial exercises Sunday.
Mrs. M. N. McCord entertained the bual-n-fs
meeting of the Christian tndeavor so
ciety last night.
Michael J. Uogglns, Jr., Is said to be se
riously 111. He is a student iu the South
Omaha HlgU school.
.Senator C. A. Randall and wife left last
evening for iiasln. Wyo.. where they will
make their permanent residence.
William Parm was fined M and cost
yesterday for running a disorderly bouse
at Twenty-seventh and W streets.
The South Omaha Commercial club will
lunch at the liaverley hotel and later meet
at the club rooms lor a buslues session.
Th Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian mlsxlon will meet with Mra. F. A.
Hlsley, Forty-eighth and V streets, Thurs
day. Th local office of The Dally Be will be
found hereafter at S-'ti North Twenty-fourth
street. The telephone number la tuth
The change waa made Wednesday, June a
Dav Sullivan swore out a warrant for
the arrest of George Ktaley last night,
charging assault and battery. Sialey'a face
waa badly bruised from the blowa he had
Mr. Margaret Caaey, ffl year old, died
yesterday at the home of her aon, Dan
Casey, Thlrty-aecond and 8 streeta. Tha
body He al th Larkin parlora awaiting
Mr. C A. Tully, M year old, died yes
terday at 1113 North Thirty-ninth street.
The funeral will be held at Brewer chapel
at 2 p. m., Friday. Rev. C. W. Bavidge
will av charge of th aervices.
Mayor H. II. McCarthy of San Franclacia,
who was injured In a collision beti4a an
automobile and a street car la lndlaualia
.ankle wan broknn. I k 3 r,li
'PIIONR KIII'TM VfJI tnr m - , nt ll'l
TKR Uol.n TOP. Prompt delivery to any
ivari oi cay. wiinam Jetiei.
The sennte committee on foreign relation!!
nan acrirtwi to report favorably the nomi
nation of Dr. W. D. Crum to be minister
to L.ioeria.
ruty minimi reet or merchantable tim
ber have been added t th Imtll Ntli,,-.l
forrst In New Mexico, and nearly IfW.OH)
acrea or land will he thrown open to eet
tlement by a proclamation which President
tait aiRnei Wednesday.
President Gomes of Cuba lias sirned the
bill amending the smnentv art of WW
through which a large number of nffendera.
Including many public official, who were
sentenced to terms of Imprisonment of leas
thsn elht years, cr are awaiting trial, are
i rieuaeo.
Head of Oregon
Short Line Here
President Bancroft Stops Off on His
Way to Salt Lake City
Boosting Idaho.
W. H. Bancroft, vice president and Gen
eral manager of the Oregon Short Line,
stopped off at Omaha Thursday In his
private car "Island Faik," while enroute
from Chicago to Salt Lake City. He waa
accompanied from Chicago to Omaha by A.
L- Mohler, vice president and general man
ager of the Union Pacific.
"Irrigation projects are bulldlns- no
Idaho," aald Mr. Bancroft, "and there la a
great development going on in both Utah
and Idaho. The peoplo are Industrious and
farm In a scientific way. so that rnauita
most naturally follow. Irrigation ha don
wonders ror the country and the best re
sult hav been obtained along the route
of the Oregon Short Line. Th Mormons
hav done a great deal to build up Utah,
as they are a thrifty, agricultural class of
people, who settle in colonies and develop
tn land for all there Is In it."
Forty-Seven on
Court House Job
Strike Has Little Effect on Working
urew construction at the
Usual Gait.
Forty-seven men. eight of whom mrm
steel workers, are on the court house Job,
according to an official report of Superin
tendent Dan 8r.ane. There I one less hoist
ing engineer than before the small strike
of Monday and two or thre lesa steel
Construction eem to proceed at vh.t
ha been the normal pace. The steel men
are far ahead of th stonemasons and delay
in getting the Bedford limestone here is
now noimng Dack the building as it has
been delaying it for some months.
Conditions do not aDDear to he rhr,,i
from the time before the half dosen steel
workers and -hoisting enslneera oult work
The striker are apparently doing nothlnij.
Weather Permitting;, the Exercise
will Be Meld In the Open. Air
Friday Evening.
Hardly a grade school In the CltV hilt has
held class day or Is Dlannlnar one. or r.n.i
other effort along the line of celebrating
the cloaa of school for the season. Friday
evening Beals school will nut nn tha foi.
lowing program, and If th weather Is clear
ne exercises win be held outdoors ad
joining, the school:
. Processional Class 1910.
oongs jiaes ltiio "Urlnk to Me Only."
Daftodils," "Evening Song." ' '
Violin Solo Lyle Jackson.
'.N&SfrT01 1,t-"White Butterflies,"
Now Good Night."
Address Dr. W. M. Davidson.
cast or characters:
Orlando. t, yla j,Pk-nn
2"Yer-"' ...Frank L. Shaw
; Vladimir Korlsko
Sus .....Jesse Black
Vortm George Jennings
J1UM Juel Jackson
.,."eau . Nell Ryan
""""m V1;.yVa1 Jrgensen
Adam win tam
Jaques de Boys Herman Jacobsen
Gage Alton Wlsler
Anna Jensen
Pnoeb Hlldur From
Audrf,vv Marie Garman
Rosalind vih. u..n
Cella Gwendolyn Wnlfa
Court Ladies Elisabeth McDermott
Beartha Reiter. Ethel Nehleen, Pari Spann',
iiuucLii iuujr, nuia vvrigm and Freda
Act I Orchard of Oliver' house.
Act II Foreat of Arden.
Act II Foreat of Arden.
General Officers Prepare for th Con.
Tendon Held Next Week
In Omaha.
The annual convention of the interna
tional Stereotypers' anil Electrotypers'
union will be held at the Roma hoti n
next week. The executive beard, which al
ways holds its meetinr durlna- tho n
preceding the convention, is in the citv
making preparation for tha work to hJ
covered in tn meeting next week.
About seventy-five delegates from Ait.
ferent unions located In North Amori
will be present, cr.d It Is expeoted that at
least that many visitors from other cities
will attend. This, with th addition of
members of tha local union, will viva th.
convention an attendance of nearly 300.
following are the officer who are now
meeting In Omaha: J. J. Freel. n v,t
president; C. A. bummer, Kanaaa City!
vice presiaeni; u. w, Williams, secretary
and treasurer; P. J. Clancy. Boston, and
A. D. Robrahn, Chicago, representative
of the electrotypers' union.
Several Pablle Inatltnllon Arrange
for Different Kind of Closing;
Exercises Thla Week.
Lothrop school pupils, teachers, parents of
pupils and relatives, will lndulae In .
trolley ride to Falrmount park. Council
oiurra, riaay artarnoon. Trolley cars
will be needed to carrv a nanv of ....
M and 1,000, for Lothrop means to make
the welkin ring In dead earnest, from the
time the start I made at 2:10 until
eve ee them coming home.
Comenlus pupils will be original by hold
ing an Indoor athletic meet Friday after
noon. Fun 1 what Comenlus Is after, and
those In charge of the affair hav figured
it out that carrying peanuts on a spoon
with car and precision, and similar unique
etunte, will be th source of much Innocent
Franklin school I to hav an exhibit of
achool work for parent and friends Fri
day. Next Wednesday, Clifton HI1J school la to
hold class day exercise.
Foley' Kidney Remedy may be given to
children with admirable lesulta. It doe
away with bed wetting, and la also rec
ommended for use after maaale and scarlet,
fever. Sold by all druggist
Commercial Club Function to Enter
tain Military Contingent.
New Organisation Will Re Here In
Time far Reception to Be Held
on the Tweaty-Uiajhth
f Jane.
Military night will be observed at the
Commercial club, Tuesday. June M. Gould
Diet, chairman of the club entertain
ment committee, has arranged with Gen
eral F. A. Smith, now commanding officer
of the Department of the Missouri, for his
attendance with his full staff. All the
commlsalnned officer at Fort Crook and
Fort Omaha will also be present.
The Fourth Infantry will have arrived
before the date set for the entertainment,
and the new officers will be given their
first opportunity to become acquainted with
Omaha bualnesa men.
The last meeting between the military
officers and the business men wa held In
April. 1303. Since that time almost an en
tire change has been made In the Omaha
roster, and it is for the purpose of bringing
the soldiers and business men .In closer
touch with each other that th meeting
will be held. Th affair will be held In tha
club rooms.
Sub-committees have been appointed as
follows: Invitation, H. G. Kelley, L.
Davis; speakers, 8. W. Smith, A. W. Jef
fcris; muulo and "decorations, J. J. De
rlght, L. K. Spcrry; menu and cards, I3u
gen Duval, F. JC. Zeiler; reception, F. T. B.
Martin, Gould Diets.
The Fourth infantry is expected to land
at Ban Francisco enroute from the, Philip
pines to Fort Omaha on Friday. Th! regi
mental headquarters and first and second
battalion will be stationed at Fort Crook,
while th Third battalion and machine gun
platoon will go to Fort Logan H. Roots,
Peary Sued for
Heavy Damages
by Cook's Friend
Arctic Explorer Charged with Hav
ing Taken Advantage of Rudolph
Francke While in North.
BERLIN, June 9. Rudolph Francke, who
was associated with Dr. Frederick A. Cook
in Arctic exploration, has brought suit
against Commander Robert E. Peary In
the sum of $10,000. The amount is estimated
at half the value of furs and walrus and
narwhal teeth which Francke bought from
natives In the Arctlo regions upon arrange
ment with Dr. Cook that they should share
them half and half.
According to Francke's statement. Com
mander Peary found him seriously ill at
Etah, owing to a fall on a glacier, and
took advantage of thla circumstance to de
mand the entire collection as the price for
transporting him ; to America. Francke
claims that he did not act of his own
freewill, but by compulsion, and says
that Peary set aside a part of the collec
tion to present to ex-President Roosevelt.
The papera in tha suit were served on
Commander Peary at a hotel this evening.
He refused to take them when they were
handed to him by a. deputy and the officer
then laid them on a i table tn the presence
of a witness, catling . the commander's
attention to the fact' that thla waa a legal
service. 1
Earlier in the day," when the report of a
court action against Commander Peary
was being noised about, the commander
sought out the American ambassador,
David Jaynes- Hill, and submitted the case
to him. He declared later that he left
the matter In the ambassador's hands and
had washed his hands of the whole affair.
He declined to make any statement with
reference to the suit. Commander Peary
gave a lecture tonight to a crowded house,
throughan Interpreter. He will leave for
London tomorrow.
Extra Wife is
After This Man
Young Woman Bays She is Mrs. Ting
ley and Prosecutes Her Al
leged Husband.
Elva R. Tlngley I troubled by a super
abundance of wives although he himself
admits of but one encumbrance. A young
woman, who signed a complaint as Mrs.
Emma H. Tlngley, awore out a charge
against him, charging abandonment. Tlng
ley pleaded not guilty In county court and
was bound over to district court.
Tlngley informed Judge Leslie that he
had taken a wife unto himself last Decem
ber, and denied that he bad ever married
the other woman.
Wnkeley, Snens nnd Bnrnhaan Make
an Extended Trip Over the
Bnrllnvton Line.
L. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent
of th Burlington who ha baen to Salt
Lake City, Utah, and Colorado in company
with C. G. Burnham, vice president in
charge of traffic, and Conrad E. Spcns,
general freight agent, has returned to the
Burlington headquarters in Omaha. Mr.
Wakeley say that ho wa much impressed
with the way tha business men of Salt
Lak City are successfully booming the
"The improvement organization of Salt
Lak," said Mr. Wakeley, "are alive to tho
possibilities of the place and are booming
the city a a stopping place for tourists.
Two new hotels, costing over $1,000,000 each,
are In the courst of erection."
Ha Let Contract for Store at
Twenty-Fonrth and Farnana
to C'reedon.
Work will begin at one on the three
story brick building that Is to be erected
at th corner of Twenty-fourth and Far
nam streets by Paul Kuhns. Plans call
for a building, tha first story of which will
b occupied by five store rooms. The other
two floors will be conducted for living
apartments. P. J. Creedon A Son hav the
contract for the work. It 1 estimated that
$40,000 will b spent In the erection of the
MUa Alice Hfn.
Alice Ryan, U year old, died Thuraday
morning at th home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Ryan, 275! Lake street.
Th young woman had been l for some
time. The funeral will be from the St.
Mary's church to the Sacred Heart ceme
tery at o'clock Friday morning.
ii MMiij sum a m ivm
for Men and Young Mon
At This Store Saturday
Watch for Our Big Friday Ad.
'The House of
High Merit."
Gust of Wind from Cars Tumbles
Machine at Topeka.
1 i
To Select Site for Aviation Exhibi
tion to Ue Glveu Hee -Three
Place Are In the Eligi
ble Mat.
J. C. Mars, aviator, who is to come to
Omaha to select the site where he and
Glenn Curtlss will give aeroplane exhihl
tlons for the Nebraska Aero club, ran h'.s
machine too close to a speeding train at
Topeka and was capsized Thursday morn
ing. Mr. Mars was unhurt, but the lower
plane of the machine was unbroken when
the wheels struck 'n the soft mud.
The aviator walked back to the field
The biplane was overturned when a gust
of wind from the train struck the broad
wings fifty feet aboe.
The' Aero club officers expect Mars here
on Monday to select a field for the Omaha
flights, but owing to delays at Topeka he
may not arrive until Saturday. The three
available places are at Benson, Courtland
Beuch and Crelghton field. '
The aviation field must i. resent a regu
lar surface free from trees or buildings.
The presence of such obstructions cause
eddies like obstacles In a Btream of water.
These Irregularities tend to make aviation
dangerous and uncertain.
Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
with you when starting on your trip this
summer. It cannot be obtained on board
the trains or steamers. Changes of water
and climate often cause sudden attacks of
diarrhoea, and It is best to be prepared.
Sold by all dealers.
Officer Wilson
Finds Soft Spot
Traffic Policeman is Given Asphalt
Bug to Stand On at Sixteenth
and Farnam.
Traffio Officer W. R. Wilson has been
rewarded for his attention to duty at the
intersection of Sixteenth and Farnam
streets by being provided with a smooth
piece of asphalt upon which to stand during
the long hours of his watch. He has (to di
rect thousands of vehicles and pedestrians
and takes his position between the four
car tracks in the middle of the streets. Be
fore the asphalt wa put In Wednesday
morning, he was compelled to stand on
rough cobble stones.
Officer Wilson was all smiles when he
saw what the city had done for him Wed
nesday morning until at a moment when his
attention waa attracted elsewhere. A heavy
truck was driven over the yet soft pave
ment and the smooth surface was defaced
by a wagon wheel track. .. He says that he
will see that the spot Is kept polished from
henceforth, and that it Is not further dis
figured. ., ..skJ.l
r or tow
roit MEN
WWia stmc bunt 0 Tks UW
It b 0 Exit Gcsain Cuant
'Pototknit' Union Suitt never
pull open between button. The
t perfectly everywhere.
For Men Aw si. For Boys
1.00 Um" bu,u 50c
Any StxU
Shirt and
Buy 'Pcrokut' from jour resubr deal
HanJxuncqi IlliulrakJ Book Fie
Cb aimers Knitting Company
BO .Wwaisitw St., mlrriin. N. I.
.mml fi mi n i,-i.V,kiA-:.ii-ti.
On the lining of your Bhoes means the bshio as "Sterling" on your FlUer.
Buylnjr cheap Plioes to save money 1b like stopping a coc'x to
eave time.
Sorosls are the best slioes made, and the host in tho choiiiit-ht.
Any man can pretend ho cuts tho price, but It take brains to
make a better article.
Our $4.00 Sorosls Tumps and Ties have no ejual they are the
"Standard of the World" and are on sale in every civilized country on
the earth.
Soi'osis Shoe Store
FKAXK'AVILCO. Manujjer. 203 South 151 h Strrvt.
South Sixteenth St.
Lros ingeies jLrimned
Resumes Service
SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1910
"The Safe Road
Up-to-Date Equipment.
Dining Car Meals and Service
The First Train:
Will Leave Chicago 10:16 p. m., June 12.
Will Leave Omaha 12:45 p. m.t June 13.
For further information call on or address
Omaha, Nebraska.
'Phones: Bell, Doug. 1828 and Ind. A-3231.
" mm -r ir"- -"".IT T
Sixth Annual Convention
Associated Ad Clubs
Meet with America's business creators
,ap .rpviii m i mm , ijjMr,i.,nr - n.',';
If You Knew
the comfort the step ami labor
saving qualities of a Hoosler you
would not be without one.
The Hooslcr Special is tho acme
of kitchen cabinet perfection. It
affords a convenient and spacious
sanitary place for all the kitchen
Y"uu should soa this most complete
ami splendidly equipped cabinet for
kitchen use. It l a combination
pantry, table ami cahlnet comMned.
Made of solid oak, golden finltih.
The prico In f7.50. Aftor you
know the comforts of one by actual
ue you would not dispose, of It for
four times the cost, if you could not
procure another.
Call and let us explain more fully
tho economical working toalures of
the Iluosler Special.
J Jl
Block Signabi
Perfect Track
July 18. 19 and 20
Engraved Stationery
WoJdimg Jnmitaliont Announcomcnt
VUitlng Card
AH eorrw form, in current (atrial utuapr. wisravwl
in die beat nanut sad punctually dcliverM whan
Embossed Monogram Stationery
and other work exocuted al price lower (has usually
prevail eUewhera.
1210-1212 Howard Su Pkone D. ISO 4