THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1910. 'Hie omaha Daily Hee. FOUNDED BY EDWAKD ROSE WATER. VICTOR UOSEWATIuH, EDITOR. Entered at Oman postoffico as second class matter. TERMS OF bUUSCRlFTlON. Dally He (Including 8umUy) per week.. 18c Dally Be (without tiunuay), per ' Duiiy lies (without humlttv), una V8"1--": Dally Dee and funday. one yeur ouu DEDIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening lie (without Sunday), per week. .6c Evening Dea (with bundayl. per wek. ... bunnay Dee, wne year btttuujay Dee. one year.. i,"u Addrcsj all complaint of trreguiarltlea In delivery to City Circulation Department. (. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. bouth Omana 1 wenty-lourth and N. Council Bluffa 15 Hcoit Street. Dlncoln-613 Little Building. C'lilcago-1548 Marquette Building. New yorK Roorna lWl-lltri No. W e" Thirty-third Street. ,v Washington lib Fourteenth Street, N. Y CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to news and editorial matter ahould be addressed. Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. , REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment oi mail account. l'eiaouai checa. except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted- STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Douglas County, as: Ueorge B. ysteoliuck. treasurer ot i n Bee r'uuiislilng Company, being duly "worn, aays that tlia actual number of lull ana complem copies of Th Dally. t; Evening and Sunday Baa printed during ui ,.f h,imv lull, uua ii lollOWS; 1 41,300 11... . . mnn 2 43,460 1 t 42,890 It 4 42,810 20 ...43,030 . . .43,680 ...43,000 ...43,000 . . .41,480 ...43,740 43,880 21 43,840 22 7 48,890 22...... 41,370 43,160 26 .4J,ow '. .43,090 10 43,080 11 42,670 12... 42,600 12 ...43,020 It 43,960 li 41,600 It 43,110 It 43,370 27 43,400 28 43,860 21 41,300 10 43,370 21 44,180 Total 1.326,810 Returned co; lea , '888 Net total X.310.335 Dally average 43,368 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and iwom to before m. tbl. lat day ot Mjf Notary Public. Subscribers lewvIoK the city tem porarily akld have T Mailed to then. Aadreaaea vlll be changed a oftew ava reneated. "As for Omaha and the tributary country. The Omaha Bee has full wing. The Bee is a remarkably good newspaper and universally read." Joseph Edgar Chamberlain, staff cor respondent of the New York Evening Mail. - Those- earthquakes in Italy make San Francisco tremble. must The boys do not miss the "pld swim mine hole" So much this sort of weather, though. Mr. Bryan will probably have to show Mr. Folk before he gets him "to prepare to stand aside." . Another" advantage we shall have when we all go crazy In 265 years we will not have jay our debts. At any rate, virtuous Lincoln is the only dry town thatj makes a specialty of bargain Bales ot "police damaged goods." The dark view that he takes of nearly everything suggests that Chan cellor Day ought to have been named Knight. The gods that unloosed the light n In g storm upon Missouri must have . known that several political rods had recently been raised. Now they have a man named Traut connected up with some details ot the alleged fish bill fraud In. the Illinois legislature. ; Get the hook. "Jeff will take a much needed rest,' Bays Corbctt. If only a few of Jeff's publfcity agents would follow suit It 4 would be restful to the public. Now that the boss of the Water board is back to help his associates face that $6,263,295.49 judgment, of course all will be smooth sailing. The London specialist who said unly prolonged silence would euro Mr. Roosevelt's throat Is a llvlnj evidence that all Britons are not Insensible to humor. Philadelphia has employed an ex pert to find a genuinely primitive In dian. Send him out here and ho will have no trouble accomplishing his mission. Down in Missouri the doctors are advocating the abolition of the coro ner's office. Has there been a falling out there between the doctors and the undertakers? Pofcslbly by this time Governor Bhallenberger could be Induced to withdraw his nomination of David R. Francis and give the entire Missouri field to Mr. Folk. It remained for a Minneapolis woman to sue for a divorce because her husband flirts with au invisible affinity In the air. Sort ot absent treatment flirtation. The Springfield, (Mass.) Union hits close to the bull's-eye when it says, "Some of the two-spots in this country do not seem to like, the attention Teddy is receiving abroad," Mr. Roosevelt is receiving hundreds of U tters on his Guild hall speech from Enslltfhcuen and reports say most ef them are laudatory. Of course they are, and why should they not be? ' Results in Iowa. The results of the bitterly fought contest of republican factions for su premacy Injthe Iowa primaries are now known. And from whatever angle viewed the outcome can be construed in no other way than as an expression of renewed confidence in the Taft ad ministration, and the effort ot the democratic press to make U out to be tie vote will not square with the facts. Before the primary It was distinctly stated and understood that the Issue was to be decided by the contest In four congressional districts and the contest over the governorship. In spite of the onslaughts of both United Btates senators and the entire insurgent forces in Iowa the regulars won out In each case with the one exception of Congressman Hull, whose fall down la Admitted to reflect local conditions rather than national questions. The special correspondents of the muck raking magazines, who had been tour ing Iowa for months and sending home lurid reports of prairies afire with in surgency in that state sweeping every thing before them, must be really dis appointed that their predictions have not been borne out They had It that all that was necessary was for Senator Cummins to say the word and the re publicans of Iowa would register ap proval of his slate almost en masse. If rcnomlnatlon of Governor Carroll is test vote, 'the republicans of Iowa still prefer to keep in touch with the national organization of the party, and to select their candidates for congress strictly on their own records. The play of the democrats will, of course, be to foment discord for the purpose of keeping the republican fac tions apart and with the hope of mak ing democratic gains over a divided opposition. But if the principle of the direct primary has any virtue the re publicans will accept the results and get together for the election. Meddlesome Americans Abroad. The United States is called on to de fend another young American who has fallen under the ban of official dla- favor in Nicaragua. He built and operated a mine which exploded and killed several Madriz soldiers who hap pened to belong to the party against which he aligned himself. The inci dent has not made the young man very popular with the reigning powers and he now falls back upon the" pro tection of his own country. The State department, of course, will feel obliged to go to his rescue, not being in a position to see him executed with out an effort to save him. The question arises, how far is the United States government justified in defending one of its citizens who takes the lives of foreigners and risks his own in an alien land merely for flnan ciai aggranaueiuenir ,inis young man, like the two whose execution at the hands of Zelaya some months ago provoked much feeling, went into this thing with his eyes open because he saw a chance to make money and did not stop when he found danger and death looming up before htm. If the State department could find recourse In some law to inflict a punishment of Us own on such meddlesome Ameri cans it would be dealing justice to them and saving" itself and the country some embarrassment and difficulty. The United States can scarcely afford to become embroiled in an Interna tlonal controversy as the result of such personal ambition. The Moving Picture for Schools. When ministers of Milwaukee pro tested against the nickel theater as a demoralizing influence on the boys and girls the new socialist mayor urged the introduction of moving pie tures in the public schools as a counter attraction, adopting the homeopathic tneory mat meaicine mat win cause a disease will also cure K and the Board of Education has thought well enough of the idea to give it a practical test. The suggestion struck the ministers at first as too radical to be of service and it is quite probable that the fact of its coming from a socialist augmented the clergymen's view of its radicalism, but socialist or what not, the mayor Beems to have touched a live wire. No one will dare question the attrac tive force of the moving picture for the young mind; that was the pith ot the remonstrance against it. If, then, it Impresses tho boy and girl when ex hibited In tho cheap theater why can 4t not be made to impress them worth ily when shown in the schoolroom, sup plemented with wholesome explana tion liy the teacher? Stamping the pic ture of the lesson on tho young mind with one of these lanterns will, it is argued, make a much more lasting hn presslon than merely the oral instruc tlon, or a blackboard inscription. It may be that history, geography and other studies will be effectually taught by the use of the moving picture and it is not at all improbable that this agency may become a real factor in the child's training. Educational pictures could be made as easily as any other kind. Pob- slbly the Milwaukee experiment will prove a successful practical service. Surplus Succeeding Deficit. On May 31. 1909, tho deficit in na tlonal revenues amounted to $69,725, 000 and on May 31, 1910, it was $13, 175,000. The treasury receipts have been steadily increasing during the last eighteen months and as June is always prolific of treasury collections, it is within the range of probability that the end of the present month may show a final efTacement of this, deficit which confronted President Taft on March 4, 1909. These facta aud figures tell their own story and amplification should not be necoRsary to Impress on the public mind the fart that this Is dis tinctly a business administration. It Is only because of a system of account ing preferred by Secretary MacVeagh that June 1 did not show an actual surplus instead of the dwindling de ficit of $13,000,000, for as a matter of fact that was the condition brought about In this way: $31,000,000 and more were disbursed during the cur rent year for work on the Panama canal and the treasury was reimbursed to this amount from the sale of Pan ama bonds which congress authorized. Had this amount been added to the Income of the government, as, Indeed, it might have been, it would have shown a surplus of about $18,000,000 Instead of a deficit of $13,000,000, with still the big month of June to go on. The administration has cut off $9,000,000 this year from expenses by retrenchments in the various depart ments, which represents a big step toward the surplus, although not to be compared with the more productive re sources developed in the greater earn ing power. These results have been accomplished under the personal di rection of President Taft, but so quietly and with so little ostentation as to lack the appreciation deserved. Get After the Rat. Health crusaders in their effort to annihilate the house fly have entirely overlooked the rat, which is one of the worst enemies of health in existence. Now, we -are holding no brief for the fly; wo believe in every laudable means, fair or unfair, to extinguish him, but at the same time it is short sighted warfare that docs not include the rat in its ravishing. Some patient mathematician has fig ured out that there are five times as many rats in this country as there are people and we are expecting the new census to show something above 90,- 000,000 people, which would give us in round numbers 450,000,000 rats. Just how this computation was reached is beyond our ken, but with out regard to that anybody will admit that is a good many rats to have run ning at large even in a country as ex tensive as the United States. In India they are said to have even more than that, but they also have pestilence and plague in India which devastates whole communities. The fact is, as deduced by scientific investigation. rats in India have been found to be the greatest breeders of disease and just now there is a national movement to kill off as many millions as possible. There is a most serious side to this situation, which must receive careful attention If we in this country are to make our splendid efforts at sanitary conservation count for their most. The one dread disease of tuberculosis, whose eradication was a vital influ ence in provoking this national move ment, is fed and nourished, scientists say, by the rodent, which is indigenous to it. Therefore, the moBt systematic campaign should be waged against the whole rat family and even if they do number 450,000,000 that should only serve td make the attack more effective and determined. A Flaw in the System. The recent appointment of receivers for a large dry goods establishment In Kansas City calls attention to a flaw In the system which has of late come so largely in favor by which mercan tile and manufacturing concerns secure a large part of their working capital by issuing short-time notes floated through brokers all over the country. Until the last few years business men, large and small, followed the safe and sane course of borrowing money when needed of local banks or financial in stltutlons, whose familiarity with the peculiar situation of each patron en abled them to draw the line with some degree of intelligence, and to grant ex tensions In emergencies without seri ously interfering with the conduct of the business. Note, brokerage methods on the other hand seem to throw maturing paper on the market almost as a com modity, the holder looking to prompt payment with no other consideration to guide him, and subjecting the bor rower to a' constant and continuous test of his credit."""Inabillty to meet the notes or to borrow elsewhere forces the alternative ot complete bankruptcy or a temporary receivership to tide over the stress. The receivership therefore operates as an extension of the notes and may thus become the le gitimate recourse of a solvent concern which needs nothing except a little time to collect in what is coining to it. That this is a flaw in the note brok erage system must be self-evident. The duty will devolve upon our bank ers and financiers to devise the neces sary safeguards Njtnd to prevent over-expansion through this channel so tempting and apparently without limits. v It Beems to be a question whether the democratic state committee really recommended all candidates for the legislature to subscribe to "Statement No. 1." If all that was done was to express approval of the Oregon plan law, the candidate for the legslature Is entitled to his choice of three op tions, of which "Statement No. 1" is only one. Put it down straight that if the democrats thought they had a cinch on the next Nebraska legislature they would not favor any pledge that might bind them to elect a republican sen ator. The inmate of the insane asylum at Lincoln who U writing The Bee about the inside doings in that Institution may be crazy, but he writes as If he had occasloual sane spells which en- abled him to describe things as they really are. A thorough overhauling of the laws governing the management ot our insane asylums will be due from the next Nebraska legislature. The Omaha Commercial club Is call ing upon th Milwaukee road to con nect up Omaha with its line through South Dakota. The railroad may be expected to express an earnest desire to comply, provided only It be per mitted to raise rates sufficiently to make the shippers furnish all the money required for the new construc tion. Collector Loeb is certainly making it embarrassing for certain rich folk who insist on smuggling valuables into New York from foreign countries. Not content with having an ex-governor of a New England state arrested and fined, he has secured similar results in the case of a wealthy Wisconsin woman. Congressman Walter I. Smith has a right to feel specially gratified over the handsome majority by which he has nailed down his renominating A man who wins out running against two United States senators and one com peting candidate must have been going some. Mayor "Jim's" oration at the Kear ney talkfest is on the subject of "The Principles of Democracy." Wonder if that has anything to do with the $15, 000 of Wall street boodle that Brother-in-law "Tommy", Allen corralled with "Jim's" help in 1904. Following closely on the heels of the assertion by one St. Louis preacher that there are seven routes to heaven comes the query from another divine of that city, "Who made Hell?" A pertinent question, Indeed, right now as well as most any time. The Anti-Saloon league's official county option bill is still being drafted. But why should a new bill have to be drafted? Why not let a stenographer copy one of the county option bills used in Missouri, or Indiana, or Ohio? Reformer Elmer Thomas' ex-convict pal has been bound over to the district court for complicity In the attempted dynamite bomb outrage for lack of enough witnesses to prove that alibi. Take up another church collection. A than are In Order. Philadelphia Ledger. As Uncle Bam has seized a lot of Panama hats, the suggestion is made respectfully that he retain one for his own use and shed that old tile. A Dstr Overlooked. Philadelphia Press. On one subject Mr. Roosevelt has pre served a discreet silence. He has not de nounced the two-headed eagle of Austria as a "nature fake." ' One I ndaatr-y i Overworked. Indianal&olis News., The new customs) court starts In with 225 cases on Its docket, which seems to sug gest that another thing -this country is suffering from ia the overproduction of lawsuits. ; Ordera Yet to Come. Cleveland, plain Dealer. Mr. Polk of Missouri intimates his de sire to be nominated for president by the democrats. Watch the Commoner for an announcement of Just what Mr. Polk must do and how ha must do It. Cloned Rank at the Finish. St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat. The tumult and the shouting dies, but the democrats have discovered that the railway bill has not disrupted the re publican party. The divergences between the two houses will be adjusted, the re publicans in each chamber will support the finished measure, the president will sign it, and it will aid In bringing repub lican victory In November. Presidents and Their Critic. Boston Transcript. Presidents who feel aggrieved at their treatment by the press would do well to recall the experience of Andrew Jackson. The czar having In an informal way re monstrated to our minister at St. Peters burg against American press criticism of his policy and" character his complaint was transmitted to Jackson. There were many replies available, but Jackson took the course that was moat effective. He sent the czar a sheaf of editorial opinions of Jackson, and the correspondence- ended. The president of the United States, being a party leader, haa to take the chances of political warfare, with all Its slings and arrows, not to speak of more offensive weapons. It is against the latter that a president has an unquestionable right to protest. Fair, frank criticism of an execu tive, based on analysis of policies, la good for him and the country. It Is one ot the essentials of free government. Our Birthday Book Jane 10, 1910. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer, was born June W, IStB, at Callcoon Depot, New York. This Is the same Dr. Cook who not long ago played it so smooth with his claim of North pole discovery. David Jayne Hill, our ambassador to Ger many, is just 60. He was born at Plain field, N. J., and was president of the Uni versity of Rochester before he went Into diplomatic service in the Btate department at Washington. Rev. Mlnot J. Savago, the well known Unitarian clergyman, was born June 10, 1841, in Mexico. He is the author of a great many books on religious topics, and as a lecturer is widely known throughout the country.' Fred II. Davis, first vice president of the First National bank of Omaha and presi dent of the Union Block Yards National bunk of South Omuha, was born June 10, 1S00, in Fairfield, la. He has been con nected with the First National bank in various capacities and offices since Febru ary, 1972. and haa been a leader In many of our civic enterprises. George P. Biebbliia, with the Pacific Kx press company, Is celebrating hi sixtieth birthday today. He was born in Kennett Square, Pa., and started In the railway and expresa business her in Omaha in 1S71. and haa been with it ever since. John 8. Little, fire insurance adjuster, was born June 10, 1879, in Omaha. He is the son of John Little, one of Omaha's pioneers, and was educated at Crelghton university. He haa ben in Insurance work since Around New York tipples on the Current ef Ufa as Hi U the Great Amexleaa tctropU fret Bay to Pay. Following a policy announced last winter of assigning hlirh class talent to de-t fend poor people charged with capital crimes In New York City, Judge Mslone designated Bourke Cockran to conduct the defense of Victor Nelson, a negro, ac cused of the murder of Claud Humphreys, another negro, last March. The trial nded last Saturday in a verdict of acquittal, th jury complimenting counsel on the eloquence of hrs closing argument, and re questing a copy of hla address tn defense of his client. "I can scarcely" expect you to treat this negro' aa a peer. Then treat him like a dog," said Mr. Cochran In hrs summing up of the case. "Yes, treat him like a dog If you must. A dog that bites wantonly we kill, but a dog that bites rrr defen-se of his own master' home we protect. Men have given their lives in defense of such a dog. Give my client the same shrift you would give uoh a dog." It was the theme of Mr. Cochran's two hours of oratory In behalf of the prisoner that Nelson had shot and killed Humphrey In self-defen. The evidence showed that Humphreys had been killed by a bullet that entered his body and traveled In an up ward course. Mr. CochTan said that ttils fact abso lutely proved th truth of hi client's tes timony that he had been kicked down three steps by Humphreys, and that when he recovered himself he found Humphreys pointing; a revolver at hfan. Mr. Cochran had two of hla clerks take powKions on the steps leading to the wit ness stand In court, to illustrate his Idea of th shooting. The evidence ehowed that both negroes were attentive to Mrs. Marie Josephs, and that Jealousy existed between them. The killing, according to Mr. Cochran, was the outgrowth of th social and eco nomlo conditions In this country. He said that hr client, while a high school gradu ate, had tried to secure decent work In this country, but had finally found himself driven to accept work as a scullion in the house where Humphreys was introduced to him. He closed with a strong pica that the Jury find "Justifiable defense." An express train came into the station on the down side of Seventy-second street in the rush hour practically full, but there waa the usual large crowd In waiting, and as many as could push or be pushed through tho various doors boarded It. Among the women who squeeaed into a side door wtts one with a monster hat, the edge of which threatened the eyes of a little man who stood Just next to her. The passengers nearby saw his predica ment, and some laughed, while others seemed to be Indignant. One of the latter managed to tear from his paper the London paragraph stating that" women were asked to wear moderate sized hat and no long hatpins on the day of the funeral of the king, in order to avoid discomfort and accident Politely taking off his hat, he handed the scrap of paper over the head of the little man to tho woman with tho big hat. She glanced at It, but not by look or word did she betray any feeling, and at Forty-second street she was swept from the car with the crowd. "It Is comparatively easy to serve per sons at a banquet up to the number for which a hotel has seating capacity, but it is not easy to have the dishes hot," said the manager of the dining rooms in the Hotel Astor when he was asked how they managed ' to ,".givo banquet .in . the , new ball room with what seemed like ease. "One thousand persons dining at a time in one room Is a fair number. Tonight we have a small dinner party C00 so you can't see the thing working In its perfection. But here is the way it Is done." He led the way to the rear promenade, and there two sections of the floor had been raised to permit the free running of oblong and electric dumbwaiters, which re volve and carry swinging Bhelves. Before these stood a line of waiters carrying off the dishes as fast as they appeared on the half dozen platforms of each machine. Six of these "elevators for service can be put Into use when necessary. In the kitchen below there were eight men and women "feeding" each machine, each trained to do one thing. One man did nothing but put potatoes on a plate, wrllle a woman placed the slice of fish and another man dropped a slice of lemon and green decoration. In this way not a second was lost. On the roof of the Hamilton Fish park branch of the public library in New York l a children's paradise, with gayly striped awnings to protect against sun or showers, and on the newly painted green tables big vases of lilac and dogwood bloomed. The gaiden was opened to the children with fairies In the receiving line. Over in one corner Hans Christian An dersen's story of "The Ugly Duckling" was read out of a big blue and gold falty book by Miss Eva Wheelock, the assistant librarian, who rejoices in the nickname of "Peter Pan." Twenty-five small children on twenty-five small bamboo stools fur rounded Miss Wheelock, and at exciting crises in the tale the tiny stools would tip up away forward till their back lefrs were lifted several inchea in the air. When the exciting moment was past, down they set tled with a thump, only to rise again a few minutes Inter. "And yet," laughed Miss WTieelock after ward, "this story Isn't by any means a thriller to them. It haun t any prlncenftav That's what they like, quantities of rega.1 splendor and pearla and diamonds of beau tiful, beautiful prlnceoMes. "Once or twice a week we have story telling afternoon for the children. Thera are three groups, the littlest boys and girls, who get fairy talcs and a few nature stories; the middle sited ones, to whom aro told old -Greek myths, and the older ones, who listen . to histories. There are generally from twenty-five to fifty In each group, but sometime1 they run as high aa eighty." "I visit the night court quite often," said a sightseer, "but the other night I got there before court convened and was sur prised to see lin old man reverently patting the wainscoting. My curiosity was so aroused that I asked a court attache what it all meant. He looked at me rynipathetlc ally and then said: "Why, man, the woodwork In this build ing can't be bought nowadays. man over there Is probably an old Greenwich village cabinetmaker, one of several who drop in occasionally to admire these old black walnut benches and doors. Look at that strip of wood along that wall. Aslt any furniture man Its value and he'll sey lt'b worth Its weight in gold. And as for that first bench, where the bondsmen and lawyers sit, notice those markings and see how beautifully It's polished. All the benches, even the one the prisoners ue, are equally valuable. "There's not a bit of the original wood work in this building that's not solid black walnut, and If It's torn down the house wrecker won't have much trouble In getting a soxl price for it. The building was erected In 1871 and cost about f750,0O. Guevs tk la woodwork had a good dual to do with the price." TREATY OF WASHINGTON. Chicago Tost! The terms of tho treaty look marvelously simple now that they are agreed upon. If tho railroads do not ob ject to them, we do not see how the ship pers can. And w hope tha latter will not attempt to disturb the status quo. Chicago Record-Herald: Th White House conference could not hav been more com pletely successful snd the success' means peace. Justice, stability, prosperity for both of the direct parties, plus credit and honor to the administration. New York Sun: The statement from the White House Inst night records an arrange ment In which the business Interests of the entire country may find reason for con gratulation. It denotes likewise a triumph of common sense over technical legal op portunity. Baltimore American: The firm attitude of the president has avoided a commercial controversy, th effects of which on the business and Industrial situation would probably be more serious than is generally believed. Now business can proceed In orderly fashion again. Indianapolis News: With th exception of those industries and those peopl who make a profit out of their dealings with the railroads, the country is practically unani mous in its support of th demands of the shippers, sustained by the government, that the railroads demonstrate the neces sity, of such, rate increases as they have demanded. Chicago Tribune: "Th dove of peace broods In th helmet of the warrior." The latest treaty of Washington has been ne gotiated and its terms are eminently satis factory. The government is relieved from the necessity of prosecuting a suit Which it would not have begun under other circum stances. The shippers get what they have been contending for all along. Th rail roads have capitulated, accepting terms which were rejected when offered by th shippers. But Wall street approves of the capitulation. That should comfort the rail road presidents who went to Washington to sue for peace. PERSONAL NOTES. A counterfeiting outfit which haa been running for years, discovered In - a Mis souri state prson, shows that the forces of evil are more up-to-date and resource ful in emergency than the forces of good are in finding them out. Polalre, the new Parisian dancer, who has arrived In New York to make a reputation as "the homeliest woman," says she works tor art alone, but she had so much Jewelry about hr that the customs officers asked her to give bond. Lady Cook is completing preparations In New York for a lecturing tour of the country In advocacy of her well-known views on the rights of women. Aa Ten nessee C. Claflin she made a similar tour in the 70s, winning general attention by her eloquence and individuality. The man who threw a can of beans at the crown prince of Germany has been sent to an insane asylum. "Boston opinion will approve the Judgment," says the Tran script, "for even if the offender can be acquitted of any design against the prince's life, he stands convicted of 'sinful waste.' " Kalman Mlkszath, the famous Hun garian novelist, has gained from the na tion a handsome and substantial token of appreciation. To mark his fiftieth birth day, he has been presented with three estates, worth $22,600, so that In his old age he will not be dependent on the product of his pen for subsistence. Talks for people :whd sell things Sasrsrestlon for Saleantea. lows the lire of his first. Therefor a "We have never lost a customer salesman should be versatile, never calling: through dissatisfaction with our goods on advertiser except he ha. a new point 6 , of view a new line of reasoning, a new or prices," is the way a local clothing 8t!rl(.a of heipfui talks and ideas for his merchant advertised the quality and prosepctive customer; cut out small talk prices of his goods not long since. as much as possible, get to business, not . . . . ,, your business, but the other fellows; he'll This man has the right conception , ,, . . ,, , .., v . always listen if you talk about him or his. of good merchandising.. He handles You.M bore hlm lf you ulk ahout yourself goods of the best quality only, charges or yours.' After you have Interested him tn fair prices for them, assures every- himself, he'll probably get Interested in body of complete satisfaction and yo."' .... ... He should be a student a close reasoner. spreads the news broadcast His ad- A clear thinker, quick to see and setae op vertlslng says to a man; "Your portunities posted on ail things, asJr' friends and neighbors, the men you above ail things, a good listener, meet every day, are wearing clothes knotk' u" come baclt wlth they bought from me. They have If a man mUBt drlnk( put ,t ott untll been coming to me for years for their after working hours. I rapidly lose re clothing; I have never lost the custom l,Pect for a nian who calls on me smelling . - . . .,. , of booze. Drink only-ln drinking hours. of one of them because always give T . , , h.. ,,,, , Lack of humor, or lack of an apprecla- them a square deal.' tlon of humor In a solicitor, is an almost This is the sort of advertising that fatal drawback, reaches right down into a man's pock- A BOod salesman Is sympathetic. etbook and sells the goods. ,In '"?' ,here !a ? a "ne" u,lflca " ' " , , tlon In the gamut of humon emotions that This sort Of advertising will sell tho good salesman must not be master of. your merchandise. Advertise your and If he cannot have the Ten Command goods day in and day out, constantly menl written across his face let him playing up quality, service and fair " Am,any..0.f thf.m " he can H' D m yiaj-iug uy u j, p , a. u law Wilson. AJvertlsIng Manager Cosmopolltai A prices, and back your advertising with Magazine. r your reputation, and you will win and keep the confidence of your customers. simple tpr i.anKuage. ThA Ivun trr,IlllAlt.m..l.(raa ....... Jntl.. A good salesman never argues with a 'red to humanity are simply put. Tha customer; be may discuss, lie may reason, Sermon on the Mount Is written In lan he may become eloquent yes, forceful guage a child can understand. Lincoln's but ho never gets into an argument, and Gettysburg speech Is within the reach of ha must never depart, If he does not get everyone's grasp; it is the simplest ar the order, without creating a situation rangement of plain, short words ever that calls for his return. In other words, brought together, and this very simple lie never burns his bridges. ness adds to the sublimity of the message. I always make It a point to see every ' Every copy writer should study It care- Bolteltor once. If he impresses me or fully to give the greatest power to the even Interests me, I'll gee him twice, but message with which he "dresaes" his raw never a third time, lf his second call fol- material. - I At 7 the Douglas Music W do not claim to know everything In th Talking Machin business, a per the Ill'RRAH of some people In th business. We glv tl Victor a chanc to do a part of our hurrahing. Here Visitors and prospective buyer alike will find prompt and courteous attention shown them. There's a Victor Waiting rot To At Oar sjtor. 4510 to S2GO-Tcrms to Suit ' A.. HOSPE CO. iai3lSia Douglas Mreel Distributers for The Tlotor Talking Machine Co. LAUGHING OAS. "How would you classify that ardent I agltHtor?" "You can't classify an ardent agitator," replied Hi-nator Soighum. If he Is on your M1e of a question he's an Intrepid reformer, and If he's on the other side he's a muck raker." Washington Star. "A penny for your thought." she said, after he had been looking eagerly at her for a lojig time. "I have been thinking that I should like to kiss you." "Mere's a dime. Never mind th change. Chicago Hecord-Herald. "Did Mrs. Cometip use that crud ell on her furniture as I advised?" "No, she didn't. Blie was shocked at tha mere Idea." "Shocked at It? What for?" "She said she wouldn't use anything that wasn't refined." Baltimore American. "Then," said the reporter, "I'll say sev eral pretty songs were rendered by Miss packer." , "Oh! gracious, no." replied the hostess, "you mustn't say 'rendered.' You see her father made all hi" money In lard." Cath olio Standard and Times. "I want to get some dogs to protect my egg farm. What kind do you think, th best?" "I 'would suggest the best kind of dogs tn innii after rxu would b set tcrs." Bal timore American. "Why dnn't you call your newspaper the Appendix?" aiked the enemy of the polit ical boss. "Anv special reason for wanting m to do so? " '.... - "Well, it's a useless organ." St. Louis Star. "What's In a name?" asked th philoso pher.' . ,, ' . A great aeai, repnea m mrniT nun. . n i. . Um,1t Uns,n's nlnt, have If we merely called it 'The Rooster " Washington star. 'Popularity." said Uncle Eben, "Is alius uncertain. Dar ain't no way of tellln' ex actly what a crowd means by the word, hurrah.' "Washington Star. ( Dllly My salary is knocked into a cocked hat this week. Dally Why? , niiivMv wifj'a chantecler will take it all. Town Topics. Tha r,M mm had lust com In and was still wearing his hat. He looked up from his desK at me inin young "I have here, sir," said the latter glibly, ... . i nH Minnvlnff ttiinerfliloilA hair. It removes it thoroughly and paln- "Yes" interrupted the bald man, wearily, ... . . . - - uu hulp" h aAAA '1 Know mo uiunu, j - jrg' as he took off his hat. "ws removed in the same way. icvenum " - HE'S REPRESSED. Chicago News. I got to wash my hands an' face An' wear my tsunday suit; When I march in an' take my place I'll look so doggone cute That if the other kids is there An' ain't dressed up so gay They'll call me "sla," but I don't care, 'Cause school leu out todayl i I'm goln' to speak a piece, an so ' My folks they think that I Jest ought to be as clean as snow An' wear my new red tie! I blacked my shoes as black s kin be An' chased th' pup away So's that he couldn't play with m Till school lets out todayl An' now ma sez I must recite My pleca before I start, So she'll be sure I got it right , An' know it all by heart; She sea she shouldn't have to coax A boy my size to stay Cleaned up, an' not disgrace his folks. When school lets out todayl But, shucks! I Jest can't see no fun In whut I got to do; I guess my parunts never done Like they expect me to! You bet I won't look half so sweet, When I get home. Oh, say! I'm goln' to roll across th' street When school lets out today! street S Store