f THE. BEE: OMAHA. FBIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. Women's Dressy Voile and Serge Skirls Dressy Garments ol Fine Utility S s V t sr VETERANS PARADE IN RAIN Grand Army Memberi Make H. A. Dyer Commander. NEXT GATHERING AT MUSCATINE Demurrage Men to Gather Here About Fifty Members of Association Will Convene at Faxton Jane 17 and 18. Spanish War Veterans Choose K. Johnson of Cedar Rapids to Head Organisation In ton, C. Hoi 1 Skirts tt block Voile, ti art e I t h straight single pleat. This sr ment cm also be1 supplied with riu In bands, 913.80. ; No. 2 Manama skirts In green) tan and grays; strong values, at 3.50 and $7.50. -Novelty . In bluea iys; also 9 Ho. 4- serges and arav In brown Pana ma. The are finding- much favorN at S8.0O, 17.60. 10 and $13.80. aro. 3 n lack Altnian V o 1 1 a skirts In fancy pleating. trim med with satin buttons. Extra values at Sia. . "Ilydegrade" taffeta petticoats, double flounces witn plain .and fftney borders, extra values at jgl.19. Othes fine values at 1.95 to J3.B0. In both plain and embroid ered flounces. f - Write for Illustrated catalogue. Pictorial Review Patterns 10c and 15c.' m you no peoples j OWN SIOWI 5 n , i i s i m s -v The veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic paraded In the rail today, led by the Soldiers of the Sixth cavalry. A comparatively small number of the etcrane were In line, but automoDiies were pressed into service and many of the old soldiers rode. ' H. A. Dyer of Mason City was elected epartment commander without opposition. The total loss In membership of the de partment In the year was 472. 82$ being lost by death. The present membership 10,257. General G. M. Dodge presided while the department commander read his address He urged the removal of the soldiers' monument In Des Moines to a new location on the river front. The United Spanish War veterans elect ed E. C. Johnson of Cedar Rapids com mander. Tha Sons of Veterans endorsed L. A. Dllley of Davenport for national sec retary. Governor ,YanSant of Minnesota, national commander, briefly reviewed the condition of the order in the nation. This evening a camp fire was held. Muscatine was, chosen as the next meet ing place. The fight for commander of the XV. R. C. Is between Mrs. Jennie Who don of Wlnterset and Mrs. Ida Wortham of Oskaloosa. Will Teaeh Aarricnltiire Prof. G. M. Holden of the extension do- 1018-1520 Faroam Strot BIG PROBLEM NEAR AT HAND Judge Grosscup Says Supreme Test of Popular Government is Coming. NEXT ISSUE IS ECONOMICS Prod arts of Soil Have Been Larao . Enough to OTercont the Effect of Economic nnd Politi cal Blunders. ROCK ISLAND, 111., June 9. In the course of a commencement address at Au gustana College and Theological Seminary, today, Judge Grosscup, of Chicago, said: "We have not reached, hert in Amer ica, the supreme test of whether govern ment of tha people, by the people, can en dure. We have not yet been put to the test of dealing with great economic ques tions at the cost of distinct disaster In case they are wrongly dealt with. Thus far, the. surplus of our soil,-sold to the world each year, has made good our economic and political mistakes a surplus so, great that, no matter what, during the year, our mistakes may have been,, at the end .of tha, -the bank aecotfst has been made goeOi gatn,tx $ut Uhe day is, coming whoa tule Insurance. aSalnst logical con sequence (Will be cut off. " Every census shows that .the 'growth - of population Is In Hie towns and citiesthat the men and women, wtla bear no relation to the soil and Its products. except that of consumers, are rapidly outnumbering those who 'till the soil.'.' And when that (lay fully comes wnen- we- are nti longer a people with a constantly irecurring surplus, but have be come a people who each year eat up what they . produce the consequences of politi cal and economic mistakes will make them selves feIC- Supreme Test Cunt In k. "This solving of our problem by. spiral stairway' will not last every Increase of expenses bringing on Increase of prices and wages; every Increase of prices and wages bringing us back to increased expenses; the entire movement In clrcln- at ijich turn a little higher up than we were be fore. There Is a limit to such a structure. And It Is when that limit is reached and return to solid ground begins when w have to meet and solve political and eco nomic Questions that require the nice bal ance of one man's Interest against an other's, and the Interest of the whole, as distinguished from the interest of each In dividualthat the supreme test of whether the people can govern themselves will be upon us. "Will that test be successfully met? Are we capable 0f meeting and solving the complex questions of the future as we huve met and solved the simpler moral questions of the past?. What will equip us to meet this test? What power, more than anything else, will hold us to our corn-so as a peoplu capable of self-govern-nient? Without doubt there muat be per sonal honor and personal honesty in poll tics, as personal honor and personal honesty uv affected by money; but financial dis honesty Is always Individual, never gen eral, and Is quickly overtaken and un rrmtd. Without doubt the public con science must be kept quickened, but our American conscience Is not hard to reach nnd quicken. Intellectual Honesty Needed. "The one force In this universe, without which the test cannot be successfully met the on force, more than anything else. that as a nation we must acuulra he torn We are equipped to successfully meet the complex problems before us Is what I may call the spirit of Intellectual honesty; the spirit that hears before It decides; the spirit that yields Itself to genuine 'Confer ence; the spirit that is not played upon bv the total self-interest that so often makes . up the atmosphere through which we look at the Interest of others; above all, the spirit that will hold our leaders of public t pinion accountable, as men who give out thu money coin of the country are held accountable, that thought given out on publlo questions contains nothing In It that Is not the real thought of the mind behind It; that spirit that will not, In the Interest of political or personal expediency, tultrate the pasolng of counterfeit opinion. "Nothing, ' lilted, Is so Insidious as an Intellectual counterfeit; Nothing so per vasive; nothing so hard to overtake, or si ' haid to.' 'overpower when overtaken, and nothing so hurtful and dangerous. I'pon Intellectual counterfeits political leaders ofltn flourish. In tha end tha people al ways suffer. 'Jlere la the work, gvater a thousand times than mere knowledge Im pelled, that the unlvetkltles and colleges of America, the schools of America, and the teachers of America owe to the day thnt will test the question whether gov ernment of tho peuple, by the rnple. cn endure Intwllectual character building, aa well aa moral character building, that IH leave In the men who go out Into the wir'.d the abiding conviction that It I Jffl a mean to pass counterfeit thought In public affairs as to pase counterfeit i Raymond Hardy at Parents' Bier Young Man, Accused of Murder, At tends Funeral of Family Under Heavy Guard. MARSHALLTOWN, la., June 9. (Spe cial Telegram.) At the little white farm house where the triple Hardy murder was committed Sunday on the day which was to have been his wedding day, Raymond Hardy, the youngeBt and only survlvtng member of the family, who Is held In Ja strongly suspected of being the slayer of his parents and younger brother, ' today was taken under heavy guard to the old home to a tend the triple funeral." Brief and simple services were con. ducted by Rev. Mr. Levent first for the father, James Hardy, then for the mother, MrsLavlna Hardy, and the eon. Earl When young Hardy entered the .little old fashioned parlor where the dead - bodic of the father, mother and brother lay. broke into tears and wept bitterly. But during his weeping he did not say any thing that could be distinguished above his sobs. : u ." .-. .' ., Supported by his nearest relatives, Mrs. Millie Trotter of De Moines, ati aunt, and his cousin, Mrs. MaudajGIbson,-who en circled him with their arms, he. went from casket to casket, This ordeal over,' he was given a- seat near the foot of his mother's caskot. - H soon controlled his emotions and remained quiet during ' the' services. The "bodies' will be taken to Colfax for burial. ' The Inquest -will open at Melbourne to morrow. The annual convention of tit American Demurrage association will be held in Omaha In the parlors of the Taxton hotel, June 17 and 18. The association Is com posed of the mansters of the different DES MOINES, la.. June . (Special) demurrage bureaus throughout the United States. About .fifty memoers are expected to be present. J. R.Van Tuyl, manager of the Western Demurrage bureau of this city, has been Instrumental in bringing the meeting to Omaha and he Is making many preparations to give the visitors a pleasant time and show Omaha to them to the best advantage.' In 1600 the convention was held In Chicago. ' Each year it la taken to a different city. The meeting will open with reports and dijcusslons ' on' demurrage and the usual business to be brought before the associa tion. The annual election will be held and men chosen to fill the offices for the com ing year. . The following are the present officers: M. C. Shields, Minneapolis, president; J. F. Roach, St. Louis, vice president; A. O. Thomaaon, . StrantOn, secretary-treasurer. TAFT AND TARIFF ENDORSED Wisconsin Republican Convention at Milwaukee Makes Platform. TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT'S WORK i Maximum and Mlnlmom ProTlslon of the New Act Approved and Scientific Revision for Fu ture Recommended. At the Theaters at the Brandela. nt mm nan v In a drama "The Ktranaer Jarnh I" Aitlar composed of a prologue and three nv Jacob Uorfl n: tne cam Haptnle Herts Levin I'lnle Htnrailub Hluse, his wtfe ..... Henny, their child .. Uly. their child Kalman Molhhei Hniah Htvieh Jteb Aaron, a rahbl A Ionian acts. Mr. Jacob r. Ainer ' Mr. Schoengold ...Mrs. Parah Adlor Mr. Ginsberg liiiM Frances Adler Mr. Tornberg Mrs. Wllensky Mr. Horhstein ui.. a Kslpr A drunken man came one day into me home of lleptale Hers Levin and, being troublesome, provoked a fight. Lvln, In a gust of anger, threw a heavy Iron bar at him. The diunken man died. Levin was tried, convicted of murder and sent to Siberia foe life.. In T,v!n'a hnn,. llr,4 n vnuna man. approved ana the provisions lor maximum pn) 8taradub by name, who had been and minimum schedules and future sclen- fc c,OBe UXeni of the mprlione(i n,an and tifle revisions are commended. Governor hlg wlfe ,W)tn . . . ,ne younger Davidson's administration is also endorsed. mBn ioon (oURd ntml,elf n . i0ve with The platform says: Mme. Levin. He waited eight years, there We adhere to the principles or the re- ., . rumor th.f t ...i. ax& m the publican party as outlined in tne piatiorm mlneB and he warlui the widow, adopted by the republican national conven- BhA demurred th(,v eon8Uued the rabbi MILWAVKEE. Wis., June 9-The ad- ministration of President William II. Taft Is strongly endorsed In the platform unanl- mouBly adopted at the closing session of the republican state convention in Mil waukee today. The present tariff law is tion of 1908. "We commend the administration of Wil liam II. Taft; we admire his character; we recognlxe his marked ability as a states man and we applaud his fidelity to the POLICE FUND DECLARED IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Over Sixteen Thousand Dollars Now on Hand Officers Re-Elected Four on Pension List. pledges of the party platform and to the llve, wltn Drlnclples of good government. "We jrUprove of the present tariff. We es- DeclarTy commend the provisions for max imum and minimum schedules and future scientific revisions. "To the end that our party may be main tained, high Ideals upheld, and party ef ficiency secured, frequent and regular party councils should be held and the neceansary who declared the wedding might not take place unless definite word came of Levin's death. Mme. Levin's father proposed that they all emigrate to the Argentine or America, and take new names and lead the young people marrying, Mme. Levin Insisted on waiting a year, Then she gave in and in the second act Is discovered happily married to Ptaradub, now a prosperous lawyer In New York, Enters Levin, Although versions of Enoch Arden have been fairly numerous on stage and in real life, the situation really Is one of the most moving which can exist. It la not The annual meeting of the Omaha Met ropolitan Police Relief and Pension as sociation was held yesterday under the nrnlitsnrv nf Pnntaln Mostvn. All tha Of- partment is making an effort to Induce the flcprs were .p,,...., a8 follows, this action county superintendents to take greater In terest In commencing the. work of teach ing agriculture and economics ' In the rural schools. He has set out to have the counties take up this work and has of fered the assistance of the state college wherever this is needed in getting ,the work started and planning for the courses of study. Court Opens Sessions, The supreme court opened yesterday for the last session of the spring term. No decisions were filed and the case of the State vs. John Junklna Is still In the hands of the court. It Is expected, how- of the members being, as one of them said. to show their recognition of their faithful services to the association during the last year:. President, Captain P. Mostyn; vice president Captain II., W. Dunn; secretary, Detective Andrew . Pattullo; treasurer, Frank A. Furay, city treasurer. The financial statement showed that the fund Is in a very satisfactory condition. The association started the year w'th $1,677.10, a balapce remaining over from the old association, and during the year 114.099 was received from all sources. The disbursements from July 2, 1909 until party committees and officers Bhould be neWi but Tv,ltn tn6 characters entrusted to appointed, whose duty it snan De io prov.us actor, 0f ability spectators in whom sym for a reorganization of the party inrougn- out the state end we favor the enactment of such laws as may be necessary to ac- ... -a- w .a- ompilsn BUcn cuua. HYMENEAL. narneby-HallOfrcll KEARNEY, Neb., June 9. Special.) Countv Judge Hallowell is the popular knot-tier in Buffalo county and his popu larltv bealns right at home. As a proof of this, he married his daughter,-Amy B., I agonized moment the two are united be w Oscar R. Barneby of Lincoln, fore death comes. pathy Is njt dead will be deeply moved So. such spectators were moved last night by Mr. Adlcr and his associates. Old Levin, worn by years In prlHon, uniecog nlzed and almost unrecognizable, bid silent farewell to his children, now grown to young man and womanhood, and seeks lonely and a silent death. In the clos lng of his story, Mr. Gordln has departed from the poetic original. Ha brings the wife to her real husband's bedside and permits her to recognize him. For an Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives. Mr. Barneby has been con nected with the Nebraska State university for the last two years and took his A. M. degree there. Miss Hallowell has been denuty for her father for several months past. Mr. and Mrs. Barneby left imme diately after the ceremony for Madison, Mr. Adler will be seen this evening in The Wild Man," a comedy also from Gordin's pen. June 1. 1910 amounted to 12,210.41, leaving ever, that In a few days there will be $16,466.84 as the present state of the fund, a declBlon rendered which will Indicate Tne increments are principally the assess whether Junklns Is to be hanged or not. ment. nn the members. In addition there Carpenters Resume Work. are the monies received from forfelter1 ' ne university Of Wisconsin. A meeting of the executive board of the bonds, the sale of unclaimed property, anu union carpenters Wednesday practically all rewards. There are now four pension ers on the fund and each one gets $40 per month. To be eligible for a pension a policeman must be 60 years of age and must have served . twenty years on the force. brought to an end the strike of building tradesmen In the employ of Mitchell & Sag- ncr. An agreement was reached between the contracting company and the carpen ters. Motor Hncca at Cheyenne. CHEYENNE., Wvo.. June 9. (Sneclal .)- The Cheyenne Motor club Is Hrranglng to hold a big race meet here on Monday, July 4. President George H. Nagle will leave In a few days for Denver to secure entries a tliA nn-nnern I lotl nf thn llnnvAf lnti. Wis., where the former has a position with ciub and the Denver dealers and racing men. i ne purses win De sucti as to ln- A i Xlrkmnt. Olrifiplil. Da Pnlma nn1 Llncoln-Stlner. other fast ones to come here and compete. LEXINGTON, Neb., June 9. (Special.) The track Is getting faster every day. rvuorun win oe CARROLL FORCES IN CONTROL IMPROVEMENT;, CLUB MEETS FAST MAIL TRAIN WRECKED Iron Mountain Flyer Leave Track 'at Curve In St. . Louis.' ST. LOUIS, June . Three men were killed, two perhaps fatally injured and six others seriously hurt when the St. Louis, Iron Mountain It Southern fast mall train from Texas was wrecked near the city limits early today. The train left the tracks and crashed through the walls of a build ing of the Miller Manufacturing company. All of the dead and Injured were mem bers of the train crew and worked In the mall cars. No passengers were carried on on the train. The dead: WALTER A. DOVGLAS. ROBERT D. SHEPPARD, fireman. JASPER L, LASATER, mall clerk. The Injured who are believed to be dying, are l nomas a. Cougan, brakeman, and T, J. Wiggins, postal clerk. v ino wrecK was caused by the engine Jumping the track while going around a curve. Lasatcr, the dead mall clerk, was killed wnen a man car crashed through the wall! of a building. Engineer Douglas and Fire man Sheppard were making their first trip wmi me tasi man. Douglas, according to a.pullceman who Pulled him from the wredkagei raved about Kolng at sixty miles an hour aa ha w. dying. The orders of the railroad company are that the speed at the curve la to be iweniy-nve miles an hour. Republican of Iowa Renominate Governor by Good Plu rality. . ' r : DES MOINES, la., June 9.-With only two counties 'to hear from, Governor Car roll's majority Is 8.4S2, as figured by the Dally Capital, and 4.4G1, as calculated by the Register and Leader. me etanapat" element, which made a concentrated effort to elect county dele gates, claim a majority of 150 of the delegates, which they say Insures control of tha state convention, which will write platform endorsing the Taft admlnlstra tion. The surprise of the election Is the ma. jority rolled up by Judge Prouty, "pro gressive," over Congressman Hull. , Prouty carried every county in the district, his unofficial majority being S.108. Even the most sanguine "progressive" had hoped for little better than a small margin. Two years ago Hull was nominated by forty votes over Prouty. " ' Monona County Tickets. ONAWA. la., June 9. ypecIai.)-The re publican vote In Monona county was light Following Is a list of the republican nomi nations for county offices: Clerk of the district court, R. B. Harper; auditor, C. E. Blanchard; treasurer. XV. L. Samson, long and short term; sheriff, Henry Harlow; recorder, Howard Morley; superintendent ot schools, Q. L. Weaver; supervisor, John Hanson; surveyor, George Oliver; repre sentatlve, Attorney J. A, Prlchard. The democratic candidates are: Auditor, James S. Hartlgan; treasurer, H. O. Wengcrt; recorder, A.. H. Hoffman; clerk of district court, J. M. Elliott; sheriff, George Martin; attorney, J. W, Anderson; superintendent, W. H. Wclllver; superintendent of schools. A. B. Roy; surveyor, R. V. Falrchild: representative, William Rowles. The county gave Carroll a two. to one vote for gov ernor and the delegates will probably be standpat to the county convention. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN CHICAGO rrmnn in starch Factory Kllla woman Employ nnd Commits Suicide, Cltlaens in Southwest Pnrt of City Concerned Over Claa and Water Troubles. At the meeting- , of the Southwest Im provement club held last night at Twenty fourth and, Leavenworth streets, the mem bers eeeraed quite, Ju.b)lan,t- over the prog ress which la being pade by the organiza tion and reported., that, "things are com ing their way:";'. " .'. ..' Members of Hhe club living near. Pop- pleton ' avenue. Hickory street, Twenty fifth street and Twenty-fifth avenue are somewhat disturbed over the condition of the gas mains, caused by the grading of the streets preparatory to paving. In this section of the city many are without gas and water and W. H. Green and Fred Schamel, the president of the club, were appointed as a committee to take the mat ter up with the city engineer to see If w ti i- mi vAnm sinner I and It Is certain, many u'" - . broken on the four-mile one-lap race , Green Wins Attain. STERLING. 111.. June 9.-1 Sneclal Tele gram.) Nebraska Indians, 9; Sterling, 6. were united in marriage Wednesday at 8 m. The bride and groom were gradu ated from the Lexington High school with the class of 1909. Several of their class mates were Dresent besides many more intimate frlenda and relatives, n ST. PAUL.Veb.. June -(Special.)- OaVlng GOOfJ Men County Superintendent E. L. Vogt was married Wednesday morning to Miss Alice McCracken at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc Cracken, Rev. Hayes of the Presbyterian church officiating The newly-wedded couple departed over the Burlington on a wedding trip to the eastern part of the state; ". " , . , ' From the Drink Habit ": ' ) Restoring Them To The Home, Family and Business World. JUDGE COCKRELL NOW 74 Justice of Peace Attends to Business on His Auspicious Birthday. Justice George C. Cockrell celebrated his seventy-fourth birthday yesterday. The In a few Wnes to-'iState Senator James E. Bruee,' 'Atlantic," '-Iowa -a patient writes: "I cannot say too much or enough for the Neal Three Day Drink HaJlt Cure. it win save any artnaer to nis nome, family, and business world.' May success be yours In every way. " The Neal Is an internal treatment, given In 30 drop doses, without hypodermic In- the auspicious day, but he took time out h m. ciimiunv and water enmnanv r.rt- Sior irequeui i-uuKiaiumwuiiB. w h. rovallod unon to lower their Judge Cockrell was born In Jersey county. He has been on the Judicial bench for thirty-two years, twenty in Illinois mains and supply the people who are now deprived of gas and water. Persistent Advertising 1b the Road to Big Returns. and twelve In Omaha. He served In the civil war as quartermaster of the Ninety- seventh Illinois for three years. CHICAGO, Juae 9. t'nreatilted tnv. believed to have prompted Frank I Camp, bell to slay Mtes Lena Hansen '- and kill himself laSt night. At a lonely spot In " ouinwesiern part of thn liu lui ttat.sen was shot twice while on her way home after dark. -Both bullets ntmA heart. Campbell, with a photograph of the dead woman .la. his pocket.-war found early u,u 10 aeatn. about HQ fee; from where Miss Hansen metdeetlv .Ha was 11 years old and ehp two yeara, younger. Campbell, who was married . Mni the father of a -year-old daughter, was. fore, man of a starch manufaotury.. Mirs Han sen was employe in ..tha label 'department of the same establishment. , Persistent Advertising is the Road to Bl Returns. .'.'.. Iowa J'rni Xotea. IOWA CITY William Biggs of Oxford township., Johnson county, brought the unprecedented number of 200 ftro'indhogs' scalps to County Audltor.'W. J. Freeman Tuesday. IOWA CITY Auctioneers of Iowa, uu semi) led .in tenth annual state convention here, chose Colonel O. IS. Luther of Grand Junction aa president. Dos Molncs was chosen as the next meeting place. CRESTON Bernard O. Foster, a promi nent young druggist of this city, and Miss Tillle Wurster were united lit marrlHge Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. J. P. Linn, pastor of the Presbyterian churth, officiating. KMERHON Samuel Powers, a section man of Emerson. Is dead as the result nf an Injury sustained about six weeks a to while working- on the Hurllnirton roadbed Just west of here. A heavy piece of iron. weighing between twenty and thirty pound, fell from a passing frelgnt train, striking Powers on the head, rendering him un conscious for several hours. In falling he hurt his side and this injury resulted In gangrene setting in. - postmortem ex amination showed that his entire liver and lower part of lungs were entirely decomposed. Justice attended to his usual business on Jmtl011'' that curs tho arlnlt 1,ftblt ln home. Wo Curs, HO Pay It Is the moral duty which every per son addicted to the drink habit owes to his family, relatives, friends, society and the public, also everyone who Is interested ln or knows of one who Is addicted to the drink habit, tq call upon, write or phone the Neal Cure today for free copies of their guaranteed Bond and Contract, booklet, testimonials, endorsements and bank references, which will be cheerfully furnished. Address The Heal Cure Institute, O. B. 1501 South 10th street, Omaha, Hah., also Dee Moines, Daven port and Sioux City, Iowa. The idols of centuries ago demanded the sacrifice of enjoyment IDOLS of today grant pleasure. Their mellow fragrance and flavor have made them popular with the smoker. Think of it. A cigar ot genuine imported tobacco, hand made and with, a long filler at a price unprecedented. BTry one now. Rtcemmtniti Is M cCORIO-B RAD Y CO. Omaha J We Invite You The WeatKer FOR NEBRA8KA Fair. FUH IOVVA-Showers. ' "nana yesterday: "our. Deg. 6 a. m bo a. m en T a. m 60 a. m -. i a. m c W a. m , 66 U a. m tis II m io 1 p. m to ! m ....7J P. m 7 P. m 1,4 p. m. 7 P- m M I P- m sj P. m CI DEATH RECORD. John M. Taylor.' LOUP CITY. June 9. Special.) John M. Taylor died, at his home In this city th's afternoon after a short Illness. Mr. Tay lor enlisted In the 125th New York volun teers In 1862 and was mustered out In lHf&. He was In the battle of Spottsyl vania court house, and the battle of Get tysburg and a number of other Important battles and was afterwards captured by Confederates and placed In Libby prison. Ha leaves a widow and six chil dren to mourn his loss. . His children are Dr. Elizabeth Lyman of Omaha, Mrs. Thorns a A. Gordon, of Staten Island, N. Y.; Grace A. Tayler ot Alliance, and Harry.' William and Ruth Taylor of th-s city. The funeral services will be held at the Methodist church next Friday afternoon. Coulon Ue Is Havraue, NEW YORK. June 9. Jonple Coulon of Chicago, the champion of the bantam weliihts. had his revenge tonight for the beating he got some weeks aro from Frankle Burns of Jersey City. The lnd fought ten rounds at the Empire Athletic club, and al'houub Hums was as ftwt and clever ax evep-Coulau uutgained and out tut ght Mm. ' To our New Store and New Stock This FRIDA Y and SA TURD A Y It" 8 our ..Jewelry Opening.. "We've been in this store 12 years. Our displays will please you. We will highly appre ciate your call and inspection. WELCOME AND FLOWERS FOR EVERYBODY If you see It in our ad it's so Wedding' Gifts The June bride will appreciate her gift more If It bears our Im print. We show everything that's beautiful for gifts ' Silver Te Sets Silver Horry Howls Silver Fruit Dishes Silver Sandwich Plates Silver' Candlesticks and Vases and a large line of Sheffield Silver. L TH a DOUOLAS ITS jjc Buy from us once and you will H lie our customer always. 5Ao general snappy malic up of tho gar ments, tho grdoo fid linos of tho ooats added to tho izn' doubted cxellonoo 'of the fabrics and tho taihrcraft irj ohr JBobrke ST wertty-five shits will ar rest and hold tfye attention of the most, critical seeker after good clothing. &ol will find Jjoiir next fjat rfere rsady for ijoJ. Spring Suits $iX to $) tW soft and stiff hats... J J Straw Mats...:,...$2 and J J T. L. COMBS & CO. 1320 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. This Is a scientifically made article of food. It is rich, whole some, nourishing and so easily di gested that the delicate stomachs of Infants and Invalids will retain It when they refuse to retain any thing else. It Is as far ahead of old-fashioned so-called malted milks as creamery butter is ahead of oleo margarine. As a delicious bever age It Is superior to tea, coffee or cocoa, and you never tire of It. This Is one of the best prepara tions of the great American Drug gists Syndicate. Get it at any A. D. S. drnor store. Look for this Sis In the t UOmiiSsl't Window MIMSlft ASSOCIATION wia eoe oiw pdUwj 31& South 15th Street v.. . .. I About Wedding Presents What Mr. Gustaeon eaya: We have Just unpacked several exceptionally nice pieces of silver, selected especially for June brides. In Dolly Trays v Tabla Plateaux Plateau Aux . chandelle and other pieces of new and attractive designs. Very appropriate. Any lady wpiild be proud to receive one. Gustafsori & Hsndrickson J E V E L EHS " 201 N. 16th Street, v Hotel Loyal Illdg. Sierfy Suction Cleaners 1 w w si a w Watching the Dust If you have any doubt of the mar vellous power of the " Peerless r Suction Cleaners look through tha ' '( observation glass in the cover. ' You can aea the dustclouds of it, yards of it, streams of it. i It is a striking warning against the dust evil and one of the greatest lea eons in homo sanitation known to science. ' : The use of the "Peerless" brings . the risk of disease to a minimum by eliminating the great carrier of it . DUST. . .... Illustrated book and addrat of nraretf k PEERLESS ttott ttnt on nqtutt to , , . Manufacturers Outlet Company, Mfg. " Far Sal hy 80 Chamban Straat, New York Tha Bennett Company. vnoaia m wuaum uarpei'Vv Omaha, Hen. fcnj"asMiwwir- yrrt in or r n 1 finnil FftR Weak and nervous man UUU& ""V who find their power to NFlfVFi work and youthful vigor "--" . none an a result of over work or mental exertion should taka GKAY'B NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat. and sleep and be a man again. 01 Bos 3 hoses ga.50 by mall. lEISMAX ft) MoOOJtBTBI.1. DBUO CO, Cor. letfe and Dod Streets. owl DX.ua coMAJnr, Cor. l'tu and Harney Bts., Omaha, Srefc, F AMUSEMENTS. BUSE BALL OMAHA vs. DES MOINES JUNE 10, 11, 12, 13. Vinton Street Park FRIDAY. Jt'XE 10 LADIES IAV MONDAY, Jt'.NK 13 LADIES DAY Game Called 3:45 v pedal Oar fcaaves lBtb a- rarnaa ta at SI30. , BOYD'S Due,?.;l9!9 TOXrXOHT MAT1JTEH ATVBDAf' MISS EVA LANG THE ROSE OF THE RAXCHO Heat "Week IKI HOXALI Or atABOVM Tonight 8:15 nnnrmrip mat. SAT. Harrison Orar riaka rnunii MBS. 7ISKE AJtD MAKBATTAV CO. TOBIBHT. IATU1DAY at ATIBSB . BECKY SHARP at, Bia-ht THB VII.I.AKI Ol BOCXXTT. 8 ?m mo NoveUy Hell & UsBeii, Dutch SUMMER- KVank"' Bradley TIME , W UAUUL- I ireiea aon. ville -r' uioS Sunday wO COME ANY TIME BTAV TUB UUV