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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1910)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1910. IT s GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Open Firm, Causing: Surprise to Traden. COEN HAS BACKWARD SEASON Lighter Cash Dtmiid Notice aa Toward the Close Prices Art at Trifle Easier Com Val ' aes Steady. OMAHA. June , 1910. The firm opening In hrat was a sur prise, as traders generally construed the government report as bt-ansh. Spring wheat shows decided increase In acieage, witn Conditions nearly up to lnnt 'r l ,nl period. It Is conceded hariina any severe lamas from now on until harvest, tnat me niu wlita t yield will be above me average. The government gave eut no figures on the corn condition, but private reports con tinue to show a general backward crop to this season., Wheat rule! firm at the openly snd good commission tiouse sui purl held values steady, l.iirl.i.r ,-..1. demand noticed tnd toward lha rm urices were a trifle BuHler toliMi itlti- more pronounced Corn van.,., nor trrv steady, but ranged narrow and unchanged. Tne situation re- mains . tn..r rimttuMilion. and no change is expected until mora favorable giowmg weatner, w&ca country predicted. frimii if wheat rwelnta were 317.000 bu and suiprneuu were H8,00t) bu., against receipts last year 01 i.4,'A uu. auu mmy mpnti nf 'tiA fmO hll Primary coin receblis were 569.000 bu. and shipments were 443,ou0 bu., against receipts laxt year of 495.0W) bu. and shipments of SM.OOu bu. , , t'lvnranrpa war. 000 bu. of corn. V) bu. r.f oats and wheat and flour equal to 40,009 bu. ' Liverpool closod d higher on wheat and Jd lower oh corn. Lotal ran of options: Articles. Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yes y. Wheat II I I July... SHi S9H ft , ' SfH iSept... M W So JfcVi 86 Corn ' July... 64Vi B4'4 63Vj 63Vj 44 Sept... 65 66 tt M 66 Oats July... 34 34, 34 84'4 84H fcept... 83 33. 33. 33 and other nrarhv current receipt. I lurnahle cases. 20c. at mars; western i free rases. 21c. at mark; western current receipts, free c-s, 20r, at mark. CHEt'E-Loweri New York full creams, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 11712.100: silver certificates outstanding, 4!.JInS.M. lenetal Fund Ptanrtsrd silver dollars In reneral fund. 31.476.7.14; current liabilities, :D 401.43); working balance In treasury of- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET .oSTitM." Vork f crem'' fa'r 10 mt Uncertainty in Speculation ''"" $ff$JlS lafi Killkff Cattle Generally Steady to a good, 14fejl4c. WEATHER 151 THK G R A I Jf BELT Following Falling Off. sldlarr silver coin. I21.0M5.740: minor C"ln, $i. 156.831; total balance in general fund, $S3.- I Wl.itB. Little Higher. Fair sad Warmer Weather Is Pre- dieted for Friday. OMAHA, June . 1910. The low pressure thst extended along Proposed the eastern Rocky mountain slope Wednesday morning now overlies the Mis souri valley, Oklahoma and Texas, with Its greatest depression central over Texas. Oeneral rains preceded the low pressure over the central valleys during the last taenty-four hours and some very heavy I falls occurred in tne uaaotas. Nebraska, NEW TORIO .Tun. Th-.. .... . ... -j "- say 1 U 1 ' 'ZnlV . HOGS SELLING A SHADE HIGHER wi a vJtrx, (juiic r. iUtFiirs vn inn RAILROAD RATES IN LIMELIGHT I easy, 27?2s per cent; mllng rate. 2V per , 'Icent; closing bid. 2 per cent: offered. 2;! I per cent. Time loans, weak; 60 days, 3VuM ' Advances aad Peadli Legislation Still Moat Important Factor In Stock Market Dealings. Iowa, Kansas ana Missouri. A fall of ther fslllns? off ii, hV.mV... Vk. j t.M inches was recorded at Kansas City, nJ U Mock, tod'v and .omr.m.l'.r.n1; Mo. The unsettled weather la extending uncerlln ? in the tone of suUtTon X "Vwa.rd "d.t,.?'n' "n '"'a'"' J" ? V?" """owing "raJSTol fluctua V ' 1 1 I L IBilirj t,uier "-' ms SB I rtaw Ul I I 1 ( I II K . I n a Mllo t una I 1 high pressure, accompanied by clearing control exercised by the goVernment held and Tooler weatner, ot ernes ine west and Ita prominence aa a subject of Influence northwest. inis srn oi nign pressure and sentiment was unsettled all over the will follow the low pressure over the direction of that influence. The probable 31 per cent and 90 days, 34i per cent; sfx months, 44V per oi-nt; prime mercan tile paper, ivyh1 per cent. STERLING EXCHANUK Stesdy with actunl business In hanker' bills at MMif .8416 for 60-dAy bills and at 14 W5 for de mand; ciimmerclal bills. 4 Ki4v4.M. SII.VFR rar. 63ic: Mexh-an dollars. 44c. RONIS Oovernment, wesk; rsllrosd, Ir Closlns quotations on boiiv were ai loiiows: V. t. rot. 2s,"H inter. MM. do eouBoo !'"ilnisr. M. M V. S. . n inijtn it do coupon 101V do 44 I. . 4. res IKS'K. C. So. 1st U. Hl'tl.. B. dh. 4S I1HII.. W Sheeg. aad Lambs of Good Qaalltr Stroaa- to Ten Cents Ulster, with the Grass Stock Jost A boat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. June 9. 131ft Receipts were: Cattlo. Hogs. Bheep. ...2it ai I is ...t;t no t ...274 2- .. Kl t ITH ...j:-4 l t ti .. tn i t n .. h V ,...! 1) 30 ...f 40 I -J, in .. ;) jo ... ts ... so ... '4 1 fl ,...M un I so ... tn ii w ... !U lid I Hll ,...214 ... t ...m no no ....141 ijo so ....: 19) t . .... 114 ... I SO 1- e jh, t 2f.3 120 t SO do rouson central valleys, and the weather will be period reauired b th Intrti rnmm.r. Allls-llial. 1st Is.... t U A. N. rv 4.... 7 Official Mondav ti Official Tuesday S4 Official Wednesday..., H Estimate Thursday..., J Four days this week.. .12.049 hame days last Same days J weeks sko..14 i37 cooier ,, ,"" wmv. ciear- uummi-aion I0r me consideration of pro- ? r "i' 1 US,' " Z it oame oa weeks ago. .15,h7 Si t ng tonight, followed by fair weather Frt- Posed rate advances was canvassed with tS, TtJLL n n T?i 1. ttme "y weeks ago.. 17.4i4 26.1 day. Lght to heavy frosts occurred last some anxiety and the progress of the rail- Jobscco to tsn. Bi of M. jwj J4 Same year... .: night in Wyoming and Yellowstone park. road bill through the conference stage was Ardmo c:::: X ' do' di to'.!?:. The i.ol. .how. tn. ,4i0 X,7W ,ll l.!W0 7.12 2.873 S.ili 2.400 26.075 10.01B 84,8.. 1.1. 1 W 40.4.4 144 81.UV1 20.7RN 'ib.bil 26.44 4e.34 8.3U3 recelnis compared with the last three" yeaVs: posed restoration of supervision It the ca- ".do cV. forThiyear to , data Znoared T with T." t wiu. uw. im. 1807. Mues. do tr. 107SN. A W. lit ton. 4s. year: loin ". iiini Inc. Dec 67 The movement of Bt. Paul was watched Atlantic C. L. Ut 4s. M4i do ct. 4h lot B. a O. 4 siLtNoriliem Pscine u...iu do Its do Si Tim do . W. Ilu to Or, g. U rfds. 4... a4 Frook, Tranxt ct. 4s nitpinn, ct. IHa (191SI. kh Wenlrsl of Oa. (.... do eon. 4a in Minimum temoera Cure. . ts fta Pro.'initatton .00 l.Od .it .1.1 with close attention on account of a bud Normal temperature for today. 70, de- '"Z.ZX'Y." "",'"'.n.! i -i-inch e. P P "nC6 Marcn ,f"-k roused much conjecture over Its 'l!-." ". j source and varying surmises over the lden- iEx'c'es.e Corresponding period in 190S. 2.46 of the day s market! The renewed ref. Sr.'.!.':::: .1 li s. w.'ein." 5h inf"i corresponamg perioa in iro, j.4 depression of St. Paul at the outset of the cnirar. Alum IVts lovi "do ut sold 4a ... tn ir.cnca. . trading was of consldArahlo sentimental ef- n a. ti m . a i. a i feet on the whole list and Its rebound had I 'do sn. 4s flSo. Pacific col. 4a... S lh. . . t A,,ln9 . W K.a.rln... r. t U. r, .1,1 M. B 4a m OQftk torn nna nam nraion naiieiis. general list. fen. t214 do R. R. 1st rof. 4a 94H Fnr flmnhfl h.. for lha tasnlv.fnur Thai rnnnap InHnatrlala -.r. affoctrri hnth I C . R. I. A P. Col. 4a T go. Railway (a lttle 42K.017 41".830 18.1S7 HKS 96o,310 1.242.415 28.106 kneep 617.737 23,ol0 6,773 The following table ihon the average prices oi nogs at eouth Omaha for the last Central leather is... PRoiltn sn. 4a Wk several days with combarlsons: ltH8t. U A 8. F. fl. 4a 1 I SSC. of N. J. gmn. i Date WW. 1909. li8.lO7.il90S.l06. 1904, M 47 M m ti 7 M IS 10 tn V 70 70..,.. 7 U 7 So May Mi.., May 31... Jun !..., Junc-J... June I... copper Industrie s were affected both v.-, r. eoi. t bo. bihwij in. a hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, here and abroad by the Increase In sur- t- 4s........... M1 enj .S Juns l"" Thursday, June t, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Stations. Temp. Max Rain- 'the metal during May re- gjto. "SJ"' J- nU!J'00Pame IT1 June."." Omaha CasU Prices WHEAT No. 2 hard. 9S4ifl7e: No. I hard. UfcWc; No. 4 hard, klWK-; No. 2 spring, W'a7c; No. I spring, VlgOto; No. 2 durum, 7)c; No. I durum, 73ff7Se. CORN No. 2 white, 6Hffll4c; No. 3 white, 601360540; No. 4 wnlte. 68Va5'4c; No. 2 yellow, 6u")i!Hc : No. 3 yellow, bSo; No. 4 yellow, waM'.ic: No. 2, tMtt 6fiVc; No. 9, 66(56i4c; No. 4, b2U&i,c; no gradv 4(j60c. OATS Mlandard, 3IH34e; No. white, SMaUir.; No. 4 white, amXPKc; No. 3 yel low. 334t34c; No. 4 yellow, Ja33Vc; No. 3 mixed. a34&34c. BARLKYrKo. 4. 4D4J47C; No. 1 feed, 43 i6c; rejected, X$t 43c. RYK-No. 2, 74j76c; No. 3, TI(373c, larlut llecrlpts. U'haaL Pnrn. Os.ta. t nicago 12 Minneapolis if, Omaha a JUuluth ... i.. 44 Ashland, Neb 71 Auburn, Neb 72 H'ken Dow, Neb. 72 Columbus, Neb... 7 Knlrbury, Neb... 87 Fairmont, Neb... SO Ur. Island, Neb.. 78 Hsrtlngton, Neb. 73 Hastings, Neb.... 72 Holdrege, Neb... 64 Oakdale, Neb 78 Omaha, Neb 64 Tekamah, Neb... 66 Alta, la 60 Carroll. Ia 60 Clarlnda. Ia 6 Klbley, la fcS Sioux City, Ia... 63 184 96 Mln. fall. 60 .04 64 .74 M) .00 63 .47 6! 1.75 62 .24 M .00 62 .60 62 .29 63 .20 60 .25 57 .23 66 .06 !2 1.04 62 .33 63 .48 61 1.20 66 .73 ture for plus stocks of ported yesterday association and this constituted another In -. i iiuviiLO in ilia fhi y ufurePBiuu. nsy. I ... . . " . i, . i , j Pt clotldy I neee iniiuences ai urei uvrruaiinceu x?fr .nil.v niv vt mo rniuvuun ,u mo caim w I until lera aa wHVBDaa r-iA,ri lnl official discount rale, which had the aEr), prior lien 4s... 8 do lat st, effect of reviving the London buying ot i tvia (en. 4s, stocks in this market, 'ine item oi tne bank'a weekly statement showed clearly w cinndw tl19 definite passing of the Influence of the pt Si collections and the necessity forced on ri. ciouuy rAntral Institution of effecting some distribution to the market ot these heavy MM 34 ' w uo:a 00 1 I 25 7 11 7 14 S 35 1 li 6 W 6 01 Oo 10 7 36 7 34, 7 36 6 331 6 26 6 SI 6 261 7 321 7 88, 6 27 6 391 32 291 31 6 05 99 20 6 98 14 6 m t 80 t 02 4 36t 6 36 6 171 4 M 6 13 4 60 6 09 4 63 6 11 4 49 t 191 5 21 6 23 4 49 4 66 464 4 28 a 01 6 371 6 20i 4 68 31 7 37 1 6 27 87 6 17 1 4 70 Cloudy Ciar (TTear Clear Clear Clear lu. Dels, ft Hud. ct. 4a. M V.'8. Hnhher a Vt June 1.... D. H. O. 4s SHU. g. Bteei Id 6 12T4 June do rat. 5a t4Va.-oro. cnam. ba . w Dlatllkers' ta WVWabaah lit a lot 'Sunday ,n,nnn m ..... . n jm , , , . . - - - do ct. 4a, amiss ATI Waat. Electric ct. ta l"8 L,nion block larda, bouth Omaha, NeD., in r im mn b ax wivnmin rntrai aa. sou. lor twenty-lour hours, end ni at 8 D. m. a en. Electric ct. 4a. 1" Mo. Fac ct. la, ctta. N I yesieruay L C. 1st ear. 4a... Bid. Offered. Receipts and disposition of live Btock St 1H i clAudv accumulations by purchase of treasury Local Securities. f'iAiiH bills. The Bank of France and the Imperial Quotations furnished by Samuel llOUfiy I , , . - .... -. u. - - . 1m. mln. I lr CVB KIa, I K.,lllr, Cloudy Raining; Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Boras, Bank of Germany at the same time made Jr., (U New York Lilfs bulldlug. Omaha strong weekly returns. Money conanmns I In Now York also tend towards ease. The Asdltorlum, Chicago, ta. U2i.... UDWard course or unitea states oieei i . . . helped to lift prices during the day. Cltr of Omaha 4ta. 1V30 eipea to im prices ""r'"" ... Cudahy Packlns Co. 6s.. Bonas were irregular. im.i .".,--' lom. Portland Camant bonds ta. period ending at 8 a .m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Raln- Dlstrlcta btations. aisx. ilin. fall. value. 11 641 000. United States 3s declined ',"ZZ 4 per cent in the bid price on call. Kanaaa City Stock Yard's stock!!. Number oi sales ana principal juumiiuiii uncoin, Mat., 4a, u.. on stocks were as followst Nasraalut Tel. stock, t par cant.. 1 63 .30 78 64 . ..0 78 64 .30 71 62 .20 74 " 64 .70 68 62 ' .70 66 f,2 .70 ' 65 110 ' 70 64 - .60 weather prevails Allis-Chalmers pfd.,. Amalgamated coppery American Asrlculturaf. .... American Beet Sugar. American Can American t?ar A rounory. American Cotton Oil, Am. Hide A Leather pld.. Am. Smelt, ft Rsfng.. CHICAGO 'GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Peatarea of the Trading; aad ( losing; Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June Alleaed lnennclualve- news of the government report as to the growing crop of wheat gave rise to vehe ment argument on 'change, and In the end helped put up prices. There was more debate, however, than trade. Aasnr, litris were also made that for the flrfct time In many years the United States had 1IO Wheat sold to Kunma fur ahlnmnt ritir. ing July, August and September. The dost) ss urm nere ana Wic net higher. Corn finished at an advance of a ahade to &-c, unchanged to "40 up, provisions siiow- iiik ain ui i-to xo mc. Wheat speculators declared that the rilf, fereaee betwewi -apparent' resorts on June 1 last year and sctual facts after harvest were widely apart . Quotations most of the . day Were inclined downward, but so slowly as to lend no encouragement to sellers. . Free demand for cash wheat aided in sus ' talning the market for futures. Purchases of 3.'i6,000 bu. since the close of business yesterday were reported. About all the No. 1 northern here has now been sold to local and eastern mills. In this connection com ment whs caused by the statement that only 700.000 bu. ot the stock at Minneapolis had escaped ownership by the mills there or elsewhere. Talk of . congestion In the July option continued, but met with rather authorliutlve statements that there are nothing bul closing spreads outstanding, The range fur beptember delivery was from 91c to 91"o, with the close Vfco up at 910. stubborn strength characterised corn. September kept between 69SC and 60c, cloa- V at the top of the day, a net gain of iic No. 2 yellow closed at oH&60o. belling of oats waa surprisingly light. Beptember varied from- 3.',VbO to 3ic, and closed c up at the higher level. Provisions displayed considerable strength. Pork closed at an advance of 22o to 26c, Wd 7VfC to 10c and ribs the same. The range of futures was as follows: Columbus. O IT Louisville. Ky..... 19 Indianapolis, Ind., 12 Chicago, III 26 Ht. 1UIS, HO Id Pes Moines, ia.... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Nob 19 Slightly warmer UIIUUKIIUUb " itl irKKIII, I . . Hi.,inr thA last twentv-four hniift. anl American Sugar Ri nlng. " ' iJa iri .n tvSZ TZ, 1 AmTlcxn ti. ft Tel. . Columbus and Indianapolis districts. Ran: iZnn witSS. ..... falls exceeding one men were recorded at a Anaconda Mining Co numher of Stations in the Lou avllla Br A, Louis. Pes Moines. Mlnnespolls. Omaha Atchison 'pVd and Kansas vny uisvnciR, ann a ian of 3.26 Atlantic coast une. Inches occurred at Kansas City. I Baltimore ft Ohio. L. A. WELSH. Bothlahem Steal.. Local Forecaster. Sales. High. low. Cloas. I Omana Watar Co. ta, 1V14.. iv 1 uraiana water uo. ba, U4t 46 I 0 raab a, Oaa ta, 1S17 4ZVk I Omaha Uaa 6a, 114 S4 Omaha B. U. ft p. 6a, 1913 t4 Omaha K. L. old I par cant 64V Oikahs 8U III. ia. m 614 Omaha C. B. St. Br. ta, 182S.... 3414. 1 umana ai -. B. at, ilr. pro 13 W Omaha C. B. Bt. Ky. ft B. pfd.. 1ZV1 I umana at 1.. a. st. Hy. com 4i I South Omaha, city of, 6a.... ,. ... 7H Pacific T. ft T. ta, 1S37 TM-city Ky. a u ta Union Btock tarda, Bouth Omaha.. 100 ttt "H 200 42 4i "so "t'4 1,000 6SS hb too 41S IV4 SI0 to 16 600 tS K 100 lt4 134 200 44 44 6, 000 77 7M4 X 104 V. 14 1110 Ilk 13 w 400 119t, 118V4, 114, S,0O ll. 134t, I ano 54a to 46 m SOO 41S 40 V, 41 Bid. . t4V .. M . 101 Vt . M . tt . tt . 17 . tt . 100 . 10W . t7 . tt . 104 . t7j . M . Kit . M . ta . K . 7t . tvt ,. 7 . WVi aakae. tt tl 106 C M. & Bt. P 2 Missouri Pacific 3 Union Pacific 24 C. or N. VV., east 2 C. & N. W.. west 23 O., St. P., hi. Ac 0 7 C, tl. ft east 1 RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C IJ. A. Q., west 20 ioa 1 1.:., It. J. a f., east.... 6 lu C, K. 1. A P., west.... yrsi Illinois central Chicago Ot. Western.. 5 101 M St lot tl 6 1.. 19 i I'. 4 42 8 3.. 2 32 3 1 1 1 3 .. 3 .. .. 119 U 1 Totals 92 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Ho;. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... 336 60 608 65 MVa Hwift and I'nninnnv ii7 Cudahy racking Co. 1 Armour & Co aa I unu...A- 1 1 , . 14 Vi Sinclair in, ioier racaing uo M imurpny, snippers 7 u, I Stephens rlios tils I Hill & Son..... F. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Boston Mining; Stocks. BOSTON. June 9. Closing quotations on l. Wolf. Other buyers... stocks and bonds 1,000 106S 104 Mi 1044 Allouei tt 'Mohawk 7UO imii i""T "'-i Amsi. tapper eoNevada Con 100 121 120 12MjlaAm. Zinc. L. ft 8 .24 VlnlMlna Ulnaa. 1,600 111 lli US' Arliona Com 14v,North Butta 100 S5 !5 Atlantic tv North Lake Brook. Rapid Trans, sx dlT 7,100 It 77a 11 I B. ft C. C. ft 8. it. lipoid Uomlnloo.... Canadian Psclllo lt 19H I Butta Coalltloa ltOaceols i.w -vniau- nrvru 11 naa,-.. Centrml lath-r 400 W s cslumet ft Arliona.. tl Parrot 8. ft C nu.. ...... --" -rvai.a 1 r. ,, ,,k m $00 loau, 10BV 18 I fa amat ft Hacla. km i.nM 290 I Centennial ia Hhannon i-y. jl Ohio 4.200 83 4244 Coo. Ranee Con. Go. S3UBuDrlor . Qnotatlone of tho Day on Varlons nhicaao ft Alton 600 ri It MM, Eaat Butts Cop. Mln I Suparior ft Boa. Mln. 10 Uhlcaao Gnat waawrn 'isupenor a ruis. txp n , ,i. WMin nfd.. auu tl ,111 iu mil inn v ' .. . . ... liEu 1 . X 14 117 1 73 35 3 185 1.8rj0 75 1,661 127 2,013 6)46 2,266 1,240 459 403 1,626 a a e 4) t e a a a ttsae ..2.454 9,567 2,029 Commodities. NEW YORK, June s.-FLOUR-Market a .eZ",'aV t! iSvi 1 15 K. SSanM steady, with fair trade; winter straights, .9"CJI0V i- L . . ... .T?. Si ?Ju RotT-op" H4XS.4.W; winter patents. 15.454,510; spring Cod0Pw ft 1!! ioi u K 16 K.rra. clears, t4.10v4.36; winter extras. No. .l.tli feZK i Bouthim.- tji.iu, wrmer extras, so. t.; Kan- I conaoLKltd OM " siraignis. . Keceipts, coitK Product tbls.; shipments, 8,011 bbls. Rye flour, Delaware ft Hudson barely Steady; fair td good. t4.154i4.40: rMmrar ft Rio Oranda Choice to fancy, 34.45fg-4.69.' ' i' - I Danrar ft Rio Oranda. pfd. cokjnmkal steady; fine white and yel- Diatiiteiw wocurmas low. 31. 354x1.40: coarse. 31.254il.30: kiln dried. Kris 13.30. Brla 1st pfd WHEAT-spot, steady: No. 2 red. 11.05. ". i";:,--nominal, o. f : No. i northern. iluV ""n,r' "L""::; somlnal. f. o. b. Options were qui,!, with Sor hi o:'i: email price cnanges. ine government re- I nimoii ontral... port waa considered rather bearish, but mterbororrh Hat shorts were nervous and inclined to cover mterborouch Mat. pfd.... on firm cash markets and small stocks. At International Harreatar... the close prices were K&Sc net higher. Inter. Marine pfd July closed at 31.02; September, 97HiKo, International Paoer ciowa at wic; uecemoer ciosea At Wc. I imimiuwin rumy 100 M 41 HI LaJia (Too oar . l.rOO 1364 194 lVt La ila Ooppar. 400 16 is Miami Uoppor, Km 14' m I Bld. 600 IS "f H Y, A (.'i' Kl . . 100 - 709 ) 1,000. 8R4 200 44 St 7t . V4 t'i 444 . 60 lSi Tnlulu 1044 I were light as usual on a Thursday and the ai total for the four days shows 12,000 head, a m failing off of about 1,000 head aa compared it iwith last week and a vear aao. - The mar MttQulnoy 14 ket as a whole was In very fair condition I and practically everything In sight changed - l nanna in arnnn ipihihi in lh mnrninir. Beef steers were In demand and the 7 Tamarack to I moBl aesiraoie Kinaa sola at prices tnai 89 ii a cnat & on x6u I generally looked to be a little stronger 7SU. B. Bm. H. ft M.. 40 I than yesteraay. As a matter oi fact soma . 4 I salesmen were quoting tneir came strong ii l to a dime higher and buyers claimed that. ll ts.klnar ntialltv Into nnnaldpratlon. thnlr rat, 11 I tin were r.ostlnar mnrn than vesterdav. The common and medium kinds did not show any change, the trade being about steady with yesterday. There waa nothin here to compare with the top cattle yes It do pfd... SHl'tah Con . 61 Winona , , UujWalvarlne ,. ... -4- 700 14614 14t 4,K ltl 130 600 40 W 4.400 62S 4. WO 100 17 7 I0 44 , 11 61 J 17 ' It 12 CORN Snnl atfAv 9 7 nini Kansas City BouBlam 1 ." inaiana u U. , 8. ft R e.oSrrSoes,lol.N?o2a f- J-Jg 5 10?$ k'inlw 'ILi"" "P.0" no. 2. none, nomin.1, f , o.' b. The J.uNaiViii;::::: tSS .25 M-,";::!!::: T'":: T," U1; wunoui transactions, Mlnnaapolls ft Bt. Uoula. 400 st closing unchanged to '4c advance. July g, p ft 8ait ma M, . l.soo wi closed at 6b4C September at 6XVic and Mi'aaoiirl, ' Kanaaa ft Taiia. l,i t! t WS BOSTON, June . Closing quotations on torday, but there were several loads good mining stocks were: enougii to bring 17.90. M I AdTanture tuumi sou I Onwn anrl Kaaifaara xitrtm In Varv stnnA Amy, 1" I AflBOn&V COlTl.... a UMohlk IU'4 manrl gtrtri nnmamUil r,Hno. tno ii aS 2r'.,;--::-'::--l to. ioc higher, that ... the. better m ciumat An. : oi.oi. .: iti' .raaea ,oia ,na .war- ur',.a n.01 132 calumet ft Hacla.. .. 660 oi nommion . .... is snow any material cnange. ouus. lor tne 62 Centennial U'tQuincy 74 'lrBt time in several days, were quite fre MVi Copper Kania u Ray cona 17 sellers at prices around a dime higher. 17 I Dalr-Weat fl shintinn nu I Veal calves commanded about stesdv 1 lira national IttfluMr a, Connar 43 I nilPM AM I , , - . .. i- . I r . i nwn-vws nuDarior a& luwon . . . lull I,., . . . 7 . ;?T naiTwiia aTamaraca 60 Indiana 17 Ii. a. 8. ft Rfs 41 4) Articles. Open.j High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat July. Sept. Deo. Corn July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. Dec. ' - Pork- ' Sept. , Lard July , kiept. Ribs i , July Sept. I !4aetri imii j9oi'airi 4H i i 60 uvl - 45HI I I 23 45 I 22 65 21 2Vtl 22 06 96SI rl 1WI 6.15659441 95V 6iH 95'i 1 Wis 6S74 37436ViH S ofi 36 3it I A ,,,1 , M Ti)l oo ,59Va 6757SO I 37H 36 3T.t 35'A 3ta'-, 364336 I 22 60 1 22 25. 70 21 70 I 21 92HI 21 12 32Mif 12 45 I 12 12 46 1 12 47HJ 12 32f 12 45 12 S7U 12 87H 12 Vx 12 2741 12 37V,! 12 27H December at oGtyc. Shipments,. ",104 bu. Mo., Kan. ft Tai. pld UAio-aifaay; miica, zo to 32 lbs, nomi- Miaeourl Pacino.... iiai, naiuiui wnue, it) to 02 lbs.. 4,V(J46c; National uiacuu CliDDfHl white. A4 to 42 lha. a.'V71. 1 Natlaial Ln4... celpls, 48.800 bu. N. Rs. ot Max. Id pfd t-j A v', nWM,A ai is. u- , ma nh lane iwim 1 l-)L.r" Kn 4 fliYVhtaK. M uyuu I Naw Tack. Ont. ft waai H1DE9-Easy; Central America, 22c; Bog- S01"1 . J.!? LEATHER Outet: hemlooU fir.,. "). ?0t"r.n. ..r'" 29o; seconds. 264j27c; thirds. 22'a-25o; rejected, rnvlTsnla"'.".'.'.'.'.'.' atV.VJIt- lWwIa'a (etxaa PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. fcll.M: ritubura-. c. C. ft St. U lamuy, ao.uwuo.ov; snort Clear, IZ4.60(a) Plttsburs coal 26.00. Beef, firm; mess, 115.004716.00: family. Praiaad Steal Car 319.0UCi20.00: beef hams. til.OO4i'25.0O. l-nt Pullman Palaca Car meats, quiet: pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs. Railway Steal Bprlni io.qk110.w; iiicaieu nnnia, aio.waio.ov. lard. I u"la ........ . .... , ,i i , .. . , . n .. .a . ' uirflii Staal.. BllBUJ , i.nuiiw " -ii.iiD, fuliu, ri n ' kit. , fined, urm; continent, toutli Amer- C V.,., r In. 114 25: comDound. 9 1W& 10. SR. ac J. 1 ' - . - . i u .... b i.i. nn ri did. ...... TALLOW Barely steady; prima clli iTT . . u,m . I HE. uOUia BWUIU" " rtiia, Dieauy, uututwuu. wuk: pania. i , ..i. a w Dfd... 5H'"6c. No. 4 Santos, c. Biowa-rhaffleld S. ft 1 UU '1 "I titt wuiet; creamery specials, I gout ham Pacific... tH.r: extras. i!sV.c: ihlrd to firsts. lM.9iuy 1 anhm-n Railway.. state aairy, tineai, oc; siaie aairy. com- voutnren avauw.r mon to prime, ii'Qiio; process, second to Tannaaaaa xvvr. .n l.l 't'ltri 'ttiA. flMnrV Luii.-tMl 1 , 1 1. TniU ft PaClflC... w.y. IK . , wuwv, , 11111 I 7 , . . t,--. ,1,1,1 I , rQ lYlHfV IQinju, wry. aa 12 62HI 12 95 12 42H! 12 45 12 75 12 30 12 M 12 75 12 37H 12 30 No. i .... Cash quotations were as follows: F1XJUR Steady: winter patents, t4 504)5 10; winter' straights, $4.2tij4.'i5; spring patents, 36 00;. spring straights, H5oil4.;0; bakers, 33.90th 5.00. RYE No. 2. 75S77C. HAHLEY Feed or mixing, VHaAc fair , J nun. niniiiu,! WWV, SEEDS flax. No. 1 southwestern, tl nr. No. 1 northwestern, 31.96. Timothy, 34 35. Clover. 11125. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 322.50 tii.ia. iara, per iui ion., tii.tu. Hhort ribs, sides, (loose) 312.754f 12.77W; short clear sides 1 boxed) IU.&! 13.76. W Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 41,000 bu. Primary recelpta weie Sl.'.oue bu.. compared with 273.0UO bu. the t'oicesnoiidlng day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: What. 11 vara: corn, 1S9 cars; oats. 63 cars; hogs, 14.0UU Iran. Chlcapo Caah Prices Wheat: No. t red. ! 0.-iil US; No. 3 red.9Sc 11.00; No. 1 hard. .iffWic; No. I hard. Sitirtc: No. 1 northern. spring, 05; No. t northern spring, Sl.orrf 104; No. 3 spring. 6cull02. Corn: No. 3 rush. 5s,c; No. S cash. 6Ki-c; No. 3 white. Mc; No. 3 white. 624jt3Vc; No. I yellow. l!"-sih60o; No, 3 vellow. MtA9c. Oats: No. 2 hM SDiTtSUc: Nn. 1 a-hlts. S7Uf, c; No, a white. 36ctf37c; standard. Bl'TTBR Steady; creamery. i4H4??7c; dairy, xiuaio. 1-XJO- Kecelpta 31.117 cases; market steady: at mark, cases Included. UV4) ioti-. nr.ia, jv-c; prime rirsts, ise. f HEf.HK Stead v: daisies. lVul5--e twins, lal.V: young Amertcas. Ii415--c; long hiu-ua 1601&Vr. HOTATOE-8teady: chotre to fancy, 24 V . iair a'HHl. Bu)JC. HOI'LTRT Easy; turkeys. 15c; chick ens, 14o. - V VEAL Steady; 60 to tjo-lb. weights. ? S-,c; to f-lb weights, u1c; 86 to 1 lo in weignts, iii-oioc. uecoipts Today ; wheat, ii ears; corn, 1S4 cars: oats. 96 eara. Estimated tomor. . row: Wheat, 11 cars; coru, 198 cars; oats. bi cars. I.lvoroool Craln Market 4.1VERPOOI June t WHEAT-Ppot dull: No. 3 red western winter, no stock: futires, steady; July, 6s f,d; October, is a; necember, nominal. CORN Soot, eaav: old American mix ad 6s 4d; new kiln dried. 4s 11 "d; new kiln dried, via Ualveston. 6s 3d; futures, quiet July, nomtnalj September, 4s VL - t-kiiadvlpala Prodses Market. r .yiAPELPHIA. June BUTTER V ''"'; extra creamery, 30c; extra nearby jirmtn. nc. us t 100 4744 400 47 'i.'iw 75 " 'i,ioo iii" tOO 44 10 10u 100 100 100 11 18 A train of hogs that came In late sold little stronger than the early market, at nign as sv.tu oeing paia ior tne best. Stockers and feeders were In very llgli supply and there was practically no ma. 1 4 I tenal change in the market as compared t I witn yesteroay. Quotations on cattle: uood to chlce corn fed steers, 37.25&S.20; fair to good cornfed Bank f R.l.i.d gt.ara.fiit. steers,' .w, common 10 iair cornrea 't-Ayukon Oold 7 Boiton ft Ely 4 11 1,1 SI " 1 UWI 137 137 Maaaacbuaatta t S Micblsaa si S7 S7V 74 74 LONDON. June 9.-The Wiekly state- , al.,r, HA lkkT 7 00 fall tfm lfmA etnwA.m u.nA liRU. 116 II T, i iT "-o"- ... neners,; cuiiiiuun 10 iair cowl I following changes: Total reserve Increased l.n.i hnifem la ousi;4.e: a-nnd to rhnira .rb loo 100 "'It?'0"0! c', decreased 369.000; er8 ,nd fders. 35.6546.25; fair to good d.i atx Ate i. i uuiiivu divickdcu Li.vtn.4sw . "TJiuct cvuiitici I sat nji issrBt ann rtiatnorsi xt im n mi rnmmin t 3,700 1W 1 124 der"e1 H.p.OOO; other deposits Increased fr stockers and feeders, $3.7504.76; stock 100 14 j, .....w,, k""" . T Z -ii"v" i neiters, ao. iui.oo; veai caivea, AH.WQi.iti 6,400 13 lSia laiTH I iiuira incno mvirancu u,w,vw, Bw,c,u. pu;m( Stags, etO., t3.104JO.IS. 700 107 1011 i"i nient, securities increasea u,o,. Representative sales wn i a no pruuuruun ui ine oniin rennvo iu i 1H I liability this week Is 61.07 per cent; last Na. - I w.ttic it was UI.7X tier catlL ... ..... ..... 100 15 Ift W I m.- 1- I, 1. 1 . IMM llUlt li2i 1MA - l.;oo 11 Z 11 I IMliW luntv, June . v.iuoiug quuiaiiuns M . 18.. 24... S... 41... CHEK8K Quiet: state. Whole milk, na . Tolado. Bt. u ft w. P'- special, 144i1dc; state, whole milk. aver, r." ?r ' age prime, 134ilc; state, whole milk, r,Si ' a,.t.a Realty.... fa rMo good. l'J4ililc: state, whole mliu I . .1 ,.17 Z ihw . common, lUjillVc; skims, full to special, i ni, stael ax diT..ns.oo Tt EOOtt Quiet; unchanged; - fresh gath ercd. storage packed selections. aoWia 21Vc: fresh aathered. regular packed extra first, wis-aiie: iresn gatnerea, iirst. IWraii I wsdssb p" POULTRY Alive regular; western broil. ers, 2&u; fowls, I9c; turkeys, 104fl4c Dressed rum; western broilers. 90c: fowls. liU-Vo; turaeys, uisc an) 4 S3- M I on mining stocks were: 4.100 40 40 40 Allca 2 lilttla Clef t W0 86 ti 84 I Bruiawlck Con 7 Mexican t 1.400 41 St 40 I com. Tunnel stock... 25 Ontario tit too 10 to I do bonds 17 Ophlr H tot 74 11 7S eon., Cal. ft Vs U Standard 76 w Horn silver 60 Yellow Jacket 46 .. S0.H) 122 111 111. Iron Silver .. tod 26 xo aiaadvllla Con 600 t OIIard. 27 I 1. Ela.l.. 1 A . H. nAm ol. I oil. w uubh " - - M I LONDON, June . The directors of the 171 60 Yellow Jacket.... ..166 .. t 100 2t 4H0 ) M.OOO 171 t0 tl 1,0)10 71 7lA) S9 71 172 Bank of England at their weekly meeting Jj" 12 K today reduced the mluimum of discount h ' Hi 21 'roni S4 to 3 per cent. The Influx of gold i?? Za7 1i improving the reservo and cf usea tne 7, '' .'? riuturtlnn whil th bank's nurchases of 1 40. plentllul iniwd BiauMj steal pld.... t.w ii ii treasury bills made money more r.ini-"t.m::. g l " X pid.v.-.:-.-.::::::::::: t i!5 22 IT B.-k c.e.r..... Waatam Maryland too 44 44 44 OMAHA. June 9-Bank clearini w . , l.,m r.larl rl tOV tt Si 01 a r17 ft m ,1 fur ,1 tu 46 UKKB" tiTEER3. No. At. Pr. IT lust 7 36 IS 1344 7 36 67 lilt 7 35 t 1376 7 36 It 1110 7 40 18 lilt 7 40 ... 4 t tt 13 12 7 46 ....11U7 7 00 10 1134 1 46 ' ....181 7 00 tt lut4 7 44 .... 130 7 U) 11 1231 7 40 ....low) 7 10 11 llao 7 66 l 7 IS 1 11 DO 7 66 ....1132 1 20 11.. 1US 1 W ....1014 7 20 to 1841 7 40 , ..,.111,0 7 20 1 1323 7 60 ,...11M 7 2i 16 VtM 1 to ....1007 1 14 tt 1312 7 76 ....1244 T 15 II list 7 76 ....1181 7 25 20 13C1 7 tO ,....1174 7 30 20 13, t 7 10 ....1197 7 10 (4 16113 7 90 ....1140 7 SO 17 list 7 ft) im 7 to it m 7 to ....103 7 30 At. Pr. ,. 66 6 40 ,. r. 6 75 ,. too t 00 .. 721 t 40 .. 10 t ta 36 loot t 94 It 4 4 17 It 42 SO it 60 17 t 14. he result thst current sales are fully 36o gher than those of last Saturday. Hepresenlstlve rates: , At. m. p. No. J . .'.. t.. 4S . 1. TV. I'l.. M. . Tt . 7t.. Tt . tl.. 7i.. 7.. 47.. ti.. I.. .. SM lt t SO ...M :o t ...tK4 10 t to .. : rn t so ...M 40 t to ... M t to io t .. f t tan t so ...t7 120 t t ...270 ... I so ...244 ... 1 50 ...lit to t so ...144 140 t SO ...lit ... t SO ...Sit ... t SO ...SM 200 t SO ...177 ... I SO . ..ISO ... t SO t4 tO t SO so.... 4)7.... 77.... t! ... 74.... .'..... 71.... M.... 71.... 74.... 47.... 4 V... Tt.... so. ... 5 ... KL... .... 7t At. Sh. Pr. , ru l so . t 10 t JO . IVi 140 t SO . . ... t S ..Si,t SO I to t so . ? ... t so . .22 SO t Sl ..WI IM I Si'a .ri 40 t s: . t si . .lis let t S2 . t4 iw I r.' : ut ... t si ... 4 t s; . j:t7 so t si . ,t 100 t SJ'l .144 . . t t; 10 t 12 ,.t.1S 40 t S2 . tvt t S2 .Hi 190 t S .14 ... i : . im . . t s : . t3 im t s: . . t s: ,. tn i t st't .lit 40 t Jt ..M4 t Sf . jit to t s: ..M n t J . n ll t ss .110 IM t St 314 .J2. t. .314 t SO 10 I JO .. t 80 , An a ma .74S 40 I so ...; to t so ...m ... I to .. ITS 40 t 10 141 .10 147 117 77 22 84.. TS.. 41... o4... !S.. tl.. 4.. Tt.. 'ti.. To. . 72. . It.'.' t tt ... t SS -. is I 40 t th n t 35 10 t S5 ... t S5 MS 1 t 15 ...' ... 155 ..144 44 III ..lit SO t S! ,.2M 40 t S& ' . rtt 140 t as ..4 40 I S7 ..W7 10 t 17 ,..tM ... t S7 ..XaI W I 40 SHU BP Offerings of sheep and Iambs today were hardlv normal, apout fourteen double-decks arriving. Two of these were consigned direct to a packer, nowever, so tnat tne actual showing comparea very favorahlv with nrpvloun dav'a receipts. Lambs made up the bulk ot supply and brands that were familiar found ready buyers at fleurvs steady to a dime higher Practically all of the fed stuff changed hands on this basis during first rounds, shorn westerns selling as high as 1666, spring lambs brltiarlnsT 39.50 and small bunches of ewes going at so wm.ou. i no latter price, which waa paid for a packet of Iowa natives, Is the highest recorded at this point since the big slump in sneep values several weeks ago. Not many fed vearllnss were available, but anything de sirable in this line Is selling about as high as fair to good lambs. Another shipment of Oregon grassers, mostly yearlings, the same as yesterday was Included in the run and went to a packer at. 36.88. auotably steady. More or less ilU kpflnir aa npi'.eiiaarv to move them and a small sort was Insisted upon oy tne killer Who took them For the four days tnls week supply has been seasonably light and demand more responsive than It has been for some time. Sharp advances on all classes of stock have been scored since Monday, lambs closing fully 60c higher and sheep around 7oo higher than last rlday. Quotations on fed stock: Good to choice lambs. tV2r.ffiR.7f,: fair tn srood lambs. 37.26(0) 3.25; good to choice wethers, 3o.2o(a5.75; fair to woiut u-Pthora. MWi?.fl 2fi: stood to choice ewes, t6.6OuVtn0; fair to good ewes, 15.UKu6.u0. Representative sales: . No. Av. Frlce. 14 spring lambs w J ao H3 western lambs, clipped H) J 60 14 western yearlings 69. 7 50 7 western yearlings "6 6 50 49 spring lambs 73 V 25 49 western ewes 95 5 90 309 western ewes 113 0 X)9 western lambs 64 8 66 36 western bucks 166 4 oo 84 western wethers M 41 western ewes , 124 6 u 7 spring lamb 48 7 00 46 spring lambs 64 9 40 10 western yearlings 123 7 00 28 western bucks and ewes 107 6 00 30 western culls 65 6 00 15 western lambs 2 8 25 25 Oregon yearlings, culls 4 4 50 7M Oregon yearlings KS 6 85 CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep' Markets Stead lloas Iteported Mlsthei.--- CHICAGO. June 9. CATTLE Receipts, 6.600 head; market. Steady to 10c higher steers. 66.25(8.75; cows, M602i.76; heifers, 34.ZiVH7.Z5; puna, t4.604fti.2o; calves, 33.00(i9.00 stockers and feeders. t4.iMT6.50. HOG8-Receipts, 13,0u0 head; market, 10 lea higher; choice heavy. I9.65tov.70: butch ers. 39.6.799.75; light mixed, 39.5Mj9.65; choice light, l9.6oi'9.75; packing, f9.564i9.65; pigs, a.zixiT.w; D u ik oi saies, ly.wxus. ,o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.000 head; market, steady; sheop, 35.15'&6.0O laraui, t7.60i9.tio; spring lambs, 39.009.76 yearlings, .',W'.oO. IU". l l.v,Msr: 1. 34 V.-. 4 57'.,; F 34 90; 34 .W; K. 4 v,K 07',; tl. 1510; II, 15 10. 15.15: K. $5 30; M. t'iil.V;; N. 35 66; WO, X..; WW, 3o.!u6.I.V OMtiit t.t:M:iiAt, JHHKr.T, taple and Fancy Prodace Prices Far alahed hy t)ers and Wholesalers. tU.'TTKK Creamery, No. 1. delivered to the retail trade. In 1-lb. cartons, 29c; No. 1 In 25-lb. nitis, 2Mc; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons. 2;c; in 60-lb. tui, 27ll; packing stock, solid ao k, 19V; dairy, In 60 lh. tubs, 22c. Mar ket changes every Tuesday. CHEKK Twins, 16r; young America, 174c; daisy, 17c; triplets, 17o; limbers, cr, k'; No. 1 brick, 16c; No. 2, 14,-; domestic w iss, 25c; whole iswlss, 24c; Imported Swiss, S0c. POI LTHY Pressed broilers, 39 00 di.l or storage, 1600; for fresh springs, 20c; ens. 17c: cocks. 121-: ducks, lv. geese. 15c; turkeys, ; pigeons, per dos.. 31 20; oilier equal's, 4 W per dnl.; tancy siiuaua. 1.50 per dos.; No. 1. U oo per ooi. Alive: lirollers. from 1 to 1 lbs., 2bc; 1 to 8 lbs., 2oo; liens, 13V; old roosters, SWc; uung riHisiers. 16c; ducks, full feathered. 13o; geese, full feathered, loo; turkeys, Uic; uima fowls,. i"c racn; pigeons, sue per hi., homers, itmi per out, suuaos, .o. i. 32 00 per doi. ; No. 2. iiOc. r ltill tail trosen 1 icserei, iw; wniteiisn. 16c; pike, 14o ; trout, 15c; large orapples. Iodise; bpanlsh mackerel, iKc; eel, ISc; haddock, 13c; flounders, lie; tlieen catfish, lt-o; trout, 13o; buffalo, ho; halibut, 6c; white perch, c; whiteflsli, 15o; yellow perch, tie; bullheads, 12c! white baas, 17c; rooshadft, fl men; snauroes, pr pair, toe; liocf cuia uios: xso, 1, 11c; na, j, ltc; No. 3, 13c. Loins, No. 1, lc; No. 3, 14c; No. 3, U'o. Chuck: No. 1, 9o; No. 3. 8c; ' No. 3, t-'rtC. noun J : no. 1, ii-c; rxo. a, Uo; No. 3, He Plate; No. 1, ci No. 2, iNo. a, ic. HL 1 1 airawoerries, aiissnuri, st-qt. case, t- iJ-UJ W. urangrs, . aiuornia t . mclia and 1'roduccr brauds lteuiana navels, to sue. per box, 32.75; loO sixe, per box, 33.25; U6 sue, per box, $3.25; IJI sue, 33 76; )',' and sinallei- sixes, per box. 14.25. Other brands from KlveiHtiio and other districts, per box, f3.tvU3.Mi; 00-90-112 sizes, per box. 42.76. Havana Mediterranean sweets, 126- 1L2 sixes, per uui, ijv ana smaller txes, per box, to-woa-i. i.einons, i,unon- leia. extra fancy, !JO-3tiO sixes, ij.oO; choice JuO-uCO sizes, per box, 34.76; 240. 60a box less. Hananus, fancy select, per oution. sa 2tiu tut Jumbo, bunch. I.'.75ut3.75. I'lneauplaa. Cuban, 30-36-42 sizes, 32.50, Florida, 24 30-36-42 sizes, li. iu. Apples, (.aiiiurnia tancy v. w. 1'earmalns, per box, 33.25; California extra fancy W. VV. Pearmains, Ked Wood brand, nr box. 12.25. Cantaloui'es, Texas. 45 size. $3.50; California, 64 size, 36.50 ; 45 standards. 17 00. Cherries, v.aiiiorina, per iv-io. Dox. 12 28. lates, Anchor brund, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box. per box, 63.00. Ig s, Cali fornia size, eOc VKt; 1 ablks-insn potatoes. Wisconsin Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 9. OATTLB-Il ceipts, 3.200 head. Including 600 southern Market, steady to strong and active. Ton, 38.60: dressed beef and export steers. 37.60 Wiho. rair to good, 5.36iS?7.40; western steers, 6.Z5SS.10; stockers and feeders 34,2fxfi.40; southern steers, $4.5OTa1.00 soirthern "cows, 32.75(66.60; native cows, 33.2fa.IR5; native heifers, 35.00ij7.6O; bull fj.ih'oii.a); calves, z4.00428.75. HCX18 Receipts, 7,000 head. Market higher; top, $9.50; bulk, of sales, 39.40ra9.60 heavy, $fl.4o(&.50; packers and butchers $9.r9.50; light, $9.30ti9.46; pigs, $0.W 419.40. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; lambs, strong; sheep, 15c tn 25 higher, lambs, $7.40419.40; yearlings, $6.00' 7.10; wetners, so.oumtt.oo; even, 4.b-yo.76 stockers and feeders, f3.0Dwa.SD. Waatlnsnouaa Elaeuie WMtarn LQlon Whaeltog A lk sVt. Total aalas lor ma say, OMAHA. June 9. Bank clearings for to day wera z2.50u.247.62 and for the corre- 114 I "Ponding aaie last year .,i.,ow.oi. Coffee Market. NEW . YORK, June . COFFEE The Bral Market. LONDON, June . American securities market for futures opened steady, at an 11 JJ J une 9. WHEAT Caah, opened a fraction above parity today, advance of 5 points, in response to the 4 ijjj 3 red. 11.0Sral.l4; No. i picee lmproted when the reduction in the tilgher French ca.bles and ruled generally lw HEIFERS. Loadoa Closlasj Storks, St. boats (ieaeral Market. ST. LOCIS. Jul WMlrf traek Kn t hard, 11.001.06. ' bank rate waa reduced and at noon the I f mm on covering of short, both local and CORN Cash, firm; track. No. 1 tVc- market was steady with values ranging foreign. The firmness of Brazilian offers No. 2 white. 64-a4Vc. frr,m u to higher than yesterday's New for early new crop shipment. In spite of the OATS Cash, lower: track. Na. 1. acu.- Vnrt V.loalns. accumulating Block at Santos and the ap- No. 3 while, 39Vtf39c. London closing prices: prottchlng new crop movement, appeara to Hi E Nominal at 9c. I rvniola. money. .. .tl i-ikhiistiiis a Niah,..14T nave made some impression on sentiment, , mA-mi.t m 1...,.,", it?Miiiig wii.uiiniia in, auu ipwum viva tt Naw York Central. .ns shorts In the earlier new crop months tNorroik A Weetarn..!ont showing a disposition to even up their com ;2 n V'i" mltments. The close was steady, at a net t... 1... t... I... .. 6... U... 4... I... 6.. 4 I ... 713 I 86 ... 684 4 10 ... 174 4 10 ...ISO 4 26 ..Mi 4 to ... too 4 40 ... 731 4 60 ...tot 4 60 ... 13 4 M ...1024) 4 M ...1104 100 cowa 11 174 6 40 14 t0 6 40 4 1064 6 60 4 1U7 t 45 13 1001 4 71 4 1070 I 75 10 1061 10 t loan t 00 4 4.. ..11 4 00 4 1 1SS0 4 10 U 4. til It I'M I 13 1201 t 80 1IW4 t 40 441 3 86 ew) 4 fit 4 6 , an 4 tO ,470 I 00 FLOCK Unchanged; red winter patents.! do acoount . z...taD.3.i; extra tancy and straight, $4.S6i& Amal copper naru . inter clears, aj .'xna 4.00. 8EEr-T4mothy, $3 00( CORN MEAL $3.25. BRAN Dull; sacked east track, 93iQ9."c. HAY SteadTy; timothy, $15.0oy 18.50 prairie, tij. it.uu. BAOOINO sO. HEMP TWINE-c. fROVISIONS I'ork. h srher: lnhhln $'J2.26. Lard, higher; prime steam. $11.32W 12.32H. Pry salt meats, steady; boxed extra snorts, sia.w; ciear rios. 114 00; short clears, )4n. aeon, steaoy; coxed extra short $15 25; clear ribs, $15.26; short clears. Iikm PfJl'LTRY Firm; chickens, 15c; springs 244i27c: turkevs. 164c: docks. 13c; geese, 7c! - i. 1 1 bit tnirstu; i tiraiiirr) , tViU i Q EGUS Steady at 17c. 7 14 , I t 40 BULLS. 746 I T6 171 t 10 40 t 10 7.0 4 41) 447 7 10 Anaconda Atchison Ha nfil EUiuniore A Ohio... 5PanniylTanla Canadian raeuis Ciiaa a ubio advance of 7ul0 points. Sales were reported I JJ Chicago O W.. C, M A 84. r Da Bears 1. a Rio 0..., do pld. Krla do lat pfd.... do Id Pld Grand run 'x?tl'tZ!l J5 o' bags. Closing bids follow: June. Riding. -.."-ii" 78 ,30c: July' ls5c; August. .45c; September J 27 Boutharn Hy. 4 nd October, 8.50c; November, .55c; Decern- .120 do pld.. , 171-nloa Pacific . 14 do pfd . toC. B. Btaal .. . r do pld . 44 Wabaah . tt do pfd . toSpsntai ta .. Illinois Central ....Ua SILVERi Bar, steady 24 D-164 per ounce. MONEY 3610 4 per cenL The rate of discount In the open market 11 u. 1 oer, s.euc: January, s ue; eoruary. ..171 March, 3.35c: April. 6.66o, and May. 6.68c. a 1 juneaiany receipta 11.000 batrs, against 7,300 u I last year. New 1 ork warehouse deliveries lt yesterday, 10,606 bags, against 4.791 bags last , SO I VMr Isnol mirlial afa,1v; TJ 7 Kin fiL.ii. 44 I UntrAM XJrt A OVA 1 1 14 I.J....' -- i taxaa'h va. n -raw iv Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June . COTTON Market for short bills Is ISWt per cent. The opened steady a", unchanged prices to an rgtaj ng aiscvutil in tuv uiu maun mr invanca kii,i,.i inn ii.w viup uruig rei- RecelptB.Shlpments 7 1( 13 TMaf. I l V tAisvwai. a aa ...v f .ii 38 0.SJ iI;Sio thre roonlhs- hills Is 24 per cent, .., M.OH) ... 40.000 20.000 MlaaeaaolU Grata Market, MINNEAPOLIS. June WHEAT-July. $1.06S.tjl.06: September. t2V.4i924ae: IW.m. ber, bOi90i4e. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.0H; tactua io. 1 nonnern. ii.wo 1 .vr; n,n, j north ern. ll.O4Ottll.0K; No. 3, 31.01HiUl.04V SEED Flax. 3186. CORN-No. 3 yellow. BWe. OATS No. 3 while, 35)36tva. TtYE-No. I. 654c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacka $13 001S.26. FLOCK First patents (in wood, f. o. b. Minneapolis). $6.00tj5.30; second patents, $4 !ii6.0i); first clears, 3J.atVi3.95; second clears, -i nus-.vo. atlvely firm or. the cables and renewed cover ng. tuariy riuctuations were more or New York Csnrb Market. less Irregular with local professionals sell- Tha following quotations are furnished n un. "I'Zl VT "'"""f ."rmHnq kj A Hrvan. members Naw vork from 01a crop snorw .m.. oee. satisned and " . ... that the new ciod oiwae ret ectea a mi. 1610 10 1440 t It 1270 I I 130U 4 40 13m) ft 15 1711 6 75 1534 I 00 170 T 7S 1) 7 75 ISO 7 74 ,150 7 75 . K 7 75 . 147 7 76 .160 T 76 . IW 7 76 160 1 H 7 76 St. Iioale Live Stock Market. ST. I.OUIS. June 9 CATTLE Receipt J.800 head. Including 1,600 Texans. Market strong to 10c higher. Native shipping export steers, $7.4,'(i8.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $6,500.60; steers under 1,000 pounds, 36.2Mj8.00; stockers and feed ers, $4,26(16.25; cows and heifers, $4.50fr7.85, canners. 32.75(33.50: bulls. 4.2Mt6.75; calves, $5.509.50; Texas and Indian steers, $5. (joy s.011 cows ano neners, (.i.ninitt.zi). HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head. .Market, 10c higher; pigs and lights, lnomv.M; packers $U.50u9.65H) butchers and best heavy, $:i.9 i.7l. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.600 head. Market, 10c higher; native mutton $4.4ofr5.oO; lambs, $7.759.75; culls and bucks. $3.50(U7.,x; stockers, $3.O?j4.50. St. .Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 9. CATTLE Receipt 1,200 head; market strong; fteers, $5.60'( 8.00; cows and heifers, 3.o0Ui.&; calve t3.00Cu8.50. . HUGS Receipts, 6,500 head: market steady to 60 higher; top, $9.5o; bulk of sales. 39.35fi9.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,000 head; market active to 25c higher; lambs, $7.5Oij.0U. Slock in Slant. Receipts of live stock at the five prl cloal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Onialia 3.2oo 7,o 3.imj St. Joseph ; 1.2"0 ' 6,500 Kansas City 3.2H) 7.000 St. Louis 2,-'l 7. () Chicago 6.6)10 13,04) and native, per bu., borouc; uoiorado, per bu., 65c. New potatoes. In sacks, per lb., 2c. Cabbage, new California and southern. per lb., 3c. unions, lexas crystal wax, per crate, $1'.00;- yellow, per crate, $1.75. Old vegetables, parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips. in sacks, per iu., au. uuriic, extra tancy, white, per lb., 15c; red. per lb., 16c, NEW SOUTHERN VEGETABLES Radishes, per dox. bunches, 20c. Turnips, per dos. bunches, 30c, Carrots, per dos. bunches, 60c. Parsley, per dos. bunches. 50c. Beets, per dox. bunches, 46c. Spinach. per bu., 12 ids., ooe. v,pn piani, rancy Florida, per dos., $1.60(U2.00. Tomatoes, fancy Florida, per 6-bsk. crate, $3.0u: choice, $2.50. String and wax beans, per hamper, about 25 lbs., $2.50; market baskets, 31.00, Green peas, per namper. ij.ou. uucumbers, hot house, per doz., 31.00; Texas, per dot.. 75o; per bu. box, i.,o. HOME UIUIWIN VKUKIABLE8-Radishes, extra fancy home grown, per doz. bunches. 20c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dox., 30c: head lettuce, per doi., 75c. Parsley, lancy noma siuwn, per aoz. bunches, 40c, Rhubarb, per dox. bunches. 45c. Asparagus, per dox. bunches, 60c Green onions, per doz. bunches, 26c. MISCELLANhAJUB iiorseonruin, z aos. tn case, 31.90. Walnuts, black, per lb., 2c; California no. l, per id., no; uaitiorma No. 2. per lb., 14o. Hlckorynuts. large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts, per sack, 35.00; per doz., 65c. Evaporated Applea and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. June 9. EVAPORATED APPLES Steady and moderately active In a Jobbing way. On the spot, fancy Is quoted at 10 NW: ; choice, : prime, 7(7Vic; common to fair, 6w6V4c. DK1EM r KCJJ l tt rrunes are quiet, out prices are steady, owing to the poor crop outlook. Quotations rango from S'ljhc for Callfornlas up to 30-4Os, and 4'iiir9c for Ore- gons. Apr roots are firm on the spot on the small stocks, but easy for future shipment. -Choice, loaioiac; extra choice, tO4Uc; fancy, 113412Sc. Peaches are ' dull and prices are mostly nominal; choice, eVtSWac; extra choice, lipVAc; fancy. 7'7c. ltalstni are quiet, with prices unchanged, although crop advices from the west are less favor able; loose muscatels are quoted at i(ij bc; choice to fancy seeded, 4:VkiB-6l!ic; seed less, 344c; London layers, 31.204111.25. 6c Kansas Cltr Uraln and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Juns .-WHEAT Un changed to lc lower; No. 2, 99cfnS1.04; No. 3, 8ar4i31.02; No. 2 red, 97c1.00; No. 3, 297c. CORN Unchanged to hie lower; No. 3 mixed, 69c; No. 3, 68Vic; No. 2 white, 63c; No. 3, 662Hc OATS Unchanged; No, 2 white, 8739c; mixed, 35360. HAY Unchanged to 25c higher; choice timothy, $15.00; choice prairie, tll.2s4idl.6O. BUTTER Easier; creamery, extras, 26c; firsts, 24c; seconds. 22c; packing stock, 21c. EGGS Current receipts, new cases, $6.20; miscellaneous cases, $5.16; southerns, $4.76. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ; 37,000 , 88,000 Corn, bu ., 39.000 J 5i,0 Oats, bu 2.000 tiOOO 1,000 3.0 0 3,6io 16,001.1 - . - . , r ....... ui.. . i . 1 irii L II B u Btocjt .uw.; --td covcrlng movement which- would soon rtaliu""".''!.. "cin.::.::.:: iii be exhauoul. but. generally , speaking, the Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June .-DRY OOODS-The cotton goods market waa quiet and steady for the day. Conveners are doing little and urinters are curtailing production. Tradlna- RUGS Steady. Pennsylvania and other I continues la small lots for prompt sbip sarby firsts. 21 tic, at mark; Pennsylvania J meat t'LIno Ckiaf Cobs. Practton lvla Ualy Cly Ceatral El y Oona , Knuklln Olroui boldttald Con Ooldflald riorane. Uuldtlald Dauy ... Cnwne Cananaa Inapu-atloa , t il-lt.Nawkoaaa t7 early tone was sieauy eiuiin s or points llohlo Copper 1 1 14 I of tne opening. ...1 t-itHawhlda t'oallUoa... Ia I hoot closed uulet. 30 points higher: mid U'jKar crairal : Idling uplands, la.40c; middling gulf. '16.60c, iawin r oo ivalEulea, U.U3 bales. ;aanvRoiuck Co...l I Futures opened steady; June, Jult. 7I,imv.. a,,mi. U TSp: Kentmlier la IK I ik. 4i I Ar.A,- 14 if.,.. KAv,mlur ItJLto: I 47i Tar Pick llMMTar King Ooa!.. 7rparlor A Pt u... 4:ToBopak Minis. .. , ;-,Trlnllr. Copovr .... S North La , 7BofciTHa 1 ,T,. i toner, i.ioc; noviinurr, ia.ook. iit-cemoer, .? 12.26c; January, 12.25c; March. II 25(612 27c. I. ST. LOUIS. June . COTTON Steady : jo middling. 147ac; sales, 66 bales; receipts. j I 1.14W uaiea; aiiiyiiioiii., i.iv vain, sioca. 24.161 DSies. Treasarr Statesaeat. Peoria Market., juns s. i ne condition or i pi hr A. June . t u..- ntari v v a tne treasury at me oeinning oi Dual liens I white. Mo, io. 3 yeuow, mc; No. 4 yel today was as follows: , low, 64c; No. 3 mixed. 56c; No, 4 mixed Trust unos noia coin, jmii.M.&ts) sliver I 54c: no grsae, oo atsje. dollars. $txj,o5,uou; silver dollar ef liW, I OATS Steady; staudard, a. I tSO I 76 1 1 ihO 4 00 1 1 1060 4 00 2 I lOnO 4 30 1 l'l, 4 sa 1 1000 4 40 3 MO 4 71 1 1610 I 00 CALVES. 230 I 60 3 1 t 76 6 110 7 f0 1 M 1 00 1 U 7 00 1 IM 7 15 4 IM 7 W 1 110 114 2 146 IM 1 100 7 40 1. . . . STOCKERS AND FEEDER3. tut 4 oo II Toi i 00 lt 4 to t tl 00 482 4 0 11 7S0 M) W7 4 0 12 444 6 1 tS7 .4 SO 1 74 i ill tao 6 00 t 464 4 ti 4l I 00 4 t3 u HOGS To all appearances, today's hoa trade was very similar to that of yester day morning, both In point of prices and tone to demand. Supply was normal, quality good and Inquiry from packers active and broad from the opening. Aa compared with the average market yester day, quotably strong prices prevailed, 39.10 buying the long string. Orders In shippers' hands were not very large, but alack com petition from tins source was more (ban offset by bullish reports from provision centers. Practically all of the hogs sold before midday, good light lots topping the list. A narrow spread of $9.3tVSS 32 purchased a Isrge portion of receipt, aa compared with yesterday's nickel spread of $J.25( 9 80. Tops advanced to $9.37 For the week thus far, receipts have been barely normal and values deoidedly strong. 'Some weakness was apparent Monday, but a broad Improvement in provisions during the last couple of days has convinced traders Uikl their bear raid was untimely, wito Totala 18. 300 DtS,6U Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 9. METALS Stan dard copper was weak with spot, June and July quoted at 312.1312 37.. London mar ket was easy, with cpot at t55 18s 9d, and futures at 56 12s 6d. Local dealers quote lake copper at $12. 75j 13.00; electrolytic at 312.62HQ 12.75 and casting at 312.37 V" 1 2 50. Tin was weak, with ppot quoted at $l2.50ff 32.75. London market was weak, also with spot quoted at 14S, and futures at 149 7s 6d. Lead was easy, With sot quoted at $4 40(u4.6O, New York; $4 12T4.17V4. East St. Louts. Iiondon was unchanged at 12 12s tl. Spelter weak, with spot quoted at $5.2fu5.50. New York, and at $4.87fi5.06, Euft St. Ixmls. Iondon market higher, with spot quoted at 22 6s. Iron un changed In London market, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 49s 4'yi. Local market Is rather easier, with No. 1 foundry north ern quoted at 316.75&17.20; No. 2 foundry northern. $ 18. 2fij 16.75; No. 1 southern soft, $16 2581.75. ST. LOUIS. June 9. METALS Lead firm at $4.i-". Spelter dull at $5.06. OH aad Roala. WILMINGTON. N. C. June OILR Splrlls turpentine, steady, 65e. Receipts, 15 carkt. Crude turpentine, firm, $3.00, $4 25 and $5 K. Receipts. 61 bis. ROSIN Steady, $3.90; receipts, 10 bbls. TAR Firm, $2.25; receipts, 33 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga.. . June t. OILS Tur pentine, firm. 66c. Sales. 456 1,1s.; re ceipts, 818 bbls.; shipments, 1,778 bbls -stock. 7.454 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2.314 bis.; receipts, 1.775 bills.; shipments, 2.6JO bhls.; stocks. 48.296. Quote: H, M.zT.4i-t.3o; D. $4 SO 4 Mi; K I4.54) t; F, $5 5016.12-; G. t5.lij..lzH; ll' tr.lu6.l2Va; I,; K. B.ttrxS jr,; M $5 2f.-it.VW; N. $5.40a8.75; WG. $5.7ira!.0O; WW. 36 30 CHARLESTON. S. C, June . OILS Turpentine, firm, 66c; rosin, firm, guote Sugar and Molasses. 'NEW YORK. June 9. -SUGAR Raw, firm; muscovado. 89 tent, 3.74c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.24c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8.40r; refined quiet; crushed, 6.65o; . granulated, 6.15c; powdered, 6.25c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June .WHEAT No. t northern. I O7'ol.0S; No. 2 northern, $1.00 1.07: July, 95c. OATS-S9MiC BARLEY Samples, 60S65Vic. . Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. June 9. HAY No. 1, $9.00; No. 2. $7.50; packing, 3450. Straw: Wheat, $6.00; rye and oats. 37.00. Alfalfa. $12.00. There has been a drop of 60u on all grades. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Jun . SEEDS Clover, cash, $0.30; October. $6.45; Dacember, $6.45; Marcn, $6.55. Timothy, prime, $2.15. Alslke, prime, $7.05; August. $7.45. CREIGHTON -MEN BANQUET Humanities Claaa ' Fe-als at. Hotel Loyal Priests Make Ad' dresses. The Humanitarian class of CreLgHton uni versity had a banquet Wednesday night at the Hotel Loyal. John O. Moran acted as toastmaster. The dining room and tablet were decorated with Creighton colors and there was an eight-course, menu. Father Wise, Father Lyons and Rev. Mr. Pernln, S. J., of Creighton university, the professors of the clas, were guests of honor and responded to lnvtts,tion to speak. Louis F. Waldman gave several piano solo and the clans quartet sang. The following toasts were delivered by the students: "A Passing Thought." Thomas Deveraui; "A Beginning and Its Future," F. Earl Oosnelln; "College Athletics," Justin J. Young; "Our Dreams,". Jamet B, Macau ley; "Class Spirit," R. R. Collins; "Musio and Bong," Louia F. Waldman; "Progress," Raphael Hamilton; "Our Vooatlons," Pres ton T. McAvoy; "Class of '13." Stephen F. Dierenger; "Fond Recollection," President Henry L. Sullivan. Scared Into Huand Health. Mr. B. F. Ke'.ley. Springfield. III., writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidney t and bladder, which grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull, heavy headachea, and the action of my bladder was annoy ing and painful. I read ot Foley Kidney J'ills and, after taking them a few weeks, the headaches left me. the action of my bladder was again normal, and I was free of all distress." Sold by all druggist. 1 Herbert BaGooGh Go Broker and Dealer OxvAIM PAtOTIBIOIfS STOCKS . Omaha Off loo, 118 Board of Trade Bldf. Ball rboae, Soug. sail Ind. A-tl 1 . OLDEST AsTD jVABQEST BOTSB IM TBS BTATB.