The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE It tho most powerful business; Rottfr In the wmt, liwuw It goos to the homes of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair For lows Probably showois. . For wrathci report see pnRt VOL. XXX IX-NO. .".00. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNK 10, UUO-TWELVE rAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SUGAR MEN'S FATE' RESTS WITH JURY Charles 11. Heike and Two Former Subordinates Await Decision in Fraud Case. LAWYERS FINISH SUMMING UP i "Heike Never Drew Breath of Pesti lential Air," Says Defense. BLAME TRACED TO CEMETERY Guilt Put on Shoulders of H. 0. Have meyer, Deceased Officer. STATES OBJECT OF PROSECUTION t Attorney Mn ncta field Hectares that Flaht In llr lnr Made no Prla rllinl lirfenilnnt a Mm lllKlirr I p. :j;V VUKK, June . Charles K. Heike, ci retary of the American Sugar Refining company, and Ills two former subordinates I'll trial with him, charged with conspiracy to derraud the government by fraudulent weighing uf sugar Imports, will know soon whether the law holds them guilty or In nocent. Mr. Lexow today followed the general line of argument adopted by the defense and brought Into prominence the name of the late H. O. Havemeyer, up to tho time of his 4-ath, shortly after the discovery of tho suKor frauds "I would not like to say anything against the memory of the dead, Bald Mr. Iexow, "hut 1 am sure there Is nut the slightest doubt In the mind 01 any one here that 11. o. Havemeye- knew every detail down to the minuteHt item of what took place In the refinery. Ucrbraeht he ordered about I.Uo one of the office boy." Defends Ai'puurd Man. "Heike never drew a breath of the pes- ' J.1H ntlu! air of the sugar docks." said At torney Stuuchf leld, who followed Mr. Lexow aU Hummed up for the accutied secretary. "He m not contaminated by the frauds. Mr. Stlmson wants to convict this man so that Mr. Wlckersham cm tell the public he has convicted the man higher up," con tinued the attorney, pointing to Heike. He oddod that Heike was only a salaried em ployfe. Where did. Spitzer get It?" cried Mr. . Etunchfield, alluding to the SlGo.MOO he said tho evidence howed Oliver Spitxer de posited in the banks within six years. "He didn't get It from the sugar company." Mr. Stanchfleld did not make It clear at the time where he thought Spltaer's thou sands came from while, he was drawing 5S a eek from the sugar company, Mr. Stlmson summed up the government's case, taking up the evidence bit by bit nd welding It Into what he contended was comDuts, cjialft. uf pi-oof against the three defendants. ' ' HARRY COOPER EXPIRES AS RESULT OF FALL Slan Injured from Shock Expires at St. Joseph's Hospital Identity Not Fnllr Disclosed. Harry Cooper died yeBterday afternoon In St. Josepll's hospital having remained unconscious since the evening of May 24, when he was admitted to the Institution following a fall on the pavement at Twenty-first and Cuming streetB. kit Is supposed he came to the city from C'nian, Neb. This was the address on an envelope found In a pocket but no fur ther proof of Identification has yet been obtained. The fall which culminated in tbe man's death followed a shove by ; John Schell, a machinist In the employ ' f the street car company, who lives at S015 South Thirty-first street. According to Schell's story, Cooper had been so persistent In begging that he hook him oft while he was holding his arm. He fell on the pavement and was picked up unconscious. After the case had been Investigated by County Attor . Iiey Kngllsh, Schell wus released from the city Jail- Coroner Crosby has taken charge of the body and will direct a post mortem to ascertain the cuuse of death Afilch la believed to be a fracture of the Tie of the skull. DOCTORS ELECT OFFICERS ajobn II. Murphy of 4 hlcuito la ( bourn ' President of American Medical Association. BT. LOUIS, Mo., Juno 9. Officers were elected at the sixty-first annual session of the American Medical association today and the standing committees, which were announced by President William H. Welch, were confirmed by the house of delegates. Lr. John 11. Murphy of Chicago j was elected president and Ir. George H. ' Simmons of Chicago secretary. I In the section on dermatology a paper J lire. Isadora Dyer and Ralph Hopkins sNew Orleans contained the announce ment that leprosy is spreading to nearly every state In the union and that no con certed nu'jhoil of carina; for lepers is prac- tlctd. Officials were accused of neglecting the quurantlnu law. The Importance of the prevention of in - fant mortality was Impleaded upon the delegates at tho section on preventive medicine and public health. lrs. Gottfried jvueiuur una i;. si. i. lair 1'i ane ok I.IU cago reported that one-third of all deaths among rhlldern In Chicago are among chll I dren under 5 years of age and a large percentage of these are from preventable causes. Seven other sectional meetings were held. This afternoon those attending the con vention witnessed a double balloon ascen sion. FEWERS END CONVENTION I'lsa to Promote Adoption of Na tional Labor Aareemeut la Approved. WASHINGTON. June S.-Endorslng a proposal that the organised brewing in dustry offer active assistance to govern ment authorities Iq. devising measures for the regulation of the retail liquor traffic and approving a plan to promote the adoption of a national labor agreement and a national arbitration agreement, the fiftieth jf nual convention of the fulled titatfl'yewers' association adjourned Her Harrison Says He Was Rebuffed at White House New York Representative Charges President Refused to See Him After Making Appointment. I WASHINGTON. June .-Representative Frnncls liurtun Harrison of New York said today that he had received a rebuff at the White limine from President Taft. In company with Representative Gold fogle, his colleague, and Kelllher of Massa chusetts, Mr. ' "-lBon escorted a delega tion of Jev;' lis to the' White House to talk with ldent about using his good offices ' ' ' ting the massacre of Jews In Russia '!; . j After the pari s. lted some time, 'It is suid, Seeretai n privately In formed Mr. Hart X the president declined to see hlif. r. '. When asked for tl which actu ated the president, M, -f 'v 'n said: "I have none to give.?';, 'ght inquire aliout that of the preslo No explanation of the ..vlson episode had been obtained from the White House up to 3:30 p. m. There was a general dis position to connect the affair with Mr. Harrison's resolution Introduced In the house several weeks ago and later with drawn, calling on the attorney general for Information In regard to his summary of U j Olavls charges against Secretary Bal Knger, Secretary Norton Bald that a statement on the subject probably would be made later In the day, Uepiesentative Harrlso'i was very in dlgnunt when he returned to the capltul over the refusal of the -president to Bee him, Inasmuch, he said, as he had made the appointment with the president two days ago and had received no warning that he was to be publicly humiliated. Mr. Harrison is a democrat and Is serv ing his seccor.d term. Train Strikes Funeral Coach Minister and Three Other Persons Returning from Service Killed at Haverstraw, N. Y. HAVERSTRAW, N. Y., June 9.-Four persons were killed and one seriously In jured here today when a locomotive struck a coach returning from a funeral. The vic tims were William Bebee of Haverstraw, Rev. A. Romath, pastor of the Methodist church of New City, and Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Slefred of New City, killed, and Mrs. Perry Kessler, critically Injured. Stabs His Divorced Wife and Self Paul Muehle Fatally Wounds Woman Who Was to Marry Another Man Saturday. ' KANSAS CITY, June 9. Jealous because his divorced wife was to marry another man next .Saturday, Paul Muehle went to her home In this city today and stabbed her several times. He then sloshed him self In an attempt to commit suicide. Both are now In the General hospital In a dying condition. Attending physicians stated that Muehle may live, but that the woman probably will did. 0SHK0SH FARMER FOUND UNCONSCIOUS IN HOTEL J. W. Tan Newklrk in Critical Con dition from Gas Poisoning; and Mar Die. CHICAGO, June 9 (Special Telegram.) J. W. Van Newklrk, a wealthy farmer from Oshkosh, Neb., was found unconscious today from gaa poisoning ut Grace hotel. A gas Jet was partly open. Mr. Van Newklrk was rushed to the county hospital, where little hope was held for his recovery. The police were unable to ascertain from the circum stances whether the occurrence had been accidental or otherwise. Mr. Van Newklrk retired early and hotel employes noticed the light was extinguished before mid night. At an early hour the night watch man smelled escaping gas and forced open the door. GSANTER SCHEME FOILED Judge Hay Says He Has No Claim by Reason of Adverse Possession. Anton Gsanter had a little plan of cam paign against the Northwestern railroad, but It was knocked Into a cocked hat by Judge Day In district court who denied the Injunction Osanter prayed for. Osanter owned two lots at the corner of Thirteenth and Chicago streets, one facing Thirteenth and the other lot abutting on Chicago. He sold these two lots to the railroad "as surveyed, platted and re corded." Then he proceeded to fence In a strip on Thirteenth and a strip on Chi cago outside the boundaries of these lots. He asserted title by adverse possession and when the road sought to build a di agonally across the two lots from the Thir teenth street side, Gsanter filed a petition for an Injunction. Thirteenth street Is not open, but the attorneys for the road showed that a street ls platted there. By the rul ing of the court Utanter will be unable to collect from the road for the use of the street. This Cabby Likes Rain Better Than Sunshine Omaha has a cabman who doesn't mind the rain In fact, he rather enjoys It, and has a reputation about the Union station of never being driven from the seat of his omnibus by a rain storm. Other cabbies blanket their horses and seek refuge within the waiting room of the station, but Bob Garrett prefers to sit upon his cab and get drenched. Wednesday morning while the moisture was pouring down In big drops In shrets. In fact the other cabbies left their horses In the rain, but sought for themselves the protection of the station. Not so with Bob Garrett. He sat perches upou the seat of the Omaha Transfer company's omnibus BANK MEASURE IS PASSED BY HOUSE t Savings Bill, as Framed by Repub lican Caucus, Favored by Vote of 192 to 113. HAS ALREADY PASSED SENATE Democratic Substitute Turned Down by Heavy Vote Against It. RAILROAD BILL IS DISCUSSED Senate Leaders Hold Conference with President Taft on Stocks. HAVE LITTLE HOPE FOR SECTION i Statement Made that Provision, In Honae Meaanre Covering Issu ance of Bonds Will Lose Ont. WASHINGTON, June 9.-The postal sav ings bank bill, as framed by the republican caucus of the house, was passed tonight, the vote, being 192 to 113. The bill already has passed the senate. ' The democratic substitute for the postal savings bank bill was defeated In the house by a vote of 196 to 113. Representative Sims of Tennessee, deter mined that a quorum of the house should listen to the debate on the postal savings bank bill, made the point of "no quorum" as soon as the Journal had been read In that body today. Mr. Sims also desired to provide an au dience for Representative Moon of his state, who was prepared to speak against the bill of the majority and the substitute of the minority providing for postal sav ings bar.kB, Mr. Moon being opposed to any plan for the establishment of postal banks. Railroad Bill Discussed. Senate leadrrs today told President Taft that there was little or no chance of pass ing through the senate the provision In tho house railroad, bill 1 providing for su pervision of the Issuance of stocks and bonds by the Interstate Commerce commis sion. The president had expressed the hope that this provision might be contained In the railroad bill as finally adopted. There seems little likelihood that the senate con ferees will accept the provision. The senate today sustained the action of tne committee on appropriations, striking out the house provision In the sundry civil bill relieving labor organizations from prosecution, under the antt-trust law, 34 to Its. Millers Tell More of Bleached Flour Men from Spring Wheat Belt Say that ' Bread from Bleached Product is Inferior. KANSAS CITY, June 9. Direct testimony and the cross-examining of witnesses still claim entire attention In the bleached flour case being tried In the United States cir cuit court here. Several revelations re garding the alleged bad effects of flour after Its treatment to the bleaching pro cess, characterized yesterday's session. Merton F. Dennison of Red Wing, Minn., a miller, testified that dough made frorrx bleached flour was less elastic than that made from unbleached flour. William Graham, a miller of Groton, S. D., testified that he had used a bleaching process for two years lri his mill. He had not used the Alsop process, but on that treated the flour similarly In bleaching. He said that his experiments had proven that using a given amount of flour the un bleached product gave a better volume of bread than the bleached and that the bread made from the unbleached flour re tained the natural flavor of the wheat, but that the bread made from the bleached product was less palatable. He said that new wheat was more yellow than old wheat and that bread made from new wheat was not so good as that made from old wheat. He said that flour made from new wheat when bleached was whiter than unbleached flour made from old wheat. WESTERN SHIPPERS WILL NOT GO TO WASHINGTON Committee Which Met in Chicago Decides to Auandou Visit to the President. CHICAGO, June 9. The Joint committee of western shippers and Illinois Manufac turers' asscolatlon, which had planned a trip to Washington to consult with Presi dent Taft over his attitude toward the re cent attempt to advance rates, disbanded today and postponed the trip. WASHINGTON, June 9-Representatlves of the railroads east of Chicago and north of the Ohio river at a conference held here today decided that the advanced freight rates should be filed as effective August 1. pending the enactment of the raiiroad hill now In confeience. If for any reason ;he bill should not become a law by Au gust 1 a further postponement of the date will be granted. for two hours in the pouring rain. Directly below his seat was a small sign which read, "The Only Way." but his fellow cab men took exception to this motto and de clared that Garrett's ' method of holding fort was the only way for a man who didn't know enough to come In out of the rain. "The only way to drive Bob from his seat," said one of the cabbies, "Is to pour on the sunshine full blast. Hs don't like the sunshine and will duck for cover, but he seems to take glory In sitting In the rain. 1 prefer to get In out of the wet, but Bob will sit for hours In a heavy ra n and you couldn't drive him from his seat." From the. Washington Herald, WALLACE HEADS WORKERS Omaha Man Chosen President Beatrice Meeting. at TEN THOUSAND FUND , IN SIGHT Twenty-Five Hundred Raised and Six Thousand Apportioned to Varlona Counties Parade Ends Beselon. I BEATRICE, Neb., June . (Special Tele gram.) The business session of the State Sunday School convention4 vioed-th!s aft ernoon wkh the election- 6f these officers r President G. G. Wallace or Omaha. Vice President E, J. Wlghtnwui of York. Recording Secretary C. C. . Westcott, Plattimoutli. Treasurer E. C. Babcock, Lincoln. DEPARTMKNT SUPERINTENDENTS. Teachers' Training Rev. J. M. Kersey, D. D., of Omaha. Adult P. G. Dawson, Falrburv. Intermediate Mrs. W. R McOloud. York. Home Mrs. Frank Roof, Beaver City. Pastors Rev. R. A. Schell, Hastings. Missionary Rev. F. G. Knauer, Nelson. Temperance Rev. J. D. M. Buckner, Uni versity Place. Visitation Rev. Mr. Clark, I-exlnRton. DIVISION DIRECTORS. Western District S. K. Warrick, Scott's Bluff. North Central O. O. Snyder. O'Neill. Central H. Lomax, BrokerNRow. East Central J. R. Haiuia, Xireeley. Northeast J. D. Haskell, Wakefield, and O. R. Merdlth, Norfolk. East Division J. F. Smith, Omaha; I. P. Gage, Fremont; E. C. Gllland, David Cltv; Bert A. Wilcox, Omaha. Southeastern Division L. C. Oberlles. Lincoln; E. D. Wright, eBatrice; G. L. Hi.rrtlck. Nehawka, South Division F. A. Hunt. Aurora) J. S. Dick, Crete; J. C. McLi.cas, Falrbury. Southwestern Division W. R Nlchol, Mlndan. Resolutions were passed expressing ap preciation ot the entertainment afforded. The principal speakers today were Mrs. Mary Brynet of Chicago, Edward Dennison of Omaha and Prof. Elrhhom. The matter of raising $10,000 for Sunday school work In the state was discussed, and $2,600 In pledges was secured, fi.OOO being apportioned to the various counties, leav ing 11,500 yet to eb raised. The sum of $1,000 was subscribed for a memorial to Mrs. Haynes, late superintendent of ele mrntary work In the state. This evening a monster parade, headed by the Beatrice Military band, was held, participated In by more than 1,00 men, cutrylng flags and banners. Excursion trains from Wymore, Fairbury and other points brought nearly 1.000 people to the city to witness the parade and attend the closing session. ' The convention closed tonight with ad dresses by Rev. W. D. Stem of Kansas City and William Brown, general secre tary. The crowd was so large that many eould not get Into the church. The weather has nothing to do with it. Advertise. In rain or shine advertise. If you want to sell a thing, tell everybody about It. People read your ad more in gloomy weather than fair. Now is a splendid time to get a good Bervent. It la a good time to secure a desirable place. Use these little want ada. Use them freely. 100,000 people read them. Bee want ads will rent your prop, erty. sell your land, find bargains for you, etart you in business, take you out ot business. They will do a thousand and one services that can't be done any other way. Cull Douglas 238 and a cheerful staff will wait upon you. Looking for Sun Spots Million Dollars for Princeton Board of Trustees Announces that University Will Get Big Addi tion to Endowment. PRINCETON, N. J., June 9.-As a re sult of a special meeting of the board of trustees of Princeton university to day the Institution will acquire about $1, 160,000 in gifts. The bulk of this, comes as a renewal of the offer made by Wil liam Cooper Proctor of Cincinnati and brings to an end the controversy over .the site bT the graduate college Mr. Proctor, In May, 1908, offered the university $500,000 on condition that the alumni raise an equal amount. During the controversy over the site Mr. Proc tor's gift was withdrawn. With the re newal of the gift the half million to be given by the alumni Is said to be assured in pledges. Mrs. Russell Sage, It was announced, has given $150,000 to add to the dormi tories already donated by her and to bull a great memorial tower 100 feel high on the campus. The bequest by the late Isaac C. Wyman of Salem, Mass., variously estimated at from $2,000,000 to $4, 000,000, It Is said, was the direct cause of the closing of the breach over the gradu ate college site, which was the chief con dition of the original proctor offer. Leavenworth Woman Murdered Mrs. Elizabeth Schultz, Aged 74, is Killed by Bobbers, Who Set Fire to House. LEAVENWORTH. Kan., June 9. Eliza beth Schults, , a wealthy widow, 74 years old, was found murdered In her home within a block of the police station here early today. It Is believed robbery was the motive of the murderer, who set fire to the house after killing the woman and ransacking the premises. The victim's body was badly burned. A policeman passing the house discovered that It was on tire. Knowing that the aged woman lived alone, he broke down the front door and found that a hole had been burned In the floor of a front room over the cellar. He rushed Into the cellar and extinguished the fire and then dis covered the nude body of the woman there. The woman's arms were partly burned off and the body badly charred. It Is said that Mrs. Schults was worth $500,000 and that she kept a large sum In her house. RIVERS BILL GOES THROUGH Senate Adopts Conference Report on Measure by Forty-Five to Twelve. WASHINGTON, June 9-The conference report on the river and harbor bill was adopted In the senate by a vote of 45 to 12. Mr. Wickersham Speaks of the Value of Thoroughness NAZARETH, Pa., June 9. Because of President Taft's desire to have Attorney General Wickersham In Washington during the conference on the railroad bill the pro gram for the commencement exercises of Nazareth Hall Military academy, at which the attorney general delivered the prin cipal address, was somewhat disarranged. Mr. Wickersham was to have been among the last speakers, but received a telegram from the president summoning him at once to the conference. The attorney general Immediately prepared to leave for Wash ington, but a later message Informed him that the meeting had been postponed until 4 o'clock. The attorney general, who was graduated from the academy In IK7J, spoke on 'The Value of Thoroughness." He said, In part; "The besettuig sin of our people today VESSEY JUMPS INTO LEAD Governor of South Dakota Appar ently Forges Ahead of Egan. LATE RETURNS FAVOR INCUMBENT "Independent" Republican, However, Btlll Clalnia Election in 1II Favor Stalwarts Concede "Pro gressive" Victory. SIOUX FALLS, 8. P., Juno 9.-Returns from forty-one out of fifty-seven counties .give Vesoey, progressive, for governor, .18,- 50; Egan,' Independent, 17,142; Elrod, stal wart, 14.491. v George W. Egan, lndepend ent republican candidate for governor still claims he carried the state by not Jess than 3,000. The official count may be necessary to settle the dispute. The Indications are that the stalwart republicans have renominated Congressmen Martin and Burke. A report from Huron Bays: 'Chairman Richards, manager of the progressive republican campaign 'declares emphatically that the returns Justify the statement that Governor Vessey Is nomi nated by a substantial plurality. While no figures are given the chairman states his declaration Is based on authentic re turns regardless of claims made by the oposltion and that the official count will confirm his statement." Later returns make no material change as to congressional candidates, Thorsen and Schrader running quae evenly and somewhat In advance of Martin and Burke ABERDEEN, S." D June 9.-Chalrman John C. Simmlnh and Secretary T. B. Rob erts of the stlwart camaplgn committee concede the nomination of Governor Ves sey for governor, late returns giving him a lead over Egan. Kellner Girl Last Seen in Church Woman Remembers Seeing Her Kneeling Saying Prayers Day She Disappeared. LOUISVILLE, Ky, June O.-The one missing link of evidence necessary to es tablish the fact that Aim Kellner was last seen alive In St. John's Catholic church was obtained last night by Frank Fehr. the murdered child's uncle. Mrs. Rosa Steeuble, who lives a few blocks from the scene of the murder, will be called today at the coronor's Inquest. She was probably the last person save the murderer who saw the child alive. Mrs. Staeuble says Joseph Wendllng, the miss ing Janitor, who Is being sought in connec tion with the murder, was In the church when she loft and that she hoticed him moving about the church several times dur ing her stay of a quarter of an hour, and that she had remarked at the clone atten tion he paid to the little girl, who was on her knees pi ay Inf. Mrs. Staeuble's story and the finding of a bloody knife and bloody raaor among the effects of Wendllng are the Uient h. velopments In the use. Is superficiality; we are too often con'ent with doing a thing, as w. ,ay, -WJ, enough.' Let me Impress on you the thought that nothing Is 'well enough' that can be better done. A few weeks ago I attended a banquet given in New York to tho great English gneral. Lord Kitchener In replying to the toast In his honor he spoke of a visit he had Just made to' the United (-tales Military academy at West point and he said that whut struck him there was the thoroughness with which the work of the cadets was done. "That was the quality which . had dls tlngulshed the Illustrious general himself In his own work and by means of which he had been enabled to reconquer the Houdan and so end the. ten years' telgn of terror In Central Afiica. and the application of that same quality enabled the English to finally subdue the Boers In South Africa." BAILEY KOAKS AT THE K1VEHS BILL Senator from Texas Insists that He and Others Were Treated Unfairly. OVATION AWAITS JUDGE SMITH Republicans Will Welcome Him Back from His Victory. JOHN F. LACY ON THE OUTCOME Former Congressman from Sixth Iowa Gives His Opinion. MAURICE D. O'CONNELL RESIGNS town Man Who Has Been Solicitor of the Treasury for Thirteen Years Gives Over Ilia Office. (From a Stnff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 9. (Special Tele gram.) Notwithstand the combined efforts ot Senators Bailey, Beverldge and Burton to send the rivers and harbor appropria tion bill back to conference with Instruc tions to tho senate conferees to have re stored In the bill certain provisions which were knocked out In Joint conference, the senate refused, by a vote of 45 to H. to follow the lead of the senators indicated and ratified tho action of the conferees. Senator Bailey In strictures on the bill was particularly .severe against certain army engineers who, ho said, knew n i more about a commercial proposition tlva.i a goat. He said that Senator Burton had been punished by the senate committee c.i commerce by discontinuing appropi' for waterways commission and that i.o was to be still further punished because he had the temerity to crltcixe the meas ure. Senator Balky's assertion was indig nantly denied by Senator Martin of Vir ginia, who Is minority member of the con ference comnilttce. It Is expected that the house will take up the conference report on the bill tomorrow, now that the sen ate by nu overwhelming vote has ratified the action of its conferees. Both Senators Butkett and Brown voted for the confer ence report, as did Senators Dolllver of Iowa and Gamble and Crawford of South Dakota, Oration for Smith. Te regular republicans of the house are preparing to give Judge Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs a great ovation when he ap pears on the floor tomorrow. His friends made a special effort to be present today when the house assembled, rather cxpeotlng Representative Smith would put In an ap pearance. So enthusiastic are they over the victory of the Council Bluffs statesman that It would not be surprising If he should be carried by some of his mora, athletic admirers to the speaker's rostrnm und "a sperch "demanded. A rather healthy boom for Smith for the .speakership has already developed in tho reuulnrs' camp, as few expect Cannon to be a candidate for re election, and tho general popularity of Mr. Smith leads his friends to think he will be the strongest candidate they, can muster. The progressive members from Iowa are uncertain as to what their attitude on Smith's candidacy will be. but it Is thought they will ultimately fall In line for him. Ex-Representative John F. Lacy of Iowa, one of many callers at the White House today, was pleased with the out come of tbe republican primaries In Iowa. He has been one of the lenders of "Stand patters" In that slate and for yearsj was the bulls-eye for Cummins' marksmenl "We have won a si tat victory In Iowa," he said, "and we are now In a fair way to rid ourselves of the domination of United States senators who undertake to dictate to the people of the state from here. Advices are that we will control six of the eleven congressional districts' and the full control of the coming state convention anil state organisation. That ought to be sufficient tos how that Iowa republicans do not care to be told from Washington how they must do or what they must say." Mnnrlee O'Connell Resigns. . Maurice D. O'Connell of Iowa, who has been solicitor of treasury for the last thirteen years has resigned. President Taft today, In a highly eulogistic letter, accepted Mr. O'Connell's resignation which bore date of June 1. Mr. O'Connell's resignation is wholly voluntary and when his term Is up In October he will leave with his wife for a trip to the far east, with object of Joining his daughter, wife of Major Condon of the coast artillery, In tho Philippines. Mrs. Condon Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell and the parents prefer being with her to re maining In Washington. Mr. O'Connell Is one of the best-known men in Iowa. He practiced law In that state for twenty years and was frequently honored by federal appointments. He was United States Attorney in Iowa under President Arthur and was re-appointed to thot position by President Harrison. As solicitor of treasury, Mr. O'Connell has served longer than any other solicitor In the history of the office, which was es tablished eighty years ago. One solicitor held office eliUit years, but Mr. O'Connell will have served more than thirteen, by October. Money for Nebraska Building;. The public buildings bill which Chairman Boi thold will report in a few days. Will curry something lik i'MOM0 fur Nebraska, the largest Individual Item being the post otflce for McCouk, the home of Representa tive Nmrls. other .items In the bill for Nebraska are wholly business propositions closing up matters carried In previous bills. Heath of Mrs. Knapa. After an Illness of several weeks, Mrs. Maria H. Kuupp, wife of Dr. Seaman A. Klipp of the bureau of plant Industry, United Stales Department of Agriculture, dhd lust night at 8:30 o'clock at the fam ily residence, 1216 Crittenden street, north west, of a complication of diseases. Mrs. Knapp was 7K years old. She Is survived t-y her widower and five children, who ar Bradford Knupp, connected with the de partment of agriculture; Prof. Moman Knupp of the State Agricultural college, Ames, Iowa; Major k A. Knapp, Lake Claries, La.; Mrs. A. M. Mayo, Lak Charles, La., and Mrs. O. J. Fay, Dm Moines, Iowa. Dr. and Mrs. Knapp, wltli their son, Bradford, came to Washington two years ago from Ames, laws. Mrs. Knapp was a member of the Foundry Methodist Episcopal church. The body will be taken to Ames today and buiiol services will be held at the old hwlue slead un Sunday,