The Omaha Daily Bee. THE OMAHA BLE goes to to homes It read by th women sells good tor advertiser. EDITORIAL PAGES 11 TO 20. Vol, XXXIX-XO." r.Dl. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1910. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Drug Sundries 1 1 drnin I'ero!fte,4.ounce Be H li ";" I'i ruxM, -ounce 15e f.iiiinlnn Fills, it grains, three I r ' r. 11 100 Chloride I, line. Hi. (Him. . . .100 I'fi msn's IIohcIi Food. per a n . .f 100 Wire- Hair Brushes, special, in ioo ftiilb Scringes, 3 pipes In wood dux ii value for oa Toilet Needs Peroxide Cream, 4-ounce Jar for 3o pond 25c Kxtract Talcum for 180 Pond's 25c Kxtract Tooth Paste ISO Crave' 2Hc 'J'notli Paste f..r 140 Blcksecker's Oolf Queen Tal cum HmIi Tint for 85o Colgate's Cosmetic L.otlon, 4 ounces Boo Photo Supplies Brownie Camera No. 2, tn-n finders, automatic shutter. $3 Flexo Kodak No. 2, fixed forus, loads and unloads In day light, for -00 PHdlng Tripods. Universal Tri pod screw ...80o 11.00 Kuby Oil Lamps ....60o Negative Racks, holds 12..100 Hvdro Metal Developing Pow der. packages 85e A complete encyclopedia on nhntnrranh V 850 nrvw, mn wift". Tin ".IV 1 1 I A I I I " " Y Next Monday 'Annual June Sale CUT CLASS Still Greater Bargains from the Receivers' SeJe of the Hundley Stock n Cut Flowers (treat Carnation Pay 10,000 fresh cut Carnations; red, white, pink, etc., worth 75c a dozen, at 25 Ionff (Stem Roses F.eauttf ul blooms, long stem, la run sizes; worth $1 and 11.2 . a dozen, at 30 C Blooming Oeranlams. potted, the usual 2Sc kind 1910 Air rents la Ho Candy Day Whipped Cream Chocolates A new, rich, 50c quality per lb. box SO Aborted Cream Wafers The usual 40c quality, lb., Kxtra Special Salted reanuta absolutely fresh; 20c val ue, per lb 10t Handkerchiefs Women's All Uncn Handker chiefs, with embroidered corners; worth 20c each now at 10 Women's Initial Handker chiefs All linen; usual l?c quality; while quantity lasts each, at 7 Double. Stamps In This Oept. Saturday. Bennett's are crowding the Saturday selling with more genuinely good attractions than one is accustomed to find in a day s shop pinz The sale of the Hundley Dry Goods Co. stock is a strong card for it brings immeasurable benefits on all sorts of dry goods. We had the advantage of first pick of this stock and consequently got the cream. The blue tickets everywhere give ample proof of it. Other depart ments also make a powerful appeal with special offerings that compel you to come here if you would serve your own interests best. Look over the page. Study it. We want your business because we earn it, because we give you more than you can get in any other place for the same outlay. Sample Neckwear A fine assortment of new samples sum mer stocks, jabots, lahats, etc., from the Hundley !. (. Mock, beautiful ;.c and 3fo pieces, at two for 2oo. or. each Tozedo Veilings nun ,,!, w of fancv mcsli velllnas, Tunc- " do and Russia Nets, nil newest Import v hivlo", in black and the wanted colors. Such ciiialltles always relllng nt 25c. nnd Zbo til d Ribbons on Sale We shall put out for Saturday two splendid new lota of fine nil silk ribbons rt an average of half real value mcssa- llnes and latrelos. most 15c . mi put i 10c Worth to 800 IOC Ribbons, Worth to 330 15c Muslin Underwear 75o and 890 Garments, at 69e. Gowns., cheilites, corset covers and drawers, all grouped In one bin lot and at one price. We bought thorn very ihPHnlv. Thev are cleverly trimmed and very well made. Five or six Rtyles In cacli line. Satur day you can choose any for ... House Dresses Flftv dozen well made wash dresses in high and low neck style. One la made to open all way down front. There are light and dark dresne. made of sole last color materia'". neat and trim In appearance; tome were 11.75. for Wash Petticoats n.j. .trlna nr nlniil Bingham, rut full width and finished Willi a tailored flounce; 69c values at 59c $1.25 39c SOc Porosknit Underwear, 23c Shirts and Drawers; the usual 50c garments; all sixes: tomorrow at Just half other stores ask you open wenvo COc "Porosknit" goods and Balbrlggans 25 "Piqua" and "Superior' Lisle Union Suits "Piqua" and "Superior" Lisle Union Suits For men flesh color and ecru; sizes 34 to 50; any ff A A style, worth $1.50 and $2, special, at. 91.VV Best 50c Four-in-Hands, 20c All plain colors and fan cies; flowing ends and narrow widths for 9Qf close fitted collars, almost half C Great Shirt Value A lot of strictly new summer shirts; plain or pleated; coat styles; cuffs attached; very choice pat terns; $1.50 and $2.00 values now at STRAWS that show which way the style winds blow are here in widest variety; The season has opened up auspiciously and the selling is very active. Our line is a very representative one. 1 We' have the very hat to fit your own particular build and personality.., Let us help you to a becoming head piece while the choosing Is best. . . Split Braids at . . . ...$2.00 Milan Sailor Shapes. .$1.00,' $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $4.00 Soft Roll Brims $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $4.00 i , ... We Have The Night Panamas Too The smart negligees with soft brims, for young and middle aged' men, ...$3.50 $5 SO Boys' Suits A Notable Day Notable because it's the best value our 2d floor boys' section ever had. The suits are smart, perfect fitting models, enough to make any youngster "dress proud" Casslmeres and ' Worsteds, In soft 'tone greys, browns and blue serges. Russian Blouses for boys 3 to 7 vears; double breasted knlcker suits for boys 8 to 16 yrs. ; splendid $4, $5 and $7 suits, go Sat . urday for. Men's Trousers Light and dark grey casslmeres. and worsteds; suitable to wear with dark coats: peg top, plain or 3-Inch turn-up; worth to 14, uu, , at. . . ........... KDlCKcr 245 $2.45 $5, $3.50 and $2.50 Umbrellas for 1.00 A sale that dwarfs in comparison all previous dollar sales. Better qualities, more sightly handles, greater variety than you ever saw at a dollar. 1,000 umbrellas for men aud women 250 of them are strictly all pure silk serge; the balance are silk and linen and all have silk casings. The handles alone on many are worth the price of the entire umbrella. For women we have long ebony and box wood han dles, sterling silver, gold and pearl trimmed handles. For men, there are Parisian ivory and metal stag handles, box wood, ebony, saver trim med handles; $2.50 to $5.00 values; one day sale, at. ..... , $1.00 Unmistakably Tomorrow's Host Important Sale MEN' UITS Look at picture of this snappy suit, you men who have summer suit buying in mind. It's a faithful portrayal of the extremely good style of the suits we are offering tomorrow at $10.75. This touches the highest pinnacle of suit value ever reached in Omaha. These are the kind of suits that put ginger into a man, that give him the self-posession which comes from the realization that one is correctly attired. Here's what it means to you. Fine Hand Tailored $30, $25 and $18 Suits from a noted maker for Saturday, at They, are full three-pioce. suits, in summer weights. In medium and light velour casslmeres and worsteds. They have hand padded shoulders, hand felled edges, hair cloth, reinforced fronts. In fact, the Identical finished workmanship you would expect If you paid two or three times tht price.'" You'll not hesitate a single instant onct you see them: You'll recognize the value as quickly as we did. About 300 suits In the lot. Extreme styles and conservative styles and all sizes.- ' Id ItlJkVK'J'iA v hvi AA -o IF, M Housekeeping ' NecesV sities; Extra Values - tittle home helps, alwaye na.a.d, are very .p.ol.Uy priced tomorrow, In -basement. - . ;o Carpet Heaters reduced to.... Bo IHn Hcrub Hruahea, aood oiiea....6o Wire t'oat Hansera: special, i for Jo , Mrs. l'otts1 l.35 Ha. Irons, set... 80 Hover Kri Heaters, 10c kind. . . .'. .60 M..p Stick and Kas,' complete for 17.50 Uasollne Stove, hlh. 8-hoJe for ;.',c Shaker Klour Wifter for. . . . .-ISO Hl.rlnklina cans. 1 and 2-o.t. fr..lOo 7f.c Lawn Sprays; one day only.. 69o Huhoer Mobw, suarantced, Ho value. per foot Tin Tart Fans, assorted sizes, each. So Htov. 1'ipe. 15c kind, Joint .ao Uo Him Knot) Locks, each ,.10o Sash Locks, old copppr finish. .'. .80 Haw Files, six-inch, for So (Irass Hooks, usually 30c, for...19o Hlue steel Hammers, good (trade, lOo Screen Uoor Hlngea, per palr....,.7o t lood 80! Tool Seta, Saturday ... .190 Flue Stops, special tomorrow 70 Frames for window screens, uoip- plete 5 ' Screen Wire I'loth, per sq. ft .So Ice Picks, usual 25o kind loo 3SO riculc Basket., special 10 Base Ball, Fishing, Tennis and Bathing Goods We have all th. acc.asorl.a for sunim.r enjoyin.nt.. (Sport'-Df Jood s.cttoa, lias.iu.ut.) Fi-li Uooks. all kinds and siaien, per .Inv.n SO 9 Tiass Files, each lOo Spoon IIODkn. till sIxfh. each 80 Nplit Kunihoo H.mIh. Jl -B klnd...8o liase Kail liloves. Ji.c kind for., no Has HikU liloves. tiiiu kind for. .49o ltuse lull (.linns, tl j'I kind for S1.19 UhII liloves, kind for 1.79 Huso I 'lo 1 1 Mitts, l .'i khi.1 for..8Se Case Miill Mitts. $3 HO kliul for S1.9S IS.Uil 1.RWII TeimlM Kacket . . . . ta.60 .'i.o0 Lawn Tennis TUcke' . . . S3.S8 li.-MV;l.i. Sulta. ill! s! 7So to 83.00 Xvwrytbluff In Hammocks at S8o upwaini to ia.60. ; We shatl have,' several new, tots from the' receiver'a sale on.' the. . tables : tomorrow. ,. Each lvt rcp resents the best kind of value. Women's , Hose Fast, black and seamless, with double sole; a thor- ' oughlv good 19c quality, - 'f?lfl Ot, pair.... ffiS. Game Iil.l. Hose Imported 'goods' with elastic garter top, black only; a standard 50c quality, ' 97i at, pair Fur. BUk' Kose For women, black, only with lisle top, toe and heel, 76c values; for Saturday 3QV WW at. .. . Gloves 39c Women's All Silk .(iloves lllack and colors; made with double tipped fingers, and - -worth, SOc, for. 1 ..... , Kayser and Fownea Silk Gloves all lengths, at 7So, 91.00, l.BO, 83.00 Knit Underwear Women's I'niou Suits, of fine lisle l,ov neck aud sleeveless, with either tight or wide lace knee itil"( in fit and finish; worth T3 ; from receiver's 90 sale, each, at OifC Wont.U's Jennts Wide lace trimmed kne, 'li finished, 35c garments at 19o Bummet Vesta Silk taped neck and arm. 1'tc values at, each lOo (Double ttinips In above depart ments Sum rd.iy.) iff! The Half Yearly Pick-of-the-Stock Sale vLJJ. JLL Vi iZZJ o o Colored Cloth Take tomorrow and get your Summer Suit problem solved. Here's helping you to the most liberal reduction on fine suits you have ever known. You know the high character of Bennett's suits; you know the matchless tailoring, the superior style that distinguishes them from most lines. Well, fifteen dollars buys any one tomorrow. All Our $40, $35, $29.50 and $25 Suits ' Without an exception. Probably 230 in all. Made of fine imported French serges and novelty suitings in the prettiest shades, including blacks, navy, etc. Plain tailored models of fancily trimmed. Don't you want one of them to take along on your summer trip Pongee Coats The cleverest of the summer models go at a sharp decline in price. Full length, all silk pongee coats, either fancily trim med or self tailored A purchase ot close to a hun dred $19.50 and $25.00 garments; unmistakably the smartest styles 'shown at $15.00 Girls' Ijiwu Dresses Made of light colored lawus, with r ring dot designs; pretty French dresses with a trim ming of plain niaarss to blend,, and finished with embroidery edge; 6 to 14- jear sizes; low neck and short sleeve effects, $2.25 ' and.' $1.50 Dutch Net-Is Waists Dainty white batlstd and iawn waists, with lace yoke and low cut neck. v;.'th' lace edge; two sood fa rj styles Saturday. . WU'dJ White Waist at 91.00 A table full of several choice styles, including Duuh nec ks, $1.50 and $1.70 values. . . , $1.00 Tfee Busy Music Corner is falGrdncrs Cor Mr. Tltcrem Sennetf s New Song Tfvn a nt't'imrft'B inn "r rni a wu wn s-s m b m NONE LIKE YOU" It's out of thosd delightful child songs that touches the heart. vivlUiy reflecting tha Innocence and lovable nc8 of childhood. It's melody is in describably beautiful. Kvery music loving home will want It. It's Just published and on' sale for first lima now. Introductory price, 19c. The Following Songs and hundreds of others, regularly JiAu now at. ( Put On Your Old Grey V.onuet, Kiu vtry Moon, Keep Your Foot On the Soft Pedal, Meet Me Tonight in Dream- k pans', Yip-I-Addy-Ay, harden Roses. Kf ttt Vniii" ttnt'iui. v.'k, i- . - Love, Shaky . Eyes, Cousin Caruso. Minister'! Son, Daisies Won't Tell. Mendelssohn Tune, In Ojtjr Old Teu nessee. Oh, You Blondy; I'm Happy All the Time. 10c Mail orders filled A.tJ ea Ii for postaic'. lC fill 3. Our So counter 1s'tntvtt mx I. -Hk rr. 19e I ilk if M Corsets . Repeating the sale as advertised for Tuesday; values up to $0.00. lion Ton Corsets American f;ady V II. & O. Corsets W. C. C. Corsets We bought hundreds of dozens, from the jobber; batistes and cou tils in all lengths, and a good sprinkling of silk brocades among them. We have taken them out of their' boxes to allow freedom of examination. -They range In value from $2.00 to $6.00; all sizes and many styles. ' R. & G., W. C. C. and American Beauty Corsets, 89c In this lot are corsets worth to $2.00; all lengths best styles; batistes and coutlls; such val ues are very rare you ought to see tho wise ones buy them up. II Brass Goods for Wed ding Gilts Hauim.r.d and span brass pieces, all appropriate for June weadlng-a, . at attractively lowered prices. $3 Smoking Stands, loose top.. $1.98 $H Umbrella Stands, tomorrow. .84.60 $7. CO t'mbrella Stands, tomorrow 94.98 Hammered brass footed Jardinieres: 8-incli size, usually 11.98. for ,.98o 10-incli Blue, usually IL'.OS. 12-lnch alze. usually $4.98. for.$S.75 Spun Brass Jardinieres, 14.00 value. for ia.76 Spun Brass Fern Dlah. 7-inch, with ateel lining. $1.60 value 98o Brass Jardlnlnerea, tapering shape, with Hon head and ring", loOu value, for $3.60 Spun Brass Jardinieres, lion head and rings, ball feet, :i value $1.98 ' BSc Brass Finger Bowls 15o $1.60 Brass Candle Sticks 75o 75c Brans Vases for 39a , $1.26' and $2.00 Vases, small lot nt. eacli ,,,, soo Plain White Handled Cups A special one day sale of 1.200 cups, In cliina section, (2d floor) 6 for 15c Summertime Toys and Playthings Boys' hand car rubber tire wheels. good and ft rung $3.98 A larger size at $3.78 Pioneer Coaster Wagons with brake and iron wheels, No. s site ...$2.69 Climbing Miller Toy See him climb a good SKc toy for lOo Sloop and Schooner Boats. 3 So and 60o Toy Planoa, 6 keys ..26o Earthen SavlngH Banks, each .. ...lo Bennett's Big Grocery-Extra Specials for Saturday Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $!.:; Cornmeal, 10-lb sack white or yellow, at 18c Dennett's Best Cof fee, 3 lbs. . .$1.00 And 100 Stamps. per lb 83c And 30 Stamps. Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb. . . .title And 30 Stamps. Teas, assorted, per lb., for Oc and 100 stamps. Teas, assorted, per lb., for 58o And 73 Stamps. Tea Sittings, per lb. pkg., at ..... 15c Anil 10 Stamps. Imperial Grape Juice pt. bottle . . . .U."5c Raisin Sale loo Seedless kind, per lb., at 10c Del Monte Broiled Mackerel, can, 15c And 10 Stamps. Dutch Hand Soap, 3 cakes '-.V And 10 Stamps. Sterling (.loss Starch, 6-lb box. now at SOc And 50 Stamps. Hartley's Orange Marmalade Jelly now at -Oc French Cut Loaf Sugar, pkg. . .25c Daliiit'l Msraschiuo . Cherries, 6ac bot tle, for 40c Snlder's Pork and Beans, No. 2 can, now at 15c And 10 Stamps. Double stamps on Butterine.- -Country Gentleman Corn, can . i . . lie And 10 Stamps. Capitol Whole To matoes, can, liiJic And 10 Stamp. Galllard Imported Olive Oil. small bottle, at ... .21c And 20 Stamps. Beauty Asparagus per can 20c And 10 Stamps. De Jou French Mus tard, jar 20c And 10 Sumps. Gaillari imported Olive Oil, larae bottle, fit 75c And 100 Stamps. Ghlrardilli Choco late, lb. tin - . .le And 20 Stamps. . and a Pkg.. Flicks free. Diamond C. Tnble Salt, pkg ioc And 10 Stamps. Gaillard Imported Olive Oil, medium bottle, at . . . ,15c And 00 Stamps Spanish Olives, larg est size, pt. , .2oc And 10 Stamps. Cheese, full cicam, per lb. . . . . , .22c And 10 Stamps. Iten s Tourist and Graham Crackers, per pkg ioc And 10 Stamps. Franco - American , Soups, pt. can, 20c size, at 15c Nutlet Peanut But ter, 10c jars 2 for 15,. Liraberger Cheese brick,- for . . . .2(c Swift s Pride Soap, S bars u.5c S. W. C, Table Syiup 12',sC criis, 10c Dutch Hand .'3i,at- 3 cskes 23c And ! t4 Stamps. Macaroni, Star and Crescent, pkg., now at 23c And 10 Stamps. Cheese, Virginia Swiss, lb 23c And 1 0 Stamps. Armour's Yoiloest Slic?d Dried Bo-'f, jar, ac 15c And 10 .Stamps. Bennett's C i p 0 I Wheat. 2-lb. p.. now at jic And 10 Stamps. Cracker, all makes, per ok. : . . . ioc Aud 10 .Stamps. Double Maiups on Granulated Sugar. D I a in o u i S Chill Saucu. bottle. 10c And 1') Stamps. Muscatel Uaisins -large sl.o. lb., 10c Fruit Waters, fresh made, lb pjc Heats and Choicest of Vegetables and Fruits Cost Less Here Fiesli l eaf Lurd, 8 lbs., for. . Pig Pork Loin, per lb., 12?i Fall Lamb Leg, per lb., 13i Lamb Chops Ix!.i or i;b, rcr lb.: at 121st I tolled lUli P.ossl All bone 5 out, per lb. ... -....12?t Pol Itoast Very choice, now t, lb 12 Beef Steak- Young steer, i.t-r lb. at 124i? 81.00 Calumet ltcgular Hams per lb . at 17 Veal Chops per 1'). ..12?4 Veal Itoat per lb., H 0 Lamb lloast per lb. , .-10c Ijinib Stew per 1! 6'i; Veal Stew per lb 0't Bacon Sugar cured' 4 to 6-lb. strips, per lb., l v tho str!i t 17Hc Great Pineapple Sale TI.e choicest Southern fruit that grows la here now The .old ona'day.' 'r,C" " 'ln- Httlf Per Crate. I'er Dosen. . . . . $'-'.35 6fiu . , . . . I-'.&ii sue . . . . . . f2.SU $1.(11) . . .!7S (1 ."5 .. Kuillshea. Iiomo 6 bunchea Wuuntlty In Crate 48 41 36 SO Fancy I.emon; dux 16o Leaf Tettuci. 4 his h.-lis sa Head l.ettuc 2 heads Bo Cucumbers, extra large .,. 80 Cucumbers, home giown, hot house TWO Florida. Tomato, lb lOo Kadi. 6 c 7 lie lllc 12 tic gro n Ba Pplnach. per peck 7 to New Potatoes, peck 3 So i'.huharb, larc. bunehea. no leaves. 1 for lOo Children's Shoe Day Saturday is the children's day here. We shall offer the last of those fine Burley and Stevens' shoes that brought us a record business last Saturday. There couldn't possibly be belter shoes or better styles. They are l.onestly made ot all leathers. They are much under value, but we stand buck of every pair aud guarantee them to "make good." .Misses' and Children's' Shoes, In but ton and lace, in all leathers. ;irls' Shoes Patent colt, box calf and vlcl, button or lace. Boys' Shoes Button styles and blu chers, for dress and school wear. Youth' Shoes Wide toe or foot-form lasts; sturdy box calf aud vlcl bluchers $1.75, $2.50 and $3.50 values, at $1.55 and $1.95 Cleaning Up All Small Lines and Oddments Men's Oxfords and Shoes Here's the best kind of shoe value for men. Of course, It's not a complete stock we have to offer. There are, however, many styles and all sizes are in the assortment. There are blacks and tans. Shoes you couldn't think of buying under $3.00 and $3.3o from regular stock its a metnou we employ to keep the shoe department "-lil snape. mat s ine oniy excuse lor the low price. , There Isn't a flaw in the shoes themselves. We are asking you to a very unusual bargain tomor-i row wnen we give you pit K or the lot for. laitment 'Vhlp ;$1.75