TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 1010. 11 i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET t ShoTtt Corer Early on Strong Cablet from Lirerpool. WHEAT . NEEDS MOEE BAIN Cora stalra Strongr and Higher Ba ansae mt the) CmI Wntbir Over tha Cora Belt -Growth la , Retarded. OMAHA. June 1. 1910. IJvrrpool cables were very strong and surprisingly Ugh. flhorts covered early and cominlwlon houses were fair buyer. Riv ing wheat a better tone with values higher. Rain la needed In the spring wheat belt, and general news waa more favorable to the bull side. Corn acted strrmg and wan welt aup ported oa bullish news. Weather condi tions are rather against rapid growth of the new strop. Wheat advanced on buying, caused by firmer cables, and some unfavorable north west news. Bales of cash wheat are heavy, and millers are good buyers at their levels. Corn ruled strong and higher on cool weather over the belt and reports are numerous as to retarded growth. Cash corn was active and sold Vi&lc higher. Primary wheat receipts were isM.000 bu. and shipments were a,600 bu., against re ceipts last year of. &7.UU0 bu. and shipments uf 238,0001 bu. ' Primary corn receipts were 1,062.000 bu. and shlpmeuls were ,000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 717,000 bu. and saipments of etH.ouO bu. . . . Liverpool closed 12V44 higher on wheat and Vd higher on corn. rang of options; caxes. 15.20; miscellaneous cases, $5.15; southern, $4.73; storage packed. In 00. Keceipts. Shipment Wheat, bu H.tHO Corn, bu S3. M.OK) Oata, bu LOW 17,M Article. Open. Hlgb.j Low. Closs. Tea. Wheat I July.. Bept. tiept. Oats July.. 1 . ' M 90 I 90 1 M 66 4V4l M 66 64 4V 90 I 90 87141 Vi M 1 64 66 I 6W 84V, to WEATHER It TUB CHAIN BELT Fair Is the Prediction, with No las. porta at Chan la Temaeratar. OMAHA. June 1. 1910. The barometric depression over the east continues to move slowly and its center now overlies the St. Lawrence valley and upper Atlantic coajit. This disturbance Is still attended by unsettled weather and rains are falling In the lower lake region and upper Ohio valley. The crest of an area of high pressure overlies the Bas- katchewan valley. This high pressure ex tends south over the Missouri valley and waa the cause of a decided fall In tem perature In the upper Missouri valley and western Canadian provinces since the last report. A trough of low pressure extends north and soum over the Rocky moun- aln plateau and Is followed by an area of high pressure that Is moving in over the l'aeltlc slope. Generally clear weather revails in the MiHsisssppi and Missouri lleys and tnrougnout tne west and it will continue fair in tnls vicinity tonight and Thursday, with no important change in temperature. The temperature and precipitation at Omaha, compared with the jaut in let years. Is as follows: 1110. 19U1. 19W. 19U7. Minimum temperature.... M by 14 be reclpllation .00 .it .14 .00 Normal temperature for today, 67 de grees. tendency in precipitation since March 41 inches. Deficiency, corresponding period In lruU. la Indies. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908. Ui ut an inch. - L. A. WELHil, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Balletla. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at a. m.. 75tn meridian time. Wednesday, June L 1: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- L Oaanfca Cash frtees. WHEAT No. I hard, 597o, nominal; No. I bard, 94c, nominal; No. 4 hard, 8l90c, nominal: No. J soring. 9MiV7o. nominal; No. t springy VufttHc, nominal; No. 2 durum, 80 lo, nominal; No. 1 durum, iwuauc, nom inal. 1 , '' CORN-rNo. a "white, IWf&W; No. t white, RhXurttJM. a: No. 4 ahlte fJStaififtc: No. 1 yel low. fceuAeUc: No. 8 vellow. 63WaMU.c: No. 4 yellow, 62&3c; No. I, 63v4c; No. 4. 62 St Sfjac; no-grade, 404J.4&0. OA TB Standard. 264D.ifiV4n : No. white S6SwUMot No. a white. 84tf3nc: No. 8 yel low, 4ie3br-No. 4 yellow, 83140; No. 3 mixed, 24uv44o. i ' BARLHY No, 4, 4R44c; No. 1 feed, 46 Vv-nc, rejected, 4WM3C. t RYE-No, t, WjfUo; - Tt: 8, (8(9700. ' ;r - (lariat Maeelpta, Wlieat Corn. Oata. Chicago : 24 610 248 Minneapolis 148 Omaha , ( 82 Duluto ...... 2 ... 'j - . CUICAtSO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS ' ratnrs of the Tradlagr and Closing Prleaa on Board of Trad. CHICAGO. June l.-Promises that the turn would-cents, some time were at last fulfilled today in 'the Wheat market. The close waa steady and not far from the best price of the session with a net advance of o to I!i&l!4c. Corn finished H'y-lic to Ho up, and oats hkWo to c. Final figures for provisions were at a decline of JGsvwKisvje. , ' , To some extent the Improvement In wheat was due to natural reaotlon from an over sold local condition. There waa heln also by reason of a firm and higher market at' Liverpool. Keports from the spring wheat slate complained of cool, dry weather and slow growth.- The fact that sales of more than. 2,0u0.000 bushels of cash wheat to , millers has been made in the last three aays, practically deposing or all the No. 1 norUiern wheat brought here from Duluth, v-jin another influence on the buying side of wheat futures. A local expert alxu save out a crop estimate, placing the total at 6&.000,0b0 bushels against a yield of 737,0u0,0U0 Dusneis mm year. 1 un ine otner hand, an official report from Oklahoma Indicated that the harvest there would be the lurgent on record, 10,000,000 bushels more than last ' Var. A Northewestern authority, too. iVured that the spring wheat acreage had Increased 8 per oenl In the three chief states. Nevertheless, shorts put the price up on -inemeeives. neacuons were sugni and scarce. The cash wheat sales here to day amounted to nearly 200,000 bushels, in chiding some to go to Milwaukee mills Heptember ranged between 914o and 92c, closing at V2Aaiihkc, a net gain of lrflc. Corn advanced today. September fluctu atlons had as limits 58S4'(i.Si'i.c and 67c. The closs was steady, V'iftc up at hX'a 6ao. Cash, closed firm with No. 2 yellow at WlSVHtlBC, Uata rose with other grains. September varied from 8&MiSS4c to 3bVtC. and ended VtoSo net higher at 86140. in provisions there was some reselling on 1110 pari 01 yesieraay s Duyers. Last yuoiauons snowea porn aown WWiSo, lard &mivtc, ana rrosr uqwc. Leaulng Quotauous ranged as follows: Stations. Max. Mln. tali. Sky. Ashland, Neb 78 47 ,uu Clear lAuburu, Neb.... M) 44 .00 Clear U k'n Bow, Neb. Kl w .u char Columbus, Neb... 81 4J .00 Cler Culberison, Neb.. 90 U ."0 Cloudy rairbury, Neb... W 4 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 77 45 .00 Clear Ur. Island, Neb., w 44 .14) Clear HartiiiKion, Neb. 76 it ,00 Clear ltusilngs, Neb.... U 4i .00 Clear HoldreKe, Neo... 9 44 .00 Cloudy Oakdaie, Neb 7K 41 .O . Clear Omaha, Neb 74 62 .u Clear 'lekamah. Neb... 74 4a .00 Clear Alia, la 71 4J .00 Clear Carroll, la 78. 44 .00 Clear Clarlnda, la t 48 .00 Clear blbley, la tis 40 .00 Clear btoux City, la... 70 44 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. ni. I Not Included In averages ... 1MST1UCT AVERAOKS. No. of Temp.- Kalrv Dlstrlcts. Slatlons. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, O....... 17 48 40 .20 Liouinviue, ny w T2 , 4ti Indianapolis, lud.. li W 44 . .20 Chicago, 111.. 24 00 42 '.M til. Louis. MO 14 . 72 -12 .10 Les Moines, la.... 14 72 44 .w Minneapolis, Minn. 30 70 Ut .00 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 82 62 .20 Omaha, Neb la - 82 44 .00 Appreciable rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours in the est. Louis, ij.n sas City. Chicago. Columbus and Indian spoils districts of the coin and wheat region, xne weatner is cooler in the e trsme western portion ana temperatures at or near below freesing occurred at five stations In toe Minneapolis district. L. A.' WKlH, Local Forecaster, Weather Uuieau. NEW YORK UUNURAL. MARKET Articles. I Open. High. Vow. Close.) Yes , r Wheat I I July 3V4l Sept. Dec. 91(ovlM corn 1 July Hept. . lec. Oats July Sept. Dec $ July Sept. Lard . July Sept. Bibs" L y July f- BepU ' no S 10 a 70 12 35 Ul'sl VI I Sl'Mjl I I B8V 67SI 68 6SV58Vii4j'Wi58iia 64 6oHlii6ovJ)ui . i3tVtfl 353BfVk 22 20 21 96 12 37 93 91 90 67 36 84 36V 21 90 I 21 90 22 22 il UN I 21 VU 11 96 I 11 97 12 40 11 90 j 11 90 i 11 25 12 20 1 12 20 11 r U 42l 12 17 12 1?, 12 40 U U )3 22i U TO 1 11 92 12 .' No Cash quotations were as follows; FLOL'K Barely steady. . lt h No. 2. 7fAf;6c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4662c; fair to Choice matting. DNBtxu. SEKUS Flax, No. l southwestern. 12.03 No. 1 northwesUm, tZU. Timothy, 4-ii. Clover. 111.26. PKOVIbIONb Mess pork, per bbh, $22.50 Sfii.ii. Lara, per iw 10s., u.tcv,. hnort l ibs, sides (loose, 112 2d 12.47. Short clear sides tboxeai, ii.a.liao. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 8I,0uO bu. Primary receipts wers ZM.ouv ou., comparca wun ii'i.uw Du. th correspond In r day a year ago. The world visible supply, a shown by Bradstreet's, decreased X.W ou. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 11 cars; corn, 381 cars; oats, lw cars; hogs. 24.000 head. ChU-agu Caalv. Prices Wheat: No. 2 rod, tl0U(jl.iu; No. 1 red, WtiVic, No. 1 hard, , auat)Vc; iso. s nara. vo9c No. 1 north rn spring. fl.02l&1.03; No. 1 northern spitng. VVwtl.OO: No. I spring, 9ta"J0c. Corn No. t cash, tlt!Jc; No. t cash, 67u7c; No, 2 white, slfjiR; No. 1 white. 0w40:; No. I yellow. AMvwWci No. 3 yellow. todt.JiVc Oats: No. 2 cash, Kc; No. 2 white, 3Mty mo. 1 wnne, wwac; 10. 4 White. KxySTc: standard. 3M''n3c. BirrrtR steady; creameries, 26g27c; dairies, 23'02c. .. EdGS Keceipts, 18,767 cases; steady; at mark, cases Included, 16(dl6c; firsts, 17c; prime firsts, 1NC. I'll EK8E Firm; daisies. 14W16c; twins. HWyltVc, young Americas, 16io16c; long hosi.H 14Siiil6o. lfuTATofciS Weak; rholca to fancy, 22 24d; fair to good. IKO00. VOULTRT Steady; turkeys, 15o; chiek U4.09. ' VEAL-Study; 69 to 0-lb. wta, i)Rc; , to 6-lb., wis., 9ac; 86 to 110-lb. ts., Chicaga Recelpis Wheat, 24 cars; corn, 110 cars; oata, 248 cars, Kstlmetsd Tomor rowWheat, 14 cars; corn, H cars; oats, 14t caia. . NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 1 t Action of Supreme Court Causei Prices to Tumble Sown. WESTERN RAILROADS HARD HIT News of Defeat of Amendment for Physical Vnlnatlon af the Roads the t'aase of a Rally. NEW VOTtK, June l.-Meaured by the rate of shrinkage of prices, the stock mar ket offers a strong Impression of the sin ister purport given by the speculation to the action of the federal government against the advance In railroad freight rates. The fall In prices today, Hdded to yesterday s declines, carried St. Paul and Heading down 9 before effective resist ance wss encountered. Many other active stocks showed losses for the two days' movement of between five to eight points. Ihe result was the abrupt establishment of prices at the lowist level of the year for all the principal railroad stocks. The showing wss less strlklnar in thn - uf other indtietrlsls. but the weakness In that group was sufficiently acute to leave room tor a presumption of the r rxtmnl in from lie influence common to the whole snecu- latlon. ; The appeal to the principle of unlawful conceit and agreement In the making of the schedules contained In the government suit a nn provcu tne Greatest snoca to snec- letlvo sensibilities. The advocacy In nartv platform and In official utterances of at tendment of the law to permit agreement on rates seemed tn he taken ua srtiitirnnce of exemption from prosecution on the score of Identical charges by the different roads. no prospect or being held responsible Un restraint of trade on the mere score of this Identity of schedu e Is vreatlv feared as a threat of something like changes in the rste situation. Ihe supreme court decision In the Mis souri river and Denver rate cases uphold ing tne runngs or the interstate Commerce commission supplied an effective supple ment to tbe federal Injunction suit as a epressing influence on stocks. The shap ing of the railroad bill In congress received increased consideration as indicating the tendencies toward radical treatment of the railroads. It was congldeted not without significance that the rally in the market followed the news of the defeat of the amendment for physical valuation of railroads. The post ponement of the coal rate Increases trom Indiana and Illinois mines was taken to Indicate the geneial effect to be expectod from the movement of opposition to thcs Increases. . Private estimates of the larae Increase In cotton acreage awakened expectation of ravoranie government report tomorrow. Increase in exports of copper for the week did not prevent a further shrinkage in the London visible supply of that metal. tiunan were weak. Total sales, par value. t3.ati9.UO0. United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on bonds were as follows: sabs. Hlsli. Low. CIom. AHls-Chalmers pfd 100 J S Amalgamated Coppsr H, as t i American Aarlculiural .... 4H4 m. Bmt 8ugar 1,400 3ft 4 3M4 American Can 1 1.600 m. V. A F 8,4)0 66V1 MUj (la Am. Cotton Oil I"0 40 60 41 Am. H AL pld l.t'K) 36S 3414 ' Am. Ica Sacuritlsa b" 13Vi 21 M American Llnawnl UK) 11 iS 12H American Locomotive I.two 4 46 44 Am. 8. A R 4J.KJ0 75 74 76 Am. 8. a K. pfd 1,100 104 lot io:i4k Am. Steel Foundries TOO 6J 62 62 Am. 8usar Kalinins, ea-dlr 100 lit 111 l'S Am. T. T (,00 1S5H 1M Kansas Cltr Orala aa Provisions. KANSAS CITT. June l.-WHFAT-July 830 bid; 8HmW, 87c bid, lK-cember! sso, sellers. Cssh. unchanged to lo higher . No. S hard, 9scil OS; No. a. 94cj4101; No. i red. ttc,l.: Na 1 94firatio. t'OU.N oitjiufcii'tiO bid; Peptember, SBW Bc, sellers; Lecember, 60oue bid; casb e higher; No. I tnixsd, 6c; No. t 6Vatr7c No. I whits, five; No. t, 6!Wf4c. LaTa-vJnchenged; No. I white, M!tOc: Ns mixed. VtAiSJc. ' 1? No. t aWitiKC, iiVa' Uuhajd;- choice timothy, $16.00; clV H-e iririe, 1)0 761911.00. hi TTEK steady; croamery. extras, J7o: flrwis. Sue: seconds, 2Sc; packing stock, 21a fcUUa X toady; current recstpVa, new notations of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Juns 1. FLOUR Generally steady; spring patents, fb.muA.H; winter airaigms, M.ouiai.iu; winter vatenis, m.swui B.2t; spring clears, -Liuu.M: h inter extra.. no. i, 4.uu(a4.4v; winter ejtiras. No.2. U.70 ivausas siraignia. t4.Bou4.K. Keceipts. bi,l bPis.; shipmenu, 1,146 buia. LUllA AlcAL iial'eiv sleauy: fine whits ana .i.tituw, , 4u.4uud.4u; noatse, i.2u(ai.o; aim urieu, i.MHH4.ea. VvHJCaT spui market firm; No. 2 red, ll.oo, nominal, c. i. f. ; No. 1 northern, 81.il, nomlnsU, f. o. b. Option market: Wheat was quiet, but. firm in tne cables, cool and ary weather In the northwest and covering by snorts, closing l4ilfec net auvance. July, u.ov,iuvl.02. closeo. Sl.Ol'A September, WaBc, closed, 98c; Dec ember, WVuW'c, closed, HOC aieceipts, 68,900 bushels. CORN Market firm: No. 2. 880. nominal eievator aomestic basis; export No. 2, 6uc, iiuuiuimi, 1. o. d. upturn marxet was with out transactions, cosing, 4-)c net higher. July closed, 67c; September, 6;c. Re ceipts, 9,000 bushels; shipmenu, 4,890 bushels. OAT8 Boot market ateadv: mixed. WJTti 82 pounds, nominal; natural white, VJsiXi pouiuis, aa-vc; cuppea wnite, WiiKZ pounds, 434i47c. Receipts. 130.276 bushels. WAvirregular: prime. 81.15: No. 1. 8L10 (Oi. ii; no. t. WK-S341.W; mo. 1, sajiajc. nuiH uuli; state, common to choice. 1909, 21(3 24c; .1908, nominal; Pacific coast. 1909, UtilSc; 1908. nominal. H1DK8 Easy; Central America. 23V4e: LKATHKK Steady: hemlock firsts. 29c; seconds, 23027c; thirds, 2232Sc: relects. 214f25c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. 124.00 p.:.ou; ramiiy, ss.ousa'f.w; short clear, (26.00ig27.00. Beef, steady; mess, 16.00& 16.00; family, 119.OO&20.0O; beef hams. 821.00 1 25.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., ll5.NKjH8.00; pickled hams, $16.00 i ic.w. iara, weak; miaaie west, prime. 4U.dixuia.o; reiinea, Dareiy steady; con tinent, iis.40; soutn America, 114. uO; com Pound, tl0.00ial0.50. tallow Dun; prime city. hhda.. 7VWc country, 6lX,(57c. KICK uuiet; domestic. 64i8c: Patna. K Uc. xiUTTKlv r irm; creamery specials. 23c extras. 2hc: thirds to firsts. 264128c: state dairy, finest, 2sc; common to prime, 234) 27c; process specials, 2tc; seconds to ex tras,. 2392&c; factory second to firsts, 22 Uoifc; initiation creamery, CHEESE Firm: state skims. SDeclal. 12c; fine, 10llVie; fair to good, &9c; coiiiiiiuii, oitfio; tun bkiiiis, iVfe'tydfeC POULTRY Dressed, firm: frosen chick ens, ltkQ28c; western fowls, 14 19c; western turkeys, 16jl8c. EOO6 Weak; fresh gathered, storage packed selections, 21022c; regular packed extra firsts, oiiuziftc; ursis, is'SrtjJU'c. t. Lonls Creneral Market. ST. LOUIS, June 1. WHEAT Futures, higher; July, 92c; September, 91c; cash, iirm; iracx rso. 1 rea, XLODtyvl.10; No. hard, ll.OOwl.03. CORN Futures, higher; July. 68c; Sep tember. 68to4c; cash, higher; track. No. 2, buotioic; no. 1 wnite, (uauc. OATE -Futures, higher; July, K; Sep tember, 84a. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, I6 0oy D.01'; extra lanvy anu straiKni, st.4vg4.tKi nam winter clears, ii.kiibj.iu, SEED Timothy. I3.00t(3.60. l'(KNMEAL-43 26. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 97i398c. HAY Steady; timothy, I14.fluwuMW; pral rie., i.i uuin.iw. BAtKHNU 7 J-lOc. HKMP TWINE 7c. PROVISION'S Pork, lower; lobbing, 222.00, ljru, tower; prime steam, ill.av0ll.92 Dry salt meats, lower;vboxed, extra shorts, 114.12: clear ribs, 114.12: short clears $14.81. Bacon, lower; boxed, extra short. na ciear nos, sift.si; short clears, $15.fi?. POULTRY Quiet: chickens, lie; springs, z.sc; turscys, 10c; aucas, tsc; geese, 7c BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24a2oc EGOS Unchanged, 17e. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 7. U0 22,600 Wheat, bu 11.000 HS.wo Corn, bu 12.0u0 134.0U0 Oats, bu 30,800 126,700 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 1 WHEAT July ut-; repiemoer, wwuci casn, No. hard. $1.0K; No. 1 northern, $1.06491.07 No. northern. V1.03,(f 1.04,; No. t north in. ll.0OOl.Ue,4. . SEED Flax. $2.08. CORN No. I yellow, B21?64c. OATS No. S white, SG436C. KYU-No. I, 4Vg9c. BRAN In 100-lb. 'sacks. 118 OOOTIS 26. FLUfR First patents (In wood. f. o. h Minneapolis), tS.OOifl6.20: second pa tent a $40!il6.00: first clears, I3.65&3.96; second clears, li.otxo'i-W. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. June 1. WHEAT pot. aun; iso. reo western winter, no stock futures, firm; July ts 4d; October, ss 6d lx-ember, nominal. CORN Soot. Hiav: old Amariean ml.. 6s6d; new kiln dried, 6std; Via. Galve! to.i, 6s6Std; futures, dull; July, 4s 8d. Sep tember, 4s 6iL FLOCK Winter patents, easy, , urer of the United Piiates, $,V, TT5.32; subsldl Inrv silver coin, $21,SK7,2S6; minor coin, $1, ".7 . 1 1?4 ; total balance In general fund. $s2,-lKo.417. , us New York Money Market. NEW YORK. June l.-MONET-On call, steady at 2V(i.'i per cent; ruling rate, J'4 per cent; closing bid, 31 per cent; offered at S per cent. Time loans, dull and slightly turner; tdxty days, 2 per rent; ninety days. 3(p4 per cent; six months, fits per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4,5i per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE-Wesker, with actual business In bunkers' bills at $4.!4i 4.8425 for sixty-day hills and at $4.K7IO for demand; commercial bills, $4.83'lj4 M. . SILVER liar, fic; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotation on bohds were at follows: V. 8. ret. s, res W Int. M. M. 44 44 do la, coupon nxvlMapaa 4a W V. 8. St. rn 114 do 4a M do coupon lot K. C. 80. let 2a 7Js V. 8. 4a. rea uni'b. k. aeo. w ihi... 3 do coupon 1144L. 4V N uni. 4n... Allll- hl. let 6a.... " M., K. A T. lit 4a Am. At. o bH do pn. 4'4S Am. T. T. c. 4..lw' to. fartfie 4a.... Am. Tobacco 4a TfTN. II. It. of M. 4a. an ea ri. . . a. Armour A Co. 4t.. tlH do deb. .4i... Ttti "N. Y-, N. II. II. 1"4 rv. a 1S1 1"N. W. l.t c, 4a.. S a du ct. 4a li ltlNe. I'aclllc 4s 101 V do 3a V"ii W0. I. U W. 4 S24,Potin. cr. ,ii., 7iV yn-.t e,) t.on 4, '.' Rodlna sen 4a i I', ut .N. J. g oa....l2:Va8t. L. b. K. fg. 4a. Il4 I'hca. A Ohio 4a.. 1'".4 du gen Se S7(, do rel. iia V St. L. S. W. c. 4l.. 77 CliKo A 'A IWa... iota do lat sold ..... t:. H. A VJ. J. 4a.... 9S Seaboard A. l. 4..., 324 Jo gen. 4a 'So. l-aclllc cul. ... C, M. B P. g. 2 : do c. 4a HV C., K. I. 1. c. 4a. 7.-.H do let ret. 4a 4 . do rfg. 4s bJ'Bo. ltallar (a I'M Ooio. lnrt. Ba. 17 do gen. 4s 77 Colo. Mill, is 74 t'nlon pacific 4a Ml C. A 8. r. a e. 4i. do cv. 4s H1.T14 D. ft H. ct. H do let ft ret. 4a.... 1). St K. G. 4a Ji V. 8. Itutibar tie li do rel. 6a HI'. S. Blcel 2d i Uijtlllera- ia 6 Va.-Caro. roein. a.. Kf'a Erie p. I. 4a 24Wabaeh lat , 101 do gen. 4a '."iVs do ut A ex. 4s.... it do ct. 4a, ear. A... 74Weetern Md. 4s Ml do em-lee B 40 VeU F.lfc. cv. 6a.,.. KM Oen. Elec. cv. 6s lie Wl. Central 4s t"i 111. Cen. lat raf. 4s.. iMu. Pac cv. 6a ctla.. 3 Int. Mat. V n Bio. Olierad. Atchiaon gen. 4a.. do CT. 4a do cv. 6s At. C. L. 1st 4s... Hal. Ohio 4s.... do 3s llO !. V. JS.. Brk. Tr. c. 4s... t'an. of Ua. ea... tcn. Leather 6s Oil All A LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Liberal, bat Val ue! Show Slight Change. HOGS ABE FIVE CENTS LOWER Receipts Are Large, bnt tbe Demand Is Reasonably II road and Fairly Active Lambs Are Gen erally ftteatly. Recelnts Were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Estimate Wednesday SOUTH OMAHA. June t 1010 Cntt'e. Hons. Sheep. ... 1.PS4 4.197 3 104 . .. 4. (:. S.G0H 4.7!'l ... 4.5.M 11.7H4 l"t) Three days this week.. 10.417 2:..5'S 0.745 fame days last week . . . .1.047 StUkVI 13.0.18 Same days 2 weeks ago. .12.V'.2 2t.74 18.4!4 Same days 8 weeks ago. .13.7RM 19,:M! 21.270 Fame days 4 weeks sko..14 M0 18.2P3 W.C2S ciame days last year... .11,670 27.3H5 4,W The following t.ible shows the receipts of rnttlo, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with Inst year: 1910. 119. Inc. Dec. Cattle 413.634 Wl.tHS 21.MB Hogs WSC'l l.liVi.ilK! 253.0M Sheep 003.9!il 611, 2M) 7.2V9 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omnha for the last several days with comparisons: Tata UI. I1SOJ. 11004. 1W7.1.106.1. May tt... ) 7 00 S 371 May 1.4... 43)4j e , 6 2g anuy I w 10 97 May 25...I y in 7 101 8 14 My 2...f 9 141 7 111 6 1C May 27... K 27 7 64 S 20 may zs... w -i 7 o.' 6 1. May 2S... 7 021 6 27 ftiiiy 9 3.sa, B 2i, way 81 ... I 34 7 ll1 Sunday. Keceipts and disposition of live stock at tha L'nion Stock yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at o o'clock. esieroay : KKCKIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r 8. Jr.. M Hi Local Securities. Quotatlor.s furnished by ' Samuel Burns, v it lor a L.its ouiiaiug. umana: Hid. asks. Auditorium, Chicago, 6a, 19tt.... Clljr of O alalia 4 Via, U44 uoaby f.cklng Co. as ,a Portland camani sonos ss. uwa V. C, con. botida 4a gs East St. lx)ula A Bub. oa U K. C. Stock Var as slock f Long beii L. umber Co HO Lincoln. -Neb., ts, 1IUU MsDraaka Tel. Stuck e per cent lot) Uouuis Water c ea. lla lw Umatiar-Water to. 6a, 1I 3n Omaha uaa M, 1411 kola UmaSa Uaa ia, 117 MS Omana ai. L. a r. M, ), Omaha K. L. pld, t per cent u Ouiatie St. Hi. ba, W14 tllVs Omaba a c. u. bu Ky. oa, 12I.... Omaha a C. at. St. Rj, pld..., 44 Omaha A C. t). St. Kj., pld at South Omaba, cltr of, 4a, 1U W Swanschlld A Sulauerger 6a, M.. ..luoy, acillo T. A T. 6a, Ml (I opeka Hy. os, UtO o. Trl-Clljr Hr. A L. ea Mvg tniou Stocs tarda, S. O., ex-dlv.... si Am. Tobacco pM. American V.rfolen Anaouoda Mining Co Atcbtaon Atchison pfd Atlantlo Cuaat Line Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian faciflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of iesr Jersey.. Ihreapeaae A UBIo Chicago A Alton Chicago Ot. w., new.... C. O. W. pM Chicago A N. W C. M. A St. P Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern.... Consolidated Oas Corn Products Delaware, A Hudson Iienver A Rio Grand.... V. A K. O. phi Distillers' Becuriues .... Erie Brie 1st pfd Erl id pld General ElecUio Oreat Northern pfd., 100 to W e M li U 2Vs 1,8.10 4tVk 40 41 V el.wa) K1444 UU 104 600 lul 100 100 , 1,100 11 118 lliVs , U,im ill mm in tOO 27 17 ittt , 10,00 1S 77 V4 71 . a. 600 IMUj 192 '4 1WH , S.100 Si'fr 3(Vs 600 lot loVs 100 170 J.O ZIU . 17JII0 4Vi U 100 46 1,100 27 OHO 4Vi 1.500 141 404 SO l U.0OO MVs 400 90 11.500 137 00 It 1.000 1I 1.700 U 46 4S 147 74 16 6 K3 "4 46 si 4 14S 10 . Ss4k Boston Stocks and Bouils, BOSTON, June 1. Closing quotations on mining slocks were: Alloues 42 Mohawk 41 Ainal. Copper Nevada Con .9 L. L. a s ia .Mplaaing Mlnoa lo-u Ariiona Com io4Noith butte .'. al AUanuc 4feNortn Lake 10 A C. C. A S. M. . lii old unminlon ., Do buue Uoalltiun lk40eceola HI I. A Aruona m ranott B. A C 14- Cal. A Hocla eov suincy CenieiHilal ... Copper Kanga C. C Eaat Buue c M... Krankltn lZHiBupenor A r. C. Ulroux Con W Tamarack Oranby Con 9M U, 8. c A O MU Oreen cananea iau. s. o. n. a it.... Isle Kuyale Copper.. 21 do pld 4034 Kerr Laa v HVutTCon. ilss Laae Copper oinwinoiia La Sana copper i iinkwoissan .a. 114 Miami Copper ....... 11 !iUk',. . . . r.v.r. 1,8110 1.OU0 1,600 1,000 200 10.o 141 1.400 181 19 ill 27 45 84 13444 114H 14H M U6 17M 16 f' 11 4.1 14 78 to IS 48 Oreat Northern ore ctla.. I,3o0 41 Illinois Central inter borough Mat , Int. Met. pfd , international Harvester Int. Marina pfd International Paper International tump ... Iowa Central Kansas City So , K. C So. pfd Laclede Uaa, ea-dlv Louisville A Naanrtll Minn. A St. Loala M., St. P. A a. 8. U.. M . K. A T M..-K. A T. pfd Missouri Paclllo National liiscull National Lea 4 N. K. H. ol M. 24 pfd New York Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western.... North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P., C, C. A St. L Plttaburg Coal Pressed Steel Oar Pullman Palace Car.,.. Railway Steel Spring.. Heading Hepublio Steel Hepublle steal pia Hock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfl... St. L. A B. F. Id pti. BU Louis 8. W St. L. S- W. pfd Bloss-Shsffleld 8. 4k I.. Southern Paclflo Southern Railway So. Hallway pfd Tenneaaes Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. L. A W T 8t. L. A W. pfd.... Union Paclflo In Ion Paclflo pfd V. B. Realty U, S. Rubber IT. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va.-Caro. Chemical ... wabaab. Wabash pfd Western Maryland .. 1,200 131 7,600 19 1,200 M 4,400 6 144 146 124 111 go si 190 118 18 19 61 82 M W 600 18 17 18 . 1.000 18 11 11 600 44 46 4644 600 10 11 18 . 1.6U0 82 11 82 So . 1,800 101 101 KB . 4,600 144 140 142 800 118 138 17 . 8,600 U 88 11 600 48 If . 4.100 ST S00 104 It 104 . I. W0 76 71 14 . 00 17 24 16 . 21,600 111 114 lie l . 4.300 44 48 44 . I.704 100 M 10U . 1,800 10 7" , 14,400 124 126 lie 700 t6 14 14 ,. t,400 112 18 181 ,. 1.600 104 106 104 800 100 84 C . 4U0 II 11 1 100 M N v 84 lio 600 IV 18 88 .241.100 167 161 164 . 1.600 al DO Is . 1,100 17 18 8 ,. 14,100 40 18 40 700 87 as SI . 1.004 41 43 44 ,. 1.7U0 II 10 i . 1.400 14 13 l TOO 71 7" 1 ,. 11,400 121 118 111 ,. 1,101 It Ji 16 . 1,700 61 6 80 6U0 21 2 .. 2.4u0 ) 29 800 13 21 .164. 400 178 176 . 1.100 14 II 2"0 71 78 00 II 88 4,100 117 11 Weaungbouse kleclrlg Western Union , Wheeling A L. E Total sales fur ths cay, l.lll.ios shams, .... 4.100 46 14.100 6 .... 8.100 1 18,404 41 .... 1.200 4 .... 1,400 44 .... 404 47 11 SI 1741 H ! 8 lie 41 44 64 (8 1 88 44 as It l 4814 44 S 17 SO ss London Stock Mavrket. LONDOK. June 1. The market for secur ities opened nominally W to 1 point higher, but the United States government's attitude toward railroads Induced continental and local selling. At noon ths market was easier, with prices unchanged to Ik over tne close at New xora yesterday. Consuls, for money. II Louisville A Kaah..l44 do aooount 18 Mo., Kan. A Texas,, lift Amai. tapper i4aw iora central. ...jia Anaconda I Norfolk A Western. .101 Atchison U do pfd at do pfd 104 Ontario A Western.. 46 Baltimore a unio...ne rennayivania .... Canadian Paclflo .. 1 Rand Mines Cheeapeake A Ohio.. 84 Reading Chi. Oreat Western.. 17 Southern Railway Chi.. Mil. A 81 P.. 117 do pfd Da Beers 17Routbera Paclfle ...l'.'l Penver A Rio 0 18 union Paclflo ISC . el so pro . 17 I'. S. Steel go .44 do pld 1SH . 14 Wabash gnu . to so pfd 41 .11. Suaniaa 4s asy. a,atra uiviueua. SUA' E1V-Bar, steady at 24H1 par ounce. MONEY SSa474 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three months' Bills, IV per cent. Now York attains Stocks, NEW YORK, Juno 1. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Silos 817 Leedvllle Ooa. Brunswick Con 7 Lmie Chief .. Com. Tunnel stooa... 84 Meaicaa da bonds II Ontario Con. Cal. A Va. 10 Onhir , Hena a.ive, e, Standars Iran Sliver 141 Hallow Jacket , Bl-dlv. 4o sfd Brie do lat pfd.... da Id pfd Grand Trunk .. IlllnoU Central .. .8 .. I ..MO ,.1M .. M .. T6 .. 10 Treastry Statosseat. WASHINGTON, Juns l.-The fondltloo of the treasury at tha beginning of business tonay waa as follows: Trust Kunds Gold eoln, $867,008,80; sliver aoiiars, i4su.3n,uuv; silver dollars of IWO, u.7ll.tiuo; sliver certificates outstanding l4Kil.817.OuO. tieneral Fund standard stiver dollars in general tuna, tz.8ls.k4k; current liabilities, e).10.9ti2; working balance In treasury of. flees, Hi.eoOlS, in bauks tt) treujt of ireae 4 107 II llM 100 18 i 100 14 101 11)1 83 18 V 88 K IMI 8i 14 M 88 101 ts 7 88 in m. & st. p.: Wabash Missouri Pacific Jnlon I'aciilc B0 , Or N. W. (west)... 62 , Hi. P., M. & O.. 27 C, li. & y. least) 2 C, 11 ci y (west)... 80 C, R. 1. & I', (east).. 7 K. I. Y. (west).. 1 llltioin Central 6 C, O. W 3 Total receipts 214 Omaha Packing Co Hwift and Company... Cudahy Parking Co... Armour A Co Schwarts-Bolen Co Cudahy iiros. fr. K. C. Murphy (Shipper Kohn packing co tSinclmr 1'ucking Co 41 W. B. Vansant Co 44 Stephens Bros SI Hill tt Son 131 B. Lewis 4.1 Huston & Co 83 B. Uoot & Co 141 H. Bulla S7 U Wolf 35 Sol Liegan ID Other buyers Ell .. 14bnannon .A.... 10 . ee superior . 8Suiwrior A R. at. .A lun 11 61 ' 1 New York Curb Market. The following auotatlrus ' are furnished by Logan & fryan, mefnbers. New York Stock exchange, ib bouth Sixteehlh street: Ray State Oaa 27 Inaplratlon ,. Butte Coailuoa 18Laroae ' '. , 4 Cactus zJvev.- conaolldsted... 20 Cblnu 11 NewhOUs M Chief Consolidated..! -16Uhlo Copper 2 7-11 Fraction 61Hay Central 1 Latla-Ualy lSwirt Pkg. Co 104 Ely Central 8,8cais, Roebuok Co. .lav Ely Consolidated .... eo silver Pick I Kranklln 18 Superior A PltUburg 11- Olroux 7Tuuop&h Hlnlna ... 1 Goldtteld Cons 1 l-UTrlnity Copper I uoldfleid Florence. .3 6-16-Nurui Laa lo Ooldfleld Daisy I Bohemia Green Canenea 1 7 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 1. Bank clearings for to day were 82,882,500.35 and for tne corre sponding aate last year 4J,uji,iio.vl Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 1. METALS Stand ard copper was steady, with spot and June at 12. tufa 12 60. Local dealers quote lake copper at S12.753tU00, electrolytic at 112.42 &12.75 and casting at 12.S7iU12.b0. London market closed strong, rtpot, tab us oa; fu tures, 57 16s. Tin, easy, spot, 8M.8u33.00, l.,,rifirm market easv : soot. l4i 2s bu: fu tures, O50 7s 6d. Lead, easy; spot, S4-4A(t2 4.60. New York; 24.lfWa4.go, Kast St. Louis. Loudon market unchanged at 12 10s. Spel ter closed easy at 86.4OSiq.50, New York; 16.06 i&'o.lKt,, East St. Louis. London unchanged at 22 7s od. Kngllsli Iron market lower at 4:a od fur Cleveland warrants. Local mar ket aulet. No. 1 foundry northern, ill.tAKit 17.76; No. 2. $16.6Ui17.2d; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern sort, iik.a&iQ.o. . HT. LOUlt). June l. MuiiAi.9-Ljead. auu 14.2(1. Spelter, dull, weak; fo.go. Cotton Alarket. NI5W YORK. June L The cotton market opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance ol l points in response to Detter cables than due and covering, but quickly broke under a renewal of hoavy western and Wall street liquidation, with contracts selling Into nw sow ground fer the move ment. At a net uecimo ui iiouur, a points for July and of from 8 to 18 points for later montrfs. It looked as if the selling for lone account was less urgent, and later in the morning; prices rallied several points from the lowest on roreign riuying and sup port from recent sellers. bt, lxjtjis. June . ii ium iower middling, 14c. Sales, none; receipts, 824 bales; shipments, SU bales; stock, 28,83) bales. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. June l.-COFFEE Market for coffee' futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of 2 points In response to easier European cables and some scattered liquidation of September by local snorts. Trading was very quiet and the market showed little - further change, the close being steady, net un changed to 1 point lower. Sales were re ported of 7,000 bags. Closing bids follow June and July, 6.16c; August, 41.26c; Septem ber. v.ituc: uctouer ana iMovomtmr. e.zoc lecember, 6.40c; January, 6.43c; February 6.4c: March, 6.48c; April. 6.61c: 'May. 4. Me Spot market quiet; luo No. 7, 8',c; Santos no. 4, pc. Mild, quiet; coraova, V4fi2c Available "npplles of Grata. NEW YORK. June 1. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with Dre vlous account: Wheat, United States, east Rockies, decreased 1,803.000 bu.; Canada, de creased 1,032,00 bu.; total United States and Canada, decreased 2.9fi5.O0O bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increased DOO.OOO bu.; total American and European supply, decreased 2.OO6.O0O bu. Corn. United States snd Canada, decreased 247,000 bu. Oats, United States and Canada, decreased l.iM.OOO bu Turpentine and Hosln. SAVANNAH, Oa., June l.-TNRPE.V TINE Firm ;wlar&7c: sales. 4(12. bbls.: re ceJpts. 846 bbls.; shipments, 622 bbls; stock, 6.818 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales 1,843; receipts, t.118 shipments, L7S8; stock, 46,407. Quote: B 8410 C4.17; L, Ha44o; k, Hvf4.82; r. i4 86 4.8; Q, H.tWnUZ1; n, sn.ou; I, bvoa4.lo K, I6.2&; ll, eooo; wu, osu; ww, bio. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June I. CORN Higher; No. white, 66t6oHc: No. t yellow, 67c; No. yellow. rvUfcc; No, 8. 66c; No. 4, 66; i grade, 62c. OATS-HIgher; No. 1 white, 88ttc; No. white, I7c; standard, SSc. Bagsr gad Molasses. NEW TORK, June l.-SUOAR-Raw firm; muscovado 89 test, 8.77c; ceutrlfugsl M test, 4.27c; molasses sugar. 8 test. 1 62c refined, steady; crushed, i.8oci granulated s-Bici Dowaeceo. s ave. 6 1SI 6 231 2l 6 11 1S) 6 2S 4 27 6 04i 6 22 6 171 4 36 6 Mi 6 32 6 ll'.; 4 34 I 6 2il & 19! t 90 I 6 17 6 931 6 ill I 6 (4 6 2U 6 l: 6 Oil 6 3UI & 1, 6 OS) 32 5 13 4 W) 4 3 4 47 4 43 s 63 une 8 30,, 7 111 6 35 6 10 6 21), o (M; 4 63 4 2 2 W 68 1 29 3 1 1 4 1G0 lVC and TupnepCo.l TEI.r.rMONC .-e. C PorctAS wax yy; BOSTON. MASS OO STATE IIIUT OMAHA . NTH BOAJus er Ysax visa. Minus Wo offer for sale and recommend the purchase of any of the following bonds J.l Wichita rails Bad Iforthweat eri, Ballwsy Company of Oklahoma Citizens Gas Company of Kan kakee, IU. JsoksonviUe (riorlda) Oas Company Munols, Indiana Xaifht Com PT Eastern Wisconsin Railway fc Xdght Company ookford. UUools Ilactrlo Company Racine Oas Idcnt Citmpsny... Eastern Oregon laight 84 Fowsr Company Ssoanaba Fowsr Company of Escanr.ba, Mloh Orchard Mass Irrigation Manl- Rate Trice Yield Due merest About 61 97 5.30 Jan. 1,1933 8 ? .S reb. 1,193a 6 07 H 8.10 June 1,1937 6T. 97 H 0.93 July 1,1933 67, 90 6.10 Oet. 1,1983 E 8Vi S. 10 Mch. 1,1939 5re 101 S ',',. Jan. 1,1930 100 Oct. 1, 1939 e?j 101 B.T5 Jan. 1,1914 t loo e r x. l, 19X3 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: RAT NYE. Pres.. F. B. JOHNSON", Trrns.. Fremont. timnhn rH!1. IP U FARLEY. V.-Pres.. CHAS. W. TUltNKI!, Boston. New Yuil.. R. n. SCHNEIDER. Fremont 1 Caaaaa V -flhMaaftr1 RAILROAD. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION U ON 1)5 CAPITAL , FULLY PAID, O.OOO.O!! saaiiaasasaaaaaiMBMaaniaaasaasavs-r imn m'nranrrT' i I r-T"r-ri-r-r- 8 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. . 4V0 1.M1 6t4 . iftO 3,(JU6 6bV . 4Ni 1.W5 1,111 . H!4 3,3H8 . 115 2.i5 28 i,7 10.W8 2.582 I ,lr.. i'C I - j vessi,-- ah sli isnniil i rlWisnaaaasii i iiSamaiM Total 4,Slii CATTLE RecelDts of cattle were liberal again today and the quality of the offer ings showed little improvement as com pared with Monday and Tuesday. Condi tions showed vory little change and for the mobt part prices remained about steady all around, ritncliy good to choice graaes were scarce ei.ough to attract quite a little competition and some ot the more de sirable ot the offerings ruled a little firmer. Un the other hand the llgntweigiu anu short-fed cattle, in fact anything showing grass, was slow sale at shaded figures. Yearlings show the greatest range or prices, fat stock BtUiriK about as well as at any tuna lately, while thin and grasy kinds are hard tcr move at any figure. "The move ment was not overly lively, but the pros pects were favorable for a good clearance. Abut the only change worthy of note in the market for cowa and heif'rs was the Increased discrimination on tiie part of buvers to take hold of the' medium and common grades, and these were hard to sell even at shaded figures. Texas grass cattle are coming freeiy at other points, and these are much preferred to the ordi nary run of natives ana Dutcner stoca. Veal calves sold atout steady with yester day, but the bull market was badly de moralized, with prices 2k(&50c lower than last week. Not a areat deal of activity was noted In the stocker and feeder trade, as supplies were decidedly limited and there was no particularly urgent demand from any point. v nat few gooa Ugnt stoca steers auu neii ers were ottered commanded fully steady prices, but the trend of values was easier on the ordinary run of medium and fair- tleHhed stock. OuoLations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed steers, 17.2547. 00; fair to good corn- fed steerB, Js.tiOcttV.Ui; common to fair corn fed steers, $6.60u6.50; good to choice cows and heifers, !6.Yf,(jt. i5; fair to good cows and heifers, 24.6045.50; common to fair cows and heifers, 42.76&4.20; good to choice stockers and feeders, 6.50u4i.l5; fair to good Blockers and feeders, t.1ixwo.4M; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, !.'l.50iJ 4. 76; stock heifers, 3.76fi4.75; veal calves, I3.7sftri.tiu; bulls, stags, etc., t3.00j5.M.. 1-tepreseniative saiee: BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. At. Ft. ... 407 1 00 13 lis 7 10 JllllL No. 11.... 17.... Is.... 18.... 10.... 11..., In.... 4..., 11..., ..., 1.... K.... 11..., 10.... 14..., IS.... 1..., 17..., ..., S3.... 21..., 17..., 40..., at... tut 6 44 1)4 6 76 S47 ill e4 4 1)0 711 4 40 1.40 4 bt 1120 4 40 444 4 70 024 4 74 llul 4 7 HUT 4 75 1112 ( 40 l'J 4 K Iiu4 7 00 1147 1 00 1010 1 00 llbl 7 OS ut 1 tw ) IN 7T- t 00 110 I 06 m; t v 1007 1 OS It BS 24 ii t in it it 10 17 13 10 44 no i4 II II 11 14 17...... 11...... COWS. 1121 7 10 1040 7 10 UO 1 14 11KI 1 16 ......106 7 lo ......1041 7 SO 1 61 7 24 101 7 25 U7 7 16 trig It 1311 1 14 124. 7 30 ....1040 1 ft) .... M2 f 36 ....1347 7 44 ....1294 1 40 ....12 7 40 ....im 7 40 ....1241 7 60 ....1320 7 60 .... 144 1 60 ....1141 1 70 ....16ul 1 li 31 344 120 25 47 tr.4 80 30 61 124 140 1 15 84 246 10 30 68 304 IK) g 78 214 ... W (8 1W) 120 25 Ct 210 80 30 28 tH 80 29 60 802 ... t ) 38 17,9 ... W U 211 ... fl 56 SO ... J74 41 342 ... t 30 44 301 ....1 27. 60 132 160 180 43 ...2W 80 111 40 117 40 30 63 302 160 17 82 227 80 t 80 U 2la) . 80 i 21 62 165 80 8 10 II 144 80 111 34 284 ... ISO 13.. 243 ... S 27 48 131 0 110 65 140 80 27 77 227 80 1 30 66. 120 200 I 84 27 173 100 10 40 1) 40 1 30 60 200 40 9 30 39., 807 ... 1 30 11 180 UK) 9 82 14 .104 ... 130 4. ...... .2.14 80 9 32 10 15 86 9 80 77 2.10 160 9 32 4 267 160 9 80 71 112 40 9 32 6 2.4 ... 9 80 72 233 120 9 32 6 230 40 9 30 49 222 80 9 32 49 il 10 9 30 79 139 ... 9 32 87 1.16 140 4 K) 62 fit 80 9 82 30 Ml 40 1 10 , 61 K9 ... 4 32 87 163 ... 9 30 69 228 80 32 84 166 80 9 10 11 230 ... 9 22 15 t7S 120 9 30 47 tnl 90 9 82 67 243 140 9 30 69 2f8 160 9 31 TO 128 180 130 10 141 ... SSI 41 t7 240 9 80 64 238 ... 9 32 45 164 140 9 SO 65 li'4 80 9 II 57 9 ... 9 10 5 237 ... 9 32 14 224 ... 9 SO 41 108 ... 9 31 77 129 ... ISO 14 251 ... 9 32 47 i'5 80 9 30 79 239 80 9 32 14 184 ... 9 84 67 247 ... 4 32 11 231 20 9 80 69 249 160 9 82 61 107 ... 9 10 25 818 ... 9 31 41 m 80 9 SO 76 220 ... 9 82 11 till SO 9 30 78 234 160 4 32 66 181 ... 9 30 76 66 ... 9 81 63 138 10 9 30 67 261 40 9 12 76 211 80 1 SO 66 2l 80 9 85 70 154 80 9 T7 229 120 9 35 C4 144 140 9 SO 71 230 40 9 15 65 277 120 9 SO 74 237 M0 9 33 45... ICS 10 9 30 62 171 ... 4 86 66... 2S9 ... 9 30 68 227 W 1 Si 44 211 ... 9 ttt '18 246 ... I 85 69 144 ... 1 20 71 123 10 9 16 10 263 100 9 80 17 129 ... 135 68 232 120 9 90 45 300 80 9 15 87 264 10 9 SO 83 180 40 9 16 4 110 ... 4 90 H 115 ... 9 85 18 219 80 9 30 44 230 80 9 36 46 284 100 9 80 74 137 200 9 15 18 134 160 9 SO 71 230 40 1 36 41 28 120 9 10 62 113 ... 9 84 4 244 160 9 SO 81 248 ... 9 35 66 277 UO 9 80 83 113 ... 36 46 ..166 60 9 40 75 142 40 9 35 44 943 . 80 9 80 81 214 SO 9 86 14 t5 ... 9 10 69 223 160 9 40 74 160 170 9 10 64 141 40 9 40 14 .... .... 16... 4... 19.... 9... 11.... 4.... 11.... 1 .. 986 t IB ..1087 1 40 ..1096 I 60 .. 7u7 6 64 ..1187 6 76 ..1044 04 ..974 4 40 ..1146 4 60 .. 401 I IS ..420 6 43 ., 170 4 00 l ino 40 1 ISM) 6 60 1 2260 6 60 ...1870 6 60 ..1620 t 40 ..1110 t 76 .. 162 7 60 ..150 1 60 ..144 1 60 172 I 18 4 98 4 00 I 9l 4 9) 4 946 4 26 4 961 4 60 41 1030 t (10 'I UU0 6 23 11 971 I 26 11 UEIFEKis. 661 4 to 14 647 4 26 4 , .... 4it 4 60 11 v BUixa 1310 4 10 1130 4 16 460 4 16 411 4 71 1. 1200 4 00 1 .. . 1470 t 10 2 1340 6 26 CALVES. 96 I 00 4.... 16 4 16 I.... , 126 7 00 1 ... 120 7 16 HTOCKEKa AND FEEDERS. 602 t 10 4 740 I 40 124 6 35 1 768 t 60 (56 t M 14... 480 t 66 666 t 86 14 671 t 70 tit 6 96 HOGS Another small decline was scored In the hog yards this morning on a liberal supply. Demand was reasonably broad and fairly, active, however, and the big end of receipts changed hands in very gooa season Reductions of a nickel were the more fre. auent. the long string selling at 19 30 as com. nared with yesterday's popular price of 11. 36. Order buyers and shippers made a few trios throuah the alleys, but they bought very spaarlngly, moat ot the offerings going to backers. Good lights are still selling at the top of the list and heavy grades or common uuallty nesjiectea as ususi. tftass hava droiiped back to their old-time notches, and instead ot commanding a pre mium over the loads in wiucn may come. are selling "with the bunch ' wltn ths usua doekags. Toward the close of today's market after most of the larger droves had been put up, the trade became dull and weak at prices a little lower than those paid during early rounds. A large share of the supply went at a spread of 10 26u'9.36. as compared with yssterday's spread of ID JOu 40. Tops reached H 40, a nickel lower than yester days short top. v Representative sales: Na. Av. Se. ir. Na Av. Rh. vr. 16 144 ... 9 80 46 1S6 120 t SO 16 173 ... 9 10 14 Sou 140 9 40 .1)1 ... 9 20 41 241 80 9 SO .810 ... S IS 14 Ill 40 1 80 .sal 90 9 22 14 119 ... 9 34 .419, ... 114, 49... Ill ... I W .111 40 9 HI 44 ;i3T ) 9 " A too Ut 22 220 'IN 11.. 41.. 41.. 67... LOW RATE TO St. Louis and Return $15.40 for the round trip. On sale Juue od to Sth via WABASH SHORT LINE Double daily service. Also Summer Excursion Kates to all Eastern Points including NEW YORK AND BOSTON General Agency for all Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines. Information regarding rates, train service, etc,, cheerfully furnished. WABASH TICKET OFFICE H. C. Shields, G, A. P. D. L16th and Famam. IB I If ! Mt lllWWWmW.tr li .IWTlllavJWi Herbert B.Coocfi Go Brokers and Dealers OBAIH PROVISIONS STOCKS Omaha Office, 113 Board of Trade Bldg. Hell Phone, Doug. 631; Ind. A-Sl 1 OLDEST AND liAatGEST HOUSE IsT ajIE tJTATE. butchers, p.Sliii.Dfj; light, fcl. 40 9.60; pigs, 18.6a.00. ' . SMKl ANU LAMBS KeceiptH, 6,609 head Market strong to loc hlgnei. l.atnrn, ,..3(Xg.8.eU; yearlings, iD.MXort.UO; wethers, 4.ia u.bo; ewes, 4J.MJiiu.60, siuckurs and letdcra, tBHEKf Lambs sold at figures generally steady In the sheep barn this morning. In the neighborhood of eight loads were re ceived, and while killers bought up prac tically everything on sale before noon, the demand was neither active nor broad. Oood light and medium weight grades were fav ored, as usual, and moved more readily than less attractive offerings. The best lambs here, a string of Colorado-tad Mex icans, went at fx.25, the same price at which they sold yesterday. There was nothing of consequence in tne way ot ewes or wethers Included In re ceipts, and the situation In this branch of the trade remained unchanged. Very good ewes have been selling around i.lo, but something especially choice might bring tb.25 or better. Wethers have almost stopped coming, and, with big muttons meet ing with sharp discrimination at otner points, It is pretty hard to get much of a line on values. Best handy weights prob ably command $6.26650. (Quotations on lea stock: oood to choice lambB, 17.9088.60; fair to good lambs, 17.000 7. 90; good to choice wethers, &.lb36.&0; fair to good wetners, g4.&xai.lo; good to choice ewes, !4.(Ka6.&;, fair to good ewes, U.btf 40. No. - Av. bii4 Colorado lambs 73 10 Colorado lambs, culls 6 118 Native Iambs 77 75 Western ewes and wethers ,. M 4ns Western lambs ; tsO 16 Western lambs 62 2t Western lambs 67 31 Western lambs 76 11 Western ewes 112 600 Cojorado lambs 70 St. I.onls Live Stuck Market. PT. LOUIS, June 1. CATTLK Keceipts, 2.U0U head. Including wk) head 'iex.uis; mar ket Hteuoy; native snipping and export steers, IK.UO'S.30; dresseu beef and butcher steers, i.90i.K.i; steels under 1,0X) Ins., HJ.UNft'S.Oii; stockers and feeders, ..iititi.A; cows and neirers, li. iiMSuu; canners, ii.bi) Ui.2b; bulls, im.Ih&d.uO; calves, fo.uuCrs.uu; 'lexas and Indiuu steers, 14.doQ7.uO; cows and hellers, tiMx&T.O). ItOUS Iteceipts, S.VuO head; market 6&10o higher; pigs and lights, :i.O(jy.y. 10; pacKers, tiuMy.iO; outchers and best heavy, n.t!(j) fJ.'ii. frill iEP AND LAMBS-Iteceipts, 2,200 head; market steady; native muttons, 4.2U (ofj.'io; lambs, l?.&09.45; cuils and bucks, J.UUy4.00; stockers, 3.O0'y 6.U0. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, June 1. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.&uo head; market steady; steers, I6.6o4V7.dO; cows and heifers, lJ.5oyi.2i; calves, K.OCH(i7.f0. iUXiS Keceipts, 700 head; market steady to 6c higher; top, fcr.tk); bulk of sales, 9.MM. KHBI1.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market slow; lambs, (.&Wiy!l.aO. - Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Bouth Omaha 4,&54 Il,7u4 l,7'i0 tit. Joseph 1,U0 iw H.UMj Kansas City 6.00O 12.000 b,5oo frit. Louis 2,t00 : 8,700 L K,ai0 Chicago 15.000 Totals 2U.0U0 .30,164 66,104 18,000 19,900 Omaha liar Market. OMAHA, June l.-HAY-No. 1, 19.60; No. 2 M.OO; packing, &.00. fritraw: Wheat, W.&O; rye and oats, (7.60. Alfalfa, $12.60. The best grades uf hay are holding their own, but nobody seems to want tne poorer quality at any price. . ... . , Milwaukee Oral 11 Market, MILWAUKEE, Juno 1. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern, l.o;(gl.08; No. t northern, l..4fe'l.W; July, Dl'Ac - OATS 38'Uc. 13AHLEY tiamples, 60a6c. Pr. 8 25 6 26 7 85 8 26 8 00 26 7 75 7 90 6 10 8 06 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Strqng Hoars Steads' Sheet) Lower, CHICAGO. June l.-CATTLK-Recelpts. 15,600 head. Market steady to strong. Kteers, shd8.o; cows, it 0141 ou ; uensis, H'lf 6.76; bulls, 14.604.90; calves, 1.008.36; stockers and feeders, (4 76j.50. HUGH Receipts, M.OOO head. Market steady. Choice heavy, .BO&9 tris; butchers, I'j.OOni'y.ffTH; light mixed, lv.6O14vO.tO: choice light, $u.60U.6;; packing, I9.6uai9.80; pigs, $9.2:9 0. liulk of sales, I9.6649.o0, bHKttP AND LAMUB Receipts, 18,000 head. Market lower, ttuuep, Jt 2f 140; yearlings, Sn.iaKffS 76; lambs, i'.00s.4o; spring iambs, $8.009.00. Kaaaaa Cltr Un Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, June 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, (,0u0 head, including 2,000 southern. Market steady; southern steers lOo higher. Choirs dressed beef and export steers, $7.23 5(8 26, fair to good, 007. it; western steers, iJ.2Ctr7.7d; Blockers and feeders, f4.2b(ti.a6; southern steers, 4 2t"vi7.60; southern cows, i 36iti6.o0; native cows, :.7&s.oO; native heifers. 14.607.40; bulls, H 2646 80; caves, lu Owfil.OO. IIOiW- Receipts, 11,000 head. Market steady to Ac higher: top. 19.60: bulk of sales. fv. 4039.60. Heavy, 9.&oujibVi packers and BOY CHARGED WITH A3SAULT Vaisg Ranch Hand ,ut Lauder Accused of Attacklam tla. ployer's Itaaghter. LANDER, Wyo.. June l.-SpecHl Telegram.) John Kouches, a ranch hand employed by . Lou llennlok, of the I'lnexlale country in Fre mont county, was brought to Lander today on a charge of attempted assault on Angellne Ilennlck, the 7-year-old daughter of Ills employer, He was bound over to the district court. A bunuh ti cow punchers talked of lynching him, but were frus trated by the deputy sheriff, who brought the man to Lander. Kouches is . about 18 years of age, the son of a coal miner, formerly employed at Rock Springs. Inaaraace Taa In South Dakota. PIERRE, S. V.. Juno 1. (Special.) The Insurance tax receipts of tha state for the year ending December 31, 1909, were 18,411. For the previous year tht ' tax receipts amounted to 76,749. The total receipts of ths department from all sources for the year ending December 81, 1909, were IUS.OuO, while tha total receipts for tha previous year were $96,671. Old Capitol Torn Dow a. PIERRE, S. D., June J.-(Speclal.) The work of destruction ot the old capital building Is .going on rapidly," and by the end of the present week tiothlpg will be left to mark the old location except the foundation walls, which will be taken out at once te allow tha grading over of that part of tha grounds.