Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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K.tllM A
f 'olorodo.
$400 DOWN
$400 IN 30 DAYS ,
33,000 ACRES
Balance carried on the Land at (5 per cent.
This land must and will be sold to the highest bidder. You
buy at your own bid. You can count on bargains. Terms less
burdensome than crop payments.
Special trains from Omaha on the Rock Island, June 21.
For excursion rates, description of the land and full particulars
WANTED A Rood auto In exchange for
farm land or good Income town property.
Write and describe what you have, with
exchange price. Address Y it. 4, car Dee.
FURNISHED hotel and 17 Iota In boom
ing So. Dakota town; hotel doing fine business.
owner wll sacrif'ce for cash or take Dart
land. Hal back on place.
Suite 624. New York Life It Ida.
Phone lied llftiS. Omaha, Neb.
WILL EXCHANGE new 4-cyItnder tour
ing car, bust make. (1.360. for city vacant
or residence property; will ai-uunm some in-
.1 ... .1 ...... !' I - i' -.' U
1G0 ACRES sood land six miles from
Plalnvlew. Neb. For uarllculara address
Luck Box 726, Harlan, la.
Having purchased from the con
tractors who constructed the new
street car barn at 11th and Pacific
Sta., Omaha. 300,000 feet of new lum
ber, temporarily used for forms In the
erection of the building. Two-thirds
of which is Just as good for building
purposes, as new lumbei direct from
the yard. Consisting of 2x4s, 4x4s,
2x6s, 2x8s, 2x10a, 2x12a, and several
thousand feet of sheeting, varying In
length from 12 to 24 feet, will be on
sale In quantities to suit purchases at
11th and Pacific Sts.. on and after
Wednesday, June 1, 1910, at prices
from $C to $15 per thousand. In ad
dition to the above there are several
thousand feet of sidewalk lumber and
about 100 loads of kindling. Phone
Doug. 1882, Omaha, or So. 128, South
515 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
BcJi i'hone Tyler 1070. OMAUA, NEBRASKA.
FOR SALE 5-acra tracts of the best
irchard lund- In the United Slate, nil
planted In apples, peaches, plums, pears,
faspberrlta, blackberries, grapes and pio
iant. tlbO cash, balance (Li per month for
men tract. One of these will make you
liOt pendent In three years. Write at once
!oi particulars. Twin Falls Nursery &
Orchard Co. P. O. Box lints Twin Falls,
roR SALE Best Indian bargain; 240
teres Cass county, Indiana, 4 miles from
Hoyal Center; Lo acres level, deep black
toll, well ditched; balance Umber, well set
In blueraas; large 10-room brick residence,
modern; all outhouses; barn poor; two
luiea orchard; two deep wells; ueur sctiool
knd church; telephone and daily mall; very
testrable place; for short time only 172 per
acre. MX 00, Kokoino, lnd.
LAWN fnoWer am Well am rtthaw n,Hai
tools at low prices at
Novelty Store
N. 24th St., South Omaha.
FOR SALE Michigan farms. No. 1, 20
teres, cleared; small House and barn; home
tiuuj near town; line fruit land; ll.uuO.
xo. m, 40 acres, cleared; good house and
tarn; pieuty ot Irun; lovei. ood sou; (l.ttiu.
jno. 3, 200 acres, rich loam soli; level; 4
lilies Muskegon, city U5,0uv; 12 per acre; (l
per aeie uown, balance easy terms.
No. 4, 4o acres; M cleared; good build-
bigs; line lane troni; 160 acres beech aud
tiupia Umber; (2u acre. Others, catalogue
tuu list ii eo. 'bw iivaiia-tioit Co., iie
Uiont, Mien.
FOU SALE Porfnctly equipped poultry
tarm, 2o acres; sure crop; uoi aifected by
tiost, lioou or drought; successful business
I years, tlnest Chicago iraue; Investigate
teiaus; 111 health, u.. H. Weia, buuia
Haven. Mloh.
FOH SALE 0 acrea on lake; 100 rods ot
ake troiuagc; this lies in sight of a beau
mul village; laae bas tin tanay shores,
u lords Hud flmiing, oattniig; w acres tim
ur lanu; is good for ail Kinds of gram
is wen s fruit; this lays on two main
loads, R. F. U., telepooiie Hue; (1,200, ooo
luwu; oi acres In uie euge ot a village;
I-room cottage, large burn, outbuildings,
ippie orchard of largo, bearing ircea; soil
a a dark loam and a saiidy loam, good
lor all kinds of crops as well us lruit;
11,700, i'M) down.
OKU. BRIDGES, Banger, Mich.
FOR SALE A good ten acres; buildings;
some fruit; uities south of 6u Josepo.
Price (l.iuo.
Ml acres, grain land; good buildings, well
aud winumui. Price Hooo.
lu acres, ciose to inieruroan station; good
buildings; pamy fruited. Price (2,600.
W acres uirectly on mo iiiteruban rail
way, i'.t miles lrom bt. Joseph; good build
ings, goou soil, well lrulted. price (7,000.
iNatutal timber land lying directly on the
banks oi bt. josepu river, Just across tna
roud from luleruruan station. Will sell In
parcels to sun purchaser. This Is a fins
place tor summer. bcnuli at Plxley, ot,
Joseph, Mich.
- " " - " . B'lv-fiiMiiB
times. Inn rrniluntlni, Hma nhmilyl I.a -
membered, and gifts ot Jewelry leads all
in (jieuiution. jacooson ac n uren Co., 2wn
N. tel., So., Omaha.
FOU SALE 200 acres (Nil land; good
country, good neighbors; U acrea rough
in timber, balance lolling to level; 23 actus
timothy, U clover, M pasture. A) hog pus
lure, bo corn, 20 oats; o-room house and
tenant house, shed barn, granttry (l.uuv
bu.), i other outbuildings; never failing
water; land advancing 10 a year; tele
phone, K. F. Li.; Mi per acre, or will price
clock, crops, and give possession; 40
from Kansas City, miles Odessa, on C. &
A. U. It. J. W. Gray, Odessa, Mo.
DETAILED Information rurnlshcrl con
cerning Oregon and Washington. I am con
stantly traveling through botn stated t .
anting fruit and farm land Investments.
Write nie. W. Q. bouther, The bouther
Albertson Co., &ti Oak bt., Fortiand, Ore.
oath Dakota.
COME to Walwortn county in the
famous Blue Blanket valley, where you
cun buy the finest land in tioulh Dakota
al prices worth the money uot boom
prices. Several thousand acres to select
i rom on main Hue C, M. at tit. F. road
Mom cnicugo to the Faciflo coast. Act
(julck. Frices are going mgner every aay.
vv rite for booklet and map. W. a. Myier,
Stiby, b. I.
FOR SALE 3J0 acres; every acre tillable;
deep black soil; near town; price, Hi per
acre. Frank Mashek, Kimouil, a. u.
Better land values ran be had In Mlnne
lota today than In any other section ot
;tie country. Farmers are flocking here as
never before.
We wlsli to form connections with com
petent and reliable men to handle propo
uuona thut will make Dig profits and sat
iy your clients. Things moving fast. Let
is get into communication at once concern
ug botn our wholesale and retail propo
rtions. We have the lands, have had years
tf experience and can deliver the goods.
FOR SALE Nice quarter; to acres broke,
D acres good hay land; nice grove, 3Vi miles
turn Benson, Minn. County seat town of
luo population. Land Is worth (30.00 per
lore. Will take -111 a good five-passenger
into as part payment. Address Junius
lacobs, Sioux Falls, S. D.
FOR SALE 10. 20 or CO acrea choice fruit
and in Bitter Hoot Valley, Montana; under
1 lene; 17 acres orchard; B. K. V. 1. Co.
talt-r right; house, barn, lco house, other
mildings; uitraclive prices. Address Clin,
i. Carney, Corvallls, Mont.
G10 or 320 acres. If you desire to buv In
tie rain belt, near market, writo for pull
Htnicuiurs. u. JU. w right, inia s. 3tth St.,
H.000 will buy H sention of land I mlloi
nuin or uenKeiman. county seat of Dundy;
tood soil, level road knd close to water,
los. Ml. AlM-n. Nob. Owner.
(10 PER ACRE and up buys good farm
lauds, frequently wh Improvements, In
Virginia. Flue climate, water, markets and
society. bend for beauuiul Illustrated
bttiiiDnlet. tarm lists, rates, etc. F. ti.
Uliaume, A. ot i. Ageat, M. W. lly.. Box
no, Koanoke, va,
FOR SALE Altolma stock farm; 16,000
acres in one body, 'M ni.fes of Austin, t
miles of Lbdiider, eight good residences,
einht farms, ulenty of arass and water:
lou.uoO cords ot wood on land and good
roads; (0 pur acre, one-third caBh. Other
large Tracts at an prices, cox m, win
lerset, la.
FOR SA.LE M0 acres of land, 2 miles
from IZugle river, Vliaa county, Wisconsin;
7 acres ulowed: one-half mile lake frontaae:
on town roud; 200 rods ot fence; cheap and
on easy teruis. Writs Orant Law ton.
Allllgu, w is.
To the liomseeker or investor; W hy not In
vest In Marathon county improved farm and
cul-over lands I llcaiturul cliniute, produc
tive soil and best of markets. Our cut-
over lauds can be bought lrom (10 to J-0
per acre; 5J down on an acre and balance
in yearly payments. Write us now for
particuiurs. Make known your wants. Ad'
tircss The Edgar Realty Co., idgar, Wia,
In western Nebraska and Colorado. Writ
(or prices.
Sidney, Neb.
Norm Dakota.
North Dakota
Farm Lana
If you want to buy good, smooth, tillable
knd for your own use or as an investment,
to with us to North Dakota on the nexl
utcursiun, June iln. We are clotting out
,m0 a crew In quarter aud h.tlf sections ut
rum (lo aO to (1.00 per acre, closo to main
In of Northern Pacific R. R. In a ntifcn
.01 hood where lands of the hanie iiuulily
ire retailing for (15.00 to (J..uO per acre.
ne-flfth of the tract was sold as a result
if our first trip. If you want advantage
if these cheap prices, don't delay. These
tnds are not only fuio for wheat, oats and
lax. but every vrgeiablo lathed in Iowa
r Nebraska is grown successfully there.
;orn makes a lair crop; airatra I getting
. good start and l.i a sure winner. Let
is show you photogranhs in our olfice.
The land is underlaid with ciml and mines
re being worked within a mile of It, which
a great advantauge to the farmers ami
dds to Us valu, but nothing is added to
he price on that account. Steam plows
no running In nearly every neighborhood,
rttlers and investors are buying, aud this
did la certain to muko a big advance he
ore fall.
U with us Juno 7th. Round trip rate
torn Omaha, (26. All your expenses paid
t you buy.
1608 Farnair. Omaha.
FOR SALE An eastern Maryland farm:
210 acres; near salt water; steamboat
wharf; daily trains to Philadelphia and
New York, anyone wishing a fine farm.
now is tho tlmo to buy; must sell before
July 1, 11)10; price only (20,0uo, one half cash
bulance any time In five years to suit pur
clntKor; want money to uso in canning
butluwss. Addicts J. A. Baker, c;ast JNew
market, Dorchester county Md.
Perristent Advertising Is the Road to Big
ilAHMN UROS., Sd floor N. Y. Life. (JOt
to 1 iwipWj uii iii.'iirotcu tiiupriy. At -j oeiay.
WAN1IU-CUy loans. Peters Trust Co.
WANTED CUy loans and warrants. W
K&inam fcir.lth c Co., UM Farnam St,
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
1100 to (10,000 made promptly. P. D. W'ead
Wtad Biitg.. lin ana 1-amain.
:oo to (5.VJU on homes in Oinaba, p'Keefa
P.eul Kslute Co, luoj N. Y. Lite, bjuglas
or A-21U.
FOM SALE Section nr fine Dickey county,
forth lis kola, land four miles from mar
iet: one-half under rultivuttun and now in
rop, balunce now being broken up and
rill be seeded to flax; sliaro of crop cues
o purchaser; owner mus: sell at once;
rice low and terms reasonable, the blKKest
nap on the market in Dakota land. Writ
r rail on Youker Perry, Lllenda.e.
I. D.
to loan on
Omaha business property.
Room I. New York Life Bids.
Thursday Will
Be a Big Day
at the Stores
Proprietor! Tell What They Them
lelves Consider the Best Bar
gains Offered Today.
The nld relinlil rmii t.iottor uUr.
N. E. Cor. 2tith and N. Sts.
HATS and hair goods In great variety at
prices that please. Ryan Millinery Store,
01S N. 24th St., So. Omaha.
COMBINATION refrigerator and niilfi-
board cheap. Wl North 24th St
MISFIT tailor .d suits (35 and (40 values
t (15. Sea A. Rubensteln, 2UVs S. 14th St
Thursday, this week, will be an unusually
busy day at the downtown stores. The
late season has kept the buying back and
the stores are making it an object for
women to come downtown Thursday. It
Is always Interesting to know what the
heads of the stores pick out as the b'g
gest bargain they are offering, so they
have been asked to glvo their opinions.
Mr. A. D. Brandels said: "I think the
best offering we are making for Thursday
is the assortment of women's neckwear In
Dutch Collar and lahnt atvlea UtfMnh in
offered at 25 cents; they are worth from
ov cents to T6 cents.
O. K. Srofleld. Whltn thA nilAslInn vai
asked, replied: "The long pongee coats
un ron collar and cuffs of delft blue silk
molrat These are trimmed wllh half Inrh
bands of material like the coat and are
priced at (9.50.
At Bennett s, Mr. Shantx. the srenGraJ
manager, aald: "Fifteen dollar gives
very woman choice of any colored suit in
he enUre stock, running up to (40 In value,
expensive wooltex suits are included at
15. The season is getting late and we find
I advisable to dlsDuse of thrsn milta ot th
ridiculous prices uuoted rather than carry
stock from one season to another. We cut
tne price to move the goods. We think
we'll succeed, too."
A Choice of (4.00 and l.,00 latest atvlfl
misses' and Women's Oxfnrrta tnr ? K0 la
considered an awfully good bargain by Mr.
euson ot Benson & Thorne Co.
Mr. StOeUel Of the Stnntznl Klnoa nm
pany said they are offering the Detroit
Ideal gas stovij and the cold storage re-
irigerator at very easy terms and low
prices for Thursday.
Mr. George Ulbbs. nronrle
nome rurniture Co. In South Omaha, said:
wo are offering a solid oak telephone
itand and chair to match I n mlaalnn finish
Wo quote a price of (3.E0, but the real value
i tuny if."
Misses' pumps that hold their ahane llnr
to the feet and don't on am wf,,n ,i
bargains for (2 at Drexel's. Mr. Hnti.ii.
of the Drexel Shoe Co. says they are of-
ienng mese pumps at (2 more for the talk
it will stir up than anything else.
Hayden Bros, are orfnrlna- in th-i-
broidery department edges, flounclngs and
corset embroideries at 6c, 9c and 15c.
Martin & Rubin, K. 21 old U. S. Bk. Bldg.
FOR BUSINESS wear the new sack suit
but don't fall to patronize Ed. Thiel, Fine
Tailoring, 7ia so. loth St.
WANTED TO BORROW (400 or (500 for
1 year. Will pay 10 per cent interest. Ad
dress. H-6?l, Baa,
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand
furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes.
mono Douglas savi.
Orders Animals Destroyed or Taken
lrom Work When Foaud to
Be Unfit.
Tho report of Humane Officer wmi.
drldge for May, contains the following de
tails: Horses and mules destroyed, twelve.
dogs and cats destroyed, five; animals or
dered from work, twenty-seven: anlmni
ordered shod, seventeen; animals Inspected
on excavations, 114; broken blinders re
moved from harness, twenty; admonished
for cruelty to animals, fifty-five; arrests
for cruelty to animals, one.
cr telephone Douglas 1600. METROPOLI
TAN FEATHER CO., (03 N. feOth.
Best prices for BROKEN WATCH1E3.
Old Gold. eta. NATHAN, 211 So. 13th St
SECOND-HAND clothing: party, after
noon dresses. John Feldman, D. 3128. A-2636.
BEST prices for second hand clot nine:.
I. FARBER, 609 N. 16th St, D. 3440.
nr A VTLn to. .i.t I an a.
by responsible party no children modern
kA.iaa In Waof I'oi-nam n LUM t..W J .
trict, with At eaat four bed rooms, not
iHAl.mjtlna msl'a mmnnmrn A A A I t .hi'
Care Bee.
We Are Getting Numerous Calls
For Houses of All Sizes. List With Ua
(24 N. 7. Ufa Bldg. Phone Red 1999.
JAPANESE wants position at housework
In family; gentle and honest. Address W
7-11 LJ
JAPANESE chauffeur wants position:
can drive, ana ao repairs on gasoline cars
references. D b4. Bee.
POSITION In cloaks and suits as fore
man alterations or new work. Tel. D. 6289.
WANTED by energetic, well appearing
school teacher, suitable employment during
summer months. Aduresg U-M3 Bee.
ma-ster. Military Prison, Fort Leaven
worth. Kans.. June 1, 1U10. Sealed did
nosals. in triplicate, will bo received at this
office until 10:30 a. m. June 30, :i)0, at
which time and place they will bo onened.
for furnishing approximately 5 tons soil
pipe and fittings; l.WJU Diana cocks; 7'.K
non-syiihoning bauln trans: 10.000 feet w. i.
pipe with fittings. Proposal blanks, blue
prints, etc., luvnisnea upon application, ac
companied by deposit of (5.ou, same to be
refunded upon return of blue prints, etc.,
to tills Office. MAJOR THOMAS 11
SLAVENS, Constg. yuartermaster.
mi mzsme met
WFII fig mT H Willi VHILE
StM IsvEAt&orne CfiWrM I few. JUST TO
"8u lffM WPU? J VsSbkm j TAWE ME BACK
LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, wiiu privilege of making paitml pay
ments semi-annually.
W. 11. THOMAS.
UU First National Bank Bldg.
LOWEST RATES Bemia. Brandels Bldg.
FIVE PER CENT BONDS fur sale, la
amounts from (JO to (j.oou; we cash them
any tune. Ameiicau bate Deposit Vault,
lit 6. tfm, Bu UMi,.
(, and T-room houses. If prices are light
run sell your property tor you.
bull to. N. V. Lite Bldg
WE HAVE on hand a number ot Ink
barrels which we will tell for bO cents each.
Tliry are flue for rain water or ashea Call
at press room. Bae Publishing Co
Maximum Steamship Luxury
mm un
Six Days New York-Paris
Compazine Genera le
Kleemnt mod ira express steamon 'eav New
York for Havi . Thursdays 10 A. M. Express
train connections for Paris and all continental
points. Passengers have the comforts of famous
hotels superior cuisine, palatial suites, mag
nificent salons, orchestras, gyr.maium, eleva
tors, root gardens, dally paper and every
desired luxury. Naval ofllcers: tnan-o'-war dis
cipline. Safety Is amply provided for by wUa
sss and submarine bell signals. ,
Ln Savole ..June 9 i La Snvcle. . June 30
La Provence June 1( La Provence. July 7
La Lorraine June 2'i I La Touralne, July 14
Additional milnn at 14 cabin prim sltarnat
gturdays br aoputar ooa claai cabia ittamara
te to tiit.M.
1. al. atETHOtDS, lBOa Farnam Bt,
W. B. BOCK, Art. O. M. fc UU P. Ry.
H. O. BHiri.DS, IGol rarnam BL
LOT77X HdE, Ttrst Saboual Bank.
UNION IITATON Toatk aaa Masoa.
UDloa Pacific . Leave Arrive
ChL Pap rat Mall. 4:10 p. m, ( 45 p. m.
Atlantic Ex Dress a . n.
Oregon Express 4:00 p. m. b: a. m,
Ortgon-Waali. Ltd 12:40 p, m. k:40 p. m.
"""i ojJwtuM ..... e:j a. m. u:ju a. m.
Colorado Special ......11:4s p. m. Lit a, m.
Colorado Express .... (.60 p. m. 11:00 p. ra.
North Platte local.... 8:15 a. m. 4:46 p. m.
Grand lalaud Local... B-.Ht a. in. l:iia a tn
Lincoln-Beat. Local... 111:41 p. m, 1:20 p. m.
ai. ac v.iy ui.,u;u p. at, 1 . JU p. m.
CUtcago, Hock la I an a Paclflo
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..a (.40 am al0:S0 pm
Iowa Local a ;3. B
Lea Molnea Local a ;00 pni al2:(0 pot
Iowa Local Q10.& am b v:tt pro
Chicago-Eastern Exp... a 4:w pm a 1:15 pa
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a .l put a ;04 tua
v uoi.
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln , a 8:26 am a 6:47 pm
Colo, and Cal. Exp a 1:26 pm a 4:W pm
Okla. and Texas Exu...a 2:W urn m i-ui ;.
Rocky Mountain Lld...alU:40 pm a (; am
Calcano at Kvrlhrreatera.
Omaha Express a 7:00 am all:!- an
Chicago Local ali:Uo pm a pm
Colorado-Cnlcago a 6:20 pm a (:UI pm
Chicago Special a 6:00 uin a 7:ti am
Pacific Coast-Chicago, .a b:wv pm a t:a pm
ios Aliases iiiuiueu....a :iw pin tl:ol pm
Overland Limited all:4a pm a 7:46 am
Denver Special ala.40 am a a. 42 aiu
Carroll Local a 4. JO pm a k.tO am
c ast Mail a pm
Twin City Express a 7;o0 am al0:20 pm
Sioux City Local a (:e pm a 8:28 pm
Minn. Ai Dakota Ex. ...a 7:uu pm a am
'ivilu City Limited a s;00 piu a 7; JO am
Llncoln-Chadron a 7;&0 am a 11:00 am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:U am alo ti pm
uviim riuo-iw. Artavvv...u m.ta vm a e:U pm
llastings-Superior b 1:14 pm b 6:i0 pm
Deadwoud-liot bpga a :tw pm a i.w pw
Canpei Lauder a :f pm all:u0 am
c itiuonl-Albioa b put i t.i, pu
Onjahc-St. Louis Ex.. ..a (:M pm a 8:25 am
Mail and Expreea a t.tu am all:U pm
btanberry Ixtcai (from
Council Blutls 0 6:00 pm am
Miaaoari Puclflo ,
K. C. at Su L. Ex a :40 am a am
k.. C. a. ttt. L. L.X. Uv
Sau M p. m. ail;l5 pm a 6.30 pm
llnuOAa Ceulrai
CUlcago Expreaa a 7:00 am a (:46 pm
ciucago imuieu a 6:w pm a i.ii am
aiiuu.-ou x aui .xi D :ww am
Mmn.-bU Paul i-iu a put a i:4 am
Uiualia-Fb UoUge Loc..t 4.1a mil til: to am
CUleuao, A at. 1'aal
Uerlaud Luiuied all. 4a pm a b:u0 a;,
Oiiiii-v-I."-o ax a .i am a ;w am
(.wioiauo Byawial a J.ji am axl.j p.u
coio.-caiUwi.iiu Ex a .w piu a mimti yiu
rnjr-waiau irfOwai t y .-. ktii.y
miutii ureal v valera .
Chicago Limited . a &:M pm
iwm v-tiy uiuueu a a a.w m
C-lWt.4iU UiAVlteas m, a.W pm
vu wily t :w iui ai
IllllLI.NUlOA liAllb. Ttslk aad
a 13 nn
will rent that vacant bouse, (111
those vacant rooms, or secure
baar4ara ea abort notloe, at a very
mall coat to you. Be convinced.
U urllug tou
Denver and California.. a 4:lu piu
Puget Sound EapruM...a 4:10 pm
Neinaska points a k am
biack llilia a4.ipm
Ninhweal Expross all.A pm
Ncbraaka puiiiut a .M am
Lincoln Mail li l.Viill
Nebrassu Expras a s.w am
Lincoln ioual ,,
Lincoln Local a 't :i pm
bcnuyitr-PiaiLsmuuin....u i.uv pm
r.aiiaiiiouia lowa a .i am
Bellevue-1 laiu iniuni.....U p
Colorado Limited all:Zi pm
CiUkag'j bpeciat a i Ij aiu
Chicago Expieaa a 4:2w pin
Chicago Fhat express, a l SU piu
Iowa Lot I a s.i& am
Creslon-icwa Local a pm
bU Louu Exprvsa a t:iiu
K. C. uid fcv. joaepa....alu.s pm
i. C aud be Josepu. ...a V:lsam
c, C, ai.d bb rfUJt:pu....a 4-wpu
a 8.& d
a i:10 pm
a b.u vfn
a k:lv pm
a 4 :(M am
a k:lv um
aU:L piu
a u:iv p
u y.ut a
a i :a p
biu.-v a
a .'
4 p
a :0Va
all Mu U
a l.aa pm
a k:tw am
alu .jw am
niv a
kU.ii a
a k.w a
a k:w pm
WEIIiiTliH ITailoK--kifteealb aad
MUaoarl Paelfla
I ft V m S - -
Acbura Local b(:Uiput bU:10pm
. i i a. I'.hI 11U,i...uIi. m.
vwvwaw. v . . - w-t - m
Flcux City Express b 1:00 pm b 11:45 tm
Omaha Local o ti au pm
tloux City Passenger b LJItiu
Twin City Paasengei ....b k:w am
Emerson Local b 6-bi pm b (:10 am
Brightside and His Boy
"Please Pitty the Lonely Married Man."
Their Latest Tabloid Sketch.
"Well, the glad vacation season has about
arrived again," remarks Brlghtslde, yawn
ing with that tired feeling, as Mother's
worry enters to tune up for the evening
duet. ;.. .
'The married ginks at the office have
already begun to sing Hooray, Hooray!"
Son replies, applying a match to a "cof
fin nail."
"New York is a lonesome place in the
summer for a married man," eays Father,
'That's the con game they hand to the
skirts," comments Son. "It's a wonder to
mo how they ever get away with It. When
hubby takes wlfle and the kias down to
the steamboat pier to send them away
where It will be cheap he tears off a sad
and lonely scene that would make even
Sarah Bernhardt spill the damp stuff. The
chances are he doesn't wait till the boat's
gangplank Is pulled In before he beats
It in a taxlcab to meet the bunch to sap
up tho Dutch Buds."
'Between attending to his business in
the daytime and then trying to find a little
recreation at night when he is all alone
the man whose folks are in the country
doesn't have a very pleasant time," ar
gues Father.
"Most of tho bunch of summer widowers
can locate the recreation centers with
blinders on their lamps," declares Son.
'And take it from me, Pop, they don't
let their business put tho kibosh on a
good time."
'I never can see anything attractive ln
big city during the hot months," per
sists Fattier. "At night tho streets are as
empty as a village churchyard."
"Far be it from mo to lead astray a
homelovlng parent," says Son, with the
suspicion that his father is seeking in-
formation, "but when mother beats It for
the old homestead and this Harlem flat
looks like an Eighth avenue store after
a bargain sale, just hook up with your
little Willie for an evening and watch
tho giddy wheels go "round."
"Purely as a tour of Investigation, in
an effort to acquire sociological informa
tion of value, I might consent to such
an expedition," is Father's guarded way
of accepting the bid.
"Most of 'em begin that way,'-" retorts
Son, knowingly. "To a cnap that knows
there are worse places than little old New
York In the good old summer time. Some
guys can't see any fun unless they are
pulling a leaky old mud scow up a river,
raising blisters on their hands and putting
a lobster colored sunset effect over their
complexions. But give me a roof garden
near Broadway and Forty-second street,
swept by gin fizzes and other home made
breezes, and I'll camp,'
"Camping out In thv"eat country has
a thousand delights that cannot be dupli
cated in a city," enthusiastically asserts
"There are a bunch of things we can't
match," Son admits, "but I couldn't find
one, word with enough sulphur ln it to flt
what I wanted to call 'em. When our
tent blew down the first night out, the
kerosene spilled over the bacon, the ants
got Into the sugar, the rain soaked the
coffee and a few other trifles like that
were pulled off just to make us feel at
home, I made up my mind I didn't care
for camping."
"The country air and the mountain
scenery are features that appeal strongly
to me," says Father. "The air always ,
gave me such an appetite." -
"As I couldn't eat the scenery and had
no way of canning up the air to bring
home to turn loose ln the flat. I never
figured out where I got my money's
worth," Son complains.
"Boarding ln a real old fashioned farm
house, where you get fresh vegetables and
fruits, right out of the garden, Is the
acme of rural Joy," is Father'! optlmlBtlo
"They give that to you Jn the neatly
printed circular when you write asking
the price for board," explains Son. "What
you really get Is salt pork and canned
goods. They ship the garden nass to the
city In exchange for more mazuma, which
is not bo rural as It may appear on thf
bills. That's why your little Willie pre
fers to stay ln town."
(Copyright, 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
A Talk About How to Run a Newspaper
Every man who has not tried It, thinks
that he can edit a newspaper, write a
comic opera and manage a hotel. I still
believe that I know a lot about the hotel
When I went to Chicago to help Victor
P. Luwson uplift a community that did
not want to be uplifted, I noticed every
day, in going to the roof-garden, a large
and well-lighted apartment In which a
number of nobby gentlemen were seated at
roll-top desks talking about circulation.
Most of them were nmoklng and the more
thoy smoker the more enthusiastic they
became about tko clrctijation. I learned
that these aristocrats of our profession
were what Is known as the business end
of the paper. About the time wo began to
diagram the dally murder tliey would put
on their top-coats and dog-skin gloves and
saunter over to tho Auditorium hotel. In
those days If a young man from some
where out In the corn belt came to the of
fice and applied for a Job ho was asked
if he had attended a first-class western
college. If he replied "yes" and could pro
ducts a letter from the professor of English,
showing that he had written articles for
the college paper, he was put Into tho edi
torial department ut (15 a week. If he
cou d prove absolutely that he had not at
tended any college, he watt assigned to the
business department at (40 a week.
I learned, upon Investigation, that I had
mude a mistake In taking up the literary
end of the game, so I resolved to go ln for
advertising. I became a playwright, and
the press agent and tho rest. After ten
years In the rarlfied atmosphere of dra
matic art as practiced today at (2 a seal,
or (4 on the sidewalk, I feel that I am
peculiarly qualified to sit on the Olympian
Heights and talk In a prttctiral manner
about American newspapers. I run proceed
with safety because If J say anything un
complimentary, I have a scrap book to
prove that they btgan it.
Everybody wants to help the editor. Not
as regards cheaper would-pulp, or keeping
down the pay roll; but with suggestions
for filling up the paper, Mont people still
believe that every newspaper must struggle
every night to get enough real copy to sep
arate the display ads. Being a post-graduate
I know that you are compelled to throw
columns and columns of stuff on the floor.
Very often. In glancing over a longer edi
torial I wonder what was thrown on the
floor however, I am not disproved to up
set any traditions merely to offer a few
helpful hints.
In tho first place the city newspaper of
today as compared with the Indiana news
paper of tho seventies ln anaemic, inverte
brute, colorless and apologetic. The first
newspaper with which I was associated
came out almost every Thursday from
a room over the hardware store. I got 'j
cents a day and all the composition
I could chew. The fires of civil war were
still smoldering, lixllanla's chief occupa
tion was politics. Nearly every man was
voting as he shot, and some of them a
good deal oftener. Our editorial mission
was to keep the excltomont up to conceit
prices. The office equipment consisted of
a Washington hand press, a foot power
Job press, a perennial towel and a few
fonts of type mostly Italics. Ah. but we
had an editor! Those were the palmy days
of Journalism of which we hear so much
at present. No taint of commercialism, no
subservience to the counting room; be
cause there wasn't any counting room, no
cog-whee s or card indexes simply a ma
gjeslio figurehead of an editor who wus
animated by a high and patriotic resolve
to promote manslaughter as often as possi
ble. When he opened up on a rnun, the
man's only escapu was to walk outside
of our circulation, which he could do in
about ten minutes.
If you hear a man raving about the
godlen age of American Journalism when
each editor exercised un individual Influ
ence and led tho way through the darkness
with a f aming torch above bis lieud lot
It go at that. For goodness sake don't
take the trouble to examine the files of
that wonderful period, or you may be dis
couraged over your present efforts. I plead
for a return of those heroic days when
every editorial was a trumpet-blast and
every paragraph was a firecracker. Wt
used to go to press at 2 o'clock, und by i
o'clock the whole population would be out
on the streets waiting for the sounds of
assault and battery. The old-time editor,
the one we all read about, who stamped
his Individuality on every Issue of his paper
and didn't bother much about proof read
ing or the press work. Do you remember
what he culled a man If he didn't care
niuch for him7 He didn't call him a molly,
coddle, or an Insurgent, or a male-factor,
or an undesirable. He said that the man
was a poltroon, a hell-hound, a pusllanlm
oua liar, an unmitigated horse thief, a
Jackal, a marplot, a sniveling hyena, a
caitiff, a reptile, a viper, a cur and a
whelp. Here are a lot of valuable and ex
pressive words, that are gradually being
eliminated from our vocabulary because the
editors of today, steeped In conimerclaltam,
are. backing away from the high water
mark si t by Wilbur P. Storey and have
accepted llio leadership of Edward W.
Bok. j
Also, the newspapers of today are crlti-T
clxed becuusu they are kind to the big ad
vertiser. I think newspapers are somewhat
under the domination of the big adver
tiser. In fact, the big advertiser has got
some of them so worked up that they want
to run him for a third term.
I read not long ago, that down In Brown
county, Indiana, the front room of the
county poorliouso a large, cheerful apart-
incut with southern exposure and plant in
the windows is occupied by a. man who,
for many years, conducted a newspaper
that pleased everybody. On the other Jid,
Its hard to be eucceaaful without i!ltp
pointing some of your best friends. M If
you can t please all your friends, do ifie
next best thing and please your subscriber