Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
a dean, reliable newspaper that It
admitted to tarn and everf homa
For Nebraska Partly cloudy.
For lown Fair.
vol. xxxix xo.
Physical Valuation Amendment Pro
posed by LaiFollette Goes
Down to Defeat.
Simmoni at Once Introduces Another
Measure Along Same Lines.
' 7
Would Secure Physical Va
Cases Before Commissi
... "
Orlalnal . IliU Then Cnll-d
noil Its Various oclln
Are DIicuhfiI hr tha
WASHINGTON, June 1. Senator Iji Fol
lette's amendment 10 tlio administration
railroad bill to provide for trio ascertain
ment of the physical , valuation of the
property of rullrouds engased In Interstate
commerce wee defeated In the. senate today
by a Voto of 2S to 30.
The thirty ovtes against the provision
were cast by republicans. Of the twenty
five affirmative ovtes fifteen ere cast by
democrats and ten by republicans. The re
publican who voted for the amendment
were Mossrs. Borah, Biistow, Brown,
Clapp, Crawford, Dixon, Dolllver, Gamble,
J one and La Toilette. '
The democrat wjio. ovted for It were
Messrs. Bacon, Bailey, Clay, Feltcher,
Frasler, Gore, New lands. Overman, Owen,
uymrr, ruiirn, ftantri, niuiuiuno, ...u,,;
and Taylor.
Those absent and not paired were Messrs.
Butkett, Ueveridge and Bourne, repub
licans; Bankhead, Hughes, McEnery and
Smith (Md.), democrat.
The defeat ot the La Follette provlHlon
was followed Tfty the' presentation of one
by Senator Simmons requiring such phys
ical valuation of the property Involved In
cases before the Interstate Commerce cum
mlHslon. He spoke In support of the amend
ment. Mutinous' Amendment Lost.
Senator Beveiidge, Bourne and Hughes,
who were not present when the vote was
taken on the La Follette amendment, voted
for the Simmons provision. Senator Nelson,
who voted against the La Follette amend
ment, voted for the Simmons amendment,
and Senator Jones, who voted tut the La
Follette amendment, ovted against the Sim
mons amendment.
The ra troad bill was called up by Sen
ator Klklne shortly after the senate met
The La Follette amendment providing
for the plivalca) valuation of railroad prop-
-arty was peimmg. -anu Bennmr rmm ie
sumed the speeah he began yesterday. Ho
devoted much time to a provision ot nis
own revlvliiK the ' Dolllver -capitalisation
amendment with modifications Intended to
meet the objections ot democratic senators
who thought the Dolllver provision too
much of an encroachment on the rights
of the states. He argued that the regula
tion 0 fthe slock and bond Issues of the
railroads was demanded by the Denver
Amendment la Adopted.
The amendment to. the railroad bill
by Mr. Simmons, prohibiting the Inter
state Commutes commlHslon from grunting
a w-r charge for a long than a short
hauk, when mado to destroy water compe
tition was adopted.
The amendment the railroad bill to
authorise the Interstate Commerce commis
sion to fix the mlnlmumrates that may be
charged by railroads which compete with
water routes was adopted by the senate
5 to 1, the negative vote being cast by
Senator Fry.
Two.. Thousand Dollars Already Of
fered and Sara Wilt Probably
Be DonbK-d.
(j). ) LOUI3.VILLE, June 1. Rewards of $2,000
have been offered for the cauture of the
murderer of Alma Kellner, whose dismem
bered body was found Monday In a cellar
beneath St. John's I'urochlal school.
L. The city council will be aked by Mayor
' Head tonight to add another thousand. Gov
ernor Wilson Is expected to Increase the
sum a soon as a request Is made on him
by the county judge here. The board ot
publlo safety has Instructed the police and
detective departments to ..pare no expense
In the pursuit ot the murderer.
The police do nut believe that Joseph
Wendllng, the missing French Janitor under
suspicion, ha returned to France, but think
he may be found In some French settle
ment In this country or Canada. His wife,
held under charge of accessory to the
murder, still declares she know nothing
d about the crime.
4 The truth hft keen kept from Mrs. Fred
F, Kellner, mother of Alma, that the body
was horribly mutilated when found. Since
Monday she has remained within the se
clusion ot her rlom on the border of eol
lare. She canndt' understand why the body
whs not brought to the houe. or how there
should tie any doubt about the tdentiri-cation.
, 0
Head ml Socialist Party la South Du
kota SaoVuniha to Attack
of Pneumonia.
lRimvnnti .a rt Vm i isrni.i
Telegram.) Freeman Knowles. recognised
head of th socialist party In South Da
. kpta, and one time congrsssmana'iocumbed
Yid an attack of pneumonia . at his home
here at 1 o'clock this morning, aged' 64. Mr.
Knowles one of the honorary member
of the era Federation ot Miner and
one of It chief defender In the recent
struggle WiUl the Homestaks Mining company.-
Hie pen and advanced view made
hiiu figure ot prominence In tha labor
world. He hkd Just returned from Hot
I Kprlng where be underwent treatment for
n old ailment.
IKflree for William Alien White.
NFW YORK. June l.-Ai the concln
" 'ft ' n 1W,U annual commencement
rxi'La of Columbia University today.
hfj$ti' degrees, were conferred on Wll
llsui AIUn Whit of Emporia, Kaiuas,
and other. .
President Taft to
Graduation of His
Daughter, Helen
Four-Day Trip Will Take the Chief
Executive Into Michigan, Where
He Will Speak.
WASHINGTON. June l.-Prcsident Taft
will leave Washington early tomorrow
morning on a four day's trip which will
take him as far west as Jackson, Mich.
Tomorrow morning thep resident will at
tend the commencement exercises of Bryn
Mawr college, at Bryn Mawr, Va.., where
Id daughter, Helen, is a student He Is ex
pected to speak on ' the higher education
of women.
From Bryn Mawr the president goes di
rect to Aila, O., where Friday he will speak
at the commencement exercises of the Ohio
Vorthern university. Friday evening will
1(1 Mr- Taft 111 Detroit, where he will at-
the annual banquet of the Board of
yierce and spend the night.
turday morning the president goes to
Monroe, Mich., to speuk at the unveiling
of a monument to General Custer. . Satur
day evening at Jackson, Mich., he will be
present at the semi-centennial celebration
of the birth of the republican party. Leav
ing Jackson eirly Saturday night, the presi
dent returns direct to Washington, reach
ing here Monday evening.
Want Rehearing
in the Missouri
River Rate Case
Railroads Hope to Get Case Before
Supreme Court Again This
WASHINGTON, June 1. With the prob
ability of two more members being on the
bench next October, the railroads between
the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers and
shippers In the central freight territory
are said to be preparing to ask for a re
hearing of the Missouri river rate case, de
cided yesterday by the supreme court of
the United States In favor of the Inter
state Commerce commission.
The order of the court putting the re
duced rates Into effect will be held soon
to allow the railroads to file an applica
tion for a rehearing. If this Is done, the
application cannot be passed upon till next
October. By that time Governor Hughes
of New York will have taken his place
on the bench and Justice Moody may have
resumed his work.
In these two members the roads see some
hope of rehearing.
Twenty-Five Men
Killed in Stone
' Quarry in Utah
Heavy Loss of Life at Union Portland
Cement Plant at Devil's Slide
Caused by Explosion.
OGDEN, June 1. Twenty-five workmen
were killed In an explosion today In a
quarry of the Union Portland Cement
works at Devil's Slide, Utah, thirty'-miles
east of Ogden.
The explosion blew down the telegraph
and telephone poles and communication
with the scene of the accident has been
limited to a brief message sent out by a
courier from Morgan, Utah, soon after the
Most of the dead ae Japanese and Greeks
who made up the quarry gang of seventy
five to 100 men. The injured are reported
to number a score or more.
Handbook Estimates Omaha's Popu
lation at Nearly Hundred and
Sixty Thousand.
The Omaha City Directory company an
nounces the issuance of Its thirty-sixth an
nual edition within a few days. The direc
tory estimates place the population of
Omaha at 107,950. This estimate is based
on the 70.204 names In the directory. A
factor of 2Vt Is used to represent the mar
ried women and children not In the direc
tory. The Indicated increase In population
by this estimate 1 9,155 for the year be
tween the two Issues of the directory.
The South Omaha division of the directory
places the population ot that city at 33.1M.
The directory for the packing town con
tains 14.736 mimes.
Crushed to Death by a vein.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. June l.-(8peclal.l
Walter Mitchell, aged 37 or 3S years, who
came to South Dakota from Lafayette,
Ind., lost his life as' the result of a caveln
on a farm some miles west of Sioux Falls.
He was a member of a gang of men en
gaged In digging a ditch to drain a slough
In Wall Lnko township. Mitchell was at
the bottom of the ditch, at a depth of
about twelve feet, when without the slight
est warning, the sides of he ditch raved In
and buried hltn aiivc. Fellow workmen went
to his rescue without delay, but when they
had succeeded in digging down to where
his body was he had breathed his last.
So far a known he had no relatives In
this part of the country.
Giacomini or Muscallonge
Catch Bass Out of Season
Fred Sargent, the federal authoritiea and
a few game wardens In Nebraska and Min
nesota are In a 'hree-cornered quandary
over the case of a trinity ot fish that has
come to, their notice. The fish wa three
In one, or more explicitly, three in one and
four altogether.
Mr. Sargent got the fish in all ood faith
with he rest of his mall, and pleasurable
t x press packages Tuesday morning. It was
not until Billy, the porter, got to Investi
gating the tlh with a sharp knife that the
complications arose, and It developed that
the tinny creature had swallowed a two
pound bass, halt-pound catfish and small
sunfisli before he swallowed the hooic that
brought his end.
This situation, according to the game
warden. Involve several complaints, al
thoagh Sargent' complaint I of a nega
tive nalure. He complains against being
bothered. He wants to eat the big fish
and let whoever feels so disposed steai
off th. trinltyl
Leader of Democratic Minority
Party in Illinois Legislature
Must Stand Trial.
Motion to Quash Indictment Over-
ruled by Judge McSurley. 1
Beckemeyer Will Show There Was an
Agreement to Vote for Lorimer. '. ;
Johnston Declares that Witnesses
Who Told of Attempts ' at ,
Drlberr Art a Bnach .
f Liars.
CHICAGO. June 1. Lee O'Nell Browhe,
lender of the democratic minority In ' the
lower house at Springfield, must stand, trial
on the charge of bribing State Representa
tive Charles A. White to vote for William
Lorimer for United . States . senator. . This
much was assured today when Judge Mc
Surley overruled the motion of the defense I
to quash the Indictment against Browne.
.States Attorney Wayman demanded that
Browne be arraigned at once! WY 8. Fort
rest, attorney for the defendant, Interposed
"Mr. Browne pleads not guilty." j
Grand Jury at Work. j
SPRINOFIELD, June 1. States Attorney
Burke announced today that the investi
gation Into the votes of the legislators from
the Forty-second district. Senator Holstlaw
and Representatives C. L. McMackln and
II. D. MoCollum Is to receive the aid of
testimony from Representative Beckemeyer
of the Forty-second district In the effort
to show there was an agreement as to the
vote for William Lorimer. After a conver
sation over the telephone with States At
torney Wayman In Chicago, Mr. Burke said
Representative Beckemeyer, whose story
corroborated the lntlal confession of Repre
sentative White, would be In Springfield
A. B. Johnston of the Johnston & Hatcher
Co., who obtained the contract for furnish
ing new desks and chairs for the general
assembly by the votes of Senators Holstlaw
and Pemberton and Representatives Joseph
8. Clark, was ordered out of the grand Jury
room this afternoon by States Attorney
Burke after Johnston had repeated his as
sertion that Senator Holstlaw had not told
the truth In regard to the alleged bribery
"Holstlaw lied and they're all liars,"
Johnston said to the Jurors.
"I think you are lying, too," Interrupted
Slates Attorney , Burke., "leave tl)e ,room,"
and Johnston,, was escorted from the cham
ber. Brlhe-Taker Is Wealthy.
IUKA, 111., June 1. "I'd rather be known
as a boodler than a liar," Bald State Sena
tor Daniel Holstlaw In an Interview at
lA' home today, speaking of hla confession
to accepting a bribe of S2.500 as a legislator.
"Maybe," he continued, "I took the money
because I saw everyone else doing the same
thing can't explain."
"1 made the confession hecause I could
not tell a He."
"1 don't know I don't understand," he
said with a helpless air, answering the
question, whether a man who could com
mand $200,000 In his family would stoop to
a bribe.
Mrs. Florence Kelley, Holstlaw's daugh
ter, said her father must have been out
of his mind to accept a bribe.
Holstlaw owns three banks and 1,000 acres
of land In Marlon county.
Senate Will Proceed Slowly.
WASHINGTON, June 1. The senate will
not enter hastily on an official Investiga
tion of the bribery charges against Sena
tor Lorimer of Illinois. The committee on
privileges and elections, which will decide
whether there shall be an Investigation at
all, has no formal charges before It at this
time and the members are Inclined to wait
until something definite is filed In Wash
ington. It Is said that if any of the grand Jury
records In the cases of members of the
Illinois legislature were filed with the sen
ate they would be regarded as sufficient
to compel action Immediately.
Dead at Wheel for Time Until Wife
of Ottumwa Man Discover Fat
of Her lioaliaud.
OTTUMWA. la., June l.-f Speclal.)-
Death steered the auto in which rode Mrs,
J. W. Jordan and the lifeless form ot her
husband here yesterday.
Returning from tin auto trip in the conn
try, J. W. Jordan, member of the Board
of Supervisors and one of the best known
men in Ottumwa, died suddenly of heart
disease. Mrs. Jordan knew nothing of her
husband's condition until the machine left
the beaten track. She turned to her com
panion In alarm when site found that he
was dead.
She Immediately seized the wheel and ap
plied the brake.
The wholo complication center upon the
friendship of Mr. Sargent and George
Giacomini, an Omaha man. Mr. Giacomini
caught the principal fish, whose Inner se
crets were three, and whose generic name
was muscallonge. He presented It to Mr.
Sargent, as a token of good will. He
marked the express package, "one muscal
longe fish." Likewise, he wrote a letter to
Mr. Sargent explaining that the muscal
longe weighed Just sixteen pounds, and was
the biggest fish caught thus far at the
fishing Vamp at Buhl, Minn.
When the muscallonge was dissected by
Billy, the porter, the three secrets wiggled
out, Hve as any piscatorial wlggler had
ever wiggled tvefore. "Hold on there,"
said a chance federal officer, "there's four
fish here, where only one Is supposed to
be. Sargent you'll have to pay for this;
either your friend or that muscallonge
fished bass out of season."
Mr. Sargent alleges he 1 innocent and
so Is hla friend. '
"-i v wffe"l iw gRB-
t'. - '1
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Order Prohibiting Advance in Freight
Rates Affect Railroad Issues.
Pacific la Off Three Points
a Number of Other Lines
Lose from Oae to Two
NEW YORK, June 1. -There was another
break In prices of stocks today when the
market opened as a further effect of, the;
granting of an Injunction against the pro
posed advance In western railroad rates.
The market had to absorb liquidation from
foreign sources which had the first nawa
of the government; action today.
Stocks of the" ralli'oabVliuuiedlateJy af
fected by the lnJunction "w'ere the weakest,
St. Paul losing 6, Union Pacific 8, Atchln
son 2Vi, Denver & Rio Grande. Northern
Pacific, Southern - Pacific, Canadian pa
cific. Great Northern preferred. Illinois
Central, New York Central, Baltimore &
Ohio, Amalgamated Copper and Uoasoll-
dated Gas 13 to 2, and many other stocks
a point or more.
Supporting orders and short covering
steadied prices immediately after the open
ing, but offerings continued heavy and
prices broke again. The severe decline. In
the first hour resulted from heavy selling
of both accounts. Many of the leading com
mission houses were reported as having
sold long stock and the way prices crum
bled bespoke liquidation. A significant
feature of the decline was the selling by
brokerage houses with western connections.
Liquidation continued in the market and
prices yielded steadily without effect from
the occasional supporting orders. The l ail
roads which are enjoined from putting ad
vance freight rates Into effect today still
led the decline, but the whole list was ex
ceedingly weak.
Before noon there had shown such a de
cline as 714 in St. Paul, i In Union Pa
cific and Heading-. 34 In Atchison,. 3 In
Baltimore & Ohio, 3 in Wabash preferred
and 3 or more In Southern Pacific, North
ern Pacific, Canadian Pacific, Minneapolis,
St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie, Illinois Cen
tral, Louisville & Nashville, Missouri Pa
caflc, Denver PJo Grande, Amalgamated
Copper and Consolidated Gas.
The first lull In the storm of liquidation
occur red ahrut noon. The hears had been
operating boldly and when they began to
cover slioits the market had its first ef
fective rally. The rebounds ran to a point
in extreme cases and trading quieted down
at that time. Then followed an hour of
Madriz Army
in Full Retreat
Nicaraguan Army that Surrounded
Bluefields Driven Away by
WASHINGTON. June l.-The Nicaraguan
government's army under General Lara,
which has been In front of Bluefields for
several weeks has been defeated by the
Insurgent troops of General Estrada and Is
now In full retreat.
The wants
Turn to them
If you want a servant they will
bring one to your door.
If you want a position they will
find one for you.
If you have something to sell
they will sell It for you.
If you have lost something they
will find It for you.
If you have found something they
will be the first to tell you who
lost it.
It' you can't come down
town to the office, call Doug
las 238. A cheerful staff ill
write the ad for you and see
that it gets proper classifica
tion. Every bod v
Head "
Bee Want Ads.
Alleged Bomb
Thrown at German
Crown Prince
Missile that Creates Consternation at
Maneuvers is Can Filed with
Uncooked Beans.
BERLIN, June 1. There was a commo
tion among the royal party returning from
the annual Joint review of the Berlin and
Potsdam garrisons at Tempelhof field to
day when a man who had followed at a
distance hurled a mlsBle at Crown Prince
Frederick William. 'The object missed its
mark and fell harmleesly at the feet of a
policeman. It was found to be an ordinary
tin can, euch as used for the preservation
of . XmU.. and vegetables, and was filled
with uncooked beans.
The party was about to enter the palace
at the time and for a moment It was be
lieved a bomb had been thrown. The police
seized the assailant, who proved to be a
Russian named Abraham Kierweish, a
resident of this city. It is thought he is
not responsible for his action.
' The crown price represented the emperor
at the review, as the abscess on the em
peror's right wrist Is still bothering him.
Among the Americans present were Her
man Bidder and Mrs. Rldder of New Yok;
Harold McCormick of Chicago; H. C. Emery
of the tariff board and the German-American
veterans, who are visiting the father
He la Still Unconscious and Physi
cians Say that the End
I Near.
OSCEOLA. Neb., 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Former. Governor Mickey's condi
tion Is not much changed since last night.
He Is gradually losing strength and vital
ity. The doctors are In constant attend
ance and have not left the residence In
the last sixteen hours. The end Is drawing
near and all tha family recognizes that to
be the case. He Is yet unconscious and
has moved about very little since Monday
night. He Is taking no nourishment except
as administered by his physician.
Press and Linotype Machine of Reg
ister at Lead, S. D., Broken
with Sledgre Hammer.
LEAD, S. D., June 1. (Special Telegram.)
An attempt was made during the night
to demolish the Register, a socialist daily,
run "by A. C. Benfer here, when unknown
parties broke Into the office and proceeded
to smash the press and linotype machine
with an eight-pound sledge hammer. They
were frightened off by men who slept next
door and heard the racket. The damage Is
about $1,000, but the paper will publish to
day as usual.
Strong Criticisms Made
of Roosevelt's Speech
IjONDON, June 1. Mr. Roosevelt's
speech at Guild Hall yesterday continued
today to be the sunsatlon of the newspa
pers throughout the country.
The editorial comments on his startling
utterances coucerrlng British rule in Egypt
were Influenced as a rule by partisanship.
The conservative press defends the con
clusions drawn by the American statesman,
while the liberal papers oppose his deduc
tions with equal rerlousness.
But outside the questions of fact set
forth the newspapers almost without ex
ception challenge the propriety of a foreign
guest of the city criticising the colonial
policy of the empire.
Of the comments of the conservative
press the following are samples:
The Glooe: "It was not the time nor tha
place, nor was the ex-presldent the person,
to display this particular form of Interest
In the business of his hosts."
The Pall Mall Gasette: "The unconven
tional la Justif ed only by success. If he
prefers realities to the properties where
vital Interests are concerned, so does the
Judgment of the British people."
The Standard: "That he should lay
baud on one ot the nation's private and
Night Session of the St. Louis Court
is Abandoned.
WIIIIiik to Admit Relations with
Krder, lint Will Deny She
Waa Cause of Ilia
ST. LOUIS, June 1. Because of the Ill
ness ot the defendant, the night session In
the case of Mrs. Dora E. Doxey, accused of
poisoning William J. Krder, waa abandoned
tonight. She will take the stand the frlst
thing in the morning.
According to her attorneys, Mrs. Doxey
will deny that she caused Erder's death,
but sh? will admit many of the other
charges concerning her relations with him.
She will endeavor to excuse these acts on
the ground that she was a morphine fiend
Dr. H. B. II. Gradwohl, the first witness
in defense of Mrs. Doxey this afternoon,
uescnotu tne symptoms that attended
Elder's last illness as arsenical poisoning,
uui ueciareu uiey were also the symptoms
of several diseases. He produced on the
stand dogs and a rabbit to which he had
been feeding cacaodylite of soda, the arsein
cal compound said to have been used to
kill Krder. To one dog he had fed 500
grains of the rug In three days, and it
showed no 111 effects.
Dr. C. D. Evans of Columbus. Neb., testi
fied that he attended Mrs. Doxey last No
vember wlille she was Buffering from the
effects of the extreme use of morphine.
He declared she took fourteen grains of
the drug a day for two days and that she
was nut . responsible for statements she
made, which the state claims damage her
Dr. H. Morrow, also of Columbus, who
was called in for consultation by Dr.
Evans, corroborated his testimony.
Jury Will Try
Flour Cases
Department of Justice Objects to Sug.
gestion that Commission
Hear Evidence.
KANSAS CITY. MO., June l.-Plerce But
ler of St. Paul, special assistant attorney
general appointed by the government to
try the bleached flour case, announced that
he had received a message from the De
partment of Justice objecting to the sug
gestion that the case be heard before a
special commissioner. It was then agreed
by the attorneys on both sides that the
evidence be heard ' by a Jury and Judge
Mcl'herson ordered that the Jury be turn
moned at once and the case proceed. The
work of securing a Jury was not completed
at noon.
It was announced that It would require
about ten days to hear all the evidence In
the case.
particularly political subjects seemed a
social crime not far from sacrilege, but In
reading, the speech carefully, there Is found
nothing of which to compluln."
Of the liberal papers, the Westminster
Gaxette questions the n.-cessily and dis
agrees with the conclusions of the speech.
The Star says that "Mr. ituosevelt should
learn that lie Is not exempt friii the cus
toms of civilized nations." (
Mr. Roosevelt parsed today quietly. He
visited the National gallery during the fore,
noon and had luncheon with several men
prominent In the Irish nationalist party.
The former president will he a guest over
night at the country home of Frederick
C. g. lout.
Theie were sixteen leading nationalists
at the luncheon and Mr. Roosevelt had an
Ultimate discussion of Irish affairs with
them Only two speeches w'ere made, on
ot welcome b John Redmond and tho other
a tumorous reply by the former president.
Before his departure from London Mr.
Roosevelt will be entertained by King
Goorgc. His naJiUy will receive his gutst,
not In Hie capacity of special ambasSHdor
to the funeral of the late King Edward,
but as a distinguished visitor
Advanced Tariff on Wool from the
West is Now in Force on
Matter is of Much Concern to the
Western Shipper.
Extends East as Far as the Atlantio
Intention or Trnitsnorf itlim 1 1.
Officials o File All Schedules
at One and the Same '
WASHINGTON, June l.-Rates of tha
Western Trunk I.lno association, which
were prevented from becoming effective at
midnight last night by the temporary in.
Junction granted by the United State ctr-
cult court at Hannibal. Mo., constitute
only a part of the advances made by tha
vtes(ern jrunit Ijne association. The in.
Junction applies only to tariff A 116. men.
tioned 1st the bill filed bofor the circuit
ccurt by representative of the Depart
ment of Justice.
The tariffs filed practically simultane
ously with the Interstate Commerce com
mission by the Western Trunk Line asso
elation makln gadvance In the rate on
commodities between Milwaukee and Chi
cago and St. Paul and between Bt. Paul
and eastern destinations on wool are lu
dfect today. While these tariff are not
so Important as those making- advances in
general commodities between Missouri and
Mississippi river transfers they are never-
thcless of considerable concern to shippers
in western trunk Una territory to Atlantio
st aboard points.
The increuse In the freight transporta
tion of wool from St. Paul points to New
York and Boston particularly Is of Im
mense Interest to consignors, as It mean
a flat advance of 10 cents per 100 pounds.
This Increase applies to all western wool
passing through Minneapolis or 8t. Paul
destined to Atlantio tide water destlna
lions. It is not explained why the Injunction,
sought by the Department of Justice was
not made appllcablo to all of tho advances
recently made by the W estern Trunk Line
Mate Order Certified.
ST. Louis, June 1. The temporary re
straining order which Federal Judge I. P.
Dyer issued last night at Hannibal, Mo.,
prohibiting twenty-fivo railroads from ad
vancing freight ratos, was certified to the.
United States circuit court here till morn
ing. Processes against the defendants were
prepared and will be served by United
Stales marshals In the districts where tha
different railroads have their general of
fices. Under orders of Attorney General Wicker
sham an expediting certificate providing
for a Bpeedy determination of the Issues
was filed. A copy of the exoadltlnir nm...
was mailed this morning to Circuit Judges
Hook, Sanborn, Van Devanter and Aflania.
Railroad officials ht-ie gene: ally jeiused
to be quoted conceiiiou suit this
morning. They said It wu .oo early to ex
press opinions, and' exaim-d they would
prefer to keep silence lor awhile, because
interviews could not beiient their cause.
The action of tho ei niuent, however,
was a surprise to 1...10.
8a y UusiuckH .Men Are Divided.
It was pulmcu out, However, that tha
attack on the railroads is unique In one
respect. It Is the first lliuo In which the
commercial inti rests of tno chief Western
cities aie not proceeding In full harmony;
in fact, several ot tne strong organisations
are siding wan tho carrier. The St. Louis
League oi business men Is not antagonia
ing the proposed increase In freight rates,
but In other cities opposition ha developed.
The most Important forces In opposing
the Increase In rates are said, to be the
Missouri Manufacturer' association of St.
Louis und the Illinois Manufacturers' as
sociation. It was stated this morning that It was
not tho purpose of the railroads to Increase
all rates in tills territory today Only
commodity rates were to have been ad
vonced, which apply almost solely to
freight the general public Is not directly
interested In.
Hallroads that Arm named.
The roads restrained from Increaaing
their freight rates are:
The Missouri Pacific railway,
Chicago & Northwestern. '
Chicago, Burlington tc gulncy.
Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific
Wabash company.
Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt Paul.
Illinois Central.
Chicago & Alton.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe.
Chicago, Great Western.
Missouri, Kansas & Texas.
St. Louis & Sun Francisco,
guinea, Omuha & Kansas City.
i. raui Ac ues Moines.
Miniieupolls & St. Louis.
Iowa CYnlial.
Uoit Dode, Des Molne & Southern.
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omal-i.
Elgin, Juliet & Eastern.
Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis,
Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary., St. Paul & Sault Ste, Maria,
Kansas City Southern.
Chicago, Indiana & Southern.
The Western Trunk Lln committee.
The title of the suit Is 'The United State
ot America, complainant, versus tha
twmty-five defendants, restrained in in
junction." it aii-gis -unlawful combination
Agent of Department of Jaatlee Left
Wnahlnalou with It Mnndar.
WASHINGTON, June l.-Attorney Gen
eral Wlckeisham talked today regarding
the steps which hd up to the administra
tion move against the railroads. The first
Intimation he had, of the condition alleged,
he said, were In the shape of a rlsputch
which came from somewhere In tho writ
last Thursday.
On Friday Representative Hubbard of
Iowa, Kave him a statement of the sltuU
tlon. This convinced hliri, Mr. Wlcker
siiam said, that action ought to be taken.