I 1 it HOUSE - THE BEE , QUARANTE,E5 TO SE,LL IN". 7 DAYS ANY AR5 WIVES KAY FIND AEOUT THE HOUSE. AND DO HOT NEED OR Gl TTLE HONEY. er 1. J s5K t M. fa. eaf MONEY TO LOAN S&Iarr "ad CT-intteU .Continued. MONEY NEED ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 113 Board of Trado Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Street a, Telephone Douglas 229o. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We can prove It, Vinlonr nnrl T?rt rtl i 1 11 TP TjOflTlH r j kJH It k J A n..-..-- -A Jk positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker I aerVlco and MOST CONFIDENTIAL , V UKAL of any In Urn city. Patronlxe the lU .j' BKJOEST AND BUST. I ' w I 'T T A KT ,M ( :rf DIT CO.. I J I n . ' - " f Third Floor. 807-308 Paxton Block. Douglas nil ana a-iiu. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. 0. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. Tol. Hed 561fc MONET tOANBD SALAR! ED PEOPLR. WOMEN KEEPING HUUbK AND Ol H- vnn ulthout security; easy payments. Offices In 06 principal cities. Tolman, room 613 New York Liio niug. HfflVIV LOANED ON CHATTELS AlUJN.fr X AND 8ALAR1ES. Easiest terms and lowest rates obtalnaula. OMAHA Tit US 1 ft I., 437 Hoard of Trado ljld g MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING riMlRA VAN AND STORAGE CO. lm caruets on vour floor. Electrlo ticuum system. B09 So. 17th. Tel. D. la&H. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport 8t., warehouse, 2207-08 la,ra bt. I 8TOVE3 stored. Ranoe. 1611 N. 4tl St. ". iviiiT im ih uaa of taklna ud your car- ceia when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours? tree estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning : lo., ""i1 tl nPIC. 1171 n. ULD DL, X-ilUllw. wm. nd. A-1836. Across from Hayden'a. w. ! STORAGE; reasonable rates, prompt ser toe. Col's Exp., 1616 Capitol. P. 670, A-3937. 7 OFFERED FOR RENT Boavra ad Ratoma. - ROOMS and board, swo aiaaon. xei. n r- i tiv St'AA. 1 i THE IRVING 2101 Leavenworth: newly decorated, single ana aouDie room, win first class board at reasonable prices. Table board a specialty. Douglas 6M7. HAVERLY HOTEL, 2310 M St, Am. plan; bath; $1.26 day; weekly, $6 up; meals, zoc. UTOPIA Good board and rooms, and Davenport. IStb NICE LARGE 1mh0r?oom.wlwith,u.T cellent board. 2618 St Mary's Ave. ROOMS and first class day board. 418 8. 24th Ave. t i. THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworth; newly decorated, single and double room, with first-class Doara, at reasonaoie prices; ta ble board a specialty. Douglas tu'. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking cae;lme. -vm B. Mth St- Doug, wmbv -Furnished Rooms. NEWLY lurnlshed front room suitable for two,, with private xamuy. ai4 Doage. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 13th St The Chatham. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 31 N. 19tn. MODERN rooms for 2, a or 4; separated beds If desired. 2037 Harney. DEWEY European hotel, 13th Franam. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; near car line. 2336 s. lain, MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. $3.00 1 r nd $3.60 a week. 618 N. lUtn EH. VkIGHT rooms strictly modern, $30. lAidwell 8t Call Harney 2393. 2433 ' NICELY furnished room, 2213 Cass. all .modern. NICELY furnished large modern rooms, reasonable prices. 2204 California tit STRICTLY up to data. Tel. Douglas 6684. 107 e). 27th Ave. FOUR rooms for housekeeping. 17M 8.9th. ONE large and two small nicely fur nished modern rooms In private xamuy; gentleman preferred. 211 N. 18th St. LARGE front room, modern. 1417 Califor nia. Tel. Sunday, Douglas 6966; during week Douglas 670. NICE room for gentleman, $1.60 week. 619 loth St LARGE front room, with alcove, suitable for three or lour young man. 8420 Cass. Douglas MIA. i " DESIRABLE room in modern house, with board; walking distance. Tel Douglas 4948. TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms. 641 a 27th St ' d.ango for board. Tel. Web. 42"j8. . -. i. NEWLTf turnibhod. large front rooms Willi $miw v a v Biiiniici a wui'i m modern. Call 2707 Farnam St STRICTLY modern, neat basement room for gentlemen, to per month. 216 S. 25th St Douglas 62. SINGLE: south; $1 worth. week. 2011 Leaven- MODERN, well furnished, southeast front room, with alcove or single room. 4 Large lawn; private laun.y. 7U1 b. 29th St iris CHICAGO Bt. nicely furnished, mod- ern room; would rein to traveuug men. BEAUTIFUL. light clean furnished rooms: BATH, gas and electrlo light; walk ing distance, $8 per month. 2706 Dwy Ave. DESIRABLE room; firs. .class location. $18 S. 25lh street EXTRA large o4ce room with fine furnl- ture. SM N. 20th. No sign on house. TWO rooms, euilAOie tor two gentle - mun. 2578 iiarney. CLOSE In, large front room. 206 N. 19th. EAST room, $8 per month. 8670 Farnam. MODERN parlor room, to a married souiM or ladles; cheap. 2ua N. 20th St. NICELY furnished room; gentlemen; new flat, toot and cold water, electrlo lights and telephone; walking distance; reasonable, lit a Ulh. 3 iICELY furnished room. 2106 Douglas St MODERN front room, suitable for two. 1406 Harney. LARGE front room with aloove; modern; ' walking dlstano. 2ut Dodge. TWO south single rooms. $$ week; bath 'oa- same floor. 8472 Harney. NICELY furnished parlor for two. 191$ .'tTshicago St IP YOU would llae to rent one elegant furuUfeed room, all modern, suitable fur e lor Jones on e in isa gentlemen, cut! at bt Tel. Douglas 6751. SM L. neat front room, modern house, Ill.lliKr',, ir'-ctly private family, to lady eupu during day. Tel. Harney iXM. BEAUTIFUL. light. clean, furnished rooms, BATli. gas and electrlo light, wulk lug distal ce, (8 per month. 270a Dewey Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished noomt Contlnicl. OUTSIDE single room. $2.50 week. EH So. ICtli. flat 1. NICELY furnished rooms In private fam ily; all modern. 2303 Capitol Ave. FRONT room, with alcove; also smaller room; both nicely furniBhed; modern; reasonable; residence, 624 I. 20th Bt Teio phone lied 1792. MODERN outside room for gentlemen; five blocks P. O. Tel. Douglas 7911. Tiib fjpnrrrin irti clas family hotel. 1UB UeorglU lim Georgia Ave. H-531. Young man to share comfortably fur nished room 2702 Farnam. Phone liar. 20T3. DODGE HOTKLi Large outside, and steam heat In every room; rates by week. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Web ster, furnished rooms, day or week. NEWLY furnished rooms; everything bland new, at 25VJ Farnam St, ,'.. WALK1NU distance: east front room. with alcove: also single room, suitable fur two; strictly modern; newly furnished. 07s Mi. ieui et COOL rooms. flno neighborhood. 2224 Howard. FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite. 204f Dodge. NICELY rumlohed room for rent: private family; new, modern. 120 So. 30lh St. Har ney 4751. THREE separate rooms: private bath. 260S Harney. Harney 8173. FRONT parlor in newly furnished flat 214 N. 25th. D. 6402. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room: all modern; private family. 'Phone Red 7396. NbwLT furnished room In a new, mod- ern apartment house. 201S Chicago St IN PRIVATE home, large, cool room, ele gantly furnished, electric light, heat, bath, I t hno mi a ILrlmr Hlatarind' nlna turnk ant lawn. 'Farnam and &th Ave. Hurney 460&. Also single room. LARGE front room, newly furnished. Ap ply 220 N. 26th St SINGLE room for centleman, V- '2001 juason. iiarney zi'jg. ' 2ii nAiuci, iruni room, souin win- dows. porch: suitable for two gentlemen: rent U, LARGE south room, reasonable: walklns dlntance. Call 2622 Dodge. 'Phone Harney ONE nicely furnished room. 324 N. 19th. D. 6232. TWO small connecting rooms for two ladles or gentlemen. Also large front room. Also single room for one person. Private family. Reference. 1918 Cass. Phone Doutr. 1476. FINE room In modern flat close In. 212 N. 26th. FURNISHED rooms completely modern. south front. 2664 Cuming. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. suitable for ladies or gentlemen.- 1822 Capi tol. - - 2202 Douglas St, nicely furnished parlor. with piano. PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north. Suitable for man and wife, or two enntln- .n- 1lrekia"t Privileges. Rent reasonable. TWO nice rooms: terms reasonable. Phone Douglas 6426. 1920 Dodge Furnished rooms; two small rooms. . LARGE furnlsheri front room for rent Tin N. 20th. NICE front room, monern home, strtctlv private family. 121 N. Central boulevard. Call after p. m. or Sunday. MODERN furnished rnnm. 1R17 Rnrt St Phone D. 0416. TWO Blmrle rooms, npwlv nnnered nm furnished: modern; also parlor. 531 S. 22d. Douglas 7237. - NICELY furnished rooms. KOH Harnnv St Excellent location; walking distance. EAST front room: hrnkfant nntlnn&l MM . . i n. ua. CLOSE! In. lim plea.n fnrnlhe1 ronma lawn, porch, bath on same floor. 260C Capi tol Ave. Reasonable NICELY furnished rooms at reasonable price. Call 214 N. 26th. Phone D. 6458. LARGE south room with bay window: moaern. JI7 S. 26th Ave. THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms. moaern. zzm N. 20th. SMALL room, modern, nrlvata family cheap. 711! N. 19th. Red 6336. FURNISHED room. 1160 a week. 41 & A i.u, top noor. FURNISHED rooms In nrlvate farnllv. in. z4in st. south umana. JXJK RENT Nice v furn shnd rooms: lAr-trA ami n. . 1 -.... .1...... . . . ......, fin.. . I I WflTT1. rnnm ssillahla rA ur.lir I In diBtance: So oer month. IMS v. mh fit SINGLE and double rooms for alteuln $160 up. 1S17 Leavenworth. 3d floor. MODERN furnished rooms. 2007 St Mary's Ave. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front mnm ror j or a, reasonable; modern. 2071 Dodge. SOUTH front parlor, $2.76. 2310 Douglas FRONT parlors for two, $3.60 week; mod. wrn. iui uougias. - ' LARUE front room with board, suitable for two or three ladles or eontlernen. 2i:m ou rary At 'iei xovgias Tii. TWO nicely furnished connected rooms will rent single or suite. 816 14. ?8th at. x i. una a, au. THREE! rooms, upstairs, couple without children preferred. 2446 S. 2UU1 St TWO nicely furnished modern front 1 iconneciea) ror two or three y.ur- sons. ' l'hone Red Kl LAHiU modern room, nlutly furnishtd $3 to U.5U. 618 N. ith St. YOUNG LADY to chat a suite of par' or floor rooms; modor:. conveniences: com. munitv meals. 2627 Ha.nuy. 'Phuue l.ar- ney mtx. FVP.N18HED front room, In modern house; rtar carter laae. Tel Webster tH, LARGE front room for two gentlemen. rv. ...... r ait 11 1 '.. 'I 1 1.' I ' IT LARGE, newly furnished suite, bedroom ana sitting room, io per month. Web. 6634. SUU7 N. I7U1. FURNISHED rooms for one or two gen tleraea. 1717 Burt FRONT room; modern; In private fam ily; price reasonaoie. u a. X)in St LARGB front room and one small room. suitable for two or three gentlemen; H block from car line. 07 S. 88th St, 'Phone FRONT room with alcove; also south room, sultaulo lor two. 680 e. 28th. - UU CHICAUO ST., one large south room. nicely luinisnea, witn or without board. VERY pleasant .south. Single room. week, or suitable ioi two. 2u-l iiarney OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Itoouis Continued. FURNISHED house for summer months. Phone Douglas 1125. EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furni ture. 3-M No. 20lh. No sign on house. SLEEPING room for two gentlemen. Lynnhuist, 61? B. 15th St. TWO modern housekeeping rent. Apply 2103 Miami tit- rooms fur FURNISHED room, suitable Tor two gen tlemen. Apply 1218 S. ltith St., 2d floor. 'Phone Doug. 4729. LARGE room In strictly modern home. 25o3 N. 20th St. Web. 3M4. NICELY furnished rooms; also keeping. 215 N, 23d. hoUNe- MODERN room, 261S Capitol Avo. ney Zuiti. Har- FOR RENT Two nlcelv furnlMied rooms, modern. Mrs. Forrest, K202 tf. 24th bt. NICELY furnished room for llKht himso ketptng; good neighborhood. 621 S. 2Jth. FURNISHED room. 32 S. 32d St. FURNISHED room lor gentleman; private family. Tel. Dougias 42i0. l'J3 S. 25th Ave. MODERN furnished south front room for one or two gentlemen or traveling men. 2630 Capitol Ave. LARGE room and closot. facing south on Dewey Ave., near 26lh; strictly modern. Phone Douglas bHU. NICELY furnished room, modern. 714 S. 17th Ave. FRONT and back parlor, modern; cheap. 2213 Douglas. NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for two gentlemen. 1916 Chicago fit. DESIRABLE room, flno location, walk ing distance. 218 S. 2Cth St. IF YOU are looking for a large, well fur nished, cool room, with every convenience, I have one suitable for two or more gentlemen- or employed respectable ladies; also one single room. 2563 St. Mary's Avo. FURNISHED room, $1.60 a week. 819 S. 19th St. SOUTH front room In new flat for ladles; private family; walking distance; modern. 2614 Dodge. Harney 6479. 80UTH parlor for one or two; also room with aloove. 2567 St. Mary's Ave. NICE furnished room, good hood. 830 S. 22d. Douglas 7101. neighbor- 0'E large front room for rent 1813 Cap itol Ave. NICELY furnished room. 2H05 N. 24th St.; reasonable. NICELY furnished large front rooms. 202 N. 19th St NICELY furnished front room to gentle men; $2.60 per week. 1911 Cass. NEAT, clean room for srentlemen: private family; all new. Tel. Douglas ibH). ONE etesraht furnished large room, suit able for 'two or three young men, south east, exposure, $30. One north exposure, large room, elegantly furnished, $2). One south exposure, elegantly furnished room suitable for two, $20. 2025 Dodge. Walking distance. , l'aone Douglas 4U1Z. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 316 N. 19th. . . HooseKeeplna- Rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. TWO desirable rooms; good location; reasonable to right party. Harney 4632. 2770 Cuming St. Call forenoons. WANTED One or two ladles to room. ror ngnt housekeeping; rent reasonaoie. Apply 909 a. 27th ist., in basement. FRONT suite of Housekeeping rooms. modern. Phone 1916 California St. MODERN rooms with Housekeeping con veniences, mi a. 2utn bt. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2408 Cuming St. BEAUT1FTTL south rooms for house- keeping. 2018 Howard St LARGE, modern room: complete for housekeeping; suitable for man and wife or 2 or 8 vouni ladies. Phone Harney 2491. Harney, LIGHT housekeeping rooms: small rooms. 622 S. I6tn, nat 9. . FURNISHED rooms' for lleht housekeep ing. 613 N. 22d St. UNFURNISHED front rooms. 613 N. 22d St. BASEMENT rooms for rent, reasonable, for housekeeping. 518 S. 22d Bt NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep ing. N. 17th St. Tel.' B-5356. TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms. 712 N. 16th St TWO furnished housekeeping rooms ground floor. 1610 California St. LARGE front room; housekeeping. Leavenworth. 2013 TWO nice front rooms; refrigerator modorn. 614 S. 22a. SOUTH basement rooms for housekeop Ing; modern. 2111 Douglas. THREE modern furnished Hunt house keeping rooms; no children. 631 S. 25th Ave. TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms, '15 Mason St. Tel. Harney 4146. TWO nice, clean furnished rooms for light housekeeping; very comfortable reasonable rent 1447 North 17th St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms all modern; gas range. 2010 N. istn. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. 2j&9 St. wary s Ave. TWO rooms; gas range; laundry prlv ilegos. 2226 Farnam. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 608 N. 16ih St SUITE of rooms; walking distance. N. 25th St. Phone Douglas 2359. 120 FOUR unfurnished rooms; gas and bath gas paid, $18. 702 N. 30th bt. IN new house, two clean, pleusant rooms for light housekeeping. 656 S. S4tn St FOUR rooms, second floor, for light housekeeping, for small family; southwest oorner loth and Hickory. TWO newly papered, furnished rooms fo light housekeeping; modern, gas range, ice box, telephone, laundry privilege; close in no children. 61U JN. zist. - TWO modern, newly papered, furnished complete. Including rerrigerator, gas range, phone; no children, jui m. zoiu. NICE housekeeping rooms, all modern. with laundry- "l . lath. LIGHT housekeeping room at 2421 Dodge Bt. TWO nice, clean rooms. . 1C47 N. 17th St LARGE front room for housekeeping or sleeping; modern conveniences, rn Dewey, THREE- furnished rooms, first floor, gas and bath, house modern, no cniidren, re l er.nce. Iu61 N. 17th bt.. TWO completely furnished . rooms for light housekeeping; bathroom floor; re OFFERED FOR RENT llouaekeeplaa; Room ontliiued TWO housekeeping rooms, $15 per month. 20n6 California St. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 412 N. 18th St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; modern house. 6o S. 24th Ave. THREE furnished, modern housekeeping rooms. 146 b 16th St. v TWO rooms, en suite. 1919 Chlcsgo. TWO modtrti housekeeping rooms. 622 N. 19th. THREE rooms, housekeeping, $18. furnished complete for 2106 Cass. NICELY furnished room for housekeep ing. 1613 Chicago St. NICELY furnished large front parlor, light housekeeping privileges, $12 per month. I hone Red 67W. 2116 Chicago St. TWO nice, modern rooms; gas range, electrlo light. 1618 N. 16th. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 220 N. 20th St. NICE largo neatly furnished rooms, light housekeepniH; all front rooms and modern; reasonable rent. 1427 N. 17th. rnn' nfinnT. AS Clean, first class illii ASKS J rooms, closu in. 2201 Douglas street TWO nicely furnished large, modern rooms on ground floor, gentlemen pre ferred; also large ironi room on second floor and two small rooms. CoO N. 23d St. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooms. 606 N. 23d. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor. housekeeping rooms, light, cooking gas, laundry, Ice box, with or without piano, Iso other light nousexeeping rooms. vi 26th Ave. FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re quired. 866 No. 40th St. TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range; sink;, no children. 815 S. 18th St. Untarnished Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except heat Call after 6:30 p. m., 2608 N. 19th Ave. THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 2254 N. 20th St. ENTIRE 3d floor for housekeeping, un furnished. 2621 Harney. Harney 6328. FOUR front rooms, strlotly modern, 4S04 Sherman Ave. Webster 6310. One nice large unfurnished room for light housekeeping if desired. 13 Webster bt, THREE rooms for rent InQulre 2004 Vin ton St . TWO unfurnished rooms rn new brick flat $12.60 per months SU N. 21st bt. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2026 Bt. Mary's Ave. - THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper noor. zooo uougiaa. , , u FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. 2572 Harney St .r.r FOR RENT 4 rooms, modern, unfur- nuneu, lib. l.oti b. atn. v .' , FOUR rooms, for $13 per month. 812 N. mh Ave. . .. . THREE southeast rooms, modern: car line. 3210 Cass. References. 3 LARGE rooms and store room: eround floor; $15; only 3 blocks southwest of court house. 6a a, 20th St.. Furnished Houses and Flats. SIX-ROOM house, partly furnished, sum mer or longer. $40. 3668 Jaokson, M. 8880. FURNISHED cottage, 6 rooms: strictly modern; gooo. location, lei. iiarney iSbti. FURNISHED 8-room modern house for summer. 3906 North ltn. 7-r.. new, mod., 1322 N. 41st St.: best fur nishings, complete; leace 6-1 to 10-1, 111 10, $40. 6-r., striciiy moa., ii'. o. aana St.; well furnished home, complete for summer. 240. 8-r., fine, new bungalow, West Farnam district, everything up-to-date; excellent turnisnings; uo. i GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam 8t. Apartments and Flats. ' FIVE-ROOM, new Wrick apartment, mod ern; steel range and water rent paid, $25 montniy. tieierences required, zaio a 24th Bt FOR RENT An 8-room modern anart- ment. Field club district; five bedrooms and sleeping porch; beautifully decorated tnrougnout; strictly first class. . 8208 Pod pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. 898. CHOICE, NEW FLAT FOK ' . EENT 2813 Jackson St., lower flat,-5 rooms and bath, just finished walking distance, modern and up-to-date; $35.00. B. II LANDERYOU, Tel. D. 2151 442 Board of Trade ONE of the best 6-room apartments In the oia Hamilton, corner zitn and Farnam Hts, Will tako three-fourths - of reirnUr t-eni until ray lease expires August 81, 1910. Tel. IN BEMIS PARK, finest Dlace in ltv. 5-room St. Louis flat, $26 per month. 'Phone narney zoju. ELEGANT 8, 4 and 5-room apartments. oireniow -terrace. Webster 4ois. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at ; S3d and Farnam. nothing finer in the oity. Call wm. K. potter. Iiarney 2216. . . . AN APARTMENT FOR RBNT-855: rooms, modern, first-class. Field Club dis trict: S bodrooms and sleenlni; noroh: heau tlfulty decorated; all hard wood floors; tile uuin ruuiu. ooe mis aparimeni Dt-rore rent. ing others. Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. uing. jiou;ias KU8. CENT RALE anartments: 1 choice flat large cool rooms, fine finish, modern, ho water all year steam heat: iav to see it walking distance; summer, winter, $7 more; reference required. Bernls-Carlberg tu,, i!w xiranaeis. ten-room, modern flat; five rooms rented if desired. 'Phone Red 4854. 6- ROOM flat, new St. Louis brick. $27.50. tiarney SiKtt. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; 8 room condensed Into 6; steam heat, electrlo lights and laundry, hot and cold water: wall bed. safe, gas stove, refrigerator. Janitor service. ine iiunter. Tel. Doug. 4132. SOUTHEAST Shady lawn: walking dls tance; 2-room suite, $16. Piano. 604 B. 2Mb. FOR RENT Five-room flat, corner liar ney and Park; Immediate possession. Tate PAirhardt Co.. Real Estate and Loans. Room 408 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. l'hone UoUglOS 44UJ. STRICTLY modern St. Louis flat: all na finish; fine location. Cll S. 22d. Inquire within. FOR RENT For occupancy July 1 T-room flat, row of three. Inquire 101 South S4th St. or telephone Harney 1166. FOR RENT Five room flat In the Call forma. All'ly Relcheiiherg - Bros., fcLH Biaiidt-is ill Jg . Tel. U 16.U. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Fla .Continued. FIVE-ROOM apartment on Sherman Ave. Call Webster C765. 4-ROOM, ALSO 6-ROOM A PA HTM F.NT, STRICTLY MODERN, NEW. HANS' 'OM PA UK NEIGHBORHOOD, OF OWNER. 'Phone Harney &v'. 6-ROOM brick flat; strictly modern; 2307 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2254. Ilounra and Cottaices. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. tA. 6-ROOM house, good location, 719 So.. 37th St. Tlioiie Web. 25D0. . HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT, t-room fully modern flat; hardwood floors throughout; $40 to desirable tenant. Wright & Lasbury, iOii S Kill St. 'Phohe D. 174. liENTAL BARGAINS ism N. 24th, 6-r., city v.tuor gas, electric light,- etc., newly ptpi rcd, $17. 715 8. 3lth, 3-r., city waU-r, is. 2'HH Decatur, 7-r., all mod.,- only $.'0. 4217 Harney. 8-r., all moil., only $22.50. 4;iwi Hunlette, ii-r. house, mod. except heat, goon bnrn, $-o. H'7 Izard, 7-r., all mod., only $27. "0. 1113 N. ISth. good 6-r. house, mod., closa in, will paper. j22.uo. 3017 Emmet, new 5-r. modern cottage, $22.50. 10.1 Lafayette, choice 8-r. strictly mod. home, fine neighborhood. $15. 414 N. 41st Ave., 6-r., nil mod., how, $.15. .iz.. s. 3ist.. 8-r mod., special cric ro rluht party. 2M5 Plnkney, 10-r., all mod., $:?5. 31S S. 27th, 5-r., strictly mod., fine shape, ?:,7.FrO. 412 N. 2Sth Ave., 8-r., strictly mod. house, goon snape, w.ua. 4004 Charles, 8-r., Btrlctly mod., fine loca tion, $.10. 12S S. 35th, 8-r., all mod. and in fine shape, in. 3868 Farnam, 7-r., mod., $40. see our list before you move. PAYNE, BOPTWICK & SLATER, Sole Agents, 001 N. Y. Life Bldg. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save time and money; all sices, all prices, rAIMS, IIUSIWIUS. Ac SLAlliK, 6th Floor. N. Y. Lite Bldg. HOUSES ,n Prt ot the city HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 22d and California, 8-r. brick, first-class. Menus i-ars., o-r., an mouern, square. 20th and Castellar, b-r., mod. ex. heat, $20 O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO.. ' 1002-3 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. 10-ROOM house and bath, strictly mod ern, first-class condition, close in. 'Phone Douglas 4JM. OMAHA van os storage to,, pack. move. store housohold goods; storehouse, 1J20-24 N. 19th; of lioe. 809 b. 17th bt Tel. Douglas 1559. HOUSES. . flats. Garvin Bros.. Sd floor N. Y. L FOR- RENT New 8-room modern house. 1405. S, 8th St ONE 8-room. new. brick house. Just com- Pleted. all modern; combination fixtures. 813 N. 21st St.; $55. C. M. bachmann, 4:ui Paxton Block. Office "phone: R. 2639; Residence, D. 5066. 6-ROOM. modern., partly furnished, sum mer or longer; (40. 8506 Jackson. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. 1534 Georgia Ave., 8-r., all modern, only $40. See us quick. ' PARISH;, & KUATEIl, Sole- Agents, Ml N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW 6-room brick house, modern. Harnov 647. FOR RENT Two houses, five and seven rooms: modern. rranK faseoi, Florence. Tel. Florence 443. 6-ROOM house for rent at $10. Call at 920 Homer St. FOR RENT Elegant 10-room house, all modern, 621 Park Ave., city, only $r5. C. E. Herring, 417 N. Y. Life Bldg., or 'phone Douglas 18S6. SEVEN-ROOM, strictly modern house. 2433 Caldwell. $30. Phone II. 2393. J116 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod. $30.00. 2919 Mason, 10 rooms, mod., $31.60. Ringwalt Bros., Barker Block. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north part ot city. $25. 3- room apartment, 1917 Clark, $10. 8-room apartment, 1917 Clark, $9. 4- room apartment, city water, toilet. $12.50. 8-room apartment, 1828 N. 17th. $1L C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Block. 'Phono Red ,2639; Residence Doug. 6066. BOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt Barker Blk. FOR RENT 7-room cottase at 1729 Georgia Ave., now being repainted and papered and put in first class condition. $25 per month to permanent tenant. Inquire of S. B. Richmond at J. J. Derlght Co., or i ii. wcaii. wead Hiag. $32.50 Strictly modern 8-room oak fin ished house. 13u6 S. 28th St. Tel. Harney 1767. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern, hot water furnace and nlco barn. 2156 California. 6-ROOM modern house, 1050 8. 29th St.. $35. John W. Robblns. 1802 Farnam St. EIGHT-ROOM house, Phono Harney 1366. 128 S. 25th St. MODERN 5-room brick house. 1109 N. 23d bt, $25. Owner pays water. Phone Harney 2361. FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house, modern, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 2bio Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 459. 112 No. 26th, 9 rooms. $30. 20o4 Dodge, 7 rooms, $27.50. 6-room modern except heat, 2S00 Frank lin $17.50. 6-room modern except heat, 220(3 Miami. $22. 5-room, fully modern, 3519 Bristol, 225, J. 11. JOHNSON. 578 Brandols. 'Phone D. 4251. CLOSE IN, near Farnam or Harney car., 8-room modern house; $1:6.50. Thomas liren nan, N. Y. Life. HAVE you $f,00 that you would like to have pay you 16 per cent instead of 4 to C per cent? See advertisement In this columa over address or u 630, Bee. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE Near 27th, on Jackson, $27.50 per montt. a;so s-room, moaern except turnace, on Miami near 24th, $25 per month. l'hone Iiarney luM. THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, ready for occupany; 2-room apartments, bed lit wall; ice, heat, hut water and Janitor free; MODERN S-room house, 112 S. 44th St., on West Farnam. Dundee line, $30. Tel. Harney 886. Offices. FINK, light offices In the new City Na tional Bank building, 16th and Harney Sts. This building will be ready for occupanoy about August 1st. Will be up-to-date In every respect. Call at our office for floor plans and full information. GEORGE A COMPANY, AGENTS, 1601 Farnam St . ataree, FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment. 22x70 ft., all newly decorated,' new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Rent $30. N. t Uodgtt & to., loin and Iiarney, WF.LL lighted larire corner room. 33x100, situated on seend floor. Palace Clo. Co., Hiu aui Douglas. . - OFFERED FOR RENT Store -lontlnaed. FTORE ROOM 1W Fsrnam Pt. Seml-bssementa. well lighted, 1S07 and 1S0I Fsrnam St. Store room, R18 N. 2lth St.. So. Omaha. THOS. F. II ALL, 4.13 Hamge Llldg. Both Thones. STORE Room, new building, good lore tlon for any huslness, $:15 month. 10th an.1 Douglas. L. Hariles, Real Estate, 676 Bran dels bid?. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one- story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Furnain. STORE building suitable for drug or gro cery business; good repair. 33d and K Sts., South Omaha. Inquire John Frauek, 20th and S Sts. BRICK, storeroom to let. 20x55 ft., plate glass. T. J. Hook, office 1101 No. 18th. BARN for Doug 2it'4. rent, 3518 N. 27th. Phone FOR RENT Large two-story brick barn, for automobile and storage. 123 S. 25th Ave. OFFERED FOR SALE Boggles. one leather double wagon top. Apply The Cudahy Packing Co., Purchasing Depart ment, South Omuha. COVERED wagon and surrey, both in good condition, cheap, 626 S. 24th Ave. FOR SALE Buggy and harness; first class. Call Harney 3518. Furniture. DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until you see THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-616 Paxton Block. LEAVING CITY By June 10 must sell all my household goods at great sacrifice. Would be Just right tor a newly married couple. Tills includes the furniture of a 6-room house; with gas stove, range, sideboard, etc.; call 2313 Sec ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables, iron base 1 and stone top; also 3 galley banks and two steam tables tor sale. Appljr Heo Pub. Co., 17th and f arnam. FOR SALE Folding bed, almost new. cheap; Douglas 4644. . FURNITURE for sale; balance this week: all the remaining furniture my home; everything Just like new, only used one month; brass beds, mahogany and per- ciuton walnut arcsscrs ana cnerroniers, parlor, library and room furnlturu, Turk ish luather coucii and rockers, beautiful swefcl-to'ned piano, rugs, curtains, etc.; will sell any article separate; can aay or even Ing. 423 N. 39lh St. A 12-HOLE STEEL RANGE; 2 warming ovens. 2 baking ovens; burns either coal. gas or wood; will sell cheap if taken at once. Call Rea ohm. lam Leavenworth bt. HOUSEHOLD furniture and painted cli ina fur sale cheap. Any person wishing bargains should can at once, as party leaves city soon, iiuo i-atK Ave. ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. In eluding gas range, Hoosler kitchen cabinet, secretary bullet, sewing machine, bed room furniture; leaving the city; prices reasonable. Phone iiarney 3610. . Moslval Instruments. ONE good piano, $150. 916 Bancroft. UPRIGHT Sohmer piano, $150, cost $150 owner leaving city. 19U vjass. JUST IN. complete line YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS; no equal ior price bchmoller & Mueller, 1318 f arnam. ELEGANT $76 Storey & Clark ORGAN llehtlv used, with secretary compartment, also practically NEW btorey Clark PIANO A Dargain u iaen suoii. u uia Boston Store. UPRIGHT piano for sale. Apply 1111 So, 21s t bt BEAUTIFUL piano for sale at once, Jus like new: no reasonable offer refused, Hesidunco 423 N. 89lh. Typewriters. SECOND-hano typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxohai.ge, 1607 Farnam. Typewriters for Rent swans 1216 larnaKi ot umana. BUY an L. C. Smith 6t Bros. Typewriter, B. F. bttansou tv,, Distributers, 1.112 Farnam bt ROTARY NEOSTYLE. Bargain. 1117 Far nam. Miscellaneous. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In good condition. ieugm t iu Aauieaa, 673, care Bee. DRUGS ai cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue tree. biierinaa UcColinoil JJiug co., uiiiuna, neo. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, we ieaa me woria in cneaa bar fixtures; easy puyiueuia. oiuiiswiua Balke, Cullender.. 407 b. 10th St mrroND-HAND oak counter: hand carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, odd shape; win tit a room twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storagi house. For further particulars Phone Doug las 288. te uuiiuuig cu. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes ana manes; bargains. Anier lean Supply i;o ills vaineui bi. Ti,. t,nnrri Window Screen 1UO v.wuuui; .... vou one-half. T. H. Welrich Fixture Co.. all kinds of mill work. T ,,mliur - c- Dlinmock Sons, 24th LUIllUer ana- h BU i jj0. Omaha, only In dependent lumber dealers in the city. TENT COTTAGES S"," tak3 one at Carter lake. Price $200. OMAHA TLNT & AWNING CO., 1102 Harney Bt 60 H. P. Gas Engine and Producer Plant. Almost new; suitable for electric IlKhting plant or mill. Perfect condition. Will sell at sacrifice, or trade for good western Ne braska land. Address B-21 Bee. SADDLE and bridle; excellent condition; used but short time. Harney 1051, or 4til9 Cass. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY vfUI choice, splr'.tuai works, $100. 8218 Mender son bt. SIXTY pairs, Wlnslow roller skates, g.iod as new. They retail at $f..5o a pair; 1.25 lakes Ihem. 'Phone Webster 1989. TEAM, harness, wagon, dump boards, ice wtlon, coal box. Call 1618 Frederick. OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsorl la neons Con tinned. EGGS We are now prepared tit furnish eggs for hatching from Seven Oaks strain of (brM to lay) S. C. White Lfghorns at $5 per 100; 15 for $1. SEVEN OAKS TOULTRY FARM, Phone Florence lot. Florence, Neb. HAND painted china for sale; reason able prices. 114U N. 19th. Tel. Web. 6761. PURCHASE check for sale. Douglas 39S2. FOR SALE An English riding saddle; full sheepskin and hi good condition. Tel. Webster 1310. FOR SALE One roller top desk, one oak letter file, ono typewriter desk, one office chHlr. Inquire, at room 806 Brantlois Bldg. FOR HALE Candy and fruit store In the main imrt of the city. Inquire 1524 Dodge. HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. Pr. Kathryn Nichols. 568 N. X. Life Pldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton BIk. Tel. Red 711T. HIRAM A. STURGESS, registered patent attorney. V. S. and foreign patent se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. $. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Patent office. 618 Paxton ttloak. Tol. Red 29!lt PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massnae treatment fnr rhmimatlsm. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 226 Neville Blk. D. T76L Sun rlira from combing!!, $1.50. Mrs.1 B. " Mathews, 304 Neville J i Bk. D. 6268. MRS. EGGERS' nrlvata confinement home, 1616 Martha St. Omaha. Neb. Phona Douglas 6230. YOUNG WOMEN comlni to Omaha as traiigers are Invited to visit the Younrt W oinan's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted Look for our . traveler s aid at the Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. ABLENE DE VOY. manicuring and mas sage. 624 S. 16th Bt, Fiat t. Phone D, 7640. GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo. lands tells how. Western Land & lnv. Co. Swartl & McKelvv News DeDt. Sd-hand books; Uer. & Eng. periodicals. 108 S. 15 to. SYRINGES r.,2!'. S catalogue. Myers-billon Drug Co., Omaha. A HOME for women durlna- confinement. We find lioin-i for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha Lu Lee, 401 Bancroft St. Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas 1921. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, lnd. A-1668. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANT, 16th and Harney Bis, JOS1E WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Bower.'' at all book stores; price $1.60. Mine Frnvpr Adellght Hair Food, aiint. X 1U Vtr. Ior taidness. removes. dandruff. Megeath Stationary Co., 1421 Far. BRAIDS and switches made from oomb- ing, $1 up; a fine line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. P. 6t0Vr, 2512 bt Mary's Ave. phone Red .3151. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 184 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy pour. Call 'phone Douglas 4l& and wagons win can. MAGNETIC LL;.?.l;n,,"v fLBrott' OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. WE don't like to get personal, but it's right to the point. Vaudeville, latest and liveliest PARLOR THEATER, Half price matinee. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1814 Davunoort lnd. B-2798. DIVORCES obtained without ' holse or delay. Wilis and estates a specialty. Practiced law 28 years. . W. A. CONNOLLY, 474 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 3668. , . MISS LORETTA MORAN Massaging, manlcurliur, chiropody, scalp treatment, hair goods; Sundays, 10 to 4 p. ni. 306 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4218. PRIVATE HOME ' during- confinement babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Banl torium. 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, Is. STRICTLY private Christian home for confinements, doctor In attendance, trained nurse babies for adopt Ion. 2618 Davenport M AflNETKi treatment Mme. Smith; WlfiS and toupee tr men. Griffith, -IVJO 12 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St. oppo site poeiofflus. 8U floor. Vhone Doug. 7668. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St 'Phone Webster $6&. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaUrane, 1617 Dodge St: hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. in. Basement flat MASSAGE AND BATH. Room 308 old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 B. leth Bt WANTED At once, 6, lady solicitors; good puy and steady employment for right party. Call Saturday morning, from 8 a. m. till 12 p. in., at 701 South 17lh Ave. Ask for G. W. Okey. SIMPLE home treatment cures corns, bunlotiB, warts, callouses, eto; foot special ist, 15 years' experience; booklet 2 cents Leroy Dago, Dept. C, 163 State, Chicago. ANYONE knowing ttie whereabout and address of Albln Huilngren, who made his home in this city six years ago, please notify his mother, Mrs. J. P. liollngren, Lafayette, Minn,. Route 2. MASSAGE electrlo treatment by expert 107 bo. 17th St., room L 1st floor. POULTRY SILKO CHICK, FOOD Is the beat In the market for young chick ens, Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 01-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones Douglas 1142; independent A -Ms. Screenings. $1.25 per 100. Wagner, 801 H. la, DUFF ORPINGTON eggs for setting, $i per hundred. Phone Huiiiy 478. PRINTING I.KWW.HAHKH TWinr bon Entrance on BEE BUILDING Court R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th; lnd. A8624. 1KJIJGLAB COUNTY saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my .figures oa printing. Johu T. 'f hginp.on. Tel W-85M1, sutiabls. t.s t. 4ih Ave. Douglas tw5i I