Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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.tvro Soot Vrias. lu
Zl(btUif fixtures flaj-g-ar4c Co.
lift Vif acaiXlAt ot garmenla. Twin
Cuy Dye Work. 41 bouui i..teenth.
Utjo Rational i'.fs Insaranee Co. IslO
Cliatles K. A!y. Ctreral Agent, Omaha.
bartafa AocoUJita In Nubrafcka Saving
mil Loan Asa'u Ono dollar to JS.OoO each,
liix- ltr cent per annum, ciedlted emt
Ltniuitiv. . uiiranitefl ' U5. IMS Farnam.
Vhiy Case Is ,itvorod A mandate
tikb'juhi Imeii uui.ilku 140KU by tli United
fuaicij circuit court oC appeals, reverting
liiL- action of the L'n.tod Mates circuit court
lor tie fuiata tii.uict iu the dwinimtal
of Injunc tioi, isuilfc Uioughi b) tlie Whisky
trust asalinit certain Omaba liquor dealers
lor 'iuhg , K'iii' 'vnder toniu ot the H-utt Inlands, which Is not ot those
lnarma. 'ili tulo ui the cases in winch U' hae teen receivid are Julius
Ktoslr Co. nuinsi Meyer Klein and tne pialnllUa ugaun t Solomon U. Oold
s.iuin. ManLU . Baby, Wsbrasaa rarsnts
Uinatia friends nave Jum received word
lionr Manila, 1'. 1., Of tne birth ot a eon
to ill. and Airs. Charles Duncan In that
city on April 12. Mr. Duncan Is a clerk
In tho War department ot Manila. He was
. xn duty at the Department ot tho Missouri
hcudiruartcrs for about eighteen months
f Vrior to July, 1M9. Mr. Duncan saw service
' prior to this time with tne regular army In
lJorto Klco and tho I'hiilppines. Mrs.
,' Duncan was formerly Miss Fanny S. Mc
j Wee of Albion, Neb. Miss Mctiee first met
I lr. Duncan while the latter was a patient
i In Viae Memorial hoepltal, where she
I nursed hire through a dangerous attack
of inflammation of the lungs. Beven
'months later they were married., leaviug
I shortly afterward tor Manila, where they
' are now located.
Represent! in Three Euits Man Ac
cusd of Placing Dynamite.
Police hailovr Men "unpectnl of D
Inn Implicate 1 Willi Erilmaa In
riot to Donlrojf DrnnUon
Keenan Trial
on Wednesday
Both State and Defense Beady for Be-
,' ginning Defendant is Be
;N . . ported 111.
Doth the prosecution and defense of Al
Keenan seemed to expect Tuesday that the
trial on a charge of attempted Jury bribing
wilt begin, as scheduled, Wednesday, al
. although there have been several postpone
j . .......
fhenta in tne past ana it was aiso rumored
that Keenan la 11H lie la now at the county
hospital, '
We eerm to be forced Into trial," said
J. J. O'Connor, who has been Keenan's
employer In the past and who, with A.
W. Jefferis, represented Keenan at the
preliminary hearing In county court.
The county attorney, 6n, the other hand
says he thinks he has been fairly obliging
in the matter of delays.
Rumor that one of the state's chief wit
nesses, John Barrett, and J. W. Van Cleve
had left (he city seems to be unfounded,
The state has also, Issued a subpoena for
Itobett Smith,- clerk of. the district court,
but It la expected that his evidence will
only be to the effect that the Stewart trial
was tn progresa lait May and that Barrett
and ;Van Cleve were serving on the jury.
Phelps Tells of
Marital Troubles
Relates of Different Times He Had
Seen His Wife and Bergen
Three suits begun by Frank Erdman, in
the county court, seem likely to go by the
board because of his recent arrest on a
charge of attempting to dynamite Tom Den
nlson, and the discovery that Erdman Is
an escaped Colorado convict.
In all three suits Elmer E. Thomas was
the attorney of record.
November 24 of last year Erdman filed
suits to recover sums of money which he
alleged ho lost gambling. Of Ulchard 8. Uor-
In and Douls Rentfrow Erdman sought $000;
of Frank Sampson, $00 and of William E.
Net-gelhouso and Henry Sherman 1200.
The cases were called for trial several
times by County Judge Leslie, the last rec
ord made in them being February of this
year. Since then tho cases have been
passed over several times, Mr. Thomas not
being present when they were called.
I'ollee Shadow Suspects.
Persons suspected of being accomplices
of Frank Erdman In the attempt on the
life of Tom Dcnnlson by the placing of a
dynamite bomb are under police surveil
Dcnnlson himself expresses the conviction
that they will be ultimately connected with
the case beyond doubt.
Erdman has 1120 on deposit among his
effects at the city jail.
In this connection he dropped a remark
that the detectives belkvo to bo significant.
'No more money for lawyers out of mc,"
he Bald. "They will have to stand for any
mora expense."
Just who this "they" may be the police
do not know and Erdman declines to
Yonasr Woocn' C hrlitlaa Association
Camp on Lake llrady 'or
The ontdnor season for the Touns; Wo
men's Christian association will begin June
1. Gymwocka camp, the headquarters for
the summer. Is In readiness and the physi
cal director. Miss Florence Allien, has taken
up her residence there. Miss Alden Is both
official hostess and Instructor In swimming,
tennis, rowing and other athletic accom
plishments. The hoi sewurmlng was held May W and
there are to be no festivities attendant
upon the beclt.ning of tho camping season.
Ilnllillnst Permits.
Mrs. Margaret pilgrim. Twenty
avenue aivl Maple, frame. 2,oi0;
Johnson, 2611 Fort, frame, $2,000.
A. R.
Ad Man of the Barronsrha Company
Will Address Commercial
(lob on Jan 1
' "Advertising as a Creative Force In BubI-
riese" will be the subject of E. St. Elmo
, Lewie' address before the Omaha Commer
cial club on June 1. Mr. Lewis la the ad
vertising manager ot the Burroughs Ad
ding Machine company and is considered
yto be ono of tha best advertising men in the
ceuntry, .
He was educated for a lawyer at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania and was one of the
editors of tha "University Courier" in
' 1S83-M. His experience with the college
magaalne caused him to give up law and
he became manager ot a printing establish
ment In Three years later he founded
, an advertising agency and became adver-
' tiding manager of tha National Cash Regis'
tar company in liMW. He - went to Detroit
! in 13H In an editorial capacity for "The
.bookkeeper," and since March, 1906, has
been advertising manager ot the Burroughs
I company.
I Mr. Lewis has found time to write many
books on advertising for the public among
I Which are, "The Credit Man and His Work."
"The Lewis Course of Advertising In
I truction," "Publicity for the Printers,"
I and "Financial Advertising." In 1904 he
became a member of the Pierce Sschool of
' Philadelphia, where he lectured on "Ad
I vertlslng and Business Practice." Be
tides this he was connected editorially with
the Businers World, Inland Printer, Ameri
can Printer.
The story Is told of Mr. Lewis applying
for his present position. The management
I A M it was sorry, but there was no 'such
; Vl6, . because the company did hardly any
"W don't need an advertising manager."
"Yes you do," replied the applicant. "Per.
ftiapa you don't know it, but you do, and to
"demonstrate this I'll work for you for a
. year for $30 a week. Then, If you want to
fire mo, all right."
Tho offor was accepted, Lewis is there
yet, and each year since the company has
increased, his salary.
Mr, Lewis is a Mason, a member ot the
Fellowcraft club of Detroit, the National
Geographical society, the Archeological As
sociation of America, the Detroit Yacht
dull, Detroit Golf club and a corresponding
. member ot the Quatuor Coronatl Lodge ot
F. & A. M., London, England.
Acren Harden Bros. Oarers Are on
the ttrovnd to Get Goods De
al red for This City.
Joseph Haydeo, head of the firm of Hay-
aen uros., has returned from St. Joseph
whera he went Saturday, accompanied by
even ot the buyers ot the big" Itayden
tore, to purchase all the goods possible at
tho sale of the tl.WO.OOO stock ot the llund
ley lry Goods company.
mougnt we would be able to get
some bargalna to offer to the people of
Omaha, and we were not mistaken," said
Mr. Itayden. "I took seven of the buyers
iviin me inai we might be able to select
uoh p-T the Immense stock as we thought
the people of Omaha might want and we
were successful. v do not claim to have
bought the entire stock, but we did buy
evrai canoaaa, some of which have al
rttJy arnveo. in umaha and are being
marked for our big sale, which opens
'The Hundley Pry. Goods company was
ono ot the large concerns of the west and
mum mv wc-iv uiiuuiii iq naving a
large force of buyers on hand to make big
elections. Our buyers have been at the
uslneas so long they know what Omaha
uftople want and were able to make pUu,
did selections '
. 1
Foirf Kidney Remedy may be given to
children with admlrablo lesulta. It does
awayfvith bed wetting, and la also rec
ommeijd tor use after measles and scarlet
fvcoo!d by all druggists.
Admits He and Man Named Thomas
Arranged for a BIk Hani.
Talking coolly thiough the bars of his
cell Erdman told reporters Tuesday morn
ing that he had arranged with an accom
plice to hold up and rob a bank, when his
pal deserted him, three years ago. The
prisoner said his accomplice in the In
teended bank robbery plot was a man
named Thomas, who had served In the
Canon City penitentiary, and whom Erd
man had sent numerous cases of provisions
and clothing' after the latter had made hie
escape from the prison.
Thomas, upon being liberated, according
to Erdman, joir.ed him here in Omaha and
occupied a room with him. Erdman de
frayed all the expenses of his friend.
bought him clothing of an expensive kind
and gave him all manner of attention, he
said. "Thomas was sick," said Erdman,
"and I wanted him to rest up and get well
before we pulled off the big job."
The plans of the two went by the boards
suddenly with the disappearance ot Thomas
and about fftOO of Erdman's money, and the
two revolvers they were to use in the hold'
up proceeding.
Erdman denied, as he had done before,
ever having been out of the city at the
times the police allege in their suspicions
of his work on the dynamite plot. He de
nied ever having been in Louisville, Nob.,
where the high explosive dynamite Is kept.
Deputy County Attorney Magney Tuesday
morning announced he. was seriously con
sidering the plan of swearing out five
separate complaints against tho prisoner
a complaint from each member of Mr. Den
nlson's household. "We have got a pretty
strong case with tha single complaint of
Dennisori, however," said Mr. Magney, and
the maximum penalty ot fifteen year for
conviction on that complaint would prob
ably amount to life for the prisoner."
The attorney explained that Erdman is
past 60 years old now and that to swear
hia freedom away for seventy-five years
or more, as would be the case with con
viction on five complaints, would be an
unnecessary precaution. "However," con.
eluded the state's prosecuto., "we may de
cide to use the method ot complaining with
five principal witnesses." It was further
pointed out that if this decision should be
made, tha present complaint would be set
aside after the prellminu-y hearing Friday
and tha new ones sworn out
It was learned from John O. Yelser, at-
torney for tne prisoner, mat mrs, j. u.
Oeutsch, 423 North Eighteenth street, at
whose house Erdman lived to the time of
his arreBt, will testify that the man waa
in his room all afternoon or the day on
which he Is alleged to have been out plac
ing dynamite bombs.
Captain Bavaga Tuesday morning ad.
niitted that the police havo learned of a
woman in Florence with whom Erdman
was on close term of friendship and that
It Is thought he may nave contrived the
bomb at her house.
In the course ot bis interview with re
porters, Erdman siaiea mat ine gooa citi
sens of Omaha" were acting In his defense
and would defray the expenses of his trial.
Besides tha omission or the name Tom
Donnlson in the opening part ot the original
con-plaint against Erdman, the county at
torneys discovered another defect. Tho
complaint described the gun in the dyna
mite bomb as being loaded with gunpowder
and lead bullets in cartridges, whereas the
gun In reality was loaded with dynamite
end blank cartridges.
Both defects were corrected and the com.'
plaint moue rcauy . or u wearing
will take place Friday morning.
Attorney Yelser has announced that he
ill let his client stand trial thruugh the
preliminary hearing and force the state to
uso a considerable part oi its evidence
against him.
Frsnk N. Phelps resumed his testimony
against John W. Bergers In district court
Tuoday morning. He declared that he had
several times met Bergers and Mrs. Phelps
out automobile riding and that his invita
tion to Bergers to get cut of his car and
settle matters on the street did not appeal
to the automobile dealer.
Phelps testified that one day In April,
1SXO, he had Been his wife coining out of
the back door of Bergers' home and then
had seen Bergers emerge from the front
entrance. Phelps declared he then said ty
his vvlte
"Weil, I havo caught you red-handed at
last." i
To this Phelps said Mrs. Phelps replied:
"Well, if you've caught me, I may as
well own up."
The witness then testified to seeing Mrs.
Phelps leaving Bergers' res. deuce on an.
other occasion, but by the front door. He
said that April L laow, Mra, Phelps left his
home, going to her mother s and taking
the baby with her. The same day her suit
for divorce was filed.
Asked if he had made an effort to see
her at her mother's, Phelps answered in
the affirmative. He was unsuccessful,
having been restrained by court order
which Mrs. Phelps procured.' An effort by
Phelps' attorney to get this restraining
order admitted in evidence produced a long
debate between R. II. Olmstead and B. Q.
Uuruank, the opposing attorneys, and
Judge Sears ruled It out for a time.
Tho last question asked Phelps on direct
examination was this;
What etfect on you did Berbers taking
your wife automobile riding, you seeing her
leave his house by the back door and again
by the Iront door when the curtains had
been pulled down, her leaving your home
and taking your baby with her to mother's,
where it contracted measles and died, what
effect did these things have on you?"
To this Phelps made answer:
Constant worry, a nervoua breakdown,
rrom which i have not yet recovered and
which caused my leaving my position with
the Krug theater and going on the road.
Special announcement!
Wo have taken over from our Des Moines whole
sale store 540 pairs of tapestry portieres odd pairs
and drop numbers from their 1909 catalogue. They
were bought before the advance in price, which means
a saving of 15 per cent. Besides we desire to close
them out at their original cost at the mill, saving you
the jobbers' and retailers' profit.
This will be an opportunity to buy inexpensive por
tieres of exceptional merit at the cost of manufacturing.
carpet eo.
Fisherman Finds
Corpse in River
As Hike league Draws In His Seine
He Fulls Out Body of a
Dead Man.
"Draws heavy," remarked Mike Teague,
a Missouri river fisherman, to his wife,
as she sat in the boat while he pulled In a
seine. -,
By their combined efforts, they drew
the seine to the bank and there landed the
burden which proved to be a corpse. The
body was that of a well dressed man of
about 50 years ot age. It had been in the
water apparently flvs or six days.
Coroner Crosby found papers on the body
which bore the address, Beresford, S. D.,
but there was nothing to indicate the Iden
tity of the dead man. There were no
marks of violence on the body.
Union Paclflo Has Been Forging to
tha Fore During; Present
Fiscal Year,
Financial men expect that the Increase in
the year's surplus for the common stock of
the Union Paclflo will be approximately
18.1a par cent as compared with a surplus
of 17 W per cent for the same period a year
ago. This percentage may be somewhat
reduced by further conversion of bonds,
the estimate being based on the 216.G7t,S0O
stock outstanding May 21. If the estimate
made tor the present year holds good It
will mean a gain ot $11 for each share.
Net earnings for nine months of the cur
rent year were $31,090,253, which Is an In
crease ot $l.P09,$7Q over the same period of
1000. A relatively poor showing was made
In March, as there was a decrease of $390,380
in the net for the month. This was due
almost entirely to washouts and expenses
which offset tike big gain of $986,304 in gross
earnings. Fixed charges will show a de
crease of about $t,OU0.000 caused by retire
ment early In the latter half of W of some
$30,000,000 convertible bonds.
Low Hates to tho Cast Via Nickel
Plata Road.
New York and return, $25.50. Boston and
return, $25.00. Reduced rates to other east
ern points. Liberal atopovojs. Tickets on
sale dally from June 1st.- 30-day limit. In
quire of local agent, or address John Y.
Calahan, Qv A W Adams tit., Chicago.
Floth Held for .
"Attempt to Kill
Han Who Fired on F. J. McDonald
is Arrested in Council
George Floth, 3102 Burt street, is held at
the city jail under the charge of assault
with Intent to kill In shooting F. J. McDon
ald, 2214 Charles street, on Tuesday night.
Floth was arrested in Council Bluffs
Wednesday afternoon by Detectives Ring
and Murphy. McDonald was shot in the
right forearm.
Floth was playing pool at Joe Wright's
hall, 1304 North Twenty-fourth street., when
he was ejected by the proprietor for mak
ing a gun play. At Twenty-second and
Paul streets Floth met McDonald, who
was talking to some young women on the
There was an exchange of remarks and
Floth fired the shot which Wednesday
caused the arrest.
A fthootlna; scrape
with both parties wounded, demands Buck
ten's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores,
burns or injuries. 26c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Thirtieth Annual Graduation Exer
cises Present a Varied
The thirtieth annual commencement ex
ercises of Bellevue college will be held
from June $ to 8. On Friday, June 3, K.
U. Graff, principal of the Omaha High
school, will address the graduating class
of the Normal school at the First Presby
terian church at I) o'clock In the evening.
There will be a recital Saturday evening
at the First Presbyterian church and Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock the baccalaureate
ttrmon will be preached by Rev. Stephen
W. Stookcy, L.L. D., president ot the col
lege. In the evening at S o'clock Rev. R.
W. Taylor of the First Presbyterian church
of Tekamah will deliver an address before
the Chrlbtlan associations. The senior class
play, "As You Like It," will ba given iu
the grove Monday at 5:30 p. m.
The annual meeting of the board of trus
tees will be Tuesday morning, June 7, at
11 o'clock, and in the evening there will be
a recital at the First Presbyterian church.
On Wednesday following there will be a
base ball game at 2:30 between the varsity
and tho alumni, and tha junior prom will
be given In the evening on the campus.
Class reunions will be held Thursday, June
9, and the Bellevue college commencement
exercises will be held at the First Presby
terian church.
Dr. Theodore G. Moares of the University
of Chicago, will deliver the commencement
address, taking for his subject "A Modern
Philosophy ot Life." At 2:30 the alumni
reunion will take place at Clarke hall and
Prof. WUUs 11. Kerr of Westminster col
lege will deliver an address upon "Atti
tude." The alumni banquet will be held
at Fontanelle hall at 6 o'clock In the even
ing and the exercises will close with a re
ceptlon by the president at Rankin hall.
"It cured me," or "it saved the life of my
child," are the expressions you hear every
day about Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world
over where this valuable remedy has been
Introduced. No other medicine In use for
diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received
such general approval. The secret of the
success of Chamberlain s Collu, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy is that It cure. Sold
by all dealers
Canyon x'
this Summer
Climb the Rockies in
Colorado, see lovely
Yosemite, and bathe in
the blue Pacific Ocean.
These are vacation attrac
tions offered by the Santa Fe.
Low-fare round-trip sum
mer excursions through
the Southwest Land of
Write, phone or call lor our three
summer folders:
"A Colersdo Summer,'"
"Titan ot ChasmsGrand Canyon,"
snd "California Summer Excursions.
Samuel Larimer,
General Agent,
A.T. & S.F.Ry..
406 Sixth Ave.,
Dei Moines, la,
0 ..
rizona foWM.jf iff
Regarding Our
Oxfords for Men
and Women
To our thousands of shoe customers and the many
who, sooner or later, arc sure to be customers of ours,
wo wish to state that, in addition to our already im
mense stocks of $2.50 Oxfords, we have recently added
a number of new lines which aro really worth $3.00
and $3.50.
Consequently we are ablo to provide an Oxford to
exactly 6uit your taste and yet keep the price at $2.50.
And, now that we have every style of this season,
every last, every shape, every sizo and every width,
we invite you to come to this store now, today, and
see ' , .
Tne Greatest Line of Oxfords
Ever Shown
Ira Omaha at
Men's Womon's
Gas Service
Mamta-inrng a Standard:
No matter where you buy a gas range, it is not
merely delivered and connected then deserted.
' "Gas Service" goes with it forever after. .
Our demonstrateor will call promptly after the
range is delivered to answer any questions concerning
the best methods to use on your, particular style of range
to show you how to get the best results from its use, to
make you thoroughly acquainted with every feature of
its operation.
Her duty is to give just as much assistance and ad
vice as you desire and she will call as often as you wish.
Omaha Gas Company
the M
Protested Asrams
edical Trust?
DO YOU want your family under the supervision of a National
Health Bureau controlled by the political doctors?
.Even now the American Medical Association, which denies that it is using "lobbying"
methods, has a letter out to its members, written on the official letterhead of its 'Committee on
Medical Legislation" under date of May 10th, 1910, from which we quote the following:
Dear Doctor:
A proposition to establish a Department of Health with a Secretary in the Cabi
net of the President, is now pending in Congress (Owen BUI, S. 6049). The Con
gressional elections are to occur within a few months. It is, therefore, of the highest
importance ...... that you at once take the necessary steps
(1) To secure as delegate from your county to your Congressional nominating
conventions of ALL parties, men who are in favor of establishing a National Depart
ment of Health with a Secretary in the Cabinet ..... . . . ;
(2) To secure, if possible, a definite promise from each candidate for Congress
to support such a measure, if elected The position of all candidates, what
ever it may be, should be made known to the electors BEFORE THE NOMINA-
(3) To secure the adoption of a plank in favor of a Department of Public
Health in the platform of each political convention ......
Concerning this letter on proposed legislation the NeWjYork Herald of May 25th says editorially:
"Standard Oil is a puling infant in the way of a trust compared with the gigantic
combine for which these doctors are working. It would create a monopoly more odious
than was ever before conceived, one which would touch and control the life of the people
at a thousand points of contact, and the most audacious feature of all would impose the
cost of its own support upon the country to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Some notion of what this trust would be at the start Heaven only knows what it
might not be made to include when once firmly established as part of the federal govern
ment! may be gleaned from the statement made by one of its promoters as reported in the
Journal of the American Medical Association. It would control hygiene, sanitation, food, educa
tion, immigration, public and private relief. labor conditions end a dozen other things,
besides research laboratories and equipment In other words, the American people through
their government would be engaged in experimentation upon living animals vivisection.
Nothing so needless, nothing so audacious in the way of a trust was ever before
conceived, much less proposed to be incorporated into the government."
If you want the United States to con
tinue to attend to its own business the States
to theirs, and the political doctors to theirs,
join this League.
Thousands are enrolling daily. No
fee. Just sign and mail to us this coupon,
and telegraph or write your Congressman
immediately protesting against the follow
ing "health bills" now before the House:
Nos. 24, 549; 24 ,827; 24, 828; 24,875; and 24,876.
Th$ National League for Medical Freedom,
Metropolitan Building, New York City.
Please enroll me as in sympathy with the purpose of
your League and send literature.
City State..
. Street Address ,
(Non-partisan and supported entirety by voluntary contributions.)
B. O. FLOWER, President, Editor 44 20th Century Magazine" Metropolitan Building. New York City