Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin: iu:k: omaiia. Wednesday, jitnt. i, into.
In the Mile Run Nearly One-Half
Second it Cut Off.
Inimrna Crowds Cheer the Drivers
aa Thf r Speed Around Course at
Indianapolis Prrtormlng
tha Feata.
Church Growth in
United States is
Showing Gains
Census Figures Show Ninety Com
municants Out of Each 1,000
of the Population.
Engages in Conflict Started by Gen
eral Lora.
INDIANAPOLIS May 81. In ala-hlng
ratra at the Indlanaplia speedway
new recorda were aet for the national cham
pionship In stock ear ylH-sea, which will be
contented Annually. Harney Oldf IpIiI. with
hla big Bens, broke the American .-perdway
recorda for the mile and the kilonietr-r. and
lUiy Harroun, driving a Marmon. topped
the time for fifty miles for cam of Zll to
cubic Inches displacement.
A crowd of 55.0(10 people cheered the
driver on to desperate feats of .speed and
the companlea of militia wen? pressed hard
In controlling the eaer spectator who over-
..... n .!.. n tri the field. 1
""""" "," """ " V . numbered the
straining for a near view oi mo nuruvs ui
the motora.
viuue, cui being 9tiU,52fi, or 23.5 per cent,
from 28 flat to and the kilometer record "
from 23.7 to 21..r. He made the former
reoorda on the I.os Angles track.
In a wonderfully auatalned daah through
out tre fifty-mile race Harroun eaaily led
hla rivals and waa ahead of the record at
thirty and forty "miles and the flnlah. Hla
time waa 42.41. The former record, which
waa 44.48, Harroun himself had aet at Atlanta.
WASHINGTON, May 31. Church growth
In tha United States liaa been greater than
the increase in population, between the
yeara 1900 and 1W, accord'.HK to the spe
cial census report on tthe census of relig
ious bodies for 1908, now In press.
Out of every l.OuO people In the 1G0 prin
cipal cities of the country, that is those
which had a population of more than
2i,000. thero were 4fi church members,
whllo for the area outside these cities
there were 3C1, and for the entire country
there were 391. As compared with l.VH),
the teport shows a ta n of ni:iety communl
cunts in each 1,W0 of population for the
principal rltles end a main 0f fifty-one out-
aldo of them. Female members in 1900 out-
malo members by 32 per
cent. In tho principal cltlea the exce.-s of
female members waa proportionately less.
Heavy Losses - Sustained b- III em
After Long; Conflict AVaned
I naneressfnlljr Nenr Blue,
Strike Ordered
on All Southern
Pacific Lines
BLCEFIEUDS, Nicaragua. May 31 Gen
eral I,ara, commander of the Madila
forces, attain attacked General Kstiada'a
position yesterday. About 3 o'clock in the
morning ho began an assault on Kstruda'a
left flank with MX) men, hut ufter hard
fighting. In which many were killed and
wounded, the Madriz troops were foice.1
to retire. Estrada's, losses were light,
About the samo lime an assault was be
gun on the extreme south flank, but this,
loo, failed, there being further heavy
losses to Lara's men. Estrada succeded in
cupturimr a large number of prisoners, who
report that General Lara is convinced that
it will be Impossible to take tho entrench
ments of the provisionals.
Tiie port of Hlucfields has been officially
changed by the provisional government
from the bluff to a point three miles up
the Kscondido river and the custom house
has been officially removed to the city of
Bluefields. The representatives of Madriz,
however, who now hold the bluff, claim
the right to atop all vessels proceeding in
and out of the harbor for the purpose of
collecting duties. This has complicated the
situation and It is understood that a ruling
Farmers Lose
Big Elevator
at Dorchester
Ten Thousand Dollars' Loss Sustained
and Burlington loses Water
IHIRCHETKR. Neb., May 21.-tSpeeial
Telegram.) Fire which broke out here at
ll:t."i p. m. tonight destroyed the Farmers'
elevator and the water tank of the Burling
ton company, which stood behind It. The
loss on the elevator is estimated at $10,000.
The building was valued at SL.'-W and In It
were from 5.0U0 to C..UO0 bushels of grain.
The fire was discovered In the top of tho
elevator, und as the only water supply was
the hose at the station, which would not
reach the height, the flames spread with
uninterrupted progress. The elevator wa
bui lied to the ground ut 1:30; there w a notu-
ing rern.ilnini? but the heaps of blaiing
corn. The lo.s to the railroad com
pany in the destruction of the water tank
la not at present known.
Caleb BrsLlr the Cincinnati amateur, Bridge Building Gangs to Go Out Lf the American State department as to
with hla Flat, waa the third atar or the
day'a triumphs. He won two ten-mile and
one flvo-mlle free-for-all race and had to
put up a hard fight for each of them with
Klrscher In a Darracq.
For the national champlonahlp, tho
drlvera battled with all their skill, fore-
Because of Refusal of Demand
for Higher Wages.
HOUSTON, Tex., May 31. A atrlke of oil
members of the International Order of
Maintenance of Wfl v emnlnves of tho
Ing their engines to the limit of their s , pnifi iinm, nrdered tonlcht
power. The leaders were always bunched by prc.,dent A. B. t,owe of st. i,0Us. tho
whom duties shall be paid is awaited
There are rumors current that the Bluff
wns lost to Estrada through treachery
and the takftig of this strong position by
the Madriz forces has materially lessened
Estrada's chances of success.
order to go Into effect Wednesday.
Lows will make a final effort to effect
compromise of the order's demands with
President Fay of the railroad tomorrow,
at the home stretch and the contests were
not deolded until tho front wheels of the
victors actually had crossed tha wire of
the timing machine.
The entries had been cut down by tho but dQeg Qt expect to Bucceed. The strike
strict decisions of the technical committee I,,, U(J up a brl6ee buildlng operations
or the American AutomoDiie association, aong the ne aocordlnB t0 an oflfclal of
which stated that every car that did not Jhe order Tf)e companVi according to
comply with the specifications as to weight L)We ha. re.uged t0 reCognlze the order
and cylinder measurements In the various and aBo refused t(J t a demand for
sections snouia De parrea. bui uw ru
were none tha less sensational because of
the smaller fields of contestants.
V Li. Chevrolet, In a Bulck,
Bargain Counter Offerings You will find
The Bee Want Ad Pages a successful
medium for reaching buyer and seller.
Blizzard Sweeps
Superior Region
Boats Are Seeking Haven of Port as
Refuge from Wind and
State Board of Health of Texas Will
Not Act.
Million Dollars Offered by flock
efeller to Katermlnate the KH
Will Not ne Aec-nted by
AI'STIN. Tex.. May SI. Not one cent of
the Rockefeller 11.000.000 fund for the In
vestigation of the hooka crm disease will be
apt lit In Texas, Recording to State Health
Officer Brumby. When asked the reason
the mictor laid today:
"There are a number of hitches we don't
care to discuss. It suffices to say there
will be no hookworm Investigation. It was
Impossible for the Stnte Hoard of Health
and the hookworm commission to get to
cether. The commission wanted the board
to duplicate the amount to be spent by the
commission and this was not possible, it
Is said."
DETROIT, ich.. May 31. A special to
the Detroit News from Calumet says that
Lake Superior and the surrounding coun
try are In the grip of a fierce blizzard, with
northerly winds and a heavy snowfall. All
boats are seeking ports of refuge from the
gale. A heavy sea Is running all along the
southern coast. No boats are reported
within reach of the wireless. Wire and
train service are practically demoralized.
Republicans and Democrats Join
Hands to Denounce I.esslsla
tlve Members.
EFFINGHAM. 111.. May 31.-A call was
signed tonight by the chairman of the re
publican and democratic central committees
for a mass meeting of voters of Effingham
county, to be held here next Saturday for
the purpose of adopting resolutlona denoun
cing the present members of tha legisla
ture from this, the Forty-second district.
D. W. Hostlaw Is the senator and D. J.
C. Beckemeyer, M. C. McMackln and Har
vey McCullom, the repreaentatlvea. Those
who are planning the meeting expreaa the
hope that Marlon, Clinton and Clay coun
ties, also In the Forty-second district, will
take similar action.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
higher wages.
Daagtroui Snraery
winning tho abdominal region la prevented by
Ml to 230 championship for ten miles, set tne uge of pr King's New Life Pills, the
the record down to 9:03 from 9:46 and Daw- palnleM purifiers. 28c. For sale by Beaton
son liuarmonj, wresimg irom nai ruuu mu i prug Co.
victory in me zi 10 aw ciasa lor nv-i
miles put a new mark at 4:41. aeven seconda
better than the old time.
Seta a Fast Pace.
Oldfleld In a Knox won both the five and
mile championships In the 451 to 600 class.
which Included the highest power cars
recognized under the stock car racing
rulee. Leading all the way, Oldfteld cut
down the record for five miles from 4:03 to
The honor for setting the champlonahlp
record for ten miles In the 301 to 401 class
went to Aitken (National), who pulled
down the time from 8 8 to 7:62.
Indictments for
Insurance Men)
Investigation of Merger of Fraternal
Tribunes and American Home
Circle Stirs Fraternal Men.
ROCK ISLAND, 111., May 81. (Special
Telegram.) Conspiracy, embezzlement, lar-
Only two accidents marred tha day's ceny an(j perjury, are said to be among tha
sport arid In neither of them was anyone accusations contained In tha indictments
injured, though Harroun had the narrowest preparei by States Attorney L. M. Maglll
escape from deatn tnat ne naa ever ex- for presentation to the Rock Island grand
perlenccd. His Marmon Wasp, with which Jury tomorrow, In the fraternal Insurance
he so brilliantly won the 200 mils race rRJ,-
Saturday, burst a tiro and hurled itself on M j, thftt ,orae of th, p,orig gftnst j
,t, cement- wait mw guuras upper wnom tne mdlctmanta are directed, re
margin of the track. Eliding along Ule top ,ld- , Cnlca,0( ,ad otner8 ln Springfield,
or tne wan. mo oar wre a burrow in me and oth-p lulnolp townB
cement tor imy anu w.e.. Attorney II. A. Weld said today that he
over. Hinging narroun irom nis seat, ne d,, ftfter the lootlna of the re.
picKea .iiniBeu up ""'' serve fund, that certain men had received
was a snarl of steel. It was only partial I, than mWK fof aCo0rnpUBhlng tne
consoiauun lor iub wiioh ' ,,.- of ,h Fraternal Tribunes with th.
Wheeler, vice president of the Speedway 1 AmeHcan Hom6 circle and tnat tne 25 000
company, leaama .. ... uu. that was paid to the officers of the Fra
granasv-nos, -" .- terna, Tribunes was only a part of the
silver vropiijr w .vw, n...u mam fund,
Ha won .u uiu w-...m icmjv.
Mobodr Hurt. Chaonberlaln'a Cought Remedy Is sold on
The second accident of tha day occurred a guarantee that lf you are not satisfied
in the five-mile free-ifor-all, when Kir- after using two-thirds of a bottle according
char'a Darracq cast rflgh m the air one to direotlona, your money will be refunded.
of Its front tirea. iAinmronlng all his I It la up to you to try. Sold by all dealers.
strength, the driver held nis oar aanlng, fly-
ln?, tr.K ? th 'VallVuireif HINZLE, ST. LOUIS MAN, DEAD f rA n f Via Inn- ftiif Drill vtnnnAil If no f t ' '
" I
in the sand. Tha ten-mile race for oars
of 161 to 230 ctrblo Inches piston displace
ment started with four entries: Human
Bulck; L. Chrevlot, Buldc; Frayer, Fire
stone, and Miller, Warren, Detroit. Chrev
rolet Jumped to the lead at the start, with
Burrrran a close second, and they held this
ordar to tha finish, drawing far ahead
Goes to Hla Room and.
Hla Throat with m
COLUMBUS, Neb., May SI. (Special
Telegram.) F. J. Hlnzle, representing the
O. V. Brecht Butcher Supply company of
from Frayer, who flnlahed third, and Miller ?'' committed suicide in his room at
fourth. Time: 9.03.6. This waa the first
of the national championship races. A new
the Meridian hotel some time between Sun
day evening and this morning by cutting I
record waa set In this class, tha former ' h'" """l w"h knlfe' Hlnsle arrived at
record was 9:411.46.
rtawaon. Murmnn won h f tvA-mltA I
championship for cars of 231 to 300 Inches 8Pon" ' tha call, entrance to the room
the hotel Sunday evening and left a call for
T a. m. When the clerk could get no re-
Thls I was 8"alnei1 through the transom and the
man a ooay waa aiscoverea. coroner uass
H fplston displacement ln 4:4L3.
hfanlr tn. nlil rap vhlnh umm A-AH
Harroun, Marmon, was aecond; Anderson held a nauet and the Jury returned a
Marmon, third.
II r naa Taken the Lead.
was close. Time: J S.3.
Barney Oldfleld. Knox, led all tha dis
tanca in tha championship flve-mlla race
for the' cars- of 401 to 600 cublo Inches dis
placement tind broke the record in 4:01.8.
Tha old" il" was 4 43. Aiken. National,
was aecond and Klncald.' National, third.
verdict of suicide.
Hlnsle resides at Dubuque, la., and the
"nrnna. n n 1 1 f i a,l hla ntlatlvA. anil tha HI
l j w i n , , .... l. u t.a B . V. I
and won the race from Klrscher Darracq. w. ... . . ,.nnA . M"
1 indicating that he had been dead some time.
f .np I
iiarrouns aiarmon snaicnen me victory Conservntlon of .Nature's Krsonrcea
irom Dawson, marmon, ana JiarK, L-utting. Amlles as well to our physical state as
ln the ten-mile championship for cars of , ,,.Pui .hin. r. 3 nortinn. Wah.
2.11 to 300 inches displacement. The result lngton, R. ,., realised his condition, and
took warning before It was too late. He
says: "I suffered severely from kidney
trouble, the disease being hereditary In
our family, I have taken aour bottles of
Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now con
sider myself throughly cured. This should
a wdpnltiff .. all nnt n n..u.) I.L-ln.
. .. KT..In.l t.J. fir. h l 1 - " ..a..,S
Alum, i i"" in .lie i . r,.. ... ...n i. i. .
TZZ rr Z . late."-ikld by all druggists.
UlB.Oli (JIPMWV.ui..ii. im.iu, ailUIiai,
. . -k, . I ...... . i i M.
scona ana r., iiuuni, uura, lime
4;.7. Klncald on . Friday breka the record
by going the distance In 4:05.7.
- . Heed In tne. Klve-MIW
Heed, driving a Stoddard-Dayton, won the
five-filla free-for-all handicap ln a field
of sixteen cars.- Ills handicap waa is ec
onda, Touavy, National, 64 aecond a. was aec
ond and Aiken, National, 37 seconds, wa
tlilid.'iTUue 8:S8.S . .
Oldfleld, Knox, won a brilliant victory
in the ten mile championship for cars 451
ta (jot inches displacement with Mera. Na
tional, scooud. and Klncald, National,
llatut. Tlnia IM.'.b.
iNina curs atarUd In the biggest race of
a .day. Ui final event on the program,
fifty ruUea for cars of 231 to '800 inches
qUplucenieut. ... . .
Tha prise Is a silver trophy valued at
t.'.doO. Tha starters wera: Fox. Pope-iiart-ford;
Sclieifler, Jackson; Anderson, Mar
Jon; Miller, Warren-Detroit; Klncald, Ureal
Wtarti; Harroun, Marmon; lawon,
Marmon; Clark, Cutting, and Disbee,
Cutting- .
V What hammer Cold May Io.
" A summer cold, if neglected,, is Just as
apt to develop Into bronchitis or pneu-
t"la at any other season. Do not ne
gUi t it, . .Take Foley's i Honey and Tar
tiptly. ' It loosens the' ough. soothes
afft li
tV all drucilau.
"L, heals the inflamed air passages, and
gps the cold from th system, "io Id
Women Don't Let
Husband Know All
(From Chicago Inter Ocean.)
"Don't dlailluBiou your husband alto
gether. Don't let him know every secret
of-your toilette. Conceal from him the
proceues by which you retain your beauty.
Nothing is so disenchanting to a man as to
see tils wife's face nightly kmeared with
cold cream. It is dlsgutitina and unnec
"Any woman ought to keep her husband
guessing all the time. . He ought to have
to say to his friend 'Well, my wife Is
the moat ainaalng problem I kno wabout
She always looks about IS, and aha neither
paints nor powder.'
iou can no una it you win aiaaolva a
mall original package of mayatone ln a
half-pint of witch haxei and maasage the
face, neck and arms with this solution three
or four times a week. Tou will shortly
find you have a lovely, soft complexion,
fair and dainty, without spot -or blemish
lutely SHKDLU hme-gln biiR SHR HUH
and then the beat' of It all la that mayatone
preventa tha growth of hair and ta abao
lutely harmleaa to th moat delicate skin.
Make th solution youraelf.
' lie beautiful, and dou't Ut him know
now you do it."-Adv.
Tilled Worn-out
Dishes and pots and pans get tired and worn out when they
get dirty, greasy and sticky. They need a thorough cleansing to
put new life into them. Soap "will not cleanse them below the
surface, and besides leaves them with a "soapy" smell that is
anything but appetizing.
Gold Dust is the real doctor for tired dishes. Gold Dust
makes dish-water that digs gets under the surface and searches
out every hidden particle of dirt and germ that ordinary dish-water
overlooks. Gold Dust not only cleanses it sterilizes.
Besides, Gold Dust will cut your dish-washing time right in
two, and give you that much more leisure.
Do not use Soap, Naphtha, Borax, Soda, Ammonia or
Kerosene with Cold Dust. Gold Dust has all desirable
cleansing qualities in a perfectly harmless and lasting
form. The Cold Dust Twins need no outside help.
Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake)
"Let the Gold Dust Twins do your work"
0 0- O '0 0-0
Watch next Sunday's Bee for Coupon
good any place in Omaha and South Omaha
for, FREE, the contents of a bottle of
Look for the trade mark on crown stopper and label
We want everybody, boys, girls, men, women and children, to try
thia delicious beverage at our expense so collect the
Coupons and get a free drink
D0a10.- who are not well stocked with the gen
caicrs ... -a. . .1 u
. uuiu uuuieu isuca-uuia, suuuxu get
ready at once for next Sunday's coupon demand.
Remember, the Omaha Bottling Co. will re
deem Coupons for 6c in jiurt haw of new goods.
but only when accompanied with
their empty bottle.
Journeyed 125 Miles
to purchase ""Blue Ribbon'"'
Exhibit Pianos
MR. R. J. McKAY, an exceptionally well known "knight of
of the grip," a traveling sale-man, came to Omaha for
an EXCEPTIONALLY fine piano, and GOT It.
Mr. McKay Is a resident of Central City, Nebraska, and,
learning of our showing of National Piano IValera" Asso
ciation Exhibit pianos, made up his mind to have something
SUPERIOR to ordinary stock instruments. Ho purchased of
us a superbly styled exhibit piano: a masterpiece la
French burl walnut: an Instrument that caused no end of com
ment at the recent Convention at Richmond, Virginia.
MR. O. E. BUCKLEY, another "drummer" who has made an
unusual success of his calling, found his choice ln a
magnificent Ivers & Pond, Style "703" an Instrument ln the
rarest of San Domingo mahogany'.
Mr. Buckley resides ln Norfolk, Nebraska a considerable
distance to come for a piano. We cite these two Instancea
mere. to show Y&U what awaits you at YOUR very door an
exhibit of "Blue Ribbon" prize winning pianos that captured
rlaudlta from the best posted retailers in America, when
shown at Richmond, Virginia. ,
YOU may see these exquisite instruments
WITHOUT traveling 125 miles from your home.
See Our
See the Chick.
erin & Sons,
Wearer, hers &
Pond, Linfle
mann, and Pack
ard Pianos.
And See the
Kohler & Camp.
bell, York,
and Other Makes.
N. A. V. I. of A. Insignia
for 1910.
See Our
3d Floor
See the Kroeger
Pianos, the
Famous Kurtz.
manns; the
Marvelous Auto
Pianos; and '
th-Gram-. Richt
stei All
Metal Action
Just Why You Can Buy
Blue Ribboners for LESS.
Some of the makers who exhibited these "Blue Ribbon"
pianos at Richmond, Va., were NOT eager to close them out
to us at specially reduced prices, even if they SHOULD have
had to pay heavy return freight charges on them from Rich
mond, Va., to their respective cities.
But they DID "stretch a point" for The Bennett Co. they
realized that an exhibition in OMAHA, at BENNETT'S, would
mean more ADVERTISING for them, than a halt dozen PAGES
in trade magazines.
So we DO own these pianos for -less these exquisitely
finished, sliver toned instruments and we -WILL sell .them
at the SAME proportion of reduction. (You aee they form
quite an advertisement for US, too.)
Ei 111
Piano Department
jr?.-v.v. : .
UHjli 1 " aw---
V V, i VaJ&i rN5
Flowers Tomorrow
in Colorado
rtt&y Get away from the wear and tear of the city
!"" t .1 . I jf O J
irom me worry anu grma 01 routine, opena
a few weeks at a Colorado hotel or in delightful
camp life and revamp your strength patch up your
threadbare nerves: take a tonic for your brain breathe
the clean, clear, wine-like air of Colorado and come
home refreshed and energetic, with new ambitions and
new strength to realize them. Take the
Rock Island to the Rockies
d tract la both Dstnrar and Calorado Springs "
and wasit n time on the way. Come down town as usual tomorrow
morning, and arrive in Denver or Colorado Springs the next day in
time to spend an afternoon in the shadow of the Rockies. Let me
tell you about the vacation opportunities which the West offers you
and the small cost entailed.
Splendid Fast Trains Every Day
via Rock Island Lines for Colorado, Yellowstone Park, and the
Pacific Coast. Specially low round trip fares all summer
the delightful resorts of the Golden West. Let us send
you illustrated literature and suggest the vacation of your
life. Call, phone or write today.
Division, Fassancar Ac ant
lath and Farn am Its.,
I 16 -VWVVi A K.
to 1
m 1
Tvery Low.f A
I Rates alt IJ
(r Summer i
fry. -. -3waw:ra.. -K...V A-.-njisw-ay
Trunks and Traveling Bags
Bay Teat Travslln CKoda at a X,satha Btora.
Whtri thsy know what leather la. Wa ara acillng Itigh irsde foods at
low prlcas. Our Cow hid- Licathar Knit Cuao for I&.UU la tha beat valus la tha
Karasia, Saddlas aa TravaUaf Oooda. 1810 rarsam Stxaat.