1 THE T5EE : OMAN A', "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1010. S Small I WomerCs Pongee and Linen Coats The coat illustrated is one models ot ,our best for summer wear. This is the new blouse model which is having the biggest run jof the season. Made in linen at $75; to $9.75 . Sizes 32 to 38 ' ' ',' r i .1 . Made ' in 'pongee at I $14.75 to $35!? Sizes 32 to 38 Tut YD0K0 1 MM I r V 1 If aj 1518-1520 Faruam Strat RQOSEVELT STIRS DP LONDON Hii Frank Speech in Guild Hall Causes Sensation. BRITISH SHOULD STAY IN EGYPT It la Soma Nation's Datr to Keep Or. lev There ' and Hopes that Great Britain Will Con- . tinne the Work. LONDON, May 81. Theodore Roosevelt was today presented with the freedom of the city ot uondon, and he accepted the honor -with a, liberalism that led him Into a frankness ot speech that created a sonsa Injustice. , '-;. "Sentimentality, he added, "is the most broken reed on which righteousness can lean." Mr. Roosevelt denounced the nationalist party Of Dgypt as neither desirous nor cap able of ,guarantee'lJig;"p"rinia'ry justice'; "If was tryffg to rlnsf murderous chaos' on tha land ,;;.V,'? ' ' J ' '' tatr f lam Kitlon. . Either if.'-: was ; if', not' rlRht for Great . ftrUaln to be In . Egypt and establish , i order throughout that country. II. . It was , not right to further this purpose, then- the British should, tret out. ; Sortie cation, said the former president, must govern Egypt. He hoped and believed that the Rngllsh would decide that the duty was theirs. As a whole, the speech constituted the most forcible expression on foreign topios that tha distinguished visitor has made during bis European tour. He dealt prin cipally with the British policy in Egypt, which is today one of the most discussed of Great Britain's colonial questions. His outspoken views sent a thrill through the 1.000 auditors, which Is likely to be felt outside the walla of the ancient coun cil hall. , Guild italt has 'teen, tha soene of many stirring evo'nts since Its erection early In tha fifteenth century. It was there that tha speeches of the earl of Surrey and La.dy jane Grey were held, but no audience of modern times has listened more Intently to tho speeches therein than did that which gathered today to hear tha former presi dent of tha United States. Driven tn State to Hall. - Mr. Roosevelt Was driven In state from Ambassador Reld's horn to the Guild Hall, tlon in old Guild hall. As tha former head of a country that one paid tribute to Great Britain, the American statesman gave tha mother land some bold, advlca as to her duty toward her most troublesome dependenoy In Africa. It was, Mr. Roosevelt said, either right or not right for Great Britain to be In Egypt ant: establish order there. If it was not right, she should get out Mr. Roosevelt eulogised British rule In Uganda and the Soudan. He also said that Great Britain had given Egypt the best gov arnment that the country had had in 1.000 years, but in certain vital points It had D EPOSITS made on or before June 10th in the SAVINGS DE PARTMENT of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK will draw Interest from June 1st Thres per cent Interest Is paid on saving) deposits and compounded semi annually. Funds may be "withdrawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus li $1,200,009. The total assets are over $13,009,001 It is the oldest bank in Nebraska, established in 1856. United States National Bank ax.Biiiiv.rm. & V. WATTLE!. Vks-rrm. V. g. CU3VSIL Vlu-rru. W.& IMAMS, Cashier Mill PEOPLE'S erred. Timidity and sentimentality, he said. might cause more harm than violence and but the weather was not propitious and comparatively few persons witnessed the procession. Rain fell throughout the morn Ing and only a few hundred persons were gathered In the vicinity of Dorchester House to witness the departure, or In King street when Mr. Roosevelt arrived at the hall. He occupied the lord mayor's coach and this was followed by the coaches ot the sheriffs, who wore their uniforms of office. The guests of the city government at Guild Hall included many American and Frgllsh business men besides the officials of the city. The latter were In uniform and occupied seats on the platform, to which Mr. Roosevelt was escorted. The parchment conveying to Mr. Roose velt the freedom of the city was contained In a beautiful gold casket. The presenta tion was made by Sir Joseph Cockfleld Dlmsdale, the city chamberlain, who, ex tending his hand to the city's guest, spoke briefly. Sir Joseph dwelt particularly on Great Britain's friendship - toward the United States. , 4 The casket presented to Mr.. Roosevelt was, oblong la form, the front and reverse side being divided Into four panels bearing enamel-painted views of Guild Hall, the Mansion House, St. Paul's cathedral .and the Tower bridge. , The center was . occupied by the full blazon of the city arms in enamel with an ornamental shield below containing the in scription. At the four corners were enam eled the arms of England, the United States, the city shield and the Union Jack. The base was of solid sliver, having at one end a finely modeled American bison and at tha other the British lion. The base stood upon eight gold feet, with a lower pedestal of oak and velvet. . CITY MUST BUY THE PLANT (Continued from Page One'.) hydrant rentals, but it will be, a substantial sum, at 7 per cent for varying periods. WATTLES 19 NOT SURPRISED Flack Saya tha Decision Might Have Been Expected Par the Price. "I am not surprised," deolared G. W. Wattles, president of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. "I think wa may all be glad the contest la over, however it has ended. If would have been a good deal better It the Water Board had agreed to the appraisement, which certainly was not fraudulent, though It may have been high. But about this last I would not wish to try to speak with authority. At all events we shall have some relief now." John F. Flack, president ot the City Na tional bank, declared "there Is nothing to do but go ahead and pay tha price. ,A con tract is a contract. Tha decision might have been expected." What Everybody Ought to Know That Foley Kidney Pills contain Just the Ingredients necessary to tone, atrenghten and regulate the action of the kidneys and bladder. Sold by all druggists. &. .UYMmCI.Ai.1 Cot a. r. Mumi iim cut. ILMcCLSU. Aut Cat tier BOW GRAt'EFliLLY, SAYS COLE Obedience to Court ii Commercial ' Club Sentiment. VALUATION NOT A QUESTION Ileaardlrss of What the Water Works Are Worth, Omaha Moat Agree, Bays the Committee Chairman. The executive committee of the Commer cial club heard the news of the supreme court's decision In the water works case, from The Bee... Several mm!?r!: present vented expressions of dl-g.iftor dlspieuatire. On liehalf of the committee, David C. Cole, Ita chairman, made the following state ment: '?ay on behalf of the committee that. however the merits of the valuation may be, we are all law-abiding citizens In Omaha and will bow gracefully to whatever the supreme court says. Its decision must and will be obeyed." Present at the commlltee meeting were besides Mr. Cole. Q. H. Kelly, Ward Bur gess, W. H. McCord, J. L. McCague, C. C. Rosewater, W. I. Wood and C. S. llayward. HARD TASK TO SKLI. BONDS Omaha Hankers Cite Experiences of Other Cities in Their Efforts. "It Is my opinion that 4 per cent muni cipal bonds cannot be sold at par at this time on account of the tightness of the money market, and the condition of the bond market," said Charles T. Kouutze. president of the First National bank. "Only recently no less important city than Los Angeles found It extremely difficult to dispose of a quantity of I per cent muni cipal bonds." "Omaha's recent experience of trying to sell some i per cent bonds, and then get ting only 4H per cent, would Indicate that It will b difficult to dispose of 4 per cents," said Tv E. Stevens, vice president of the Corn Exchange bank. "Money Is scarce, although deposits are keeping up at a normal stage. It looks to me as If a 4Vh per cent bond will find more takers than a 4 per cent." "Omaha will find It extremely difficult to dispose of 4 per cent bonds Just now, owing to the condition of the bond mar ket," said an official of the City National. "The sales of municipal bonds In the east are very alow Just now. Only recently the city of Philadelphia offered $1,000,000 muni cipal bonds, but received offers for but three-fourths of the issue and the bonds were withdrawn." "The bonds could not be sold now at par on account of the scarcity of money, and the condition of the bond market," said J. H. Millard, president of the Omaha Na tional bank. "It cannot be done." 'It will be extremely difficult to sell 4 per cent municipal bonds at par. Tho pres ent condition of the bond market will not warrant It," said an officer of the' Ne braska National bank. DEED FOH THE FI.AXT IS READY Water Company Preuared to Tnrn Over the Works When Paid. Mayor Dahlman was not surprised when he heard of the decision of the United States supreme court "It has looked to me all along as If the city would have to take the plant," said the mayor. "Of courre, since the mayor and council are not In a position where their views cut any figure in the deal one waj .. or.-.thj. other, do not care to enter Into any discussion presume, however, the- next thing' to do will be to offer the 16,500,000 bond Issue for sale, take over the plant and do the best we can with it as a municipal Institution. No use making wry faoes over the dof e we get, but buckle down and saw wood." Stockton Heth of the water company said none of the officers of tsa company know any more about the decision than the tele gram tells. "The next move Is up to the city," said Mr. Heth. "We have tendered deed for the plant, which the city re fused to accept and that's all the knowl edge we have of the city's Intentions." President Barlow of the water board is out of the city and so is R. B. Howell, the managing director of the board. Mem ber C. R. Sherman is sick at his home. WHO WILL KIN THE! PLANT! This and Other Perplexing; Questions Kovr Confront the City. What can the city- of Omaha get for the $6,600,000 of bonds, voted November 2 last, to pay the appraised prj for the water works, with whatever legal fees and other extras that might accrue? This is the question that Is now Interest ing the men of the city who are acquainted with such affairs and also to some extent the city officials. The general Impression Is that the bona market is not at this time in the best oi condition for the profit able sale of bondJ of this character. Bond buyers will not only want to know that everything about the issue Is regular, but also that the property back of the bonds Is of gilt edged character and likely to pay its way and pay Interest as It accurau lates, as well as taking care ot the prin clnal eventually. It is well understood that the water com pany will not take the bonds in payment. even if the Water board tensers them. Pres ident Woodbury has said as much and that Is the understanding among the local offl eers of the company. The legal advisers ot the company also declared some time ago that bonds are not cash, and the money must be tendered when tha deed passes to tha city. 'When tha city digs up the coin and takes the water works, who is to run the plant T" is another question that looms large to the city officials, even though they are to have no hand, act or part In tha management Members of the Water board are all supposed to be busy business men. with their hands full of their own affairs. And it la supposed, naturally, they will want to institute their own system and enforce their own ideas as to tha conduct of the plant Then, it is pointed out. bo many claims have been advanced by mem bers of tre board touching the great profit to be made from the operation of the water works, that it will be up to them strong to make a showing that will vindicate their judgment. That this can be done under municipal control some councilman are In cllned to doubt, even though they lean to municipal ownership. Tha admitted need for an extra main from Florence is a third problem facln the Water board and the city at large. And where is the money to come from for this and for the greatly needod etxensiona of hydrants and mama In many- sections of the oltyT ask the business men. They doubt that a second issue of water works bonds can be roaiketed with any auocesa right away after the big laaue la put afloat but that something will have to be done to pro vide mure water everybody v talked with agrees. OVBIES SAYS IT WILL PAY Mtstker of Board So Exureeeae His. self Invoice to Be Made. "I'm glad It Is settled, " said D. i. O'Brien a member of the water board, when told of tha a up re ma ftourt decision. "Now, at I understand It, the water company will have to make a detailed Invoice and show ing of everything covered by the appraise ment and all property of every kind per taining to the plant. In that matter the board will be just as careful as If we were buying It for ourselves. Of that the public can rest assured," On the question of making the plant pay, Mr. O'Brien said be felt, as every member of the board does that the plant can be profitably operated by the city. "If I did not believe that, I would not remain on the board a day longer," he said, "and I believe every man fn tho board feels the same way about It. Personally, I think the plant is more valuaable today than when the appraisement was made, because of the growth of the city. It Is up to us, with the backing of the citizens, to take up our new acquisition In a business Way and make it go." Cold Weather Injures Seeds Twentieth Century Farmer Sizes Up Crop Situation as Unfavorable at. Season's Outset. The Twentieth Century l'anner, Just out, sizes tip corn crop conditions as none too favorable. This. Is Its editorial survey: From the reports uf tho eurly conditions of the planted corn In Nebraska, tnere can lie but little said that Is encouraging, as u first of June start. A great deal ot seed has proven worthless; fields said to have oeen planted from tiign-priced, tested (seed have tailed to germinate, rotied ill the giuund and hud (u be planted the second tune, others have proven irregular In geiinuiat- Iiilt ailiulktv n n v ulur.j nr.m 111 ... mr 1 " 1 ....... " ... cent nave failed to grow, necessitating a. plant in order to get a stand that will xtny cultivation, other fields in tne same neighborhood Show a good stand, but me cold soil nan retarded growth until a sickly, stunted appearance prevails. i he cold weather and cold soil nave in fluenced against Keriinnaiion ul even tne ery good quality of eei. Tho alarm bout poor germinating quality ot the last ears crop caused thousands of farmers to buy what was advertised as tested seed tuner tnan take any chance ot rauure in seed selected from their own growing. It seems to be the belief that seed corn buyers were imposed upon to a greater ex- eni tnis year man usual, owing to tneir great desire to secure a good quality ol germinating seed, thus increasing the do- iand, which, it Is said, encouraged some seed growers to speculate In seed not strictly their own production and lacking In seed care and seed quality. It Is highly probable from these sources of dlHappuint ment that there will reHult a less evenly stand and a more checkered condition of arly and late Diamine; than has occurred for several years Dast. First of June planting, with good summer conditions and BeptemDer without frost, lias usually re sulted In good crops In the districts now reporting backward conditions. . 0RP0RA11UNJAX CASE SET (Continued from First 1'age.) provided that the tax should be paid for the ear ending Juno 30, 1910, although the law as not passed .until August 5, 1903. First Move to Test Law. Not until shortly before the expiration of the time for the making of the returns was the first move made to test the validity of the tax. This movement to test the great question about corporation law started In the little town If Windsor, Vt. There Maxwell E'varts, a New Yoi k lawyer, son of the late William M. Evarts, has a summer home.' Ho had often noticed the keen competition, between the two gen eral merchandise stores In the town, the Stone-Tracy -company, - corporation and bwlght Tuxbury &!$onB, a partnership eon- eern. , He saw ,whaf he believed, was a dJs crimination agalnsJtthe .corporation .If were compelled to pay the lax and mane public lis business arrangements, and so accepted the position of counsel for. Stella P. Flint, as general, guardian of the prop erty for Samuel N. Stone, Jr.. a minor, who owned stock in the' Stone-Tracy. Co. Suit was brought In the federal court tjy Mr Evarts to enjoin the corporation from mak ing the returns and paying the tax, on the ground that the law was unconstitutional The corporation filed a demurrer, which was sustained' and the bill dismissed. An appeal was taken to the supreme court. The Institution of the Flint-Stone-Tracy case was the slgnat for the bringing of suits In many sections of the United States. All were decided In exactly the same way, and almost invariably appeals were taken to the supreme court. The government was allowed to intervene;. Fifteen cases, headed by the Flinf-Stone-Tracy suit were set for argument on March 14 Besides the Vermont case, those heard were: . . Wyckoff Van Derhoef against the Coney island St Brooklyn itallroad company. Francis L. Hine against Home Life In nnrfLnrA Anmnunv nt 'nw York. Fred W. Smith against tho Northern Trust company of V'h'cago. William II. Miner against the Corn Ex change National bank of Chicago. Cedar Street company against Park Realty comDanv of New York. Lewis W. J a red against the American Multigraoh comDanv of Cleveland. Joseph a. (jay against tne Jbaiuo Mining company, a Michigan corporation. Percy H. Krundage against uroaaway Really company of New York. Paul Lacrolx against Motor Taximeter Cab comDanv of New York. Arthur layman against inieroorougn Rapid Transit company of New York. George Wendell Phillips against lilty as BOclates of Boston. Oscar Mitchell against Clark Iron com pany, a Minnesota corporation. natnerine uary . look , againsi jjobiuu Wharf company. Two Iftiys of Arnmmt. Two days were consumed In the argu ment of the case i in tho supreme court. William Guthrie of New York, council for tha Home Life Insurance company, argued that If the court would interpret the law so as not to include in the net income the In come derived directly from federal, state. county or municipal securities and real and - personal property not used or em' ployed in business, there would be no question about the constitutionality of tha law. Solicitor General Bowers defended the constitutionality of the law without quallfi cation. He contended that the tax was not a direct ' tax upon property, real or personal, but on the contrary, was an ex else tax, upon "the carrying on or doing business." The tax, he continued, was not a direct tax upon shares of the stock' holders In the companies to the business of which the tax attaches, or upon the in come of such stockholders from their shares. It did not become a direct tax, h added, because the company engaged mainly or even solely, in the business of handling or dealing In real estate. The various objections to the law was taken up in turn by the solicitor. Mr. Evarts opened the argument against the law. He contended that tbe law In vaded the sovereignty of the state of Ver mont; that it would deprive the corpora tion ot property without due process of law, and that its publicity feature would take private property for publio use with out just compensation. Throughout he emphasised tbe point that the tax was upon franchises of a state and therefore unconstitutional. Former Senator Foraker of Ohio argued that It was an income tax. John Q. Johnston of Philadelphia made general attack an the law. U'chird V. Llndabory of New York and other counsel addressed tbe court In explanation of fea' turns of Individual cases. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. IOWA SHIPPERS AROUSED Now Contemplate Some Form Resistance to Bate Raise. of COMMISSION SLOW TO ACT Interior titles Will Suffer Most .New Rate (Joes Into Kffect J. M. rierer Has Malarlnl Attark. If (Front a Ktaff Corrrspnndent.) PES MOINKS. May 31 (Sppclal Tole gram.) Iowa and ls Mcliifs shippers are seriously contemplating mftklnjr some form of resistance, either In court or otherwise, to the Inoreaso of freight rates, which are scheduled to go Into effect tomorrow and concerning which suit Is threatened from Washington. The local freight bureitu has conducted n extenKive Investifrnt'.on and finds that the Increase will be enormously expensive to this city, the claim being made that the Interior cities of Iowa will be hurt most. In addition it has been krown that nn Increase In praln rates Is contemplated. The Iowa commission has thus far failed to tnku any action and shippers believe they will have to tnko it up Independently. Krtltor Una Mitlnrln. James M. Fierce, editor and proprietor of the IoM-a Homestead, who lias Just re turned from three months' spent In Cen tral America, has been suffering; from malaria since hl. return home. Just be fore leaving Columbia he was bitten by a mosquito,' which hHd just filled Itself up full or bad blood from a native afid the aforesaid bad blood was deposited In the veins of Mr. Pierce, giving him u strong uao of malaria. 1'untlidates Take Day Off. On account of Memorial day. the candi dates for ttate office took a day off, but nearly every one who was capable of making a speech had an engauement for aouress. Governor Clarst went to Ril tppey, where he ppoko and Judge Piouly poke at Polk City. Oovernor Carroll wa n northeast Iowa. This week Mr. Carroll Hi be all through northern Iowa and Mr. Garst will go Into northeastern Iowa. Neither one Is making a speaking cam paign. The progressives arc much disap pointed that they could not have Senator ummlns for more than three (speeches rv the campaign, and they will not be able to use him In the districts where his frl lends are strongest. Hiver Improvement Interest. Preparations are being made to have a large number of Iowa delegates attend tho convention of the Mississippi River Im provement association at St. Paul In July. The delegates will come mainly from the Ites along the river, but there Is a grow ing Interest In the matter all through the state. The belief prevails that In case the river Improvement work Is well done it will greatly increase tho chances of hav ing the Des Moines river made navigable. DOXE.S HAVE TWO NAMES (Continued from First Page.) previously had secured for $1,350 in favor of Dr. Doxey and she took )450 In cash. Eugene Kuenlg, who handled Mrs, Doxey s business'in probate court, testified she qualified for administration by signing her name "Mrs. Dora E. Erder, widow of William J. Erder." ...Nebraska Minister Called. The letter that Mrs. Dpxey. wrote- io Erder's sister' from Columbus, Neb., urging her to have pity because of "Will's unborn child," was admitted as evidence yester day afternoon. In the cross-examination of Attorney Miller he was asked If he did not know Mrs. Doxey was a morphine fiend and not "at" herself when she wrote letters to him. He said he did not know that. Rev. Sam Harkness, pastor of the Pres byterian church at Columbus, Neb., which the Doxeys attended, testified that on his first meeting with the Doxeys, June 9, last, Mrs. Doxey told him that Doxey was In straitened circumstances, but added she had property in St. Louis from which she expected to realize money shortly. In August, the minister said, he saw Mrs. Doxey again. This was after Erder's death. She told him Bite had settled up matters In St. Louis and explained that The riiitesf Life It sometimes, though not often, occurs that when a prosperous business man is solicited to take out his first or another life Insurance policy, the agent gets some such reply as this: "I have plenty to leave my wife and children, and therefore do not need any insurance." Such a man is to be congratulated,, especially if his ac cumulations are the result of his own thrift and energy. But adversity may come to even the successful man, and sometimes without fault or mismanage ment on his part. One cannot die poor If he leaves a good sized life Insurance policy; and by the statement above quoted the well-to-do man confesses that now, the all-important time in the doing of things, ha is abundantly able to carry a good big policy. The voice of prudence saya to all suc cessful men: "In time ot prosperity, pre pare for adversity." There is no better way for Nebraska men to put into active operation this suggestion, than to buy life insurance in some good Nebraska company such as Tha Midwest Life of Lincoln. Affair Toothache Gum Tha only remedy that stops toothache inttanUy. Tbsenly toothache nm lbs elssns th cavity and proTcuts decay. Imitations do not do the work. Be that too ( !' Teathaak tuk At SU drusgitts, U oaiU, oi b j auui. nAnf rm r.nm CirMftrinnl 1tUI 0 VUI U UUUI !, let. . C. t. DENT a CO.. Detroit Mich. Coat and Pants to Order $20 260 nice pattern yeryone up-to-date, all wool, and perfectly fast in color Grays and browni and bine Bergen in abnndanre. Come early and get one of the first choice. These goods are regular $30.00 values. , We guarantee every garment perfect In fit and style. MacCarthy-VVilsoa Tailoring Co. 804-300 Houth I Oth Street Jiear lflth and Farnam she had been nursing Will Erder, whose wife had deserted him on his deathbed. She said Erder had given her 1700 to pay cer tain expenses and JT'OO which represented his sister's life Insurance, Mrs. Katherine A. Erder, mother of Wil liam J. Elder, took the witness stand shortly before adjournment. Miss Kate Erder, her daughter, to whose detective work the trial ot this case Is duo, burst into tears as her mother walked Into the court room. The latter's testimony was mainly corroborative of that of the former. Charles Shafer, nn Insurance agent, and M. J. Kregell, a notary public, Identified the Insurance policies on Erder's life and tho checks, which, they said, were paid to Mrs. Doxey as Mrs. Erder. If you are not satisfied after using ac cording to direction two-thirds of a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, you can have your money back. The tablets cleanse and Invigorate the stomach, Improvo the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give thrin u trial and get well. Sold by all dealers. Hoy Acrl.lrnlnllr ' Killed. SIOl'X FALLS. S. D., May 31-(Speclal.) While playing with other children at the homo of IiIh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred liens, on a f;irm In McPhersou county, Emll Rons, aged 7. was accidentally shot and died while under the caro of a physi cian at Herreid. The little fellow and two small children were In a pasture hunting for bird nests when an 8-year-old neighbor boy, who was armed with a 22-callbcr rifle appeared upon the scene. The rifle was accidentally discharged, tho bullet entering Kmll's stomach and passing through one of his lungs. He was hurried to Herreid as speedily as possible so he could receive medical attention, but it was found Impossible to save his life. Couldn't Trust Ocs - Moines Associates But Hot Afraid to Trust Elmself How That He Haa Taken The Heal Three Say Cnre. In a letter to 8tate Senator Bruce, At lantic, Iowa, this patient expressed the fear of being tempted to drink If he stayed in Des Moines, so he shunned temptation: " . i. D. March 18, "10. "Mr. J. E. Bruce, "Atlantic, Iowa. "Dear Sir: Words cannot express how satisfied, I. am that I took the Neal cure. One who does not drink cannot realize the. satisiacilon It Is to be able to say "No" and realize that you mean It. "I was born and raised In Des. Moines and my mother still lives there. I began drinking by being around with the crowd of young fellows. I know of at least 25 or 35 of these, young fellows that would take this treatment If approached prop erly, but after taking tne cure I was afraid to trust myself In D. M so came home at once. Am not afraid to trust myself now. For this reason I did not get a chance to see ...em and get them to try it. "Honestly, I would not have missed taking that cure for $10,000.00 and Mrs. (his wife) is better satisfied with It than I am, I certainly wish the cure a success. Yours truly, , - (Signed.) The Neal Is an Internal treatment given In 30 drop doses, no hypodermic Injec tions, that cures tho drink habit in three days, at u.e institute or in the home. Ho Core, Ko Pay., . .. It is' the moral duty which every per son -ddicted to the drink habit cfwea to hlx family, relatives, ' friends, society and the public, also everyone who is interest ed in or knows of one who Is addicted to the drink habit, to call upon, write or 'phone the Neal Cure today for free cop ies of their guaranteed bond and contract, booklet, testimonials, endorsements and bank references, which will be cheerfully furnished. Address The Heal Curs Institute, O. B. 1602 S. 10th Street. Omaha. Heb.. also Des Moines, Davenport and Sioux City, Iowa. If l'i.OUO men druggists, who ought to know, because sickness, drugs and medicine are their business should tell you that a certain medicine was good for your kidney trouble, would you believe them? After you had explained about your urine, your broken rest, and all the other symptoms which the kidney Buf ferer easily recognizes; after you had secured a proper diagnosis from your physician and felt certain that your kidney disease wasn't "lumbago," "rheumatism of the back" or an "at tack of indigestion" as some patent medicine advertisements might make you think if these 12,000 druggists should all say that next to a repu table physician's prescription, "This la the best-known remedy for your kid ney trouble; if anything can help you this will; If there is virtue In any ready-made medicine there Is double virtue In this," would you believe them? That Is Just What the 12,000 drug gists who are members of the Ameri can Druggist Syndicate do say to you about A. D. S. Kidney Remedy, and they say it because they know this Is one of the best products ot this vast organization. The A. D. 8. druggists realize too plainly tho seriousness of kidney dis ease they understand fully the re sponsibility of offering any treatment calculated to benefit itand, while they would prefer to see every one go to a good physician to be treated, they appreolate the fact that there are many who can't or won't and for these people these druggists have pre pared this A. D. S. Kidney Remedy, and say: "Take It we know It Is good we know what Is in It we stand behind It and we feel certain It will help you. If It don't, we will cheer fnilv ffnrt vnnr monev." Look lor ,. this Sign loth l MCMgf.lt UOnifgtst's : Window ASSOCIATION Wla 1 1,000 Other DrvgtUw The INN x This Famous Summer Kesort, OKOBOJI, IOWA, WW be open June 1st. rinest fishing, bathing, etc Tot terms address TIB XW, OkobojL Iowa. . - ' $izst a.iQord to; re mind you of tho cc ccptional iDorthi no so of ourlU twenty fivo cuits arid raincoats. IVerj in qbest of Ijobr next sbft a Visit to olir shop will com pel yoUr thobghtftil con sideration of obr clainx of definitely different qbalittj and style. Spring Suits $18 to "p, becorrfirtg hat' adJs tffe I&si tolich to a cfothes outfit, dour next hat is here Waiting for jjo'j. oRI! the new. blocks ir soft, stiff aqd straw halo Straws $3 and $3. Ril soft and stiff hats J. . 318 Sobth jjih Street. L it ' iui ji j.:-." . aA VI. Leave Your Money at Home ONE MONTH'S TREATMENT FREI THE3 DR. BRAN Ail AN CO. have W'cl treating all forms of CHRONIC DIS EASES for the pust 21 ycurs In Oipitha and Nebraska. THEY know what they can do, but YOU may not. YuU 'Want to . get wel and WE believe WE can cure you, . What you are Interested In knowing Is finding A DOCTOR WHO HAS FAITH IN III:: UWN WOUKS. YOU have been the ona to take all the risks in seeking health. Now WE want you to Investigate our treatment and we want to prove to you at OUU expeiisn that It will cure you. We are going to give a full MONTH'S TREATMENT FKEK to all who call or write before the ten in of June. Remember this. You get the best we have. If we were to give you Inferior treatment wu would not benefit by It bee a u so you would not. Our Interests aro mutual. You get all the benefit of our 24 YliAUS' EXPERIENCE In tha treatment of Chropio diseases. We cure Asthma, Catarrh, Heudnoises, Deafness, Stomach, Liver and Bowel Troubles. Kidney ami Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism, Goiter and all chronic diseases. LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME AND CALL AT ONCE. If you can't call, write'. Our home treatment is the same as the office treatment. THIS OFFER MEANS WHAT IT KAYS. A MoNTH'ct TREATMENT FREE. OR. BRANAKIAt. CO. Suite 20 Continental Block. Jd Floor, over Berg Clothing Co., Cor. lull, and Douglas Sts., Omaha. . Office hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Open till 8 ps n. on Monday, Wednesday! awl Saturday. Sunday, S to 12 m. . REMITTER.?, Po you know that the best H rmt clgftrg in the country are ina1 right here in Omaha, and are called the REMITTER or HAND MADE 5 Gen! Cigar Ask for it the next time you want a. smoke. THE DELFT TEA ROOM, :1 South Nineteenth street, open dally mm ii u m.. t 7 u. in.: Sundays, from i p. m.. to ( v. m. Chafmg diaa suppers on ruinnwys AMlSKMKVr. MATS RRANDEIS "A" HOW ww 3 days starting Tomorrow Wight, afatlnes . . no.. n a, nn Ssturaay. rnm f MARGARET ANGLIN nr tkb AWAKEiruro or kxx.es a BICHIE. Frtces, Wights, 60o to S2.0O June 7, 8. 9 JACOS1 ADI.EB Jans 10, 11 BOYD'S Do'ugial 1919 A Mi WEEK MATIN'KK ' T11L11HDAV AM) HATL'UUAY MISS EVA IAIIG in "SHAM" jrert Wets, The ose of the Kancho. Opea an Submbsi. Evenga, 111 IU SJe. t.-i!iMi vVerk of the ROCEDIA STOCK irrAv,:ST.'ELBflO Wld.ly Kad - i.ooo 100 i.v&'Ziato I .V.TT'V.' Sr-v.i v. ' : -i. . .4. Ie.v-s-eVC-VV-,sjt-Ufc.e-j.-eMsewuewiiu 2& " "-tumtT' a" 1