v. . HIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. 1910. 11 n. lXUN'AM PRODUCE MARKET Eenewed Selling at Opening, Cables Weak and Lower. VALUES TAKE SHARP SLUMP Cora Shows liaasaal 8trrnth la Face of the Ilaavjr .llerelata Maar Firratlo , t'kana-es Are Noted. Oil A HA, May 31. 1910. Cables wrrer ;-rry weak and lower and caused renewed milling at the opening. Valucn alumpeU sharply aivi new tow levels were reached in the new crop. Future at l lng was overdone and later of ferings dried up and aborts covered, torclng prices baok to Saturday's cloxlng. Corn showed surprising strength In fnce of heavy receipts and favorable crop news, l-iemaml was good and sellers found ready takers 'for all of ferlntcs. Wheat broke sharply at the opening on weak cables, selling was heavy and later Values firmed up, only to ease off again toward the close. The market ruled nervous and erratic Changes were gultk owing to the amount of trade. Corn was steady In faoo of heavy re ceipts and weaki-r wheat market. Early Drices wrro utinnc due to uoi'd dmriand. V'an corn, was slow and samples wen wild many to i3 under taiuraay b pnni-a. .iuuii better crop reports are conilrg In. t'limary wheat receipts were iw.ww duii ela and shipments were 173.000 bushels, against rce!pts last year of 34...UU0 busneh and shipments of 217.000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were l.OWOO bush els and shipments were 61.YO0O bushels, against receipts last yeRi- of Mrt.OOO bushels and shipments of 64.000 bushels. . Clearances were 9.0W oushels of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour e(uul to ' ' iilO.lKiO bushels. Liverpool closed 3'4d to td lower on wheat and Id to lV4d lower on corn, Local range uf options; charged to h'io lower; No. i mixed, 64 tiaivsc; Jo. i, .nviiM'ici io. 3 while, lat W-'OfJ No. J, fJl'HjiHJ. BL1TKH Creamery extras, J7c: firsts, liv. seconds, ita; packing slock, 20c KCiGH HteaUy; current receipts, new canes, miscellaneous casus, .i.J; southerns, 84.80. Kecelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 134.000 .0.000 Corn, bu Iu4 uw) 101,000 Oats, bu Itt.VM .000 Artlclea. Open. Hlgh. Los. Clone. Tss y. Wheat , 1 May... 94 ", 84 ' ' 94 94 1 9B July... 90. ... .- 90 90 I 9o4 Corn .,,'. I May... KM '.'3M, ' T.i 634 534 July... 64 .. 64 64Vi 64 Oats I , i - . I , May... 8f4 " SK4I ' 8."',4 854 6 July... 3a . ' 26 I " 2i .. 35 4 ' Omulia Caali I'rtcrs. '". WHEAT No. t hard. fcrnsec: No. 8 hard. MtiHlc; No. 4 hard, axftWc; No. 2 spring. 954c; No. S spring, WnHc; No. 3 durum, mxihic; Nil- durum, twimhs, corn No. 3 white. 6WnrV4c; No. 3 white, 64-vauoc: No. 4 white, 5St-S4c; No. 3 color, 64V,c: No 1 vellow ' tiiiiiOc: No. 3 yellow, 62(trc: No. 4 yellow, 604614c; No. 3, JWiUlMc; No. 3,'E24''tf&2c; No. 4, 50tyS51Vic; ' .no grade, x43441Sa. ' 't OA T8 Standard.' SMifiafic: No. 3 white I.' . 8iWt'3Mio: No. 4 white. 344Zr36o: No. 3 yeb t. low, 84j&35c; No. 4 yellow, 83ft34c; No. a mixed, a4t835c. m' BARLEY No, 4, 454464o: No.' I feed, 46rn4u4c; rejected barley, 40&43C. i ItyE No. 2, 70Q72c; No.t . l70c. Carlot Ilecvlpta. Wtieab Corn. Oats. Chicago , 14 3S8 166 Minneapolis 447 . ... ... Omulia lit 2M' 34 Duluth 15 ' '.i. WUATHEIl kA llifcl OKA1X BELT Fair Weather la Predicted for To night and Wednesday. OMAHA, May 31, 1910. An area of low pressure passed over the central valleys Sunday, and showers were quite general in tne vanoys ttaiuraay ana bunday, and continued scattered over the lower valleys during Monday. The area bl low pressure continued eastward and over lies the lake region, Ohio valley and east ern slates tins morning, wan us center moving off the upper Atlantic coast. Lh settled weather continues with the dis turbance and rains aro general lit the upper Ohio valley und eastern states. An aiea of high pressure extends from the extreme northwest down over the eastern Rocky mountain, slope to the west gulf elates, an J generally clear weather prevails through out the west. No Important change In tem perature has . occurred west of the Mis siKbippi river Since the preceding report. It Is cooler in tne uiuo vaney ana lake re gion, and light frosts occurred on the upper lakes. Una weather will be fair In tnls vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with no important change In temperature. Temperature ana precipitation as com pared with the last three years: 1910. ltfW. 390. 1007. Minimum temperature.... mi 63 48 61 Frecluiiatlon 00 T .21 .03 Normal temperature for today, 97 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 6.23 inches, Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, 2. id Inches. leflclency corresponding period In 1908, 0.b of an Inch NEW YORIi STOCKS AND BONDS News from Washington Cansei Prices to Sag Off. CLOSE 13 LOWEST POINT OF DAY Artloa of Weatera Salppera, Look las to Secorlnsj Lower Railroad Rates, Scares the Balls a Bit. NEW YORK, May 31.-The volume of dealings In tho stock market expanded again today, on a descending range of values. The decline became precipitate when it was announced that the Depart ment of Justice was to apply for an Injunc tion to restrain tho proposed Increase In freight rstes by western railroads, which was to go Into effect tomorrow. Prices had sagged from the outset, but on a much less active market than after this news was known. The toplo was under consid eration, however, by reason of tho request made by western shippers In Washington yesterday for this action by the govern ment and through the resolution on the subject introduced In the sonata today. Prlcta closed at about the lowest of the day. A retrospect of the market for May shows that the, prospect of increased ratei by the railroads played an Important part In the comprehensive advance In prices of stocks In the month. It was the week after notices had been filed with the Interstate Commerce commission of the Intention to Increase western freight rates on Juno 1 that prices of stocks started upwards from the low levels of the year to which they had fallen at that time. It was at the same time that the reports came into circu lation Of the sals Of Anwi'lnn rnilrnnrl L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. bonds In Paris to tho extent, according to me men prevailing rumors, oi I10U,OUO,OW to Corn and Wheat Retrloa Balletln. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-fotir hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, Tuesday, May 31, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rnln- ftatlons. Max. Ashland. Neb 78 Auburn, Neb 77 B'ken Row. eb. l Columbus, Neb... 80 Culbertson, NeD.. Fairmont, Neb... 80 Gr. Island, Neb.. 83 Hartlngton. Neb. 74 Hastings, Neb.... 78 Holdrego, Neb..- 81 uakdale, Neb 77 Omaha, Neb 7 Tekamah, Neb... 7 Alta, la 71 Carroll, la 71 Clarlnda, la....... 74 Sibley, la 63 Sioux City, la... 73 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour perliod ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.- Districts. Stations. Max. Mm Mln. fall. Sky. 60 .00 Cloudy bl .oo Pt. cloudy 4H .00 Clear 60 .00 Cloudy 70 .00 Clear S3 .00 Cloudy . (16 .00 Pt. cloudy 60 .00 Cloudy 60 .41 Clear 67 .00 Clear 44 .00 Clear 63 .0 Raining 60 .00 Pt. cloudy SO .00 Pt. clouly 48 .00 Clear 48 .18 Raining 48 .00 Clear 63 .00 Raining (1IICAUO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature! of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 31. Weakness In the stock and. cotton markets were last straws today on . the .backs .of the staggering bulls in the wheat pit. Exceptionally bearish foreign quotations did the rest. Compared with (Saturday's final figures, the close was at a loss of Ma to lc. Corn showed a gain of 4o to 14c Oats finished 4c lower to 4o higher, and provisions were down 34c to Zoo. . Plain evidence of strain was visible In the wheat trade at the start. The severe break In prices last week by the liquidation of large lines held by bull leaders had left the market considerably demoralized. News this morning of a decline at Liverpool sel dom aqualed xoetpt-tsr time of great potltt cal or financial stress added to the un rauinesa . here- and consequently -initial transactions, were at a fall varying all the way from 4c to ?4c Covering by shorts, especially some of the larger ones, caused a sharp rally. Strength In the corn mar-i;-t helped, but there was no new lnvest ?Vnt demand.' In the absence of any sub stantial support, the market turned weak, partly affected by weakness on the New York exchange and la cotton. Allegations of possible ' hal damage In Kansas and harm from weeds, due to bverplentlful rain there,' served to make the close relatively steady, September ranged between 90c and 914g, closing 4c down at 914c. Deliveries on May contracts today amounted to only 806,000 bu.. Indicating that reports of a practical, settlement some days ago were well founded. Brokers acting for the east ern operator who was credited with having obtained control were said to nave prorit Ittiy marketed more than 2,060,000 bu. of bis u!aR holdings. ' ' Prices for corn were firmer. September fluctuations varied from 674c to 684c, with the. close 4" to 14c up, at 684c, and the tone linn. no. z yeuow closed at 68ft68a. OffMrmgs , of oats were very large, on swells due to strength In corn. Price limits for Heptember were j44o and 35T4c, with the close o up at BiH'iJ J'Ho. . Provisions started farmer, but weakened with wheat. . Pork In the end was down 3V40 to 20c, lara 7 Ho and ribs 6&74o to 10c Leading quotations ranged as follows: Columbus, 0 17 74 48 LOUlSVlUO,- Ky l! S4 04 Indianapolis. Ind.. 13 7S 4 Chicago, 111 28 72 40 St. I-ouls, Mo 13 Des Moines, la.... 14 72 48 Minneapolis., Minn. 80 64 40 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 82 60 Omaha. Neb 19 76 . 62 Rainfall. .20 .20 .20 .no .00 .00 .00 .10 .30 Articles.) Open. High. Low. Close. Yes Wheat f Jday 944M 96'4 934 944 1 024 July 91VI2 9i 914 934 9444 Sept. 90ijaO, !)iv 90 914 92 Dec. SXu'M 91 89 90 91" Cj n- , fUYy 6374 BSH 634 664 584 VJuly, M4P4 674 664 674 684 Sept. 574'4 684 674 684 684 Deo. auroo 68 (4 664 664 Oats May 35V83G 37 8f4 864 384 , July 3fiVu36 304 854 84 87 LSCpt.' 344354 351, st 30 4 r"Deo. 35VU4 8644 X 36 37 Pork July 22 25 22 60 22 124 22 124 21 624 Sept. 23 05 22 224 21 90 21 90 22 SO Lard July 13 434 ii 624 II 374 13 40 II 40 Sept. 12 30 12 40 12 224 12 25 13 27V4 Klbs- July ) 13 48 12 624 12 85 12 40 13 60 . Sept. . 12 30 12 &4 12 174 12 224 13 30 No g. Cash quotations were as follows: Fl-OUlt Unsettled to sell. RYE No. I. 75&7lc. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 405Oc: fair to SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 12.08: NdV I northw 'lover, 111.26. f PUOVlblON" T',76, Lard. r'lblON'8 Mess pork, per bbl., 122.60 LMlC. per li IDS.. IU.M hhort rlba. sides (loose), S13.62VcH2.874; short clear sides (boxed), $13.23i 13.60. Total clearances of v heat and flour vara equul to 210.000 bu. Primary receipts were iwwi uu., comparea wun a,uvu du. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States de creased l.KW.OOO bu. for the week. The amount or breadstuff on ocean passage do creased 1.S97.0UO bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, II cars; corn, 60S cars; oats, 200 cars; hogs. 28.0UO head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. I red. 8cU02; No. red, 94HV98c; No. I hard, 87 t(iic; No. 3 hard. SOftftic: No. 1 northern spring. W.034; No. northern spring, 97c II 01; No. I spring. 04i99o. Corn, No. 2, 67440 onto; no. , ooidhic; jo. I white, 60u60"4c; No. I white, 69'(i;oo; No. 1 yellow, tSHc; No I ryllow, 67ijf i7c. Oats, No. t white. wirotif, -o. White, 3cvf a 4c, ' NO. 41 white, 34tiUtid; standard, STlitiUso. ULTTKlt Steady t. crearoerles, 6C274 dairies. H2o. ' lOl OS Receipts, 18.J.17 cases; market ITI'J . m;mm 4UIUVUUU,- umflltt firts. 174o; arlme flrata, CHEESE Steady; dalslus. 14ei5c twins, 14ioii; young Americas, lul64o lxng HoriiBj. I4l5e. . POTATO Jb& Weak; choice to fancy, HQ SWT . I air rwu, svtt iv. POULXRYFlrm; turkeys, Kc; chickens, Kaaaajs City Urals sa Pravtaloaa. iAN8AS CITT. ilay WHEAT-July l).ti!no; Sfptembar, VomsAo-iO, sellers. Cs-iht Cnchantred to ta lowtri No. 1 lianl s.ti1.0; No. i; 870060; No. I red, toed 11.03;-lw 3. Ktflc tA I unchanged to 4o lower; No. I aliite, Siitlc ;No. I mixed, JOiJS7o. . vatriuc. ... cnoico iimotny, iii.uo Appreciable rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours In all except the Chicago, St. Louis. Des Moines and Minne apolis districts of the corn and wheat region. Tho weather continues cool throughout the entire region and tempera tures at or below freexlng were recorded at three stations In the Minneapolis dis trict. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations of the Day ' on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, May 81. FLOUR Easy and quiet; spring patents, $5.25i)6.46; winter straights, I4.60fr4.76; winter patents, 84.90(S 6,26; spring clears, f4.26j)4.60; winter extras. No. 1, I4.0OQ4.40; winter extras. No. I. S3.7Q. 3.90; Kansas straights, 34.80&4.96. .Kecelpts, n. ow dois. ; snipmenis, j.ozi ddis. CORN MEAL Ha rely steady: line white and, yaltow; - 1.40ftl.45t - coarse, 1. 26 1.30; kiln dried, X3.30ry3.il6. wheat spot, easy; ng, z rea, yi.vt. nominal, c. 1. f.; No. 1 northern, 31.104, f. o. b. afloat. Option market: . Wheat was weak early, on. the cables, rallied on cover ing by shorts and reports of a better cash demand and need of moisture in the north west, but again declined under renewed selling Influence by the weakness In stocks and cotton, closing 14c net lower. May, I1.061i(&1.06: no close. July. 99 7-18cfflxi.H4 closed at 31.00. September, 984(8974o; closed at '4c. Receipts, izs.iuu du. ; snipmenis. 8,000 bu. CORN Spot, steady: No. I, 64c. nominal. elevator domestic basis; export No. 2, 644c, nominal, f. o.- b. Option market was wun out transactions, closing at 4o decline to Kc advance. July closed at to ana Sep tember at fctc. Receipts. l.Sib Du. oats snot, easy: mixed, xe to 32 ids.. nominal; natural white, 28 to 52 lbs., 43 4fc; cupped white, 34 to 42 ids., ivKgto. Receipts, aw.sfao du. hay. duii; prime, it.io; jno. i, it.iu; sxo 2. 11.06: NO. I. 9011-96C. HOPS duu; state, common to cnoice. 1909, 2l24c; 1908, nominal; Paclflo coast, 1909. I4aitsc: 1908. nominal, HIDES Easy: central America, Z3o Bogota, 224(2b4a. LEATHER Firm: " hemlock firsts, 29c; seconds, 23I&27C; thirds, 2226c; rejects, 21IS25C. rKOVIBlUMS rorit, sieaay, mess, fzt.w ft 24.60: family. I20.6ora27.oo: snort clear, IJfi.OOiiOT.OO. Beef, steady; mess, I16.CkxJ 1H.00; family, tl9.00tf2O.0O; beef hams, $21.00 I&28.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $15.60017.60; pickled hams, $14.00 fa 16.60. Lard, easy: middle west, prime. $12.7012.80; refined, barely steady; con tinent, ila.to; eoutn America, iui.ou, coin nniind. 110 (MK,il0.50L TALLOW Dull; prime city, hhds., 74o; country, tiila. RICE Quiet; domestic, 64 8c; Patna, S ?. - : ' BU 1T1SK-1 irm; creamery specials, am; extras. 2h4c: thirds to firsts, 2628c; state, dairy, finest. 2bo: common to prime, 23',kQ) 37c; process specials, Vie; seconds to ex tras, Klia2t4o; factory secona to ursis, ii' kiZiv.:: imitation creamery, niazoc. EQG-S Weak: fresh gathered, storage packed selections, 21 0 22c; regular packed extra firsts, 21 Ij 21 4c; firsts, 1949204c. CHEESE Firm; state, wnoie milk, new specials, 15tf164c: fancy white, 14o; fancy colored, 14 V;; average prime, 144(gl44c; fair to good, 13314o; common, 10512c. POULTRY Dressed, steady; frosen chickens, lty23c; western fowls, HirflSc; western turkeys, JMumc. t. Lonla Gaaeral Market. ST. IX3UIS. May 31. WHEAT Futures, t ...... (vt. I..,-, n, u k ni i . u ..... i. n lower; amy , piv, uijt Vl7u7iv, dviiisiuudi, 90c. casn: jower; iraca no. i rea, !. 1.09; No. i nsra. i.oiij. CORN Futures, firm; July. 684534c: September, 64e. Caeh: Steady; No. X biXti 69o; lo. I wiuie, tn'uvjc. OATS Futures, firm; July, 854fJ354c; September, S4Hc cash: steady; track No. t, 8Kc; No. 1 white, 404o. RYE Steady; 794o. FliOUK Steady; red winter patents, $5.00 G.:w; extra fancy ana straights, 4.o4.9U nam winter cieara, (j.oj-i. SEED Timothy, $A00(u,X50. CORNMEAL 83.26. BRAN Weak: sacked, east track. 97f79tto. HAY Higher; timothy, $16.00(019.00; prai rie. 13.00i! 14.00. HAtKJING 7 3-16c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing $22.60. Lard, lower; prime steam, $12.15 12.25. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed. extra shorts, $14.36; clear ribs. $14.25; short clears, $14.60. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, $15.60; clear ribs, $15.50; short clears, 115.76. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 144c; springs, 284i30c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 13c; creamery, iazo. $150,000,000. The agitation against the propofed In crease In freight rates has strengthened the conviction that serious obstacles were to be encountered in putting them Into effect. The dependence of the railroads for In- creasea ireignt charges to keep up earnings i;us Been much emphasized in connection with the public agitation against these Increases and great stress has been laid on the large Increases In operating costs in recent months on account of tho high costs of material and the romnre- henslve advances in wages which have oeen granted. The Intended Increase In rates, at all events, was made the instru ment for lifting prices of stocks and the occasion for an extensive speculation for tho rise. The renalo of these accumula tions with the program endangered came as a natural consequence. Bonds were easv. Total sales, nar value $2,102,000. United States bonds unchanged on can. United States bonds unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on uunus were as xouows: Baia). High. Low. Clnra. AiiiB-i.-nainierB pra im V3 8.1 32 AmUgtmatad Coppar 90,100 704 67 , American AjrrtcullunU 444, Am. fiaet Sucar I"0 J64 16 36 American Can T0 American U. at r gno 60 nvk it Am. Cotton Oil 600 634 2l4 62 Am. H. & U pfd.... 1,800 41 16 SI Am. Ice securities 400 24 23 American Linseed ". American Locomotive , Am. B. A It Am. B. A R. pfd Am. steel Foundrlaa.. Am, Sugar Reflnlns... Am. T. T Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen .... Anaconda Mm Ins Co. Atonieon ltYl'V-Ju rAJiL:'ac)im....?l eholre I'lrl. lit) 7jh ll lift COP-July, Wc; Septeatber, 644i544o, Atchison pfd ., Atlantic coast Line. Balttmora A Ohio Rethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd uentral of New Jersey...., Cheeapeake A Ohio , Chlcaso ft Alton Chicago at. W., new...., C. O. W. pfd Chlcao ft N. W C H. ft St. P C, C, O. ft' St. L...... Colorado F. it Colorado A Southern Consolidated Gas ......... Corn Produota Delaware ft Hiidaon Denver ft Rio Oranda. ... U. ft R. O. pM Dlatlllera' Becurltlea Brie .- r!e let p(o Brie 2d pfd General Gleotrlo Great Northern pfd Qt. Northern Ore ctfa.... Illinois Central Interboroush Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester . Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa central Kanaaa city So K. C. So. pfd Laclede Gas Louisville Naabvllle... Minn, ft St. Louie, M., St. P. ft 8. 8. M.... M., K. ft T M . K. ft T. Pfd Missouri Paclflo National Biscuit National Lead ., N. R. R. ot M. 2d pfd.. New York Central N. Y., O. ft W.... Norfolk ft W., ex-div.... North American Northern Paclflo Pacllle Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C. C. ft St. L Pittsburg Coal Pressed Bteel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steal Spriag.... KGUS Lower, 170, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oare, bu Receipts. Shipments .... 20.400 s.eoo .... 45,000 30.01)0 ....ZttvUiO K2,IW0 ....130.200 62.500 Sllaaeapolla rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May M.-WHRAT-May, ii.vift; July, tseptemner. w,c. 1 t?aah No. 1 hard. $1 0i: No. 1 northern. tl.OStfrl OS No. t northern, $1.0iyi.tU; No. 3 liortimru. svw si. VI. CORN No. I yellow, Ki(iMo. OATS No. t white, $4HyuSo. RYE No, 1. Stiaitloo. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks. $lt.uu18.2& FlOUR First natenta iln wood, t n h Minneapolis) $5.0u46.ll0; second patents, $4.M ;jouu; iirbt clears, fci.ej3.ta; second clears, Mllwaakeo tirata Market. MILWAUKEE Mav 91 WMRATM.r. ket lower; No. 1 northern, $1 Owil-07; No. I nonnern, i o4n i ous; July, via asked. OATS S7t4i31c. BARLKY-Samples, t2a 4 74 104 ni today was t follows: Trust funds: 4VJiA.D03.Wi8; silver dollsrs, $4a.317.oOO: silver dollars of 1S90. $3,711,000 silver cerUficates outstanding. $4S9.317.0U0. General fund: Standard silver dollars In general fund, $2.MK.lii!; current liabilities, $in0.1i.5f3; working balanoe In treasury offices, $1,294. 118; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United States, $.W. 440,9:4; subsidiary sliver coin, $l,23H,9Ti: total balance in general fund. $$2.433,4510. Ner York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. May .-MONKY-On call. firm at 11314 per cent; ruling rate, 3( p:r cent; closing bid, -2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans; dull and steadv; slxtv davs, 4fi3 per nt; ninety davs. Hyt per cent; six months, 4ii4l, per rent. PRIME MERCANTILE PArER-1i6 per cant. ' HTKKLINO EXCIIAPK Kteady. nun sotuat business In bankers' bills nt $4 VAT'tf f(4.s435 for sixty-day bills and at $4.t7::" for demand; commercial bills. $4.o3lU4-4,4. SILVER Bar, 53VC: Mexican dollgiS, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, easy. Closing quotations on borids were as follows: U. 8. ref. !s. re 10ftInt. M M. 4Ss M do Is, coupon i'! japan e Vi V. 8. Is, ret 1"J do 4a i do coupon l K. C. 80. 1st la V. 8. 4s. rei 1HHU 8. deb. 4s 1031.... P:S do coupon IHL. ft N. unl. 4s...... 'H Allls-Chal. 1st 6s.... 78 , K. ft T. tst 4s.. f. Am. As. (a -...,.101 to sen. 4., K A. T. T. cr. 4a...l0iM. Pari lie 4a in Am. Tobacco 4a 7N. R. R. ol M. 4a. do 6s lfN. T. C. s. 3Ss 89 Armour ft Co. 4Vs.. ti do det. 4a. 2 Alhlaon sen. 4s 4N. T., N. If.". 11. ..lOiSt ev. 6a 1S24 ..111 N. ft W. let e. 4s.... f"4 ., 4 do ct. 4a ii24 .. t74No. Pacllle 4s... .....10 .. l do ts U .. 0. 8. L. Md. 4s 3 .. t4VtFann. cv. J He iwe.... Kf4 . do en. t. 10a i. Cen. Leather (a Reading gen. 4a 7'4, C. olN. J. f. ta....lUVj8t. L ft. 8. F. (g. 4s. KlVt Chcs. ft Ohio 44S...1.XIV do gen. 6a 87H do ref. 6s Wli'St. L. 8. W. a. 4s.. 774 Chlraao A A. Ss... 70 Mo lit sold 4s mi C. B. ft Q. J. 4s.... ti seaboard A. U 4s.... 73 l Vstt llBVs 11 lma, 104 M io 1st ft ref. 4s.. 9t4 M V. 8.- Rubber 6s V)2 2 V. 8. Rteel id it 6KV4 Vs.-Caro. Ohem. 6a.. S, f!2HiWl)h lat 6s lino, 73 do 1st ft ex. 4s U 76 Western Md. 4s.... U 474 West. Elec. ct. ts... 88 Gen. Elea. cv. 6a 139 Wis. Central 4s 111. Cen. 1st ref. 4s.. 1Mo. Pac. cv. 6s ctfs.. 62 Int. Met. 4Vs 80 BIO. Ollered. do cv. do cv. te At. C. L. 1st 4s. Bi ft O. 4 do ma do 8. W. IHi. Brk. Tr ev, 4s.. Can. of Ga. 6a. do sen. 4a........... 87 8o. Pacific o. 4s., C. M. ft 8.P. . Mi4 M do cv. 4a C.. R. I. ft P. c. 4s.. t do lat ref. 4a.... do rfa. 4a r.7So. Railway 6s.... Colo. Ind. 6a..' TH, de sen. 4s......', Colo. Mid. 4a. 74 Union Pacific 4a... C. ft 8. r. ft a. 4Ha 7 : do cv. 4s.... I), ft H. cv. D. ft It. Ot 4a do ref. f Dlatlllera' 6s Brie p. I. 4s do (en. 4s. do cv. 4s, ear. A. do series B. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Grades of Cattle Are Steady, Others Slow to Easy. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Trade Is Dull Deeaaao of lleawy Re ceipts aad Scarcity of IbIb Orders Spring Lambs. Are Uall. eOCTll OMAHA. Mity 31, WO. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday X.KA 4 197 8 194 b-silmate Tuesday J, W0 Two days tilts week.. 6.34 Same days last week.... 8.461 Same days I weeks ago. 9.473 riiuno days 8 weeks ago. 8..W Same dsys 4 weeks ago. .ls!i .Same, days last year.... 6,3!S The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1910. ' 1909. Inc- t)ec. Cattle V 408. 4nl 587.S21 20.930 Hogs 89H.249 1,152.9.11 2M.C.J Wep 602,425 009.117 .7i The following table s?iows the average prices of hogs st South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: 9.MW 5.00 13.W7 8,194 17.U4 10.i-.Ot tl.mtj 11.013 U3..3 17.3m! 9.017 14.I3S ll.'JOS 3,4Ca Data Ul). 190.100$.1907.190.190S.W. May tt.. Way 23.. May 24.. May 26.. May 2.. May 27.. May 28.. May 29.. May 80.. May 31.. 4a 39 19 "141 2714 39 a I T 001 $ CT S to $ 7 T 101 S 14 7 111 7 64 7 0J S 16 $ 201 0 2S 6 181 t 131 6 291 li 19 I 8 4 37 6 04 2 8 171 4 38 6 99; 6 S2 8 1! 4 34 6 2; I 6 19 4 7 02; 6 27 1 6 26 7 11 6 90) 6 92 6 94 6 17 6 r. t 29! 6 12' 011 6 39! 6 17 6 08 ) 6 32 5 I ! 4 47 4 4 a 4 53 4 60 1.30 4HSi 46 H.100 TH 76T4 Kl 1044 104 1,000 64Sk 434 KK) 11214 ISO lSMi l.rM m4 lt&Vs mhi tOO 34Vj 64 33 1,4(10 43 41H 46 l,6no m wtM 106 1,000 101 101H lnlH l.00 12144 120 6.8H0 114 112H 113 300 26 i;'4 27 98.100 1044 78 78 6.800 107 1M 1U Local , Seenrltlea. -Quotatlor.a furnished by Samuel Ilurna, jr., 623 New Turk Life building, Omaha: Did. Asked. Auditorium, Chicago, 8a, 1929 66 City ot Omaha 4s, 1964.. 108 107 Cudahy Packing Co. is 97 Iowa Portland Cement bond 6a M 100 Iowa P. O. con. konda 6a 68 100 Bast St. Louis ft Bub. 6s. 91 t K. 0. Stock Yards atook 97 7 Long Beil Lumber Co ,...... DO ' luo Lincoln, Neb., ea, 1920 98 M Nebraska Tel. Stock 6 per cent lm) 101 Omaha Waur Co 6a, llt luo lol Omaha Water Co. ts, 1M6 63 9S Omaha Oas 6s, 1617 98 at Omaha Oas ts, 1117 ' Vi Omaha B. L. ft P. (s, 1938 98', 9 Omaha B. L. pfd, 6 per cent..'..' 83 8t Omaha Bt. Ry. 6a, 1914..., 69 10o Omaha C. B. Bt. Rr. 6s. ,1628.... en Omaha ft C. B. St. Rr. pfd 84 84 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry., pfd..... 05 66 South Omaha, city ot, 4s, ml n 86 Bwartichlld ft gulsberger' ts. 1916. ...100 101 Pacific T. ft T. 6s, 1817 87 (7 Topeka Rr. 6e, 1930 88 Trl-Clty Ry. ft L. 6a 86 87 union Bioes laras, o. v., ex-div.... 87 87 New York Carts Market. The following Quotations ajre furnlahod by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o"clock, yesterday: RECEIPTS. C, M. & St. P 5 Wabash Missouri Pacific ..... 2 Union Pacific 42 C. N. V., cast I C. N. W., west.... 40 C, St. P., M. & O.... 17 C H. & Q., east 11 C, B. & Q , west 38 C, Ft. 1. et P., east... 6 C, R. I. ot P., west.. llinois Central 4 C. Q. W 4 Total receipts. i. ..107 DISPOSITION Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 1.100 89 37 87 865 84 8444 46 44 26 26 4 160 164 116 136 80 60 ' 36 6 & 60 10,000 87 M0 46 1.300 88 ""706 7,800 189 00 "84 400 1 87 800 40 8,800 142 187 137 I"0 14 lt 15 200 16M 1(7 167 100 40 40 38 7 8X) II 80 80 , 1.800 IS 37 rt 46 100 85 88 -84 4O0 148 147 14 . 8,400 134 132 132 800 62 68 66 tOO 136 13.1 132 ,' .4,600 81) 18 18 , 4,lU M N , 6, SOU 101 67 800 It 200 800 47 2"0 21 800 33 It 12 21 81 67 (3 97 18 19 82 85 8,600 106 103 108 400 147 146 146 86 100 139 1 39 138 6,100 41 88 40 100 70 . 6 3,800 Tl 6 68 100 107 107 104 l.OflO 77 76 76 600 87 27 27 , 8, MO 119 116 116 3,400 47 44 44 1,000 101 101 100 100 71 73 70 , 4,700 131 117 127 100 86 16 26 17,800 134 182 121 SOU 1M 10 113 200 100 100 100 300 18 19 16 100 38 88 87 11 4f00 8 89 38 Republic Steel 200 88 83 88 Republic Steel pfd 81 Kock Island Co 13,000 43 41 41 Rock Island Co. pfd 400 88 . 87 87 Bt. L. ft 8. F. 3d pfd 1.000 43 44 48 Bt. Louts Southweetern 600 83 31 11 Bt. L. 8. W. pfd 400 76 74 7( Sloas-Blietrlcld 8. ft I 00 71 71 Tl Southern Pacific 64.400 186 111 181 Southern Railway L100 36 16 36 So. Railway pfd 800 3 81 61 Tenneaaaa Copper 400 16 26 86 Teaaa ft Pacllle too 81 80 80 T.. Bt. L. ft W., offered... W0 17 84 84 T. 8U U ft W. pfd, otterad rJO 83 3 41 Union Paolflo 91,800 IKi 8 17 Unloo Paclflo pfd 700 66 64 84 I' mud Btatea Realty 100 73 73 71 United Btatea Blabber 1.800 41 40 39 United Btatea Steel.. ,.r.... 148.700 83 79 79 United Btatea Steel pld 3.800 118 117 117 Utah Copper 3,100 46 46 45 Cm.-Caro. chemical 8,900 62 69 (8 Wabash 700 30 20 1 Wabash pfd 3,900 46 43 48 Western Maryland 400 47 46 45 Weatlnshouse Electric .... 8u0 64 83 ii Western Union 4o0 88 68 63 Wheeling ft Lake Erie , 8 ToUl aalea for the day, ltd, 100 shares. ..16! .. 43 .'.123 ..106 .. 81 .. 48 .. 86 .. 8 Loadoa Stoelt Market, LONDON. May SI. The market for Ameri can securities opened doll and at noon showed only some fractional changes awaiting me wail street opening. Consols, money tlHLoulsTltle ft N do account 83 18-ltM., K. A T..., Amal. Copper TlN. Y. Central. Anaconda 3 Norfolk ft W.. Atoblaon 118 do pfd , do pfd I' Ontario ft W... Baltimore ft Ohio.... 117 Pennaylranla . Canadian Pacific. ..SoeRand Mines..., Chesapeake ft 0 88 Heading , Chlesso O. W 11 Southern Ry 17 Chi., Mil. ft Bt. P. ..142 do pfd 68 Da Beers 178outllern Pacific 129 Dearer ft Rio 0 41 Union Pacific 187 do pfd 83 do pfd 7 a.rie an u. a. steel 64 do 1st pfd 47 do pfd Ill do 3d pfd 84 Wabaab 31 Orand Trunk 30 do pfd 47 Illinois Central 118 Bpaaleh 4s 86 S1L.VEK bar, steady at Sd per ounce. MONEY-3',iU4 per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for start bills Is SM&'Jtt per ceut; for three i7.' 1,111. a ...... .... Bostoa Stocks aad Boada. BOSTON, May SI. Closing quotations on mining siocae ware: Alloaea Mohawk (1 Amal. Cooper MNerada Coa sou A. S. L. ft I KNtplesing Vl'nea 11 Arlaona Coaa. 14 North hutte 11 Atlantic T North Lake loa? a. a. r M. k 1 , ftjt I , . . .. . w. m w m. w.. vm. Mwuiuaa ....... as Butts Ccalltloa lOeoeola 135 Cel. ft Arlaona. .t... 68 pamxt g ft a....... it iL ft Hacla 874 gainer t Celiteoolal Copprr lta.iura a C East BatU C ... yrabklla Olroua Coa. .... .. (ire ear (ta. a,eane Caoanaa ... Isle Ho; tie Uappa.. 30 to ptd .. a err Laaa a run i'a, Lska Cupper ......... 40Wluena .... La Sa lie t oper IS Woleartae , Miami Ckaear . ... tu it u ban 11 on 11 88eperiur 44 6iupertur ft B. Id.... 11 iiHu4Mrlor ft p. c H ...... 6t 1WTamaraAli 38u. a 11. ft a. V. 8. A k. ft id.. . 43 . Treaaary Btateaaeat. WASHINQTON, May IL-The conditloi, ot aw uwunr ai to oeginiiiuaT of cual Omaha Packing. Co.. Swift and company.. Cudnby Packing Co Armour & Co Schwarts-Bolen Co Kohrs Packing Co Swift & company, t?t. Joe Cudahy Pack. Co , K. C. V. B. Vansant Co Stephens Bros Hill A Son , B. Lewis Huston & Co B. Root & Co.... H. Bulla U K. Huss Wolf Mo. & Kan. -Calf Co Other buyys Bar state Oaa Batta Coalition.... Cactus Chlno Chief X"ons Fraction Dafls-Daly Ely .Central Ely Cona Ely Witch Franklin Qtrnux Ooldfleld Cons Ooldfield Florence. Ooldfleld Daisy.... 37 Orwene Cananea t , 19 Inspiration 7 . 8 Laroao 4 12 Nevada Cona 91 lNewhoue 80 , tlQblo Copper 2 , lRar Central 2 , 85 Swift paoking Co. ...106 , Mttseara-Hoebuck Co... 168 12 Silver Plok 13Ruperler ft Pitta... 7Tonopah Mining.. 8Trlnltr Copper 8NartMllaka BQheiaia f.. New Vork Mlnlnf tocka. 1 11 . 8 814 . 11 . 3 NEW YORK. . Maw 31.CH6fi'ina ouotatinns on mining stocks were: Alice Brunswick Con .... Com. Tunnel stock, do bonds Con. cel. ft Va.... Horn Silver Iras Stiver Offered. ..837 LetdvU.le Coo . s 'Little Chief .., , 38 Matloaa.... . It Ontario.. . 90 Ophlr v. , e SUndard .168 Telle- Jacket .. . 8 . 6 .100 ,.325 . (5 ,. 70 . 38 Bask Cleartntts. OMAHA. May 31. Bank clearings for too ay were 32,968,bbU03, and lor the corre spondlng date last year 32,878,570.05. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 81. WOODt,ocal wool market continues narrow and fairly steady Odd lots of old wool sell fairly well, but sizeable transactions are few. The move ment of the new clip Is slow and largely on consignment, Some good sales of Oregon at 16c, best clip, are reported, and aome Wyoming product has been received here on consignment at 13c, Local buyers, how ever, are not encouraged to operate freely as yet in the new crop. Considerable ac tivity is cotea in tne toreign product, es pecially In Merinos and crossbreds. JPulled wools are uuu. Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple.., 62063c: eastern clothing, S&Qftlc; valley, No, 1, 64 66c; territory, fine staple, : C365c; fine medium staDle. 62fc3c: fme clothing. 6uft 82c; fine medium clothing, oOu&So; half- blood, blUMc; tnre-eigntns blood; b5&6c; quarter-Diooa, combing, oi"flMc; pulled, extra. 68c; fine A, 0o4f62o; A supers. WHi-u&c. bt. jutJUia, May ai.wutJiv unchanged; territory and western medium. V(ar23c: tine meaiam, uwjvc; line, izrauc. Wool Market; BOSTON. May 3L-WOOLr-L,ocaI wool market is between seasons. There Is very little of old wool going out, and few con slgnments of the new clip coming In Prices remain fairly steady, but recessions bring on good bidding from the mills, Some Oregon wool has artved on consltrn ment at l.lo and a utile Wyoming has also been received. The feature of the local wool market lately has been the demand for the foreign produot, specially t for merinos and crossbreds. The leading dom estic Quotations range as follows-. Ken tucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eights biooa, utKt'iic; quarter Blood, Z!tfl2c, scoured basis: Texas fine, twelve monthn oOQHiio: fine, six to eight months. 5.")ifi7r fine fall, 6264o. California northern. 64 voc; miaaie county, putoozc; ran rree, 4V(r,1c ST. IjVUIS, May l. wooLr unohanared territory and western medium. 18ii23c tine medium, avsjaw; tine, luo, - Metal Market. . NEW YORK. May 81. METALS Stand ard copper was qulat today. Local- dealers quote lake cooper at ll3.7UBl3.Ou. electroly tie at 3U.62SjU.76 and caaUng at tU-tT7V8 12.60. London market cloaed auiet: soot. tot 16s; futures. 67 13e 9d. Tin, steady; spot and May, $33.1233.30. London market eiosea strong; spot, - 1148 ivs d; futures. fibl 2s 8d. Lead, quiet; spot, 84.40i(ji4.eO, New York; H17H-U4.22H, Kast Bt. Louis.. London market lower at 12 10s. boelter. oulat spot, 3j.50a.o0, New York; 16.00(6.13, Kast at. liOuia. London market higher a iZi 7s ed. Iron was lower at 49s 7Vd for Cleveland warrants in London: Local mar ket, unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern, $17.00(317.76; No. 3 northern, $lt.70mi7.26: No 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $lti.26 IgiV-iO. BT. LOUIS, May 81. METALS Lead auu; H-w. spelter, aun; b.i7i. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May H.-COFFEK-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points In response to Indifferent cables and increased the loss somewhat during tne day under local Haul datlon, foreign selling of March, offerings from trade sources and In the absence of aggressive support. The clone was steady at a net decline ot tvyi points. Bales were re ported of 21,760 bales. Closing bids: June, July, B loc; August, . sine; September, 8.30c October, November, 6.35c; December, 6.40c January, 0.43c; February, 6.4oc; March 8.43c; April, iw.bgc; May 8.53c. Spot quiet W, ISO. 7, 0. Uiaaha Hay Market. OMAHA. May 81. HA Y No. I, 8950; No 1 K iSI- naitkina 4fl 00 Ktraar Wh.i aft,,. rye and oats, $7'.50. Alfalfa. $12.60. The best grades ot hay are holding tbeur own, hu nobody seems to want the poorer quality l any priua. Peortat Market. PEORIA. 111.. May 8L CORN Litwar No. 3 white. 68e; No. 3 white. 6sc: No. 3 yellow. 6c; No. 3 yellow, 861c; No. 8, 5ic; No. 4, lto; no grade, 47Q52C. OAT8 Lower; No. 3 white, i7Hr; No 3 whits, SojoVc; No. while, 3ixvKis0. I 2 2 2 S4 3 4 60 1 9 2.. 6 4 1 26 .. 3 1.. 1 I 3 141 20 1 6i5 914 S7(J 141 1 103 79 122 44 40 82 8 4 82 . 40 1.323 S.302 3.1K8 2.50 .'.iis 90S 948 1.0J8 994 S54 2-iO J1.... S3..., St.... 6V... 61.... 61.... 76... 5J.... 46..., ..., 41..., 64.,.. 77.... U... 51..., 57..., 67.,., 64.... ;... 6A... Ct..., 41..., 61. ... 61..., 6J..., 7..., 7..., 78... 63... 10.... tl... 70... ,...rt left 8 M ... ;) ttii t K ....rrs n 6 so ... f-.4 :ai 6 8o ...176 ... 3 OT ,...16 140 3 W ,... II) 8 in ....toil ... 9 15 ....t1 ... 9 ft ... 264 240 9 31 ....174 ... 3 Si ....f." 720 9 St ....26 60 6 Mn ....HI 340 9 3J ,...2.'8 l!0 8 3- ....117 140 6 iri's . ...!5 ... 9 31 ....211 240 8 35 ....I JS'I 8 15 ... 2"6 60 3 36 ....t.U ... 6 A5 ...215 81 9 13 ,...2"3 40 8 35 ...2M 160 6 15 ....21 60 3 15 ... 21 160 9 3". . ...2i' ... 8 15 ... m 40 9 15 ...til) 40 9 15 Z-'l 8 36 ,...M ... 9 85 ....Si 6 40 8 33 281 90 3 33 45 .. 71... 6... nt ... 9 t: .,..!! t s;, ....21) 40 6 37 ....4 l 9 17 141 60 3 40 67 247 ! 9 40 79. 76 ... 6.... 71.... 11.... 40.... 9.... 71.... 88.... 60. ... !.... 63.... 66.... ! J-.1 66 13... 14... 8... 63... 88... 153.. 26... te... 30... 64... 39... ,li3 120 9 40 ...til ... 9 40 ...iT U 9 40 . . . . 239 30 3 40 ...247 ... 3 40 ,.M ... 9 46 ...174 ... 9 40 ...224 140 l . . . 121 80 9 SO ...15 120 9 30 ...176 HI 9 82 ,...371 2 9 85 2S 120 9 35 .. 9 13 141 40 9 85 ..fj ... 9 3k ..28 ... 9 So ..Ml 120 9 35 . .sea ... 9 33 ,.,122 41 9 35 ..246 310 9 35 . 337 ... 9 87 ..211 ... 9 37, ..!! 120 9 40 ..101 ... 9 40 ..128 ... 9 40 SHEKP Mors lambs were received this morning than killers could conveniently handle and trade was at no ti'iie very active. The bert Mexicans here brought $s.2n and prices paid for the balance of the offerings showed declines relatively as great. Generally speaking, tho big bulk of lamb receipts commanded figures about 15c lower than yesterday, with light and handy weights moving more freely than the heavier grades. A string of very good spring lambs sold at 89.00. . Iexpite the fact that total supply was fully normal, sheep arrivals were scarce and assortment poor. A few good ewes were on salt-, some of the best going at 3". 10. Strictly prime light wethors would prob ably sell around $6.50, although there has been nothing on sale In this branch of the trade lately with which to test tops. While the demand for ewes and wethers was still quiet this morning, quotably firm prices were paid for offerings and pens were cleared In very good season. Quotations on feet stock: Good to choice lambs, $7.tr3i8.50; fair to good lambs, $7.00(f 7.90; good to choice wethers, (5.Kiti6.60; fair to good wethers, $4.6oW5.16; good to choice ewes, $4.oUa.&; lair to good ewes, i.uu 4.90. Representative sales: No. H4 western ewes 1G3 spring lambs 1") Colorado lambs, culls... 645 Colorado lambs &;i Colorado lambs 11 Colorado lambs, culls... S3 western ewes 21 western ewes, culls 23 spring lambs 113 spring lambs 40 spring lambs 142 western ewes, feeders,. 198 western lambs 25 western lambs, culls.... 664 Colorado lambs Av. .. 84 . HO . 68 . 74 . 73 . 63 ,. 120 ,.. K8 ,. 02 ,. 67 ,. 60 .. 91 ,. 62 ,. 53 .. 71 Pr. 6 10 9 00 6 50 8 2T 8 25 6 50 6 10 8 00 8 26 6 00 6 00 4 40 7 25 4 60 8 16 is: 9.9C2 4,844 Totals 4.008 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle today, 102 cars being reported In. Comparatively few good to choice finished Deeves were included among the otierings, however, and a large share of the sup plies showed more or less grass. Condi tions were much the same as on yesterday and there was no very great change in prices one way or the other except that the more desirable grades found more fa vor with buyers and sold perhaps to a little better advantage. The common, nan fat and grassy stuff was slow sale and In some cates prices were a little easier. In cows and heifers the market Was anywhere from steady to 10c higher. There were only about twenty-five or thirty loads on sale and with the usual good de mand it did not take dealers long to clean these up at the improved figures. As com pared with the close of last week values are fully lOf&loc higher and the outlet Is broader than It has been for some time past. Veal calves were slow -to a shade lower and the market for bulls, stags and rough stock generally was pretty close to 26o lower than last week. In stockers and feeders the volume of business continues very small. Fresh re ceipts were limited and there was no very great amount of activity to the demand from the country. Good to choice light weight steers and heifers were In fair re quest at firm figures, but the general run of stockers and feeders did not sell any better than they did toward the close of last week. . . Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, 37.S6igtf.80; fair to good corn fed steers, $rt.70rg1.25; common to fair corn- fed steers, ib.bWrto.W: good to choice cows and heifers, $6.0O4c6.76; fair to good cows and heifers. $4. 7510.75; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.76g4.60; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $.7o4B.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.504.-6; stock heif ers, $3.754.75; vea. calves, $3.757.60; bulls, stags, etc, $4.06.36. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ne. At. Ft. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Ilea; Steady Sheep and I.nmbs Lower. CHICAOO, May 31. CATTLE Receipts, t.000 head; market steady; steors. $0.2,"3 8.26; cows. $4.5O!r6.50; heifers, $4,2648.75; bulls, $4.60(4.90; calves, $3.0O(ti8.35; stockers and feeders. $4.76o'6.60. HOQS Receipts, 11,000 head; market steady; choice heavy, 39.WVii9.70: butchers, $9.60-09.70; light mixed, $9.50(39.60: choice light, Ji. 60719. 70; packing, i wvuUtfj; pigs, t'.ZMRI.W: CUlk Of sales, 89.5fKU9.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000 head; market steady to lower; sheep, $4.26 05.00; yearlings, x6.0(H?jr.76; lambs, $7. 0039.45 spring lambs, $8.60i8.8o. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,000 head, including 1,000 southerns; market steady ; cnoice aressea Deer ana ex port steers, X7.2oU8.z.ri; rair to good, so.owc 7 26; western steers, $(!.25(g7.70; stockers and feeders, $4.25i,o'e.35; soutnern steers, 4.oo 7.60: southern cows. $3.25(35.50; native cows. $2.768.00; native heifers, $4.508'7.40; bulls, $4.26it5.76; calves, o.O0fn7.75. HOGS Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady to strong; top, $9.576; bulk of sales, $9.40$r9.55; heavy, $9.469.66; packers and butchers, ei.45(S0.52i; lignt, KJ.4uat9.tiu pigs, $8.80)8.95. HHifiEr AKU LiAMrJO KeCelplS, 6,000 head; market steady; lambs, $7.2r7i8.75; yecirllngs, $5.00fi8.60; wethers, $4.25a5.60; ewes, $3.76fi4.40; stockers and feeders, $2.50 5.00. No. At. Pr. 38 8)6 6 70 31 1018 ( 80 It 781 8 70 8 1108 6 60 10 811 6 00 11 1(1 ltd 20 894 6 16 20 1135 83 37 763 3 25 18 827 8 83 8 840 3 88 31 1138 6 80 14 916 8 38 27 1164 6 90 11 931 6 40 47 ll 4 16 38 659 8 40 14 1068 8 93 31 691 46 13 1020 7 00 47 1181 7 OS 18 1361 7 10 11 1088 1 10 ....1237 t 18 ....1070 T 10 ....1313 7 40 ....1387 7 60 2 760 60 16 1008 60 6 881 6 60 32 848 6 60 44 916 4 65 30 114 8 88 8 1090 I 73 t 896 3 60 18.. 85.. 32.. 27.. COWS, t. 3. 16.'.'.'.' 4. ., , 8.... 678 3 60 .Ml 3 90 . 718 4 00 .831 4 00 .636 4 88 .1166 4 60 . 850 4 78 .927 4 90 . 981 4 90 860 8 00 7. 19 4 4 11 3 8 4 10 24 3. 1087 6 10 907 8 30 1007 8 23 900 616 856 6 11 981 6 40 1144 6 80 1020 6 60 , 1018 t 64 868 6 66 1800 t 96 4 887 6 10 f 1187 8 ftt STKBK8 AND 'HElFEKa. 21 908 6 60 8 1377 T 10 COWS AND HK1FEIW. 33 814 3 80 HEIFERS. 3 850 4 30 4 655 3 38 8 640 4 30 31 737 f 83 4 687 4 40 87 773 8 13 13 W6 8 00 4 1020 I 40 11 433 t 06 BULLS. 11....... 1. ...1080 4 00 1 ... 160 4 36 3 ...13)0 4 68 1.... ... 720 4 50 1 ...1179 4 60 . 1 ...1420 4 74 1 ...1110 I 01 - CALVES. 147 3 00 330 8 73 M 18 . mo 8 ts . 168 3 00 , lol 6 00 , 136 8 36 , 3. i0 3 6 ,110 8 88 , 18 8 60 . 110 6 80 100 3 78 6. ...... ::::::: 10 ...1850 III ...ItMiO 8 It ....1410 180 ...1730 80 ...1700 3 80 ...1780 1 88 i 130 T 00 140 1 80 1 0 7 00 320 1 00 ,130 7 23 , JiO 7 33 HIS , 163 1 38 ,133 7 13 1 1 60 , 10 f 80 174 7 60 lY 5Oiu7.60; cons and heifurs, $3 5tif7.60 u.ilves, ialve., 83.01111.50. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head: market steady; top. 3K..-5; bulk of sale. 9.40iijM M I Kl-.H AND l.A.M U! Itecripts, i,J.v; mai ket steady; lamos, t',.Mnk.M. OMAHA UKMKHAI. MAltKRT. tale aad Faary I'rodae rrlcea Fur. alahed by flayers aad Wkolcaalers. UirTTEU Creamery. No. 1. delivered to the retail trade, in 1-lb. cartons, 30c; No. L n oo-lb. tubs, 2sc; No, in i-n. cartons :c: In no-lb. tubs. 27c: packing stock, solid pack, JOVkc; dairy, In 00-lb. tuba, 2.1c. Mar- ke( changes every luestiay. CHikhstU Twins, It; young America, 17c; daisy, 17c; triplets, 16(.a, limherger. 18c; No. 1 brick, loc; No. 2. loc; uoinesim iswlss, .'c; whole tjwlss, 24c; linpoiud ,-ifi., 30o. l'Ol Wl'lSY 1 M-essod broilers, 39 00 dos. for stoi-.ige, $;.oo; for fn-sh springs, iXK-; hens, l!e; cocks, 12c; ducks, 2oc; geese, lie; turkeys, 2tV; pigeon.-, per dos., l.2t); homer squabs, 34.00 per doz.; i.tnoy eqoaos, $3.u0 per dos.; No. 1, 0.J.0O per dos. Alive: ttroiiers, Iioin 1 to 1V Ion., -ioc; n to, 4 lbs., 2.ic; hens, 12',.c; old roosters, Myc; young roosters, ltic; uucks. lull te.ithei-ed, 14c; geese, full featncied. 10c; turkeys, ;?c; gullied fowls, 2oc eacn; pigeon, nt'c et dos.; homers, $;i.00 per dos.; squaos, No. 1, ti ll) per ilox ; No. 2. oOc. risil tall i -oxen) ficterei, ioc; wnuerisn, lie; piko, 14c; trout,, lie; large vtappii-a, 15'ulSc; f-punljii mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, l'Jc. Green catfish, 18c; trout, 13c; bultalo. 8c; halibut, 8c; white perch, 8c; wliltefisii, 15c; yellow porch, 9c; bullheads. 1-e; white bass, l,o roesnnos, l.w eacn; suauroe". per pan, ooo; frog leg". 300 per doa. Beef Cult Ulba: No, 1, 17c; No. 2. 144oi No. 8, 13c. Loins, No. 1, 19o; No. 2. Uel No. 3, 13'o. Chuck: No. L c; No. 2, 81,0;. No. 3, 8Vic. itound: IN o. 1, llc; ino. i, llc; No. 3, lie. 1'late: No. 1, be; No. 2, :Ve; No. 3, 7lc. , FRUITS Strawberries, Missouri, 24-qL case, $:i.2o. Oranges, California la mella and Producer brands Redlaml navels, SO-90 sixes, per box, $;00 120 sizes, per box, $3.2u; 150 sues, $176; litt and smaller sUes, per box, $4 2a; oiner Draiias rrom iiiversiue and otiier districts, per box, 33.0Oir3.50, 80- 90-112 sixes, per box, i.T5; Havana Mediter ranean sweets, 120-112 sises, per oox, ti.oo; lnO and smaller sises, per box, $1.2. v. Lem ons, Limonlera, extnl fancy, 3oo-3n0 sixes, $5.50; choice 300-300 sizes, per box, $4.75; 240 size, 50c per box less. Bananas, l'ancv se lect, per bunch, $2.252.50; Jambo, bunch, S2.76'( .1.75. Pineapples. Cuban, 30-36-42 sizes, $3.25: Florida, 24-30-36-42 sixes, $3.75. Apples, California fancy W. W. I'earmalns, per box, $2.25; California extra fancy W. V. Pearaniins, lied Wood brand, per box, $2.25. Cantaloupes, Texas, 45 size $3.50; Arizona, 64 slae, $7.50. Cherries, California, per 10-lb. box, $2.26. Dates, Anohor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs., in box, 82.00, Figs, Cali fornia, 10c size, 80o. VEGETABLES Irish potatoes, Wisconsin and native, per bu., 60SdC0o; Colorado, per bu., 55c. New Potatoes, In sacks, per lb., 24a. Seed sweet potatoes, Kansas, per bbl., $2.00. Cabbage, new California and southern, per lb., 3c. Onions, Texas crystal wax, per crate, $2.00; yellow, per crate, $1.7i. Old vegetables, parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, In sacks, per lb., 2c. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 16o; red, per lb., ltic NEW SOUTHERN VEGETABLES Radishes, per dox. bunches, 20c. Turnips, per dos. bunches, 45a. Carrots, per dos. bunches, 50c. Parsley, per dos. bunches, 50c. Beets, per dos. bunches, 60c. Spinach, per bu., 12 lbs., 60c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per dos., 1.6OC(t2.0O. Tomatoes, fancy Flor ida or Cuba, per 8-bsk orate, $3.00; choice, $2.50. String and wax beans, per hamper, about 26 lbs., $2.60. Green Peas, per ham per, $2.50. Cucumbers, hot house, per doz., $1.00; Texas, per dos., ifc; per du. nox, 8-a. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES Rad ishes, extra fancy home grown, per dos. bunches, 20c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c; head lettuce, per dos., 75c Parsley,, fancy home grown, per dox. huncheejOc. Rhubarb, per dos. bunches. 45o. Asparagus, per doz. bunches, 76c. Green onions, per dox., bunches, 25c. MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish, 2 dos. In case, $1.80. Walnuts, black, per lb.,2c; California, No. 1. per lb., 17c; California No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c, Cocganuls, per sack, $5.00; per dos., 65o. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST.' LOUIS. May 81.-OATTLE Receipts. 3,800 head, Including 1,000 Texans; market steady to ioc lower; native snipping ana export steers, $8.00(88.30; dressed beef and butcher steers, t7.9lXo8.25; steers under 1,000 pounds. $6.0Ofi'8.00; stockers and feeders, $.1.75ift6.20; oows and heifers. $3.708.00; oan ners. $2.5o?i3.25: bulls. $3,754(0.5(1; calves. $5.0O8.50; Texas and Indian steers, $4.50y 7.50; cows and heifers, $3.507.00. HOGS Receipts, 12,400 head; market 10c lower; pigs and lights, $R.75(S9.50; packers. $9.509.62Vs; butchers and best heavy, $9.53dl 9.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,700 head; market steady to 25c lower; native muttons, 34.2X35.70: lambs. $7.25fi9.45: culls and bucks, $3.00$H.00; stockers, $3.005.00. Stock in Might. Receipts of live stock at the five Princi pal western markets J'eaterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 3,500 9,800 5,000 St. Joseph 1.200 Kansas City 8.000 St. Louis 3.800 Chicago 2,000 6.000 13,000 12.400 11,000 1.800 3. 700 12,000 Totals .18.500 51,200 28,500 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 81. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market steady; steers, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 81.-COTTON-Snot. closed easy, Ml points decline; middling up lands, 14.50o; middling gulf, 14.75c; 4Julcs, 65,000 bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 31. COTTON Fu tures broke about $3 a bale late this after noon, the July option going to a figure 59 points down from the highest level of the morning. ST. LOUIS, May SI. COTTON Dull; middling, 15c; sales, none; receipts, 434 bales; shipments, 830 bales; stock, 26,829. bales. Visllile Supply of Grain, NEW YORK, May 81. The visible supply of grain Saturday, May 28, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat, 20,133.000 bu.; decrease, 1, 807.000 bu. Corn, 5,490,000 bu.; decrease, 1,051,000 bu. Oats, (S.905,000 bu.; decrease, 611,000 bu. Rye. 618.000 bu.; decrease, 65,000 bu. Barley, 1,661,000 bu.; decrease, 491,000 bu. Canadian wheat,-6,358,000 bu.; decrease, 1.626,000 bu. Liverpool Grain Market, r LIVERPOOU May 31. WHEAT Spot dull- No. 2 red western, winter, no stock. Futures, steady; May, nominal; July, 6s 2d; October, 6s 3d, CORN Spot, easy; old, American mixed, 6s 64d; new kiln dried, 6s 4d; via Galves ton, 6s 6H1- Futures, steady; July, 4s VAd; September, 4s 4d. Sugar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK, May 81. SUGAR Raw, firm; muscovado. 89 test, 8.77c; centrifugal, 96 test, $4.27; molasses sugar, 89 test, $3.62o. J STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. t 3i8 4 86 4 418 ( 30 10 80 6 10 29 760 6 3D It 640 i 28 4 713 I 50 1 801 8 33 11 902 8 88 1 656 6 80 4 907 6 78 T 441 6 80 45 771 80 3 Hi l , 7 657 I 80 HOGS Under the double Influence of heavy supplies and a scarcity of shipping orders, most of the hogs had to sell at lower prices this morning. A few selected loads of good lights commanded figures weak to a nickel off at the opening, but inquiry at this level was dull and the amount of business done of little account. As the morning advanced, sales dropped to about a nickel lower than yesterday's average, the big end of receipts selling at this decline. Movement was rather quiet from the start, and closing rounds wertj very draggy, much of the late business being djne at figures Cl0c lower. Huavy hogs were slow sellers at all times and suffered more than lights . and medium weights. Representative sales: No. at. 8h. Pr. Ne. .811 ISO 8 16 66... 66.. 80 te.... 84..., 64..., 40..., 68.... 88... 48... 28..., ..,, v.... 371 838 31tt 8 80 .810 ... 9 30 .358 ... 9 30 .847 120 8 M .3MI ... 880 l a) 8 80 .347 ... 3 30 - .28 120 3 30 .348 80 I 80 18... It... 71... 74... 76... 71... 7... At. Bh. rr. ..Ill 140 8 88 ..846 89 9 88 ..211 6 86 ..111 0 9 16 . I 40 8 16 ..ts 12 8 38 ..146 140, 9 I7Uj ..174 1JO 8 87 ..til ... 117 ..324 ... I 17 V4 6....JUt 80 I 17 Foot the West Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, direct. .$60.00 Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, daily until June 3, and July 9;16 ....$50.00 San Francisco and Los Angeles $60.00 San Francisco and Los Angeles, July 2-8, 25-28, $50.00 Circuit Tour to San Francisco, including Shasta Route, Portland and Seattle, $15.00 higher. Yellowstone Park Tours Effective June 12. Side trip from Livingston or Ogden, all accommoda tions $55.00' Going and returning via Gardiner (official entrance) rail, stage and hotels for 5V day tour. , .$84.50 In via Gardiner, out via Yellowstone, Salt Lake and Becnic Colorado,all accommodations for 5V4 days $107.25 Personally conducted Park camping tours via ; Cody, the scenic entrance, and over Sylvan Pass; an eighteen day tour from Cody , $72.00 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo $17.50 Glenwood Springs, Colorado $27.50 Estes Park, Colo $27.10 Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah $30.50 Deadwood, S. D $18.75 Hot Springs, S. D ; . . . .$15.75 Itanchester, Wyo. (For Eaton Bros. Ranch) $25.75 Cody, Wyo. (Starting point for Holm's personally conducted 18 days Park camping tour) $30.75 Thermopolis, Wyo. (Rail service June 13th). . . .$34.25 'Effective June 1st. Free Illustrated publications on request. "Summer Tourlut Rates," "Summer Tours to Pacific Coast," "California Excursions." "Colorado-Yellowstone Tours," "Yellowstone Park," "The Cody Road Into Yellowstone Park," "Wylle Camping Tours," "Colorado Utah Hand Book." Proportional round trip fares to many other western destinations. Write or call. describe your proposed trip, and let me help you plan It to make tha most attractive tour at the least cost. J. 0. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent 150Z Farnam street, Omaha " ... 9 owrai