I THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1910. Omaha Biffs Champs; Pirates Break Losing Streak; Millers Trounce Saints in Eighteenth t i I ! i S I 2 i n ! u i u BODREES OUTPLAY CHAMPS sssBssaassseessga 'Omaha Aimlniaten Sound Drabting t Dei Moines, Ten to One, UTXUSDORFEE POUNDED AT WILL Ftnih ul llitk Iialan lit (fan rslr . It. Jo Beats Tapsksv Wichita Takes First ' Coatest, DES MOTKTS, la., - Mar tO.-Outplaytng ths champion at overy stags of the game, Omaha thla . afternoon walked away with the came, winning by a safe margin. The Rourkea pounded Blersdorfer at will, es pecially In the fourth and sixth Inning. Tbs (core: UE3 MOINES. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. Dalton, rf -... 6 0 0 1 0 Colllgan, 2b 4 0 1(1 Mattlck, rf 4 1 I I 0 lwyer. lb 4 0 0 10 I Nlehoff, a. S 0 1 1 t Curt In, If 10 1 1 0 Herehe, 8b 4 0 11 6 WcManus. o 4 0 110 lilersdorfer, p 0 0 0 I Totals. 84 1 OMAHA. A.B. R. 7 27 14 II. P.O. A. E. Shotton, If.. Corrldon, es. King. cf...., Schlpke, Sb. Kane, lb.... Cad man, c. Welch, rf... ox, 2b elter, p.... 8 1 S 0 1 0 1 6 S 0 1200 1 2 0 6 0 0 2 6 1 1 2 t 6 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 S 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 10 IS 27 12 t Totals.... Pes Moines Omaha 000100000-1 , 20OS1040 0-10 hits: Schlpke (2). Pane on Two-base balls: Off Bleradorfer, 7; off Melter, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Fox. Struck out: By Blera dorfer, 3; by Melter, 6. Stolen bases: Cur tis, Shotton, Schlpke. King. Sacrifice hits: fclehoff, Cadman, Welch. Melter. Time: 8:16. Attendance: 4.000. Umpire: Mullen. . SIOUX TAKE TWO FROM LINCOLN Timely Hitting- Draws in Couple for the Indians. SIOUX CITY, May SO.-Sloux City won the first game of a double-header with Lincoln by timely hitting, 11 to 6. The sec ond game waa also taken, 10 to 9. Score, first game: BIOUX CITY. AB. n. H. 2 1 A. E. Qulllln, Sb Andreas, 2b.... Neighbors, cf. Ilartman, as... Fenlon, rf Stem, lb Welch, If Miller, c McLean, p Totala ... 6 S 8 2 3 0 1 0 2 3 84 11 15 27 17 LINCOLN. AB. R, H. 2 1 O. 0 4 1 1 2 e o 6 1 E. lude, If Uagnler, ss Cobb, cf C'uckman, Sb Waldron. rf 6 6 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 2 0 1 1 2 6 14 2 Thomas, lb 4 0 0 0 vvieaensaui, to t Clark, c 4 Qelst, p 4 1 Totala 37 6 13 24 Sioux City 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 -ll Lincoln 1 0020010 1-6 Stolen bases; Andreas (2), Hartman, Welch, Wledensaul. Two-base hits: Gagnier Cobb, Neighbors. Home runs: Qulllln (2 Jude. Sacrifice hits: Neighbors, Hartman McLean. Double play: Gelst to Gagnier to Thomas. Struck out: By McLean, 16; by Gelst. 6. Bases on balls: Off McLean, 8; off Gelst, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By Oe st, 2. Time: 2:00. Umpire: , Clark. Attend ancer 4,000. Score second game: SIOUX CITY. AB. U. H. O. A. E. H. 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 0 0 O. 0 2 2 Qulllln, 8b 4 Andreas, 2b 4 neighbors, cf 4 2 8 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 02 Hartman. ss. 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 Fe.ilon, rf.. If... Stem, lb Welch, If., rf.... Miller, c Furchner, p Wilson, p ToteJs 38 10 LINCOLN. 16 26 IS AB. R. O. 0 0 0 11 2 7 0 A. 0 6 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 Jude,' If. Gagnier, ss... Cobb, cf Cockran, 8b., Waldron, rf., Thomas, lb.., Wledednsaul, Sullivan, c. Fox, p........ Totals .... 3 5 4 2b.. .34 11 24 13 Sullivan out on bunted third strike. None out when winning run was made. Sioux City 1 1 0 8 1 2 0 0 2-10 Lincoln 32101000 3-9 Stolen bases: Andreas, Qulllln. Cobb Two-base hits: Neighbors, Stem, Jude. Home runs: Welch 3, Andreas, Qulllln Jude Themas. Sacrifice hits: Nelsrhobrs Jude, Cockman. Double plays: Hartman to Andreas to Htem. Base hits: Off Furchner, I In one-third Inning; off Wilson, 8 In eight and two-thirds Innings. Struck out: By wuson, 7; Dy kcx. 7. Bases on balls: Off Furchner, 1: off Wilson, 4; off Fox, 8. Hit oy pit died call: By Wilson, 3; by Fox, 1 passed Dan: Sullivan. Time: 2:25. Urn pire: spencer. Attendance: 4,000. SLUGGING MATCH AT ST. JOSEPH Jarkaon of Coolers Taken Oat ' Game In the TMrd. - rn. junLni, mo., niav Tnneka an St Joseph indulged In a slugging match In the mud this afternoon. Jackson of the Topekas was taken out of the box in the third, but the bombardment continued. Score: TOPEKA. AB. R. II. 2 0 8 1 S 1 0 0 1 0 1 o. 0 1 1 1 8 2 0 2 9 0 0 A. 0 1 3 ' 0 1 1 S 1 0 0 0 E. 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Thomason, rf,.., Vooley, c. f...., Rellly ss , Penncll. if Kerns, c Kunkle, 2b Kahl, 2b Boles. 2b Abbott, lb Jackson, p Fugate, p .. 5 6 6 6 '. 2 .40 Totals 7 13 24 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. II. 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 Powell. If Bauer, If MoChesney, cf Jones, 2b Clark, lb Corhan ss McNeill. 3b.... Shea, c Bwlft, p 4 Total 36 11 U 27 9 8 Topeka 0 002600007 St. Joseph 2 0 S 4 2 0 0 0 11 Two-base hits: McChesney, Jones, Rellly, Kerns. Sacrifice hit: Bauer. Stolen bases: Powell, Bauer, McChosney, Clark, Abbott. Double play: McNeil to Clark. Hits: Off Jackson, 7 In three Innings; off Kugatc, 4 In five Innings. Struck out: By Jackson, 3; by Fugate, 6; by Swift, 7. Base on balls: Off Fugate, 4. Wild pitch, Fugate. lcft on bases: St. Joseph, ; Topeka, S. Time: 3:16. Umpire: Clarke. Attendance: 6,500. DENVER AND WICHITA SPLIT Wlrhlta Gets First 7 ' to 4, Denver Second. Jl to B. ! DENVER. May 30,-Denver and Wichita split even In a double-header here today, Wichita taking the first game. T to 4. and ienver winning the second game, 11 to a. Wichita secured a commanding lead In the first Inning of the first game, when heavy hitting and errors by the home team netted five runs. Score, first game: RH.K. Wichita 6 0001000 1-7 81 Denver ..........0 0 0 1 1 I 0 14 6 S Batteries: Wlrhlta, Durham and Jokerst; Denver, Hammond, Adams and Weaver. Score, second game: ' H U E. Wichita 0 1 01 21000 6 16 2 Denver 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 4 -U 11 batteries: Wichita, . Shackletord, Shaner Standing of the Teams WEST. LEAGUE. AMER. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct W.L.Pct St Joeph....l7 14 .MS Denver 1 1 .648 Kloux City.... 17 16 .6.11 Philadelphia 18 8 .V New York ..22 10 .W Detroit 21 18 .679 Beaton 18 15 .645 Wichita ...... 18 17 .485 Omaha 18 17 .46 Cleveland ....14 18 .438 Lincoln IS 17 ." Topeka It 16 .448 Pea Moines.. 16 1 .441 Washington IS 21 .4.12 Chicago 11 20 .& St. Lou l T 27 .201 . NAT. LEAGUE, AMER. ASSN. W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct Chicago ......1ft 16 .645 Minneapolis 29 IS .80S New York ...22 14 .011 St. Paul m is .! Toledo 28 17 . Columbus ...20 22.46 Indianapolis 19 28 .452 Milwaukee ..16 26 . 306 Pittsburg ....IS 16 .645 Cincinnati ...18 1 .62 St. Lotll 18 20 .474 Philadelphia IS 19 .404 Brooklyn ....15 22 .46 Louisville ....! 28 .34 Boston 14 22 .389 Kansas City 16 23 .336 Yesterday's Hesnlta. Lincoln. 6: Sioux City. 1L Second game, Lincoln, 8; Sioux City, 10. Omaha-Des Moines, first game postponed; second game, Omaha, 10; ies Moines, 1. Topeka, 7; t. joeepn, u. Wichita. 7: Denver, 4. Second game, Wichita, 6; Denver, 11. Boston, 0: Brooklyn. 1 Second game, Boston, 1; Brooklyn, 8. New York. S: Philadelphia, 1. Second game. New York, 4; Philadelphia, 3. Clncinnsti, 7; Pittsburg, 13. becona game, Cincinnati, 4; Pittsburg, 7. St. Louis, l; Chicago, a. second game, St. Louis, 8; Chicago, 1. Washington. 1: New York. 3. Second game, Washington, 0; New York, 8. Phiiaaeiphja, 6; Boston, l. sccona game, Philadelphia, 6; Boston, 6. Chicago, 4; Cleveland, 3; Chicago-Cleveland second game, postponed. Dotrolt, 10; St. Louis, 0. Second game, Detroit, 8; SL Louie, 4. . Indianapolis. 2: Toledo. 4. Second same. Indianapolis, S; Toledo, 2. Louisville, 4; Columbus, 8. Seoond game, Louisville, S; Columbus, 6. Milwaukee, 3; Kansas City, 8. Milwaukee-Kansas City second game, postponed. est. Paul, 2; Minneapolis, 8. Second game, St. Poul, 1; Minneapolis, 6. MINK LEAGUE. Auburn, 1; Carlnda, 3. Falls City, 4; Shenandoah, 1. Nebraska City, 2; Maryvllle, 8. NEBRASKA LEAGUE. No games scheduled. Games Today. Western League Lincoln at Sioux City, Omaha at Des Moines, Topeka at St. Jos eph, Wichita at Denver. National League Boston at Brooklyn, New York at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Pittsburg. American League Washington at New York, Philadelphia at Boston, Chicago at Cleveland, Detroit at St. Louis. Mink League Auburn at Claiinda, Fall City at Shenandoah, Nebraska City at Maryvllle. American Association Milwaukee at In dianapolis, Kansas City at Toledo. Nebraska League Fremont at Hastings, Columbus at Red Cloud; Grand Island at Superior, Seward at Kearney. and Shaw, Jokerst; Denver, Olmstead, Schrelber and Weaver. Umpire: Haskell, Spalding's Lose to Cross. The J. S. Cross team defeated the Spauld- Ings by a score of 9 to 8. The features of the game were the pitching of Cunningham, who struck out twelve men, and the bat ting of the Cross team. Cunningham was certainly a puzzle throughout the game. Score: J. C. Cross 1 1 0 0 S 1 3 0 - Spauldlngs 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 S Two-base hits: Hansen, Hoye. P. Pod- rouzek, Kucera. Three-base hits: Joedy Posplsll, P. Podrouzek. Hits: Off Cun ningham, 10; off Brodbeck, 15. Struck out: By Cunningham, 13; by Brodbeck, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: A. Myers. Drlscoll In Collapse. NEW YORK. May 30. J. Drlscoll. Eng land's featherweight champion, collapsed In his training quarters today and is now con fined to his bed very 111. His battle with Jack Ooodman, scheduled for next Tues day night, has been declared off, and there Is every probability that hewiu nave to call off his tight in wan francisco, JUiy 3. Drlscoll had been complaining of not feel ing well since he arrived here -three weeks ago, but ne attrinutea it 10 tne cnange in climate, and thought he would recover. : Connors May Name His Successor as State Chairman Possible Outcome of the Democratic Committee Contest Now Being Waged in New York. NEW YORK. May 29.-Even though Wil liam J. Connors has to quit as chairman of the democratic state committee, there is a strong possibility that he may be able to outwit the Murphy faction by being per mitted to name his successor. That possibility developed today as Mr. Connors left the city for up-state, where h is going to confer with the leaders friendly to him and find out Just how much power ho can gather. He Intends sounding the sentiment thoroughly and will arrange cither to have his full support at the meet ing of the committee at tho Hoffman house next Thursday afternoon, or to bring their proxies back to the city. John A. Dlx of Washington county, still remains In tho foreground as the candi date for chairman who has best chances. Soma talk was heard today, however, re garding John A. Whalen, former secretary of state. Mr. Whalen has never been active In either wing of the party, but lie Is popu lar with the labor people and has a big following. Mr. Connors would not say whether Mr. Whalen wus the man he is likely to select, thould he receive the sup- ! port promised. CONVICTED MAN DECLARED INNOCENT Man Who Served Ttvo Years la Wis consin Penitentiary for Murder Mar lie neleased. w 0! MILWAUKEE, May 30. After serving two years In tho stato prison at Wau- 4 1 paun, John Taraslnski. sentenced . lo j twenty-five years in the penitentiary for E. I being Implicated In " the robbery ' of the X , Skarb-Sobleokl Loan and Building essocl 0 ; stion and the murder of Dominic Gapun 2 ski, one of Its directors, has been de 2 1 clured innocent by three men, whose I j confession two years ago sent all four 0 1 to prison. Two others of the four are 0( serving a twenty-five year and the other a icurteen year sentenco tor implica tion in . the . murder and robbery. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI POISONED AT BANQUET Sixteen People at Fort Collins, Colo., Seriously IllTeacher Mar Die. FORT COLLINS, Colo.. May SJ.-Slxteen members of the Fort Collins High School Alumni association aro serlous'.y ' 111 from ths effects of ptomaine poisoning, caused, It Is believed, by eating Impure Ice cream served at a banquet here last night. Prac tically all of tho lie persona a ho partici pated In the banquet were mailo 111. Mlsa Ilarel Crosby, a teacher, is unconscious and it Is fciied she will die. . , Daasrroii Sorcery in the abdominal region Is prevented by ths use of Dr. King's New Llfs Pills, ths painless purifiers. 26c. ' For sals by Beaton Drug Co. ... GIANTS WIN FROM QUAKERS Morning Game Almost a Shutout for Home Team. ERRORLESS GAME FOB GIANTS Two R the (a the Ninth Saves Day When Kaaba and Doolaa Com Homo. PHILADELPHIA. May 80.-New York de feated Philadelphia In this morning's game, I to 1. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. An. H O. A It. nodgrase, rf. I o t ft Bates, ef I 1 I 0 0 Pnyle. lb 1 1 1 0 Knabe. lb.... ( t I 0 OOrant. 3b 4 12 0 tMn, rf.... 4 0 13 OBr'nefleld. lb I Murray, If., Seymour, cf Brldwell. Iieviin, lb.. Merkle. lb. Meyers Drucke, 'p.. ft 1 8 OWelsh, If.... I 0 1 0 ODonlan, u.... I I 11 I Ollooln, e 4 118 OFoxen, p I wm o Totals n T M 11 ft ' Totals U 8 10 14 1 Batted for Foxen In tenth. New York...'.. 0 00000000 22 Philadelphia .......0 00000000 1-1 Two-base hits: Dooln, Knabe, Meyers. Bases on balls: Off Drucke. 6: off Foxen. 4. Struck out: By Drucke, 11; by Foxen. 2. Time: 2:07. UmDlrea: Johnston and New York defeated Phllsdelnhla In the afternoon game. It requiring sixteen Innings 10 aecioe tne issue. 4 to 8. In the nintn inning Devoro singled, stole second and scored the tying run when Moran and Bates inrew wuu. in the sixteenth Devore again led off with a single, stole second and scored on Becker's single. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AD.H.O.A E. AB.H.O.A.E Devore. rf. Ill 0Ptei. cf 6 1 J DoylB, 2b.... Murray, If.... Seymour, cf., Becker, cf.... Brldwell, as. Devlin, 8b..., Merkle, lb.., Wlleon, lb.... Myere, c HrhM, c Amw, p Kceler Totals 74 I t OKnabe, lb.... 115 7 ft 7 1 OOruM, lb.... lit 6 1 4 0 0M .. rf,... 4 1 3 3 1 ft 0 Otlr'nrtleld. lb 4 1 II 4 0 7 4 OWalih, If S 0 7 4 0 14 ODoolan, ra.... 6 1 I I 14 1 0 Mnrmn, c 5 I 1 0 0 4 0 OKwInt. p t 0 0 4 0 5 8 O'WirJ 1 0 v 10400 4 1 1 4 I ToUls 60 10 43 27 4 1 0 0 0 0 64 I 41 II 1 Batted for Wilson In tenth. Batted for Myers in twelfth. New York ..0 00100001100001 1-4 Philadelphia ...,0 10000010100000 13 Two-base lilt: Bates. Three-base hits: hits: Merkle, Magrc. Sacrifice hits: Brld well, Knabe (2), Kwing. Stolen bases: De vore (2), Magee, Doolan. Double plays: Knabe to Bransfield to Doolan, Ewlng to Moran to Bransfield, Doolan to Knabe to Bransfield. Left on bases: New York, 7; Philadelphia, 9. Bases on balls: Off Ames, 7; off Ewlng, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Ewing, Devore. Struck out: By Ames, 7; by Ewing, 6. Passed ball: Myers. Time: 3:17. Umpires: Johnstone and Moran. I'lttabnrsj Wins from Cincinnati. PITTSBURG, May 30. The champions de feated Cincinnati, 13 to 7, in a hit and run game this morning. Score: PlTTSBfRO. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. Byrne, lb.... 6 Campbell, cf. 4 r. Clarke, It. 1 Wagner, ta. ., I J. Miller,- lb. -4 Klynn. lb ... 6 Wlleon, rf.... t Glbeon, e..... 6 Adams, e I 4 11 IBeecher. If... 10 1 1 ft 0 ORoth, If I 0 0 110 OPankert, cf... I 1 t 14 4 ODoyle. cf 110 14 1 IHoblltiel, lb. 4 1 8 110 OMitchell, rf.. 4 1 1 4 0 0 OEian. Ib 4 13 .51 61 OLobert, lb.... 184 . I 10 1 OMcLeen, e... Ill T. Clark, e... 1 1 0 .17 18 27 II I Downey, as.. 4 1 I Spade, p I 0 0 Anderaon, p.. 0 0 0 Griffith 0 0 0 ... . . ew. Miller ..100 Total., Touts 17 10 14 ll . 'Ran, for .McLean in seventh. Batted for Spade in seventh. Cincinnati 1 00000240-7 Pittsburg 0 2 1 8 0 7 0 0 13 Two-base hits: Wilson, Adams (2), Byrne, Three-base hit: McLean. Home run: Flynn. Bases on balls: Off Spade, 3; off Adams, 3; off Anderson, 3. Struck out: By Adams, s; by .spade, l. Time: 2:06. umpires Emails and Rigter. The afternoon contest was captured, 7 to 4, in a seven-inning rally or singles, aided by Mitchell's wild tr.row and a base on balls. Maddox was hit freely In the first inning, allowing four runs, but after that was steady and held the visitors to no fur ther nine. Score: ' PITTSBfRO. CINCINNATI. , AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. Byrne, Ib 4 1 1 1 tBeecher, If... 5 i I 0 0 Campbell, cf. 5 1 1 0 OPaakert, cf... I 1 1 ft Clarke, ir....l 110 OHoblltiel, lb. I 0 11 0 Wagner, as... I 111 1 Mitchell, rf.,4 i 1 0 J. Miller, lb. 6 1 0 4 OBgan, lb 1 1 1 0 Flynn, lb.... 4 1 14 0 OLobert. lb.... 10 8 3 Wilson, rf.,,.1.1 0 0 1 McLean, ..., 4 111 nil.eon, 'C. Maedoi, p. ,4141 1 Downey, as... 4 0 I 4 .1 1 0 4 0 nee be. p ; 10 17 W. Miller ..1000 Totala... .16 11 17 16 1 Totala 11 I 24 16 4 Batted for Beebe In the ninth. Pittsburg . 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 7 Cincinnati.. 4 00000000-4 Two-baso hits: Wagner, Gibson, Bescher. Three-base lilt: Mitchell. Sacrifice hits: Clarke, Egan (2.) Sacrifice flies: Byrne, Lobert. ' Stolen bases: Madden, Bescher, Pa.sk.ert, Egan. Double play: Gibson to Wagner. ' Base on balls: Off Maddox, 2; off Beebe. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Beebe, Wilson.- Struck out: By Maddox, 2. 'Base on errors: Pittsburg, 2; Cincinnati, 1.. Left. on bases: Pittsburg, 10; Cincinnati, 6. Time:. 2:0o. Umpires: Rigler and Emslie. Chicago Keeps on Winning. -CHICAGO, May 30. Chicago won Its eleventh successive victory today by de feating Si. Louis, 6 to 1, In the morning game., Score: . i . CIIICAOO:- BT. LOWS. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Zlmennan. lb 4-3 3 4 OHugglna, lb.. 4 0 1 1 0 Sherkard. H..-4 8 1 0 OEIlla. if...... 4 10 0 0 Schulte, rt..l I I 0 OOakea, cf 4 110 1 Chance,' 16... 1 110 OZacker, rf.... 4 110 0 Luderua, lb. , I 0 11 1 OEvana. lb.... 4 1110 glemfeldt.' lb 4 1 I 6 21'helps, e I 8 I 0 I!fman, tl., 4 I 1 0 .VHulawltt. as.4 14 4 0 Tinker, as.... 4 110 OBelcher, 8b... 4 0 14 0 Archer.', c 4 111 OLush, p 1 0 0 1 1 Drrwn. p 1 ft 1 1 ORIeger, p ft 0 0 0 0 'Urcenahan ..1 0 0 0 0 Totals IS 14 1J14 3 Totala 14 7 84 II I Batted for Rleger In ninth. 8t Louis.... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Chicago 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 6 Two-base - hits: Tinker, Zimmerman. Thtee-basa hit: Hoffman. Bases on balls: Off Brown. 2. Struck out: By Brown, 2; by Lush, 2. Time: 1:56. Umpires: Klem and Kane. After wlnnlnc eleven straight games. Chi cago lost to St. Louis, 8 to 1, in the after noon game today. Score: ' ST. LOVIS. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O A.G Hugglns,, lb.. 4 1 I I OZirerman, lb 1 3 1 Ellla, if. .1111 lHH-cUrd. If I 1 v u Oakea, ef . . Kacher, rf. En, lb, Phelpa, e.. Iluliwltt, a .410 0'Kllng 1 0 s .4014 Ol l.fr.r, p 0 0 0 4 1 t 0 OKrhulte, rf.... 4 I 1 ,10 10 OLudcrui. lb.. I 1 11 O ft ft 0 0 ae.,4 0 1 1 0Mclniyre ...1 0 i b...4 10 1 OBeaumont, cf. ) t 1 4 11 1 OSuUiteldt, lb 4 1 i Ilorinan, cflb 4 11 ....34 117 10 ITtker, M....4 i Petcher, Bailee, p. Totala. I o t 0 1 o 1 I 4 I T-4 0 9 ft 0 Archer, c I 3 Hfoler, p.... 1 3 Needlllim ... 1 0 Kane, If 1 0 Total U 1 17 It 8 Batted for Pfelster In seventh. Batted for Sheckard In seventh. Batted for Luderus In eighth. St. Louis 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hlls: Ellis Schulte. Hits: Off Pfelster, 7 In soven innings; off Pfeffer, 2 in two innings. Sacrifice hits: fhelps z, Archer. Stolen base: Oakes. Double play: Zimmerman to Tinker to Luderus. Left on bases: Chicago, 9; St. Louis, 8. Bases on balls: Off Pfelster, 1; off Sallco, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Pfeffer, Hugglns, Struck out: By Pfelster. 8; by Sallee, 6. Time: 20. Umpires: Klein and Kane. Brooklyn Shots Ont Boston. BROOKLYN, May 30. Bell's masterly pitching shut out the Boston National Leuguo club this morning by 2 to 0. Scorq. .BROOKLYN. EOBTON. AB.H.O..-. E. AB.H.O.A.E. Burch. rf 4 4 1 OColllna, If.... 4 1 I 0 ft Dsubert, lk.. I Wheat. If 1 Huimnwll, lb. I Lennox, 2b. .. I PaflibKMi, ct. S T. Smith, aa. I Bergen, o I Bell. p... 2 1 ft 0 0 norma, 3d., ft 1 ft ftebarpe. lb... Ill 1 Miller, ri... 1 1 ft tBerk, rf ft 1 ft (Sweeney, aa. IT ocnaham, e... Oil OSbeen. lb... ft ft ft (Brock, p 1 ft ft I ft . I ft lft 1 ft .10 1 i . i I . I ft ft I 4 .! . I ft 1 4 ft .1000 ,.! .14 1 14 U ft Ml. gmtth , .M 4 17 II 1 Totala. Totals ' Batted for Froek In ninth, nnetna ..' 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 Brooklyn .". 01100000 -J . Two-base bit: Hummel). Horns run: Dsubert. Bass on balls: Off Bell. 1. Struck out: By Bell. 4; by Frock. V Time: 1:15. Umpires: O'Dsy snd Brennan. Brooklyn won the afternoon game with Boston, 8 to 1. through sensational fielding behind Rocker, In which Hummel was the star. Score: BROOKLYN. BOSTON. AB.H O.A B AB 11.0 A K. Burrh, rf..... 4 3 0 0 orolllne. if.... 4 1 t 0 0 Peubert. lb.. I 0 11 I OM.riof, lb... 4 1110 Wheat. If 4 0 1ft OSharpe. lb ... I 110 0 0 Hummell, lb. 4 i 4 4 (iMI)ler. rf 4 1 9 0 0 Lennox, lb.. I Oil Oneck. cf.,....4 ft 1 1 0 Da.Mion,, cf. I ft ft 1 Oswecney, aa . I I ft 1 0 T. Smith, sa. till OH. Smith, c. I ft 4 ft 1 Semen, 3 3 1 ORhean, lb..,. I 0 14 0 Rucker, p.... I 10 1 vOrrtle, p I 8 0 4 1 Graham .... 1 0 0 0 4 Totals It I 17 U OBurke, p 0 0 0 1 0 Total! II 10 14 11 I Batted for Curtis In eighth. Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Biooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -3 Two-base hit:- T. Smith. liases on balls: Off Rucker, 1; off Curtis, 2. Time: 1:23. Umpires: O'Day and Brennan. Bowlers Play for Championship Individual Leaders of City Leagues Will' Contest Averages of V Boilers." . ; An agreement has, finally been made by tho champions' of the various leagues to play for the Individual city championship for 1909-10. The games start at Francisco's alleys next Wednesday night Next Friday night tho Stora Triumphs nd tho Mets team will go to Sioux City to bowl some match games. The. members of the party have already ordered boxes for the Omaha-Sioux City ball gamo which will bo played on the same date. The standing of the teams and Individuals In the Summer Bowling league for the third week: . . TEAMS. P. W. Pet. Pins. Yousens 9 7 .778 7.329 Carpenter Paper Co.... 6 4 Jetter's Gold Tops 9 6 .667 .656 .666 .444 .444 .313 .222 4.746 7,415 7,3;s 7.153 7,018 4.792 S.7SJ cquuaoie L,ire 9 6 Heaton's Americans 9 4 urummys a 4 Hospe Co 6 2 R. R. Team 9 2 INDIVIDUALS. Names. Games. Av.l Names. Games. Av. Weber 1 Latey Heaelln w. Zltiman i Kennedy f Youaen ft liplnek! I FUiserald L. Smith 4 Bland I Buehnell 8 Younger 1 Olln 1 Itoeaalg 1 Clark Flnley ..., I Martlndale I Chadd Pkkard Rutherford Rowland 9 Hunt I Brlgga 1 Matthea : Howell Weekes 4 1S1 Heaton t MIlNeely Vnliee 4 IWl Riemera I D rummy 9 181R. Eitiman 1 lSljHaster 4 1801 R. Smith 1 180D.na 9 1771 Ratekln 9 17t Heed 4 1741 Nor gard 174 Louden 9 17! carpenter ft 169 Oroaiimaa 4 16Neleon I 16 Wilcox I WiWInkleman 4 l7Dean I 141 Smiley I 11 Hansen 4 Mil Richmond I 1M' McLaren I lWjlron 1 I61(hapman I leil ztttio 4 Sooth Omaha Summer League, The following are the team and individual averages of the South Omaha Summer Bowling league after the first week' of play: . TEAMS. P. W L. Pet. Pins. Jetter's Malt Tonics.... 3 3 0 Green's Boosters 3' 3 0 Martin's Tigers..... 8 ' 2 1 Kentucky Colts..... 3 2 1. N. E. Carters 8 12 The O'Learys 8 12 Stelllngs 3 0 8 Postofflcs 8-0 3 1.000 1.631 1.000 .666 .664 .833 . .m .ooo .000 1.612 1,451 1.381 1,298 1,266 1.285 l,24t INDIVIDUALS. Names. Oamee. At. Namea. Mann 1 1MC. Winters.. Zuok 8 lltiO'Leary .... Chadd , I l)lBrlgga Talbot '. I lMiJacobaen ... Leplnskl I 168 Clements ... Clark I lttlMcNeally .. Tbomaa 1 1SS Btter Vollatadt I 164iTannr B. Wlntera 1 1611 L&rkln Kennedy '1 161 Moyer ' Chase I ISO Spear Hemlebcn I lbS stroeh Games. Ar. Final Standing. P. W. L. Pot. Pins. Av. . 84 60 24 .714 69,957 832 . 84 62 33 . 619 68.058 810 . 84 61 83 .607 67,937 MM . 84 41 43 . 488 68,206 811 . 84 36 48 . 428 67.008 797 . 84 36 48 .418 66,787 796 . 84 86 48 . 428 66,274 786 . 84 25 69 .297 64,660 76S Yousen's Colts Union Pacifies Cudahys Sprague's Pills.'.... Signal Corps Peoples Store..;.;.. West Sides.... Cream Cltys. ....... Individuals with forty-three or more games: , , . , . Names. . Game. At. , Names Youaen 84 184 C. Rice Clark 75 17Roesalg .... Schmidt ll ' 176 Falconer ... Chrlatenaen ....... II .174H. Mitchell. Ocailder 81 171Willey Matthea II leeFowell ' Bengele 80 IMF. Rice Tale 61.147W. Melum.. Carter 63 lfttLof Games. At. ..... 71 161 46 16 84 161 76 111 14 16 71 lftl 81 1F.7 71 167 76 1S7 ..... 67 1S6 78 166 47 156 ..... 43 751 19 lnl ..... 41 U 74 14 48 141 45 141 Smith 64 14Delaney .... Eldeon 77 16&E. Norgard Brucgeman 78 IttDrummy ... Aldrlch 7 -lS8trider ..... Coleman 60 165Coffey Johneon " ; .". 75" 164 L. Norgard. Bullard 41 164 Abbott Booth 4i 1M Howard .... C. Mitchell.' 71 lSSRaat J. Melum..'....'.... 71 MSKatekln .... 71 14T Individuals with forty-two games or less: Names. , . Games. At. Names. , Oamea. At. Thomas Toman ...'., Hughes ... Jeneen .... Changetrom Hall ...... Pagan ..... Collins .. 33 lURudlger . . M 171 Holmes .. 18 !6Lrson .. n IMMllllgan .. 11 lelKuncl . .. H)Huft .. .. 42 luSlluye .. ... 41 161 . 17 -166 17 15S 20 1M 16 164 It 147 11 141 U 135 CALIFORSIAN. WINS 'AT TENNIS Carlcton Gardner Takes Droax Cham, plonahln Slnslcs. NEW YORK. -May 1 30. Using a baffling out-stroke. Carletun Gardner, the Califor- nlan, today won tho Bronx championship sir Eles and the light to challenge Gustavo F. Touchard lor the cup on the courts of the Bedford Park Lawn Tennis club. In the tournament final Gardner defeated T. R. Pell, the southerner and former na tional Indoor champion, after the full limit of five fist sets at 6-8, 6-3, 6-4, 1-6 and 8-6. In the doubles William 14. Cragin, Jr., and Walter- Merrill Hall captured the first honors. The challenge match for the sin gles cup, of which Touchard is the de fender, will be played next Sunday. Biar Shoot at lloldreae. HILDREGE. Neb., May. 30. (Special.) Yesterday at tho local gun club grounds, a special tournament of the Holdrege club was held. Twenty-five foreign shooters were entered in the matches and some good amateur shooting was dime. Mr. and Mrs. Ad Topperwt-ln from San Antonio. Tex., were present and gave an exhibition of fancy shooting, of revolvers and rifles, Topperwein also entered In the trap shoot and in spite of considerable handicap on account of having been struck In the eye with a small piece of brUitt. while doing fancy stunts, was able to pull out with first money, killing ninety-eight of a possible 100. Chet Winquist, tho local crack tied witli Mormod, a professional from abroad for second money, each breaking ninety-seven of 100 chances. Sell was third with ninety-four breaks, and H. N. Stilly and Thomas Hufford, both of this city were tied for fourth place! The local gun men have several . more 'weeks in prospect for tho future. Ronrke Gets Pitcher "tower, Announcement was made by Pa Rourke Sundav that he had obtained Pitcher Slower from the Milwaukee American association team. Stowct has been ordered to moet tho r.ourkes at Des Moines Monday. Han son, the youthful twlrler who looked ao good to the. fans at tne beginning oi rne season, will go to Grand Island. Hanson did some good work In two games, but seems to be nervous when he works In the big games. He. burns things up in tho bust) leagues snd should prove a game winner for Grand iqianu. Flattamoath Vlas la Fourteenth. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., May 20tSpc clal.l It required fourteen innings yester day for the home team to defeat ths Carters of Omaha. Score: Plattamouth 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 S-l Omaha 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 4-7 CHICACODEFEATSCLEVELAND White Sox Recover and Take on Winning Streak. ERE OR S AND HITS ARE PLENTIFUL Homo Team Tries Oat a Big Baark of Hitters, but They Fall to Make Good. CLEVELAND, May 30.-Chleago defeated Cleveland this morning In an exciting game by the score of 4 to t. Score: CHICAQO. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.K. AD. H O A.B. Fmo, rf i Collins, cf.... I 110 onraney, ef.... 1 0 I 0 0 0 1 ft OKreuger, If... I 1 1 ft ft II 1 Turner, .... 0 1 g 111 OLeJole, lb.... 4 I 1 I ft 0 10 1 OFIIck, rf 4 1 1 0 1 zeidfr, Sb. ... I Dougherty, If I Oendll, lb.... t Purtell, b... 1 Black bum, es I Block, e 4 Walah, p 4 z 0 I OStovell, lb.... 4 0 11 0 0 1 I 0 OBielerly, c... 4 I 4 1 ft i lrernng. lb... 1 0 o I i 0 0 4 OLInk. D 10 0 11 Z Z 7: Toung, p 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 27 11 IDoane, p 1 0 0 0 0 Totala..., 'uemls 1 0 0 0 0 en.,Li t ' , Totals 1110 17 11 4 Batted for Perring In ninth. vieveiana 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1-3 Chicago o 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0-4 Two-base hits: Easterly, Flick. Three- ,w. . . .Jo. furtell. Bases on balls: Y . rr waish, l. struck out: By To, ',' i ,uun- y vvaisn, 7. Time: 07. Lmplres: Lgan and Evans. Won by tt York. Ohlr. ,?RK' M,ay -ford outpltchel Uberiln this morning and New York de- "Hfiungion, i to l. score: NEW YORK. WASHINOTON. . v,,,, .f " 0. ;. A B.H.O.A.E. ki. o t m v PA nan. er a A n n a Wolter. rf 1 0 8 0 OLellvelt, If... 4 110 0 4 111 OConroy, Ib... I 0 2 2 ft 4 114 lOeaaler, rf.... 10 0 10 .1110 Ofnglaub, lb.. I 0 13 0 0 2 110 OKIIIIfer, 2b... 10 110 '1112 lMrBrlde, fe. . I 1 I I 0 10 4 1 OStreet, e 1 0 5 2 0 8 0 0 1 OOberlln, p.... I ft ft 1 i ' Browne 1 0 0 0 0 14 11711 C'haee. lb... Leporte, lb. Koach, aa... Cree. If-. Auatln, b... Sweenev Ford, p Totala Batted for Oberlln InrnVh.-'0 1141,1 Washington aaaaaa.. New York.:.:::. So Two-base hit nn.t. t. u i li.. ..... ..v... . hi rc-uarr ill. Cree. btruck out; li Pnni a- k .v..m 4. Bases on balls: nit VnrA a' n m,..n,.' PerHnee: 1:86' Umplre,: 6'Loughlln and The afternoon .... . j, . rain-soaked illimnn nr.-. . 3 to 0. Score: ' "1 """"" NEW TORK. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Hemphl . cf. 1 0 8 0 OMMan. cf Wolter, rf.... I Chaee, lb 4 Laporte, lb. ,, I 110 OLellrelt, If., 8 14 0 0Hchaefer ... 111 OConroy, lb., 0 0 T lOeaaler, rf.., 0 2 0 (.Tnilaub, lb. 0 18 OKIIIIfer, 2b., Ill OMcBrlde, ss. 10 8 OStreet, c Roach, aa,, Cree, if Auatln, Ib... Sweeney, o.. Vaughn, p.. - Groom, 4 27 14 1 Totala. p.... Totals....... 13 I 14 10 1 Batted for Leiivelt in the ninth. f urK 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Waahlngton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Wolter, Sweeney, porte. Sacrifice hit: Laporte. Left bases: Washington. 6: New York. 6. -3 0-0 La- on . Bad Corn In Clcotte's Neck. BOSTON, May 30.-Cicotte strained a cord in his neck today In th second Inning of the forenoon game with Philadelphia and the two Boston pitchers who succeeded him were batted hard. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Harteel, If.... 1 0 0 0 0 Hooper, rf.... 4 0 0 0 1 Oldring. cf... 1 0 0 0 OBngle, lb 1 0 I I 1 nnm lier, ci a l u n OSlahl, lb 1 0 I 0 Col Una, lb... 4 0 0 1 0 Bradley, lb... 10 11 Darla.. lb...., I 1 II 1 Ofipeaker, cf...l 111 Baker, lb 4 2 4 6 OWagner. ss... 1 0 4 2 Murphy, rf...4 0-1 0 Odardner, ib.. 4 10 7 Bry, 4 I 1 4 0 Lewie, If 4 10 0 Thomas, c... 4 0 18 IC'arrlgmn, e.. 4 1 7 2 Combe, p 4 111 OCIcMte, p.,.,0 0 0 1 ; Smith, p 1 0 0 0 Totals. 14 117 11 S'Lord 0 ft 0 ft Arrellanes, p 1 1 0 8 Totals.. Batted for Smith In fifth. ..11 t 87 ll l Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 5 Boston o 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Coombs (2), Barry. Three- base hit: Heitmuller. Bases on balls: Off cicotte, z; off Smith, 2; .off Coombs. 4 Struck out:. By Coombs, 4; by Smith, 2; by Arenanes, 3. Time: 2:00. umpires: Kerin ana ttneridan. Boston got an even break by a lucky win this, afternoon from Philadelphia, 6 to 6, In ten innings, score: BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AD.H.O.A K. Hooper, rf... Kleinow ... Lord, lb Btahl, lb.... 8peaker, cf. , Wagner, sa. . Gardner. Ib 0 0 0 0 Harteel, If... 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 OHeltm'ller, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 10 1 OF. Col Una, lb 6 I I 1 0 1 ODaTla,. lb 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 ft 4 1 6 10' 0 OBaker, Ib i 1 11 1 6. 1 Murphy, rf.... 6 4 0 0 4 OBarry, ,aa 1 0 18 .2 0 OThomaa, c... 4 1 6 1 0 Lewie, 'if 4 Carrlgan, Karger, ' p. Engle, rf . . Hall, p.... Bradley ., R. Cslllna, 10 1 0 OKrauee, p 4 1 0 0 .10 1 .. 1 01 ..000 z u 1 0 0 0 Totals 11 i:28 8 .. 1 10-0 0 p o o o o o Totala. 17 7 14 1 One out when winning run scored. Batted for Hooper In eighth. Batted for Hall in ninth. E. Collins out; hit by batted ball. Philadelphia 0 1 1000030 Boston i ..0 10 0 00004 0-5 1 Two-base hits:. Murphy,' Davis, Gardner. Three-base hit: speaker. Home runs Gardner, Lewis. Hits: Off Karger, 9 in eight innings; off Hall, 2 in one Inning; off Collins, l in one inning, bacririce hits Barry (2), KrauBe, Gardner. Stolen bases Hsrtsel, E. Collins. Double play: Wagner to Stahl. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 11; Boston, 8. Bases on balls: Off Karger, 4; off Krause, 4; off Collins, 1. First base on errors: Boston, 4. . Struck out: By Karger, , vy Krause, t; Dy Collins, 1. Time: 2:16. Umpires: Sheridan and Kerin, .Detroit Shots Ont St.' Lonla. ST. LOUIS, May 80. Detroit won the morning game from St. Louis by a score of 10 to 0. Bcore: . - DETROIT. BT. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. D. Jones. If.. 6 1 8 0 0 Stone, if 4 ft 0 0 lliuh, aa 4 11 4 Ollamell, aa.,6 i Cobb. cf. ' Crawford, 4 0 11 0 Wallace, lb.. 4 rf. 4 0 0 0 OGrtgga, lb.... 6 Pelehanty, lb 3 I 8 10 Hottman, ct.. 4 Moriarlty, lb 4 I 1 u tschweitur, n I T. Jonea, lb. 1 10 1 ONewmaJi, lb. 4 Schmidt, c... t 0 4 0 "Stephens, c. 4 Btroud, e 6 111 1 Powell, p.... 0 -"am i Totals 11 11 17 11 IWaddell, p.. I I Totals 17 ft 17 10 i Batted for Powell In second. Detroit' 2 1 10 1112 1-10 St. Louis 0 000000000 Two-base hits: Hartzell, Newman, Morl ar.ty, Griggs. Home run: T. Jonea. Liai-ci on balls: Off Powell, 1; off Stroud, 8; uit Waddell, 3. Struck cut: By Powell, 1; by Stroud, 3; by Wadtiell, 3. Time; l:4i. um pires: Dlneen and Connolly. Ietroit won the last game, 9 to 4. After Browning was hit hard in the fourth in ning, Detroit sent Mulltn in to finish tho game. The score: Batted for Bailey in the ninth. Batted for Browning in the fifth. St. Louis 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-4 Detroit 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 1-9 Two-base hits: Stone, Orlggs. Newman, Moriarty. Three-base hits: Wallace, D. Jones. Double plays: Delehanty and Mor larity; D. Jones and Beckendorf. Passed ball: Blckcndorf. Stolen bases: Cobb cil, Morlarity, Crawford, Delehanty, Stone. Bases on balls: Off Bailey, 8; off Brown ing, 1; off Mullln, 2. Struck out: By Bailey, 8; by Browning. 1; by Mullln. 2. lilts: Off Browning. 7 in four Innings. Left on beses: Ht. Louis. 7; Detroit, 13. Time: 2:17. Um pires: Dlneen and Connolly. Dike Outpltctiea Pike. Ths Ramblers defeated the Steinbergs' r.. in n nna-rlded sraute at Duffey's park. by the score of 7 to 2. Dlks was on tho sUb for ths Ramblers and succeeded in holding the butchers down to four scratch hits, and striking out ten. While his team mates rinti.,1 pike, tne meinour sia.ii ttni, iur , the total-or by getting fi one being f the total-of sixteen nits. Tuttle returned four hits out oi live limes up, or two sacki. M uowin aiao found Pike for two, two baggers, bcore by I- R.H.E. Ramblers 200S01O3O-7 16 2 Steinbergs 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-! 4 4 Batteries: Ramblers, Dike snd Danxe. Steinberg: Pike and Yost. Errors: itain biers, 2; Btelntftig. 4. Two-bass bits: M'Oowln L Barney Oldfield Establishes New Racing Record Ray Harroun Sets a Mark for Cars that Go Into the Fifty Mile Class. INDIANAPOLIS, May SO.-In slashing races at the Indianapolis speedway today, new records were set for the national cham pionship In stock car classes, which will be contested annually. Barney Oldfield, with his big Beng. broke the American speedway records for tho mile snd the kilometer, and Ray Harroun, driving a Marmon, topped the tlmo for fifty miles for cars of 231 to 300 cubic Inches displacement. A crowd of 6S.O0O people cheered the drivers on to desperate feats of speed and the companies of militia were pressed hard In controlling tttb eager spectators who over flowed the grandstands on to tho field, straining for a near view of the heroes of the motors. Oldfield cut the mile speed record down from 36 flat to 35.8 and the kilometer record from 23.7 to 21.45. He made the former records on the Los Angeles track. In a wonderfully sustained dash through out tre fifty-mile race Harroun easily led his rivals and was ahead of the record at thirty and forty miles and the finish. His time was 42.41. The former record, which was 44.48, Harroun himself had set at At lanta. Wichita Bleachers Are Blown Away Miniature Tornado Does Extensive Damage .in Southern Half of Kansas Town. WICHITA, Kan., May 30.-A miniature tornado hit Wichita Sunday night and did damage to residences, barns, orchards and other property. No lives were lost The Wichita Western league base ball park was damaged heavily. The ground was stripped of Its bleachers, fences and smaller build ings, trees were uprooted. The damage was confined to the south half of the city. Red Sox Easy for Wllber. WILBER. Neb.. Mav 30 tSneclal.l Wll ber easily defeated the Burlington Omaha Red Sox here yesterday in a game featured by brilliant fielding and hitting on the part of the locals. The visitors made many errors and could not solve Shimonek's curves. Luse's clean throw from deep left to second, cutting off a runner and retiring tne side in the ninth, was a feature. Score: R H E Red Sox 0 00001000147 Wllber 1 4 0 0 2 1 6 1 -14 17 0 Batteries: Red Sox. Shockev. Mason and Clements; Wllber, Shimonek and Prucha. Springfield Wins from Ashland. SPRINGFIELD. Neb.. May M.-tSneelal.) Springfield High school had little diffi culty in winning another game from the Ashland High school team by a score of 6 to 2. The game was called in the seventh. score: Springfield 1 0 4 1 0 0 0-6 Ashland 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Batteries: Springfield, Haney and Braw- ner; Ashland, White and Waybrlght. The Springfield High school club will clone Its regular season tomorrow with a game here. The team has lost but two games this year. Toledo Wins Eleven Straight. TOLEDO. O.. May 80. Toledo won Its eleventh straight game this morning, tak ing Indianapolis into camp, ! to 2. Score: TOLEDO. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Sullivan, ef . . 4 1 1 0 VDelehanty, If. 6 1 1 1 0 HI'chman, lb I 1 1 1 OWIIllama, Ib. 4 I Hallman, rf.. 112 0 OSnencer, cf... 4 Hickman, If.. 4 12 1 OHayden, rf... 1 OCarr, lb 4 CMu-ch. lb.... 4 CHIfilna, c... I 0 Lewie, as 4 lLlndaman, p. I O'llowennaji .. 1 0Orth 1 Freeman, lb.. 2 0 16 0 Butler, as.... 18 2 4 Abbott, c... Klwert, lb.., Boico, p 10 11 . 2 0 0 1 .10 14 ,0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 Robmaon, p. Land Totala 16 8 17 14 1 Totala 14 12 24 14 1 Batted for Bolce In seventh. Batted for Hlgglns In ninth. Batted for Lindaman. In ninth. Toledo 10000012 4 Indianapolis 00000020 02 Hits: Off Bolce. 10 In Beven Innings. Three-base hit: SDencer. Two-base hits: Lindaman, Sullivan. Bases on balls: Ofl Lindaman. 2. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Chill and cusack. Indianapolis won the second game from Toledo, 8 to 2. Score: Batted for Owen in ninth. Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Indianapolis .'...0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base tuts: Murcn, f reeman, stolen bases: Freeman. Land. Sacrifice hits: Williams. Spencer. First base on balls: Off Owen, 1; off McCarthy, 3. Struck out: by Owen, 1; by McCarthy, 3; by Orth, 1. Hits: Off McCarthy, 6 in seven Innings; off Orth, none In two Innings, uouble plays: Butler to Hlnchman to Freeman; Hlnchman to Freeman to Land; Elwert to Freeman. Left on bases: Toledo, 7; Indianapolis, 7. Hit by pitched ball: By Elwert, 1. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Cusack and Chill. Fort Crook Atralnst Country Clnb. A game will be played this afternoon be tween Fort Crook and South Omaha Coun try club teams, at 3:30. Knee Length Drawers.' 1 (50c 1.00 and 91.90 garment ) If you ta-rg never worn ccive hov delhtrully cool, and comfortable you can be cn the Mew WON IN EIGHTEENTH INNING St. Paul Game a Fierce Battlo Be tween Pitchers. JIANY HITS AND FEW, ERRORS Millers Man Finally Across Land Mnnage to Get the Plate a Vic. and tors-. ST. TAUL, May 30 In a pitchers' battlo of eighteen Innings, Minneapolis this morn ing won the thltd game of the norlcs by defeating St. IVuI by a score of 3 to i. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E ST. PAt'L. AB.H.O.A.E. dymer, If.... 1110 "Clarke. If. 0 AltUer, sa....l 1 4 10 0lUrher, It) Kerrle. 3b....l 2 14 fllnmn, Sb. . Cravath. If... I 4 4 0 Ojnnea, cf . . Wllluma, 2b. 8 16 1 OMurrny. rf. Gill, lb I 111 1 Ispemer, r., Pickering, cf. T I I 0 OAutrey. lb.. 0 0 0 1 0 U 3 6 1 7 0 11 1 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 ft 0 Owens, c T 1 4 4 OMiH'orm'k, aa C Ltllvelt. p....O 0 0 0 OWrlgley, 2b.. t Faitereon, p. 4 0 1 6 fOehrlng, p... T 'Line 1 Totals 66 II S4 12 1'llnvln 1 Total, 59 11 64 17 I Batted for Boucher Ir. eighth. Batted for KnKan In eighteenth. St. Paul 10001000000000000 03 Minneapolis 1010000 0 0 00000000 1-3 Two-bnse hit: Clymrr. Thte-base hit: Picketing. Homo run: Mct'ormiok. Bnsrs on balls: Off Leiivelt. 1; off Patterson, 3. t truck out: By Gehrlnn, 5; bv Leiivelt, 1; by Patterson. 3. Time: 3:13. Umpires: Blerhalter and Hayes. Minneapolis won the afternoon game, 5 to 1. Score: Minneapolis 0002021 0 5 St. Paul 00000100 0-1 Two-base hits: Williams (), Pickering, Murray, Leroy. Homo runs: I'rnvath 12). Stolen base: McCoimlek. Sarclflcc fly: Jones. Left on bases: Minneapolis. 3; St. Paul, 7. Double play: Altlxer to Williams to Gill, Spencer to Mct'ormick to Spencer. Struck out: By llughru, 13; ny Leroy, 2. Banes on balls: Off Hughes, 3; off Lerov, 1. Time: 2:10. Umpires: lluyes and Beir halter. KANSAS CITY, May 80-In a slow and almost featureless game here today Kansas City defeated Milwaukee by a score of 8 to 3. A double header had been scheduled, but on account of the rain, the first Kama was called at the end of the second In ning. Score: Kansas City 51100100 8 Milwaukee 10000020 0-3 Hits: Off Cutting, 4 In one and two- thirds Inning; off Mun.ke, 1 In ono-thlrd Inning; off Dougherty, 2 in no inning. Two base hlls: Yoheo, Dowile. Left on bases: Kansas City, 10; Milwaukee, 8. First on er rors: Kantas City. 2; Milwaukee, 3. Sacri fice hits: Raftery, Yohee. Sacrifice fly: Love. Stolen base: Love. Double play: Shannon to Lave. Struck out: By Kswlck. 7; by McUlynn, 2. Passed balls: Marshall (2). Base on balls: Off EsRlek, 6; off Manske. 1; off Cutting, 4; off McUlynn. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Raftciy. Wild pitch: Dougherty. Umpires: Ketguson and Van Sycle. Time: 2:06. , tnlnmhus Takes Morning; Game. COLUMBUS, May 30. The Columbus American association nine won today's game from Louisville, 8 to 4. Score: COLUMBUS. LOU18VH.LK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. O'Rourke. lb. 6 OBIanley, rf.... 6 1 2 Hlnchman, rf 4 Ktieemaji, rf.. 6 Downs, lb. .. . 4 Congalton, If 1 Odwell, lb.... I Quintan, sa.. I Carlech, c... 1 Packard, p.... 4 OWoodruff, If.. 6 0 Myers, 8b.... 4 ODunleayy, rf, 1 OSclirerk, lb.. 4 OMsgee, Sb.... 3 IMorlarlty, aa. 4 2 Pel 1 1. c 2 ODerannler, p. 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 li 0 I 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . I'li-kett, p 0 Totals 84 11 27 7 8Hlcher, p 1 Hughes, c... 1 Totals 83 1 24 It 0 Louisville 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-4 Columbus 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 - Two-base hits: O'Rourke, Cnrlseh, Pack ard, Rossman, Congalton. Struck out: By Decannlere, 2; by Packard, 6. Bases on balls: Off Decannlere, 2; off Rlcheter, 3; off Packard, 4. Time: 1:56. Umpires: Guthrie and Owens. Columbus took the afternoon game from Louisville, 6 to 3. Two toes on Molarity's right foot were partly severed when caught by O'Rourke's spikes. Score: COLUMBUS. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O. A.B, O'Rourke, lb. 12 11 2Rtanley, cf., 6 0 0 0 Hlnchman, cf 5 0 1 0 OW'drufr, lf-2b 4 18 Roesman, rf. 4 1 1 0 0 Myers, lb I 0 1 Downa, 8b.... 4 8 I 1 OD'leavy, ar-lf 4 1 6 Congalton, If. 4 1 10 OSchreck, Ib. ..1 1 Odwell, lb.... 4 0 6 1 1 Magee, Ib-sa. 4 10 Quintan, ss.. 4 0 4 1 OMorlarlty. aa. 0 0 0 Carlech. c... 116 1 0 Howard, rf... 1 0 ft Lejbhardt, p. I 1 1 5 OHIagle, rf 10 2 Hughea, C....4 1 1 ' Totals 34 I 27 13 SItalla, p 0 0 0 Hlg'b'ham, pi 0 0 Peltc 10 0 4 1 I 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 o o 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Totala 86 7 24 14 4 Batted for Hlgglnbotham in ninth. Columbus 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 - Louisville 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3 Stolen base: O'Rourke. Sacrifice hit: Llebhardt. Two-base hits: Congalton, Carlsch, Llebhardt, Woodruff (2). Double plays: Magee to Woodruff to Schreck. Woodruff to Hughes to Schreck, Magee to Woodruff. Bases on ballH: Off Llebhardt, 2; off Halla, 1; off Hlgglnbotham, 2. Struck out: By Llebhardt, 3; by Hlgglnbotham, L Hits: Off Halla, 4 In one inning and none out in second; off Hlgglnbotham, 6 in sevea Innings. Passed ball: Carlsch. Time: 1:44. Umpires: Owens and Guthrie, Wreath for Powers' Grave. LOUISVILLE. Ky., May SO At the re quest of the Philadelphia American league base ball club a wreath was today placed on the grave of Mike Powers, the catcher, who Is buried In a Louisville cemetery. The observance will be followed each Memorial day hereafter. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Biff Returns. Take The B.V.D. Way To Comfort. It's ths only ouro route in. Summer Underwear. And, to be sure you are on the right track, be positively certain tbat Tans" Red "Woven Label MADC rORJHE. jEST RETAIL TPADf aaaniima u na i Trad Mark. Rtg. V, S. PoU Off. is sewed on your Loose Fitting Coat Cut Underhirt, I B.V.D you cannot con hottest bummer day. x i D.V.D. Company, York.