Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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New Merchandise Less Than Wholesale From the
Unparalleled Bargain Opportunity.
Bennett's Score Again.
Read This Great
Dress Goods News
Values to $2.50 yd., for 69c
A wonderful purchase with a ait 111
more wonderful price. Three
chops of fnnhionable light
weight suiting, in practically
every good ftprlng shade, solid
colors, plain weaves oivt elf
mrlpra; every yard worth $1.1
and $1.50, with mime Imported
pultlnrrs a high as $2.60 In tho
ntlk and wool
material.", crcum
senses and
black ffoocln.
shipment: it 1 1
at nno price,
per yaru
Black and White Checked
S2 Inchon wide. Noto that wo
snow them In checks of various
slses and Mack and white checks
were never so popular. a:i now.
Mo need to tell
you how fine a
tmrgaln this Is.
Lefts than whole
sale .cost ftt,
a yard
ir. a:i now.
Vf7 fr3 r
U1L Uti
f7Z n
Wholesale Stock of the Hundley Dry Goods Company, St. Joseph, Missouri.
Omaha papers last week carried large display advertisements of the sale of the Hundley Dry
Goods Co. stock by the receivers. It marks the passing of a well -known and influential dry goods house; one of the
most prominent jobbing concerns of the middle west. A million dollar's worth of spring and summer merchandise are involved in this pre
emptory liquidation of the Hundley business. The Dennett Company by special arrangement were given the privilege of their purchases in ad
vance of the general sale advertised by the receivers for May 31st. We are pleased to state that the best bargains it has ever been our good
fortune to announce are here now. All ths resources of this organization were brought into play to accomplish this end. The dynamic force of th3 values
must appeal to your keen sense of economy. The store is flooded with great i bargains. Everywhere ths placards proclaim them. Departments that were not
represented in the Hundley stock purchases are putting on all the bargain strength at their command to make a record week's selling. You buy seasonable mer
chandise in this sale at considerably less than other dealers must pay for them. Prices are absurdly low, paving the way to boundless economies and helping you
to make your 'dollar bring a greater return than you ever dreamed possible. The securing of this splendid stock was a signal victory for Bennett store. Dennett
ready cash and the capacity to swing big lots win the day. Now then, we sell as we buy. What we gain, you gain. Every opportunity to serve you better is
taken advantage of. Tlxis, our latest triumph is a striking example. Tuesday we throw open the doors on this most intensely interesting sale of summer goods.
Linen Suitings, Dol
lar Values at 29c
A price that Is nothing short
of sensational when you con
sider the high quality of the
fabric and Its great Reason
ableness. Its the pure linen
Ramlo Suiting, 4 8 Inches
wide. No better lines ever
come to these counters. 1(4
the most likable linen von vim
buy for suits and coats. We have
all best eiiaoes
from th" Hundley
lrjr Gods Co. and
at less than cost
to make $1 qual
ity, at
SXX.K HULLS 19V4o A case of
these pretty, tlellrate, summer
dress stuffs. In creams, blacks,
blues, etc.; 26 Inchest wide; re
tails everywhere at
2Sc Our sale price
now at
amobxxao irao onaiim
The standnrd by which all
others are nuaned;
the ft l-8o quality,
sale price
Housekeepers' Attention! Here Are the Goods You Need Daily at
Prices to Quicken Your Bargain Instinct
Cut your housekeeping costs still lower through the aid of these splendid values. Every item will tempt you.
Bleached Table Damask, good, heavy cloth, 64 and 68 In. wide,
mado for service, you buy it for less than wholesale cost
60c goods at, yard 35
Bleached Cream Table Damask, two yards wide, twenty-five
pieces and all new, sightly patterns, all linen fabrics, retailing
In usual way at $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 sale price. . . . 79
All Linen Crash, bleached, IS Inches
wide, red border, heavy 12 c qual
ity, sale price 0
Huck Towels, extra large, 22x45 in.,
very desirable, 15c values, each 10
Bed fcpreads, hemmed and fringed,
with cut corners, full bed size, Mar
seilles pattern, $1.60 goods, for Q8
Best American Prints,
In all colors, (10 yds
limit to a cus- r
tomer) yard . . . ,C
The White Goods Purchase A whole case
of Miscellaneous weaves, checks, stripes,
and embroidered goods. Buy summer
dresses tomorrow, Hundley
wholesale price was 12 c,
usual retail value, 15c, at yd..,
Hope Bleached Muslin,
standard 10c grade
(10 yd. limit to
a customer) at DL
Cotton Blankets, gray,
white, tan, a littlo
soiled, 89c
values, for
Extra Heavy Napkins and all linen, full dinner size, 23-lnch,
beautiful patterns, every one $3.25 dozen quality, sale price,
dozen $2.25
All Linen Napkins, 'bleached, 22-inch, good family napkin,
worth $2.00 dozen, at 81.25
All linen Dice Block Napkins, bleached and cream, 17-inch, ex
cellent for restaurants, boarding houses, etc., $1.00 and $1.23
kinds . x 69
White Victoria Lawn, a very fine sheer
material, 40 inches wide, best 20c
line, sale price 12 M
borders, a Buostanuai gooa wearing
article, for
Crash Suiting, 36 incnes wide, for
summer skirts or suits, 25c fabric,
at 12s
Pillow Cases, well
made, good materials,
42x36 Inch, f ft
15c quality ... 1UC
Bleached Sheets, full
bed size, 81x90 Inch,
best 75c
grade, at
Hundley D. G, Co.'s Silks, the Cream of this Fine Stock Thrown
Out to Omaha Shoppers at Insignificant Prices
Our buyer personally made the selections and comes home highly enthused over the success of his trip.
These Hundley silks, as a whole, were the most desirable ever' seen in such a sale. Silks purchased for the
season's business were sacrificed at almost unbelievable prices.
PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS Here was one of the
finest "buys' the silk man secured. Plain taffeta
silks, plain messalines, r.nd peau de Cygno; also
neat checked taffetas and plaids, plain corded silks
and 22 inch cream wash silks. Just the kinds you
want for summer dresses, for waists,
for suits, etc., etc. Hundley's whole
sale price considerably more
55c to 85c silks, at
Natural Pongees
All widths and qualities l
24 Inch Pongees, light and dark
shades, at 39o
25 Inch Pongees, In semi-rough
textures, at, yard 39o
27 Inch Pongees, fine, smooth,
even weave, worth 79c, at 49o
Black Silks Actually Less Than Half
silks in the
Just 42 pieces of high grade black
worth SI. 00 to 11.50 a yard, including:
8 pieces Peau de Cygnes and Messalines, $1 and $1.60
2 pieces silk back satin usually $1.25
5 pieces Lining Satins, 4" Inch, worth $1.26
S pieces Black Wash Bilks, 16 inch, worth 85a
S pieces Black Cishmlr de Soie, worth $1.00
20 pieces Taffetas It, 27 and 86 inches wide
will stir, you to immediate action. Foulard's are
on the high wave of popularity now. These we
have are the finest 24 inch waterproofed silks
from a prominent maker. It's a representative
showing of the best patterns and color
ings. Included also are 27 inch taf
fetas, 36 inch cashmir de soie and
pointed chiffons, $1, $1.25, $1.50 silks .
Natural Pongees
Buy them for ooata and
dresses; really fine bargains i
16 Inch Imported Shantung
Pongee, very durable and
sightly, $1 quality, at ....680
86 Inch Shantungs, smooth and
Irough effects, $1.50 and $2.00
silks, at 9oa
The Hundley Dry Goods Com
pany house stock of women's
Neckwear, new, up-to-date
stocks, Jabots, Collars, etc.,
aU boxed goods and are new
and fresh, wholesaled at $2.00
to $3.00 a dozen,
choice of entire lot,
(2 for 25c) or each.
Venise Collars
Another lot embraces fine Venise
Collars, Yokes, Jabots, etc., beau
tiful up-to-date novelties, worth
$1.00 to $2.60 each, during the
, sale AT HALT
Art Goods
In the Art Needlework Section
you'll find all the fine em
broidered finished pieces such
as scarf, squares, pillows, cen
ter pieces, fancy covered
boxts, regardless of real val
The daintiest of summer ribbons
are less than wholesale to you
tomorrow. Ribbons for summer
dresses, for bows, for millin
ery uses, etc. wide taffetas.
messalines and warp
prints, 6 to ti Inches
wide; sale price,
per yard ,
Over 600 pieces, secured In cr"
lot; choice Russia nets and Tux
edo nets, . 1 black and all the
good colors. Every yard at less
than cost to Import. Divided
into two groups. Veilings worth
up to 35o a yard, JQg
Veilings worth up to 50c fn
a yard, for C
Hump Hooks and Eyes,
a. earn, ai
Good Safety Pins, 4 dozen for 60
Good Darning Cotton, each.... 10
Basting Thread, dozen spools 130
10c ocean Pearl Buttons, dozen 60
$1.00 Human Hair Braids at-. .490
Hundley Dry Goods Co. Finest Bargains in
Embroideries, Dress Nets and Laces
A sensation in embroideries, truly. An im
mense lot of extremely beautiful 22 and
27-inch embroidery flouncing, in elaborate
English eyelet effects. All new and crisp
as the day they landed from the foreign
makers. The widths now in vogue for
summer dresses, etc. fNo dealer ever
bought them so cheaply aa
we sell them for. 95c and
$1.35 goods. Choice of
entire, line for
Embroideries, Cam
bric edges and in
sertions, 2 to 6 in.
wholesale price 4c
to 7c, our
price 0C
Val Laces. The fine
new Hundley stock
of Val Laces retail
ing at 10c,
a yard . . . .
Val Laces
French and Ger
man Vals, dainty
new patterns
worth 20c,
yard . . . . .
Mercerized silk dress nets 2,300 yards iu
all, representing all the wanted shades and
colorings in greatest demand, including
black. They are 40 inches wide. They sell
freely for dresses and are very popular for
waists. You have never heard of them
being sold at such an absurdly
1 low price. Hundley's whole
sale price was 75c a yard;
our price
Fine i V al. Laces. All the Val Laces. A spe
very highest grade.
worth 30c, exquls-
cial lot to be sold
by the piece (12
yards) all regular
60 cent 9C
quality uvC
The Hosiery man was for
tunate In picking up a number
of strong lines at the receivers'
Bale. Here they are, pick them
out Tuesday.
Women's Gauss x,lsle Hose, fine
Imported goods made with garter
top, full seamless, in.
the standard 35o line, I HP.
at, pair vv
Imported Xilsle Hose for women,
with six thread toe and heel,
double sole and garter an .
top, 60o goods, ZSC
sale price w v
rare Bilk Hose for women, with a
lisle garter top and 1A.
lisle toe and heel, i"C
our special price ......... v
t Two IflYitiaf Lots in
Summer Gloves of lisle, two clasp
styles, grey and tan .
shades, 26 cent sort, I HP
at, pair ww
SIZ.X GLOVES, two clasp style,
double tipped fingers; OA.
blacks and all good HC
colors; BOo quality, for rv
Knit Underwear
We shall have on sale Tuesday
morning two eases fine lisle
Union Suits for women, at
very unusual price. These
goods are absolutely perfect,
in low neck, sleeveless stylo,
with either wide lace or tight
knee. You can't equal
them under 75c. Our Ml
sale price, Is .......
Women's Umbrella Pants -Wide
knee, lace trimmed, very nicely
made and finished; fa'
S6c garments, at
Sleeveless Teste With silk taped
neck and arm; splendid in
lc values, at l.'WO
Lace Trimmed Testa With lace at
i'!" arm,
sale price. C
Women's Linen Handkerchiefs
vris er-rol(lpred corners 1ft
the JOe quality: IWC
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs
All linen, 15o qual- 7.
itles, sale price C
500 Suits for Men from Cincinnati. Maker
$10.75 Boys Hiih Grade $18.00, $25.00 and $30X0 Suits
Shakd hands with yourself if you have not ns yet bought your summer suit. Cast your
eye over the clothing horizon and where will you find another such an opportunity.
,We found a manufacturer who "simply had to sell," "had too much stock," "had to
f realize cash." That's the why and the wherefore of it. Every kind of a good suit a
' particular man can want is here at $10.75. New nobby models with hand padded
shoulders, hand felled edges and collars, with handworked hair cloth fronts, equal to
uesi custom maae suns; conservative styles lor the business man
and the extremes for the young fellows; newest materials and
colorings mado for best retail trade $18.00, $25.00 and $30.00
suns, at , ..
Lisle Suspenders, light or
heavy weight, 50c kinds,
t 204
Boys' Suits, 93.00 and
7.80 vames.. 83.45
300 all wool suits, double
breasted coats and
knickerbocker pants
new ana very genteel
styles for boys up to 10
Lisle I'nion SnlU for Men
Pique and Superior
make, tong or short
sleeve, $1.50 and $2.00
kinds, at $1.00
roroHknit Underwear, all
sUes, 50c values, our
PHce 25
Half Host-, nest 25c qual
ity, blacks and best col
ors, 3 pairs for 50c, or
Pair 19
Shirt Special A quantity
of shirts a little soiled,
$1.50 and $2.00 quali
ties, plain or pleated
while they last, for 75J
Bon Too, American Lady, R.
& tr. and Royal
Corsets, op to H :
u.uut at
Some of them are in silk bro
cades. We have batistes and
coutlls, too. in all lengths.
Standard, well known makes;
from $2.00 to $6.00 values.
Jobber's stock clearing, at.
Pair $1.49
Royal Worcester, American
Lady, R. & G., and American
Beauty Corsets, batiste and
coutils, all lengths, best styles.
SETS, f 1.00 AND
$1.75 LINKS ....
All kinds and styles; hose sup
porters attached.
$40, $35 and $25 Suits for Women, now $15
Any Colored Suit in the Entire Stock
Now then, here it is, the sale you've waited for and asked about. The annual fifteen
dollar clean up of the women's suits. Regardless of former price you get uncondi
tional choice of colored suits in our stock Tuesday for $15.00. $25.00 suits, $35.00
suits and $40.00 suits, Wooltex models and all; finest Irench
serges with Peau de Cygne linings. Blacks, navy and extra
large sizes included. First time now at $15.00. There are fully
400 suits in the line every color or size anybody may want.
Crowds will come. Extra salespeople to wait on you
150 Jackets, tan coverts
and black serge spring
Jackets, a great clean
up day fine tailored
garments, worth to $15,
final cut,
to clear,
Reefers, for girls, 6 to
14 years, plain colors
and fancies, worth to
$6.50, at $1.95
Wash Dresses, for girls,
6 to 14 years, values
$1.25 and $1.60, . 98f
Wash Petticoats, plain
gingham, 76c kinds 39 4
Royal" Linen Waist
all high grade tailored
garments, famous "Roy
al" make, wholesale
samples and a little
soiled, $t
and $6. B0
values, now
Women's Wash Dresses
Upward to 600 garments
values to $5.00, light
and dark styles, high
and low neck, percale
and madras, one of the
floors best
bargains . .
$7.98 for White and Gold Dinner Sets
A bargain to delight the heart of any housekeeper, a superb 100-
. piece dinner set, in a new pattern, white and gold
effect, with fancy gold stamping an exquisite
dinner service and best $15 value, sale price
nine Japanese China,
less tnan cost to Im
port, tea pots, cups
and saucers, bowls,
plates, sugars and
crea-rs, etc., 1 A.
worth 6O0, at. .1
Cut Glass Tumblers,
1000 on sale, very
handsome in design
and very deep cut
ting, usual $1 value,
G to a cus- r(U
tomer, ea. ...vv
Span Srass Jardi
nieres, 10-inch size,
beautiful finish; we
have Just 100 to sell
each Is ffO 7F
$4 value $ulO
JUST FOR TUESDAY We offer liberal discount on our entire
lines ot jardinieres, umbrella stands, jardiniere pedestals and
combination flower pot and jardiniere
' a good time to supply your season's
requirements Tuesday only
25 011
Household Helps Deeply Cut
Perfection Lawn
. Mower, high wheel
and ball bearing.
Special Thursday,
at $4.03
Gasoline or Gas Ov
ens, 2 hole slse, at,
each .... $1.75
Car Hot Plates
slightly rusted, 3
' hole slie, $4.00 val
ue, .or ....$1,50
Floor Sweepers, us
ually 8c. for 39
Pocket Knives, spe
cial lot, values to
50c, for ....25
Sleeve Irons, regular
35c Kind for 25
Japanned Bird Cages,
$1.25 kind for
Wire Clothes Lines,
40c kind .... 29
Scissors, special lot,
worth to 49c, Tues
day, at 19
Asbestos Mats, at.
each 3t
Blue Steel Hammers,
worth 25c for 10
Curtain Stretchers,
bass wood, nickel
pins, usual $1.C5
kind, for ..$1.19
Wash Boards, Globe
Crimp, 35c kind,
'or 19
Hat Racks, 6 hook,
85c J;lnd, for 39
Bennett's Toilet Pa
per, best 5o paper
made, at 8 rolls,
for 25
Lunch .Boxes, fibre,
15c or 25c site, at,
each 5
Bread Boards, 18x23
inch, special 17
Clothes Hampers
round or square
$3 kind for $1.10
Children's Shoes from the Burley
& Stevens Purchase
We bought a large factory surplus, over 1,500 pairs
the best spring Shoes this well known factory
makes, shoes for boys and girls. Price was made
an object to Induce us to take so large a quantity.
The line Includes lace and button shoe. In patent,
vlci, and dull calf; for all CCC riQC
ages. $2.00. $1.75. $2.50 and!
to $3.50 shoes, at
Dorothy Dodd Pumps and Oxfords Cut
600 pairs from our regular stock, selected for our
regular trade and the usual high standard of qu:V
ity and stylo of all Dorothy Dodd footwear. Every
pair $3.50 or $4.00 quality. We fit t7
them as carefully as if you paid us
the full price for them.
Patent Colt Pumps
Ankle strap styles.wlth
Cuban heel; sizes 2
to 7; real $2.50 qual-
ity, with with c,
Tuesday, pair
Women's Oxfords, '300
pairs for street and
house wear, good sizes;
$2.50 during $4X1
this sale, at,
Savc the Difference this Lace
Certain Purchase Brings You
Your dollars multiply In the curtain room
Tuesday. We have a lot of nearly 1,000 pairs of
Nottingham Curtains that came to us considerably
under market value. The patterns are choice, and
they are all generously large. Here's the way you
buy them
$1.25 Curtains,
$2.25 Curtains,
$3.00 Curtains,
BONNE FEMME CURTAINS Very elaborate ef
fects, with deep lace flounces; one curtain to a
window; values to $9.00 each MO
now at I10
15c SILKOLINE DRAPERIES, Oc Our entire third
floor stock, 2,000 yards or more; stripes and
florals; the standard, yard wide, 15c quality
It's our Eprlng stock, selected for our regular
trade Tuesday, per yard
Brass Curtain Rods A quantity of 20c rods, com
plete, ready to put up, brass plated, each . . . .8
Green Bamboo Porch Shades Complete with all
fixtures, 6-ft. shades 98
8-ft. Bhades $1.19
2,000 Boxes Fine Stationery
It Isn't often money goes so far In stationery. Our New York office
secured a veritable "plum". The papers are hlga grade linen.
bond and satin finish and are most attractively
boxed It's 19c. 25o and 35c values we offer
you. Hundreds of different styles, in two lots. .
Pocket Bibles, illus
trated, divinity cut,
leather covered text
DiDie, gut edge a
$1.25 line
McClurg's Samples Graduation Gift Books The biggest book Job-
ners in America soia us an meir samples. None are more admlr
ably adapted graduation guts. Too many to
describe, but includes leather covered
and some copies of "The Christy Girl'
St. Elmo, Augusta
Evan's famous nov
els, beautifully ti
trated, theater pa
tron's edition, Qa
special ISC
Les Miserable
Hugo's famous
novel complete In
one volume, well
bound, good
Thi 25c-49c
Frame Sale
We continue the sale
of odd picture
frames; mill rem
nants, odds and
ends; all sizes,
styles and woods;
worth to $2, at-. .
10c to 50c
Omaha, Neb.
100 choice colored
cenlo subjects in sold
frames, brown oak
and black, malted to
suit clies 10x20:
Ixes 10 U- alzea U
H; worth 11.00, at
Bennett's Bi Grocery Always the Best
Pride of Bennptt'a
Flour, aatik Sl-SO
Bennett's Golden Cof
fee, lb SOo
And SO Stamps.
Bennett's Breakfast
Coffee, 1-lb. oan 44
And 40 Btamps.
Teaa, aasorted, lo. 38o
And 50 Stamps.
Teaa, assorted, ib. 484
And (0 Stamps.
Jell'o Ice Cream JPow-
der, S pkga SSo
And iu Utamps.
Del Monte Hrolled
Mackerel, can . ...lftc
And lo btamps.
Diamond cJ Chill Kauce.
bottle, at loo
And 10 Stamps.
Walker's Chill Con
Carrie, ran lOe
And 10 Stamps.
Old Dutch Cleanser,- S
yuan, wr HBO
And 10 Stamps.
Macaroni, Star and
Crescent, t pkga. SSo
And 10 Stamps.
Pure I'rult Jelly, glass,
now at loo
Small Sour Pickles, per
doi., at '. Se
Beauty Asparag-ua, can,
now at aoe
And 10 Stamps.
Stollwerck's Premium
Cheoolate, H-lb. can,
now at B3e
And 10 Stamps.
Hartley s Pure Orange
Marmalade Jelly 8O0
Dalldet Maraschino
Cherries, 6Ce bou, oc
French Cut Loaf Sugar
Pkg., at BSo
And 10 Stamps.
Rti,,aM T Fou" CrownV
luyera, per
' ' w
Llpton's Jelly Tablet
port, apricot, cherry,
for 85o
Raisins Richeleau Seed
. iu quality per
J"-i at ...,,. xGO
e- 1 tot Wliulo Toiim . a
per can 12 Uo
And 10 Stamps.
Corn Meal, 10-lb. sack.
now at iso
Franco-American Soup,
20c carui, for ISO
v Jon tench Mustard
Jar, at Sue
And 10 Btamps.
Oalllaid Olive Oil, H
sal Ion ran 91.45
Blue Boras Starch, tier
Pkr.. at lodA
And 10 Stamps. W