Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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crrtncU hurl KENT
i rt r ji Isllr.l Hihiiii'. ' bdii'"i
1' ( ',,,.,,., Kirsl el' family hotel.
1 110 ' 1 0(; 1 llil W(. .-u Ave. Moil.
.out: ni.m to ;iirc
: i'hjiii 2,i. Karnam. phone JI'ii: HoTEL-linte otitsli
f I l I 11 (Kit ll
control tubly fur-
phune Har. -Oia.
Ida, and
vr rnoiii; rates iy week.
l:KAL'Tll'n, light. cl.-an. furnished
.l.inllif, LiAlll. g.lM ami 'iei V. "
iiiu dHtai Ci $ hi Him. Hi. .iu- t'cwcy Ave.
, t-i. Iui iiUIu J mum, nay or ck.
NEWLY furiiifh'-il rnnm; everything
u.i.ii Lew, ul -J- Farnam St.
wai.kino instance: east front room.
wltji uUove, ui.-ij single room, suitable fur
two; Miiciry iimlviii; newly furnished. biS
fo. 2Sth M.
Koralahed Room
MODERN furnished south front room for
oiio or two gentlemen or traveling men.
iiiM Capitol Ave.
LARQE room and closet, facing south on
Dewey Ave., near 26th; stric'.iy modern.
Phone lxnigias 6.422.
THREE room for light housekeeping. 2264
nN. 20th 8t.
NK'ELI furnished room,
17th Ave.
modern. 744 H.
FRONT and back parlor, modern; cheap.
22l: Douglas.
FOUR front room, strictly modern, 'MM
ftherman Ave. Webster 6314.
I COOL rooms, fino neighborhood. 2224
1 1 (uaiii d.
FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite.
NICELY furnished room for rent; private
f.iiiniy; new, inoUern. 120 ho. 3viii St. Har
M.y 4i'M.
T I 1 1 ' I. I.- r n la v..nn.a ' nrlvilta kfh
Zn Harney. Harney 31 13.
11 i'KONT parlor In newly furnished flat.
1 n.CxNT parlor In newly fu
I .! N. 26th. D. 6452.
FOR RENT Nicely furnlshi
jiia.crn; private family. 'I'lio
NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable
for two gentlemen. r.HU Chicago
DF.SIRARLE room, flno location,
lng distance. 218 S. 26ih St.
THRfB room for rent, Inquire 2004 Vin
ton tit.
IF YOU are looking for a larar. well fur
nished, cool rwm, with every convenience,
1 have onp suitablo for two or more gen
tlemen or employed r- spectnblo ladies; alsj
one single room. 2j3 ht. Aiary s .-ve.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping
tOCG St Mary's Ave.
FURNISHED room, $1.50 a week.
13th lit.
$13 S.
80UTII front room In new flat for ladles;
private family; walking distance; modern
Wit Doilge. Harney 64T1).
$672 Harney St
SOUTH parlor for ono or two; also room
with alcove. 2567 St. Mary's Ave.
tied room; all
one Keel rati.
M i:VLY furnished room In a new. mod-
. rn apaitmciit house. 2013 Chicago tit
IN PRIVATE home, large, cool room, ele-
' fcnutly furnished, electric: light, heat, bath
phone; warning aisrunce; nice porcn ana
Uun. Fun, am and ih Ave. Harney 4608.
Alto singlo room.
I UAROU: front room, newly furnished. Ap-
1 ply 1M H. Mti tst.
SINGLE room for gentleman, 17.
Uvon. Harney 2T13.
2lJ0 HARNEY, front room, south win
doits, porch; suitable for two gentlemen;
rent lli
LARGli! south room, reasonable; walking
H"am.. Call 2C22 JJodge. 'Fhone Harney
ONE nicely furnished room. .124 N. 19th.
" I). WJt
TVVO small connecting rooms for two
ladles or gentlemen. Aluo largo front room.
Amo King Ik room for one person. Private
family. Reference. 1918 Casi. Phone Doug.
FINR room In modern flat, close in. 212
Is'. -Sih.
FURNISHED rooms completely modern,
Fouih front. 564 Cuming.
FURNISHED rooma, strictly modern,
rultablo for ladies er gentlemen. 1822 Capi
NICE furnished room, Rood neighbor
hood. 850 S. 22d. Douglas 71(11.
ONE large front room for rent 1S13 Cap
itol Ave. t
THREE southeast rooms, modern: on
car line. 3210 Cass. References.
NICELY furnished room. 2S05 N. 2h St;
S LARGE rooms and store room: ground
floor; J 1 .' : only 3 blocks southwest of court
ouse. b:o s. zotn St.
NICELY furnished large front rooms,
202 N. 19th Bt
NICELY furnished front room to gentle
men; 12.00 per week. 11)11 Cars.
NEAT, clean room for gentlemen; private
tamiiy; an new. lei. uougias iKJa.
ONE elepant furnished large room, suit
able for two or three young men, south
east exposure. WO. One north exposure
large room, elegantly furnished, (25. One
south exposure, elegantly furnished room
suitable for two, $20. 2026 Dodge. Walking
aisiance. r none uougias -KHZ.
IIoaseseeplaaT Rooms.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
TWO desirable rooms; good location
reasonable to right party. Harney 4C32.
z.w turning m. call forenoons.
WANTED One or two ladles to room
for light housekeeping; rent reasonable.
Appiy voy H. E7th St., In basement
THREE rooms, en suite, with private
lavatory; furnished for housekeeping; no
children nor pets; private home; 2Hth St,
near Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 2644.
IH3 Douelas St. nicely furnished parlor,
"Ah piano.
""A rt LOR-A I .CO V E on third floor north,
liable for man and wife, or two gentlo-
en. llreakfast privileges. Rent reasonable.
H. 2Sth. St
TWO nice roomi
T'hone Douglas 6420,
s; terms reasonable.
1U20 Dodge Furnished rooms; two small
LARGE furnished front room for rent 710
N. 2ufh.
NICE front room, monern home, strictly
private family. 121 N. Central boulevard.
Call after 6 p. m, or Sunday.
MODERN furnished room, 1617 Burt St,
Phone D. 6411.
TWO single rooms, newly papered and
furnished: modern; also parlor. 631 S. 22d.
Douglus 7237.
NICELY furnished rooms. 2208 Harney St.
Excellent locution; walking distance.
ftAKT front room; brtakfast optional. SO
CLOSE In. laren. clean furnished rooms.
lawn, porch, bath on same floor, 2S0S Capi
tol Ave. Reasonable
NICELY furnished rooms at reasonable
price, call 214 N. 25th. Phone u. M&2.
LARQE south room with bay window;
moaern.-JK s. iain Ave.
THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms.
modern. 2254 W. 2Cth.
SMALL room, modern, private family.
rheap. 712 N. 19th. Red 6339.
FURNISHED room, 11.60 a week. 416 S.
mn. top floor.
FURNISHED room In private family,
win. 24th St. South umaiia.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
latere and cool; modern; east front fine
location. Tel. B-141S. 2S16 N. mh Ave.
FRONT suits of noosekeeplng
modem. Phone 1916 California St.
MODERN rooms with TiouseUeeDlnff con.
veniences. nu a. ann HI.
FURNISHED housekeeDlna rooms.
Cuming St
BEAUTIFUL south rooma for house-
keeping. 2018 Howard St.
LA ROE. modern room: comDlete for
housekeeping; suitable for man and wife
or 2 or 3 youna- ladles, fnone Harney
Z4!)Z. 2627 llimcy,
LIOIIT housekeeping rooma: small rooms.
tre a. lstn. net .
FURNISHED rooms for llffht housekeD
ing. 513 M. Z2d St.
22d St.
front rooms. 513 N
T1 A CtrXTITXTT. nftt van inn a
tor housekeeping. 518 s. 22d St.
NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep
ing.. 422 N. 17th St Tel. B-6368.
TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping
room. 712 N. 18th Bt
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
ground floor. 1610 California SU
LARGE front room; housekeeping.
TWO nice front
modern. 614 8. 2id.
rooms; refrigerator
SOUTH basement room fer houaekeep-
ing; modern. 2111 Douglas.
THREE modern furnished light house
keeping rooma; no children. Ml 8. 26th
TWO suite modern housekeeping rooms.
2P13 Mason St. Tel. Harney 4140.
TWO nice, clean furnished rooms for
light housekeeping; very comfortable
reasonable rent. 1447 North 17th St
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms
all modern; gas range. 2010 M. utn.
DESIRABLE housekeeping: rooma, single
or en suite. 266( Bt. Mary a Ave.
LAROB room; suitable for two; walk
ing distance; $6 per month. 163S N. 19th Bt
TWO rooms: gas range;
lieges. 222$ Farnam.
4uNrjLK and double room for sleeping,
f:u'j up. 1S17 Leavenworth, Sd floor.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
$0$ N. l$ta St
Mary a Ave.
furnished rooms. 2O07 Bt
SUITE of rooms: walking distance.
N. 26th St Phone Douglas 235.
BBAUTI FULLY furnished front room
for t or 3, reasonable; modern. 2071 Dodge.
VOtm unfurnished rooms: gas and bath
gas paid, $12. 702 N. Both at
SOUTH front parlor, IZ7S. $$10 Douglas.
T XT a,Au kmiaa sun A.aein rt ma sanl pnnmi
for light housekeeping, om b. 94tn et
FRONT parlors for two, $3.60 week; mod
ern. 2111 Douglas.
LARUE front room with board, suitable
for two or three ladles or gentlemen. 281 1
bt Mary's Ave. Tel Louglas 7776.
Form rooms, second floor, for light
houaeWeeDlntr. for small family: southwest
oorner ltn ana memory.
TWO nicely furnished connected rooms;
U11I rent single or suite. 31$ N. 28th St
nun Red S7.X
u preferred. 2416 S. 20th St
TWtX nicely furnished modern front
rooms (connected) for two or three per
suns, fiiune nea K&u.
LAItOt) modern room, nicely furnished.
a ... a. kt ...w a.
FURNISHED front room, In modern
nouiie; near tarter .aae. Tel Webster $M.
IARUE front room for two gentlemen.
HIUUVI U. Ik . 01.1. iUUi. alio.
LARUE, newly furnished suite, bedroom
and Kitting room, $10 per month. Web
$U07 IS. 27th.
FURNItUlED rooms for one or two gen
tlemen 1717 burt
FRONT room; modern; In private fam
ily; price reaeonaDia. u a. lath St
LARQE front room and one small room.
uitub a for two or three gentlemen: u
u k iiuui car tine, evi m. sein at, I'none
t hunt room with alcove; also south
roum, suitable lor two. mu b. 2Mb.
1812 CHICAGO ST.. on large south room.
mroiy xuriusnea, wiin or w.uioui board.
very pleasant south single room. $S
or Huitable lor two. W1 Harney,
FURNISHED houee for summer months.
x none uougtaa lutu.
iuXTHA large, e.egant room, fine furnl-
'"' no. otin. no sign on bouse.
SLEEPING room for two
Lyuuliuist $17 s. uth at
TVO modern housekeeping rooms for
rent. 21tl3 V4iun.i J.
r . ' sin
YOUNG LADY to share a suits of pr'o
fioor rooma; modem conveniences; coin-
niuiiliy nieala, 26ii Harney,
'Phone Har-
H RN1S11ED room, suitable for two gen-
-r. yv ".-.n ""a M floor.
'Phone Doug. 4729.
-LARUE room In etrlotly modem home.
Micciwi lurnwnea rooms; also houao-
UOIHCRJ4 room, 2U Capitol Ave. Har
1 boo.
f VOH RENT Two nicely furnlahed rooms.
" W,.
1 1 -
NI;U furnUhjd room for 1lht hnu-
ItfllED room, kii 8. $U St.
A WISHED room tor nllrnun
,li f AHf. Tel. Dougias 2o. 143 S.
F Ave,
laundry prlv
TWO dewlv Danered. furnlahed rooma for
light housekeeping; modern, gas range. Ice
be 1, telephone, taiinary privilege; ciose in
no children, eie 1. use
complete, Including refrigerator, gas range,
phone; no cniiaren. mi r. 101a.
NICE housekeeping rooms, alt modern.
with laundry. 831 B. win.
looses a4 Cottagea
(Con tuiuaU.)
lafarnlahed Rooma.
FOUR unfurnlhd rooms; moJern except
tat. Call after $:30 p. m.. 260$ N. 18th Ave.
ONE good piano. $19". HI Bancroft.
Maalcal Inatrnineata.
NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north
1 part of city. $J6.
m..m A,i-,.nA-. T II I T I' IrV V , 1 1
I-room aoartitient 1K17 Clark. $l. UPRIGHT Sohnior plahp. $U. Coat i60;
4-room apartment city water, toilet UW """f -:iiib "i. -
$-rocm apartment, P28 N. 17th. $11
ENTIRE M floor for housekeeping, un-I
rnlshed. 2621 Harney. Harney 622a.
C. M. BACH MAN. 4.16 1'axtoo Ulork.
'Phone Red 2uJ9; Residence Doug. 60U6.
JUST IN, complete line YORK BAND
Lb I RUMiiN'i s; no equal for price.
Scninolier Mueller, 1213 r amam.
UI1ITUVU I a .. pa n Ka. UlnaK.ll tlmrmm 1411,
ELEGANT $76 Storey A Clark ORGAN,
FOR RENT 7-room cottage at 1729 sligntly ued, with secretary conipai tment,
nnr,i. A -r.w h.ini n,iini amilulso urautivally N a. w e(orey tfe Clark
One nice large nnfomlshrd room for light p.,,. and nut In first class condition. I I'lANu-A baigain if taken sootu 301 Old
ousekecping If desired. 2013 Webster St.
$26 per month to permanent tenant. Inquire I tfoalon More.
I t.t u U UhmntsA mt 1 .1 llritfht I'll , or I
F. 1. Wead. Wead Bldtt. I t riuuit i piano lor saio.
TWO unfurnished room. In nw brick
at. $11 .SO per month. 311 NT 21st St
$S2.30 Strictly modern S-room oak fin
ished house. 13ii6 S. 2Sth St. Tel. Harney 1767.
31xl bt.
Aiply 1H1 So.
(C onUuurd )
M (1VTI(: treatment. Mrrw. Smith,
WlfJ'-l loupes for
''luoll and 14 FHEN
MMC. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, slt
glow and maaeage. IV Doiltte St., oupo
u.o postofiw. floor. 1 bune Doug.
5-Kooms, Vp to tlio-Minuto
Osk and msnle floors. latet resigns In
everything. Some of them low as $3 iW -
only wtv down, lialance ,u p r Bioain. in
cluiltri-t liun-ett
til N. Y. Life RU'iif. Red
TRIVAIU confinement home. Mrs. rr
King, LU S. Hth St 'Phone Webster 3uJ
MA.SSAGE Mias LaGrane. M17 Ux1e St.;
hour 10 a. in. to B. m. Basement flat.
Room 308 old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor,
elevator entrance. 13$ S. Mib. St.
SB.VEN-ROOM house, modern, hot water Residence 423 N. JStth
furnace and nice barn. 2166 California.
P.EAUT1FUL piano for sale at ohec, .lust
like new; no reaoonaDie oner rcituea.
I? r" , A I A r K , . 1 il'l B 90th U I IT,
tiikeb unrurnlshea rooms, enure upper ti, ,v ilnhhly i.-.rn., a,
uui. .,uv ivui..
unfurnished rooma
Phono Harney 1306.
12$ 8, 35th St.
FOR RENT 4 rooms.
ithed. $16. 176$ 8. 9th.
modern, unfur-
FOUR rooms, for $13 per month.
h Ave.
312 N.
MODERN 6-room brick house. 1109 N.
23d St, Via. Owner pays water. Phone
Harney Ubl.
FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house,
modern, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 2o45
Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 469.
EECOND-hana typewriters sold, repaired.
Central Typewriter Exchange, luo7 1 amain.
Typewriters for Keut 8wiK
1316 Farnam St. Omaha. i
WANTi:r At once. & Indv solicitors:
good pay and steady employment lor right
party, ran Saturday momma. mm a a.
in. till 12 p.m.. at 701 South lHh Ave. Ask
for G. W. Okey.
BUY an I C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter.
B. F. Swanaon Co., Duurlbuiers. lMi
Farnam St.
Apartments and Flats.
FIVE-ROOM, new brick apartment, mod
em; steel range and water rent paid, $26
montniy. Reference required, ssio a.
4tn st
FOR RENT An 8-room modern apart
ment. Field club district; five bedrooms and
loeping porcn; beautifully decorated
hrouchout; strictly first class. 830$ Pod-
pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. 89S.
US No. 26th. 9 rooms, tW.
2004 Dodge, T rooms, $27.50.
6-room modern except heat. 2808 Frank
lln $17.60.
6-room modern except heat. 2206 Miami. $22.
6-room, fully modern. 8M9 Bristol, $26.
678 Brandels. 'Phone D. 4251.
CLOSE IN, near Farnam or Harney can,
8-ioom modern house; $26.60. Thomas Bren
nan, N. Y. Life.
ROTARY NEOSTYLE. Bargain. 1117 Farnam.
ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In
good condition. L.engin t it Aoaroaa, o
73, care Be.
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all
$10 order; catalogue free. Snerman 4k
McCounell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
i.i m male New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world in Wieap
bar llxiurea; easy yjincn,i,. uiuuiifi.
HAVE you $500 that you would like to Balke. Collender, 407 a. 10th tft
K at traa nu vnii 1 M nar tmnt Inntoad rt A t r A I 1 n
per centT See advertisement in this column SECOND-HAND
over address of L 630, Bee.
oak counter: hand-
carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket
about 40 ft, odd shape; will fit a room
MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE I twenty feet wide, can oe seen at storage
Near 27th, on Jackson, $27.60 per montr. ; house. or xuriner iiruvunn rumn uuut
aiso 8-room, modern except furnace, on las 238. Bee iJuuaing v.o.
OQ1 0 T 1 cii. i m l. c Miami near inn, ia per moiun. rnone
oio Otti-lvsuu oi.t lower liai, U Harney 1062.
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 181$ Farnam.
rooms and bath, jllSt finished, THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, ready
... j. , , 1 1 for occupany; 2-room apartments, bed lit
warning uistauct;, mouerii anu
up-to-date; $35.00.
Tel. D. 2151 442 Board of Trade '
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
tales, all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer
lean Supply Co., 111U Faruata St
til liV.nnmv Window Screen will
1UO uwuvui; ,av, you one-half.
T. H. Wetrica Fixture Co., all kinds of
mill work.
ONE of the best 6-room aDartments In tho
old Hamilton, corner 24th and Farnam Sts.
win take three-tourths of regular rent
SS'eST eXPlre" AU8U"t M Ta1, 2 Decatur, T-r., all mod.) only $20.
wall: Ice. heat, hot water and Janitor free;
MODERN 8-room house, 113 8. 44th St.,
on West Farnam, Dundee line, $30. Tel.
Harney 336.
1839 N. 24th. 0-r., city water, gas, elactrlc 1 P8dent lumber de"rt the clty
light, etc., newly ptpered, in.
715 8. tn, a-r., city water, s,
T Try O. C. Dimmock & Sons, 24th
uuiuuci ani H sts.. 3o. Omaha, only la
4217 Harney, 8-r., all mod., only $22.60.
IN BEMIS PARK, finest Place In city. tm Burdette. -r. house, mod. except heat.
&-room Ht. ixinis rial, xs ner montn. 'Phnna . b"" v
at Lake
awa and
one at Carter lake. Price 1200.
1102 Harney St
Harney 2029.
TEAM, harness, wagon, dump boards, Ice
ELEGANT 8. 4 and B-ronm aoartmenta.
Strehlow Terrace. Webster 4328.
A BEAUTIFUL anartment at S3d
Farnam, nothing finer in the city.
Wm. K. Potter, Harney 121$.
60 H. P. Oas Engine and Producer Plant.
Almost new; suitable for electric lighting
plant or mill. Perfect condition. Will sell
at sacrifice, or trade for good western Ne
braska land. Address B-621 Bee.
rooms, modern, first-class, Field Club dis
trict: $ bedrooms and sleeping porch; beau
tifully decorated; all hard wood floors; tile
bath room. See this apartment before rent
ing others. Peters Trust Co.. N. T. L.
Bldg. Douglas 89$.
CENT RALE apartments: 1 choice flat. 6
large cool rooms, fine finish, modern, hot
water all year steam heat; pay to see it;
walking distance; summer, $27; winter, $7
mors; reference required. Bemls-Carlberg
Co., 480 Brandels.
4107 Izard. 7-r.. all mod., only $27.W.
1113 N. ISth, good 6-r. houee, mod., close wagon, coai box. Call 1618 Frederick.
Ill, will impfi. -.uv.
3017 Emmet new 6-r. modern cottage, $22.B0.
4103 Lafayette, choice 8-r. strictly mod.
I home, line neighborhood, 4b.
Call I1 N. 41st Ave., 6-r., all mod., new, $35.
i.ijt es. dial., e-r., inou., upeviai pnu? to
right party.
2016 Pinkney. 10-r.. all mod., $36.
318 S. 27th, 5-r., strictly mod., fine shape,
412 N. 28th Ave., 8-r., strictly mod. houBO,
good shape, $22.60.
4004 Charles, 8-r., strictly mod., fine loca
tion, $30.
123 S. 35th, 8-r., all mod. and in fino shape,
3t63 Farnam, 7-r., mod., $40.
See our list before you move.
Sole Agents, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.
SIMPLE home treatment cures corns.
bunions, warts, callouses, etc; foot special
ist, tj years experience; booklet 2 cents.
Leroy L'ago, Dept. C, lt'J State, Chicago.
ANYONE knowing tho whereabout and
address of Albln Hollngren, who made his
nome in tnia city six years sgu, plraxe
notify his mother, Mrs. J. P. llollngren,
Lafayette, Minn,. Route 1
MASSAGE electric treatment hv exoert.
107 So. 17th St., room 1, 1st floor.
Is the best In the market for young chick
ens. Made from pure grain.
Phones Douglas 1143; lndopendent A-3464.
Screenings, $1.2$ per 100. Wagner, Ml N. 1$
BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for setting,
per hundred. Phone Harney 478.
LEW W. HABER, Printer,
Entrance on BEE BUILDING
RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 8. 14th; Ind. A3624.
CITY PHOfF.lllT rim iaim
(Continued.) '
J-lliiCM ho;ie on boulevard, big corner
lot; also larne barn; will sell cheap. In
quire ill S. 21th.
DOUGLAS COUNTY saves thousands of I Ground Floor.
dollars yearly by having my figures 011
printing. John T. Thompson. Tel W-i&SO.
Ground Floor 1201 Farnam St.
Tele.: Douglas 2107
042S Choice building lot on Spnuldlng.
Just east of 30th St.. I2".
J..77 1 acre near Central Park school,
being $ lots, fronting south on Camden
Ave., near 42; well and pump; can diviilo
and sell in half acre, on easy terms at Hi HI.
Modern nrlck flat, is rooms, fur
nished, rentals $1,440, north lMh St.; autli
of Cuming. $8,000.
EMI . I lots in Hoyd s Add., corner Taylor
and 251 h St.; want offers.
G 694 All modern. -r. house, walking
distance, 2Mh and Howard, south front.
E.'. 9-r., all modern pretty home on Cal
ifornia, In Avoiidale Park .near Central
Blvd.; south front t&hcdr.) ouiy $1,600 cash;
balance to suit, $4.u0.
Eil6-3-r. house, N. S3d, near Fort St.;
$Ki cash: price $.s7S.
Eii ' holes comer lot In Lake James
i'ark; only two blocks from the new boule
vard now being constructed; beautiful cu,
talpa. maple shade trees, $276.
ti:8 $-r. modern house, rlttht down town;
easy walking distance, uear Farnam St j
south front 60-foot lots; large amble; ontr
leaving the city; cost $11,600; price, $7, fioo.
EW 1 good building lots West Q, St. In
Fowler Place, South Omaha; owner moving
to Pacifle coast: wants offera.
G600 Fine fruit farm; only 6 minutes'
ride from Council Bluffs postofflee by auto
mobile; Si acres; 7.000 fruit trees bearing;
T-r. house; cost $6,000: barn, tool shed, rail
road trackage only 40 rods for loading;
will yield $,oo0 to $10,000 per year, rltce
only $21,000.
G601 4-r. cottage, S. 26th near Popple
ton Ave.; Hanscom Park neighborhood; all
modern except heat; right by other places
no Deuer selling i r si.fruo. frice only $2,800.
1201 Farnam. Tel D. 2107.
PHONE IND. A-26I0 for good printing.
Lynstad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ave.
Miller & Jamlrson, 1212 Doug. Roth phones.
REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1858; prompt
service; get our prices, itio Farnam St.
SOUTHEAST corner 8th and William.
elegant new 8-room house, strictly modern
and up-to-date; large attic; full cement
cellar; four bedrooms, bath and sleeping
porch on second floor; reception hall, liv
ing room, dining room, den, kitchen and
large pantry on first floor: oak finish:
extra toilet In basement. See this at onco
do not delay. If you wont something ele
gant, In flrHt-class neighborhood, close In,
you can't beat this It rou look all day.
Tel. Douglas 4616.
FOR BALE At a reu! sacrifice, a fine
Tel. D. 127 L 643 Ramge Bldg. New houses.
SADDLE and bridle; excellent condition;
used but short time. Harney 1061, or 4819
Cass. .
choice, spiritual works, $100. 321$ Mander
son St.
SIXTY pairs, Winalow rolle? skates, good
as new. They retail at $5.60 a pair; $1.26
takes them. 'Phone Webster 1989.
TEN-ROOM, modern flat: fivo rooms
rented If desired. 'Phono Red 4864.
FINE, light offices In the new City Na
tional Bank building, 16 th and Harney Sta.
S-ROOM flat new St Louis brick. $27.60. I This building will be ready for occunancv I 15 tor $1
narney asbe.
We are now prepared to furnish eggs for
hatching from Seven Oaks strain of (bred
I to lay) S. C. White Leghorns at $8 per 100;
about August 1st. Will be up-to-date in
every respect. Call at our office for floor
SERVANT PRORLKM solved: $ rOOmll,., nn, U InfnrmnHnn
.1 ..n i n t - r. . - w. rin 1 i (V h I a ! v ... . . , ...... .. .
and laundry, hot and cold water; wall bed,
safe, gas stove, rf 1 igerator, Janitor service.
ine Hunter, lei. Doug.
Phone Florence 101. Florence, Neb.
1601 Farnam St
HAND painted china for sale; reason
able prices. 1148 N. 19th. Tel. Web. 6761.
SOUTHEAST Shadv lawn: walking dis
tance; 2-room suite, $16. Piano. 60$ B. 28th.
FOR RENT Five-room flat, corner Har
ney and park; Immediate possession. Tate-
r.nrnarat Co., Real Katate ana wam,
Room 406 Webster-Sunderland Bids. Phone
Douglas 4103.
STRICTLY modern St. I.onls flat! all oak
finish; fn location. 611 8. 22d. Inquire
FOR RENT Large storeroom and base
ment, 22x70 ft, all newly decorated, new
plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Rent $30. N. F.
Dodge & Co., 16th and Harney.
STORE ROOM lsflT Farnam Bt
Seml-bssementa. well lighted. 1807 and ISOt
Farnam St
Store room. 518 N. 24th St.. So. Omaha.
THOS. F. HALL, 4.".3 Ramge Bldg.
Both 'Phones.
PURCHASE check for sale. Douglas S9S2.
FOR SALE An English riding saddle:
full sheepskin and In good condition. Tel.
Webster 1310.
FOR SALE One roller top desk, one oak
letter file, one typewriter desk, one office
chair. Inquire at room 806 Brandels Hldg,
6-ROOM brick flat: strictly modern;
2307 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2264.
FOR RENT Five room flat. in the Cali
fornia. Apply Relchenberg Bros., 694
Brandels Bldg., Tel. D 1170.
STORE Room, new building, good loca
tion for any business. $15 month. 10th an.1
Douglas. L. Harries, Ileal Estate, 676 Bran
dels bldg.
JOHNSON INST., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Kathryn Nichols. 568 N. Y. Life Bjf.
D. O. BARNELL. Paxtpn Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
FOR RENT For occuDancy July 1.
7-room flat, row of three. Inaulrs 101
Boutn 34tn at. or telephone narney lit.
FIVE-ROOM apartment
Ave. Call Webster (765.
on Sherman I
Furnished Howses aad Flats.
' wtio W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
4, t, i 4 in u. s. patent omce. i faxton wiock.
oiuijr auu uuacuiuiib uiiun. DLUic-xel. Red 2991.
HIRAM A. STURGESS. registered patent
attorney. U. S. and foreign patents se
cured. 619 N. Y. Lire Bldg. TCI. u. IMS.
room at 914 Farnam. This nroo-
KI V.nflOM hon nartiv furnished, sum- I
mer or longer. $40. 3666 Jackson. IL 3886. erty has trackage facilities in
FURNISHED cottage, 6 rooms; strictly ronr Arnlr
modern; good location. Tel. Harney 3SS4. j
Massage treatment for rheumatism. Dr,
Margarite Halloran, $26 Neville Blk. D. T76L
FURNISHED 6-room modern house for
summer. 390$ North 18th.
17th and Farnam.
Rritfiia fron combings, $1.60. Mrs. S.
OWlltneSMatnewg m fjevlile Bk. D. $23.
7-r., new, mod., 1322 N. 41st St.; beet fur
nishings, complete; lease $-1 to 10-1, 1910, $40.
6-r., strictly mod- 1U8 8. 32nd St.) well
furnished home, compute for summer, $40. .ttY.f.t i .n-f fi vZy!Z2.';
8-r., fine, new bungalow, West Farnam fifS'!, ??nl?nd tlu0T- altt0' C1'
furnishings; $Gfl.
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St
MRS. E GOERS' orlvate confinement
home. 1516 Martha St, Omaha, Neb. Phone
DOUglnS 6230.
YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Woman's Christian association building at
Seventeenth St. aneVfct. Mary's Ave., wncre
Iloases an Cottages.
HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded;
Cheap treignt rates; moving ana storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 3t I
STORE building suitable for drug or gro
cery business; good repair. 33d and K. Sts., they will be directed to suitable boarding
South Omaha. Inquire John Frauek, 20th places or otherwise assisted Look for our
and 8 Sts.
traveler's aid at the Union station.
LIGHT housekeeping room at 2421 Dodge
inn ou ruoiia nu. aiw. .1
TWO nice, clean rooms. 1647 N. 17th St.
T.Artnv. front room for housekeeping or
sleeping; modern conveniences. 2716 Dewey.
three furnished rooms, first floor, gas
and bath, house modern, no children, ref
erence. 1661 N. 17th St
TWO mod( housekeeping; rooms. 623 N.
TWO housekeeping rooms, $15 per month.
2006 California St
NICELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 412 N. 16 th St
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing; modern house. $45 8. 24th Ave.
THREE furnished, modern housekeeping
rooms. 14 o liu u
TWO rooms, on suits. 111$ Chicago.
two eomDletely furnished rooms for
light housekeeping; bathroom floor; rea
sonable. 63$ 8. 24th Ave. Douglas 6354.
THREE rooms, furnished complete for
housekeeping. $18. zius cass.
NICELY furnished room for housekeep
ing. 101$ Chicago St
NICELY furnlahed large front parlor,
light housekeeping privileges. $12 per
month. Phone Red sToU mo cnicago bu
TWO nice, modern rooms; (as range,
electrio light. 181$ N. 16th.
A SUITE of three elegant new rooms,
modern. 230 N. 20th Bt
NICE large neatly furnished rooms, light
houu keeping; all from rooms ana modern;
reasonable rent 1427 N. 17ih.
Douglas street
TWO nicely furnished large, modern
rooms on ground floor, gentlemen pre
ferred; also large front room on seoond
floor and two small rooms, one .N. xd bt
THKKG pleasant housekeeping rooms
also nlae sleeping rooms. (Ml N. lii.
TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor,
housekeeping rooms, llgnt cooking gas.
laundry. Ice box. with or without
also other light housekeeping rooms, iti
A. $6th Ave.
FOUR rooms, completely furnished, tor
housekeeping. No children. References re
quired. $wi No. 40th Bt
TWO nicely furnished rooms; gag range
sink; no chilOreu. Hi 8. lath bU
BRICK storeroom to let, 20x66 ft, plate
glass, t. J. hook, ortice lioi No. istn.
BARN for rent, 3618 N. 27th. Phone
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace.
Strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO.
ABLENE DE VOY. manicuring and mas
sage. 624 S. 16th St., Fiat $. Phone D. 764J.
s-room fully modern flat: hardwood floors
throughout; $40 to desirable tenant Wright
A Lasbury, 60$ 8. 16th bt Phono D. lot
save time and money; all sixes, all prices.
rA l IN 1, BUOI WHJH. A H-A 1 ,it
th Floor. N. Y. Lite Bldg.
FOR RENT Large two-story brick barn, I OAiN health St wealth. Adv. under Colo.
lor automobile and storage. 123 s.1 2oth Ave. iem now. western una at m. -u.
Bwarts & McKelvv News Dent 2d-hand
books; uer. u i-ng. periodicals. ii o. loin.
ilUUOJO crelgh Sun 4t Co., Bee Bidg.
one leather double wagon top. Apply The
Cudahy Packing Co., Purchasing Depart
ment, South Omaha.
MYTfTMnri'Sl Rubber good by mall; cut
OlttJJNUIlO nricea. Send for free
catalogue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha,
Suite 624. N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Red hm.
A HOME for women during confinement.
We find nom-s for babies whose mothers
cannot care loi them. Babies boarded. For
COVERED wagon and sin-rev. both ln I tc-rins address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401
22d and California, $-r. brick, first-class.
Bemis Park, -r., all modern, square.
20th and Castellar, 8-r., mod. ex. heat, 820.
1002-S N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2151
10-ROOM house and bath, strictly mod
ern, firat-class condition, close in. 'Phone
Douglas 4233.
OMAHA Van Ac Storage Co.. Dack. move.
store household goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N.
lath; office. 3o S. lilb 1st let Douglas 1659.
K. Y. U
flats, liar via Bros., 8d floor
food condition, cheap, 626 8. 24th Ave.
FOR SALEBuggy and harness; first
class, can narney 3618.
on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until you
(14-616 Paxton Block.
By June 10 must sell all my household
goods at great sacrifice. Would be just right
for a newly married couple. This includes
the furniture of a 6-room house; with gas
stove, range, sideboard, etc.; call 231$ Suo-
BuuuioU ct., Oinaua. Neo. Phone Douglas
WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing
machines, ind. A-lu3. Doug. loua.
J6iu and Harney feta.
JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under
a uiid bewer," at all book stores; price $1.60.
Xlivm Vrtix,.. Adellght Hair Food
j- iuji. ,ur UL1MU remove
dunurull. Megeath Stationery Co., 141 sr.
BRAIDS and switches mads from comb
In. 1 up; a line line ui switches on
Hand: mail orders filled. Mrs. P. alover,
2nl3 Bt. Mary's Ave, Phone Red 31ul.
FOR RENT New $-room modern houss. ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la,
1406 8. 8th Bt
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg.
home, 4 hlocks from Union depot, one-half
block from car line; a modern 10-room
brick house, solidly built; two lots, on cor
ner: fine lawn and trees; good reason for
selling. AC" aress a 770, Bee.
1201 Farnam. Ground Floor.
as tern
h door
ake tho
le eastern
jer art econ
Atlon by veet-
of its rall-
Neale & Norton Ab,,tr?U Iltle' 300 aow". balanos monthly will buy a n ,'rnn,a ' ,
leaiw ft, ixuuuu Bm n,,g i 0ralht I all modern bungalow, hot water hoat.purposo ,0 b
is. 810 N. Y. Life, Douglas 7866. or sucn inter.
S. M. SADLER SON, 300 8. th St.
FOR SALE -Good slied lot In sitik
Mllng to partl-
GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam.
JOHN CAMPBELL, 416 N. Y. L. D 1071. wegtern town, Nebraska; good location0 "" P0"0.
cneap. r; tsi. see. vartuntty.y
nm$ teiyi
feter jessen, jr. Tel. Douglas am Two Lots Near Ilauscom Park
One corner 65x132. Inside 60x132. Both east
rnTtn v TTi t iront una diock to car; wants to ecu
THE Real Estato Exchange both together. o5o.
Red 1999.
will be addressed Wednesday rx $24 n. y." Life Bidg.
noon by Mr. LilOyd JJ. WllllS on A SNAP for a few days choice of two
, . , ..T-, j r,. first class modern homes. Farnam district
Uie SUDjeCl OI Iljreciion ana r l- Small cash payment. 'Piiona Harney 2Wg.
nancing of Apartment Houses."
Fine Bargain
WANTED To trade a beautlfu'. Kansas
City home for Omaha property. Call Doug.
Your Land Man is
at the Rome
Near Field club, new 6-room modern home,
up to the minute. Ask to see It at onoe,
as price Is cut for quick sale; easy terms.
Call owner, Harney 2177.
Worth 50 per cent more; offered at
Call at the Rome Hotel Office and ask low figure of $4,000: 2 lots. 152 on
for Avuh L. Hungenord, tne crawtora, Mason; 98 on 20th.
rueD.. iana man, who is slopping mere ior i , r, . .
a couple of days. Mr. Hungerford has some vvou. uri w eaiorn
descriptions of tracts ranging from a 160- tracks on the east. Cottage of 6 rooma.
acre farm up to a 4,000-acre rancn, at
prices ranging iron) u.oo per acre up to jju. ( 1 'KKKH'K liKAU KSTATRi 1X1
He has meadow land at from $14.00 to $20.60 W SXXjlur -Li iV-tVlJ KjKJ.
per acre. In fact, he has anything you 1003 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2162.
will pay you to call on Mr. Hungerford
while he Is ln the city, and get some of his
descriptions and prices. Western Nebraska
has a big boom on and 1,000 invested there
In land at this time will double ln value by
For Snb-dividing, 100 Acres
Adjoining Omaha on the west. Land next
to It sold reaany in o-acre tracts at WM)
per acre. For quick sale will sell this piece
at $226 an acre.
(24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1199.
$300 Cash, Balance Easy
Eight-room house, two fine large lots.
Plenty of shrubbery, fruit and fine lawn.
Price, $2,00.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 109S.
$150 Cash, $20 Per Month
Brand hew 7-room house, full lot, $2,800.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red ItfW.
HAVE you $1,000 that you would like to
have pay you 16 per cent Instead of 4 per
cent to $ per cent' kee advertisement in
this column over address L.620, Bee.
New. modern horn Just completed, with
parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception
hall on first floor; three nice sleeping
rooms and bath room on second floor.
First floor finished In hard wood. ' Very
nice gas and electrio light fixtures through
out. Cement basement under whole house.
Workmanship, and material are exception
ally rood. Paved street and cement walks.
An exceptional bargain for anyone desiring
miI1 Kullt hnm. In flrat. final nalirhhnr
hood. Near southeast corner of 2th and "" y sue mra un oio any auia or
Hamilton Kta. Price. 13 7V). lernis.
VV. tl. DXjIM1U11 J.0.X V JOA- 624 N. Y. Life Bid.
836 N. Y. I Bldg.. Te.. D. 786.
Five acres, high And sightly, 49th and
Browne, all in alfalfa, $2,ouo.
13.750 lH-acre tract, sightly, all In fruit
and strawberries; 7-room house, etc.; 300
feet; faces south on Grand Ave. and 46th.
These bargains cannot be duplicated.
Also other S-acre tracts, three blocks from
car lines, at $400 per acre and up.
Patterson Block
Sacrifice Sale Close In
West Farnam. To get a little ready
money owner will sell at big sacrifice.
Suite 624 New York Life Bldg.
Red im.
We Can Offer You
STRICTLY modern. $ large rooms, never
occupied, oak finish, large lot, fine view.
near car ami scnooi. a aanay home. Lo
cated 6016 and 6018 Webstor fit., easy terms.
Owner there today from $ to 4 O ciocic
Phone Harney iUO.
FOR SALE Arkansas lands, 23,000 acre.
one booy; uepoi on ground; also 4e,v0o (ilu.
class while oak timber, hi. U. WrltiQ4
Berwyn, ill.
RIVERSIDE. Albeita's finest stock farm
tt l.Ou acres, is lor sal at a na.. s'or
particulais of this aud vuier farm lauus
wrila 10 mu unnar, nr. j. ja.LlNM.uiai.
Weaaskiwtu. Alberta, Canada.
ONE $-room. new, brick houss, Just com-1
nleted. all modern: combination fixtures.
S13 N. 21st St.: $!.
C. M. BACH.MANN, 4 faxton Rlock.
Office 'phone: R. $639; Residence, D. tout.
-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum
mer or longer; 140. 2506 Jackson.
Four imposing tables, Iron bass and
stons top: also $ galley banks and two
steam tables for sale. Applj Sea pub. Co.,
17th and Farnam.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-olf
clothing, tu lact, atiytnuig you do uot ne-d.
We collect, repair and sell at 124 N. lUn
St., for cost ul coliectiou, to me wormy
.poor. Call 'phone Douglas 41JS aud wagons
20.000 ACRES.
Located in well aettled district, near sev-
$900 $100 cash, balance $10 per month:
this is a very good 6-room cottage and the" Sn .""i1,""!', roun,1,n Council Lrul railway lines, a rnuea north of loo
Diuii, o.u.,uv voi ijniieii states Duunuary. in aouineusteru
FOR BALE Folding bed,
cheap; Douglas 4644.
almost new.
MAGNETIC a $i6.BroU'
1134 Qeorgia Ave., S-r
iUit. See us uulrk.
Sole Agents, X)l N. Y. Utj didg.
week; all tne
for sale:
balance this
f urniture my
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg.
WE don't .like to get personal, but It's
C BARQA1N. ween; all tne remaining lurnuure my , ht t Ua j,omt Vaudeville, latest and
. all modern, only l'me; everything Ju like new. only used ,,,,,1, i'AilLuH THEATER. Half price
line month; bras beds, mahogany and per- nVallnee!
Iclsion walnut dresaers and clipf fun;ori
iarlor. library and roum turnltuiv. Turk-
llsli leather couch and rockers, beautiful
NEW $-room brick house, n.odern. Harney swett-loned piano, rugs, curtains, etc.; will
i , x sell any article separate; call day or even-
''' 1 , . .4 u (Kill, W
EXPERT china packer; wedding presents
1 apecialty. 1M4 Davenoort. Ind. R-27L.
FOR RENT Two houses, five and seven
rooms) modern. Frank Pascol, Florence.
Tel. Florence 44$.
ing. 42$ N. 3inh St.
A 12-HOLE STEEL RANGE; $ warming
ovens, 2 Daaing ovena; ourns enner coal,
gas or wood; will sell cheap if taken at
$-ROOM house for rent at $10. Call at $20 ouce. Call Red $030. 151$ Leavenworth St.
Homer Bt.
DIVORCES obtained without noise or
delay. Vtalia and estates a speoiaity.
Praitlcea law is years.
474 Brandels bldg.
Phone Dougias Hurt.
FOR RKNT Elegant 10-room house, all
modern, X1 rara Ave, cuy, only 1 i. o. II
Herrlag, 417 J4. Y. lAf illdg., or 'pnone
UOvgias ia.
HOUSEHOLD furniture and painted
china for KUle cheap. Any Ptoii wislnnu tr.tuieiil. hair aouda; Sundays, 10 to 4
iot rtevuu
bagains mould call at once, as parly
kaves city soon, ltuo far a Ave.
MaKaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp
Tel. Doug. 4236,
p. Ill,
SEVEN-ROOM, strictly modern bouse.
123 Caldwell. $s0. phone H. 229$.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement;
bublea for adoption. 0od Samariiau bam
torluiri. 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la.
811$ Chicago, $ rooms, mod. $aooo.
tn Mason, 10 room, mod., $31.60.
luufwait Bros., barker block.
.l4i.,n tmm ramrA lliuir IttlrliPn iulilnrtf
secretary outlet, sewing niucnine, bed 1 UKltiLl privais ninimu i
room lurniluie; leaving ine cuy; prices I eouiiuameiiLa. uuviur ut .,b,uw
reasonable, pnone tiat ney muv, gurse sautes tut auwpiiuu. mu w"rii
lino and city school.
H'UKit HiCAL tNlAlK J..
14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs.
NEW 6-r. house and 3 lots ln Benson, on
terms. W. E. Xarlon, owner. Tel. Ben. 6U.
Saskatchewan; will be sold cheap on easy
tensfl, in tracts to suit or ln wnulesale at
very low price, r uu parucuiara on ay-
r. I1ALOL I,
424 Endlcott Building, SU Paul. Minn,
ROUTT count. Colorado: bargains la
ranches and relinquishments, homestead.
water rlguis, aJO a. ri., $a0; a good ltw
acre rancn, plenty ot water, $2.2ou. Writs
me. N. A, Wrlgtit. Vampa. Colo.
LARQE stock rancl, tor sale at a bar
gain; no trade considered. Wrlb or call
on A. U. Putuau. AvlDeit. Colo.
Free botneatead. runiuisiiinenia of Im
proved homesteads, cheap deeded lands,
fruit and garden tracts.
F. IV .1 ,r., a t Mlvii t.f h,rv, inn,1 r m
$-ROOM modern residence, with large under irrigation. Colorado's Irrigated land
barn, lot $0x150 feet. Located In the yields $300 to $700 per aero. Easy payments.
lift a cneap, gooa nome hi sunny Colo
rado. White for literature.
410 Empire. BiUg., Deuver. Colo.
8-Itoora "West Farnam, Modern,
Easy distance to center of city; pays
well as Investment; make good home; good
Suite 624 New York Life Bldg.
Phone Red 1999.
IK you have $1.0u0 you can buy a strictly
modern, new, s-room uunaee nome, at
bargain, write j 6--J ties.
Northwest part of Omaha, paved street.
The property is in mat nana condition.
Will exchange equity (or western land.
McCague Investment Co.,
150$ Dodge St.
FOR 8ALlCTwo lots and new S-room
house, tiood wen wuter, picket fence.
bearing fruit trees, shade troes. $1,000.
part cash, balance monthly. Must be sold
soou, can tivi n. mm. upsiairs.
FOR BALE 80 acres fine farm land In
Weld county, Colorado; price $l,0u0: terms.
I2U0 cash, balance on $ years' time at $
per cent. This Is a Dig snap, mauley M.
Barrows, lu cuampa Bk, uenver, coio.