Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. NEWS SECTION PAG3 1 TO 1 WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nobrnska Cloudy. For Iowa Fair, warmer. For went her report are Vm9 2. i i WICKERSIIAM HEARS COMPLAINT Rcpreccntatives of Omaha and Other Western Cities Are Given a i Chance to Explain. ii i ii mOTESTANTS WENT IN FORCE Traffic Men Accompanied by Many Members of Congress. ATTORNEY GENERAL INTERESTED Aks Many Questions and Delves Into r Details. :.rVANH AND OTHERS URGENT Government Asked to Intervene at Once to Prevent liaise la fin tea find Present e the nallrund Combination. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WA R! 1 1NGTON, May 30. (Special Tele- . pram.) Tho culmination of the octlon of the shippers' meet Inc. held In Omaha on May 21, came today when a committee ap pointed at that meethiR, accompanied by many senators and representatives . from Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wis consin and Illinois, had a conference with Attorney General Wlckcrsham, at which the committee presented to the head of the Department of Justice an urgent appeal that the machinery of that -department be el tn motion under the terms of the Bher i inn act to dissolve the association of rail roads known as the Western Trunk Lin. company aod to enjoin the railroads and their agents from puttlns In effect and col lecting the advances promulgated by the I assoolatlon through Its agent, W. II. llos- V.ier of Chicago. The appeal of the shippers was presented jy Hon. William Duff Haynle of Chlcato, counsel for the Illinois Manufacturers' as sociation. He represented that the ct noxious tariffs were to become effective June I and that shippers despaired of get ting any action under the interstate com merce law, since that action would neces mully Involve corc.plalnt, hearing and argu ment, and consequently long delay. The udvatices of June 1, he said, would fol low numerous other advances that had linen made since the Hepburn law took effect, and the unanimous expression of the meeting of shippers at Omaha was to the effect that It would be impossible for the producers, manufacturers and consumers to bear this additional burden. 1k Wlekershnm to Art. For this reason and for the reason thai both houses of congress had refused to exempt railroad from the operation of the Sherman law, -the shippers, finding rail roads deaf to their appeals, decided to In. voke the power-conferred on the attorney general by the terms of that statute to prosecute combinations . lu restraint of trade. It was urged upon the 'attorney general that In the famous Transmtssourl Freight association case the federal courts had per petually enjoined all members of that asso ciation both from continuing their con spiracy and from entering Into any similar conspiracy In future. Inasmuch as a num ber of defendants, enjoined In that proceed ing, are members of the trunk line com pany, It was strongly represented that, if that company was shown to be In a con spiracy, those roads were In contempt of the federal courts. liy request of the attorney general, the members of the shippers' committee re ffeulned after the departure of senators J'i representatives to discuss with him In detail the baaia of the complaint he was asked to file and evidence that would be forthcoming In support of the allegations that would necessarily bo embodied In such Va bill. This discussion was continued for unite two hours. K. J. McVann, manager of the traffio bureaus of the Omaha Commercial club; II. U, Wilson, transportation commissioner of the Kansas City Commercial club; John M. Glenn, secretary of the Illinois Manu facturers' association; W. J. Evans, secre tary of the National Association of Imple ment and Vehicle Manufacturers; II. U. Krake, commissioner of the St. Joseph ( 4(lness Men's league; A. R. KM and F. 3. ?Vol of the John Deere Plow company, and Charles Zlulke, representing Milwaukee In terests, went over In detail the basis of f- organisation, methods of procedure and the inactions of the Western Trunk line com-iiiittic Otfit-iul Her ply Interested. The attorney general waa deeply Inter ested In the presentations made by the traffio experts and not content, with cov ering fully the ground on the conspiracy question, drew them out on the reason ableness ot tha proposed advances, the possible Justification jit and the ioenng or snipping public with regard to them. The traffio men were uuanl l.ious and emphatic In the atatoment that, based in all their investigations and the -records of the railroads thomselve. ih ndvancea wcreuiijxistlfie.t and unreason .Aubla. anil thov rvnra..u .,h " - - ...v . i 1 1 1 1 n all communities they represented, when they stated that the advance should not bo put la effect. At the termination of the conference, the attorney general expressed himself u-i being gratified over the Information furnished bin; and stated the appeal .-.f the hhii.p.ia would bo given most care As evidencing tho grave importance to Omaha and other commlttcoa on Mis souri river of tho advancea already mads, Mr. McVann cave tho attorney general a brief statement of tha packing house ......... ...... K.iuv.-ing that In 1909, UO.UuO tars of produce from the packing houses U, Missouri ,yer were shipped to Chicago and the east. On this business he advance of 4 cents per hundor weight recotit.y mado would havn mn..nt.,t . u ml,mum of $10 per car. or consider ably over No definite figure. ryo given covering other items, but the represented by th.m ,ffeotlna omaha. Soutu Omaha and Council Bluff" will amount to hundreds of thousands inures Mr. McVann. wno arrived with the com revetal daya lit connection with Inter et.te commerce matters, which require attention. There were present at tho conference r.e following senator, and represonta- "Itchcock. Iowa: Kendall. Hul.fcrd and J"id. Minnesota: Clapp. Miller. Llnd ..VJa . Vo'!ed' avl Wisconsin: "Cvctluued on becond Pago.) Chinese Are Not Talking About the Boycott Now On Opinion Prevails in California that Movement is Made to Secnre Some Legislative Concessions. SAN FRANCISCO, May !0.-Local Chi nese are roticont concerning the reported organization of a general boycott against American goods. None ot tho powerful six companies' official's will discuss the movement, but It Is learned that It had Its origin In China, and not here. The or ganisers are said to be well-to-do Chinese who cither have been refused original ad mission to this country or have been sent back on attempting to re-enter the United States after previous residence. Another source of complaint seems to be the rigid system of examinations of Chi nese entranta at this port. Wealthy local merchants on re-entrance after visits to China are said to have complained bltteiiv of these minute physical examinations, particularly the new "tissue test" to de termine age and general condition of health. The general opinion of those In touch with fhe local Chinese business world Is that the movement is primarily Insnlrrd to bring about the restoration to this eltv of the Chinese immigration detention depot which was recently removed to Angel Is land and to effect an abatement of the physical examination which the Chinese claim to be humiliating. Spanish Veterans Form New Camp William L. Geddes Camp No. 5 Organ ized at Alliance Memorial Services Are Held. ALLIANCE, Neb., May 30.-(Special. ) William L. eGddes Camp No. 6, United Spanish War Veterans, was organized and mustered by Department Commander K. H. Phelps of Lincoln here last night with twenty-five charter members. The soldiers of the Soanlsh wn. in Junction with the Grand Army of' the Re public, held memorial services In the Aft. noon In the Phelan Opera house. th tlon being delivered bv Rev ti Von. of the Methodist Episcopal church, after wnicn the soldiers' graves in Greenwood cemetery were decorated. A pleasing feature during the afternoon was tl.e visiting of the homes of two old au.uiers. wno were sick and unable to at tend, and the leaving of flowers with them. In the evening the camp was formally mustered with the following officers: mS!rjr"uder' Ben Lalng; senior vice com mander, Herman T. Lund; Junior vice com- liam J. Hamilton; adjutant. Carter E. Calder; quartermaster, John J. Riordan- i firH I?' .W' ? n'aton; trustees, Bert Riordan K Calder Jonn J- The camp Is named for Sergeant William L. Oeddea of Company C. First Nebraska, who died on a transport enroute to the Philippines, June 21. 1898, and was burled at, sea, being the first soldier from the First Nebraska who died in the war. Crew of Sunken , Submarine Dead Examination of Hull by Divers Proves . that All Men Were Drowned. CALAIS, France, May 30. Inspection by divers of the sunken French subma rine Pluviose, which was in a collision with the Cross channel steamer. Pan De Calais last Thursday, shows conclu sively that the hull of tha nubm.rin. waa crushed and that all of tha mem ber of the crew, which totalled twenty, seven men, were drowned. The heavy undertow and the great depth at which the wreck lies are re tarding the operations of the uivers, who are only able to work two hours each tide: It has been found Impossible to ralso the sunken craft to the surface so the submarine, will be attached bv chains to pontoona after which, at each high tide. It will be towed In near shore, until shal low water la reached. The work of get ting It In shore probably will take ten days. Roosevelt Guest of Geographers Former President Takes Lunch with Royal Society and Meets Dis ' tinguished Personages. LONDON, May OO.-The Royal Geograph ical society entertained Mr. Roosevelt and several other distinguished persons at luncheon today. Anions those Invited to meet the former president were Lord Kitchener, Commander Robert E. Peary. Lord Curxon. Lord Strath co:ia. nigh commissioner of Canada; Sir Harry Johnston. Sir Francis Younahus. bund. Frederick C. Sslous. the hunter and naturalist, and I. A. N. Buxton . Against Law to Sleep on Prairie; Man is Arrested Edward Cam, sleeping on the prairie, 2 p. m. With the writing of this terse record on the "blotter" at the South Omaha police station Sunday afternoon, the frontier and Its privilege, and prerogative, passed Into the dim land of used-to-be. Tho old-time mellowed day. when Cor onado and bis va lanta swept across the plains of tho kingdom of Quivcra and again soma centuries later when Francis I'uiknian followed tho California and Ore gon trail tho wanderer might sleep beneath the ttar. Where he Would. It waa perchance a bit of atavistic long ing which led Mr. Cam. to stretch hlmnelf tomioriaoiy on me tender, young blue stem of the tiny fragment of pralrlo at Forty third and U street, lu tl.e warm Sunday afternoon, la the blUa at a day dream he .lumbered OMAHA, TUESDAY, MORNING, MAY 31, 1910-SIXTEEN PAGES. BODY OP KELLNER CHILDJS FOTND Corpse of Girl Supposed to Have Been Kidnaped Discovered in Cellar of School House. EVIDENCE POINTS TO A MURDER Little Alma, Eight Years Old ing Since Decemb.'"A,,,"N REMAINS UNDER PILE t BISH V Found by a Plumber Working in Basement. JANITOR WINDLINO DISAPPEARS Suspicion Points to Man Has Gone and Police Seek Ascertain Ilia Where, a boats. Who to IXri8VILLE, Ky.. Mar SO -A y which has been Identified as that of Alma Ivellner, the 8-year-cld duuBhter .,f Fri L. Kellner, who disappeared from her home last December, was found In a sub-bane-ment of St. John's Catholic school at Clay and Walnut streets this morning. The con dition of the corpse Indicates that It had been In the cellar for several months. The police believe tho child waa mur dered. The body waa found wrapped In a piece of carpet, save for one limb, which was found In another part of the basement and Investigation showed a crude attempt at burning tho body. Tho detectives aro detaining a womtn who has confessed that several months ago she had washed tho clothes of a child Wlthntlt n.l. , I- - -. , , . '."i. hiiw me cnnu was. The ponce ore nuntlng for Joseph Wlndllng ... jan.ior ot ino St. John's school, who uiBnppearea January 12, last. Wife of the Janitor. The woman is Mrs. Wlndlli g, wife of tha missing Janitor. Wlndllng. or Werdllng as he Is some known, Is S2 years of age, and hla wife Is much his senior. Messages have been sent to the police In all parts of the country to apprehend the Janitor. The coroner's investigation disclosed that the girl's skull was crushed and practically every bone in the body was broken and charred. The coroner said it was evident that the body had been broken and dis membered and been packed In a tov n. grate, but this means of disposition having perhaps been interrupted quicklime had been used to aid In the disintegration. The body waa not In the fire long, it Is thought, for the bones were only partly charred and some of the flesh still ad hered, but crumbled to the touch. "The scene of the find la only five blocks blocks from the Kellner home. From th- uny a. iveuner left her home on De cember 8 to attend- the service at St. John's church, no trace haa been found of her be- Found by Plumber. TV.. t..i.. - was ioumj by a plumber. The cellar In which the body was discovered is six feet wide by ten feet long, and ' Is reached by two entrances, one a trap door "u" OI lne sc"ool house, which has not been opened for several months, and the other an outer door. rhls cellar was -.L,lcu IOur aays after the girl's disap pearance, but nothing was found One hundred children, convened .In several rooms on the first and second k....-1-j,.. . - "CD cu,y "'"missed from their oiasses and sent home when the find was reported to these in charge of the school. irank Fehr, the millionaire hr.. o. lne gin, made a hasty examlna tlnn Ann ut a t a.. ...... - . A l. . . . . ' " i iiui in. nnnv ura , i. .. . ne nad been searching for " on me child's finger was tinn. VJ "y M,ab"h Positive Iden tification. The body was. badly decom posed and had probably been in the base ment for several months. By noon, several thousand persons wer oi.o..,.. .,, the rm ,u "vu'' uiscussing th hi. T' Du"ding, where the discovery was made. Former Governor Mickey is Dying He Has Been in Comatose Condition Since Sunday Noon and Will Live but Few Hours. OSCEOLA. Neb.. May SO. -(Special Tel--ram.)-Ex-Uovernor J. ,,. Mlclcey has been in a comatose condition since Sunday noon and It Is believed can hardly live out the day The doctor, were summoned las since beCn oons,ant ""tendance' FIGHT NEAR BLUEFIELDS ItevolotlouUts Take Two Yin.... PQrUoncrs In Battle Fought Mondar Mnrn l .r WASHINGTON. May SO.-Sevcre fl?htlnS between the trocp. 0, President Madrix and those o Provisional President Estr.d of the revolutionist, took place early this ............ c. illt.ticiuS, Nicaragua oc- r","1 mcssago from United States ... ,, prisoners by the Estrada troops. we ic taken rhe nn ? h'T 8PrCa1 ,h0 '--'eur of the primeval prairie, of the ages before the coming of the factory and the ng Louee. Graceful herd, of antelope were a carpeted .ope ot rich gloulne green, dotted here and there by the anl and tho wild phlox. The waw f per of the .oft breeso fanned hi, rial' There came a purring sound from the wide expanse of tho wild, the sound that In." dlbe to all but tho dreamerr. Is but th'I nolso of grow lns things. Into this sweet lard of yesterday walked a bod brvss-buttoned policeman. Officer William Coulter, armed with twentieth cen tury law and a stocky club. sh, ....... .v. j shadowy Arcadia an l called the patrol wagon, tarn, was back Into tho age of the gyroscope and tha aeroplane. The prisoner put up a, bond of Sio , hastened away, u From the Minneapolis. Journal. ERDMAN AT DYNAMITE HOUSE Workmen of Louisville Quarry Tes tify to Seeing Him. DISCUSSED . USE OF EXPLOSIVE Suspect There Inquired About Prop erties of Substance Witnesses ' Trace ' Movements of the . Accused Man. His course traced In connection with the actual placing of the Dennlson bomb, v rank Krdman la now declared to have been seen In a rettlement of dynamite shucks at Louisville. Neb., and to have ob talned the charge for the infernal machine there. Witnesses are expected to appear at the station Monday evening and tell of Krdman's visits in Louisville three' days before the Pennlsoi affair occurred. Mr. Dennlson Monday morning told how persona In Louisville testified against the prisoner. It was -Hated that five or six shanties, in that town which contain the only dynamite ot the highly explosive va riety to be obtained this side of Chicago, were spied upon by the suspect. One workman at the dynamite plant says that Krdman leaned against the wall of a Shanty in which was stored the fulminate and questioned him closely about It. The explosive, he was informed, was to be had from a hulf dozen receptacles which were kept uncovered about the camp, free to the hands of any who chese to take It. It was used dally by the many workmen In the contract excavating aad no suspicion at tached to the taking of it. Hearing this Information out, the jpolice are able to show, It Is said, that another man occupied Kidman's room for the three day. preceding the dynamite attempt?" It la also announced that witnesses are at hand to trace Krdman from the post office, on a street car and by foot to within sixty feet of the Dennraon home at the time the Infernal machine la known to have been placed. The network of evidence against the pris oner includes every essential detail to be considered. Detectives say that the man made threats to them directly against Den nlson and Billy Nesslehous. It is recounted that on May 21 he made these threats and that when they were repeated to Mr. Den nlson, the latter purchased a revolver and prepared to resist a personal attack. Since his Imprisonment, Krdman has freely declared h!s animus and violent feel ings, swearing to wreak vengeance on Ills enemies when he thall be released. Mrs. A. V. Ilaymond reported having soon a man s:ie thought might have been Krdman, passing through an alley tonard tho Dennlson home, Monday announced she wasn't sure. She explained that the man she caw at the time of tho bomb attempt, (.Continued on SeconJ 1'a'e.) A new feature for business people, "Talks for people who sell things," on the editorial page. These "talks" about salesman ship and advertising are helpful and suggestive. Bu.sines men will find new ideas. Salesmen and saleswomen of every degree will gain by reading them ' from day to day. LONG LIVE TTIE KING! Forty Injured by Collision of Trolley Cars Exoufsionists from Oakland, Cal., En - - route to Picnic. Grounds Meet , "with Acoident. OAKLAND, Cal., May 80.-Two ears of the California Electric Railway' and Leona Heights lines collided today and about forty persons were hurt, some fatally. The car. were filled with excursionists enroute to picnic grounds. The motorman on one of the cars suf fered the loss of both legs. The Injured on both cars are mostly women and children. It is reported that two women had their legs amputated. The scene of the accident Is about nine mile, from the center of Oak land. A car containing twelve person, re turning from the picnic ground., failed to take the .witch and crashed Into an on coming car crowded with picnickers. The front ends of both cara were practi cally demolisued. The brakes on the out going car refused to work, after the ac cident, and the car leaded with dying and Injured ran away for a mile from the scene of the accident beore It could be stopped. Western Shippers at Washington Committee Sees Senators and Repre sentatives and Will Call on Attorney General. WASHINGTON. May SO.'-Representatlves of western railway .hipping Interests op posed to the Increased freight rates on western trunk rallroadss, to become effec. tlvo June 1, arrived here today Drenaic,! to meet Attorney General Wlckershsm They will ask that he proceed against the western trunk line railroads under tho Slwrman antl-truet law and suo for Injunc tion to prevent the proposed advance In the rates going Into effect at midnight to morrow. A conference of the representatives of tho shippers was held before the committee visited - tha Department of Justice. Among the representatives of the shippers In tho conference were, E. I. McVann, man ager of tho traffic bureau of the Commer cial club of Omaha; Albert E. Clark, coun el of tho Minneapolis Traffic association and others. ' The conference was visited by Senator Clapp of Minneapolis, Senator Warren of Missouri, and a number pf western con gressmen. Two Hundred Church PRflKTl' III -a . . .. r,.ro,T,; J ine work wa. .tarted at T o'clock this morning and was In charse of Earl Stout of the Carpenter.' Union, who lias seventy-live men under his direction. There will bo no labor troubles, because IS members of the Men s Brotherhood of tho Central Christian church kill work shoulder to shoulder with the union car penters. Itev. W. F. Turner, pastor of the mission, who bas Junt returned from a two months' leave of abeence, took off his coat and marched the Men s Brotherhood to the scene of a strenuous day's work under the slogan of "A Man'. Work In a Man's Way; We'll Hulld a Cuhruch In a Single Day." Tb can. will com at o'clock this SINGLE TAFT REVIEWS VETERANS Presence of . President is Feature of Memorial Day in New York. OLD GUARD ACTS AS ESCORT Generals Sickles, Stahl, McCook, Por . ter, Dsr and Hubbard and Other Notable Men In ' the He-viewing- Stand. NEW YORK. May SO.-New York todaj observed Memorial day not with tradi tional ceremony, but with the unusual honor of the presence In the city of tho president of the United State, to review the parade of the veterans. Ideal weather conditions prevailed. Enormous crowd, were drawn to the streets and avenues tnrAnok ..1.I..L ....UB,, ,.; marcnea the rapidly thin long ranKs of the blue, and a great crowd s massed about the stand at the Sol diers' and Sailors' monument, where Pres ident Taft watched the Grand Armv m. and kindred organizations pass in a re view. As usual, the day was Uont as UP.i holiday, and after the morning', impres slve ceremonial was ovar. tho ,!. ....u..8 .uvo inemseives up to recreation me city. President Taft arrived earlv from w..i,. ,"lu" na was driven to th. r,i,i,nn. -i ... oromer,, Henry W. Taft Break fast there was followed bv niin. the other members of the reviewing party - u.,ei reception at the Sherman oMunre noiei. The trin tn i,. ..... - ----- .cviuwmg stana was then in order, with the old guard as the president's special escort and a guard of ..w.ur, comprising the veterans' corps, ar tillery, military society of the war ot 1812 The distinguished party Invited to sur round Mr. Taft on the reviewing .land comprised Major General Daniel E -"- na ajajor General Julius H. .Stahl. Brigadier Generals Anson G. Mc Cook, Horace Porter, Nicholas W. Day rV U,Te' John T' Llcman I noma. II. iItabbaid, together with a number of congressmen and other nota bios, A detachment of regular army men headed the marchers, whoso route was shortened so that the ageing veteran, would not bo too greatly, fatigued by their tramp, followed by sailors and marine, from the battleships Connecticut and Hliode Island the head of tho parade moved up Westend ayenuo to Seventy-second street and Into Kiveraldo drlvo and on past the stand at the monument. The stato troops. Includ ing the Seventh, Twelfth, Fcventy-flrst and .Sixty-ninth regiments, marched next a-id then came thn veterans. Numerous other ceremonies of a patriotic nature featured tho day In the cltv. Th-sc Included irervices at Grant's tomb, on r.lver rldo drive, by S. Grant post and ul graves of veterans In tne cenitterieb, while grand army exercises (Continued on Second Page.) Men Building in a Single Day tin. v-ill bo ear of SAV1DGE HITS THE HIGH MAfiK la III Thirty Vrsr. In the Ministry lie Has Slurried Two 'Jhou snail Couples. Hev. Charles W. Savldge reached the t O A mark In his long career as a marrvw person. Sunday, when he married MUs Km ma Ming.t, daughter of Henry F. H!nst of Emerson. Nib., and Mr. Julius A. Tllan, at his residence at :D0. They were accom panied by the groom', parents, Mr. and Mr..' Laurlt. Klias, and til sister, Miss Alpha Frlaa. COPY TWO CENTS. OMAHA HONORS DEAD PATRIOTS Loving Hands Strew Flowers on the Graves of Veterans of Civil and Spanish Wars. CONFEDERATES NOT FORGOTTEN Old and Young Survivors of Cam paigns Join in Parade. RANKS ARE STEADILY THINNING Former Senator Allen Delivers a Memorial Address. UNITED STATES AS PEACEMAKER Uecause of Its Isrihanatiku n.. sources, This Nation Tan Imareaa Its Ideas on All the Powers of Earth. Their ranks are thinning, but the Grand Army veterans still inarch with pride and purpose. In Ihe!r showing on the streets of Omaha yesterday their steady front and dignified mrln did not lose anything even by contrast with the springy swing of the naval reserves, the regular tramp of the militia and the care-free rvthvm ot tho cadets, except a. to .peed. Old warrior, who might well claim the privilege of riding, .turdlly clustered about the shlmmeilng flag, that long ago won their Vove and devotion. Some were In clined to totter even, while many of them stepped carefully and alow; but all along the line that Comprlaed the member, of the four Omaha pottfa the port of the aging marcher, waa good to see. And there be those among them who, despite the flight of years that have witnessed generation come and go, still bear all the. appearance of being able to stand again the shock of war's alarms. Following the heavy rain of Sunday night Monday offered Ideal weather condltlona for the program to be carried out under the plaaa of the Grand Army men, Wo men's Relief Corp. and Ladle, of the Grand Army. The sun came out earljj and helped to brighten the day, while the dust was well laid and a sprightly breeie made the atmosphere a glory to be enjoyed. The veterans and the other organlaa tions that marched with them began to gather in the streets around the postofflce building at 3 o'clock. Again the old flag, they have marched under for many year, were brought out and some new ones aUa flaunted their fold. In the breeie. ' Old aFvorltes In MnX. Old'druma and fife, that have taken on all the attribute.' of companionship to the men who use them and sweet mellowness to those who hear them on each recurring Memorial day were fondled lovingly and carefully tested by their owner, before tha parade began to move. And ancient cronies of the war day., arriving at the rendex vous, greeted each other with sprightly salutation and merry jest. Earlier In th. day most of them had assisted In the ceme teries to decorate with aweet flower, tha resting places of the old-time marchera who have gone on ahead. Now they were in a mood to take Joy to the full from the touch of hand and kindly exchanges of- greeting. From the sidewalks friend, and relative.. old and young, viewed the veteran, with the Interest that never dies, and the patri otic glow of the color, and uniform, was reflected In kindling eyes. The spectator, were thoroughly en rapport with the col umna forming before their view, and they let tho fact be known. Judge W. W. Eastman, the flfer, and hi. drummers, a. usual, livened the crowda by martial airs while the parade wa. forming. Order of Parade, Elijah Dunn, mar.hal of the day, and hi. aide.. Jonathan Edward., Charles W. Allen and Perry Miller, 'had the different ele ment, of the parade shapod up on time and It moved In tho following order: Platoon of Police. Elijah Dunn, Marshal of the Day. Sixteenth United State. Infantry Band. FIRST DIVISION. Charles W. Allen. A.slstant Mar.hal. Naval Reserves. National Guards. SECOND DIVISION. Jonathan Edwards, Assistant Marshal High School Cadet Band, illch School Curii Grand Army of the Republic and Other Civil War Veterans. THIRD DIVISION. Perry Miller, Assistant Marshal. Band. 6pan!sh War Veteran.. Carriage.. Rome In Carriages. In the carriages rode the members of the city council, tho Board of Education, Dr. H. K. Spalding, chairman of the day, with former Senator W. V. Allen, orator of tha day, and a score or more of veterans and their wives too feeble to Join the march. Housing Greeting for Paradera. When the head 'of the parade reached th auditorium way was made for the fife and drum group, and the little band came thun. derlng In as If they were a score Instead ot only three or four. Cheers greeted them, and the Sixteenth infantry band, which had gono in ahcid and was waiting, made the air rattle with tlio strains of "Tho nii r Loft Behind Mc." "John Brown's Body" and "Dixie." Volleys of cheers greeted tha medley. Special brats had been arranged on the arena floor for the old and yoijng veterans and for the tiiilltlamon, cadets and naval re serves. The boxes were filled with the woman's auxiliary to the pots and camps, and the balcony had a goodly sprinkling of Interested citizens, men, women and chil dren. The auditorium exercises opened with the singing of "America" by the Young Men'. Christian association Quartet, many of the audience Joining in. Then Rev. Edwin II. Jenki made the Invocation and Comrade S. B. Jones read off the namea of those who have ,died during the last year. After .oca uau oeen impress:vejy rendered by a bugler of the naval reserves the band played a dirge and Rev. T. J. Mackay read with fine effect Lincoln's Gettysburg speecn. Jn hid introductory remarks, before pre senting Senator Allen, Dr. Spalding took oc a. Ion to say that when treason la elevated to the hall of fame It puts tiio blood mark on every man who fought to resist tha encroachments of rebellion. Allen llcvlvvva Groat Conflict. In oK'iilns his addrenn, which wa. rather Lrlef, Senator Alien traced the causes of the civil war and then enlarged on the con.e o ienccs thereof. The main blessing flow ing from the great struggle he held to be Continued on Second i'age-i