Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Farnlahrd Ilooma.
iEWL furnlfhed front room suitable
,.t ylbX lum.meu num. "
tw tw4- private family.
- iV'RMSHKD moms fr I
gentlemen. 110
A lltl. Ui 1 rhalhlll).
FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty
hot water.. $16 N. lfth.
uniiKRS rmm) for J. or 4; separated
teds if desired. M7 Harney.
DEWET fiuropean hotel, 13th tt Frenam.
FURNISH KH or unfurnished room; near
er Una. 13
I MODERN rooms, nicely furnished
nd $3 a week. MS N. lth ot.
l KI
Oil'' rooms strictly modern, WV 2433
Iwc. Si. Call Harney wax
furnished room, all modern.
212 CasS.
4 NICKL.T furnished largo modern rooms,
(reasonable prices. t4 California BL
BTRICTLYvUB- to date. Tel. Douglas 6054.
101 U. 27th Ave. ' i
FOUR rooms for housekeeping. 1760 8 9th.
'A4 ONE large and. two smell nicely fur-
1 ... ,n J..l r.mllv
1 miTiew mouBrn rvoiiis 111
.gentleman preferred, xia r. mn
(' LARdR front room, modern. 2417 Califor
nia. Tel. HuHday, Doug laa bo; uun..
rrk Dougle,70.
1 JKIC1B room for gentleman. $1.60 week. 619
.s. aitu bl
LAHGtJ front room, with alcove, eultable
"far three- Or four young men. 2420 Cava.
-Douglas 6215. "-
t. DESIRABLH room In modern houae, with
Xvard, walking distance.. Tel uougias u.
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooma. 64,1
. 27th BL
'THE use of my furnlnhed houae in ex
haoge for board.; Tel. Web. iW.
it NEWI.T furnished, large front rooms
frith alcove: also two amaller rooms; all
'tnodern. . Call .2707 g arnam ot.
, "'"btriCTLY modern, neat basement room
Ifor gentlemen. a per muiim. iu o. wiu k
Douglas 6fcSJ..,
?; south: (3 week. 2015 Leaven
worth. '
MODERN, well furhlahed, southeast
.front room,. wRh alcove or single room.
-Large lawnk private family. 702 8. 29th St.
,e 181 CHICAGO fit., nicely furnished, mod.
an room; would, rant te traveling men. .
t BEAUTIFUL. ilht, clean furnished
.rooma; BATH, gas and eleotrlo light; walk-
. . da moW iHiVL r uaiif iua
v DESIRABLE room; first .class location.
swt a. ail siroei.
EXTRA larre raloe room with fine furnl-
ura. 120 20th. No sign on house.
JTtWO ROOMB. , sulUble for two gentie
uien. 267 Uaurnoy.
-- CLOSE In. large front room. $08 N. 19th.
EAST room, $S per month. 2670 Farnam.
, MODERN parlor room, to a married
,(Souple or ladles; cheap. 209 N. 20th St.
NICELY furnished room; gentlemen; new
"fiat, hot and cold water, eleotrlo lights and
ialephone;, walking distance; reasonable.
fW B. 19th. .
.ICF.LT furnished room. 210$ Douglas St
MODERN .front' room, suitable for two.
140$ Harney.' - ' '
LARGE front room with aioove; modern;
walking. distance. 2t6J Dodge.
TWO south single rooms, $3 week; bath
same floor. 2472 Harney.
' NICELY furnished parlor for two.
jthlcago St,' ;- ' " " ' "
IF YOU would to ront ons elegant
furnished room, all modern, . suitable for
' OUT8IDB single roflm, $2.10 Week. 614 So.
'ioth; flat L ' ' . -
" " 8MALL, neat front room, modern house,
Iiemis park; strictly private family, to lady
Wnployod during day. xeu uarney aue.
' NICELY furnished rooms In private faro-
lly; all modern. capitoi Ave.
FRONT room, with alcove; also smaller
room; both nicely furnished; modern;
reasonable; resldenoe, 624 N. 20th SL Tele
phone Red lil.
MODERN outside room for gentlemen;
five blocks P. ,o. lei. uougiaa (u.
Tli a ClnnrtAn. F,r,rt oXmaM fmUy hotel,
J-lie Ueorglft llM Georgia Ave. H-53L
r'r Young man to hare comfortably fur
'PVed room 2702 Farnam. Phone Har. 2613.
DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and
team heat in every room; rates by week.
BEAUTIFUL, light, clean, furnished
rooms, BATH, gas and electrlo light, walk-, as per monm. nuo juewey Ave.
after, furnished rooms, day or weak.
NEWLY furnished rooms; everything
brand new, at 260 Farnam BL
,. , WALKING , distance; east front room
with alcove; also single room, suitable for
two; strictly modern; newly furnished. 678
bo. 28th BL
COOL rooputi fine neighborhood.
Howard. -
W kVURNISHED rooma, single or en suite.
NICELY furnished room for rent; private
family ; new, modem. 120 Bo. 2UU SL Har
i'nejr 476L-' -'
i a
f 'FRO
' u14 N.
RKE separate rooms:
prlvata bath.
Harney. .Harney $17$.
FRONT 'parlor In newly furnished flat
Kta. u. eaos.
A FOR RENT Nloety furnished room; all
tboderri; prlvata family. 'Ptiope Red T8S6.
,t,i NEWLY furnlahed room in a new, mod
orn apartment houae, 201$ Chicago L
' IN PRIVATE home, large, cool room, ele
i gantly furniahed, elactric light, heat, bath,
,. "phone; walking distance; nice porch and
laa n. Farnam ana ta Ave. Harney 4608.
( Also tikgia room. . i
- LAR&It front room, newly furnlahed. Ap
ply 220 X.,lria Bt.
SINGLE room for gentlemen, $7.
Xaaoo. XUrney t7V.
El HARNEY, front room, south win.
dowa, porohr suitable for two gentlemen;
rent in . ,,
- - LARGE south room, reasonable; walking
aisiaiice. Call. 262$ Dodge. . 'f none Harney
ONE nicely furnlahed room. $24 N. 19th.
f' TWO 'Small oonneotlng rooms for two
, lauilea or gentleman. Also large front room.
' "Aleo single room for one person. Private
' 1 k m II.. . ... , . i T-.1 , . . .
, - , in j i ..viaisuv. iio viawe. ruuui vuai.
M0. ' i.
FINE room In modern flat, oloae In. 212
i. -Dtn. ....
FURNISHED rooms completely modern.
FURNISHED rooms, strlotly modern.
suuaoie lor lautea or gentlemen. 1S22 Capl
' UA.
"i -
Douglaa St, nicely furnlahed parlor,
PARLOR-AliCOVE on third tloor north,
I eultable for man and wife, or two gentle
'.Kien,., Breakfast prvt)ag. Rent reasonable.
iui , Kktn. at
TWO nice rooma:
terms reasonable.
. Phone. Douglas $424,
,-.' Dodj( Furnlahad rooma; two small
- ,LA ROE furoiah(d front rooni for rent TN
- ICU (runt room, mosern home, etrtctly
-t -aie lauuiy... i-'i n. cenuai Aoulevard
t p. ra. or Sunday,.
furnished room. 1617 Burt St.
1 ivo single moms, nea ly papered and
iiiuku, .uiuueru; aiao parlor, itil tt. lid
augias i i-
Famished Boio Coatlaaed.
N1CELT fiirnlarnwt rooms !2n Harney St
t-xrellont location; walking distance.
KAST front room-' tir.aftfaat optional. tOR
. - - i
r. Kd.
n)flR In larva lun fiirnlahd rooms.
lawn, porch, hath on earns floor. 2006 Capi
tol Ave. Reasonable
NIPKI.Y furnlaherl rnnma at reasonable
price. Call 214 N. 2btb. Phone D. 64o2.
I.AROE south room with hay window;
modern. 117 S. 25th Ave,
Tutiirir n. ..nfurnlshed rooms. I
modern. 22S4 N. 20th.
AM ALL, room, modern, private family.
cheap. T12 N. 19th. Red 633a
Fl.'RNISrittD room,
19th, top floor. '
fl.&O at week. 411 8.
FURNISHED rooms In prlvata family,
141 N. 24th 8t.. South Omaha.
POH RBMT- NMrelv furnished' rooms:
large and cool: modern; east front, fine
location. Tel. B-14H. 2814 N. 19th Ave.
LARGE room; suitable for two; walk
ing distance; 24 per month. IMG N. 19th Bt.
SINGLE and double rooms for sleeping,
fl. 60 up. 1817 Leavenworth. 3d floor.
Mary's Ave.
furnished rooms. 2007 Bt
RHAUTIFULLY furnished front room
for 2 or 2, reasonable; modern. 2671 Dodge.
SOUTH front parlor, 12.75. 2310 Douglas.
FRONT parlors for two, $3.50 week; mod
ern. 2111 Douglas.
LARGE front room with board, suitable
for two or three ladles or gentlemen. 2til8
Bt. Mary s Ave. Tel Lnuglas 7776.
TWO nicely furnished oonnected rooms;
will rent single or suite. 218 N. 28th SL I
t i . n U ...1 ,'u I
- '
cniiaren preierred. !M46 a. zutn Bt. 1
TWO nicely furnished modern front
rooma rronnnotaH r.r twr. thru r.r. I
sons. Phono Red WW.
LARGE) modern room, nicely furnished, 1
J to S3.00. 618 lath Bt.
FURNISHED front room. In modern
house; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 6M.
IaAHOK front room for two gentlemen,
LARGE, newly furnlahed suite, bedroom
and sitting room, $10 per month. Web.
iWI im. ran.
FURNISHED rooms for one or two gen-
uemen. im tiuri.
FRONT room; modern; in private fam
ily; price reasonable, ut 0. rain St.
LARGE front room and one small room.
suitable for two or three gentlemen;
oiock iroin car tine, nil o. xacn Bt,, none
FRONT room with, alcove: also
room, suitable for two. 680 B. 28th.
181$ CHICAGO ST.. one large south room.
nicely lurmsned, witn or without board.
VERY pleasant south single room, $1
week, or suitable for two. il Harney.
narrey ws.
FURNISHED house for summer months.
Phone Douglas 112a.
EXTRA large, elegant room, fine furni
ture. 220 i4o. 20th. xso. sign on house.
SLEEPING room for two gentlemen.
Lynnnurst, 17 s. vsin sc.
TWO modern housekeeping
rooms for
rent. Apply 2103 Miami BL
YOUNG LADY to share a suite of. parlor
floor rooms; modern conveniences; com
munity meals. Mil Harney. 'Phone Har
ney 2492. . .
FURNISHED room, suitable for two gen-
tlemen. Apply 1219 S. . 16th gt, 2d floor.
'phone Doug. 4720.
TJIRftft . ronrtri' tn trlrf1v rnnrtefn trnm.
NICELY ' furfifbhed rooms; also
keeping. 216 N. 23d. .
MODERN room, 2618 Capitol Ave.,
ney 2666.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
irpjuern. nn. runvoi, uvj a. niu ou
a . . ofev, 0 nj.i. .' . '
NICEtY furnished room for light house-
Keeping; good neignournooa. ui a. join
FURNISHED room. 832 S. 32d St.
private family.
26th Ave.
room for gentleman;
Tel. Douglas 42S6. 103 S.
Muuuitn lurmsnea soutn rront room tor
or two gentlemen or traveling men.
ztw capuoi Ave.
LARGE room and closet, feeing south on
Dewey Ave., near 2tn; strictly modern.
t none Dougia bsn.
NICELY furnished room, modern. T14 B.
utn Ave.
FRONT and back parlor, modern: cheao.
K-TI-.TTT V f...l M.lii. ...l,.ku
.i.i. im i. , a ui ii u 1 1 1. im ivi . iiiiuiiiii
tor two gentlemen. ll Chicago BL
DESIRABLE room, fine location, walk
ing distance, ns b. tn at. .
IF YOU are looking for a large, well fur
nished, cool room, with every convenience,
I have one suitable for two or more gen
tlemen or employed respectable ladles; alsa
one single room. 2663 BL atary Ave.
FURNISHED room. $1.60 a week.
819 a
tth SL
SOUTH front room In new flat for ladies:
private tamny; walking distance; modern.
SOUTH parlor for one or two: also room
with aioovu. 2667 st. Mary a Ave.
NICE furnished room, good neighbor-
W .1 ., - Brt L, I . I -.,. I
ONE large front room for renL 1S1S Cap-
1 ....
ttol Ave.
NICELY furnished room. 2S06 N. 21th St.:
NICELY furnished lares front rooma
sua i. utn Dt.
NICELY furnished front room to aentle-
inon; i.ui per week, ivil cass.
family; all new. Tel. Douglas 7839.
ONE elegant furnished larra room. ault.
able for two or three young men. south-
wauwmiw. viio ii hi in ciixnun.
large room, elegantly furnished. 12fi. On.
souin-exposure, -elegantly furnished room.
suitable for two, $20. 2026 Dodge. Walking
uidwiivb. i'Duna aouaias ftjia. .
liouaeweeplnaT Rooms.
FURNISHED houaekaflnlnv ronma.
TWO desirable rooms: rood location:
reasonable to right party. Harney 463$.
i iv turning oc .caii lorenoona.
naniLU-una or two iama tn rnnm
ivr , Usui nouaeaeepuig; -rent reasonable.
Appiy ww u. ii tn St.. in basemenL
THREE rooma en aulta n th nriv.t.
laviloryf fKSSK,i 'VhouMkiSpllf; V"nS
.1.11.1... M . ........ . 1 . . 1 . ... 11. . . 1 ...
children nor pets; private home; 28th St.,
jvou worm. im. iiarney xoe.
FRONT suit of Housekeeping
modern. Phone 191$ California SL
MODKRM ronm. wi.x T,n,..v.t.n-
venlencea. $11 8. 20th SL
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
Cuming St. ,
BEAUTIFUL south room . for house
keeping, suu Howard hl
t inns na.- a. h ni .,.
houackaeDlna-: aultahla for man and &lr
Of $ or $ young ladles. 'Phone Harney
$i.' $62T Harney. .
LIGHT housekeeping rooms; "small rooms.
a bv loin, iiat s. t
rURNIBHRO rooms for Haht housekeeo-
Ing. $1$ N- 22d $IL ,
fid SL
front rooms. $1$ N.
BASEMENT rooms for rent, reasonable,
ror nousekeeptng. , $11 ts. T2d Bt .. '
NICELY furnlahed rooms fof housekeep
ing. u a. iin bl 7 el. J3-os,"
If onaekreplng Rooma
TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping
rooma. 712 N. 16th St.
TWO furnished housnkeeplng rooma;
ground floor. ltilOTalifornia at.
I. A RGB front room: housekeeping,
refrigerator; I
TWO nice front
modern. 614 8. 22d
SOUTH basement rooms for housokecp-
Ing; modern. 2111 Douglas
THREE modern furnished light house-
keeulng rooms: no children. Ul S. 2oih
TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms.
2?15 Mason Bt. Tel. Harney 4140.
TWO nice, clean furnished rooms for
light housekeeping very cormui muis,
reasonable rent. 1447 isonn nui oi.
THREE furnished houspkeeplnK rooms;
all modern; gas range. 21110 H. wtn.
DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, single
or en suite. Bt. Mary s Ave.
TWO rooms; gas range; laundry priv
ileges. 2226 Farnam.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
808 N. 16th St
SUITE of rooms; walking dlstanoo.
N. 20th St. Phone Douglas 23oi
roUH unfurnished rooms; gas and bath;
gas paid, 112. 702 N. 30th bt.
IN new house, two clean, pleasant rooms
for light housekeeping, tuo a. frtm at.
vol Tit rooms, second floor, for light
housekeeping, for small . family; south west
corner lulh ana mcKoiy.
two newlv banered. furnished rooms for
laht housekeeping; modern, gas range, ice
box. telephone, launory privilege, nose in,
no children, tilti N. 21st,
. ,.. ... ,,.IV,
complete, Including refrigerator, gas range,
no children. 307 N. 2uth.
NICE housekeeping rooms, an moaern,
with laundry. (Ml D. lin
LIGHT housekeeping room at 2421 Dodge
TWO nice, clean rooms. 147 N. 17th St.
LARGE front room for housekeeping or
11. wv. - . - I
TiinRlo furnished rooms, first floor, gas
and bath, house modern, no cniiaren, ri-
erence. 1551 N. litn bt.
TWO modern housekeeping rooms.
622 N.
TWO housekeeping rooma, $16 per month.
2008 California BL
NICTELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 412 i. win bu
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing; modern house, oto a. ntn Ave.
THREE furnished, modern housekeeping
rooms. l a i.ttu di. .
TWO rooms, en suite. 1919 Chicago.
TWO completely furnished rooms for
light housekeeping; bathroom floor; rea
sonable. 638 S. 24th Ave.- Douglas Mo4.
THREE rooms, furnished complete for
housekeeping, hub co.
NICELY furnished room for housekeep
ing. 161$ Chicago bl
NICELY furnished large front parlor,
light housekeeping privileges, xiz per
month. Phone Red. 6760. . 21111 Chicago Bt.
two nice, modern rooms; gas ranee.
electric light. 1818 N. lfitn.
A SUITE of three elegant new rooms,
modern. 220 N. 20th bl
vipr lame neatly furnished rooms, light
housekeeping; all front rooma ana moaern;
reasonable rent, ira 11. ii'"-
TILE DOUQLAS S?""' oinli'in'1?
, , ron,s-close ln-
Douglas street -
TWO nicely furnished large, modern
rooms vii e,uuu. Bu,iBuini, yie-
ferrod; also large ironi . room on second'
floor ahd two. small rooms.; 606 N. 23d St.
THREE 'Dleasant housekeeping rooms:
also nice sleeping rooms, an n. 23d.
TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor,
housekeeping rooms, light, cooking gas,
I 1 , , rt n. hn, u.'l ,1, 11 U-1 1 1 1 , 1 . , t num.
i wunui j , .,V wv., ...... . ......w... .n,,!,.
also other ngni nouseseeping rooms,
8. 25th Ave,
FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for
housekeeping. Nn children. References re
quired. S6 No. 40th St.
Unfurnished Rooms.
rotnt unfurnished rooma: modern e-xeeDt
I heat. Call alter :30 p. m., zeus it. mn Ave.
THREE rooms tor light housekeeping, 2264
14. zutn BL
ENTIRE Sd floor for housekeeping, un
furnished, zozt Harney. - Harney 6328.
FOUR front rooms, strictly modern. '2804
Sherman Ave. Webster 6310.
One nice large unfurnished room for light
Housekeeping u desired, auu Webster Bt.
THREE rooma for rent. Inuulre $004 Vin
ton BL '
TWO unfurnished rooms In new
flat. $12.60 per month. $11. N. 21st BL
UNFURNISHED houaekeeoln i
$026 SL Mary's Ave.
THREE unfurnished rooma entire unn.r
nour. ovo i.iuugiaa.
unfurnished rooma
$67$ Harney 8L
FOR RENT 4 rooma tnnAmm unfnfs.
niauea. iiua o. sin.
FOUR room, for U per month. . $1$ N.
27th Ave.
THREE southeast rooms, modern; . on
car line. 8210 Cass. References
a IiAkub rooms ana store foom; Vround
floor; $15: only S blocks southwest of court
I V. ..... n 'T CI u,!. , .
house. 625 8.. 20th SL
Apartments and Flaata.
FIVE-ROOM, new brick apartment, niod-
ern; steel range and water rent paid. $26
nroninij, nererences required. 2310 B
run KENT An 8-room modern inirt
Cal . n..K .11..-,-. . . 1 , . 1
throughout: strictly firat clana a:nm Pnn.
yivwu avv. a-eters xrufl CO. Doug. 893.
VUVJIVPj, iNri rJjVl XXJli
2813 Jackson St., lower flat, 5
rooms and bath, just finished,
Walkincr dlstanrA. . rnnilem nA
'- v.uuuu
un-to-dntP? (tftfin
17 TT- T . TrSl7'TVTVTT '
" """UIIIUU, -
Tel. u. L'lOl -442 Board of Trade
: : : r
t)rvKir the beat 6-room anartmenta in iii.l
old Hamilton, corner 24th. and Farnam Hts.
I . ",r,,e-"uri.ii oi regular rent
f$ L P'"'Augu.t $1. 1910, Tel.
1 IU.
ut lro uiruv-iiiurLiiH OI reKUlur rnt
IN REM13 PARK, flneat nlae. In rlt
B-room St. Louis flat,"$26 per month. 'Phone
nainry era.
c'-V""1'1 a"? . e-room apartment.
XT T rn m . . . .
-" "r
A BEAUTIFUL apartment at $$d end
I Farnam. . nothlnv finr in rn it raii
vv in. a. a-ottejr. xlarney 2216.
rooms, modern, first-class, Field Club dls
Itrlct; S bedrooms and sleeDlnar norrh: hun
tlfully decorated; all hard wood floors: tile
P"1 ? this apartment bf ire rent-
lT."i """. . "ters Trust Co.. ri. T L.
Bldg. louglas 898.
A BEAUTIFUL FLAT, ll-room. 2d floor;
targe, roomy cioseia, reception nail, porch,
b,h- 'sundry and laundry entry way. pan-
'ry- '"LI",0"' lov- n1 electric
prciated. VH Ht. Mary's.
CENT RALE apartments; 1 rholce flat. (
large cool rooma, fine flnlah.- modern, hot
water all year steam heat; pay to see it;
walking--distance; summer, $27: winter, $7
more: refre:-o reuuired. Bemla-Carlbera
I Co.. 480 Brandalav -i . " "
Apsrlsirnli sad Fln I ntianrd.
TEN'-ItooM. modt-rn flat; five rooma
rented Ir desired, 'l'hojie Hed 4K4.
5-ROOM flat, new Bu Luis bilck. t-'T.W.
Harney HM.
SER.VANT I'HOULK M solved; I .rooms
conounson into i; steam neni. eivcria iisnis
and laundry, hot and cold water; wall bi'd.
safe. as stove, refi Igi-rator. Janitor service.
ins jiuiutT. i ei. uouk. tlod (
SOUTHEAST Rhadv lawn: walkina dis
tance; 2-1 oom suite, ITanb. 4 8. Jath.
FOR RENT Five-room- flat, corner Har
ney and l'ark; Immediate possession. Tate-I
r.nrnarrtt Co.. Real Estate itnd Loans,
Room 4oti Webster-tiundcrland LMdg. Rhone
Uouglas 4103.
ptrictlt modem st. Louis fit; aii oak
finish; finu location. 611
B. p. Inqulro
5-ROOM brick flat; strictly modern;
2.W Dewey Ave. Tel.. Harney, 2264. ,
FOR RENT Five room flat In the call-
lornia. Apply Kelchenneig Bros., 6S1
Uiandels lildg., Tel. D 167"..
FOR RENT For WTUpancy July 1.
7-rootn flat, row of three. Inquire 101
South 34th St. or telephone Harney lltW.
FIVE-ROOM apartment - on Sherman
Ave. t all Webster 67t. .
Famished. Houses and Flata. .
PIX-ROOM house: partly' furnlahed. sum
mer or lunger. (40. k6tS Jackson, H. SSSO.
FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, new, mod-
ern, A bedrooms, will retain one or two, If
desired. TM S. Stith tit. Phone liaxney 221.
FURNISHED cottage, 'fl -rooms; strictly
modem; good location. Tel. iM.ri.ey 3.vxi.
FURNISHED 6-room modern house for
summer, awti North ISth.
7-r., new, mod., 1322 N. 41st St.; best fur
nishings, complete; leare tl-1 to 10-1, ltflO, J10.
6-r., sincuy mod., ins a. sna St.: well
furnished home, complete for summer. 140.
s-r., fine, new bungalow, West Farnam
district, everything up-to-date; excellent
furnishings; Im.
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnani St.
Houses mad Cottages.
L,"'," ' "i"" 'V""'
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 31M.
6-ROOM house, good location. 719 Bo.
si in oi. rmraa weo. aw. .
8-rooni fully modern flat: liasdwood floors
throughout; $40 to desirable tenant. Wright
et uiauur, m o iuin tit. f aoiut u. im.
Bave time and money; all sixes, all prices.
6th Floor. N. Y. Lite Bldg.
TTmTSF.S ,n u rU 01 tn city
XlUUOHiO Crelgh Sons M Co.. bee Bldg.
Suite 624. N. Y. Life Bldg. Red lm
22d and California, 8-r. brick, first-class.
He mis Park, 8-r., all modern.' suuare.
20th and Castellar, 8-r., rno'd. ex. heat, $20.
u ii.n.Ji.1? rj ictiAC jcA'iiii ut.).,
iflo2-3 N. Y. Life.
10-ROOM houso and bath, strictly mod
ern, first-class condition, cloSe in. 'phone
i-'ougias ijjo.
OMAHA van & storage CO., pack. move.
store household goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N.
mb; office, 300 s. 17th Bt. . Tel. Douglas lioli.
flats, Gar via Bros., Id floor
N. Y. L.
FOR RENT New 8-room modern houae.
1406 S. 8th St. ,'a
THREE -room, new, .briek houses. Just
completed, all modern r combination fix
tures, 813-16-17 IN. ZISi St fttlk,
C. M. BACHMANN, 4Ml Paxton Block.
Office 'phone: R. 2639; Keatdence, D. 6056.
-.. , H-
THREE rooms.' separaM'4bouse: . walking
distance. $10 per. .month. Hq
7-room strictly inodunajrt on . CaHrornl
street; one block.: to FartHUn ' car. $30 pec
month. NOWATA LAN S..LU1 CO., 621
N. Y. i-lfe Bldg. Red ISO.
6-ROOM, modern, partly furnlahed. sum
mer or longer; tw. wws uaoson.
r , . i i
NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north
part oi city. m.
8-room apartment. 1917 Clark, $10.
8-raom apartment, 1917 Clark, $9.
4-room apartment, city water, toilet. $12.50.
8-room apartment, M.-1.7th. $11.
C. M. BACHMAN, 436 Paxton Block.
2408-BURT,- modern; 2 nlca bedrooms uri-
stttirs; 3 rooms, large reception hall and
pantry downstairs; tou.w. ,, a. a. Boyies.
both phones.
NEW 6-room brick house, modern. Harney
FOB RENT Two houses, five and seven
rooms: modern. Frank Pascol. Florence.
Tel. Florence iu.
6-ROOM house for rent at $10.' Call at 920
Homer SL
POP 1J I. MT T- meant 1IY.rnrm K, n , i . n .11
modern, 621 Park Ave. city, only $"6. C. U
Herring, 417 M. x. JKe Bldg., or 'phone
uougias use,
ONE 9-room. new. brick house, lust com-
pieted, an moaern; comoination fixtures.
313 IN. zist Bt.; ot.
C. M, BACHMANN. 436 Pkxton Block.
Office 'phone, R. 2639; Residence, D. 6068.
strictly modern
Phone H. 2393.
?1M Caldwell: IM.
BOUSES, Insurance. RlngwalL Barker Blk.
SEVEN-ROOM house, modern, hot water
furnace and nice barn. 2lob California.
FOR RENT 7-room cottage at -1729
Georgia Ave., now being repainted and
babervd and put in first class condition.
226 uer month to permanent tenant. Inaulre
of 8. B. Richmond at J. J. Denght Co., or
F. D. Wead, wead aiag. v ..t .
119 FU1 Rtrlntlv modern 8-room rtslc f tn
lshed house. 1306 S. 28th St. Tel. Harney 1707.
3110 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod. HiO.UU,
2H19 Mason, 10 rooms, mod., $31.50.
Rmgwalt Bros., Barker ' Block.
8-ROOM modern house, 1060 8. 29th St.. $38.
John W. Robblns,
..r ti.,...i.... ,of c n .
1802 Farnam St.
EIGHT-ROOM house, " 12$- H.: 85th St.
Phone Harney 1366.
' MODERN 5-room brick hods. 1109 N.
23d St. $26, Owner pays , wa,tef, ."Phone
Harpey 3301. , ,
FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick house,
modorn, 8 minutes walk to city hall. 2044
'i,,,,,,? . . Tei. Uoua. 439. V
I' ,,Q v.r. .:h a rnnma 1KV
; roomt-
K.n r."?6a v'lu,ln exctpt hBat Frnk'
-rom rn-.rn except heat. 2308 Miami. $22.
ij-room, luly modem, &119 Bristol, $25.
j. H. Johnson. ;,.
aw. ira.'.,i'is. 'Phonn .D. AX..
. f!f!W IN near Karrnun or Iliriui oar
r"rooi5r m,!i houM; w- om B,an-
hive vmi thar vnu wnnM llk
have pay you 16 per cent Instead of 4 to 0
nur rant 7 Ken an vert lsemen t in tnia piiliimii
per cent 7 See advertisement
oter address of L 688. Bee.
Near 27th. on Jackson, $27.60 per month
also 8-room, modern except furnace, on
Miami near 24th, $26 per month. Phone
Harney njm.
TIIE HOWARD, 21st and Howard, ready
for occupany; 2-room apartments, bed In
wall; Ice, heat, hot water and Janitor free;
MODERN 8-room house,' 11$ 8. 44th St..
$ on West Farnam, Dundee Una, $:to. Tel,
. I 1 1 toa i -
li.i 1 1 1. y wow.
FINE, light offices In the new City Na
tlonal Bank building, Mb and Harney rita.
This building will be ready lor occupancy
about August IsL Will be up-to-date In
every respect. Call at our office for floor
plana and run inrormation.
1U01 Farnam SL
i ,
. FOR RENT Lsrga storeroom and base
ment, 22 x 70 rt., ail newly decorated, new
plumbing. 2423 Cuming Ht. Rent $J0. N. f .
Dodge 4t Co.. 16th and Harney.
PTORR ROOM107 Fernsm Pt.
Peml-basementa. Well lighted. 1)7 and 1904
Farnani Ht.
Btnre room. 61a N. Jlth ft.. So, Omeha.
THOS. F. HAf.U 4.13 Ramge Iildg.
Both 'Fhones.
STORE Room, new building, good loca
tlon for sny business. 3S month. 10th an.l
Pouglns. L. liar: Irs. ileal Kstate, C7 Kran-
dela bid.
Wo offer for rent the one-
story and basement brick Btore-
room at 914 Farnam. This prop-
ortv hni irnrlcnr'O fflfilitipi in
XJUS lUCiailtS 111
rear. Apply
17th and Farnam.
WELL lighted lnrga corner room, 33x100,
altuated on second Hour. I'alace Clo. Co.,
Hill and Douulas.
STORE building suitable for drug or gro
cery business; good repair. 33d and K bts..
South tunatia. inquire John t lanek, 20th
and S tits.
NEW. attractive store rooms on first
floor City National Hank building. Also
space on second tloor for high-class shops.
t ine show windows on corridor, call on
us for full information.
1001 Farnani St.
BRICK storeroom to let, 211x65 ft., plate
glass. T. J. Hook, otfioe 1101 No. lath.
BARN for
rent, 3618 N. 27th. Phone
Doug 234.
FOR RENT Largo two-Btory brick barn,
for automobile and storage. 123 S. 2TthAo.
one leather double wagon top. Apply The
Cudahy Packing Co., Purchasing .Depart
ment, Sou in (Jiimha.
COVERED wagon and surrey, both in
good condition, cheap, 62t B. 24ih Ave.
STUDEBAKER steel-tire buggy, one
seat, top; albo single harness. 11 ti2i, Bee.
COVERED wagon and surrey, both
good condition; cheap; 626 S. 24th Ave.
on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until you
614-616 Paxton Block.
By June 10 must sell all my household
goods at great sacrifice. Would be Just right
lor a newly married couple, mist inciuues
the furniture of a 6-room house; with gas
stove, range, sideboard, etc.; call 2313 Sec
ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Four Imposing tables, Iron base and
stone - top; also 3 galley banks and two
Bteam tables tor sale. Appl lice Pub. Co.,
17th and Farnam.
FOR SALE Folding
bed, almost new.
cheap; Douglas 4044.
FURNITURE for sale; balance this
week: ail tne remaining furniture my
luiiiin' nvvrvttiltltf lilut llltM new. fitilv UM1
, nionlh; brass beds, mahogany and per-
cision walnut dressers ana cnei ton.trs,
parlor, library and room 1 f urnltuiM,. Xtu-k-iBti
. Katlior coucit- and rocaers, beautiful
iBwctt-tonud piano, rugs, .aurtaiiis, eta; wnl
Bull any article se.purate; can day or even
ing. iiS N. XUU SL ,
1 1I.Hnl,l,: HTtF.I. RAKr.K: II wurmini?
ovehs, 2 baking ovens; burns either coai,
gttB or W'ood; will sell cheap if-aken at
once. Call lied oyJO. 1619 l.eavenworth Bt. i
HOL'SEHOLD furniture and painted
chum lor sale cheap. Any person wisning
barguiua should call at once, as party
icues city soon, lino Park Ave. - i
eluding gas range, Hooslcr kitchen cabins...
becretur; butteL sewini; niactuiie. bed
loom lurnlluie; leaving tne city; prices
reasonable, i'lioiie iiainey jbio.
Mualcul Inatrnauents.
ONE good piano, $160. 915 Bancroft.
UPRIGIlT Sohmer piano, $1.'0, cost $160;
owner leaving city, uu cass.
JUST IN, complete line YORK BAND
INSTRUMENTS; no equal for price.
Bchmoller 6c Mueller, 1313 Farnam.
ELEGANT $75 Storey & Clark ORGAN.
Ellifhtlv used, with secretary compartment,
also practically NEW Storey oc Clark
PIANO A bargain , if . token soon. 301 Old
Jtfoslfm Btore,
UPRIGHT piano for sale. Apply 111 So,
31st St.
BEAUTIFUL piano for sale at once. Just
like new: no reasonable oiler retimed.
Residence 423 N. 49111.
KTr.mND-hana typewriters sold, rebalred.
Central Type wi iter Exchange. 1007 Farnam.
Typewriters for Bent siK
1316 Farnam ei. uinana.
BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter.
B. F. Swanson Co., . Distributers, UU
Farnam bL -
ROTARY NEOBTYLE. Bargain. 1117 Far
ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In
rood condition, i-eugtu t IL' Addiens, C
673. care Bee.
iiriigs at cut prices; freight paid on all
$10 orders; catalogue xree. ouermaa
ifiP,.,,,,. lirntf l.a. i I mi
McConnell . Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
for SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap
bar lixtures; easy payuieuia. oruuswick-
Balke, Cullender, 407 B. 10U BL
HP.COND-HAND oak counter: hand-
mrvad. marble cashier piate; wire wlckeL
about 40 ft., odd snape, win ut a room
twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage
houae. For further partlcuiara Phone Doug-
las 238. Bee Building Co.
HALL'S safes, new. Jd-hand. 1818 Farnam,
ca FES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all slses ana niauea; bargains. Amor
lean Supply Co., 1119 Faruain BL
L Vrnmv window Screen will
mo ijvuvm; ,4V, you one-half,
T. H. Welrtch Fixture to.,
all kinds of
mill work.
T mW Tr - C. Dlmmock aV Sons, $4th
LiUIIlUer and H stB-( 0o, omaha, only In
dependent lumber dealers in tne city.
one at Carter lake. Price $200.
1102 Harney Bt.
TEAM, harness, wagon, dump boards, lc
wagon, coal box. can itus red) rick.
60 II.. P. Oas Engine and Producer Plant
Almost new; suiiaoie lor electric lighting
nlant or mill. Perfect; condition. Will sell
at sacririce, or iraoe ror gooa western Ni
bratska land. Address b-ku Bee,
SADDLE and bridle: 'excellent condition
used but short time. Harney 1061, or 4U9
choice,' spiritual works, $100. $219 Mander-
eon KL "
SIXTY pairs, Wlnslow roller skates, good
ss new. They retail at $6.60 a pair; $1.20
takes them. 'Phcne Webster 1939.
We are now prepared to furnlah eggs for
hntrhiiiK' from eleven Oaks strain of (bred
to lay) 8. C. White Leghorns at $5 per 100;
IS for $1.
i Phoue i''lkii eiice iL , . . , Florent, Neb
M lare llaaaooaa-
1IAXD painted china for sale; reason
able prices. llu N. liHh. Tel. Web. b'M.
PURCHASE check for sale, Douglas Sm
FOR HALE An English rMlng saddle:
full sheepskin and In good condition. Tel.
Wabater 1310.
FOR SALE One roller lop desk, one oak
letter file, one typewriter desk, one office
ens 1 1 Inq u I rea troo mf M Ji ra n rt : s tt Id g.
JOHNSON INST., 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. 14.
Dr. Kathryn Nichols, 5S N. Y. IJfe RMf
D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton P-lk. TeL Red 7117.
HIRAM A. 8TURtlF;SS, registered ratent
attorney. U. S. and foremn patents s
cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bid. Tel. D. 119.
Vv ILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
In U. S. Patent office. 815 paxton ihock.
Tel. Red 2W1.
Mnssae'o treatment for rheumatism. Dr.
Margarlte Halloran, 228 Neville Hlk. D. 7ol.
Swifplioe from combings, 1160. Mrs. 8.
0AltlltSMatnew8 m Nevi,i8 jik. D. 62 a.
MRS. KUGKRK' nrlvato confinement
nome, id in Marina St., Uinana, feo. inuiu i
Douglas 6230.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit tne i ounK
vtomuns cnnstian association ouuamg i
Seventeenth St. and t. Mary's Ave., where
they will be ill rro ten to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted Look for our
traveler's aid at the Union station.
HINDOO TABLETS will build,
strengthen. 50c. BELL DRUG CO.
ABLENE DE VOY. manicuring and mas
sage. 624 S. ltkh Bt.. Flat 9. Phone D. 7641.
GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo.
lauds tells how. Western Land & Inv. Co.
Swarts & McKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand
oooks; uer, ung. periodicals, ivs a. mm.
uVDUIiH'ti Mnhher mod bv mail' cut
bYlilNULS f$r "send io? free
A HOME for women rturlna confinement,
We find homs for babies whose muthera
cannot care lor them. Babies boarded. For
terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401
Bancroft St.. Ouiuha. Neb. Phone Douglas
WE rent and repair all klr.da of sewing
machines. ' lnd. A-lboS. Doua. 1663.
16th and Harney Bis.
JOS1E WASHBURN'S book, "The Under
world bewer," at all book stores; price $1.60.
Mme" FraVPf Adellght Hair Food,
mmc, lia;ei, ,or baldneMi removes
dandruff. Megeat,h Stationery Co., 1421 ar.
BRAIDS and switches made from comb-
lug, ail up; a . fine line of switches on
hand: man orders filled. Mrs, P. Stover,
2612 BL, Mary's Ave. Phone Red 31al,
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-Off
clothing, in lacL anything you do not need.
We collect, repair and sell at U4 n. inn
St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagons
will can.
MAGNETIC rVV flsBrott'
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg.
WE don't like to get personal, but it's
right to tne point, vaudeville, latest anu
livoliosL PARLOR THEATER. Half price
EXPERT china packer; wedding presents
specialty, 1614 Davenoort. ma. u-zim.
DIVORCES obtained' without
delay. Wills and estates a
Practiced law 28 years.
w. a. uunnull 1 ,
. 474 .prandels Bldg.
Phone Douglas 2668.
Massaging, manicuring, culro'pody, scalp
treatment, hair goods; Sundays, iu to t
in. sot Mevllie Blk. Tel. Doug. aa.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement;
babies for adoption. Oood Samaritan Sunl-
torlum. 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
STRICTLY prlvata Christian home for
confinements, doctor In attendance, trained
nurse babies for adopnou. toi Davenport.
M AftNRTlfi treatment Mme. Smith,
lUAUiN-Ei J.JAV H 16th Thlrd Floor.
622 S. 16th. Third Floor.
WTfJS loupes for men. Griffith,'
MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt
glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St.. oppo
site postotllua. Ud floor. Phone Doug. 7662.
PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr.
King, 1324 N. 24th SL 'Phone Webster 2669.
MASSAGE Miss LaGrane. 1617 Dodne SL:
nours mi a. ro. to p. ni. jjaaement liaL
Room 308 old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor.
eievaior entrance, un a. xotn Bt,
WANTED At once, S lady solicitors;
good pay and steady employment "for right
pariy. tan uaiuraay morning, irom 8 a. soon, iuu oui s. lDtn. upstairs. - -tn.
till 12 p. m., at 701 South 17th Ave. Ask ' '
tor u. w. okey.
WMfU home treatment cures corns.
bunions, warts, callouses, etc: foot snecial-
1st, 15 years' experience; booklet 2 cents.
Leroy Dago, Dept. C, 163 State. Chicago. .
ANYONE knowing the whereabout and
address of Albin Hollnirren who mn,l hl
nome in this city six years ago, please
notify his mother. Mrs. J. P. Hollna-ran.
Lafayette. M nn.. Route 2.
U tb beat In the market for young chick
pub atibuv &rum iiurvj fjrain
Phones Douglas 1142; lndopendent A-3458,
Screenings, $1.2$ per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16.
BUFF ORPINGTON egas for setting, $S
per nunureu. rnuue iiaruey ,s.
BUFF ORPINGTON ' eggs for setting. $6
per 100. 'Phone Harney 478.
IjKWW RARER Prlnfor Phone
JjHiVV i. J-UiDHiU, J. Tinier, D. wig
liHlH. ft I I I ilMl
uii,x.mii i. pt, nn ima uik.i.j ak.
DOUGLAS COUNTY save, thousands of
dollars yearly by naving my figures on
printing. John T Thompson. Tel W-36t6,
'PHONE 1ND. A-2620 for good printing.
Lynstad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ave.
Miller & Jamb-son, 1212 Doug. Both phones,
REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1868; prompt
service; gei our prices, niu farnam bL
Tel. D. 127L 643 Ramge Bldg. New houses'.
1 , o , ...
1201 Farnam. Ground Floor.
Kpnlfl & Norton Abstracts of Title.
ieait3 AUllUU B,e nidg., Omaha.
6. M. SADLER A HON, $08 8. lUth St.
JOHN CAMPBELL, 416 N. Y. L. D 1071. I
GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 162$ Farnam.
peter jesben. jr.' Tai. Douglas 22t2.
WANTED To trade a beautlfu: Kansas
City home for Omaha property, Call Doug.
CITY I'Httl'Kltl V t'UH 1AL
For Sub-dividiii, 100 Acres
Adjoining Omaha on the west. I,and ner
to It soul resdlly In 5- acre tracts at 60t
p r acre. For quick rale will sell this piece
at UX an acre.
R24 N. Y. Life llldg.. Red 1W.
New, modern home Just completed, with
parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception
hall on first floor; three nice sleeping
rooms and hath room on second floor.
First floor finished In hard wood. Very
nice gas and electric light fixture through
out. Cement basement under whole house.
Workmanship and material are exeeptlon
ally good, l'aved street and cement walks.
An exceptional bsrgsin for anyone desiring
a well built home In a first-class neighbor
hood. Near southeast corner of 2th and
Hamilton Sts. Price, I3.T60, ...
MS N. Y. U JDldg. Tel. D.
.Five acres, high and sightly. 49th and
Browne, all In alfalfa. 22,000.
$2.760 m-acre tract, sightly, all In fruit
and strawberries; 7-room hoqse, etc;
r.,f r.a annlh nn flrnnd Ave nnd atith.
Thcso bargains CAnnot be duplicated.
Also other K-ncre tracts, three blocks from
car lines, at $400 per acre and up.
Patterson. Block
$5.10-. 4
Buys 10-room house and lot. 70xllS. paving
fully paid, 6 blocks Southwest of court
house, renting $27.60; 5, years, 6Vi per'.cenL
F, D. Wl AD, 1W1 Farnam SL
umana 1 iTO-w veuaier oi"., a l-rnom
houses, rent $000 per yrar, 66xlS2, , lrlc
Omaha 2.x-os b. itn, l stores, rent ium
per year. $t.lJ0. '
Dundee N. E. corner TVebstnr and 62d,
best corner, 2 lots together. Price $1,750.
West Leavenworth District On 5ith and
6fith ets., 4 nice lots, car now extended,
together price $500. '
Kimball county, wet). s-ine quarter s.
of D. & N. in good set Umnti Per acre.
Banner County, section 12 miles, north
of rv N.. 14.35. .
Terkores County, Neb., 8 miles south
Tascoba, Improved, good terms at per acre.
$16.00. ,
Wyoming, ,uuu acres u mnes nono 01
Rawlins, uf r acre. $2.36..
Otto Slemsscu, 214 Karbacb Tel. D 3619.
' njmiT mm rinntTmiTn otci 1jXU Oi A U UlJliM VJ OlO,
8 BOOMS, $4,000
Rooms all on one floor; oak floors and
woodwork; stiictly modern; large lot; street
paved; a dandy home and splendid location.
Worth investigating,,
Douglas 3407. 610 Bee Bldg.
$000 $100 cash, balance $10 per month:
this Is a very good 6-room cottage and the
lots are on good high ground in Council
Bluffs, about half mile from Omaha car
mo ciiuvi.
" reari si., council niuns. ,
NEW 6-r. house and 3 lots In Benson, on
terms, w. n:. larton, owner. Tel. Ben, 6S1.
8-Room West Famanv Modern,
. Cheap
Easy ' distance ' tcj. . denter it "'city I ".baya
well aa investment;, make good home; good
terms. . , . .
Suite 624 New York Life- Bldg.
Phone Red . 1999.
IF you have $1,0U0 you can buy a strlotly
modern, new, 6-room Dundee home, at a
bargain, write J 029 Bee. . . ,
K-KUU.M modern residence, with large
barn, lot 60x160 feet. Located in the
Northwest part of Omaha, naved streeL
The property is In first claas condition.
Will exenange equity ror western land.
McCague- Investment Co.
1608 Dodge St.
5-Rooms, Up-to-the-Minuto
Oak and rrmnle floors, latest resigns In
everything. Some of them as low as $2,6e0-
only toov down, uaiunce hSi per monih, to
eluding interest.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1990.
6-ROOM house on boulevard:
lot; also large barn; will sell cbean. In
quire 2419 H. 24th. ,
FOR SALE Two lots and new X-rnnm
house. Oood well water. Dlcket fence.
bearing fr.ult trees, shade trees. ' $1,000.
I Part cash, bnlance monthly. Must be sold
OrOlirifl Floor 1201 Parnnm Kf
UIUumJ P iOOr C a mam Dt.
lelC: UpUglaS Zl07 .
-" jiioice Dunaing ioi on epauiding,
Just east of 30th SL, $27Ri
t-677 l acre near Central Park school.
being a lots, fronting south on Camden
Ave., near 42; well and pumnt can divide
and sell In half acre, on easy terms at $400.
E6S6 Modern brick flat, 18 rooms, fUr-
iDiicu, icmma i,w, norm jusin Di., south
f:59I S lots in Boyd's Add., corner Taylor
mil. oin ni. , wuni oiiera v
G 694 All modern, 9-r. house) walking;
umiaiiue. ain min iiowaro. aourn rrani
K695 9-r.. all modern nrettv homa on
If orn la. In Avondale Park .near Central
Blvd.; south front 6bedr.) only $1,600 cash:
balance to suit, $4,750.
E596 S-r. house, N, 33d. near Fort Bt.:
$300 cash; price $876.
E697 Choice corner lot In Laka Imm
Prk; only two blocks from the new boule-
vard now being constructed: beautiful ca-
iniptt, inapiH snaae trees, 1276.
i ir.illJ U r m rwl .. I. ... . . . . .
easy walking distance.' near Farnam m '
biiuwi uoui, do-i out lots; targe stable; owner
leaving the city; cost $11.6u0; prloe, $7,600.
E&99-2 good bulldln lota w. q it
r'" riaoB, ouutn umana: owner movtn
In Paclflo coaatt want. ff,. "
to Paclflo coast: wants offers.
O600 Fine fruit farm; only 8
.,r. ... JT. minuies
i riae irom jouncu tiiurrs postofflce by auto
4 . I,. .'. . ".C"".V ' .T .". b"lnir
-i. nouse; cost n.uw; nam, tool shed. rail.
roaa iracaage only w rods for loading
will yield $6,000 to $10,000 per year. rPtce
only $21,000.
oaoi-6-r. cottage, 8. teth near Popple
ton Ave.; Hanscom park nelrhbnrh,,,- .n
modern except heat; right by other places
no better selling t r $3,600. Price only $3,800.
Ground Floor, laul Farnam. Tel D. iot
Two North Side
13,850 Klght-room,
fully modern.
basement, cemented, oak
trim first floor; 60-foot front,
on paved street. No. 2605
Emmet St.
$2,150 Beven-room, good repair, fine
lawn, beautiful shade trees.
No. Z601 Emmet St. Can
make terms on both.
1320 Farnam St.
Tels.: Dour. 1064; lnd. A-1064.
8-Room Modem, West Farnam
Easy walking dlatanoe and a sure bar
gain st the price. Terms.
624 N. Y. Life Hid Red l99t,