Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Cubs Take Another Contest; Saints Jump Into Lead; Omaha Wins from Sioux; Lincoln Wins
lakes Last Game of Series from Sioux
Kshlbltlon ftlrrn by )las t'asjsed
Pain Fans Who Turned t,
elRhhor Alone Miklnc
Score as Often as They Wish Upon
Detroit Plies I p that Many Hnns on
t. I.nnla It r fore DrrlillaB
to qnlt for the ,
Hay. I" ,
Omaha broke even on the Sioux City
scries by winning the game Snnday after
noon. The Hcore was 12 to 4. It wan a sad
affair, for the Sioux played ball that was
if. illy pathetjc. Omalia also caught the
spirit and at times played raggedly. Kee
ley waa in the box for Uie itourkes, and
pltrhed a nice khidc, lie was given falr
support .except on four occaslonH, when
four boots were male, lie allowed but
four hlti, one of which was a home run
by Neighbors that nailed over the right
fence in the fourth, filoux Welch hit him
for a three-bagger, Neighbors for a double
and Hartman for a single. The other
seven Sioux who endeavored to connect
with his curves never touched them.
Alderman stsrted the gamo for the In
dians and got a bud getaway. It was not
all his fault, either, for ti la teammates
made a terrible muss of things right at
the Jump and did not Improve as the game
proceeded, Me was wild throughout and,
after he hud panned three In the fourth
and two more In the fifth In addition to
allowing a three-bagger and two singles,
with but one done, lie was taken out and
Chabeck was sent In. Chabeck got away
a little better, although he was Inclined
to be wild. Two hits- were made off his
twirling efforts.
Sioux Infield Slept.
The Sioux Infield seemed to be In a
trance most of the time and pulled off some
stunts that would not be expected of ama
teurs. In the first Inning three scores
were made from one single, a passed ball
and two errors. Shotton got the hit and
went to second when Alderman booted
Corrldon'g bunt. King was hit and Schipke
went to first on Hartman's error, while
Shotton and Corridon crossed the plate.
King scored when Andreas put Schipke
out at second, unassisted, on Kane's
grounder. Quiilln booted Cadman's
bounder, but the error did not affect the
score. Alderman's real bad Inning was the
fifth. He walked Fox, who was put out
at second on Keeley's attempted sacrifice.
Shotton hit one at him and he booted,
while Kecley went to third. Corridon sin
gled and Bert scored. Then King leaned
up against one of Alderman's benders and
slapped It against the right field fence
for three bags. Shotton and Corridon
tallied. Schipke got a single, stole second
and went to third when Miller failed to
stop Fenlon's throw from left field. Kane
and Schipke attempted the double steal
after Jimmy wus walked and Schipke
scored while Kane was put out at second.
At this point In the festivities a signal
was given by "'Babe" Towns from the
bench, which was Intercepted by Alder
man and he made his way to the renting
place of pitchers who get up against It.
Corridon lilt Hard.
IJttle Rad Corridon was the batting kid.
He got a triple In the fourth, another In
the seventh and a single In the fifth. In
each Instance, his hits resulted In a run
These added to the one he made In the
first, netted him four for the game.
Miller the ' Sioux backstop,' who does not
generally let the baserunners filch much
on him was wild and allowed a number
of steals, which he could have prevented
by better throwing. '
"Babe"' Towne created much laughter,
when he got up In the ninth and batted
for Craback. lie wanted to sart some
thing bad enough and the crowd seemed
to think he might from his actions at the
plate but Keeley set him down by fanning
him out.
This was the last game the Omaha's
play at home for a week. They go to Des
Moines for a double header Monday, then
finish the Berlea on Wednesday. Four
games will be played at Sioux City after
which they will return home for eight
games. The score:
AB. R.
snotton, ir ;.: &
Curriaun, ss... 6
Xing, ti
(2mJ . ! Standing of the Teams - 'A
i sf V C '' 1 i WEST. LEAGUE NATL. LEAGUE. " : '
ST. IOIIS, May 23. Detroit defeated St.
Ixiuls todiy by a score of 13 to 4. The visi
tors scored when and as often hs they
pleased. The score:
st. i.ons , nETrtriiT
AH n o. A S. . All. li. n. a. a.
stone, It 4
Hnrtwll. ph.. 4
Wallar. lb.. 6
(lrlKn. 2b... h
Hoffman, rf. I
Srhwttuvr, rf 4
Newman, lb. 4
Stsphtns, c. 4
Craham, p... 1
KlnoelU, p.. 9
Maher 1
Olm, p 0
Stremmel. p. 0
0 4 i op jon. II. t I it o a
1 1 t 1 nih, m 4 f t J ft
SOS ui'nhh. rf Kilns
2 1 1 Crawford, rf. ti 1 1 1 0
1 1 0 Oltelrhantr, lb I I 1 I I
1 1 0 OMorlarly. :lb 4 0 I 4 i
I li 0 IT. Junta. ll. I 1 t I 1
14 1 tistaiiase. I It I t
0 0 1 1 unite art, p. I I J 0
0 0 1 OSchlllldt, 4 116 0
0 0 00 , -, -
0 0 0 Totals 45 js nnt 1
0 0 10
and two-thirds Innings. Base on balls: Off
baker, 1; off Wataon, l; off wrigm, i.
Struck out: By Wright, 7; by uaner, z;
by Watson. 2. Hit by pitched Dan: y
Baker. Boles. Double play: Shea to Jones.
Left on bases: Topeka, 10; St. Joseph, 6.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Clark. Attendance:
Overflow att Ball Park Witnesses
Champs Defeat, 12 to 0.
LINCOLN. May 29. Lincoln took the
final game from Des Moines today, 12 to 6,
before an overflow crowd, our nits, wun
three bases on balls, netting five runs In
the first Inning, sent Pitcher cates to tne
bench, and Sage took his place. Des
Moines rapped McOrath smartly, but was
never able to overtake the Antelopes. A
home run by Thomas in the sixth, with two
men on bases, settled the contest. Six
errors by the visitors had an Important
bearing on the result. Score:
AB. U. H. O. A. E.
Jude, If 1 2 0 8 0 0
Gamier, ss 4 1 1 S 2 1
Cobb, cf 3 3 2 0 0 0
Cockman, 3b 4 1 2 2 2 0
Waldron, rf 5 2 2 0 0 0
Thomas, lb 4 1 2 9 6 0
Weldensaul, 2b 4 1 1 2 1 1
Clark, c 4 0 1 6 3 0
McUrath, p 8 1 1 0 8 1
Totals 32
AB. R.
12 12 27 21 3
t'iwpke, ab..
Kane, lb
Cautnan, e.,.. ...
Vveicn. rf.
Fox, o.....
Kteiey, p
Dalton, rf.. 6
Colllgan, 2b 4
Mattlck, cf 6
Dwyer, lb 2
Nlehoff, ss 4
Vurtls, If 4
Hersche, 3b , 3
Hawkins, o 4
Cates, p 0
Sage, p 4
Totals ...35
Lincoln S 0
Des Moines 1 2
Home run: Thomas.
Curtis. Two-base hits:
Nlehoff (2), Hersche. Double plays: M
Urath to Clark to Thomas, Cockman to
Oagnler to Thomas, Thomas to Uagnler.
Seerlfice hits: Jude, Oagnler, McOrath,
Colllgan, Hersche. Struck out: By Mc
Orath, 3; by Sage, 3. Bases on balls: Off
McOrath, 3: off Cates, 8; off Sage, 6. Hit
by pitched ball: By McOrath, 1. Time:
2:06. Umpire: Spencer.
Chicago Prevents Pittsburg;
Evening Score.
I W I. TV. I W T. tr.
Denver Hi 14 .tW3jChleago 21 11 .6
St. Joseph.. ..18 15 .i"i4.-New York. ..20 14 .f.S8
Lincoln 11 13 .BHi Cincinnati ..18 14 .M3
Wichita 17 Hi .f.151 Pittsburg ...In 13 -M"
Sioux City... 15 13 ..".00 St. Louis 17 19 .472
Omaha 15 17 ,4iM Philadelphia 13 17 .4:13
Topeka 13 IS .4(14 Boston 14 20 .412
Des Moines. .15 18 .453 Brooklyn ....13 22 .371
W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct.
Fremont ....9 2 .HIS: Philadelphia 24 7.774
tiranrl island 8 3 .127
Miller Caught Sliding; Home, Good
Work of Home Players Assist
ing: In Neat Pat Oat
Score, Two to One.
CHICAGO, May 29. Bunched hits and a
sacrifice gave Chicago two rutis and to
day's game, lot2, mbz mbzbm bm mbm
day's game, 2 to 1, with Pittsburg today.
The visitors lone score was the result of
Byrne's double to left, a sacrifice and a
sacrifice fly, which Hofman speared with
one hand. They came cIobo to tlelng the
score In the last Inning, when Miller
opened with a double to right, and at
tempted to score from second on Flynn's
sacrifice hit down the first base line. A
qu Ick double play with Archer, Chance
and Cole participating, the latter covering
home p'ate caught Miller sliding home. All
the visitors' hits were scattered. Ground
rules were necesary, Score:
OFIyrna, 3b.... 1 0 I) 0
4 .63h
6 .411
6 .4(10
Columbus ... 7
Seward 4
Red Cloud.... 4
Hastings .... 4
Superior 4
Kearney .... 3
New York. ..20 10 .fill
Detroit 20 HI .ft:
Washington lfi 111 .47,1
Cleveland ...14 17 .453
Boston 17 14 .MS
7 .31541 Chlcasro 10 20 .3.13
8 .273 St. Louis 7 25 .219
1 1
2 0
12 24
0 8 0
0 2 1
Three-base hit
Clark, Dalton (2)
0 1
0 0
3 -12
0 0-6
Zlmerman,2b 4 0
Bheckard, II. 4 0
Schulle, rf... 4 10 0 UCIarke. If..
Chance, lb... a a 12 1 OW.nur. a
1 I Stelnfeldt, Ik I 1 1 6 OMIIItr, 2b...
Hofman, cf.. 10 10 OK'lynn, lb..,
Tinker, aa... 113 6 lWllaun, rf.,
Archer, c... 3 16 1 OOlbaon, c...
Cole, p 1111 0('mnlt, p.
Denver Bats Both Staaner and Jarnl
araa to the Limit.
TENVER, May 29. Hagerman held
Wichita to four, hits today, while Denver
batted both Shaner and Jarnigan hard, and
won, 6 to 2. Score:-
cf I
13 0 0
1 3 U 0
0 10 0
13 4 1
0 4 10
0 10 0
0 5 1 0
0 3 4 0
33 U
AB. ti.
27 12
Qulllin. Sb
Andreas, 2b.....
eiaiioors, ct 4
llai iman, a
i'enion, if 4
Mem. lb.
Weicn, rf.....
Miner, u
Alderman, p....
ChaoeK, p.......
low no
0 '
AB. R. II. O. A. E. I
Belden. rf 4 0 0 3 0 0'
Middle ton, If & 1 " 1 2' 0 0
Claire, ss 5 110 4 0
Hughes, 2b 3 0 I. 3 2 0
Kernel-, lb 3 0 1 10 1 0
Westerzll, 3b 2 0 0 1 4 0
Peltlgrew, cf ... 3 0-0 2 0 1
Shaw, o 0 0.0 3 0 0
Shaner, p 1 0 0 0 3 1
Jarmlgun, p 1 0 0 0 2 0
lshell 1 0 0 0 0
Totals ..........2H 2 4 24 16 2
Totals 21 I 27 16 1 Totala !7 4 24 1 1
Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Pittsburg 00000001 01
' Two-base hits: Campbell, Tinker, Byrne,
Miller. Sacrifice fly: Clarke. Sacrifice
hits:. Hofman, Cole, Campbell, Flynn.
Stolen base: Campbell. Double plays:
Stelnfeldt and Tinker; Gamnltz and Wag
ner; Archer, Chance and Cole. Left on
bases: Chicago, 6; Pittsburg. 6. Bases on
balls: Off Cole, 4. Struck out: By Cam
mix. 6; by Cole, 4. Wild pitch: Cole.
Time: 1:2". Umpires: Klem and Kane.
Unci's Men all Wild.
CINCINNATI, O., May 29. Cincinnati
used four pitchers today, but all were wild,
and St. Louis won, 10 to 7. Cincinnati hit
Harmon hard, but Backman kept the hits
well scattered. Kaln stoped the game In
the seventh for half an hour, and the field
was miserable when play was resumed
after the shower. Score:
6 0
3 O
0 -l2
2 0 0
10 0
0- 4
0- 4
Totals., ,.....v34 4 4 24 13
Huns 3 0 12
HiU 1 0 12
Sioux City .
liuns 0 0 0 1
Una tt V 0 1
Home run: Neighbors. Three-base h'ts:
Corridon u), Kins, Kioux City weicn. 'i'wo
buse mis: bcmi, Kivignuora. bacritice
lili; Fox, Siiulloii. Stolen baaus: tux (i),
jjoc Weicn, C01 1. .ion, ecnlpke, nane, oioux
Cliy Weicn. Mas: off Aiuerman, 1 In live
innings; oit ciiaoeca, a in lour Innings,
buut oui: by lyteiey. 6; by Aiaerman, 4;
by Cnabeck, 1. Basoa on bana: UK iveeie,
8; oil Aiaerman, 4; off Cnaoeck, . nit o
plicnea nan: ay juuermao, 1; uy ChaoeoK,
1. massed ban; AiiUer, Left on bases:
Omana, lu; Sioux City, . Time: 1:10. L' in
put: iduiien. Attenuance; 4,lM. ,
'Batted for Shaner in the sixth.
Lloyd. 2b
Beal. Cf
Dolan, 3b
Lindsay, lb
Cai'sldy, rf
Cranston, sh
Thompson, If
Weaver, o
Hagerman, p
. R. H. O. A. E.
0 0 2,3 1
0 14 0 0
2 10 2 0
0 19 1 0
2 12 0 1
0 114 0
1 2 2 0 0
I 1 7 2 1
, 0 8 0 1 0
"e 10 27 18 3
I 0 1 1 0 1 6
Totals ...30
Wichita 2 0
Denver 0-1
Two-base, hit: . Kerner. . Three-hase hit:
Thompson. Stolen basea: Dolan (2), Cas
s;dy. Struck out: ' By Jarnigan, 1; by
Hagerman, 5. First base on balls: Off
Shaner. 4: off JarnlRaii, 1: off Hagerman.
. Double play: Claire to Hughes to Shaner
to Shaw. Hit with pitched ball: Weater-
xil 12). Shaw. Belden. Hits-, Off Shaner,
5 In five Innings; off Jarnigan, 6 In four
Innings. Time: 2:1S. Umpire: Haskell.
Attendance. 7.000.
Dei.ver 0 1 2 0.1 1 0 1 - 10 $
Wichita 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 4 2
Butteries: Denver, Hagerman and
Weaver; ..ichlta, - Shaner, Jarnigan and
Shaw. Umpire: Haskell.
Clarinda 6 2 .730 St. Paul 28 13 .N3
Falls City.... 5 3 . 625iMlnneapolls. 27 13 .1175
Shenandoah . 4 4 . 5001 Toledo 25 16 .K10
Neb. City 4 B .444Indiunapolis. 18 22 .450
Miiryville .... 4 (i .4M)Columbus .. 18 23 . 4119
Auburn 3 6 .3331 Louisville .. 16 26 .Dsl
j Kansas City 14 23 .378
Mllwaukee . 15 23 .376
Yesterday's Iteaaltn.
Omaha, 10; Sioux Cliy, 4.
Des Moines, 6; Lincoln, 12.
St. Joseph, 1; Topekn, 4.
Denver, 6; Wichita, 2.
Pittsburg, 1; Chicago, 2.
St. Louis, 10; Cincinnati, 7.
Detroit, 13; St. Louis, 4.
Cleveland, 4; Chicago, 3.
Grand Island-Superior (no game.)
Seward, 4; Kearney, 8.
Indianapolis, 2: Toledo, 7.
Louisville, 1; Columbus, 6.
Milwaukee, 4; Kansas City, 6.
St. Paul, 2; Minneapolis, 1.
Games Today.
Western Leaguer-Lincoln at Sioux Cltv,
On-aha at Des Moines, Topeka at St. Jo
seph, Wichita at Denver. .
National League-rBoston at Brooklyn,
New York at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at
Pittsburg, St. Lotus at Chicago.
American League Washington at New
York, Philadelphia at Boston, Chicago at
Cleveland, Detroit at St. Louis.
American Association Indianapolis at
Toledo, Louisville at Columbus, Milwaukee
at Kansas City, fit. Puul at Minneapolis,
Minneapolis at St Paul.
Mink League Auburn at Clarinda, Falls
City at Shenandoah, Nebraska City at
Nebraska League No games scheduled.
Defeat Millers Before Largest Twin
Cities' Crowd.
Errors Behind Dox Make it Possible
for Con pie of Rons to Come
Over Plate One for Minneapolis.
ST. PAUL. Minn., May 29 Before the
largest crowd that ever saw a ball game
in the Twin Cities, St. Paul again de
feated Minneapolis today by a 2 to 1 score,
and went back Into first place In the
American association race. Hughes held
St Paul to two hits and struck out nine
men, but errors behind him were directly
responsible for both of St. Paul's runs.
Chech, on the other hand, pitched fine
ball with men on bases, pulling himself
out of difficult holes three times. Score:
0 OClrroer, rf... 4 I I 0 0
1 0Altier, aa... 3 J 2 I 1
0 OFerria, 2b.... 4 1 0 1 1
0 OOrarath, 11... 4 0 0 0 1
1 0 Williams, 2b I 0 I 10
0 vulll. lb 3 1111
0 0 Pickering, ct I 0 1 0 0
4 OSmltb, c 4 0 12 0
3 0 Hughes, p... 3 10 11
Clarke, If.... 4 0 1
Boucher, 3b. 3 0 I
Jones, ct..,. 8 1 3
Murray, rf... 3 0 1
Spencer, c... 3 0 4
Autrey, lb... 3 0 13
McCurmtck.u 2 11
WrlKley, 2b.. 2 0 2
Chech, p 3 0 0
Hugglna, lb.. 4
Ellla, If 5
Oaken, of.... 4
Konetchy, lb i
Zacker, lb... 0
Evana, rf.... I
Phelps, c... 4
Hulawltt, as. i
Mowrejr, Sb.. I
Belcher, lb., 3
Harmon, p... 1
Backman, p. I
21 1 Bather, If... 3 0 2 0
2 4 0 OPaakert, cf.. 6 1 6 0
14 0 OHobltUel, lb. 4 2 4 0
2 2 1 OMIlchell, rf.. 4 12 1
0 0 0 OBgan, 2b I 1 I 1
0 10 OLobert, 3b... 4 111
0 f 0 OMcLean, c... 4 110
1 1 1 Orlarke. c 10 10
111 0 Downey, as.. I 1 2 I
1 0 0 0 Rowan, p.... 10 0 0
111 ftcaetleton, p. I 0 0 0
10 0 OFrnmme, p., 0 0 0
Anderson, d. 1 0 0 0'
Totals 38 12 27 l'Mlller 10 0 0
Totals 37 I 27 4
Batted for Castleton In the sixth.
St. Louis 20004202 010
Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 1 07
Two-base hits: Konetchy (2), Harmon,
Hoblitzel. Hits: Off Rowan. 5 in four and
one-fourth Innings; off Castleton, 8 In three
and one-half Innings; off Fromme, 2 In one
and one-third Inning; -off Anderson, 2 in
one and two-thlrdtf Inning; off Harmon, 4
in rour and one-third Innings; off Back
man, 5 In four and two-thirds Innings. Sac
rifice hit: Evans. Stolen bases: Mitchell,
Lobert. Double play: Mowrey to Hugglns.
left on bases: St. Louis. ; Cincinnati. 9.
Bases on halls: Off Harmon. 6; off Back
man, 8; off Rowan, 2; off Fromme, 1; off
Anderson. 3. Struck out: Bv Harmon, l:
by Backman, 4; by Castleton, 1; by Ander
son, i. wna pucn: Harmon (2), castleton
Fromme, Anderson. Time: 2:25. Umpires
Rlgler.and Emslle.
TOl'klKA Blitllt; AM) WIX9
I. Joseph's Mava, Maker, Driven front
Box Br Opponents.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. May Sl.-Bunching
their hits today, i'opeka won irom St. Jo-
seph by a score vC 4 to 1. Baker was
1 driven irom the box In the seventh, Wat
sou taking tils plave and stopping in run
gtUliifc. ticoie;
AB. It,
Wooley, cf.
Reiuy, s...
Abboit, ID..
Pennell, If..
Boles, c..t.,
Kahl, 2D...
Kui kle, 3b
Y right, p.
Totals '",
McLear, If..
Bauer, rf.t.,
Jones, 2o....
Clark, lb....
Curhan, ss..
McN.lll. , 30.
Shea, c.i....
Baker. p..
VS aison, p..
4 13 27 12
AH. H.
.... 4
Why suffer from raeumatlsm whan on
application of Chanyberlaln'i Unlmtnt glveg
I 17 10
Batted for Baker In the seventh.
Topeka , 1 I 0 0 I 04
St. Joseph..... ! -l
Two-base hits: McLear. Corhan, Bauer,
Abbott. Pennell. Sacrifice hits: Boles,
Kunkle. HIU: Off Baker. 11 in six aj.d
ono-ltiird Inulcis; tiff Watsou, 1 la two
Go Fast Tntll the Fifth, Win Rain
Stops the Hani.
The Voegele tt. Dinning . Maseptias
trimmed the Omaha Gas company aggrega
tion Saturday at Fort Omaha by. a score of
11 to 0. Rain stopped the game at the end
of the fifth Inning. Young allowed the Gas
boys but three hits and waa accorded er
rorless support while the , hard hitting
Maxeppas pounded Morlarty to all corners
of th lot. W. , Drummy led In the hit
ting with' a home run and. a three-bagger.
The score: ..'
Whit, lb.... I t I lCsughlan. ss 4 I 1 I
Burr, lb I 4) iDsnulaon, cf. I 1 10 0
Millar, s.... I I 1 Or. Wulsl.jr. si I 1 0
Morlarty. p.. I 1 1 I W. l)r ni, lb 4 I I
K.ll.y, lb.... I lt OW.Uulglsy, lb 4 1 I
SWllvnald, rf I 1 UK lirmr. lb 4 I
1 raafont. ss. I 0 1 McCraary, If I 1
Shields, cf... Ill lYesng, p I 1 0 I 0
Joknsua, If.. I VSulili, rt.... 1110
Totals. ....10 llllt Totals 14 11 13 I
Maseppas 3 4 4 0 011
Omaha Uaa Co . 0 0 00
Two-base hit:' EL Drummy. Three-base
hits: W. Drummy, Dennisun, Caughlan.
Home run: W. Drummy. Struck out: Uy
Morlsrty, 8; by Young, (.'Bases on balls:
tiff Mortarty, 1; off Young, 1. Umpire:
Cbamberlaln'a Owugh itamedy la a medi.
doe of gr( worth and, merit Trjr It whs
yea hav old, ,--,,rtr
Johnson Knocks
Out Marty Cutler
Colored Champion Handles Sparring
Partner Roughly and Lays
Him Low.
Kearney Breaks
Its Losing Streak
Wins Game with Seward Played at
Amherst by Score of Eierht
to Four.
KEARNEY, Neb., May 29. (Special
Telegram.) Kearney broke the series of
defeats today by defeating Seward, 8 to 4.
The game was played at Amhurst and a
big crowd was In attendance. Noyes was
In the box for the home team and fanned
ten men. Score:
p T-T TT
Kearney 4 0 0 1 1 inn ' r.
Seward 00010300 44 4 3
Batteries: Kenrnev Knvpn an T..,..o....,i .
Seward, Walker and Neff. '
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May 29. (Special
Telegram.) Owing to a misunderstanding
tne superior did not show up for the game
transferred by consent of all parties to
this city for today. A crowd of about 1,209
awaited the Superior's arrival until 4
o'clock, when It was announced that the
visiting team would not play here, and
that tickets for. the next game would be
tsued or the money refunded at the gate
as the patron elected. Word from Superior
is tnat the team bad not been given of
nciai notice of the transfer. President
meers, however, had notified the umpire
officiating there to appear here with the
oupenor learn on Kunday, and since the
transfer was made at a meeting held at
KlltUkflfll. V. Inn.l ... .. . . .
i , iwuj uuiiaKeuaunt jg at a loss
u ""uemiana wny tne visitors should
await any further nutice or fall to ask for
it Jo time.
Totals 27 2 27. I 0 Totala 11 1 24 11 6
St. Paul 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Minneapolis 0001 0 000 01
Sacrifice lilts: Boucher, Altlser. Stolen
bases: McCormick, QUI. Left on bases:
St. Paul. 3; Minneapolis, 7. Bases on balls:
Off Chech, 2; Hughes, 1. Struck out: By
Hughes, 9; Chech, 4. Passed ball: Spencer.
Time: 1:32. Umpires: Hayes and Blerhr
halter. .
Mndhens Still Winning;.
TOLEDO, May 29. Toledo's winning
Btreak remained unbroken today, the locals
winning their tenth straight victory by
beating Indianapolis, 7 to 2. Oraham pitched
well until the sixth when six singles, a
double and Lewis' error got seven runs for
the locals. Score:
Sullivan, rf. 4 1 1 0 ODelehanty, It I 0 1 0 0
Hlnchman,2b 4 2 6 1 IWIIIlama, Sb, 4 0 110
Hallman, rt. 4 I 1 0 0 Spencer, cf,. 4 0 I 0 0
Hickman, It. 8 2 2 0 1 Haydtrn, rf.. 4 1 0 0 0
Freeman, lb. 2 1 13 1 OCarr. lb 4 210
Butler, sa.... I 1 1 4 lMuroh, 8b... I 0 0 I 0
Ulan J. c 3 1 0 1 Oliowerraan, c I 1 4 10
Elwert, 3b... 3 0 2 4 (ILiomon, c 10 10 0
Ylngllng, p.. 4 1 0 3 lLcwIa, as.... I 1 I I l
Graham, p.. . 1 0 0 1 0
Totals 8U 11 27 1 FjOrth, p 10 0 10
Mllllgan ... 1 0 0 0 0
Totala 31 6 24 10 1
Batted for Graham In the seventh.
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7
Indianapolis 02000000 02
To-base hit: Ylngllng. Stolen bases:
Hallman, Freeman. Sacrifice hits: Hall
maii. Butler, Murch. Bases on balls: Off
Graham, 4. Struck out: By Oraham, 6; by
Orthn, 1. Hits: Off Graham, 11 In six In
nings. Double plays:Lewis to carr: Butler
to lllnchman; Freeman to Elwert to Hlnch-
inan. Left on bases: Toledo, 8; Indian
apolis, 5. Wild pitch: Ylngllng. Time: 1:3S.
Umpires: Cussack and Chill.
Defeat for Ilrews.
KANSAS CITY May 29. Kansas City de
feated Milwaukee today In a fast game by
a score of 6 to 4. The local team scored
four runs In the first lnnng. Four errors
by the visitors helped. Score:
Motor Records
Reach Low Ebb
at Indianapolis
Harronn Wins Sensational Two-Hun-dred-Mile
Race in Two Honrs
Forty-Six Minutes.
INDIANAPOLIS, May 29. In desperate
struggles for supremacy among drivers
of the most powerful American cars, rec
ords went down for all distances be
tween five and 200 miles at the Indiana
polls speedway today and In the merciless
grind only two men were injured.
Herbert Lytle, the driver, and his
mechanician, William Clifton, were hurled
from their car, an American, when a
front tire burst as they were turning
into the home stretch In the last lap,of
the ten-mile, free for all ..andlcap. The
car plunged into . the sand at the Inner
edge of the track and waa smashed.
Lytle's left leg was brken and Clifton
was badly bruised.
Harroun, driving a Harmon, achieved
the tensational long distance triumph In
the history of automobile track racing tn
this country, when he won the 200 mile
race in .2:46:31,' breaking the record,
uihlith Iid hpn heM hv f?hevrnlAt U'hft
went the distance in 2:46:48, at Atlanta. 1 fe10'.Yai.(1
Totals 37 13 XI II -'. '""V
Batted for Kinsella In the ?ljHu7
St. Louis ; 1 0 0 StO 0 0 04
Detroit 0 1 3 0 0 0 i 1 0 1.1
Two-bose hit: Ittrlsejl." Flush. Wallace.
Cobb, GriggH, Schmidt. Three-base hits:
Qrlggs,. Schmidt. Homo . run: Cobh. Sin ri
fles hit: Kinsella. Paused ball: Stephen, I.
Stolen baes: Griggs, SfhUeltt (2). Hush,
Wallace, Summer. Hit by- pitched ball:
D. Jones, wild pitch: Qruhnni. Hoses on
bails: Off Summers,- 4; off. St rommel,' 2.
struck out: By Graham, 1; by Kinsella," 2;
by Summers, N. Left on hnnes: St. Louis,
11; Detroit, 8. TI mo:,. 2:06, Umpires: lJineeu
and Connolly. - -, . -
Maps Ha vr f.nsy Time. .
.CHICAGO. May 89. Clevelnnfl ,won a
loosely played gamo from CMcago, 3,
today. Score:
Frsnch, rt.. - 4
Whits, rf.... 4
Keldnr, lb... 4
Ious.hsrty, - It 4
Oantlll, .b... I
Furtell, b... 4
Blackburn, aa I
Block, o...... I
Smith, p 0
Scott, p )
I'ayns 1
0 0
1 1
1 I
1 0
0 II
1 4
0 I
0 I
0 1
U 1
0 0
A J.H.I) A..K.
Oiiranvy, if... l. i l il u
1 PKrucgsr, If,. ;! MM
0 ItTunu-r,- w.,. 4 i 1 I 0
1 Olwijrila. 31.,... 1 1 u I
1 1 M.ik, rf..:.. 1 t I t t
1 OHtovall, lb... 4 I li 0 1
5 1 ucnils, c 4 0 HI 0 0
1 1 1'srrins, lb.. 1 0 1 0
3 0Brrr, p 3 II 0 a
6 OKalkunbei-g, p 1 0 0 u o
0 0
7 27 1
: Totals 32
Totala 32 4 27 11 4
Chicago 00000300 03
i,ieve.mnu a u i u u u o o .
Two-base hits: Oraney, White, Perrlng
Sacrifice hits: Krueger, Turner. Sucriflcj
fly: Blackburn. Stolen bases: Oraney, i'eiy
ring, Beiger, Burtell. Lert on bases: Chi
cago, 6; Cleveland, 8. Hawes on bulls: Off
Smith, 3; olf Scott, 1; off Berger, 2. Struck
out: By Scott, 1; by Berger, 1; by Falken
berg, 7. Time: l;f5. Umpires: Evans and
Crete Athletes Do I i Ilellevne 0:1
Muddy Field.
Doane won over Bellevue by a margin of
one in the dual field and track meet at
Bellevue Sp.turctay afternoon. Hain Inter
fered with the athletes and kept down tho
possibility of making any records. Doanu
won by the score of 69 to 68.
Bellevue leu . unber of points won
until the very last event of the meet, the
hammer throw, which went to Doano, giv
ing the team from Crete the meet. Uesults:
100-Yard Dash Primrose (II), first; Slnsel
(B). second; Arnold (D), third. Time: 0:lUo.
Shot Put Arnold (D), first; Curtis USi,
second; En field (B), third.' Distance: S-i
Hurdles Sinsel fBl. first: Arnnhl
The performance of aynch, In a Jack-id)), second; Knfield (B, third. Time:
son, who was second, was hardly less
brilliant, for he did not stop once In the
long fierce fight, while Harroun had to
pause a few rninuvea at the end of the
hundretu mile for gasoline. The lve
mile record for cars of 461 to 600 cubic
Inches piston displacement, was broken
by Barney Oldiield and his Knox. Jump
ing into the 'lead at the start, Oldfleld
led all the way around tne two laps on
the two and one-half mile course, with
Herr and Aitken In Nationals following
closely. Oldfield's time was 4:03. The old
record was 4:43.
Aitken (National) took the honor of
breaking the record for ten miles for cars
of 301' to 460 inches displacement. His
time was 8:08, against the former record
of 8:17, and Harroun (Marmon) and Mera
(National), who were second and third,
shared in the. victory, for the three were
bunched almost to the finish.
Cummins Dark Next Week.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la.. May 29. (Special Tele
gram.) It became known today that Sena
tor Cummins wl'l return next week.. His
committee at once arranged for dates In the
southern part of the state. He will prob
ably speak at Council Bluffs, Avoca, Bed
ford and Creston, and possibly at Ot-tumwa.
Randall, rf.. 4
Clark, 3b.... 4
barratt. If... 4
McOann, lb. 4
ltoblnson. as 4 4
Hal Icy, cf.... 4
Marshall, 0.. 4
Schardt, p... I
Hurry 1
0 0 0 OShannon, If.. 3 1 2 0
13 2 ORaf forty, cf. 4 1 4 0 0
3 10 OMoran, rf.... 4 110 0
III 0 Humor, lb... 4 1 11 0 0
1 I 1 lYohs. 3b 1 0 1 1 0
0 12 lLovs, ib I 0 1 I 0
0 10. ODownle, ss... I 1 1 I 1
0 4 0 1 James, c... 1110
1 0 1 Swann, p.... 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 OBnumon, p.. 1 0 0 I 0
0:17. Jump Hart (D), first; Arnold (D),
second; Knfield (B), third. ' Height: 6 feu
6 Inches.
Kunning Broad Jump Primrose (B), first;
Mohr tB), second: Dlckerman (D), third.
Distance: 20 feet 2 Inches.
Mile Run Mlchle (I)), first; Miller (B),
second; Dowden (B), third. Time: 4:60. , V
Pole Vault Cowan (1). first; Slnsel and"
Bit.nt (B) tied for second. Height: 10 feet
5 Inches.
440-Yard Run Primrose (B), first; Nuta-n-an
ID), second; Tuliy (1), third. Time:
Hammer Throw Arnold (D), first; Rice
(B), second; Homing (l, third. Distance:
101 feet 6 Inches.
2D0-Yard Hurdles Griff Ith (D), first; Sln
sel IB), second; Wendland (B). third. Time:
Discus Arnold (D) and Primrose (n) tied
for first; Horning (D) third. Distance: 10J
feet 2 Inches.
80-Yard Run Mlchle (D), first; Rice (D).
second; Tully D), third-. Time 2:16. - f A
220-Yard Dash Primrose (B), first;
(li). second; Nuumun (D), third. Time:
Vauderbllt'a Horse Wins.
PARIS, May 29. W. K. Vandorbllfs
Rlenhardt today won the Prix Arc Des
Princes at the Longohampe track. Mr.
Vanderbllt's Delight finished third In the
Prix Lupin, a ten and one ' halt furlong
event for three year olds.
When you want what you want when
you want It, and want it in a hurry, ad
vertise for it la .u4 Bee.
iUiUUmlNliTON TAKES CLOSE nTOV. i Brandom, 6 In six and two-thirds Innings;
, , . 1 by Swann, 1 In, two and one-third lni
lnhnnno . .. ... f First on errors ;' M II wau kee, 1; Kansas
--.-- - ucn jaianu 4 Dimes
SAN FRANCISCO, May 29.-Jack John
son, put on the most exciting bouts since
he has commenced training, yesterday.
The excitement came when Marty Cutler,
one of the Chicago sparring partners, was
dropped in the second round, with a short
right uppercut to the Jaw. Jt took some
little time to revive Cutler and even
Johnson looked a bit worried and offered
to assist. Cutler, It -Is said, received his
pummelling tn the way of punch punish
ment for staying away from the camp
BEN LOMOND. Cl May 2D. James J.
Jeffries did not return to his training
ramp from San Francisco until late today
and being tired after' the long ride and
the day spent at Santa Crua in visiting
the four United States torpedo boat de
stroyers now at anchor In the bay, he was
quite content when he rolled Into bed for
a long flight' sleep. Former Champion
Heaveywelght James J. Corbett did not
accompany the Jeffries party to Ben
Lomond. He remained In San Francisco,
where he will spend Sunday with his
brothers, Joe, Frank and Tom, and where
he will take a day or two to round Into
shape, at the Olympic club, before com
mencing to tr with Jeffries,
Are Also Winners in Three.!
DANVILLE, III.. May 29.-A pass, a walk i
and a neat single in the eighth gave the
visitors the game. Danville hit hard, but
wien no one was on base. Score: R.H.E.
Ul. onilngtun ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 4 0
Danville u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-O 6 0
Batteries: HIgglns and Nunamaker: Wood
and Wolfe.
DAVENPORT. Ia., May 29. -The local,
could do nothing with Faber's curves to
day. Dubuque won the game by heavy hit
ting and perfect fielding. Score: It. U.K.
Davenport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 1
Dubuque .....n..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 11 v
Batteries: Smith and Coveney; Faber
.and Latimer.
, SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 29.-Peorla out
hit Springfield and won by superior play
ing. Score: R.H.K.
Springfield 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 03 7 0
1'eorla f j o 4 1 0 0 0-3 12 1
Batteries: Laudermllk, Willis and Johu
son; Mercer and Asmussen.
WATERLOO, la., May 29.-Leard'a error
In the fifth, followed by two singles, lost
the game for Waterloo. Hunger lilt the
ball over the right field fence for a homu
run. Score: R.H.K.
Hock Island 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 I 9 1
Waterloo 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-8 3
Batteries: and Harrington; Cavet
and o'Leary,
Totals 30 1 24 14 4' Totals. ..... .17 4 17 12 1
Butted for Schardt In the ninth.
Milwaukee 01200001 0-4
Kansas City 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 6
Hits: Off Brandom. 6 In six and two
thirds innings; off Swann. 1 in two and
one-third Innings. Two-base hits: Schardt,
Raftery. Sacrifice hits: Shannon, Brandom,
Sacrifice fly: Love. Stolen bases: Hunter
Barrett, McOann, Double- play Clark un
assisted. Struck out: By Schardt, 4; by
by Swann, 1 in two and one-third lnnmgs.
on balls: Off Schardt. 1. Time:
1:60. Umpires: Van Sycle and Ferguson.
Errors Costly to Louisville.
COLUMBUS. May 29. Weaver's ciwuice to
battle with Kaler was lost In today's fifth
inning through errors by Schreck and
Myers, a base on balls and a lilt oy liincn
man. Kaler struck out eight and but two
runners got to second after the first In
ning. Rain held the gojue up fur twenty
minutes during the fifth Inning. Score: -
O'Rourks, 3b 4 0 1 I 0 Stanler. cf. . 4 1 I 1 0 4 111 owoouruir, u. I 1 v i
H(ml, rf. 4 0 0 0 OM.rera. lb 4 0 4 I 0
Ik.wni, 2b... I 1 I I bllunloavy. rf. 4.1 0 1 I
Crmgallon, If 4 1 10 0Srhrrk. lb., 4 1 11 1 I
(Kl.ll, lb... I 1 11 0 liMmn, lb.... I 0 2 10
Dulntaa, aa..2 1 i t OMurlarty, aa. a u t i, c... 4 111 f'HuKhaa. e... 4 3 10s
Kaler, p . 4 0 0 1 OWsavsr, p... v s
4S!(Blip!PHIJiS"Hi 1
o" ir- i t H.tirtgaiYi
-r- a m if a S m M W
19 JTaVr'n r
mm bpiftli (lasri! set fismfe-1
A I'lraaant 5arprls
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills; the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 25c. For
salt by Beatou Drug Co, , : v
.93 1 17 11 0 ToUls 14 t 14 II 7
0 1 0 0 I 1 0 1 -41
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Stolen buse: Huahes. Sacrifice hits: Od
well, Uulnlan. Two-base hits: Downs, Con
galton. Double plays: Strange, to Hrhreck;
Myers to lKinleavy to Myers. Struck out:
By Kaler, 8; by Weaver, 2. Bases on balls:
(iff Weaver, X Umpires: Owens and
Ilrlseoll in Collapse.
NEW YORK. May 29 Jem Drisroll, Eng
land's featherweight champion, collapsed in
his training quarters today and Is now con
fined to his bed very 111. His battle with
Jack Goodman, scheduled for next Tues
day night, has been declared off, and there
Is every probability that he will have to
call off his fight In San Francisco, July 2
Dricoll bad been complaining of not feel
ing well since he arrived here three weeks
ago, but he attributed It to the change In
climate, and thought b would recover.
Facing Farnam Street
on the ground floor
The best location in Omaha for many lines of business
is opposite the Court House and next to tho City llnll.
It is very s&ldom that it is possible for you to get quo of V,
the ground floor rooms in
The entranca Is Just west ot the main entrance ot tho
building; It hag an entrance from the court as well. The
building furnishes beat, light, water and Janitor service.
The building la fire-proof and there la a large brick, vault,
o you can cut out your Insurance expense. The room will
be remodeled and redecorated to suit the teuant The
pace can be arranged to give tenant 1,8(0 square feet tt
If this is the best location for you, now is tho time
to grasp the opportunity, and apply at once.
Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office.'