Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
faoii onwro test.
Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence
England ii Again in Midst of Tar
moil Following Obsequies ot
the Late King.
Neither Party ii Anxious to Force
Another Election.
Many American! Will Exhibit at the
Royal Horse Show.
Rnldriti of lryNbrluse, Devon, Are
Up la Arm Aaalast I nconth
Laaaaace A'ew Theory
of sajnare
'Am wa.
LONDON May 2S. (Special Dispatch to
The Be.) Now that the country haa Bet
tied down In a measure flom the grief
attendlne the sudden deatli of the late
King Kdward, the pollttcaj situat-iem Is
again attracting attention. In best informed
circle. It Is believed that-the changes In
the situation due to the death of King Ed
ward will result In the present government
holding off lea until late in the fall if not
until the first of the year. It may be that
soma basis of compromise will be reached
which will make dissolution unnecessary
Y 'v for some time to come. It is hard, though,
Mo see- Just how a compromise can be
Tha government cannot recede from Its
position on the lord's veto and continue to
hold office. Not only would the Irish and
labor parties rebel, but the bulk of the lib
erals themselves would refuse to follow
their leaders In any recession on this point.
There Is hope In some quarters that the
king may he able to exert Influence enougli
on the House ot Lords to Induce the peers
to accept the Inevitable so far as the veto
ia concerned with the government making
concessions along other lines.
There seems to be a general disposition,
however, not to force matters for a while
so as to allow King George, to become ac
customed to the routine of government.
In a recent letter Rider Haggard pointed
. out on reason why neither party Is anx-
( lous to force another general election until
' . n becomes absolutely necessary. He fig
s urea that the cost of contesting a county
division Is something like 110,000. And this
figure is reached in expenses permitted
under the law. As there are between 000
and 600 contested seats the cost of a, gen
eral election to candidates and parties is
something appalling, and not to be brought
on lightly -r
Americans at Morae Show.
A number of Americans will exhibit at
tha Royal horse show to be held June 17-18.
It was thought for a time that the death of
King Edward would lead to the calling off
of tha show, but King George Indicated his
desire it should be held.
Captain Peary has returned from his con
' tlnental tour and will remain in England
until June IS, when he will sail for home.
He la being entertained at the Savage club
tonight and will lecture at Bristol, Cardiff,
Liverpool and Manchester next week.
The new improved battleship St. Vincent
nas been commissioned at Portsmouth for
ervlce in the first division of the Home
fleet. In which It is to fly the flag of Rear
Admiral F. C. D. Bturdee. The St. Vincent
is the seventh battleship of the dreadnought
type to fly the white ensign and with the
armored cruisers Indomitable, Invincible
and Inflexible, there are now ten ships of
the dreadnought class In commission. The
St. Vincent is the third ship of the "Im
proved .dreudnought type," commissioned
. during the past few weeks. Its sister battle
ship Vanguard and Colllngwood being re
spectively commissioned on March 1 and
April 10. With the commissioning of the
tit. Vincent the first division of the Home
fleet now consists of seven dreadnoughts
and Is the strongest and fastest tattle
" ""Tquadron in the world.
Medical men are dlscusbing the announce
ment that heart trouble can now be diag
nosed by telephone. Prof. Milne of Shlde.
I J Isle of Wight, says; "In conjunction with
' 'iv four distinguished medical men of tha Isla
i" , of Wight, 1 listened over the ordinary tele-
phone to the beat of a lady's heart in Lon
. -atensr.Th- Instrument employed In Lon-
. ' . don was a stethoscope with a telephone re
lay, Invented by Mr. Sydney Brown, by
which minute sounds are magnified
, At Ivybrldga In Devon, they are vary
nice refined people., and bad language Is a
. .- thing they will not stand. When the Hon,
F. J. Lascellea, cycling down Oauton hill.
met Mrs. Lankwortby driving up there was
a considerable concussion, and Mr. Lascel
lea. emerging from under the carriage with
fractured collar bone, a badly . bruised
SV and an car nearly torn off. so far
"got himself as to say to tha driver.
'"Damn you, Where's your number?" He
was accordingly summoned for using bad
language, and a chivalrous bench of magls
-fJned him 16 for tha offense.
Va Ulaalaa shattered.
A f- illusion shattered! Novelists
hltli-s have relied a good deal on tha
hero's firm set, determined jaw. Wilbur
Wright a Jaw, Bhackleton'a Jaw. Blerlot
Jaw, have alt come in for their meed of
admiration, but here comes Dr. Cole New
ton, a London surgeon, who says that
square Jaws and determined minds in men
are no capricious gifts of nature, but situ
plythe result of proper feeding and a con
F,u-ntiy neauny set of teeth. "If you
wV'i your children to grow up to men and
women of determined jaw and strong char
cter, teacli them to use their teeth on
sgn soua looa, ana to avoid slops." the
octor says, steady mastication permit
tha touin to oevtiop the jaw.
it Is proposed that a public dlnnsr shall
be held on tha anniversary of the birthday
acd It Is hoped that lom j.kJkuuan''
inent literary men of t
ent. The dinner '
Poison in Wine, Warning Letters and
Other Strenuous Happenings.
Rao Hotiarla Crime Stirs the liny
French Capital from Center to
Circumference-Police Move
Very Slowly.
PARIS, May 28. (Special Dispatch to The
Bee ) Actresses are having rather an ex
citing time of it in Paris in these days of
the comet. One has been the victim of at
tempts to poison her, another hud several
terrifying warning letters, and a third
spent one evening of apprehension because
of the presence of a private box of four
ferocious Apaches,
Mme. Marguerite Carre, wife of the
director of the Opera Cnmique, after re
hearsing a new part, went to her dressing
room to take a glass of w'ne. Inviting her
dresser and stage manager to join her,
No sooner had Mme. Curie tuken a sip
of the wine than she felt a burning sensa
tion. She at once declared that there was
something the matter with the wine. The
dresser, to reasmire her, took a sip,- but
was 111 for the rest of tho evening, while
the stage manager fared us badly.
As the bottle had been opened the day
before and the contents were then perfectly
good. It was evident that it hud been tam
pered with In the Interval. The matter
was placed In the hands of the police at
once, and It is stated that the presence of
sulphonate haa been detected.
For days past Mme. Carre has been re
ceiving anonymous and threatening let
ters. Strangely enough Mile. Yvonne do Bray,
an artist at the Renaissance, has also been
receiving letters similar In character to
those sent to Mine. Carre and containing
mysterious hints to her to be on her guard
against the flowers she is offered, the
rouge she used In her makeup, steel traps In
the wings and steps down which she might
fall. The letters have been handed to the
Kvll I.ooklogr Men.
Mile. Lanthelme, who is playing a prin
cipal part in "Le Costand deB Epinettes,"
at the Vaudeville, had an alarming ex
perience the other evening. The story of
the play Is that of a young man who turned
Apuche In lieu of something better to do.
One of the first "Jobs" assigned to him
was to remove a young woman who held
In her possession conipromiing papers.
The young man falls In hive with his
victim and saves her from another Apache,
who would be before him In the deed. It Is
Intended as a skit upon the Apache.
Therefore, when four evil-looking men
occupied the box on the stage on the even
Ing referred to, a little tremer of appre
hension went through the players. Had
the Faubourg' Nonamartr sent a blood
thirsty deputation to take . vengeance?
Mile. Lanthelme went, through her part
ery nervously, one hand every now rand
then furtively -reaching- for, her beautiful
black pearls which hung about her neck as
though she were afraid thex might vanish.
The management, who was shocked at
ita guests, lnvltod them to leave, but they
sturdily refused. Then it was discovered
that they had obtained the seata from a
gentleman who, disgusted at not receiving
his money back for a box he could not
occupy at the last minute, had given away
the tickets to the worst "types" he had
encountered on the boulevards.
The affecting part of the story ia that
the suspects next morning .sent Mile.
Lanthelme a pot of geraniums, together
with expressions of their devotion and as
surances that her possessions would never
be touched by the fraternity.
There are many points In the sensational
Rue Botzaris which appeal to Parisians.
Not that It la more unnatural than many a
similar crime, but because the details lend
themselves to any amount of descriptive
amplifications. Whilst the police were
searching for the presumed murderer
and it took them two good months there
was ample time to enter Into the history of
this unfortunate girl, who, at the age of
18 years had already a long career on the
Paris trottolrs behind her. She makes a
casual acquaintance with a man who had
already spoken to three of her friends In
similar walk of life. They see her dis
appear gaily In his company down the
street and that was the last they saw of
Ellsa Vandamme until her mutilated head
was found In the vacant lot of the Rue
Botsaris. Her hands were found in a
drain some time later, and then what
seemed to be her ears and other parts of
the body, scattered, aa It were, at hap-
haiard by the fiend who was cutting up her
corpse, and finally some children playing
on another vacant lot were found to be
using a dried-up human leg aa a bat in a
game of ball. Tha leg was to all ap
pearance, after a careful examination by
specialists of the morgue, set down as be
ing that of tho murdered girt.
Work! Calmly Alone;.
Tha crime haunt the imagination of real
or would-be criminals, who write to the
detective department claiming that they
perpetrated it, as if it were something In
which they could glory. During this time
tha only man who knew anything about the
girl's death and how it , occurred was
quietly pedalling every day through the
streets of Paris on a delivery tryclcle
.carrying clothes and well earning his 4 or
i francs a day by more real hard labor
than he had even been compelled to do in
the convict station at Guplana, 1
The newspapers were full of details about
the Rue Botsaris mystery and when he
could spare a sou he would buy one and
read It quietly by himself. He had served
his term of five )years. but another five
aa a tlcket-of-leave man' was too much for
He had apparently taken every piecau
tlon to remove all traces of the crime, for
tha police found the ' room scrupulously
clean and tidy, but he had omitted to get
rid of the key of the girl Vandamme'a
room. It was this that convicted him.
. China Flada a Heraedy.
RHANQAHI. May 38. (Special
v4i The Bee. Tha authorities here have
-n an examDle to Amsrti-a mm in h .
q deal witn tha lilgh-prlca problem.
of rice, having been going up
r ngnai tor soma time, and
-at being largely due
Vc market, the Tai
Vatlon prohibiting
ue to
purpose of forc-
nalty of severe
on of tha rice
Kaiser Will Grant Special Audience
to Returning Heroes of Battle
Will Remain in Germany Until
August Visiting Scenes.
Versatile Brum Major Proves Useful
in Preventing an Embarrassment.
Jumps from Window, Regreta Art,
but la Too Far Gone to lie Saved
tiisntrn Complies a, Private
llooL of A iihorisme.
BERLIN, May iS. (Special Dispatch to
Tho Bee.) The kaiser will, as soon as it
can bo arranged, &rant a special audience
to the party of 170 veterans of the Ger
man army who have come from America
to visit the battlefields where they fought
for the fatherland.
His inujesty hus shown much interest in
this pilgrimage, and has given personal In
structions thut every courtesy and facility
shall be shown these old soldiers of the
empire, now citizens of the great empire
on the other side of the Atlantic. Only
the necessity for his going to England to
be present at the funeral of his uncle, the
late King Kdward, prevented his receiving
the Ameifcaiia when they first arrived.
It Is the purpose of the pilgrims to re
main in Gei many until the lutter part ot
August and they will vis.t the battlefields
In Alsace-Lorraine and will follow uie
march of the Herman army to Paris.
Great interest is felt In the War office In
the announcement that un Kngllsh electrical
engineer has discovered a means of con
trolling the flight of dirigible unships from
the ground by the same principle as gov
tins wireless telegraphy. DouDt is ex
pressed that the E.iglish Invention will do
what is claimed for It, but the announce
inent has set Oermun experts at work
along similar
It Is auimtted that If it Is found " the
principle applies Germany's hope of added
power from control of the air will receive
a serious setback. , . . ,. , ;
Will Try Cotton Growing.
Herr Der'nburg,' Clef man colonial secre
tary, is enthusiastic over the prospects for
the development of a great, couou. growing
Industry in (Jeriuan-Arrlca. Already there
are some 12,lwo acres ia cotton, ana's within
.the next year or two the acreage would
be more tnan 2u0,(iou. The government, by
every means at tu - command, : will eu-
couraga .tins Industry, as It is convinced
that America either cannot orwlll not raise
eno.ugn cotton to supply tne world s de
mand. .
An amusing story la told of the celebra
tion. of the birth, of the grand ducal heir
In the grand dutchy . of Mecklenburg
gchweiiu. Following the example of tne
capital, Schwerin, tne municipality of
little town, .decided to fire the regulation
salute of 101 guns. An ancient cannon was
accordingly hauled out for the purpose,
and the firing began. The powder,, how
ever, ran short after the ninety-third snot,
The burgomaster was in despair, especially
us ninety-three shots Indicated thai the
grand ducal baby was a girl.
At this moment the municipal band
master came forward with a luminous pro
posal, which was eagerly accepted. He
dispatched his big drum major to the mar
ket place, where he struck olght powerful
strokta on his instrument to make up the
full number of shots, and thus tne sliua
tion was saved.
A young German aeronaut, Herr Wien
cater, has sprung into fame unexpectedly
by encircling Strasbuig cathedral in an
Antoinette aeroplane at an altitude of tiuO
Hitherto Herr Wiencsicrs has only flown
distances at a moderate height. His rec
ord flight was unpremeditated, but once
started the aeronaut became ambitious,
He flew twice round the tower amidst the
wild enthusiasm of the people, returned to
the ground and landed smoothly. He In
tends taking part In the International fly
lng weeks at Berlin and St. Petersburg
Witneaa a Suicide.
A . terrible spectacle was w itnessed in
the Ztetnenslrasse at Rixdorf, recently,
Passers-by saw a woman attached by the
feet to a window In the first story of
house, her head hanging In space. The
woman waa making frantlo efforts to save
herself. Tha spectators rushed into the
house, but Just as they broke open th
door they heard a shriek. The woman
her strength having given out, fell into the
street, fracturing her head on the pave
ment. She was the wffe of a tramway car
conductor and had suffered from an In
curable malady. She decided to take her
life, but, regretting her act of despair, was
unable to escape the horrible death she hud
Tha Countess Vera de Talleyrand, a well
known social leader in the highest circles
In Paris, has Just prepared a surprise for
her wide circle of friends by having printed
for private circulation a little book of
aphorisms on life and love, entitled
"Thoughts and Remembrances." In this
little work the Countess Vera reveals her,
self as a keen student of mankind and the
possessor of a delightful wit, tempered by
broad and kindly philosophy and by that
loucn or cynicism wiiicu pomia an epigram,
Here la soma useful advice to men couched
lu epigrams on women:
"To pleas women one must adhere to
only one."
"Women never com of ag; reason Irrl
tatas them, sentiment guides them."
"Woman Is Ilk th dew. If It is a tear
of dawn, a fall of pur alabaster, It Is
pearl; it it fall to earth. It is mud."
- -wnen woman loves ene puruons even
crime; when she ceases to love she does
not forgive even virtue."
"The coquet takes her desire to please
for her need to lov."
"Th first thing that women know
that they are beautiful; the last thing they
perceive Is that they are old."
"A woman Is like an army; ah Is irre
tricvably lost If she has no reserv.'1
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Doubt as to Representation in Church
Promotions Under Way.
Start Several Dneliats Toward Field
of Honor and Then Decides It Is
Time to Deennin from
ROME, May 28. (Special Dlspach to The
Bee.) As the time for the next consistory
approaches interest in the question as to
which twelve prelates 'are to be raised to
the dignity of princes of the church In
creases. Tha Archbishop Bourne of West
minster will be one of the fortunates Is
regard4 aa ejrta.ln. It ia aot so certain,
however, as to whether or not th Ameri
can church will be' recognised. Th atti
tude of .the Americans may "be said -to be
hopeful rather than confident. Were it 'not
for the determined opposition of the Papal
Secretary of Slate Monsignor Merry del
VaJ,' it is regarded as that two Americans
cardinals would be named, but his influ
ence may be great enough to prevent It.
I understand thart Baroness Eleanor
von Siemens, who was the cause of the re
cent sensational series of duels In which
the socialist deputy Chlesa was recently
engaged, Is about to leave Rome, where she
has lived for some. time. There was a great
sensation in the Italian Chamber of Depu
ties on March 4, when Chlesa, In Interpel
lating General Prudent, th under secre
tary of war, formally accused several gen
erals of having betrayed the secrets of the
national defence through the Baroness von
Siemens, a foreign woman with whom they
were on friendly terms. At tha close of
the session five men challenged Chlesa to
fight duels. Among them were General
Fee I a de Cossato, General Prudent, the
Duke dl Lltta, and Count Gtacomo Mo
rando. The challenges came so quickly on
top of one another that the seconds and
umpires had much difficulty In arranging
their priority. Nobody haa been killed
up to the present writing, but General Pru
dent wounded Chlesa In tha face and
Chlesa gashed General dl Cossato in the
left cheek. Apologies have mad th other
duels unnecessary.
Very Rich Baroncaa. j
Tha Baroness von Siemens Is ' a very
rich woman, who has a fine house In Rome,
where she entertains many k members of
the highest society. She Is a' Swiss by
birth, with ' fair skin, exquisitely rosy
cheeks and great velvety brown eyes. Caro-
lus Duran painted her portrait, which was
exhibited In the Paris Salon last year.
Her first husband was on of th Siemens
brothers of Berlin, who ' are famoua aa
Inventors and manufacturers of electrical
machinery. rier v secona - husband was
Prince Malcolm Kahn, ex-attach of. th
Persian legation In Rome, from whom she
is divorced.
The "Avvenlre d' Italia" announces that
In the course ot th coming summer Slgnor
Domlnlcl, a well known Neapolitan sports
man, will attempt to cross the Atlantic
from Rio de Janeiro to Naples in a motor
boat thirty-two and one-half feet long.
tilgnor Domlnlcl estimates that h can
cover an average dally distance of 260
Dino Tacamonl, a young shoemaker,
living at Pogglbonsl, was discovered by
the army doctors at Stena on Sunday to
have his heart on th right side and his
liver on the left. The digestive apparatus
is quite normal in Ita action.
Monsignor Bevilacqua haa discovered
diary In th archives of th cathedral at
Vlterbo containing an entry dated April S,
IOCS, recording the appearance of a comet
The discovery is very Important sine It
constitutes proof that Halley's comet waa
seen at Vlterbo thirteen days before It was
seen anywhere els In Europ.
Victim of Aeeldent.
Alberto Braglla, who figured among th
world's champion gymnants, and aa winner
of Olympic races at Athens in ttol and at
Lonaon In 1308, met with a terrible accident
recently at the Modena theater, Milan,
where he was performing th dangerous
feat known as th "human torpedo.".
Braglia misjudged th distune In leaping
from th down-rushing car, and, tnissing
th trapes, was dashed with terrific fore
on th stag in a stat of unconsciousness.
Th body was such a mass of wounds that
th surgeons despair of saving him. There
was a stamped of th horrified public from
the theater.
Keep On the Track, George.
Turks Are Still
Strong When War
Calls for Action
Rare Old Manuscript Bible is Bought
in Vienna to Be Placed in
Leipzig Museum.
VIENNA, May is, (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) Whatever may be the condi
tion of the Turks, the recent troubles In
Albania has made It perfectly plain that
they have not deterloated the slightest as
fighting men. Austrian . officers, who have
followed the campaign are ( loud in their
praises of tha 'splendid fighting qualities of
the Turkish soldiers. Tha Albanians have
alwaya been regarded as the' cream ot th
Turkish' ' army. ' Many of th rebels are
veterans who served in the former sultan's
famous"1 bctfy guard. Yet' th regulars
nrnvArf thalr auDerlora. man for man. When
ever they' came .to grips. Several officers
who hay .seen the ;flghtlng have said,; to
me that they, did not believe 'there Wer
any better' soldiers In Europe thari the
men now serving" under 'Shefket Torgut
Pasha in Albania.: , .
It is coming to be believed that agents
of th former 'sultan are to blame for the
Albanian uprising which might easily have
precipitated ' a .European war. Only the
strongest efforts- on the part of Russia,
Austria and . Germany prevented , the
Balkans kingdom from taking a hand In
the game. This would almost inevitably
have Involved the greater powers. '
Signs are not wanting, according to gossip
In high circles, that Italy will drop out of
the triple alliance when the present agree
ment expires.. If she does, the idea here
Is that the alliance between Germany and j
Austria will be drawn even closer, and so
far as the balance of Europe Is concerned,
they will constitute one power for either
offense or defense. In fact there is ground
for belief that such an understanding now
exists between Berlin' and Vienna thut
practically binds the two great Germanic
powers as firmly as though there wait
organic unison and that It was due to thlb
understanding that Austria ventured the
Bosnla-Herzegovnla coup'. The knowledge
of this alliance Is probably what prevented
the action of Russia and the other power
from going beyond an ineffectual protest. '
A very rare . old manuscript Bible, a
Biblia Pauperum," without a date, but
ascribed to the fifteenth or sixteenth cen
tury, Mas. bought In Vienna, recently for
the Lelpslg . museum for l.uOO marks.
In the little Hlleslan town ot Zarkau the
authorities have adopted an Ingenious auto
matic device for the benefit of those who
are afraid to go horn in th dark. The
Introduction of a coin In a slot at th foot
of an electric light standard, after extin
guishing hours, .will light the roadway for
twelve minutes. '
The manager of - th Vienna municipal
theater haa received a play In thirty-five
acta and a prologue, and the author prom
ises, to call and explain the beauties of
his work. The manager will probably ' be
out when the dramatist calls.
Qaeatloa of Hw Mach Money th
llaebaade of Prlaeeeaaa Shall i
Have la Disease!.
CONSTANTINOPLE. May 28.-(Speclai
Dispatch to Tha Bee.) Th grand vlslar.of
Turkey has again proposed, In th Cham
ber, that a fresh vote should ba taken on
the question of the annual, grant to . th.
six "damads" or husbands of th imperial
princesses. .
' Th rejection of ' this proposal recently
led to the resignation of the minister of
finance. Th House decided by 161 votes
against In favor of th allowances, thus
closing th Incident. Th allowano of
U.100 a year to th husbands of th prin
cesses was stopped last year, as on of th
economies effected by th young Turk
, , v
rlsmle Freak ia Spain.
SEVILI-5, May 7t. (Special Dispatch to
Th Bea)-t-A curious seismic phenomenon
has - been observed near Cantillana, at a
plac called Mesa Redonda. From 10 o'clock
in th morning until noonj stone lying on
the ground at a certain spot within a cir
cumference of over C00 yards wer torn
from th ground and hurled Into th air.
At th same time subterranean noises were
heard. Traces of an axtlnct volcano ar
visible at th spot, and It Is believed that
a mw crater is being formed.
Girl in Cholera Epidemic Spreads
Disease to Families.
Off leer of Imperial Oaard Aecenta
Hospitality of Fiance ail In
qnarrel Commits Cold-
Blooded Marder.
Dispatch to The . Bee.) The bby scout
movement .has spread to Russia , and th
government Is seriously, considering, taking
hold , of the movement , in earnest. Th
book of Genera . Badan-Pawclt,, head of
th movement In England, has been trans
lated: Into Russian and has been carefully
bt l?ril.i th . War jf f less: -Mm
nave presented to th general staff an
opinion that such a movement, in Russia
would add. to the military 'strength ot th
roptre. ltria prbpoAed to form a Brigs a
of boy scouts at . Moscow as iti experi
ment. If ;it works wel' other brigades ..un
der the directipA of picked' officers will be
established ' in other section of th em
pire. ' : . ' '..
; An influential commission has inspected
th Obucholf hospital, on 0f tha biggest
municipal hospitals In at. Petersburg, and
has discovered a state of ' affairs which
almost baffles description. The 'worst con
dition prevailed In th - wards for - In
ebriates. . The men's ' ward waa so over
crowded that part of th patients had to
lie in the corridor. The women's ward waa
In the basement and th atmospheric con
ditions were stifling. There was no ven
tilation. ...
.' Kitchen eit ta Merse. . ,
The hospital kitchen adjoined the mortu
ary chamber and the .larder ,. was In th
bath room. The clothes and soiled linen
of th poorest classes of 'th population
lay all over th floor. -Vermin of every de
scription were found on th tables where
was th bread of th patients. About 600
inmates were lodged in Wooden sheds
hastily put together-th councillors de
scribed them as mere, atables and many
tuberculous. at'ents .were being treated In
these Insalubrious Jerry-built barracks,
ine sights they witnessed during their
four hours' visit so affected Hie municipal
councillors that they did not complete the
Inspection. The matter will be Immediately
brought up before the Municipal Council
In regard to the late cholera epidemic
In St. Petersburg, It is slated' that ele
mentary precautions were neglected at the
Obuchoft .hospital. Outside nurses wer
engaged for tha cholera barracks und
wornea ior iweiv nours on end every
second day for a wage of five roubles,
On girl who acted as nurse during the
nighttime went straight from th hospliai
to private houses, where she gave lessons
to children, and, also to an office where
sh acted as translator. This occurred
during a period of several months In tha
height of th cholera epidemic, and th
whole time she was only disinfected in the
most primitive manner. ,
Trasreay at a Olaacr.
A terrible tragedy has caused a great
sensation In Bt. Petersburg. Captain
Ostroalawsky. an officer ot the Imperial
Guard,' dined with th relatives of his
fiance,': MW. '. Gersch In, i who are very
wealthy .merchants.- After dinner the cap
tain began to speak in bad terms of mer
chants In' general, describing them as rob
ber. The two sons of M. Gerschln pro
tested and began to speak in general terms
of th honor of off leers. . Captain Ostros
lawsky lost his . head . and, taking a revolver-from
his pocket, fired and killed
th elder of th ions. H then fired at
th other brother, th father and finally
at his fiance. All wer gravely wounded.
Th captain wa arrasted. j
Th skeleton of a mammoth has been
found In a ravin In th. government of
Smolensk fourteen feet below th surface
of th ground."
Pope's Refnaal ta RmIt Pviaea af
Monaco la Signal for
MONACO. May .-t8poial Dispatch to
Th Be.) Bo Indignant la th population
of Monaco at th pop' refusal to receive
th prince ot Monaco that It I proposed to
refus paptl five-franc piece at th table
In th Casino. A th coin ar not good
currency elsewhere, th protest I for
Visit of Redmond, O'Connor and
. Devlin to America Will Be
Extended. .
"Or." Andrew Carnegie is Proclaimed
:- a Citiien'of Belfast.
County of Cavan Appoints Committee
to Receive American Visitors.
Former Biew York Political Boa ' U
Still Knthnalaatle Over Ilia florae
aaa Haa Rlaht Fine Oaes
In Training.
ni'BI.IN. May 28.-8peclal Dispatch t
The Bee ) The visit of John Redmond,' T.
P. O'Connor and Joseph Devlin, who ar
the orators and leaders of the Irish na
tionalists to America, In the fall, will be
more extended than was at first expected.
So many Invitations from all sections of
tho lTnlted States have been received by
the delegates that It has been practically
decided, after the big cities have been
covered to split up; Redmond, O'Connor
and Devlin each to take a section of tha
country and cover as many points aa pos
sible, telling the people 'of. America of tha
struggle for horn rule and th prospects.
. Andrew Carnegie Is now a cltisen of Bel
fast. The corporation, at a recent meet
ing, passed this resolution: "That, In rec
ognition of Dr. Andrew Carnegie's great
services to the advancement of education,
the council be recommended to elect and
admit him an honorary burgess of th
Tho resolution will come up for con-.
flrmatfon at the next monthly meeting of
tha corporation,, when the general .purpose
committee will be asked to make the nec
essary arrangements for the freedom be- i
Ing presented to Mr. Carnegie. Owing to
the' riiunlficence of Mr. Carnegie, thre '
branch llbrarle have been erected by th
library and technical instruction commit-
tee in B!fat.
Appoints Reception - Committee. -
Th county of Cavan has set an .example
to the rest of Ireland by already forming I
commute ito receive, and... In a sense. J
entertain th Irish-American visitor who
r expected to Invade this country dur- j
lng the summer months.. I
'Organized steps arc - being taken, not i
only to; show these visitor the beauty i
spots of Iceland,' but also the Industrie of !
the country. This, In fact, I one ot th I
.most Important aspects of the lesson which
the "invaders ' will be aekea to learn about ;
Ireland: Our trade with the United States
In Botne matters,- such as linen manufac- i
lurers, is very large,, but could. b greatly 1
Increased. The other day the lord mayor
of Belfast said that If Irish linen was
more freely admitted into America, th
population of Belfast could be nearly ,
doubled.' Again, from the south there hav
been complaints of the effect of the United
States tariff on the export mackeral trad.
Our visitor this summer will b man of
Importance and Influence In America, and,
to Interest them in our Industries will be.
It is believed,' equivalent to securing them
as advocates for favorable treatment for
such of our exports as they may rsqulr
in Amarlca.
I saw Richard Croker tha other day. H
Is looking fin and Is enthusiastic over
his racing stable.
Elarht Horse la Training;,
"I have eight horses In training at th
moment," he said, "and If you go to the
next Phoenix park meeting you will se
two , of them sporting my colors. No, I
ain't going to say they will win, but if all
goes well wltii them they will run."
Asked to contrast American racing with
that In Ireland, Mr. Croker was very em
phatic. "Why," ha said, "I only attended
one meeting while I was away, and that
was like a funeral. It was all whispering
and arranging, and there was no sport.
No, there Is no racing over ther. Thar
Is only one place where there Is racing, to
my mind, and that is In Ireland Ireland,
which Is God's own country; the most de
lightful place on earth, both to live In and
enjoy sport. in. There 1 no whispering
and no arranging here; all Is straight, and.
whether win or lose; all ar 'sport ot th
right typ.' "
On the question ot the coming Invasion
of Ireland for a holiday by a number ot
exiled Irishmen, Mr. Croker said that,
though taking a deep Interest In th
scheme, he had no recent particulars. At
any rat he believed It would be a great
success and that not only IrelandwjluJd
benefit, but the visitor would thoroughly
enjoy themseives."
Five Oceapaat of Casino Fie for
Their Lives and Make Larky
MADRID, May . (Special Dispatch to
Th Bee.) Th affray between Carllsts and
reglonallst Basques at Asua, near Bilbao,
details of which have Just reached Madrid,
seems to have been more serious than at
first reported. Provoked by a cry of "Viva
Euskarla," th Carllsts, who wer led by
a sol-dlsant commandant in the Carllst
army, brok Into the Basque Casino. Hav
ing pulled down the Basque flag and de
stroyed everything In th Casino whoa
five occupants were lucky to escape with
their lives amid a storm of bullets th
Carllsts marched off triumphant
Next la Order, H Offer an Apology(
Eaplalalna t'aa of Mistaken
PARIS, May . tSpeclal Dispatch t
Tha Be.) After Charles Armand had re
ceived a knife thrust while walking In th
Boulevard de L'Ouracq, Paris, his assailant
politely apologised, explaining that he had
mistaken him for another man, ,