Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Milleri Are Good Buyer, of Wheat
Since Cash Wheat ii Cheaper.
Opens Steady, bat Whut ""
Wraknru, Corn Folloni and
Samples Are Offered (on-
slderalily Lower.
OMAHA. May 2S. 1010.
Millers have been ?ood buyers of wheat
Since the cash wheat has taken this slump.
The discount In value has been heavy and
the general opinion la thai prices should
have some reaction.
With warmer weather farmers are selling
their surplus corn freely. As receipts In
crease cash values arc easier and wlirt con
tinued favorable weather further declines
are looked for.
Wheat started steady to a fraction higher
on moderate offerings. The market was
soon sold by profesHlonsls. Nbrtuwest mar
kets were wfuk In reports of more rain,
Which Is needed In the spring wheat belt.
Caen wheat was nervous and some further
decline Is likely.
Corn opened steady, but as wheat de
veloped weakness soon after the opening
Warmer weather and prospects of larger
receipts caused selling. Caxh market was
weak and samples were offered "o to la
lower. With favorable weatner value
should gradually work lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 654,000 bu.
and shipments were 214,000 bu., against re
ceipts last year of 158,00 bu. and shipments
of 15:1.000 bu.
Primary, corn receipts were 5S9.000 bu. and
shipments were 81D.0OO bu., against receipts
last year of 723,000 bu. and shipments of
toO, 000 bu.
Clearances were 2C.O0O bu. of corn, 20,000
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to bu.
Liverpool closed d lower to d higher
on wheat and d lower on corn.
Local range of options:
Articles. Open. Illgh. Low. Close. Yesy.
Wheat I
,i i i i
May.., July..,
May.. July..,
36 ..
Omsk C.i Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, O&fcOTc: No.
hard. MrfitMu: No. 4 hard. iioa'Wc: No.
spring, lKq97c; No. 3 spring, UuU4c; No. 2
uurum, a,Mc; Mo. a aurum, irsuc.'
L'ultN-Na. 2 white. biWa(A1ii6: No.
Willis, 6C&!5ttc; No. 4 white, 64'a64V4c; No.
1 yellow. 54 Vc: No. 3 yellow. baMtlrotc ; No.
4 yellow, U-m'U&c; No. 2, 53iio4; No. it
M'aWiJc; ro. 4. ulWaW. no graae corn
OA'l 8 Standard, JSWjiSSc; No. 3 white,
35WxUc: No. 4 white. S4aa4lc: Mo. yeuow,
u4(V(i"lc; No. 4 yellow, aW(j34!4c; No. 3
mixed, Blvfcb&c.
BARLEa No. 4, 46 47c; No. 1, feed, 45'tf
40c; rejected barley, 4ii; No. i. vvuuc;
No. 3, Wfc iOo.
Carlot Receipts.
Wtieat. Corn. Oats,
Chicago 19 2W 163
Minneapolis 207
Omaha 6 114 10
Duluth 1
Features of the Trading- and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. May 28. The lowest prices of
the season were made In wheat today. A
Utile group of tale-enders gave up the fight
for the May option and sold out in amounts
all the way down to U8c, a sharp drop of
6'Ac from last night's figures. Because of
the poor buying support, new crop futures
finished He to lc to VtC down. Corn closed
Ho to la off and oats 1 to The last
quotations for , provisions was unchanged
to 2c lower.
Disinclination to stand out over two holi
days at the new low levels had much to do
with the remarkable lack of vitality Then,
too, fine rains all over the Canadian north
west and the Dakotas, further showers for
final filling of the winter wheat southwest,
and a general warming up of temperatures
were far from encourartng any symptoms
Of bullishness. An official call for 2.000
more harvest hands than were required last
year In Kansas was also out of line with
short crop prophesies.
The northwest reported country sales of
wheat liberal and the elevators lied grig
purchases. About the only Important Item of
the day from a bull standpoint was
the sale Of 600,000 bushels of cash wheat
here. One local milling concern bought
short, wheat here today. For new crop fu
tures Vie close was fairly steady, with Sep
tember showing a net loss of c to lc. The
range ror the high option was from 91Vc to
Mo, and the last price, vlHc to Vlc. May
closed at the bottom figure.
Corn was weak, cash Interests were free
sellers of the near deliveries in particular.
September rantced from 67WC to 68-0 and
closed o down at 67c. The cash market
also was wsak, No. 2 yellow closed at
In oats there was general liquidation by
longs, with the most pressure on Septem
ber. That month fluctuated between 3&Vic
and 36Vu3Wo. closing at 350.
Although publications were higher earlier
on the lighter run or nogs here and west.
weakness In the grain list and consequent
realising by the longs caused an easing
off Uter. Fork at Uie dlose was 20c to
2iVc lower; isra. &c to 7ic. K.lba were un
changed to to lower.
There will be, no cash market Monday,
jneinormi uay.
Leading quotations ranged as follows
Articles. Open.j High. Low. Close. Yes .
94 f ' 96
4 . 93
90T4I 1W
1 02Vi
i95 trV4
. C6H
68 V4
6V-J Uk
May... July...
July... Sept...
67W G7V
66 6SV
SCHI 3ii4
26 ' SUi.,1
7H a7V
22 65
22 36
I 22 56 I
22 40
22 30
21 90
22 25
22 10
22 52
L i JO
12 40
rd- I
uly... 12 46
ept... 12 36
12 60
12 40
12 47H
12 S2
12 S
12 25
12 27K
Rib it-
12 55
12 30
12 62H1 12 424 12 60 f 12 60
12 32Mi 12 20 U 27H U 30
No 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows:
FIxll'R Rarely steady; winter patents.
$4.Oi5.20; Btraignts, 4 ail4.80; Btralghts,
$4.M); bakers, $4.UX("i.20.
KYK No. 2. 744r76e.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4&g50c; fair
to choice malting, wntoc.
SKED Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2 01 '4;
iv o. I north wt-siern, xz.oift. Tlmotliy, $4.35,
Clover. 111. IS. ' '
PROV1SUKNS Mess pork, per bbl., $22 50
(loose;, is.sjv(i iz.,; snort clear sides
(loose), Jl'Cvii'll! MVs; short clear sides
(boxed),. 113 Vit 13.50.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 290,0u0 bu. Primary receipts were
654.0UO bu., compared with 168,000 bu. the
corresponding day a year axo.
Estimated receiuta for Monday : Wheat
14, cars; corn, iMi cars; oats, 216 cars; hogs,
nn'v neaa.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. i red,
Il.tttll.tM; No. 3 red. SWcdjIl.OJ: No. 2 hard,
fi.uuuii.ui; mo. I hard, 95oi$1.00; No.
northern snrlng. tl.OOiiil.Ofi: No. I northern
spring, !Wc4i$1.03; No. 3 spring. Wtc&$L.O0.
Corn: No. 2 cash, 67c; No. 3 cash, 551
fxc; No. 2 white. ftiX&ilO; Jo. 3 white, 69cy)
sjo; r,o. x yeuow, b.vinstc; "O- 8 yellow
white, 85'y3fcc; No. 4 white. 34u36c; Stan
dard, 3Mi :tyc.
BUTTKR Steady; creameries. 2&CT27V4C
dairies, 23'u21.
EQiitt Steady; at-mark, cases Included,
iuwitiwo; firsts. 17Hc: Drlme firsts. lSc.
CHEESE Steady; daisies. 14.'nl5c: twins.
l4'ul4V,; young Amtiioas, 15(j1514c; long
borns. 14Vul5.
IOTAToES Steady; choice to fancy, !S
Ave; lair to gooa, zyziQ.
POl'LTRV Steady; turkeys, 15c; chick
ens. 16c.
VEAL Easy; 50 to 60-pound weights,
jsc; mi ro sa-pouna weights, tuli; hi to 110-
pouna weignis. iuc.
iteceipis Toiisy: wneat, i cars; corn,
rm cars; oats, lol cars. Extlmated Monday
lust, 14 ours; corn, 38i curs; oats, tu
Liverpool Grain Market.
nun; no. s rea western winter, no stock
futures, dull; May, (s 4Vd; July, 6s 6Skd
October. 6s 7'd.
CORN Spot, uulet; old American mixed,
s 7Hd; new kiln dried, fts 5d; via Oalveston,
6s d't'l; future, quiet; July nominal; Sep
tember, 4a 7'd.
Temperat area Are Illaher Ottr the
Itorky Mountain alone.
OMAHA. May 28. 1910.
An area of high pressure oveiiiej tne east
ern portion, and generally ciear weatner
prevails east of tue Mississippi river. A
luiiiemu depression oi consiaeraoie
eneigy is central over the extreme upper
Missouri vauey and Manitoba, and a rela
tively luw pleasure over lies the extreme
kouiunest. Miowen were general in tne
upper Mississippi and througnoul the Mis
souri vaiieys uurlng tne past twenty-four
hours, and rains continue in the upper val
leys this morning, Temperatures are higher
over tne eastern Knckv mountain slope, and
east over tne central valleys and lake re
gion. An area of hlgn pressure, accom
panied uy cooler Heather, is moving in over
me west, and the ounoos is lor partly
cloudy weather In this vicinity tonight and
a.i.iuay, nn cooler unday.
Temperature and precipitation as com
pared wltn the last three years:
yjtv. inn, ivw. am.
Minimum temperature ... of 64 60 60
Precipitation W .00- ,4S . .00
Normal temperature for today, 88 degrees.
Deficiency iu precipitation since March 1.
6.0J Inches. ....
Deficiency corespondlng period In 1909,
3 (M Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1908,
0.64 Inch.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Cora and Wheat Region Dnltetla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours endina Us. m.. 51b, meridian time.
Saturday, May 28, 1910:
Temp. Kain-
Flstlons. Max. Mln. tall.
Ashlund, Neb 64 6tl
.00 Cloudy
.53 Cloudy
AubUiH, Neb 76 62
B ken How. Neb. 64 60 .00 Clouilv
Columbus, Neb... 62 55 .00 Cloudy
Culbertson, Neb.. 71 60 .00 Cloudy
fairbury. iseb... 63 54 .oa Cloudy
Fairmont. Neb... 04 63 .00 Cloudy
Or. Isihnd, Nob.. 62 6 .Oil Cloudy
Hartlngion, Neb. 68 M .00 Cloudy
Hastings, Neb.... 60 62 .On Cloudy
Holdrese. Neb... 61 6tf .00 Cloudy
Onkdale, Neb 67 63 .00 Cloudy
Omaha. Neb 67 67 .03 Kalnlng
Tekamah, Neb... 68 6H .01 Cloudy
Alta, la 72 48 . 00 Cloudy
Carroll, la 71 61 .00 pt. cloudy
Clarinda, la 64 63 .00 Cloudy
Sibley, la 73 46 .00 Cloudy '
Sioux City, la... 68 60 .00 Cloudy
I Not Included In averaires. Minimum
temperature for twelve-hour period ending
at s a- m.
No. of -Temp.- Rain
Districts. Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus, O 17 6S 40 .00
Louisville, Ky 19 72 46 .00
Indianapolis. nd.. 12 72 , 44 .00
Chicago, III 26 68 46 .00
St. LOUIS. MO 13 68 E2 .40
Dos Moines, la.... 14 - 74 . 62 .30
Minneapolis, Minn. 30 78 64 .30
Kansas City, Mo.. 24 M 60 .30
Omaha, Neb 19 66 64 .SO
Showers occurred within the last twenty
four hours In all except the Chicago and
extreme eastern districts of the corn and
wheat region. The weather Is warmer In
all portions of the corn and wheat region,
but It continues cool In the lake region and
Ohio valley, where light frosts occurred.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
(notations of the Day on Various
Commodities. ,
.NEW YORK, May 28,-FLOUR-Dull and
easy; spring patents, 2&.lia5.35; winter
straights, fi. 40(.4.66; winter patents, S4.80rd
6.16; spring clears, 4.25ij4.&0; winter extras
No. 1, $4 ,0ofir4.4O; Vtnter extras No. 2, $3.70; Kansas straights, I4.mxg4.y5. Kecoipts,
696 bbls.; shipments. 16.976 bbls. Rye
flour, easy; fair to good, $4.1634.40; choice
to fancy, $4.454.60.
corn mkal Barely steady; fine white
and yellow, $1.401.45; coarse, $1.25(1.30;
kiln dried, 3 30.
WHEAT Spot, easy; -No. 2 red. SI Mtt.
nominal, c. 1. f. ; No.. 1 northern, $1.11,
nominal, f. o. b. Option market: Wheat
opened steady on covering by shorts and
on foreign buying, but declined under re
newed selling on large country offerings
and weakness In the outside markets, al
though May-was firm, with little offering.
and the close was o decline to zc advance.
May, ii.07tt2rt.o7V4: closed at I1.V7V4. July,
$1.0Or(il.O2?4; closed at $1.014. September,
WftttttHtc; closed at 98c. Receipts, 25,000
bu. I shipments, 47.876 bu,
corn spot, easy: no. z. eoc. nominal.
elevator, domestic basis; export No. 2, 66c,
nominal, f. o. b. Option market was steady
on small offering and some less favorable
crop advices, closing Vie decline to hie ad
vance. July closed at eettc; septemDer,
6U4iir87c. closed at 66fec. Receipts, 7,876 bu.
OATH spot, quiet; mixed, ta to sz ids,.
nominal; natural white, 26 to 82 lbs., 44'a)
46c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 44ff49c. op
tlun market .was nominal. Receipts. t2.
625 bu.
HA i Barely steady; prime. $1.15: No. 1,
$1.10: No. 2. $1.06; No. 3. 9096e.
HOPS Uulet; state, common to cnoice,.
1909, vift'24o; 1W8, nominal; raciric coast
1909. 14'ulKc: 1908. nominal.
HIDteS uulet; central America, sac; uo-
sota. liMritSc.
LtiAlUbK-finn; nemiocs nrsis, euit
29c; seconds, 23(j27c; thirds, 22(&2oc; rejects,
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $24 00
St 2-1.50; family. $26.50f27.0O; short clear,
$25.0027.00. Heef, steady; mess, $16.0(16.00;
famllv. 119.00tj 20.00: beef hams. $21.00o 25.00.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
lbs., $16.00Cq)18.00; pickled nams, it.wfais.ou.
Ijird ateadv: middle west. Drlme. $12.80
12.90; refined, steady; continent, $14.40; South
America, $l4.w: compound, siu.waiu.ov. .
TALLOW Uulet; prime cuy, nnas., to;
country, 6(&7c.
KlCh. Steady ; aomestic, onoc; mmu,
it ii i .'i ky Alive, nrm: wppieni oroueio,
33c: fowls. 19c: turkeys. 10Wl4c. Dressed,
Irregular; frosen chickens, 16(a23c; western
fowls, lil9c; western turkeys, iixaic.
mi'l.TRY Alive, f mi: western Droners
33c: fowls. 19c: turkeys. ChUc. Dressed,
li regular; frosen chickens, western
fowl. 14W19c: western turkeys, leiSfWa.
BUTTKR Steady and unchanged; cream
ery BDclals. 2Uc: extras. 28c; thirds to
firsts, 26a28c; process seconds to extras, 23
CMliKMr; tteaay; siaie ssims, common,
SW?i7V4c: full skims. 2M'3Uc.
EiKi8 Irregular; regular packed, extra
firsts, 21V4c; firsts, vxaww
St. I.ouls General Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 28..-WHEAT Futures.
lower; July, 92Vc; May, 97Vtc; September,
91'iivmc t ash. lower; tracs- xno. x rea, 11.10
No. z hard. n.uuai.iM.
CORN Futures, lower; July. 5814c; Sep
tember. 68Vn58'4,e. Cash, lower; track No,
2, 69Hc; o. z wnite. Oi'QOic.
.OATS f utures, lower; juiy. saiec; Bp
tember. 34'4c. cash, lower; track NO.
41c; No. t white. S5'4c
RYE Nominal. 79ttc.
FLOUR Lower; red winter patents. $5 00ffl
5.30;. extra lancy ana straignt, 14.W4ii.ift)
hard winter clears.
BRAN Weak: sacked, east track. 93c.
HAY-Steady : timothy, $16.00a 18.00; pral
rle. 13.( 14.00.
RAtlGlNG 7 s-ibc: nmD twine. 70.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; jobbing,
$22 50. Lard, lower; prime steam, $12.35'g
13.45. Dry sail meats, sieaay; ooxea extra
shorts, 14Vtc; clear rins, u'ie; snon clears,
14o. - Bacon, steady; boxed shorts, 15ftc
rlwar ribs, l&vfcc snort clears,- imic.
POULTRY steaay; cnickens. Ijc; springs,
28fi30c; turkeys, bc; ducks, 13c; geese, 7c
BUTTER steady; creamery, 24i2So.
" HGGS Steady. 17Ac.
Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls ,. 6.70u 6,100
Whaat, bu 13.04) 35.(0
Corn, bit v86.9m) 42,800
Oats, bu .-46.4Q0 76.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
$1.0144; July, $1.02'4 to $1.0i",&1.02S,; Septem
ber. 92c. Cash No. 1 hard. $1.0tU4: No. 1
northern, $1.03'; No. 2 northern, $1.01(4
1.034; No. 3. HViol-OlV
FLAX-Cloaed .at 2.07.
COHN No. yellow, Safifc.
OATS No. 3. white. H'wHj 35V40.
RYE No. t IWW.
BRAN In 1W pound sacks, $18.0018.26,
FliOUR First patent (In wood f. o.
Minneapolis). $5.lMu6.I0; second patents
$4.!ki(6.oi: first clears, $3.8&iti3.95; second
clears. ,U.onJ.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. May .28. CORN-Lower: No,
white. 60Vc: No. I white, 0c; No. 1 yel
low, GTSc; No. 3 yellow, 66a; No. S. 66c
INO. 4. dm;; no graae, wtftc.
OATS lxwer; No. I white, J7V4c; No.
white, ttiVtc. 1
Mllwankea Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. May $8. FIjOUR, dull
wheat. No. 1 northern, $1 OtMuUtf; Ho.
northern. $1 00104; July. 93Vo.
BAKLUA'-SauipUa. (24j6o,
Report of Illness of Morgan Affects
the Market.
France to Handle St. Paul Railroad
Donds and Is Also Anxious
for Oilier American
' Securities.
NEW YORK. Mav 28. (Sneclal Telegram.)
This w-k's Block market suffered a
number of narrow ralllf-s and declines. It
lackrd much of the llstlrssnrss of the. week
before, and yet it took on a holiday fn
ture through the fact that there wf no
trading today and will be none on Monday.
I here were several rumors and develop
ments which affected the market. One of
these wes anorher report that J. P. Morirnn,
sr., la. seriously 111 abrnad. So persistent
was trie rumor that today the contents of
a cablegram sent from Mr. Morgan In
London were made known, showing him
to be ln the best of health. The board of
governors of the Stock exchange has
started an Investigation to see If It can
learn the source of the latest Morgan re
port, but It Is a safe hazard that the source
cannot be found. Such reports start with
out rounnation and are exaggerated un
consciously until one has built a mountain
of a mole hill.
The stock market felt Indirectly the
nervousness of the grain and cotton mar
kets duo to. the assertion of James A.
Patten In Chicago that he would retire
from all active trading by July 1. This
knocked the bottom out of tho grain mar
ket and Investors and speculators who rud
derily found themselves caught In grnln
had to turn to the exchange for relief.
. Receipts of Money I.arare.
The receipts of money from the Interior
are still large. Despite the fact that this
was generally a holiday the bank state
ment was Issued as usual. During the
week New York banks gained over $4.VX.0W
en their currency movements. On transfer
operations with the Interior there was a
ret gsin amounting to $4,117,00.
On the United States sub-treasury ac
count, Instead of b large balnnce of receipts
lately shown, there was a balance of nearlv
$100,000. Approximately $7,W1,000 currency
was received from the Interior durln the
week by New York banks, while $1. 16I.0O)
was shipped direct to Interior institutions
from this center.
The shipment of gold from Paris and
Berlin to London lias eased the foreign
exchange here. We are about to enter a
month of extraordinary disbursements.
Dividend and Interest disbursements In
June are estimated at $((5,000,000, Including
payments on all classes of stocks and In
terest coming due during the month
or. bonds of every character. This Is $10,
000.000 more than was disbursed In June,
1909.. Among the largest dividends paid out
in next month are the following:
Atchison, $2,471,220; American Tobacco
company, $4,024,000; International Harvester,
$1,050,000; Standard Oil, $8,850,454; United
States Steel. 16.363.780.
Dividend payments during the month are
recorded at $40,000,000, while Interest due Is
The various railroads will disburse ap
proximately $6,757,000.
France Takes the Bonds.
A great deal of interest was attached to
the announcement that the French bank
ing syndicate, consisting of the Banque de
Paris et des Paysbas, Credit Lyonnalse and
the Bocletie Generale pour Favorlser de De-
eiopment du Commerce, has agreed upon
n issue prloe of 97 for the $&0,9oo,ooo worth
of St. Paul railroad debentures. It Is be
lieved that another announcement will be
made shortly to cover another placing of
American bonds abroad.
There Is no doubt that St. Paul will earn
Its full dividends In this fiscal year. The
gross earnings In April of that road were
nearly $1,000,000 In excess of the same period
year ago. This will wine out the deficit.
leaving a margin.
Louisville & Nashville, it is estimated, is
earning 20 per cent on its outstanding
stock. With more than a montn or tne
present fiscal year still remaining, Louis
ville & Nashville earnings up to May 26
were $1,000,000 in excess of the entire year
last year. The enormous gains of the road
this year have been a matter of much com
ment In railroad and financial circres.
Colorado & Southern will not be put on
a I per cent basis when the directors meet
early In June. At the present time the road
Is earning enough to provide lor an in
crease, but the Hill Dollcv Is against early
Increases. It is shown by figures mat tne
road has earned 8 Der cent on Its $31,000,000
of common stock, tne larger portion oi
which will go Into the surplus fund.
Vnlon Pacific fcJarnlnurs.
Union Pacific promises a year's surplus
for the common stock of approximately 18.8
per cent. The Increase in the earnings this
fiscal year is estimated at iz.bvu.ow, wun a
decrease or xi.uuo.voo in fixed charges.
The Southern Railway has been threat
ened with labor difficulties. Speaking of
the southern field, nothing definite has been
done to extend the line of the New Orleans,
Mobile & Cbicago read the reorganized Mo.
hue, Jackson fc Kansas City north from
Mlddleton, Tenn., to the Ohio river. Al
though the gross earnings have Increased,
they have not yet attained a point where
the holders of the line believe they can
launch It to $63,000,000 worth of aew con
The leathers were among the most active
shares during the week b trading, due to
the aotion of the directors of the Central
Leather company on Tuesday In taking no
action uoon the common stock dividends.
The regular dividend on the prefefred was
The officers of the American Smelting and
Refining company announce better copper
metal conditions. Smelters ought to e4iow
up 58 per cent on the common.
The ore conditions In both the PKtsburg
and Birmingham centers remain dull.
The bond market this week was more ac
tive than usual, Interest centering in the
ii,ow,uw equipment issue or tne Pennsyl
vania railroad.
New York Bank Statement,
NEW YORK. May 28. The statement of
clearing house banks for the week shows
that the batiks hold $26,236,000 more than
tne requirements of the 26 per cent reserve
rule. This is an increase of $2,412,025 in
the proportionate cash reserve as com
pared with last week. The statejnent was
as follows:
$ 6,064.000
Circulation ..'
Legal tender
89,215. iOO
Reserve required .
Ex. u. b. deposits
The percentage of actual reserve of th
clearing house banks today was 27.04
The statement of banks and trust com
panics of Greater New York not reporting
to the clearing house shows:
Amount. Increase.
Loans $1,176. 467.400 ! ' 440.000
Specie 127,6X6,509 1,246,700
Lgai tenaer 21,m;s,40o 407.600
Total deposits 1,239,888,000 0,827,400
London Closing; stocks
LONDON. May 28. American securities
opened steady today on the stock exchange
here on overnight buying orders, which sent
values a iractlun over the New York clos-
III ft VMl.MuV I, , 1 . uutl.ioa .rn.ur
stricted and the market closed dull but
Console, monr.
... KH Loulirill. & N..
i2 11-ltM.. K. A'T...,.
... tlHN. V. Csntrsl...
... kl Norfolk A W....
...112 da ptd
do pla
.... 4214
Anul, copper...,
At h lion .'
.... n
do pfd
...!044Ontarlo & W
.... 4JU,
Bslttmors 4 Ohio... .111 PMinaylvsnla ....
Cmsdlsn Psclfie Wimtund Mlass
I'lirssptika O HlUKmdinii
t'blcsxa u. W HiStHouthem Kr
Chi., Mil. A St. P...1424 do pfd
D Bssri ITHSouihsrn piriiic.
Ixnvcr Hio 0 414l'nlon Pnoltlc...
do ptd UHt do phi
Erls riU. 8. Steel
da 1st . ptd ? do pfd
do td pfd U Wabash
Crsnd Trunk Si do pfd
Illinois Ontrsl 1M Bosnlaa 4s
.... o
.... H
.... 3
.... v
.... v.
. ...leaS
.... W
.... IS'i
.... 21
SILVER Bar, steady at 24 ll-16d per ox,
jiuti-JWH per cent.
The rate of discount In the onen marke
for short bills is t per cent; for three
months bins, gttu-iti per cent.
Local securities.
Quotstlor.s furnished by Samuel Burns,
Jr.. 633 New York Life building. Omaha:
IU4. AskM.
Aadltortum. Chlrsxp, U. 1K 414
CUjr of Omshs 4s. lH VX 17V4
Oudshv P.iklnf Co. ss 91 ft
Iowa fortlsnd Csiuont bootls tm n lw
lows P. C. con. bonis 4s ll
Esst St. Louis Sub. OS... 94 H
K. O. Slock Yards stock 91 IT1
bona Bsll Lumbar to ) 1ml
Linooin, Smb., 4. 19ra 41 h4,
Nabruks Tl. Stuck 4 psr cent I'M lul
Oman Wstsr Co. is. Itlt 1I ' lul
Omslis Wstor Co. i, 14 tlVt C.H
Onil Oss 4. I J US
OiusJis Oss 6s, 11T 4 IM
Osuns K. U P. ts. ma t)
Usual H. L. W. I pr MOl 43 U
Omaha Pt. l!y. 5a. Illl
Omohm ('. n. St. Hr. h. IS'JS..
lmnha i B. Si. lty. r'J
Iimahs C. H. St. Kf. .......
Omaha A l' II. Kr. ft II. pM
South Omaha, rllf nt. 4, It 1
Swartt, Mi l ft SnlKhrrr . 1H18..
l-irlflr TAT. i". I'.!
Top.k Ur. i. Il
Trl-4 lty Hr U is.
Inlon 8tok Yini.s, S. U., dl.
l Vn
Tn-anurr Statement.
WASHINGTON. May 2. The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of busi
es today was as follows:
Trust Funds
Gold coin s56,!i.iS9
Silver dollars 4s.!iS7,iD
Silver dollars of lvw 3,712.000
Sliver certificates outstanding.... 488,857,000
General Fund
Staihlanl silver dollars In gen
eral fund
Current liabilities
Working) balunce In treasury of
fices In banks to credit of treasurer
of the t'nltwd States
Subsidiary silver coin
Minor coin
Total balance In general fund...
Staple and Fancy Produce Prices Pnr
ntaheil by Iluyers and Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
the reian 11 sue, ,11 i-id. cartuns, mc; No. 1,
In 60-10. luos, Ulfti;; No. 3, In 1-lb. cartona,
mc; in uO-iu. iuus, ii'.ac, packing siock, suna
pack, 204c; uairy, 111 wl-ib. luus, c Aiai-At-i
cnanacs eveiy 'AUrsdu'., i in, iuc; young America,
17c; uaiey, lie; triplets, ic; liinnerger,
lbc; No. 1 bricK, iuc; .so. i, ijc; uouiet c
Swiss, .2c; tviiuia cwios, iic, iiupolluU
owiss, uuu.
-ocLiitY Dressed broilers, $9.00 dox.;
for storuKu, o.uu, lor irebii spiuias, m',
liens, ic, cocko, 12, go; (lucKS, Mc; gecst,
turkeys, toe; pigeons, per uoz., 4l.u,
homer 0s, 4 00 per dux.; lancy squaos,
ft.oV per uux. ; io. 1, $J.u0 per uux. .vmc:
rroiler:i, from 1;4 to lVa lbs., 40u; lVs to 3
lbs., 25c; hens, lo)c; ola lounitin, yo; young
roosters, loo; uucus, lun leaihered, 14c;
Stese, lull leathered, loc; turkeys, lsc;
suinea fowls, 2;o each; pigeons, 9uo per
Uox.; lioineiB, Ij.uu per aox.; squaus. No. 1,
U.W) per dot.: No. X "Oc.
FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 10c; wiilteflsh,
16c; pike, 14c; irout, 15c; large crsppies,
ioialbi; oiiiibii mackerel, 18c; eel, lsc; nau
duck, lJc; fluunderd, 12c. Green catllh,
lbc; trout, loc; buffalo. Se; lallbut, 8c;
white perch, 8c; wtntefis, lie; yellow
percn, tfc; bullheads, 12c; white bass, lie;
roeshads, 1.0u each; shadroes, per pair,
5bc; frog lens, 30u per dos.
Beef cuts Ribs: No. 1, 17c; No. 2 14(Ac
No. S, 13c. Loins, No. 1, 19c; No. 2, 14c'
No. 8, 13C. Chucl: No. 1, 9i4c; No. 2, 8tc'
No. 8, 8'4C Round: No. 1, 11540; No. 2'
UVc; No. 3, 11c; Plate: No. 1, Sc; No. 2
ic; No. 8. 7140.
FRUITS Strawbel rles. Missouri, 24-qt
cases, per case, $2.75i3.O0. -Oranges, Cali
tornia Can ella and l'rodueer brands Red
land navels, 80-96 sized, per dox, $3
size. Der box. $3.25: 150 size. 13.LO: 17' a
smallor sizes, per box, $4. Otner brands
irom ruversiue onu uiner uisirms, per box
$3.0088.60; 80-96-112 sizes, per box, $2.75; Ha
vana Mediterranean Sweets, 126-112 sizes
per box, $3; 150 and smaller sizes, per box'
13.Z6. ienions, i-,iinuniera, extra fancy, 300
-,vj Bivti, viiuiw, ow-ow sizes, ner
a. r.-. ,1,1, m r. 1 , ' r
DOX, 'I-IU, w UUX. leSS. HA'
anas, lancy seieci, per Duncn, $2.252.o0;
umbo, bunch. $2.7.'K&3.75. Grana fr,,it
Florida, 46-54-64-80 sizes, per box, $5. Plne
SDQles. Cuban. 80-S6-42 sizes. $3.50: FlnrlH.
24-30-36-42 sizes, $4.25. Apples, Ben Davis,
ner DDI., tl.zii; t-auiornia iancv W. w
Pear mains, per box, $2.26; California extra
fancy, Pearmulns, Red Wood brands, per
box, $2.25; extra fancy Iowa Jonathans, per
bul., 40. vnerries, i-aiiiuruia, per 10-lb
1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $2. Figs, Call-
VEdETABLE's Irish potatoes, Wiscon
sin and native, per bj., SOWOe; Colorado.
per bu., 65c; new potatoes, in sacks per
lb., 2c. Seed sweet potatoes, Kansas, per
uui.i J s 1 --- -' ma. UI1U
southern, per lb., c. Onions, Texas crys
tal wax, per crate, $1.90; yellow, per crate,
$1.65. Old vegetables: Parsnips, carrots.
beets, turnips, in sacsa, per id, zc. aGr e.
extra fancy, white, per lb., 17c; red, per
lh 18c. ,
Radishes: Per dox. bunches, 35c. Turnins:
Per dox. bunches, 45c. Carrots: per doz,
bunches, 60o. Parsley: Per dox. bunches
50c. Beets: Per doz. bunches, 50c. SDlnach:
Per bu., 12 lbs., mic. jgg plant: Kancy
Florida, per oos., lomatocs:
Fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6-bbsk. crate,
$2.75; choice, $2.25. String and wax beans:
Per hamper, about 2n lbs., 73.00. Green
peas: Per hamper. $2.50. Cucumbers: Hot
house, per aox., fi.wan.a, imu, per aox.,
75. tier bu. box. $2.25.
Radishes: Extra fancy liorae grown, per
dos. buncnes, vk. whhcd: luxtra fancy
leaf, per doa., 40c; head lettuce, per doz.,
75c. Parsley: Fanoy home grown, per doz.
hunches. 40U. KliUOarD: 1'er doz. hunches.
46c. Asparagus: Per aox. bunches, 75c.
Green onions: per aoz. nuncnes, zuo.
MISCELLANEOUS Horseradish: Two
doa. In case, $1.90. walnuts: Black, per lb.,
2c; California, No. 1, per lb., 17c; California,
No. 2, per id., 140. incKory nuts: Large,
per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts:
Per sack, $5.00; per doz., tc.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
8S9ic; September, 87V4c, sellers. Cash, 2Cfl4c
lower; No. 2 nara, bi.03; sso. s, zrjjxi.oo;
No. 2 red, 9!(tji.w2; ino. 3, sotrjwe.
CORN Juay. bow sellers; September
64c; Iecembcr, 50o, bid. Cash, Vh2c
lower; No. e mixed, onowc; ino. 3, dwooSc;
No. 2 white, 60(ijOMic; No. 3, 69V4V60C.
OATS Unchanged to lc lower; No.
white, 39&'41c; No. 2 mixed, 868.37c.
RYE No. 2. iOC.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $15.00
cho ce oralrle. 110.76'B 11.00.
BUTTER Creamery extras, 27c; firsts,
25c; seconds, 23c; packing stock, 20c.
EGGS steady; current receipts, new
coses, $5.20; miscellaneous cases,
southerns. I4.C5; storage packed, $n.5a.
receipts. Equipments
Wheat, bu 50.OX) 26,000
Corn, bu 48,000 56,000
Oats, bu lfl.OW 13,W0
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fro Its
APPLES Steady with an improved dO'
mand: on the snot fancy Is quoted at 10c
choice. 8t?i8toc; prime, IWAc; common to
fair, 6S6V4c.
dhikd fruits prunes are nrm. wun
a fair active demand, quotations range
from 3c to 8ic for Californlas up to 30-40.1,
and 4V.ti9c for Oregons. Apricots are rathe
quiet, but prices are steady. Choice, 10
lOMic; extra choice. iuiivkc; iancy, uwiv
12V.'. Peaches are quiet, but steady on
small offerings, choice, 6V3fiic; extra
choice, TCtf7c; fancy 71x'ft7Wc. Raisins are
dull, but steady; loose muscatels are
atioted at 3ii5c: choice to fancy, seeded
4f!4i''!t4c: seedless, Sy&ihkc; London layers,
Cattle, Sheep- and l.nrabs Reported
. Steadj Hot Market Illaher.
CHICAGO, May 28 CATTLE Receipts,
estimated at 2uo heads market steady;
beeves, $5.60uS.60; Texas steers, $5.00(gJ.35;
western steers, $5.75)7.60; stockers and feed
ers, $3.9GV6.40; cows and heifers, .$2.707.00;
calves, $o.76'g8.00.
HOGS Recelpta estlmatel at 6,000
head; market. 65a 10c higher; light, $9.40
ti'J.67H; mixed, $9.40(y9.7O; heavy, $9.85
(9.67V4; rough, $3,3.Vf9.4"; good to choice
heavy, $9.4.v970; pigs, $9.15U'9.60; bulk of
sales. $9.66b.65.
SHEEP AN'D IAMBS Receipts estimated
at 1.000 head; market steady; native, $1.5oc,J
6.50: western, $;1.5o(a5.6i; yearlings, $6.0u,j
7.50; lambs, native, $5.25'u'!.60; western, $5 75
Kansas City stock Market. v
Receipts S'lO head; incliiUing 100 southerns;
market steady; native steers, $6,901)3.10;
southern steers, Sl.4tKJ7.0C; suuthern cows,
$3.5iKti6.4it; bulls, Sc.aiyuO.i'O; weHtern cows,
HOGS Receipts 1.500 head; market 6?r"10c
higher; bulk uf sales, $9.45'i 55; heavy, $a.50
ti9.574; packers an! butchers, $9.4,9.55;
Ilglit. $9 30u9.45; pigs, $.S.90-y9.20.
SHEE1 AND LAM US Receipts none;
market steady; muttons, St.uoynS.W; lambs,
$7. 0008.75; fed western wethers and year
lings, $4.25fu0.S;;fed western ewes, $l.Uu6.50.
81. Joseph Live Stock Market.
celpts, 100 head; market, steady; steers, $5.75
S7.75; cows and hellers. S.oOuv7.2o; calves,
14 a,i7 50.
HoO.-v-Receipts. 1.S00 head: market 5c
higher; top, $i).57H; bulk ot stilus, I'J.Ijuj.w
. No sheep on tale.
Ntoek In Nlsht.
Receipts of live slock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South omana
tft. Joseph
Kansas City
8t. I ami Is
15,600 1.1U0
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
llt l.W)
3) 1,5(
lt0 3t')
200 6,Ul'l
Cattle Prices Are Nominally Steady
at Friday's Figures.
mall Net Decline In Valors far the
Week, Due to the Liberal Re
celpts -Sheep Are Nom
inally Steady-
SOUTH OMAHA, May 28. 1910.
ItecelDts wxra- I'm tin Itnsx Sheen.
Official Monday 3,303 4.326 6.94
"iioiai luesday 5.148 13.WW 9
'nieiai Wednesday 8.596 12.919 1.4.4
'fficlal Thumilav 2 F.90 10.406 1.826
tifflclal Friday 770 6.310 1.013
c--uiiiaie Saturday 4,200
Six dava thin, 1-, ten 41 9"i8 15.877
Same days last weck,...16ti'"3 44.4M 26,207
Same days 2 weeks n so 18.463 32.7K1 27,649
Same days 3 weeks ago.18.6sS W93 23.W
.-amis unjs weeks ngo.l9,4)
Same days last year. ...17,005 68,544 11.693
Tl-.o following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
1.110. 1909. inc. ucc
'nttle tmmn ?u 17.816
Hogs wx'snA 1 137'si 2f4.0i:i
Sheep 694.230 007,601 13.3tw
The following table shows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days with comparisons:
fata. I 1J10. 11909. 11908. 11907. l0.ia05.llF.
May 16... I jo, 5 )9 29 t 4 81
May 16...I 1
May 17... 9
May 18,..( 9
9 3441 7 06
1 tw 1 a 3 1 1 u 1 n t m
V 02 6 SOI 6 251 I 38 6 26 4 6$
.May 19.
9 XV
921 i 841 I
S61 6 fo 4 47
May 20...
8I 6 I3 6 23
7 01 6 381 24
I 6 241
4 46
4 41
4 36
4 34
4 39
4 47
4 49
.May 21..,
May 22...
t 331 6 ro
7 001 6 871 1 IS
May 113..
May 24..
8 43
I I 26 $ 1M 6 19 6 28
6 97 04 22 6 17
7 10! K 14 6 99, 6 32j 6 161
7 14 6 16 I 211 6 19
V 39
9 19
9 14U
Muy 25...
May 26...
May 27...
May 28...
8 39Vs
7 02, 6 281 5 82 6 85
Receipts and disDosltlon of live stock at
the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. ui., yes
C, M. & St. P. Ry
Union pacific lty
... 421
,.. 1.024
,.. 909
,., 1.5HS
... 373
C. & N. W. Ry., east
C. &. N. W. Ry., west
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry
C, B. & W. Ry., east
C, li. & W- Ry., west
U. W. lty
Total receipts!
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour si Co
Murphy, shipper
Total , 4,325
CATTLE As usual on a Saturday, there
was noiiung of any consequence on sale
in the way ot beef cattle anu tne market
was nominally steaay wun yesterday.
Prices nave Lcen very lrresuiar all wees.
partly awing to the uneven distribution
of tue receipts and partly owing to tne
tact that eastern markets were reported
very unsatisfactory. uotu local dressed
bee men and eastern buyers snowed a
strong preference tnrougnout the wsek for
the neavy and well finished cattle, and as
compared nun a week ago, tnese do noi
snow mure man a I0itf15c decline. On tne
other hand, an classes of buyers nave been
very bearish on tne general run 01 medium
and pretty good steers and values show a
drop ot tully 2u4j5o for tne week.
in cows and neuers tne maraei pm kmu
largely influenced by tne uoeral receipts
of lexas cattle at other points. Strlouy
good to choice fat kinds have commanded
a ready sale right along at prices very littie
lower than a week, ago, and tne same holds
true as to the thin and common graaea.
The In-between kinds have suffered a de
cline of tully 26835o and have been very
slow and Indifferent sellers throughout..
Veal calves nave been in good request
rignt along at fully steady prices, but
there has ueen a lvtc25c drop In quotations
tor bulls, slags and rough biook. generally.
In Blockers and feeders tne volume of
business has been small. The recent heavy
decline In prices has naturally stimulated
buying to some extent and the strictly
good 10 choice light tirades of steers and
nelters have sold to good advantage rlgnt
along. Tne ordinary run of Blockers ana
feeders nave snown uiue cusim iu
with the trade quiet irom start to finish.
A good clearance has been made for the
Liuotatlons on cattlet Good to choice
cornfed steers, 7.35(.1.90; fair to good corn-
f,l Btoars. xti.itxoil.2b: common 10 isir coin-
led steers, .ouav.Mi; good to choice cows
and heifers, ta.uuiB6.i5; lair to good cows
and heifers, $4.7uib.V5; comon to lair
cows axid heifers, t.6y.5Q; 4 to choice
and feeders. $u.v0tF6.25; fair to
.,..nri .mrk.ri and feeders. It.ibwo.w: com
uion to fair stockers and feeuers, $3.a0nji
4.75; stock heifers, $3.7b(B4.iD; veai caives.
1a.16fi7.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4.01x00.34.
HOGS Recently developed strength in
provisions lias ueen a potent factor in
stiffening up values for nogs the last few
days, and although tne weeks receipts
have been imersi, v "
u ai.arit. lower than a wees ago. J. no iraus
ouetied out ratner uuiet this morning, but
when tne iraue onto xf-"--
active and tne big bulk of the receipts sold
In short order, prices were pretty close
, i,u. i.iener than yesterday ail around.
the popular figure being $9.40, as against
$9 25iU.aO yesterday. The narrow spread In
Drices is at least partly due to tne faci
that the quality of the nogs has been very
sood this week and extremes of weignt are
rare After the urgent orders had been
....,.tioiiv all filled, the market softened
a little and some of the late sellers had 10
accept shaded figures.
Notwithstanding the liberal supplies of
hogs this week and the rather dun and un
satisfactory tone to the trade during the
earlv Dart of the week, the strengtu de
veloped during the last two days has been
considerable and the week closes with a
strong healthy undertone to tne trade and
Drices are in very nearly the same notches
- ha ,-i,,ub of last week.
as iney ,
AY. bu. fr.
ls w
64 1) 6tW t i6.
U 412 0 84
tj.., 2 1 1,6
f 3tWI W 6
. . . . tdO 40 W
....m ...
....m ... Vii
....m ... Wm
231 20 T
, ...
....261 90 9 lm
71 Jjl M HV
W 241 120 9 41 Vs
H 125 W vm
mi xti su iv
T 'fiO lwl i
u iii st) J7VS
..!64 ... 4t)
,.1J 4U 40
..)4 ... 4
..IH 1 41)
..412 . su 4U
.:m w i 4u o o
ceived in the way of sheep or lambs tods
and the market remained nominally steady.
For the week tho trade has presented no
....."..i.iiv new features. Kastern mutton
nrlces were biuiuj
" . j -,. ,.. lAw.r Ihvmis on a 1 classes
of stock on Monday. More activity to the
demand during ihe last few days has re
sulted in some little improvement, but kill
ers are tlll buying very sparingly and
closing sales show up a little lower thau
a week ago. Bet handywelght shorn lambs
aro not far irom b.u,,
hi. ut ih.50. bul the ordinary run of
lii-between olterlngs show declines of 10
41 Not many spring lambs have been coming
and g,ulll oi mo ........ ...
this brancli ot tn imuo .. vv.. ... .......
extra. ".". . w"" h " , 7.
,,,,, I,-, i("jl J.UU, bill rwitm ..w V' w
' 1, ..II uruuild IM.
,. WHtiiers eBoeclully. have also been
Kearca but their absence has not been
missed' Big muttons urs unpopular with
killers at this time of tho year and no
effort Is made by buyers to encourage the
I..,w.tiiiir of stock of this desi,Tlptlon.
strictly choice fed wethers on the handy
v.e)Kht order would probably sell around
f, &o and ewes of good quality have been
telling from $5 00 to $5.15, the latter price
buying some ot the best ewes here this
choice ewes, $4SgB.H; lair to goou twit,
St. l.ools l ive Slock Market.
sr inflfl. Mav 28 CATTLK Receipts,
lou head, no Tsxaus; market steady. Na
t no. a. as. rt.
a m 1) 40
t'j 21 tuU 40
H Xl 40 I 40
to a at) I 40
as 2U0 ... 140
7i ti 10 I 40
M V 40 t 40 '
lb SHU 10 0 40 ,
74 234 lW It)
111 H4 SO 40 '
4U 541 110 40
44 Sal SU I 40
,24 2.t 40 40
J til 420 40
70 264 IK) 40
U 4V
....'...., J SO 40
ti. ill lto t 40 j
-,i tit 140 I tO
W, 461 W Mil
.75 14 120 40
i 484 M 40
73 i ... 4
61 & 140 4Vl
tt two 40 44
tl ...310 ... t 44
of consequence was re
.. - . L- . (,.,. A . n 1
CJHOtat H1I.B Oil 1 i v.y-. . . iu
linibs $7.stHj3.60; fxlr to good lambs, $4 Hi
iiTl 'giiod to choice wethers. $5.15il5.60;
fair to good wethers, $4 b5U5.16; good to
tlvs bef Iteers, $.7r.1I; enwt and hetT
era. $3 IVW8 00; stockers and feeders, $4 OCtf
1 25; Texas and Indian steers, $4.7Vnl.0i;
cows and heifers, $3.0tHi50; calves In car
load lots. $4 Omuft 25,
HOt IS Receipts. I.Ofs) head; market 10c
higher; pigs and lights, $K.7tva6; packers
and best heavies. $9 tiOflrTO; butchers, $9. 46
SHEEP AND IJkMBS Receipt 10ft head;
market steady; native muttons, $4.604j&.76;
lambs, S7-50fj8.7E.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, May 17. HAT No. 1. $9 50; No.
1, $8.00; packlng( $5.00. Straw: Wheat, $6 50;
rye and oats, $7.50. Alfalfa, $11.60. The best
grades of hay are holding their own, but
nobody seems to want the poorer quality
at anr price.
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS. May W.-COTTON-Un-changed;
middling, 15c; hulls, 26 bales; re
ceipts, Khft bales; shipments, 1,004 bales;
stock, K7..tSG bales.
Markets Closed Monday.
NEW YORK. May 28. -The stock, cotton
and coffee exchanges are closed today. It
Is also a holiday In the sugsr market.
Phelps Heard
Talk on Phone
Man Suing for Alienation of Wife's
Affections on Stand in Own
Frank N. Phelps told a district court jury
yosterdny afternoon how he had come
quietly horns one evening, let himself In the
back way into the basement of his horns,
and fixing a telephone tester to the wire,
listened to a conversation between his wife
and John W. . Bergers.
The conversation began, Phelps said, with
Berger's saying to Mrs. Phelps:
"How are you. dear heart?"
Details of the conversation followed.
Phelps was by no means through with his
Ustlmeny when .adjournment cam in the
afternoon and will resume Tuesday. Court
ill not sit Monday, which is Memorial day.
' The first witness for the plaintiff In
Phelps' suit against the automobile dealer
for $25,000 was O. P. Peterson, a friend of
Phelps, who travels for the National Biscuit
oompany. He testified to seeing Mrs,
Phelps and Bergers dine together at the
Orand hotel In Council Bluffs. '
Recollections of at Bit of Circus Bam. ,
boos I In a; Worked by
Press Aarent.
When Ixiulse Montague, the famous
'$10,000 beauty" died In New York recently
the atar reporters pulled the high-speed
levers on their imaginations and wrote
pretty fair stories about her and her
career. A few of them, too, walled in deep
organ tones, that Just oozed tears, over the
pathetic ending of her life. She had made
unhappy investments and the Ilka and they
contrasted the poverty of her last days
with the gilded glory of those when she
focused public attention.
All this read well, but It couldn't stand
the litmus paper test of accuracy. Mlsa
Montague never made unfortunate Invest
ments that dragged her down because she
never had any money to invest.
The whole scheme of the "$10,000 beauty"
was merely a big bit of circus bombooxllng
and it mads auch a hit because it was
pulled oft in the early days of gold-brlck-
ing . the public It Is true that Barnum
had fooled the people from the start of
his career, but he waa alone in this decep
tion. No one seemed to have the brain
to fake In the wily way of Phineas T.
At last, however, somebody In the I'ore-
paugh employ hit on this scheme and It
took like fire. The most beautiful woman
In the country was advertised for and a
contest started. The winner waa to get
$10,000 and a princely Income for her ap
pearance In the Forepaugh parade and the
Grand Entree" Alto the circus ring.
The press was "worked" with uncommon
Ingenuity. The whole country talked of
the contest for months, and when Louise
Montague, was finally officially selected
and tagged with the title of the most
beautiful woman In the world, the great
public all over the country was ' wild to
see her.
A circus street parade Is always an event.
but those Forepaugh processions estab
lished records for the crowds they drew
and the early appearance - of the spec
tators. These would be on hand hours
ahead ot the time, so to secure the best
points of vantage.
And then, when the parade hove In sight.
the excitement was as great as If the Ah-
koond of Swat was on view, and much
more Intense than the appearance of the
president would produce).
Miss Montague was seen sitting on a
throne on top of a gilded globe, symbolical
of the world. Ehe was flamboyantly ar
rayed, and the whole float was of the ex
travagant, gilded gingerbread style) that
circus men delight In.
It was Uie best of fun to stand In u
crowd and hear the comments that followed
a first sight of Mlsa MCntague. Bhe was
a pretty woman, but not uncommonly so. It
was understood that she was a chorus girl
In one of George W. Ledercr's shows, and
Forepaugh hired her to pose in this pulchrb
tudlnous way for only a little -bigger sar
ary than she had been paid In oomlo opera.
If she had appeared unheralded, the mul-
tltude would have considered her a rather
pretty gtrl and thought no more of it, but
with the expectations at fever heat, the
sight of this $10,000 beauty mads for crltl
clams, amusing and Jeering. I hare no
doubt that Miss Montagu heard thsm, but
they never caused her face, to break from
that "front row" chorus girl smile of hers.
She lasted out tho season with Forepaugh
and then returned to the stago, where the
advertising she had received got her good
parts. She played with more or less suc
cess for some time, but for the last ten
years or so she wasn't before the publlo.
She lived quietly with her son In New Tork
and all the stories of the vivid and pathetic
contrasts of her career that have been
printed of late are merely that much news
paper flapdoodle. .
The whole affair la Interesting merely
b showing the credulity of the public It
Is not as simple-minded now, of course, but
the right kind of a fakir can still fool it.
as witness the recent vogue of some amas-
Ing press atrent stunts. They didn't ' all
cease when Mansfield, translated to another
world, stopped throwing mutton chops for
Paul Wllstach to write about, or Anna Held
took her lost milk bath. Still It Is safe to
ay that there will never be aV theatrical
hoax of the magnitude of this $10,000 bewuty
one. Cleveland Leader.
Coinuienoement at Pierre.
PIERRE, S. D., May 2SL (Special.) The
high school graduating class 'of this city
numbers twenty members this year, of
which fourteen are girls. ' The list Includes,
Esther Arp, Helen Binford, Edith Andlng,
Kate Bchults, Dorothea White," Fay Hard
ing, Eula McCord, Ella Bwanson, Georgia
Morse Grace Folger, Laura Stadtmueller,
Lunula McCalmont, Lima Baker, Ferol
Steels, ' The ' boys ' are, Andrew Bonsey,
Pierre Brink, Carroll McCoy, Ray Howard,
Ivor Thomas and Fred Lee. The most of
next week will be taken up with the clos
ing exercises, the baccalaureate sermon
being by Rev. Thlbadeau, Sunday evening.
next; Monday evening, the high school
concert under direction of Miss Merrill;
Wednesday evening,, the senior class day
Thursdy evening, the commencement ex
ercises, at .which an address will be given
by Kev. Marshall F. Montgomery of Lead
Moderate Improvement Noted In Mcst
Mercantile Lines.
. i
t'hauin-a for lletter Are Notnl
Iron and Steel Baylatf y
Cotton Good MMI -Limited.
NEW YORK, May SS.-R. O. Dunn at
Co.'s week y report of trade today says:
.5"h.nKO" ln tle business situation are In ,
the llnexot moderate Improvement. Crop '
prospects aro better and this Is. l'UWiU
Indicated by the downward tenuwiYy of
prices. Visible improvement Is taklnc place
in. the Iron and stew trade, and tnis Is too
brst development of tho last tow days..
There is a larger demand for both pig nod i
and for flnlsned products, especially in
agricultural and structural lines. Demand
Irom railroads for equipment Is small, re-
stricted by the uncertainty iigar.ll.isT
freight rates, yet some good business in
rolling stock is regarded as certain and
rails have beu taken In moderate amounts.
Huylttg of cotton goods Is still limited,.,
and mills are still Indisposed to accept Ion.;
contracts, owing to unsatisfactory prlc.
ln woolens and worsteds stock goods niv
being offered at concessions and mills sic
conservative in the matter of opeittt'v
of fall lines not under order. Tne .,Vi
makers are steadier and a little mure bu
pes is being done.
' Trade In footwear continues sloir ami un
satisfactory, large Jobbers tnroitkhutit tne
country having failed to follow up initial
purchases by supplementary buying of ac
count. Curtailment of pi'xlui'tloii is a
necessity, Tne question of prices has ap
parently little bearing oil the volume of
piesent traffic. Leather Is generally In
active. Pronounced dullness continues ' y
rule throughout the entire hide market iu J
all varieties of both domestic uud lorci"
hides are weaker.
Helail Trnilc athowa Cialn, with Heat
. lleport from Northwest.
: NEW YOUIv, May 28. Bradstreot'e today
Cjutot rules in trade and many lines of in- 1
dustry, while, speculation, except ln grain,
seems in a waiting stage, pending clearer
views of ultimate crop and price outcome.'
Relatively most activity ln Johlug trad
la centered In meeting current demands and
fall business still lacks form.
, Ketall trade has shown some gain at lead
ing western markets, hut Is still classed
as below expectations. Unseasonably cool i
weather Is commonly assigned as the cause J
for backward trade, but there are still In f
evidence the signs that uncertainly as tot
prices hold back future commitments. i
Relatively best reports come from the
northwest, but there Is rather more doing
at some western markets, though coll, wst
weather was a bar to activity at most clt tV
Southern trade Is, on the whole, slight
better. Eastern advices are of slight gams
In some lines, but ot quite characterizing
trade as a whole. Jjk
In Industries, the features are the conTV
tlnuance of the rather morv cneerful feel
ing noted last week In Iron and steel, based
on recognition of the effect of shut downs
upon crude production and the apparent
putting Into effect of Blmilar measures ln
the leading textile lines.
Cotton mill curtailment promises to ba
more widespread next week than at any
previous time since the present trade re
action bcame evident. A full week's shut
down of many eastern mills Is scheduled.
Collections are classed as about fair as a
Business failures In the United States for
the week ending May 26 were 200, against
226 last week, 205 In the like week of l'."C9,
263 in 1908 and 142 ln 1907 and 127 in 1901.
Business failures In Canada for the week
terminating with Thursday, number fifteen,
which compares with nineteen lost week
and twenty-two in the like week ot last
Wheat, Including flour exports from the
TTnited KtAt1 And Cnnnda fnr the wmt. .
ending May 2(3, aggregate 3,594,144 bushels? '
against 2.D1S.166 bushels last week and
8.1t2,808 this week last year. For the forty
seven weeks ending May 26 exports are
133,531.364 bushels, against 163.784.812 in the
corresponding period last year.
Corn exports for the week are 845,3.54
bushels, against 862,609 last week, and 88,022
bushels ln 1909. For the forty-seven weeUs
ending May 26, corn exports are 27,019,143
bushels, against 28,519,548 bushels last, year.
Church Votes to Keep Tab on All
Persons Who Try for
' , Ministry.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. May 2S.-Com.
mlssloners ln attendance at the Presby
terian general asembly demanded by a
resolution this evening, that hereafter of
ficial records be kept of all examinations
ry y
made of candidates for the ministry
Presbyterian bodies.
The resolution was Introduced by
Robert S. Inglls of Newark, N. J., who ex
plained his belief that the lack of verbatim
records In the heresy trial decided today
had left the examining commission with
lack of real proof of the claims of the
minority members of the New York Pres
bytery, that' the ordained students Messers
Steen, Black and Fitch had really expressed
heretical beliefs. The resolution was passed
by unanimous vote.
Annnal Brent Witnessed by Lnrjkre
- v. . . . ..... V . .
, tlclpants.
TTie girls of the Omaha Illeh school iav
their annual gyr;nastlo exhibition of the
tic exhibition of the
is gymnasium . lii
s, who applauded v.3-'
stunts performed fy
school Friday The
packed with spectators,'
orouHly the various st
the young women.
The program consisted of a series of
dances, drills with dumbbells an Indian
clubs, and games ln which the whole class
took part. The were led and
directed by Miss Elsie Hchwarts, teacher
of the gymnasium studies at thu tilth
schoul. ...
One of the most Interesting of the events
of the afternoon was the military drill pre
sented by the girls. In which tactics which
would pussle any well regulated cadet com
pany, were successfully gone through with.
The afternoon s fun endiil with a relay
race with different obstacles, in which one
freshman team came out victorious.
- ' X 1 1 a...B... I'lnBla.
NEW YORK. . Mav 27.-T. It Tell south
ern and former national indoor chamuiom
won a place In the rinai roiiria of the
Bronx championship tennis tournament to
day,' and Henry J. Hollenhauer, ex-Long
Island champion, was defeated by Dr. Wrt.
llsm Rosenbaum. lr. Kosenbaum won
against HollenhoiiBer, 6-4, 6-4, and now
couples with tho Callfornlnn, Cartelon R.
Gardner, for the final. .. These were tli4
moat noteworthy results ot the day, . ,
14 United Wlrele pM, trans., at $19 64
8 t'nlted Wlrelee pfd., trans,, at flsto
30 Unltod Wlreluss, pftL, trans. at $19.00
f Allaugh-I over Company, at $55.00
$3,500 in Turnagaln Arm Gold Honda,
at : $2 flat
100 Collins Wireless Telephone, at ..75q
25 Radio Telephone, (paront Co.), atJt&Od
10 Oxford Linen Mills A and convenVlfts.
at $lu50
1.000 Lost Gulch ITnltet Mines, at .
1.00U guiiana-Arixona men), at ..
Western HtfWtk BE Snnfl rtn.
130 Xjesalle St., Chicago, 111. A
Herbert E.GooGh Go
Brokers and Dealer
Otnaha Office, lia Board of Trads Bldg,
Sell Phone, Bong-, tail Znd. A-31 1
showing all the fields, will be niallrl 4t
you upon application. Also our mi.VT)y
Phelan Bldg- - Ban FruiJo,:Cai