BOYiLS DEADS1SS0CIA1I0S tiinahan President of Central Commer. cial Teachers' Association. MEET AT DES MOINES NEXT loni Capital Wins Contest for tirxt Convention Against Drnrrr anil (inlcsbnrK Klertlon Are I nanliiioii. It. 11. Hoylrs was elected president of the Ccirtral Commercial Teachers' association -t ilia annual eleoilon holJ yestcnlay aft ernoon at Doyle Huslntrs collcgo. The cinwatio.-i voted tu hold tho next gathering Ill Moines. Almon P. Gales, secretary of the Western Commercial School Man userV association, was presented with a solid gold watch as a murk of appreciation Cor his services. . V. N. Watson of tho Lincoln Business cull.rtc was selected as the vlco president of tiie teachers' association, and Miss Mary Horner of Waterloo was chosen as secre tary. Jliss Lena A. Vogt of Cedar Kaplds, Iho former secretary, was jnado treasurer. AH of tho elections were unanimous, with the exception of the selection of a meeting place, for next year. iJenver and Ualsburg wanted tile convention, but Des Moines won out. lle.lnl to Wlt-hltu .11 nu. ' Tho Williams- sold- medal, for excellence in rapid calculation, was won by Earl Clark of Wichita, Kan., who had nine points. The uecotid highest pupil was MI? Freda Martin of Des Moines, who mado Xivo and a half . puintM. Clark was presented the medal In peiaoif by H. F. Williams of Des Moines, the doiKir, who Insisted that In the future tho nudal bo called by another name. Parker Woodson of the Select School of Shorthand and Typewriting of Chicago, was presented with tho Drown trophy, the gift Of O. W. .Brown of Jacksonville, 'ill., fer . excellence In rpeed typewriting. The medal ' Is to be retained by the school until next year, when It will be returned to be con tasted for again. If one school wins for nve successive years the cup will remain ' the permanent Drouertv nf thn Inatltntinn Resolutions were passed by the conven ' tlcm Just prior to closing expressing gratl tude to the various persons and Institutions wnicn contributed to the success of the , garnering. Woman's Side of Case. MIh lone Duffy, the new proprietor of ' the Van Sant school of Omaha, sprang a surprise Saturday. She was on the pro gram to give an address upon "How a Woman Can Run a Business College." Miss Duffy treated the subject from a new standpoint and declared that woman . has been content to do secondary work, fcslng less than her maximum powers. Self-confidence, she said, was the only thing '' lacking to make women a power In busi ness. "Women lack self-confidence," said Miss ' Duffy, "they have everything they need for successful administration; but a reoog- nltlon of the business ability which lies within' them unused. "Womanhood Itself Is their biggest com ' merclal asset, and it Is the very thing they overlook entirely. It will many times over ' offset the woman's lesser acquaintance llsh the school In the eyes of the public as a conscientiously managed Institution for t with the ways of business. It will estab ... conscience plays a large part In a woman's ;. undertakings. . ",Thls matter of environment Is one to which women give much thought and not only will keep a high standard before the HiKlents and surround them with the best Influences while in school, but they will also keep the same thing in view In send ing students into positions. A woman, knowing how much surroundings mean to young people, vll . look well and thought fully into conditions before advising the , still Impressionable boy of girl to take the Offered employment," . Colonel Hoole'a - Address. Colonel George Soule, president of the Soule Commercial college and literary In stitute fit , New Orleans, delivered an ad dress upon matters pertaining to the run ning ot a business college and denounced the "trust" schools,' 'saying that they stifle genius, and talent, . and enrich only one' man. "The speculation schools or the chain system, of schools' said: Colonel Boule, "enriches only one man, that is, the owner and manager, who. j-ecelyes the profits ol all tho schools comprising the chain. Thus lie becomes a, school speculator, depriving many other teachers of the opportunity of becoming proprietors of schools, and also of enriching himself in a monopolistic man ner." 1 'The Underwood experts who- were pres ent ut the convention yesterday made good records at tpecd work. II. O. Blalsdell of Xtw York, who holds- Hie world's record in exhibition-103 words per minute for an hour-wrote an average of 102 per minute yesterday for mcuty minutes. Tho others wrote as follows: ill. Coombes-of New Tfovk. -M; Gus It. Trofzger of Now York, 89; Lynn Holt of Kansas f!W R7 In tho prjliminory contest yesterday of Ovo minutes' work on the machine in dictation and copy j-eading the seven con testants averaged, as follows: Parker Woodson. Chicago. ta.J; Loona Richardson, Des Moines, 44.5; Raymond Bishop, Water loo. I3.D; Avis Jennings, Omaha, 3U.5; Sophia Pahl. Omaha, 34; Madeline Drake, Omaha, 8S.3; Oltvo Wesson, Des Moines, 2U.7. The i flvo highest pupils took part in tho final J contest tills morning, and when the Judgea examine the papers, tho school which won the Brown trophy will be given tho custody of the cup for the coming year. The couventlon, which ends today in ; Omaha, Is tho biggest gathering of com mercial teachers ever held, and the edu- 3 catora present say that It la due to the preliminary advertising and publicity given - by the Omaha press. "I have attended all of the big conven tions of the country," said C. V. Oden of New York, school manager for the Under- wood Typewriter company, "and the gath ering in Omaha la the biggest one I ever saw. The publicity bureau connected with ' your Commercial club deserves credit for the able way in which they handled the ltuatlon. The Omaha press responded nobly and the preliminary work done In this city la the best I ever saw." Parker Woodson, of the Boleiit School t of Shorthand and Typewriting of Chicago . rfou the Rrown trophy for the greatest j. speed and accuracy in the final contest held at the convention of commercial (.. teachers. Miss Leona Richardson of Des t Moines was second, and Miss Avis Jon . Dings of the Van Sant school of Omaha was third. I Following is the list of final averages . In the dlcutlon and copy reading speed contests: Parker Woodson, Chicago, 47 J3-; Leona Richardson, Dca Moines.' r., It 1J-30; Avis Jennings, Omaha, 40 H8 t. Bophla Pahl. Omaha. 17 7-10; R. V. Bishop' -Waterloo, -10. ' Mrs. Osgood Win at Golf. , QUINCT. Masa.. May 2$. -Mr., y, c. Os " food of tiie Country club won the cham- pionship of the Ronton Woman' Uolf as . KM'iuUoii on tiie Woliaston links today de feinting Mrs. E. C. W heeler, Jr.. of Wolias ton. last year winner, by 9 up and I to play. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Boot Print Ik lighting natures Bargess-Orandaa Co. Beat Dry Cleaning of garments. Twin City Dyo Works, 407 Bourn Jriiteenth. 160 Rational Xdfe Insurance Co. 1910 Charles E. Ady, Gonoral Agent, Omaha Home Lout to Some Maker makes rent money work for the family. Ne braska Savit.g and Loan Ass'n will show you. 108 Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha Big May Party Arrangements have ben completed for the unnuul May party to be given Tuesday night In Knights of Columbus hall by the entertainment com mittee of Omaha council. It is expected that the Fourth Degree chapter will attend the function in full regalia. Suing for Damage Axel Kron had just started work as a briUye lepairer for the Burlington and was sitting on a pier when a freight engine camo by with a heavily loaded tender. Coal showered down upon Kron, who then went to the hospital. lie Is now suing the road In dis trict court for IW.OOO. Work on Kennedy Building Active work has been started on the new Kennedy budding at Sixteenth and Jackson streets, which will be occupied by the Union Out fitting company when completed. The con tractors have been. at 'work all weok put ting in the concrete piers which will nup port the big soven-etory building. As soon as the piers are all in the brick laying will be rushed, as the building must be finished by September 15. . " ' City, HaU Closed Monday The city hall will be closed Monduy,' from morning to night. Mayor Dahluian will not Issue a Memorial day proclamation, as the state law ar.d trte governor's jroclamatlon covers the needs. No meeting of tho committee of the whole of tire council will be held Monday, as the councllmcn will be taking part In the Memorial day exercises. The committee will hold a meeting Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Fanerai of John M. Mo Relatives of John M. Rice, who died May 24 at Han Bernardino, -Cal., announced' Saturday that the funeral will be held In Fremont Tues day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends from Omaha and. Fremont have becn-.reqiu.sted to. attend the servlces.--Mr, Rice formerly lived at 1C16 Emmet street In Omaha. The relatives of his wife live In Fremont. Mr. Rloe also leaves many friends in Bangor, Me., where he lived for a long time. Big Convention Will Come Here International Boiler Makers Secured by Publicity Bureau of Com mercial Club. Through the efforts of the Publicity Bureau of the Omaha Commercial club Omaha will get next year a convention which will bring here at least 2,000 men who will stay a full week. Rome Miller, who Is vice chairman "of the , bureau, last evening received a tele gram from Niagara Falls, Ont, from R. U. Wolfe, city boiler inspector of Omaha, say ing that by a unanimous vote it had been determined by the International Boiler makers' association to come here next time. The publicity bureau has been working for this convention for six months and has written, hundreds of bollermakers all over the country. Besides 1,000 and More delegates, there will come about 900 men interested In sell ing boiler manufacturer all sorts of sup Piles. , , THREE. YEARSAT FORT OMAHA Colonel Glaasford is Charge of Post During; Rehabilitation for . Military Service. Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Glassford. chief signal officer of tho Department of tho Missouri, and commandant at Forr Omahn has not received any official notification pf his transfer to Chicago, and .know nothing more of It than appear in tho press dispatches. Colonel Glassford has been In eommnnrt of Fort Omaha for about three years, hav Ing succeeded Lieutenant Colonel E. O. recnot, now retired. Colonel Glasfmii ha been In command of tho post since its rehabilitation, and has superintended It Dutiaing, as well as the Installation of tho great balloon plant and the wireless tele graphy tower, and the general rearrange ment of Fort Omaha as one of tho most noted military rendezvous of the country. in mat period lie has endeared himself to the people of Omaha through his loy alty to the city and his active Interest in It many enterprise a far as he consist ently could as an army officer. His trans fer to Chicago Is a distinct promotion Colonel Glaesford said: "Wnlle I milch regret to leave Omaha wiiere I have made so many warm and sincere friends. I am glad that I ain.assignd to duty in the easr rather than farther west." Aberdeen lias Clean slate. ABERDEEN, S. D., May 28. (Special.) The Aberdeen base ball team has so far pleyed an unbroken Berks of victories this -ason, the teams it has vanquished being the St. Paul colored Gophers, twice; the Verdon, S. D., team, .once; the Linton, N. O., team, four times. t The last game of the series with Linton was plaved Wednesday, when Aberdeen mado two rcores in the seventh, the final score stand ing 1 to 0 In Aberdeen's favor.' Makes Children "Sunny" flit an . ..ana . 1. jrL a opular pkg 10c; Family Ue, l&c. Soli by Grocer. Pobtum Cereal Co., L iAitoi f ED P, SMITH A CANDIDATE Lawyer Thinks He Will File for Con gress from This District. OTHER CANDIDATES WORRIED Jlow Has One Brother In Lower Hons ' from Ilaltersfleld, Cal., bnt See Xo neason for noldlna Dark. "I rather think that I will file for the nomination," said Ed P. Smith attorney, with regard to the discussion of his pro bable candidacy for congress on the demo eratlc tlrkot. Mr. Smith has Just returned from Wash ington, where he went on legal business While there he noted tho distinction con forred on the two Fosa brothers, one 1 member of congress from Indiana and th other from Massachusetts. The Indian Fobs Is Oj. Republican and the Massachu setts Fobs was recently elected as a demo crat, though a lifelong republican up to the last campaign. Now, It. happens that Ed P. Smith has a brother sitting In the house representing the Bakorsfleld district In California, who Is a republican and a member of the com mlttee on rules. It la surmised that Ed t. decided there Is no good reason, the voters being willing, why the great family of which he is a member should not also be distinguished by the presence of two brother In the national house ot repre sentatlve. , In any event, the entry of Ed P. Smith Into the race will give some worry to City Comptroller Lobeck, Lawrle J. Qulnhy and 8. Arion Lewis, who have figured that they would fight It out between them for the democratic consolation prize. i HOME SOCIETY CARE FOR THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Summary and Report of Eighteen . Year of Work Show Oraranlaa tlon lias Administered to -1,621. j Th Nebraska Chilldren' Home society. since .it organisation In September. 1803, has received a total of 1,043 children, ac cording to an official report issued In tho Homeless Children's Advocate, the principal periodical or the society. i The receipts for that period amount to 111.172. , The total number of children cared for n that period Is, however, much beyond those legally received. This number is given at 4.621. Rev- E. P. Qulvey of Omaha, state uner intendent, is muking an effort to engage the services of district superintendents in var lous parts of the state. He says that conditions promise a year of unusual sue cess. IS A LUNCH WAGON A HOUSE? Ca and Pavement Controversy Pots) Question t to City Engineer' Department. Assistant city Engineer . Campen and license Inspector Schneider this morning took a look at. the lunch wagon on North Fifteenth strteet, between Chicago and cass, which is alleged to be on the side walk space. The owner claims he Is not on the sidewalk, but tho city officials have concluded he Is, and that the wagon will have to be moved back several feet. "No license can be issued for a lunch wagon in Omaha now." said Inspector Schneider, "but we cannot prevent people from building or locating these wagon on private property." The engineer's department will Investi gate ,.and roDort to the council on the question whether a permit to connect gas mains with a house gives the gas com pany a right to cut the pavement to con nect with a gas stove In a lunch wagon. Th councilmen- do not think It does. DEATH RECORD Laura Dell Wisdom. Mis Laura Boll Wdom, 22 year old, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wisdom. 2610 South Twelfth street, early Saturday morning. The fun eral will be held" from Grace Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bur ial will be at Forest Lawn. Besides her parents. Miss Wisdom Is survived by alx brother and one sister, Mr. C. II. Buf flngton of Omaha. Gns . Stepp. Qua 8. Stepp 45 year old, secretary of the Fred Vogel Real Estate company, died at his home. 3044 Curtla avenue, Saturday morning. The body will be laid at rest at Royal Hill cemetery under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World lodge at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Sirs. Alice Jones. Mrs. Alice Jones, 81 years old, died Sat urday morning at her home, 2438 Decatur street Death was due to heart fallur and complications growing out of old age. Mr. Jonea had Ived In Omaha a long time. She Is survived by several sons and daughters. The funeral will be held from the residence Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial gill be at Forest Lawn cemetery. If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It in The Bee Want Ad columns. Flavor of Wholesome, econom ical food, that contents the mind, satisfies the appetite, and Post Toasties "The Memory Lingers" Ltd. Cattle Creek, Mich. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY Shippers Arc to Meet YVickersham Delegations Start for Capital to Make Complaint to Attorney General on Bates Tuesday. With plans complete for the meeting with the attorney general in Washington, where the western shippers are to ask for action against the railroads under the Sherman act, E. J. McVann, head of th traffic bureau of the Omaha Commercial Club, left for Washington Saturday. Information received here Saturday de noted a large attendance of shippers from th principal towns of tho territory repre sented at the meeting held on Tuesday in Omaha. They will meet at the Wlllard hotel Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to confer about the state of the proposition to be made to Attorney General Wlckersham at 3 o'clock that afternoon. This meeting has been arranged. Tho agitation raised by the shipper fol lowing the Omaha meeting has borno fruit In the form of a shower of telegram to the member of congress attracting wide attention in Washington. Shoes and Lack of Them Convict General Appearance Against Him, So MistaJi Barnett ' Gets ' ' Thirty Days, . ' The coincident fact that Ed Byrne, of Fort Dodge, la., was found drunk and in his stocking feet at Tenth street and Capitol avenue, and that Clarence Barnett, a negro, wa found attempting to sell a pair of shoes, caused the latter' arrest Friday night. Barnett was sentenced to thirty days In jail when Detectives Mitchell and Sullivan told the court th shoes Bar nett had fitted Byrne. WARRANTS F0R CASH FEES District Clerk Appear Before Connty Board for Money, to Cover Advance Payments. Robert Smith, clerk of the district court, came before the Board of County Com missioner Saturday to state that he had advanced In Jury and state witness fees the sum of $0,100. He said he had on hand fee paid Into hi office amounting to $6,600 and would turn this in if th board would Issue a warrant In return to cover the assignment taken for the cash out lays to jurors and witnesses. The fees paid Into Mr. Smith for filing papers and so forth do not, by specific provision of law, have to be turned Into the county treasurer' office, until January L 1911. Then the board agreed to allow the war rant for $6,100. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Rom Cur That Anyone Can TJs wiimnii iiisooniion or lios ox Time. We have a New Method that cure Asthma, and we want vou to trv It at our expense. No matter whether your case 1 of long-standing or recent development, whether It is present as hay fever or-ohro- nle Asthma, our method la an absolute cure., No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your ace or occUDatlon. our method will certainly cure you right in your own home. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations. lumen, -patent srnoKes," etc.. have, failed. We want to show evervone at our own expense that this new method will end au aiiricuu oreatning, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and ior an lime. ( This free offer is too Inmnrt nnt tn nee. lect a single day. Write now and begin the cure at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. Do It Today. FREE ASTHMA COUPON. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room-176. Niagara and Hudson St., Buffalo. N. Y. Send free trial of your new method ti:. M It's the'touresl. It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest S' .THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Consumers' Distributer John Nlttler V i 3224 S. 24th Street Hi Doui. 1889, Red 3932 Ind. .... A-1420 By THEODORE ROOSEVELT African Came Trails HI Owa Book AOEITT8 WAJITED for tn only aeooont of al adTsn tarts la Africa by hliaaalf. .bbwajub or riii books CH-VKLK3 SCRIBNER'S BONd I j- ... What You Don't Want Sell Everybody has something around the bouse they do not want Or perhaps they have articles that while they really have no use for them, at the same time they dislike to throw them away. Just let them find people who would take these articles off their hands and pay for them and they would be happy. Yet that Is just what can be accom plished by way of the For Sale Mis cellaneous column In The Bee. If you have anything you wish to dispose of, write a small Want Ad and Put It In Tho Boo 29, 1010. f OUR HOLDUP SUSPECTS ARE CAUGHT JN OMAHA Frrtaht Crew Idrnlllle Them aa Slest Who Held lp Trnln nt lou City. W. C. Bennett, engineer, nnd Ooar Lar son, fireman of the Northwestern railroad, recognized four men they say boarded their train and held them up, and caused ffiLlillLl III! HiM-J JJ iM.I''PJl..llWsffr V f: . w-'tH r-A. .-. Bird's Eye View of Omaha and vicinity, showing tho accessibility of .West Lawn. to Omaha and South Omaha OpcBim JFoip Ir&p2ctifioini Today ond Tomorrow (Decoration Day) And Every Day Thereafter Until Sunset The people of Omaha nnd South Omaha , are cordially invited to visit this beautiful modern Cemetery just opened to the public. The improvements completed and under construction as well as the rare natural advantages, will convince every visitor that West Lawn will soon be famous for its landscape attractions. (PERPETUAL CARE OF ALL LOTS. The purchase of every lot or single grave carries with it a guaranty of perpetual care for all future time, without cost to owner. Lots may be purchased for future use on the easiest possible terms, you can practically make your own terms without interest or taxes. Every purchaser of a lot on easy terms is insured, while paying for the lot and his or her heirs receives a deed without further payment in case of death. HOW TO REACH WEST LAWN. Take a West Leavenworth St. car to end of line, where carryalls and carriages will take you to and from the Cemetery free of charge. We are prepared tocarry several thou sand visitors. Automobiles and private carriages are invited to enter the cemetery at slow speed the opening days. COME SEE THE FLOWER DISPLAY and the BEAUTIFUL PERGOLA ENTRANCE. ... designed by Mr. Thos. L. Kimball. ' laAAest; L 201 Withnell Bldg., is(h and Harney Sts. V. Telephones: Doug. 1105; Ind. A-2155. I ruste 4 rt vm 1:1 HI k 1 P 32 IMUI 210 Kit Carson County Farms Special Pullman Train on tho Kock Island, leaving Omaha, Tuesday evening, June 21, for the round trip. For maps, description of land, train schedule, and full particulars, call on or write .. C. Mo GraentKer Trustee Room 307 First Natl. Bank Bldg. " A Bell Telephone, Tyler 1070. Omaha Neb. the arrest of the quartet Friday night. Sergeant Pamuelson and four polleemen In the police patrol answered the telephone summon of tw-o railroad men and arrested the suspects as the latter were about to catrh a freight under the Union Pacific bridge. The railroad men declare th prisoners committed the holdup at Sioux City Thurs day evening. The prisoner gav the name, Charles Churchill, Cheater Flnley, Harry Thompson nnd Carl Johnson. They vm. r, 9 if ' 1 tJ4h - v a 6aA j ' - - io ' ri nrx- Ik OF t n AT e A: 'I : , UID11C ilSCUHOO urlington, Colorado TMURSPAY 1 liVUH iwljr xJlLil mwijy HHaH liliakJ are alleged to hav gotten $S from their victims. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS A. Ij. Mohler. vice president and general manager of the t'nlon Pacific, and hi slHtant. Thomas Orr, hav returned from a , p, trip to Denver. " r William P. Stlllman, assistant station master at the t'nlon station, and Mrs. Still. mn, have arrived from a two week' trip throiiKh Montana and the PacKlo coast, where they were visiting relative. v 1 1 "Hi . ' TA . ' - t ,1 a- .iVr "a a Sale, 1W - Wfl il fcV, X Tho Key to th Bltuatloa-Be Want Ad. niiMiMHi.itai "fffp1 j1 r'TliTTIfT"! V