Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1910, SPORTING, Page 4, Image 30

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Jaffriei-Johnson Mill Will Bring Oat
Old-Time Fighters.
Ranters from la.lde RoiKfi Say that
3tra. Jeffrie la the Ileal Man
- rr of the Great Cali
fornia Dralsor.
Aslda from tha excellence of the flBtlc
battle which Is furnished by James J. Jef
fries and J. Archibald Johnson on July
4th, It will mean the greatest fathering of
prlxo fighters In many, many years. From
over neas they will be present and from
ail parts of the North American continent
Champions, ex-champlons, amateurs, aspir
ants of every age, color and previous con
dition of servitude. ,
To start with, Johnson, a champion. Is
fighting one of the greatest former cham
pions In ring history. Jeff will be helped
at the ring by Jim Corbett, another ex
champlon, and In the press box writing for
a New York paper will ba, John I Bulllvan,
another former heavyweight champion.
Nearby will be Robert Fltsslmmons, an-
, other, ex-champlon, who has given the
word that he will be present With bells
on. (Bob may even challenge the winner.)
Abe Attell, featherweight champion of the
world, will be on hand as will Ad. Wol
gast, lightweight champion and Battling
Nelson, former lightweight champion.
Johnny Coulon, the bantam champion, will
be on deck with his dad and Freddy Welsh,
lightweight champion of England (he still
ays) has announced that he will be among
those present. In the Jeffries corner will
' be Joe Choynskl, formerly one of the clev
erest fighters In the ring and the only man
who . ever knocked out Johnson. Outside
' the lines among the spectators will be Mld-
' dlewelght Champion Stanley Ketchel, Sam
Langford, aspirant to every championship
' above lightweight; Monte Attell, Tommy
Burns, from whom Johnson won the belt;
Jem Drlscoll of England; Owen Moran of
Eugland, and every other fighter who can
' work his way into the fight town and
raise enough to buy a ticket.
. Notable Gathering;.
It will be such a gathering as has not
been seen for years. Among the others who
have voiced a determination of being there
are Willie Lewis, Al Kaufman, Phlily Mo
Govern, Cyclone Johnny Thompson, Tony
Boss, Packy McFarland and Philadelphia
Jack O'Brien.
A great many folks think that James J.
, Jeffries is a strong willed, determined man
wh sets his Jaw like an iron trap when
he makes up his mind and will yield to
only one person Sammy Berger, his
shrewd and stalwart manager. Not so. The
real manager of Jim Jeffries is ft little
housewifely woman named Mrs. James J.
Jeffries, wife of the famous former cham
pion. When they were' fighting over the
referee question Jeff Wasn't saying very
much. He allowed Berger to keep in the
limelight and do the spouting, but down
at Ben Lomond Mrs. Jeffries had aald to
her husband:
Jim, don't you let them name Jack
Welsh for referee for you would surely
get the worst of It. And, Jim, if they do
! name him at any time, don't you fight."
Therefore, James J. whispered a few
' words to Berger and despite anything Sam
' could say Jim still stuck to his declaration
i that he wouldn't fight it Welsh were
It broke Jack Johnson' heart pretty
nearly when he had to cut down his auto
jtoblle riding. Even then Jack would order
his car brought around In front of the
Seal Rock hotel ftndNgase at it long and
, Johnson la doing some real work now
Through some underground system of
news getting he knows almost everything
that goes on ftt Jeffs camp down the
coast at Ben ,Lomond almost aa soon as
It hnnrjena. '
Jack is so eonfldent of winning that he
stands ready to bet his automobile on the
outcome and while he is peeved at seeing
Jeffries the favorite in the betting, he de
clares that it will mean better clean-up
for himself and his friends.
Believes la Kxarelae.
Jeffries, like Tom Sharkey and other
' fighters, believes there la lots of exercise
to be had in swimming, but Johnson shuns
' the surf as though it were poison. Jack
Is willing to take his plunge in a bath tub
every morning. He aays that swimming
has a weakening effeot upon the body
No matter whether the fight is held in
Emeryville, Frisco, Reno or Gold field one
thing is certain and that la that there will
be a lot of Infighting on July 4th. Both
fighters admit this. Jeffries says he Is
going to force the flflrt from the first
; tap of the bell and Johnson says ditto.
1 There is going to be a lot of Infighting at
that mill.
Jeffries say of this matter U.
"Johnson is a defensive fighter. He Is
' content to wear out . the other fellow by
staving off his blows. Now, I am going
' after him the first dash and I will either
. reach him or chase him around the ring."
And from the Texas tornado emanates
! the following lucid language:
"I am going to alter my style of fighting
' on July 4th. I am not going to box or
: stall; I'm going after Jeffries as soon as
the game starts, and I'll never give him
a moment's rest exoept In Intermissions be-
tween the rounds until it is over. He cau't
stand punishment like he used to."
Nethlas la are.
When Johnson was aaked to say some
thing the other day he replied after think
ing it over:
"There's nothing sure In this world, so
I'd be . taking a long chance If I told you
that I'd knock Mister Jeff out In a dosen
or twenty rounds. I might make people
laugh if I said that Mister Jeff wouldn't
have a look-In. Remember, I don't expect
to lose this fight, but let me say It will
not be an easy th'ng to win It.
"Mister Jeffries was a great, fighter be.
fore he retired, and I feel certain he is
still a great fighter, but I can't make my
' self believe he is a better man than I am,
. and that why I will win. When l was
examined by Dr. Sargent at Harvard col
lege sometime ago, he aald my physical
development was almost perfect, and told
ine I waa fully aa strong as Mister Jeffries.
If that Is so, I figure that I will win, be
cauae I am younger and I will have better
lamina. I know some good men say Mis
ter Jeff Is as clever aa I am, but I dla
agree with them. I know I have a better
left land and can fight on the defensive
' aa well as any man In the world.
"I expect to be able to go a long dls
tanre to wear Mister Jeffries down without
'running any dangerous chances and then
to 'go m and win. Why not? I am not
foolish enough to think that M Inter Jeffries
will be aa easy as Tommy Burns or Stan'
ley Ketchel, for I know h will prove much
, hardrr to beat But, honestly, I don
inina ne win urn mm uanaruu. aa na was aix
j years ago. He may come back looking fit
and strong, but I think you'll find that
' he will not be able to stand the strain and
will not show the old speed. t
Will Pat Ilia Oat.
"When Mister Jeffries' strength bnglns to
leave him It will be time enough for me to
', cut Mm to pieces, and when I have him
livalwn to ft standstill I don't think It w
be hard to put him out. He has taken off
lot of weight and will probably fight at
15 or 220. but he will surprise me If he
hows strength enough to go a long dis
tance. I expect te weigh about 100 pounds
hen I ft Into the ring and I'll be in
better condition than ever bffore. Mister
Jeff has a little longer reach, but that will
o no harm. He Is half an Inch taller
and Is more hravlly built. But he never
as an aggressive fighter and he'll find
that I am harder to reach than any man
e has ever faced.
I Intend to let him do all the fighting
t the start, for I want to slxo him up for
few rounds. I want to be sure about his
real condition before I take a chance. If I
find I can outbox him and can find the
proper opening I think I can hit him harder
nan FltzHlmmons did and that shall not
bo In a hurry, for I believe In taking my
own time. All I ask Is a square deal from
the referee and the spectators. I Intend to
live up to the rules In every way and win
on the level If I can. If Mr. Jeffries
can beat me I will make no excuses, for I
have no personal feelings In this matter
and am ready to take my medicine If I've
got to. One thing la certain. Mister Jef
fries and I are both American citizens, and,
no matter which wins, the heavyweight
championship will remain In this country."
Signs Contract
for the Omaha
Aviation Meet
Nebraska Aero Club Closet Negotia
tions with Glenn Curtiss for
'Plane Exhibition Here.
Contracts for the Omaha aviation meet.
to be held July 9-14, were signed Saturday
morning by the Nebraska Aero club and
Glenn M. Curtiss.
The meet Is to be In the charge of a
committee headed by C O. Powell as man
ager. The members of the committee are
J. Derlght, Colonel Glassford, Gould
Ploti and T. R. Kimball.
Pledges of support from business houses
In Omaha are being made tn terms ample
to meet the heavy guarantee which has
been necessary to the, making ot the con
tract with the aviators. The committee Is
to make a canvass of these business houses
next week.
The aviators who will come to Omaha
under the terms of the contract are 'Glenn
Curtiss, Wlllard and Mars. . These three
men were at the Los Angeles meet, which
drew ft record attendance of 178.000 per
sons.' The choice of a site for the meet Is yet
to be made. . Three possible locations are
In view. Carter Lake, Fort Crook and Ben
son. For a time Fort Omaha .waa con
sidered, but investigation has proven that
there is not enough room for the operation
of aeroplanes.
War department orders transferring Col
onel Glassford from Fort Omaha will re
quire an election, probably to be held next
week, to fill the vacancy In the office of
presldont of the Aero club, caused by his
departure on June 1.
Playwright " Growa Faeetloaa Over
Gridiron Ralea aad Fac
ulty Coatrol.
NEW YORK, May 28,-The lively discus
sion of the revision of the foot ball rules
has provoked George Ade to the following
solution of the problem:
selection of players: The eleven players
constituting the team shall be selected by
the faculty, and the student who has re
ceived the highest grade in Greek antho
logy shall be captain of the team. No
student shall be eligible for the team un
less ha is up In his class work and has
an established reputation for piety.
Preliminaries: When a team appears on
a neia lor a contest it snail greet the op
posing team with the Chautauqua salute,
which consists of waving the handkerchief.
After this a few friendly chats concern
ing books and writers may precede the
opening of the game.
subsitute lor the toes: instead of tossing
coin to determine which side gets the
nan, tne two captains shall be called udoh
to extract the cube root of a number pro
vided by the Professor of mathematics.
The captain who Is the first to hand In
the correct solution gets the ball.
Advanolng the ball: The ball having been
piacea in tne center or the field, the um
pire, who must be a professor of geology.
exhibits to the team having possession of
the ban a lossu. All members or the team
who think that they can name the geologl
cal period on which the fossil belongs hold
up their right hand. - The umpire selects a
player to name the period. If he answers
correctly ne advances the ball two yards.
If, In addition, he gives the scientific name
of the fossil he advances the ball five
yards. If no member of the team oan
answer the question propounded by the
umpire, the opposing team shall be given
ft trial
Rotation of umpires: After each touch
down there shall be a change of umpires,
so that the questions aaked of a team
may, in the course of a long and ex
citing game, cover the classwork in aoology,
appnea meiapnysics, veterinary science,
banskrit, ana other useful studies.
Offside play: Any player who makes s
grammatical error, mispronounces a word
or seeks assistance from a fellow student
shall be deemed guilty of an offside play,
and his side shall be penalised at least
live yams.
Substitute lor kicking goal: After a touch
down has been made the team making it
shall be credited with five points, and the
captain of the team shall "translate 600
words of Caesar s commentaries. If he
does so without an error his team la given
an additional Doint. tne same aa lr a aoai
were kicked. If he falls the ball goes to
the opposing team on the twenty-five-yard
Leadlag Drivers Will Be 8eea Agate
This Year.
Now that the twenty-four-hour contest
at Brighton Beach and the Atlanta races
are over the drivers are looking toward
Indianapolis, where the motor speedway
has come to be one of the dominant fao-
tors In automobile racing. In many ways
precedents have been established, and one
of the most notable Is the refusal to offer
bonuses for noted drivers to appear. Not
withstanding this refusal, the best known
men have always ridden and will be seen
again this year. Valuable purses and
prises have been offered, but no bonuses
of any nature. The management says that
the bonus system . I pernicious, because
the driver la not so likely to do hla best
If he knows he will receive ft guarantee
whether he wins or not -
Old field, Strang and De Palma have
signified their Intention of driving cars at
the big meet this year.
The trophies are worth striving for In
themselvee. The Wheeler-Bchebler cup
carries a cash offer of (1,000 if the car
winning the trophy, Is fitted with that car
buretor. The gold-plated Overland Is again
offered for the fastest mile, ft trophy which
Oldfleld won last year.
The Speedway Helmet carries $50 weekly
to the winner and the Remey Brassard of
fers weekly to tb wlr.ncr If hla car
fitted with that magneto. - The winning
factory also receives ft 12,500 trophy.
The Bulck company will surrender the
G. V J. trophy, also the Prest-o-llte trophy,
on which it has scored the first leg. Each
of these trophies must bo won three times
to insure permanent ownership.
One of the most Important fixtures this
year will be for tbe Cobe trophy, aa the
Chicago Automobile club has decided that
the race for this prise will be decided at
Indianapolis. . It la probable that Mr. Cobe
will add ft cash prise of SMM or tl.OuO to the
winoac .. .
Old Leader Back Into International
Tennis Court.
Team Timber la Scarce, bat Few
r lay era of Ability to Qualify la
Rapport of the Coart
NEW YORK, May 2S. Americans have
early this season evinced ft keen and ab
sorbing Interest regarding the details of
the United States National Lawn Tennis
association's challenge for the Dwlght F.
'avis International cup. There are sev
eral reasons for this desire to know what
s being accomplished in the way- of send
ing a. worthy team of representatives of
this country in quest of the world-famous
trophy. The widening circle of lawn ten
nis Interest til this country Is centering
attention upon the executive committee
of the national association. The followers
of the sport, and among this number are
thousands who will never be recorded as
members of clubs and organisations In al
liance.- with the governing body in this
country, are becoming more inclined to
hold the officials responsible for any
shortcomings than has heretofore been the
case. They believe that no half-way
measures should be taken to do all that is
possible ' to return the cup to this coun
try and that anything short of real sports
manlike proceedings In the accomplish
ment of this greatly desired result Is to
be frowned upon, and, If possible, taken
Into account ftt the annual election of
other executive committees.
Play at Wlmbleton.
Under the conditions which have sur
rounded the cup since the two peerless
Australasians, Anthony F. Wilding and
Norman E. Brookes, won the trophy at
Wimbledon In 1907, it is a little early to
determine the makeup of the challenging
team and all other important details, tor
the actual cup matches appear away off
at the tall end of the year, In the last
of November or the first of December. It
may, therefore, be taken as a fair indi
cation of a determined effort to strike
winning blow for the, return of the cup
this year that It is now known that Beals
C. Wright,, an American of wide experi
ence on the courts In both England and
Australia,. Is to lead the American team.
Furthermore, that the historic courts at
Wimbledon, London, are to be the scene
of the preliminary ties between the Amer
icans and the British Islea teams Instead
of courts in this country, and that again
the leading players of this nation have re
fused to compete abroad.
While taken altogether the results so
far obtained may not be entirely satis
factory to the American lawn tennis fol
lowing, it must be admitted that half the
battle in the accomplishment of pnoet
undertakings Is in learning the true status
of the situation, and the Americans now
know where they stand in relation to this
year's cup matches. The team must be
built up to Beats Wright. Those who In
the past have criticised this great Amer
ican player are now willing to support
hlril for his generous willingness to give
his time and skill toward bringing back
the trophy. The unfortunate side of the
situation appears to be the inability of the
top class of American players, notably
William A. Lamed, the singles champion;
William J. Clothier, ex-champlon; Fred
erick B. Alexander and Harold IL Hackett,
taking place on the team and so making
It ft real test of the Amerloan, British
Isles or Australasian supremacy.
' All Confldeat la Wright.
The majority of players In this country
have supreme oonfldence that Wright will
work up to. his top class form despite
the fact ' that last season he refrained
from tournament competition and In fact
played only a limited amount of lawn
tennis. Whether or not Wright Is above
or below par still remains to be demon
strated and his early tournament per
formances are eagerly awaited. Curiously
enough, ot all the leaders in v the east In
lawn tennis circles Wright alone seems to
be the only, available player. Wallace F.
Johnson, the brilliant young expert ot the
University of Pennsylvania who made such
record that he received a ranking of
third last year, has been ill during the
winter and his condition Is still so un
certain as to make It ft maitter of spec
ulation as to whether or not he will be
able to get into condition to be Included
In the challenging team. That ho Is en
titled to place and preference is admitted
on all sides, this more especially as he
defeated Melville H. Long In the finals
of the national Intercollegiate champion
ship singles last September In a great five
set match on the turf of the Merlon
Cricket club at Haverford, Pa.
In that contest the Callfornlan displayed
unpleasant attributes ot temper which
caused him' te be severely criticised at
the, time and in one other tournament of the
year Long manifested ft disposition toward
111 considered action, that makes him an
uncertain factor in ft close and trying
E!q Had Distemper
But he ia all right now tor his good
master bought him a box of Sorman &
McConnell'g "Distemper Powders.'"
They did the work.
spalnate4 Digestive Tablets tt
Mange Cure Liquid, non-poisonous Me
Liquid Shampoo aoep kills fleaa 2&o
Dlataraper Powder reducea fever too
Tonle Tablets Give aa ft tonlo after mange
for distemper. ...... bus
Arecanut Worm Tablets, easy to glve..Ue
St. Vitus Dance Tablets for fits bOa
Laxative Liver Ta.hlta,&llv ivn
Cough Tablets for Dogs .Mto
We sell Spratt's Dent's Glover's Dog
Medicine ask for book.-
Sherman & KcConaeil Drug Go.
Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha.
OWL DRUG CO ,1 6th and Harney
"My father hat been sufferer from tick
headache for the last twenty-five rears and
never foand any relief until he began
taking your Cascarcta. Since he has
begun taking Cascarcta be has never had
the headache. They hare entirely cured
biuu Cascarcta do what you recommend
them to do, I will give you the privilege
of using bis name." B. M. tnckaon,
IIM Reainer St, W. Indianapolis, Ind
Pfea.aaL Palatable. Potest. Taate Good.
UaOood. Never bu:kanJWesa or Urlpa,
lee. Ix. Me. Nrvwr sold m bulk. Tba ro
in. ublHiitapedC CC. UuanuMead to
we e sum SMeay bees, kj
match. Ills conduct In this reopect Is In
strong contract to that of Johnson, who
has well loamed his Imwon of holding him
self under control even under the most
exasperating clrcumstanrrs. Raymond V.
Lltt'e has been considered as a member
of the team with Wright, but among those
who have watched Little closely for the
last two seasons, the opinion Is that the
best and wisest course will be to try
men, as Little Is playing considerably be
low the form he once displayed. Inded
there Is a generally expressed belief that
a great mistake will kn made If Little is
Included In the team and that if he Is
selected, It will be more because of past
glory than upon his skill at the present
time. V
The Possible Flayers.
Tho .American players eligible for the cup
team therefore narrow to Maurice F. Mc-
Loughlin and Melville II. Long, tho two
youthful Callfornlans, who, a year ago,
did the heroes' part by journeying to a
smothering defeat in far away Australia
after Lamed, Clothier, Hackett. and' Little
had disponed of C. P. Dixon, W. C. Craw
tey and Captain J. C. Parke, the British
Isle team, on the turf of the German
town Cricket club, Philadelphia. The two
Callfornlans and Wright seem at the time
to be the program, with the possible nom
ination also of Wallace F. Johnson or Ray
mond D. Llttlo, as the rules allow of four
men constituting the team that may rep
resent ft challenging nation. The two Call
fornlans under consideration will, in a
short time, begin the round of championship
and tournamont play in the east, that leads
up to the Nationals at the Casino, at New
port, R. I. From reports from the Pa
cifio coast both have greatly improved
since their sensational debut here ft year
ago. Optimistic' admirers predict that the
foremost eastern wlelders of the racquet
are to receive a rude shock and surprise
which will end one of the Callfornlans
holding the All-Comers National title. If
either McLoughlln or Long can make good
on such predictions, then the plans that
are making for the American part of the
Davis cup matches cannot be Improved
upon in any way.
The important feature of the American
preparations is that the team of players
Tickets on sale daily after June 1st by the ILLINOIS
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below and many other points in Maine, New Brunswick,
New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, New York, Ontario, Quebec
and Vermont; 30 day limit.
Detroit, Mich. ..1. $25.00
Buffalo, N. Y. . . . .$32.00
Niagara Falls, N.Y. $32.00
Atlantic City, N. J., $40.70
New York, N. Y. ..$40.50
Boston, Mass. ... .$40.60
(Summer Tourist fares with long limit to summer resorts in Mln-
nesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario,' Quebec, and the New England
States. Some very attractive circle tours, including New York and
Boston with an ocean trip. N
' For ticket or detailed Information call at City Ticket Office,
1507 FarnAra Sk, or write
SAMUEL NORMS, District Passenger Agent.
Stars and Stripes Bottled Beer
The only beer brewed from pure spring water on the
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A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the
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All standard lines direct
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LIMITS For Immediate return, July
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VALIDATION FOR RETl'RN Tickets via Montreal will be validated" for
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FOR THE PUBLIC These rates, with their privileges, are open to the public
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ditional S3. 50
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1502 Farnam Street, Omaha.
who ro out to meet the British Isles' team
on the Wimbledon courts know that they
must be prepared to Journey on to Aus
tralia In the event of victory In the tie
matches. There is to be no changing of
teams this season, according to the state
ment of one member of the executive com
mittee. The scheme of one team to defeat
the Britons and another for the Austra
lians will not be repeated to cast odium
upon the national body and the government
ot the sport of this country.
Carefully considered, the efforts toward
securing the best team that Americans can
put In the fle'U are thus early being di
rected with ft degree of sportsmanlike in
telligence that has not always been prom
inent In lawn tennis affairs, and thus meet
with (the approbation of followers ot the
game who are earnest in their wish tor
have the cup again lodged in this country,
where its stimulating presence will act as
a magnet In bringing teams from many
nations to American courts.
Water Sports
to Open Sunday
llanawa and Courtland Beach Beady
and City of Peoria GeU
Steam Up.
Sunday will see the opening of the water
sports and lakeside amusements of Omaha
and vicinity for the season. Lake Manawa
and Courtland beach parks will be turned
over to the amusement seekers for the
summer. .
The City of Peoria will make Its first trip
on the river with dancing barge in tow.
The boat has been furnished for tho season
of Jollity and will present ft gay appearance
on the bosom of the Big Muddy.
Yale'a Score la DlsT.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., May 28. In the
last twenty-five years Yale foot ball teams
have scored 8,963 points to their opponents'
42G. Out of 900 games plcyed Yale has lost
twelve, four to Harvard, six to Princeton
and one each to Columbia and West Point
Portland, Me $42.35
Toronto, Ont .$29.G0
Ottawa, Ont. ..... $35.00
Montreal, P. Q. ...$35.00
Quebec, P. Q. .... .$39.00
Halifax, N. S. $49.00
Educational Association
and rail
13th, with extension until September
S. B. S. is a real euro for Contagious
purifier. We all realize that this aisease is a Fpoclflo blood Infection of the moot
powerful nature, the Tims of which so thoroughly poisons the corpuscles of tha
circulation that its symptoms are manifested over almost the entire body. First
comes a tiny sore or pimple, then the mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in
the groin swell, the hair begins to faU out, skin diseases break out on tho body,
sores and ulcers appear, and even the bones ache with rheumatic pains. It la
reasonable to bellove that in a blood poison so powerful as this that only
fclood purifier con have any permanent good effect. S. 8. S. is tho greatest of all
blood purifiers; it goes into tha circulation and by thoroughly cloanslng the blood
of every particle of the insidious virus makes a permanent and lasting cure of
Contagious Blood Poison. It does not hide or covor up tho disease in the system
hut it entirely removes the last trace of Its destructive germs. If you are suf
fering with this disease 8. 8. 8. will cure you becauso it will cleanse your k'frd
aad enrich its health-promoting corpuscles. 8. 8. S. is made entirely of healing,
cleansing roots, herbs and barks, and is a modiclne so absolutely safe and certain
in its results, teat everyone may cure themselves at home, and be assured tha
cure wlU be permanent and lasting. Home Treatment book containing much
valuable information for successful treatment, sent free to all who write.
1 II
wOf Automobiles
3-Coif Automobile Go;
Doug. 7281 2318 Harney Street. A-2011
CltrU FREELANO BROS. & ASHLEY, 1102 Faroia St.
a mmmmm bar
102 FarnaiN Street.
IIIUULLi linii $30C0
! fl A af Temporary Location
rOrD UOtOr liO., 1818 Farnam St., Qmatia, Keb.
W. Li Huffman Auto Co., ijt."o"4j,V?o
H.E.FredficksonAutomobilB Co.
leright Automobile Co.
Henry H. Van Brunt
0. F.
2052 FARNAM STREET PARRY . ... $ 1 285
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
Linoola Branch, 13th and J ts., H. KtDX.TM, Qsal Mgr. ,.
Omaiia Branch, isia-14-l rarnam St I. XX MVTT, K".M
Blood Poison because it is a real bio
and Accessories
2026 Farnam St
Detroit Elcctrlo
CoancII Elaffs, ,loi3.
Atlantic aaJ Council Bluffs. Iowa
Stevens-Duryea, Cadillac. Stanley Steamer.
Elcctrlo Garage
2218 Farnam Street.
In its class without a peer. ,
C. F. L0UK, State Agent, . j
1808 Farnam St. !
StR kissel auto go
60 H. P. 2129 Farnam 6t
John Deera Plow Co.,. Distributors.
lupilivunw yi w
MatthesonT jr
1818 Farita St
Pioneer Implement Co.
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Roadster, 4 cyL, S passenger tWOO
Tourlnf Car, 4 cyl., 5 passener 1,350
Touring Car, I cyl., 1 passenger fa.OOfl
Ccit Automobile Co., 2209 Farnam St.
VJallace Automobile C$
24th Near Farnam Strut.
' 914 kit St.
' Stoddard-Dayton,
Waverly, Lexington
1 8 14-IS Farnam.
OverJanri, Pope
Council Bluffs, laws.
easiest riding car in the world.
L0UK, 1808 Farnajn Street,
State Agent.
Bulck and Olds
mobile Cars a...
750 Full- Equipped -4 Cyl.. 40 H. P.
HUFFMAN & CO., 2025 Faroia U.
. . ,
SZo rSSSSta D2r lV
CO., John W. Redlck, Mgr. Auto. Depl