Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1910, SPORTING, Image 27

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    unb ay Bee.
rAaxs on to top.
voi xxxix xo. so.
-Omaha H igh School Track Champions; Kansas Takes Valley Meet; Miller Park Opening
Tlie Denver Griz-Zilie-s 1910
Hig;h School Students Win in the
L TlflTim Gets Into Game la Sixth,
; ' but Too Late t Fare the
Contest, Making Forty
One Points.
1 HE
0 a fr.)
Nine Hits Garnered aa Matter of
Mere Volition.
mm'Tiia asleep at first
dipped Off Toy Freeman in
Honx of Heed.
Jlarrg Trr art Opening? of Fourth, tat
RanwfeorOt On Hmrnv
Tram An Pl T
I Today.
, Sioux Cltx. Su Omaha, 0.
; Tho, rain stopped the gams bt wren
lomiftii and Sioux City In the sixth to
ning yeflterOax, and ft probably wa's Just
A well no far aa the home team's chances
Victory went, for they were, enable
to hU Froeman, with the Visitors tapping
Zldliy at will.
Umpire Mullen, Who had had some-
.. thing of an att day at the expense of
, tiro Ztaufkes, held the recess the full
haB-ihnur, though there never was a
Chorum) for a resumption of hostilities
after the rain sot under headway as It
. keptt up Inot-ssantrx.
The heme team's five lilts were so
scattered as to be useless. They should
liavc scored In tho flrat liming, and prob
ably would have had not Bhotton ovor
lotiken the titronc pdlnt of Buck Free
man's fuxey repertory and got caught
of fltrnt Iranr,. In tliln Inning Bhotton
Wtflkefl ml was taking a good lead When
, The -Wlty Buck Khali the ball t6 Stem and
be uaa'IkBd again baxft te the bench
wrjr much ta the gunfu-nl disgust of the
hrijnUl in fie? stand. Corrldom singled
anO JCrnc' gs his bane with a brrfbrer
Crura Fxsssmitn, nnfl hero Is wltere the
"Oh. IS Bhottuu baa -only stayed awake"
'incurs frame rn, surfl ritfht'fcr so, tar the
' noucn wmll U I. aw bran filled and no outs
Willi fine Chancus of .results. Kane
; jKntpefl ta Hartmaa ana wlXh two
, Imusds md hopes JiUH mt lialf-mast Dr.
VTefhlb. .fanned. .
Ib the jtBcand - were atfll n and
' oom'tng wUhnnt eossacruenccs. This time
' WuTtlnn i3irSiB JPnx of a eertala hit
Brn esmt a suow ma te Hrtms-n who
throw irtet. aad whila Stem was la the
' air afinr tba ball Fox crooned the bag
'' as clu&n and 3Bar as possible, but Mulr
.. lea tavQnd .blm auL. - Still . It ' failed, to
i latent tba dnrtghty Cadman, who alams
.'at besot dtrwa tnta left era a Una. Holly
cuuln ds xia mors than polka one to Ao-
dremi, wtia ttnvw to Iiartmao at second,
cruwdng cnt Caflman.
AxB la tba third it looked far a mln-
.'tita aa if the) AonrkM might sear hi
apUts ef tbetr InabUlty to da much with
FiTtBraunTs nptnmod delivery- Shotton
bad gona out to Andreas when Corrldon
' walked. Bed took a Wg lead and was
' dsvi on the second ball, drawing a throw
froia MUleT oa which ba waa able to
maka third. And then Mr. Freeman see
ing tba' peril that faced him and his
' teammates decided to retrieve what Mll-
,' lar had lost, so fanned King and arranged
to have Jim Kan drop a convenient pill
over to Squire Bartman. retiring the side
'without farther ado,
CllBsrliur to the Shim
-But not even yet would Fa's aide give
' up th ship. Fa himself at this Juncture
wm seen to leap over the larboard side
' und down onto the main deck, which he
. at ones cleared for action. , The main
, deck la this casa waa tba players' bench.
Ba tho fourth opens for Omaha with iL
Welch at bat. biting his under Up. but it
was only a bite, for tho doctor could only
land a fly Into Neighbors' in It, they being
, & oa neighborly terms anyway, so far aa
positions were concerned Then Captain
Hill, with blood la his oyo, drives a hard
fly to left, but Country "islch gets It.
This seemed to peeve Ft. .. ho waa al
' ready a little oat of sort. "r Mullen's
i stottilng a hit from him an.l lie puts one
i . out this tlma ntiera not avun the aid of
, tha nmp can save It. It is a ' single.
Then with Fox on first and two outs
Cadman makes his second safety and Hoi
. lenbeck it's a sad tale to tell Hollen-
beck strikes out.
; The fifth found the home team still
' trying, but aside from a single by King
there was nothing to the try.
flloux City walknil Into Holly (he
Jump-off, landing thr-v hits and two runs
before the initial inn.,iu was over. With
threo hits thoy added another run in the
third and Welch and Fenlon each got a
double In subsequent Innings, but there
mi no 'more scorlnK, although M i.y hit
and paaaed a man in the sixth,
The raia really arrived in- faint drops
aa early aa tha fourth inning and was
going fairly good In the fifth and so hard
at the end of the flrat half of the sixth
that operations bad to cease.
The same teams play this afternoon
and aa Bloux City has two out of the
three thus far Pa Is bound to cop today's
melee if the rain god does not.
Tho I'lgares.
The score:
AU. R. II. O. A. K.
Phottnn. If 1 0
C'orrKlon, ss.. 1 6
King, cr 0
Kane. lb......... 1 a
Welch, rf 1 a
Krhlpke. Jo 1 a
Fox. 2b 1 a
Cailman, c ' 0
llnllcubeck, p 3 0
. Totals. 19 0
t IS
An i
juui,n. n x
Andreas. 2b.... 4
Nelsbbiirs, ct
llarlinan, ss........... S
Fenluu, rf.. 3
Stem, lb X
Welch. If..... S
Miliar, c. ....... ....... S
ITweuan, p............ 1
. Omaha
t &IUUX t
l IUici ...
V.'-V m.-d
&uux City
1 0-S
i-on: Plum City,
ICtMitluued gol'na Two.)
m3:' jrx AJr . ifcitfj 'iO m) V
v It y3vLM"j It r ti i.-w- m . V- Avi. -r"' i hi)
3T - v ' -y . ;-x. .vjN
Eastern Championship Not Decided
Until Final Event
BllchlawJS ,1s Thtrdp TVlstawxaiu Ywnrta,
CormaTJ FUt aund
eja i i al Wi
FRATfBXn? FXELD, May 28v CTnlverslty
of FennsylTania today won the IntercoJ
leglalfl cliaroplonehip by the narrow margin
of two pomta ovey Tale, their' scores being
1754 and 254. Tha championship was not
won txntn tha final event, the 220-yard aaah.
run, la which Peaasytvaala ' secured
second and third places. ' Craig of Michigan
woa this sprint, bet had to eaual the
world's record to beat eat Bamssell. Michi
gan finished third tn tha meet and Prince
ton get fourth place. Cornell waa fifth and
Harvard sixth. '
Total final points:
Pennsylvania . I7ttSyracusa S
Xaje USa.Urown 1
Mlcaigan .....30 Dartmouth I
r'ruicaion 17 Coiumbla SVi
Cornell 14 N. Y. university.. 1
Harvard OJisillowdoln 1,
Amherst jYVesleyan 1
When the first event was called at 1 p. m.
In semi-finals in the 100-yard dash the
weather was clear and hot. A strong wind
blew down the track from the west against
the runners. ' There were more than 10,000
people In the stands. Summaries:
Mile Run Won by Taylor. Cornell: aec.
ond. Paull, Pennsylvania; .third, Taber,
Hro wo; tourth, Jaques, Harvard. Time:
Shot Put Won bv Horner. Michigan. 46
feet 4hi inches; second. Waite. Syracuse.
feet Hi inches; third. Coy, Yale, 43 feet
s inches; fourth, Kilpatrlck, Yale, 44 feet
7 Inchea.
440-Yard Bun-Won by Chlaholm, Yale;
second, wight, Prlnoeton; third, Long,
Harvard; fourth. Lew la. Harvard. Time:
High Jump Won by Burdlck, Pennayl
vania, 6 feet 1 inch; second. Palmer, Hart
mouth, feet; Farrier, Pennsylvania; Field
ing, New York university and .Lawrence,
Harvard, tied for third at 5 feet 10 inches.
. 100-Yard Hash Won by Ramtidell, Penn
sylvania; second, Craig, Michigan; third,
Minds, Pennsylvania; fourth, Cooke, Prince
ton. Time: 0:10.
Two-Mile Hun Won by Berna. Cornell;
aecond. May, .VicMgan; third, Vvolle, Fenn-
i; luu. Green, Hrown, Time:
Hammer Thiv
152 feet 6 lnchtk,
1U feet Inchi
feet 10V4 inches;
132 feet S Inches.
n by Coney, Yale,
I, Speera, Princeton,
. Andrus, Yale, 140
Simons, Princeton,
Broad Jump Won , .ioberts, Aaiherat,
ti feet 74 Inches; aecond. Little, Harvard,
22 feat 2 inchos; third. La u ham, Michigan,
23 feet 14 inches fourth. Ford, Cornell, 21
feet 4 inches. I
Half-MUe Kun Won by Whlteley. Prince
ton; second, Paull, Pennsylvania; third.
Hall, Michigan; fourth, Boyle, Pennsyl
vania. Time: 1:57.
Pole Vault Won by Nelaon, Yale, IS feet
44 Inches, breaking the Interoolleglata rec
ord of 12 feet Shi inches; Babcock, Colum
bia, and Gardner, Yale, tied for aecond
place at 12 feet; Parker, Pennsylvania, and
liai-r, Harvard, tied for third place at 12
220-Yard Hurdles Won by Gardner, Har
vard; second, Chinholm, Yale; third,
Dwtght, Princeton; fourth, Edwards, Bow
doln. Time: 0:24.
230-YARD Dash-Won by Craig, Michigan;
second, Ramadell, Pennsylvania; third,
Minda. Pennsylvania; fourth, Robaon, Wes-
leyan. Time: 0:2114. Time equals the
world's record held by Wefers and breaks
the Intercollegiate record of 0:21H. also held
by Wefers. .
Donglas Conaty Bar to Hold Event nt
rtold Clnk.
Tne Douglas County Bar assentation
has voted to hold Its annual summer
"field day" June It. Tho event wSll"b
held at tha Field club, which has ex
tended the attorneys an Invitation. At
torneys married ones will for the first
time bring their wives to this occasion.
Tennis and golf will occupy the after
noon and dancing will follow dinner.
Tha supreme and district courts will
bo asked to adjourn for tha day.
Strwaaabwrar Defeats Davtd City,
. DAVIT CITY, Neb., May .8peoia!.)
Uronmburg High school defeated David
City Htarh school In a slow game hare to-
...... L; . . 1 ..., ,,... 1 ....... 1 . 1 . r
T. David City outplayed 8tromsburg up
ta the aeventti Inning, but becoming over
cotifUivnt, lost the gain. David 4lty has
1 lay il excvptloually gool ball this
awn, being duteated only twice during the
year, including tbla game.
Standing of the Teams
PL JosephIB 13 .ftftzi
rpnver 17 15 .BS1
Wichita . 17 1 .531
Bloux Cly..l5 14 .517
Mlnneap's .-17 12 .6H2
SL Paul... 27 13 .675
Toledo 24 1 .600
IndVmap'a ' .US 21 .42
Columbus ...17 28 .426
Louisville .16 25 .3!0
Milwaukee ..15 24 .385
Kansas Clty-13 S3 .361
Llnoom 15 15 .600
ttes MtdnesJ5 17 .4t
Omaha 14 17 .4T3
Topekm 12 15 .444
Chicago 20 U -645Phila 34 7 .774
Cincinnati ..IS 13 . 581' New York.. .20 It .SJ7
New York 20 14 .6S!
Pittsburg ...It 14 .5.
Boston 17 14 .648
Detroit 1 1 .6(3
St. Louis... .16 13 .457
Wash 16 19 .457
Phlla 13 17 .433
Boston 14 20 .413
Cleveland ...13 17 .433
Chicago 10 1 .346
Brooklyn ...13 22 .371St. Louis.
7 24 026
Won. Lost.
Imont 1
Gind Island 8 . 3
Columbus 1 4
Seward 4 6 .444
Kearney 4 6 .444
Red Cloud'.. ".400
Superior 4 7 .364
Hastings 4 7 .364
Yesterday's) Reanltm.
Omaha, 0; Sioux City, 3.
Des Moines, 7: Lincoln, 5.
St. Joseph, i: Topeka, 2.
Denver, 4; Wichita, 8.
Boston, 4; Brooklyn, 5.
New York, 3; Philadelphia, 2.
Pittsburg, 0; Chicago, 9.
St- Louis, 0; Cincinnati, 4.
St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, L
Washington, 4; New York, 3.
Philadelphia, ; Boston, 3.
Chicago, 1; Detroit, 9.
Indianapolis, 3; Toledo, 4.
Louisville, 7; Columbus, 5.
Milwaukee, 3; Kansas City, 9.
St. Paul, 2; Minneapolis, 1.
Grand Island-Red Cloud, postponed.
toiumoiH, z; superior, 10.
Seward-Hastings, postponed.
Fremont, 7; Kearney, 6.
Games Today.
Western League Sioux CHy at Omaha,
Des Moines at Lincoln, SL Joseph at To
peka, Wichita at Denver. A
Nebraska League-Grand Island at Su
perior, Columbus at Red Cloud, Seward at
Kearney, Fremont at Hastings.
Mink LeagueNo games scheduled.
National League Ptttsburg at Chicago.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
American League Detroit at St. Louis.'
American Association Indianapolis at To
ledo, Louisville at Columbua, Milwaukee at
KAnsaa City, Minneapolis at St. Paul.
Opening Party
Of Rod and bun
Club Tomorrow
Season at Lakeside Resort Begins
with Series of Athletio and So
cial Events Monday.
The formal opening of the Rod and
Oun club season is to be held with a gay
series of outlpg and social events it the
Carter lake, home of the organisation on
The club houses and grounds have been
given much attention and care In prepar
ation for the season on tha lake. Tennla
courts, ball field, dance pavilion and
beach are In excellent condition.
The first event of the opening day will
be a ball game beginning at 1:30 o'clock
In tha afternoon. In the course of the
afternoon there will be boat raoes be
tween all of the various types of craft
which the club fleets comprise. Con
tests will be held between the sailboats,
motorboats and canoes, with singles and
doubles for both women and men.
Among the athletio events will be a
potato race, fifty-yard daih for girls and
a fat man's race,
A concert will be given by the orches
tra from 4:30 o'clock to 8:30 o'clock. Din
ner will be aerved In tue cr.fe at 5:30
o'clock. There will be dancing from 8:30
o'clock to 11:80.
Redfleld Wins tho Opener,
REDFIELD, 8. D.. May 28. (Special .'
RedfleJd won the flrat game of tha sea
son nere Thursday, by dumping the ball
In the ninth inning. The score:
ll. K.
union, v. N 0001000004 4 t
i(rUieia 0O 1 0000 9 1 4 S 2
Batteries: Union, Willenoua and Cook;
iteuiicu, uvavina ana uayie.
Missouri Ranks Second, with Ne
braska a Close Third.
Steele of Mule State Sets . Marls at
Blno Hlaatei Fifty-Six and Three
Flfth Seconds Lowest West
. of Klsslsalppl Biver.
DES MOINES; la.. May 28. Kansas
university won the Missouri Valley Con
ference meet here today with -Missouri
university second and Nebraska university
third. It was the fastest meet ever pulled
off by tha Missouri Valley conference.
Seven new records were established. The
day was Ideal and a crowd of (,000 wit
nessed the events. The most sensational
performance was that of Steele fit Missouri.,
who set a new mark of 9:66 In the two
mile run, the lowest ever made west of
the Mississippi rivet. Other new records
were made in the mile run, 440-yard dash,
half mile 220-yard dash, shot put and high
Jump, while the conference reoord of ten
seconds In the 10-yard dash was equaled.
The meet was exciting, Missouri and Kan
sas were neok-and-neck for first place
throughout, much to the surprise of the
dopesters, who had figured Nebraska aa
the probable winner of the meet. But Kan
sas made certain the victory as the meet
closed by captuuring first and third in
the broad Jump and tying for first in the
high Jump.
Summary of the events:
100-yard dash: Wilson (Coe college. Cedar
Rapids, la.) first. Haddock (Kansas) sec
ond, Reed (Nebraska) third. Time: 0:10
(equals record)., ' ''
One mile run: Thompson (Drake) first,
Clark (Nebraska) second, Byer (Ames)
third. Time: 4:34. (
120-yard hurdles: Winters (Kansas) won.
Wilson (Iowa) second, Holcomb (Ames)
third. . Time: 0:16.
44-yard dash: Bermond (Missouri) won.
Reed (Nebraska) second. Burke (Nebraska)
third. Time: 0:60.
220-yard hurdle: Hamilton (Kansas) won,
Davis (Kansas) second, Kmser (Grlnnell)
third. Time: 0:27.
Half mile run: McGowan (Nebraska)
first, Talbot (Missouri) second, Kraft
(Ames) third. Time: 8:00, (new record).
220-yard dash: Haddock (Kansas) first,
Wilson (Coe) second. Young (Ames) third.
Time: 0:22( new reoord).
Discus throw: Alderman (Iowa) first, A.
j w. Roberts (Missouri) second, Smith
Ames) intra, ' iiiihcv: kc,
Time: 0:22 (new reoord).
Pole vault: Lambert (Washington) and
Stevens (Missouri) tied for first. Roe
(Drake) and Sheck (Nebraska) tied for
third. Height: 10 feet 10 Inches.
One mile relay: Nebraska first, Missouri
second, Ames third. Time: 8:26.
Two-mile run: Steele (Missouri) first,
Kemler (Ames) second, Mlllk (Nebraska)
thlid. Time: Jy66 (new Missouri valley
record; best ever established west of Mis
sissippi river).
Shot put: 'Howe (Washington) first,
Shonka (Nebraska) seoond. Alderman
(Iowa) third. Distance: 43 feet 6V1 Inches
(new record).
High Jump; Mitchell (Washington) and
French (Kanssn) tied for first, Lee (Ames)
third. Height: 6 feet 9 Inches (new reoord).
Half mile relay: Drake first, Grlnnell sec
ond, Iowa third. Time: 1:83.
Broad Jump! Wllaon (Kansas) first.
Knowlas (Urlnnell) second), Winters (Kan
sas) third. Distance: 33 feet 10 tnohes.
Final aeore: Kansas 81! Missouri 23; Ne
braska 22, Drake 10, Iowa 10, Ames 10,
Washington 13, Coe 8, Grlnnell 7.
Weep! a Water Loses (o Springfield.
SPRINGFIBIJ3. Neb., May 88. (Special.)
Springfield High school defeated Weep
ing Water High school in an exciting
and hotly contested game yesterday. Ths
score waa a tie, S to 3. at the beginning
of the ninth, when Springfield made four
runs on three hits, two sacrifices and an
error. The score: R. H. E,
Springfield ....1 00 8 0 0 00 4-7 8 0
Weoplng Water 0 0800001 08 6 3
Batterleat Springfield, Calhoun and
Brawnert Weeping Water Colbert and
Dunn. Struck out: By Calhoun, 9; by
Colbert, T.
Beatrice Defeata DeWltt.
BEATRICE,' Neb:, May 88. (Special.)
The Beatrice and De Witt ball teams at De Witt yesterday, the former
winning by the score of 8 to a The fea
tures of the game were running catches
by Shumaker of De Witt and Kretslnger
of Beatrice, and the pitching of Mltehell
of pe Witt, who struck out eleven men.
The score 1 R. H, E,
Beatrice ,,. .,,..8 4 2
De Witt ..,,., , 8 ( 1
Batteiiesi Hobba and Kline for Beatrice;
Mitchell and Prather for De Witt.
LADIES' Pumps and two-eyelet ties in
patent and dull kid, a big value for 83.00.
Duncan Shoe Co., 23 So. Main.
G1LLEN, P. -$CHREIBEK,P. -BAIi.i-r.-n?AUfESE, c.F. - WW GILL. PES.
Thirteenth One
Lucky Inning for
Fremont Leaguers
Pitcher Smith Saves Game by Taking
Hand in Eighth Columbus
' Loses.
KEARNET. Neb., May 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Fremont defeated Kearney her to
day In a thirteen-lnning game, score, T to
a. Smith, pitcher for Fremont saved the
game for the visitors, going in tha eighth.
Two home runs were made, . Mason for Fre
mont, and Gray for Kearney. Score: R.H.E
Fremont 341810000000 17 14 8
Kearney ....... 0 0 4 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0-4 8 4
Batteries: Fremont, Bennett. Smith and
Bohneru Kearney, Trimble, Judson and
SUPERIOR, Neb., May 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Superior defeated Columbus, 10 to
S here, today. Superior's strong batting did
it. Score: R.H.B.
Columbus 000001100-3 4 3
Superior 2100014S 10 8-1
Batteries: Columbus, Stafford and Blair;
Superior, Green and Spell man. Umpire:
Woods. Attendance: 600.
At Red Cloud No game; wet grounds.' -
At Hastings No game; rain.
Berneyo Wins
- Power Boat Race
Brooklyn Craft Comes in Second, but
Time Allowance Gives it.
First Place.
HAVANA, May 28. The Berneyo, owned
by 8. W. Granbery of Brooklyn, won the
yachtmen club power boat race from Phil
adelphia to Havana.
The Berneyo, with Its time allowance
over the Caliph of - three hours and forty
five minutes, beat the latter boat by two
hours, forty-four minutes and eighteen sec
onds. - .
' The Illys and the Caroline had not been
sighted this morning when their time al
lowances expired.'
The scratch boat Lyantaka, owned by H.
8. Petera of Trenton,. N. J., got Into trou
ble with Its machinery soon after the start
and abandoned the race.
The Caliph, owned by M. E. Brlgham of
the Ventnor Yacht club, finished first last
evening. The , Berneyo arrived an hour
later. The Caroline, M. F. Dennis of tha
Columbia Tacht club, owner, had an al
lowance over trie original scratch boat of
eighteen hours and twelve minutes, and aa
allowance over the winner of six hours and
fifty minutes. The Ilys had corresponding
allowance of nineteen hours -and three
minutes and seven hours and twenty-eight
minutes. The vessals started oa May 31
off Race street wharf in - the Delaware
river, Philadelphia, and finished between
Moro Castle and La Punta fort, at tha en
trance to the harbor here. The distance
was L138 nautical or 1,309 statute miles.
, The prises were:
First-City of Philadelphia eup, valued at
11,000 and 81,000 in cash.
Second Yachtsmen's club, men's cup, vol.
tied at 8500 and 8600 hi cash.
Third The Alexander Van Renaeellaer
cup, valued at 8360 and 82b in cash.
Kearney and Seward att Amherst,
KEARNEY, Neb., May 2S. (Special,)
Rain has been interfering with the ball
games in this city during the last two
days, Fremont and Columbus wore int
but once on the home grounds, Sunday
a special train will carry the players and
a bunch of fans to Amherst where a
gams willbe played with Seward. Kear
ney boys are having hard luck, but they
are being . barked loyally by the home
fans, Joe Ward, the captain-player ' of
the Normal school team during the test
season, has been signed by Manager
Murphy and will make a valuable addi
tion to tha team.
Ball Park at Deadwood.
D E AD WOOD, 8, Ix., May 28.-(SpectaL-Plans
are under way tor making a base
ball park anl athletio field !' McDonald
park Just south of the city aud estimates
of the coat of the proposed Improvements
are now being prepared by the city en
gineer. Two sites wore under consideration
(or tho proposed park, the council finally
selecting the part that has been used for
base ball and foot ball grounds for some
years. At present the Deadwood nibs la
playing all lis games in Lead, as the park
giuunds are not In fit condition, but it is
hoped to have them shaped up some time
next month,
Des Moines Defeats Lincoln in Six
Inning Game.
Pitcher Jones Knocked front Box In
Fifth by Heavy Batting; of
' . Cham pi one Bain Stops
' LINCOLN, May ' 28. Rain stopped the
game with Lincoln at bat in the seventh,
the score . going back . to tha sixth. Des
Moines .won by knocking Jones out of the
box In the fifth Inning, after victory seemed
sure for the locals. Score: -,
. . " . ' AB. R. H. O A. E.
Jude, If 8 110 0 0
uagnler, sa 8 .0 0 8 2 0
Cobb. - cf 8 0 0 2 0 (1
Cockman, 3b 3 0 1 2 3 0
wamron, rr 1 10 10 1
Thomas, lb 8 3 2 7 1 1
Wledensaul, 3b 3 1 0 1 8 0
Clark, 0. 1 0 0 S 0 0
Jones, p. 3 0 V 0 3 0
Fox, p 0.0 0 0 0 0
Totals 21 S
AB. R.
4 18 U
Dalton. rf ;.. 1
Colligan, 2b 3
Mattick. cf.
Dwyer, lb
Nlehoff, 3b...
Curtis, If
Hersche, Sb...
Hawkins, o...
Owen, p
, Totals 27 7 18 7 4
Lincoln 0 S 1 1 0 0-6
Des Moines 0 10 0 0
Home run: Nlehoff.' Two-base hits:
Cockman. Thomas. Double play: Wleden
saul to Thomas to Gagnler to Clark. Stolen
bases:' Thomas. Cockman. Sacrifice hits:
Waldron, Wledensaul, Clark, Mattick, Nie-
hoff. struck out: sy Jones. 1; oy uwen. 1.
Bases on balls: Off Jones, 1 Hit by
pitched ball: By Owen, 1. Passed ban
Clark. Umpire: Spencer.
Topeka Benta St. Joseph, Two to Ono,
In Good Gam.
TOPEKA, May 28. Topeka won a well
played game from St Joseph today by
bunching hits. Kauffinan was Invincible
with men on bases. Score;
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Thomason, If....." 4 0 1 1 0 0
Wooley, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Reilly, ss 4 114 10
Landreth. lb 3 0 1 7 0
Pennell, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0
Ktrma. o 2 0 0 8 0
Kahl. 2b 2 0 1 2 2 0
Kunkle. 3b ' 3 11 2 1 0
Kauffman, p S 0 1 0 2 0
....t 8
AB. R.
6 27
McLear, tf.. ......
Bauer, rf.........
MoCheaney, cf...
Jot.ea, 2b
Clark, lb.,
Corhan, aa. .......
McNeil, 3b........
Shea, .............
Swift, P..
a a, 9
Totals ' 29 1 T 24 12
Topek , 0 110000- 2
St. Joseph........... 0 0000000 1-1
Three-base Mt: McLear. Two-base hlTs:
Kauffman. Clark. Sacrifice hit: Corhan.
Double play: Rntlly to Landreth. First
base oa balls: Off Kauffman. 8: oft Swift.
1.. Struck eut: By Kauffman, 9; by Swift,
1. umpire: - Clarke.
Toledo iMwas Heoslera Fvof to Threw
tn Ifrnth Straight Victory.
TOLEDO, May 28 -Toledo won Its ninth
straight victory . today from Indianapolis,
4 to 1 Score:
. AH. H. O.A.I.
f . . 1 1 I 0
onetehintr, If I 3 1 0
Hl'eanun, Ml t I I Owililiuua, tb, I 1 8 0
UaUman, rf.
Hlekmai M:
Fnanuui, lb
10 ISpwiMr, el.., 4 0 I 0
14 0 f HjdM, rf... 4 Oil
U 0 loir, lb...... 4 1 13 0
Duller, as.
0 18 1 Murch, lb,.,, 4 81
ind. ..2 9 4 1 Bpwwmso, !)!
iwarL t 1 1 I OLewls. sa...,.S 1 4 8 1
at. 9 8 1 OHardgroT.. 91340
Totals. M 4 16 1 Totals. 10 10 44 1
Indianapolis 0 9 I 0 0 0 0 0 1
Toledo 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4
Two-baae kits:' Hlnchman, March. Base
on balls: Off West, L Struck out: By West,
2; by Hardgrove, 1 Time: 1:46. Umpire:
I Sioux Sell Pitcher.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 8.-Pltcher Jeff
Clarke of bloux City Western league team,
has been sola to tti Monuioutn, in., team,
By Reason of Nimble Action Local
Runner Clips Off a Minute,
Franklin Academy is Third
Kearney Fourth.
Sanamartoa Show Fast Work as
Bean It of Hard and Active
Training; by the Con.
Omaha High t 41
Tork High 83
rranklln Academy 14
Kearney Miliary Aoademy S
mymouth High
oath Omaha High I
Burton High
Tork Aoademy 1
Omaha won the State High School meet
at tht maha Driving park Saturday after
noon with 41 points. York was second,
with 33 and Franklin academy won third.
wtfi 13 points.
A number of records were smashed,
principal among wulch waa the pola
vault Davie Reavts, the Falls City High
school boy who has been tied for tha
state high achol record, raised bis vault-
11 feet 2 Inches, ell won - cmf cmtn
distance from 10 feet 3 Inches to 11 feet
2 Inches. He won first place In the meet
oy going over 10 feet, t Inches and then
went after the record. He cleared the
bar at 11 feet 2 Inches easily and doubt
lessly would have gone higher, but for
the sudden shower that camt up aa ho
was making his final hurdle.
Wod of Omaha tied the 100-yard dash
record of 10 seconds with comparative
ease. Kennedy, the Omaha long distance
runner lowereU the state' record fff J.he
mile run by one minute. Burdlok, an
other Omaha land, tied the state, record
In the shotput "
McCarthy of Mlnden went after tha
hammer . throw 1 and changed the high
school record .from 138 feet 1 Inch to
157 feet George of Franklin acadtmy
lowered the' mark for the half mile run
by winning In 2:03, 8 seconds faster
than tha previous time.
Breaks Two Records.
Wylle of York broke two records. Ono
In tha 220 hurdles and one In uie broad
Jump. In the former ha made the dla-
: 1
1 ',
Tork H. S., Holder of Missouri Valley High
Jump Reoord, 6 Feet 10 Inches, Made at
Pea Uolnaa. May 14, 1910. .
tancs In 27 seconds flat, which ts of a
second lower than the former time. In
the broad Jump he Increased tne record
distance 9 . inches.
Meyer of York heaved the discus 2
fett and two inches further than any
other high school athlete, has aver done.
Wylle of York High school was tho
star of the meet. eH won three firsts
and one third and copped 1 points of the
23 made by York. His teammate, Meyers,
run him a close second for points and got
13 out of the total.
Wood was Omaha's best point winner,
he won a first in the 100-yard dash and
a first In the 220. and had much to do
with Omaha's relay Wm landing first
Wylle will be presented with tho gold
medal for winning the greatest number
of Individual points. All other winners
of first and socond places In all events,
except the relay race will be presented
silver medals.
Wood of Omaha took the 100-yard dash
without any trouble at all. ell made tha
best start of the race and gradually ln
croased his lead, winning by wo yards.
The tlma made wai the same as that of
which Is held by Mann of Lincoln, lav-.
the raoe last yoar.
Tha 320-yard dash was 'also won by
Wood, but the trial for seoond place waa
hot between Lindsay of Plymouth and
Arnold of Franklin, but Lindsay man
aged to win by a few Inches.
KxcltlnsT Hurdle line.
Tho 220 hurdle was one of the most
exciting events of the afternoon. Wylle
of York made It In 3 aeconds, two
fifths of a second better than the state
record, with Rowley of Omana pushing
him close iu the second place. Tn form