Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16

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    TirK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: "MAY 29, 1910.
rT ' - - .i-i-.t-ji. """-j"ii---j-m' 'J
The Bee has established
its position as the leading
Real Estate Paper of
The Bee makes a specialty
of Farm and Ranch' ad
vertising, and valuable
lands everywhere.
city rnnpKRTV ron sale.
CITY PHOI'i:RT Hin .4t.B
Adjoining Town
With All the ComLrts and Advantages
Of.The City
That is What You Get In
Opposite The Happy Hollow Golf Club
Adjoining Elmwood Park
A new residence addition on the south Hide of the paved Dodge. St. road; adjoin
ing Dundee. Sewer. ater pipe, cement walks and gutters In tho streets; electric
lights, two car lint M . lthln three blocks.
Building restrlc..-. s insure residences coMIng from $V 000 up. One $25,000 residence
The loVa are extra large size, none less than ft. front. Beautiful drive? and
boulevards, fine shade trees. All the advantages of both city and country. This will
be one of the most select districts In or about Omaha, Buy now and set your selec
tion of the lots. Terms: 4 cash, balance within 4 yeafs. Liberal discount if you
will build within six months. Oct plat at our office or we will drive you out In an
auto and show you the propsrty any time, you have a half hour to spare.
Three beautiful lots, framing east on Sid Ave., overlooking Hanscom Park; pav
ing all paid; beautiful trees, street car across the street. Building restrictions Insure
handsome residences. .
Als five lots, west front, on aid St.; all Improvements In, shade trees and hand
some surrounding"- Prices from $1,700 up. Ttrms very easy.
Lots from $900 to $450 each; city water, permanent walks, large lots and easy terms.
$.",00 to $800 per lot; sewer, water, gas, permanent walks; shade trees and fine res
idences all around. One of the best locations In the city. Terms: One-third cash,
balance 1, 2 and 3 years at ( per cent; . per
Lots. 30xS0 feet, for $1,710 rash; $1.30 on S years' time. All Improvements made
and paid for. Five minutes from 16th and Farnam. Where can you find anything to It for flats or Investment?
WEST DO DOB ROAD, 20 acres, H miles from 16th and Farnam, $-1,400.
IRV1NGTON, 40 acres, '4 mile west on paved road. $5,000.
CENTER ST. ROAD. 7 acres, with 6-room house, outbuildings and fruit, $2,300.
CENTER ST. ROAD, 2 acres, with 6-room house, outbuildings and fruit, $1.M.
FLORENCE, acre, new 5-room house, modern except heat, small barn, lots of
Wing fruit, one block from ear, $4,000.
4,000 W77 feet, corner, one block from 14th and Farnam, with brick buildings: one
of the beat locations In the city for a handsome rise In value; now leased at a
profitable rate to responsible party. . .
W.OOO-Corner lot, 152x140 feet, east of 20th, and right In the middle of things, one of
the best streets In the city. This Is absolutely the best buy In Omaha, cer
tain to be worth the money In a few years.
I 1,200-52x125 feet, west front on Stith, between Poppletan and Pacific.
8.160106x125 feet, northeast corner Mth and Poppleton. - ...
1,150-68x125 ft. frnt on 35th Ave., between Poppleton and Pacific. ,
400-Corner 26th Ave. and Sprague, WxloO feet; awfully cheap. v
I 1700 4131 Ersklne St., 6-room house, two lots. Fine place for tha money.
$ 2,200 Northwest corner 27th and Maple Sts., 6 rooms, modern except heat; lot 48x178
t 2,660 1321 8. 26th St., C-room house, modern except heat; right on top of the hill; lot
60x128 feet.; 6 great, big trees and paving all paid.
1 1,900 241 S. 36th St., new it-room house, mooem except heat and piped for furnace;
lot 49x133 feet. A mighty fine little place. '
f 8,000 On Seward St., near 4M. 6-room cottage, with hot water heat; lot 40x127 feet;
large attic, first-class repair, close to car.
3,000 Walnut Hill, u-rooin cottage, modern except heat; 60x130 feet, stone steps and
walks: shade and fruit.
1 3 1606121 N. 2Uh St., 6-room completely modern, lot 41x127 feet, on car line. In
flrst.class repair. One of the niftiest little places we know of. ...
4,000 Southwest corner 28th Ave. and Capitol Ave.; b-room cottage and two full lots,
100x130 feet, plenty of room for two or three more houses. It Is a close in
1 4 500 La'ayette Ave. and S3d, 6 rooms, with hot water heat; lot 45x120 feet, paving
all paid; strictly modern and an extra choice natty little home.
I 4 000 One block from the Field Club grounds, new 6-room cottage, hot water beat,
oak and birch finish; three lots. 150135 feet.
I 4.760-Howard St. and 36th. a new S-room. strictly modem house, that could not
begin to be duplicated for the money. Must be sold this week; oak finish
downstairs, basement with good furnace; lot 33x124 feet. Subject to nine In
stallments of paving. There Is nothing else like It In this district for $1,000
ti0-7nOrihOFfeki Club district, new g room house, with hot water heat; never
" been occupied, southeast corner of 36th Ave. and Poppleton; oak finish down
stairs; very well built; extremely desirable home.
I T 000 A very fine, beautifully arranged, thoroughly modean and up-to-date cement
' and frame house In the Field Club district. This should be seen to be ap
preciated. Corner lot. 61 feet front. ,.-.. rysiiv
11,000-BEMlS PARK, rooms, thoroughly modern; very tasty arrangements, o5.4x
18 feet. ... i inidkAi tn
UO.OOO-West Farnam residence of 9 rooms,
-west i-arnam residence m iuom. n........, - k, -k rrrm Far-
quarter sawed oak. handsomely decorated; lot 60x135 feet: half block from Fat
nam street car. Nothing else like It for the ; money ' " ... m.r
$14,000-Another West Farnam rtsidence. near wn " "r""'', "Vh. ;,,v. whlte
house of 10 rooms: one of the most beautiful living room. In e cUy Q l ite
oak finish downstairs, billiard room In basement; perfect condition, 6fl-foot lot,
taSS?. with tiled roof Ir . the best p. yS-VK
district; 10 rooms, hot water heat: beautiful finish and decorations, nnca
garage, with tiled roof to match the house front
I32MO-ne of the very handsomest residences In West Farnam district, east front lot,
W3' IWxlSi fiVt. half block from car. 12-room 111
and decorated; one of the most complete and costly homes In the cu , cost
double the money. A great bargain.
D, V. Sholes Company
111 Hoard of Trade Bldg 16th and Farnam Sts,
Telephones: Douglas 49; Independent A 2049.
-OOOD rooms. Handsome Interior fin
ish. Fire r'fe. screened sleeping porch.
House too large for present owner. Be
lieve he would take good lot as part pay
ment. ' '
On 35th St. a very attractive l-room
all modern house, oak finish, 4 bed rooms.
East front lot. Oarage.
A GOOD cosy 7-room all modern house.
Fine oaV finish first floor. If sold soon
price $6,260.
jk handsome 10-room brick house near
$7th and Harney. Fine hot water heating
plant. Brick garage. As good as you
can get for the money.
A FINE 6-room new house, corner lot.
Large living room with fine brick fire
place, built in book cases, etc., oak fl"1"
Owner will sacrlmlce If sold soon. Price
KW'you want a lot or house be sure to
r-hone Doj. 1610. 43 P" TradeBldg.!
Two Lots Near Iiauscom Park
One corner 1x132. Inside 60x1 a. Poth eatl
frenl. One bltk 10 car; wants to sul
bain together. $""0.
" 624 N V. Life Bldg. Red 1A
66x130. $7,500
1-room house on 25ih. near Farnam.
Harrison .& Morton
A HNAP foe a few days choice of two
first class modern homes. Farnsm district.
6 mall cash payment. Phone Harney Shfc.
cent discount lor all cabn.
comparatively new. ou " ""2. "
Price Them
413S Grant, 6-room cottage, with water,
gas and sewer In the street. Full lot.
2146 8. 36th St., 5 rooms, all modern, with
full tot, all In good condition.
4127 Davenport, 8 rooms, all modern, with
full lot In Dundee.
204 Harney St., 8 rooms, all modern, with
fine south front lot. Close to town.
2426 Ohio St., 3 rooms, all modern. Never
been occupied.
43fO Douglas St., 7 rooms, all modern.
Two years old.
A. P. Tukey & S m
444-416 Board of Trade Blub.
Pbone Douglas 2181.
Extra Good Income
ftSxK feet, with 4 almost new modern
preised brick dwellings. Hardwood finish
and polished floors upstairs and don;
porches with cement floors and tiled
roofs. . First ctavs co structlon. nothing
to get out of repair. Income $1.2o9. price
J. H. Dumont & Son
Phone Douglas 6Uv. 1606 -fc'arnam St.
$500.00 CASH and balance like
reut, for a new and modern 6
room Cottage, South Side, S. E.
cor. 17th and Castellar. Inquire
of owner, Douglas 2318.
Walking Distance Open This Afternoon
12102, 2110 and 2112 Grace street. These attractive homes are
brand new, just completed and are nil ready to move right into.
They contain G and 7 rooms each, oak finish in parlor, din
ing room and reception hall. Maple floors in kitchen; upstairs
finished in yellow pine. Colonnade ojiening between parlor and
reception hall; both upstairs and downstairs papered with a
splendid selection of the latest designs of paper.Both electric
light and gas, with combination fixtures; cement sidewalks and
paved street; close to school and stores, and easy walking dis
tance of the retail center.
If you want an up-to-date, attractive home, see us at once
about these places-
210G Grace St. sold Thursday.
1614 Harney Street-
Worth Considering
1 Owner leaving city, offers practically
new 6-room house, modern except furnace,
at less than cost. Has nice south front lot,
fine lawn and shrubbery, small barn, near
26th and Ames Ave. Price, $2. GOO.
2 For quick sale, we- offer 1521 Spencer
St. at reduced price of $3,800. Nearly new,
6 rooms and reception hall, full two-story
square house, all modern, having screen,
stormsash, etc. Full lot 60x124; near Sher
man Ave. car line. See this at once.
8 In north part of city, near Dodge St.
car line and good school, we have a brand
new 6-room all modern house and can sell
on very easy terms. Best of construction,
plumbing and heating. An examination of
the property will convince you. Price, $3,250.
For cash will give substantial discount.
Vacant Lot
1 East front, corner, on 33d St., 49x140
feet. Price, $1,250.
2 East front on 32d Ave. Price, $1,150.
3 East front on Boulevard. Price, $1,450.
4 West front on Boulevard. Price, $1,360.
Four 6-room cottages, on corner lot, 66x120
feet, paving paid, easy walking distance to
center of city. Income $66 a month. Lot
easily worth $3,000 and Increasing In value.
Price, $6,250. '
Benson & Myers Co.
424 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 746.
$ 2,700 for a brand new cottage, modern
but neat, lot uuxizt tocaiea norm ui
Bemts Park. Easy terms.
$ 2.7u0 for a brand new, all modern (-room
cottage, located on Pratt St. Easy
$ 2,600 tor a 6-room cottage, modern but
neat,- located aa ana Ames Ave.
Easy terms.
$ $,600 for a brand new 6-room, all modern
house, oak finish, south front lot,
near 27th and Pratt St. Part cash.
$ 4,260 for two cottages, modern but heal,
renting for $42.60 per montn, close in.
About one-half cash will handle this.
$21,500 for 4 elht-room houses and one 6
room cottage, all modern, with hot
water heat, large corner vacant.
Just the place for a large apartment
house. Look this up.
703 N. Y. U Bldg. 'Phones D. 2204; A-4340.
Special Bargains
305 S. 17th St., Phone Douglas 1238.
Creighton's First
Brand new. 5-room cottage,
2324 X. S.")th St., all modern
except furnace; electrlo light,
oak floors In hall, parlor and
dining room; balance maple,
good cellar, fine attic, cement
walks, lot 4xl33; price $2,760;
$500 down: balance Just like
Payne, Bostwick & Slater,
Sixth Floor New York Life.
Home Bargains
Large 9-room house, fully modern;
large barn, woodshed, shade trees, lot
68x160; only two blocks from car.
Goeg for $3,500. 261S Pierce St."
13 20 Farnam St.
Tela.: Doug. 1064; lnd. A-1064.
7-Rooms, $4,200
East front, all modern, near Field club.
Harrison & Morton
$150 Cash, $20 Per Month
Brand new 7-room house, full lot. $2,800.
24 N. Y. Ufa lildg. Ked Is).
HAVE you $1,010 that yeu would like to
have pay ou 1 per cent Instead of 4 per
cent to per cent? Fee advertisement In
thla column over address L bJO, Bee.
GOOD four room cottage, city water,
east front lot. Now vacant. Only $8uu
and owner will make easy terms. 2208 N.
$2.100 Nearly new 6-room house, modern
except heat, south front 47 foqt lot. Can
make easy terms. 2604 Saratoga.
$2,800 This Is a bargain. New 6-room
house, full modern, furnace, permanent
walks, fine lawn. This Is open today and
tomorrow for Inspection. Now vacant
OS N. th.
$2,600 Large 7-room house, modern, fur
nace heat, east front 60 foot lot. shade
and fruit trees, paved street. Just re
duced from $3,000 and la a great bargain.
1726 i3. 26th.
$2,600 2-story 7-room house In Dundee,
modem, furnace heat, east front. In fine
neighborhood. $500 cash balance monthly.
A snap for someone who wants to live In
beautiful Dundee. 820 N. 60th Ave.
$3.000 Farnam Hill district. Fine 6
room house, modern, hot water heat, good
location, paved strets, all paid. Can be
seen any time. 3C16 Jackson.
$5,000 Fine modern s-room oak finish
home, hot water heat, permanent walks
paved street, all paid. This home Is- now
vacant and can be inspected today and to
morrow. Price just reduced from $5,600
and Is a bargain, so see it sure. 1619 Em
met street
$5,600 Owner going to Oklahoma, offers
two new 6-room modern houses, furnace
heat, both on corner lots. These are nice
houses and will pay 10 per cent as an in
vestment. 3801 N. 10th.
$6,760 This is a beautiful 8-room modern
oak and birch finish home, on nice corner
lot. In good high and sightly location, with
paved street all around. The house Is now
vacant and open for Inspection today and
tomorrow. Just reduced from $6.00u. Cor
ner 31st and Cass streets.
$526 Fine ouiluing lot on Aleiedlta Ave.,
just west of 27th.
tLJ eat front at 24th and Saratoga.
$i,40D 120x120 south front on giaue, just
west of 33rd and California. Room for
three houses In growing locality.
F. 0. Best, 957 N. Y. Life,
Phones, Doug. 3320 and Harney Jut
Real Good Homes
$5,60u Fo a tine (-room, fully modern
house on corner lot, at U4o Orant
&t. First floor is finished In oak,
and has reception hall, parlor, living
room with mantel; fireplace; and
built-in bookcases; dining room; kit
chen with large pantry, siecond floor
has 4 bedrooms, with - ample closet
room, and up-to-date bath. Full ce
mented basement, and the very best
hot water heating plant. Large barn
In rear. This la an Ideal home, and
priced very low. The location Is
fine. If Interested, and want some
thing extra good, go look It through,
or call on ua.
$5,000 For a fine 8-r., fully modern home
In Kountxe Place. Oak finish, hot
water heat, full cemented basement
with toilet, paved street and fine
shade. A fine home only, 3 years old.
$4.500 Here Is the best close-In property In
tne city ror the money. An all mod
ern, 8-r., full 2-story house, on paved
street, near 30th and Marcy; fine
basement with laundry arrangement.
First floor Is oak, and has fireplace.
Reasonable payment down. A snap
If sold this week.
$3,500 For a good -room. modern house,
near 42d and Harney. Newly papered
and painted. This Is a good one;
look It up.
$2,000 For a 7-r. modern house, near 27th
and Maple. Just been thoroughly
overhauled and a snap. Cajl on me
for any kind of property.
Three acres In Kej atone Park for $1,100.
This is as fine as a building site as there
Is In the park, and would be cheap at
i win sell nun or an on terms.
For the finest laying Improved 10 acres
adjoining Omaha, price has been cut from
$o,600 for quick sale.
F. H. Drake
Red h3M. A-1T53.
516 Brandeis Bids
New, modern 5-r. cottage, built for
a home, but owner must sell; fine lot,
paving all paid; house beatulfully dec
orated; rooms all large and well ar
ranged; fine lighting fixtures. Price
$2,650; $500 cash.
Doug. 1653; A 2653.
6S9 91 Brandeis Bldg.
Worth 60 per cent more; offered at
low figure of $4,000; 2 lots. 152 on
Mason; 9 8 on 20th.
20th Is newly paved. Great Western
tracks on the east. Cottage of 6 rooms.
1003 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152.
Fine Bargain
Near Field club, new C-room modern home,
up to the minute.. Ask to see It at once,
as price is rut tor quirk sale; trm.
Call owner, Harney 2177.
Attractive Homes
Buys a practically new 6-room cottage,
modern except furnace, near 28th and
Sprague. Let us show you this prop
erty. $2,500
Kor a 9-room house at 25th and Bris
tol streets. It Is modern except fur
nace and In good condition.
A chance to get the now five-room,
all modern bungalow at 2416 Spencer
St., on easy terms; living room and
dining room finished in oak, balance
in hard pine; complete and ready for
occupancy; $600 cash, balance
A real bargain In a six-room, all
modern house, on Burdette St., near
22d; fine south front lot 47x130.
In the West Farnam district, a 7-
room, all modern residence of tasteful
design and convenient arrangement;
oak finish on first floor; only two
blocks to car. We offer this for ten
days only.
One of the Finest
Homes In the West Farnam district is
now offered for sale; fourteen rooms,
elegant finish, large grounds 135x155.
Call for circular.
Two Acres
To settle an eastern estate we are
offering lots 3 and 4, block 4, West
Omaha, for sale for $4,000. This
property comprises two .Acres of land
and has a south frontage of 330 feet
on JackBon St., running from 38th
Ave. to 39th St. , This property will
divide into ten small lots. 39th Ave.
Is paved along the east side of lot 4,
and sale will be subject to installments
of paying taxes not yet delinquent.
"Close In" Corner
Northeast corner 25th Ave. and
Dewey Ave., with frame houses very
cheap at $4,700.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both 'Phones. 212 South 14th.
In 10 Days
Most of them were new homes.
We sell more homes than any
other real estate firm in the city.
That is the reason why you
should list your property with
us for quick sale. We get the
buyers and have a large office
fojee to make the sales.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney Street.
Dean Place
One of Omaha's most attractive ad
ditions; all street improvements have
been made, including paving, sewer,
water, gas and sidewalks. Purchas
ers will have no special taxes to pay.
Some of the finest shade trees In the
city are to bo found in Dean Place.
All lots -to grade. Situated one diock
north of Hanscom Park. Our prices
are reasonable. Call at afflce for a
plat. You can move into one of the
new 6-roomed houses by paying
$1,000.00 cash; balance like rent.
Sole Agts., 1320 Farnam St.
Tel. Doug. 1064; lnd. A 1064.
$300 Cash, Balanco Easy
Eight-room house, two tine large lots.
Plenty of shrubbery, truit and tine lawn.
rice. J2.W0.
624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Ked 1
We hae still thoso bi U k flats for sale
14 blocks from bouth Onuiha, blinging In
.j.0u per month. Never empty, trice re
duced to Jo.jou. 1'resent moi Igage 3.oou,
and $2,tU) vash will handle It.
New 5-1 Coin cottage on Martha Street, 1
block west of Field Club, lot oxlU feet.
Price only SJ.tiOO. Terms to good party.
Nearly new 7-room houue, 3219 Reward St.,
V block to Harney car. Lot BOxl.'S feet.
This is a bargain at 2.y0. Terms.
7-room nice homes, between Leavenworth
and Kild Club, prices ranging from J.OOJ
to 15.000. AH new but one. C'un make easy
terms on all of them. See us before buy-
'"'international land
210-12-14 Bee Bids. Umaha, Neb.
grounds, close In (near High
Harrison & Morton
Sacrifice Sale Close In
West Farnam. To get a' little ready
money owner will sell at big sacrifice.
Suite -'4 New York Life Bldg.
Bed 1999.
Hanscom Park District 2313 South 3Jd Street
Klsht rooms and hall, beautiful outside sleeping porch, full hanement and larRe
floored attic. All of the rooms are larne and bpatitlfullv lighted. The basement Is
complete, with a splendid hot water heatinK plant, laundry apparatus, coal bin and
fruit room, also closet. All the flrft floor In finished In the most beautiful quarter
saned white oak, with nuarter-sa wed white oak floors. The kitchen has maple floor
and all of tho rooms on the first floor are decorated with beautiful paper; fine open
oak stairway; four lovely bedrooms, with larne closets; jrnixl hath room and mitMrie
sleeping porch on second floor. Fine combination llhlln fixtures and the best
plumbing; throughout. This house Is splendidly planned and constructed, and If vou
see It you v.111 admire it. It can be bought tor W.200. The lot Is a full lot on 'the
boulevard, one block from the park and anions fine homos. It will pay you to In- is
tigate thtp.
Beautiful Home in Kountze Place, 1816 Locust St. Open '1 .. y
A very attractive new, completely modern home In this choice addition. Ml...
on south front lot, with nice terrace, sodded ynrd; cement wulks; paved street:
reception hall, with front vestibule and coat closet; good slsel parlor and ilin.114
room; large butler s pantry, kntchen and rear entry on the first floor; three fine ball
rooms and bath room 011 the se-ond floor. One bedroom Is 12xl!l ft. ami has four bu
windows and two closets. Stairway to large attic; fine dark oak finish and floor
on first floor. The house In brand new. The price Is 14,200. It must be sold this week
and reasomtble terms cun be made. Lon t fall to see It.
Fine Home, Kountze Place. Corner lxt, $.'),500
A very attractive brand new hout-e, with 7 fine rooms and reception ball, large
porch running around two sides. 0x45 ft. House has fine reception hall, wth beautiful
quarter-sawed oak stairway, vestibule and coat closet; good parlor: dining room, with
outside door, also very nlti active den, largo kitchen, thoroughly equipped pantry and
rear entry on first floor. First floor finished In beautiful quarter-sawed oak. with
te.r-"aw'5 "Rk f'tf"? ' every room except the kitchen. Splendid basoinout.
1 ,la"ndry loom, an'1 floor drain, also coal bins and vegetable room. Three beau
tiful bedrooms, each having two extra large closets, also thoroughly equipped bath
room. Very expensive grade of fine paper on all the rooms; storm windows nnd
screens, complete. You can't spend a nickel on tlilH house after you buy It. Tho
il .vL-n . ?c".,re Davfd- I'pm'nt walks and Kteps all around. There is nothing
lacking and it is just a good as it sounds. Let us show you this house this week,
it was built for a home, but change of plans of the owner has put it on tho market.
A Roal Home, $3,750-2723 Spaulding St.
A very fine, nearly new. 2-story square house, on full corner lot, on one of th
nicest streets on the north side. The street Is paved and the paving Is all paid for;
cement walks, fine lawn; full basement, cemented; good furnace. This house was
built for a permanent home by day labor, and Is built right in everv respect. All nice
ro"P1B and the walls throughout are decorated with a very expensive grado of
! .' .com.b.lnatlo-'J 1,h,lnK futures. This place must be seen to be appreciated.
hl Is the first time offered and it will be sold.
Phones Douglas 4270, Webster 4S3S. r"3 Dee Elda"
Doug. 4270; Web. 4638
New Brick Block
of residence property, on full city lot,
34 blocks from the P. O.; ood per
manent tenants: rent, $l,S6l per year;
price, 117.000.00. This is a clean and attrac
tive Investment and the rents can be de
pended upon because of the close-in loca
tion. Old House Large
2S02 Poppleton Ave. Is a 9-room house,
well built and substantial, but needs painting-
and some repairing. The ground is
100x167 feet, 3 feet above the street and
covered with forest trees. Eastern owner
will sell at K.OOt on easy terms. An Ideal
place for chlldr.n.
Suburban Home
Joining the golf links of the Field club,
beautiful view of the country, a com
pletely modern cottage finished In hard
woods, with 3 lots; 34,000.
Extra Large Lot
Mx315 feet, east front, on Florence boule
vard wtn St.), 2 blocks north of Fort St.,
parked roadway, good sidewalk, city water,
gas and electric light; surrounded by pretty
suburban homes; only 2 or 3 blocks from
street car, $1,100.
Harrison & Morton
913 N. Y. Ufe. Both 'Phones.
On Easy Terms
4112 No. 17th St., ti rooms, reception hall
and bath, all modern,' new house, on beau
tiful east front lot. In BOULEVARD
PARK. Large and spacious rooms on first
fioor, three very large bed rooms and batn
room upstairs. Full cemented basement,
with concerete and cemented floor. A very
convenient, complete and artl.stic home.
Duh't fail to see this house. Price, only
33.0U0; M) cash.
4112 No. 17th St., 6 rooms, rectptlon hall
and bath; all modern, 14 stories, full east
front lot, full cellar, reception, hall, parlor,
dining room, kitchen and rear vestibule on
first floor, two large bed rooms, three large
clostts and complete bath room upstairs.
Price, $3,000 If sold soon. Terms made.
4110 No. 17th St., new bungalow, 5 rooms,
modern; large attic (could make two more
rooms) piped for furnace and registers in.
Has double floors and only the very best
of material used throughout. Full base
ment. $2. SOU; easy terms.
4114 No. 17th St., new 5-room cottage,
modern. East front lot, close to car. If
you want a choice cottage on a beautiful
street In a good neighborhood don't fall to
see this one. $2,800. Can make terms.
Salesman on the ground or at branch
office, loth and 8prague, each afternoon.
309 So. 17th St. lloth phones.
$11,500 Buys the property at 23d and Dewey
Ave.; brand new flats; rental $1,440
per annum.
$10,000 rluys 4 brick houses at 23d and Nich
olas Sts.; lot Sx66; rental $1,200 per
annum. Extra good Investment; no
possibility of any expensive improve
ments in near future.
$ 9,500 Buys the new property at S4th and
Lafayette Sts., in Bonus Park; en
tire corner; both streets paved; rental
$1,200 per annum.
$ 8.000 buvs th southeast corner of 16th and
Cuming Sts.; fine corner to build on;
$ 6,500 Buys four 5-room cottages on 17th
St.; lot 11x120, worth $3,600 alone;
rental $770 per annum.
$ 2,500 Buys new, strictly modern 6-room
cottage at 34th and Seward Sts.,
Bemls Park; large lot. room to build
another cottage; rental fcXX).
$ 1,600 Buys good partly modern cottage on
27th St., Just north of t'umlng; walk
ing distance; rental $102 per annum.
$ 1,200 Buys good cottages on 27t:i Ave.;
large lot; walking distance; always
rented, $144 annually.
Douglas 3407. 610 Bee Bldg.
134 to 20
Brick investment, close In, $20,000,
first-class condition. The investment
will be 0 per year in addition to the
13V4 rental. Will take half cash
leaving you 20 rentals for the cash
you invest. Will this satisfy you?
Patterson Blk.
8-Room Modern, "West Farnam
ICusy walking distance and a sure bar
rain at the price. Terms.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Ked 1
66x132, $31,000
Near Post Office.
Harrison & Morton
STRIiTl.Y modern, 6 large rooms, never
occupied, oak finish, la; ge lot, fine view,
near car and school. A da'idy home. Lo
cated 5016 and Mi Webster t., easy terms.
Owner there today from t to 4 o'clock.
Phone Haruey ailO.
623 Bee Building
New Cathedral
NORTH OF 40TH ST. Two eight
room modern residences. Eastern
owner must sell; only $3,000 and
NORTH 39TH ST. Atttractlve new
8-room house, all the., new ideas, for
TWO BEAUTIFUL east front lots
facing Josiyn's, the two lots for $4,500
West Farnam District
3 2D AVE., near Farnam An at
tractive residence, 10 rooms, 2 baths,
oak floors and finish. A bargain at
VACANT LOT on same St., $4,600.
FINE RESIDENCE: 34th St., near
Farnam, ten rooms, elegant finish, cor
ner lot. $12,600.
Business Buildings
trackage, on Douglas St., $17,000.
44 FEET frontage ou 16th St., near
Jones, $16,600.
SUBSTANTIAL Brick Block 66 ft.
frontage, on leading street, owned by
corporation now out of business, and
offered for $26,000.
Thomas Brennan
Third Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
For Fruit and
Three south front lots, with
all kinds of fruit and garden
room; fine maple shade tree;
good seven-room house; city
water and electric light; smail
barn and chicken house; near
, Harney car line (3416 Patrick
Ave.); ofefred for $2,250; rea
sonable terms; immediate pos
session. A big snap.
Payne, Bostwifck & Slater,
Sole Agt, Sixth Floor N. Y. Life.
$7,750 Easy Terms
A Beautiful, Sightly Home
With Two South Front Lots in
This is nut a square box of a house, but
has central hall, with large living room
and dining room on one side, reception or
music room, den and kitchen on the
other. Hardwood finish, polished floors,
five bedrooms and bath upstairs; hot water
heat; large porch and an unobstructed
view In every directloon. Owners built it
for a home and are only offering It for
sale because they are about to leave the
city. If you want this, let us show It to
you Monday. Don't be too late.
Phono Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St.
We CanTIfl'er'Yoii
Most any size house on most any kind oi
624 N. Y. Life Bid?. Ked l99.
9-Rooms, $7,000
Florence Boulevard, near Home Mlller'a.
I Fine outlook.)
Harrison & Morton
Large Home
SUuated 30th Ave. and Mason Sts.;
eleven rooms, fully modern; large
barn, cast front, beautiful lawn; 99i
140 feet. Must bu soon to bo appre
ciated. Call us for an appointment.
13-'0 Karnam St.
Tels. : Uotig. J084 ; lnd. A-1064.
Only livery bam in good Iowa town.
Drug stock and fixture In Council fcluffs.
1J0 acres alley laud. 7 miles from city.
Farms In lows, Missouri and .Vehraska.
160 acres clear laud In illchjanda Co , N. D.
Numerous kinds clt . '"-onertv.
T .. !. . 1 1 . . . c. mJL I- ....