ft THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: MAY 20, 1010. f needed .abo.K" familwh A&LiA Mii fnfe fi CTgaag .L , mi mjl1 ji.ajsjj, .litaiE inw-'-'f '.'' V " - - ! i L -3 GOOD '( "e H v th EL $ "qvmT ! : ( HLP WANTED FEMALE llonsekeepera nI Domestlca Cont'd. WANTED A general homework girl who ran cook. Wages 17 a week with washing, f without washing. Telephon Douglas tM. Residence. 207 Dodg SL Q1HL for general housework; $7 per week; BO washing. 634 S. 26th St. WANTED-A fences required. Vy 237. good cook (white); refer jU Jackson St. Tel. llar- HOUSEKEEFER. middle aged, good ok, one In family, doctor, email town, Utebt work, $1& per month, permanent Ad Are Y-373, care Bee. QOOD competent girl for general house work; three In family; wage ftt. Phone 1 Harney 11a. 1201 8. $2d St. Mrs. R. J. Clancy. ' YOUNG girl to wash dishes and assist Id general work. Tel. Har. 809S. 1111 b. 13th. WAITED-Girl for general housework In mall family; light work. Harney $866. MM teth Ave. iOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt St. U1RL for general housework. St. 4 N. 15th QIRL for general housework; no washing. 31 Burt (St. Tel. Harney lOii GIIlL for general housework; small family and goou pay. oOtt b. a)th St ' WANTED A nurse girl. 2671 Dodge. GIRL for general housework; small family and goou wages. Mrs. M. on, 270 Farnam. TtANTED Kellable woman lor house toper; small taunly; best wage and ea lent borne for uoiupumut womait. Call mt It at 4404 Aewey Ave. lei. it. sirt. ANTED Ulrl for aeneral housework: HtpaH-.family; smalt house. 'l'houe Har ney 210. WANTED-Experienced girl for general bousework; mum be good cook; laundress DlOyeO. . i-O 0. WUI Ob Act. 111- AOtfV. . CfRli fur general housework. 1901 Bln- "IRST-CLASS washerwoman. 417 North th St. AN experienced girl for general house work; wages, b a week. Mrs. Ed B. Wil liams, ICU bo. 29th St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wages paid; bouse cleaning done. 3-V4 Sherman Ave. Tel. Webster 4162. GlKIi for general housework. Bt. 1 b. Kid GIRL or woman for light housework; no washing or cooking. H&4 Ohio. GIRL, wanted for general housework; Bo hemian or Polish preferred. Apply at 11WC Farnam. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; no washing or ironing. 1K4 Cass bt. WANTED A white laundress iSl N. 42d St. at once. WANTED Good, competent girl to de eoond work. Mrs. J. t . Wilcox, 1132 East Pierce, Council Bluffs. Ia. OIRXi for general housework. St. Telephone Harney 152L toll Cass WANTEDA good, plain family cook. Apply 2607 Cass Bt. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; family of three. 82S Oltorgla Ave. Phone H. 4405. GIRL to assist with general housework. A. J. Collett. 1114 Georgia Ave. HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 1017 Mandaraon WANTED Capable girl who can cook; second girl kept; two In family. 240 St. Mary's Ave. GOOD girl to assist with one child and upstairs work; easy place. IK 8. $2d St Hsrney 984. WANTED Girl for general houaework. SWMLlnooln boulevard. Phone Harney 640. GIRL for general housework, two In Call 416 N. 20th St. general housework girl, employ second girl and washerwoman. 1ST S. for general housework; good wages. Ctil nt once. t15 Georgia Ave. WAWTB0--Competent girl for general housework. Mr. C. C. Wee, 4016 Cuming fit Tel, Harjiiy .1064 LADIES WB)t? to take work home: ap plying U'ftMijOrv; il to M dozen; original; reliable firm; worli guaranteed. Thleber'a, liW Farnain 'if., basement A GIRL for the kitchen work and a sec ond girl. Atii2 ln person. 610 8- 22d St., fj St. Hu'l md Howard St. Doug. 4430. COOK WANTED-2664 Marcy 8t GO.r., reliable girl for general house 0(k; iv ages to. Call 1024 N. 13d Bt , RKLIABLD second girl, apply person. s. try- d ' Uowud St. 610 8. Xid St., between St. Mary's Ave. f hone uougias w. ' OIRI, for general housework. 14 Chi- I St V. ilOOD washerwoman, 1024 Park Ave. GTItL for general housework; ' three In family. 1M6 California, Cor. Jdth St AT ONCE Experienced girl for general housework; two In family. $4 oer week. Call 1316 Dewey Ave. Tl. Hari.ey si&X WANTED A good cook; small family and highest wages paid, ott a. ma ou GIRL for general housework ; family of four: no washing. 4W & lulh. Phone ougias isw. U1RL for general housework and wash' ... ...I . i . . . j . -. ft.Ar u ia tog. WANTED Competent nurse girl; one who ! willlna to ma to country place near Council Bluffs for the summer. 104 d. Uth Bt Tel. llarn.y U38. GIRL tor general housework. CIS Howard. EXPERIENCED girl, good cook 17; no waaning or up t.xir wora. airs. tt. . Uynes, 2S16 Hsrney. Phone Haruey 4700. WANTED a competent girl In family of two. Apply Mrs. W. J. Burgos, 'All Harney street. WANTED A good plain oook. Mrs. W, W. Marsh, SOU 1'lne. WANTED Girl for aeneral housework; small tinlly; best wages. Inquire MU Cap itol Jft WANTED: rtrl for general housework also second girl to assist with childrwa; tmAV family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. wn N T ED A girl for.llght housework; no washing or Ironing, aws W. xuth. GIRL fur housework; no washing. Georgia Ave. 1141 WANTED Girl for light housework; no washing, no Ironing. Call 2uu3 N. iOth. HEdT wages to experienced woman for ifne ral housework. Mrs. William tt. Clark, ard hotel. ' WANTED A child to car for: aood some, auui Bancroft St .lm.t r. general house- " '-anders, UU1 w.eral '-'rl HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoanekeepers and Do estlcs Coat'd j-.s-u-.r-, i I . Lnl...i,F,i f.mlttf of three. Tel. Webster KW. 19U Spencer bt QIRI. for irrneral housework. No laundry. tfi per work. 4S'.'2 Cans St. Phone Harney 1710. WANTED Cook and housemaid; three In family. ir02 8. 32d Ave. WANTED Chambermaid. 13th and Jackson. Lange hotel, Gl RL to help ana assist with children; go home nights. 2t14 Emmet St can Bllscellaaeoas. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. anu Seventeenth St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding (.laces or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at Union Station. WANTED Young lady with some drug store experience to help with fountain and trade. Lronson Drug Co., Belle Fourche, S. D. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; tl to $4 doien; original; re liable firm; work guaranteed. Trieber'a, 1201 Ksrnani St., basement. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. LEARN 1IAIRDRESS1NG It pays. You can earn $15 to 226 weekly. Full course taught J. JU Brandela. Halrdrsaslng Dept. YOU CAN'T be happy unless you visit thi PARLOR THEATER. Beat vaudeville. Maunse half price. IADIKS'to learn the art of corset fit ting and selling; Instructions free nt charge; good position assured. V Wfc. Bee. LADIES Home work for you; no can vassing or peddling: sent! stimt tor oar tlculars. Golden Rod Co., Dept. M, Benton Harbor, Mien. YOL'NG lady demonstrator; good salary. Apply at once. 418 Hee Midst- HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmea ss4 Solicitors. WANTED A superintendent of agepclet In Nebraska for an old line accident Insur ance company. Must be a live wire; a splendid opening for the right man. In answering state experience and give refer ences. Address O 622, Bee. - SALESMAN, traveling salary and ex pen sea or commission; former experience not essential; splendid opportunity. Landmark cigar Co., Denver, Pa. LEES. TEXAS New town In Glasscock county; building hotel, stores, paving streets, electrto lights, newspaper; center ,v acres iinest agricultural tana, now being colonised; orop failure unknown; lots. 13a to 1200: lands, tlx to 240: liberal terras; opening, mercantile firms; townslte ana lana salesmen wanted. iee-in orris uo. Lets, Texas. SALESMEN wishing to earn three to five dollars per day, write for terms Im mediately. irst National murseries. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED A good Bustling subscription eolloltorvto go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED First-class salesman for retail drug store; good wages for good man; also neat soda dispenser. Sherman McConoeU Drug Co.. 16th and Dodge. I'LL START YOU In a big business; give you credit; fascinating work; easy; even amateurs make S to 12 a day. Chapman, Mich., made $1 first day. Lee, Okl., made 13,000 and built home In one year. . Our new sales plan croatlng sensation. Men, women, write today for particulars. C. E. Swartl baugh, Box . Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS Do you want to make a raft of money? One lady agent made $760. Send 26c, sample and agents' terms. Pansy Co., Box 16, Readfleld, Me. AGENTS $2 an hour selling four-piece cooking set, particulars free; samples by mail. Hoc. e. a. Hemphill,. Box 3, Albany, N. Y. , ' -- PERFECTION hot corn holders, latest household device, made of cast metal, heavily nlckled, will not tarnish. Send lie for sample pair. Messner, 430 E. lOUth St., New York.' WANTED Agenta: legitimate substitute for slot machine; patented; sells on sight for L Particular, Glsha Co., Anderson, Inu. SALESMAN Experienced. In any line, to sell general trade In Nebraska; unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new fea ture; vacancy after June j; commission with 3& weekly for expenses. The Con tinental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio SALESMEN f 100 weekly selling 120 soda fountains to small stores; commission, $10, you collect when Bt le 1 made. Zenith Mfg. Co., tt 6th Ave., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Sitka diamonds': Impossible to detect from genuine; hlg money makers; sample free to atoms. Al fred Franols Co.. Zlegfeld Thoater Bldn.. Chicago. c BOY AND GIRL AGENTS Sell 12 talm- tles and It nepers of needle at 10c each and recolve camera free. Richard Horslcy, Dept. 1, Ordway, Colo. , AGENTS You can make quick sales and bUr profits with our new self-lighting, wind-proof pocket cigar lighter; every smoker buys on sight; sells itself. Rath bun Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. O0 PER CENT PROF1T-445 weekly made putting up gold sign letters, temples, particulars free. Metallic Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Big money; ex penses paid; no experience required; va riety portraits, bromides, photo pillow tops, 30c; frames at our factory prices; credit given; oatalosrue and aamples free. Rltter Art Studio, 1114 W. Madison, Chicago, 111. SUBSCRIPTION solicitor. Western Can ada tfagaslne. Everybody wants Informa tion monthly about western Canada. Big commissions. irn atagaiine, Keglna, vanaua.- CANVABSERS To sea Automatic Screen Door Catches and Checks. Exceptional proposition. Sample Catch postpaid 20o. Auto Catch Co., Chicago. CODY wants agents. Big money. Sam pies free. Cody, 2714 Dickson St, St. Louis, MO." PORTRAIT, real frame. In case that fits pocket Is my new sample outfit. Writ for free proposition. IZxM bromide olletts, 36c, M. A. Beall, Artist Chicago, 111. EXPERIENCED Printing Ink salesman with established trade. Omaha and sur rounding territory. Exceptional chance for good man. Address, Y-407, car Bee. 8ALF.SMAN do you sell this trsdeT Ktock Food. Incubator Mfarra., Live Stock Reme dies, Seed Houses, Farmer's Supplies, etc. T We have an excellent siae line on which you. can make good money. Send In your name and address today for Very special proposition, stating wnat you are now sell In and territory covered. Everything con. fUlenttal. Writs today. H. B. Reynolds Mfg. Co.. Frederick town.' Ohio. WANTED Experienced drug or specialty salesmen, salary and commission, state territory and references. Frank O. Shu- man. Chicago, 111 MANAGER WANTED, every city and county, handle best paying bualneaa known. legitimate, new, exclusive coniroi: no in surance or book canvassing. Addree Chas Halstead. U West J1LQ St., New lork. HELP WANTEDMALE A Beats ill Irsmea- :eatlaad. SALESMEN WANTED Sell grocers, druKglsttf, confectioners ; 11J5 monthly and expenMes. California Cider arid Extract Co., m Lrfflngwell, fit. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN can easily mak 210 a day selling our Gold Window Letters, Novelty Signs And Changeable Hlgna. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. ill.- STATE SALES MANAGER : . ' WANTED Capable of handling salesman for high class automobile ac cessory. $300 to $500 capital will ;- cover necessary stock. Large income assured. Will bear thorough-investigation. f SIMPLICITY MFG. CO., Columbia Bldg., Cleveland 0, SALESMAN as local manager to handle Foiniacona, the Formaldehyde Dlslnfector; lOU.ooo In i.e. Also complete line formalde hyde fumlgators, disinfectants, floor oil, sanitary sweeping compound. Insecticides and sanitary supplies. Goods used by Knifed States government, N. Y. Central . H. and Pennsylvania R. R. This terri tory open. The Kormacone Co., 60 Church St.. New York i , 1 AD BU8 CHANCES FOR SALE Modern drug store; oak fix tures: eetstillwheri 20 ruin: rinfnir n.-M business; all clean stock; no old wall paper or painis, out an saiame goods; going Into other business. W. H. Evane, Box 246, Lodge Pole, Neb. . WANTED Agents for a vacuum cleaner that weighs only five poundk, sells for $6, yet does the work of the more expensive machines; big profits; livest proposition eVr offered to an agent; many agents making $100 . weekly, others 50 to ,75 weeaiy; aemonstratlon means sale; you can sell ted Of our machine to one of tny other make. Write at once. P. U"' Vacuuui Cleaner Co., 619 W. 45th St, New l OI K.- . , AGENTS Brand new, quick selllnt sre callty, needed in every home, office, bank nilhlln InitllhliA. n. . - , . r ...a.avu.iwil, inn, l UUIIIllLIOn t Jrge profits; exclusive territory; aamplg freo. -iiif;fc V.O., ia jnonroe rl. , unioago. AGENTS 240 WMklv lllnv nl,r B,,r, Ray Mantle Burners, W times brighter than gas; prices oety competition; Investigate. (Simplex Gaslight Co., 22 Park Row, New i ora.- AGENTS We manufacture and control 90 fast sellers. No other firm handles them; big illuMtrated catalogue of 250 specialties free. SimnlM fnrnl.,iul w-rr kAIIBAUrif. a purchaser; summer speclajtles. Ptut -o., xept. si, nurraio, Mi J.m AGENTS earn 25 to $60 weekly selling uon "ijio jnexicau ana nwiss emDroiaery, waist patterns, princess dreesea and various nuniiin. v-ataiogue iree. national Im porting Co., Desk D, S .Broadway, New lUTK.- . START - IJlflT. A fr-in f JT . Iun,m. ANCE AGENCY THAT' WILL PAY YOU lift IU fv WU.KKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED, f GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WO H K" IT. W inttub'rfil tA U - ti.b'Mnt, LARS.- w. BOMB CASUALTY CO. VANTf.ri-R.ll.hl. . ... ,A i, - - - - - - - . o .t . w tmii Colo rado land In haat Bart nt tk. J..t. mission liberal. Write for contracts at once. The Divide Land and Investment Cora pany, Elisabeth. Colorado. TUT A VPl7n o i xai i ai-owMnna ciiiinv on the Wholenmle (rrocry And hardware trade to H sTlD (11a A W In i WA litis. An as 1 - basis. Crood ( opportunity for a hustler. Mil 1 H V Ma mnlseB nt nsdAtss A j j r "J. , ncbtoDBii, Auareu w WSSt KJ Vi UVUIB. ait vciiciLr' tnj. L r' . ., . : wnuooiu-oiaf or main line to sell sivu3i comccuoners, . monthly and sSXDtknslsflsTe--.Vswt.rlv lAtitranl Va . m south mViv Rf t;,,. M.r er, ii SAT.KSVfTM wh.H aiib t. vmi iiicu in. a f3,VW o.vw jrenr. A-nw speciaJty; all re tailers; where can our sales manager see Vmi? Writ acraa litinawlan.. a. l. ' fieBiu line and send pnoiugrapi. guicK. ranKei, l&ol WANTtrrWJIrla llnsa ...1 a .. iwftn vrupuMixnni; premiums and re tail tf m AmrAl siirifsai in n ... . . " VUW11B. Dl f i'iucii, jusaviBv commission. Amer 90 A MONTH salary and expenses to ntrodura Mtnflr an . . , SALKHHEir.Wi .tin k.w. i good men to sell our new exclusive line of ""'" uaKiiiaars ana souvenirs. Good men , "M oig niouey nananng this line Mueller jbros. Art Co., Chicago. . WANfr.ll-Trav.lln. . . M I In. . i . . , bum uuitr western terri tory. Address F (26, care Be. . FREE fiA MVl.Fh A ,.m. r.iD-. . strainer, splaah preventer. Send So stamp v. vuaw e jjruiii aany ana upward. u yiun it. ovati r liter jq., in X AflRNTK riMln l,,.a ..anA .... . - . . w . , u wj, waiar pressure; homes and buildings waiting for herin, 4.U Delmar Ave., St. Louis. Mo. j j wv uiumjr man ager and add tat weekly to vaur inaima . F - ll. TL L. i . . . AGENTS wanted to sell specialty towels: great sellers; big profits; send tl for sam ple line and particulars. Towel Design m. ni, isu., uewision, rae. AGENTS flem Irnnlnr ihn. ..... fruit Jar clamps, agate solderlne, 60 other good sellers; Dig profits, gel. busy, start now, Aaaress William ttcoit, lllv Caxton oiag., cnicago." WlVTCTl Ul.h.nl... .n..!.!... , man fn, N.-.Kru.L . - .t.nl. ILn. . - t liw, VU tVIV lutely new and exceptional terms; coin- mlaalnit I , K 1 aA m,.n,.u . . k.bm ... V. ... .. 1. a . , . hi. w awu. iie salesman earned a in April. Referenoee required ..II C 1 J I 1 . . . . 1 , . ... iuuva r . oiAicr w., v.ieveiana, UN WANTED Llv experienced salesman calling on hardware, stove and fumlluxs dealer to sell a modern line of stoves and ranges in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska. Minne sota ana Wisconsin, on commission basis Liberal proposition. Evansvllle fcHove Works. Evansvllle, ind. A WE'LL, established Printing Ink Man ufacturer la looking for a hlsn class ex perlenced pressman Of good address with a large acquaintance among the beat nrintlna; houses In th city .and surround ing territory who ha the ability to mak good as a salesman. This is a fine open lug tor a progressive nusuvr. Address Mi. uee . . MINIATURB X-RAY) wonderful Inven tlon; can see bones In your nand as olea as with CjO apparatus; enormous profits territories given; sample postpaid, 2t cents. Corubia Electric Novelty Co., 40D th Ave New York. HAVE you $10 that you would Ilka to have pay you I per centT See advertise ment in this column over address of L 630, e. , -- CHEWING GUlC-Scll to dealer In your town; clean, profitable business built up julokly with our brands; four flavors; novel packages. Writ today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. - HELP WANTED MALE A ea alfisies- toatlaaea. HAVE you I260 that you would like to have pay you 16 per cent Instead of 4 to per cent? You can do It. See advertise ment In this column over address or u M0, Bee. WANTED Salesmen to sell SldoUne to Hardware, Harness and Implement deal ers, good commission. The Vlegler Neckyoke Company. Coffeyvllle, Kansas. . WE POSITIVELY have the fastest sell ing household patent on the market. Wool- ferine Co., Pittsburg. Pa. . Boys. ' WANTED a boy 10 or 17 ears old to go work around store and nelD wait on trade. Good chance for advancement. Ad- ill.,. SIS Knplh lAth .Qf ' 1 WANTED Office boy; must be at least 14 years old; good chance fdr a blight, ac tive boy who want to make a clerk or bookkeeper out of himself. ,M 631, Bee. LISTEN! boys, girls; eatn your own pin money. "We trust . you.",' Pleaeant work. Wrtte E. Thompson, Milwaukee, w is.- Clerical -Office. TRAVELING SALESMEN, printing. $100; advertising, $100; leather goods, $100; oil, $M100; grocer speclaVtles, $126; packing house products, iUli-Vlrnllure' IUU BfKiKKEKPKltST insurance. $; whole sale, $; railroad, $70; manufacturing, $00. STENOGRAPHERS, wholesale, ; rail road, $t6-$70. Or r ICE tLKKK, young man, so. GENERAL M7ERCHAND1SE CLERK, ib. REGISTERED DRUG CLERK, $75. COLLECTOR. $."i0. .TYPIST, young man, $40. Vlaclna aDDllcitnts In KOod paying posi tions has been our business for the last eight years. During that time we have f laced thousands. Now that you are open or a position It behooves you to SEE US WITHOUT DELAY, open monaay until noon. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN., INC.; 762-54 N. Y. Life Bldg. . (Est. 8 years.) WF. ARE THE "LEADING REFER ENCE BUREAU" In the city and cater to HIGH-GRADE help. CALL and learn our NEW PLAN. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. TEN STENOGKAPHE1US, I-1. BOOKKEEPER, $K5. CREDIT .MAN, $10-$125. GROCERY CLERK, experienced. $75. SALESMAN, city and road, $00-$125, ex- WJb"'H'aVB MANY OTHER OPENINGS. CALL, AND GO OVER OUR LIBT WITH US. OFFICES UTbN AT I :ao A. m. nuii DAY. WE CLOSE AT NOON DECORATION DAY. . - Carson Reference Bureau Suite 674 Brandels Building. DDlnUT ..A.inv man th.t WQIll. .n tll- cation, commercial or most any of the ... win ,.b u tv vnnf f.hnnllnH and assist you to a position. Addrees M 716, Bee. TOirvfJ man wt-th some knoledge of book keeping for office position at Omaha; $750 cash Investment necessary on secure basla; alary, $1,200 per year; references required snd unquestionable references furnished. Address Manufacturers, 3010 N. W. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED Energetlo young man ln lage mercantile establishment who has had ex Derlenoe dealing with the public and under stand bookkeeping and accounting; must be wideawake and have good appearance, ReDlv ln own handwriting, give references, state experience -and salary desired. Omaha Dally Bee, w ho. WB CAN PLACE FIVE FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPERS MONDAY MORNING AT SALARIES FROM $75 TO $100 PER MONTH. IF YOU ARE QUALIFIED, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PASS THESE UP. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandels Bldg WE HAVE aood positions for competent bookkeepers, stenographers, clorks, sales men, ntrioe manaaers and credit men collectors. Don't fail to see us. No charge unless we place you. Open Monday fore noon. EXPERIENCED and competent book keeper. Salary $60 to start. P 644 Bee. Faeiary sal Trad. Drug stores (snaps). Job. Knleat. Be Bldg. WANTED A gooo. horaeehoer; steady work and aood waxes for riant man. Ad' dress Lock Box 66 Geddes, S. D. WANTED Musicians by the Gate City Band. Report with inetrument, Tuesday Eve., May sisi, national raau, win aim William Sts. wiMTKn ano Cablnnt Makers and Mi. ohln Hands. Thirty-five to forty-five ceuta per hour. Steady work. Open shop .iii Th. uhlnnt I'M x tn re M if m. Associ atlon, Box 624, Denver Colo. WANTED Experienced - gordon press feeder. Irvln A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St. WANTED Two Job compositors; union; Steady. Dettch Ic Lamar Co.. aioux city, la. " 111 1 t.'i ui.uaumi. J w .... ., iu, automobile plant, capable of laying out designs of partu; must be accurate; state experience ana salary, iocx uox ha Council Bluffs. MlaeeMaaeema. I MADE $r0,0Ot In five year with a small mall order business; began with $5. Send for free booklett. Tell bow. Heacock, 1067 Ltockport. XM. I. AGENTS are making $500 monthly selling oil stocks. Write for particulars. Stale Line Oil & Gas Co.. U. S. Express Bldg., New York. WANTED Young men to learn automo bile business by mail and prepare for post tlons as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert In ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big, work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile institute, uocnesier, ii. x . WANTED A Nebraska registered phar macist who Is capable of running store and handling soda fointain. Apply at once to Brown's Pharmacy, Nebraska City, Neb. IRMEN TUB OLD RELI f$15 ABLE. 1U N. 16th. Hulls to. oraer. COME and see our large-stock of plain and fancy laughs. THE PARLOR THEA- itta. Matinee nail price. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; $1$ to t'J weekly paid graduates; fw weeks completes; can earn toots and board from start; busy season tat barbers. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. ' BECOME an advertising expert. Accept a free trial of our Instruction without obligating yourself. Iarge salaries paid. W place iraduate:i. Write for free book No. 74, The Progress Beit-Help University, Chicago. ' $80 MONTHLY and expense to men to post signs and distribute samples for wholesale house, alteariy werk. H. Mon roe, . President, R H Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Mlaeellaaeess Ceatlase'. IF YOIT ARE THE PERSON WE WANT Ad DISTRICT MANAUBR; send us ten cents right now for mailing outfit of our latest book, "Roosevelt anil Africa ' and show us what you can do with it. flX.OO weekly and expenses ea.il I y earned. Experience unnecessary. Premiums and credit given. Investigate us, we are one of the largest and most reliable publish ing houses In the world. M. A. Donohue & Co.. Chicago. NINE ODD FHLIjOWS given pWsant nroftabld ennilovmen t near home. Whole or part time. "Fraternal, Thames Building, New York.- W ANT ED Man to travel In Nebraska. Good pay and tailor-made suit In SO days; experience unnecessary; rename nrm. write for particulars, j. h. Aicuraay t Co.. Chicago. lrPVT T m . n iMlAmnkll. kll.ln.U Wa teach by mall. Get you $26 a week Job. .-arii lia ,k Iv while learnlne. Rochester Auto School. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Janitors, at The Bennett Com pany's. Apply to Mr. Adwers, at engine room. , MEN (or women), $4 a day, sure all year raising mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free Illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, West 4Mh Street. New York. YOU don't need any experience to make $U salary weekly advertising and distribu ting out Toilet package. Stealy work, no capital required. Premier Co., 324 Dear born, Chicago. SUBSCRIPTION manager for Omaha and vicinity for high-class trade paper. Ex tensive field. iiDerai commission, ireae Paper, P. O. Box 87, New York. ' $26 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute sam ples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, B-44, Chicago. WANTED Experienced salesman and buyer for linens, white goods and domestics. is. N. wolbacu & Hons., urana xsiana, Neb. GOOD pay, cash weekly, made $10; earned spare time checking, copying form letters, attending advertising material for each locality. Pandora Mfg. Co., London, Ont. RELIABLE man to manage local branch and control sales for marvelous home bath room equipment. Does away with bathing In wash tubs. We advertise and create de mand, give free samples, furnish every thing.. Other managers average $80 every week. Big opportunity. Absolutely perma nent employment. No big talk. Royal Mfg. Co., 181 Royal Bldg., Cincinnati. EARN $10 to $15 a week during spare time. We start you In a permanent busi ness with us and furnish everything. We have new, easy selling plans and season able leaders In the mall order line to keep our factories busy; no canvassing; small capital; you pay us out of the business; large profits; spare time only required; personal assistance. Write today for plans, positive proof and sworn statements. Pease Mfg. Co., 536 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Dining car conductors; no experience necessary; we teach you; salary, $75, $125. School Conductors, 262 Clark St., Chicago. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Chances never better to secure one of the thousands of appointments to be made; full par ticulars as to salaries, positions, dates of examinations In Omaha, sample questions. etc., sent free ln circular 231. National Correspondence Institute, Washington, D. C $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steuay work. H. ttCHEFFEK. Treasurer, C 69, Chicago. RAILWAY mall and scores of other civil service examinations will be held In the fall. Information about all : government positions free. Columbian Correspondence college, Washington, D. C ANYONE can easily make $15 to $20 per ween at noma evenings, write. lor free Information, alaycroft Supply Co., 1J37 Arch St.. Philadelphia. CAN you dig or bore wells T If so. vou can get a good building lot of us without casn aown payment, twance montniy and no interest or taxes for two years. In quire 1201 Farnam St. 10 to 12 forenoon. WE HA YE numeeous high grade po sitions not advertised. See us for quick action. THE COMMERCIAL CLEARING HOUSE CO., 413 Bee Bldg. WANTKID Railway mall clerks, city car. rlers, clerks, Omaha examinations an nounced July 10th. Preparation free Franklin Institute. Dep't 163 P Rochester, n. y. HELP WANTED M ALB AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agent to work round city. Bartlett Supply Co.. Brown Block. Omaha LAUNDERERS CLEANERS DON'T be a goose and wear "sawed" collars; send them to us we'll "edge' them properly. This Is a Laundry not a saw mill. Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leaven worth. 'PHONE for call and our wagon will stop promptly and give best service In every way. National, 'ohone Harney 4664. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses sua Vehicle. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and farm wagons. 1117 Farnam St. SPAN fln' bl worlt horses, LlNP-i OA JXiM weirnt about i, so; DAP PLE GRAY AND BROWN, 7 years old; as true as steel; HARNESS, WAGON. B E. cor. 2th and Martha, take Hanscom park car, east side. FINE wagon repairing. Frost. 714 & 14th. FOR SALE CHEAP Surrey, cut-under body, built by French, Boston; fin condi tion. See stable. 123 S. 3Sth St. HORSES for sal. 14U Cap. Ave. D. 1S10. RUNABOUTS, buggies, surreys and stan hope. "Racine" and other high grade nake sold by u at moderate price. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jones St. 1IIG1I GRADE EEftgr5KMS for sal ohoap. 1117 Farnam bt. SECOND-HAND buggies and wagon cheap. Murphy at Son, 14th and Jackson. Caw, Birds, Dsrs aaa Fat. FOR SALE Full-blooded Fox Terrier pups, eight week old, cheap, Address 11. W. Hollenbeck. Craig. Neb. WANTED STOCK TO PASTURE. AL A Ml TO SANITARY DAIRY CO. FOR BALE Milch cow, with C-months-old calf. Call Douglas 1726. LOST AND FOUND LOST A black leather nockethook. on treet car; contained Interurban tickets; ib waid. Mrs. Lane, Fort Crook, Neb. The Teddy Bear. Enr ncy'e eaners ers. 1X11 HARNEY. BOTH 'PHONES. STRAYED or stolen, a Jersey cow; re ward. S. Phslan, tiJU N. 40th feu H. M70. EDUCATIONAL MAKE THIS SUMMER MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT If you become a thoroughly proficent stenogrnpher, ii.u-kkeoper or telegrapher you will be Independent you will ALWAYS be H-lMl-F. of H wood pnxlUon- And you can start your training for proflcleucy hk i. - it n-grnplier, bookkeeper or telegrapher right now during the ' ' Summer Term of Boyles College and upon your graduation as a competent Monegraphci, bookkeeper or telegraphe we absolutely promise to secure a good poRltlon for you. Boyles College is ortlciai Training School for th Union Paclflo R. R. system, you know. That grat railroad positively guarantees to give positions to every one of our telegraphy graduates. Furthermore, you can this very summer begin your training preparations for your appointment ot a Untied States civil service t..8ition as rnllwuy mail carrier, government clerk In either the United Stat. a. .MH.k.i or the Philippines or the lsth- mlan Canal District st salaries ranging from MM to J.U0U per jear. Our special L. 6. Civil Service Course Is also a1 part of on Summci t'oitrse. Why not simply compel Ihls summer lo yield you Iho irsinlng lhat will mak you absolutely independent? Why "dllly and dally the whole summer through? A few short hours of most fascinating work In t ho coot Boyles Building five days of the week will fit you to fill a responsible position alth a good salary attached and w 11 e'.able ou to graduate just at the very season of the year when the business woria and the United Stutcs government are it eedlng new assistants In greatest numbers. How can you excuse yourself If you wawte all the summer? How can you den the promptings of your own better Judgment lhat now Is the time to see Just what Boyles College can do for youT Come and talk It over with us. Or. If you can't call, send for a free copy of our new catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles lildg. II. B. BOYLES, President OMAHA AT THE MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE studenta acquire knowledge WHICH HAS A MONEY EARNING VALUE. MOSHER & LAMPMAN students are trained along llneg which prepare them for business, which enables them to make their own way in the world. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE la the Business College THAT IS RAISING THE STANDARD OF BUSINESS EDUCATION. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE is the Omaha Business Col lege that EMPLOYS NONE BUT EXPERT TEACHERS. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE is the Omaha Business College that has ONE OF THE FINEST PENMEN IN THE UNITED STATES. SEND FOR SPECIMEN OF HIS WORK The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE is the Omaha Business College Of which EVERY GRADUATE IS IN A POSITION. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE ia the Omaha Business College that in less than three year has overtaken and passed other business schools which have been in existence from ten to twenty years. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE is the Omaha Business College that is a "live wire", that is up-to-date", that pushes its students to the front. For catalogue and beautiful specimen of penmanship address MOSHER & 17th and Farnam Sts. 8T. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOTS list and CHARLL.S. Rev F. D. Tyner. Wis Charles. Harney 236$. THE MYSTERY OF BOOKKEEPING mad plain to you; aywtem copyrighted. A man or woman can put It to practice In one month or lees. Enolose $2 in cash with your letter, name and address plain, and a book let explaining the system will be mailed to you. W. V. Dermht, Pittsburg, Pa. LOST AND FOUND iConmiuea.; MAY 35 Pock il book containing $30, be tween Swedish Mission hospital and pa cific. Rewaru. Return lo iW63 Poppleton Ave. LOST Lad' gold watch; black fob; lib eral reward. If returned to E. Brown, Schllts Hotel. i-risT Leather round book In South Omaha. Liberal reward for return of ame to Jewel Tea Co., im ruining oi., or Gafford Barn, boutn omana.- MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF. PILE CONES; best rem- edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; Wo, postpaid; sample free, cneimaii i McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. VDCV HnJlaal anrl " salirbr lc&i LrC&tmeiit ftt CrUhtoii Mftd.oal oollC. Uth aud D&ven- ... . . I ., ..Inn rtm 1.4 Ia f- I n port Dta. spwfiai MiouwU ---- finement eases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 11C7. Calls answered, day or nlgnt. OAIN health wealth. Adv. under Colo. land tell how. Western lnd c inv. co. in. man. ' firav's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid, bherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. i DRS. STIVERS & STIVER. vormenjr mi iui.." , cal InsUtuU. now suite $. Patterson BiocK. Gw j. . man and women. on.ullaUon anT eximinatlon fre. W. alve tne raomm MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AMD CHATTELS NOTICE TO PUBLIC It will pay you to see us before you bor monv on your FURNITURE. PIANOS and LIVE STOCK. We positively have the lA)WrjST rLAir-s in ina i-ny. ui.Di.xi.cn STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 7 Crounse Blk., 161 h and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. BOTH 'PHONES: DOUGLAS 126S; A-13E I always get my reliable help through the Bee." This is what a Harney street lad said last night, Reliable servants look la The Bee to read what reliable employers say. Everybody reads Bee want ads. Tey are treasures. Read them. EDUCATIONAL LAMPMAN Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel -Continued. t$$tsw$utm$$$$$$$$ m$m$$$s$$m$$$s$$ i Notice to the Public ! No More Iligh Rates J J $10 to $1,000 $ LOANED ON $ $ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, $ $ PlANOa ANU SALARIED. $ THIS IS A NEW FIRM $ i Organized by the REPUTABLE BU8I- I NESS MiiN uf this city to protect I honest working people In need of I $ temporary help from th extortionate $ l charges of th so-called loan com- I $ panies. We win loan you all the $ $ money you want and charge you only $ $ 10 per cent a year. $ $ THlS MEANS YOU PAY S $ $ 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. - $ 2.IM Interest on ii for 1 year. $ 10. W Interest ou luu for 1 year. nd all other sums ln oi ouortion. Easy i weeaiy or Mommy payments, ilea- $ sonabie Appraisement Charges. I A glance at the above rates will con- I vine you how inucn you save by I dealing with us. $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. $ Muiis in your poukst . uiim an I hour. independent Louu Co., i 1 ROOM m W1THNELL BLDG., $ $ 'Fiona Doug. UHS. J6iU and Harney. $ $ $ mtu mtmstttttt mmi t$tmtttmtt$ttitsttttt$ am Xq pasAJedng OOO'St JW" )ou jo sums diuii pun ioUj.) -.B LjlUOUl JMl JZt U 1$ 'UO)B.l own iuipiinsj pus tiuo'i viiuiio yH Mil lunoooe Suaiis v ajj. ,v UAS jo JJJI q Aq diiBui , uuos J hauiimoj pu IHd.lJI -J)U1 uinuu aea juj uj, Xs )u in; Xja jiuuiij.s jiuias p.ii.u l.anking Board. Ask for booklet "A" and other Information. ..... AsseU, $3,500,000. Reserv fund. $M,000. Address OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 16th and Dodge St. MONEY NEED ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Street. Telephone Douglas iUJu. Rate eheaittr than any advonlsod. W can prove it. "DIAMOND LOANS AT5 W. C. ITjATAU, jSpfa